Microsoft Word - Free Cooling
Microsoft Word - Free Cooling
Microsoft Word - Free Cooling
No. 3-2-1/ EW / AC 1/ 2007 To All CGMs B.S.N.L Subject : Free cooling system for energy saving at BTS sites.
Dated :- 27.04.10
CMD, BSNL Corporate Office has directed that free cooling system should be used in a major way in BTS sites to reduce energy cost. The main objective of free cooling is to reduce AC run time and save electricity cost at the BTS sites. The free cooling system uses the ambient temperature to cool the BTS shelter by sensing the shelter temperature and the ambient temperature. The BTS temperature vide BSNL C.O. letter no 3-2-1/ EW / AC 1/ 2007 dated 08.02.10 has now been revised to maximum of 30 degree C with RH of 60%. Thus the free cooling system in a normal mode shall operate whenever the ambient temperature is < 27 degree C and through a logical controller which will switch off the Air conditioners. DC operated fans of the free cooling system will provide the necessary ventilation/cooling in BTS. Whenever the shelter temperature reaches 32 degree C, the first AC unit is on and whenever it reaches 34 degree C nd the 2 AC unit becomes on through the AC controller. The free cooling system also operates in case of emergency due to AC Failure or by any other reason leading to the persistent high temperature of more than 40 degree C inside the BTS. The following targets are fixed for the year 2010-11 for installation of free cooling system :1. The sites where the ambient temperature is less than 30 degree C throughout the year, 100% BTS should be provided with free cooling system and no AC unit is to be provided/required at these sites. 2. BTS sites where ambient temperature is more than 30 degree C in most part of the year, at least 25% of all such BTS sites should be selected for providing Free Cooling. Based on the above targets, it is requested that circles may identify the BTS for providing free cooling system during the year 2010-11 and accordingly the targets may be fixed for execution of the work through PCEs(Elect.)/ CEs(Elect.) attached with the circles. A draft specification for providing free cooling system is at Annexure A. The PCEs(E)/CEs(E) are authorised to suitably modify the specification as per the actual site requirement. As the entire concept of free cooling is based on DC voltage, it is requested that the exchange batteries should be maintained in proper condition to achieve the energy savings effectively. This is issued with the approval of ED(NB).
Copy to :1. All Pr. Chief Engineers (Elect.) / Chief Engineers (Elect.) BSNL for information and necessary action.
Draft Specifications of Free Cooling Unit for BTS Shelters / exchanges (Option I or Option II can be selected as per wind speed at site & other related site requirements) Supply voltage Power Consumption Working ambient temperature Working ambient relative humidity Should be able to work between 42 V to 56 V The selection of fans and other equipments shall be based on energy efficiency and only reputed makes consuming minimum power shall only be selected. < 27 C maintaining the inside temperature below 30 C & RH 60%. Up to 60%. No condensing dew
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Working Logic
The free cooling system in a normal mode shall operate whenever the ambient temperature is < 27 degree C and through a logical controller which will switch off the Air - conditioners. DC operated fans of the free cooling system will provide the necessary ventilation/cooling in BTS. Whenever the shelter temperature reaches 32 degree C, the first AC unit is on and whenever it nd reaches 34 degree C, the 2 AC unit switches on through the AC controller Gravity based dampers without any fan. Worm-protection net. The assembly shall ensure no water / rain leak into the shelter. The damper is closed when AC is operating and damper will open when FCU is operating Rain-proof cover, 48 V DC powered Axial flow fan, air filtering net, Gravity based dampers, worm-protection net, fine filters Filtration 90% down to 20 microns 1200 + 200 CFM at 48 V (May be suitably designed as per site requirement). 2/4 fans may be used to meet the total CFM requirement, if required.
48 V DC powered Axial flow fan with gravity based dampers. Worm protection net The assembly shall ensure no water / rain leak into the shelter. The damper is closed when AC is operating and damper will open when FCU is operating Rain-proof cover, 48 V DC Powered Axial flow fan, air filtering net, Gravity based dampers, worm-protection net, fine filters. Filtration 90% down to 20 microns 1200 + 200 CFM at 48 V (May be suitably designed as per site requirement). 2/4 fans may be used to meet the total CFM requirement, if required. The Control unit (controller) shall be provided to automatically control the operation of FCU in all possible conditions in telecommunications equipment room in auto mode. It shall also have facility to switch on and off the air conditioning units installed in the room. Auto Mode Operation 1. Under favorable environment conditions, the controller shall switch off the air-conditioning unit and start free cooling. 2. Whenever room temperature rises above set temperature, then controller shall switch off the FCU / associated dampers and switch on the air-conditioning unit. 3. The controller shall switch off the FCU / associated dampers if battery voltage drop below set voltage. 4. Controller shall measure Run Hour of FCU Mode and Cooling Mode. 0 5. When ever the temperature of BTS exceeds 40 C on a/c of AC failure or any other reason, there should be a provision to start Free Cooling Unit again through controller for emergency cooling.