B.tech (Hons) Electrical2003
B.tech (Hons) Electrical2003
B.tech (Hons) Electrical2003
teaching staff listed below vetted the curriculum of B.Tech Hons Electrical ( !"E#$ rogramme fourth year class (Annual$. The Advisory Committee founded the curriculum suitable and recommended to teach in the academic session %&''('% starting from )eptember(%&''. CURRICULUM FOR B-TECH (HONS) 4 th YEAR CLASS ELECTRICAL (POWER) TECHNOLOGY Sr No. No. '. %. &% /. .. 2. 3. &4 5. 4. 7. '&. ''. ET .&3 ET .&5 ET .&4 ET .&7 ET .'& 6eedbac, Control systems ower )ystem Analysis ower )ystem !peration and Control *ndustrial Electronics ro8ect '& '% '/ '. '2 ET .&% ET .&/ ET .&. ET .&2 High voltage Technology &/ Electrical -achine 0esign and E1uipment Testing &2 Electrical 0rives &3 ower Economics and -anagement Cod S!"# $t P%&
*) -ath .&'
Engr. -uhammad A,htar H!0 Electrical 0epartment 9ovt College of Technology Bahawalpur
Engr. #afi1ue Ahmad #a8put H!0 B.Tech 0epartment Asian College of Technology, Bahawalpur
C!rr'$!(!) *or ELECTRICAL (POWER) T $h+o(o&, B-T $h (Ho+-) 4th Y %r C(%--ar,s )r : Code )ub8ect T C Theor y 2& '&& ractic al & & Total
' %
*) -ATH .&'
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2& '&&
ET .&% High voltage Technology ET .&/ ET .&. ET .&2 ET .&3 ET .&5 ET .&4 ET .&7 ET .'&
Electrical -aschine 0esign and E1uipment Testing
Electrical 0rives ower Economics and -angement 6eedbac, Control systems ower )ystem Analysis ower )ystem !peration and Control *ndustrial Electronics ro8ect Total
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/. M%tr'$ - %+d D t r)'+%+t-1Algebra of matrices, system of linear e1uations (9auss Elimination -ethod, 9auss;s <ordon -ethod$. Eigen values and Eigen =ectors, and )ingularity. 0. Co)2( 3 N!)" r-1Algebra of Comple> ?umber, Comple> plane, E>ponential and olar form, 0; -oiver;s Theorem, and *nverse Hyperbolic 6unctions, *nverse Trigonometric 6unctions, Comple> 6unctions, @imit and Continuity, Comple> 0ifferentiation, Cauchy Theorem and Chauchy;s *ntegral formula. 4. I+t &r%( C%($!(!-1*ntegration as #everse process of 0ifferentiation, different techni1ues of *ntegration, 0efinite *ntegrals. 4. A22('$%t'o+ o* I+t &r%t'o+1Area between curves, volume of solids, (prism, cylinder, pyramid, cone and sphere$, -omentum, -oment of *nertia, Theorem of parallel and perpendicular a>es, -ean and root -ean s1uare values. 5. D'** r +t'%( E6!%t'o+-1Classification of 0ifferential E1uation, formation of 0ifferential E1uation, *nitial =alue and Boundary =alue conditions, 6irst !rder 0ifferential E1uations, Homogeneous E1uations, E>act E1uations, @inear e1uations Bernoulli;s E1uation, )econd !rder differential e1uations, non homogeneous @inear E1uations, application to the physical and engineering problems. 7. L%2(%$ tr%+-*or)-. *nverse @aplace Transforms Application to the solution of differential e1uations. 8. Fo!r' r S r' - Even and odd functions @ang(#ange )eries. 9. P%rt'%( d'** r +t'%( $o **'$' +t. artial 0ifferentiation of implicit functions. Total differential and its application to small errors. :. T%,(or;- - r' - o* t<o =%r'%"( -. -a>imum and minima of function of two independent variables. /.. M!(t'2( '+t &r%t'o+ and its application to area between curves, area of surfaces and volume of solid. Application to Engineering problems. //. Gr%2h'$%( d'** r +t'%t'o+ %+d '+t &r%t'o+. /0. B%- (;- F!+$t'o+-. /4. Gr%d' +t> D'= r& +$ %+d $!rt. =ector differentiation and integration.
Boo?- R $o)) +d d1 /. Advanced Engineering -athematics, by Edwin AreysBing and by C.#. "hylic. 0. ractical -athematics, =ol + ** by Taft and -ic,ey. 4. Advanced =ector Analysis, by "eather(burn. R * r +$ Boo?-1 /. 0. 4. 4. 5. Technical -athematics with Calculus by eter Auffiting. Engineering -athematics by A. A. )troud. -athematical -ethods by 0r. ). -. Cousaf and 0r. Abdul -a8eed. Calculus and(Analytical geometry by 0r. -.?.-. Talpur. An *ntroduction to ?umerical Analysis by 0r. -uhammad *1bal.
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/. Br %?do<+ o* G%- -1 Charge multiplication, )econdary emission, Townsend Theory, )treamer Theory, aschenDs @aw, 0etermination of -inimum brea,down voltage, Brea,down in non uniform field, Effect of polarity on corona inception and brea, down voltage. 0. P%rt'%( D'-$h%r& 1 definition and development in solid dielectric. 4. Br %? Do<+ o* So('d-1 *ntrinsic brea,down, Electromechanical brea, down, Thermal brea,down, )treamer Brea,down. 4. Br %?do<+ o* L'6!'d1 *ntrinsic Brea, down, Cavitation Theory, )uspended particle Theory. 5. L'&ht+'+& Ph +o) +%1 Electrification of cloud, 0evelopment of @ightning )tro,e, lightning induced over voltage, direct stro,e, indirect stro,e. 7. Prot $t'o+ o* E( $tr'$%( A22%r%t!- %&%'+-t o= r =o(t%& 1 @ightning Arrestors, =alve Type, -etal !>ide arresters, E>pulsion type. Effect of location of lightning arresters on protection of transformer. rotection of substation, Earth wire. 8. I+-!(%t'o+ Co ord'+%t'o+1 Basic *nsulation level. Basic *mpulse level, )witching *mpulse level. =olt time characteristics of protective devices, 0etermination of Basic *mpulse level of substation e1uipment. 9. G + r%t'o+ o* H'&h @o(t%& 1 9eneration of high a.c voltage by testing transformer, cascaded transformer, series resonant circuit, single stage and multi stage. Advantages of )eries #esonant Circuit in testing of cables. :. G + r%t'o+ o* d.$ h'&h =o(t%& 1 Coc,croft "alton doubler and multistage circuit. 0efinition of *mpulse =oltage as per a,istan )tandard )pecification, "ave front and wave tail time, 9eneration of *mpulse =oltage, -ultistage impulse generator, triggering of *mpulse 9enerator. /.. M %-!r ) +t o* H'&h @o(t%& 1 )phere gap voltmeterE a.c, d.c and impulse, high voltage measurement as per a,istan )tandard )pecifications. #esistance and Capacitance otential dividers, ea, voltmeters for measurement of high a.c voltage in con8unction with capacitance dividers. Capacitance =oltage Transformer, #otating =oltmeter for the measurement of d.c high voltage. //. E( $tro-t%t'$ @o(t) t r H'&h @o(t%& t -t'+&1 Testing as per a,istan )tandard )pecifications. ower fre1uency withstand, induced over voltage and impulse test on transformers, ower fre1uency wet withstand test and impulse test on insulators. /0. EH=(ACFF0C transmission insulation of transmission lines, insulation co(ordination, voltage drop around insulators.
'. =isit to grid station + Hands on training on e1uipment used in EH= AC F 0C transmission at grid station.
R * r +$ -1
'. High =oltage EngineeringE C.@."adhwa, ?ew Age *nternational ( $ @td, ublishers. %. An introduction to High =oltage EngineeringE )ubir #oy, rentice Hall vt. @td. Boo? R $o)) +d d1
'. High =oltage Engineering by 0r. -. Abdullah and E. Auffle. %. High =oltage Engineering by Aamra8 + ?aidu.
ET 4.4 T P
/. -achine 0esignE *ndustrial standardiBation, national and international standards, codes and testing laboratories, manufacturing and operating systems, design considerations for electrical machines, properties and applications of materials for magnetic machine. 0. *nsulation system and its design considerations, thermal time constant, cooling systems of transformers and rotating machines, duty cycles, ratings and temperature(rise, mechanical design considerations, specific loading and output e1uations of power transformer and induction motor. 4. 0esign of transformer or induction motor. 4. *ntroduction to computer aided design (CA0$ and computer aided manufacturing (CA-$. 5. *nstallation, -aintenance and Troubleshooting of -achinesE )afety precautions, troubleshooting and emergency repairs. *nstallation, commissioning, testing, maintenance, and troubleshooting of (i$ power transformers (ii$ induction motors (iii$ AC generators. Pr%$t'$%(1 /. -easurement of magnetic flu>, inductance and reluctance of a part of electrical machines. 0. )tudy of transformer and rotating(machine parts. 4. Gnderstanding operating principles, ratings and application of the following e1uipmentE a$power supplies, b$magnetic contactors, c$thermal overloads, d$miniature circuit brea,ers, e$metallic(clad circuit brea,ers, f$earth lea,age circuit brea,er, g$clip(on meters, R $o)) +d d Boo?-1 /. Commissioning, !peration and -aintenance of Electrical E1uipment by ). #ao, Ahanna ublisher, *ndia, @atest Edition.
ET 4.4 C
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/. E( $tr'$%( dr'= 1 Concept, classification, parts and advantages of electrical dives. 0. D,+%)'$- o* E( $tr'$%( Dr'= -1 Types of @oads, Components of load to1ues, 6undamental tor1ue e1uations, E1uivalent value of drive parameters for loads with rotational and translational motion. )teady state stability, Transient stability. -ulti 1uadrant operation of drives. @oad e1ualiBation. 4. Motor 2o< r r%t'+&1 Thermal model of motor for heating and cooling, classes of motor duty, determination of motor rating for continuous, short time and intermittent duty, e1uivalent current, tor1ue and power methods for fluctuating and intermittent loads. 4. St%rt'+& o* E( $tr'$ Dr'= -1 Effect of starting on ower supply, motor and load, -ethods of stating of electric motors, Acceleration time Energy relation during stating, methods to reduce the Energy loss during starting. 5. Br%?'+& o* E( $tr'$ Dr'= -1 Types of bra,ing, bra,ing of 0C motor, *nduction motor and )ynchronous motor, Energy loss during bra,ing, 7. DC )otor dr'= -1 )ingle phase, three phases fully controlled and half controlled rectifier fed 0C drives. 0ual converter control of 0C drives. ower factor, supply harmonics and ripple in motor current. Chopper control of 0C drives. 8. I+d!$t'o+ )otor dr'= -1 )tator voltage variation by three phase controllers, )peed control using chopper resistance in the rotor circuit, slip power recovery scheme. ulse width modulated inverter fed and current source inverter fed induction motor drive. =olts F HertB Control, =ector or 6ield oriented control. 9. S,+$hro+o!- )otor dr'= 1 =ariable fre1uency control, )elf Control, =oltage source inverter fed synchronous motor drive, =ector control. :. I+trod!$t'o+ to So(%r %+d B%tt r, Po< r d Dr'= , )tepper motor, )witched #eluctance motor drive /.. I+d!-tr'%( %22('$%t'o+1 0rive consideration for Te>tile mills, )teel rolling mills, Cement mills, aper mills, -achine tools. Cranes + hoist drives. Pr%$t'$%(-1
/. 0. 4. 4.
Gsed of stepper motor in different scenarios. )tudy 6re1uency control circuits used to control motor speed. Behavior of induction motor and its comparison with other types of motors. )tarting circuitry of different types of motors.
T 3t Boo?-1
/. 6undamental of Electrical 0rives, 9.A. 0ubey, ?ew Age *nternational ublication. 0. Electric 0rives, =edam )ubrahmanyam, T-H. 4. A first course on Electrical 0rives, ).A. illai, ?ew Age *nternational ublication. R * r +$ Boo?-1
/. Electric motor 0rives, #. Arishnan, earson Education. 0. -odern power Electronics and AC drives, Bimal A Bose, H*.
ET 4.5 C
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/. *ntroductionE Basic concept and principles of economics, microeconomic theory, the problems of scarcity. 0. Concept of engineering economy. Economic EnvironmentE Consumer and producer goods, goods and services, demand + supply concept. 4. E1uilibrium, elasticity of demand, elasticity of supply, measures of economic worth. 4. rice(supply(demand relationship. 5. Theory of production, factors of production, laws of returns, brea,(even charts and relationships. erfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. 6undamentals of mar,eting. 7. Elementary 6inancial AnalysisE Basic accounting e1uation. 0evelopment and interpretation of financial statement(income statement, balance sheet and cash flow. "or,ing capital management. 8. Brea, Even AnalysisE #evenueFcost terminologies, behavior of costs, determination of costsFrevenues, numerical and graphical presentations. ractical applications. BEA as a management tool for achieving financialFoperation efficiency. 9. )election between AlternativesE Time value of money and financial internal rate of return, present value, future value and annuities. Cost(benefit analysisE selection amongst materials, techni1ues, design etc. *nvestment philosophy, investment alternatives having identical lives, alternatives having different lives, ma,e or buy decisions and replacement decisions.
:. =alue AnalysisF=alue EngineeringE =alue analysis procedures, value engineering procedures, value analysis versus value engineering, advantages and applications in different areas, value analysis in designing and purchasing. /.. @inear rogrammingE -athematical statement of linear programming problems, graphic solution simple> procedure, duality problem. //. 0epreciation and Ta>esE 0epreciation concept, economic life, methods of depreciations, profit and returns on capital, productivity of capital gain (loss$ on the disposal of an asset, depreciation as a ta> shield. /0. Business !rganiBationE Type of ownership, single ownership, partnerships, corporation, type of stoc,s and 8oint stoc, companies ban,ing and specialiBed credit institutions. /4. Capital 6inancing + AllocationE Capital budgeting, allocation of capital among independent pro8ects, financing with debt capital, financing with e1uity capital trading on e1uity, financial leveraging. R $o)) +d d Boo?-1
'. Engineering Economy by A. Tar1uin, @atest Edition. %. Engineering Economy by 0egarmo, @atest Edition. /. Economics by )amaulson, @atest Edition.
ET 4.7 T P
/. I+trod!$t'o+ to $o+tro( -,-t )1 Concept of feedbac, and Automatic Control, Effects of feedbac,, !b8ectives of control systems. 0efinition of linear and nonlinear systems. Elementary concepts of sensitivity and robustness. 0. T,2 - o* $o+tro( -,-t )-1 )ervomechanisms and regulators, e>amples of feedbac, control systems. -athematical modeling of dynamic systems. Electrical analogy of spring(mass(dashpot system. 4. Transfer 6unction concepts, poles and Beroes of a transfer function. Bloc, diagram
representation of Control )ystems. Bloc, 0iagram Algebra )ignal 6low 9raph. -asonDs gain formula. Control system component otentiometer, synchros, resolvers, position encoders, 0.C. and A.C. tacho(generators, actuators. 4. Bloc, diagram level description of feedbac, control systems for position control, speed control of 0C motors, temperature control, li1uid level control, voltage control of an alternator. 5. T') do)%'+ %+%(,-'-1 Time domain analysis of a standard second order closed loop system. Concepts of undamped natural fre1uency, damping, overshoot, rise time and settling time. 0ependence of time domain performance parameters on natural fre1uency and damping ratio. )tep and impulse response of first and second order systems. Effects of poles and Beroes on transient response. 7. )tability of linear system by pole location. #outh(HurwitB criteria. 8. Error analysisE )teady state errors in control systems due to step, ramp and parabolic inputs. Concept of system types and error constants. 9. St%"'('t, %+%(,-'-1 #oot locus techni1ues, Construction of #oot @oci for simple systems. Effects of gain on the movement of poles and Beros. :. Fr 6! +$, do)%'+ %+%(,-'- o* ('+ %r -,-t )-1 Bode plots, olar lots, ?ichols chart. Concept of resonance fre1uency of pea, magnification. ?y1uist criteria, measures of relative stability H phase and gain margins. 0etermining margins in Bode lots and ?ichols chart, -(circle and -( Contours in ?ichols chart. /.. Control system performance measures.E *mprovement of system performance through compensation, @ead, lag and lead(lag compensation, *, 0 and *0 control.
/. 6amiliariBation with -AT@AB Control )ystem tool bo> and -AT@AB )*-G @*?A tool bo>. 0. )imulation of step response and impulse response with unity feedbac, using -AT@AB. 4. 0etermination of root locus, Bode plot, and ?y1uist plot using -AT@AB.
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!gata, AE -odern Control Engineering, .e, earson Education. ?agrath *. <+ 9opal, -E Control )ystems Engineering, ?ew Age *nternational publication. #oy Choudhury, 0., Control system Engineering, H*. Auo, B.C. Automatic Control )ystem, H*.
R * r +$ Boo?-1
/. 0. 4. 4. 5.
Control )ystems (T-H "BGT )eries$, ur,ait, )atpati, -ondal + -alli,, T-H. Bandyopadhyaya, Control Engineering Theory and ractice, H*. ?ise, ?orman ), Control )ystem Engineering, /rd Edition, <ohn "iley + )ons. 9raham C 9oodwin, )tefan 6. 9raebe, -ario E. )algado, Control )ystem 0esign, H*. -acia + Thaler, -odeling + Control of dynamic system. Thompson.
/. Branch and ?ode admittancesI -utually coupled Branches in C(busI E1uivalent 0. Admittance ?etwor,I -odification of C(busI *mpedance matri> and C(bus. 4. The method of successive eliminationI ?ode Elimination (Aron #eduction$I Triangular 6actoriBation. 4. The *mpedance -odel and ?etwor, Calculations. 5. The bus, admittance and impedance -atricesI TheveninDs Theorem and J( busI -odification of an e>isting J(busI 0irect determination of J(busI Calculation of J(bus elements from C bus. 7. ower *nvariant TransformationsI -utually coupled branches in J bus. 8. )ymmetrical 6aults, Transients in #@ circuitsI internal voltages of loaded machines. Gnder fault conditionsI fault calculations using J busI E1uivalent circuitsI )election of circuit brea,ers. 9. )ynthesis of unsymmetrical unsymmetrical hasors. phasorsI symmetrical components of
:. )ymmetrical C and K circuitsI power in terms of symmetrical components, se1uence networ,s of C and K impedances, se1uence networ,s of a symmetrical Transmission line, se1uence ?etwor,s of the synchronous -achines, )e1uence ?etwor,s of C(K Transformers, unsymmetrical services impedances, se1uence networ,s of C(K Transformers, unsymmetrical services impedances, se1uence networ,s, positive, negative and Bero se1uence networ,s. Gnsymmetrical faults on power systemsI single line to ground faultsI line to line faults. 0ouble line to ground faults. /.. 0emonstration problemsI open conductor faults. @oad 6low )tudies, )teady
//. )tate and Transient )tability + The swing e1uation. /0. Application of swing curve + solution of problems using digital computers, stability of loads, effects of mechanical and electrical time lag and delays, Electromechanical behavior of machine F lines F busbar systems e1ual criterion in machine dynamics. Pr%$t$%(-1 /. The class teacher F H!0 will arrange practicals . R $o)) +d d Boo?-1 /. Elements of ower )ystem Analysis, "illiam B. )., -c9raw Hill, (@atest Edition$. 0. Electrical ower )ystems, "eedy, B. -., ergamen, (@atest Edition$. ET 4.9 P C POWER SYSTEM OPERATIONS AND CONTROL 0 4 4 T
/. *ntroduction to power system control and its importance, modes of power system operation, ma8or tas,s of operation. 0. )CA0A system, control centers, controller tuning, communication sub system, remote terminal unit, data logging. 4. Economic dispatch, characteristics of power generation units, economic dispatch problems with and without consideration of losses, incremental fuel cost, penalty factor, economic power interchange. =oltage, power and fre1uency control. 4. Evaluation of the effect of speed change on droop characteristics. 5. -onitoring and control of volume, flow and temperature. =ibration monitoring and control. "eight, width and thic,ness control. 7. Automatic gauge control. 8. CombustionFburner management in boilers, furnaces etc.
neumatic electronics and *0 Controllers, control =alves, advance control techni1ues, microprocessor based implementation, *0 tuning using Jiegler ?ichols method, time(delay systems, decentraliBed control.
/. =isit of power plants. 0. )tudy of @C rogramming. 4. )tudy of different *0 controllers. R $o)) +d d Boo?-1
/. ower 9eneration, !peration and Control by "oolen Barg, @atest Edition. 0. ower )ystem Control Technology by Trosten Cegral, @atest Edition. 4. ower )ystem )tability and Control, . Aundur, @atest Edition. 4. *nstrumentation for process measurements and control, Anderson, ?. (@atest Edition$. 5. Computer based industrial control, Airshan,ant, Edition$. rentice Hall, (@atest
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/. Thyratorns, grid controlled mercury arc rectifiers and their industrial applications. 0. )ilicon controlled rectifiers. 4. olyphase rectifier circuits. 4. )peed control of motors, remote control of machines. 5. *ndustrial process control. 7. The resistance selding automatic se1uence timer, synchronous weld control, trailing tube circuits, energy storage welding system, polyphase welding system, photo relays and their industrial application. 8. Eclectic furnaces, induction and dielectric heating. 9. )aturable reactor, control, L. ray tubes and application of L. rays. :. )tudy of feed bac, system for automatic control of physical 1uantities such as voltage. )peed and mechanical position, industrial application of C. #
!scilloscope. /.. Electrical pneumatic and hydraulic servo systems control transformers application of magneto amplifiers + servo amplifiers, flappers noBBles, gauges steady state analysis of electrical regulators including the "ard @eonard system. Pr%$t'$%(-1 /. 0. 4. 4. )tudy of )C# , firing and control circuits. )tudy of three phase rectifiers. )tudy of electric furnaces. Controllers use in process control.
R $o)) +d d Boo?-1
/. 6ran, 0. etruBella, M rogrammable @ogic ControllersN, @atest Edition. -c9raw(Hill. 0. 6ran, 0. etruBella, M*ndustrial ElectronicsN, @atest Edition, -c9raw(Hill.
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At the end od academic sessionE '. Each student is re1uired to ma,e a final pro8ect at the end of the academic session. %. A suitable + wor,able pro8ect will be allotted to a group of one to four students. /. They will be re1uired to complete the design and fabrication of the pro8ect. They will also write its detailed reports. .. The pro8ect fabricated, should be result oriented.