P07 LabNotesPt2 and Interference Lab

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PURPOSE: In this experiment we will measure the magnitude of the horizontal component of the Earth's Magnetic field by the use of an instrument called a tangent galvanometer. INTRODUCTION: A tangent galvanometer consists of a number of turns of copper wire wound on a hoop. At the center of the hoop a compass is mounted. When a direct current flows through the wires a magnetic field is induced in the space surrounding the loops of wire. !his magnetic flux is designated by "i . !he strength of the magnetic field induced by the current at the center of the loops of wire is given by Amperes law# Induced "i $
o ' I . &%

where o is the permeability of free space and has the value of ( x )*+, '-A& ' is the number of turns of wire I is the current through the wire and % is the radius of the loop. When the wire loops of the tangent galvanometer are aligned with the magnetic field of the Earth and a current is sent through the wire loops then the compass needle will align with the vector sum of the field of the Earth and the induced field as shown in .igure ). Magnetic 'orth
" of Earth "resultant /ompass 'eedle 0irection



.ig. ) !he horizontal component of the magnetic field of the Earth is easily calculated from the following relation#
"i . tan

" of Earth $

+ &( +

SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: !angent galvanometer %eversing switch 0/ supply 5 6 PROCEDURE: ). 8et up the apparatus on a board between tables as shown in .igure &. "e sure to orient the loops exactly in the 'orth+8outh direction. 9rient the compass so that the needle is pointing to zero degrees.
%heostat A %eversing 8witch
!angent :alvanometer

Ammeter %uler 7lywood board

3eads 4 connectors %heostat &*


); !urns

"inding posts configuration .ig. &# Apparatus Wiring 0iagram &. 8upply power to the )*+turns binding posts and ad<ust the rheostat until a deflection of (; o is indicated on the compass. %everse the current to obtain a (; o deflection on the other side of the compass. %ecord the exact current for each deflection. =. 8>etch a vector diagram for the situation where there is a (; o deflection. /alculate the magnitude of the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field. !he 8I unit for " is the !esla 1!2. !here are )*( gauss per !esla. (. %epeat steps & and = for a 5=.; o deflection. What is the relationship between the Earth's field and the field of the loop for this case? 0raw a vector diagram. ;. %epeat the entire procedure for the );+turns binding posts. What conclusion can you draw about the magnetic field of the loop from this part of the experiment?

+ &; +

DATA SHEET: The Tangent Galvanometer 0ata and /alculations table for (; o deflection
'umber 9f !urns /urrent 1A2 0eflection %ight )* (;o 3eft Average "induced 1!2 "Earth 1!2



6ector diagram for above case

0ata and calculations table for 5=.; o deflection

'umber 9f !urns /urrent 1A2 0eflection %ight )* 5=.;o 3eft Average "induced 1!2 "Earth 1!2



6ector diagram for above case

+ &5 +

Experiment 10: CA AC!T!VE " !N#$CT!VE REACTANCE

PURPOSE: In this experiment we will study the effects of inductors and capacitors in a series alternating current circuit. .rom the observation of these effects the concepts of high pass and low pass filters will be apparent. INTRODUCTION: In an A/ circuit containing resistance and either inductance or capacitance the resistive effect of these circuit elements is called the inductive reactance @ 3 and capacitive reactance @/ respectively. !hese reactances are given theoretically by# @3 $ & f3 @/ $
) & f/

1Anit is the ohm.2

!hese impedances are proportional to the freBuency at which the circuit is driven. Experimentally we can obtain a value for these reactances from the following eBuation# @3 $ 63-I @/ $ 6/-I

8ince the voltages across the inductor and capacitor are out of phase with the voltage across the resistor 6% by C*o it is necessary to add the voltages vectorially to obtain the voltage across either the inductor or the capacitor# 63 $
& 6s

& . 6%

1where 6s $ source voltage2

!he current in the circuit is given by# I $ 6%-% SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: A/ generator .reBuency counter 0igital voltmeter 06M A/6 &+6olt range Inductance coil )* mD /omposition resistor (,* 1yellow violet brown silver2 %uler 4 .rench curve 0ecade capacitor box

"'/ 9utput "'/ & Wires




Inductive Reactance

). 8et up the apparatus as shown in .igure ).



.ig. )

% $ (,*


&. 8et the function generator 16s2 to approximately & 6olts and set the freBuency to )*** Dz. 1/hec> 6s with the 06M set at A/6 &6 and chec> the freBuency with the freBuency counter.2 =. %ecord the source voltage and the voltage across the resistor on the data table. (. 0etermine
& 63 from 63 $ 6s

& 6%

I from

I $ 6% - %

@3 from @3 $ 63 - I ;. %epeat steps & through ( for f $ );** Dz to (;** Dz in steps of ;** Dz. 5. /ompare the experimental reactance with the theoretical reactance. ,. 7lot @3 versus freBuency. Part B: Capacitive Reactance ). %epeat the above procedure only this time use a *.; . capacitor as the element instead of the inductor.

DATA SHEET: Capa%itive an& !n&'%tive Rea%tan%e + &F +

0ata and /alculations !able )# Inductive %eactance.

.reBuency f 1Dz2 );** &*** &;** =*** =;** (*** (;** 8ource 6oltage 6s 162 6oltage Across %esistor 6% 162 6oltage Across Inductor 63 162 Inductive %eactance @3 12 !heoretical @3 12

/urrent I 1A2

G difference

0ata !able & /apacitive %eactance

.reBuency f 1Dz2 )*** );** &*** &;** =*** =;** (*** (;** 8ource 6oltage 6s 162 6oltage Across %esistor 6% 162 6oltage Across /apacitor 6/ 162 /apacitive %eactance @3 12 !heoretical @/ 12

/urrent I 1A2

G difference

+ &C +

Experiment 11: THE O(C!LLO(CO E

PURPOSE: a2 Introduce the principles of operation b2 Measure A/ voltages and freBuencies c2 9bserve 3issa<ous .igures INTRODUCTION: !he oscilloscope 1shown schematically in .igure )2 is an essential instrument in the study of A/ signals and circuits.
6ertical Input Amplifier .ilament 8ynchronizing 6oltage Electron "eam


Amplifier 8witch Dorizontal Input

.ig. ). !he 9scilloscope

DI!A/DI 98/I3398/97E A 0 " E . : I 3 9 7 M J ' % D

.ig. &
A2 "2 /2 02 E2 .2 :2 D2 I2 7ower on-off and intensity Dorizontal position of both traces pull switch for )*@ horizontal !rigger setting for channel &. "eam focusing !ime per screen division $ ) cm Inob ma>ing time-division variable. 8creen scale illumination. x+y setting for 3issa<ous .igures. !ype of signal for channel ). H2 I2 32 M2 '2 92 72 !ype of signal for channel &. /hannel trigger settings. /hannel ) vertical amplitude /hooses type of display for channels ) 4 & /hannel & vertical amplitude 8ignal input for channel ). 6ertical positioning of trace of channel ). 7ull switch for ;@ vertical. J2 6ertical positioning of trace of channel &. %2 8ignal input for channel &. 7ull switch for ;@ vertical.

+ =* +

SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: Ditachi dual trace oscilloscope 6+;;*" .unction generator 1.. :.2 8impson K (&* 0igital voltmeter 0igetec model &)F* 7ower outlet strip "'/ to banana adaptor PROCEDURE: PART I: OSCILLOSCOPE SETUP A. Ad<ustments to obtain trace# )2 Intensity +3ow &2 !rigger +Ext =2 7osition +/enter (2 /oupling +A/ ;2 .ocus +8harp 52 8weep +) msec-cm ,2 0eflection +) 6-cm >nobs-lever# A : / " 7 J I H 0 : E 3 ' )*** carbon resistor !est leads as needed .reBuency counter !enma model K ,&+(5*

%efer to .igure &.

PART II: MEASURING AN AC (SINE WA E! OLTAGE ). 8et up the apparatus as shown in .igure =.

98/I3398/97E 8weep %ate .reBuency /ounter

A/ )*** 7ower 8upply 1..:. )2

!o /h. ) of 8cope and to 06M 3 /h. )

E !ime - 0iv.

6olts - 0iv.

0igital 6oltmeter A/6

.ig. = &. Ad<ust the function generator to )** Dz at 5 6 pea>+to+pea>. = /ompute 6rms 1 $ *.,*, 6o2.

+ =) +

( %ecord the sweep rate in ms-cm and centimeter per cycle. .rom the oscilloscope trace estimate the number of centimeters per cycle 8weep rate LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ms-cm ) cycle spans LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL cm /alculate the period 1time for ) cycle2 7eriod LLLLLLLLLLL s-cycle $ 1LLLLLLLLLLL s-cm2 x 1LLLLLLLLLLL cm-cycle2 ;. %ead the root mean sBuare voltage from digital multimeter and compare to the root mean sBuare voltage estimated on the oscilloscope trace. 8ee .ig. (.
6oltage 16olts2
6o 6rms $ *.,*, 6o

convert to LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL s-cm

!ime 1sec2


.ig. ( 5. 8>etch a trace of the &** Dz A/ signal seen on the oscilloscope. Indicate 6 pp 6o and 6rms on the reticule in the data sheet. PART III: LISSA"OUS #IGURES ). 8et up apparatus as in .igure ;. &. Ad<ust function generator K & 1..:. &2 to the same freBuency and voltage as function generator K ) 1..:. )2. =. 9bserve lissa<ous figures when ..:. & freBuency is & = and ( times that of ..:. ) (. 9bserve the lissa<ous figures when ..:. ) freBuency is & = and ( times that of ..:. &. ;. 8>etch all lissa<ous figures.


!o /h. ) of 8cope and to 06M

' Input 9 /h. ) % /h. & !o /h. & of 8cope and to 06M

)*** .. :. &

.. :. )

.ig. ; + =& +

DATA SHEET: The O)%illo)%ope 0ata !able )


.reBuenc y

6pea>+to+pea> 16olts2

6o 16olts2

/alculated 6rms 16olts2

6rms .rom 6oltmeter 16olts2

)** &** )***

0ata !able &

.reBuency .rom 9scilloscope :enerator .reBuency 1Dz2 8weep %ate 1msec-cm2 7eriod 1sec-cycle2 .reBuency $ )- 7eriod 1Dz2 .reBuency .rom /ounter .reBuency .rom /ounter 1Dz2 7eriod .rom /ounter 1sec-cycle2


)** &** )***

!race of A/ signal.

Dorizontal# ) ms - cm 6ertical# ) 6 - div.

0ata !able =# 3I88AH9A8 .I:A%E8

/hannel ) 1horizontal2 .reBuency ) /hannel & 1vertical2 .reBuency &

1& waves with the same amplitude and different freBuency whole multiples.2

5* Dz 5* Dz

)** Dz &** Dz

)** Dz =** Dz

)** Dz (** Dz

&** Dz )** Dz

=** Dz )** Dz

(** Dz )** Dz

8>etch !race

+ == +

Experiment 1*: THE V!(!+LE ( ECTR$M

PURPOSE: !he wavelengths of electromagnetic waves in the visible range will be determined with a diffraction grating. INTRODUCTION: A diffraction grating consists of a number of closely spaced parallel lines ruled on a glass surface. It is a useful device for separating out the various wavelengths in a spectrum. It has the same effect as a prism but with greater resolving power. According to the theory of interference the condition for constructive interference is given by# $ n $ d sin; where is the path difference n is the order number is the wavelength d is the slit separation and is the diffraction angle. $ n

$ d sin n $ d sin

.ig. )


!he diffraction grating spacing d will be determined with a helium+neon laser beam of 5== nm wavelength 12.
3 White 3ight :rating x

tan $ $ tan+)
x) ( 3

d $ n-dsin

n $ order number ) &M


.ig. & SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: Delium+neon laser :rating stand 4 holder 3arge replica grating Incandescent light source )) @ ), paper !wo+meter stic> & ring stands & buret clamps + =( + 3aboratory <ac> 9ne+meter stic> Mas>ing tape /olor pencils

3arge cardboard PROCEDURE:

3aser safety goggles

PART A: $ETERMINATION O# T%E GROO E SEPARATION d ). 8et up the grating and helium+neon laser. 8ee .igure =. 8et the grating at exactly two meters from the chal>board 13 $ &.**2. Measure the distance x for the ) st and &nd order 1n $ ) and &2 bright fringes from the central spot. 0etermine an average value for the groove spacing d from your data. !he wavelength of the laser light is 5== nm.
xleft *center

De+'e 3aser


3ab Hac>

.ig. = PART B: $ETERMINATION O# T%E WA ELENGT% RANGES #OR ISIBLE LIG%T ). 8et up the apparatus as shown in .igure ( replacing the laser with the incandescent source. &. %ecord 3. %ecord xupper and xlower for the upper and lower limit of each color band as shown in .igure (. =. /alculate .
* order

White+light source
6iolet "lue :reen Nellow 9range %ed

xuppe r 16iolet2 xlo w e r 16iolet2 $ xu ppe r 1"lue2

.ig. (

/olor 6iolet "lue Nellow :reen 9range %ed

upper (** nm (&( nm (C) nm ;,; nm ;F; nm 5(, nm

lower (&( nm (C) nm ;,; nm ;F; nm 5(, nm ,** nm

%eference# Dandboo> of /hemistry and 7hysics

+ =; +

DATA SHEET: The Vi)i,le (pe%tr'm 0ata !able A# 0istance from grating to screen $ 3 $ &.*** m
Wavelengt h n O x rightO 1m2 O xleftO 1m2 x average 1m2 tan sin
n sin

) 5== nm &

Average value of d $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL nm 0ata !able "# 3 LLLLLLLLLL

/olor x 1m2 xu xl xu xl xu xl xu xl xu xl xu xl tan

1)2 $ d sin
sin u l u l u l u l u l u l 1nm2 G difference


"lue :reen Nellow 9range %ed

+ =5 +


PURPOSE: a2 !o verify the law of reflection. b2 !o show by ray tracing the position and orientation of the virtual image of an ob<ect placed in front of a plane mirror. c2 !o determine the refractive index of glass by ray tracing and application of 8nell's law. INTRODUCTION: !he law of reflection states that the angle of incidence i of light rays is eBual in magnitude to the angle of reflection r.
i r

.ig. ). %eflection !he law of refraction 8nell's law states that#


n) sin ) $ n& sin &.


n& &

.ig. &. %efraction where n) and n& are the refractive indices of two different mediums. !he refractive index of a medium is defined as the ratio of the velocity of light in air c $ =.** @ )* F m-s to its velocity in that medium. !he refractive index of air is ).***. !he refractive index of any medium can be determined by measuring the angle of incidence ) the angle of refraction & and applying 8nell's law. SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: /or> board 7late glass 7lane mirror )) @ ), paper 3ong common pins /olored pencils + =, + Wood bloc> Mas>ing tape


%uler 4 protractor

). 0raw a straight line across the middle of the paper and then draw a triangle with vertices A " and /. !ape the mirror to a bloc> and set it vertically on the line so that the reflecting surface 1bac> side2 is on the line. !he setup is shown in .igure = below#

A 3) " / %& A %)


.ig. =

&. 7lace a pin at vertex A. .rom the right side of this triangle loo> into the mirror for the image of pin A in the mirror. %egard the image in the mirror as A . 7lace a pin %) in front of this image A. Along your line of sight P place another pin % & in front of %) so that A and %) both appear to be right behind it. 0raw a line <oining the points % & and %) and extend this line to the mirror surface. %emove pins %) and %&. P Ma>e sure that your eye level and the pins are on the same plane. =. %epeat the same procedure to the left side of the triangle. With pin A still in place locate 3 ) in front of A and 3& in front of 3). Hoin points 3) and 3& and extend the line to the mirror surface. %emove pin A. (. 7lace a pin at ". %epeat steps & and = for points % ") and %"& 3") and 3"&. Extend lines %") %"& and 3") 3"& to the surface of the mirror. ;. 7lace a pin at / repeat steps & and = for point /. 5. %emove the mirror and extrapolate the lines until they intersect at A " and /. Hoin points A " and / to reconstruct the mirror image 1virtual2. .old the paper along the mirror line and + =F +

hold it against the light to see if the ob<ect 1 A"/2 and the image 1 A"/2 superimposed on each other.

can be

,. .or the vertex A only draw a line from vertex A to the point where the line % )%& meets the mirror. /onstruct a normal to the mirror at this point. Measure the angles of incidence and reflection with a protractor. 8ee .igure =. PART A: RE#RACTION ). Asing another sheet of paper draw two straight lines perpendicular to each other. Measure and draw the three angles ) & and =. Ma>e your angles ); o =*o and (;o respectively from the normal. !he setup is shown in .igure (. 7lace the glass cube along the horizontal line and trace the outline of the glass cube.
'ormal A

.ig. ( &. 7lace pins A and % as shown in .igure (. Ase a locater pin 3 to line up A and % that are on the );o line. 7ins 3 and % should be as close to the glass surface as possible. %epeat the procedure for the =*o and (;o angles. =. Measure the angle of refraction for each incident angle. Ase 8nellQs law to compute the index of refraction of the glass for each incident and refracted ray. Average three suitable values and report an average index of refraction for the glass. 3oo> up the literature value of the index of refraction for plate glass. /ompare your result to this value. DATA SHEET: Re/le%tion an& Re/ra%tion at lane ('r/a%e) Nour drawings are part of your data.
Incident angle

) $ );o

& $ =*o

= $ (;o

Angle of %efraction %efractive Index of glass 1n2

+ =C +


Experiment 10: THE TH!N LEN(

PURPOSE: !he purpose of this laboratory exercise is to investigate the way in which the image distance ob<ect distance and focal length for a thin lens are related. INTRODUCTION: !he lens eBuation which relates the ob<ect distance d o image distance di and the focal length f for a glass lens is#

) ) ) + = do di f

EB. )
do di

In this experiment we will use an optical bench to align a lighted ob<ect a lens and a screen. 3ight rays from the ob<ect which pass through the lens will form real images that can be focused on the screen. 9bservations will be made as to the nature of the image that is whether it is real or virtual erect or inverted and magnified or reduced. Image location can be estimated with the use of ray diagrams. Examples of ray diagrams for convex and concave lenses.

9b<ect 9b<ect
. .

%eal image

6irtual Image

/onvex lens SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: 9ptical bench 4 accessories %uler

/oncave lens

&* cm double concave lens &* cm double convex lens + (* +

PROCEDURE: ). 0etermine the focal length of the convex lens that you are using by mounting the lens in a stand at a distance from a window. Ad<ust the distance from the lens to a paper screen until the image of an ob<ect outside the window is in sharp focus. 0educe the focal length of your lens by using eBuation 1)2 with d o $ R. &. Mount the lens at the midpoint of the optical bench and mount the screen and ob<ect lamp on opposite sides of the lens. =. 7lace the ob<ect at a position that is somewhat greater than twice the focal length of the lens 1do S &f2. Move the screen until you get a sharp focus. 0escribe the characteristics of the image. %ecord the image distance and the ob<ect distance. /alculate the image distance using EB. ). (. %epeat step = for the ob<ect at exactly twice the focal length 1d o $ &f2. ;. %epeat step = for the ob<ect at somewhere between twice the focal length and the focal length 1&f S do S f2. 5. %epeat step = for the ob<ect at exactly the focal length 1d o $ f2. ,. 7lace the ob<ect at a distance that is within the focal length. 3oo> through the lens and describe the nature of the image 1d o T f2. F. %eplace the biconvex lens with one that is biconcave. 3oo> through the lens at the ob<ect and describe what you observe. C. /alculate the image distance d i for images seen through the biconcave lens using the lens eBuation. )*. /alculate the image height hi using the magnification eBuation. O M O $ O + di - doO $ hi - ho hi $ ho O di - doO )). 9n the graph paper draw ray diagrams to scale. Indicate the scale used. ).* cm $ LLLLLLLL cm

+ () +

DATA SHEET: Thin Len) .ocal length from step )# LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL m A. 0ata for step =# 1do S &f2 /haracteristics of Images do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL %eal - 6irtual di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 Apright - Inverted di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1Measured2 Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image ". 0ata for step (# 1do $ &f2 do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1Measured2 /. 0ata for step ;# 1&f S do S f2 do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1Measured2 0. 0ata for step 5# 1do $ f2 do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2

%eal - 6irtual Apright - Inverted Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image

%eal - 6irtual Apright - Inverted Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image

%eal - 6irtual Apright - Inverted Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image

E. 0ata for step ,# 1do T f2 do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1Measured2 .. 0ata for step F# f $ 1do S f2 cm

%eal - 6irtual Apright - Inverted Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image

do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 hi $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL di $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 hi $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1/alculated2 do $ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL + (& +

%eal - 6irtual Apright - Inverted Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image %eal - 6irtual Apright - Inverted Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image %eal - 6irtual

1do $ f2

1do T f2


Apright - Inverted Enlarged - 0iminished - 'o Image


. . . . .


. . . .. .
'o Image



6irtual Image


. .


+ (= +


. .. . ..


. .



. ..

.. .

Experiment 11: ATOM!C ( ECTRA

PURPOSE: !he purpose of this experiment is to measure the wavelengths of light emitted by atoms of different elements. INTRODUCTION: !he electrons of gases can be raised to excited states if the atoms of the gas absorb specific Buanta of energy. !he electrons are said to have been raised from their ground state to higher energy levels. When these electrons fall bac> to the ground state or to another lower level light is emitted. !hese photons have uniBue wavelengths corresponding to the difference in energy between the two states of the electron as it falls. In this experiment high voltage supplies the energy to the atoms in the gas discharge tube. !he electrons are excited and fall to a lower state almost immediately. !he mixture of light produced can be separated using a diffraction grating and then the wavelength can be calculated from the eBuation $ d sin. SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: 8pectrum tube power supply & 9ne+meter stic>s :rating holder 4 stand PROCEDURE: + (( + Ar De D 8pectrum tubes & "uret clamps 8mall reading lamp & ringstands :rating

). 8et up the apparatus as shown in .igure &. &. Ad<ust your eyes in a position such that you can locate the first order spectral lines. =. 0etermine the x and 3 for each spectral line for argon helium and hydrogen (. 0etermine tan $
x 3

and $ tan+)

x) ( 3 .

;. 0etermine the wavelength of the spectral lines. !he grating has 5** grooves per millimeter. !he grating constant d is the distance between the grooves on the grating. .or our gratings d $ 5**)*** in units of nanometers. 5. /ompare these wavelengths with the >nown spectral line values given.

e U6 :as 0ischarge !ube ) 7hoton Emission &

.ig. )

+ (; +

) 9rder 8pectral 3ines


) $ d sin ) & $ d sin & = $ d sin =

) & =

3ight %ays :as 0ischarge !ube Meter 8tic> 6irtual Image of 8pectral 3ine :rating 3ine 8pectrum of this gas 0isplayed on screen or eyes

x 3 $ ) meter Eye

tan $ x-3 tan 1x-32

.ig. & 8elected spectral line wavelengths 1 in nm 8ee Dandboo> for complete description2 Delium
%ed Nellow :reen "lue 6iolet

55F nm ;FF nm ;*& nm ((, nm (*= nm

%ed 9range :reen "lue+6iolet

5C, nm 5(& nm ;&= nm (;& nm

%ed !urBuoise 7urple 6iolet

5;5 nm (F5 nm (=( nm ()* nm

DATA SHEET: Atomi% (pe%tra 0ata !able )# Argon

3ine /olor x 1right2 x 1left2 x 1average2 1nm2 1m2 1m2 1m2 %ed 9range :reen "lue

+ (5 +

1>nown2 G difference


0ata !able &# Delium

3ine /olor x 1right2 x 1left2 x 1average2 1>nown2 G difference 1nm2 1nm2 1m2 1m2 1m2 %ed Nellow :reen "lue

0ata !able =# Dydrogen

3ine /olor x 1right2 x 1left2 x 1average2 1>nown2 G difference 1nm2 1nm2 1m2 1m2 1m2 %ed "lue+:reen 7urple 6iolet

Experiment 12: RA#!OACT!V!T3

PURPOSE: !o learn about the operation and the use of a geiger counter in the detection of radiation. INTRODUCTION: T&e Gei'er C(unter

+ (, +

I(n ) E*ectr(n Pair I(ni+in' Radiati(n

Output t( C(unter


t&e 1nee. Ava*anc& Re'i(n

Opti,u, v(*ta'e i- a.(ut /0


P*ateau Re'i(n



:eiger counter

:eiger tube

%adiation measurements at optimum voltage LLLLLLLLLLLLLL 6

/ounts per =* seconds .ront of %oom 'ear 0oor 'ear Window "ac> of %oom 'ear 0oor /ounts per minute

+ (F +

DEMONSTRATION LABORATORY ASSIGNMENT INTER#ERENCE $I##RACTION POLARI3ATION TOTAL INTERNAL RE#LECTION COLOR PERCEPTION PIN4%OLE CAMERA 7art I !here are nine lab stations that will serve to demonstrate some interesting optics phenomena. ). 8oap bubble. &. Dologram + car + interference =. 9ptical flats + air gap + interference (. /olor "ox + color addition and subtraction ;. Michelson's interferometer + interference pattern 5. 8ingle slit diffraction + positive and negative slit ,. 7olarized light + water surface + "rewster's angle + polarization F. !otal internal reflection++rainbow and fiber optics C. 7in+hole camera 6iew the demonstration at each lab station and write a paragraph describing your observations and explaining the principles behind each demonstration. 7art II 1Extra credit )* pts.2 /onstruct a diffraction 1pin+hole2 camera.

Apparatus 'otes# ). 8oap bubble# ) part glycerin ( parts clear detergent )* parts water. 8pecify position of parts of setup with mas>ing tape on table. &. Dologram# 0iffuse sodium light with ground glass screen to prevent glare. Ase blac> shield and blac> paper underneath. =# 9ptical flats# 0iffuse sodium light with ground glass screen to prevent glare. 6iew from one+ half to one meter away. (. /olor "ox# 7ut out overhead pro<ector with cardboard cover pieces also. ;. Michelson's interferometer# 7ut screen at least & m away. 5. 8ingle slit diffraction + positive and negative slit multiple slits. 7ro<ect on blac>board across room. Ase & pieces of paper )' x &.;' for screens. ,. 7olarized light# Ase circular ad<ustable polaroid holder. Ase blue battery charger set at 56 and )& 6 7asco lamp. F. !otal internal reflection# Ase large 1FV2 crystallizing dish from chemistry. 7lace screen about a meter away. Ase slit opening over lamp. Ase a red battery charger set at )&6 and )& 6 7asco lamp. 8hield apparatus from stray light. Ase lab <ac> for laser. C# 7in+hole camera

8!A!I9' K)


Soap Solution


8!A!I9' K&

Hologram of Car

Sodium Lab Jack Lamp

8!A!I9' K=



View From !istance

Microscope Slide -

ot Very Flat

Sodium Lamp Optical Flats -- Very Flat

8!A!I9' K(

COLOR BOX /olor addition by the mixing of colored lights. When three pro<ectors shine red blue and green light on a white screen the overlapping parts produce different colors. !he addition of the three primary colors produces white light.



COLO" M# "#!

COLO" M# M'&# ('


+L#'S# !O ,( COLO" M# COLO" M#

COLO" M# $L%#


COLO" M# &"##



8!A!I9' K;

Laser Lig.t Source

Half-sil/ered mirror Mo/able Mirror

Screen - meters 'way



Fi0ed Mirror

8!A!I9' K5


123 m* He- e Laser +aper Screen on $lackboard

123 m* He- e Laser




8!A!I9' K,





4$ 'ir &lass

8!A!I9' KF

40 O

*'(#" DROPS


42 O


(ranslucent w.ite paper 6 m away will s.ow rainbow on opposite side

*.ite lig.t source

Large Crystalli5ing dis. wit. /ery dilute unfla/ored gelatin 67611 8

8!A!I9' KC

Source 9n/erted image on frosted glass screen

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