ACO Maripur Waste Water Treatment Plant
ACO Maripur Waste Water Treatment Plant
ACO Maripur Waste Water Treatment Plant
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ACO Maripur
ACO Marine
ACO MARINE is a part of the international ACO group and is located in Ringsted in Denmark. The unique system solutions and products of ACO MARINE are mainly used in the waste water collection and treatment and are ranging from gullies and channels through a stainless steel pipe system into a grease separator and a waste water treatment plant. ACO MARINE is manufacturing all standard and specified parts and components by itself from stainless steel, mild steel, PP and PE HD.
Introduction, characteristic
ACO Maripur - the new highest standard of waste water treatment plants for marine applications.
The ACO Maripur with low-pressure micro-filtration units offers the following advantages:
Compact process due to high sludge dry substance in the reactor. This enables the scarce space on ships and marine structures to be made available for other useful purposes. Removal rates are significantly better than what is required by current legislation. This gives operators the confidence that they will meet all likely future legislation and may even be allowed to discharge waste water in areas where this is currently prohibited (zero-emission areas).
Denmark Ringsted
There is no need for an environmentally harmful and expensive secondary treatment stage for disinfection. Secondary chlorination indispensable in conventional systems is not necessary for biological membrane systems, which form a barrier to the activated sludge, suspended solids, bacteria and even viruses. The application of micro-filtration units instead of conventional solution provides full resistance of the system against sea movement. Simple, largely automated process, which is convenient to operate for the crew, thus minimizing acceptance and comprehension problems. Possibility to treat all waste waters (black and grey water) in one reactor. This provides potential to save further expensive and space-intensive equipment.
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ACO Maripur
Technological description
The ACO Maripur waste water treatment plants were developed based on the biological waste water treatment technology in combination with submerged micro-filtration units and were optimised for use on ships and marine structures. The microfiltration units (2) are directly installed in the bioreactor (1) and are equipped by aerated elements below. All other devices are situated outside of the bioreactor on one wall of it. The waste water enters the bioreactor through inlet pipe on a top. The aerobic degradation of water contaminants is provided by permanent aeration through the aerated elements below microfiltration units. Due to the upward air flow within the membrane modules, the membrane surface is permanently swept and freed of adhering solids. The biologically cleaned waste water is withdrawn exclusively through micro-filtration
units by the effluent pump (4). The low suction pressure of 0.10.2 bar (max. 0.4 bar) on the trans-membrane side effectively prevents solid filter cakes from building up on the membranes. The surplus sludge is discharged periodically from the bioreactor by surplus sludge pump (5) To avoid increasing of a foam in the bioreactor is the ACO Maripur equipped by the antifoam unit consisting of antifoam liquid barrel (6) and dosing pump (7).
dards of as well IMO/MARPOL, HELCOM, German Federal Law Gazettes No. II, page 1378 and No. I, page 1221, USCG, US Federal Law Gazette No. 40, section 133, Australian ADNOC and Australian Federal Environmental agency as Alaska agreement.
Sizing, design
The ACO Maripur was developed as a modular system of four basic sizes for purification of waste water from 25, 50, 100 and 200 people. However we are ready to produce individual solutions for any other request. The bioreactor is produced from stainless steel AISI 316Ti as standard. The bioreactor from other materials is as well possible after a consultation. The ACO Marine units are equipped by electric components 400 460 volts, 50 or 60 Hz.
Efficiency of purification
The ACO Maripur system applies to ships and marine structures the process of biological waste water treatment in combination with submerged low-pressure micro-filtration membranes, which act as barriers to the activated sludge as well as to bacteria and viruses. Accordingly the ACO Maripur technology purifies water - without any final clarification - that meets the quality stan-
3. Blower
Waste water inlet Ventilation
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Biologically treated water
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Air Surplus sludge
ACO Maripur
Type ACO Maripur 25 Designed Hydraulic Load (black/grey water) Overall Dimensions Vacuum System [m3/d] Gravity System [m3/d] Length [mm] Width [mm] Height [mm] Weight Pipe Connections Dry Weight [kg] Operating Weight [kg] Sewage inlet Over board discharge Surplus Sludge Ventilation 4.63 5.75 1,450 1,000 1,950 840 2,190 DN 65 DN 40 DN 40 DN 80 Type ACO Maripur 50 9.25 11.50 1,950 1,250 2,050 1,120 3,815 DN 80 DN 40 DN 40 DN 100 Type ACO Maripur 100 18.50 23.00 2,450 1,600 2,300 1,830 6,960 DN 100 DN 50 DN 40 DN 125 Type ACO Maripur 200 37.00 46.00 3,450 2,000 2,550 3,540 14,390 DN 125 DN 65 DN 40 DN 150
ACO Maripur
JAFZA Office & Warehouse FZS5 BA04 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone +971 (0)4 886 488 2 Fax +971 (0)4 886 488 3 The ACO Group. A strong family you can build on.
subject to alterations