Seawater Intakes Design 5 2019
Seawater Intakes Design 5 2019
Seawater Intakes Design 5 2019
cycle costs, optional fish protection, dealing with corrosive environments / jellyfish and
red tides ?
Authors: Lars Späth1, Janine Isabelle Witt2
Aqseptence Group GmbH, Germany,
Aqseptence Group GmbH, Germany, .
How seawater intakes have technically evolved coping with the global demand, to reduce total life cycle costs of
desalination plants as well as to preserve aquatic life ?
The Middle East and the US currently represent the largest consumers of desalinated water in the world and,
regardless of the desalination method employed (whether SWRO, BWRO, MSF, MED or a combination of these
methods), planning/building a desalination plant should properly take into account CAPEX, OPEX as well as total
life-cycle costs for the various stakeholders of each project. One of the most critical parts of the desalination process
is the provision of source water to a plant. Even when dealing with relatively clean debris-free seawater, the
screening plant at the intake has to remove a considerable amount of material potentially harmful to downstream
processes (such as DAF and multimedia-filtration).
In this study we will analyze the various civil and mechanical design solutions, associated with seawater intakes
from a CAPEX, OPEX as well as from an environmental point of view : e.g. principally open-channel type, tunneled
type structure, onshore as well as offshore-submerged designs for intakes / fine filtration.
There are several possibilities to conduct the necessary mechanical screening and fine filtration of the water prior
to the actual desalination process. As a function of the expected debris type and (sometimes seasonal) quantities as
well as of flowrates, TSS, salinity and temperature, the most appropriate solution can be engineered to measure
matching the specific site conditions. Additionally, long-term reliable corrosion protection, selection of stainless
steel grade as well as state-of-the art measures to comply with local regulations e.g. regarding protection of maritime
life are to be taken into account.
This article shall give an overview on the current challenges for seawater water intakes as well as to present case
studies and experience gained over the last 50 years on available technologies, larger as well as smaller projects
worldwide to cope with specific environmental conditions.
Keywords: Seawater Intake Screening, Fine Filtration, Fish protection, Travelling Water Screens, Energy-
efficient Cooling for Power Plants
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
A comprehensive system raises and falls with its input quality and quantity. For a desalination plant right at its
front-end will be located the salt-water feed by the intake facility. It is typically not viewed as a plant’s core but
nonetheless the intake fine filtration plays an essential role in terms of a sustainable function and low life cycle
costs of a plant. Before using seawater as feed for a desalination plant or also as cooling medium along with thermal
and nuclear power plants, the feed water will have to be mechanically cleaned from debris to protect the downstream
pumps, membranes, condensers and other sensitive downstream equipment from clogging and other damage.
Depending on the water quality, amount of debris and fauna situation, screening of the incoming water can be
performed by an off-shore system such as passive screens (JOIS) or could need a more accessible multi-stage
screening and filtration solution realized with one or more redundant intake channels and an active screening,
extracting debris, jellyfish or plastics from the sea. What was formerly just withdrawal of water from an open water
source is today a strictly controlled philosophy of balance between low costs for machines, civil structure as well
as operation, corrosion protection, and compliance with numerous partly even site-specific regulations (such as fish
protection, fish retraction from the Traveling Water Screens associated with fish-friendly return buckets),
restrictions and standards, especially in respect of corrosion or marine life protection.
This article investigates common challenges and solutions such as the protection of the seawater screening
equipment from corrosion, possibilities of a fish-friendly water intake, coping with large debris quantities as well
as optimization and cost-saving solutions like reduction of pump stations’ footprint or head loss. What is the current
state-of the-art and which solution should be prioritized by the contractor?
Depending on the requirements to pursue a most efficient pre-treatment of the water used for a desalination plant,
there are mainly the following water intake types appropriate for water screening.
An open-channel seawater intake can either be located directly on the seashore as the wide-spread and renown open-
channel intakes or slightly inland fed through tunneled intakes. Many of the plants in the Middle East use tunneled
intakes to benefit from deeper intakes where cooler water is required. (E.g. as source water for power and
desalination plants.)
Open Intake Systems are best suited to cope with very high capacities and flow rates. Those plants typically consist
of one or multiple concrete intake channels in which the screening system such as coarse and fine screening,
isolating equipment and accessories like water level controllers are fixed into. Combined intakes providing feed
water often handle up to several hundred thousands of cubic meters per hour. Plain open intakes using redundant
MultiDisc® Travelling Water Screens or Large Rotating Drum Screens can cover highest flow-rates. The water
should ideally be screened in two or three steps, starting with a coarse bar rack of 50 mm – 200 mm and finishing
with a fine band screen mesh with opening of some mm (dependent on the downstream process) to achieve best
screening results and highest lifetime (typically 40 years +) reliability. The debris accumulating at the rack or mesh-
kind of filtration will be actively removed and thus will improve sea-cleaning from debris. This can be done
automatically or manually, whereby manual handling or divers regular cleaning has become outdated due to HSEQ
risks implied among other reasons. Highest efficiency can be achieved by state-of-the-art automatic cleaning of the
racks by means of a mechanical rake and backwash cleaning of the traveling band screens, triggered by level sensors
and cleaned by a pressurized spray water system.
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
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2.1.2. Offshore or Passive Intakes
The typical range of intake capacities for Passive Intake Screens offshore are smaller up to medium flowrates (sized
up to 4,000 cubic meters per hour of feed water total flow rate of a plant). In contrast to the open intake solutions,
the passive screens (vee-wire typically) remain submerged meaning at the same time that debris cannot be removed
from the water. Access in case of maintenance has to be achieved by means of divers usually. The right material
selection is typically more difficult on offshore passive intakes and remains a more difficult kind of choice (Cu Ni
to minimize microbial corrosion, Duplex or Super Duplex to minimize galvanic corrosion risks). However, as
passive screens do usually not have any moving parts below the water, they should be maintenance-friendly. The
best way to remove the debris from the screening surface is being achieved by regular back-flushing with
compressed air (Hydroburst type air backwash systems).
Another possibility to collect water is by seabed filtration, meaning by an embedded screen. The water can be
withdrawn directly at a higher purity. As the flow through the sand and through the small screen openings remains
very limited, for higher intake capacities the screening area would be accordingly higher. Special care has to be
taken of the collapsing soil risk and often increased costs, higher than expected due to unforeseen soil conditions.
Figure 1. Cost comparison of different intake types at the example of Carlsbad Desalination Plant in USA
“Among industrialized countries, the USA is one of the most important users of desalinated water, especially in California
and parts of Florida. The cost of desalination has kept desalination from being used more often. This graphic shows how
amendments to California’s extensive desalination regulations “… have threatened to bump up the costs of desalination just
as the state looks to the sea to address its rampant drought.” [4]
The galvanic corrosion of metal surfaces, especially of steel, in water is of electro-chemical origin. Between the
metallic components, due to the surrounding electrolyte (water) exist electrical circuits in varying dimensions. At
the respective exit point of current at the anode the metal is being removed according to the Faraday’s laws of
electrolysis. The process can be understood as a reversal of the galvanic production of metallic deposits. The driving
voltage of these corrosion currents comes either from a varying composition of the metal surface itself (formation
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
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of local elements) or the combined action with another metal surface, if galvanic elements are formed between the
different metals together with the electrolyte according to the electrochemical series of metals.
In contrast to the galvanic corrosion which is more or less predictable based on water composition, temperature and
material, also the microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) can cause severe damage. It is more complicated
as the influence factors are biofouling, water quality and presence of bacteria. Therefore, it is difficult to foresee
and to avoid and there are no 100% success promising measures but proven measures to minimize risks.
The corrosion current and consequently the galvanic corrosion itself can be reduced or eliminated by insulation or
by a protective direct current of reversed polarity (Active Cathodic Protection). It is obvious that the corrosion-
inhibiting effect of a coat of paint will last only so far and as long as the coat isolates substantially especially in a
moist condition. Practically it is hardly possible to obtain a coat of paint that isolates well under water for prolonged
periods of time.
The protective current method has not only the purpose of protection against corrosion the bare spots where metal
slides on metal, but at the same time also the defective spots in the coating and /or unpainted parts. Even so-called
high corrosion-resistant Duplex or Super Duplex materials can be subject to galvanic or sulphate-derived corrosion
due to the hydrogen embrittlement effect on heat-effected zones for example. Here too, the protective current with
active cathodic protection based on the impressed current method can much better protect the bare metallic surfaces
against corrosion in combination with Duplex materials.
Whereas, there are different solutions to cope with galvanic corrosion, a possibility to reduce the MIC risk can be
as well to apply a Cathodic Corrosion Protection System (for example the Geiger ICCP) based on impressed current.
Many of those references in 316 SS combined with ICCP have proven long term positive track records, due to
repelling type of effect. These devices can typically have a lifetime of about 30+ years. Most plants installed by
Aqseptence during the last 50 years in the Middle East have been combining 316/316L stainless steel with a so
called Geiger-ICCP to minimize the risk of galvanic corrosion as well as to minimize the risk of microbial corrosion.
Therefore, it is very questionable to apply Duplex or SuperDuplex screens without a proper automated impressed
current cathodic protection system.
Sacrificial anodes rely on the galvanic corrosion of a more reactive metal (more negative electrode potential in the
galvanic series), such as aluminum, zinc or magnesium, whereby aluminum has proven to be one of the most cost-
effective materials in seawater applications. The advantage of the relatively low material and installation costs for
sacrificial anodes is opposed to the disadvantages to be only suitable for a short service life, thus high operation
expenses (typical lifetime of 2-5 years) and no possibility for control of the protection current leading to a risk of
insufficient protection of rotating and moving parts.
Impressed Current Active corrosion protection by an ICCP therefore remains the most efficient way to provide an
active protection against corrosion in conductive media albeit for 316L or Duplex screens. In case of an “impressed
current”-type system the objects to be protected are connected by means of a cable to the negative terminal of an
electronically controlled power supply unit. The submerged anodes are connected to the positive terminals of the
power supply unit. According to the rules of current spreading the protective current flows to all surfaces which are
in contact with the conductive sea water.
Super Duplex stainless steel has a high corrosion resistance and is therefore often considered self-protective against
high saline water. The material itself has a considerably higher price level on the market than 316L stainless steel
for instance.
For equipment which has only few piece parts i.e. where only few contact spots to other components are necessary,
Super Duplex is usually the simplest and most appropriate solution like it is in case of passive screens for example.
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
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As a state-of-the art, the entire screen is made of one piece, completely pre-welded with just the connection of two
flanges for water outlet and flush air inlet. However, for machines which are made of several moving parts like
mesh panels, bolts, chains, guides, rollers etc. it is difficult and very cost intensive to realize the entire system
completely made of Super Duplex as otherwise galvanic corrosion will still and even more intensively occur due to
the different electrochemical potential of Super Duplex and other stainless steels at their direct contact connection
spots (local elements, hydrogen embrittlement risk as per chapter 2.2.1).
In a nutshell, for large intakes with open intake structures the most reliable and most efficient long-term proven
solution remains 316L stainless steel in combination with a well-performing cathodic protection system, especially
of the impressed current.
As might be expected, there might not be the one and only perfect fish protection system available but proven
solutions according to EPA 316B as well as Central European Fish Protection Guidelines do exist since many years
as project designers aware of, each project will always have to be carefully studied. Effective fish protection is only
possible using an intelligent combination of individual measures, such as fish barriers, tailor-made to meet the
specific local requirements. Generally, fish barriers can be categorized into behavioral and mechanical barriers.
Behavioral barriers can often be installed relatively easily and inexpensively into existing water intake structures to
avoid bigger fish swimming into. At Centre-Flow Travelling Band Screens as well as at MultiDisc Travelling
Screens highest fish survival due to optimized fish buckets and gentle pouring of the fish/eel into backflow channels
have been registered (80-90 % juvenile fish survival rates typically). As long as a proper combination of barriers is
being set up correctly, loss of fish can be almost completely avoided no matter what type and size of fish involved.
2.4. Key Challenge: Seasonal Large Debris Quantities (e.g. Jelly Fish, Algae)
Depending on the amount and sizes of debris as well as on the water flow, required fine screening size and hydraulic
conditions, the system can be adapted in order to match the regulations and special project design requirements.
Subsequently number and type of screening machines are chosen.
Most intakes designs consist of multiple-channel and redundant coarse screens (with typically proven Cable-
operated front-end screens to cope with large-format debris 50-200 mm bar spacing) and a second cleaning stage
filtration (Travelling Water Screens 0.5 – 8 mm mesh/perforated panels) to avoid smallest debris carry-over. It can
however make sense to install an additional Revolving Chain Screen type of fine bar screen (10-20 mm) in between
the front-end screen and the band screening machines, which would additionally be able to cope with abnormal
seasonal large quantities of medium-sized debris.
Recently, massive jelly fish swarms throughout the Middle East and South America have drawn attention to the
importance of a well-designed intake that can cope with large quantities of unusual debris. Huge plants mean huge
investments, and the respective intake facility is often not in the main focus during the design phase. A fully-
functioning and 100% reliable seawater intake that provides screened seawater even in adverse and difficult
conditions however will be essential to sustainably protect the important downstream equipment (condensers and
membranes) and to achieve full operational reliability. For this task, high-capacity mechanical screens such as
Geiger High-Capacity KUR revolving chain screens remain widely proven since they can upgrade existing channels
and remove huge amounts of debris thanks to the high cleaning frequency of the racks by means of multiple robust
cleaning rakes when it comes to a pollution peak (See example / figure 2 in case studies).
2.5. Further Opportunities in respect of Civil Structure Cost Savings, Head loss and Carry-Over
In contrast to the passive intake systems or temporary seabed filtration, open intake solutions do provide typically
a higher redundancy (N+1 or N+X) potential. Upgrading, efficiency improvements and individual adjustments can
be customized. The probably most important and significant saving potential can be achieved along with the often
massive civil structure. Such savings can be achieved by designing a straight-flow channel, with no backwalls, no
flow deviation and thus lesser head loss accompanied by lesser turbulences and a more even flow characteristic.
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
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With lesser dead-zones the larvae/mussel-growth risk which could occur downstream of screens in front of the
pumps, straight flow channels have proven significant benefit for the utility operators. Another benefit compared
to center- or dual flow of travelling band screens is the smaller footprint for the intake equipment as well as the
reduction of the pump chamber size. Other significant improvements in terms of hydraulics will be the reduction of
head loss, mussel growth and the minimization of carry-over-risks.
Less pressure loss across an intake filtration machine will lead to a lower demand of pressure head serving the
downstream arranged pumps, demanding reduced power requirements for the entire system. Hence, it will be
advantageous to invest into hydraulically optimized water intake screening machines that enable the water for
instance to pass a band screen filtration machine only once instead of twice.
Reduction of the footprint of an intake can be achieved by designing solutions and equipment providing low
turbulences on the downstream side. Such design will result into shorter required distances between the
screens/prefiltration outlet and the cooling water pumps. One-pass through-flow machines with low head loss,
which such as for example the Multi-Disc Screen [1] allow to significantly reduce the concrete inlet chamber length
(between the mesh-screen/filtration and the pump) by up to 50% or 7-8 meters, especially when multiple redundant
pump bay chambers are being applied.
Years ago, the so-called carry-over effect of debris regularly could cause severe harm at downstream equipment
such as pumps, membranes, heat exchangers or other apparatus. It has been a widespread problem of conventional
through-flow travelling band screens; the transport of debris from the raw to the clean water side in case of spray
water system inefficiency and especially in case brushes had been used in the past. The selection nowadays available
and proven zero-carry-over intake travelling water screens (of through-flow type) do however allow to avoid such
risks and can therefore assure a sustainable long-term screening operation.
3. Case Studies
As an example of how important the right selection of the water intake system from a total life-cycle point of view
remains, three case studies are shortly presented below.
In the developing nation of Ghana, the cooling water feed for a new multi-fuel-fired independent power plant (IPP)
has been installed along the difficult West African coastline in 2016. Since the energy-efficiency of water cooling
in contrast to air cooling is remarkably higher [3], the installation of large cooling towers along the coast could be
avoided. The decision regarding the fine screening was made in favor of a technology that caters for zero carry-
over of debris to the process. Through-flow travelling water screens with one passage through the screen, reduced
pressure loss and easy-installation due to a self-supporting premounted frame made in Germany could provide
highest reliability and efficiency.
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
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Figure 2. KPONE Independent Thermal Power Station was constructed to improve the distribution of electricity throughout
Ghana. The power plant is a 340 MW CCGT thermal power plant. Cable-Operated Bar Screening Machines and Zero-
Carryover through flow MultiDisc machines (both by Aqseptence Group) were selected to screen the cooling water through 4
channels, each with 15,000 m³/hr; material of construction is 316L with impressed current cathodic protection
Due to the use of the state-of-the art maintenance-friendly water-based cooling instead of air cooling in this climate region, a
3-5 % higher energy efficiency rate of the power plant could be achieved. [3] (S.11 et seqq.)
Figure 3. Power and MSF-Desalination Plant - Qurrayah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Upgrading with 20 Revolving Chain
Screens (by Aqseptence Group), thus removing up to 60 t/h jellyfish per machine out of sea at a total flowrate of 700,000
m3/h; material of construction of submerged parts is 316L with impressed current cathodic protection
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
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Figure 4. Desalination Plant, Barka 4 IWP, Oman. 3 x Zero-Carryover through flow machines (by Aqseptence Group, called
MultiDisc) in combination with Cable-Operated Bar Screens 13,600 m³/h per channel; material of construction is mainly
Duplex combined with a with impressed current cathodic protection
4. Conclusion
Numerous studies have evaluated the most cost-effective and efficient method of feeding seawater to desalination
plants, and most conclude that an open seawater intake significantly saves on capital and life-cycle costs (CAPEX).
Cathodic corrosion protection is the most efficient method of protecting steel installed in conductive media against
natural corrosion. This technology is firmly associated in the water field for example with the name of Geiger®
(Aqseptence Group) as for more than 30 years the brand Geiger® has been developing its own cathodic protection
systems design for the protection of water intake screens. These systems are patented and are installed in over 100
large-scale desalination plants operating since decades.
The question of how to design the perfect fish friendly water intake cannot be answered comprehensively. Different
factors such as the existing flow conditions, type of marine life and intake type have to be considered and should
typically lead to a combination of mechanical and behavioral barriers.
To resume the question of lower costs versus higher benefit, it is important to put into consideration that in general
for a high quality and efficiency equipment, the investment costs are higher, while the OPEX costs can be
remarkably reduced. The exact amortization time is different from site to site, of course, but especially for large
desalination plants where a malfunction of the intake would be disastrous, it is definitively recommendable to rely
on sustainable and maintenance friendly solutions.
1. Dr. Peltier, Robert, (2004). Multidisc passes screen test, POWER Magazine, 5, 32-36
2. Rehnig, Frank, (2014). Fish protection for water intake structures, Nuclear Engineering International Magazine, 5, 38-
3. Rowles, Peter, Turpenny, A.W.H., Coughlan, J., Ng, B., Bamber, R.N., (2010). Evidence – Cooling Water Options
for the New Generation of Nuclear Power Stations in the UK, 202, Environment Agency, Bristol, UK
4. Ian Elkins, (2015). California desal regs kick off intake debate, Global Water Intelligence, 6, 17
Presented during the International Desalination Association Conference 2019 Action4Good, Santa Margherita, Italy
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