Fujitsu Primergy ServerView

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White Paper - Fujitsu ServerView Suite

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White Paper
Fujitsu ServerView Suite
Integrated Server Lifecycle Management
The Fujitsu ServerView Suite offers all the functions required for fail-safe, flexible and automated 24hr
operations and improves productivity via intelligent system management solutions. This white paper
provides an introduction to the benefits and functionality of the Fujitsu ServerView Suite.

Preface 2
Management summary 2
Trends in a data center 2
Centralized Management with the aid of ServerView 3
Consistent view and end-to-end processes 3
Deploy: Configure IT quickly, easily and reliably 4
Control: Control IT in a centralized, easy and efficient way 5
Dynamize: Dynamize IT in a technically sophisticated and
efficient way 7
Maintain: Maintain IT in any status, anywhere 9
Integrate: Integrate IT seamlessly, transparently 12
Conclusion 12
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This white paper provides an introduction to the benefits and functionality of the Fujitsu ServerView Suite, the management tool from Fujitsu
Technology Solutions used for the administration of industry standard servers. It is aimed at a broad-based readership, who would like to know
how - through the use of advanced concepts - modern IT infrastructures can be managed in a simple, fast, dynamic and above all cost-saving
way. Therefore, the emphasis is initially placed on economic aspects and only then on the technical ones.

Management summary
Companies today expect considerably more from their IT departments than just the safeguarding of computer operations: Irrespective of the
economic situation the pressure to continue to provide services, which are equal to or even better than the previous ones, is on the increase
while budgets are frequently stagnating. To ensure that this task does not become insurmountable Fujitsu has been continuously revising
ServerView Suite functionality in order to meet increased demands. The focus is traditionally on those functions, which ensure fail-safe and
flexible operation of servers in addition to the constant availability of business-critical data and which also facilitate their consolidation. The
focus was recently placed on integrating technologies for the virtualization, dynamization and automation of IT landscapes up to their
integration in cross-location and corporation solution concepts, e.g. cloud computing. The Fujitsu ServerView Suite offers a comprehensive
administration covering the overall lifecycle of individual computers as well as entire machine parks and which combines decisive cost benefits
with maximum performance and user-friendliness. The resulting progress is shown in detail on the following pages.

Trends in a data center
The role of corporate IT has undergone a fundamental change since
the mid-nineties. Data centers and specialist departments were
usually regarded to be just a "necessary evil", but now the integration
of e-mail and Internet for internal and external communication and
all kinds of work processes means that they have become central
units upon which successful business operations greatly depend. This
development has recently been accelerated by the introduction of a
range of fully web-based services, platforms and distribution models,
which have become known as cloud computing and "Software as a
Service". IT managers and their employees now face not only a
constant increase in the range of traditional tasks, but must also
handle the transition to new infrastructure concepts using models
that are now completely new and different; in the same way that
today's standard models are so different to those used in the
pre-Internet era.

Now recognized as an important department within the corporate
network, there is an increased obligation to undergo economic
cost/benefit analyses - just like other departments - and to provide
added value to the company. However, the administration of
computer infrastructures is still an increasing cost factor - and will
continue to be so for the time being. According to a survey carried
out by the market research company IDC last November, IT
expenditure worldwide will increase to approx. $US 250 billion by
2013, whereby less than 20% will be invested in hardware (cf. Fig. 1).
In fact server management and administration costs is the largest
single block, in other words, spending for the regular operation of
servers including installation, monitoring, maintenance and
integration in existing IT landscapes, and this calculation covers both
physical and virtual systems.

Fig. 1: Development of the worldwide spending for server
hardware, power and cooling as well as the
management/administration of infrastructures since 1996
(Source: IDC)

Fujitsu reacted to this development early with the introduction of the
ServerView Suite, which is a basic part of all PRIMERGY server
models. This management platform has been developed from the
outset to consistently control all relevant processes on an end-to-end
basis from one central point. Since then the scope of functions has
been constantly extended. The traditional key objectives are:

Secure and automated installation of servers;
End-to-end status monitoring to ensure as much uninterrupted
and energy-efficient server operation as possible;
Powerful tools and functions to simplify and automate flexible IT
Powerful tools and functions to avoid downtimes and thus ensure
service quality as well as
Seamless integration of the PRIMERGY servers in enterprise
management solutions.

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In order to achieve such objectives, Fujitsu uses technologies which
simplify and accelerate the administration of computer networks on
a long-term basis. The key terms here are on the one hand
virtualization, and on the other hand dynamization and
flexibilization as well as automated provision of IT resources. This
also includes integration in heterogeneous hardware and operating
system landscapes as well as uncomplicated links to cloud
computing solutions.

Centralized Management with the aid of ServerView
A basic feature of modern computer networks is their constantly
growing complexity which is in turn due to the number of
applications used: today even small companies usually run a file,
print, mail and web server. Small to medium-sized businesses have
customer databases with several thousand entries. In larger
environments user directories, reservation and ordering systems,
invoicing, enterprise resource planning, business intelligence,
development and testing environments as well as audio and video
streams for internal and external use still frequently run on dedicated
physical servers or are accessed from there as and when required.
Added to these are the so-called legacy systems in networks that
have grown over the years, i.e. applications which have been
specially designed to run on specific hardware and/or software
platforms that is today considered to be antiquated. And finally the
ever-increasing expectations made of the availability of data,
applications and systems ensure that infrastructures are designed to
be redundant from the outset, which further increases the number of
computers and the necessary administration work involved.

Virtualization, i.e. the use of simulated hardware environments,
so-called virtual machines (VM), for certain applications pursues two
goals in this connection. On the one hand, it enables the number of
servers physically required for the operation of these possibly
business-critical applications to be limited. Classic examples here
would be the merging of various SAP function modules or Oracle
database servers, which originally needed their own hardware on a
single machine, or the use of materials management systems
developed in the nineties but now on current standard hardware. In
other words, virtualization increases the utilization of existing servers
and simultaneously enables a "cleansing" of the machine park. That
is accompanied by a long-term improvement in the energy balance,
because the spending for power and ventilation or cooling, space
requirements as well as CO
emissions decrease parallel to the
number of systems. Therefore, as the costs decrease, efficiency
increases a consolidation effect occurs (cf. Fig. 2)

Fig. 2: The operation of several virtual machines on one physical
host improves the utilization of the computers and thus
enables the server landscape to be consolidated.

This effect can not only be utilized with a view to individual
applications or server groups, but also for entire data centers and
company networks. This approach first puts all the resources (servers,
storage and applications) together in a central pool and then
distributes them as required. These opportunities for workflow and IT
management process flexibilization and dynamization are at the
same time the starting-point for Fujitsu's Dynamic Infrastructures

Fig. 3: Dynamic Infrastructures from Fujitsu:
An optimally aligned offer

Consistent view and end-to-end processes
However, the user still has a price to pay for newly gained mobility,
savings in hardware procurement and optimized energy levels.
Although existing capacities are better used thanks to virtualization
and a medium to long-term reduction can even be achieved with
them, administrative spending grows compared to conventional
infrastructures with their clear-cut allocation of servers and
applications. Therefore, companies need a management platform,
which combines a consistent view of the IT landscape with
comprehensive functions, which are centrally managed from a single
point of control.

The Fujitsu ServerView Suite is one such platform which is also easy
to understand and operate. Functionally, it is divided into the five
subsections: Deploy, Control, Dynamize, Maintain and Integrate: the
main features and advantages of which are summarized here. It is
designed for use in so-called Open Systems environments, i.e. on
industry standard servers which run under the operating systems
Windows and Linux (SuSE and Red Hat) or are used as hosts for VMs
that use a hypervisor
like VMware ESX/ESXi, Citrix Xen Server or

The Fujitsu ServerView Suite consists of a combination of mostly
free-of-charge server management modules and some chargeable
automation modules; an overview is available at the end of this
white paper.




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Configure IT quickly, easily and reliably
In summary the term Deployment denotes the field of activities of
software distribution from the initial setup / installation of an
individual server to the allocation of a reference installation to a
large number of servers right through to the cloning of a randomly
configured system onto other servers of the same series.
The basic functions required for this purpose are automatic hardware
detection, unattended hardware configuration, as well as software
installation, including any necessary add-on products and the
cloning of individual images. Independent tools are used to perform
these tasks, depending on the application scenario, either
individually or in combination with each other.

ServerView Installation Manager (SV IM)
The ServerView Installation Manager (SV IM), which provides two
alternative methods, is available for the convenient installation of
the server operating system on non-preconfigured hardware
(so-called bare-metal installation):

the typical installation, for which a few (typical) configuration
parameters can be set, also automatically installs the required
ServerView components;
the user-defined installation, in which a customer-specific
configuration of the target system is possible; in addition to the
ServerView components it is also possible to integrate add-on
software via an installation script.

In both modes Wizards guide you through the individual
configuration steps and check all input for plausibility. As a result,

operating errors are effectively avoided before they happen and
reliable installation is ensured. The parameters acquired in this way
can be saved in a configuration file (e.g. on a file server) and used
again later for further installations or as a basis for their

The Installation Manager can be booted locally from the ServerView
DVD or from a USB stick, whereby it is also possible to access network
resources in this mode if required. The Installation Manager can as
an integral part of the Operations Manager be installed on the
central management station (CMS), where it can configure and
install up to five systems in parallel and unattended on a remote
basis via the LAN. In order to rule out any hardware configuration
errors it is possible - if requested - to work with real system data by
accessing the target hardware.

Servers set up with the Installation Manager stand out for their high
availability and reliability; setup, administration and operation only
take very little time, and automated remote installation saves above
all resources and time.

ServerView Deployment Manager (SV DM)
The second deployment tool, the ServerView Deployment Manager
(SV DM), is responsible for classic software cloning. As a professional
supplement to the ServerView Suite it requires a separate license. It
is always used when dealing with the mass installation or cloning of
operating systems and application software; it is also used for the
simple regular backup of current server states. Thus its use in large
server farms, in which identical quality criteria have to be met by a
great many computers, is of particular interest. There are several
deployment modes to choose from: image creation with subsequent
mass cloning, remote mass installation as well as special image
routines to support disaster recovery scenarios. The Deployment
Manager has a task management system, which also runs all the
modes automatically and on a time-controlled basis.

Fig. 4: ServerView Deployment Manager Concept

Software distribution on the basis of imaging and cloning has
distinct speed advantages to offer, particularly when installing
numerous identical servers, because reference installations can be
reproduced very easily and as often as you like. For this purpose, an
image of the reference server is created, saved in a repository and
then allocated to a compatible server or an entire clone group.
Cloning can take place at the same time on all the machines of the
clone group, with a special multicast mode effectively reducing the
load on the LAN and ensuring a fast rollout. In a typical deployment
application of up to 100 systems less than one and a half hours
elapse between the start of the reference installation and the end of
the cloning

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The basis of remote mass installation is formed by the configuration
files of the Installation Manager. Prior to their allocation to the
respective target systems they are consolidated to form installation
groups. The installation then takes place in parallel, also of different
configurations, on all servers of the group. As multicast is not
possible here in order to reduce the network load, the administrator
should limit the number of parallel installations and thus avoid any
network overload. Furthermore, crash recovery mode, in which
special images that are not suited for cloning are created, enables
the recovery of servers after a system crash.

The Fujitsu ServerView Suite also provides two other tool sets for the
deployment of PRIMERGY servers in heterogeneous environments.
The ServerView Scripting Toolkit enables simple hardware
configuration as well as script-based operating system installation.
For this purpose, Fujitsu offers both a Linux and a WindowsPE-based
package. In addition to the necessary configuration tools, both also
provide example scripts, which can be adapted to suit
customer-specific scenarios.

The ServerView Integration Pack for Altiris Deployment Solution
enables administrators to integrate new PRIMERGY systems without
any additional effort in Symantec's Altiris Deployment Solution
(Altiris DS V6.9) as well as HP's Rapid Deployment Pack (RDP).

Control IT in a centralized, easy and efficient
The Control subsection comprises "actual" server management, i.e.
the standard tasks that have to be completed as soon as the
machines are set up and put into in operation. These include among
other things the monitoring of individual systems, including critical
hardware components such as processors, main memory, hard disks,
etc. and their performance, monitoring and control of energy
consumption, analysis of performance and utilization data as well as
the updating of the server configuration.

ServerView Operations Manager (SV OM)
The ServerView Operations Manager (SV OM), which is currently
available in version 5, controls the work stages required for this. The
fundamental idea here was also to simplify the tasks as much as
possible. As a prerequisite for this the Operations Manager supports
the standardized administration of all physical and virtual servers
in the network with the help of a central tool and one or more CMSs.
This enables "control in just a few steps" and at the same time
ensures increased system availability.
One of the most important changes compared with the predecessor
versions is role-based user administration. Together with the
security concept of the ServerView Suite it is based on three
fundamental concepts:

Global user administration with the aid of an LDAP directory
service (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol);
Role-based access control (RBAC);
Single Sign-On (SSO) on the basis of a centralized authentication
service (CAS).

Users are saved and administered centrally with the aid of a directory
service for all connected CMSs. The directory service supplies all the
information required for user authentication and authorization.
Either the pre-configured directory service (Suns OpenDS) of
ServerView Operations Manager or a pre-configured directory service
that is already in use (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory) can be used as
the directory service.

Role-based access control (RBAC) manages access control via a set of
defined user roles. The user concept in a standard installation makes
provision for three roles, to which a set user name and defined
access rights are allocated in each case. These roles are the
administrator, who has extensive powers of system and, if necessary,
network administration, as well as the operator, who can access
selected functions, and the monitor, who can view selected
information as an "observer". The graded rights range from read and
write access to all resources right through to pure read authorization
in order e.g. to check configuration data or the server status. Starting
with SV OM version 5.5, additional roles with individual access rights
and privileges can be defined to fulfill specific customer needs.
RBAC is already implemented in the pre-configured directory service
OpenDS; ServerView-specific privileges can be imported in other
directory services and the necessary roles then allocated to the users,
who are to have the associated privileges.

Support for ServerView Suite when logging in to the individual
ServerView components is provided by SSO login. SSO is based on a
centralized authentication mechanism, the centralized
authentication service (CAS). SSO means that the user only has to
prove his identity once. Once successfully authenticated, the user
receives access to all ServerView components without the need to
login again for any other component.

On the one hand, system and network security is enhanced through
the strict allocation of roles and (limited) access rights. And on the
other hand, functions such as central authorization and Single
Sign-on not only increase ease-of-use, they above all improve the
efficiency of server administration in other words, the new
ServerView Operations Manager provides improved protection and
lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).

Fig. 5: Login screen of ServerView Operations Manager

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In the Control subsection of ServerView Suite the ServerView
Operations Manager covers the following areas:

Server Monitoring;
Performance Management;
Event Management;
Power Management;
Storage Management including RAID Management.

Fig. 6: Home page of ServerView Operations Manager

A well arranged management console that gives administrators a
clear overview of the states of physical servers, VM hosts, virtual
machines and their respective allocation is used for monitoring and
administration. It can be used to perform all the important basic
operations (starting / stopping, interrupting / resuming and
restarting servers). Furthermore, it shows all the configuration
parameters in full, thus creating at the same time the basis for
detailed performance monitoring and coherent event management.

The Threshold Manager and the Performance Manager are crucial
tools for performance monitoring. The Threshold Manager constantly
monitors the performance of all physical and virtual resources and
checks whether these previously defined standard-compliant or
individual threshold values (e.g. for CPU and memory utilization) are
reached or exceeded. IT departments thus receive fast, accurate
information about the current load distribution so as to quickly
identify and eliminate any possible bottlenecks. If the threshold
values are exceeded, the Threshold Manager also triggers an alarm
and shows both performance data and "critical points" in tables or
diagrams so that the problems can be eliminated from the CMS
directly. This above all increases the availability of central
applications and facilitates compliance with Service Level
Agreements (SLAs), but it also helps determine the causes for
sudden slumps in performance and with them the respective need
for optimization.

The same goal is pursued by the Performance Manager, which is
used for periodic or long-term monitoring of resources and which
supplies detailed reports. For example, users receive in this way an
overview of recurring workload peaks / maximum values and can
initiate counter-measures in good time so as to prevent losses in
performance or even system failures.

Reliable information about events and operating states regarding all
aspects of the server is provided by the Event Manager. This module
particularly facilitates the support and maintenance of any connected
PRIMERGY servers and storage subsystems. The Event Manager logs
all alarms / alerts; comprehensive filter and display options enable
the available information to be processed in such a way that fast
remedy is possible. In so doing, the tool uses all the proven means of
communication (pop-ups, SNMP traps, e-mail, SMS text messages,
etc.). Together with the Threshold Manager it also warns against
performance problems of physical and virtual servers. The Event
Manager also takes the data generated by traps from the
Management Information Base (MIB) of third parties so that their
systems can also be monitored with the help of ServerView. Therefore,
alerts reach the administrators without any delay, at any time and
anywhere, which means that faults can be eliminated immediately.
The module not only ensures continuous data center and business
operations, but also improves the utilization of managed systems
and helps find parameters that can be adjusted, with whose
assistance e.g. data throughput and the transfer rate in the network
can be improved.

Control of energy consumption is classed as one of the most
important points when configuring and operating modern data
centers. This has on the one hand economic reasons: In times of
fluctuating, but mostly rising electricity prices many companies try to
reduce this consumption for example in production. IT departments
as central operating units cannot stop this development; on the
contrary they must look for their own ways of realizing savings
potential. This pressure is further intensified by the fact that leading
industrial nations are aiming for a new energy mix, because the
fossil fuels previously used for power generation are running out. On
the other hand, ambitious specifications on the part of the US
American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European
Commission call for an increase in the energy efficiency of data
centers by 20% and 30% respectively in the medium term in order to
sustainably decrease among other things CO

The comprehensive power management functions of the SV OM help
achieve these two targets. They enable power consumption to be
flexibly controlled by PRIMERGY servers in different scenarios. And as
the power & cooling demands of data centers decrease, so as a result
does their potential emission of greenhouse gases. ServerView
Power Management does not just check the current values, it
simultaneously enables adaptive consumption management based
on threshold values defined by the user.

Fig. 7: ServerView Operations Manager: Power Monitoring

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The monitoring is assumed by the iRMC (integrated Remote
Management Controller) which is incorporated in the server; a chip
on the motherboard that enables comprehensive remote
maintenance of the systems (see below). ServerView Power
Management can be used both for individual machines and in server
pools and, in addition to the current consumption values, also
supplies the minimum, maximum and average consumption values.
Control is effected via the CMS; among other things the administrator
define CPU performance in so-called power states depending on
the system utilization;
determine the speeds (clock frequencies) of the memory modules;
boot and shut down servers on a central basis;
allocate new power states to CPUs during operation.

All these functions can also be automatically controlled via set
timelines. Furthermore, the administrator can stipulate the required
energy consumption mode after a system start.

The performance of modern server systems crucially depends as
does corporate data security on the efficiency of the storage
solutions used. For this reason the SV OM also has comprehensive
tools for the administration of external storage subsystems and
internal RAID arrays. The Storage Manager (in short: StorMan),
which enables the monitoring and control of directly connected hard
disk arrays as well as of network storage systems (e.g. file servers)
via the CMS, is responsible for the aforementioned task. As well as
other modules the Storage Manager displays the configuration and
the current status (utilization, etc.) of the monitored systems; the
administration functions support the cross-vendor SMI-S standard
and thus enable the standardized administration of different storage
platforms, for example the in-house ETERNUS models and PRIMERGY
SX Storage Blades, but also those from third-party vendors like
NetApp and EMC. On the whole, the integration into central server
management reduces administrative work and thus makes a
considerable contribution toward cutting costs.

Analog to the Storage Manager, the ServerView RAID Manager
forms the basis for the coherent configuration and administration of
host-based hardware and software RAID solutions that are made
available by various providers for PRIMERGY platforms. The principal
objective here was also to resolve the complex task in such a modern
and easy way as possible. Consequently, the tool supports the latest
RAID and hard disk technologies (incl. integrated controllers,
SAS-RAID controllers) as well as all the operating systems and
virtualization solutions that have been released for PRIMERGY servers.
The RAID Manager constantly monitors the status of the individual
subsystems and logs all events (faults, warnings when threshold
values are reached), and in so doing hides the details of the
manufacturer-specific hardware and firmware implementation in
favor of ease of operation. In a similar way to Power Management,
numerous remote maintenance options are also available here, e.g.
for the configuration of RAID controllers and the administration of
logical drives. In comparison to conventional RAID management
solutions this once again means noticeably less administrative work
a circumstance that also benefits from the fact that the tool can be
easily operated by the web browser.

The user interface of the SV OM also offers direct access to more
functions of the ServerView Suite, which are described in the other
sections of this white paper.

Dynamize IT in a technically sophisticated and
efficient way
The Dynamize subsection combines a series of special tools and
system management tools, which above all permit dynamic and
efficient use of physical and virtual resources. On the one hand, they
differ from the prevalent tools in SV OM by the fact that they also
have comprehensive functions for the automated provision and
administration of IT infrastructure resources. And on the other hand,
they are chargeable extensions that do not belong to the delivery
scope of the PRIMERGY systems. We are talking about the products
ServerView Virtual-IO Manager (SV VIOM), ServerView Resource
Orchestrator Virtual Edition (ROR VE) and ServerView Resource
Orchestrator Cloud Edition (ROR CE).

ServerView Virtual-IO Manager (SV VIOM)
The aim of the SV VIOM is to ensure as smooth and efficient as
possible communication of the PRIMERGY rack and blade server with
clients and storage arrays. For this purpose the module allocates
previously defined virtual network addresses to the individual server
and also determines via which interfaces they are to establish
connection to the LAN or SAN and how they are to be booted. To
enable this to work the SV VIOM saves all the specific information
about the computers (e.g. MAC addresses and WWNs) in a separate,
hardware-independent server profile, which is kept in a central
repository outside the server. As a result, individual applications can
be started without any further configuration effort by the administrator
allocating a specific profile to a rack or blade server and by using the
address previously defined for this purpose. Ultimately, the SV VIOM
creates a separate domain for server management, thus separating it
completely from LAN or SAN management. Any conflicts and
overlapping between server, LAN and storage management are ruled
out from now on, because through using constant virtual addresses
there are no changes in LAN and SAN management.

Fig. 8: ServerView Virtual-IO Manager Concept
Since "role allocation" does not depend on the operating system,
problems no longer occur here, either. This means for IT departments
that they can do tasks that were previously time-consuming because
they were complex and prone to errors far more quickly, as they "just"
allocate previously defined configuration parameters, but do not
have to define/perform the configuration themselves. The above
applies for example for the:
installation of new rack or blade servers as well as individual server
blades ("Plug and Go") as well their integration in existing
moving of workloads to fresh hardware (or the reallocation of
capacities during operation);
backup and recovery of individual servers;
configuration of failover solutions to protect against failures;
maintenance and replacement of servers and network hardware.
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ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition (ROR VE)

Simplifying day-to-day server management operations of a highly
consolidated server infrastructure
For many IT organizations, blade servers combined with
virtualization technologies are the IT infrastructure of choice to
achieve considerable consolidation benefits. It also is the ideal basis
for ensuring more flexible usage of server resources. However,
managing all parts of the underlying technology stack of such a
highly consolidated server infrastructure presents a looming problem
for IT managers. IT administrators have to use a greater number of
specialized management tools to manage their daily business. As a
result, IT managers are looking for ways to improve the operational
efficiency of day-to-day server management operations in mixed
physical and virtual IT environments.

With ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition, Fujitsu offers a
system management tool that delivers standardized management of
the consolidated virtual and physical server environment, simplifies
server lifecycle management and provides cost-efficient methods for
protecting the complete server environment.

Fig. 9: ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition (ROR VE):
View of the "BladeViewer"

Uniform management of physical and virtual servers
No doubt, server virtualization is a key technology in consolidation
projects. However, when looking at the current situation in most data
centers, a significant number of workloads still runs and will continue
to run on physical servers. This means that mixed operation of
physical and virtual servers will be a long-term reality in most data
centers. Therefore, server management tools must enable
optimization across both physical and virtual environments.

The situation is even more critical for IT organizations that use
products from more than one hypervisor vendor. Operating a
multi-hypervisor environment harbors the risk of becoming trapped
in siloed virtualized pools. Taking advantage of each hypervisors
management tool also means accepting an even more complex
management scenario.

ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition brings the
management of physical and virtual server environments together
under a single pane of glass. By integrating the administration of
physical and virtual servers as much as possible, ServerView Resource
Orchestrator Virtual Edition addresses the management challenges in
heterogeneous physical and virtual server environments

Simplified server lifecycle management
Beyond centralized monitoring for effectively managing mixed virtual
and physical environments, ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual
Edition provides integrated lifecycle management, including
automated server deployment via server cloning, backup and restore
of OS images and basic operations on virtual servers all from a
single intuitive management interface

Cost-effective server high availability
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition enables cost-
efficient N+1 high availability. IT organizations can now protect more
servers without paying a premium for dedicated high-availability
tools like cluster software. By assigning one or more spare servers to
a pool of production servers, it is possible to automatically failover
any production servers to the spare server in the event of hardware or
operating system failures. Business applications can be resumed
without any administrator intervention. Compared to manual
recovery processes, server recovery time is reduced significantly, thus
resulting in faster responses to server failures. This applies to both
physical and virtual server environments.

ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition (ROR CE)

Evolve toward more dynamic IT environments
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition delivers all of the
functions needed for a more dynamic IT environment and a private
cloud infrastructure, front-ended with a self-service provisioning
portal to speed delivery of IT infrastructures to end users.

Build your private cloud infrastructure based on resource pools
The most effective way to organize IT infrastructure resources in a
private cloud environment is to build pools of shared resources which
can be flexibly allocated to applications. A typical situation in
traditional infrastructures with resources directly dedicated to
applications arises when new applications are deployed: The IT
organization faces the problem of having to manage a growing
number of application silos, each with a specific number of resources,
which over time leads to a huge sprawl of IT resources. As usage and
load conditions for the individual applications change, the systems
running those applications happen to be either highly over-
provisioned or under-provisioned. It is very difficult, if not impossible,
to shift resources from one silo to the other in order to achieve a
more balanced usage of existing resources.

ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition introduces resource
pools to facilitate the sharing of resources between applications.
Resources can be flexibly allocated or reallocated to applications on
demand, increasing the overall resource utilization. Another positive
effect of having a pool architecture is that one or a few systems can
stand in for many productive systems, thus delivering a cost-efficient
alternative to traditional high-availability solutions

Automate IT infrastructure provisioning
The key value delivered by ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud
Edition is the introduction of maximum automation in the
provisioning processes executed in back-end data center operations.
Provisioning has typically required many administrators, many
coordination tasks among administrative domains and many manual
operations, which has resulted in long delivery times and user
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By automating the provisioning processes for server, network and
storage resources, the time required for setting up a new server
system can be reduced significantly. And there is further potential for
streamlining the overall provisioning process, because ServerView
Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition reduces or even eliminates the
communication time lag between different administrative domains
in large organizations. Automation not only accelerates the
provisioning of IT infrastructures, it also handles routine tasks so that
IT staff can focus their attention on matters like innovation

Ready for self-service provisioning
By combining resource abstraction at the user frontend and the
automation of provisioning processes at the data center backend,
companies are ready to introduce self-service provisioning. This
capability is enabled through a self-service portal, where a catalog of
predefined service templates, resources, and service subscription
workflows are available. Pending any necessary approvals, these are
then dynamically granted upon request.

Once resources are provisioned, ServerView Resource Orchestrator
Cloud Edition offers users multiple options to control and customize a
given configuration. Service dashboards provide end users and IT
administrators with a consolidated view of the current status and
utilization of resources

Fig. 10: Automated system provisioning from shared resources for
multiple tenants

IT organizations can use the integrated usage metering capability to
collect data on how resources are used and who is using them. This
information can be used as a foundation for companies that want to
implement a charge-back model. At the very least it enables them to
report business-critical resource usage

All in all, the modules of the Dynamize subsection do the following:
They simplify the provisioning of IT resources and their assignment
to users, eliminate sources of errors and dramatically reduce the
time required for server deployment, maintenance and
provisioning up to 90% for deployment.
The automatically configured systems have a higher consistency,
which minimizes the risk of malfunctions and thus entails longer
runtimes and better utilization of the infrastructure.
The operating costs are reduced as a result of the associated time

Maintain IT in any status, anywhere
Every management platform requires a tool set in order to analyze
and maintain the connected systems. Failures of individual
components and servers can be quickly eliminated with their
assistance. Furthermore, resolute monitoring as well as continuous,
controlled and automated updating of the BIOS, firmware, drivers
and agents ensures that these are proactively prevented and costly
downtimes are also avoided. However, the best precautions cannot
prevent unforeseen external events, such as power failures or cable
breaks as a result of material fatigue. In these cases the analysis
tools help discover and remedy errors quickly and precisely.

In the Fujitsu ServerView Suite the appropriate tools are
consolidated in the Maintain subsection, which focuses in total on
four task areas:
Remote Management;
Update Management;
Asset Management/Investigation and
Online Diagnostics and Customer Self Service.

Most of the modules described in this section are part of the scope of
delivery of the ServerView Suite. Merely the iRMC Advanced Pack is
an exception; the functions it includes are activated for a small

ServerView Remote Management
The remote management functions of ServerView pursue two goals
in particular. On the one hand they ensure consistent, integrated
monitoring of all PRIMERGY systems; and on the other hand they
enable them to be controlled remotely and, if required, directly from
the data center i.e. on a remote basis. In so doing, administrators
can not only access functioning servers (in-band control), but also
failed servers or servers in stand-by (out-of-band control). The
advantage of this construction is obvious: Since many problems can
be analyzed and eliminated remotely, the use of specialists onsite is
unnecessary, and hence the costs for maintenance and service
decrease, which is of particular importance for standard tasks.

Fig. 11: ServerView in-band control Concept

As a matter of principle, the remote management function can be
controlled in two different ways. In the first version, in-band control,
administrators use the control console of the SV Operations
Manager to access the appropriate tools, with whose help they can
intuitively deal with all administrative tasks up to and including
power management with no difference to local control becoming

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noticeable. In this way, the administrator maintains an overview of
the function, utilization and performance values of all systems as
well as of server components that are susceptible to wear and tear
(main processor, memory modules, hard disks, CMOS batteries and
fans). The monitored parameters include among other things CPU
frequency, I/O speed, general data throughput, start times of the
hard disks, read errors and corrected bit errors, battery voltage as
well as temperature and fan speed. Maximum efficiency is ensured
by the so-called PDA functionality (Prefailure Detection and Analysis),
which can be addressed directly from the SV OM and indicates which
of these components are causing problems in the system or should
be replaced.

Fig. 12: ServerView out-of-band control Concept

In addition to the in-band control, most PRIMERGY servers also allow
out-of-band control via the integrated Remote Management
Controller (iRMC), which as an autonomous system is on the
motherboard of the server (not for PRIMERGY TX100 and MX130).
The iRMC communicates with the management console via the LAN
or IP connection, has an own operating system, separate user
administration, a web server, separate alarm and event
management and is also powered during server standby operation.
The internal user database comprises a maximum of 16 users and
can be administered either locally/manually or synchronized with
existing directory services via LDAP and Secure LDAP. Access is
password-protected, all data packets and commands are encrypted
using 128-bit SSL if required. Thus a high standard of security is
achieved on the whole, which sustainably minimizes risks due to
unauthorized accesses.

As with control via SV OM, comprehensive power management
functions are available with this iRMC variant; administrators are not
just able to switch PRIMERGY servers on and off via GUI, CLI or scripts,
they can also control their power draw and thus the power
consumption. For this purpose, they define - in a similar way to a
notebook - one of three operating states: In the Minimal Power
Consumption profile the CPU always works with the lowest frequency
and voltage, Best Performance delegates the selection of both
variables to the operating system and Schedule permits
time-controlled change between the two modes depending on the
time and the day of the week. The functions Power Consumption
Limiting (switching off or limiting the power consumption of a
system when a threshold value is reached) and Power Consumption
Budgeting (control of the power consumption in PRIMERGY blade
systems to avoid any overshooting of threshold values) complete the
range. Just as important here is the consistent monitoring of the
main memory, which supplies reliable data about the status of the
DRAM components, which can still be replaced in case of possible
failure (Memory Prefailure Analysis).

The chargeable iRMC expansion package contains the modules
Advanced Video Redirection (AVR) and Remote Storage (RS). AVR
ensures that administrative tasks can be performed by every
workstation in the network, on which a common web browser and
Java Runtime Environment run; the ServerView Suite itself need not
be installed. Administrators therefore no longer depend on a
management station, but can literally do their work at anytime and
anywhere. RS provides the managed server with a "virtual" drive,
which can be somewhere else in the network and be integrated and
used like a local drive, e.g. to boot local servers, to install drivers and
programs or to update a BIOS. This also significantly increases

ServerView Update Management
BIOS, firmware, drivers, agents the majority of the software
components installed on a server makes it considerably more difficult
for administrators to keep the respective configuration up-to-date.
Manually controlled update processes in particular not only cost time,
but also entail a high risk of missing something. This is especially
true of server groups and data centers, which is why the manual
method is out of the question here. On the contrary, the objective
must be to update existing configurations with only a few clicks of
the mouse so as to ensure as uninterrupted server and data center
operations as possible. ServerView Update Management takes its
bearings from this specification, and thus relies on extensive
automation. Merely application software is excluded here, because it
is maintained by the respective manufacturer.

Fig. 13: ServerView Update Management Concept

Analog to the Deploy subsection, the ServerView Suite also provides
two separate tools here, with which the above mentioned
components can be updated almost without any intervention on the
part of the administrators. The ServerView Update Manager Express
(SV UME), which is included as a complete package on the
ServerView Update DVD that can be downloaded from the ftp-Server
(, is used for the local
modification of individual systems. The update is performed with
the aid of self-extracting and self-installing packages, so-called
Autonomous Support Packages (ASPs) for firmware and BIOS and
PRIMERGY Support Packages (PSPs) for Windows drivers - with a
prior version control and a hardware compatibility check in each case.
Assistants support the administrator in such a way that the action is
completed in just a few steps. The update can take place both under
a running operating system (Windows, Linux) and by booting the
CentOS included on the ServerView Update DVD.

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Then again the synchronous updating of a large number of servers
can be controlled with the ServerView Update Manager (SV UM). In
this case, the software uses a previously created repository in the
data center, which is either filled with ASPs and PSPs by download or
via the installation DVD. Furthermore, the SV UM can regularly check
whether all the configurations are up-to-date and independently
propose systems for an update. This makes scheduled, specific
remote updates possible, which thanks to the version control and
compatibility check meet the same quality requirements as the local
version and can for good measure run fully unattended. As in the
Deploy subsection the advantages of automated software
distribution can also be seen here in the form of immense savings in
time and costs, increased flexibility and minimal downtimes.

ServerView Asset Management
Administration, maintenance, error analyses and any necessary
repairs of PRIMERGY servers are made considerably easier if
administrators can provide themselves with a complete overview of
the appropriate inventory data at any time. Support for the
administrator here is provided by asset management, which is also
made up of two modules: the ServerView Inventory Manager and the
ServerView Archive Manager.

The Inventory Manager records the details of all connected servers
in a structured and precise way, i.e. their hardware and software
configuration as well as any special dependencies between
operating systems, drivers and firmware. This has several essential
advantages: Firstly, all the relevant information is available at a
glance so that service staff can inform itself comprehensively prior to
an intervention and then specifically search for errors. Secondly, the
reference to the dependencies ensures that no-one performs any
"half-finished" new or re-configurations, i.e. consistency always
remains ensured for any version changes or updates. Thirdly, all the
information can be exported in different data formats and can not
only be edited for various views and reports, but also sent to the
data center or a service provider by e-mail.

The Archive Manager supplements these functions by keeping the
hardware and software configurations in snapshots, which the
administrator can use for analysis in case of malfunctions.
In this way, it is possible e.g. to compare various archives i.e.
configuration and version statuses on an individual system or
several (identical) servers. External data can also be imported and
used for maintenance work. In a nutshell, asset management
functions ensure
central, easy-to-use asset control;
more stable system configurations;
quick localization and analysis of errors,
fast notification of the IT department or of the service partner,
swift repair;
interoperability with other management systems.

Online Diagnostics and Customer Self Service
The Maintain subsection is rounded off by a series of additional
functions and components, which facilitate the operation and
maintenance of PRIMERGY systems in the long term. Together they
constitute the Online Diagnostics module. As with all the modules
presented in this section, the objective is to increase the reliability of
the PRIMERGY systems and prevent failures. At the same time a
part of these tools empower the users to make any necessary basic
repairs themselves or to trigger them without having to wait for
service staff (Customer Self Service, in short CSS).

In this conjunction, a series of preventive hardware tests, which can
either be performed according to a previously set schedule or ad hoc
and if necessary in parallel, play a particularly important role in
order to save additional time. The following are controlled:
processors, main memory, hard disks and optical drives, whereby
the administrator can either use predefined standard and stress
tests, which only take a short time and generate little system load, or
resort to more comprehensive tests. If the values determined do not
comply with the specifications, the affected components can be
replaced in good time before a server fails, namely as and when
required even without having to shut it down. Of course, these tests
can also be used to analyze causes for malfunctions that have
already occurred.

To further simplify replacement PRIMERGY systems are equipped with
a series of LED indicators in the factory, which help localize a fault
and at the same time inform the user whether the necessary steps
can be performed autonomously. The LEDs work in three steps: an
amber-colored light at the front shows whether an error exists, a
yellow one whether the user has to become active. Other displays are
optionally available for servers of the RX and TX series. An LCD
attached to the front of the server with 2 x 20 characters, the
so-called Local Service Display (LSD), shows error messages and
status information. Using the 4-way keypad the user can navigate
through a range of information pages, which contain exact details
about the operating status, type of error and the necessary repair
stages. Alternatively, the Local Service Panel (LSP) is used, which
monitors CPU, main memory, hard disks, batteries, fans as well as
any additional network cards, NMI connections and the UPS system;
it also shows whether operation voltage and server temperature are

Fig. 14: Local Service Panel (LSP; above) and
Local Service Display (LSD; below)

Thirdly, light diodes on the system board, which are directly next to
the monitored component, are used. In this way, the user sees
whether a system is working perfectly or not, and also which
hardware has to be re-ordered in case of an emergency and whether
a service engineer is needed for the replacement or whether the user
can take care of this case alone as in the case of the hard disks and
memory modules. Furthermore, the additional components enable
online access to the spare parts list. Ultimately, the combination of
easy-to-use diagnostic tools and a self-evident self-service concept
improves the reliability of the PRIMERGY systems; and shorter
downtimes as well as lower service costs contribute toward
economical IT operations.

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Integrate IT seamlessly, transparently
Consistent IT infrastructures, which use standardized hardware and
software platforms, are the exception rather than the rule in
operational everyday life. This also applies on a broad front 30 years
after the introduction of computer systems. IT departments are thus
regularly faced by the highly demanding task of attuning the
components of their heterogeneous networks in such a way that they
work without any frictional losses. Since overlapping, contradictions
and errors can easily occur, which for their part imply system failures,
system integration is quite rightly considered as a kind of ultimate
discipline; and the less the user notices such problems, the better
the rating of IT departments. Therefore, special administrators or
teams are often responsible for individual platforms, which they
maintain with a great deal of time and effort. The fact that this
pushes up the operating costs and thus the TCO is easy to understand
and likewise that a trend toward platform-neutral solutions that
can be deployed throughout the company, which enables coherent
Enterprise IT Management (EITM) and similar administration of
data centers, has asserted itself in the past few years.

To get these problems under control the Fujitsu ServerView Suite
also has a series of so-called integration packs, which facilitate the
"embedding" of Fujitsu hardware in existing heterogeneous
environments in the long term. Apart from Fujitsu's internal EITM
solution, ManageNow, which is described in detail elsewhere,
ServerView can be easily integrated in existing Enterprise-IT-
Management systems. Support is currently provided for the following

CA Unicenter and CA Spectrum;
Microsoft's System Center (SCCM, SCOM, SCE, SC PRO Packs);
the Open-Source suites Nagios and Icinga;
HP Operations Manager;
BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management (earlier known as

Additional modules enable docking with hardware-specific
management platforms, such as HP Systems Insight Manager (SIM).
In all these scenarios ManageNow provides a central control
console for all PRIMERGY systems, which can in turn be adapted to
higher-level administrative solutions in a seamless and
transparent way. In this way, existing management solutions can be
retained, they are merely supplemented by a PRIMERGY component;
and nothing has to change in proven IT management processes,

In addition to technical and organizational advantages, it also has
tangible economical advantages: For example, training and
migration spending is contained from the very outset, the costs for
implementing PRIMERGY systems can in comparison with
conventional methods be reduced by up to 65%, and savings of up to
40% are possible for "pure" operating costs. Therefore, users receive a
solution with optimal functionality with maximum investment
protection and minimal expenditure and come one big step closer
to the goal of "economical IT".

The work of IT departments and data centers with their typical
combination of a growing variety of tasks, increasing quality
requirements and sinking budgets has become increasingly difficult
in the past few years. Companies should therefore provide their
employees with the technical equipment, with which they can
sensibly fulfill their roles and efficiently provide the expected services.
As a leading IT infrastructure provider, Fujitsu Technology Solutions
provides in PRIMERGY ServerView Suite an end-to-end server
management platform that precisely enables this.

The core task of the Fujitsu ServerView Suite is to ensure fail-safe,
flexible and dynamic operation of server resources in data centers.
This is why many tasks have been automated as far as possible in
order to relieve IT departments from routine tasks and give them the
freedom for their actual job to develop new applications and
services. This applies for example for the unattended setup of server
systems with the aid of the Installation Manager, the unattended
installation of server farms with the Deployment Manager or the
integrated central administration of PRIMERGY blade systems. At the
same time, many work stages have been simplified to such an extent
that even less experienced personnel can perform them at once for
example in the fields of system diagnostics and maintenance. The
sophisticated features ensure maximum availability and thus a
consistently high performance as well as fail-safety for the managed
server infrastructure. The clear-cut structure and ease-of-use of the
suite ensure together with the advanced degree of automation that
configuration errors do not as far as possible occur which in turn
increases the security of the IT landscape. Comprehensive
virtualization functions increase the efficiency and round off the
image together with an extensive package of integration modules.

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List of abbreviations

ASP Autonomous Support Package
AVR Advanced Video Redirection
BIOS Basic Input/Output System
CAS Centralized Authentication Service
CLI Command Line Interface
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMS Central Management Station
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSS Customer Self Service
DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
EITM Enterprise IT Management
E-Mail Electronic Mail
EPA Environmental Protection Agency, USA
GUI Graphical User Interface
HA High Availability
I/O Input / Output
IP Internet Protocol
iRMC integrated Remote Management Controller
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information Technology
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LED Light Emitting Diode
LSD Local Service Display
LSP Local Service Panel
MAC Media Access Control (address)
MIB Management Information Base
NMI Non Maskable Interrupt
PDA Prefailure Detection and Analysis

PSP PRIMERGY Support Package
PSU Power Supply Unit
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAM Random Access Memory
RBAC Role Based Access Control
ROR VE ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition
ROR CE ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition
RS Remote Storage
SAN Storage Area Network
SAS Serial Attached SCSI
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMI-S Storage Management Initiative Specification
SMS Short Message Service
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
SSO Single Sign On
SV ServerView
SVS ServerView Suite
SV DM ServerView Deployment Manager
SV IM ServerView Installation Manager
SV OM ServerView Operations Manager
SV UM ServerView Update Manager
SV UME ServerView Update Manager Express
SV VIOM ServerView Virtual-IO Manager
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VM Virtual Machine
VMM Virtual Machine Monitor
WWN World Wide Name

Further information
Fujitsu ServerView Suite in the Internet:
User manuals:
Software download:
Repeat orders of the current ServerView DVD media sets:
- Order number for individual orders: U15000-C289
- Order number for an annual subscription: U15000-C176

A software layer, which communicates between the hardware of a server and the VMs running on it, i.e. enables the parallel operation of
various operating systems and applications, is referred to as a hypervisor (or Virtual Machine Monitor/VMM).
Depending on the performance and speed of the LAN.


2012-10-01 WW-EN

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availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded.
Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own
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For further information see

Copyright Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH 2012

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