Changelog User en
Changelog User en
Changelog User en
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CodeMeter 6.20
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Starting with CodeMeter 6.20 only Mac OS X operating systems versions 10.9 and higher
are supported.
FB37306: CodeMeter License Server: License Transfer: CmActLicense Universal Firm
Code licenses now also support the reimport mechanism.
FB37307: CodeMeter License Server: License Transfer: CmActLicense Universal Firm
Code licenses now can also be used with "NoneBind". The license is generated in a single
step, i.e. directly using the WibuCmRaU license update file.
FB41409: CodeMeter License Server: License Transfer: The function
"CmRevalidateBox()" now supports also the validation of a CmActLicense Universal Firm
Code license container.
FB40636: cmu: cmu now supports the a restore of the license transfer by specifying '--lthistory-index'. The respective function is also available fort he Core API (Parameter
'CMLTTRANSFER::midPIOHistory bei "CmLtDoTransfer').
FB41336: CodeMeter License Server: On a SubSystem access using "CmAccess/2()" and
a subsequent "CmRevalidateBox()" CodeMeter.exe crashed.
FB41160: CodeMeter License Server: A deadlock at "CmListRemoteUpdateBuffer" for
Linux and Mac OS X has been remedied.
FB40881: CodeMeter License Server: On detecting Windows problems occurred with the
virtualization software Parallels.
FB41137: CodeMeter License Server: "CmExecuteRemoteUpdate" instead of error
CMERROR_UPDATE_FAILED (233) now returns the actual happened error, if exactly one
update was performed and failed.
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FB40770: CodeMeter License Server: Smaller memory leaks in the "WibuCm" library have
been remedied which occurred if the DLL was often unloaded and reloaded.
FB40657: CodeMeter License Server: For locked CmDongles eventually CodeMeter
License Server crashed, if code for the enabling was executed.
FB41801: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: On activating of a large number of
CmActLicense licenses eventually a file descriptor leak occurred.
FB40597: CodeMeter License Server: License Transfer: If for a license borrowing the
sender and the receiver represent the same PC eventually errors occurred if the sender
license was to obtain an update by the software vendor.
FB40793: CodeMeter License Server: For Linux/RHEL 6.4 the detection of the CmDongle
directly after installing failed.
FB40400: CodeMeter WebAdmin: After an update of the CodeMeter Runtime the user
help did not open.
FB40895: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Borrowed but not receipted CmActLicense license did
not display in CodeMeter WebAdmin.
FB40961: CodeMeter Control Center: In the FAS (Field Activation Service) Wizard of
CodeMeter Control Center on updating classical CmActLicense licenses an error occurred.
CodeMeter 6.10a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
FB40105: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Borrowed licenses display now also for the navigation
item 'License Monitoring' and its subsequent items 'Session' and 'Details'.
FB40488: CodeMeter License Server: On using CmActLicense universal licenses time
stamps were not correctly saved. In particular coupled with the borrowing of licenses, this
resulted in a sooner expiration of the licenses as expected.
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CodeMeter 6.10
Release Date
Operating System
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Starting with Version 6.00 the license transfer feature has been introduced. The license
transfer features the transfer of licenses form one CmContainer to another CmContainer.
From a technical point of view, licenses are no longer transferred symmetrically
safeguarded but are stored as certificates in the context of asymmetrical cryptography.
The support of the license transfer feature currently covers only:
the CmContainer Type "CmActLicense"
the Transfer Types:
o "Licenses" (moving 'n' from 'm' licenses)
o "Borrow Local License"
the Tansfer Modes:
o Push - a license is transferred from a sending CmContainer to a
receiving CmContainer.
o Return a previously transferred license is returned from the
receiving CmContainer to the sending CmContainer.
Starting with CodeMeter Version 6.10 Mac OS X 10.7 and smaller versions are no longer
supported (FB36682).
Starting with CodeMeter Version 6.10 the WibuCmNET Version 3 is no longer supported
Starting with Firmware 3.0 CodeMeter supports the use of Universal Firm Codes in
CmDongles (FB36565).
FB39527: CodeMeter License Server: CmWAN connections are now also supported using
a local proxy if it requires a user authentication.
FB37485: CodeMeter License Server: License Transfer: The existing commands used for
activating / updating at the user using the Firm Security Box (FSB) are now also supported
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FB32145: CodeMeter Installer: Mac OS X: Java libraries on Mac OS X are now installed
using the extension '.dylib' instead '.Jnilib'. However, a link using the old extension still
FB39352: CodeMeter License Server: The function
'CmGetInfo(CM_GEI_COMMUNICATION)' now returns the actual connection data for the
handle used.
FB38114: CodeMeter License Server: On using the Core API problems with thread
security occured.
FB36139: CodeMeter License Server: CodeMeter ARMHF: CmActLicense licenses
programmed with the ARMHF variant using a Firm Security Box (FSB) were incomplete.
FB39076: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: After installing the runtime an already
connected CmDongle was not immediately detected on some Linux distributions.
FB35603: CodeMeter License Server: WibuCmNET.dll: If the WibuCmNet library runs on a
32 bit system using .NET 1.1, CodeMeter was not automatically restarted.
FB38889: cmu: All time specifications in cmu were already issued in UTC (Universal Time
Coordinated). The output now is extended by specifying the time zone "(UTC)".
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CodeMeter 5.22b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
FB37145: CodeMeter Installer: Mac OS X: The uninstaller had a false signature and did
not open.
FB38507: CodeMeter License Server: On Windows 10 the VM detection did not work for
signed applications if configured as Hyper-V. In the case of CodeMeter.exe that behavior
also covered that CmActLicense licenses without VM authorization could no longer be
FB38318: CodeMeter License Server: The CodeMeter Java test did not work with
FB37442: CodeMeter License Server: Java/Windows: If the search for a running
CodeMeter License Server (CodeMeter.exe) stops with an error, it is tried to establish a
connection. If the search is not successful without returning an error, CodeMeter is
restarted as usual.
FB38188: CodeMeter License Server: Windows: Encrypted binaries in the minimum
runtime now are compatible with CodeMeter 5.22b.
CodeMeter 5.22a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS
In future on creating activation schemes for CmActLicense different Windows operating
system versions will no longer be a distinct feature and maintenance ceases (FB37337).
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CodeMeter 5.22
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux; Mac OS
Firmware Updates of a CmDongle Item-No. 1001-03 (serial number 3-xxxxxxx).
The CodeMeter Runtime and the commandline tool 'cmu' are in future also able to perform
these Firmware Updates (FB35692).
Windows 10 as target platform for CmActLicenses.
The CodeMeter Runtime is now able to import and use CmActLicenses on Windows 10
FB34062: CodeMeter Installer: Windows Installer: The merge module
'CmRuntimeMerger.msm' checks for the command set extension of the processor
generation SSE2. If it does not exist, the installation is cancelled with an error message.
FB35462: CodeMeter Installer: Linux: RPM: After an upgrade, the daemon was not
restarted resulting in a later self-shutdown.
FB35318: CodeMeter License Server: The internal repair behavior in the CodeMeter
library has been revised so that error 127 (handle inconsistent) does not occur also if
automatically reallocated handles are reused.
FB36199: CodeMeter License Server: An exception handling has been added, if the field
update was tried to be performed in file IO mode.
FB33741: CodeMeter License Server: If two process access CodeMeter.exe using
different communication modes, e.g. SharedMemory and IPv6, in future also the
StationShare access mode will work.
FB36710: CodeMeter License Server: Mac OS X: Following the boot some CmSticks were
not recognized in HID mode- Now the waiting period has been extended by 20 seconds.
FB35826: CodeMeter Windows Installer: On an update installation the installer now
correctly sets the privileges for the CodeMeter License Server.
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FB35619: CodeMeter License Server: CmActLicense: The CmBoxPgm parameter 'los:WinServer2008' did not work proper for Windows Server 2008 R2.
FB35553: CodeMeter License Server: On specifying the DNS name of the local machine
on performing a 'CmAccess2()' in parameter 'CMACCESS2::mszServername' eventually
errors occurred.
FB30839: CodeMeter License Server: Java: A CmSetCertifiedTimeUpdate is now also
able using string parameter to specify time servers.
FB30839: CodeMeter License Server: Java: CmSetCertifiedTimeUpdate can be called
now using an overloaded function applying a Java string parameter to specify time servers.
CodeMeter 5.21b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux; Mac OS
FB34338: CodeMeter Control Center: Mac OS: On Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) Japanese
and Chinese language packages are no longer loaded. These languages will be available
again with next CodeMeter major version.
FB33303: CodeMeter License Server: The server search list now also works fine with
entries of systems that only can be reached via IPv6.
FB33391: CodeMeter License Server: A non-activated CmActLicense can now be
activated within 180 days instead of 21 days.
FB33494: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Version information of CodeMeter WebAdmin is no
longer available in http header fields.
FB33958: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Html source code no longer contains static path
FB33768: CodeMeter License Server: Using CmCards caused a lot of errors 21.
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FB33724: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: Changes on server settings could have
caused unexpected termination of CodeMeter License Server.
FB34061, FB34094: CodeMeter License Server: Linux, Mac: In some cases, CodeMeter
network sockets have not been closed correctly.
FB34166: CodeMeter Control Panel: Mac OS X: CodeMeter License Server was wrongly
shown as not installed.
FB34188: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Layout of the pages not in all cases had enough space
to show the Russian translation.
FB33957: CodeMeter Java: Sometimes error 100 has been shown.
FB33872: CodeMeter Java: If CodeMeter settings could not be loaded, a wrong default
value was set (10 instead of 100 seconds).
CodeMeter 5.21
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux; Mac OS
FB32381: CodeMeter License Server: The detection of Windows installation clones on part
of CmActLicense has been improved.
FB32031: CodeMeter Installer: Mac OS X: CodeMeter PKG packages could not be
installed on Mac 10.10.3.
FB31841: CodeMeter License Server: On reading of profiling entries eventually protection
violations occurred.
FB30366: CodeMeter License Server: The detection of CmCards on plugin into already
connected, e.g. integrated card reader has been improved.
FB33245: CodeMeter License Server: On licenses access or license release in license
tracking the server name was not correctly set. Now the server name is set in the protocol
for each entry.
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FB28672: CodeMeter License Server: The retrieval of license tracking data at the server
performs time-intensive replacements. This delayed the transfer of data to the client
depending on the amount of data partly by several minutes.
FB31953: CodeMeter License Server: Windows: Certain Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) errors in combination with CmActLicense eventually resulted in
FB32255: CodeMeter: Mac OS X Preference Pane: The CodeMeter system settings did
not correctly save the server search list.
FB30872: CodeMeter: WibuCmNET.dll: In the case of an overloaded CodeMeter Server,
the event 309 (RequestOverloadRejected) was not correctly intercepted.
CodeMeter 5.20d
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux; Mac OS
FB31438: CodeMeter Installer: On 32-bit operating systems previous to Win XP SP3 and
also 64-bit operating systems previous to Win XP the installation of the CodeMeter
Runtime, the CodeMeter SDK, and the "CmRuntimeMerger" Merge module is prevented.
FB31668: CodeMeter License Server: Transmitting big files over WebSocket protocol
failed. This has been seen first Google Chrome 38.
FB31761: CodeMeter License Server: Accepting new connections could have failed in
some rare cases.
FB31715: CodeMeter License Server, .NET: When the communication of WibuCmNET
and License Server hangs, this is now terminated after a timeout.
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CodeMeter 5.20c
Release Date
Operating Systems
Mac OS
FB31486: CodeMeter License Server: Mac OS: The CodeMeter KernelExtension
(KEXT5G) has been signed for Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).
FB28127: CodeMeter License Server: On Mac OS X the support of FusionDrive drives for
CmActLicense licenses has been improved.
CodeMeter 5.20b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux
FB31003: CodeMeter Installer: Linux: Linux installation packages for the CodeMeter
Runtime on systems for which 'prelink' is installed now register a respective blacklist rule
into '/etc/prelink.conf'.
FB31004: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: CodeMeterLin now issues a warning, if the
integrity of the own executable is endanged by 'prelink'.
FB30830: CodeMeter License Server: Windows: Instabilities of CodeMeter on reading HID
devices have been remedied.
FB30638: CodeMeter License Server: On importing some remote license update files for
'CmCheckEvents' no log entry was triggered.
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FB30620: CodeMeter Control Center: The import of license update files (*.WibuCmRaU)
holding many Product Codes in CodeMeter Control Center did not work via drag&drop.
FB31038: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The page "Configuration" for the access control did not
work for all localized languages.
CodeMeter 5.20a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS, Linux
FB30087: WibuCmTrigger: The ActiveX control now features the new method
'FirstBoxWithFilter' for better handling in the WebDepot.
FB28843: CodeMeter License Server: On local license access the specified server name
was interpreted.
FB30583: CodeMeter License Server: On reading the Feature Map of a network licenses
for a protected .NET application an error occurred.
FB26200: CodeMeter WebAdmin: On direct opening (without specifying the serial number)
the page "Content" sporadically data of another CmContainer displayed.
FB30478: CodeMeter WebAdmin: On the page "Server" now also FSB entries are listed
independent of whether they are available for all/specific users.
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CodeMeter 5.20
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Starting with CodeMeter Version 5.20 Linux packages require a Linux distribution with
GLIBC 2.7 or higher, Debian packages require a multiarch capable distribution. This
allows, for example, installing packages starting with Ubuntu 12.04, openSUSE 12.3,
SLES 11 or RHEL 6.
Advanced License Access to CodeMeter Network Server
Setting access rules with global and /or entry-specific reach (Firm Code, Product Code)
allows to define or reserve license access for single computer, staff members but also for
separate active directory groups (FB3728, 24797).
Secure License Tracking
The patented binding procedures has been improved. On firmware update the binding
stays intact (FB27590). The protection preventing cloning under Windows has been
extended (FB28480). The license behavior on copying or moving virtual machines on
Linus has been adapted to the behavior on Windows (FB26111). SmartBind handling for
mobile computer has been improved (FB27953).
FB21681: CodeMeter Installer: Mac OS: CodeMeter Mac OS installation remains operative
also after updating the operating system.
FB28871, 28872, 25914: CodeMeter Installer: Linux: The installer for Linux have been
fundamentally revised.
FB27606: CodeMeter License Server: On license accesses the Product Item Option
"Maintenance Period" now will be considered in the allocation sequence.
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FB28235: CodeMeter Installer: On installing eventually the systems language was not
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FB26530: CodeMeter License Server: CmActLicense: Now also Windows 8.1 licenses
released for Windows 8 are supported.
FB29041: CodeMeter License Server: CmActLicense: On reading the Unit Counter after a
"power state change" the error "UnitCounter is zero" was issued.
FB30089: CodeMeter Control Center: On listing hardware in the repair dialog for empty
drives no longer error messages display.
FB26296: CodeMeter Control Center: On Linux (Gnome) eventually CodeMeter Control
Center crashed.
FB29652: CodeMeter Control Center: On Linux eventually the window management did
not work.
FB26721: CodeMeter Control Center: The behavior of the "Delete license" button for
CmActLicense licenses has been revised.
FB27118: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The content of not yet activated CmActLicense licenses
was not displayed.
FB28818: License Tracking: CmDongles with a 'Disabled' status were not listed in License
FB28827: cmu: On simultaneous firmware update of several CmDongles eventually errors
FB27939: cmu: On a firmware update cmu returned a wrong value.
CodeMeter 5.10c
Release Date
Operating Systems
FB20454: CodeMeter License Server: Windows Server 2008: During extended runtimes of
CodeMeter License Server eventually a memory leak caused a crash.
FB28026: CodeMeter Control Center: On license update using CmFAS Assistant (Extend
existing License) eventually the list of Firm Codes was not correctly built.
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CodeMeter 5.10b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB22221: CodeMeter License Server: The CmDust log has been extended by the
detection of HID devices.
FB27522: CodeMeter License Server: The import of license update files now is more
tolerant towards text format exceptions.
FB24108: CodeMeter: Runtime Installer: Windows: The registration of the ShellExtension
for *.WibuCmRaC/*.RaM/*.RaU files was partially not transferred on using own installer
FB27671: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: On Linux eventually CodeMeter License
Server did not automatically start after a restart.
FB26841: CodeMeter License Server: The import of a 'CmFirm.wbc' file was successful
only, if a file already existed.
FB27088: CodeMeter License Server: Java: Reading an existing Usage Period eventually
did not work.
FB23703: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The generation of the web pages has been improved.
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CodeMeter 5.10a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris
CmWebSocket API Version 2 available
In the API Version 2 on remote update the new command "GetCmVersion" is implemented
allowing to query the CodeMeter Runtime version used via browser (FB26340). Also with
Version 2 the command "SetUpdate" now expects Base64 coded input data. Clients using
Version 1 the old procedure without any special content encoding is valid (FB26348).
FB26395: CodeMeter Installer: On an update installation coupled with some configuration
settings running program instances were not terminated although possible. This resulted in
the call to restart the system.
FB26126: CodeMeter License Server: Deregistering CodeMeter as Windows service was
not performed on calling "CodeMeter.exe /u".
FB26265: CodeMeter License Server: If differing CodeMeter versions were used on
remote update errors were issued although the remote update file was correctly imported.
FB26305: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: The script for manual starting CodeMeterLin
did not work with the call using 'sudo'.
FB26268: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The Chinese location covered display errors on the
server settings page.
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CodeMeter 5.10
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris
WebSockets: additional communication type between CodeMeter and web based
On programming a CmActLicense initially its Certified Time is set. The source is the
Certified Time of the programming Firm Security Box (FSB). If this time should deviate
more than 24 hours of the system time (CmDongle), a Certified Time update of the FSB is
performed. If required, setting a separate option may prevent this update process
License Tracking display in CodeMeter WebAdmin
After configuration a detailed analysis of how network licenses have been used at runtime
can be displayed by a separate navigation menu item (FB23446).
Accesses to the FirmSecurity Box (FSB) with CodeMeter Runtime
A fully installed CodeMeter Software Development Kit (SDK) is no longer required for
accesses to the FSB. For example, a lean installation of CodeMeter as FSB server in a
network environment now requires only the runtime and the 'CmFirm.wbc' file (FB25254).
CodeMeter now supports the new form factor CmCard/CFast (FB24251)
FB25203: CodeMeter License Server: On remote desktop accesses now a separate error
message displays, if the access was denied due to a local access only restriction.
FB25420, FB24251: CodeMeter License Server: The access to local licenses via remote
desktop is granted again if no server operating system is involved.
FB23794: CodeMeter License Server: The update of CmDongles covering large remote
update files has considerably improved and speeded up.
FB23596: CodeMeter License Server: Chinese localization has been revised.
FB23443: CodeMeter License Server: Accesses via LAN has been further optimized.
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FB25128: CodeMeter: Installer: Mac OS X: CmUninstall now also removes installer
receipts from '/var/db/receipts'.
FB23970: CodeMeter License Server: A CodeMeter.exe started as an application now
properly shuts down, even if a second CodeMeter instance is started as service via the
Service Manager.
FB25605: CodeMeter License Server: On the attempt to reprogram remote update files
which already had been programmed in a CmDongle no error was issued.
FB25268: CodeMeter License Server: For a borrow server license now double-assigned
Product Items are supported.
FB24794: CodeMeter License Server: On access to the Firm Item using invalid
parameters errors occurred.
FB22475: CodeMeter License Server: Exception handling with functions accessing a
Secure Disk has been improved.
FB25433: CodeMeter License Server: CmActLicense: On using 'CmRevalidateBox' with
CmActLicenses licenses on some machines CodeMeter.exe crashed.
FB25161, FB25054: CodeMeter License Server: CmWAN: An already established
CmWAN connection is now reused only, if not only the URL but also the user name
matches. In addition, the attempt to reuse an established connection using a password
other than the one used on authenticating triggers an error (error code 237:
FB25401: CodeMeter License Server: CmWAN: An error of sporadic connection failures
was fixed with CmWAN server which occurred on using a reverse proxy with activated
backend connection pooling.
FB17841: CodeMeter License Server: Windows: If on Windows the CodeMeter service is
installed but does not run, then CodeMeter is not started as application from the WibuCm
library (WibuCm32/64.dll) but as Windows service.
FB24293: CodeMeter License Server: Windows: The CodeMeter Windows service now
responds as registered at the Service Control Manager only if it really is. This is important,
if another (protected) service is depending on the CodeMeter service.
FB25412: CodeMeter License Server: Mac OS X: Eventually occurring crashes of
CodeMeter with CmDongles (HID communication) in connection with idle status, start and
exit of CodeMeter are resolved.
FB25413: CodeMeter License Server: Mac OS X: On plugin or plugout of CmDongles (HID
communication) eventually CodeMeterMacX crashed.
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CodeMeter 5.00e
Release Date
Operating Systems
FB25013: CodeMeter License Server: Starting with CodeMeter Version 5.00c errors with
CodeMeter License Server on Linux and Mac OS X could occur if operated in an virtual
environment. In particular, CmActLicense licenses could not be imported or used.
CodeMeter 5.00d
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB24820: CodeMeter License Server: In the case of not resolvable DNS names in the
server search list, it was not retried for solving the names.
FB24888: CodeMeter License Server: CmActLicense: On updating to CodeMeter Runtime
Version 5.0c CmActLicense licenses broke in the case a Windows operating system with
Hyper-V was involved.
FB24871: CodeMeter License Server: Windows 64-bit: WebAdmin: On Windows XP 64-bit
the server search list was not displayed/saved.
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CodeMeter 5.00c
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB24302: CodeMeter License Server: CmactLicense: CmActLicense and anti-VM (virtual
machine) check now do not any longer detect a Hyper-V root system as virtual machine.
FB24122: CodeMeter License Server: Under certain conditions following a Windows
STOP error a reboot eventually resulted in errors using 'CmAccess'.
FB23782: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: On high network load coupled with extensive
write accesses CodeMeter License Server eventually could not access the CmCard/CF. In
rare cases the error 'BOXLOST (70)' occurred.
FB24291: CodeMeter License Server: Windows: If the library 'WibuCm32.dll' was used by
several DLLs within a process, in certain cases (mixed mode assemblies) programm starts
eventually resulted in access violations.
FB24443: CodeMeter License Server: Java: Hidden Data entries of some lengths were not
correctly read.
FB24253: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The localized French pages did not allow to add
network server; on the page "Content" a JavaScript error occurred if the CmDongle was
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CodeMeter 5.00b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB23514: CodeMeter License Server: On creating CmActLicense licenses errors in the
memory management occurred.
FB23777: CodeMeter License Server: Servers in mode 'Stationshare' were remembered
beyond the vailidity of handles.
FB23801: CmDust: In the CmDust log eventually double entries existed.
CodeMeter 5.00a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB23204: cmu: cmu has been advanced to allow field update files containing several
update paths.
FB23117: CodeMeter Installer: Windows Installer: On the second installation of the same
CodeMeter runtime on the PC the installation without GUI (silent mode, -q) automatically
an uninstalling occurred.
FB22976: CodeMeter License Server: WibuCmJava: The handling of remote accesses
was adapted to the Standard API.
FB22921: CodeMeter License Server: Introduction of further server-sided measures that
prevent unauthorized accesses to the IFI level (Implicit Firm Item) by remotely connected
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FB23051: CodeMeter License Server: The output of more detailed error messages was
improved, if a CmWAN client could not verify the server certificate.
FB22937: CodeMeter License Server: Entries deleted from the server search list were still
considered after a restart of CodeMeter.
FB23243: CodeMeter License Server: WebAdmin: On the page 'Settings | Server' the
default 'Bind Address' displays 'All (Default)' again instead of ''.
FB22894: CodeMeter License Server: WebAdmin: IP addresses served to the server
search list were not automatically resolved.
FB22959: License Tracking: If on update of a CmContainer a license entry was removed
and an existing access was automatically closed, the reallocation was not logged.
FB23157: License Tracking: On local IPv6 accesses a placeholder text displayed instead
of the correct address '::1'.
FB22968, FB23156: License Tracking: Several improvements and corrections were
CodeMeter 5.00
Release Date
2013- Mar-01
Operating Systems
Windows, Windows CE, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris
With 5.00 CodeMeter support for Mac OS X operating system versions smaller than or
equal to 10.5 is ceased (FB21542).
CmActLicense cannot be used on WinPE. CmActLicense is automatically deactivated
by profiling entry "CmActDisabled" (FB20911).
Support of device class HID (Human Interface Device) of the USB standard
For the operating systems Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, all CmDongles without flash
memory (not CmCards) can alternatively to the Mass Storage Device display also display
as HID (Human Interface Device) without drive status. A separate driver installation is not
required and a switch in both directions possible.
CmContainer with the ID "2-xxxxxxx"
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Minimum CodeMeter Firmware 2.02
More details in the separate CodeMeter Developer Guide (FB20954).
Communication via WAN (Wide Area Networks)
Version 5.0 introduces next to CmLAN the communication type CmWAN for Wide Area
Networks (WAN). In the case of a WAN, the communication takes places between
CodeMeter License Servers on clients and a network CodeMeter License Server via the
HTTPS protocol and the communication type CmWAN. The respective CodeMeter
applications and tools have been adapted. More details in the separate CodeMeter
Developer Guide (FB21397).
Writing user data to CmActLicense licenses (WupiWriteData)
User data in CmActLicense licenses can now be changed end-user-sided. This holds also
for other properly prepared data such as Product Item Options (e.g. Hidden-Data). This
enables using the function 'WupiWriteData'.
FB20570: Installation CodeMeter Runtime: The new CodeMeterRuntime.exe introduces
the new, combined 32-/64-bit Runtime installer.
FB20892: CodeMeter License Server: The return of borrowed licenses is now supported, if
the CmContainer holding the server license is connected with or bound to another
FB21334: CodeMeter License Server: Improved handling of CmActLicense licenses, if
programs of other vendors exclusively open license files thus preventing write operations.
FB12309: CodeMeter License Server: If information on 'ComputerName' and
'UserDefinedText' exist, on license access this information displays in the event log of
CodeMeter Control Center.
FB17948: CodeMeter Programming API: The Programming API now supports the use of
relative values on programming the Product Item Option of type 'Maintenance Period'.
FB15248: CodeMeter License Server: Memory optimization of WibuCmNET.dll. Using the
Large Object Heap has been minimized and allocated memory resources are reused.
FB22477: CodeMeter License Server: License Tracking: The license list is now relisted
after import of a CmActLicense license or a license update.
FB22320: CmDust: CmDust now holds more information on SmartShelter PDF.
FB22452: CodeMeter Installer: Mac OS X: On an update installation the CmActLicense
files were moved to the new location even if the directory already existed.
FB22408: CodeMeter Installer: Solaris: On uninstalling CodeMeter Control Center was not
automatically shut down.
27 of 105
FB22153: CodeMeter License Server: If a local station share license access used IPv4
and IPv6 at the same time, the license was counted twice.
FB20267: CodeMeter License Server: License Borrowing: On creating the borrow
dummies the ServerID was not considered.
FB20337: CodeMeter License Server: On CmAccess with a specified Product Item
Reference the other additional parameter are still checked.
FB22241: CodeMeter License Server: If a network access fails due to a missing entry in
the white list now the error 231 CMERROR_ACCESS_DENIED is issued. The same holds
if the client is listed on the blacklist.
FB20310: CodeMeter License Server: On using CmExecuteRemoteUpdate with a
subsystem access eventually error 302 occurred.
FB6085: CodeMeter License Server: In the case of a station share multiple license
allocation when several server exist in future only a single server is used.
FB21325: CodeMeter License Server: After deleting a Product Item for which a license
access handle was still open, the subsequent CmRelease resulted in an access violation.
FB19986: CodeMeter License Server: Mac OS X: Changes in the CodeMeter system
settings were not always applied.
FB19981: CodeMeter License Server: Mac OS X: Starting the License Server eventually
resulted in a crash.
FB20825: CodeMeter License Server: Linux application linked to a 'libwibucm' eventually
froze after starting (occurred on for Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit.
FB20788: CodeMeter License Server: Java: Communication stability of 'CmLanDirect'
mode has been improved.
FB22156: CodeMeter License Server: Java: A returning error on 'CmGetInfo' using the
parameter 'CM_GEI_ENABLEINFO' was remedied.
FB22052: CodeMeter License Server: Java: An error on calculating seconds passed since
2000 of the CMTIME structure was remedied.
FB22505: CodeMeter License Server: Java: An error occurred with a corrupt server.ini file
resulting in a failed connection.
FB22055: CodeMeter License Server: CmActLicense: The blacklist entries in the profiling
(network server) were ignored.
FB20490: CodeMeter License Server: CmActLicense: On remote activation using a
remote update file at the enduser CodeMeter did not consider the required minimum
runtime version.
28 of 105
29 of 105
CodeMeter 4.50d
Release Date
Operating Systems
Mac OS X
FB21666: CodeMeter Runtime, Mac OS X: New Runtime Installer for Mac OS X that by
default installs the kernel extension for CmSticks without flash memory (KEXT3G).
FB21102: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: The server stability on corrupt network
queries has been improved.
FB21679: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: On Mac OS X 10.5 CodeMeter was
prematurely terminated due to a defective code signature check.
CodeMeter 4.50c
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X; Linux
FB20986, FB20993: CodeMeter Runtime, Windows: CodeMeter successfully passed the
Windows 8 Logo test and now is certified for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
FB17707: CodeMeter Library, Windows: If the CodeMeter service starts late, now
protected applications and CodeMeter Control Center wait longer before CodeMeter is
started as an application.
FB20780: CodeMeter License Server: The fixing of borrow licenses has been improved
and simplified on fault operations.
30 of 105
FB20483: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: Stability improvements for CmActLicense
licenses using binding scheme 'SmartBind' on defect, i.e. "aged" installations of Windows.
FB21284: CodeMeter License Server: If the list of allowed clients (access protection) held
serial numbers these numbers were not considered.
FB21073: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: Specific network configuration settings
eventually led to sporadic crashes of CodeMeter License Server.
CodeMeter 4.50b
Release Date
Operating Systems
FB20521: Installation CodeMeter: Windows: WibuCmNet: The policy for adapting the
library 'WibuCmNet.dll' of Version 4.50a Build 901 has been corrected for programs
compiled with Version 4.50 and now is part of the installer Version 4.50b Build 901.
CodeMeter 4.50a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Windows CE, Mac OS X, Linux
FB19985: Installation CodeMeter: Mac OS X: The new installer installs CodeMeter in flat
format from a single file including a digital signature for Version 10.8 (Mountain Lion).
31 of 105
FB20000: Installation CodeMeter Runtime: On an update installation on non-English
Windows-XP operating systems the CmActLicense files were not transferred to the proper
FB19806: CodeMeter License Server: Linux: In connection with ARM processors
CodeMeterLin caused malfunctions, e.g. blocking with error 100 or 101.
FB20351, FB20352: CodeMeter License Server: WibuCmNET.dll: The transferred data of
'SetCertifiedTimeUpdate()' did not match with the WibuCm32.dll data. This eventually
caused a license server crash.
FB20205: CodeMeter License Server: WibuCmTrigger: CmStick names with mutated
vowels did not properly display.
FB17100: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Disabling remore read access to CodeMeter WebAdmin
did not work.
CodeMeter 4.50
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Windows CE, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris
Starting with this version CodeMeter supports Java version 5 or newer. Previous
versions (1.3 and 1.4) are no longer supported.
To enabe local CmDongle detection on Solaris 11 the package 'SUNWlibusbugen'
must be installed. Download this package from Oracle 'Package Repository'
New Log File for License Tracking
CodeMeter License Server now optionally writes license access data in a logfile, which
can be analyzed by License Tracking software. For more detailed information see the
separate section License Tracking in the CodeMeter User Help (FB16138; FB18841).
New functionalities of CmActLicense
32 of 105
Remote sessions on a remote desktop can no longer access local licenses (FB18517).
FB10744: CodeMeter License Server: In the case of network connection problems to a
already connected remote server, the response time has been improved.
FB19728: CodeMeter License Server: Starting with Firmware 2.00 an integrity check of
CmDongle is performed after a field update and if errors occur a message issued.
FB13436: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: CmDongles can now be safely removed
from the system using the "Remove Hardware" feature of Windows. A previous "Eject
within CodeMeter Control Center is no longer necessary.
FB13981: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: CmCard/SD and CmCard/CF are now
detected also if the drive is "/dev/sde" or higher. The detection is now dynamically, there is
no longer a restriction to 1024 drives.
FB12607: CodeMeter License Server, Java: CodeMeter Java now optionally can directly
contact a remote CodeMeter License Server. This allows to access licenses without an
installed CodeMeter Runtime on the client side.
FB17100: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Changes in CodeMeter WebAdmin can now optionally
be controlled by username / password.
FB19263: CodeMeter WebAdmin: For test licenses (Firm Codes 10 und 5010) now the
follwing message text displays: "CodeMeter Evaluation License - not for commercial use!.
FB19280: CodeMeter Password Manager. Mac: New drag & drop installer.
FB17206: CmIdentity: The Firefox Plugin now uses the automatic update functionality for
new plugin versions.
FB15205: cmu: The file system for CmDongles without memory (2-xxxxxxx) cannot be
configured via cmu to simulate FAT16.
FB18654: CodeMeter License Server: Station Share calls to a local license (License
Quantity = 0) using shared memory communication failed.
33 of 105
FB18773: CodeMeter License Server: The check for Station Share accesses has been
improved. Also on using routers and firewalls a unique identification of the client is now
FB19717: CodeMeter License Serve: CodeMeter did not detect CmCards on SLES 10.
FB18245: CodeMeter License Server: Annoying messages of CmActLicense licenses in
the event log during eject of CmDongles have been removed.
FB15409: CodeMeter License Server: Detection problems for CmCard/SD are solved
when the card was used in the internal reader of a Dell using a O2Micro Controller
FB7683: CodeMeter License Server: The Core API calls of CmActLicenseControl() that
required a box access now also accept Firm Item access or Entry access.
FB18146: CodeMeter License Server, CmActLicense: Deletion of Product Items in
combination with relative changes of Unit Counters could lead to malfunction.
FB18852: CodeMeter License Server, CmActLicense: Repeated activation by phone could
result in errors.
FB18874: CodeMeter License Server, CmActLicense: Programming of large data in one
Product Item sometimes failed with error 23 (Product Item Reference is invalid).
FB18714: CodeMeter License Server, Linux, Mac OS X: On Linux and Mac OS X
changing the system time e.g. by NTP could lead to wrong times in CmActLicense
FB18460: CodeMeter License Server, Linux, Mac OS X: In rare cases CodeMeter crashed
on Mac OS X and Linux.
FB18902: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: Detection of CmCard/SD failed on 15"
MacBookPro with integrated SDXC slot.
FB19242: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: Detection a hotplug of CmCard/SD on
Mac OS X 10.7 with integrated SDXC slot failed.
FB14372: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: CodeMeterMacX now is faster on
shutting down and does no longer delay the shutdown of the system.
FB18031: CodeMeter License Server, .NET: If no license was found, the wrong error 125
(Server version too old) has been set.
FB19035: CodeMeter License Server, Java: A call of cmValidateSignature did not set an
error code if the validation failed.
FB17899: CodeMeter License Server, Java: The return value of cmGetPioDataKey() was
not filled correctly.
34 of 105
FB18145: CodeMeter License Server, Java: The length of a derived Product Item Text
now is correct.
FB17843: CodeMeter License Server, Windows, Java: The automatic launch of
CodeMeter.exe now works as expected.
FB18577: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: After an update of CodeMeter License Server
it was not possible to create a remote context file of a CmActLicense license.
FB19371: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: In the hotplug event of CmCards/SD and
CmCard/CF on SuSE 12.1 and Ubuntu 10.04 eventually errors occurred.
FB12297: CodeMeter License Server, CmActLicense: Additional measures have been
implemented to prevent the damage of CmActLicense licenses on improper computer
FB19434: CodeMeter License Server, CmActLicense: SmartBind stability has been
improved in cases where massive errors in the WMI existed.
FB12678: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The Russian localization layout has been revised.
FB19747: CodeMeter Control Center: Starting and Stopping the CodeMeter Service on
Solaris and Linux has been removed from CodeMeter Control Center.
CodeMeter 4.40b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB17931: CodeMeter Runtime: Parameter responsible for the CodeMeter Control Center
start behavior have been revised. On an update installation CodeMeter Control Center
now does no longer open in a window.
35 of 105
CodeMeter 4.40a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Russian localization of several CodeMeter components has been revised and
supplemented (FB17311, FB14911, FB16608).
FB17484: CodeMeter Runtime: In the process of IPv6 support by CodeMeter now also
mixed local StationShare accesses by old (IPv4) and new (IPv6) clients is featured.
FB17422: CodeMeter Runtime: In the library WibuCmNET.dll the memory for
communication is allocated only once for single processes.
FB17334: CodeMeter Installer: CmRuntime Merger: If CmRuntime merge modules were
integrated into other product installer, a requirement was not able to be interpreted and
CmActLicense licenses files were not moved.
FB16870: CodeMeter: Installer: CmRuntimeMerger 32-Bit: On an update installation now
also the registry values are correctly transferred in the case of a 64-bit runtime
FB17648: CodeMeter: Installer: On 64-bit Windows a silent update installation did not
move the backup and log files into the new folder.
FB17496: CodeMeter Runtime: On access using Shared Memory access to local licenses
were not admitted.
FB16734: CodeMeter Runtime: The form factor CmCard/SD on DELL Latitude SD (Tablet
PC) using Windows 7 was not detected at the internal SD card slot.
FB17147: CodeMeter Runtime: On local communication covering only Shared Memory
effected an increased CPU load by CodeMeter.exe.
FB15412: CodeMeter Runtime: Linux: Hotplug rules now explicitly consider older
distributions, such as, SLES10 and RHEL 5.5. Previously, subsequent to a CodeMeter
installation the CD-ROM drive was not automatically mounted.
36 of 105
CodeMeter 4.40
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Windows CE, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris
For Mac OS X the Version 10.5 is defined as minimum version. At the same time, support
for PowerPC (PPC) hardware is stopped. For Mac OS 10.4 and/or PPC hardware you can
use CodeMeter Version 4.30d (FB15184).
CodeMeter masters Internet protocol IPv6
Immediately starting, the Internet protocol IPv6 can be used for the communication
between CodeMeter components. In the default configuration CodeMeter selects from the
existing protocols the optimal protocol.
By editing the registry entry 'ApiCommunicationMode' IPv6 (0x08) can be used next and
simultaneously to the communication modes IPv4 (0x04) and SharedMemory (0x02). The
default value (0x01) currently uses IPv4 and SharedMemory (corresponds to 0x06); the
value 0x0E activates all three communication modes at the same time (FB16317).
For Windows in this version the restriction holds that for using IPv6 the servers must be
configured in the server search list. Currently, multicast (automatic server search) is not
Depending on the configuration, all communication modes can be used in parallel
FB12483: Installation CodeMeter: In future, on Windows CmActLicense license locate in
the directory '%Programdata%\CodeMeter\CmAct'. An update installation moves these file
into this directory.
FB13806: Installation CodeMeter: In future, the CodeMeter Control Center will always start
with parameter '/q' and does not open during installation.
FB3530: CodeMeter License Server: A remote update already finished in parts now can be
continued by restart.
FB14984: CodeMeter License Server: The license borrowing behavior has been revised if
borrow entries were missing in the registry.
37 of 105
FB16012: CodeMeter Runtime: Windows: For individual Windows installations problems
occurred on starting CodeMeter License Server.
FB15354: CodeMeter Runtime: CmActLicense: On creation of CmActLicense license
request files via network and when using other commands eventually error 16 occurred.
FB16088: CodeMeter Runtime: CmActLicense: On activation by telephone when using
Smart Bind eventually eventually errors occurred.
FB8691, FB14706: CodeMeter Runtime: CmActLicense: On Linux the binding to hardware
characteristics ("Disk") eventually problems occurred.
FB15347: CodeMeter License Server: If several protected applications simultaneously
started CodeMeter, the start of CodeMeter will no longer fail.
FB13567: CodeMeter License Server: A vulnerability to denial-of-service attacks has been
FB16465: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS: On Mac OS 64-bit the consecutive
performance of time updates for a CmContainer eventually led to a crash.
FB14858: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: On Windows XP changes in the time
settings (changeover daylight saving time; Windhuk) eventually errors occurred.
FB16480: CodeMeter License Server: The detection of CmContainer after wakeup from
standby has been improved.
FB13603: CodeMeter License Server: On Windows using the SharedMemory mode for
several clients resulted in errors (error 100).
38 of 105
FB15457: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS: The integration in the system settings
(PreferencePane) now ensures that the 'Launchd' service is registered.
FB15458: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS: If in the CodeMeter logging directory data
other than a CodeMeter event log, the "View protocol" item of the control panel showed
these data instead of the event log.
FB16352: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS: On usual shutdown and stopping the
CodeMeter service an error report was created. Now an error report is not created and
CodeMeter License Server stops faster.
FB15499: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS: The command 'CodeMeterMacX -h' did
not display help information.
FB16475: CodeMeter Control Center, Windows: A Windows error message will no longer
display on access to an already removed CmCard/SD.
FB13870: CodeMeter License Server: In the event log no longer a plug-in will be displayed
as plug-out.
FB14935: cmu: On remote updating of CmActLicense licenses now the error 267 is issued,
if CodeMeter.exe does not run as service.
FB16440: CodeMeter Password Manager: On changing entries of type "WebForm" on
Mac eventually already existing descriptions were overwritten by other values.
FB16439: CodeMeter Password Manager: The error message "CmStick full" now properly
display on Mac/Linux in the Firefox plug-in.
FB8640: CodeMeter Password Manager: TAN data from files located in a directory named
by using Chinese characters were not properly imported.
CodeMeter 4.30d
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
On Windows operating systems CmActDiag log, i.e. the automatic logging for the licensing
system CodeMeterAct, has been considerably improved (FB14952).
Logging now additionally comprises information:
from relevant entries in the system event log
39 of 105
FB14378: CodeMeter Runtime: For some variants of 'Windows Server 2003' the detection
of the operating system was not correct (error 119, Unknown OS).
FB14958: CodeMeterAct Runtime: Improved security preventing defect CmAct licenses
after STOP errors ("zeroised licenses").
CodeMeter 4.30c
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB14359: CodeMeter Runtime: The WibuCm Framework signature on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion)
was incorrect.
FB14383: CodeMeter Runtime: On Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) CodeMeter Control Center did not
display CmSticks.
FB14050: CodeMeter Runtime Occurring access errors using the option 'station share'
were fixed.
FB14101: CodeMeter Identity: The Firefox extension was adapted to Firefox Version 5.0.
40 of 105
CodeMeter 4.30b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB2027: CodeMeter Runtime: While a protected application is running a restart of
CodeMeter License Server could result in error 106 on using a newly accessed license.
FB13895: CodeMeter Runtime: In versions before 4.30 CmSetRemoteUpdate() returned
an error on executing updates of a CodeMeterAct license if no update was done. This
behavior is now restored.
FB13920: CodeMeter Runtime: Executing an update with several programming steps
could lead to error 24 in version 4.30.
FB13702: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: In the first two minutes after starting
CodeMeter License Server (e.g. after system boot) often error 10038 occurred. In this
period access to CodeMeter licenses was not possible.
FB13861: SDK Installer, Mac OS X: The document Readme.rtf contained the text of the
runtime version instead of the developer version.
FB13880: Programming-API: A memory leak on programming CodeMeterAct licenses was
FB13591: CodeMeter WebAdmin: WebAdmin interface protected against cross-site
FB13803: CmIdentity, PHP Sample: Page for registration did not work with Java applets.
CodeMeter 4.30a
Release Date
Operating Systems
41 of 105
FB13448: CodeMeter Installer: Assembly and SDK help components were installed a
directory level too high.
FB13459: CodeMeter Runtime: After TCP timeout (CmLan) CmCrypt fails with error 302.
FB13582: CodeMeter Producer: In Version 4.30 CmProducer did not correctly program the
PIO HiddenData; 0 bytes were written.
FB13252: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The access using Internet Explorer 9 on some systems
did not work.
CodeMeter 4.30
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Windows CE, Mac OS X, Linux
Support of Windows 2000 is discontinued
With the present release the support of Windows 2000 is discontinued. The final supported
CodeMeter Version for Windows 2000 is Version 4.20d. The single AxProtector variants
continue to encrypt executables capable to start on Windows 2000, however, at the same
time, this requires a CodeMeter Runtime Version 4.20d or older.
CodeMeter is compatible with Windows 7, and meets the Windows 7 Client Software Logo
Program requirements.
Introducing the new PIO Maintenance Period
With the Maintenance Period an absolute time-span can be stored in the CmStick. Then
the use of a license is limited to software versions which have been created, i.e. released,
within this period. The new PIO has been introduced for the hardware and upgraded for all
CodeMeter tools and applications. Requires CodeMeter Firmware version 1.18 or higher.
Changes in the feature Enabling
Now temporary enabling also works for Enabling Blocks not located at the Implicit Firm
Item (IFI) level. CodeMeter Firmware 1.18 or newer is required.
42 of 105
With CodeMeter Firmware 1.18 or newer, by default, the 'Required Flag' is set when
attaching an Enabling Block to a Lookup Table entry.
If at least one 'Required Flag' is set when several attachment targets exist, a logic AND
conjunction defines that all settings of attachments having a 'Required Flag' must match
before a defined operation is allowed to access a complete CmStick, a license container,
or a license entry.
Restructuring of locations of important CodeMeter files
An efficient restructuring of file locations has been performed for the operating systems
Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This to prevent unintentional deleting of important
CodeMeter files when performing a new or an update installation.
After an update on Windows the directories "Log" and "Backup" are moved from
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CodeMeter into the new hidden directory
"%ProgramData%\CodeMeter"; the CmFirm.wbc file is moved to
On Mac OS X the directories "Log", "Backup", and "CmAct" are moved to the directory
"library/Application.Support/CodeMeter". Previously they located in the directory
On Linux the directories "backups", "CodeMeter", and "CodeMeterAct" were restructured
and move to the directory "/var/lib/CodeMeter". Previously they located in the directory
"/var/backups/". The CmFirm.wbc file is moved from "/usr/share/CodeMeter/" to
CodeMeter SmartBind
The new CodeMeterAct binding scheme "CodeMeter SmartBind" optimizes assuring the
validity of CodeMeterAct licenses, in the case of changing hardware properties of the PC
to which the licenses are bound. Wibu-Systems recommends to use this option to handle
the allowed variation between the initial hardware configuration of the PC when the license
was activated the first time and the current configuration.
Licensing change of the CodeMeterAct binding scheme 'None'
Using CodeMeterAct without binding to the PC (binding scheme 'None') is now linked to a
new entry in the Firm Security Box (FSB). For the licensed use of this option, please
contact Wibu-Systems Sales.
New hardware form factors CmStick/C and CmStick/T
The new compact CmStick/C and the CmStick/T with battery-buffered clock are supported..
CodeMeter Licensor Center has been renamed to CodeMeter Start Center
FB11262: CodeMeter: All time reference in CodeMeter can now be specified according to
ISO 8601.
43 of 105
FB6956: CodeMeter: CodeMeter now also supports Linux Power PC.
FB11239: CodeMeter: The value range of the Unit Counter has been increased from 24 to
32 bytes.
FB11152: Installation CodeMeter SDK: Solaris: After installing the Development Kit on
Solaris now the CodeMeter service is restarted.
FB11887: Installation CodeMeter SDK: The old, no longer required 'WibuCmWeb' library
has been removed.
FB6916: Installation CodeMeter SDK: The 'CmFirm.wbc' file can be coded also according
to UTF-8; coding is no longer restricted to the ANSI character set.
FB4725: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: Windows now features CodeMeter License
Server as non-interactive service.
FB11832: CodeMeter Runtime: Trigger: The trigger now returns the name of the CmStick/
CmAct Name with the property "Boxname".
FB9765, 9902: CodeMeter Runtime: The function 'CmCrypt2' now supports complete
software-sided encrypting and decrypting using AES.
FB5674: CodeMeter Runtime, Mac OS X: On using Kernel Extension 5G CodeMeter now
detects CmStick and CmStick/M as license memory even if no user is logged in.
FB6786: CodeMeter Runtime: Now the CmCard/CF is also supported as NTFS boot
device on Windows XP at an internal IDE/SATA adapter.
FB8192: CodeMeter Runtime: The return value of 'CmGetVersion()' has been
complemented by the build number.
FB2020, 10238: CodeMeter Runtime: Starting with Firmware 1.18 creating a context file
uses an already existing Reserved Firm Item allowing imports.
FB11884: CodeMeterAct: Runtime: Now reimporting of CmAct activation files is supported
if the related option has been activated.
FB10791: CodeMeterAct Runtime: 'CMCHIPINFO.musProductYear' now informs on the
year when activated CmAct licenses have been created. In the case of inactive licenses,
the year of the CodeMeter version used is returned.
FB9902: CodeMeterAct Runtime: CodeMeterAct now also supports the RSA algorithm.
FB6854: CodeMeterAct: Binding Extension: Plugins should be load from the subdirectory
<Firmcode>. The plugins (and necessary files) for the Binding Extension should be
installed in a subdirectory of the plugin directory. The subdirectory name corresponds to
the Firm Code. This avoids unintentional interactions, such as, name collisions
("Readme.txt") or DLL conflicts.
44 of 105
FB9842: CodeMeterAct: Now the Boxtime is kept when updating a license; eventually it is
forward adjusted.
FB12357: CodeMeter: Introducing the new service 'WibuSLSocketProxy.exe' allowing the
communication between CodeMeter protected Silverlight applications and CodeMeter
License Server. This service is available in a separate installer.
FB9315: Programming API: The Programming API (HIP) features the new method
"CmActControl::SplitInstallationId()" to calculate the TelephoneId and the ClientSecKey
from the InstallationID.
FB5620: Programming API, Windows: The public CodeMeter Programming API interface
now provides inline implementations of all methods which use STL objects as parameter
or return values. Now it is possible to use these methods in application code generated by
the STL incompatible MS Studio Version translated for the 'WibuCmHipApi32/64.dll'.
FB11435: Programming API: Java: The HIP API for Java now contains the HIP Loader
which automatically tries to load the 'JNI DLL' on start. It is no longer required to use the
'HipLoader.jar' library.
FB10035: Programming API: Activation by phone: Using the method "SplitActivationCode"
allows to read the serial number from the Activation Code.
FB11760: CmIdentity: The 'PublicSerialKey' now can be read in the 'WibuCmId' Browser
plugins (Java Applet, ActiveX, Firefox Extension).
FB10754: CmIdentity: Authentication is now also possible using an entry of the Secret
Data field of an Product Item.
FB9848: CmIdentity: The default paths of the standard installation have been adapted.
FB5397: cmu: Deleting CodeMeterAct licenses is now able using the new function 'cmu -delete-cmact-license'.
FB5236: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The 'Content' pages time displays has been revised.
FB10031: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The "Content | Backup/Restore" now displays the
information on the currently used directory for restoring a backup.
FB11604: CodeMeter Control Center: The results of a time update now displays in a dialog.
FB10856: CodeMeter Control Center/CodeMeter WebAdmin: The version information now
hold a standard total version number, e.g. "4.30b".
FB12232: CmDust: CmDust outputs the files located in the relevant part of the virtual store.
FB5221: CmDust: The events displayed in CodeMeter Control Center are now appended
to CmDust.
45 of 105
FB10110: CodeMeter Installer, Ubuntu: With Ubuntu 10.04 several libraries were missing.
Now package dependencies are solved for Ubuntu 10.04/64bit.
FB12578: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: On Windows Embedded Standard 7 the runtime
setup aborted on firewall configuration.
FB9805: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: On 64-bit systems the CodeMeter command
prompt is now executed with the 64-bit command shell.
Fb10054: CodeMeter Installer: Buttons in text fields for several languages were not
adjusted to the text length.
FB6790: CodeMeter Runtime: CodeMeterAct: If a CmAct switched from "activated" to
"deactivated" and a 'CmAccess' without Force was performed on the Product Item, error
200 instead of error 263 displayed.
FB8773: CodeMeterAct, Windows: In the case of licenses with the binding scheme "D"
eventually licenses switched from "broken" to "intact"(or vice versa) depending on the start
time of CodeMeter License Server (system start or later).
FB8608: CodeMeterAct: On using CodeMeterAct an error in the Kernel mode driver of a
third party provider eventually lead to a blue screen when booting. The respective driver is
now detected and named by CodeMeter. Until the (free of charge) driver update is
performed CodeMeterAct is not available.
FB11431: CodeMeter License Server: Repairing the '' file did not work for the
FB8693: CodeMeter License Server: The performance after booting, hibernating or
standby if more than one CmStick is connected has been improved.
FB10428: CodeMeter License Server: On performing a 'CmAccess' an error occured when
the access took place before the start time of a Usage Period.
FB10429:CodeMeter License Server: In the case of a second station share access the
analysis of the privileges is more thoroughly performed.
FB10437: CodeMeter License Server: Calling 'CmGetRemoteContext' via network now
also works without server search list.
46 of 105
FB9015: CodeMeter License Server: The directory for the logging files is now created if it
does not exist.
FB10448: CodeMeter License Server: Windows: Starting CodeMeter License server using
option "CodeMeter.exe -u" removed all service dependencies, however, option
o"CodeMeter.exe -i" did not set them. Now option CodeMeter.exe -i" sets the necessary
service dependencies. Previously this was possible only by using the CodeMeter Runtime
FB12454: CodeMeter License Server: .NET: In VB.NET several Enums for classes with
const members could not be converted.
FB10299: CodeMeter License Server: .NET: GUID in '*.WibuCmRaC'/'*.WibuCmRaM' files
used capital letters.
FB10018: CodeMeter License Server, .NET: Reading the 'CmNetInfoUserExt' structure
using CmGetInfo() resulted in errors.
FB12431: CodeMeter License Server, .NET: 'CmGetInfo(null,Version)' induced an error
( 'BadHandle').
FB9809: CodeMeter License Server, Java: Compatibility errors occured when using an old
CodeMeter jar file.
FB9136: CodeMeter License Server, Java: On 'CmGetBoxContents()' a wrong return value
was issued if an error occured.
FB9814: CodeMeter License Server, Java: The Product Item Reference was missing in
the CmBoxEntry structure. The 'CMBOXENTRY::productItemRef' has been added.
FB11327:CodeMeter License Server, Java: On 'CmGetServer()' a wrong return value was
issued if an error occurred (0 instead of -1.
FB11808:CodeMeter License Server, Java: 'CmGetBoxContents' returned an empty
Firm/Product Item Text if it contained unicode character.
FB7689: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: On Kontron boards using Debian 5.03
CodeMeter did not detect the CmCard-CF.
FB7987: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: Performing a hotplug/rescan included an
access to the CD-ROM drive. The access to SATA DVD drives is now suppressed when
searching for CmSticks.
FB5177: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: CodeMeter now also detects CmCards/CF on
Linux when these are connected via USB-CardReader adapter and CodeMeterLin is not
equipped with root privileges.
FB10382: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: The installation warning for "udev" was
removed in the case of installing on Ubuntu 10.04/Server.
47 of 105
FB9654: CmBoxPgm: Using options /PED (Extended Protected Data), /PHD (Hidden
Data), /PPD (Protected Data), /PSD (Secret Data), and /PUD (User Data) now also
accepts as argument the specification of explicit byte sequences of a length of Null. This
allows either to create empty Product Item Options of the types mentioned above, or to
delete the PIO contents without removing the PIOs themselves.
FB7035: CmBoxPgm: On interpreting PIO removing options of type '/P<xx>-' CmBoxPgm
now considers existing PIOs.
FB6973, 6975: CmBoxPgm: Also on Unix platforms the complete value range for time
specifications from 01.01.2000 00:00:00 UTC to 31.12.2099 23:59:59 UTC is supported.
FB12231: CmBoxPgm: On updating Enable Block operations affecting only Enabling Flags,
the cached Enabling Block data was not refreshed.
FB5268: Programming API: The HIP API WrapperWrapper can be used only with Borland
C++ Builder 5.5. Necessary files and data locate in
FB12721, FB12722: CodeMeter: API Guide: The API Guide on Mac OS did not respond to
"Apple" shortcuts 'H' and 'M'.
FB9450: Programming API: Java: Programming a Firm Item resulted in error 9008. The
selection of boxes to be programmed now performs only 'Local' and not 'LocalLan'.
FB12008: Programming API: The HIP API - C# crashed when working with 'toStdString()'
and .NET Framework 4.0 .
FB12640: Programming API: The CodeMeter Programming API now properly handles
license profile texts containing special characters.
FB12659: Programming API: The error codes and enumeration types were missing and
now are documented in the JavaDoc Help.
FB11582: Programming API: The description of the ' initialize' functions using
'CmActParamSet' have been corrected.
FB12694: Programming API: The error constant 'CMHIP_ERROR_PI_EXISTS' in the
generated languages (Delphi, C, VB) is not properly named
(CMHIP_CMHIP_ERROR_PI_EXISTS = 9049);correct name is
FB10350: Programming API: The check of the Firmware of a CmStick for supporting the
programming a Usage Period did not consider the correct version number.
FB9853: CodeMeter Identity: The work on CmIdentity/PHP includes adjustments to Opera
Browser 10.60.
48 of 105
FB11754: CodeMeter Identity: If the privileges for executing external commands in PHP
was missing the error message 10999 (Configuration Error) was not telling. The PHP
pages have been revised.
FB9991: CodeMeter Control Center: The layout of the message windows was not
FB9275: CodeMeter Control Center: Improved display of different CodeMeter devices.
FB9469: CodeMeter Control Center: The CmCard/E is now included in the CmSticks list of
the Control Center.
FB12803: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The button for data backup was activated although a
CmStick was locked.
FB9768: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The data backup for CmAct licenses has been
FB9721: cmu: The listing of CmStick contents with a activation status "disabled" crashed.
CodeMeter 4.20d
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB11788: CodeMeterAct: Now the binding scheme "D" also works in the case of RAID
hardware drivers.
FB11919: CodeMeterAct, Mac OS X, Linux: The detection of virtual machines has been
improved. Systems falsely detected as virtual now are handled correctly.
CodeMeter 4.20b
Release Date
49 of 105
Operating Systems
Mac OS X
FB11236: CodeMeter Installer, Mac OS X: In the case of updating the operating system to
10.6.5/10.6.6, eventually CmSticks werent detected anymore.
CodeMeter 4.20c
Release Date
Operating Systems
FB10351: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: The automatic proxy detection during the
installation process did not work in all cases.
FB10369: CodeMeter Runtime, Windows: Timeout problems (WB410) with subst drives
and CodeMeter hardware detection were fixed.
FB10398: CodeMeterAct: Repairing a broken license using reactivation did not work.
FB10735: CodeMeterAct: Workaround for defective file system on Windows Vista /
Windows 7 were enhanced.
CodeMeter 4.20b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB10109: CodeMeter, Windows: After uninstalling of CodeMeter the directory "Logs"
including the log files remains on the hard drive to allow later analyses.
50 of 105
FB10071: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: Privilege inconsistencies were responsible for
errors in the uninstalling process of the CodeMeter service.
FB5902: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: Errors occurring on installing the MSM merge
module were corrected.
FB10019: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: A Windows 64-bit Installer using the provided
MSM merge modules could not be uninstalled.
FB9950: CodeMeterAct: The command CmCheckEvents() checking for hardware changes
did not deliver returns when importing CodeMeterAct license updates.
FB10086: CodeMeter Runtime Installation: On using the CodeMeter Runtime update
installation partly registry entries were overwritten.
FB10269: CodeMeter Runtime, Windows Server: In some cases the detection of virtual
machines did not work correct.
FB9175: CodeMeter Runtime, Windows: Detection problems of CmCard/SD form factor
were corrected. The error occurred when the CmCard/SD was used under Windows XP
together with an integrated SD card reader and a special vendor driver (not Microsoft)
which does not provide "Physical Access Support".
FB10227: CodeMeter Runtime: Detection Problems of CmCards/SD 2GB and 4GB for the
internal card reader were corrected. The error occurred when the CmCard/SD was used
under Windows XP together with an integrated SD card reader and a special vendor driver
(not Microsoft) which does not provide "Physical Access Support".
FB9875: CodeMeterAct, Windows: In the case of licenses using the binding scheme "D"
the license status eventually changed from "broken" to "intact" or vice versa depending on
whether the CodeMeter License Server (codemeter.exe ) was started on system startup or
FB9988: CodeMeterAct: In the case of expired or no longer valid licenses no remote
context file (*.rac) could be created.
FB10007/FB9899: CodeMeterAct: Reoccurring problems with defect licenses after power
off the computer without shutting down were corrected.
51 of 105
CodeMeter 4.20a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB8812: CodeMeterAct, Win2000: CodeMeterAct licenses again will be installed and will
run on Windows 2000 machines.
FB9374: CodeMeter Installer, Linux: SuSE 9.1 through SuSE 9.3 will no longer be
supported starting with CodeMeter 4.20a.
FB9422: CodeMeterAct: The simultaneously use of the PIOs Unit Counter and User
Period for CodeMeterAct licenses on encrypting produced error 70.
FB9266: CodeMeterAct: Relative updates of a Unit Counter eventually resulted in a higher
FB9298: CodeMeterAct, Windows: Due to file system problems not to be remedied by
using chkdsk.exe on some machines CodeMeterAct licenses did not work. This affected all
licenses on this machine, and could not be remedied by re-activation.
FB9157: CodeMeter Installer: The CodeMeter Runtime installation could abort when on
operating systems Windows Vista or newer the firewall service was not running.
FB9423: CodeMeter Installer: The .NET Installer WibuCmNET.msi in Version 4.20
required the .NET Framework 3.5. However, the .NET Framework 2.0 is sufficient.
FB8866: CodeMeter Installer: On uninstalling the CodeMeter service now SuSE-specific
"*.depend" files are better handled. Previously a deadlock could occur on computer
shutdown since the SuSE-specific scripts stucked after deleting CodeMeter.
FB8923: CodeMeter Installer: After installing the CodeMeter Runtime on openSUSE 11.2
the CodeMeter service did not automatically start.
FB9155: CodeMeter Installer: The check whether the service "winmgmt" runs has been
FB9024: CodeMeter Installer: A re-installation of the CodeMeter Runtime Version 4.20
resulted in a stopping the CodeMeter service.
52 of 105
FB9131: CodeMeter License Server: Importing files using cmu or importing vendor-specific
code eventually resulted in a crash.
FB9059: CodeMeter License Server, Mac: The server search (broadcast) partly did not
work in the case an explicit IP address was specified.
FB9013: WIBU Shell Extension: The Windows Explorer extension partly shows incorrect
FB9072: WIBU Shell Extension: The context menu of the *.WibuCmRaC file holds typing
FB8930: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The display of a CodeMeterAct license in the WebAdmin
from a remote machine returned a JavaScript error message.
FB8946: CodeMeter WebAdmin: In the WebAdmin the Product Item Option description did
not display for the user data.
FB8973:cmu, Windows: The option "--detect-proxy" not always returned the manually set
FB8726:CmBoxPgm: On using the communication mode SharedMemory eventually the
program freezed.
FB9450: Programming-API: On creating a Firm Item the Firm Security Box (FSB) was
always searched on the network.
FB9095: CmProducer: Settings changed in the dialog "Settings | Options" for "Do not allow
Firm Security Boxes as programming targets" is now saved in the programming settings.
FB9017: CodeMeterIdentity: The CmIdentity applet returned a incorrect BoxKeyId in the
case a CodeMeterAct license existed on the client.
FB9177: CodeMeter Samples, CmHipDemo-C#: Incorrect indexing for the logging resulted
in a crash.
FB7666: CodeMeter, Samples, CmDemo: The static linking was no longer current- The
Linux Makefiles in the CodeMeter Samples have been revised.
FB9382: CodeMeter Samples, WupiCalculator: The 'include' path was incorrectly set.
CodeMeter 4.20
Release Date
53 of 105
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB8812: CodeMeterAct, Windows 2000: CodeMeterAct under Windows 2000 has been
deactivated. That means no CodeMeterAct license can be installed or further operated on
a Windows 2000 PC. The use as client on a network is still possible.
New Features
FB7618: CodeMeter: Russian localization has been integrated into the CodeMeter
FB7745: CodeMeter: The support of CmTalk has been removed.
FB4617: CodeMeterAct: As an option, CodeMeterAct can also be used within virtual
machines (VM). This requires a special activation for the licensor to prevent an accidental
FB3403: CodeMeterAct: Linux 64-bit is supported.
FB3682: CodeMeterAct: Function access to the virtual CmStick, e.g. CmCrypt has been
considerably accelerated.
FB8018: Runtime Installer, Windows: For the 64-bit version the Runtime Version
information is additionally inserted in
FB8350: Runtime Installer, Windows: On installation a check for an existing TCP/IP
service is performed. In the case the service is found, the service dependency is
registered in the CodeMeter service.
FB7560: Runtime Installer, Windows: On installation a check for an existing winmgmt
service. In the case the service is found, the service dependency is registered in the
CodeMeter service.
FB7479: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: CodeMeter.exe now holds an external
manifest, i.e. when omitting the manifest in the case of a mobile use CodeMeter.exe starts
in quiet mode.
FB6787: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: CmCards/CF are identified in case they are
used as root devices and are ext3 formatted.
FB4734 CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: For Mac OS X 10.6.2 and higher the
CmCard/SD is supported by the internal Apple card reader, e.g. MacBook Pro, iMac.
54 of 105
55 of 105
FB6414: Core API: The structure CMCREDENTIAL has been extended by the Handle
Access Type.
FB 5582: .NET Core API: The Core API is now also available for Silverlight 3.
FB6601: Programming API: The performance in programming CmStick entries using
CmBoxPgm has been improved by default deactivation of the obligatory verification check.
FB8607: Programming API: The support of Visual Basic 6 has been removed but available
by WIBU Support on request.
FB4435: Programming API: Creating, editing, and deletion of Enable Blocks and Enable
Lookup Entries is now supported.
FB6821: Programming API: The validation of the verification sequence returned by the box
after programming is now only performed on explicit user request.
FB5463: Programming API: The relative update of an Usage Period is introduced.
FB7389: Programming API: The saving of given binary data in continuous areas to Hidden
Data blocks now is supported. Optionally, the binary data is transferred either by a
CmByteArray object, or by a file.
FB6497: CodeMeter License Server: Logging of the CodeMeter License Server now is
written every 10 seconds into the log file.
FB6637: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: The status management of the Windows
service "CodeMeter.exe" has been improved.
FB8601: CodeMeter License Server: The rare error 104 on establishing e new client
connections has been removed.
FB7944: CodeMeter License Server: Information on borrowed licenses could get lost on
restart of CodeMeter (server).
FB5838: CodeMeter License Server, Windows CE: The detection of CmSticks has been
FB8567: CodeMeter License Server: In the future, temporarily enabled SimplePins are
internally identified with an enabled status.
FB8143: CodeMeter License Server: In mobile mode the CmAct directory was created
although in this mode the change of data on the computer is not allowed.
FB7398: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: Under Windows Vista and Windows 7
exceptions for the Windows Firewall are now registered in the public profile.
56 of 105
57 of 105
FB7252: CodeMeterAct: Pre-calculated activation codes (activation by phone) did not work
on other PCs than the one from which the Installation-ID originated.
FB7983: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Depending on the browser used and related settings
some pages in the Japanese WebAdmin were not displayed.
FB8225: CodeMeter Control Center: The return button on the borrowing tab will no longer
misleadingly grayed out.
FB8273: CodeMeter Control Center: A memory leak on using the SharedMemory modes
has been removed.
FB6782: CodeMeter Control Center: Also in the case of many licenses/CmSticks in the
future the CmStick list will display all licenses/CmSticks.
FB5499: CodeMeter Control Center: The CmStick status in the future will be properly
displayed in all cases.
FB6083: CodeMeter Control Center: The context menu will be displayed also under Vista
FB5561: CodeMeter Libraries, Linux: Static libraries are now also able to be linked using
GCC 3.
FB6788: CodeMeter WebAdmin: When a CmAct licenses changed between status
"activated" and "deactivated", the WebAdmin list of PIOs was empty until the next
CodeMeter start.
FB7721: CodeMeter WebAdmin: Correction in the display of CmStick/M holding a flash
memory larger than 2GB.
FB6418: CodeMeterAct: CmListRemoteUpdate2() did not always returned a serial number
for CmAct licenses.
FB7759: CmDust: The language files of CodeMeterCC are now listed.
FB7969: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The detection of mobile operating systems) Windows
Mobile) has been improved.
FB7970: CodeMeter WebAdmin, Windows CE: The display of the drive letter in the
WebAdmin was incorrect.
FB6962: CmDust: Using ChunkSizeMode in future no warning will be issued.
FB6484: CmDust: Accessing an exclusively borrowed entry resulted in a crash.
FB8681: CmDust: Now also the values of the type REG_MULTI_SZ are now read from the
Windows registry.
58 of 105
FB5948: cmu: The firmware update mode "cmu --firmware-update" will function again.
FB6466: cmu, Mac: The return of the local IP address of "cmu -k" under PPC Mac was
FB8245: cmu: The command cmu --borrowlist returned a list where eventually some client
licenses were missing.
FB6051: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: The CodeMeter SDK Installer will now include the
setting of the environment variables %CODEMETER_SDK%
FB5826: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: CodeMeter SDK: The CmRuntimeMerger64.msm
package could not be installed within a Visual Studio Installer project.
FB5707: CodeMeter Installer: The file WibuCmHipJni64.dll was not replaced on an update
FB8645: CodeMeter Installer: The Chinese translation has been intergrated in Wise.
FB8246: License Editor, Mac OS X: Now remote programming is also supported for
FB3226: CmApiGuide: The tab CmGetServes() has been completed.
FB3312, 5312: CmApiGuide: Also the repeated calling of encryption blocks in the
CmApiGuide in the future will return correct results.
FB2093: Cm ApiGuide: The results of a CmGetInfo (CM_GEI_ENTRYINFO) did not
display whether a Usage Period has been set.
FB4347: Cm ApiGuide: The generated code for CmCryptSim in Java and C# was not
FB5905: CmApiGuide: For CmGetBoxes() the port constant for CodeMeterAct
(CM_GB_ACT) has been completed.
FB5907: CmApiGuide: CmGetBoxes() will in future display the complete CodeMeterActBox-Mask.
FB4600: Cm ApiGuide: For the function CmSetCertifiedTimeUpdate non-working code for
Delphi was created.
FB6509: CmApiGuide: Non existing Product Item Options misleadingly were displayed as
FB5138: CmApiGuide: In the CmApiGuide in future the key combination Ctrl + H will open
the history page.
59 of 105
60 of 105
CodeMeter 4.10c
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
New Features
FB7495: Windows: The CodeMeter Runtime has been localized in Spanish.
FB7533: Windows: The Runtime Installer has been customized to the Spanish localization.
FB7397: Windows Vista, 7: A fix in the WibuCm32.dll re-enables CmAccess to work
reliable on Windows 7 and Vista.
FB6826: CodeMeterAct: The programming of Usage Periods for a license longer than 49
days were not correctly supported.
FB7150: Mac OS X: The version number of the Kernel extension now is correctly
FB7494: Linux64-Bit: The file was missing under Linux 64-bit.
FB7491: Linux64-Bit: The Java plug-in for remote activation in the browser did not work.
FB7392: CodeMeterAct: On using the binding scheme "SER" the installation-IDs differed
for different PCs. Now the behaviour is correct, and allows the precalculation of activation
CodeMeter 4.10b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
61 of 105
New Features
FB3861: CodeMeter SD/CF-Cards are now also supported under Linux. Requirements are
that the CodeMeter License Server (CodeMeterLin) runs with root privileges or has
read/write access to the respective /dev/sg* /dev/sd* device.
Currently, hotplug mechanisms for SD/CF-Cards are not implemented.
FB6135: CodeMeter License Editor: Now localized in Chinese.
FB5663: CodeMeter Control Center: By default, the entry for deleting a CodeMeterAct
license now is created in profiling allowing for a simple activation. In the case of an
installed SDK, the delete-button is active, otherwise not active.
FB4765: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: The CodeMeter License Server
eventually crashed when on disconnecting a CmStick it was simultaneously accessed.
Therefore the Eject" button was removed from the CodeMeter Control Center. A CmStick
now must be disconnected by using the Finder, or desktop functions.
FB5956: CodeMeterAct: After a PC crash a license eventually became invalid and had to
be reactivated.
FB6082: CodeMeter Installer: Display errors in the French installation programs have been
FB6004: CodeMeter Control Center: In the case one tries to import a file while the
CodeMeter Service is stopped, now an instant error message displays and a long waiting
time is avoided.
FB6132: CodeMeter Control Center: The Japanese localization has been completed.
FB5818, FB5917: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The Chinese localization has been completed.
FB5540: CmProducer, Linux 64-bit: The CmProducer v. 4.10 could not be started on Linux
CodeMeter 4.10a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Win CE, Mac OS X
FB4318: On installation the proxy settings are automatically completed in WebAdmin. This
to provide for accesses to the time server or for firmware updates without manual
62 of 105
FB5595: CodeMeter License Server: In the case that the network cable is plugged off,
CodeMeter stays active and stable even when licenses are searched in the network.
FB5506: CodeMeter License Server: In rare cases the search for network licenses blocked
the local CodeMeter License Server over a lengthy period if no additional network server
was available.
FB5530: CodeMeter License Server: Under certain circumstances CodeMeter License
Server crashed on calling CmGetBoxes().
FB5596: CodeMeter License Server: In license borrowing the server name is saved to the
Client CmStick. In some network configuration settings this results in problems. Now
WebAdmin allows for the setting that the IP address is saved instead of the server name.
FB5610: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The usability of license borrowing in WebAdmin has been
FB4833: CodeMeter Control Center: The QT library has been updated in order to prevent
a sporadically occurring CodeMeter Control Center bug on OS X.
FB5611: CodeMeter Control Center: The French localization of CodeMeter Control Center
has been repaired.
FB5423: CodeMeter Control Center: The events were not displayed as long after the start
no CmStick was connected.
FB5353: CodeMeter API Guide: The Chinese localization of CodeMeter Control Center
has been revised.
FB5500: .NET API: Now CmGetRemoteContextBuffer / CmSetRemoteUpdateBuffer also
work with CodeMeterAct
FB5647: .NET API: The policy.3.31.WibuCmNET.dll file is correctly installed.
FB5496: CmCard/CF support for WinCE 5.0 and WinCE 6.0 if the CmCard/CF is
connected via an internal ATA/SATA interface.
FB5788: Mac OS X: During installation of kernel extension kext.3G an error occurred. It
worked properly but the installation was marked as erroneous.
FB5790: Mac OS X: The kernel extension kext.3G can now also be used on Mac OS 10.6
together with 64bit kernel K64 on Xserve computers.
FB5791: Mac OS X: The kernel extension kext.5G can now also be used on Mac OS 10.6
together with 64bit kernel K64 Xserve and Mac Pro computers.
FB5800: Mac OS X: On Mac OS 10.6 the CodeMeter control panel supports also 64bit.
CodeMeter 4.10
Release Date
63 of 105
Operating Systems
Bug Fixes
FB2338: Now the firmware update of a CmStick also works under Solaris.
Improved CmStick on-start detection on heavy loaded systems.
CodeMeter 4.10
Release Date
New Features
FB3860, FB3861, FB3862: The new hardware from factors CmCard/CF (CF-Card) and
CmCard/SD (SD-Card) are now supported by the operating systems Windows, Windows
CE and Linux.
FB5378: CodeMeter License Server: The performance in case of invalid entries in the
server search list has been improved.
FB3724, FB4464: CodeMeterAct: The new binding schema "IP-Address" has been added.
It allows to bind the license to the IP Address by which CodeMeter License Server is
addressable from the network.
FB3679, FB4223, FB4339: CodeMeterAct: The new binding schema "Custom" has been
added. It allows the binding to customer-specific features.
FB75, FB3869: CodeMeterAct: The product identification is no longer case sensitive.
FB4821: CodeMeter Control Center: The new button "Revalidate license" has been added.
It allows to start a re-interpretation of the binding schemes in case of deactivated
CodeMeterAct licenses. This is useful in particular when using the binding scheme
FB4082: cmu: License Borrowing now is also available in the commandline tool cmu.
FB4067: cmu: The functionality CmDustConsole.exe has been transferred to the
commandline tool cmu. The option "cmdust" allows to query a variety of information.
This functionality is now available for all operating systems supported by CodeMeter.
FB3112: cmu: The import of all CodeMeterAct file types (empty license container, remote
updates and Firm Item templates) and the creation of CodeMeterAct remote context files is
now supported.
FB3731: cmu: The option "-v" to read out version information is now also available under
FB5238: CodeMeter License Editor: A new localization in Chinese is available.
64 of 105
65 of 105
FB4137, FB4138: CodeMeter License Server: In the case the internal Extended Protected
Data field 131 was set in the Firm Item 0, this entry was interpreted as license borrowing.
FB5144: CodeMeter License Server: Enabling on Big Endian Machines (Mac PPC) partly
did not work correctly.
FB4145: CodeMeterAct: In the case of CodeMeterAct licenses activated usage periods
were set to 0 when CodeMeter License Server was restarted.
FB4751: CodeMeterAct: Improved error message when attempting to use CodeMeterAct
on PCs which do not support CodeMeterAct (currently Lin/64bit, Mac/PPC, Solaris, WinCE)
FB5166: CodeMeterAct: An error was fixed which in some cases lead to the incorrect
function of the binding scheme Disk.
FB4856: WebAdmin: The restore function of CodeMeter Backup now supports all
established browser.
FB4244: WebAdmin: Display errors in Japanese have been fixed.
FB4627: CodeMeter Control Center: License borrowing entries of the Borrowing tab are
now refreshed, when the refresh button is clicked, or the Borrowing tab is selected.
FB5244: CodeMeter Control Center: Starting CodeMeter Control Center also started
CodeMeter License Server as a service despite of a local configuration via CodeMeter.ini.
FB3683: CodeMeter Control Center: Now in the communication type Shared Memory
WebAdmin and the related menu item are not visible.
FB4474: CmBoxPgm: The option /cau did not work correctly for Product Code 0.
FB4548: CmBoxPgm: In CmBoxPgm command files now may hold specified command
lines which exceed the length of 32 kByte.
FB5392: CmBoxPgm: Borrowing entries are now correctly created also on platforms with
Big Endian Byte Order
FB4676: CmBoxPgm: The attempt to program an enabling block set to "Disabled" in the
IFI with CmBoxPgm, resulted in Error 53 (FI locked).
FB4444: CmConfigDisk: The duration to build up the list of all available CmSticks has
been considerably reduced.
FB4363, FB4430: CmConfigDisk now is also able to configure CmSticks of the new
generation with serial numbers 2-xxxxxx as "Removable Device".
FB5127: CmConfigDisk now also runs under a non-privileged user.
FB2080: License Editor: The numeric fields now accept only valid values.
FB3827: CmApiGuide: The Chinese language setting has been repaired.
FB2146: The SDK-Installer can now be executed without an error message in the case
no .NET framework exists. The explicit de-selection is no longer required.
FB3829: In Mac Installer the CmFirm.wbc was created holding incorrect privileges.
FB3740: The runtime merge module 64-bit could not be merged into the Visual Studio
66 of 105
CodeMeter 4.01
Release Date
New Features
FB3006: On a Mac, now using KEXT 5G with a CmStick/M simultaneous access to the
DRM part and the flash memory is possible.
FB3061: Super floppy support with Kext.5G detection on a Mac is available.
FB8: In future WebAdmin will display License Borrowing licenses.
FB15: In case a false WibuCmRau file is imported, now a more detailed error message will
be issued.
FB3613: CmDust: display of License Borrow information.
FB101: CodeMeter License Server creates a new log file when the old log file size reaches
a certain size.
FB10: Protected Windows applications now run under Linux using Wine ProgramLoader.
67 of 105
FB7: CmBoxPgm now supports the programming of License Borrowing entries. Using the
new option /BLC creates, modifies, and deletes client-sided Borrow entries. The option
BLS supports the programming of server-sided Borrow entries.
FB3040: CmBoxPgm now supports the extended WibuCmRaU format. Now, next to the
data required for programming also the original value of the Firm Update Counter of the
respective Firm Item is saved in the update file.
FB19: CmBoxPgm: All Enabling options supported by CmBoxPgm now may be also
processed using CmFAS (Option /RA).
FB3172: CmAccess now reports occurring network errors in greater detail.
FB3228: CmGetInfo(... CM_GEI_VERSION, ) now also recognizes version "Windows 7".
FB174: Deactivated licenses require CmAccess()/CM_ACCESS_FORCE to be accessed.
This is a change in default behavior.
FB3045: Java Core API: The Java API was extended by the License Borrowing functions.
FB3200: The CMBOXENTRY structure has new flags to detect Borrow licenses
FB3083: Programming API: The new extended WibuCmRaU format now is supported.
Now, next to the data required for programming also the original value of the Firm Update
Counter of the respective Firm Item is saved in the update file.
FB3114: Programming API: Now the programming of CodeMeterAct licenses is supported.
FB3645: The Kernel extension of the 5th Generation (Kext.5G) now allows the
simultaneous access to security functions and the flash memory. CmSticks detection
requires that a user is logged in. For operating as license server without user logon
Kext.3G is to be used, this allows the access to the security functions even without logon.
FB3261: Now update of CmAct licenses by double-clicking in the Explorer works.
FB3010: In the allocation order of CM/CmAct licenses earlier expired TimePin Enabling
Blocks were not considered.
FB3022: CodeMeter now intermediately saves results of a network search for a short time.
FB3335: Explaining of CmCalculateSignature() in the CodeMeter Core API help was
FB3300: Dispensable help files in the CodeMeter SDK were deleted.
FB3196: CmApiGuide: A deficient handling of unknown error codes in CmApiGuide was
FB3232: Core API: CmGetLastErrorText() now does not overwrite the internally set
FB3341: Core API: Bugfix in CmGetInfo(CM_GEI_NETINFO_CLUSTER)
FB3065: Explicit TCP/IP Binding to Mac now works.
68 of 105
CodeMeter 4.00a
Release Date
Windows: 2008-Dec-19
CodeMeter / Java
o Bugfix #1356 using method CodeMeter.cmDecryptPioData() the result was
not transferred.
WebAdmin / Japanese
o Bugfix #1381 - page 'content' held wrong characters on using the Internet
CodeMeterCC / French
o Translation improved.
69 of 105
CodeMeter 4.00
Release Date
o new graphical user interface (GUI) with adjustments for CodeMeterAct
o redesign of GUI to achieve better usability and clearness
o CmFAS including support for activating CodeMeterAct licenses
o support of import and drag & drop of files (CodeMeter license files)
o improvement of "eject" CmStick function under Windows
o new function under Windows for mobile-LastExit handling
o improvement of firmware updating process and support of new CmSticks
(Release 2008-Oct-28)
o enhancement of output scope of the event log
o 900, 1027, 1030, 1042, 1044, 1094, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1127, 1136, 1152,
1067, 1068, 1172, 1174, 1205, 1228, 1245
o revised, in particular improved language support and internationalization
o enhancements in support of CodeMeterAct licenses
o asteriks on "start as server" removed the current CodeMeter does not
require a restart
o bugfix in CmTalk test page: in case the ProxyPort was void, the page did not
work (JavaScript problem)
70 of 105
new, easy-to-use interfaces
CodeMeterAct specific classes and methods
o user help in separate merge module, and as an option able for switch
o Bugfixing of screensaver and CardSpace conflicts
C/C++ CM-Core-API
o CodeMeter.h now includes preprocessor version information
o new API command CmActLicenseControl() included
o API command CmGetBoxes() limited to 800 boxes
o API command CmGetBoxInfo() enhanced by CodeMeterAct relevant
71 of 105
o CodeMeter.jar
enhancement of CMBOXSTATUS structure by Enabling-Status as
CodeMeter.jar now includes the option for version query
java -jar CodeMeter.jar -v
o support of WUPI functions in a separate tab
o bugfixes in the display of ProductItemOptions
o use of standard Windows Icons
o revised "Execute Order"
o warning when FSB has been selected as target
o additional application setting "Do not allow Firm Security Boxes as
programming targets" introduced
o Bugs fixed:
Bug #1097: CmProducer adds dependencies dsu to ProductItem Text
in WibuCmRaM file
Bug #1162: Package contains two products for the same PI -> two PIs
will be created
Bug #1204: Option "Replace Firm Item" must be deactivated with
Remote Programming
Bug #1220: Error 1001 in CmProducer using CmFAS and path to
RaC-file with umlauts
o revised command line parser, '"\' sequences now are required only in special
o supporting CodeMeterAct
o implementation of the methods CmBox::FreeMemorySize(),
CmBox::UsedMemorySize() and CmBox::TotalMemorySize() now fall back
on the API function CmGetInfo(CM_GEI_MEMINFO2). Now these methods
also support CmSticks with Samsung controller
o interface modification: Method
CmDateTime::FromSecondsSince2000Jan01Utc() now checks whether the
argument resides within the value range supported wbslib, and returns a
corresponding error code.
72 of 105
bug #1086: So far the Reserved Firm Item entries of a RaC file were not
considered when building the Firm Item table which indirectly contributed to
the CmLicenseEditor problems as specified in bug #1086.
bug #1114: Copy constructor of class PioParamSet.
bug #1224: After execution of a RaU file, the access modes in the CmStick
are not the same like in the RaM file
o now also as version for Mac/Linux operating systems
CodeMeter 3.30b
Release Date
All Platforms
CodeMeter Server
o Bugfix #1123: A subsystem access handle pointed to a wrong subsystem, if
CodeMeter itself ran as network server.
o Bugfix #1124: If the server name was given when calling CmAccess2(), the
access didnt work.
o Bugfix #1127: The server search list was internally always sorted according
to IP addresses.
o Bugfix #1134: Disabled entries were ignored in the license allocation
sequence using CmAccess().
o Bugfix #1138: Static libraries for VC6 now include the following functions:
o Bugfix #1111: Calling WUPI help from the program group displayed the CM
API help.
o Bugfix #1099: Windows x64 installation failed with with error 2318, because
WibuShellExt.dll could not be deleted.
o Bugfix #1012: CodeMeter kept on running after uninstallation.
CodeMeter DLL
o Bugfix #1108: Autostart did not work with ApiCommunicationMode=2.
73 of 105
CodeMeter 3.30a
Release Date
All Platforms
CodeMeter Server
o Bugfix: Proxy settings for a firmware update are now effective at once. No
restart of CodeMeter is necessary.
o Superfluous file 'CodeMeterCC_en.qm' was removed from the Runtime\binfolder.
o Bugfix output when using option '-k'.
o Bugfix FieldUpdate with proxy is now working.
o Options for changing the password where removed from all languages
CodeMeter JNI library (wibucmJNI)
o Bugfix in
Runtime Installation
o The runtime installer now stops, if an SDK is already installed. This
circumvents incompatibilities with wrong security libs.
o Was extended for the usage of static VC9 (Visual Studio 2008) libraries.
o Support of Borland C/C++.
CodeMeter Server
o Support of the shared memory API communication mode (no TCP/IP).
CodeMeter Control Center
Japanese language support was improved.
74 of 105
CodeMeter 3.30
Release Date
All Platforms
All user input may be given in unicode characters. For example the CodeMeter
password or the CmStick name may contain Chinese characters. This is true for
programs with a graphical user interface like the CodeMeter Control Center as well
as command line tools like CmBoxPgm.
The UDP waiting time (the waiting time while searching for CodeMeter servers in
the network) was optimized, die performance improved.
Enabling and CM-FAS are now possible without usersite security module.
CodeMeter Control Center improvements:
75 of 105
For a firmware update the CodeMeter password is needed. But now the
default password "CodeMeter" is tried automatically.
o New features:
Eject the selected CmStick.
Let blink the selected CmStick.
CM-FAS (import of CmStick remote update files) with progress bar.
Tray icon with status text. It displays the number of plugged-in
Cancelling the CodeMeter service is only possible with sufficient rights.
Update certified time for all connected CmSticks.
New CodeMeter Universal Support Tool cmu for all supported platforms.
o List and test connected CmSticks.
o Display the versions of installed CodeMeter components.
o CM-FAS and Enabling can be performed from the command line and hence
integrated into batch files.
o Network search for CodeMeter servers.
New and improved API commands.
o CmAccess2(). Extension of CmAccess() providing more possibilities such as
setting the minimal version of the hardware, setting fix values for the server
timeouts, setting of application specific values.
o CmConvertString(). Helper function for the conversion of strings between
different encodings.
o Extension of the CMBOXENTRY structure by ProductItemReference.
o CmGetInfo() provides more information, e.g. the new
CMNETINFOUSER_EXT structure, which contains information about
allocated licenses and includes the extended information handled by the
CmAccess2() function.
o CmGetLastErrorText2() allows the retrieval of error messages in a given
o The new Cm*RemoteBuffer() functions of the CM-FAS API share the same
functionality as the old Cm*Remote() functions but use a memory buffer
instead of a file.
o CmGetServers(CM_GS_REMOTE_SERVERS_ONLY) returns name/IPaddress only of remote CodeMeter servers.
CmBoxPgm improvements:
o Simplified deletion of Product Item Options by just appending a "-" to the
o Option -plq for the programming of the License Quantitiy replaces the
deprecated Option -pnwc (but -pnwc still works).
o Support of the Customer Owned License Info (-pcoli) and the Usage Period
CmProducer improvements:
o Table view with search bar for data records.
o Extended search dialog for executed orders.
o A modification of the Feature Map is now possible.
o The Firm Access Counter can be defined.
CmTalk improvements:
o Support of the Usage Period.
Better detection and fixing of communications problems on the USB layer.
76 of 105
Improved support of CmSticks with flash memory and two partitions (dual lun).
New graphical tool CodeMeter License Editor for easy programming of CmSticks.
Better CmStick detection in a VMWare for CmSticks with or without flash memory.
A field update cannot be performed in a VMWare.
CmSticks without flash memory are no longer mounted as disks on the desktop (no
CodeMeterLin now supports up to 1024 SCSI devices or CmSticks.
Support of OpenSuSE 10.3, SLES10 64 bit and RHEL 4/5.1.
New default directory for backups (/var/backups/CodeMeter).
Experimental support for CmSticks with flash memory. Therefore the options
"Customize" and then "Kext.4G" have to be chosen during installation.
77 of 105
Supports additional distributions: SLES 10, SuSE 10.2, Mandriva Spring 2007,
Ubuntu 7.04, Fedora 7
o full support for gcc3 and gcc4 based distributions
Improved stability
CodeMeter 3.20c
Release Date
CodeMeter 3.20b
Release Date
The CodeMeter API now also supports the programming of CmSticks under Java.
This release provides a couple of bug fixes:
o Under Vista right clicking a CmFAS file resulted in a crash of Windows
78 of 105
While upgrading from CodeMeter 3.10 to 3.20 the ShellExtension was not
updated correctly.
An Error 103 occurred during longer intermissions of the communication.
The access to a CmStick in the rarely used File I/O mode did not work
correctly under Windows Vista.
In the CodeMeter JNI-library incompatible name changes in the CMACCESS
structure were undone.
The API function CmCheckEvents did not work correctly under Vista.
If a Firm Item was programmed and accessed simultaneously a crash of
CodeMeter could happen.
CodeMeter 3.20a
Release Date
All Platforms
79 of 105
CodeMeter 3.20
Release Date
All Platforms
The Password Manager with new graphical user interface and various themes
improves the usability
o Automatic learning and filling of application dialogs (only Windows)
o Support of the Mac OS X keychain via keychain bridge
o Firefox plug-in for Mac OS X and Linux
o New design with tree view
o Settings like position and coordinates of the main window are saved
o Exception list for domains and processes can be modified
o The preferred browser can be configured
o Password Manager is now a separate product with its own installer on all
The CodeMeter ControlCenter now allows:
o Selective hardware information for a CM-Stick
o Selective enabling/disabling of a CM-Stick
o Modifying the CM-Stick name
o CM-FAS Update
o Update of a CM-Stick with new firmware
o Enhanced language support: de/en/it/fr/ha/ja/zh
o Multi-user support, especially for fast user switch on Mac OS X
Support of terminal server licences
Improved Java support
Java trigger supports transaction ID
WebAdmin with multi-user support
Bug fix in access control list
Support of usage period
80 of 105
Mac OS X
Sun Solaris
CodeMeter 4.30b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB2027: CodeMeter Runtime: While a protected application is running a restart of
CodeMeter License Server could result in error 106 on using a newly accessed license.
FB13920: CodeMeter Runtime: Executing an update with several programming steps
could lead to error 24 in version 4.30.
FB13702: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: In the first two minutes after starting
CodeMeter License Server (e.g. after system boot) often error 10038 occurred. In this
period access to CodeMeter licenses was not possible.
FB13591: CodeMeter WebAdmin: WebAdmin interface protected against cross-site
81 of 105
CodeMeter 4.30a
Release Date
Operating Systems
FB13252: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The access using Internet Explorer 9 on some systems
did not work.
FB13459: CodeMeter Runtime: After TCP timeout (CmLan) CmCrypt fails with error 302.
CodeMeter 4.30
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Windows CE, Mac OS X, Linux
Support of Windows 2000 is discontinued
With the present release the support of Windows 2000 is discontinued. The final supported
CodeMeter Version for Windows 2000 is Version 4.20d. Encrypted applications are
capable to start on Windows 2000. However, at the same time, this requires a Codemeter
Runtime Version 4.20d or older.
CodeMeter is compatible with Windows 7, and meets the Windows 7 Client Software Logo
Program requirements.
Restructuring of locations of important CodeMeter files
82 of 105
An efficient restructuring of file locations has been performed for the operating systems
Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This to prevent unintentional deleting of important
CodeMeter files when performing a new or an update installation.
After an update on Windows the directories "Log" and "Backup" are moved from
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\CodeMeter into the new hidden directory
"%ProgramData%\CodeMeter"; the CmFirm.wbc file is moved to
On Mac OS X the directories "Log", "Backup", and "CmAct" are moved to the directory
"library/Application.Support/CodeMeter". Previously they located in the directory
On Linux the directories "backups", "CodeMeter", and "CodeMeterAct" were restructured
and move to the directory "/var/lib/CodeMeter". Previously they located in the directory
"/var/backups/". The CmFirm.wbc file is moved from "/usr/share/CodeMeter/" to
New hardware form factors CmStick/C and CmStick/T
The new compact CmStick/C and the CmStick/T with battery-buffered clock are supported..
FB6956: CodeMeter: CodeMeter now also supports Linux Power PC.
FB4725: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: Windows now features CodeMeter License
Server as non-interactive service.
FB6786: CodeMeter Runtime: Now the CmCard/CF is also supported as NTFS boot
device on Windows XP at an internal IDE/SATA adapter.
FB9848: CmIdentity: The default paths of the standard installation have been adapted.
FB5236: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The 'Content' pages time displays have been revised.
FB10031: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The "Content | Backup/Restore" now displays the
information on the currently used directory for restoring a backup.
FB11604: CodeMeter Control Center: The results of a time update now displays in a dialog.
FB10856: CodeMeter Control Center/CodeMeter WebAdmin: The version information now
hold a standard total version number, e.g. "4.30b".
FB8693: CodeMeter License Server: The performance after booting, hibernating or
standby if more than one CmStick is connected has been improved.
83 of 105
FB9015: CodeMeter License Server: The directory for the logging files is now created if it
does not exist.
FB7689: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: On Kontron boards using Debian 5.03
CodeMeter did not detect the CmCard-CF.
FB7987: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: Performing a hotplug/rescan included an
access to the CD-ROM drive. The access to SATA DVD drives is now suppressed when
searching for CmSticks.
FB5177: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: CodeMeter now also detects CmCards/CF on
Linux when these are connected via USB-CardReader adapter and CodeMeterLin is not
equipped with root privileges.
FB10382: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: The installation warning for "udev" was
removed in the case of installing on Ubuntu 10.04/Server.
FB9853: CodeMeter Identity: The work on CmIdentity/PHP includes adjustments to Opera
Browser 10.60.
FB9991: CodeMeter Control Center: The layout of the message windows was not
FB9275: CodeMeter Control Center: Improved display of different CodeMeter devices.
FB9469: CodeMeter Control Center: The CmCard/E is now included in the CmSticks list of
the Control Center.
CodeMeter 4.20d
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
84 of 105
FB11788: CodeMeterAct: Now the binding scheme "D" also works in the case of RAID
hardware drivers.
FB11919: CodeMeterAct, Mac OS X, Linux: The detection of virtual machines has been
improved. Systems falsely detected as virtual now are handled correctly.
CodeMeter 4.20b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Mac OS X
FB11236: CodeMeter Installer, Mac OS X: In the case of updating the operating system to
10.6.5/10.6.6, eventually CmSticks werent detected anymore.
CodeMeter 4.20c
Release Date
85 of 105
Operating Systems
FB10351: CodeMeter Installer, Windows: The automatic proxy detection during the
installation process did not work in all cases.
FB10369: CodeMeter Runtime, Windows: Timeout problems (WB410) with subst drives
and CodeMeter hardware detection were fixed.
FB10398: CodeMeterAct: Repairing a broken license using reactivation did not work.
FB10735: CodeMeterAct: Workaround for defective file system on Windows Vista /
Windows 7 were enhanced
CodeMeter 4.20b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB10109: CodeMeter, Windows: After uninstalling of CodeMeter the directory "Logs"
including the log files remains on the hard drive to allow later analyses.
FB9956: CodeMeterAct, Runtime: When using CodeMeterAct an additional encrypted log
file is automatically written. In the case of technical problems this file allows for error
FB10086: CodeMeter Runtime Installation: On using the CodeMeter Runtime update
installation partly registry entries were overwritten.
FB10269: CodeMeter Runtime, Windows Server: In some cases the detection of virtual
machines did not work correct.
FB9175: CodeMeter Runtime, Windows: Detection problems of CmCard/SD form factor
were corrected. The error occurred when the CmCard/SD was used under Windows XP
86 of 105
together with an integrated SD card reader and a special vendor driver (not Microsoft)
which does not provide "Physical Access Support".
FB10227: CodeMeter Runtime: Detection Problems of CmCards/SD 2GB and 4GB for the
internal card reader were corrected. The error occurred when the CmCard/SD was used
under Windows XP together with an integrated SD card reader and a special vendor driver
(not Microsoft) which does not provide "Physical Access Support".
FB9875: CodeMeterAct, Windows: In the case of licenses using the binding scheme "D"
the license status eventually changed from "broken" to "intact" or vice versa depending on
whether the CodeMeter License Server (codemeter.exe ) was started on system startup or
FB9988: CodeMeterAct: In the case of expired or no longer valid licenses no remote
context file (*.rac) could be created.
FB10007/FB9899: CodeMeterAct: Reoccurring problems with defect licenses after power
off the computer without shutting down were corrected.
CodeMeter 4.20a
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
FB8812: CodeMeterAct, Win2000: CodeMeterAct licenses again will be installed and will
run on Windows 2000 machines.
FB9374: CodeMeter Installer, Linux: SuSE 9.1 through SuSE 9.3 will no longer be
supported starting with CodeMeter 4.20a.
FB9422: CodeMeterAct: The simultaneously use of the PIOs Unit Counter and User
Period for CodeMeterAct licenses on encrypting produced errot 70.
FB9298: CodeMeterAct, Windows: Due to file system problems not to be remedied by
using chkdsk.exe on some machines CodeMeterAct licenses did not work. This affected all
licenses on this machine, and could not be remedied by re-activation.
87 of 105
FB9157: CodeMeter Installer: The CodeMeter Runtime installation could abort when on
operating systems Windows Vista or newer the firewall service was not running.
FB9423: CodeMeter Installer: The .NET Installer WibuCmNET.msi in Version 4.20
required the .NET Framework 3.5. However, the .NET Framework 2.0 is sufficient.
FB8866: CodeMeter Installer: On uninstalling the CodeMeter service now SuSE-specific
"*.depend" files are better handled. Previously a deadlock could occur on computer
shutdown since the SuSE-specific scripts stucked after deleting CodeMeter.
FB8923: CodeMeter Installer: After installing the CodeMeter Runtime on openSUSE 11.2
the CodeMeter service did not automatically start.
FB9155: CodeMeter Installer: The check whether the service "winmgmt" runs has been
FB9024: CodeMeter Installer: A re-installation of the CodeMeter Runtime Version 4.20
resulted in a stopping the CodeMeter service.
FB9131: CodeMeter License Server: Importing files using cmu or importing vendor-specific
code eventually resulted in a crash.
FB9059: CodeMeter License Server, Mac: The server search (broadcast) partly did not
work in the case an explicit IP address was specified.
FB9013: WIBU Shell Extension: The Windows Explorer extension partly shows incorrect
FB9072: WIBU Shell Extension: The context menu of the *.WibuCmRaC file holds typing
FB8930: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The display of a CodeMeterAct licnese in the WebAdmin
from a remote machine returned a JavaScript error message.
FB8946: CodeMeter WebAdmin: In the WebAdmin the Product Item Option description did
not display for the user data.
FB8973:cmu, Windows: The option "--detect-proxy" not always returned the manually set
CodeMeter 4.20
Release Date
88 of 105
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
New Features
FB7618: CodeMeter: Russian localization has been integrated into the CodeMeter
FB3403: CodeMeterAct: Linux 64-bit is supported.
FB3682: CodeMeterAct: Function access to the virtual CmStick, e.g. CmCrypt has been
considerably accelerated.
FB8018: Runtime Installer, Windows: For the 64-bit version the Runtime Version
information is additionally inserted in
FB8350: Runtime Installer, Windows: On installation a check for an existing TCP/IP
service is performed. In the case the service is found, the service dependency is
registered in the CodeMeter service.
FB7560: Runtime Installer, Windows: On installation a check for an existing winmgmt
service. In the case the service is found, the service dependency is registered in the
CodeMeter service.
FB7843: CodeMeter Installer: The new menu item "CodeMeter Command prompt" in
Codemeter | Tools starts a cmd input in the user directory, extends the Path variable by
the path to the Runtime/bin directory, and calls cmu32 -v.
FB7479: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: CodeMeter.exe now holds an external
manifest, i.e. when omitting the manifest in the case of a mobile use CodeMeter.exe starts
in quiet mode.
FB6787: CodeMeter License Server, Linux: CmCards/CF are identified in case they are
used as root devices and are ext3 formatted.
FB4734 CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: For Mac OS X 10.6.2 and higher the
CmCard/SD is supported by the internal Apple card reader, e.g. MacBook Pro, iMac.
FB8007: CodeMeter WebAdmin: WebAdmin buttons are deactivated in case of insufficient
FB6316 CodeMeter Library, Windows: The default load address of the WibuCm32.dll has
been changed from 0x20000000 to 0x67600000.
89 of 105
FB8645: CodeMeter Installer: The Chinese translation has been intergrated in Wise.
FB6497: CodeMeter License Server: Logging of the CodeMeter License Server now is
written every 10 seconds into the log file.
FB6637: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: The status management of the Windows
service "CodeMeter.exe" has been improved.
FB7944: CodeMeter License Server: Information on borrowed licenses could get lost on
restart of CodeMeter (server).
FB5838: CodeMeter License Server, Windows CE: The detection of CmSticks has been
FB8143: CodeMeter License Server: In mobile mode the CmAct directory was created
although in this mode the change of data on the computer is not allowed.
FB7398: CodeMeter License Server, Windows: Under Windows Vista and Windows 7
exceptions for the Windows Firewall are now registered in the public profile.
FB6961: CodeMeter License Server: A Terminal Server is no longer identified as virtual
FB6871: CodeMeter License Server: The event log will now display again the correct
remote IP address.
FB6085: CodeMeter License Server: When licenses are multiple allocated in case of
several servers and the license option station share, in the future, the search for licenses
will first seek already allocated licenses and use them.
FB6119: CodeMeter License Server: Improved time response on restarting the connection
to a previously shut-down CodeMeter server.
FB5985: CodeMeter License Server: Fixing an error which occurred on importing a
WibuCmRaU file created on a little endian machine to a big endian machine.
FB5598: CodeMeter License Server: The search of plugged-in drives will no longer cover
the diskette drive.
FB8346: CodeMeter License Server: In case a binding to an explicitly specified address
fails, following a waiting period a second try is performed to consider DHCP timeout
FB8620: CodeMeter License Server: On permanent operation under Windows XP
eventually a memory leak occurred which has been removed.
FB2338: CodeMeter License Server, Solaris: The Firmware update now works correct.
90 of 105
FB5948: cmu: The firmware update mode "cmu --firmware-update" will function again.
FB6466: cmu, Mac: The return of the local IP address of "cmu -k" under PPC Mac was
91 of 105
FB8245: cmu: The command cmu --borrowlist returned a list where eventually some client
licenses were missing.
CodeMeter 4.10c
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
New Features
FB7495: Windows: The CodeMeter Runtime has been localized in Spanish.
FB7533: Windows: The Runtime Installer has been customized to the Spanish localization.
FB7397: Windows Vista, 7: A fix in the WibuCm32.dll re-enables CmAccess to work
reliable on Windows 7 and Vista.
FB6816: CodeMeter Runtime Modules (CodeMeter.exe + WibuCm), Windows: When the
CodeMeter Runtime Server was accessed immediately after starting, eventually crashes
or other irregularities occured.
FB6826: CodeMeter Runtime (CmAct): The programming of Usage Periods for a license
longer than 49 days were not correcly supported.
FB7150: CodeMeter Runtime Modules (CodeMeter.exe + WibuCm), Windows: The
version nummer in Kext is now correctly displayed.
FB7494: CodeMeter Runtime (CmTrigger), Linux64 bit: The file was
missing under Linux 64-bit
FB7491: CodeMeter Runtime (CmTrigger), Linux64 bit: The Java plug-in for remote
activation in the browser did not work.
FB7392: CodeMeter Runtime (CmAct): On using the binding scheme "SER" the
installation-IDs differed for different PCs. Now the behaviour is correct, and allows the
precalculation of activation codes.
92 of 105
FB7547: CodeMeter Runtime (general): The dates of the copyright information in the
CodeMeter 'About' Box have been updated.
CodeMeter 4.10b
Release Date
Operating Systems
Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
New Features
FB3861: CodeMeter SD/CF-Cards are now also supported under Linux. Requirements are
that the CodeMeter Licence Server (CodeMeterLin) runs with root privileges or has
read/write access to the respective /dev/sg* /dev/sd* device.
Currently, hotplug mechanisms for SD/CF-Cards are not implemented.
FB5663: CodeMeter Control Center: By default, the entry for deleting a CodeMeterAct
license now is created in profiling allowing for a simple activation. In the case of an
installed SDK, the delete-button is active, otherwise not active.
FB4765: CodeMeter License Server, Mac OS X: The CodeMeter License Server
eventually crashed when on disconnecting a CmStick it was simultaneously accessed.
Therefore theEject" button was removed from the CodeMeter Control Center. A CmStick
now must be disconnected by using the Finder, or desktop functions.
FB5956: CodeMeterAct: After a PC crash a license eventually became invalid and had to
be reactivated.
FB6082: CodeMeter Installer: Display errors in the French installation programs have been
FB6004: CodeMeter Control Center: In the case one tries to import a file while the
CodeMeter Service is stopped, now an instant error message displays and a long waiting
time is avoided.
FB6132: CodeMeter Control Center: The Japanese localization has been completed.
FB5818, FB5917: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The Chinese localization has been completed.
CodeMeter 4.10a
Release Date
93 of 105
Operating Systems
Windows, Win CE, Mac OS X
FB4318: On installation the proxy settings are automatically completed in WebAdmin. This
to provide for accesses to the time server or for firmware updates without manual
FB5595: CodeMeter License Server: In the case that the network cable is plugged off,
CodeMeter stays active and stable even when licenses are searched in the network.
FB5506: CodeMeter License Server: In rare cases the search for network licenses blocked
the local CodeMeter License Server over a lenghty period if no additional network server
was available.
FB5530: CodeMeter License Server: Under certain circumstances CodeMeter License
Server crashed on calling CmGetBoxes().
FB5596: CodeMeter License Server: In license borrowing the server name is saved to the
Client CmStick. In some network configuration settings this results in problems. Now
WebAdmin allows for the setting that the IP address is saved instead of the server name.
FB5610: CodeMeter WebAdmin: The usability of license borrowing in WebAdmin has been
FB4833: CodeMeter Control Center: The QT library has been updated in order to prevent
a sporadically occuring CodeMeter Control Center bug on OS X.
FB5611: CodeMeter Control Center: The French localization of CodeMeter Control Center
has been repaired.
FB5423: CodeMeter Control Center: The events were not displayed as long after the start
no CmStick was connected.
FB5500: .NET API: Now CmGetRemoteContextBuffer / CmSetRemoteUpdateBuffer also
work with CodeMeterAct
FB5647: .NET API: The policy.3.31.WibuCmNET.dll file is correctly installed.
FB5496: CmCard/CF support for WinCE 5.0 and WinCE 6.0 if the CmCard/CF is
connected via an internal ATA/SATA interface.
FB5788: Mac OS X: During installation of kernel extension kext.3G an error occurred. It
worked properly but the installation was marked as erroneous.
FB5790: Mac OS X: The kernel extension kext.3G can now also be used on Mac OS 10.6
together with 64bit kernel K64 on Xserve computers.
FB5791: Mac OS X: The kernel extension kext.5G can now also be used on Mac OS 10.6
together with 64bit kernel K64 Xserve and Mac Pro computers.
FB5800: Mac OS X: On Mac OS 10.6 the CodeMeter control panel supports also 64bit.
94 of 105
CodeMeter 4.10
Release Date
New Features
FB3860, FB3861, FB3862: The new hardware form factors CmCard/CF (CF-Card) and
CmCard/SD (SD-Card) are now supported by the operating systems Windows, Windows
CE and Linux.
FB5378: CodeMeter License Server: The performance in case of invalid entries in the
server search list has been improved.
FB4821: CodeMeter Control Center: The new button "Revalidate license" has been added.
It allows to start a re-interpretation of the binding schemes in case of deactivated
CodeMeterAct licenses. This is usefull in particular when using the binding scheme
FB4082: cmu: License Borrowing now is also available in the commandline tool cmu.
FB4067: cmu: The functionality CmDustConsole.exe has been transferred to the
commandline tool cmu. The option "--cmdust" allows to query a variety of information. This
functionality is now available for all operating systems supported by CodeMeter.
FB3112: cmu: The import of all CodeMeterAct file types (empty licence container, remote
updates and Firm Item templates) and the creation of CodeMeterAct remote context files is
now supported.
FB3731: cmu: The option "-v" to read out version information is now also available under
FB3646: The CodeMeter functionality is not available when using Kext5G, when the user
is not logged in, orr when the CmStick is "ejected". Thus Kext5G is not suited for operation
on a server. Install Kext3G instead.
FB3526: CodeMeter License Server: The exit time has been improved.
FB5094: CodeMeter License Server: A remote update of a license now also works with
borrowed licenses as expected.
FB4086: CodeMeter License Server: The return of a borrowed license from a different PC
eventually did not work.
FB5288: CodeMeter License Server: Under Mac now in all cases license borrowing entries
are realized via profiling.
FB4736: CodeMeter License Server: In the case expired borrowing licenses were reborrowed and then returned error 200 was issued.
95 of 105
FB5152: CodeMeter License Server: Problems with deactivated CmSticks on PCC Macs
have been corrected.
FB5144: CodeMeter License Server: Enabling on Big Endian Machines (Mac PPC) partly
did not work correctly.
FB4145: CodeMeterAct: In the case of CodeMeterAct licenses activated usage periods
were set to 0 when CodeMeter License Server was restarted.
FB4751: CodeMeterAct: Improved error message when attempting to use CodeMeterAct
on PCs which do not support CodeMeterAct (currently Lin/64bit, Mac/PPC, Solaris, WinCE)
FB5166: CodeMeterAct: An error was fixed which in some cases lead to the incorrect
function of the binding scheme [D]isk.
FB4856: WebAdmin: The restore function of CodeMeter Backup now suports all
established browser.
FB4244: WebAdmin: Display errors in Japanese have been fixed.
FB4627: CodeMeter Control Center: License borrowing entires of the Borrowing tab are
now refreshed, when the refresh button is clicked, or the Borrowing tab is selected.
FB5244: CodeMeter Control Center: Starting CodeMeter Control Center also started
CodeMeter License Server as a service despite of a local configuration via CodeMeter.ini.
FB3683: CodeMeter Control Center: Now in the communication type Shared Memory
WebAdmin and the related menu item are not visible.
FB4444: CmConfigDisk: The duration to build up the list of all available CmSticks has
been considerably reduced.
FB4363, FB4430: CmConfigDisk now is also able to configure CmSticks of the new
generation with serial numbers 2-xxxxxx as "Removable Device".
FB5127: CmConfigDisk now also runs under a non-privileged user.
CodeMeter 4.01
Release Date
New Features
FB3006: On a Mac, now using KEXT 5G with a CmStick/M simultaneous access to the
DRM part and the flash memory is possible.
FB3061: Super floppy support with Kext.5G detection on a Mac is available.
FB8: In future WebAdmin will display LicenseBorrowing licenses.
FB15: In case a false WibuCmRau file is imported, now a more detailled error message
will be issued.
FB3613: CmDust: display of License Borrow information.
96 of 105
FB101: CodeMeter License Server creates a new log file when the old log file size reaches
a certain size.
FB10: Protected Windows applications now run under Linux using Wine ProgramLoader.
FB3645: The Kernel extension of the 5th Generation (Kext.5G) now allows the
simultaneous access to security functions and the flash memory. CmSticks detection
requires that a user is logged in. For operating as license server without user logon
Kext.3G is to be used, this allows the access to the security functions even without logon.
FB3261: Now update of CmAct licenses by double-cklicking in the Explorer works.
FB3010: In the allocation order of CM/CmAct licenses earlier expired TimePin Enabling
Blocks were not considered.
FB3022: CodeMeter now intermediately saves results of a network search for a short time.
FB3065: Explicit TCP/IP Binding to Mac now works.
CodeMeter 4.00a
Release Date
Windows: 2008-Dec-19
CodeMeter / Java
o Bugfix #1356 using method CodeMeter.cmDecryptPioData() the result was
not transferred.
WebAdmin / Japanese
o Bugfix #1381 - page 'content' held wrong characters on using the Internet
CodeMeterCC / French
o Translation improved.
97 of 105
CodeMeter 4.00
Release Date
o 900, 1027, 1030, 1042, 1044, 1094, 1123, 1124, 1125, 1127, 1136, 1152,
1067, 1068, 1172, 1174, 1205, 1228, 1245
o revised, in particular improved language support and internationalization
o enhancements in support of CodeMeterAct licenses
o asteriks on "start as server" removed the current CodeMeter does not
require a restart
o bugfix in CmTalk test page: in case the ProxyPort was void, the page did not
work (JavaScript problem)
98 of 105
o bugfixes
o new, easy-to-use interfaces
o CodeMeterAct specific classes and methods
o user help in separate merge module, and as an option able for switch
o Bugfixing of screensaver and CardSpace conflicts
CodeMeter 3.30b
Release Date
99 of 105
All Platforms
CodeMeter Server
o Bugfix #1123: A subsystem access handle pointed to a wrong subsystem, if
CodeMeter itself ran as network server.
o Bugfix #1124: If the server name was given when calling CmAccess2(), the
access didnt work.
o Bugfix #1127: The server search list was internally always sorted according
to IP addresses.
o Bugfix #1134: Disabled entries were ignored in the license allocation
sequence using CmAccess().
o Bugfix #1099: Windows x64 installation failed with with error 2318, because
WibuShellExt.dll could not be deleted.
o Bugfix #1012: CodeMeter kept on running after uninstallation.
CodeMeter DLL
o Bugfix #1108: Autostart did not work with ApiCommunicationMode=2.
o Bugfix #1136: Eliminated unnecessary waiting time of 10 seconds during
startup of the CodeMeter service via CodeMeterCC.
CmIdentity ActiveX Control
o Bugfix #1129: Improved the error handling.
o Bugfix #1075: Uninstaller did not delete the "CodeMeter" group from
CodeMeter 3.30a
Release Date
All Platforms
CodeMeter Server
o Bugfix: Proxy settings for a firmware update are now effective at once. No
restart of CodeMeter is necessary.
o Superfluous file 'CodeMeterCC_en.qm' was removed from the Runtime\binfolder.
o Bugfix output when using option '-k'.
100 of 105
Runtime Installation
o The runtime installer now stops, if an SDK is already installed. This
circumvents incompatibilities with wrong security libs.
o Was extended for the usage of static VC9 (Visual Studio 2008) libraries.
o Support of Borland C/C++.
CodeMeter Server
o Support of the shared memory API communication mode (no TCP/IP).
CodeMeter Control Center
o Japanese language support was improved.
CodeMeter 3.30
Release Date
All Platforms
All user input may be given in unicode characters. For example the CodeMeter
password or the CmStick name may contain Chinese characters.
The UDP waiting time (the waiting time while searching for CodeMeter servers in
the network) was optimized, die performance improved.
Enabling and CM-FAS are now possible without usersite security modul.
CodeMeter Control Center improvements:
o For a firmware update wird the CodeMeter password is needes. But now the
default password "CodeMeter" is tried automatically.
o New features:
Eject the selected CmStick.
Let blink the selected CmStick.
CM-FAS (import of CmStick remote update files) with progress bar.
Tray icon with status text. It displays the number of plugged-in
Cancelling the CodeMeter service is only possible with sufficient rights.
Update certified time for all connected CmSticks.
New CodeMeter Universal Support Tool cmu for all supported platforms.
o List and test conected CmSticks.
o Display the versions of installed CodeMeter components.
101 of 105
CM-FAS and Enabling can be performed from the command line and hence
integrated into batch files.
Network search for CodeMeter servers.
Improved support of CmSticks with flash memory and two partions (dual lun).
Better CmStick detection in a VMWare for CmSticks with or without flash memory.
A field update cannot be performed in a VMWare.
CmSticks without flash memory are no longer mounted as disks on the desktop (no
CodeMeterLin now supports up to 1024 SCSI devices or CmSticks.
Support of OpenSuSE 10.3, SLES10 64 bit and RHEL 4/5.1.
New default directory for backups (/var/backups/CodeMeter).
Experimental support for CmSticks with flash memory. Therefore the options
"Customize" and then "Kext.4G" have to be chosen during installation.
102 of 105
Supports additional distributions: SLES 10, SuSE 10.2, Mandriva Spring 2007,
Ubuntu 7.04, Fedora 7
o full support for gcc3 and gcc4 based distributions
Improved stability
CodeMeter 3.20c
Release Date
CodeMeter 3.20b
Release Date
103 of 105
The CodeMeter API now also supports the programming of CmSticks under Java.
This release provides a couple of bug fixes:
o Under Vista right clicking a CmFAS file resulted in a crash of Windows
o While upgrading from CodeMeter 3.10 to 3.20 the ShellExtension was not
updated correctly.
o An Error 103 occured during longer intermissions of the communication.
o The access to a CmStick in the rarely used FileIO mode did not work
correctly under Windows Vista.
o In the CodeMeter JNI-library incompatible name changes in the CMACCESS
structure were undone.
o The API function CmCheckEvents did not work correctly under Vista.
o If a Firm Item was programmed and accessed simultaneously a crash of
CodeMeter could happen.
CodeMeter 3.20a
Release Date
All Platforms
104 of 105
CodeMeter 3.20
Release Date
All Platforms
The Password Manager with new graphical user interface and various themes
improves the usability
o Automatic learning and filling of application dialogs (only Windows)
o Support of the Mac OS X keychaing via keychain bridge
o Firefox plugin for Mac OS X and Linux
o New design with tree view
o Settings like position and coordinates of the main window are saved
o Exception list for domains and processes can be modified
o The preferred browser can be configured
o Password Manager is now a separat product with its own installer on all
The CodeMeter ControlCenter now allows:
o Selective hardware informations for a CM-Stick
o Selektive enabling/disabling of a CM-Stick
o Modifying the CM-Stick name
o CM-FAS Update
o Update of a CM-Stick with new firmware
o Enhanced language support: de/en/it/fr/ha/ja/zh
o Multi user support, especially for fast user switch on Mac OS X
Support of terminal server licences
Improved Java support
Java trigger supports transaction ID
WebAdmin with multi user support
Bug fix in access control list
Support of usage period
105 of 105
Mac OS X
Sun Solaris