Atlas Year in Review 2007
Atlas Year in Review 2007
Atlas Year in Review 2007
FA L L 2 0 0 7
Y E A R - I N - R E V I E W
Message to Supporters of Atlas . . . . . . . .3
Latin America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
All of our partners are committed to dis- As long as you partner with us to con-
covering and spreading the truth. In tinue to provide a place for these
some extreme cases, this puts our intellectual entrepreneurs to craft and
friends at odds with local rulers. In disseminate their message, freedom will
those difficult and courageous battles, always have a chance.
they take solace in the knowledge that
they have the support of individuals like
you, who share their commitment to
the free exchange of ideas and to the From Alejandro A. Chafuen and Bradley A. Lips
rights of every person.
On these pages you can see the work of Atlas and of our part-
ners in the freedom movement. But truthfully, words and
photos can seldom convey the magnitude of the efforts of the
individuals portrayed in these pages. We encourage you
to meet our allies in person at events such as Atlas’s
annual Freedom Dinner in November (see pages
30-31) or the Liberty Forum (in Atlanta on April
25-26, 2008, see pages 24-25). You can even
visit them in their home countries to witness
firsthand their committed, daily work to
advance freedom, despite modest budg-
ets and sometimes difficult
his past year, the Free
Society Institute (FSI)
produced various studies,
including one analyzing the
incentive of unionized workers
and another on the issue of tax
reform. FSI publishes a biweekly e-newsletter, The
Tribunal, which covers current economic issues, offers
scholarly economic studies and provides lessons in the
classical liberal tradition. FSI experts write for a regular
column in the Daily Finance newspaper and are collabo-
rating with the Adriatic Institute in Croatia. This year,
they testified on the topic of the labor market at a session
of the Slovenian Economic Council to the Prime European Resource Bank panelists Svetla
Minister. The ensuing debate received nationwide televi- Kostadinove (Institute for Market Economics,
sion coverage. FSI was also awarded with an Atlas grant Bulgaria), Matthew Elliot (TaxPayers’ Alliance,
for new institutes this year. This young organization is UK) and Vincent Ginnochio (Liberté Cherie,
run by three brothers, Matej, Matjaz and Mitja France) spoke during the “Examples and
Lessons” panel, offering practical tools and
Steinbacher. strategies for making a policy impact. The
Matej served as European Resource Bank was held in
an Atlas fellow Romania in September.
in 2003.
Sajid Anani, Atlas’s Middle East program manager, pictured here with some of
the participants whom Atlas sponsored to attend Atlas’s Gulf Corporation
Council (GCC) Leadership Conference in Oman.
Established Institute Profile:
Association for Liberal Thinking (Turkey)
n March, IMANI
received front page
coverage in the
Institute Profile Ghanaian Times and 20
other media outlets, as
Initiative for Public Policy Analysis (Nigeria) well as the attention of top health care industry players, for its
new health care book, Fighting the Diseases of Poverty. This past
T his year the Initiative for
Public Policy Analysis
(IPPA) completed many success-
summer, IMANI also hosted an intern from Grove City College
(Grove City, Pennsylvania), Elle Speicher, who helped create
IMANI’s new Web site,
ful programs, including an essay
competition on the theme “Free In August, IMANI held its first Annual West African Summer
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship: University Seminar at Ashesi University in Accra, Ghana. The
Essential Ingredients for seminar attracted some of the brightest minds from postgradu-
Economic Growth and National ate, graduate and undergraduate programs from nine West
Development” for students from universities throughout African countries. The seminar challenged participants to criti-
Nigeria. IPPA published a Nigerian version of Johan cally examine the issues facing West Africa. Seminar faculty
Norberg’s book, In Defense of Global Capitalism, as well as member June Arunga said, “For the 50 students who attended
studies on Nigeria’s informal economy and on its pension that seminar, I could tell it was the beginning of a new chapter
system. in their lives.”
IMANI’s efforts have been rewarded with numerous awards and
recognitions. IMANI won a Templeton Freedom Award (TFA)
grant in 2006, and was a runner up for the TFA for Initiative in
Established Institute Profile:
Law Review Project (South Africa) At least one think tank in the Atlas network
No think tank in the Atlas network
B illions of Rands in assets have been seized from the people of
South Africa by the government’s Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU).
In March of this year, the Law
Review Project (LRP) got involved
as amici curiae (“friends of the
court”) in a case—Mohunram
and Another vs. National Director
of Public Prosecutions—in which
the plaintiff, Mr. Mohunram,
appealed against the judgment of
the Supreme Court of Appeal
(SCA), which held that the
property seized was an “instru-
mentality” in the commission of
the offence of operating an illegal
casino. Leon Louw of the Law Review
Project in South Africa
Under the state’s criminal law, the
slot machines were forfeited and a fine had to be paid as punishment.
However, after this was done, the AFU also demanded the land and
buildings related to the casino. According to Leon Louw of the LRP,
“They defend this sort of organized crime by the state by saying it’s
what’s done under RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act] in the U.S.!”
After the SCA rejected the argument that forfeiture of this property
was not appropriate, the LRP stepped in. Thanks to the work of the
LRP and others, in early April, the LRP won a historical On July 17, Atlas held its first Intern Networking Happy
Constitutional Court judgment against the AFU! This is a win not Hour to introduce summer interns from a variety of D.C.
area-based think tanks to the work of Atlas. Varney
only for the Law Review Project, but also for the rule of law and
Yengbeh spoke about the work of his newly developing
property rights. Liberia Institute.
Institute Policy Impact Established Institute Profile:
Lion Rock Institute (Hong Kong)
I In honor of Milton Friedman, India’s Centre for Civil Society
(CCS), launched a year-long school choice campaign. The pro-
gram’s goal is to bring
awareness about school
I n Hong Kong, vouchers are being introduced to non-
profit private schools at the kindergarten level. In the
coming year, the Lion Rock Institute will be working
choice to a majority of par-
to advocate
ents with children enrolled
the extension
in state schools, as well as to
of vouchers to
policy makers. To date, 408
children have been
schools and to
awarded CCS-sponsored
the whole
vouchers; 150,000 more
school system
students have applied. CCS
at large. Lion
is holding information
Rock is also
meetings, letter writing
launching a
campaigns, and even street
campaign to Peter Wong (left) and Riyad Hammad (right)
plays in almost every state During the Center for Civil Society’s Dehli cam-
counter a pro- before a panel discussion at the Atlas Experience
in the country, encouraging paign, the people demanded school choice in Canada in August
vouchers. posed “Fair
parents to sign a petition,
Competition” law, as well as a project to study the gov-
demanding the right to
ernment’s 2005 privatization of some car park and
choose their children’s school.
commercial properties.
John Blundell finds Sir Antony Fisher’s name (F/O, Flying Officer A. G. A.
Fisher) on the Battle of Britain Monument along the River Thames, near
Big Ben.
Please join the Atlas Club today! Become an integral part of Atlas’s network of brave freedom fighters by
contributing $1,000 or more each year. Simply return the reply envelope that accompanies this newslet-
ter or sign up online at We look forward to hearing from you!
Annemie DeWinter of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (Jordan) laughs with other par-
ticipants during dinner.
The Atlas
The inaugural Atlas Experience created an intimate, world-
class setting for supporters of freedom to gather, relax,
indulge their intellects and be inspired at a unique intersec-
tion of great thinkers, great discussion and great memories.
Atlas’s Alexis Serote and Alex Chafuen show off their Irish dancing skills
while Brian Lee Crowley of the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies
(Canada) plays the bagpipes after a late-night economic salon.
Martha Lewis, Chuck Albers, Gerald Fickenscher and Julie Planck dur-
ing a pre-dinner reception
Atlas board member, Dan Grossman, speaks with Atlas's Leonard Liggio (left).
Atlas’s Deroy Murdock (left) with Howard Rich (center) and Andrew Royce Jaroslav Romanchuk and Tom Palmer (center) with Justin, a 16-year-old
hotel employee who shared his passion for Ayn Rand with Tom and was
invited to attend the rest of the conference.
22 Atlas c Year-in-Review 2007
Participants enjoyed meeting each other while going on wine tours at two of Diana Spencer and Riyad Hammad in the hotel garden
Niagara-on-the-Lake’s vineyards, including the Jackson-Triggs Winery.
Over 120 participants from over 30 different countries and
20 different states—representing over 50 different insti-
- tutes—attended the event. Please visit the Atlas Web site
for a detailed report and more photos.
Alberto Mingardi of the Istituto Bruno Leoni (Italy) and Edita Maslauskaite
of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute
Some of the Atlas staffers, (left to right) Whitney Garrison, Colleen Dyble,
Elena Ziebarth, Alexis Serote, Becca Waskey and Cindy Cerquitella.
(Left to Right) Kris Mauren, Walter LeCroy and Ben Rast with his sons,
Greg and John
Atlas c Year-in-Review 2007 23
Create a Legacy of Freedom
Introducing the Fisher Society
By Jo Kwong, Vice President of Institute Relations
must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” With Hayek’s advice in mind, Fisher began to explore the idea
— Thomas Paine: The American Crisis, No. 4, 1777 of creating free-market think tanks to teach people how free
markets, limited government, rule of law and private property
rights foster opportunity and prosperity.
The Atlas Economic Research Foundation is proud to vant legislation, Pension Protection Act of 2006, only
announce the Fisher Society in honor of its founder, Sir applies to tax years 2006 and 2007.)
Antony Fisher, and his wife, Dorian. Antony Fisher envi-
sioned a society of free and We recognize that your estate plan-
responsible individuals. Today, ning is a very important, very
Atlas and its network of hundreds of personal process. Should Atlas be
think tanks are the beneficiaries of included in your plans, we view
his lifelong devotion and action. this as one of the highest privileges
of our partnership. We treasure
If you share Sir Antony’s vision, your generosity and are committed
Atlas invites you to join the Fisher to honoring your donor intent.
Society. Won’t you partner with us
to carry on your vision and values PLEASE NOTE: This article is not
through future financial planning? intended as legal or financial
advice. Consult your own legal or
Fisher Society Members believe financial advisor before making any
ardently in Atlas’s mission to decision based on this information.
advance freedom around the world. If you already know that you want
They have taken the financial and to make a planned gift or any other
legal steps necessary to ensure that contribution to Atlas, please contact
Atlas will be helping intellectual Jo Kwong, at 703-934-6969 or
entrepreneurs promote the ideas of
Dorian and Antony Fisher at the 1980 Mont Pelerin
liberty for many years to come. Society meeting at the Hoover Institute.
• Donating from your IRA - If you are age 70½ or older, cur-
rent legislation allows you to make cash gifts to qualified
charities such as Atlas, totaling up to $100,000 per year
from your traditional or Roth IRA, without incurring
income tax on the withdrawal. (Please note that the rele-
shared knowledge, and institutions.
lyze real-world examples of private
In October, FSSO held a conference in property anarchism and related
he Fund for the Study of Spontaneous Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on “New problems of social organization.
Orders (FSSO), at the Atlas Economic Directions in the Study of Emergent and
Research Foundation, was established through Spontaneous Social Orders.” “Emergent” or Leeson, a Hillsdale College
the generosity of an anonymous donor. This “spontaneous order” has become an increas- undergraduate, earned his doctor-
program is designed to promote the Austrian ingly important concept in both the social and ate at George Mason University in
perspective on economics, studying method- natural sciences. The conference gathered 2005. He has also studied at
ological individualism in areas outside the scholars interested in emergent order phenom- Harvard University and was the
realm of traditional academics. ena and strongly influenced by a Hayekian F. A. Hayek Fellow at the London
perspective, seeking to explore together sponta- School of Economics. He is an
In March, the Fund hosted a gala reception for
neous order’s implications both for their own associate scholar with the
over 80 people honoring Gordon Tullock for
work and as a broader research paradigm. Mackinac Center for Public
his years of scholarship on spontaneous orders.
Policy (Michigan) and is associate
Professor Tullock was presented with FSSO’s
editor of the Review of Austrian
Lifetime Achievement Award of $25,000. Over
the next two days, FSSO conducted a confer-
ence to discuss his work.
In May, FSSO hosted a conference on the
Austrian theory of the firm, which has seen a
revival of interest during the past decade. The
conference sought to build upon this founda-
tion by reviewing the theory of the firm,
analyzing previous Austrian perspectives, and
offering new ways to explain business practices
by emphasizing the role of entrepreneurship,
FSSO Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Gordon
Tullock with Atlas’s Allegra Hewell (left) and Cindy
Cerquitella (right).
Hellenic Leadership Institute (HLI, Greece) president, Heritage Foundation (Washington,
Anthony Livanios (holding award) celebrates with friends DC) president, Edwin Feulner offers
JORGE GERDAU after receiving the Templeton Freedom Award for one of the three toasts to freedom
Initiative in Public Relations. during the dinner.
(Left to Right) Nat Moffat, Norma Zimdahl, Atlas During the dinner, Atlas’s Jo Kwong
board member Abby Moffat and Josephine Pelletter presented the 2006 Freda Utley Prize
with Shirley and Marek Chodakiewicz at the reception for Advancing Liberty to Paata
Sheshelidze, president of the New
Economic School – Georgia (NESG).
e are not going to achieve the next
“W great movement toward liberty by
promising tax cuts. We are not going to do it
by promising higher economic growth rates.
We are not going to do it by economic argu- WILLIAM SUMNER
ments, period. Rather we are going to do it CHRISTOPHER
by convincing people that what is true of WALKER
Charles Murray Keynote
Speaker. W.H. Brady Scholar their own lives is also true of others’ lives.”
at the American Enterprise ANN & CURTIN
Institute (Washington, DC); WINSOR
Author of several books including Losing Ground (1984), In Pursuit: Of Happiness and
Good Government (1989), What it Means to be a Libertarian (1997), and In Our Hands:
A Plan to Replace the Welfare State (2006)
Fraser Institute Foundation (Left to Right) Kerry Howley (Reason Magazine), Joanna
(Canada) President Michael Walker Robinson (Acton Institute, MI), Mustafa Akyol (Turkish
offers the evening’s third toast to Daily News, Turkey) and Jay Richards (Acton Institute,
freedom. MI) at the general reception 33
34 Atlas c Year-in-Review 2007
Templeton Freedom Awards
By Alejandro A. Chafuen, President & CEO
In our coming years, we will strive to help transform • The 2005 TFA Winners, Liberty Forum 2005- Miami, Florida
some of the winning think tanks into regional hubs,
working better with their neighboring countries and
with renowned policy leaders. The Templeton
Freedom Awards seek to encourage think tanks to aim
high and be humble, always trying to learn more
without being afraid of making mistakes, ultimately
leading to innovative ideas and policy solutions.
Cato Institute (U.S.): Against the Atlantic Institute for Instituto Libertad y Desarrollo
Center for Liberal-Democratic Timbro (Sweden): Atlantic Institute for Market Studies (Canada):
Reason Foundation Locke Institute (U.S.): Trade Independent Institute (U.S.): Cato Institute (U.S.):
(U.S.): Revolution at the
Roots: Making Our
Protection in the U.S. by Charles K.
Rowley, Willem Thorbecke and
The Academy in Crisis: The Political
Economy of Higher Education, edited
Simple Rules for A
Complex World by Richard 1996
Government Smaller, Richard E. Wagner, 1995. by John W. Sommer, 1995. A. Epstein, 1995.
Better, and Closer to
Home by William Institute of Economic Affairs, Heartland Institute (U.S.): Eco- Competitive Enterprise
Eggers and John Environment Unit (U.K.): Global Sanity: A Common-Sense Guide To Institute (U.S.): The True
O’Leary, 1995. Warming: Apocalypse or Hot Air? by Environmentalism by J. L. Bast, Peter State of the Planet, edited by
Roger Bate and Julian Morris, 1994. J. Hill and Richard C. Rue, 1994. Ronald Bailey, 1995.
Institute of Economic Affairs, Health National Center for Policy Analysis Urban Policy Research Institute,
& Welfare Unit, now Civitas (U.K.):
Families Without Fatherhood by Norman
(U.S.): Patient Power: Solving America’s
Health Care Crisis by John C. Goodman
now the Buckeye Institute (U.S.): Drug
Policy and the Decline of American Cities 1993
Dennis and George Erdos, 1993. and Gerald L. Musgrave, 1993. by Sam Staley, 1992.
Pacific Research Institute (U.S.): Cato Institute (U.S.): The Instituto Libertad y Democracia
Advertising and the Market Process by
Robert B. Edelund, Jr., and David
Economic Consequences of
Immigration by Julian L.
(Peru): The Other Path: The Invisible
Revolution in the Third World by 1990
Saurman, 1988. Simon, 1989. Hernando de Soto, 1989.
Atlas c Year-in-Review 2007 37
Freda Utley Prize
[ New Economic School – Georgia ]
I n March, Stephen Goldsmith, former mayor of Indianapolis and current Daniel Paul Professor of
Government at Harvard University, joined Atlas president, Alex Chafuen in Chile and Argentina
to promote the Spanish translation the book he co-authored with William Eggers, Governing by
Network: The New Shape of the Public Sector.
During this trip, Goldsmith and Chafuen met with think tank leaders, and prominent government
and business leaders. Goldsmith was a keynote speakers at the Libertad y Desarrollo’s (LyD, Chile)
day-long conference, “Public Policies for a Free Society.” LyD chairman, Carlos Cáceres honored
Alex with a silver plaque for his “untiring work to spread freedom across the globe.”
and organizers
of the Atlas-FIL
James Shikwati spoke at the Atlas-Nassau Institute event,
“Changing the Direction of a Country to Re-energize its Talents.”
Immigration Dialogue
Statement of Activities
2006 2005 2004
Contributions 4,526,875 4,108,746 2,834,681
Other Income 106,409 77,568 61,443
Total Revenue 4,633,284 4,186,314 2,896,124
illi Expense Revenue
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
In 2007, Atlas is on its way to achieving its highest-ever revenue total, for the third year
in a row.
We find it very encouraging to know that, as Atlas’s programs are touching the lives of ever
more beneficiaries around the world, more and more donors are joining to support our work.
Your continued support of Atlas is crucial to our efforts of spreading the ideas of freedom
around the world. You can be confident that we remain dedicated to our mission and to the
standards of professionalism that you have come to expect.