Doctrine of Signatures
Doctrine of Signatures
Doctrine of Signatures
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2012 12!"#" P$
To: <%lc&emicalTarot@ya&oo'>
Subject: Doctri(e of Si'(atures
T&e doctri(e of si'(atures is co(sidered by most sc&olars to &a-e its root a(d focus *it&i( t&e (ature of pla(ts, ma( a(d
disease. T&is is o(ly part of it, e-eryt&i(', e-ery e-e(t etc. &as a si'(ature . a stateme(t. T&ese stateme(ts are a
commu(icatio( bet*ee( t&e di-i(e a(d its ma(y di-isio(s /i( s&ort . us0. 1elo* is a li(+i(' of -arious si'(atures,
&opefully you 'et t&e idea a(d t&eme. T&ere &as bee( a(d is disa'reeme(t o-er differi(' correspo(de(ces to t&e cards
etc, 2 fi(d t&is some*&at immature a(d (arro* mi(ded. To assume t&at i(si'&t comes o(ly from 1 ray of li'&t is to be
loc+ed i( a dar+e(ed room *it& o(e &ole *&ere t&e li'&t comes i(, outside t&is little room t&ere is (ot o(e ray of li'&t to
be fou(d for t&e su( is s&i(i(' a(d e-eryt&i(' is lit.
T&e 12 si'(s of t&e 3odiac are di-ided i(to 4 'roups of !, t&e ! di-isio(s of t&e si'(s are 5ardi(al /Sulp&ur0, $utable
/$ercury0 a(d 6i7ed /Salt0. T&e 4 fi7ed si'(s are t&e ma( . %8uarius, t&e bull . Taurus, t&e lio( . 9eo a(d t&e ea'le .
Scorpio. :ere *e &a-e t&e Sp&i(7 . t&e Salt of t&e ;art&.
$y <our(ey be'a( surfi(' a lo(' time a'o. Surfi(', amo(' ma(y t&i('s of =ature, tau'&t me muc&, surfi(' led me to
deat& i( *&ic& 2 &ad a co(-ersatio(, deat& ope(ed its door a(d 2 stepped i(side.
2( t&e system t&at i(terests me t&e card of Deat& is also t&e :ebre* letter =u( #0 a(d "00. =u( is Scorpio o(e of t&e 4
pri(ciples of our Salt. =u( is +(o*( as t&e fis&, t&e fis& bei(' a sacrificial creature of t&e eleme(t *ater.
>&at part of your life are ?@A prepared to sacrifice to t&e i(itiatio( of *ater a(d *&ic& *aters am 2 tal+i(' ofB
T&e sacred fire . S&e+i(a& . de-ours t&y offeri(' by fire.
>&at do you *a(t to 'i-e up i( order to fi(d your soulB
2( i(itiatio( you +(o* t&e illusio( of deat&, i( deat& all you t&i(+ is real is *as&ed a*ay. 2f *e li-e as if *e are dead *e
become spiritually ali-e. T&at is, ima'i(e you &a-e 1 &our left to li-e, *&at is importa(t (o* a(d li-e t&at *ay. $ost
people are spiritually dead *&e( t&ey are ali-e a(d spiritually ali-e *&e( t&ey are dead .. t&is is 5&rist amidst t&e t*o
t&ie-esC o(e t&ief tur(ed .. life a(d deat& is t&e 'reatest duality *e as i(di-iduals *ill e-er face all else be it male a(d
female etc. is a mirror of t&is. @(e t&ief tur(ed, *&e( *e are ali-e *e are spiritually dead, *&e( *e are dead *e are
spiritually ali-e .. t*o t&ie-es of duality .. if *e li-e as if *e are dead t&e( t&e t*o t&ie-es are u(ited a(d are bot& ali-e o(
eart& a(d spiritually ali-e /as abo-e so belo*0.
T&e Salt is baptiDed by fire a(d *ater.
"2 S&all ma+e ?e fis&ers of me("
% fis& is a creature *&o li-es *it&i( t&ese *aters, t&e +ey (ote is li-es. T&e stories of t&e fis& a(d 5&rist *&o o-ercame
deat& are about i(itiatio(. T&is type of i(itiatio( re8uires o(e to die co(sciously a(d retur( co(sciously
/fire E co(scious E soul, t&e *aters of life a(d deat&0. 1i(a& /Satur(0 is t&e Freat Sea a(d Satur( rules deat&, +arma
a(d 'race . u(dersta(d t&is *isdom a(d be *ise. 2( 1i(a& is t&e t&ro(e of Fod *&ere t&e $er+aba& rider /t&e 5&ariot0
2( t&e 'reat pyramid is a burial c&amber *&ere t&is type of i(itiatio( too+ place, true s&ama(s &a-e a deat& e7perie(ce
before t&e elder *ill i(itiate.
T&ere are ! $ot&ersC Sulphur, Mercury a(d Salt.
T&e flame - its light is from t&at *&ic& is scarified to it.
Sulp&ur E flame, $ercury E light a(d Salt E t&e sacrificed.
T&e sacrificial lamb is t&e fat . t&e base of t&y &oly ca(dle, its oil)fat. 2( a(cie(t rituals to Tetra'rammato( ?:G:, if Fod
*as pleased &is 1ride S&e+i(a& *ould de-our t&e sacrificial offeri(' by fire from t&e altar of $al+ut&.
:oly oil is used to sa(ctify, it is t&e fuel for t&e flame.
To bless t&y feet a(oi(ted /$al+ut& is t&e feet0.
See+ ye first t&e Hi('dom.
T&e Fod (ame of $al+ut& is %do(ai mea(i(' t&e 9ord, it &as t&e -alue of I# E 11 E 2
"H(o*led'e /Daat& 110 of t&e >isdom /5&o+ma& 20"
:e bat&ed t&eir feet *it& oilB
@il is used i( t&e <ud'eme(t of 5&rist.
@il is %lc&emic Sulp&ur.
T&e flame rises from t&e sacrificial oil)fat of t&e lamb.
The soul is our sulphur, God's Bride ignites this oil, awakens us, the flame rises - the burning fire of being, that which we
give to every part of life, consciously or unconsciously. We live it.
What we perceive is seen in its light this light, this mercury is the mind!.
Thy holy flame.
Within the hands that hold my prayer is this light.
This oil or sulphur is also the oil contained in the cells of the leaf.
"ike coffins of green it awaits resurrection as a flame that rises toward the heavens.
#udgement is $hin %&& - the $pirit of God, the spiritual fire.
% principles in '.
The angel burnt the bush for it was aglow, yet it burneth not - the prophet (oses climbed the mount,
to receive the "aw of '&.
10 fingers and toes are with all men, no religion or creed can be the owner of them.
The Hermit stands upon mountain top, Yod 10 is his letter - his headtop.
The Hermit has lamp of light that burns from oil so bright
and staff of wood from thy holy tree that lives within thee.
The name (oses means '$taff'!
When the hands are held in prayer there is the potential of a dynamic - can you find it+
The tip of /od is in 0ether, 1hokmah rules the 2odiac where % are in 3.
The mountain is Chomah where the Hermit stands,
snow covered in white lie the candle light.
The fingers of 10 are graced by it then.
10 fingers above, 10 toes below,
stand in thy oil and watch the flame grow.
45nly by doing the work can one know the work4
6aul Tisdell!