The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test
The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test
The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test
BANGSBO. The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test: Physiological Response, Reliability, and Validity. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol.
35, No. 4, pp. 697–705, 2003. Purpose: To examine the physiological response and reproducibility of the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery
test and its application to elite soccer. Methods: Heart rate was measured, and metabolites were determined in blood and muscle
biopsies obtained before, during, and after the Yo-Yo test in 17 males. Physiological measurements were also performed during a
Yo-Yo retest and an exhaustive incremental treadmill test (ITT). Additionally, 37 male elite soccer players performed two to four
seasonal tests, and the results were related to physical performance in matches. Results: The test-retest CV for the Yo-Yo test was 4.9%.
Peak heart rate was similar in ITT and Yo-Yo test (189 ⫾ 2 vs 187 ⫾ 2 bpm), whereas peak blood lactate was higher (P ⬍ 0.05) in
the Yo-Yo test. During the Yo-Yo test, muscle lactate increased eightfold (P ⬍ 0.05) and muscle creatine phosphate (CP) and glycogen
decreased (P ⬍ 0.05) by 51% and 23%, respectively. No significant differences were observed in muscle CP, lactate, pH, or glycogen
between 90 and 100% of exhaustion time. During the precompetition period, elite soccer players improved (P ⬍ 0.05) Yo-Yo test
performance and maximum oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) by 25 ⫾ 6 and 7 ⫾ 1%, respectively. High-intensity running covered by the
players during games was correlated to Yo-Yo test performance (r ⫽ 0.71, P ⬍ 0.05) but not to V̇O2max and ITT performance.
Conclusion: The test had a high reproducibility and sensitivity, allowing for detailed analysis of the physical capacity of athletes in
intermittent sports. Specifically, the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test was a valid measure of fitness performance in soccer. During the
test, the aerobic loading approached maximal values, and the anaerobic energy system was highly taxed. Additionally, the study
suggests that fatigue during intense intermittent short-term exercise was unrelated to muscle CP, lactate, pH, and glycogen. Key Words:
number of laboratory and field tests have been repeatedly perform intense exercise and with that his/her
developed to evaluate physical performance in potential to recover from intensive exercise. Based on this
sports such as treadmill tests for determination of rationale, the so-called Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test was
maximum oxygen uptake and shuttle run tests performed in developed (5). It consists of repeated exercise bouts per-
the field (23,28). In most tests, the type of exercise is formed at progressively increasing speeds, interspersed with
continuous. However, in many sports such as ball games, 10-s active rest periods and performed until the subject is
the exercise is intermittent and performance is related to the exhausted. The test is frequently used in a variety of sports,
athletes’ ability to repeatedly perform intense exercise. For and test performance is closely related to the physical per-
example, it has been demonstrated that the quality of soccer formance of top-class referees during a soccer match (21).
is associated with the amount of high-intensity running However, the information about its reproducibility, sensi-
performed throughout a game (6,13,25). Therefore, in such tivity, and validity as a marker of athletic performance in
sports, it seems logical to evaluate the athletes’ ability to intermittent sports is still limited. Furthermore, the charac-
teristics of the physiological response during the test have
been restricted to measurements of heart rate throughout the
Address for correspondence: Jens Bangsbo, Institute of Exercise and Sport test.
Sciences, August Krogh Institute, Universitetsparken 13, DK-2100, Copen- It is still unclear what causes fatigue during intense re-
hagen Ø, Denmark; E-mail: peated exercise. Studies using prior diet manipulation have
Submitted for publication September 2002. shown that lowered muscle glycogen play a significant role
Accepted for publication November 2002.
in the development of fatigue during long-term intermittent
0195-9131/03/3504-0697/$3.00/0 exercise (3,4,9,30). However, to what extent muscle glyco-
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE® gen and factors such as muscle creatine phosphate (CP),
Copyright © 2003 by the American College of Sports Medicine lactate, and pH play a role in fatigue during short-term
DOI: 10.1249/01.MSS.0000058441.94520.32 intense exercise is not clear. To further study these aspects
the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test can be used as an
exercise model, when measurements are performed at var-
ious phases of the test.
Thus, the aims of the present study were 1) to examine the
reproducibility and validity of the Yo-Yo intermittent re-
covery test and 2) to evaluate the physiological response
during the test and to examine potential factors causing
fatigue during repeated intense exercise.
Performance. The distance covered in the Yo-Yo in-
termittent recovery test averaged 1793 ⫾ 100 (range: 600 –
2320) m, which corresponds to a test duration of 14.7 ⫾ 0.8
(5.1–18.6) min. No difference was found between perfor-
mance in the first and second Yo-Yo test performed within
1 wk (1867 ⫾ 72 vs 1880 ⫾ 89 m; N ⫽ 13). The intra-
individual difference between these tests averaged 13 ⫾ 24
(⫺160 to 120) m, with a CV value of 4.9% (Fig. 2). A
significant correlation was observed between Yo-Yo test
performance and time to fatigue in the incremental running
test (r ⫽ 0.79, P ⬍ 0.05, Fig. 3A) as well as maximal
oxygen uptake (r ⫽ 0.71, P ⬍ 0.05, Fig. 3B). Also maximal
oxygen uptake and time to fatigue in the incremental test FIGURE 3—Interindividual relationship between the Yo-Yo intermit-
were mutually correlated (r ⫽ 0.86, P ⬍ 0.05). The lactate tent recovery test and (A) time to fatigue in the incremental test (r ⴝ
0.79, N ⴝ 15, P < 0.05) and (B) maximal oxygen uptake (r ⴝ 0.71, N
concentrations immediately after treadmill running at 14 ⴝ 15, P < 0.05). The graphs show individual data points, the regression
and 16 km·h⫺1 was inversely correlated to Yo-Yo perfor- lines, and 95% confidence limits for the regression lines.
11.4 ⫾ 2.4 U·mL⫺1 at rest and decreased (P ⬍ 0.05) to 6.4 season, the mean distance covered in the Yo-Yo test was not
⫾ 1.2 and 6.9 ⫾ 0.5 U·mL⫺1 after 1080 m and at exhaus- significantly altered (2103 ⫾ 68 m), but large inter-individ-
tion, respectively. Plasma NH3 was 47 ⫾ 6 mol·L⫺1 at rest ual performance changes were observed during the season
and increased (P ⬍ 0.05) to 172 ⫾ 37 mol·L⫺1 after (Fig. 5A). Thus, the mean intra-individual difference in test
1080 m and 229 ⫾ 24 mol·L⫺1 at exhaustion. When result between the start and end of season was ⫺108 ⫾ 107
comparing peak values reached during the Yo-Yo test and (⫺640 to 280) m, with a CV value of 15%. The mean heart
the incremental treadmill test no difference was observed in rate after 6 and 9 min of the test performed at the start of the
plasma K⫹ (7.0 ⫾ 0.2 vs 6.9 ⫾ 0.1 mmol·L⫺1), whereas season was 165 ⫾ 3 and 171 ⫾ 3 bpm, respectively, which
peak blood lactate and peak plasma NH3 were higher (P ⬍ at both time points was 9 ⫾ 2 bpm lower (P ⬍ 0.05) than
0.05) after the Yo-Yo test (10.9 ⫾ 0.1 vs 10.3 ⫾ 0.1 mmol·L⫺1 before the seasonal preparation period (Fig. 5B). No signif-
and 314 ⫾ 22 vs 240 ⫾ 16 mol·L⫺1, respectively). icant differences in heart rate response during the Yo-Yo test
Muscle temperature. Quadriceps muscle temperature were observed during the season (Fig. 5B). The maximal
was 36.6 ⫾ 0.1 (36.0 –37.3)°C before the test and increased oxygen uptake (N ⫽ 10) was 55.2 ⫾ 0.9 mL·min⫺1·kg⫺1, at
(P ⬍ 0.05) to 38.7 ⫾ 0.1 (37.9 –39.2) and 39.9 ⫾ 0.1 the start of the season, which was 7 ⫾ 1% higher (P ⬍ 0.05)
(39.2– 40.7)°C after 440 and 1080 m, respectively, with a than before the seasonal preparation period. Time to exhaustion
further increase (P ⬍ 0.05) to 40.6 ⫾ 0.2 (39.7– 41.4)°C at in the incremental test increased (P ⬍ 0.05) by 14 ⫾ 3% during
exhaustion. During the recovery period, muscle temperature the seasonal preparation phase (331 ⫾ 11 vs 293 ⫾ 11 s).
decreased (P ⬍ 0.05) by 1.0 ⫾ 0.2 and 1.3 ⫾ 0.1°C, The maximal oxygen uptake and time to exhaustion in the
respectively, during the first 5 min and next 10 min, incremental test was not significantly altered during the
reaching 38.4 ⫾ 0.1 (37.8 –38.7)°C after 15 min of re- season with intra-individual CV values being 9 and 8%,
covery. No significant intra-individual difference was respectively.
observed in test-retest muscle temperature at rest, after Positional differences in Yo-Yo test perfor-
1080 m and at exhaustion (0.1 ⫾ 0.2, ⫺0.1 ⫾ 0.1 and 0.0 mance. A grouping of the 37 players into four categories
⫾ 0.1°C, respectively), with CV values being 2, 1 and according to their playing position demonstrated that full-
0%, respectively. backs (N ⫽ 7) had the highest Yo-Yo test performance
Fluid loss. The fluid loss during the Yo-Yo test was during the season averaging 2241 ⫾ 25 (1920 –2680) m.
0.47 ⫾ 0.03 (0.34 – 0.56) L, which corresponds to 0.6 ⫾ 0.0 This was 17% longer (P ⬍ 0.05) than for central defenders
(0.4 – 0.7) % of the body mass. The fluid loss in the test and (1919 ⫾ 47 (1160 –2280) m, N ⫽ 9) and 14% longer than
retest trial was not significantly different (0.47 ⫾ 0.03 and for attackers (1966 ⫾ 30 (1480 –2320) m, N ⫽ 8, Fig. 6).
0.52 ⫾ 0.03 L, respectively), with a CV value of 19%. Midfielders (N ⫽ 13) covered a Yo-Yo test distance of 2173
Seasonal changes in physical performance of ⫾ 23 (1840 –2560) m, and this was 13% longer (P ⬍ 0.05)
soccer players. The Yo-Yo test performance of 10 elite than for the central defenders (Fig. 6).
soccer players was 1760 ⫾ 59 m before the seasonal prep- Yo-Yo test and physical performance during a
aration period and was 25 ⫾ 6% better (P ⬍ 0.05) at the soccer match. A significant correlation was observed
start of the season (2211 ⫾ 70; Fig. 5A). At the end of the between the Yo-Yo test result and the amount of high
TABLE 2. Relative glycogen content in type I, IIa, and IIb fibers before and immediately after the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test.
Glycogen Depletion Pattern
Fiber Type Distribution (%) Full (3) (%) Partly Full (2) (%) Almost Empty (1) (%) Empty (0) (%) Average Rating (n)
Type I 57 ⫾ 7 (39–80) 62 ⫾ 14 (14–100) 26 ⫾ 9 (0–54) 10 ⫾ 7 (0–50) 1 ⫾ 1 (0–6) 2.50 ⫾ 0.21 (1.64–3.00)
Type IIa 33 ⫾ 5 (19–49) 91 ⫾ 5 (70–100) 8 ⫾ 4 (0–30) 1⫾1 (0–8) 0 ⫾ 0 (0–0) 2.90 ⫾ 0.06 (2.67–3.00)
Type IIb 10 ⫾ 2 (0–12) 78 ⫾ 10 (44–100) 21 ⫾ 10 (0–56) 1⫾1 (0–5) 0 ⫾ 0 (0–0) 2.77 ⫾ 0.11 (2.44–3.00)
All fibers 100 ⫾ 0 (100–100) 75 ⫾ 10 (33–100) 19 ⫾ 6 (0–38) 6⫾5 (0–33) 0 ⫾ 0 (0–2) 2.67 ⫾ 0.14 (2.00–3.00)
Type I 59 ⫾ 8 (21–80) 68 ⫾ 12 (9–94) 19 ⫾ 4 (5–32) 11 ⫾ 9 (0–60) 2 ⫾ 2 (0–10) 2.53 ⫾ 0.21 (1.29–2.94)
Type IIa 25 ⫾ 6 (9–51) 67 ⫾ 13* (22–100) 20 ⫾ 9 (0–60) 13 ⫾ 7 (0–44) 0 ⫾ 0 (0–0) 2.54 ⫾ 0.19 (1.78–3.00)
Type IIb 16 ⫾ 4 (3–29) 59 ⫾ 9 (37–100) 22 ⫾ 7 (0–44) 19 ⫾ 7* (0–43) 0 ⫾ 0 (0–0) 2.40 ⫾ 0.15* (2.04–3.00)
All fibers 100 ⫾ 0 (100–100) 66 ⫾ 9* (22–82) 20 ⫾ 2 (17–28) 13 ⫾ 7* (1–52) 1 ⫾ 1 (0–7) 2.50 ⫾ 0.18 (1.56–2.81)
Values are mean ⫾ SEM (N ⫽ 7).
* Significantly different (P ⬍ 0.05) from resting value.
The major findings in the present study were that the
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test had a high reproducibility
and that test performance was closely related to match FIGURE 7—Interindividual relationship between the Yo-Yo intermit-
performance in soccer. In addition, the test had a high tent recovery test performance and the amount of high-intensity run-
ning (>15 km·hⴚ1) during elite soccer matches (r ⴝ 0.71, N ⴝ 18, P <
sensitivity allowing for a detailed analysis of differences 0.05). The connected symbols represent values of high intensity running
between and seasonal changes of the physical capacity of for the same player in subsequent matches.
YO-YO TEST RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 703
motivation. Anyway, the positive relationship between the test show that the rate of glycolysis is high during the test as
Yo-Yo test result and match performance is in agreement also occasionally observed during a soccer game (6,13).
with the finding from a study performed on top-class soccer Together, the test allows a determination of the ability to
referees (21) and suggest that the test provide a valid mea- recover from exercise periods of an intensity similar to that
sure of physical performance in intermittent sports such as obtained in soccer. Another interesting aspect is that the test
soccer. In accordance with this, it was shown that elite can be used to determine an athlete’s maximal heart rate.
soccer players in different playing positions had marked Thus, the peak heart rate reached during the Yo-Yo test
differences in Yo-Yo test performance. Thus, fullbacks and corresponded to 99% of that reached in a standardized
midfielders performed 14 –17% better in the Yo-Yo test maximal heart rate test and for 14 of 17 subjects the test
than central defenders, which corresponds well with the result differed less than 3 bpm.
finding that fullbacks and midfielders cover a much longer The heart rates, expressed in percentage of individual
distance with high-intensity running during top-class soccer maximal values, obtained at fixed time points of the test
games than central defenders (25). Another important find- (i.e., 6 and 9 min) inversely correlated to the performance of
ing also supporting the use of the test was that the elite the Yo-Yo test. However, this relationship was not estab-
soccer players had a major improvement in test performance lished after 3 min, suggesting that the test should be longer
during the precompetitive season (25%), which was consid- than 3 min. Of note is also that submaximal heart rate values
erably larger than the reproducibility of the test (CV ⫽ 5%). were consistently lower throughout the tests performed dur-
In addition, large individual alterations in test performance ing the season compared with the preseason (9 bpm or 5%;
was observed during the season although average values Fig. 5). Together, these observations suggest that heart rate
was unaltered in this period (CV ⫽ 15%). These findings measurements during a submaximal version of the Yo-Yo
illustrate that the test is sensitive and can be used to detect test may also provide information about soccer fitness. It has
differences between players as well as seasonal changes in the advantage that the athletes do not have to work to
“soccer fitness”. exhaustion but the disadvantage that equipment for mea-
Significant correlations were observed between the surements of heart rate is needed. Also blood lactate ob-
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test performance and time to tained during the test was inversely correlated to the Yo-Yo
exhaustion at the treadmill test and V̇O2max, which could test performance. This relationship was present from 4 to 14
lead to the suggestion that the two latter measures could as min of the test but not after 1.5 min. Thus, although the
well be used in soccer. However, neither treadmill perfor- invasiveness of the procedure has to be taken into consid-
mance nor V̇O2max was correlated to high-intensity exercise eration, blood samples taken during a submaximal version
performance during a game. Furthermore, even though cor- of the Yo-Yo test can add to the information about the
relations were found between the Yo-Yo test, V̇O2max, and physical status of an athlete.
treadmill test performance, large interindividual differences It has been suggested that elevated muscle lactate and
were observed. For example, four individuals with almost lowered muscle pH are the cause of fatigue during intense
the same V̇O2max of 48 – 49 mL·min⫺1·kg⫺1 had very dif- exercise and repeated intense exercise (12,17,29). However,
ferent Yo-Yo test performance (1560, 1760, 2040, and our observations that muscle lactate and pH were the same
2200 m, see Fig. 3B). In addition, the preseasonal changes 1.5 min before the end of the test (90%EXH) as at exhaus-
in Yo-Yo test performance of 25% greatly exceeded those of tion suggest that fatigue is not caused by accumulation of
V̇O2max for soccer players in the present and similar studies hydrogen ions or lactate. These findings are in accordance
(3–11%; 5,18,20,26). When taking into account that the with observations obtained in studies of repeated intense
amount of high-intensity running in elite soccer varies exercise using a knee-extensor model, which showed that
markedly in relation to time of the season (CV ⫽ 24%; 25), fatigue was established at different levels of muscle lactate
it seems as if the Yo-Yo test performance is a more sensitive and pH (10). Low muscle CP has also been suggested to
measure for variations in soccer performance than V̇O2max. cause fatigue, because it has been observed that perfor-
The latter notion is supported by the finding that top-class mance of intense intermittent exercise is improved by a
soccer referees improved their Yo-Yo test performance by period of creatine intake (2,16). However, muscle CP was
31% and the amount of high-intensity running during com- not changing in the last phase of exercise, and the absolute
petitive matches by 23% after 8 wk of intense intermittent CP levels were higher than at exhaustion after intense con-
exercise training, with a negligible change in V̇O2max (3%; tinuous exercise and intermittent sprint exercise (15,19).
NS) (21). Other advantages of the Yo-Yo test are that it can Thus, muscle fatigue during short-term intermittent exercise
be accomplished at low cost (no treadmill, no metabolic does not seem to be related to low muscle CP.
cart) and rapidly. Thus, at least 30 athletes can be tested Studies using prior diet manipulation have shown that
within 20 min. lowered muscle glycogen could play a significant role in the
The heart rate and the corresponding estimated V̇O2 in- development of fatigue during long-term intermittent exer-
creased progressively during the test and reached almost cise (3,4,9). In these latter studies, performance was mark-
maximal levels. The heart rate response during the last edly lowered after a low-carbohydrate diet resulting in ini-
phase of the test was similar to the levels observed during tial muscle glycogen levels below 200 mmol·kg⫺1 d.w. In
the intense parts of a soccer match (5,13). Furthermore, the the present study all subjects had postexercise glycogen
high blood and muscle lactate levels toward the end of the contents above this value (215– 480 mmol·kg⫺1 d.w.), and
704 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
based on the PAS-staining, it was observed that more than are highly taxed, and the test evaluates an individual’s
85% of the individual fibers were full or partly full with ability to recover from intense exercise. Thus, it can be
glycogen at exhaustion and that essentially no fibers were used to examine seasonal changes in the physical capac-
glycogen depleted (Table 2). In addition, another study ity of athletes in intermittent sports. The observations in
using intermittent short-lasting exercise has shown no dif- the study also indicate that development of fatigue during
ferences in the rate of glycolysis in a range of muscle intense repeated short-term exercise is not related to
glycogen levels between 250 and 650 mmol·kg⫺1 d.w. and factors such as lowered muscle pH, CP, and glycogen or
no effect on performance of diet manipulated above-normal high muscle lactate.
muscle glycogen contents (7). Altogether, this suggests that
glycogen availability is sufficient during short-term inter- We would like to thank the subjects involved in the study for their
committed participation. The excellent technical assistance of Inge-
mittent exercise for subjects on a normal diet. lise Kring and Bettina Bolmgren is appreciated. We would also like
In summary, the present study showed that the Yo-Yo to thank David Hudson and Jens Jung Nielsen for their practical and
intermittent recovery test has a high reproducibility and is technical assistance.
The study was supported by a grant from Team Denmark. In
a valid measure of physical performance in soccer. Dur- addition, support was obtained by The Sports Research Council
ing the test, both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems (Idrættens Forskningsråd).
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