JA2 Post412 Handball

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Effects of an Entire Season on Physical

Fitness Changes in Elite Male Handball

Research, Studies and Sport Medicine Center, Government of Navarra, Pamplona, SPAIN; and 2Olympic Center of Studies,
Spanish Olympic Committee, Madrid, SPAIN

Season on Physical Fitness Changes in Elite Male Handball Players. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 357–366, 2006.
Purpose: Fifteen elite male handball players were studied to examine the effects of an entire season of play on physical fitness and
throwing velocity. Methods: One repetition maximal bench press (1RMBP), jumping explosive strength, power–load relationship of
the leg and arm extensor muscles, 5- and 15-m sprint running time, endurance running, and handball throwing velocity (standing and
three-step running throw) were assessed on four times (T1, T2, T3, and T4), during a 45-wk season. Individual volumes and intensities
of training and competition were quantified for 11 activities. Results: From T1 to T3, significant increases occurred in free fatty mass
(1.4%), 1RMBP (1.9%), standing throwing velocity (6.5%), and three-step throwing velocity (6.2%). No significant changes were
observed throughout the season in endurance running and explosive strength-related variables. Significant correlations (P G 0.05–0.01)
were observed between strength training time and changes in standing throwing velocity as well as between high-intensity endurance
training time and changes in endurance running. In addition, linear inverse relationships were observed between low-intensity
endurance training time and changes in muscle power output of the lower extremities. Conclusion: The handball season resulted in
significant increases in maximal and specific strength of the upper-extremity but not in the lower-extremity actions. The correlations
observed suggest that training time at low intensity should be given less attention, whereas the training stimuli for high-intensity
endurance running and leg strength training should be given more careful attention in the full training season program. Key Words:

andball is a strenuous contact Olympic team sport of physical fitness occurs when strength, sprint, endurance,
that places emphasis on running, jumping, sprint- sport-specific factors, and competition are trained simulta-
ing, arm throwing, hitting, blocking, and pushing. neously during an entire season (12,14,20).
In addition to technical and tactical skills, it has been No studies have investigated the relationships between
shown that anthropometric characteristics and high levels the physical conditioning markers monitored over the course
of strength, muscle power, and handball throwing velocity of a season and the quantitative assessments of training and
are the most important factors that give a clear advantage competition in elite male handball players. Examination of
for successful participation in elite levels of handball these relationships could be of great importance for optimal
leagues (8). From this, it is believed that to improve their construction of the physical and sport-specific conditioning
handball performance, elite level players must arrange programs to improve handball performance.
specific handball conditioning with some additional resis- We hypothesized that if the physical demands of physical
tance, as well as sprint and endurance training (20). Little conditioning, handball practice, and competition are opti-
is known, however, about the best way to improve sport- mized, physical performance and handball throwing veloc-
specific performance in handball and other team sports and ity should be improved during an entire handball season. On
whether some interference between different components the contrary, if these demands are too great, too low, or
unbalanced, no increases or interference on physical
performance development should occur (9,16). This study,
Address for correspondence: Esteban M. Gorostiaga, Research, Studies
and Sport Medicine Center. Government of Navarra, C/ Sangüesa 34,
therefore, investigated the physical fitness and throwing
31005 Pamplona (Navarra), Spain; E-mail: egorosta@cfnavarra.es. velocity changes that take place over a season in one of the
Submitted for publication May 2005. world_s leading male handball teams. We were also
Accepted for publication August 2005. specifically interested in determining the influence of
0195-9131/06/3802–0357/0 quantitative assessments of different training and compe-
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ tition modes on the changes in physical performance and
Copyright Ó 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine throwing velocity over the course of a season in these elite
DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000184586.74398.03 handball players.

Copyright @ 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
METHODS Before commencing the study, players had a physical
examination by the team physician, and each was cleared
Experimental approach to the problem. One elite
of any medical disorders that might limit their participation
handball Spanish team, ranked as one of the world_s
leading professional handball teams, participated in this fully in the investigation. The subjects and coach were
informed about the experimental procedures and the
study. The team was monitored throughout a 45-wk
possible risks and benefits of the project, which was
handball season consisting of 50 games, using a longitu-
approved by the institutional review committee of the
dinal study design. Measures of physical characteristics
Instituto Navarro de Deporte y Juventud, and carried out
(height, body mass, percent body fat, and free fatty mass),
according to the Declaration of Helsinki. The subjects were
physical performance (one repetition maximal bench press
not taking exogenous anabolic–androgenic steroids or other
(1RMBP), jumping explosive strength, power–load rela-
drugs or substances expected to affect physical perfor-
tionship of the leg and arm extensor muscles, 5- and 15-m
sprint running time, running endurance, and handball mance or hormonal balance during this study. No tests
were positive for any banned substance in any of the
throwing velocity (standing and three-step running throw)
subjects during several in or out of competition doping
were assessed four times during the course of the season. In
control tests undertaken by the Spanish or International
addition, the individual time spent and intensity of training
Handball Federation under strict International Olympic
and competition was quantified by means of the time used
Committee doping control guidelines. The subjects were
in 11 activities (endurance running at low, medium, and
not taking any medications that would have an impact on
high intensities; ball exercise at low, medium, and high
the results of the study.
intensities; weight training and sport-specific strength
training; sprint running; training game; and competition Testing schedule. The 45-wk season lasted from
August 2002 to May 2003 and consisted of two preparatory
game). Hereby, it was possible to examine the influence of
periods (from weeks 1 to 6 and from weeks 23 to 27) and
a handball season on physical performance and handball
two competitive periods (from weeks 7 to 22 and from
throwing velocity and quantify the individual time spent in
weeks 28 to 45) (Fig. 1). During the season, the subjects
each activity and intensity of training and competition.
were tested on four occasions (Fig. 1): The first test (T1,
Experimental studies recreating the training loads and
August, 1) was performed 3 d after the beginning of the
time frames relevant for international class team sports
first preparatory period. The second test (T2, September, 9),
athletes are absent from the literature. Understanding the
effects of periodized training and competition time spent and the third test (T3R, December, 12) were performed at
the beginning and at the end, respectively, of the first
volumes and intensities may provide insights for en-
competitive period of the National First Division League,
hancing performance and preventing injury in elite hand-
whereas the fourth test (T4, May, 19) was performed at the
ball team sport.
end of the second competitive period of the National First
Subjects. Members of one elite male handball team
Division League. The only incidence in the testing
(N = 15; age: 31.0 T 3 yr) with a regular training and
schedule was that the sprint and the endurance running
competitive background in handball (20.2 T 4 yr) partici-
test in T3 (T3E), were performed at the beginning of the
pated in the study. The team can be considered as one of
the world_s leading professional handball teams because second competitive period of the National First Division
League (January, 31), 6 wk after the T3R, because of a
(a) it was the Spanish handball champion last season,
coach decision (Fig. 1). The subjects were familiarized
and 7 months later it was runner-up in the European
with the testing protocol because they had been tested on
Champions League, (b) 12 of their players are or have been
several occasions in previous seasons for training prescrip-
internationals and had won 18 Olympic or World Cham-
tion purposes. For a given test, all of the players were
pionship medals, and (c) European players are the world
assessed on the same day, and the tests were performed in
leaders in handball because in the last four World Handball
the same order in the three test sessions. During the first
Championships, the first three places have been won by
European national teams. Table 1 gives the physical charac- testing session, each subject was subjected to a sprint and
endurance running test. In the second test session, each
teristics of the subjects before and throughout the exper-
subject was tested for anthropometric measurements,
imental period.
maximal and explosive strength, and muscle power. In
the third testing session, penalty and three-step running-
TABLE 1. Physical characteristics of the elite male handball team at the beginning (T1)
of the first preparatory period, at the beginning (T2) and at the end (T3R) of the first
throw velocities were measured. The subjects were given
competitive period, and at the end of the second competitive period (T4). strong verbal encouragement to perform all the tests as best
Physical as they could. Testing was integrated into weekly training
Characteristics T1 T2 T3R T4 schedules.
Body mass (kg) 95.6 T 14.3 95.2 T 13.4 95.6 T 12.1 93.9 T 16.9 All the subjects were familiarized with the testing pro-
Body fat (%) 14.9 T 4.2 13.9 T 2.6 13.6 T 2.6 14.0 T 3.1
Free fatty 80.7 T 8.8 81.8 T 9.4* 82.1 T 8.8* 80.3 T 11.8 tocol because they had been previously tested on several
mass (kg) occasions in previous seasons for training prescription
Age (yr) 31 T 4
Height (cm) 188 T 7 purposes with the same testing procedures. In a pilot study,
Values are means T SD, N = 15. * Significantly different (P G 0.01) from the intertest reliability for measuring maximal strength and
corresponding value at T1. power, anthropometric variables, as well as several
358 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

Copyright @ 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
FIGURE 1—Testing and games schedule of the elite male handball season.

endurance indices was assessed on two trials separated by load was determined as 1RM. The rest period between
7 d in a group of handball players. The test–retest intraclass attempts was always 2 min.
correlations coefficients (ICC) of the anthropometric, The power–load relationship of the arm and leg
maximal strength and explosive (e.g., throwing and extensor muscles was tested in bench press and half-
jumping) variables used in this study were 90.91 and the squat position, respectively, using the relative loads of
coefficients of variation (CV) ranged from 0.9 to 7.3%. 30, 45, 60, and 70% of 1RM for bench press exercise,
Similarly, the ICC and CV for the velocity associated with and 60, 80, 100, and 125% of body mass for half-squat
a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmolILj1 (V3) were exercise. For comparison purposes, the subject_s power–
0.94 and 2.2%, respectively. load relationship was tested through the experimental
Physical characteristics. The anthropometric period with the same absolute pretraining loads. In half-
variables of height (m), body mass (kg), body fat (%), and squat position, shoulders were in contact with a bar and
free fatty mass (kg) were measured in each subject. Height the starting knee angle was 90- (18). On command, the
and body mass measurements were made on a leveled subject performed a concentric leg extension (as fast as
platform scale (Año Sayol, Barcelona, Spain) with an possible) starting from the flexed position to reach the
accuracy of 0.01 kg and 0.001 m, respectively. Body mass full extension of 180- against the resistance determined
index (BMI) was calculated from body mass and body height by the weight plates added to both ends of the bar. The
(kgImj2). Percentage of body fat was calculated from trunk was kept as straight as possible. The subjects were
measurements of seven skinfold thickness (19). Free fatty allowed to use a weight training belt. Warm-up consisted
mass (FFM; kg) was calculated as a difference between of a set of five repetitions at the loads of 40–60% of
body mass and body fat. the body mass. Two testing actions were recorded and the
Maximal strength and muscle power output best reading (with the best velocity) was taken for
test. A detailed description of the maximal strength and further analysis. The time period of rest between each trial
muscle power testing procedures can be found elsewhere and set was always 1.5 min.
(18). Basically, maximal strength of the upper extremity During the lower and upper extremity test actions, bar
was assessed using one repetition concentric maximal displacement, average velocity (mIsj1), and mean power
bench press action (1RMBP). Bench press (elbow exten- (W) were recorded by linking a rotary encoder to the end
sion) was chosen because it seems most specific to the part of the bar. The rotary encoder recorded the position
overhand throwing technique (6). The test was performed and direction of the bar within accuracy of 0.0002 m.
in a squatting apparatus in which the barbell was attached Customized software (JLML I+D, Madrid, Spain) was used
to both ends, with linear bearings on two vertical bars to calculate the power output for each repetition of the
allowing only vertical movements. The bar was positioned half-squat and bench press performed throughout the whole
1 cm above the subject_s chest and supported by the bottom range of motion. Average power output for each repetition
stops of the measurement device. The subject was of the half-squat and bench press was determined. Power
instructed to perform a purely concentric action from a curves were plotted using average power over the whole
lower starting position, maintaining the shoulders in a 90- range of movement as a most representative mechanical
abducted position to ensure consistency of the shoulder parameter associated with a contraction cycle of leg and
and elbow joints throughout the testing movements (18). arm extensor muscles participating in the half-squat (i.e.,
No bouncing or arching of the back was allowed. Warm-up hip, knee, and ankle joints) and bench press (i.e., elbow
consisted of a set of five repetitions at loads of 40–60% and shoulder joints) performances. In all neuromuscular
of the perceived maximum. Thereafter, four to five performance tests, strong verbal encouragement was given
separate single attempts were performed until the subject to each subject to motivate maximal and rapid performance
was unable to reach the full extension position of the arms. of each test action. The reproducibility of the measure-
The last acceptable extension with the highest possible ments has been reported elsewhere (18).
TRAINING SEASON FOR HANDBALL PLAYERS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 359

Copyright @ 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Jumping test. Subjects were asked to perform a interpolated. The submaximal velocity associated with a
maximal counter-movement vertical jump on a contact given absolute blood lactate concentration has been shown
platform (Newtest OY, Oulu, Finland). Using a preparatory to be an important determinant of endurance performance
counter movement, subjects performed the jump from an capacity (29).
extended leg position, down to the 90- knee flexion, and Handball throwing velocity test. Specific explosive
then immediately followed by a subsequent concentric strength production in handball was evaluated on an in-
action where the subject jumps for maximal height. door handball court by an overarm throw, in two situations:
Subjects could move their arm freely, but were instructed a standing throw (penalty throw) and a three-step running
to land on the contact platform in a position similar to that throw. After a 10-min standardized warming up, the sub-
of the take-off. The jumping height was calculated from jects were instructed to throw a standard handball (mass
the flight time (1). Two sets of two maximal jumps were 480 g, circumference 58 cm) as fast as possible thorough a
recorded, interspersed with an approximately 10-s rest standard goal, using one hand and their own technique. In
between jumps and 90-s rest between sets. The best reading the standing throw, one of the feet had to be in contact with
was used for further analysis. the floor behind the line 7 m from the goal (penalty mark);
Maximal sprint and endurance running test. in the three-step running throw, the players were allowed to
After a nonstandardized 15-min warm-up period that do a preparatory run, limited to three regular steps before
included low-intensity running, several acceleration runs, releasing the ball behind the line 9 m from the goal. The
and stretching exercises, the subjects undertook a sprint recording of throwing time was done with an accuracy of
running test consisting of three maximal sprints of 15 m, 0.001 s using photocell gates (Newtest OY, Oulu, Finland)
with a 90-s rest period between each sprint, on an indoor placed on two tripods located parallel to the throwing
court. During the 90-s recovery period, the subjects walked trajectory, in front of the left post of the goal. The first
back to the starting line. Time was recorded using tripod was located 3.4 m from the penalty mark and
photocell gates (Newtest OY, Oulu, Finland) placed contained five vertically distributed photocells (range:
0.4 m above the ground, with an accuracy of 0.001 s. The 1.49–2.10 m above the ground). The second tripod was
subjects commenced the sprint when ready from a standing placed 6.4 m from the penalty mark and contained four
start, 0.5 m behind the start. Stance for the start was vertically distributed photocells (range: 1.37–1.89 m above
consistent for each subject. Time was automatically the ground). To simulate a real handball game action, the
activated as the subject passed the first gate at the 0 m players were told to throw to the upper right corner of
mark and split times were recorded at 5 and 15 m. The the goal with maximal velocity and were allowed to put
run with the lowest time was selected for further analysis. resin on their hands to throw the ball. The first tripod was
The endurance running test was performed 5 min after located slightly higher than the second one because some
the end of the sprint running test on an indoor court. of the tallest handball players released the ball at a vertical
Each subject performed a four-stage submaximal discon- height slightly higher than the goal height (2.00 m). The
tinuous progressive running test around the handball court time was automatically activated as the handball passed
(40  20 m), with a 3-min rest between each run. The the photocells of the first tripod and was stopped when the
running velocities for the four stages were 10, 12, 14, and handball passed the photocells of the second tripod. Aver-
16 kmIhj1. Time for each stage was 5 min. To assure a age throwing velocity was calculated from the time and the
constant velocity for each running stage, subjects were distance (3 m) covered by the ball. The coaches supervised
instructed to even pace their running through an audio the entire throwing test to ensure that the subjects were
signal connected to a preprogrammed computer (Balise using the right handball technique. For each type of throw,
Temporelle, Bauman, Switzerland). During the test, heart each subject performed trials until three correct throws
rate was recorded every 15 s (Sportester Polar, Kempele, were recorded, up to a maximum of three sets of three
Finland) and averaged for the last 60 s of each stage. consecutive throws. A 1- to 2-min rest elapsed between
Immediately after each exercise stage, capillary blood sets of throws and 10–15 s elapsed between two throws of
samples were obtained from hyperemic earlobe to deter- the same set. As motivation, athletes were immediately
mine lactate concentrations. Samples for whole blood informed of their performance. The throw with the highest
lactate determination (100 2L) were collected in a average ball velocity was selected for further analysis.
preservative collection kit (YSI Preservative Collection Training and competition data analysis. During
Kit), stored at 4-C, and analyzed within the following 24– the experimental period, the coaches recorded the individual
72 h (YSI, 1500 Sport L-Lactate Analyzer). match and training time exposure (i.e., player participation
The blood lactate analyzer was calibrated after every fifth for every training and competition session, including the
blood sample dose with three known controls (5, 15, and 30 duration of each activity). Individual training volume was
mmolILj1). Individual data points for the exercise blood determined as the amount of time each player participated in
lactate values were plotted as a continuous function against each activity. Player participation was split into 11 activities
time. The exercise lactate curve was fitted with a second (endurance running at low, medium, and high intensities;
degree polynomic function. From the equation describing ball exercise at low, medium, and high intensities; weight
the exercise blood lactate curve, the velocity associated training; sport-specific strength training; sprint running;
with a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmolILj1 (V3) was training game; and competition game).
360 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

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The endurance training was divided into the low (E1; cedures were used to locate the difference between means.
average heart rate corresponding to G80% of V3mmolILj1), The test–retest reliabilities for the experimental test
medium (E2, average heart rate corresponding to 80–90% demonstrated intraclass correlations of R Q 0.95. Pearson
of V 3mmolILj1), and high (E3; average heart rate product–moment correlation coefficients (r) were used to
corresponding to 990% of V3mmolILj1 or interval train- determine association between handball training and
ing) intensity running, based on the relationships observed competition variables and anthropometric, physical fitness,
between running velocity, heart rate, and blood lactate and throwing velocity parameters. Statistical power cal-
concentration during the endurance running test. In the culations for t-test correlation ranged from 0.69 to 0.95 in
same way, ball exercise training was divided into low (B1; this study. The P e 0.05 criterion was used to establish
average heart rate corresponding to G80% of V3mmolILj1); statistical significance.
medium (B2; average heart rate corresponding to 80–90%
of V 3mmolILj1); and high (B3; average heart rate RESULTS
corresponding to 990% of V3mmolILj1) or interval
Times spent at training and competition modes.
training) ball intensity. Heart rate was periodically moni-
During the 5-wk first preparatory period (from T1 to T2), each
tored (Polar, Oulu, Finland) through several endurance
player participated in an average of 37 training sessions (8.4
running and ball exercise training sessions to verify the
training sessions per week), and played seven training games
exercise training intensities.
for a total average duration of 3048 min distributed as follows:
The strength training time was divided into weight
endurance training (31%), strength training (29%), sprint
training (Sw; with free weights and machines) and sport-
training (0.3%), ball exercise (31%), and training game (7%)
specific strength training (Ss; running uphill, multijumps,
(Fig. 2). From T2 to T3R (15 wk), each player participated in
medicine ball throwing). Briefly, Sw consisted of two main
an average of 77 training sessions (5.1 training sessions per
exercises with barbells: dynamic half-squat lift and bench
week), and played 1 training game and 20 competition games
press, and two main secondary exercises: power clean
for a total average duration of 6326 min distributes as
and pullover. The load in the squat-lift exercises (2–5 sets,
follows: endurance training (25%), strength training (10%),
2–5 repetitions) ranged from 85 to 110% of the load with
sprint training (0.2%), ball exercise (52%), training game
the maximal power output that was attained in the power–
(3.4%), and competition game (8%). From T3R to T4 (22 wk),
load test in half-squat actions. This corresponds to a load
each player participated in an average of 119 training sessions
ranging approximately from 51 to 77% of one maximal
(5.5 training sessions per week), and played 22 competition
concentric repetition in the squat lift exercise (18). The
games for a total average duration of 5757 min distributed
load in the power clean lift exercises (3–5 sets, 3–6 reps)
as follows: endurance training (25%), strength training (17%),
ranged from 65 to 95% of six maximal concentric
sprint training (0.1%), ball exercise (48%), training game
repetitions (6RM). This corresponds to a load ranging
(2.5%), and competition game (8%). Average training and
approximately from 41 to 76% of one maximal concentric
competition time decreased from 649 T 16 minIwkj1 (from
repetition in the power clean exercise. The load in the
T1 to T2) to 369 T 41 minIwkj1 (from T2 to T3R), and to 263
dynamic bench press lift exercise (2–4 sets, 1–5 repeti-
T 121 minIwkj1 (from T3R to T4).
tions) ranged from 85 to 100% of one maximal concentric
Physical characteristics. Some slights changes oc-
repetition (1RMBP). Loads were adjusted based on 1RM
curred in physical characteristics during the experimental
testing through the season. The load in the dynamic
period (Table 1). No changes occurred in body mass and
pullover lift exercise (3–4 sets, 5–10 repetitions) ranged
percent body fat during the season. Free fatty mass sig-
from 15 to 25% of body mass (BMP). The players also
nificantly increased 1.3% (P G 0.01) from T1 (80.7 T 8 kg)
performed some light strengthening exercises for the calf,
hamstring, leg adductor, and deep abdominal muscles to
prevent injuries. Strength training frequency was one to
two sessions per week and lasted between 55 and 120 min
per session. Training was periodized from a high-volume,
low-intensity phase during the preparatory periods to a
low-volume, high-intensity phase toward the competitive
All works were supervised by team coaches. Diets or
lifestyles were not controlled significantly during the
course of the season, although the coaches encouraged
some of the players to maintain body weight, under threat
of economic fine.
Statistical procedures. Standard statistical methods FIGURE 2—Relative volumes (mean T SD) of the different training
were used to calculate the mean and standard deviations. and competition modes between tests during the entire season. Low-
ANOVA with repeated measures was used to determine (E1), medium- (E2), and high-intensity (E3) endurance training;
weight strength training (Sw) and sport-specific strength training
the differences between tests. When a significant F value (Ss); low (B1), medium (B2), and high-intensity (B3) ball exercise
was achieved, appropriate Scheffé post hoc tests pro- training; training game (TG) and competition game (CG).

TRAINING SEASON FOR HANDBALL PLAYERS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 361

Copyright @ 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
to T2 (81.8 T 9 kg) and 1.4% (P G 0.01) from T1 to T3
(82.1 T 8 kg).
Maximal strength and muscle power output.
Maximal 1RMBP values increased during the season. Thus,
1RMBP increased 2% at T2 (106.9 T 11.6 kg, P G 0.05) and
1.9% at T3 (106.8 T 11.3 kg, P G 0.01) compared with T1
(104.8 T 15.6 kg). The data of the values of the average
bilateral concentric half-squat and bench press power–load
curve in absolute values during the experimental period are
presented in Table 2. Muscle power output of the lower
extremities at all loads examined remained unaltered during
the whole season. Similarly, bench press power output at all
loads examined remained unaltered during the season.
Jumping test. No significant changes were observed FIGURE 3—Relationship between the total time devoted to strength
in vertical jumping height at any time during the whole training and the individual changes of standing throwing velocity,
from T1 to T2.
season (45.2 T 7.0, 46.8 T 7.7, 48.2 T 7.2, and 47.5 T 7.0 cm
at T1, T2, T3R, and T4, respectively).
Maximal sprint and endurance running. Maximal and relative changes in physical performance. Thus, from
sprint running velocity for 5 m (17.3 T 1.2, 17.4 T 1.1, 17.2 T T1 to T2, the individual total strength training time (Sw +
0.8, and 17.2 T 1.1 mIsj1 at T1, T2, T3E, and T4, respectively) Ss) correlated with the individual relative changes in
and for 15 m (21.9 T 1.3, 21.9 T 1.1, 21.9 T 0.8, and 21.8 T standing throwing velocity (r = 0.58, P G 0.05, N = 15)
1.3 mIsj1 at T1, T2, T3E, and T4, respectively) did not (Fig. 3). Significant inverse correlations were observed
change during the experimental period. Similarly, no statis- from T1 to T2 between the individual total endurance
tically significant changes occurred in the mean running veloc- running and ball exercise training times at low intensities
ity that elicited a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmolILj1 (E1 + B1) and the individual relative changes of concentric
(V3) during the season (11.9 T 0.9, 11.8 T 0.9, 12.3 T 0.9, and power production at the load of 125% of body mass during
12.4 T 0.5 kmIhj1 at T1, T2, T3E, and T4, respectively). half-squat action, expressed relative to kilograms of body
Handball throwing velocity. Measures in average mass (r = j0.79, P G 0.01, N = 10) (Fig. 4). Finally, from
handball throwing velocity showed significant increases T1 to T2, the individual relative changes in percent body
during the season for both types of throwing. Thus, a fat correlated significantly (r = 0.70, P G 0.01, N = 14)
significant (P G 0.001) increase was observed in standing (Fig. 5) with the individual relative changes in concentric
throw at T3R (26.0 T 2.2 mIsj1) compared with T2 (23.8 T power production at the load of 30% of 1RMBP.
1.9 mIsj1) and T1 (24.3 T 2.3 mIsj1). Similarly, a signi- From T2 to T3R, significant correlations were observed
ficant (P G 0.01) increase was observed in the average between the individual changes of concentric power
velocity of handball throwing with three-step running at T3R production at the load of 125% of body mass during half-
(27.6 T 2.2 mIsj1) compared with T2 (25.3 T 2.2 mIsj1) and squat action and the individual changes in the average
T1 (25.9 T 1.9 mIsj1). No changes in standing or three-step running velocity over 15-m sprint running (r = 0.95, P G 0.01,
throwing were observed between T3R and T4. N = 6). From T2 to T3E, significant correlations were ob-
Relationships between training and competition served between the individual total endurance running and
times, physical performance, throwing velocity, ball exercise training times at high intensities (E3 + B3)
and physical characteristic changes during the and the individual relative changes of mean running
training season. Statistically significant correlations
were observed from T1 to T2 between training times and
physical performance and throwing velocity changes as
well as between relative changes in physical characteristics

TABLE 2. Absolute power values in the elite male handball team, at the beginning (T1)
of the first preparatory period, at the beginning (T2) and at the end (T3R) of the first
competitive period, and at the end of the second competitive period (T4).
Power T1 T2 T3R T4
Lower extremity
P 60% (W) 645 T 114 649 T 105 625 T 133 598 T 108
P 80% (W) 763 T 101 767 T 106 766 T 84 755 T 131
P 100% (W) 845 T 103 840 T 112 883 T 100 840 T 137
P 125% (W) 763 T 243 866 T 108 929 T 127 898 T 136
Upper extremity
P 30% (W) 440 T 84 437 T 58 452 T 55 431 T 97
P 45% (W) 476 T 73 487 T 70 500 T 74 481 T 96 FIGURE 4—Relationship between the time devoted to endurance (E1)
P 60% (W) 449 T 77 468 T 81 455 T 81 441 T 109 and ball exercise (B1) training at low intensity and the individual
P 70% (W) 394 T 72 416 T 91 391 T 107 364 T 110 changes of relative concentric power production at load of 125% of
Values are means T SD, N = 15. body mass during half-squat action, from T1 to T2.

362 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

Copyright @ 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
addition, linear inverse relationships were observed between
low-intensity endurance training time and changes in
muscle power output of the lower extremities.
The elite male handball players had significant increases
from T1 to T3 in free fatty mass, upper-body maximal
strength, and standing throwing velocity, but no changes
occurred in sprint running, endurance running, and upper-
and lower-extremity muscle power. These minor changes
in physical fitness during the season are consistent
with the results obtained in male elite handball (23), soccer
(21), bandy (14), and basketball players (11). It is not
known why minor changes are observed in physical fitness
in elite players, despite using an in-season conditioning
FIGURE 5—Relationship between the individual changes of percent- program. They may be related, however, to low training
age of body fat and the individual changes of power at 30% of 1RM of
bench press, from T1 to T2. intensity or motivation, the distribution of different train-
ing and competition modes for different phases, inter-
fering effects between training modes, and that their
velocity that elicited a blood lactate concentration of 3 handball-related physical performance is probably
mmolILj1 (V3) (r = 0.68, P G 0.05, N = 10) (Fig. 6). approaching their genetic limits. The findings of minor
From T3 to T4, the number of subjects who could perform changes in physical fitness during the season in hand-
all the tests was low, because of injuries. Consequently, the ball players raises the question of the appropriate training
associations between variables could be studied in few stimulus required to elicit improvements in physical fitness
subjects (N = 5–9) and should be viewed with caution. and performance in elite team sports participants.
Similar trends to those found in previous training and The handball season resulted in slight (1–4%) but
competition periods were observed between variables. Thus, significant increases in maximal concentric upper-body
significant inverse correlations were observed from T3R to strength, standing throw, and three-step running throw.
T4, between the individual total endurance running and ball These results indicate that the combination of a strength
exercise training times at low intensities (E1 + B1) and the training program, handball training, and competition skills
individual relative changes in velocity at the load of 125% training contributed to significant enhancements in maxi-
of body mass during half-squat action, expressed relative to mal and specific-explosive strength of the upper extremity
kilogram of body mass (r = j0.93, P G 0.05, N = 5). Finally, during the season. The increase in maximal upper-body
significant correlations were observed from T3E to T4 strength should give the whole team an advantage to
between the individual total endurance running training sustain the forceful muscle contractions required during
times at medium and high intensities (E2 + E3) and the some handball game actions such as hitting, blocking,
individual relative changes of mean running velocity that pushing, and holding. The increase in handball throwing
elicited a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmolILj1 (V3) (r = velocity is of major importance in handball because elite
0.95, P G 0.05, N = 5). handball players have 8–9% higher handball throwing
velocity than lower-level players (8) and because the
combination of ball velocity and accuracy at throwing
is one of the most important factors for success in hand-
This is the first study to document the physical fitness ball (25). The significant correlation observed between
changes over an entire season and the relationships
between durations of different training and competition
modes and changes in physical performance, in one of the
world_s leading elite male handball teams. The primary
findings of the present study demonstrated that the entire
season in elite male handball players led to significant in-
creases in free fatty mass, maximal concentric upper-body
strength, and handball throwing velocity. No changes,
however, occurred during the season in maximal sprint and
endurance running or in muscle power output of the upper
and lower extremities at all loads examined. The present
findings additionally demonstrated that linear direct rela-
tionships were observed between strength training time and
changes in standing throwing velocity, between high-
intensity endurance training time and changes in endurance FIGURE 6—Relationship between the time devoted to endurance (E3)
and ball exercise (B3) training at high intensity and the individual
running, as well as between changes in percent body fat and changes of velocity associated with a blood lactate concentration of
changes in muscle power output of the upper extremities. In 3 mmolILj1 (V3), from T2 to T3E.

TRAINING SEASON FOR HANDBALL PLAYERS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise姞 363

Copyright @ 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the individual values of training time devoted to total lower-extremity strength, muscle power, and sprint running
resistance training time and the individual changes in velocity development may be inhibited by the low-
handball standing throwing velocity further supports a need intensity, aerobic-type training used during the entire
for careful and significant attention to the individual season. The present observation agrees with other studies
resistance training programs in elite handball players. performed with elite basketball players (11) and suggests
With the use of an in-season conditioning program, leg that overall volume of low-intensity running and low-
extensor strength and sprint velocity gains might be ex- intensity training drills of aerobic nature during the
pected. Muscle power output of the half-squat actions, ver- season could have had some negative effects on the muscle
tical jump, and sprint running performance, however, power performance gains of the legs. It is suggested,
remained unchanged during the entire competitive season. therefore, that the magnitude and the frequency of these
This must be considered as a negative result on the playing specific low-intensity, aerobic-type of training should be
ability of the whole team because muscle power output reduced in the full training program.
of the leg extensor muscles, absolute jumping power, and Although no changes were observed in leg extensor
sprint running are important neuromuscular performance muscle performance during the season, significant correla-
characteristics for successful participation in elite levels of tions were observed from T2 to T3R between the individual
handball (8). The differences observed for the strength relative changes of concentric power production at the load
gains between the upper-extremity muscles and the leg of 125% of body mass during half-squat actions and the
extensor muscles as a result of resistance training have been individual relative changes in 15-m average sprint running
found in other studies with untrained (5), aged (13), prepu- velocity. It indicates that handball players with higher
bescent (26), and adolescent handball players (9). These increases in concentric power production of the lower
differences have been explained by a difference in initial extremities may more likely produce major running sprint
conditioning between knee extensors and upper-body performance gains than those with lower increases of
muscles (26), related to differences in the pattern of muscle power production. This relationship suggests a
quantity or intensity of daily physical use in normal life possible transfer from the gain in leg muscle power into
(5,9,13). The quadriceps muscle, owing to its weight- enhanced sprint performance and emphasizes the impor-
bearing role during habitual physical activity, would be tance of increasing leg muscular strength and power to
more likely to be at a higher initial level of conditioning improve short-distance sprint performance (3,10).
than the upper-body muscles, which have been shown to Based on studies measuring heart rate and blood lactate
be used habitually less frequently (26). This explanation, levels during 30- to 60-min handball games, it has been
however, seems to be uncertain for the present group of estimated that handball level performance demands a high
elite experienced players because they are probably aerobic capacity (2,22,23). Because a considerable amount
approaching their genetic limits based in their handball of training time was devoted to endurance running and,
and weight training history. Another explanation for the specially, to low-intensity endurance running (E1, Fig. 2),
different strength gains observed between the upper and the an increase in endurance capacity during the season was
lower extremities could be related to differences in weight expected. No changes in running associated with a blood
training regimens. Thus, relative weight training intensity in lactate concentration of 3 mmolIL–1, a good predictor of
the lower extremity (range: 50–80% 1RMHS) was lower aerobic capacity (29), however, were observed during the
than in the upper-extremity muscles (range: 85–100% of entire handball season. The present results suggest that
1RMBP). In this case, the loads utilized in the present a lot of low-intensity running (E1) does not increase endur-
lower-extremity strength training program were probably ance capacity in handball players. In addition, significant
not sufficient to improve the level of knee extensors correlations were observed in T2–T3 and T3–T4 between
strength and muscle power. From this, it appears that the the individual training time at high-intensity endurance
use of a heavier resistance-training program might be running (E2,E3) and the individual relative changes in
essential for optimizing muscle strength and power of the average running velocity associated with a blood lactate
leg extensor muscles. concentration of 3 mmolIL–1. This agrees with previous
Finally, an alternative explanation could be related to studies showing that handball training alone does not
some interference of endurance training with strength increase aerobic capacity (23) and that additional high-
development in the legs. Some studies have found that intensity endurance training is needed to increase aerobic
simultaneous training for strength and endurance might capacity in elite handball (20) and other team sports such
reduce the capacity to develop strength, especially during as elite soccer (15). These observations suggest that the
prolonged training periods (4,9,11,16). These results agree magnitude or frequency of the training stimuli for high-
with the present study, in which significant inverse intensity endurance running should be given more attention
correlations were observed, from T1 to T2 and from T3E during the full season. It also strongly suggests that the
to T4, between the individual values of training time training time at low-intensity running should be given
devoted to low-intensity endurance running and ball less attention because it does not increase endurance
exercises and the individual changes in concentric power capacity and, as it has been pointed out, it interferes with
and velocity production at the load of 125% of body mass the development of muscle power of the legs extensor
during half-squat actions. This strongly suggests that muscles.
364 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine http://www.acsm-msse.org

Copyright @ 2006 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
During the season, but specially, during the first several times during the precompetitive season, typically
preparatory period (from T1 to T2), coaches pressed all with food and fluid restriction and exercising in rubber or
the players to obtain an ‘‘adequate’’ body mass based in plastic suits (7). Using these methods, 2–5% decreases in
the individual competitive body mass observed in previous body weight during 1 d have been reported (27). The ef-
seasons. Most of players (N = 11), therefore, reduced fects of rapid body weight reduction on strength charac-
fat mass from T1 to T2 under threat of economic fine teristics are complex and not clear (7,27). Some studies,
and weekly control of body weight. An unexpected find- however, have reported an impairment in the capability
ing of this study was that from T1 to T2 the individual of the neuromuscular system to produce force after rapid
relative changes observed in percent body fat correlated body weight loss (17,27,28) and even after a short (1–3 h)
with the individual relative changes in concentric rehydration period (27). The factors responsible for the
power production at the load of 30% of 1RM during bench impaired capability in force production after weight
press action (Fig. 5). It indicates that handball players reduction are unknown, but they could be related to the
who had a greater decrease in the percent body fat from considerable amount of electrolytes lost through sweating
T1 to T2 had greater decreases in muscle power during and mood alterations (reduction in aggression) (24). In this
high-velocity contractions of the upper extremity than hypothesis, gradual and reasonable individual programs
did those with minor or with even some increases in per- of body fat reduction with professional guidance should
cent body fat. Decreases in muscle power production of be recommended in some handball players to avoid
the upper-extremity muscles during very fast movements losses in muscle function.
can be considered as disadvantageous for handball Conclusion and practical application. In conclu-
throwing because it has been shown that faster hand- sion, the present findings demonstrate that the entire
ball elite throwers are able to better and more quickly season in elite male handball players led to slight but
activate fast muscles of the upper extremity during high- significant increases in free fatty mass, maximal strength
velocity, low load-contractions (8,23). Although the in bench press actions and handball throwing velocity.
mechanisms of muscle power losses associated with body Although a considerable amount of time was devoted to
fat reductions are unknown, they might involve: (a) A endurance and resistance training of the lower extremities,
negative protein balance and reduced muscle mass. It is no changes were observed in sprint and endurance
plausible that a hypoglucidic hypocaloric diet combined running, explosive strength, and muscle power output
with continuous high-intensity and volume training during of the leg extensor muscles. Strength training utilized
the precompetitive season, could contribute to a negative contributed to significant gains in upper-body maximal
energy balance in some players. Such condition may strength and handball throwing velocity. The absence of
have contributed to the subsequent increase in muscular changes observed for the strength gains in the leg extensor
protein catabolism and concomitant losses in muscle mass muscles may be explained by the interfering effects of
and power function. Increased muscular protein catabo- low-intensity endurance and playing training or by the
lism, however, seems improbable because during the differences in initial conditioning between knee extensors
precompetitive season body mass and percent body fat and upper-body muscles. To increase endurance capacity
did not change and significant increases in free fatty without interfering in lower-extremity strength gains, it
mass were observed. This suggests indirectly that an in- is suggested that the training time at low-intensity running
crease in muscle mass occurred from T1 to T2. A decrease should be given less attention, whereas the magnitude
in muscle power production associated to an increased or frequency of the training stimuli for high-intensity
muscular protein catabolism, therefore, seems slightly endurance running and leg strength training should be
probable. given more careful attention in the full training program.
(b) An alternative explanation could be related to the Professional dietary guidance should be recommended
methods used by some players for body weight reduction. to reduce body fat without decreasing muscle function.
To achieve a target body weight during a short period Further studies are required to determine the appropriate
without being fined, at least three players used rapid body training stimulus required to enhance the physical fitness
weight reduction techniques (dehydration in 12–96 h) and handball performance in elite players.

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