1 THE HEALTHY LIVING COLLECTION By: Mark Rosenberg, M.D. ALMARK PUBLISHING THE ULTIMATE MENS SECRETS U N C E N S O R E D 2 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com Dr. Sears specializes in natural health mainte- nance, mens health and anti-aging medicine. He owns and operates a successful wellness center in south Florida with over 10,000 patients. He com- bines modern medicine with nutrition, herbology, exercise physiology and sports training to create his unique natural treatment programs. He is the author of Te Doctors Heart Cure, 21st Century Mens Guide To Prostate Health, Optimal Bladder Health For Te 21st Century and Who Wants To Be Fat?, Dr. Sears Guide To A Dream BodyIn 60 Days! Dr. Sears is the founder and director of Te Wellness Research Foundation. He is conducting original research to evaluate natural alternatives to pharmaceutical therapies under private research grants. His practice houses Te McCormick-Green Center for Integrative Terapies a nonproft charity devoted to research and education to the public and other physicians. He serves as medical director of that charity. Also maintained at his practice is an herbal apothecary of over 250 organic herbs used for research, education and treatments. Dr. Sears is the author and editor of Health Confdential For Men, a national newsletter presenting the latest discoveries in natural health. Dr. Sears has also been appointed to the international panel of experts for Health Sciences Institute, a worldwide consulting service for integrative healthcare. He is an adjunct professor at Barry University where he teaches courses in human anatomy, physiology and nutrition. He has been a life- long advocate of nutritional supplementation, and exercise programs and is an ACE certifed ftness trainer. Dr. Sears is a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, a diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine and is Board Certifed in Anti-Aging Medicine. He is an avid researcher and enthusiastic lecturer of this exciting new feld of medicine. AL SEARS, M.D., CENTER FOR HEALTH AND WELLNESS Table of Contents Sexual Health ............................................ 1 What is Andropause? .............................. 2 Testosterone: Natures Sexual Fuel ........... 3 Plant Extracts to Increase Virility ............. 6 Prostate Health ........................................ 10 New Research Uncovers The Secret to Great Prostate Health .......................... 11 Phytosterols Block DHT Naturally .......... 13 Reverse The Other Reason for Failing Prostate Health: High Estrogen ............... 15 Other Preventative Measures to Protect Your Prostate .............................. 18 Resources ................................................ 19 Published by: Almark Publishing PO BOX 17108, Bridgeport, CT 06673 All right reserved. No part of this book may be republished in any form without the permission of Almark Publishing.
Copyright 2009 Warning-Disclaimer: Almark Publishing has written this book to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is oered with the understanding that the publisher and the author are not liable for the misconception or misuse of the information provided. Every eort has been made to make this book as complete and accurate as possible. Te purpose of this book is to educate. Te author and Almark Products Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Te information presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Pregnant or nursing women especially should consult their physician for proper nutritional guidelines. Like What Youve Read Here? Pass It On! To Readers, Health and Nutrition Publishers, Editors, Bloggers, Marketers, and Webmasters: You may pass this report on without charge, as long as you keep this report exactly as written and formatted, with no changes, including full attribution to VitalMaxVitamins.com, as well as corresponding copyrights, and hyperlinks. 1 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 2 Mens Ultimate Secret to Perfect Health By AL SEARS, M.D. Sexual Health Untold millions of men and you may be one of them are feeling and acting less like men than they want. Teyre tired, irritable, and stressed. Tey are ofen weak and depressed. Even worse, they are impotent or sufering from a lack of sex drive. Further, they are overweight and unable to perform physically the way they did when they were younger. 1 The prime suspect in the loss of sexual vigor is andropause, ofen referred to as male menopause. Yes, it really does exist. To put it simply, its a hormone imbalance. Tis imbalance causes a wide variety of sexual problems, muscle weakness, and even weight gain. It all begins with the male hormone testosterone. Tis hormone is essential to a healthy sex drive and to a mans prostate function. But its roles in both are very diferent. Testosterones conversion into the hormone DHT decreases prostate health. 2 But sexual health decreases when a mans body slows production of testosterone. Te mental impact of impotence can be as troubling as the physical changes. Tis handbook will discuss ways to naturally restore your youthful testosterone levels. It will also discuss ways to ease prostate issues. 1 2 What is Andropause? Aging men dont go through a sudden end in hormone function like menopausal women. Yet, they do sufer from a gradual decrease in testosterone production. I call this change andropause. Andropause begins to rob you of your sexual fuel as early as your 30s. And by age 70, you have less than half the testosterone of a younger man. Along the way, you lose your capacity for erections. You lose your sex drive, your strength, and all of those things that make a man a man. Other harmful side efects of decreased testosterone include: Decreases in muscle mass Increases in abdominal fat Increases in blood cholesterol levels Deteriorating heart function. 3 T e s t o s t e r o n e
P r o d u c t i o n Decline of Testosterone with Age 18-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 Age (in years) 3 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 4 3 Prescription and over the counter drugs can deplete testosterone further. Tis can make sexual problems worse. By simply providing your body with new testosterone, you can feel like youve hit your sexual peak again! Studies show that boosting testosterone in aging men increases erections. It also raises sexual stamina, performance and satisfaction. Plus, an increase in testosterone can strengthen muscle tissue. It can also maintain normal muscle to fat ratios. 4 Tis is important for appearance and overall health. However, getting your body to produce the testosterone needed for these benefts has been a problem. I have found recent advances in natural medicine combined with forgotten traditional remedies can safely raise and sustain your testosterone. Tese are not risky steroids, synthetic hormones, or prescription drugs. Tese discoveries are 100% natural. Tey work by stimulating your bodys natural testosterone production. Testosterone: Natures Sexual Fuel Te creation of testosterone in the body is a complex process. But in essence, the adrenal glands secrete a hormone called DHEA. Ten, your testes convert it into testosterone. DHEA is the most abundant hormone in your body, but it decreases as you get older. By the time youre 65, your body produces just 10% of the DHEA it produced when you were 20. 5 Considering the importance of DHEA to your health, a decrease of 90% can cause problems. 4 Bodybuilders take DHEA to boost testosterone and build muscle. It works because DHEA is a natural testosterone precursor. Te body turns DHEA into androstenedione then into testosterone. Studies show that DHEA supplementation does produce new testosterone. Not only does this improve sexual health, but it can build muscle, reduce fat, and increase strength, stamina, immune function and performance. DHEA also: 6 Decreases stress Increases energy Increases libido Enhances memory Slows wrinkling and physical signs of aging D H E A
P r o d u c t i o n DHEA 20 30 40 50 60 65 Age (in years) 5 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 6 5 One of the reasons DHEA is so important is that it helps to lower your cortisol levels. Cortisol is a product of stress, and remember, one of the most damaging things to your health and to your sex lifeis stress. In a life-or-death situation, cortisol is great. It directs all of your bodys resources to survival. You can run faster, lif heavy objects, and fght like a lion. But if youre not facing a life- or-death situation, cortisol wreaks havoc. It directs all your resources away from repair. And that accelerates aging. 7 In my practice, I see many stressed patients with high levels of cortisol. Teir DHEA level is usually very low. And low DHEA usually means low testosterone. It means other things, too. People with low levels of DHEA generally dont live as long. Tey get sick more ofen and are more prone to infammatory diseases. Since infammation causes heart disease and damaged arteries, they are at higher risk for these. People with DHEA defciency can also have: Shortened life spans Immune defciencies Infammatory diseases Cancer Heart disease Osteoporosis Depression 6 Cognitive decline Aged appearance 8 A study in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society looked at DHEAs afect on aging. Te study looked at the DHEA levels of people between the ages of 60 and 80. Tey took strength and mental tests. Tose with the highest levels of DHEA performed better on both the strength and mental tests. Study authors wrote that those with more DHEA seemed younger. 9 Plant Extracts to Increase Virility Plant Extract #1 Tribulus Terrestris Triggers Testosterone Production Tribulus terrestris boosts natural testosterone production by stimulating your adrenal glands. Tis hormone sparks the bodys natural production of androstenedione. 10 In fact, doctors in Bulgaria have used it for years as a treatment for mens sexual problems. Many studies confrm the usefulness of Tribulus as a sex aid. Researchers gave groups of rats diferent doses of Tribulus ranging from 2.5 to 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. Te study lasted 8 weeks. All the rats who received Tribulus exhibited increased sexual mounting. Rats who received the highest doses of Tribulus had a 24% increase in sexual behavior. 11 In other animal studies, Tribulus has proven to improve heart 7 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 8 7 health. It lowered blood glucose by up to 40%. It lowered blood triglyceride levels by 23%. Further, it lowered cholesterol levels. 12 You may ask why this pertains to your sex life. Sexual problems ofen stem from problems with blood fow. Improving heart health can be very important for achieving and maintaining a healthy erection. Studies with human patients ofer more support for the use of Tribulus to improve sex drive and function. Tribulus increases red blood cells, helping you to transport oxygen. People in India have used Tribulus for years to help treat impotence and fatigue. One study of 50 patients complaining of fatigue showed an improvement of 45% in symptoms afer taking Tribulus. 13 Another study found that Tribulus increased testosterone in healthy men by up to 30% in just fve days of treatment. 14 Many studies show that oral Tribulus increases testosterone in men sufering from impotence. It can help you to restore your strength, energy, and sexual desire to youthful levels. 15 Plant Extract #2 Korean Ginseng Improves sexual performance Te ancient Chinese have used Korean Ginseng for 2000 years to improve physical performance. It improves muscle strength and work capacity in older people. 16 8 Ginseng promotes erections. It also enhances sex drive and performance in lab animals. It promotes blood fow to the penis. 17 Studies show it also improves testosterone levels. Natural plant chemicals in Korean Ginseng turn into the testosterone precursor DHEA. 18 Plant Extract #3 Muira Puama Boosts libido Muria puama comes from the bark of a small tree found in the Amazon River region of Brazil. Brazilian tribes have used Muira for centuries as a cure for sexual impotence. It is also a remedy for arthritis, rheumatism, dysentery, and is a general tonic. Recent studies confrm the powerful sexual qualities of this unusual herb. I call it one of the best natural remedies for impotence. 19 Muira increases libido. Tats how it got the nickname potency wood. In two human trials in Paris, 262 men sufering sexual problems took Muira puama. Te results were dramatic. 62% reported a dynamic efect in the return of sex drive. More than 50% reported Muira was helpful. 20 Further research suggests Muira can improve testosterone too. It also contains natural plant chemicals that turn into the testosterone precursor DHEA. 9 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 10 9 Plant Extract #4 Yohimbe Promotes erection and increases sensation Te Yohimbe tree grows in South Africa. Natives have used it safely for centuries as a sex aid. It increases the bodys production of norepinephrine. Tis is essential to form an erection. It also boosts adrenaline supply to pelvic nerve ganglia (nerve endings) and enhances sexual sensation. 21 Yohimbe also contains natural plant chemicals that boost testosterone. Tese appear to convert into DHEA in the body. Plus, it contains indole alkaloids that reduce the efect of hormones that cause constriction of blood vessels. Tis increase blood fow to the penis. 22 It has been found that Yohimbe is very adept at easing sexual problems related to fatigue, tension or stress. 23 A review in the British Journal of Clinical Practice looked at its ability to treat impotence. It found that Yohimbe does help impotence. Tis is even true in cases caused by a mental issue. Te review also found that most men tolerate yohimbe well. 24 Another review focused on seven randomized, placebo- controlled studies. Yohimbe was more than three times better than the placebo. It also rarely causes negative reactions. Te reviewers found that for cases of impotence, men should use Yohimbe before turning to prescription drugs. 25 Te most recent well-controlled study of Yohimbe took place in Germany. A total of 83 men diagnosed with impotence took an extract of Yohimbe (10mg, 3 times a day) or a placebo for 10 8 weeks. Te response rate was 71% for Yohimbe versus only a 45% for placebo. 26 Plant Extract #5 Damiana Energizes sex drive Damiana frst appeared in our scientifc literature 100 years ago. Yet its history began with the ancient Mayan civilization. Tey used it to improve lovemaking. More recently, researchers in Italy studied Damiana in sexually sluggish rats. Tey found it increased sexual frequency. 27 And in 2002, Damiana gained a U.S. patent as part of an herbal combination to allow for improved (sexual) response. 28 Prostate Health Te frst sign of prostate trouble is usually waking up at night to urinate. Its a minor bother at frst. Most of my patients tell me they dont mind once or twice. But when it progresses to three, four or more, its a real problem. Ten it starts during the day as well. Tey cant take a drive for more than an hour without fnding a bathroom. Te conventional approaches fall into three categories. You can poison your prostate with toxic drugs. You can burn your prostate with radiation. Or you can go under the knife. Tese approaches are dangerous. Te incidence of impotence is a shocking 50% - 60% for both radiation and prostatectomy. Tere is a better way. In Germany, treatment for 80% of benign prostatic hyperplasia, (BPH) cases do not involve surgery or drugs. If you are a man living in Italy, your chance 11 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 12 11 of having surgery on your prostate for BPH is less than 10% of that of a man living in the US. 29 You can prevent your prostate from causing these irritating and embarrassing symptoms. You need to learn how to protect yourself from swelling of the prostate. Not only because these symptoms are a nuisance you dont want but also, because this problem is the number one diagnosis in older men. And remember this its avoidable. 30 Your prostate is normally about the size and shape of a walnut. Its an important organ for normal functioning of the male urinary and reproductive systems. It lies at the base of your penis. It surrounds your urethra, the tube that your urine fows through. As you get older, your prostate grows. As the gland grows, it squeezes the urethra and obstructs normal fow. Most mens prostates begin growing afer 40. If you are lucky enough to make it to eighty, you have an 80% chance of having BPH. New Research Uncovers the Secret To Great Prostate Health! Your prostate health doesnt have to get worse as you age. Tere are natural, herbal remedies to help protect your prostate. Tese natural solutions not only defend the prostate but soothe it as well. Tey ease swelling, burning, and irritation and help to lengthen the time between bathroom stops. Tese herbs can be your secret to great prostate health. 12 The DHT Problem Your prostate is hormone sensitive tissue. When problems occur, look for the controlling hormones. For your prostate, its name is Dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Its main role is to stimulate the growth and development of prostate cells. Troughout your early life, DHT triggers the prostate to grow into a chestnut sized gland. A healthy prostate makes prostatic fuid. Tis fuid provides protection and nourishment for sperm. It also controls the outfow of urine from the bladder. As you age, the enzyme creating DHT becomes more active. Tis enzyme is 5-alpha-reductase. It makes DHT from testosterone. So as the years go by, DHT rises and testosterone falls. Te prostate of an older man has up to four times more DHT than a younger man. Te higher DHT restarts prostate cell growth. Tis growth leads to painful swelling and urinary difculties. Studies confrm that DHT is the leading cause of poor prostate health. 32 And DHT build-up leads to prostate growth. 33 31 H OH O 13 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 14 13 Prostate swelling constricts the urethra. Tis leads to pain and urinary problems like burning, not being able to go to the bathroom, or having to go all the time. 34 I have found a natural way to block the conversion of testosterone to harmful DHT. Tis is the secret to great prostate health. Phytosterols Block DHT Naturally Natural plant isolates stop the change of testosterone into DHT. Tese isolates are phytosterols. Tese fndings come from years of studies on phytotherapeutic (healthful plant) nutrients and plant derivatives. Plant sterols can successfully neutralize 5-alpha-reductase. Tis safely stops the enzyme from turning testosterone into DHT. Phytosterols reduce the levels of 5-alpha-reductase in 14 rats by 33%. 35 Plant sterols also have an anti-infammatory efect and promote normal bladder function. 36 My research has uncovered a plant sterol thats our number one supporter of prostate health. Its a plant nutrient called beta-sitosterol. The Most Powerful Phytosterol: Beta Sitosterol The Prostate Strengthener Tis remarkable plant extract can greatly improve prostate and urinary health. One study showed SIGNIFICANT improvement in uncomfortable prostate and urinary problems. 37 A larger trial confrmed this success. More than fve hundred men sufering from prostate problems said that it lessened prostate infammation, and increased urine fow. 38 One expert recently concluded beta-sitosterol is a useful therapeutic tool for prostate trouble. 39
The Second Phytosterol: Saw Palmetto The Prostate Defender Saw palmetto can soothe the prostate and relieve urinary trouble. It is a natural source of the potent beta-sitosterol. Plus, it contains other benefts for the prostate and bladder. Medical journals concluded that extracts from the saw palmetto decrease prostate swelling and relieve urinary problems. 40 , 41 15 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 16 15 In Germany, men reported fewer late night bathroom trips and improved urine fow. And these improvements lasted for three years! 42 In addition to blocking the formation of DHT, saw palmetto provides a second layer of defense for the prostate. It works against the existing DHT that has already built up in your body. It stops DHT from getting to the prostate, making it harmless. 43 3 Additional Phytosterols Natural Urinary and Prostate Support Tere are three additional phytosterols essential to prostate health. Each one supports the prostate and bladder in a unique way. Curbicin from pumpkin seed extract restores normal urinary function. Curbicin safely improves prostate related urinary symptoms. In one study, patients had improved urinary stream and fow. Tey didnt have to go to the bathroom as ofen and felt a decrease of residual urine. 44 Campesterol and stigmasterol slow prostate growth. Each one suppresses prostate cell growth from DHT. In Japan, doctors found that these components stop the 5-alpha enzyme dead in its tracks. 45 Reverse The Other Reason for Failing Prostate Health: High Estrogen Teres a second reason for poor prostate function: 16 estrogen buildup. As your body ages, you also convert more testosterone to estrogen. Like DHT, estrogen builds up in your body. Te average American man in his 50s has more estrogen than women of the same age! 46 Excess estrogen is a primary cause of prostate problems. I fnd elevated estrogen in the majority of men who come to me with enlarged prostates. Medical journals from around the world confrm this. In one study, scientists said a reduction of androgens and a relative increase of estrogens are probable causes of prostate problems. 47 Doctors in Italy also found high levels of estrogen in men with prostate problems. 48 Phytosterols Deliver Another Line of Defense Lower Estrogen Naturally Other phytosterols provide a second way to improve prostate health. Tese natural extracts can prevent testosterone from turning into harmful estrogen. One study found that the prostates of rats had a 55% reduction in estrogen conversion afer they received these phytosterols. 49
My research has uncovered a phytosterol-flled plant that works specifcally against estrogen. Its an extract called Chrysin. It blocks the enzyme aromatase from attacking testosterone and turning it into estrogen. 50 Other studies confrmed Chrysin can successfully inhibit the formation of estrogen from testosterone. 51 17 The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored www.VitalMaxVitamins.com www.VitalMaxVitamins.com The Ultimate Mens Secrets Uncensored 18 17 Phytosterols: The Secret to Great Prostate Health Phytosterols provide a reliable way to relieve prostate and urinary trouble. Tese isolates from plants, oils, seeds, and legumes strengthen and protect the prostate from its two biggest enemies: DHT and estrogen. Tey have proven to: Decrease prostate swelling. Decrease urinary urgency. Lessen burning and irritation. Strengthen urinary stream and fow. Decrease urinating at night. Te clinical results of plant derivatives are so strong they led one researcher to conclude they are likely to have an important role in the control of prostate problems in the future. 52
When taken together, these plants are a revolutionary breakthrough in prostate health. 18 Other Preventative Measures to Protect Your Prostate 1. Get Your Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Tese are the essential fatty acids in fsh, eggs, nuts, avocados and fax seed oil. You can get them by eating one of these foods daily. You can also buy Omega-3 supplements. Omega-3s help millions beat dozens of health concerns. BPH is one of them. Omega-3 fatty acids seem to stop the conversion of chemicals that trigger the prostate to grow. 53 One of the best ways to load up on omega-3 is to take a fsh oil supplement. Te benefcial dose is 3 to 6 grams per day. To maximize the beneft, I usually recommend my patients take 3 one gram capsules with breakfast and 3 with dinner. 54 2. Eat Healthy: What you put in your body every day determines your health. You need quality protein, vitamins, and minerals to avert any disease. Eat plenty of protein. Dont forget about your vegetables. And to play it safe, add a good multivitamin. 3. Watch Your Hormones: Your hormones are major players in prostate growth. In short, certain hormones can trigger prostate growth. So, you need to stay on top of your levels. Ask your doctor for a simple blood test. 4. Get a Regular Exam: Your doctor can help you catch BPH early. Make sure you see your doctor for a prostate check-up once a year. Include hormone blood tests, physical exam, and a comprehensive PSA test in your routine. 19 Resources 1 Sears, Al Md. T-Factor King of Hormones Florida: Almark Publishing 2005 2 Bartsch G, Rittmaster RS, Klocker H. Dihydrotestosterone and the concept of 5alpha-reductase inhibition in human benign prostatic hyperplasia. World J Urol 2002, Apr; 19(6):413-25 3 Harvard Medical School Newsletter, Nov. 30, 2001. Cenegenics Medical Institute, http://www.cenegenics.com/abstracts/abs17. html 4 Allan CA, McLachlan RI. Testosterone deciency in men. Diagnosis and management. Aust Fam Physician. 2003 Jun; 32(6):422-7; Lee KK, Berman N, Alexander GM, Hull L, Swerdlo RS, Wang C. A simple self-report diary for assessing psychosexual function in hypogonadal men. J Androl. 2003 Sept-Oct; 24(5):688-98. Park NC, Yan BQ, Chung JM, Lee, KM. Oral testosterone undecanoate (Andriol) supplement therapy improves the quality of life for men with testosterone deciency. Aging Male. 2003 June; 6(2):86-93. 5 Klatz, Hormones of Youth, Chicago 1999 p. 93 6 Yen, S.S. et al., Replacement of DHEA in Aging Men and Women. Potential Remedial Eects. Ann NY Acad Sci, 774 (1995): 128-142. 7 Sears, Al MD. (2002, December 2) Anti-Aging 6 - Te Anti- Stress Hormone. Archive of Dr. Sears Health Alerts [Online] 40, http://www.alsearsmd.com/ha40.php 8 Sears, Al MD. (2002, December 2) Anti-Aging 6 - Te Anti- Stress Hormone. Archive of Dr. Sears Health Alerts [Online] 40, http://www.alsearsmd.com/ha40.php 9 Klatz, Hormones of Youth, Chicago 1999 p. 93 10 Milanov S. et al., Tribestan Eect on the Concentration of Some Hormones in Serum of Healthy Subjects as quoted by Brett Hall, R.D. Research Director Experimental And Applied Sciences, Inc. in Muscle Media, ****** p. 104 21 26 Vogt H, Brandl P, KockottG, et al. Double-blind placebo controlled safety and ecacy trail with yohimbine hydrocloride in the treatment of nonorganic erectile dysfunction. Int J Imot Rs. 1997;9:155-161 27 Arletti R., et al. Stimulating property of Turnera diusa and Pfafa paniculata extracts on the sexual-behavior of male rats. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1999; 143 (1): 15-19. 28 Heleen P.A. Herbal composition for enhancing sexual response. U.S. Patent #6,444,237. 2002. 29 Sears, Al MD. (2002, December 2) If You Are Man, Youre Born with a Problem Waiting to Happen. Archive of Dr. Sears Health Alerts [Online] 9, http://www.alsearsmd.com/ha9.php 30 Sears, Al MD. (2003, October 27) For Men Only - Preventing the Predictable. Archive of Dr. Sears Health Alerts [Online] 123, http://www.alsearsmd.com/ha123.php 31 http://www.behandlaharavfall.nu/cause.html 32 Bartsch G, Rittmaster RS, Klocker H. Dihydrotestosterone and the concept of 5alpha-reductase inhibition inhuman benign prostatic hyperplasia. World J Urol 2002, Apr; 19(6): 413-25 33 Krieg M, Nass R, Tunn S. Eect of aging on endogenous level of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, estradiol, and estrone in epithelium and stroma of normal and hyperplastidc human prostate. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1993 Aug; 77(2): 375-81 34 Carson C 3rd, Rittmaster R. Te role of dihydrotestosterone in benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urology. 2003 Apr; 61 (4 Suppl 1):2-7. 35 Awad AB, Fink CS, Williams H, Kum U. In vitro and in vivo (SCID mice) eects of phytosterols on the growth and dissemination of human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. Eur J Cancer Prev 2001 Dec: 10(6): 507-13 Awad AB, Hartati MS, Fink CS. Phytosterol feeding induces alteration in testosterone metabolism in rat tissues. J Nutl Biochem 1998 Dec; 9(12): 712-17 20 11 Gauthaman K, Ganesan AP, Prasad RN. Sexual Eects of Puncturevine (Tribulus Terrestris) Extract (Protodioscin): an Evaluation Using a Rat Model, J Altern Complement Med 2003; 9(2): 257-65 12 Li M, Qu W, Wang Y, et al. Hypoglycemic Eect of Saponin from Tribulus Terrestris, Zhong Yao Cai 2002; 25(6): 420-22 13 Jayaram, S et al. (1993) Indian Drugs 30 (10) 498-500 14 Wright, J (1996) Muscle and Fitness, September, 140, 224 15 Sears, Al Md. T-Factor King of Hormones Florida: Almark Publishing 2005 16 Bucci LR. Selected herbals and human exercise performance. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Aug; 72(2 Suppl):624S-36S. 17 Murphy LL, Lee TJ. Ginseng, sex behavior, and nitric oxide. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2002 May; 962:372-7. 18 Adimoelja A. Phytochemicals and the breakthrough of traditional herbs in the management of sexual dysfunctions. Int J Androl. 2000;23 Suppl 2:82-4. 19 Sears, Al Md. T-Factor King of Hormones Florida: Almark Publishing 2005 20 Wayneberg, J. Contributions to the clinical validation of the traditional use of Ptychopetalum guyanna. Presented ad the First International congress on Ethnopharmacology, Strasbourg, France, June 5-9, 1990; Wayneberg J. Male Sexual asthenia-interest in a traditional plant-derived medication. Ethnopharmacology; 1995. 21 21 Herbal Information Center, http://www.kcweb.com/herb/ yohimbe.htm, p 1. 22 Herbal Information Center, http://www.kcweb.com/herb/ yohimbe.htm, p1. 23 Riley AJ. Yohimbine in the treatment of erectile disorder. Br J Clin Pract. 1994 May-June; 48(3):133-6. 24 Riley, AJ. Yohimbine in the Treatment of Erectile Disorder, Br J Clin Pract 1994; 48(3): 133-6 25 Ernst E, Pittler MH. 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