Chapter 15 Apush Notes
Chapter 15 Apush Notes
Chapter 15 Apush Notes
had to promote democracy. Wanted to increase LA income, decrease illiteracy. Result: Latin America
refused to have these reforms, 15 million were affected but only 1 million were benefited.
The Warren Commission; investigates in the JFK assignation. There are many conspiracy theories but
they are just distorted information that people create because people cant seem to believe that one
man only , by himself, killed the president.
The Berlin Wall: Aug. 13. 1961
- Huge embarrassment to commuminsm
- People wanted to escape to West Berlin because East germany was bad so the SU stores
supplies and then builds a wall
- People made tunnels underneath to escape
- Nov. 1989 the wall crumbled after 28 years
- Berlin Wall is huge admission by the SU that they cant control their people.
The Great Society : largest domestic program since the new deal b/c it was modeled after it. It was the
largest peace time expansion of the federal gov. not during an economic crisis. Welfare orientated
legistlation, over 200 bills blackmailed into congress thanks to LBJ
The War On Poverty: economic opportunity act 1964
- Contains head start ( day cares were created). Keeps women in the workplace. Mom can spend
more timie working. Pre school
- Upward bound: college scholarships to underpriviledged students. Loaned them money to do
that- you can move up in society.
- VISTA: volunteers in service to America ( peace Corps). LBJ. Built roads, set schools,
- Neighborhood health Center: inner city America had a lack of dotorors and no money. vaccines
- Job Corps: gives inner city teenagers job opporutnies. Reentry level, min. wag kind of job, keeps
us out of ecnomoic distress.
Freedom Summer: tried to register as many AA as possible.field work so that they can work together.
The SNCC organized this.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964: JFK. Demands equal access to all public and gov facility. School integration is
now a federal law. No Jim Crow laws. Gave attorney general power to file lawsuits against anything. Got
rid of segregation. Southern whites (democrats) turned into republicans. Blacks/Northerns( republicans)
Television: helped in the election of 1960 between Nixon and Kennedy. Nixon was ugly, kennedy cute so
he got more votes. Live press conferences and debates
The bay of pigs invasion: April. 15. 1961. CIA took 1500 former Cubans and dropped them into the Bay of
Pigs to get rid of Castro. Instead they got machine guns. FAIL . kennedy takes full responsibility for this
even thought it wasnt his fault.
The Cuban missile crisis: Oct. 1962
- The closest thing to a nuclear war in this time period
- Ameican spy plane flies over cuba and say missle installations
- Khrushchev decided to put missles in cuba to pressue the US so kennedy has to decide between
military invasion, blockade or diplomacy. JFK decideds to quarantine cuba so the USSR agreed to
remove its missiles in Cuba and US and we would remove our missle from Turkey and they
remove the quarantine.
- Created the hotline. President can talk to the Russian leader any tie hew ants to . New soviety
military build up. Khrushchev loses power.
Space Race- competition btwn US &USSR
Sputnick :
-1 : launched by USSR, first sateliite in space but it only sent a signal
-2: sent with a dog and gatherd info about cosmic race
Project Mercury: the first program in the US to send people in space
Project Gemini: 1965-1966. US uses Titan II project to develop techniques for space missions for Apollo,
Us is catching up in the Space Race
Project Apollo: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin. Us wins space race. Apollo 8 to first to orbit moon by
Michael Collins.
The Vietnam War: France colonialism, Japanese occupation, return of French colonialism( Viet Minh and
Dien Bien Phu), International Confrence at Geneva Vietnam was divided at 17
parallel (North-
communist, dictator along the lines of stalin, castro, etc. South- Ngo Dinh Diem- gets 10-12% of the vote.
Calls of the election and doesnt participate, French educated, roman catholic, control the country thats
largely Buddhist and uneducated, constant oppression making the southern people mad at him)
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident: Aug 2& 4 1964 US destroyers were allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese
Resolution- August 10, 1964: Gave Johnson a blank check to take any action necessary in South
The Tet Offensive- Janurary 1968: North Vietnamese army &Viet Cong attack South. Viet Cong
destroyed, 90% gurillas captured
JFK: War Hero, House of Representatives (represented Massachusettes), Senate of Massachusettes,
married Jackie Bouvier (from a wealthy family, title bought
Lee Harvey Oswald- shot JFK
Jack Ruby: Shot Oswald
MLK: Baptist minister, created SLCC , supported nonviolent disobedience
Malcolm X: preached black independence, rejected MLKs policy of nonviolence, believed black people
should develop own societies &revolution. Believed in islam, travel to Meccas. Assassinated.
Rosa Parks
Stockley Carmiche
Hugh Newton
James Earl Ray: shot martin luther king
James Meredith: admitted to MI university. But white students hindered his enrollment. Kennedy sent
Us marshals to protect them.
Bobby Seal
Fidel Castro: cuba was more of a vacation spot before castro. Dictator of Cuba
Yuri Gagrin: the first man in space. Orbited the earth . Russia
Niel Armstronng; first man on the moon
Alan Shepord: First American in space
Valentina Tershkova: First women in space
Alexi Leonov:
LBJ: Linden B Johnson 1963-1969. Powful politican because he knew how to blackmail. He had a
heartattck so he settled as VP, created great society
Barry Goldwater: Republican, Senate from AZ. Militant, anti Communist, Against Civil Rights Act 1964
Orval Farbus: Arkansas Govener, calls in National guard to stop kids from being integrated into Little
Rock Central High School
George Wallace: Democrate, Govener of Alabama. Beginning of end of end of Planter class, racist
believed in segration forever.
Ho Chi Minh: Leader of Viet Minh, educated in SU &France. Communist. North
Ngo Dinh Diem: South, French Educated
Nixon: 2968. Peace with honor. Silent majority.
The Domino Theory: that if one of the countries turns communist then the rest of them will
The Credibility Gap: difference between what the American leadership was saying and what the
American public was willing to believe
The 26
Amendment: gives 18 yrs old right to vote
The Golf of Tonkin Resolution: Blank Check gave LBJ a blank check to take an action deemed necessary
in S. Vietnam to stop communism. Escalates US military. Involvement in Vietnam
Kent State: Protest on College campuses, May 4, 1970. 4 students shot dead, 11 students wounded
Agent Orange: Chemical defoliant, killed leaves on trees, side effect = birth defects, used too much
&gets into the food supply, Can see the Viet Cong hiding in the Jungles.
Guerilla Warfare: asymmetrical war fare proves to be fatal in the jungle.
The Ho Chi Minh Trail: trail that supplied and favored the Viet Cong
Vietnamization: US would gradually hand over the war to South Vietnam to fight on their own
Peace With Honor: Nixons Campaign slogan
58,000- the amount of Americans that died in the Vietnam war.
SNCC: Student Non-violent coordinating committee- a place a major role in the sit-ins and what are
known as the freedom rides. Participate in the march on Washington. Organized the Mississippi
freedom summer.
SCLC: congress of racial equality- Chicago 1942. Found non-violence approach reconciliation. Tries to
challenge segregation laws on interstate buses. Dont accomplish anything, most are arrested and do
not gain any news. Inspires the freedom rides of the 1960s. Helped to organize the march on
Washington as well.
CORE: Congress of Racial Equality. Chicago 1942. Found non violence approach. Tries to segregation,
most are arrested and do not gain any news. Inspires the freedom rides. Helped organize the march on
Washington as well.
NAACP: national association for the advancement of colored people
Black Power: Promoted racial pride, wanted the creation of black cultural institutions, wanted
advancement of black cultural institutions, wanted advancement of black values
The Black Panther Movement: Called for the protection of AA neighborhoods from police brutality,
condemned black nationalism as black rasm, used violent tactics
Sitins: go to a restaurant and not leave until serviced. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
SNCC organized these
Non-violent civil disobedience: Southern Christina Leadership Conference- sponsored direct action
against all discrimination
The Montgomery Bus Boycott: 1955
- of bus riders were AA puts bus componies in debt, lasted a year
Organziation that began the civil right movement with sit in, Randolph was the leader. Pushed through
by giving black soilders the right to fight in WII, paved the way for the freedom rights.- CORE
The program that searched into the Kennedy Assisnator- Warren Commission
When the Chinese war came to an end, this person was left in charge of south Vietname and later
assinated in 1963.
Gave 18 year olds the right to vote- 26
Confrontation between USA and SU that almost led to nuclear war in the Kennedy Admistration. 1960.
We quaritnied cuba and Russia backed down because we wouldnt invade Cuba. - Cuban Missle Crisis
First American in space- Alex Shepard
A blank check MLBJ to do whatever he wanted in South East Asia- The Gulf of Tonkin incident
When Rosa Parks refused to give her seat this started- Montgomery Bus Boy Cott
Founders of black Panthers that was put on trial for man slaughter- Hugh newton
Sit ins- Greens Burrow NC. They didnt leave until they were served.
North Vientmanese supplied the South vientamenese counter parts, paths that was allowed to bring
trucks Ho Chi Minh trail
1985 campaign to get as many people to vote as possible. They helped people read wand right to help
them to become illeterate- Freedsom summer
Ran against Linden Johnson, the beg. Of the modern conseravative movement. Extremism - Johnson
The program that put the first Americans in space to be able to get satliette into space- project Mercury
NC where people went into the restaurant and didnt leave until they were served Sit ins- Greens
Burrow NC
Communist leader of Cuba- Fidel castro
Number of Americans killed in Vietnam- 58000
Congress of racial Equatlity- starte din 1942, protest, arches, and participate din the march of
Man that shot JFK- lee Harvey Oswald
The idea that if one county falls to communism that the other ones will too- dominoe theory
Used to get rid of the foliage and leaves lead to birth defects and birth issues and all the soilders were
affected because they were concentrated- Agent Orange
Imporant factor of the 1960 election. Live televised debates, Richard Nixon is not exactly the easiest guy
to look at - TV
Advocated violence at first, but after Mecca he had a change of heart.Was assinated in 1965- Macom X
French left in charge when Vietnam was split assinated by his own people- Ngo dihn Diem
MLK organization that vuilt a network of churches that helped out with boycott, they believed in non
violent civil disobedient
Lynndon Johnson domenstic Porgram, Headstart, visto
Govt of Arkansas-
AA to be admitted to uni of Mississippi, Kennedy had to send in y\US marchasls
Winner of 1960 presi election, opponent toKennedy
This program got the US to be in front of everyone else in space-
MLK writes letter from Jail,
Plan was under esinhower, attempt to try to take castro out from power, kennedy takes fault
person to conduct a space walk
This law prevented discrimination of people from race, triggered technotic shift in political landscape,
political parties switch-
Americas plan to take itself out from Vietnam war,
Founder of southern Christian leadership congress- MLK
As a result of attedifants, American people begin to isbelief government
MLK rejected this movement, idea that AA should make own commutities- Black power
After Endo chinease war, went after communist leader of N Vietnam-
satellite in space-
Spanish for a little war-
Prime minister of Black Panther but left bc got into black national commities
Former founder of black panthers-
Major propaganda for US and capitalism of democracy-
Founded in 1909 court system
Civil rights act