(Individu) - Tugas SJO
(Individu) - Tugas SJO
(Individu) - Tugas SJO
Astra Basic Management Program
Pre Activity KM/ABMP/2014/A Page 15
Tugas ini dikerjakan sebagai syarat untuk mengikuti program training Astra Basic Management
Program (ABMP). Lembar jawaban dapat diprint kemudian ditulis tangan atau dapat juga
dituliskan dalam format baru (Word). Untuk tugas ini dapat dijawab menggunakan Bahasa
Indonesia. Setelah diisi, lembar jawabannya saja yang dikirimkan ke Astra Management
Development Institue (AMDI) berupa softcopy melalui email ke Program Coordinator ABMP:
Hendri Gunawan (hendri.gunawan@ai.astra.co.id).
Tugas dikirimkan selambat-lambatnya pada hari Rabu 14 Mei 2014.
Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya!
Astra Basic Management Program
Pre Activity KM/ABMP/2014/A Page 16
Many high potential staffs never realize how valuable they are to their employers. They
never take time to reflect about the unique value proposition that they offer to their
companies. Sometimes this can happen throughout their career. As a result, when
asked, even the highest performers sometimes have great difficulty in describing what
they do and their value to their companies.
First, you have to overcome this mistake by looking at what you bring to your company
and analyze how your company benefits from your contributions.
a. How do you create value for your organization?
Write down a brief (based on fact) explanation about your contribution:
Does the company enjoy higher financial profit (e.g: increased revenue/reduced
Does its a service or products become superior (e.g: improved quality)?
Do you give your company more competitive edge?
Can you think of other value that you have created for your customers (your bosses,
peers, etc)?
* Hints: Think what would happen if you were not at the company.
b. What evidence supports your value-creation statements?
c. What is your valuable project?
Make a list of five or more tasks or projects that youve worked on that highlight your
strengths and quantify the value. How has your company profited from your
performance? For example: Have you developed a system or program that allowed a
project to be completed more effectively and with fewer resources? Write them down
* Hints: Write down also the linkage between your Individual Activity Plan with your
Department Activity Plan
d. How deep is your understanding about company business?
Write down a brief and comprehensive explanation about:
Your company business (Vision, Mission, What Business Are We In, Industry &
Company Key Success Factor, Strategy).
How your departements Key Performance Indikator (KPI) is deployed into individual
strategy to achieve company goals?
Astra Basic Management Program
Pre Activity KM/ABMP/2014/A Page 17
Lembar Jawaban Self Job Orientation
*Dapat diperbanyak sesuai dengan kebutuhan