The document describes a lottery win of $950,000 from Yahoo and Microsoft. It provides identification numbers and instructions to contact a fiduciary agent in South Africa to claim the prize. However, the document warns that this may be a scam to collect personal information.
The document describes a lottery win of $950,000 from Yahoo and Microsoft. It provides identification numbers and instructions to contact a fiduciary agent in South Africa to claim the prize. However, the document warns that this may be a scam to collect personal information.
The document describes a lottery win of $950,000 from Yahoo and Microsoft. It provides identification numbers and instructions to contact a fiduciary agent in South Africa to claim the prize. However, the document warns that this may be a scam to collect personal information.
The document describes a lottery win of $950,000 from Yahoo and Microsoft. It provides identification numbers and instructions to contact a fiduciary agent in South Africa to claim the prize. However, the document warns that this may be a scam to collect personal information.
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124 Stockport Road, Long Sight, Manchester M6 2!" # $nited %ingdo&
Te'ephone( +447031749965 Fax: +448704786394 This is to in)or& *o+ that *o+ ha,e -on pri.e &one* o) /ine H+ndred and 0i)t* Tho+sand $nited States !o''ars 1234, 5 6 )or 217 8ri.e 8ro&otion -hich is organi.ed 9* YAHOO, AOL, :I/!O:S LI;E < OTHER SO=IAL /ET:OR%5
YAHOO and MI=ROSO0T co''ects a'' the e&ai' addresses o) the peop'e that are acti,e on'ine, a&ong the &i''ions that s+9scri9ed to Yahoo and Hot&ai' and )e- )ro& other e# &ai' pro,iders5 Si> peop'e are se'ected to 9ene)it )ro& this 8ro&otion and *o+ are one o) the Se'ected :inners5 8AYME/T O0 8RI?E A/! =LAIMS :inners sha'' 9e paid in accordance -ith his@her Sett'e&ent =enter5 Yahoo 8ri.e A-ard &+st 9e c'ai&ed no 'ater than 14th da*s, )ro& date o) !ra- /oti)ication5 An* pri.e not c'ai&ed -ithin this period -i'' 9e )or)eited5 8'ease 9e in)or&ed that *o+Are =HEB$E 1=HE=%6 o) the s+& o) $S234, 5 1/ine H+ndred and 0i)t* Tho+sand $nited States !o''ars6 is no- -ith *o+r 0I!$=IARY ACE/T in *o+r a''otted Sett'e&ent =entre ins+red and iss+ed -ith *o+r e&ai' address -hich -on *o+ this pri.e, there)ore *o+ sho+'d contact *o+r 0I!$=IARY ACE/T -ith *o+r detai' in)or&ation so that the* -i'' e>pedite actions )or the processing o) *o+r )+nd trans)er5
These n+&9ers )a'' -ithin the So+th A)rica Location )i'e, *o+ are reE+ested to contact *o+r 0id+ciar* Agent in So+th A)rica and send *o+r -inning identi)ication n+&9ers to hi&F
0I!$=IARY ACE/T@=LAIMS MA/ACER =O/TA=T I/0ORMATIO/( TEL( G 2H#H7#2D2#72H4 0AI( G2H#D6#643#27 =O/TA=T 8ERSO/( MR5 0RA/% TAYLOR E#Mai'( )rankta*'orJe&ai'5+a Yo+ are ad,ised to send the )o''o-ing in)or&ation to *o+r 0id+ciar* Agent to )aci'itate the re'ease o) *o+r )+nd to *o+5 Ter&s and =onditions app'ied5
15 0+'' /a&eKKKKKKKKKKK 25 =o+ntr*KKKKKKKKKKKK5 75 =ontact Address55555555555555555555555555 45 Te'ephone /+&9erKKKKKKK Congratulations!! Once again and Happy New Year. Yo+rs in ser,ice,
!r5 Lohnson S&ith5 1=o#ordinator Yahoo@Msn A-ard Lotter* 8ro&otion, Manchester, $nited %ingdo&6 ################################################################################### WARNING! Do not tell people about your Prize Award until your money is successfully handed over to you to avoid disualification that may arise from double claims. !ou may also receive similar e"mails from people portrayin# to be other $r#anizations of !ahoo Inc% &his is solely to collect your personal information from you and lay claim over your winnin#% In event that you receive any E-mail similar to the notification letter that was sent to you, kindly delete it from your mailbox and give no further correspondence to such person or body.
!ahoo shall not be held responsible for any loss of fund arisin# from the above mentioned% P'( SEN !"#$ $E%&! '" !"#$ (&)I*S *)N)+E$ E*)I& )$ESS, ) *+,- !ahoo! Reward% All ri#hts reserved%