TTR Hoxby Charters
TTR Hoxby Charters
TTR Hoxby Charters
AUTHOR: Caroline M. Hoxby, Sonali Murarka & Jenny Kang
PUBLISHER/THINK TANK: New York City Charter Schools Evaluation Project
REVIEW DATE: November 12, 2009
REVIEWER: Sean F. Reardon
PHONE NUMBER: (650) 736-8517
Reardon, S.F. (2009) Review of “How New York City’s Charter Schools Affect Achievement.”
Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy Re-
search Unit. Retrieved [date] from
Summary of Review
How New York City’s Charter Schools Affect Achievement estimates the effects on
student achievement of attending a New York City charter school rather than a traditional
public school and investigates the characteristics of charter schools associated with the
most positive effects on achievement. Because the report relies on an inappropriate set of
statistical models to analyze the data, however, the results presented appear to overstate
the cumulative effect of attending a charter school. In addition, the report does not pro-
vide enough technical discussion and detailed description to enable a reader to assess the
validity of some aspects of the report’s methodology and results. Policymakers, educators,
and parents, therefore, should not rely on these estimates until the authors provide more
technical detail and the analysis has undergone rigorous peer review.
Executive Summary
The September 2009 report by Caroline scribed below, the statistical models used in
Hoxby, Sonali Murarka, and Jenny Kang, most of the analyses are not appropriate.
How New York City’s Charter Schools Affect
Achievement, has the potential to add usefully Several issues in the report’s analysis indi-
to the growing body of evidence regarding cate the need for caution in accepting some
the effectiveness of charter schools. The re- of the report’s conclusions. In particular:
port analyzes data from New York City in
order to estimate the effects on student • The report relies on an inappropriate set
achievement of attending a New York City of statistical models to analyze the data.
charter school rather than a traditional public One feature in particular of the models
school. In addition, the report investigates the used—the inclusion of students’ test
characteristics of charter schools in New scores from the prior year—will likely
York that are associated with the most posi- lead to mis-estimation of the charter
tive effects on achievement. Because of flaws school effects. Because these test scores
in the report’s statistical analysis, however, it are measured after the lotteries take
appears to overestimate the effect of charter place, and so could be affected by
schools in New York City. whether students attend a charter school
or not, they destroy the benefits of ran-
The key strength of the report is that it relies domization. This flaw in the analysis af-
on the fact that the majority of students in fects the estimated effects of charter
New York City charter schools were admit- schooling on student achievement in
ted via lottery. The availability of rando- grades 4-12. The estimated effects of
mized lotteries that determine admission to charter schools on achievement by third
most of New York City’s charter schools grade are based on a different statistical
provides the researchers with the opportunity model that does not share this flaw, how-
to obtain highly-credible estimates of the ef- ever, and so are more credible.
fect of attending a charter school rather than a • The report includes claims regarding the
traditional public school in New York City. cumulative effects of attending a New
Each lottery can be thought of as a small, York City charter school from kinder-
randomized controlled experiment, with each garten through eighth grade that are
school, year, and grade in which a lottery is based on an inappropriate extrapolation.
conducted for admission serving as one such • The report does not include adequately
experiment. In principle, this allows re- detailed information in some areas to al-
searchers to estimate the effect of being ad- low a reader to fully assess its methods,
mitted to a specific charter school, in a spe- results, or generalizability.
cific grade and year, on student achievement • The report uses a criterion for statistical
in subsequent years. Nonetheless, the mere significance that is weaker than that
availability of lotteries does not guarantee conventionally used in social science re-
that the estimates provide credible approxi- search;
mations of how charter schools affect student • The report describes the variation in
achievement. In order to take advantage of charter school effects across schools in a
the opportunity presented by the many lotte- way that may distort the true distribution
ries, the researchers must use appropriate sta- of effects by omitting many ineffective
tistical models to analyze the data. As de- charter schools from the distribution.
As a result of the flaws in the report's statis- positive effects on student achievement, but
tical analysis, it likely overstates the effects those effects are likely smaller than the re-
of New York City charter schools on stu- port claims. Policymakers, educators, and
dents' cumulative achievement, though it is parents should not rely on the report's con-
not possible—given the information missing clusions regarding charter school effects in
from the report—to precisely quantify the grades 4-12 until these issues have been ful-
extent of overestimation. It may be that New ly investigated and the analysis has under-
York City's charter schools do indeed have gone rigorous peer review.
Review Page 1 of 26
II. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS typical charter school student will have been
OF THE REPORT in a charter school three to four years by the
end of third grade, so these estimates imply
The report contains three main sets of find- that charter schools increase student
ings, corresponding to the three questions it achievement by roughly 0.04 standard dev-
poses. iations per year in grades K-3. Likewise, the
report finds that the average charter school
What kinds of students enroll in New York student gains 0.12 and 0.09 standard devia-
City charter schools? The report finds that tions in math and English each year in
students who enroll in charter schools in New grades 4 through 8, relative to what she or
York are disproportionately non-Hispanic he would have gained each year in a tradi-
Black and poor, relative to all students in tional public school. These results are statis-
New York City’s public schools (see Tables tically significant at the p<0.05 level except
IIa and IIc in the report). Charter school stu- for the early elementary school effect on
dents have average prior test scores similar to English achievement, which has a p-value of
those of the average student in New York 0.07 (marginally statistically significant by
City schools (see Table IIb in the report). The conventional standards).
report notes that these comparisons of prior
test scores apply only to the roughly 20% of The report concludes that these are cumula-
charter school students for whom test scores tively large average effects. To put these ef-
are available prior to their enrollment in char- fects into concrete terms, the report com-
ter schools—that is, students who enroll in pares the cumulative effect of attending a
charter schools in grades 4 and higher after New York City charter school for nine years
attending another New York City school, (from kindergarten through eighth grade) to
since the test is initially administered to stu- the magnitude of average test score differ-
dents in grade 3. These findings are discussed ences between students in Harlem and the
only briefly in this review. Instead greater wealthy New York community of Scarsdale.
attention is given to the next two sets of find- The estimated cumulative effect would be
ings described below. equal to roughly 66% of the “Scarsdale-
Harlem gap” in English and roughly 86% of
What are the effects on student achievement the gap in math (pages IV-8, IV-9).
of attending a New York City charter school
rather than a traditional public school? In The report includes a number of additional
terms of policy implications, the most im- estimates of the effects of charter schools on
portant findings of the report are the esti- other outcomes, including effects on science
mates of the effects of attending a charter and social studies tests, effects on Regents
school rather than a traditional public school Examination scores, and effects on the prob-
in New York City. These are summarized in ability of graduating with a Regents Diplo-
Table IVc of the main report. That table in- ma. The report finds that charter schools in-
dicates that by third grade the average stu- crease students’ science and social studies
dent enrolled in a charter school in early test scores in elementary school. Table IVe
elementary school gains 0.14 and 0.13 stan- reports that charter schools are estimated to
dard deviations on the math and English improve science test scores by 0.17 standard
achievement tests, respectively, relative to deviations by fourth grade and an additional
how well she or he would have scored if 0.23 standard deviations per year from fifth
enrolled in a traditional public school. The through eighth grade. Although there is no Page 2 of 26
effect of charter schools on social studies test that, on average, charter schools with a
scores through fifth grade, Table IVe reports longer school year, more time devoted to
an estimated charter school effect on social English instruction, a mission statement em-
studies test scores of 0.17 standard deviations phasizing academic performance, perfor-
per year from sixth through eighth grade. mance-based teacher pay, and a disciplinary
While these estimated effects are large, none policy that uses rewards and penalties have
are statistically significant by conventional larger effects on student achievement than
social science standards; each has a p-value those schools without such policies. The re-
of roughly 0.15; the report describes the es- port is careful to note that these associations
timated effects as “marginally statistically cannot be interpreted causally.
significant” (see Table IVe).
The report’s use of research literature
The report finds that charter schools signifi-
cantly (p<0.05) increase students’ scores on The report does not present or discuss prior
the Regents Examinations by 0.13 to 0.25 research literature. While this is appropriate
standard deviations, depending on the test because the report intends primarily to de-
subject (see Tables IVf and IVg). Finally, scribe the results of a single study in New
the report states that charter schools increase York City, it would have been useful to si-
the probability that a student will graduate tuate the study within the larger body of
by age 20 with a Regents Diploma by 7 per- scholarship on charter schools and their ef-
centage points for each year a student at- fects. This would help the reader understand
tends a charter high school. These estimates to what extent the findings in New York
have p-values of roughly 0.15, however, may be generalizable to other contexts.
well above conventional levels of statistical
significance; nonetheless, the report de- III. REVIEW OF CHAPTER IV:
scribes them as “marginally statistically sig- THE EFFECTS OF NEW YORK
nificant” (see Table IVh).6 CITY’S CHARTER SCHOOLS
What features of charter schools are asso-
ciated with more positive effects of charter The Use of Charter School Lotteries
schools? The final sections of the report in-
vestigate if and how the effects of charter The key design feature of the study is the
schooling vary across New York City’s char- use of charter school lotteries to identify
ter schools. The report finds considerable comparable groups of charter school and
variation in the effects of individual charter traditional public school students. If charter
schools; some have annual effects estimated and traditional public school students are
to be greater than 0.20 standard deviations different to begin with, then we cannot
per year; most have annual effects estimated attribute differences in their later achieve-
to be between 0 and 0.20 standard deviations ment to the effectiveness of charter schools
per year; and some (enrolling roughly 10% of relative to traditional public schools. Lotte-
charter school students) have annual effects ries, in principle, can solve this problem, as
estimated to be negative. the report notes, by ensuring that the only
way that charter and traditional public
The report investigates the associations be- school students differ initially is whether
tween individual charter schools’ effects and they won or lost a lottery coin-toss. Any
the characteristics of those schools. It finds subsequent difference in their achievement Page 3 of 26
patterns can then be attributed to the type of school lottery in which all lotteried-in
school they attend. students enrolled in a charter school and
all lotteried-out students enrolled in a
The availability of randomized lotteries that traditional public school, a statistical
determine admission to most of New York model would not be needed; we could
City’s charter schools therefore provides re- simply compare the later test scores of
searchers with the opportunity to obtain high- the charter and public school students.
ly credible estimates of the effect of attending Because this study includes students
a charter school in New York. Each school, who participated in hundreds of lotteries
year, and grade in which a lottery is con- in different years and grades, and who
ducted for admission serves as a small ran- were observed for different numbers of
domized controlled experiment that, in prin- years and in varying grades, however, a
ciple, allows researchers to estimate the ef- statistical model is required to estimate
fect of being admitted to a specific charter the average effects of charter schooling.
school, in a specific grade and year, on stu- As a result, it is important to assess the
dent achievement in subsequent years. By appropriateness of the statistical models
using a statistical model to average the ef- used for these purposes. As described
fects of being admitted to charter schools in below, the statistical models used to es-
each of the hundreds of lotteries, one can ob- timate the effects of charter schooling in
tain an estimate of the average effect of at- grades 4-12 are inappropriate.
tending a charter school among the popula-
tion of students who attend charter schools. • Second, because there are relatively few
Only a few other studies of charter schools students who have been in a lottery for
have relied on lotteries;7 among those, this many years, estimates of cumulative ef-
study has by far the largest sample of schools fects of charter schooling over many
and students (more detail below), and so has years must be based on an appropriate
the potential to provide strong evidence re- extrapolation. The report claims that the
garding the effects of oversubscribed charter annual charter school effects are suffi-
schools, at least within New York City. ciently large that a student who attended
charter schools from kindergarten
Statistical Analysis of Lottery Data through eighth grade would close almost
all of the “Scarsdale-Harlem gap” As de-
Although the availability of lotteries used scribed below, the report relies on an in-
for admission to most New York City char- appropriate extrapolation to estimate the
ter schools provides the opportunity to ob- cumulative effect of attending a charter
tain unbiased estimates of charter school ef- school for many years.
fects, the lotteries do not guarantee that the
estimated effects are credible and unbiased. • Third, the reader should have access to
Several flaws in the statistical models used sufficiently detailed information to un-
in the report call into question the report’s derstand what set of students and schools
estimates of the effects of charter schools. are used to estimate the effects. For ex-
ample, the report should include ade-
• First, the statistical models used to esti- quately detailed information to allow a
mate the effects of charter schools must reader to determine the extent to which
not introduce bias into the estimates. If the estimated effects are based primarily
the study consisted of a single charter on data from a few charter schools or Page 4 of 26
from all charter schools. Although some resulting from the inclusion of test scores
such information is included in the tech- measured after randomization in the statis-
nical report, much is absent. The report tical model is that these test scores are
does not include adequately detailed in- measured with error (i.e., test scores do not
formation in some areas to allow a read- perfectly measure students’ academic
er to fully assess its methods or generali- achievement). This also will lead to the
zability. models to overstate the effects of charter
schools. Both issues are discussed in more
Appropriateness of the Statistical Models detail below.
Bias due to inclusion of prior test scores in Controlling for a test score measured after
the statistical model. Page III-6 of the report randomization destroys the study’s claim to
describes the statistical model used in the validity based on the lotteries’ random as-
report to estimate the effects of charter signment. To see this, note that the statistical
schooling. One feature of this model is that model that controls for the prior year’s test
it relies on multiple observations of each scores implicitly compares charter school
student, one for each post-lottery year in students to traditional public school students
which a student has a test score in the data- who had the same test score the prior year.
base. So a student who participated in a lot- While that may sound reasonable, it assumes
tery to enroll in fourth grade in a charter that charter and traditional public school stu-
school in 2004-05 will have (typically) four dents with the same prior test scores can
observations in the data: a fourth grade ob- stand as valid counterfactuals for one anoth-
servation from 2004-05; a fifth grade obser- er. That is, it assumes that students in charter
vation from 2005-06; a sixth grade observa- schools, had they instead attended a tradi-
tion from 2006-07; and a seventh grade ob- tional public school in a given year, would
servation from 2007-08. The regression have learned the same amount in that year as
model then predicts a student’s score in a those students in traditional public schools
given year as a function of whether he or she who started the year at the same achievement
was enrolled in a charter school, controlling level. This would be a valid assumption if
for his or her prior year’s test score (which students were randomly assigned, each year,
statisticians call a “lagged” score). Because to attend a charter school or a traditional pub-
this student participated in a lottery to enroll lic school. If this were the case, students as-
in a charter in school in fourth grade, the signed to charter and traditional public
student’s prior year’s test scores in all but schools who had the same prior year’s test
the first observation will have been meas- score would be, on average, the same as one
ured after the lottery took place. another, so a comparison of their subsequent
test scores would provide a valid estimate of
There are two primary problems with this the effect of attending a charter school in that
statistical model. First, because the prior year. But because enrollment to a charter
year’s test score is measured after randomi- school is not randomly assigned every year,
zation (except for the first year a student is students who are in a charter school cannot
in a charter school), the model destroys the be assumed to be the same, in every way (in-
randomization that is the strength of the cluding how much they would learn in a giv-
study’s design. As discussed below, this will en year in a given school), as students in tra-
likely lead the models to overstate the ef- ditional public schools who start the year
fects of charter schools. A second problem with the same level of achievement. Page 5 of 26
The statistical model used in the report thus It is a well-established fact that statistical
relies on an unverifiable assumption. Al- models that condition on a variable measured
though the existence of the lotteries provides with error will yield biased estimates.8 In the
an opportunity to obtain unbiased estimates of models used here, the bias resulting from
charter school effects without relying on such measurement-error will tend to exaggerate
strong assumption, the report does not rely on the effects of charter schools (if the true ef-
the randomization, but instead relies on this fects or charter schools are positive, the esti-
unverifiable assumption about the similarity of mated effects will appear be larger than the
students with the same prior year’s test scores. true effects; if the true effects are negative,
If there were no lotteries, this might be defens- the estimated effects will appear as more
ible (or might at least be the best one could negative than the true effects; for technical
do), but given the existence of the lotteries, a detail on this point, see the Appendix to this
much more straightforward and defensible review). As noted above, the models used to
analysis is possible. The estimated effects estimate the effects of charter schooling by
from the models containing lagged scores third grade are not subject to this type of bias.
should not be treated as unbiased estimates.
The inclusion of lagged scores measured with
Moreover, a relatively straightforward statis- error in the statistical models may account, in
tical analysis indicates that the bias due to part, for the results showing that charter
including the lagged test scores in the model school effects are larger in grades 4-8 than in
will likely tend to exaggerate the true effects grades K-3. Returning to Table IVc, for ex-
(if the true effects are positive, the lagged ample, the reported annual effects of charter
score model will yield estimates that are too schools in the early elementary grades are
large; if the true effects are negative, the roughly 0.04 standard deviations per year
lagged score model will yield estimates that (0.14 s.d. over 3-4 years), while the estimated
are too negative). See the technical appendix annual effects in grades 4-8 are two to three
for more detailed discussion of this. times times larger (0.09-0.12 standard devia-
tions per year). These larger figures are likely
Finally, it is important to note that the estimated inflated by measurement-error-induced bias of
cumulative effects of charter schools in grades the type described above (in addition to bias
K-3 shown in the report are not subject to this due to the fact that charter school enrollment
type of bias because the models estimating is not random, conditional on students’ prior
them do not contain any prior test scores. The scores). Without knowing the reliability of the
estimated annual effects of charter schools in tests and the average number of years elapsed
grades 4-8, on the Regents Examinations, and between the lottery and the observations used
on graduating with a Regents Diploma, howev- in the models, it is impossible to say exactly
er, are all subject to this type of bias, because how large the measurement-error-induced bias
they each rely on models that include prior test may be, but it clearly biases the estimates
scores measured after the lotteries. away from zero, making average charter
school effects appear larger than they are.
Measurement error in lagged test score will
lead the estimates to overstate the charter Computation of the Cumulative Effects
school effect. A secondary problem resulting of Charter Schooling
from the inclusion of test scores measured
after randomization in the statistical model is Do charter schools significantly close the
that these test scores are measured with error. “Scarsdale-Harlem gap”? The report claims Page 6 of 26
that the effects of attending a charter school Third, roughly two-thirds of the students in
from kindergarten through eighth grade are the study participated in lotteries to enter a
sufficiently large that they would close the charter school in the later years of 2004-05
gap between the average student in Harlem or 2005-06 (see technical report, Table 5),
and the average student in Scarsdale by 66% meaning that most of the charter school stu-
in English and 86% in Math. There are three dents in the study have been in charter schools
reasons to doubt this claim. First, as de- for only three or four years. Moreover, it does
scribed above, several aspects of the data not appear that any students in the study could
and the statistical models could lead the es- have participated in lotteries and been in a
timated effects to be biased. If the true an- charter school for nine years from kindergar-
nual effects are smaller than the reported ten through eighth grade, because the first lot-
effects, then the true cumulative effects must teries in the study are from 2000-01. Even the
likewise be smaller. number of students in the study who have
been enrolled in charter schools for seven or
Second, the calculation of the cumulative eight years is likely relatively small, and most
effects of charter schooling in grades 4 such students will have attended one of only a
through 8 is erroneous. Recall that one set of few charter schools in existence by 2001-02.
models attempts to estimate the annual ef- This means that the only information about the
fects of charter schooling in each grade from long-term cumulative effects of attending a
grade 4 to 8. Even if the models did this cor- charter schools comes from a relatively small
rectly (and they do not, because of the inclu- subset of students who enrolled in one of the
sion of the lagged test scores in the models very few charter schools operating before
and because of the presence of measurement 2002.
error in the test scores), one cannot simply
add the annual impacts estimated from these Even if the effects of these few early-
models in order to obtain the cumulative established charter schools were as strong as is
impact over a number of years. The reason claimed, it is far from obvious that such char-
for this is that achievement gains do not ter schools are typical of all the charter schools
persist perfectly from year to year. Students in operation today. Claims regarding the cu-
who have a good year one year don’t always mulative effects of attending a charter school
have quite as good a year the next. Existing for nine years are therefore based on an un-
data from New York City indicates that warranted extrapolation of the available da-
about 76%-80% of a student’s achievement ta.10 The report would be much more informa-
gains (relative to his or her grade peers) in tive if it simply reported the cumulative effects
one year persist to the next year.9 This of attending a charter school for a given num-
means that annual achievement effects must ber of years for the subset of students who at-
be “discounted” before summing them up to tended for that number of years. This would
compute a cumulative effect. The study does allow a reader to see clearly how the charter
not appropriately discount the estimated ef- school effects accumulate over multiple years,
fects. This error, in conjunction with the without relying on unwarranted extrapolation.
measurement error bias described above,
likely results in the cumulative five-year ef- Inclusion of Sufficiently Detailed
fect of charter schooling from grades 4 Technical Information
through 8 being overestimated by as much
50% (see the technical appendix to this re- Data and sample. The report is based on
view for details). analysis of test score data and charter school Page 7 of 26
lottery data for approximately 30,000 stu- the estimates are “representative of New
dents11 who applied to a New York City York City’s charter school students; the
charter school in the years 2000-01 through more students a school has enrolled, the
2005-06 and whose admission was deter- more influence it will have on the results of
mined by participation in one of 725 charter the study” (p. IV-2). More precisely, how-
school lotteries. According to the report, ever, the estimates are representative of New
roughly 94% of charter school students were York City’s charter school students who
admitted through randomized lotteries (p. were admitted via lottery and who were in
vii). Of the 47 charter schools operating in third grade or higher by 2007-08; the more
New York City as of 2005-06, 43 are in- students in test-taking grades that a school
cluded in the report (more detail below). The has admitted via lottery, the more influence
report relies on standardized test score data it will have on the results of the study.
(New York State tests and Regents Examina-
tions) and Regents Diploma data that were There were 47 charter schools operating in
available for the years 2000-02 through New York City as of fall 2005; data from 43
2007-08. Because the large sample of stu- of them are included in this study (two char-
dents and charter schools, the large number ter schools declined to participate; one
of charter school lotteries, and the availability closed in 2005-06; and one serves a special
of test score data spanning grades 3-12 over population of students). The report implies,
eight years, the report aims to provide un- but never states clearly, that each of these
biased estimates of the effects of charter schools was oversubscribed in at least one
schools that are generalizable to most charter grade and year and so admitted some stu-
schools and their students in New York City. dents by lottery. However, some schools
may have a very small number of students
The report contains very little in the way of admitted via lottery and who were in test-
detailed descriptive information about the taking grades by 2007-08.
data used in the estimation. There is no de-
tailed information about (1) how many stu- If the proportion of students in a school ad-
dents participated in lotteries in each year mitted via lottery is correlated with the effec-
and grade; (2) what proportion of lottery tiveness of the school, then the effect esti-
participants were lotteried-in and lotteried- mates will be biased in the direction of the ef-
out in each year and grade; and (3) what fects of the schools with the largest shares of
proportion of lotteried-in and -out students students admitted via lottery. If better schools
are observed in the data, how many years are more likely to be oversubscribed, and
they are observed, and in what years and therefore likely to have higher proportions of
what grades they are observed. It is thus un- their students admitted by lottery, they will be
clear where the bulk of the information that disproportionately overrepresented in the char-
drives the estimates comes from. Moreover, ter school effect estimates. Because the report
the lack of such information makes it diffi- includes no descriptive data regarding the pro-
cult to assess the extent to which schools portion of students admitted via lottery in each
and students the report’s estimates apply or school, we have no information that allows an
the extent to which there may be bias in the assessment of whether the estimates provided
estimated charter school effects. here generalize to the population of New York
City charter school students. It would be help-
To which schools and students do the re- ful for readers and users of this study if the
port’s estimates apply? The report states that study’s authors provided estimates of the as- Page 8 of 26
sociation between charter schools’ estimated traditional public schools. This would make
effects and the proportion of their students the charter school students’ later test scores
who were admitted via lottery. This would be appear better, relative to the comparison
informative not only regarding the generaliza- group, even if charter schools had no effect on
bility of the results, but also regarding the ex- student achievement.
tent to which parental choices to apply to char-
ter schools are related to school quality The report does not indicate whether the
(another important policy question). matching rates differ between lotteried-in
and lotteried–out students, which would
IV. ADDITIONAL CONCERNS have been helpful in determining the extent
AND ISSUES to which missing data of this sort may bias
the estimates. The report would be more
In addition to the issues described above, useful and informative if it provided more
several issues are not adequately discussed detailed information on the extent to which
in the report. These are briefly discussed be- student records could not be matched to
low. Some appear to pose little threat to the achievement data and how this non-
validity of the report; in other cases, there is matching varies by lottery status, cohort,
insufficient evidence in the report to assess grade of lottery, and student demographic
these issues. characteristics. Because the report contains
very little detail about the extent of non-
Potential bias due to differential matching matching, it is unclear to what extent this
rates. Depending on the year of lottery, be- may bias the estimated results. The technical
tween 9% and 21% of charter school appli- appendix to this review contains a brief dis-
cants in the study who participated in lotte- cussion of the extent to which differential
ries were not able to be matched to the New matching may result in biased estimates.
York City Department of Education data
(Table 5, technical report), meaning that test Reliance on balanced lotteries. The report
scores were unavailable for these students. relies for its effect estimates only on the
The technical report argues (see p. 12) that subset of lotteries that appear to be “ba-
the primary reason some applicants were not lanced”—that is, those where the characte-
able to be matched is that they were not ristics of lotteried-in and lotteried-out stu-
enrolled in a New York City public school dents appear to be similar. These include
prior to applying to a charter school, and then 94% of students in lotteries. Under the pre-
never attended one (because they subsequent- sumption of random assignment within each
ly attended a private school, a school outside lottery, standard practice would be to in-
New York City, or were home-schooled). clude all lotteries in the analysis rather than
a subset of the lotteries. If the lotteries are
The fact that outcome data are not observed indeed random (as they appear to be),12 then
for all students who participated in lotteries estimates based on all lotteries will be un-
may or may not lead to bias in the estimated biased estimates of the average effect of
effects of charter schools. For example, if the charter schools on all students who apply to
more academically able of the lotteried-out charter schools and participate in lotteries.
students disproportionately chose to go to pri- Despite this, the main report includes only
vate schools, then the study would be compar- estimates based on balanced lotteries, and
ing charter school students to a less academi- notes that results based on all lotteries are
cally able comparison group of students in “similar” (p. III-5) to those based only on Page 9 of 26
balanced lotteries. Because there is no evi- achievement than their peers at the tradition-
dence suggesting the lotteries (even the un- al public schools from which they come.
balanced ones) were not conducted via ran- Because these new analyses are not included
dom assignment, it is unclear why the esti- in the report, however, a reader cannot as-
mates from the balanced lotteries are pre- sess their validity or implications.
ferred. At a minimum, the report should in-
clude a presentation of results based on ba- Lottery oversubscription rates. The statistic-
lanced and unbalanced lotteries, as did the al models (described on page III-6) include
technical report (albeit using data from what statisticians call “lottery fixed effects.”
2005-06).13 The inclusion of the fixed effects ensures
that charter school students are implicitly
Description of charter school student popu- compared only to traditional public school
lation. The report describes how students students who participated in the same lot-
who apply to and enroll in charter schools tery. One consequence of using a fixed-
compare with students in New York City effects model, however, is that the model
public schools as a whole, which is useful. implicitly weights students more in the esti-
Equally useful would be a description of mation if they participated in a charter school
how these students compare with the stu- lottery that was highly oversubscribed than if
dents in the subset of traditional public they participated in a lottery that was less
schools that the charter school students oversubscribed (see Appendix for a more
would have attended if they were lotteried- technical discussion). This means that if indi-
out. That is, we would like to know if char- vidual charter schools’ effects are related to
ter schools attract students who are dispro- the extent to which they are oversubscribed,
portionately high- or low-achieving relative then more effective charter schools may be
to the public schools they come from. This systematically over- or under-weighted in the
would directly answer the concern of some estimation, leading to bias in the results.
who argue that charter schools “cream” the There is no information of lottery oversub-
highest achieving students from traditional scription rates in the text, though Hoxby re-
public schools.14 ported to me that “all NYC charter schools
have approximately half of the students in
The technical report contains some informa- the lotteried-in group and half in the lotte-
tion relevant to this question. It shows that ried-out group.”15 This implies no correla-
students who applied to charter schools had tion between lottery oversubscription rates
higher average prior test scores than the av- and charter school effects, and so implies
erage student who attends the traditional that there is no resulting bias in the estimates
public schools from which the charter school due to this source. This should be clearly
students come (see Table 9 of the technical documented in the text.
report). That is, within a given traditional
public school, the students who apply to The reported finding that all lotteries are
charter schools tend to be higher achieving roughly equally oversubscribed is somewhat
(by 0.15-0.30 standard deviations) than surprising, given that the lotteries include
those who do not. However, Hoxby told me both new schools and more mature schools
that she has redone the analyses reported in and span a range of years and grades. This
Table 9 of the technical report, and that merits discussion in the text. In particular, it
these new analyses show that charter school raises an additional set of important ques-
students do not have higher average prior tions. Market competition theory would sug- Page 10 of 26
gest that if parents have information about City report states that very few (8%) lotte-
either the quality of their local traditional ried-in students who enroll in a charter
public schools or the available charter school for at least one year ever return to the
schools, they will be more likely to apply to traditional public schools. Given these low
the charter schools that are highly effective rates of attrition from charter schools, the
relative to the local traditional public schools. threat to internal validity posed by using the
This would lead, all else being equal, to more IV model appears minimal. Nonetheless, the
applicants to the most effective charter low attrition rate relative to that reported in
schools (or more applicants among families other studies also suggests the uniqueness of
whose alternative traditional public school is the New York City charter school context.
ineffective). In fact, part of the rationale for
charter schools (and for private school Existing research from other studies pro-
vouchers and other forms of school choice) is vides some evidence both of high attrition
that competition among schools will force rates in charter schools and that continued
schools to improve or to lose enrollment. If charter school enrollment may indeed be
almost all charter schools are not only over- correlated with the magnitude of charter
subscribed (according to the report, 43 of 47 school effects. An analysis of attrition from
charter schools in New York City rely on lot- KIPP charter schools in the San Francisco
teries for admission), but are all equally over- Bay area, for example, found that students
subscribed, it suggests parents may not be who left the KIPP schools prior to eighth
able to differentiate among charter schools in grade had experienced smaller gains in the
terms of quality (though it does suggest that KIPP schools in fifth grade than their coun-
there is excess demand for charter schools in terparts who stayed in the KIPP schools.16 A
New York City). Although this study is not study of Boston charter schools found high
designed to address the reasons for this, the rates of attrition from middle and high
authors (or others) are encouraged to consider school charter schools, though it did not ex-
it in future analyses. At a minimum, this amine whether those who left charter
study should report detailed data on lottery schools had different patterns of achieve-
oversubscription rates that would inform fu- ment gains in charter schools than those who
ture studies. stayed.17 The low attrition rate in New York
City relative to that reported in other studies
Compliance-effect correlation bias. The re- suggests the possible uniqueness of the New
port relies on instrumental variables (IV) York City charter school context.
models to provide estimates of the average
effect of charter schooling. One feature of Are the estimated effects of charter schooling
IV models of the sort used in the report is statistically significant? As described above,
that they implicitly weight students by how the report estimates the effects of charter
long they remain in a charter school. If stu- schooling on four sets of outcomes: (1) math
dents for whom charter schools have larger and English tests in third through eighth
positive effects are more likely to stay in char- grade; (2) science and social studies tests in
ter schools if lotteried-in than are students for fourth through eighth grade; (3) Regents Ex-
whom charter schools have smaller effects, aminations in high school; and (4) graduation
then those students for whom charter schools with a Regents diploma by age 20. Of these,
are more effective will tend to get more the reported effects on the math and English
weight in the estimates, meaning the estimated tests in third through eighth grade and on the
effects will be overstated. The New York Regents Examinations are generally statisti- Page 11 of 26
cally significant at the conventional p<.05 test scores. That means newer schools,
level, meaning that we can confidently con- schools serving primarily early elementary
clude that the true effects are not equal to ze- grades, small schools, and schools in which
ro (though even this conclusion is dependent only a small proportion of students were
on the assumption that none of the biases dis- admitted via lottery are more likely to be
cussed above are present). The other two sets excluded, compared with older schools,
of reported effects (in science and social stu- large schools, those serving middle school
dies tests in fourth to eighth grade and on grades, and those in which most students are
graduation with a Regents diploma) have p- admitted via lottery. It is unclear how many
values of roughly 0.15, well above conven- schools are omitted from the figure, but it is
tionally accepted standards of statistical sig- possible that the figure misrepresents the
nificance. The report’s description of these actual distribution of charter school effects
findings as “marginally statistically signifi- by excluding some schools. More informa-
cant” does not conform to standard practice tion would be helpful in this regard.
in social science research, and is therefore
potentially misleading. In addition, it would be helpful if the report
were to present the distribution of all esti-
V REVIEW OF CHAPTER V: mated effects (as was done in the technical
ASSOCIATING CHARTER SCHOOLS’ report, albeit using data from fewer years),
EFFECTS WITH THEIR POLICIES rather than just the most precisely estimated
effects. In the technical report, the precisely
The final sections of the report describe how estimated effects have a distribution that is
much the effects of charter schools vary and much more positive, on average, than the
investigate how the magnitude of charter distribution of all effects (see Figures 5 and
school effects are associated with various 6 in the technical report). This suggests that
characteristics of the schools. While this the exclusion of the imprecise estimates
section of the report is primarily descriptive causes some distortion in the figures, per-
and exploratory, several issues should be haps giving the impression that the average
considered in interpreting the results. effects of charter schools are more positive
than they in fact are—a distortion in addi-
Distribution of achievement effects. The re- tion to overestimation due to the bias issues
port finds a moderate amount of variation described above.
among charter schools in their effects on
achievement. This is shown in Figures IVg Factors associated with variation in charter
and IVh, which illustrate the distribution of school effects. In addition to describing the
charter schools’ effects on math and English extent of variation in the charter school ef-
achievement, respectively. According to the fects, the report describes how the magni-
text, the figures include only charter schools tudes of the charter school effects are related
whose effects were large or whose effects to a set of charter school policies. Recall that
were relatively precisely estimated.18 This the factors highlighted in the report are a
means that some (unreported number of) longer school year, more time devoted to
charter schools are omitted from the figures. English instruction, academic-based mission
Schools whose effects are imprecisely esti- statements, performance pay for teachers, and
mated are generally schools with small a reward/penalty-based disciplinary policy.
numbers of students who (a) have partici- The report is appropriately careful to ac-
pated in lotteries and (b) are in grades with knowledge that these associations cannot be Page 12 of 26
interpreted as causal relationships. For exam- the traditional public schools that are alter-
ple, the existence of a correlation between the natives to each charter school as from varia-
use of performance-based teacher pay and the tion in the quality of charter schools them-
effectiveness of charter schools does not imp- selves. A given charter school of moderate
ly that if a school adopts performance-based quality may appear very effective if com-
pay its students will learn more. pared with a low-quality traditional public
school that the students would otherwise
In addition to the policies of charter schools have attended. But that same charter school
themselves, there are two potentially impor- would appear ineffective if the students’ al-
tant reasons for variance in achievement ef- ternative school happened to be a high-
fects among charters schools, neither of quality traditional public school. This does
which is explored in the report. First, differ- not in any way undermine the lottery-based
ent charter schools enroll different popula- design of the study; it is meant only to point
tions of students. If New York City charter out a potential reason for variation among
schools as a whole are more effective for charters that was not discussed in the report.
some types of students than others, then char-
ter schools enrolling more of those types of None of the above necessarily disqualifies
students will appear more effective than those the descriptive results reported regarding the
enrolling fewer such students, even if the two association between charter school policies
schools are otherwise identical. For instance, and their effectiveness, but it should make
New York City charters may, relative to tra- clear that we cannot unambiguously
ditional public schools in the City, take more attribute variation in charter school effec-
advantage of involved parents. If this is the tiveness to charter school policies alone.
case, then charters that enroll more students Nor, as the report notes, can we be sure that
with such parents might be expected to show adopting policies such as a longer school
better outcomes than those that do not. day, performance pay for teachers, or aca-
demic-based mission statements would re-
Second, it is worth noting that each charter sult in improved student achievement.
school (each lottery, actually) has a some-
what different counterfactual. What is de- VI. USEFULNESS OF THE REPORT
scribed as the effect of a given charter FOR GUIDANCE OF POLICY
school is more accurately described as the AND PRACTICE
effect of attending that charter school rather
than the traditional public school that a stu- The data used in the New York City charter
dent would have attended had she or he not schools report have the potential to be very
been lotteried-in to the charter school. Be- valuable for informing policymakers and
cause the traditional public schools attended educators regarding the effectiveness of
by lotteried-out students differ across lotte- oversubscribed charter schools in New York
ries (students applying to a charter school in City. The data include information on more
the Bronx are unlikely to attend a traditional than 40 charter schools, 725 distinct lotte-
public school in Brooklyn if lotteried-out, ries, and thousands of students observed
and vice versa), the comparison traditional over multiple years and grades.
public schools differ across charter schools.
As a result, the variation in the charter Nonetheless, the analyses in the study con-
school effects reported in the study may re- tain several possible sources of bias. The
sult as much from variation in the quality of most significant of these stem from the in- Page 13 of 26
clusion of students’ prior year’s test scores This is important evidence. In addition, de-
in the statistical models estimating the ef- spite the sources of bias in the estimates for
fects of charter schooling for all grades the higher grades, there may still be positive
above third grade. This both destroys the average effects of charter schooling in
randomization that is the potential strength grades 4-8. A more appropriate statistical
of the study’s design and introduces mea- analysis would provide a clear answer.
surement-error bias in the estimates. In addi-
tion, the estimated cumulative effects of In addition, the report contains very little in
charter schools are based on an incorrect the way of detailed information regarding
computation and on an extrapolation beyond lottery participation and oversubscription
the limits of the data. As a result of these rates. As a result it is unclear how generaliz-
flaws, the report considerably overstates the able the results are across charter schools,
effects of New York City charter schools on grades, and time. Moreover, it is unclear
students’ cumulative achievement. whether there may be additional sources of
bias, because the report does not always in-
The likely bias in the estimates could be eas- clude enough information for the reader to
ily eliminated by using a more appropriate assess the methods and results. The report
statistical model, one that does not condition would be far more useful to scholars seeking
on lagged test scores. Estimates from such to understand if and how charter schools af-
models would be more defensible, more fect student achievement, for example, if it
transparent, and would avoid relying on un- presented a detailed accounting of applica-
tenable assumptions and invalid extrapola- tion, enrollment, retention, and attrition pat-
tion. Given the prominence of charter terns among charter school students.
schools in current education policy discus-
sions, it is important that policymakers, par- As a result of the potential sources of bias
ents, educators, and scholars have access to and the lack of detailed information in the
the most accurate possible evidence regard- reports to assess the extent of such bias, it is
ing the effects of charter schools. not possible for this reviewer or other read-
ers to determine the degree to which the es-
That said, it is worth noting that the esti- timated charter school effects in grades 4
mates of the effects of charter schooling in and above are valid. Policymakers and edu-
kindergarten through third grade do not suf- cators should therefore not rely on these es-
fer from the same statistical flaws as the es- timates until the bias issues have been fully
timates of effects in fourth grade and higher. investigated and the analysis has undergone
These estimates indicate that students who rigorous peer review. Given the quality of
attend charter schools in the early elementa- the data, however, a revised version of the
ry grades have higher achievement levels analysis could provide a more definitive an-
(0.13-0.14 standard deviations higher by swer regarding the effectiveness of New
third grade) than they would have had if York City’s oversubscribed charter schools.
they had attended a traditional public school. Page 14 of 26
Technical Appendix
A stylized example. Before discussing the statistical model, it is useful to simplify matters by
considering a single lottery, in which students are randomly assigned to a treatment or control
group. Suppose all students comply with their treatment assignment for the duration of the time
we observe them (that is, if lotteried-in, students attend a charter school for the duration of the
study; if lotteried-out, they attend a traditional public school for the duration of the study). Sup-
pose also that we observe a test score for each student prior to randomization and at the end of
each year after randomization. We standardize all test scores to have a mean 0 and a standard
deviation 1 in the control group (standardizing based on the control group will make all esti-
mated effects expressible in terms of effect sizes relative to the control group distribution; it also
make the derivations below a bit simpler).
We are interested in knowing the cumulative effect of the treatment after years. That is, we
want to know how much higher a student’s score would be in year if he attended a charter
school from year 1 to instead of a traditional public school. A straightforward way to do this
would be to fit either the model
or the model
~0, .
Either would yield an unbiased estimate of the average cumulative effect of attending a charter
school for years, measured in standard deviation units. If we had access to test scores meas-
ured prior to randomization ( ), the second model would be preferable because it would likely
yield more precise estimates because of the inclusion of pre-randomization test scores.
What model does the report fit? The report uses a model of the first type above in estimating the
average cumulative effects of charter schooling by third grade. To estimate the annual effect of
charter schooling in grades 4 and above, however, the report relies on a model of this form (see
page III-6):
This model says that a student’s observed test score in year depends linearly on his or her score
in the prior year plus an effect of attending a charter school, plus some random, i.i.d, mean-
zero error. Because both and , are standardized, 0, , , | and
1 ! . This model is fit using the stacked data; that is, if student test scores are observed
for years following randomization, each student will have observations in the data. As is
standard in models like this, the standard errors are corrected for the fact that there are multiple
observations per student. Note that the model used in the report is actually more complex than
this—it also includes lottery fixed effects, grade fixed effects, year fixed effects, and student co-
variates, and is fit using a lottery assignment as an instrument for enrollment in a charter school Page 15 of 26
in each year. Nonetheless, this additional complexity does not affect the issues described below.
Problem 1: Controlling for test scores measured after randomization destroys the benefits of ran-
domization. In the model described above and used in the report, OLS will yield an unbiased es-
timate of if treatment assignment is independent of the error, conditional on , (that is, if
|, ). Because , is measured after randomization (except for the very first observa-
tion, when ! 1 0), however, the randomization does not ensure that "
|, ) for all
# 1. Thus, including lagged test scores measured after randomization destroys the primary
benefit of randomization—the guarantee that treatment status is uncorrelated with all characteris-
tics of students, observed or unobserved.
It is possible, under some mild assumptions, to determine the likely direction and magnitude of
the bias in models that include lagged scores measured after randomization. Suppose each stu-
dent’s potential outcomes in years 1 and 2 are defined by
where is the student’s score prior to randomization; $ and $ are the gains that a student
would make in years 1 and 2, respectively, if he or she attended a traditional public school;
and are dummy variables indicating whether a student attended a charter school in years 1
and 2, respectively; and and are the effects of attending a charter school in years 1 and 2,
respectively. Note that the above implicitly assumes that the gain a student would make in year 2
is independent of whether or not she or he attended a charter or traditional public school in year
1. Suppose, moreover, that test scores of the control group are standardized at each wave.
In order to estimate the effect of charter schooling in year 2 on the students who attended charter
schools, we must estimate what the test scores of the charter school students would have been in
year 2 had they attended a traditional public school in year 2. It is tempting to use the observed
year 2 test scores of public school students who had similar test scores as the charter school stu-
dents in year 1. However, this assumes that the gains that charter school students would have
made in year 2 had they gone to a traditional public school ($ ) are the same as the gains made
by traditional public school students who had similar scores in year 1. Had we randomized stu-
dents to charter or traditional public schools at the end of year 1, we could be sure that the out-
comes of traditional public school students in year 2 could stand as a valid counterfactual for the
charter school students’ test scores in year 2. However, it we randomized students earlier than
the end of year 1, it is not clear that this would be a valid counterfactual. To assess whether this
is valid, consider the following.
Suppose the effect of charter schooling in year 1 is positive. Then it will be true that
That is, among students with the same scores at time 1, the charter school students will have had
lower average scores at time 0 than the traditional public school students. If there is a non-zero
correlation between students’ time 0 scores and the gains they would make in year 2 in a tradi- Page 16 of 26
tional public school (that is, if () , $ * + 0), then traditional public school students’ scores
at time 2 cannot stand as valid counterfactuals for charter school students who had the same
scores as them at time 1. Moreover, the direction of bias will depend on the sign of () , $ *.
If () , $ * ' 0,
which implies that the students in charter schools would have had higher scores, had they been in
traditional public schools, than the traditional public school students who had the same scores at
time 2. As a result, the estimates based on comparing charter and traditional public school stu-
dents with the same time 1 scores will be biased upwards. If, on the other hand, () , $ * #
0, the same logic implies that the estimated charter school effects in year 2 will be biased down-
ward. Because the test scores are standardized within each wave, it is straightforward to write the
covariance of and $ as
In general, the correlation between student test scores at time 0 and time 2 will be lower than the
correlation between scores at time 0 and time 1.19 Thus, () , $ * ' 0. This implies that, if
the true effect of charter schools is positive, the likely direction of bias due to conditioning on
lagged standardized scores is upward (because charter school students will, on average, have
lower initial scores than public school students with the same scores at time 1; and so the fact
that () , $ * ' 0 implies they would have gained more, on average, in a traditional public
school in year 2 than did the students who were in a traditional public school). If is the cu-
mulative effect by time ! 1, then the magnitude of the bias will be
() , $ *
,-./ · .
() , *
That is, the annual effects will be overstated by an amount that is proportional to the cumulative
effect of charter schooling over the average number of years students have been in charter
schools when their lagged scores are measured.
Problem 2: Measurement error in test scores will lead to biased estimates of the charter school
effect. Let us suppose the statistical model is correct. That is, suppose treatment assignment is
ignorable conditional on the lagged score. In that case, OLS will yield an unbiased estimate of
so long as , is measured without error. But test scores do not measure achievement without
error. Therefore, it is important to consider if and how measurement error in , may affect the
estimate of .
To understand the impact of measurement error on the estimate of , it is useful to begin by con-
sidering a model estimated on a single year’s observation for each student. Suppose lagged test
scores are measured without error and the true data generating model is given by Page 17 of 26
Now, suppose the lagged test score includes independent random measurement error with va-
riance 1. Because the observed test scores are standardized, this implies that the true score has
variance 1 ! 1 within treatment groups. That is,
, 3, , 3, " , , 3, ~0, 1, (., | 1 ! 1
(., |
Now if we fit the model to the observed data using OLS – that is, if we fit
2 2 ,
~0, ,
, |
45-6 7 2 8
(, 3, , |
(, , |
(., |
)1 ! *
8 2 Δ
where Δ is the difference in average test scores at time ! 1 between charter school students
and traditional public school students. The bias will depend on 2 (the observed correlation be-
tween students’ scores at times ! 1 and ), the reliability of the observed scores, and Δ. If
the reliability is close to 1, @ A 0, so the bias will be small. Likewise, if the difference in prior
scores is small, the bias will be small.
Because the observed test scores are standardized, 2 is the correlation between scores at time Page 18 of 26
and ! 1. This will be relatively high. Data from a study of the test scores of New York City
public school students show that the grade-to-grade correlations of student math scores range
from 0.76 to 0.80 across grades 3 to 8, with an estimated average of 0.79.20 For the sake of illu-
stration, let us assume 2 0.79. The reliability must be 2 D D 1. Boyd et al. estimate the
reliability of the New York state tests to be 0.831.21 Then the bias will be
)1 ! * )1 ! 0.83*
,-./ 2 Δ 0.79 Δ
We know that, at the end of third grade, Δ 0.14 (TABLE IVc). This suggests that an esti-
mate of the annual effect of charter schooling on achievement during fourth grade will be biased
upwards by 0.79 · 0.20 · 0.14 0.022. This is one-quarter to one-fifth of the estimated annual
effects on reading and math. Because the model is fit on the stacked data, the amount of bias will
depend on the magnitude of Δ when pooled over all observations used in the estimation. Be-
cause information regarding Δ is not available in the report, it is not clear how large the mea-
surement error bias will be. Nonetheless, the bias will clearly inflate the magnitude of the true
Problem 3: The cumulative effect of charter schooling is not equal to the sum of the estimated
annual effects. In order to compute the estimated cumulative effect of charter schooling over a
number of years, one cannot simply multiply the estimated annual effect by the number of years.
This is because students’ achievement gains do not persist perfectly from year to year. To see
this, consider the following. Suppose the model used in the report represents the true data gene-
rating process. That is, suppose the data are generated by the following structural model:
~0,1 !
~0,1 !
~0,1 !
where (.)I *| 1 JK L M0,1, … O. Note that, because each of the test scores I are stan-
dardized, I , ,I | JL M1,2, … O. Page 19 of 26
Thus, the cumulative effect of attending a charter school for years is equal to Δ
I *,
where is the annual effect. Unless 1, Δ ' . Because is the correla-
tion of test scores in adjacent years, it will be less than 1 unless all students have identical growth
rates in test scores and there is no measurement error in the test scores. Any estimate of the cu-
mulative effect of attending a charter school that is based on simply summing the estimated an-
nual effects with therefore overestimate the true cumulative effect.
By how much will using overstate Δ ? As noted above, data from a study of the test scores
of New York City public school students show that the grade-to-grade correlations of student
math scores range from 0.76 to 0.80 between across grades 3 to 8. For the sake of illustration, let
us take 0.8. If the estimated value of the annual effect of charter schooling is 0.12 in math,
the cumulative effect over the five years from grades 4-8 will be
ΔZ UV)0.8*I X 0.12
)1 0. 8 0. 8 0. 8S 0. 8R *0.12
3.36 · 0.12
Compare this to the value we would get if we simply sum the annual effects. If we simply mul-
tiply the estimated annual effect (0.12) by 5 years, we get an estimated cumulative effect of 0.60;
an estimate that is 50% larger than the correct cumulative effect implied by the structural model
and the correlations between annual test scores.
Note that the derivation above assumes that test scores contain no measurement error. If there is
measurement error in the test scores (as there certainly is), then the observed is due to a com-
bination of measurement error and the extent of persistence in true achievement gains over time.
The more measurement error there is, the less upward bias due to the incorrect accumulation of
gains over time there will be (because if is primarily due to measurement error, then the corre-
lation of true scores will be higher than 0.8), but the more upward bias due there will be due to
measurement error, and vice versa. In other words, the combination of measurement error bias
and the accumulation error will result in upward bias of the estimates, though the exact amount
will depend on the extent of measurement error in the test scores. Both sorts of bias could be
readily eliminated by estimating cumulative effects using a model that does not control for post-
randomization test scores.
9 \] ! \^
where \] is the average outcome among students assigned to the treatment condition (charter
schools in this case) and \^ is the average outcome among those assigned to the control condi- Page 20 of 26
tion. Let _] and _^ indicate the proportions of students assigned to the treatment and control
conditions, respectively, whose outcomes are observed (some students’ outcomes are not ob-
served because they could not be matched to the Department of Education records, for example).
Then we can write
where \]`ab , \^`ab , \]cbb , and \^cbb are the average outcomes among students in the treatment
and control groups who are observed and missing, respectively. Because we can only base our
estimates of the charter school effect on the cases for whom we observe outcomes, we will have
The report does not describe what proportions of lotteried-in and -out students are matched, so
we do not know if _^ is larger, smaller, or equal to _] . If students who are lotteried-out are more
likely to subsequently enroll in a private school or a school outside the NYC public school sys-
but the authors may be able to provide information on some characteristics of those who were
not matched to DOE data (because some demographic information is contained on the lottery
application forms and thus is available for students even if they are not matched). An analysis of
these factors could help to assess whether non-matching may produce upward or downward bias
in the estimates.
In a model that includes lottery fixed effects, as do the models used in the report, the estimated
effect will be
d _d )1 ! _d *
45-69 8 V ,
∑d d _d )1 ! _d * d
d Page 21 of 26
will be biased. To understand the bias, note that the number of students admitted via lottery 5 will
be equal to Kd d · _d , meaning that the weights are proportional to ed Kd )1 ! _d *. Thus, the
fixed effects estimators weight each lottery not by the number of students admitted via lottery,
but rather by both the number of students admitted via lottery and the proportion of students who
are lotteried out (1 ! _d ). As a result, charter schools that have lotteries that are more highly
oversubscribed will receive larger weight in the estimation. If charter schools that are more ef-
fective (or whose local traditional public schools are less effective) are, on average, more over-
subscribed than those that are less effective, the lottery fixed effects estimates will be upwardly
biased. Conversely, if charter schools that are less effective (or whose local traditional public
schools are more effective) are, on average, more oversubscribed than those that are more effec-
tive, the lottery fixed effects estimates will be downwardly biased. As noted above, Hoxby re-
ported to me that all the lotteries in New York City have oversubscription rates of roughly 50%,
indicating that the weighting of the fixed effects estimator does not result in any appreciable bias. Page 22 of 26
Notes and References
Maxwell, Lesli A. (2009, June 17). “Obama Team's Advocacy Boosts Charter Momentum,” Education Week, 28:
Issue 35, pp. 1,24-25; Maxwell, Lesli A. (2009, November 2). “Charter Schools Steadily Growing,” Ed-, Retrieved November 3, 2009, from
For recent studies, see, for example
Abdulkadiroglu, A., Angrist J., Cohodes S., Dynarski, S., Fullerton, J., Kane, T., & Pathak, P. (2009). Informing the
debate: Comparing Boston’s charter, pilot and traditional schools. Boston, MA: The Boston Foundation
Woodworth, K.R., David, J.L., Guha, R., Wang, H., & Lopez-Torkos, A. (2008). San Francisco Bay Area KIPP
schools: A study of early implementation and achievement. Final report. Menlo Park, CA: SRI
Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) (2009, June). Multiple Choice: Charter School Performance
in 16 States. Palo Alto: CREDO, Stanford University
Hoxby, C. M. & Rockoff, J. E. (2004). The impact of charter schools on student achievement. Unpublished manu-
script, Harvard University and Columbia University
Dobbie, W., & Fryer, R. G. (2009). Are High-Quality Schools Enough to Close the Achievement Gap? Evidence
from a Bold Social Experiment in Harlem. Unpublished manuscript, Harvard University.
For reviews of the charter school effects literature, see
Betts, J. R. & Tang, Y. E. (2009, April). Charter School Achievement: What We Know, 5th Edition.Washington,
DC: National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
Betts, J. R. & and Tang, Y. E. (2008). Value added and experimental studies of the effect of charter schools on stu-
dent achievement. Seattle, WA: National Charter School Research Project, Center on Reinventing Public
Education, University of Washington, Bothell
Carnoy, M., Jacobsen, R., Mishel, L., & Rothstein,R. (2006). Worth the Price? Weighing the Evidence on Charter
School Achievement. Education Finance and Policy, Winter 2006, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pages 151-161;
Hill, P.T., Angel, L., & Christensen, J.. Charter School Achievement Studies. Education Finance and Policy, Win-
ter 2006, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pages 139-150
Miron, G., Evergreen, S., & Urschel, J. (2008). The impact of school choice reforms on student achievement.
Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy Research Unit Retrieved
November 10, 2009, from
Hoxby, C. M., Murarka, S. & Kang, J. (2009, September).“How New York City’s Charter Schools Affect
Achievement.” Second report in series. Cambridge, MA: New York City Charter Schools Evaluation
Project, September 2009. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from
More specifically, the report provides estimated achievement impacts among students admitted to New York City
charter schools via lottery during the years 2000-01 to 2005-06. Because almost all charter schools in New
York City were oversubscribed, the report covers almost all charter schools in New York City during this
period. More detail is provided on this point later in this review.
Hoxby, C. M., Murarka, S.. (2009, April). “Charter Schools in New York City: Who Enrolls and How They Affect
Their Students’ Achievement.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 14852, April 2009.
Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from
Note also that these estimates are based on only two charter schools: those that enrolled students in grades 9-12 in
2005-2006 (only students in these schools could have both attended a charter high school and be observed
at age 20 in 2007-08). See Table IVa in main report and footnote 24 in the technical report. Page 23 of 26
Abdulkadiroglu, A., Angrist J., Cohodes S., Dynarski, S., Fullerton, J., Kane, T., & Pathak, P. (2009). Informing
the debate: Comparing Boston’s charter, pilot and traditional schools. Boston, MA: The Boston Founda-
Hoxby, C. M. & Rockoff, J. E. (2004). The impact of charter schools on student achievement. Unpublished manu-
script, Harvard University and Columbia University
Dobbie, W., & Fryer, R. G. (2009). Are High-Quality Schools Enough to Close the Achievement Gap? Evidence
from a Bold Social Experiment in Harlem. Unpublished manuscript, Harvard University.
Greene, W. H. (2003). Econometric Analysis. Fifth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Boyd, D., Grossman, P. Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2008). “Measuring Effect Sizes: the Effect of
Measurement Error.” Paper prepared for the National Conference on Value-Added Modeling University of
Wisconsin-Madison April 22-24, 2008. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
In order to check whether this extrapolation is valid (or at least to check whether the small subset of students who
have been in charter schools for many years have benefited as much as is claimed), the report includes two
figures (Figures IVa and IVb) that compare the regression-based cumulative gain estimates with the “raw
data” for the subset of students who attended charter schools from third through eighth grade (or perhaps
from kindergarten through first grade; the report includes contradictory statements regarding what students
are included in the “raw data” lines in Figures IVa and IVb; see p. IV-8 and footnote 7, page A-1). It is un-
clear what is meant by the statement that the figures use “raw” data from students who attended charter
school students. It may mean that the figure reports average annual gains for the subset of lotteried-in char-
ter school students who are observed for the entire period from third through eighth grade. However, if this
is the case, the comparison is problematic. The relevant check for the extrapolation would be to estimate
the effects of charter schooling using only the subset of students who are observed from kindergarten
through 8th grade (if there are any such students who participated in lotteries; the report does not appear to
include students who participated in lotteries earlier than 2000-01) and to compare this estimate to the es-
timate based on the full sample of students. Figures IVa and IVb do not provide such a comparison. All
they show is what the test scores of a subset of charter school students were from grades 3 to 8; this is not
the same as reporting what the effect of attending a charter school is from grades 3 to 8 or grades K to 8.
Accordingly, Figures IVa and IVb do not provide the necessary information to determine whether the
extrapolation is valid even for the small subset of students who have attended charter schools for many
Neither the main report nor the technical report includes clear and detailed information regarding sample sizes, but
Table 5 in the technical report implies that roughly 33,000 students applied to charter schools and partici-
pated in lotteries from 2000-01 through 2005-06, of whom roughly 85-90% were matched to New York
City Department of Education data.
Because each charter school controls its own lotteries (that is, the charter school lotteries are not run by an exter-
nal agency, unlike the New York City public school choice program), it is impossible to verify that the lot-
teries were random. Nonetheless, the report provides sufficient evidence to suggest that the lotteries were in
fact random (and no evidence that suggests they were not). First, Table 10 in the technical report shows no
statistically significant differences in demographic characteristics or prior test scores between those lotte-
ried-in and those lotteried-out, when averaged over all lotteries in the data (see columns 1 and 4, Table 10,
technical report). Second, the researchers examined each individual lottery to see if the lotteried-in and lot-
teried-out students were similar in each lottery. They report that the vast majority (94%) of lotteries appear
balanced (if all lotteries were truly random, 95% would appear balanced according to the criterion used in
the report; sampling variation will result in some lotteries yielding unbalanced samples). Thus, there is
nothing in the reported data to suggest that the lotteries were not conducted through actual randomization.
Moreover, the “unbalanced” lotteries as a group appear to be collectively “balanced.” Table 10 in the tech-
nical report shows that the overall balance on observable characteristics is just as good, if not better, when
all lotteries are included as when only the balanced lotteries are included. This implies that the 6% of lotte- Page 24 of 26
ries that are individually unbalanced are not systematically unbalanced in any one direction. They are just
as likely to be unbalanced in favor of high-achieving as low-achieving students, for example.
Although the September 2009 report does not include estimates based on data from all lotteries, the technical re-
port includes estimates based on balanced lotteries alone as well as estimates based on all lotteries (albeit
using 2005-06 data). Based on those earlier data, the technical report shows that the estimated effects are
smaller (40% smaller in math, 15% smaller in English) when all lotteries are included (see columns 5 and 8
of Tables 12 and 13, technical report).
Evidence on the extent to which charter schools attract disproportionately more or less academically skilled stu-
dents varies, and likely depends on the specific charter school and context. For some discussion of these
issues and related evidence, see
Carnoy, M., Jacobsen, R., Mishel, L. & Rothstein, R. (2005). The charter school dust-up: Examining the evidence
on enrollment and achievement. New York and Washington DC: Teachers College Press, and the Econom-
ic Policy Institute.
Hoxby, C. M. & Murarka, S. (2006) “Comprehensive Yet Simple: Florida’s Tapestry of School Choice Programs.”
In Paul Peterson (Ed.), Reforming Education in Florida. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press.
Woodworth, K.R., David, J.L., Guha, R., Wang, H., & Lopez-Torkos, A. (2008). San Francisco Bay Area KIPP
schools: A study of early implementation and achievement. Final report. Menlo Park, CA: SRI Internation-
Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) (2009, June). Multiple Choice: Charter School Performance
in 16 States. Palo Alto: CREDO, Stanford University.
Caroline M. Hoxby, personal communication, 8 October, 2009 and 28 October, 2009.
Woodworth, K.R., David, J.L., Guha, R., Wang, H., & Lopez-Torkos, A. (2008). San Francisco Bay Area KIPP
schools: A study of early implementation and achievement. Final report. Menlo Park, CA: SRI Internation-
Abdulkadiroglu, A., Angrist J., Cohodes S., Dynarski, S., Fullerton, J., Kane, T., & Pathak, P. (2009). Informing
the debate: Comparing Boston’s charter, pilot and traditional schools. Boston, MA: The Boston Founda-
Skinner, K.J. (2009). Charter school success or selective out-migration of low achievers. Boston: Massachusetts
Teachers Association. Retreived October 25, 2009, from
According to the report, the figures exclude charter schools whose estimated effects are so imprecise that an effect
of 0.10 standard deviations per year would be statistically insignificant at the $ 0.15 level unless the ef-
fects are large enough that they are nonetheless statistically significant at the $ 0.15 level (see notes for
Figure IVg, p. IV-21 and footnote 8, p. A-1). Hoxby, however, informed me that the text is incorrect: the
figures exclude charter schools whose estimated effects are so imprecise that an effect of 0.10 standard dev-
iations per year would be statistically insignificant at the $ 0.15 level, regardless of the size of the esti-
mated effect.
Boyd, D., Grossman, P. Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2008). “Measuring Effect Sizes: the Effect of
Measurement Error.” Paper prepared for the National Conference on Value-Added Modeling University of
Wisconsin-Madison April 22-24, 2008. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
%20of%20Measurement%20Error%20Boyd%20et%20al%20%2026Jun2008.pdf. See Table 1.
Boyd, D., Grossman, P. Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2008). “Measuring Effect Sizes: the Effect of
Measurement Error.” Paper prepared for the National Conference on Value-Added Modeling University of
Wisconsin-Madison April 22-24, 2008. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
%20of%20Measurement%20Error%20Boyd%20et%20al%20%2026Jun2008.pdf. See Tables 1 and 2. Page 25 of 26
Boyd, D., Grossman, P. Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2008). “Measuring Effect Sizes: the Effect of
Measurement Error.” Paper prepared for the National Conference on Value-Added Modeling University of
Wisconsin-Madison April 22-24, 2008. Retrieved October 20, 2009, from
%20of%20Measurement%20Error%20Boyd%20et%20al%20%2026Jun2008.pdf. See p.17. Page 26 of 26