Graphyt Crystals in Blast Furnace Coke
Graphyt Crystals in Blast Furnace Coke
Graphyt Crystals in Blast Furnace Coke
Stanislav S. Gornostayev
, Jouko J. Harkki
Laboratory of Process Metallurgy, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 4300, 90014 Oulu, Finland
Received 15 November 2006; accepted 26 February 2007
Available online 4 March 2007
Graphite was found at several spots on the porous surface of a sample of blast furnace (BF) coke in association with droplets of Si-
bearing iron and other inorganic compounds. It occurred in foliated intergrowths and rose-like aggregates of euhedral to subhedral crys-
tals of various size (10 lm0.7 mm) and morphologies, the generic forms that can be seen in the crystals being basal pinacoid, hexagonal
prism and hexagonal dipyramid. The largest crystals have a ake-like habit and are represented by a combination of a basal pinacoid and
a hexagonal prism. Graphite crystals that have an ideal hexagonal prism in their cross-section are rarer than distorted forms. There are
twins on the dypiramidal composition planes and twins produced by rotation on [0001]. The major deformations in the crystals, i.e.
detaching, bending and rolling of (0001) planes, may be referred to exfoliation phenomena caused by potassium and sodium from cir-
culating BF gases and enforced by the BF gas ows. The formation of graphite crystals on a surface of BF coke, especially those of ake-
like morphology with an undeveloped hexagonal prism, possibly decreases its reactivity and can be accompanied by the generation of
nes. The graphitic coating on a surface of BF coke can act as a lubricant to facilitate coke pieces sliding over each other thus aecting
the mechanical stability of the coke cone in a BF.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Coke is a key material for blast furnace (BF) operation,
acting as (1) a fuel; (2) a reductant, to generate reducing
gases, including CO; (3) a carburisation agent for the hot
metal, to give it the required properties, and (4) a structural
support to provide permeability for liquid phase drainage
and upward ow of the blast furnace gases [1]. It is charged
into the BF along with the iron ores and various uxes.
Metallurgical coke is made from a mix of several coals,
preferably of low inorganic content, by heating the mix
to 1100 C in coke batteries (ovens) that consist of two
heated walls spaced about 4045 cm apart. Reactivity and
strength are the most important parameters that character-
ize the quality of the coke, and these are in turn dependent
on the amounts and properties of organic (maceral-
derived) carbon-based components [14] and inorganic
matter (minerals) [59] inherited from the primary coals
and serve to determine the behaviour of the coke in the
BF. The evolution of the carbon structure of coke at tem-
peratures comparable to those in the upper parts of a BF
have been discussed recently based on the results of exper-
iments carried out in a horizontal laboratory-scale tube
furnace [10].
The conditions of formation and subsequent degrada-
tion and deformation of graphite crystals can be reected
in their size and morphology, as documented in a number
of studies of natural [1120] and synthetic [2123] graphite.
It is mentioned that well formed natural and laboratory-
grown graphite crystals are uncommon and that they rarely
exceed a few millimetres in size [24]. Conventional graphite
forms hexagonal (dihexagonaldipyramidal class 6/m2/
m2/m) crystals, with weak bonding between the graphite
layers. The hexagonal nature of the crystal arises because
graphite exists as a stack of sheets of carbon atoms par-
allel to {0001}, each sheet having a hexagonal arrange-
ment of atoms. Graphite crystals in the natural
environment usually possess a scaly (ake-like), platy, tab-
ular or columnar habit [1120]. In addition to its unique
0008-6223/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Fax: +358 8 553 2339.
E-mail address: ssg@cc.oulu. (S.S. Gornostayev).
Carbon 45 (2007) 11451151
technological properties, graphite is also known as one of
the few single-mineral geothermometers [25], a feature that
could make it useful for temperature estimations in systems
and processes where direct measurements are not possible.
Growing energy demands and shortage of resources
require new approaches and methods for production of
highly eective cokes. The latest is impossible without an
understanding of fundamentals of coking and coke con-
sumption processes, which includes detailed observation,
documentation and careful interpretations of various phe-
nomena that occur in materials taken from dierent stages
of these processes and comparable laboratory-scale exper-
iments. Very little is known as yet about carbon behaviour
in a coke after it is charged into a BF (such coke is often
referred to as BF coke), where it exposed to high tempera-
ture and takes part in various solid-to-solid, solid-to-melt
and solid-to-gas reactions that occur inside the BF. The
scarcity of data on BF coke in general and on the appear-
ance of graphite in it in particular [26], is mostly due to the
obvious diculties encountered in obtaining samples from
inside a working BF. This paper represents the description
of the mode of occurrence and morphological features of
graphite crystals in sample of coke taken from inside a
working BF, from the tuyere zone, where air ows into
the BF and where temperature exceeds 2000 C.
2. Materials and methods
The sample was selected from a drill core obtained from the tuyere
zone of an operating BF at the Ruukki Steel Works in Raahe, Finland,
using a mobile tuyere rig. The original location of the piece of BF coke
was 35 cm from the tuyere level. The details of the tuyere drilling were sim-
ilar to those reported by Kerkkonen [27]. A piece about 30 mm long,
23 mm wide and 57 mm thick was cut from the sample under dry condi-
tions (no cooling water was used in sawing), preserving one original sur-
face. The piece was then xed to a glass plate of 28 48 mm that ts
into the specimen holder of a scanning electron microscope (SEM). A
few particles were also selected from the sample surface for the prepara-
tion of polished sections. The dry-cut section and the polished sections
were examined preliminarily under a stereo microscope and optical micro-
scope and then with a JEOL JSM-6400 SEM equipped with an energy dis-
persive spectrometer (EDS) and operated with the INCA and SemAfore
analytical and image processing software packages.
3. Results and discussion
Investigations of the dry-cut section with a stereomicro-
scope have shown that the porous surface of the sample
hosts numerous particles of dierent size, shape and optical
properties (Figs. 14). There are relatively large segrega-
tions of slag phases (qualitative EDS data), which were
met in a few locations (Fig. 1C). The most abundant parti-
cles, which can be observed by stereomicroscope, are of
0.10.4 mm in diameter (Fig. 1A). They have a rounded
or drop-like shape and possess a dull metallic luster. The
particles often have a sharp contact with the coke matrix
and look submersed into the matrix (Fig. 1A). The sur-
face of these particles has geometric facets bounded by
ridges of triangular cross section (Fig. 1B). These carbon
(EDS-data) facets look similar to the graphitic shells syn-
thesized on top of millimeter-sized spherical transition
metal cores in high vacuum [28]. Some of these particles
also carry occasional graphite crystals on their surface.
In order to investigate the composition of such particles,
a few of them (35 mm in size) were detached from the
sample and used for the preparation of polished sections.
EDS analyses (Table 1) have shown that they are com-
posed of Si-bearing (4.017.30 wt.%) iron with traces of
Mn, V and P. So, these rounded particles seem to be drops
Fig. 1. Appearance, size and morphology of various particles on the
surface of the BF coke. A and C stereomicroscope; B SEM Jeol JSM-
6400. See text for details.
1146 S.S. Gornostayev, J.J. Ha rkki / Carbon 45 (2007) 11451151
of molten iron descending from the cohesive zone of the BF
and they are external in respect of BF coke.
There are larger particles (25 mm) surrounded by a
contact zone (0.51.5 mm), which is full of graphite crys-
tals. Such particles were observed in several separate places
(spots) located a few millimetres apart in dierent parts of
the sample. Two of them (Fig. 2A and B) located 910 mm
apart are discussed below. These particles have no geomet-
ric facets, but their surface in many places is covered by the
inorganic shells containing Ca, Al and Si (qualitative EDS
data on an unpolished surface). A clear oxygen peak was
also detected in the EDS spectrum. The particles also look
submersed into the coke matrix and host occasional graph-
ite crystals on their surface (Fig. 2A and B).
The graphite in the contact zone occurs in foliated
(Fig. 3C) intergrowths and rose-like aggregates (Fig. 2A
and B) of euhedral to subhedral crystals of varying size
and morphology (Fig. 2CK). The crystals themselves were
found on the coke matrix in close association with various
inorganic compounds, which were located in interstices
between the crystals (Fig. 5). X-ray mapping (Fig. 5) has
revealed that the interstitial phase can be presented either
by Fe (Fig. 5A) or by a complex CaFeSiO phase
(Fig. 5B). The later also contains traces of Al and K (qual-
Fig. 2. Appearance, size and morphology of graphite crystals. SEM Jeol JSM-6400. See text for details.
S.S. Gornostayev, J.J. Ha rkki / Carbon 45 (2007) 11451151 1147
itative EDS data). One of the EDS analyses on an unpol-
ished surface on the top of one particle (Fig. 2B) gave
the following concentrations (wt.%, normalized, carbon
was not measured): Fe 97.07, Ca 0.24, Si 0.15, O
2.53. So, the particles surrounded by the reaction zone
composed of graphite crystals, seem to be also droplets
of molten iron, but they were probably mixed with (cov-
ered by) the spatially associated mineral compounds from
the coke matrix.
There are also other small particles, which were
observed attached to the coke surface and to the graphite
crystals. These particles can be seen under high magnica-
tions with a SEM (Figs. 2CK, 3 and 4). Qualitative EDS
analyses has indicated that they composed of aluminosili-
cate (Ca, K and Na) phases. The nature and the compo-
sition of various inorganic compounds in the BF coke and
on its surface have been also discussed in our earlier studies
The generic forms that can be clearly seen in the crystals
from the contact zone are basal pinacoid {0001} (Fig. 2C
K; Fig. 3, Fig. 4A and B), hexagonal prism f10
Fig. 3. Twinning in graphite crystals. Fig. 4. Deformations in graphite crystals.
Table 1
EDS analysis of some particles from the BF coke surface
Si P V Mn Fe Sum
1 4.74 0.56 0.81 94.55 100.66
2 7.30 0.32 1.24 0.58 89.79 99.22
3 4.01 0.35 0.70 94.81 99.88
Note: JEOL JSM-6400. Particle index: 1 30424109-35b2; 2
30424109-35b3; 3 30424109-35b4.
1148 S.S. Gornostayev, J.J. Ha rkki / Carbon 45 (2007) 11451151
(Fig. 2FK) and hexagonal dipyramid f10