Pages From Hollow Core Slab Desing
Pages From Hollow Core Slab Desing
Pages From Hollow Core Slab Desing
This Guide Specification is intended to be used as a basis for the development of an office
master specification or in the preparation of specifications for a particular project. In either
case, this Guide Specification must be edited to fit the conditions of use.
Particular attention should be given to the deletion of inapplicable provisions. Necessary
items related to a particular project should be included. Also, appropriate requirements
should be added where blank spaces have been provided
The Guide Specifications are on the left. Notes to Specifiers are on the right.
1.01 Description
A. Work Included:
1. These specifications cover manufacture,
transportation, and erection of precast,
prestressed concrete hollowcore slabs in-
cluding grouting of joints between adja-
cent slab units.
1.01.A This Section is to be in Division 3 of
Construction Specifications Institute format.
B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere:
1. Cast-in-Place Concrete: Section
2. Architectural Precast Concrete: Section
1.01.B.1 Includes structural or non-structural
topping. See Section 2.5 for discussion of com-
posite, structural topping.
3. Precast Structural Concrete: Section
1.01.B.3 Beams, columns, etc.
Prestressed concrete may be specified in Section
4. Structural Metal Framing: Section
1.01.B.4 Includes support framework not sup-
plied by Hollow Core Slab Manufacturer.
5. Masonry Bearing Walls: Section
1.01.B.5 Include any inserts or anchoring de-
vices required for slab connections.
6. Underlayments: Section_________. 1.01.B.6 Underlayment may be any of the follow-
ing general types: asphaltic concrete, gypsum
concrete, latex concrete, mastic underlayment.
7. Caulking and Sealants: Section
1.01.B.7 Caulking between slab edges at exposed
underside of floor members and/or perimeter
caulking may be included in this section.
8. Holes for Mechanical Equipment: Sec-
tion _______.
1.01.B.8 Holes may be drilled or cut and trimmed
with a chisel. Cut outline of hole through lower
portion of slab fromunderside, after whichthe top
side may be removed fromabove. Do not cut pre-
stressing strand without permission of engineer.
9. Painting: Section _________. 1.01.B.9 Prime coat should be a latex base paint.
Finish coat may be an oil base, flat wall or emulsi-
fied finish
10. Carpet and Pad: Section _________. 1.01.B.10 Specify minimum 55 oz. pad when no
cast-in-place topping is used
11. Roofing and Roof Insulation:
Section _________.
1.01.B.11 Non-absorbent rigid board insulation
1 or more in thickness should be used on roofs.
Check local energy code for exact requirements.
1.02 Quality Assurance
A. The precast concrete manufacturing plant
shall be certified by the Precast/Prestressed
Concrete Institute (PCI) Plant Certification
Program. Manufacturer shall be certified at
the time of bidding in Category C2.
1.02.A Structural Precast Products must meet the
requirements of PCI Manual, MNL-116.
In Canada, the manufacture, transportation and
erection of precast prestressed hollow core slabs
is governed by the Canadian Standards Associa-
tion Standard A23.4-94, Precast Concrete - Ma-
terials and Construction.
Assurance of plant capability to produce quality
precast concrete products is set by the CSA Stan-
dard A23.4-94. This Standard forms the basis of a
certification program which sets rigid capability
criteria for precast manufacturers, their person-
nel and operations.
B. Erector Qualifications: Regularly engaged
for at least _______ years in the erection of
precast structural concrete similar to the re-
quirements of this project.
1.02.B Usually 2 to 5 years.
C. Qualifications of Welders: In accordance
with AWS D1.1.
D. Testing: In general compliance with applica-
ble provisions of Precast/Prestressed Con-
crete Institute MNL-116, Manual for Quality
Control for Plants and Production of Precast
Prestressed Concrete Products.
1.02.C Qualified within the past year.
E. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: All
local codes plus the following specifications,
standards and codes are a part of these specifi-
1. ACI 318-Building Code Requirements
for Structural Concrete.
2. AWS D1.1-Structural Welding Code -
3. AWSD1.4-Structural Welding Code - Re-
inforcing Steel.
4. ASTM Specifications - As referred to in
Part 2 - Products, of this Specification.
1.02.E Always include the specific year or edi-
tion of the specifications, codes and standards
used in the design of the project and made part of
the specifications. Fire safety and resistance re-
quirements are specified in local or model codes.
When required, fire rated products shall be clear-
ly identified on the design drawings.
For projects in Canada, the National Building
Code of Canada governs design. Canadian Stan-
dards Association Standards A23.3-94, Design
of Concrete Structures and A23.4-94, Precast
Concrete - Materials and Construction also ap-
ply. Fire resistance is specified in the National
Building Code and the National Fire Code.
1.03 Submittals
A. Shop Drawings
1. Erection Drawings
a. Plans locating and defining all hollow
core slab units furnished by the
manufacturer, with all openings larger
than 10 in (250 mm) shown and lo-
b. Sections and details showing connec-
tions, edge conditions and support
conditions of the hollow core slab
c. All dead, live and other applicable
loads used in the design.
1.03.A.1.a Openings shown on erection draw-
ings are considered in the slab design. Verify slab
adequacy for any other openings with the Engi-
neer of Record.
d. Estimated cambers. 1.03.A.1.d Floor slabs receiving cast-in-place
topping. The elevation of top of floor and amount
of concrete topping must allowfor camber of pre-
stressed concrete members.
2. Production Drawings
a. Plan view of each hollow core slab
unit type.
b. Sections and details to indicate quanti-
ties, location and type of reinforcing
steel and prestressing strands.
c. Lifting and erection inserts.
1.03.A.2 Production drawings are normally sub-
mitted only upon request.
d. Dimensions and finishes.
e. Prestress for strand and concrete
f. Estimated camber at release.
g. Method of transportation.
B. Product Design Criteria
1. Loadings for design
a. Initial handling and erection stresses.
b. All dead and live loads as specified on
the contract drawings
c. All other loads specified for hollow
core slab units where applicable.
2. Design calculations of products not com-
pleted on the contract drawings shall be
performed by a registered engineer expe-
rienced in precast prestressed concrete
design and submitted for approval upon
3. Design shall be in accordance with ACI
318 or applicable codes.
C. Permissible Design Deviations
1. Design deviations will be permitted only
after the Architect/Engineers written ap-
proval of the manufacturers proposed de-
sign supported by complete design cal-
culations and drawings.
2. Designdeviation shall provide aninstalla-
tion equivalent to the basic intent without
incurring additional cost to the owner.
1.03Band C Contract drawings normally will be
prepared using a local precast prestressed con-
crete hollowcore slab manufacturers designdata
and load tables. Dimensional changes which
would not materially affect architectural and
structural properties or details usually are per-
Be sure that loads shown on the contract draw-
ings are easily interpreted. For instance, onmem-
bers which are to receive concrete topping, be
sure to state whether all superimposed dead and
live loads on precast prestressed members do or
do not include the weight of the concrete topping.
It is best to list the live load, superimposed dead
load, topping weight, and weight of the member,
all as separate loads. Where there are two differ-
ent live loads (e.g., roof level of a parking struc-
ture) indicate how they are to be combined.
Where additional structural support is required
for openings, design headers in accordance with
hollow core slab manufacturers recommenda-
D. Test Report: Reports of tests on concrete and
other materials upon request.
2.01 Materials 2.01 Delete or add materials that may be re-
quired for the particular job.
A. Portland Cement:
1. ASTM C150 - Type I or III
B. Admixtures: 2.01.B Verify ability of local producer to use ad-
1. Air-Entraining Admixtures: ASTM
2. Water Reducing, Retarding, Accelerat-
ing, High Range Water Reducing Admix-
tures: ASTM C494.
C. Aggregates:
1. ASTM C33 or C330.
D. Water:
Potable or free from foreign materials in
amounts harmful to concrete and embedded
E. Reinforcing Steel:
1. Bars:
Deformed Billet Steel: ASTM A615.
Deformed Rail Steel: ASTM A616.
Deformed Axle Steel: ASTM A617.
Deformed Low Alloy Steel: ASTM
2. Wire:
Cold Drawn Steel: ASTM A82.
2.01.E.1 When welding of bars is required, weld-
ability must be established to conform to AWS
F. Prestressing Strand:
1. Uncoated, 7-Wire, Stress-Relieved
Strand: ASTM A416 (including supple-
ment) - Grade 250K or 270K.
2. Uncoated, Weldless 2- and 3-Wire Strand:
3. Indented, 7-Wire, Stress-Relieved Strand:
ASTM A886 (including supplement)
2.01.F Low-relaxation strand is the predominant
strand in use. References to stress-relieved strand
are from the ASTM titles.
G. Welded Studs: In accordance with AWS
H. Structural Steel Plates and Shapes: ASTM
2.01.H When required for anchorage or lateral
bracing to structural steel members, some meth-
ods of manufacturing hollow core slabs preclude
the use of anchors and inserts
I. Grout:
1. Cement grout: Grout shall be a mixture of
not less than one part portland cement to
three parts fine sand, and the consistency
shall be such that joints can be completely
filled but without seepage over adjacent
surfaces. Any grout that seeps from the
joint shall be completely removed before
it hardens.
2.01.I Grout strengths of 2000 psi to 3000 psi
(13.8 - 20.7 MPa) can generally be achieved with
the proportions noted. Rarely is higher strength
grout required. Non-shrink grout is not required
for satisfactory performance of hollow core slab
J. Bearing Strips:
1. Random Oriented Fiber Reinforced:
Shall support a compressive stress of 3000
psi (20.7 MPa) with no cracking, splitting
or delaminating in the internal portions of
the pad. One specimen shall be tested for
each 200 pads used in the project.
2.01.J.1 Standard guide specifications are not
available for random-oriented, fiber-reinforced
pads. Proof testing of a sample from each group
of 200 pads is suggested. Normal design working
stresses are 1500 psi (10.3 MPa), so the 3000 psi
(20.7 MPa) test load provides a factor of 2 over
design stress. The shape factor for the test speci-
mens should not be less than 2.
2. Plastic: Multi-monomer plastic strips
shall be non-leaching and support
construction loads with no visible overall
2.01.J.2 Plastic pads are widely used with hollow
core slabs. Compression stress in use is not nor-
mally over a few hundred psi and proof testing is
not considered necessary. No standard guide
specifications are available.
3. Tempered Hardboard. 2.01.J.3 Hardboard bearing strips should not be
used in areas where undesirable staining is pos-
sible or where bearing strips may be continually
4. Untempered Hardboard
2.02 Concrete Mixes
A. 28-day compressive strength: Minimum of
____ psi.
B. Release strength: Minimum of ____ psi.
2.02.A and B Verify with local manufacturer.
5000 (35MPa) psi for prestressedproducts is nor-
mal practice, with release strength of 3000 psi
(20.7 MPa).
C. Use of calcium chloride, chloride ions or oth-
er salts is not permitted.
2.03 Manufacture
A. Manufacturing procedures shall be in com-
pliance with PCI MNL-116.
B. Manufacturing Tolerances: Manufacturing
tolerances shall comply with PCI MNL-116.
C. Openings: Manufacturer shall provide for
those openings 10 in (250 mm) round or
square or larger as shown on the structural
drawings. Other openings shall be located
and field drilled or cut by the trade requiring
them after the hollow core slab units have
been erected. Openings and/or cutting of pre-
stressing strand shall be approved by Archi-
tect/Engineer and manufacturer before dril-
ling or cutting.
2.03.C This paragraph requires other trades to
field drill holes needed for their work, and such
trades should be alerted to this requirement
through proper notation in their sections of the
specifications. Some manufacturers prefer to
install openings smaller than 10 in (250 mm)
which is acceptable if their locations are properly
identified on the contract drawings
D. Patching: Will be acceptable providing the
structural adequacy of the hollow core unit is
not impaired.
3.01 Product Deliver, Storage, and Handling
A. Delivery and Handling:
1. Hollow core slab units shall be lifted and
supported during manufacturing, stock-
piling, transporting and erection opera-
tions only at the lifting or supporting
point, or both, as shown on the shop draw-
ings, and with approved lifting devices.
Lifting inserts shall have a minimumsafe-
ty factor of 4. Exterior lifting hardware
shall have a minimum safety factor of 5.
2. Transportation, site handling, and erec-
tion shall be performed with acceptable
equipment and methods, and by qualified
B. Storage:
1. Store all units off ground.
2. Place stored units so that identification
marks are discernible.
3. Separate stacked members by battens
across full width of each slab unit.
4. Stack so that lifting devices are accessible
and undamaged.
5. Do not use upper member of stacked tier
as storage area for shorter member or
heavy equipment.
3.02 Erection
A. Site Access: The General Contractor shall be
responsible for providing suitable access to
the building, proper drainage and firm level
bearing for the hauling and erection equip-
ment to operate under their own power.
B. Preparation: The General Contractor shall be
responsible for:
1. Providing true, level bearing surfaces on
all field placed bearing walls and other
field placed supporting members.
3.02.B Construction tolerances for cast-in-place
concrete, masonry, etc., should be specified in
those sections of the specifications.
2. All pipes, stacks, conduits and other such
items shall be stubbed off at a level lower
than the bearing plane of the prestressed
concrete products until after the latter are
3.02.B.2 Should be in Electrical, Mechanical,
and Plumbing sections of project specifications.
C. Installation: Installation of hollow core slab
units shall be performed by the manufacturer
or a competent erector. Members shall be
lifted by means of suitable lifting devices at
points provided by the manufacturer. Bearing
strips shall be set, where required. Temporary
shoring and bracing, if necessary, shall com-
ply with manufacturers recommendations.
Grout keys shall be filled.
D. At Slab Ends (where shown on Drawings):
Provide suitable end cap or damin voids as re-
3.02.D If a bearing wall building, special care
must be taken. Delete when end groutingis not re-
E. For areas where slab voids are to be used as
electrical raceways or mechanical ducts pro-
vide a taped butt joint at end of slabs, making
sure the voids are aligned.
3.02.E Delete when voids not used for electrical
or mechanical.
F. Alignment: Members shall be properly
aligned and leveled as required by the ap-
proved shop drawings. Variations between
adjacent members shall be reasonably leveled
out by jacking, loading, or any other feasible
method as recommended by the manufacturer
and acceptable to the Architect/Engineer.
3.02.F Tolerances should comply with industry
tolerances published in Tolerances for Precast
and Prestressed Concrete, Prestressed Concrete
Institute, JR307, 1985.
3.03 Field Welding
A. Field welding is to be done by qualified weld-
ers using equipment and materials compatible
with the base material.
3.04 Attachments
A. Subject to approval of the Architect/Engineer,
hollowcore slab units may be drilled or shot
provided no contact is made with the pre-
stressing steel. Should spalling occur, it shall
be repaired by the trade doing the drilling or
the shooting.
3.05 Inspection and Acceptance
A. Final observation of erected hollow core slab
units shall be made by Architect/Engineer for
purposes of final payment.