The document discusses a study conducted to investigate an unknown noise reported by residents in Windsor, Ontario called the Windsor Hum. The study included long term noise monitoring, high resolution data collection, and noise source identification using beamforming technology. While some data about the hum was collected, conclusive evidence of the source could not be determined as the hum was not present on days when source identification equipment was deployed.
The document discusses a study conducted to investigate an unknown noise reported by residents in Windsor, Ontario called the Windsor Hum. The study included long term noise monitoring, high resolution data collection, and noise source identification using beamforming technology. While some data about the hum was collected, conclusive evidence of the source could not be determined as the hum was not present on days when source identification equipment was deployed.
The document discusses a study conducted to investigate an unknown noise reported by residents in Windsor, Ontario called the Windsor Hum. The study included long term noise monitoring, high resolution data collection, and noise source identification using beamforming technology. While some data about the hum was collected, conclusive evidence of the source could not be determined as the hum was not present on days when source identification equipment was deployed.
The document discusses a study conducted to investigate an unknown noise reported by residents in Windsor, Ontario called the Windsor Hum. The study included long term noise monitoring, high resolution data collection, and noise source identification using beamforming technology. While some data about the hum was collected, conclusive evidence of the source could not be determined as the hum was not present on days when source identification equipment was deployed.
The report discusses research conducted on the Windsor Hum, a mysterious low frequency noise reported by residents of Windsor, Ontario. A previous study identified the source as likely being from industrial operations on Zug Island in the US. The University of Windsor conducted further research to try and identify the exact source.
The University of Windsor's research was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved long term noise monitoring in the community to measure and characterize the acoustic signature of the Hum. The second phase used noise source identification hardware and software to try and locate the exact source.
The long term noise monitoring identified and confirmed the existence of the low frequency excitation that has been called the Windsor Hum. The data collected provided a characterization of the Hum's acoustic signature.
NVH-SQ Research Group, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4
The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2 Canada
Prepared By:
Principal Investigator Dr. Colin Novak
Graduate Researchers Jeremy Charbonneau, Ph.D. Candidate Peter DAngela, M.A.Sc. Candidate
January 17, 2014
Windsor, Ontario
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since early 2011, residents of the City of Windsor and nearby communities have reported an intermittent low frequency noise, which has been labeled as the Windsor Hum. A previous study confirmed the existence of the low frequency excitation and estimated the source to be in the vicinity of Zug Island; a highly industrialized island located on the US side of the Detroit River. A subsequent investigation by the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and the University of Windsor was supported by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) to try to locate the source of the Hum. The research conducted by the University of Windsors NVH-SQ Research Group was comprised of two phases. The first phase was to identify and characterize the acoustic signature of the Hum using noise monitoring equipment deployed throughout the Windsor-Essex community. Once the Hum was measured and characterized, the second phase was to determine the exact source of the noise using noise source identification (NSI) hardware and software using a beamforming algorithm. This report includes an in-depth discussion of possible sources capable of producing the reported Hum sound. The results of the literature study compared the potential sources to the characterised sounds measured in the first phase of the project. For the duration of the project, the Hum manifested on only a handful of days, which made the identification of the source difficult. Good data representative of the Hum was measured using the stationed noise monitors. Conclusive evidence of the source was not achieved using the NSI system since the Hum was not present on those days that this equipment was deployed on the river. The conclusion of the research is that the Windsor Hum does exist and has both qualitative and quantitative characteristics that surmise the likely source of the Hum to be from the blast furnace operations on Zug Island. It is recommended that community noise monitoring be continued and that efforts be given to allow NSI measurements to be made on Zug Island lands during the periods that the monitors identify occurrence of the Hum sound
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment ii TABLE OF CONTENTS
Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 The Hum Worldwide 1 1.2 Impact on Residents 2 1.3 The Windsor Hum 2 1.3.1 NRCan Investigation 3 1.3.2 University Research 3 2. RESEARCH APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR 5 2.1 Phase 1 Part 1: Long Term Noise Monitoring 5 2.2 Phase 1 Part 2: High Resolution Data Collection 7 2.3 Phase 2: Noise Source Identification using Beamforming 8 3. RESULTS 10 3.1 Phase 1 Part 1: Long Term Noise Monitoring Results 10 3.2 Phase 1 Part 2: Results of High Resolution Data Collection 11 3.3 Phase 2: Results of Noise Source Identification Measurements 13 4. DISCUSSION 16 4.1 Zug Island Description 16 4.2 Blast Furnace Operation Overview 16 4.3 Potential Noise Sources 18 4.3.1 Blast Mains and Ducts, and Tuyeres 19 4.3.2 Air Discharge Valves (Snort Valves) 20 4.3.3 Effluent Stack Burn Off from Hot-Blast Stove 21 4.3.4 Boiler Facility Release 21 4.3.5 Raw Material Screening Process 22 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 23 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY 24
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment iii
Appendix A: NRCan and UWO Data Appendix B: Product Sheets Appendix C: Phase 1 Part 1 Appendix D: Phase 1 Part 2 Appendix E: Phase 2 Appendix F: List of Known Hum Reports
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 1 1. INTRODUCTION The University of Windsor was retained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) to perform a noise source investigation study in Windsor, Ontario. The purpose of the study was to investigate an unknown noise, first documented when the Ontario Ministry of the Environment began receiving complaints in early 2011. Residents of the areas of West and South Windsor, as well as the Town of LaSalle, started hearing an unnatural hum, or drone sensation in their homes. The media eventually named the sound the Windsor Hum. Often perceived in certain geographical areas, the hum sensation has been reported to appear intermittently at all hours of the day, but has been most prominent during the late evening and early morning hours. The City of Windsor is located at the southwestern tip of Ontario and is at the international border between Canada and the USA, separated by the Detroit River. Windsor is a highly industrialized city with many industries directly related to, or in support of the automotive industry. The Ambassador Bridge, located on the citys west side, is also the busiest border crossing between the two countries in terms of trade volume. 1.1 The Hum Worldwide Since the early 1970s, similar hums have been reported throughout the world. Reports of hum, howl, and rumble have appeared in the news in communities including, but not limited to the following, (in chronological order of first known reported occurrence): - Sydney, Australia (1970); - Largs, Scotland (1989); - Taos, New Mexico (1991); - Hueytown, Alabama (1992); - Peterborough, England (1994); - Auckland, New Zealand (2006); - Liverpool, England (2008); - Leeds, England (2009); - Bristol, England (2009); - Vancouver, British Columbia (2010); - Woodland, Durham (2011); - Herbrandston, Wales (2013);
In each of these cases, local newspapers have told stories of residents being kept awake at all hours of the night, subject to the intermittent hum noise in their own homes and disrupting their
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 2 lives. Some describe the noise as similar to an idling diesel engine or industrial machines in the distance. While not everyone in these communities has heard the hum, for those that do, the hum sensation is a constant annoyance, which they do not become accustomed to. With each report also comes a wide range of potential sources. Predictions vary from mechanical sources (submarine activity, generators, worn industrial machines), sonar systems, radio towers, and environmental features (rock faults and coastal shifts), to human physiological traits such as psychological problems and tinnitus. 1.2 Impact on Residents While not all residence within an affected community hear the Hum, some of those who do report hearing it also describe side effects including loss of sleep and insomnia, nausea, muscle spasms, chronic stress, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, heart palpitations, headaches, increased tension, eye strain, pins and needles, irritable ear pressure, personality changes and occasionally thoughts of suicide. Not all of the self-proclaimed hummers, suffer from side effects but for many of the reported cases it is reported that the quality of life for these individual may be lessened with negative impacts on relationships and careers. Similar to those reports mentioned above, the Windsor Hum has been described by some who have experienced it as an intolerable disturbance. Some people within the Windsor area communities have also reported adverse health impacts including loss of sleep, headaches, increased stress and depression. These reports have come from the media and direct communications by those affected. 1.3 The Windsor Hum When reports of the Windsor Hum began appearing in 2011, the Ministry of the Environment of Ontario (MOE) launched an investigation that considered several local industries but could not identify the source. It was concluded there were too many potential noise sources in the area for a simple investigation. This was partially due to the number of industry and the geographic extent of the documented complaints. As a heavy industrialized border city, the ambient noise levels in the affected area are generally high as a result of high road and rail traffic volumes, dense industrial operations and its close proximity to the international shipping channel and
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 3 Detroit, Michigan; a city which also has heavy industrialization along the Detroit River, west of the international bridge crossing. 1.3.1 NRCan Investigation Following the initial MOE investigation, a second study of the Windsor Hum was conducted by National Resources Canada (NRCan) during the summer of 2011. NRCan installed several Seismograph vibration monitors at various locations within the City of Windsor. A study of ground vibrations was deemed an appropriate approach given that initial reports suggested that the Hum was the result of ground-borne vibrations. Monitoring locations were selected within the affected communities to locate the source of the Hum disturbance. Several conclusions were made by the researchers following several months of data collection: (i) the long duration of the excitations were not consistent with earthquake or other seismic activities, (ii) the prominent frequency of the excitation was approximately 35 Hz, and (iii) due to the speed of the propagating energy, the excitation was an air-borne noise source and not a ground vibration. Samples of the results from the investigation are provided in Appendix A. By examining the gap in time in the measured data between each of the various measurements locations, NRCan was able to triangulate the data to approximate that the source was located in the general area of Zug Island. Given that the NRCan report concluded that the Hum was the result of an air-borne excitation, the next step to locate the source should be an acoustical study, (Bent and Woodgold 2011). 1.3.2 University Research A press conference was held in January 2013 at the University of Windsor to announce a federal government funded research project to locate the source of the Windsor Hum as a process to protect the quality of life for citizens of Windsor. To facilitate this research, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) contracted the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and the University of Windsor into a joint research study to investigate the source of the Windsor Hum phenomenon. As part of the DFAIT contract, UWO deployed monitoring equipment in the area of LaSalle in March of 2013. The equipment is capable of collecting low frequency data in the frequency
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 4 range from 0.1 Hz to 200 Hz. Most sounds having frequencies above 20 Hz are considered audible to an average human listener when presented at sufficient amplitudes. The frequency capabilities of the equipment assured that the previously observed 35 Hz tone was within the measurement range of the UWO equipment. A dedicated email address was established for local residents to report perceived events of the Hum to aid the researchers in their subsequent analysis of the measured data. Both universities had access to this information to allow them to refine the search parameters and to assess the measured data in correlation to the residential feedback. The preliminary results of the UWO study did not make any definite conclusions. Dominant frequencies were found to be 15-20 Hz, 30 Hz, 42 Hz, and 60 Hz. It was further determined that this entire frequency range of data originated from the direction of Detroit, including the area of Zug Island.
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 5 2. RESEARCH APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR The research conducted by the University of Windsor was separated into two phases, (i) validate the existence and characterize the noise for the Hum phenomenon, and (ii) upon confirming the source characteristic, use noise source identification (NSI) technology to pin point the source emitter; the only methodology available to the research team without having direct access to the Zug Island lands. 2.1 Phase 1 Part 1: Long Term Noise Monitoring The objective of Phase 1 was to continuously monitor and log the noise data of the affected areas. To accomplish this, two outdoor noise monitoring terminals (NMT), Brel & Kjr (B&K) Type 3639 NMTs, were deployed. These units are designed for permanent, mobile, and portable monitoring where unattended outdoor noise (and/or vibration) measurements are required. The NMT hardware meets the IEC 61672 Class 1 standard for noise measurement, as well as several other standards including DIN 45657 and ANSI S1.4. The B&K product and service information, product data sheets and general information relative to this project is provided in Appendix B. The analyzer inside the weather tight NMT enclosure is a Type 2250 Sound Level Meter having a broadband, linear frequency range from 3 Hz to 20 kHz which is a good range for this projects requirements. The microphone is a Type 4952 Outdoor Microphone, capable of withstanding harsh climate conditions, and has a frequency response from 8 Hz to 12.5 kHz. The first NMT was a permanent installation located approximately 100 meters from the Detroit River shoreline, directly across from Zug Island. A photo of the permanent NMT installation is given in Figure 1. The second NMT was a mobile unit that was installed and relocated within different residential areas. The chosen locations were based on areas where heavy concentrations of Hum complaints have been noted. Photographs of the portable NMT system are given in Appendix C. The intent of monitoring at the residential locations was to be able to correlate reported Hum incidences with collected noise data. The NMTs are equipped with a 3G cellular modem, which allow remote access to the real time noise data using a personal computer having Internet access. Day and nighttime noise threshold trigger levels were used to identify and record the noise when the preset sound pressure level was
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 6 exceeded. The intent of having the recorded sound is to capture, identify and distinguish the sound of the Hum from other generated exceedances. For each trigger, a 30-second recording is made and included in a detailed daily noise report, which is received by the researchers each morning. Other metrics logged by the NMTs include a rolling equivalent energy level (Leq) averaged over 5-minute intervals for each 24-hour period, statistical exceedance levels as well as logged maximum and minimum levels and third octave frequency spectra. Results of the logged data were subsequently automatically summarized into Excel spreadsheets and included in the daily reports for review by the researchers. Samples of the Excel data sheets are provided in Appendix C.
Figure 1: Permanent NMT Setup
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 7 2.2 Phase 1 Part 2: High Resolution Data Collection While the NMTs provided recordings for triggered events with audio playback, as well as other environmental noise metrics, the data was limited in terms of frequency resolution. For this reason, a secondary measurement was used to better quantify the hum frequency signature and consisted of a B&K Module LAN-XI Type 3056 acquisition system which has a frequency range from 0 Hz to 51.2 kHz. A Type 4189 free-field microphone having a low-frequency cut-off of 6.3 Hz was also used. Using a specialized firmware application (BZ-7848) loaded on the acquisition module, the LAN-XI system was used as a stand-alone recorder, thus eliminating the need for a PC to be connected during data collection. The system has the advantage of recording data at a higher sampling rate and in a format optimized for later post-processing of the acquired data. This secondary unit was located adjacent to the permanent NMT as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: PULSE Acquisition System Setup at NMT The secondary measurement system was deployed during a period when the Hum was active from the evening on Friday July 5 th until late in the morning on Saturday July 6 th . From these measurements, detailed frequency spectra, which characterized the low frequency nature of the
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 8 Hum, was acquired. The data, given in Appendix D, along with the sound recordings provided confirmation of the Windsor Hum. 2.3 Phase 2: Noise Source Identification using Beamforming With the Hum sound recorded and characterized, the next phase of the research was to locate the source of the disturbance. During the study period, it was noted that optimum identification of the Hum was during the late evening and nighttime. These are also times of lowest ambient environmental background noise levels. Due to access restrictions to the island, a research vessel owned by the University of Windsors Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research was used to get within close proximity of the Zug Island shore to facilitate the acquisition of NSI data. Figure 3 is an aerial view of the Detroit River and Zug Island. The red circle in Figure 3 also indicates the target measurement zone for the NSI exercise.
Figure 3: Aerial Photo of Zug Island with Distance from Island to be Measured Marked in Red A pentangular array Type WA-1676-W-02 (comprising of thirty Type 4959 microphones) was used as the NSI microphone array. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected of the Zug Island site to locate potential noise sources for the Hum. The array is capable of outputting acoustical colour maps, similar to thermal imaging techniques, to identify and quantify sources
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 9 of noise over a large target area using an acoustic beamforming algorithm. Product data and information sheets describing the system are given in Appendix B. Acoustic beamforming is a method of mapping noise sources using a microphone array that discerns the direction from which the sound originates. This is accomplished by employing a time delay approach as the source passes over the array of microphones. Using this approach, and knowing the target frequencies identified in Phase 1 of the research, the aim was to identify the Hum signature within the measurement target zone. A photograph of the pentangular array mounted on the research vessel is shown in Figure 4. Bruel & Kjaer PULSE Labshop software was used to acquire the noise data, which allows for real-time data acquisition and performed fundamental real time and post processed analysis of the data. A 36-channel B&K LAN-XI acquisition system was used as the data collection front end.
Figure 4: Setup of the Pentangular Array on Research Vessel
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 10 3. RESULTS The following section details the observations and conclusion resulting from the data collection and analysis exercises. Discussion of the results from the subjective and objective metrics is also given. 3.1 Phase 1 Part 1: Long Term Noise Monitoring Results Continuous noise data was collected by the NMTs over a period of approximately six months for which the data reports and sound files were examined on a daily basis by the researchers using both objective and subjective metrics. Regular visits were also made by the researchers to the permanent NMT site to maintain the equipment and to qualitatively monitor the noise levels and sounds. It was not until the first week of July that the Windsor Hum was detected using the NMT recordings. It was then that the secondary measurement system was deployed and an analysis of the data confirmed both the prominent low frequency spectra of the noise source as well as the irregular intervals. The researchers also observed a specific nighttime operation, described as a bright blue flame from several exhaust stacks located on Zug Island, which coincided with observation of the Hum sound. The blue flames were easily visible from the Canadian shoreline, nearly one kilometer away. While there are many factors involved, a blue flame is typically an indication of high levels of oxygen during the combustion process, required in high temperature industrial operations. While no solid relation can be made by these qualitative observations between the acquired noise data and the specific nighttime operations at the Island, it is important to note the correlation. A photograph illustrating the flames is given in Figure 5.
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 11
Figure 5: Photograph of Zug Island and identified Nighttime Operations Exhaust 3.2 Phase 1 Part 2: Results of High Resolution Data Collection As discussed previously, a secondary equipment deployment and analysis was carried out once the Hum was identified to measure the sound with equipment capable of higher frequency resolution analysis. For this, a standalone B&K PULSE acquisition system was installed for a short duration at the permanent NMT site near the Detroit River. The data collected during the overnight period on July 5/6 was extensively assessed against multiple criteria. The Windsor Hum signature was most dominant during the early morning hours, specifically between 3 AM and 4 AM. Three short term recordings were selected and post-processed using PULSE Reflex software using; (i) Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT), (ii) overall time analysis, and (iii) waterfall frequency spectrum (three-dimensional FFT). The FFT metric is an algorithm to transform the time domain data into the frequency domain. The overall time analysis computes the sound pressure level (SPL) with respect to the recorded time domain. The waterfall plot is a three-dimensional graph of the SPL versus the frequency and time domains. The complete assessment of the collected and processed data is provided in Appendix D. This includes both linear and A-weighting data analysis for each metric. This data confirmed the presence of a significant and prominent low frequency component of the measured noise located at 63 Hz. A sample portion of the data analyzed is provided in Figures 6, 7, and 8 below. These results are similar to those observed by NRCan and UWO. Blue Flame
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 12
Figure 6: Plot of A-weighted Overall SPL vs. Time for Time Period 1
Figure 7: Plot of A-weighted Overall SPL vs. Frequency for Time Period 1
Figure 8: Waterfall plot of A-weighted SPL vs. Frequency and Time for Time Period 1
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 13 3.3 Phase 2: Results of Noise Source Identification Measurements Following the first NMT measurements of the Hum noise, deployment of the NSI system was not possible until the early morning hours on August 22, 2013, due to availability of the research boat. It became evident to the researchers that the specific nighttime industrial operations, identified previously and illustrated in Figure 4, were not active at Zug Island during this day. As a result, the Windsor Hum signature was not captured. The researchers closely monitored for the Hum sound and were not able to identify it again before the close of the acquisition time line of the study. However, given that the NSI acquisition equipment was installed, calibrated and ready on-board, acquisition of NSI data was made to further identify and characterize the other various noise sources on the island. The collected data was subsequently post-processed using the B&K array acoustics post-processing software suite. A sample analysis output is provided in the noise contour plot given in Figure 9. The corresponding analysis of the sound power 1/3 octave frequency response is shown in Figure 10. For reference, an octave is the interval between two points where the frequency at the second point is twice the frequency of the first. The Zug Island region is isolated and shown in red for both the contour and frequency response figures. Analysis of the data shows that the major contributor to the overall sound power level from the region of Zug Island is from the low-frequency noise content. This observation is given even in the absence of the Hum and previously identified nighttime operations. It should be noted that due to the wave and drifting motion of the boat during the data acquisition, some error resulting from sound coming from, and reflecting off of the water, was detected. While this does result in some loss of spatial determination of the noise sources, it does not remove the fact of the presence of significant measured low frequency noise.
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 14
Figure 9: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 1
Figure 10: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 1
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 15 At the conclusion of the first boat trip, the primary focus was aimed to examine the data to determine if the methodology undertaken was successful, even though Hum phenomenon did not occur that night. Once the data was examined, the method and testing procedure was refined to make it the most accurate and reduce possible sources of error during future trips. It is worth noting that during the measurement acquisition, a dominant noise source was detected during measurements 7 through 12. This noise source was identified to be high-pressure steam exhaust operation (possibly part of a maintenance or equipment testing process) and was not observed previously by the research group. To avoid unnecessary measurements, the decision was made to not attempt another nighttime trip with the NSI equipment until the characteristic Hum was again positively identified. Continued noise monitoring of the NMT data was the focus of the research from this point forward. Unfortunately, the Hum did not manifest itself again before the NMT monitors were decommissioned in early October. In fact, the researchers did not become aware of any further Hum activity until January 2014, just prior to the completion of this report.
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 16 4. DISCUSSION Results obtained have shown that the Windsor Hum does exist and is also a quantifiable sound. While direct access to Zug Island have restricted any conclusions to qualified guesses, the ground vibration data measured by NRCan and array data obtained by the Western University of Ontario team support the conclusions of this report that the Windsor Hum phenomenon most likely originates from the Zug Island area. If anything, there has been no data to date, which suggests that the source is from anywhere else, especially given the heavy industrialization of the surrounding area on both sides of the Detroit River. Further, the observed operations at Zug Island are also consistent and coincide with the time periods of Hum activity. To further the discussion and strengthen the hypothesis, the following discussions identify potential noise sources on the island and the most likely to cause the observed characteristic sounds and frequencies. 4.1 Zug Island Description Zug Island is an industrial island located on the south-eastern edge of Detroit, Michigan and fronts onto over one kilometer of waterfront property. The island is a prominent area feature and can be easily seen from the Canadian side of the border. Transportation on and off the island is available three ways; (i) a land bridge which services the island for employee traffic and shipping operations via large trucks; (ii) a rail bridge which is located on either side of the island to facilitate the export of steel and raw materials; and (iii) large shipping docks which allow tankers and other large ships to load and unload materials at the waterfront. Operations on the island include two large blast furnace facilities and a petroleum coke (petcoke) baking process. While vehicle traffic and railway horns can be heard clearly at the Windsor waterfront, the most audible sounds are characteristic of the blast furnace operations and associated high temperature exhaust towers. 4.2 Blast Furnace Operation Overview The high capacity blast furnace, similar in appearance to those used on Zug Island, is a popular design used for the production of pig iron as the unique shape allows for a high production rate while also maintaining a high level of thermal efficiency. While an in-depth detail of the entire
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 17 blast furnace process is not applicable to this research, the brief overview that follows is focused on a discussion of the characteristics of the airflow (including the temperature) into the furnace, as well as the general geometry of the stack. These parameters are the principal features related to the noise emission levels. The described processes associated with the blast furnace operation are taken directly from Steel Works: The Online Resource for Steel (last accessed in December 2013) and are outlined below. The blast furnace is essentially a large cylindrical oven, which is used to convert mineral ore into usable steel for manufacturing. Capable of producing 12,000 tonnes per day, a blast furnace can run continuously for up to 10 years with only short periods of downtime to perform scheduled maintenance (American Iron and Steel Institute 2013). Often standing over 20 metres in height, the stack is the most prominent feature of the furnace. Acting as a funnel, the brick lined oven channels raw materials through the superheated flame; chemically reducing and physically converting iron oxides into liquid iron. A conveyor feeds the tower with varying proportions of iron ore, limestone, and petcoke which steadily pour into the top of the furnace. Typically the raw materials require 6 to 8 hours to descend to the bottom (this is dependent on several of the processes parameters, such as temperature, air flow, etc.). At the same time, preheated as air is force-blown into the bottom of the furnace, which ascends to the top of the stacks in approximately 6 to 8 seconds and triggers numerous chemical reactions. The superheated air is forced into the bottom of the tower, providing the necessary oxygen for combustion. It enters at both high volume and velocity through a series of water-cooled ports known as tuyeres; this process is further described below. Air enters the blast zone of the furnace igniting the petcoke and converting the mineral ore and petcoke mix into a molten mixture of slag and pig iron. The rate of pig-iron production in any given blast furnace is proportional to the rate at which oxygen, as air or air plus pure O 2 is blown into the furnace. Typical operational blast rates in the furnace are 40-50 Nm 3 /min of blast air per square metre of hearth area. It is worth noting that a blast furnace can operate down to about 70% of its normal capacity without any deleterious effects; below this rate, the charge begins to react unevenly. Blast temperatures in modern installations are typically from 1000C to 1300C (Peacey and Davenport 1981). The high burning temperature increases the efficiency of the furnace. To achieve this, hot dirty exhaust gas is collected at the top of the furnace and fed through a series of gas cleaning
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 18 processes to recirculate the effluent. The exhaust gas is re-burnt as fuel in hot ovens, which generates steam. This process is used to convert the thermal energy from the effluent gas into mechanical energy for a turbo blower, compressing the large amount of air required in the smelting process (American Iron and Steel Institute, 2013). The turbo blower is the first step in generating the superheated air outside of the furnace with flow-rates between 37 m 3 /s and 108 m 3 /s. The blown air flows through the cold blast main up to the hot stoves exterior of the plant. This cold blast enters the stove, which has been previously heated by dirty exhaust gas from the stack. The heat stored in the stoves refractory brick is then transferred to convert the cold air to a hot blast form. The moving air temperature at this stage can be from 870C to 1260C depending on the design and conditions of the stove. As the superheated air exits the stove it enters the hot blast main which runs up to the intake at the bottom of the furnace. There is a mixer line connecting the cold and hot blast mains equipped with a value to control the blast temperature to keep it constant. The hot blast main enters into a doughnut shaped pipe that encircles the furnace, named the bustle pipe. The circular tube distributes the air around the furnace through equally spaced nozzles, called tuyeres around the circumference of the furnace. The number of nozzles may vary from fourteen on a small blast furnace to forty on a large blast furnace. These tuyeres are made of copper and are water cooled since the temperature directly in front of them may between 1980C and 2300C. Oil, tar, natural gas, powdered coal and oxygen can also be injected into the furnace at the tuyere level to combine with the coke to release additional energy. This may be necessary to increase productivity. The molten iron and slag drip past the tuyeres on the way to the furnace hearth, which starts immediately below tuyere level. 4.3 Potential Noise Sources Outlined above is the typical blast furnace process for converting petcoke and iron ore into commercial grade steel. Unfortunately, as the investigators did not have access to the Zug Island facility, they can only speculate the specific processes involved at this facility and the associated potential sources of noise associated with them. From the above described process, noise sources may include but are not limited to: (i) the high velocity air travelling through air ducts and the tuyeres which ignites while entering the blast zone; (ii) the discharge of compressed air fluctuations into the atmosphere; (iii) the effluent gas exiting the waste stack continuously being
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 19 burnt off; and (iv) the intermittent release of large amounts of steam. Secondary noise sources may come from other processes on the island, most notably from the screening process to sort the baked coke piles and raw materials after their crushed. 4.3.1 Blast Mains and Ducts, and Tuyeres As Zug Island is assumed to be a high volume facility, it necessarily follows that the equipment involved would be of a large industrial scale, capable of emitting a proportional amount of noise. The airflow requirements alone to run such a plant are massive and can produce a large amount of associated duct noise. The formula below, taken from (Crocker 2007), is used to aid in the prediction of air duct noise sound power level (L w ), based on the flow velocity (v) and cross- sectional area (A). L w = constant + 10*log(A) + 60*log(v) The constant is dependent on the type of fitting used in the air duct. As an example, assigning a value of zero to the constant and approximating the values of flow velocity and cross-sectional area based on previously provided information, sound power levels exceeding 150 dB are predicted. While this value is not directly applicable to blast furnace noise, but serves as a reference for the level of energy generated by a system of this magnitude. For a larger furnace, a greater number of tuyeres are required to provide constant heat throughout the blast zone. According to Klyacho and Shigorin (1975), the most intense period of this operation is at the start of the melting process as the largest amount of minerals are ignited simultaneously. In order to increase the heat of a flame, it requires a greater airflow. The Windsor Hum signature is unique in the sense that the noise experienced is likely to be mostly contained in the low frequency dynamics (LFD), ranging from 0 to 70 Hz. This range is also subject to both the audible as well as the inaudible, or feel sensation. Furnace operations contain instabilities caused primarily by temperature fluctuations, with factors such as modifications in the material volumes, changes in the airflow, etc. can also have an impact (Crocker 2007). These instabilities result in pressure changes, and it is shown below in Figure 11, the largest spike in pressure amplitude occurs in the LFD. It is important to note that Figure 11 is only a typical spectrum depicting the changes in pressure caused by thermo-acoustic instabilities (Crocker
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 20 2007); with this in mind, it is shown that the principle spike in the LFD is estimated to be in the 60 to 80 Hz frequency range, which is within the same range that the Windsor Hum signature was characterized by the Windsor research team.
Figure 11: Typical Frequency Spectrum of Thermo-acoustically Induced Pressure Oscillations (Crocker 2007) 4.3.2 Air Discharge Valves (Snort Valves) As the Windsor Hum is characterized by an intermittent time signature which can last hours at a time, it is unlikely that air-discharge valves are the primary cause of the disturbance. With that in mind, it is still important to account for all primary noise sources in a blast furnace environment. Snort valves allow for the exhaust of excess pressure fluctuations into the atmosphere in case of emergency. This typically occurs when pockets of air and fuel ignite in the blast furnace and a
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 21 large pressure burst results. When the snort valve is released, it is accompanied by a proportional blast of noise, which unless properly silenced, can propagate large distances from the facility. Fortunately, successful attenuating measures have been found for effectively reducing snort valve noise. Each snort valve may be outfitted with perforated steel tube lined with steel wool as a sound absorbing-material. With a large enough silencer in place, the installation allows for effective attenuation with little impact on the capacity of the air-discharge valve, (Klyachko and Shigorin 1975). 4.3.3 Effluent Stack Burn Off from Hot-Blast Stove As was shown in Figure 5 of this report, a large blue flame is an indication of a high temperature combustion process taking place. A flame of this type is capable of producing a large amount of turbulence and aerodynamic discharge noise which can be easily heard on the Canadian side of the Detroit River. The flame will typically have medium and high frequency components as opposed to the low-frequency spectra of the Windsor Hum. Due to the size of the stack and flame, attenuating this noise source is quite difficult. Smaller exhaust stacks require sound insulating covers which absorb the acoustic energy from the reaction. However, the high level of heat and fast flow-rate render this form of attenuation largely ineffective. Rerouting the exhaust or finding another means of dispersing the effluent may be necessary. 4.3.4 Boiler Facility Release Once used, the steam from the boiler house is discarded, resulting in a violent gas expansion, see Figure 12 below. During this release, noise levels can reach dangerous levels for workers nearby, while the high humidity levels make conventional attenuation methods inappropriate.
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 22
Figure 12: Photograph of Periodic Steam Release from Zug Island 4.3.5 Raw Material Screening Process Screening operations produce large amounts of low frequency noise and vibrations as a result of centrifugal loading forces on the filter screens. This force is most often caused by an off- balanced rotation which if not properly absorbed will transfer into the bearing assembly and can propagate into the device mounts. (Klyachko and Shigorin 1975). Unwanted vibrations are commonly known to produce either ground borne noise and vibration, mechanical noise, or a combination of the two. Decreasing the operating speed of the unbalanced force or isolating the machine from the surroundings can often effectively reduce these levels.
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 23 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The conclusion of the research is that the Windsor Hum does exist and has both qualitative and quantitative characteristics that surmise the likely source of the Hum to be from the blast furnace operations on Zug Island. It is further concluded that the Hum is audible by a concentrated portion of Windsors west end community and other nearby residential areas. These conclusions are reinforced by the periodical nature of the Hum noise, which has been observed and measured by the researchers and coincides with the observed irregular operations associated with the steel making operations on Zug Island. It is recommended that additional noise measurements be made in closer proximity of the target sources using the same techniques used in this study. Such an assessment should focus on nighttime operating conditions with acquired data coinciding with reports of the Hum on the Windsor side of the Detroit River. This however, will require access to the Zug Island if a meaningful outcome is expected.
Colin Novak, Ph.D., P.Eng.
NVH-SQ Research Group, University of Windsor
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment 24 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY American Iron and Steel Institute. SteelWorks - The online resource for steel. 2013. (accessed 12 06, 2013). Bent, A.L., and C.R.D. Woodgold. Seismic Investigation of the "Rumblings" in Windsor Ontario. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6999, 2011. Biswas, A.K. Principles of Blast Furnace Ironmaking. Brisbane: Cootha Publishing House, 1981. Crocker, M. J. Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007. IHSA. "Construction Health & Safety Manual - Section 34 Steel Mills." Infrastructure Health & Safety Association. 2013. (accessed 12 06, 2013). Klyachko, L.N., and P.I. Shigorin. "Reducing the Noise Level in Steel-Melting and Blast- Furnace Departments." Metallurgy 7 (July 1975): 40-42. Peacey, J. G., and W. G. Davenport. Principles of Blast Furnace Ironmaking: Theory and Practice. Cootha, 1981. Reeve, D. A., J. T. Price, and J. F. Gransden. High Temperature Behaviour of Blast Furnace Coke A Review. Goverment Document, Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET), 1977. Silber, E.A., and P.G. Brown. Scientific Research to Characterize and Localize the Windsor Hum: Preliminary Report. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, 2013. Steel Works: The Online Resource for Steel. How a Blast Furnace Works. n.d. Blast%20Furnace%20Works%20larry%20says%20to%20delete.aspx (accessed October 2013). Szekely, J. Blast Furnace Technology: Science and Practice. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1972.
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment
NRCan Ground-borne Vibration Data University of Western Ontario (UWO) Data
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment A 2 NRCan Ground-borne Vibration Data
A 1: Ariel View of NRCan Installations (Bent and Woodgold 2011) Station Identifiers: MEMO Ministry of the Environment UNIV University of Windsor POWR Brighton Bean Power Station LYON Private Residence on Lyoness Avenue
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment A 3
A 2: NRCan Source Estimation with 95% Confidence Interval (Bent and Woodgold 2011) ZUG ISLAND
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment A 4 University of Western Ontario (UWO) Data
A 3: UWO Monitoring Equipment Locations (Silber and Brown 2013)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment A 5
A 4: Photograph of UWO Equipment (Centre Element) Installation (Silber and Brown 2013)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment A 6
A 5: UWO Waveform and Spectrogram Plots (Silber and Brown 2013)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment
APPENDIX B Brel & Kjr Product Data Sheets
Noise Monitoring Terminal Type 3639-A Sound Level Meter Type 2250 Outdoor Microphone Type 4952 Input Module LAN-XI Type 3056 1/2 Free Field Microphone Type 4189 Stand-alone Recorder LAN-XI Notar BZ 7848 PULSE Reflex Core Post-processing Software Pentangular Array Type WA-1676-W-002 (30 x 4959 Microphones) Array Microphone Type 4959 PULSE LabShop Array Acoustics Post-processing Software
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 2 Noise Monitoring Terminal Type 3639-A
B 1: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Uses and Features
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 3
B 2: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Physical Configurations
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 4
B 3: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Microphone Options
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 5
B 4: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Noise Monitoring and Analysis
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 6
B 5: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Power Options
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 7
B 6: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Compliance with Standards and Specifications
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 8
B 7: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Common Specifications
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 9
B 8: Noise Monitoring Terminals Types 3639 and 3655 Common Specifications (Continued)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 10 Sound Level Meter Type 2250
B 9: Hand-held Analyzer Types 2250 and 2270 Uses and Features
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 11
B 10: Hand-held Analyzer Types 2250 and 2270 Applications and Hardware
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 12
B 11: Hand-held Analyzer Types 2250 and 2270 Using the Platform: Key Features
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 13
B 12: Hand-held Analyzer Types 2250 and 2270 Display Capabilities
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 14
B 13: Hand-held Analyzer Types 2250 and 2270 Compliance with Standards and Specifications
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 15
B 14: Hand-held Analyzer Types 2250 and 2270 Specification (Continued)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 16 Outdoor Microphone Type 4952
B 15: Product Data: Outdoor Microphones Type 4952 Uses and Features
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 17
B 16: Product Data: Outdoor Microphones Type 4952 Description
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 18
B 17: Product Data: Outdoor Microphones Type 4952 Description (Continued) and Compliance with Standards
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 19
B 18: Product Data: Outdoor Microphones Type 4952 Specifications
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 20
B 19: Transducers and Conditioning Microphone History
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 21
B 20: Transducers and Conditioning Outdoor Microphone Comparison
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 22 Input Module LAN-XI Type 3060
B 21: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware Uses and Features
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 23
B 22: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware System Overview
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 24
B 23: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware System Overview (Continued)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 25
B 24: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware Notar BZ-7848-A
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 26
B 25: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware Compliance with Standards
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 27
B 26: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware Specifications
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 28
B 27: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware Specifications (Continued)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 29
B 28: LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware Specifications (Continued)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 30 1/2 Free Field Microphone Type 4189
B 29: Transducers and Conditioning Microphone History
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 31
B 30: Transducers and Conditioning Microphone Matrix
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 32
B 31: Transducers and Conditioning Free Field Microphones
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 33 Stand-alone Recorder LAN-XI Notar BZ 7848
B 32: Stand-alone Recorder LAN-XI Notar BZ-7848 Uses and Features
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 34 PULSE Reflex Core Post-processing Software
B 33: PULSE Reflex Core Overview
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 35
B 34: PULSE Reflex Core Overview (Continued)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 36 Pentangular Array Type WA-1676-W-002 (30 x 4959 Microphones)
B 35: PULSE Array-based Noise Source Identification Solutions Hardware and Software
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 37
B 36: PULSE Array-based Noise Source Identification Solutions Arrays
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 38
B 37: PULSE Array-based Noise Source Identification Solutions Measurement Methods
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 39
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 42
B 41: PULSE Array-based Noise Source Identification Solutions Pentangular Array System
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 43
B 42: PULSE Array-based Noise Source Identification Solutions Specifications
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 44
B 43: PULSE Array-based Noise Source Identification Solutions Specifications (Continued)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 45
B 44: Beamforming
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 46 Array Microphone Type 4959
B 45: 20 kHz Array Microphone Type 4959 Uses and Features and Description
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 47
B 46: 20 kHz Array Microphone Type 4959 Specifications
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 48 PULSE LabShop
B 47: PULSE LabShop Overview
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 49
B 48: PULSE LabShop Analysis and Performance
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 50
B 49: PULSE LabShop Customization and Programmability and Hardware
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment B 51 Array Acoustics Post-processing Software
B 50: PULSE Array-based Noise Source Identification Solutions Array Acoustics Pose- processing Suite
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment
APPENDIX C Phase 1 Part 1
Phase 1 Part 1 Installation Photographs Phase 1 Part 1 Measurement Locations Phase 1 Part 1 Measurement Data
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment C 2 Phase 1 Part 1 Installation Photographs
C 1: Complete Installation of Permanent Noise Sentinel Site Complete View
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment C 3
C 2: Installation of Permanent Noise Sentinel Site Higher Portion Type 4952 Outdoor Microphone 130 Watt Solar Panel Antenna
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment C 4
C 3: Installation of Permanent Noise Sentinel Site Lower Portion Power Communications Box Noise Monitoring Terminal (NMT) Type 2250 Sound Level Meter 3G Modem
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment C 5
C 4: Installation of Portable Noise Sentinel at Local Residence NMT Noise Monitoring Terminal (NMT)
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment C 6
C 5: Installation of Portable Noise Sentinel at Local Residence Microphone Type 4952 Outdoor Microphone
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment C 7 Phase 1 Part 1 Measurement Locations
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 2 Phase 2 Measurement Photographs
E 1: Pentangular Array Setup
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 3
E 2: Pentangular Array and Data Acquisition Equipment Setup
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 4
E 3: Zug Island during Phase 2 Measurement Period Photograph 1
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 5
E 4: Zug Island during Phase 2 Measurement Period Photograph 2
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 6 Phase 2 Measurement Location
E 5: Aerial Photo of Zug Island with Distance from Island to be Measured Marked in Red
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 7 Phase 2 Measurement Data
E 6: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 1
E 7: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 1
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 8
E 8: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 2
E 9: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 2
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 9
E 10: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 3
E 11: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 3
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 10
E 12: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 4
E 13: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 4
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 11
E 14: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 5
E 15: Modified Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 5
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 12
E 16: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 5
E 17: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 6
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 13
E 18: Modified Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 6
E 19: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 6
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 14
E 20: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 7
E 21: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 7
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 15
E 22: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 8
E 23: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 8
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 16
E 24: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 9
E 25: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 9
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 17
E 26: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 10
E 27: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 10
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 18
E 28: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 11
E 29: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 11
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 19
E 30: Contour Plot over Image from Pentangular Array Measurement 12
E 31: Sound Power Level Frequency Spectral Analysis Measurement 12
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment E 20 E 32: Pentangular Array Measurement Information and Notes Measurement # Measurement Time (s) Notes/Comments 1 2 Steady noise levels during measurement acquisition 2 2 3 2 4 5 5 5 6 10 7 2 Significant background noise observed from Zug Island, determined by researchers to be some sort of steam-related process 8 2 9 2 10 2 11 1 12 2
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment
APPENDIX F List of Known Hum Reports
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment F 2 Auckland, New Zealand 2006-10-22 NPR Radio Show The buzz behind Aucklands hum Robert Siegel, Host Tom Moir Engineering Professor at Massey University was brought in to study it.
2011-06-14 ONE News Auckland Hum Pippa Wetzell (with Tom Moir)
2013-08-20 North Shore Times 40-year mystery Liz Willis
Bristol, United Kingdom 2009-05-18 BBC Online The Bristol Hum: Your Viewpoints
2013-07-29 Bristol Post Online Have you ever heard the Bristol Hum? Scientists baffled by noise
Herbrandston, Wales, United Kingdom 2013-05-18 Western Telegraph Herbrandston residents tortured by mystery low frequency noise
Hueytown, Alabama
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment F 3 Started January 1992 Coal mining town of 15000 people
1992-04-14 The New York Times Hueytown Journal; Humming Along and Howling Mad Ronald Smothers
Largs, Scotland, United Kingdom Started in 1989 - Ongoing Detected a frequency between 50Hz and 60Hz.
1990-01-06 The Herald Scotland Hum adds unwelcome buzz to Largs Nightlife Ian Sutherland
2001-10-18 The Guardian Whats that noise? Its a constant, irritating hum that makes life miserable for all who hear it but nobody knows what it is. Laura Barton Investigates. Laura Barton Accessed 2013-07-06
Leeds, United Kingdom 2009-05-19 BBC News Have you heard the Hum? James Alexander
Liverpool, England Started in 2006
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment F 4
2008-10-04 Daily Post Mystery hum makes us glum; Residents suffer years of baffling noise Eryl Crump
Peterborough, England, United Kingdom 1994-06-22 The Independent Whats that terrible noise?: All over the country people are plagued by a strange hum. Are their ears playing up or is it something sinister? Emma Brooker Investigates Emma Brooker
Sydney, Australia Started in 1970
2007-10-04 Mysterious North Shore hum remains elusive
Taos, New Mexico Started in 1991
Video Uploaded 2006-09-06 Thomaston Started in 1998
2006-05-26 Foothills Media Group Residents irritated by hum Samantha M. Friedrich
Vancouver, British Columbia 2010-06-02 CTV Environment Reporter Mysterious Hum Harasses Vancouver Residents
Final Report Investigation of the Windsor Hum: Acoustical Assessment F 5 Mark Stevenson