Boyer Global Financial Crisis
Boyer Global Financial Crisis
Boyer Global Financial Crisis
Instability Hypothesis
Robert Boyer*
The Global Financial Crisis in Historical
Perspective: An Economic Analysis
Combining Minsky, Hayek, Fisher, Keynes
and the Regulation Approach
Abstract: Financial liberalization has triggered a series of financial innovations that
seemed to define, at least transitorily and for the United States and United Kingdom,
an unprecedented consumer credit-led accumulation regime. But financial innova-
tions diffuse, quite quickly, since they are intangible and have major consequences
for macroeconomic stability due to various externalities. Such a process took place
for the securitization of mortgage credit. Therefore, the present crisis is not only that
of over-accumulation in the real estate sector. Its severity and rapid international
diffusion derive from the systemic collapse of financial valuation. It is the direct
consequence of the anti-division of labour within the financial sector that has
permanently externalized and underestimated the risk by hiding it into more and
more complex and esoteric products. This lost informational content of financial
pricing leads to the freeze of credit first within financial institutions and then house-
holds and ultimately firms. The article mobilizes successively the analytical frame-
work of Minsky, Hayek, Fisher and Keynes. Within the taxonomy of regulation
theory, this is a structural/major crisis, the overcoming of which is radically uncer-
tain. The social control of financial innovation is one of the issues at stake.
Keywords: history of financial crisis, financial innovation, securitization,
derivatives, subprime crisis, anti-division of labour in finance
*Corresponding author: Robert Boyer, Institut des Amriques, E-mail:
Table of contents
1 Introduction: the historic reversal of financialization
2 So finance-led growth was possible in the United States
2.1 but it could not be exported to other countries, apart from the United Kingdom
2.2 The very success of financialization can lead the economy into a zone of financial
2.3 And result in a series of ever more severe crises
doi 10.1515/ael-2013-0030 AEL: A Convivium 2013; 3(3): 93139
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3 Financial innovations have a typical profile of development
4 The contemporary period: regulations systematically lagging behind financial innovation
4.1 The stock market crash of 19 October 1987: the ghost of 24 October 1929 soon
4.2 A first crisis, quickly overcome, that warned of the dangers of derivatives: the collapse
4.3 The Enron episode: a second opportunity wasted
4.4 The ambiguity of shared responsibilities in financial supervision: Northern Rock
5 A crisis foreseen, but of an unprecedented scale
5.1 The US mortgage derivatives crisis: silence from the regulatory authorities followed by
massive intervention
5.2 A crisis all the more serious because of the accumulation of financial fragilities
underlying the crises since 1987
5.3 The antinomic nature of the division of labour in finance: a systemic crisis linked to the
end of direct liability of financial operators
6 The end of the household debt-driven regime of accumulation
7 Conclusion
7.1 Radical rethinking of the virtues of financialization
7.2 The complete inadequacy of anti-crisis tools inherited from the past
7.3 An uncertain outcome: lost decade or depression?
7.4 The factors blocking a return to growth
7.5 The need for social control of finance
List of papers of the thematic issue
1 The Global Financial Crisis in Historical Perspective: An Economic Analysis Combining
Minsky, Hayek, Fisher, Keynes and the Regulation Approach by Robert Boyer
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0030
2 Hyman Minskys Financial Instability Hypothesis and the Accounting Structure of Economy
by Yuri Biondi
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0045
3 Minsky Financial Instability, Interscale Feedback, Percolation and MarshallWalras
Disequilibrium by Sorin Solomon
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0029
4 Control of Finance as a Prerequisite for Successful Monetary Policy: A Reinterpretation of
Henry Simons Rules versus Authorities in Monetary Policy by Thorvald Grung Moe
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0023
5 What Do Banks Do? What Should Banks Do? A Minskian Perspective by L. Randall Wray
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0033
6 What Financiers Usually Do, and What We Can Learn from History by Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0034
7 Why Banks Do What They Do. How the Monetary System Affects Banking Activity
by Luca Fantacci
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0017
8 Back to Basics in Banking Theory and Varieties of Finance Capitalism by Kurt Mettenheim
DOI 10.1515/ael-2013-0008
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1 Introduction: the historic reversal of
In the mid-2000s, the American economy was the benchmark against which
the performances of the other OECD countries were measured. At the end of
the 1990s, it was clear how far Europe lagged behind in the production and
use of information technologies and the adoption of the Silicon Valley model
of organization. Up until 2006, many experts affirmed that the stronger
growth of the United States compared to Europe was due to the sophistica-
tion of financial innovation and the decisive role of Wall Street. There were
exceptions in Europe, since the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain did
display a certain degree of dynamism. But was this not precisely because
these countries had adopted the model of finance-led growth, driven in
particular by the mortgage boom?
However, intellectual landscape and economic policy have both changed
dramatically since the US housing bubble burst in 2007. The purpose of the
present article is to explain this reversal and to identify the consequences in
terms of the influence of public policy on the direction and intensity of financial
We start by explaining the remarkable period of American growth
that preceded the outbreak of the subprime crisis in March 2007 and exploring
the reasons why the United States and the United Kingdom were then the most
severely affected by the bursting of the housing bubble (2). A historical review
is useful in showing that periodic crazes are triggered by innovations that are
so successful that they marked their era: they generate a speculative bubble
that leads to a crisis, more or less serious, but as a result of which the public
authorities take control of innovation and institute rules to improve efficiency
in the allocation of capital, credit and risk, but without jeopardizing the public
good of financial stability, which is crucial to the market (3). On the basis of
this observation of both history and heterodox financial theory, the scale of the
subprime crisis is then explained by the delay in regulating either the ever
more sophisticated products on the derivatives market or the use and abuse by
hedge funds of leverage representing a potential threat to financial stability
(4). It is then essential to shore up the central hypothesis: the American
financial system has entered a systemic crisis (what are the diverse financial
assets and players worth now?) and the American economy is incapable of
pursuing growth led by renewed financialization (5). The conclusion stresses
the major turning point heralded by the American crisis that broke in March
2007 (6).
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2 So finance-led growth was possible in the
United States
We should start by stressing the inherent attraction of financialization, for this
process marked the whole of American society and prompted attempts to import
such a regime into other OECD countries. And yet this growth regime marked a
complete break with the logic of Fordism, characterized by the founding institu-
tional compromise of the wage labour nexus, which matched mass production
with mass consumption. In a financialized economy, it is the monetary and
financial regime that occupies the hierarchical position held by wage relations
in the post-war growth model. In previous works, we have shown that this pre-
eminence results from a de facto alliance between the managers of large, listed
companies and financial institutions, particularly investment banks (Boyer, 2005).
This shift in the fundamental compromise has led to the modification of almost
every other institutional form under the impact of the financial regime (Figure 1).
There has been a break with previous determinants of investment decisions in
non-financial companies, since shareholder value has become the essential
criterion, while there has been a decline in the acceleration component of
investment linked to anticipated demand. At the same time, typically financial
strategies have proliferated, especially those involving mergers and acquisitions
with a viewto maximizing shareholder value and the share price (Aglietta, 2008).
If the financial community demands high returns that remain stable over the
business cycle, the price that must be paid is none other than the increased
flexibility of the wage labour nexus, through both faster workforce adjustment
and the heightened sensitivity of wages to the companys financial results and
the general economic climate. A priori, this factor has a negative impact on
consumption, but it is offset by the fact that since household financial wealth
has grown considerably, notably under the effect of the development of pen-
sion funds, wealth effects have become important in the evolution of house-
hold consumption. Consequently, a concession in terms of wages can increase
household wealth to the extent of stimulating consumption, for example by
taking out loans based on the collateral of their financial and real estate
wealth. This phenomenon was typical of the 1990s and 2000s.
The transition from pay-as-you-go to funded pension systems has played a
decisive role in the flood of capital seeking lucrative investments and the
liquidity of the stock market. Thus, investments that were supposed to safeguard
the financing of pensions were gradually transformed, under the effect of return-
maximizing strategies from a typically financial perspective (Montagne, 2003,
2006). This pension reform, coupled with the rise of shareholder governance and
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The Global Financial Crisis in Historical Perspective 97
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the abolition in 1999 of the Glass-Steagall Act, which had instituted a separation
between retail banks and investment banks, marked a turning point in American
economic history. Add to this the refusal to regulate new derivatives, in 2003,
and the scene was set for the speculative bubble and the crisis that followed.
This all occurred within a general trend of marketizing almost all the components
of social security, diametrically opposed to the more universalist conceptions of
the post-war period embodied in the Beveridge or Bismarck systems.
Economic policy underwent a similar transformation in response to the
demands of finance. On the one hand, the international mobility of capital
severely limits the possibility of taxing financial capital, meaning that the
fiscal load is transferred onto the workers and, possibly, the real estate
capital that is irreversibly tied to the national territory. In fact, the richest
households, whose income depends primarily on their financial wealth,
can use this international mobility as a threat in demanding and obtain-
ing a reduction in the progressiveness of the tax structure.
On the other hand, the central bank has seen its role significantly if not
totally redefined. Not only must it set the optimum interest rate in terms of
the difficult trade-off between inflation and unemployment, but now it must
also seek to maintain financial stability. This may involve raising the interest
rate to prevent the formation of speculative bubbles, or acting as lender of
last resort in the face of a financial collapse that might threaten the viability
of the market economy itself. This hypothesis, put forward by experts in
American monetary policy (Blinder, 1997), but for a long time ignored by
macroeconomists of the academic world, finds its full expression in the
current crisis triggered by derivatives linked to the American housing market.
The scale of the transformations observed, especially in the United States, made the
existence of a finance-led growth regime very likely. It remains to determine
whether the various different effects of financialization define a viable regime, i.e.
one that is capable of responding both to the profile of accumulation over the
course of the business cycle and to exogenous shocks. That is why a formalization
is needed, to verify the conditions under which such a regime can become estab-
lished (Boyer, 2000). Compared with the complexity of the relations depicted in
Figure 1, formalization requires drastic simplification (Figure 2).
The central variable is none other than stock prices, since it is the stock
market that is observed simultaneously by the companies in their choice of
governance and their investment decisions, by the employees in the manage-
ment of their savings and debt decisions, and by the central bank in the
pursuance of its objective of averting financial instability.
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In contrast with the Fordist model, household consumption is closely depen-
dent on financial wealth, which allows access to credit even while real wages
are stagnating for those whose qualifications no longer correspond to this new
regime of growth. These people can even benefit from a real estate bubble to
maintain a standard of living they can no longer pay for with labour income
alone. In this model, wage austerity can thus imply an increase in profits such
that the rise in stock prices boosts household consumption. We are therefore in
a context diametrically opposed to the Kalecki or Kaldor models where the
propensity to consume out of wages is higher than out of profits, whereby a
reduction in the wage share reduces consumption.
Lastly, the norm of profitability demanded by the financial community exerts
a decisive influence on the volume and orientation of the investment of non-
financial companies. Acceleration effects are present, of course, but they are
no longer dominant as they were in the Fordist model. More generally, the
principle of shareholder value, invoked by the financial operators, determines
a good number of choices concerning the strategies and internal organization
of the firm (Boyer, 2005; Ertuk, Froud, Johal, Leaver, & Wiiliams, 2008).
What we must stress is the extent to which, a priori, this economic regime is
paradoxical: whereas in the Fordist model, the dominant rationale is the crea-
tion of value-added, in the financialized model it is the expectations of future
wealth, as measured by the stock market, combined with the use of strong
leverage based on those expectations, that drive the production process.
Expectations and confidence in the predictions or story telling of finance are
Figure 2: The finance-led regime of accumulation.
The Global Financial Crisis in Historical Perspective 99
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therefore decisive as to the possibility of such a regime. Calibration of the
corresponding model shows that a priori, the conditions of stability were satis-
fied for the American economy in the 1990s: high levels of household financial
wealth, a large fraction of disposable income linked to capital gains, and a
significant proportion of wealth held in the form of shares and bonds, either
directly or indirectly through pension funds (see Table 1). This may explain why,
at the beginning of the 2000s, many European macroeconomists advised their
respective governments to adopt the American way, making credit and finance
the key instruments of action on economic activity.
2.1 but it could not be exported to other countries, apart
from the United Kingdom
But this hope was naive, because ultimately, the economic structures of the
United States were quite singular (Artus, 2009). Only the United Kingdom had a
similar configuration. In all the other countries, notably Japan, Germany and
France, the prevailing rationale that determined economic activity was one of
productivism and creation of added-value in non-financial companies, much
more than one of shareholder value and all-out financialization (Table 1). The
weak spread of stock wealth in relation to disposable income, the modest levels
of capital gains and a norm of profitability much lower than that entailed by
Anglo-American shareholder value all formed obstacles to the establishment of a
finance-led growth regime. Moreover, formalization reveals that if productivism
is the prevailing rationale, then the introduction of shareholder value damages
the macroeconomic equilibrium, both for companies and employees. It was
therefore not in these countries interest to adopt the American model, since
Table 1: This model has little chance of spreading throughout the world.
Country Parameters United
Canada Japan Germany France
Average propensity to
consume (1996)
0.95 0.926 0.956 0.869 0.884 0.908
Stock wealth/disposable income
(1997) (%)
145 75 95 30 25 20
Capital gains/disposable
income (%)
35.5 15 11 7 7 5
Proportion of shares and bonds in
households total financial assets
28.4 52.4 n.d. 25.3 21.3 14.5
Source: Boyer (2000).
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they had different sources of growth and international competitiveness. In a
way, the harshness and persistence of the Japanese crisis following the bursting
of the 1980s bubble bears witness to this major divergence between different
OECD countries (Aglietta, 1992; Boyer, 2004; Yoshikawa, 2002).
The present research therefore moderates the prediction initially made by
certain regulationists that financialization was the heart of the regime of accumu-
lation that would succeed Fordism (Aglietta, 1998). Since then, the bursting of the
Internet bubble and the subprime crisis have clearly brought to light the limits of
finance-led accumulation, which does not appear to be endowed with the same
long-term dynamic stability as the Fordist growth model (Aglietta & Rberioux,
2005; Boyer, Dehove, & Plihon, 2004; Plihon, 2001, 2002; Jorion, 2008; Conseil
dAnalyse Economique, 2008).
2.2 The very success of financialization can lead the
economy into a zone of financial fragility
The other interest in formalizing this regime of accumulation is that it allows us
to identify the parameters that play a key role in the possibility of driving the
economy into a zone of financial instability.
First, it may be that the rate of return demanded by the financial community
reaches such a high level that it is impossible for any macroeconomic equili-
brium to sustain it. During the Internet bubble, for instance, the norm was
gradually raised from 5% up to as much as 15%. In passing, we can also
understand, at a microeconomic level, why non-financial companies have
been driven to use ever higher leverage (Plihon, 2002) or resort to creative
accounting to invent profit levels high enough to satisfy the capital markets
(Boyer, 2005). Fair value accounting further accentuates these effects by adding
an accounting accelerator to the typical financial accelerator (Boyer, 2007).
A second source of destabilization can result from the growing importance of
wealth in consumption decisions. Beyond a certain threshold for the wealth
effect, the economy is on an explosive path, and any possibility of a stable
regime disappears. And yet, through a constant stream of financial innova-
tions, the access to credit has been made ever easier and may have provoked
the equivalent to this phenomenon at the end of the American housing
bubble. In a way, the source of the crisis lay in the popularization of the
attractions of financialized growth.
The central bank may be too slow in adjusting the interest rate to suit the
economic situation. In this case, if it maintains interest rates too low for too
long, it may endogenously trigger the collapse of the previous macroeconomic
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equilibrium. In a sense, this is the criticism that has been levelled at Alan
Greenspan since 2007, that he did not have the courage to raise interest rates,
preferring to see a housing bubble succeed the stock market bubble.
Lastly, since the stabilization of ROE is based on greater flexibility of jobs
and wages, the responsiveness of wages may reach such a level that it
contributes to the destabilization of the economic equilibrium, in this case
in a depressionary direction. This factor is likely to play a decisive role during
the phase of correction of the excesses of financialization.
To varying degrees, these four developments have marked the American trajec-
tory over the last two decades.
2.3 And result in a series of ever more severe crises
Even before the systemic nature of the crisis that began in September 2008
became apparent, the American financial system had been touched by a series
of crises, initially perceived as being sector-specific and limited, whereas they
were in fact the first symptoms of the fact that this financialization built on a
succession of financial innovations had reached its limits. With hindsight, it is
possible to reinterpret the so-called crisis of the new economy as an expression
of the conflict between the impatience of finance as regards expected profits and
the reality of the long process of converting innovations into profitable products
(Boyer, 2002a). The subprime crisis stemmed from the fact that financial inter-
mediaries had become less and less accountable for their actions, because of the
generalized separation between financing and risk, resulting in an explosion in
the volume of derivatives and, within the shadow banking system, the deteriora-
tion in the quality of the corresponding assets (Bourguinat & Briys, 2008). The
US public authorities, believing in the superiority of the market over any kind of
public evaluation, contributed to the birth of the crisis through their inaction.
3 Financial innovations have a typical profile of
The problems related to the uncertainty of any financial instrument are exacerbated
by the launch of a new financial product. People have to form an opinion about it,
and in the absence of past observation, they have to fall back on beliefs in one way
or another. To take just one example, the financial community believed whole-
heartedly in the new economy, although there was very little to justify an almost
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doubling in the rate of return on capital. Moreover, the very novelty of the financial
instrument led people to think that an unprecedented era was beginning, in which
past regularities would disappear. And yet the history of finance may well provide
us with valuable hypotheses concerning the trajectory of technical and financial
innovations that are supposed to usher in a new epoch.
But the horizon of the people involved does not exceed a few years, and the
collection and analysis of information is concentrated on the most recent devel-
opments. The players on these markets had little incentive to seek out similar
episodes from the distant past: through the formation of market prices, the
collective opinion that emerged was that we were entering a new era marked
by returns of unprecedented magnitude and stability. Financial history has the
great merit of detecting the repetition of the same sequence of speculative boom-
and-bust. Today there are numerous works on the subject: isolated to begin with
(Kindleberger, 1978), they have multiplied with the rising frequency of crises
since the mid-1980s (Eichengreen, 2003; Garber, 2000). What is new is that
theorists of macroeconomics and finance have themselves drawn on the succes-
sive phases of speculative boom-and-bust in building models to explain the
inefficiency of markets through more or less substantial modifications to either
the hypothesis of rationality (Shiller, 2000) or the organization of markets
(Shleifer, 2002). It is remarkable that the same chain of events is repeated in
every one of these episodes.
They all start with an impetus related to an innovation, which may be
technical (a new method for producing tulips, for example, or the invention
of mass production methods), a new financial instrument (shares in a ship-
ping company), the end of a conflict (the railroad boom after the American
Civil War), the emergence of a customer base for new services (holidays in
Florida through the purchase or renting of an apartment) or the possibilities
offered by a new financial context (the flood of liquidities fuelling the rise in
stock prices and the surge in take-overs, mergers and acquisitions).
Informed economic agents adopt a selective strategy to ensure they can obtain
the returns promised by the innovation. They carry out shrewd purchases,
exploiting their technical expertise (how to grow these new tulips, what sort
of real estate to build in Florida, etc.) or privileged information they possess,
which is generally the case for financial innovations. Their behaviour is fully
rational, and does not, in itself, create runaway speculation.
But the strategy of these informed agents pushes up the prices of the
products concerned and consequently of the financial assets of the compa-
nies involved in their production. And in response to these price signals, the
market is entered by other agents who know little or nothing about the
innovation, relying simply on an extrapolation of the price rises.
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Individuals who have never bought shares in their lives and have little idea
of how they function transfer a significant proportion of their wealth into this
financial instrument. During this third stage, followers and credit play a
decisive role in inflating the speculative bubble. Their expectations are
based solely on the surge in stock prices, independently of any evaluation
concerning the reality of the profits or of the demand that might justify these
stock prices. These followers adopt beliefs and prophecies more or less
directly nurtured by the stock traders themselves. In modern language,
story-telling has replaced the difficult if not impossible evaluation of
fundamentals (Biondi, Giannoccolo, & Galam, 2012).
The boom is all the more powerful when an authority confirms the reality of
the promises made to small savers and followers in general. In the Mississippi
bubble, the French government officially supported Law. In the United States
in the 1920s, an economist as renowned as Irving Fisher declared that the
stock market boom and economic prosperity were made to last, a view that
he maintained up until the very eve of the crash. In modern times, the
turning-point in the Internet bubble came when Alan Greenspan, who had
previously warned against irrational exuberance, rallied to the opinion of
the markets, declaring that private agents know better than the central bank
what level stock prices should be at.
When this movement reaches its maximum, we are close to the moment of
sudden reversal expressing the fact that the returns obtained are in fact well
below those expected, whence the recurrent and almost structural temptation
to manipulate the accounts and the ex post discovery of some spectacular
frauds. Either because of the endogenous erosion of returns due to over-
accumulation, or in reaction to some bad news, apparently fairly trivial events
are sufficient to trigger the readjustment of expectations. Another possibility is
that the better-informed agents decide that, given the level reached by asset
prices, it would be prudent to withdraw, by selling their assets.
In the last stage in the sequence, the public authorities, faced with the
harshness of the social and political consequences of the crash, are obliged
to intervene, both to designate the culprits and to introduce rules and
reforms to prevent the repetition of such episodes and restore the confidence
without which the markets cannot function. In most cases, these measures
are successful in getting people to forget the crisis, to such an extent that a
new cycle can start: any innovation that catches the fancy is capable of
setting off a new phase of expansion and then speculative boom (Figure 3).
It is in the light of this diagram that we shall now analyse the last decade in
terms of financial innovations, chiefly in the United States.
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4 The contemporary period: regulations
systematically lagging behind financial
The movement of external and internal financial liberalization greatly facilitated
financial innovations. As their numbers increased, there was a sufficiently large
sample of innovations and crises available in 2008 to make an overall judge-
ment: in the absence of adequate public regulation and control, there is a high
risk that financial innovations will lead to a local, sectoral, financial and in
some cases macroeconomic crisis. The last decade can be likened to the race
between the tortoise and the hare: innovation by financial agents in the role of
the hare starts the process, and it is up to the public authorities in the role of
the tortoise to curb the costs of the resulting financial crises and to seek to
avoid their repetition through a new strategy and, possibly, new regulations.
The financial markets that were supposed to be self-regulating have in fact been
the site of crises that have often had dramatic effects on economy and society.
4.1 The stock market crash of 19 October 1987: the
ghost of 24 October 1929 soon forgotten
This episode started with the collapse of the Dow Jones on the New York Stock
Exchange, equivalent in value to the crash that marked the beginning of the
crisis in 1929. The analysts started asking themselves the question that Minsky
Figure 3: From a reputedly major innovation to mimicry leading to financial fragility.
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had taken as the title of his famous work: Can it happen again? In a concep-
tion of the economy governed by the notions of equilibrium and the temporal
invariance of the basic economic mechanisms, a depression equivalent to that of
the 1930s was expected. In the end, this prediction proved to be completely
erroneous, for two main reasons (Table 2).
Table 2: A comparison of four American crises and the recent Japanese crisis: the decisive role
of banks.
States 1987
United States
United States
Return to
An original
model of
ICT boom and
new economy
boom on the
housing market
and easy
access to credit
No financial
Period of
Regime of
growth tending
growth with
* * * * NO initially,
by subprimes
* NO * NO, remarkable
resilience due to
YES for
NO NO * Weak and
YES, significant
followed by
Growth and
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Table 2: (Continued)
States 1987
United States
United States
* *
POLICY Orthodoxy Not to
repeat 1929
Ad hoc Avoid deflation Get out of a
systemic crisis
To begin
with, laissez-
from the
Slow reaction
from the Bank of
Japan and the
Ministry of
Fast reduction of
interest rates
Fast reduction
of interest
rates and
acting as
lender of last
resort, even for
Then an
attempt at
(New Deal)
No restructuring
of banks
Fiscal stimulus,
including the
of 9/11
Fiscal stimulus
Takeover or
of many
Creation of a
structure and
project for new
Severity of
the crisis/
fragility of
the banks
* NO * NO Resilience of
retail banks
and collapse of
Absence of
crisis /
resilience of
the banks
NO * NO * Systemic and
financial crisis
Notes: Convention: the sign * denotes the presence of the corresponding phenomenon.
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The origin of the two crises was completely different. In the former case,
stock market speculation simply amplified a disequilibrium in the regime of
accumulation, which explains the scale of the economic and social costs in
the United States in the 1930s. In the crisis of 1987, there was sustained growth,
although the underlying international context was troubled by exchange rate
uncertainty. The disequilibrium was essentially confined within the financial
The US central bank had learnt from the errors of its predecessors in the
1930s: instead of allowing a chain of bankruptcies to develop on the capital
market, Alan Greenspan provided the threatened operators with abundant
liquidities. Ex post, we therefore observe the continuation of growth and
slight inflation, rather than depression and deflation.
So stock market crises keep developing, but they are never the same. In this
case, it was the financial innovations of the early 1980s that were at the origin of
the crisis. At that time, a new method of stock portfolio management was
developed, associating every transaction with an option hedging against poten-
tial losses from unexpected changes in the market. But for other financial
players, this simply served as a support for speculation on such a scale that
the innovation supposed to stabilize the financial system ended up leading it
into crisis (Biondi, 2011; Pradier, 2011; Stout, 2011). At the same time, all the
players on the market invested in software allowing them directly to place the
orders entailed by this optimization programme. A marked fall in stock prices
then triggers a depressionary spiral: everybody wants to sell and almost nobody
wants to buy. We can draw three lessons from this already distant episode.
In this case, it was the general adoption of the strategy of market risk cover-
age that triggered the occurrence of the risk against which the agents were
trying to protect themselves, at a microeconomic level: in a way it was the
convergence of perfectly rational microeconomic strategies that blocked the
market. This feature can also be found in most of the other crises, including
the subprime crisis (see Figure 10, below).
The central role of the Fed was confirmed by this episode: faced with a
liquidity crisis, whatever the responsibilities of the other players and
whatever the risks of moral hazard, the central bank acts as the lender
of last resort, restoring the continuity of the system of payments. This
characteristic is present in most of the crises examined in the present
Upon demand by the political authorities but not by the professionals, who
argued that the mechanisms of the market should be allowed to operate
freely! circuit breakers were introduced to halt trading in the event of
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exceptional price movements. Thus, the financial markets record the sedi-
mentation of rules instituted to prevent the repetition of past crises. When the
political authorities go back on some of these rules, such as the separation
between commercial banks and investment banks, a return to old forms of
crisis becomes possible, as some of the developments in the subprime crisis
have shown.
The first of these lessons, but not the other two, was demonstrated in the
following US crisis.
4.2 A first crisis, quickly overcome, that warned
of the dangers of derivatives: the collapse of LTCM
Market finance theories have developed greatly since the beginning of liberal-
ization. Statistical and mathematical techniques have become more sophisti-
cated and the theorists have proposed new methods of evaluating risk and
consequently of pricing derivatives. The contributions of Black and Scholes
(1973) and Merton (1973) opened up a wide domain of possibility for the inven-
tion of new derivatives. Far from observing the regularities resulting from the
functioning of the market, these theorists invented a new method of evaluation
and presented it to the financial community, which adopted it so wholeheartedly
that it was now the regularities postulated by the theoretical model that
appeared in the market prices. This performativity of financial theory was a
novelty, compared with standard micro- and macroeconomic theories
(MacKenzie & Millo, 2003).
It was tempting to believe that this remarkable mastery of risk evaluation
had eliminated any danger of major financial crisis. The collapse of long-
term capital management (LTCM) is interesting precisely because it shows
that financial crises are not necessarily the result of ill-informed agents
acting irrationally or the herding behaviour of the crowd (Kindleberger,
1978, 1994; Shefrin, 2000), but may derive from the implementation of a
new approach to the optimization of returns on capital, so vigorous that it
destabilizes the macroeconomic regularities, all the more so when something
occurs that is considered to be a once-in-a-century event (Taleb Nassim, 2007;
Cont, 2009) at least in the light of retrospective analyses (Figure 4).
The huge losses incurred by one sole financial institution, originally of
modest size, raised two problems for the public authorities responsible for
financial stability.
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The sophisticated derivatives that are supposed to cover the risk of certain
agents actually expose other agents to risks that are all the greater as they
become the accredited or even exclusive suppliers of this type of product.
This conclusion, drawn from observation of the LTCM crisis, is also con-
firmed by diverse models that take into account the specificities of the
current organization of the financial market. These models show that creation
of a futures market and a derivative can push the economy into a zone of
financial fragility, under conditions very similar to the characteristics of
existing markets (Artus, 1990; Brock, Hommes, & Wagener, 2006; Li &
Rosser, 2001). This contradicts the (false) conclusion one might draw from
the last chapter of Grard Debreus Theory of Value (1959): if all the futures
markets are open, then an equilibrium can exist under the usual conditions.
As we move closer to this ideal, we should therefore observe greater financial
stabilization. This conjecture is essential, since it underpins the strategies of
creation and multiplication of derivatives, but it is refuted by recent financial
The sudden appearance of losses running into billions of dollars is the direct
consequence of the use of extremely high leverage, with factors of 3050.
Under these conditions, it only takes a price fall of 3.3% or even 2% for the
losses to exceed the value of the equity capital. This was the whole problem
with hedge funds or even the management of an experienced firm like
Lehman Brothers: it only possessed 1 billion dollars in equity to cover more
than 30 billion in assets.
One might have thought that the various regulatory authorities might be worried
by these risks and seek to impose some kind of limit on the more dynamic
managers of Wall Street. But self-organization by the market players was the
solution favoured by Alan Greenspan, who encouraged other, healthier invest-
ment banks to take over LTCM. This elegant and economical solution from the
viewpoint of public finances therefore helped to conceal the dangers of
derivatives and of hedge fund strategies.
4.3 The Enron episode: a second opportunity wasted
Setting aside the precise characteristics of the derivative involved, the same
sequence of events can be observed, mutatis mutandis, for the energy deri-
vatives proposed by Enron. This was the era of the new economy and hopes
of a dematerialization of economic activity: why sink investments into facil-
ities for producing and transporting energy when there are substantial profits
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to be made by organizing the futures market of the corresponding contracts,
with a modest capital outlay with the added advantage of allocative flex-
ibility. Just like LTCM, Enron was so successful that it became the flagship
company to which many others aspired, so exceptional were the returns it
In 2000, however, we learned that these results were largely achieved
through accounting practices which, although legal, were extremely dubious.
They consisted in discounting to present value all the returns associated with
existing contracts, while at the same time concealing the corresponding costs in
satellite accounts that were not consolidated with those of the parent company
(Baker & Hayes, 2004; Benston, 2006; Healy & Palepu, 2003; Mistral, de
Boissieu, & Lorenzi, 2003). Essentially, the problem raised therefore concerned
the information available to the financial market: whence the call for greater
transparency and for the accountability, including penal, of CEOs and financial
directors, which gave rise to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Figure 5).
However, several problems remained.
First, the Enron executives had used their contacts in the political world to
dissuade the financial supervisory authorities from imposing any control or
regulation whatsoever over derivatives, under the two pretexts of a complex-
ity they alone could master and the principle of freedom of enterprise. We
were to observe a similar phenomenon for subprimes in the second half of
the 2000s.
Second, and above all, accounting practices oriented exclusively towards the
financial community and implementing the principle of fair value
Figure 5: The fall of Enron: tougher accountability rules for senior executives, but with no reform
of accounting practices or supervision of new derivatives.
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represented a serious threat to financial stability. They introduced strong
procyclicity into the results posted, which were, moreover, virtual (Boyer,
2007). As much as investors were satisfied during periods of speculative
boom, so they suffered a risk of sudden bankruptcy during periods of adjust-
ment. We need look no further for the reason behind the collapse of Lehman
Brothers, or the takeover of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America. As the
products became ever more sophisticated and the volumes traded continued
to increase, the sums committed grew so large, during the second half of the
2000s, that they threatened the financial stability of the whole American
Third, the last paradox is that while securitization was supposed to spread
the risk, which it did to some extent, it also led to the specialization of
certain investment banks or insurance companies in certain segments of
the market. The resulting concentration of risk therefore increased the
probability and violence of financial crises when private firms are obliged
to reveal to the market the extent of their losses, information that is kept
private as long as possible. Whence the consternation of the public
authorities, obliged to commission other private firms to verify the finan-
cial situation of companies they were thinking of taking over, as was the
case for Bear Stearns.
4.4 The ambiguity of shared responsibilities in financial
supervision: Northern Rock
This brings us to another central point, well-illustrated by the bank run that
occurred in England in 2008. Because of the division of labour between the
different financial supervisory bodies, and their sedimentation over time, the
public authorities were initially confounded by the abruptness of the Northern
Rock crisis (Figure 6).
The origins of this crisis lay in an innovation that initially met with
great success: this bank, specialized in mortgages, decided to use massive
bond issues as a means to grow its activity and win market share. After few
years, Northern Rock became the leading company in the sector as long as the
British housing bubble continued to grow. The different supervisory authorities
(the Bank of England, the Financial Services Authority, the Treasury and the
City) remained silent, despite the fact that this strategy generated new risks for
the bank and by extension for the British financial system. When the downturn
in the housing market arrived, it triggered a spiral of asset depreciation, because
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of both bad debts and the banks falling share price. Customers, alarmed by a
statement from an external authority, rushed to withdraw their deposits from
the bank.
To begin with, the Bank of England, governed by an economist well
aware of the problems of moral hazard that the rescue of Northern Rock
would raise, refused all aid. There was also ambiguity over the sharing of
responsibilities between the different regulatory and supervisory authorities.
In keeping with a British tradition, the government hoped that the City would
manage to find a solution without any need for state intervention. But the
panic started to grip the whole of the British banking system, and in the end
the government was obliged to nationalize the bank. This was certainly not a
measure that New Labour had included in their manifesto! Whence the
pertinence of Ben Bernankes comment: There are no ideologues in a finan-
cial crisis.
This new episode confirms the lessons to be drawn from previous crises and
provides some new elements for consideration.
First, given the plasticity of finance, an innovation implemented by a second-
tier bank is capable of generating a movement of sufficient power to endan-
ger the bank itself and even the whole financial system. It is then easy to
understand the importance of having regulations and supervisory authorities
covering the whole of the financial system.
Second, when a crisis does arise, there may be ambiguity as to the super-
visory authority concerned, because modern innovations connect up all
Figure 6: The financial innovation that caused the first bank run since 1856 in the United
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sorts of different financial instruments (including loans, derivatives,
bonds, swaps, insurance and options). This ambiguity can be prejudicial
to an orderly resolution to the crisis. The different authorities may have
different ideas about how to address financial crises. Some prefer to avoid
the next crisis at the risk of exacerbating the present one by refusing the
public bail-out of inept or reckless speculators. Others consider that in a
market economy, nothing can be more important than monetary and
financial stability, even if that means paying out money to save the
firms that started the crisis.
Lastly, the speed of the downturn, the growing interconnectivity between
different markets and the facility with which a vicious circle of general-
ized asset depreciation can be triggered generally tip the balance in
favour of public rescue, whatever the political programmes of the govern-
ments concerned, the warnings of economists or the protests of opposition
parties. The American trajectory since 2007 provides a good illustration of
the improvisation that seems to govern the management of systemic
financial crises.
5 A crisis foreseen, but of an unprecedented scale
This brief historical review throws a different light on the financial crisis that
originated in the United States and then spread through the world due to the
high degree of interconnection between financial networks, the mimicry that
prevails in the evaluation of risk and the interdependencies related to interna-
tional trade.
5.1 The US mortgage derivatives crisis: silence from
the regulatory authorities followed by massive
This episode leads us to another factor in the genesis of bubbles associated
with financial innovations, namely the role of the central bank in fixing low
interest rates. This was the case in the United States after the bursting of the
Internet bubble, which prompted a programme of stimulus involving tax
reductions and the maintenance of low interest rates to relieve financial
institutions and indebted households. The Republican administration also
announced a programme of access to home ownership for minorities and
disadvantaged groups in the US population. Mortgage establishments leapt at
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the new opportunities for profit that this opened up: they offered loans
without bothering to make any request for collateral or for information
about income, in the hope that the continuing surge in real estate prices
would be the best guarantee. There was also particularly active lobbying,
which succeeded in ensuring that the corresponding financial products and
their securitization were not covered by any regulations whatsoever. Thus, all
the ingredients were brought together for the typical development of a high-
risk financial innovation (Figure 7).
When it became apparent, in March 2007, that default rates were rising and
house prices were falling, there was a sharp downturn in the market, and the
previous classification of tranches of credit proved to be hopelessly over-opti-
mistic. The subprime market disappeared, and as it had figured prominently on
the books of many banks, this triggered a liquidity crisis to which the Fed
responded by providing easier access to liquidities, but initially only to a modest
degree. Given the huge scale of the assets involved, of the order of 3,000 billion
dollars, it soon became apparent that defaults were still rising and that the
banks were incapable of evaluating a growing number of assets. This was
because the subprime market was now closed, and the ad hoc models drawn
up by each bank, assuming constant access to liquidity and a low risk correla-
tion, no longer provided any relevant information. We can qualify this as a
Figure 7: A theoretically dangerous innovation, but in line with the policy of promoting home
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systemic crisis, because the very principle of asset valuation was at the root of
the discord, so that interbank lending, in particular, completely dried up (Biondi
& Fantacci, 2012).
A new stage in the crisis was then reached in 2008, when the Fed guaran-
teed unlimited access to liquidity, encouraged mergers between financial estab-
lishments and accepted recapitalization by sovereign funds, which, not long
before, had been denounced for their lack of transparency and the threat they
posed to the stability of the world financial system! The most remarkable
phenomenon was probably the way US policy-makers appeared to be groping
in the dark. The Treasury Secretary minimized the scale of the crisis, the Fed
granted facilities of access to credit and both of them called for Wall Street to act
responsibly, without taking full measure of the origins and depth of the crisis. In
fact, the whole system of valuation of assets and liabilities had frozen up. Under
such conditions, monetary policy is a very crude and indirect tool for resolving
this crisis of a largely new nature.
5.2 A crisis all the more serious because of the accumulation
of financial fragilities underlying the crises since 1987
Thus the American subprime crisis combined all the features already diag-
nosed in the previous crises: increasing numbers of ad hoc innovations
largely incomprehensible to third parties, confidence in models estimated
over relatively short periods of time, certainty of permanent access to liquid-
ity, the race for leverage to obtain ever higher returns on equity in response
to the pressures of shareholder value, remuneration structures of financial
intermediaries encouraging risk-taking by transferring it onto third parties,
lobbying of the political authorities to prevent any intrusion by supervisory
bodies into particularly profitable markets. One can understand why this
crisis should be of such an unprecedented scale, because it accumulates all
the problems and imbalances that have been denied or kicked down the road
throughout the 2000s.
When the bubble burst and the extent and depth of the consequences for
the whole of the financial system became apparent, both the market players
and the experts were taken by surprise. But this is in itself astonishing
because, as we have just seen, there have been plenty of warnings since the
end of the 1980s, because the various crises have brought to light the
different shortcomings of the financial organization of the United States.
Excessive confidence in theoretical models was seen in the stock market
crash of 1987 and even more so in the collapse of LTCM. The danger of
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giving free rein to a company to create and then manage a mass market for a
potentially unstable financial product sustained by creative accounting was
demonstrated by the Enron scandal. Collusion between financial operators
and the political authorities to exempt the financial innovations of invest-
ment banks from any public control could be observed in energy derivatives
and, of course, American mortgage derivatives. The helplessness of the poli-
tical authorities, related to the fragmentation of public control, when a local
bankruptcy threatens to lead to systemic collapse was apparent in the bank-
ruptcy and nationalization of Northern Rock and the difficulty the US autho-
rities have had in adapting their strategies to the depth of the subprime crisis
since September 2008 (Figure 8). And yet one of the lessons to be drawn
from the history of financial crises is that they are all the more serious and
persistent when the public authorities are slow to take stock of the situation.
That is one of the reasons why the current period, although different, follows
in the line of the 1929 crisis (Lenglet, 2007).
Figure 8: The subprime crisis combines most of the features of the crises that have succeeded
each other since 1987.
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5.3 The antinomic nature of the division of labour in finance:
a systemic crisis linked to the end of direct liability of
financial operators
Following a dialectic process, the combination of these mechanisms produces
an original form of crisis, certain aspects of which are unprecedented. The above
description does not fully explain the heart of the subprime crisis. The roots of
the crisis also lie in the belief, shared by financial operators and many experts,
that thanks to its new techniques of risk transfer, modern finance had achieved
the equivalent of the division of labour in the traditional productive sector.
Securitization was believed to mark a new stage in the management of risk, by
transferring it to those most capable of evaluating and assuming it (Brender &
Pisani, 2001). It was therefore held to represent a major contribution to the
efficiency of capital allocation and consequently to the growth and welfare of
modern societies. The separation between funding and risk (i.e. the originate and
distribute model) was even presented at the time as a decisive move in reducing
the scale and frequency of crises.
The chain of events set off in March 2007 clearly refuted this optimism, but
the analysts developed rather superficial interpretations of the failure of secur-
itization: it was all due to the absence of transparency, to the lack of education of
poor Americans who accepted housing mortgages they could not afford, or the
corruption and collusion of certain financial operators with the political autho-
rities. The reason for the failure is in fact much more fundamental and it hoists
the theorists of liberalism with their own petard. Does the Chicago School not
stress the need for a clear definition of property rights and hence of contracts?
Have the theorists of information asymmetry not developed numerous models to
demonstrate that the principal must obtain the maximum information and draw
up suitable contracts to prevent opportunistic behaviour, responsible for ineffi-
ciency or even market failure?
The creation of the subprime market diametrically opposes the recommen-
dations of these schools of thought. The invention of securitization opens the
possibility of transferring the risk of default onto the buyer of a financial security
constructed from a set of loans, supposed to be homogeneous according to the
valuation of credit rating agencies. The financial intermediary in turn sells some
or all of the corresponding products to banks and insurance companies, who do
not judge it necessary to conduct their own appraisal of the value and default
risk of these securities. Even less when an insurance company, AIG for example,
offers them a Credit Default Swap (CDS). In the midst of this euphoria, with few
mortgage defaults, the corresponding contracts proved to be particularly
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profitable. And so began a cycle of generalized irresponsibility among the actors
of the financial system (Figure 9).
In contrast to the pursuit of transparency, the players gradually lost
awareness of the factors on which the profitability of their investments
depended, all the more so with the proliferation of derivatives of derivatives,
of which it is not even certain that their creators were capable of explaining
the conditions of viability, especially at the macroeconomic level where
solvency and liquidity both play an important role. Liquidity was assumed
to be ever-present, whatever the economic situation, given the depth of the
corresponding capital markets, and this was to have devastating
Figure 9: The dissolution of loan liability at the origin of the subprime crisis.
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consequences when interbank credit and the trade in derivatives seized up.
Simultaneously, countless derivative instruments were created based on the
same underlying debt. Thus, in December 2007, CDS represented 62,000 bil-
lion dollars, while the maximum value of the underlying debt was no more
than 5000 billion dollars. Far from indicating a division of labour in the
assumption of risk, this proliferation revealed the scale of a purely specula-
tive phenomenon (Crotty & Epstein, 2008). Ultimately, this process of creative
financial innovation accentuated the procyclicity of risk-taking: during the
boom, everybody wanted these products; when the crisis emerged, nobody
wanted them.
Even more fundamentally, the explosion in derivatives was associated with
a reduction in their quality, since the transfer of risk makes the issuer more and
more insensitive to the correct valuation of the risk. All the more so since the
credit rating agencies, baffled by the complexity of derivatives, nevertheless
continued to rate them favourably, without applying the same techniques as
those used for top-tier financial assets. The explosion in the volume of deriva-
tives of all natures, not only those linked to mortgages (Figure 10) went hand in
hand with a continuous deterioration in the valuation of risk (Figure 11).
To sum up, finance itself organized the antinomy of the division of risks
which precipitated the almost complete collapse of the American financial
system. A New York Times cartoonist had the following take on it.
Figure 10: The boom in derivatives, particularly mortgage-related.
Source: Securities Industry and Financial Association.
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Figure 9 illustrates not only the process leading up to it but also the
unfolding of the crisis. When house prices started to fall, the losses affected
not only American households evicted from their homes and mortgage compa-
nies, but almost every operator in the domains of finance and insurance.
Compared with the Savings and Loan crisis of the mid-1980s, in which the
overproduction of housing was accompanied by a symmetrical increase in bad
debts, it was now the whole pyramid of financial instruments that came crashing
down, in a deflationary spiral of financial assets (Fisher, 1933). The most striking
phenomenon was the way derivative spreads rocketed (Figure 12a). Indirectly,
many financial establishments were either permanent or temporary holders of
these products, of which the expected loss of value was so large that it threa-
tened to bankrupt even the high-grade financial institutions. Interbank credit
became more and more problematic, because each bank doubted the solvency
and liquidity of the others (Figure 12b).
No matter that the Fed opened up lines of credit, this radical uncertainty
could not be dispelled. It is only a consequence of the fact that most of the
financial products depended on the separation between funding and assump-
tion of risk, in such a way that the very nature of the underlying assets became
problematic. The difficulty of valuation is therefore more than just a simple
Figure 11: The dispersion of risk leads to deterioration in the quality of mortgage credit.
Note: *2007 vintage includes deals completed through September.
Source: Standard and Poors.
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problem of technique; it results from the ill-defined nature of the assets piled up
on the basis of overstretched credit relations. This is far-removed from tradi-
tional financial panics in which crowd behaviour precipitates the collapse of a
whole system. So most of the crisis from March 2007 to September 2008 took
place within the American financial system: who owes how much to whom?
Nobody knew. The Treasury had no idea, nor did the Fed or even Wall Street,
for that matter. It is this sense that the subprime crisis was systemic. This
complexity was largely deliberate and organized in order to circumvent banking
regulations and hide debts off balance sheets, thereby increasing distributable
profits and consequently bonuses.
Ironically, we might affirm that this crisis is a triumph of the Hayekian
conception of prices as a vector of information: for having constantly per-
verted that conception, Wall Street destroyed itself an organizational model
and as a hegemonic power in defining the economic priorities of the United
Figure 12: The interbank credit freeze and accumulated mistrust of capital markets.
Source: Artus (2008a).
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States. This was evidenced by the collapse of stock prices in the banking
sector, because the mistrust of investors was focused decisively on the
viability of the current configuration of the US system (Figure 12c). But
contrary to Hayek, the financial system can only function smoothly and
without crisis if it is regulated by an institutional framework outside the
market. This had been the case after the Second World War until the
emergence of the movement of deregulation.
6 The end of the household debt-driven regime of
The subprime crisis probably marks the end of an era both for financialization
and for the mainsprings of growth in the United States. To understand its
importance, it is helpful to consider the crisis of 20072008 as a combination
of three processes.
The United States suffered a perfectly classical crisis in which the overproduc-
tion of housing was accompanied by the creation of bad debt. Building permit
applications started to collapse in 2006, but the stock of unsold housing has
grown by inertia. Just like at the end of the Internet bubble, financial operators
had convinced the public that prices (in this case the price of housing rather
than shares of firms in the new economy) could only rise, but overproduction
set off a movement of deceleration, followed by a moderate and then rapid
decline in prices (Figure 13a and 13b). This phenomenon is consistent with the
competitive regulation of a very fragmented sector. In this respect, the price
surge was less pronounced in the eurozone, and in 2008 real estate prices had
not fallen. The suddenness of the downturn in prices struck derivatives parti-
cularly hard, because it confounded all the forecasts that had been based solely
on observation of the most recent boom period. We must therefore reject the
interpretation offered by the financial community, that they were the victims of
a once-in-a-century event.
The housing crisis had two groups of victims. First, the Americans who were
evicted from their homes en masse, to the point of creating new ghost
towns which the United States has seen in the past. But second, in keeping
with the idiom of the biter bit, the financial operators were well-placed to
appreciate the depth of the crisis. Realizing that none of their partners knew
how solvent they were, they made haste to cut all credit, except for day loans
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at rates reminiscent of the mistrust shown towards the financial establish-
ments of emerging countries in crisis during the 1990s (Figure 14a). As the
semi-public regulatory organizations on the mortgage market had been
encouraged to be more dynamic and take greater risks another sign of
the convention of home ownership for the poor , Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac only escaped bankruptcy through a total public takeover, in the hope
that this would prevent a domino effect in the mortgage market (Figure 14b).
The scale of the repercussions within the American financial system is quite
In the autumn of 2008, the recessionary effects on the real economy
started to appear. But it would be wrong to think of this as a business
cycle like any other. As we have already shown in our analysis of
previous crises (Figures 37) and as had been anticipated by using a
very simple model of finance-led growth (Boyer, 2000), the subprime
crisis marked the moment when growth in the United States reached its
limits. Not only had easy access to credit and the hopes of getting rich on
the stock market reduced household savings almost to zero (Figure 15a)
but this process had only been possible through a continuous rise in the
household debt-to-income ratio (Figure 15b). In this respect, the United
States has only been surpassed by Great Britain, also the victim of a major
crisis, and earlier than the rest of Europe.
This is another novelty compared with the analyses based on Minskys model
or the financial accelerator model, which share a common hypothesis: that
the instability is due to the excessive indebtedness of non-financial compa-
nies, which take leverage to such extremes that it eventually causes an
endogenous downturn. This was not the case for non-financial companies
(or the federal government) in the United States in 2008, for they had learnt
the dangers of over-indebtedness from previous crises (Figure 16). Financial
companies, on the contrary, misused leverage, and that is why they have
gone bankrupt one after another. So this is a first originality in relation to
the hypothesis of financial instability. As credit became ever harder to
obtain, they in turn suffered the effects of the subprime crisis and fuelled
a second depressionary wave. This was therefore a systemic crisis, because
even the firms that had not made management errors could find themselves
on the brink of ruin.
A second originality in relation to the Hyman Minsky deserves repeating:
it was households that were engaged in a kind of Ponzi strategy, since the
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only way they could pay back their loans was through the endless pursuit
of rising house prices. In theoretical terms, original formalizations are
therefore required to analyse the properties of such a configuration (Charpe,
7 Conclusion
In the light of the issues raised by this historical and comparative approach to
financial crises, it emerges that 20072008 marked a turning-point in the rela-
tions between finance, politics and the economy.
7.1 Radical rethinking of the virtues of financialization
In the conventional theories, finance is assumed to help stabilize economic
fluctuations, improve the efficiency of capital allocation and meet the financing
Figure 16: Low corporate debt in the United States.
Source: Patrick (2008c).
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needs of the real economy. The present analysis shows, on the contrary, that the
real sector is the next victim of the excesses of liberalization and
uncontrolled financial innovation. So it is that American public opinion, usually
prompt to criticize the negative role of Washington and federal regulations,
is now asking for financial organization to be taken in hand by the state.
The slogan let us get rich quickly even if we dont know why has been
replaced by an urgent plea to deliver us from predatory finance and protect
our assets.
Another irony of the period is that up until September 2008, the countries
that had been backward in adopting financial modernity resisted better than
Wall Street and the City. In October, however, with the continued inability of the
American government to resuscitate the US financial system, the crisis started to
spread, with the bankruptcy of various British, German, Belgian, French and
Icelandic firms, to such an extent that the G8 leaders envisaged taking over
control of finance on an international level (Table 3).
Table 3: The US mortgage crisis as the end of the finance-led accumulation regime.
Components Before 2007 After 2008
General design Fundamentally
self-regulating markets
Need for vigorous and multiform public
interventions to avoid financial collapse in the
United States
Derivatives of all sorts,
especially over the counter
Return to basic financial products
Key players Wall Street, Equity Funds,
FMI (for DCs)
Sovereign funds, the Fed, US Treasury, central
banks of DCs
Type of public
Horizontal rules Vertical rules issued by the state
Financial laissez-faire Nationalizations, public takeovers
Ideal of self-regulation
by finance
Guarantee of the state as last resort
Public opinion Let us get rich quickly,
even if we dont
understand why
Deliver us from predatory finance and protect
our savings
Regime of
Finance-led for all. Sustained with great effort by budgetary,
fiscal and monetary policy. The latecomers
are called to the rescue to maintain the
viability of the system.
The latecomers are the
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7.2 The complete inadequacy of anti-crisis tools inherited
from the past
The perception of finance may have changed considerably, but politicians have
failed to reassess the suitability of the tools at their disposition, be it the
essential role of the central bank as lender of last resort, defeasance structures
for toxic assets, or the role of public spending and fiscal policy in supporting
economic activity (Lordon, 2008). The specificity of the subprime crisis is
obvious: the financial community created a pyramid of increasingly esoteric
financial instruments, far-removed from the underlying products. This ended
up making it impossible to value all the corresponding assets from the moment
the housing market turned down, and the conventions by which these assets
were valued (mark to market, model to market) were demolished. It is then easy
to understand the ineffectiveness of traditional policies aiming to avoid a repeti-
tion of 1929. It was in vain that the Fed flooded the retail banks and then the
investment banks with liquidities, that the Treasury pursued a Keynesian policy
of fiscal stimulus or announced the creation of a defeasance structure endowed
with 700 billion dollars to relieve financial operators of subprime-related pro-
ducts: the financial institutions continued to doubt each others liquidity and
solvency, because they were incapable of valuing the net worth of their balance
sheets. Intervention at the root of the problem of market seizure, that is to say
the appropriate valuation of each asset, is the only way to generate an endogenous
recovery of confidence and thus of stock prices and credit (Table 4).
7.3 An uncertain outcome: lost decade or depression?
The slowness of the public authorities in perceiving the origin and scale of the
subprime crisis had macroeconomic consequences. Initially, many observers
thought that the United States was going to follow the same path as the
Japanese economy of the 1990s of long stagnation accompanied by the risk of
deflation. This danger cannot be excluded, but the magnitude of the financial
paralysis and the speed of the adjustment of macroeconomic activity after
September 2008 suggest a typical scenario of deflation/depression, although
there is nothing self-evident about that diagnosis. In this respect, we cannot
avoid reference to the famous article in which Irving Fisher (1933) explains how
over-indebtedness can lead to deflation.
At least three mechanisms combine to make a period of contraction lasting
several years possible and likely. At a first level, the American housing market is
already showing the chain of events that lead to the gradual absorption of the
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overproduction of housing provoked by the removal of credit constraints. In the
absence of securitization, we might have witnessed a repetition of the American
Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s. But in this case the boom in derivatives
transmitted the crisis to the balance sheets of the investment banks. Under a fair
value accounting regime, the corresponding losses are immediately translated
into a loss of capital and a drastic downturn in the expectations that govern
Table 4: Solutions to the risk of financial collapse.
Characteristics of the crisis Solutions Relevance
Home repossessions Federal aid for renegotiating
loan conditions
Return to the principle
of private contract,
important but
neglected factor
Fall in house prices Reduce interest rates Cannot replace a
return to the long-
term housing-cost-to-
income ratio
Fiscal measures (tax
deductible Interest charges)
Rising mortgage default rates Renegotiation of subprimes Lack of information
about incomes
Interbank lending freeze More Fed lending to banks,
including investment banks
Does not solve the
problem of the
valuation of assets
and complex
Disappearance of the
subprime market
Defeasance structure Traditional solution,
but which procedure
and valuation?
Fall in stock prices Reconsideration of fair
Risk of loss of
Ban on short selling
Market closure
Marginal factor in
price falls
Measure of last resort
Financial institutions losing
more than their equity capital
Application of bankruptcy
law, exchange of debts for
Theoretically, the
most logical solution
but too slow
Credit freeze to non-financial
Extended credit lines from
the Fed
Insufficient to
overcome the crisis in
confidence and
radical uncertainty
about the outcome of
the crisis
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stock prices. This system has a paradoxical, not to say pernicious effect, as
observed by Vincent Bignon, Yuri Biondi and Xavier Ragot (2009, p. 5) and
Biondi and Fantacci (2012, p. 576):
When the borrowers liabilities are estimated at their fair value, the borrower can take
advantage of his loss of credibility by posting the loss of market-value of his debts as a
profit. Thus, accounting no longer protects investors, because it provides no information
about the emerging crisis of this borrower, whose net result and profitability appear to be
unaffected by the crisis. While governments are not allowed to, banks both in Europe
and the United States are already doing this [].
Even if the real estate market was structurally stable, the stock market could
amplify the transition from naive optimism to black pessimism to the point of
provoking a deflation of almost all financial assets, even those that were yester-
day considered to be the safest.
The probability of a depression increases still further when radical uncer-
tainty about the value of their assets prompts financial intermediaries to dras-
tically reduce new credit. This has immediate repercussions on the purchase of
durable goods by households, all the more so since they feel poorer due to the
depreciation of their stock market and real estate wealth. In the winter of 2008
2009 a new depressionary spiral started when the profits of almost all non-
financial, non-real-estate agents were revised downwards, setting off a new
downward spiral of stock prices (Figure 17).
It was therefore to be feared that we would experience a repetition mutatis
mutandis of the Great Depression. But the Fed, under the leadership of Ben
Bernanke, had learnt from the errors of the 1930s, and the urgent need for
Keynesian-type plans to support economic activity was recognized by both
Republican and Democrat governments. That is why the parallels with the
period 19291932 came to an end in March 2009.
7.4 The factors blocking a return to growth
However, there was no endogenous return to growth, because a new slowdown
struck the economy in 2010.
First, because households sought to reduce their indebtedness, which put a
brake on consumption in a context of falling house prices, evictions of
families who could not meet their mortgage repayments and the stabilization
of unemployment at a high level.
Second, because the banks did not convert the liquidities they had received
from the Fed at almost zero interest rate into loans to the economy because
they had become highly risk-averse.
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As for non-financial companies, their improving profits hardly led to a surge
in investment, because the outlook for demand remained gloomy and they
observed political deadlock on the question of fiscal policy, generating
uncertainty prejudicial to economic activity.
The US crisis affected the world economy. It triggered a Eurozone crisis,
resulting from international finances unfavourable assessment of the
sustainability of the public finances of the weakest countries, damaged
by the policies pursued to counteract the consequences of the US crisis.
And the emerging countries, with China at the forefront, suffered the
repercussions of the slowdown in world trade, whereas their dynamism
had previously been a stabilizing factor in the subprime crisis.
Ultimately, the strong resurgence of liberal orthodoxy played a decisive role in
blocking the reforms that are needed to restore the viability of financial systems
andtheir contributionto a returnto growth. Reference toKeynesianintervention-
ism was therefore short-lived, and far from marking the beginning of a new era.
And yet a radical reappraisal of macroeconomic and financial theory is certainly
7.5 The need for social control of finance
The above exposition suggests an alternative strategy to the one actually pursued
since the 1980s. It derives from the hypothesis, largely confirmed by our historical
comparative analysis, that financial crises are not always inevitable, and that
methods exist to reduce their frequency and/or impact, although without elim-
inating them completely, for they are consubstantial with capitalism. But we can
sketch the outlines of what could become a new financial system (Rochet, 2008;
The Economist, 2009). The history of finance and the subprime episode show that
the costs of the present strategy can be considerable for public finances and for
society. One could therefore seek to design systems which, while conserving the
principle of the efficiency of capital allocation, significantly reduce the frequency
and impact of financial crashes. There is every indication that a costbenefit
comparison of the ex ante and ex post treatment of crises would be far from
unfavourable to the former option (Table 5).
In 2008, one epoch was ending and another highly uncertain one was
beginning, shaped by the complex interaction between political strategies,
industrial conflicts and the reconfiguration of economic paradigms. In 2012,
finance is still putting up resistance and orthodoxy is making a comeback,
but the reality principle will win through in the end and justify the return to
a virtuous synergy between finance and society.
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