Environmental Guidelines and Best Practices: December 2008

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Environmental Guidelines and Best Practices

December 2008
Hyatt's Commitment to the Environment
We believe it is our shared responsibility to combine astute asset management with a
passionate commitment to genuine and strategic stewardship of the environment.

We are committed to designing, building and managing innovative hotels that provide
our guests with authentic and comfortable accommodations and that respect the natural
environment and the local communities in which we operate.

We engage and motivate our colleagues around the world to be our ambassadors in
achieving these goals, we work with suppliers to develop and provide innovative
products and solutions, and we strive to offer our guests unparalleled service in
surroundings that reduce our impact on the environment and positively contribute to the

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 2

Table of Contents

A. Introduction 4

B. Environmental Guidelines Overview 4

C. Using the Environmental Guidelines 5

1. Waste Management, Reduction & Recycling 8

1.1 Paper Reduction Measures 9

1.2 Reduce Solid Waste 10
1.3 Segregate, Reuse or Recycle Materials 11
1.4 Purchase Recycled/Reusable Products 13

2. Energy Efficiency & Conservation Measures 14

2.1 Schedule: Match Source Loads 16

2.2 Improve Chiller and Cooling Tower Efficiency 18
2.3 Improve Boiler Efficiency 18
2.4 Lighting 19
2.5 Operational Maintenance & Other Practices 20

3. Water Conservation & Protection 21

3.1 Water Conservation 22

4. Pollution Prevention & Reduction 24

4.1 Good Housekeeping & Operating Procedures 24

4.2 Material, Product, Technology or Process Changes 26
4.3 Storm Water Runoff Contamination Prevention 27
4.4 Indoor/Outdoor Air Quality 28

D. Where to Find Additional Resources and Information 30

E. References 32

Note: To view a particular section, click on it from the contents or page number above.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 3

A. Introduction
Environmental Commitment
As a leading international hotel chain, we recognize the necessity to adapt our
operations and practices to minimize our impact on the environment and to improve the
quality of life in the communities in which our hotels operate. We must make sure that
we operate in an environmentally responsible manner in order to sustain our business
success and respond to the concerns of our guests, employees, owners, staff and local

Global Hyatt Corporation is committed to complying with relevant environmental

legislation and regulations, and also be a leader in the industry in conducting
environmentally and socially responsible business practices.

To assist our hotels in their environmental efforts, we have prepared these

Environmental Guidelines and Best Practices, which provide hotels with information,
tactical steps and resources for continually monitoring and improving environmental
performance. The ongoing purpose is to strive for excellence in the areas of waste
minimization, energy efficiency, water conservation and pollution prevention.

These guidelines are intended to help hotel managers make changes that will not only
protect the environment, but also enhance the hotel’s bottom line. Some changes are
easy and low-cost, while others will require more effort but show an impressive return
on investment over time. No matter how big the change, it demonstrates a commitment
to the health of our environment and to the well being of our guests, our staff and our

B. Environmental Guidelines Overview

These guidelines have been divided into four areas, namely:

1. Waste Management, Reduction & Recycling Guidelines

2. Energy Optimization and Conservation Guidelines
3. Water Conservation & Protection Guidelines
4. Pollution Prevention Guidelines

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 4

At the beginning of each section, you will find an overview of steps that your property
can take to develop effective programs in each of the four key areas. We have then
outlined a checklist of specific actions that will help you to reduce your impact and also
achieve greater efficiencies. Some key things to keep in mind as you review this

• We recognize that every hotel is at a different level in their sustainability

initiatives. We therefore suggest that you use these guidelines to determine what
your property is already doing, and what else you can do to improve your

• If certain items in these guidelines are not applicable to your hotel, simply skip
them and move on to other items; you need not be implementing every measure
in order to be recognized as a “green” hotel.

C. Using the Environmental Guidelines

Every section in these guidelines contains a checklist of actions that specific
departments can take. We have indicated by letter code the department for which each
practice is most applicable. This being said, we highly recommend that you involve
your Green Team in the implementation of as many of these initiatives as possible,
especially when it comes to engaging other staff members and communicating goals
and results.

You’ll find the letter code in the second column. Thus:

EC = Executive committee F&B= Food & Beverage

GT= Green Team S= Sales, Marketing, Finance
P = Purchasing H = Housekeeping HR= Human Resources
E = Engineering All= All departments

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 5

Number Department Responsibilities
1 EC - Executive • Provide Executive direction and support to
committee your Green Team and other individuals on
your staff that have been tasked with
implementing environmentally focused
initiatives and programs within your hotel.
• Follow up on performance, track initiatives and
measure progress
• Inform guests about your hotels environmental
• Identify opportunities to take a leadership
position in your community. Drive positive
change where opportunities exist.
2 GT - Green Team • Because the Green Team represents all or
most departments within your hotel, they are
an important component to the success of
your hotel’s sustainability initiatives.
• The GT should be involved in driving
awareness within their respective
departments, implementing initiatives that
impact their departments and the hotel at
large, and acting as a conduit for other
3 P - Purchasing • Identify “green” vendors that share a
commitment to environmentally friendly
practices and products.
• Purchase environmentally friendly materials
such as cleaning materials and appliances
• Partner with your suppliers to implement
programs that reduce solid waste and

4 H - Housekeeping • Follow the guidelines provided by the

management on day-to-day basis.
• Consistently remind staff of the importance of
energy and water conservation in their daily

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 6

5 E - Engineering • Service and maintain mechanical, electrical
and plumbing equipment in up to date
• Ensure that the building management system
is running as effectively and efficiently as
• Identify areas of pollution and develop
strategic solutions.
• Consider environmentally friendly technology
in possible processes.
• Monitor, record and post rates of water and
energy usage, solid and hazardous waste
• To the extent feasible, identify outside parties
to conduct assessments and audits.
6 F & B - Food & • Food & Beverage department should run its
Beverage operation in an environmentally responsible
way. This includes the following steps:
reducing the consumption of energy and
water, recycling and reducing solid waste,
revising purchasing procedures, reusing
recycled materials, revising purchasing
procedures, and awareness of indoor air
7 S – Sales, • Help hotel to be recognized as an
Marketing, Finance environmentally friendly property in that
• Track cost of utility consumption & waste
disposal. Report any unusual data to

8 HR – Human • Support and encourage employee involvement

Resources and communication around hotel’s
environmental initiatives.
• Facilitate additional training where necessary.
• Integrate Hyatt’s sustainability initiatives into
recruitment, new hire training and other
employee retention programs
• Training
9 All – All • To be performed by all employees.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 7

D. Environmental Guidelines
1. Waste Management, Reduction & Recycling
Proper waste management and minimization efforts are critical to the environmental and
financial sustainability of your business operations. An effective waste management
program will help you to reduce the amount of waste that your property generates,
thereby reducing disposal costs and saving resources, materials and energy.

The objectives of your waste management program should be the following:

1. Reduce –Create as little waste as possible.

2. Reuse – Consider the items in your waste stream that can be sold, donated to
organizations out of the hotel or otherwise re-used
3. Recycle – Many items such as paper, glass, cardboard, aluminum, plastic and
organic food can be recovered, recycled and converted into something else.

We suggest the following steps to begin an effective waste management program at

your property:

1. Identify where waste is created:

a. Compile a checklist to identify where in the hotel building and the grounds
waste is created.
b. Look within each department and list all of the items that you dispose of and
the method of disposal, together with yearly quantities and costs.

2. Create Your Waste Management Action Plan

a. After you have taken an inventory of the waste in each of your departments,
look at each item of waste and identify if it meets any of the following criteria:
• Recycle – can the item be recycled? Is there an internal process in place
to recover this type of material from the waste stream? Is there a
company that will pick up the materials once they have been separated for
recycling? If the product is not recyclable, are there alternative products
that you can use that can be recycled?
• Reduce the amount used – can this product be used more efficiently or
does it need to be used at all? Can you work with your suppliers to
reduce the packaging, purchase in bulk quantities or to purchase the
product in more environmentally friendly packaging?
• Reuse all or some of it – does the item need to be thrown away? Are
there alternative uses for it or can the product be donated or sold?

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 8

b. Identify and document the financial savings that you will realize by
implementing your program. This should include:
• Savings from ordering less products or ordering it in bulk
• Reduced waste disposal and hauling costs
• Revenue from the sale of waste materials

c. Prioritize the plan into actions that are easy to implement, that bring real
benefits and that are measurable.
d. Engage all employees in the waste reduction effort. Provide proper signage
and identify the appropriate staff to manage the sorting process.
e. Finally, if recycling is not an option in your community, identify opportunities to
implement a program in your area. Work with private companies, engage
your local government or hotel association or collaborate with other
businesses or charities in your area.

3. Track and measure progress and cost savings.

c. Record your daily and monthly waste data through facilities.info.
d. Communicate successes and opportunities for improvement at Green Team

Following are some guidelines to help you to reduce the waste generated by your

1.1 Paper Reduction Measures

Dept. Task Check

All 1) Keep a stack of previously used paper near printers; use it
for drafts or internal memos.
All 2) Require double-sided copying and printing for reports or
any other documents. Set copier and printer defaults to
double sided.
All 3) Do not print reports or hand-outs for meetings unless
necessary. Use overhead projectors to share information in
All 4) Use computer fax modems that allow faxing directly from
computers without printing.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 9

P 5) Purchase/lease copiers and printers with double sided
capacity (if current ones do not duplex).
All 6) Save documents electronically rather than printing and
filing hardcopies.
All 7) Replace memos with e-mail messages.

All 8) Replace paper napkins and tablecloths with cloth ones.

(Ensure proper sanitizing)

HR, GT 9) Communicate benefits of paper conservation and recycling

to staff on an on-going basis.
E 10) Install air hand dryers in staff washrooms or cloth roller
towels instead of paper towels.

1.2 Reduce Solid Waste

Dept. Task Check
E 1) Carry out an audit of your central waste bin and identify the
materials that can be reduced or avoided, reused or recycled.
F&B 2) Replace disposable flatware and tableware with reusable
P 3) Arrange with suppliers to ship orders in returnable/reusable
P 4) Require chemical suppliers to take back empty buckets or
F 5) Switch from individual condiment packets to refillable
bottles. Refill from bulk.
P 6) Work with vendors to minimize product packaging, use
recyclable or reusable packaging and take-back packaging.

HR 7) Donate old uniforms and linens to shelters or nonprofits.

F 8) Replace Styrofoam cups in the coffee machine area with
reusable cups, wherever applicable.
H, F&B, E 9) Use transparent garbage can liners to better identify
contents and improve recovery rate for recyclable materials.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 10

P 10) Purchase clear, polyurethane garbage bags that carry the
#2 or #4 recycling label.
H 11) Recover leftover pads and pencils from meeting rooms
and distribute for internal use.
H 12) Use cloth bags or canvas bags to retrieve guest’s laundry
and use baskets to return folded items to guests.
H 13) Return hanging dry cleaning to guests without plastic
P 14) Select products with the least packaging and/or which
have easily recyclable packaging. Purchase in large bulk
H 15) Donate half-used amenity bottles to local shelters, nursing
P 16) Procure grains in bulk (e.g., flour, salt) packaged in paper
bags, which can be recycled with your cardboard.
HR, GT 17) Communicate benefits of “reduce, reuse and recycle” to
employees on an on-going basis.

1.3 Segregate, Reuse or Recycle Materials

Dept. Task Check
GT 1) Implement a hotel-wide recovery and recycling program.

GT 2) Ensure every area of the facility has proper & sufficient

recycling receptacles.
ALL 3) Recycle or reuse at least two of these fiber products:
• Cardboard (corrugated cardboard boxes)
• Mixed Paper – (includes junk mail, scrap paper,
colored paper)
• Newspapers
• Office paper – (computer paper, copier paper, white
E 4) Always use a compactor to reduce cardboard and paper

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 11

ALL 5) Recycle or reuse wood, including wood pallets and wood
from remodeling activities.

ALL 6) Recycle glass, metal and plastic food and beverage

• Aluminum, glass and plastic containers from Food &
Beverage, guestrooms, back of house offices, and
meeting spaces.
E 7) Recycle or reuse scrap metal from remodeling activities.

E 8) Recycle the following products to the extent possible:

• Wood
• Scrap metal
ALL 9) Recycle used batteries
HR, GT 10) Donate old computers, cell phones and other electronic
equipment. Provide employees with the opportunity to
ALL 11) Use shredded paper for packaging needs instead of
purchasing Styrofoam pellets, bubble wrap, and other packing
ALL 12) Send used toner cartridges back to the manufacturer for
recycling or refilling.
E 13) Reuse FOH floor mats for BOH use before disposal.

E 14) Reuse dead stock of paints for primer.

H 15) Use stained or old guest towels and washcloths as rags.

F&B, E 16) Compost or recycle pre-consumer vegetable/fruit

H 17) Require laundry service to use reusable bags to transport
dirty and clean linen.
F&B 18) Use refillable containers for sugar, salt and pepper, and
any other condiments used.

E 19) Recycle used motor oil.

E 20) Do “grass cycling”. Rather than throw away, leave grass

clippings on the ground.

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HR, GT 21) Communicate recycling benefits and procedures to
employees throughout the hotel on a consistent basis. Make
recycling an important and fun activity at your hotel.

1.4 Purchase Recycled/Reusable Products

Dept. Task Check
P 1) Implement procurement guidelines for purchase and use of
products with recycled content.
P 2) Purchase office paper made of recycled content.
P 3) Use rechargeable batteries for TV remotes, beepers, etc.

P 4) Use recyclable laser and copier toner cartridges.

P 5) Purchase goods locally to reduce transportation and
associated emissions.

2. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measures

Effective energy management is essential to maintaining your hotel’s profitability whilst
reducing its impact on the environment. Outlined below is a comprehensive set of
guidelines to help you develop and/or maintain an effective energy management plan
that is appropriate for your facility.

For the most part, we have focused on actions that achieve the greatest savings for
the least cost. However, we have included some steps that do require a greater up-
front investment for those properties that are in a position to make greater

Following are the recommended steps for implementing an effective energy

management plan:

1. Get Organized
a) Understand your property’s daily and monthly energy consumption and trends.
This will help you to understand where your greatest energy costs are and where
you have the greatest opportunity for reduction. An audit conducted by an
outside consultant is recommended.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 13

b) Set targets based on your evaluation of historical data and where you see the
greatest opportunity for reduction.
c) Communicate your goals to your Green Team. Work with the Green Team to
enlist the awareness and support of other employees throughout the hotel.
d) Your hotel’s reduction targets should be incorporated into the Hyatt Earth training
materials that will be rolled out in Q1 of 2009. More information on this to follow.

2. Schedule
a) Match source to loads to reduce unnecessary consumption. Establish
operating schedules for all types of equipment in all departments based on time
of day and occupancy.

3. Tune Up
a) Improve your buildings systems efficiency by recalibrating individual sensors
(temperature, pressure, flow, dampers, VAV boxes etc) and control sequences
(economizer, temperature reset, programmed start-up etc.)
b) For immediate impact, focus on the following:
• Boiler System
• Chilled Water and Cooling Tower System
• Energy Management System/Building Automation System
• Building Envelope
• Refrigeration
• Electrical
• Laundry
• Kitchen

4. Measure and Monitor

a) Monitor and track daily and monthly consumption levels.
b) Compare daily/monthly readings to utility bills received.
c) Leverage tools such as facilities.info reports, your utility monitoring system
and manual meter reads
d) Demonstrate what percentage reduction you were able to achieve on your
annual energy use based on your current target reductions.
e) Communicate progress and achievement of targets to your Green Team and
employees to encourage continued support and engagement.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 14

5. Leverage Alternative Technology
a) Keep updated on alternative technologies that could help to improve your
building’s efficiency and reduce emissions. While some technology requires
a substantial investment with a long-term ROI, other options such as energy
efficient light bulbs require a relatively small up front investment.

2.1 Schedule: Match Source to Loads

Dept. Task Check

E 1) Operate chillers, boilers, pumps and cooling tower
equipment in accordance to actual loads. Avoid
simultaneous cooling and heating unless intermediate season
conditions dictate (four-pipe systems) and humidity or ozone
control calls for reheating.
E 2) Schedule HVAC equipment and systems according to the
time of day, week or holiday operation. Install timers and/or
H 3) HVAC systems in guest rooms should be controlled by
housekeeping staff when making up rooms after checkout to
avoid heating or cooling empty rooms.
E 4) Decrease HVAC load by:
• Reducing the solar load
• Reducing the amount of wattage of lighting
• Reducing the internal thermal load
• Reducing the use of outside air while satisfying fresh
air requirements
• Diverting loads to other sources
• Peak demand control
• Ice storage, which constitutes a shift in load

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 15

E 5) Decrease heating and cooling load by:
• Decreasing lighting levels in general and/or specific
times. Use timers.
• Install energy efficient lamps and bulbs where relevant
and in accordance to brand standards
• Use light reflective surfaces and reflection in order to
reduce wattage
• Use reflecting insulating glass
• Provide shade control on windows. Close curtains to
reduce unwanted solar gains in the summer and open
blinds or curtains in the winter.
E 6) Operate steam boilers at two pressure levels – at higher
pressure during laundry operation and at lower pressure for
kitchen, hot water and heating when the laundry is not
F&B 7) Reduce kitchen ventilation at times of low activity.
E 8) Leverage the automatic controls for your heating, cooling
and ventilation to ensure effective load management. For
• Adjust the temperatures of air-conditioned spaces at
night to preset levels
• Meeting spaces that are not in use should not be fully
air-conditioned. Use thermostats and occupancy
• Optimize start-up and stop schedules of air-handlers
by using adaptive control algorithms.
• Optimize start-up and stop schedules of air-handlers.
Adapt temperature and humidity to season and time of
day for increased guest comfort and energy savings.
Maximize the use of operable windows and shades to
minimize energy costs.
H 9) Adapt laundry operating hours to the actual needs of
operation. This will be most directly proportional to

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 16

2.2 Improve Chiller and Cooling Tower Efficiency

Dept. Task Check

E 1) Calibrate all controls and gauges. Check regularly for non-
condensables in centrifugal chillers and for quality of the
vacuum in absorbers.
E 2) You will achieve a 1% saving for each degree centigrade
higher chilled water or lower condenser water temperature.
E 3) Ensure proper water treatment is in place to reduce scale,
corrosion and fouling. Schedule regular meetings with your
water treatment specialist.
E 4) Verify proper pressures, temperatures and flow rates
throughout the system per design.
E 5) Keep valves to off-line chillers closed.
E 6) Regularly check make-up water meter for leaks and proper
E 7) To optimize atomization of water droplets and extend
contact time with the air, replace inefficient fill with cellular
honeycomb fill at cooling towers.
E 8) Ensure even water distribution at cooling deck and nozzles.
E 9) To maintain constant temperatures, do not run cooling
tower cells without fan or bypass condenser water.
E 10) Check cooling capacity loads of chiller at 25%, 50%, 75%
and 100%. Compare with equipment design data.
E 11) Check that the chiller uses the cheapest energy source.
E 12) Reduce head on chiller – use lowest possible condenser
and highest possible evaporator pressure to satisfy load.

2.3 Improve Boiler Efficiency

Dept. Task Check

E 1) Frequently check steam traps for leaks and to ensure that
they are the correct size and type.
E 2) Verify the proper pressures, temperatures and flow rates
throughout system per design.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 17

E 3) Perform boiler combustion efficiency checks semi-annually
E 4) Verify proper operation of all economizer/reset options
E 5) Check combustion efficiency at loads of 25%, 50%, 75%
and 100%. Compare with design data and adjust fuel air ratio
if below. Good efficiencies are 82-88% and 88-94% for new
E 6) Check for drafts and install automatic draft control if
excessive. Ensure that burner dampers close when in off-
mode to reduce draught losses.
E 7) Check for steam and condensate losses. One ton of lost
steam each day amounts to 80 L (21 gal) of fuel or
approximately 30,000 L (7,936 gal) annually.
E 8) Close daily steam supply to laundry, kitchen etc. after
working hours.
E 9) Ensure proper water treatment is in place to reduce scale.
E 10) Clean fire and waterside surfaces frequently to maintain
boilers in optimum condition.

2.4 Lighting
Dept. Task Check
E 1) Install occupancy sensors and time switches to reduce
lighting requirement in meeting rooms and back of house
E 2) Retrofit incandescent bulbs with halogen par lamps,
compact fluorescent, low voltage track lighting, wherever
applicable. Savings of up to 67% can be achieved with no or
minimal reduction in light output.
E 3) Replace T-12 fluorescent tubes with high performance T-8
lamps and electronic ballasts. Energy savings of
approximately 40% is possible. Replace standard T-8 lamps
with high performance T-8 lamps and energy savings of
approximately 25% are possible.
E 4) Retrofit exit signs with LED or fluorescent bulbs.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 18

GT, HR 5) If occupancy sensors or timers are not feasible due to cost
or physical factors such as inability to adequately cover the
space, then implement a manual process (including employee
training, awareness) to ensure that lights are turned off in
meeting spaces, offices, storage rooms etc that are not in

2.5 Operational Maintenance & Other Practices

Dept. Task Check
E 1) Insulate all major hot water and chilled water pipes and
storage tanks.
E 2) Use weather stripping to close air gaps around doors and
E, H, F&B 3) Clean fixtures, bulbs, ceilings, walls and windows (dirt can
reduce efficiency by 50%).
S, EC 4) During low occupancy periods, grouping guests in relation
to mechanical and electrical systems saves energy in unused
ALL 5) Institute a policy that all electronic devices and lighting be
turned off in all non-occupied meeting rooms, back of house
offices, storage rooms etc.
E 6) Drain and flush hot water tanks every 6 months to prevent
scale build up and deposits, which can reduce heating
F&B 7) Reduce dishwasher hot water temperature to lowest
temperature allowed by health regulations.
F&B 8) Operate dishwashers only when fully loaded.
F&B 9) Keep evaporator coils free of excessive frost.
E 10) Keep condenser coils free of dust and lint.
E 11) Check pilot lights for proper adjustment.

H 12) Clean lint filters after every drying load.

P 13) Install and use computer software programs that save

energy by automatically turning off idle monitors and printers.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 19

E 14) Install a programmable & energy efficient appliances
where possible and available.
E 15) Install open-door buzzers on walk-in refrigerators.
E 16) Install plastic air curtains and/or air blowers over walk-in
refrigerator doors.
E 17) Use automatic variable speed controls for kitchen hoods
where allowed by code.
E 18) Install dryer dampness sensors.
E 19) Use variable speed drives on motors greater than 10 hp
(rather than “throttling”) to reduce motor energy use by 10 –
P 20) Purchase energy efficient appliances such as washing
machines, dishwashers and televisions.
H 22) Use dimmable ballasts to dim lights to take advantage of

3. Water Conservation & Protection

Water is essential to the daily operations of our properties, to the comfort of our guests
and to the health of our communities and the surrounding environment. However, as our
population increases rapidly and urban development continues at a rapid pace,
significant strains are being put on our water supplies. Water conservation is therefore
an urgent priority to maintain our economic and environmental sustainability and daily

To ensure that your property is following the best possible water conservation practices,
we recommend that you implement a program with the following steps:

1. Get Organized
a) Understand your property’s daily and monthly water consumption and trends.
This will help you to understand where your greatest water costs are and
where you have the greatest opportunity for reduction. An audit conducted by
an outside consultant is recommended.
b) Set targets based on your evaluation of historical data and where you see the
greatest opportunity for reduction.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 20

2. Communicate and Engage
a) Communicate your conservation goals to your Green Team. Work with the
Green Team to enlist the awareness and support of other employees
throughout the hotel.

3. Measure and Monitor

a) Monitor and track daily and monthly consumption levels.
b) Compare daily/monthly readings to utility bills received.
c) Leverage tools such as facilities.info reports, your utility monitoring system
and manual meter reads
d) Demonstrate what percentage reduction you were able to achieve on your
annual energy use based on your current target reductions.
e) Communicate progress and achievement of targets to your Green Team and
employees to encourage continued support and engagement.

3.1 Water Conservation

Dept. Task Check
E 1) Understand your water bill and monitor monthly for early
indications of problems. Ensure that you/your staff know how
to read the meter.
HR, GT 2) Place signs or put bibs on faucets reminding employees
and customers to conserve water
H 3) Implement water saving guidelines for housekeepers.
These include not “steaming” bathrooms to clean them, not
running water in the sinks, showers and bathtubs
unnecessarily, and establishing a process for reporting leaks
in toilets and faucets.
H, E 4) Check water system and toilet tanks for leaks (put drops
of food coloring into toilet tank, if color leaks into bowl check
seal for leak, indicates flapper valve is defective)
E 5) Adjust for proper coverage. Check sprinklers regularly to
be sure the lawn is being watered and not the sidewalk or
parking spaces. Calibrate sprinklers to achieve even water

F&B 6) Do not use running water to thaw food.

E 7) Repair all defective lines and sprinkler heads.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 21

E 8) Alter irrigation times and durations with the seasons.
E 9) Avoid sprinkler heads that produce fine mist, too much
water is lost in the wind & evaporation.

E 10) Utilize faucets aerators with a flow rate no greater than

7.5 L/minute (2.0 gal/ minute)

E 11) Utilize shower heads with a flow rate no greater than 9.5
liter/ Minute (2.5 gallons/ minute)

E 12) Utilize toilets with a flush rate no greater than 4.2

liters/flush (1.6 gallons/flush)

E 13) Utilize urinals with 2 liters/flush (0.5 gallons/ flush)

E 14) Install quick closing toilet valves.

E 15) Install water efficient washers.

E 16) Improve water savings from toilets by using efficient

E 17) If local rules allow, install a grey water system to deliver
reusable water for cooling tower, washing, and irrigation &
flushing W.C.
H 18) Reduce water levels in washing machines to be
commensurate with load.
F&B 19) Soak dirty pots and pans versus cleaning with running
E 20) Use soaker hoses (made from recycled rubber) to deliver
water directly to plant roots.
H, E 21) Landscape with drought resistant plants.
F&B 22) Explore implementation of serving water on request in
F&B outlets.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 22

4. Pollution Prevention & Reduction
1. Conduct an assessment of your facility to identify pollution reduction and prevention
opportunities. (Review semi annually to determine if additional measures can be

2. Obtain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all cleaning products, building
maintenance materials, pesticides, fertilizers, and laundry products you use. Identify
harmful products and look for safer alternatives.

3. Survey each department of your hotel and identify actual and potential sources of
pollution. Catalog your findings and establish a plan to minimize pollution in these

4. Demonstrate what percentage reduction you were able to achieve on your annual
pollutant releases (hazardous waste generation, industrial discharges and air

Meet the requirements in the following four categories:

1. Good Housekeeping and Operating Procedures

2. Material, Product, Technology or Process Changes
3. Prevent Contaminations of Storm Water and Runoff;
4. Reduce Vehicle Emissions

4.1 Good Housekeeping & Operating Procedures

Dept. Task Check
P, E 1) Restrict the use of any harmful products by:
• Purchasing them in small quantities if
economically feasible
• Limiting access to authorized personnel.
E 2) Replacing products manufactured using CFC, e.g. aerosol
sprays, fire extinguishers, solvents, foams, refrigerant and
A/C coolant.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 23

H, E, F&B 3) Reduce or eliminate the use of chemical pesticides by:
• Using biologic controls.
• Using traps and barriers.
• Using less toxic pesticides such as soaps, oils, and
• Changing plantation, irrigation or cultivating
• Using pest resistant plants.
• Correcting situations that attract and harbor pests.
• Finding out more about Pest Management.
H, E 4) Use one or a few multipurpose cleaners, rather than many
special-purpose cleaners.
H, E, F&B 5) Post signs at trouble spots (e.g., loading docks, dumpster
areas, outside hoses) describing proper practices to prevent
pollutants from reaching storm drains.

H, E, F&B 6) Post no dumping signs near storm water drains, as

H, E, F&B 7) Label all containers properly especially solvent (or)
chemical based.

H, E, F&B 8) Recover refrigerant whenever repairs may result in loss of

refrigerant or when refrigerators are being disposed of.
H, E, F&B 9) Develop a composting program for waste plant material.
H, E, F&B 10) Have an outdoor ashtray or cigarette “butt” can for
H, E, F&B 11) Cover dumpsters to keep water out of the garbage.

H, E, F&B 12) Minimize kitchen grease from washing down sewer

drains by scraping grease from trays, grills and pans into the
waste grease can.
H, E, F&B 13) Locate all potential pollutants away from food
preparation, service and storage areas as well as sewer and
storm drains.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 24

4.2 Material, Product, Technology or Process Changes

Dept. Task Check

E 1) Conduct an assessment to replace harmful products with
safer alternatives. Establish a list of acceptable products
used for cleaning, paints, pesticides and solvents List
specific product replacements below.
Cleaning products
E 2) Purchase electricity from renewable energy sources
where possible and financially feasible.
E, H 3) Eliminate aerosols with CFC content and replace them
with pump dispensers, if applicable.

E 4) Use natural or low emissions building materials, carpets

or furniture.

E 5) Use electric power tools rather than gas powered tools

e.g. lawn mover, leaf blower, snow blower etc.

E 6) Use paint removal methods that minimize uncontrolled

dust and debris (such as wet scraping) and avoid chemical
paint stripping.

E, H 7) Use high-efficiency paint spray application equipment.

E 8) Replace standard fluorescent lights with low mercury and

high efficiency.
E, P 9) Buy recycled oil for your vehicles and equipment.

E, H 10) Buy rechargeable batteries.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 25

P, H, 11) Purchase laundry detergents that have little or no
P, H 12) Purchase dishwashing detergent with reduced VOCs (a
source of air pollution).
E 13) Replace Halon-based fire extinguishers, if any.

E 14) Install leak detection equipment on existing storage


E 15) Please list and, monitor the use and disposal of following
toxic products as applicable to your property:

Acids, adhesives, air conditioning refrigerants, automobile

supplies, batteries, drain cleaners, disinfectants, dyes, glues,
grease and rust solvents, lawn products, metal cleaners,
polishes, medicines, paints, paint thinner, paint
strippers/removers, pesticides, oven cleaners, plastics,
starter fluids, wood preservatives, wood cleaners, polishes.

4.3 Storm Water Runoff Contamination Prevention

Dept. Task Check

E 1) Install catch basins filter & mesh screen in your parking lot
storm drains.
H 2) Clean private catch basins once each year, before the first
F&B, H, E 3) Do not clean equipment, tools, vehicles or floor mats
where water may flow into street, gutter, storm drain or
E 4) Post signs at trouble spots (e.g., loading docks, dumpster
areas, outside hoses) describing proper practices.
E 5) Use landscaping to minimize erosion problems, especially
during construction or remodeling
E 6) During construction, confine, contain and properly dispose
of construction and demolition debris to protect storm drains,
workers and the public.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 26

E 7) Locate all hazardous materials and waste storage away
from storm drains. Install containment or berms around liquid
storage and transfer areas to capture spills.

4.4 Indoor / Outdoor Air Quality

a) Indoor Treatment

Dept. Task Check

P, E 1) Install Carbon Monoxide detectors/alarms in risk areas
and as required by local code.
E 2) Have your heating appliances checked by contractor.

E 3) Replace open heating units – space heaters, wood stoves

and fireplaces – with direct-vent, sealed combustion units, if
ALL 4) Avoid contaminants, which may come from inside or
outside the building. Indoor sources of contaminants include
cigarette smoke, renovation and remodeling materials, dirt,
deteriorating lining in the ventilation system itself, cleaning
compounds, materials that are used inside such as copy
machines, laser printers, pesticides, etc. Outdoor sources
include car exhaust, pollen and industrial emissions from
nearby buildings

E 5) Ventilation: evaluate the adequacy and the quality of fresh

air brought into the building.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 27

b) Outdoor Treatment - Pollution Prevention from Vehicle Emissions
Dept. Task Check
E 1) Implement a “no-idle” zone in front of your hotel and in the
delivery docks. Ask delivery trucks and cars, taxis, shuttles
and buses to turn off their engines to reduce emissions.

HR 2) Make public transportation information available to

employees (transit schedules, commuter ride sign-up sheets,
HR 3) Offer employee incentives for car pooling or using mass
E 4) Set aside car pool/vanpool parking spaces.
HR 5) Arrange for van transportation between your facility and
remote events.
E 6) Offer electric vehicle recharge ports for visitors and
employees using electric vehicles.
E 7) Convert company vehicles to natural gas, hybrids,
alternative fuels, or electricity.
HR 8) Provide information on vanpool or mass transit services to
and from the airport and other transportation centers.
HR 9) Link your trips to accomplish all errands for your hotel in
one outing.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 28

D. Where to Find Additional Resources and
Resource & Description Internet Address

ISO 14000 http://www.iso.ch/iso/en/prods-

ISO home page
Green Globe http://www.greenglobe21.com/

Green Globe 21 homepage

American Hotel & Lodging Association http://www.ahla.com

A good reference for basic eco practices for

Leed (Leadership in Energy and http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?Ca
Environmental Design) tegoryID=19

Leed Green Program

International Tourism Partnership http://www.tourismpartnership.org

Founded by the Prince of Wales, ITP is an

organization that promotes sustainable
tourism. Global Hyatt is a member.
UNEP, 2003 www.uneptie.org/pc/tourism/library/waste_
A Manual for Water and Waste
BREEAM www.breeam.org

BRE’S Environmental Assessment Method

BEES www.bfrl.nist.gov/oae/software/bees.html

BEES software is a technique for selecting

cost – effective, environmentally –
preferable building products.

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 29

Building Green www.buildinggreen.com

Environmental Building News and Green

Spec product directory
A vision for Australia’s Property and www.construction2020.construction-
Construction Industry innovation.info

Construction Innovation, Cooperative

Research Center, Australia 2004
Eco Effect www.ecoeffect.tk

A Method to calculate and assess

environmental loads caused by a building
during an assumed lifetime.
Engage www.engageweb.org

The ENGAGE Navigator, an internet tool,

contains practical guidance on how to be a
socially responsible construction client.
Green Hotelier www.greenhotelier.org

Quarterly magazine published by the IBLF

detailing practical solutions for responsible
Green Star www.gbcaus.org/greenstar

A voluntary rating system that evaluates the

environmental performance of buildings.
Green Building Council Australia.
Pollution Prevention and Abatement www.ifc.org/ifcext/enviro.nsf

Tourism and Hospitality Development

South East England Development Agency, www.sustainability-checklist.co.uk

Sustainability checklist

Ecotel http://www.concepthospitality.com/ecotel/E
Ecotel homepage

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 30

European Commission http://europa.eu.int/ecolabel

The European Eco- Label for Tourist

Accommodation Service
The Green Guide to Specification – Third www.brebookshop.com

A quick and easy way to assess the

environmental performance of over 250
construction specifications.
BRE Trust www.fbe.org.uk

Formerly the Foundation for the Built

Business and Biodiversity Resource Centre www.businessandbiodiversity.org

EEBA www.eeba.org

Business and Biodiversity Resource Centre

TNS www.naturalstep.org

The Natural Step (TNS)

The Prince’s Foundation for the Built www.princes-foundation.org
UN-HABITAT www.unhabitat.org/programmes/sustainabl
United Nations Human Settlements
UNEP www.unep.or.jp/ietc/sbc

United Nations Environment Program

US Green Building Council www.usgbc.org

World Green Building Council www.worldgbc.org

World Tourism Organization www.world-tourism.org

World Travel and Tourism Council www.wttc.org

WHO http://www.who.int/en/

World Health Organization standards

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 31
IHEI http://www.ihei.org/message/index.htm

International Hotels Environmental Initiative

WTTERC http://www.wttc.org/

World Travel & Tourism Councils

E. References
1) http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/Gallery/WastePrev
2) Environmental Management for Hotels – The Industry Standard for Sustainable
3) Guidelines for preparation of an Environmental Management Plan (EPA)
4) Green business standard checklist
5) Resource conservation & pollution prevention checklist for Hotels
6) A practical guide to good practice – The center for Environmental Leadership
7) Green Hotelier magazine
8) Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Conventions (CERS)
9) The American Hotel and Lodging Association Environmental Recommendations

Environmental Guidelines © 2008 Global Hyatt Corporation 32

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