Does Subjective Well-Being Show A Relationship Between Parents and Their Children?
Does Subjective Well-Being Show A Relationship Between Parents and Their Children?
Does Subjective Well-Being Show A Relationship Between Parents and Their Children?
It is widely known that failure to reject the null hypothesis in a statistical test is
hard to interpret when the power of the test is low because fairly high true values of
the parameter would likely go undetected. Similarly, rejection of the null hypothesis
is hard to interpret when the power of the test is high because rejection might occur
with a high probability even for very small true values of the parameter. In this paper
we use condence intervals which, in addition to the decision of rejecting or not the
null hypothesis, show the range of plausible parameter values. These intervals are
constructed in the usual way from the jackknife point estimate, the jackknife
standard error and an appropriate value of the t distribution.
Table 3 shows the correlations between parent and own child domain satisfaction.
Only satisfaction with health and security for the future can be considered to be
signicantly related between parents and children (both condence limits are posi-
tive). However, for most of the non-signicant correlations, the condence intervals
have relatively large upper limits, so that the possibility of there being other
substantial correlations between parent and child domain satisfactions cannot be
ruled out.
PWI does correlate signicantly between parents and children at .19. However,
the correlation with Life as a Whole is non-signicant and it is notable that the
condence interval does not include high values (a correlation equal to 0.22 corre-
sponds to less than 5% shared variance between parents and children).
We also performed tests of the null hypothesis of equal intergenerational corre-
lations for each pair of domain variables. The tests were done using Yuan and
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Bentlers v
statistics available in the program MPLUS4 (Muthe n & Muthe n, 2006)
which is robust to cluster samples and non-normality.
Signicant differences emerged between the two highest and two lowest corre-
lations in Table 3:
(a) The correlation for health is higher than both standard of living (p = .015) and
relationships (p = .024).
(b) The correlation for future security is higher than relationships (p = .009).
4 Discussion
The rst matter of note is that the adult mean scores for both Satisfaction with Life as
a Whole (77.32) and for the Personal Well-being Index (73.92) lie within the expected
7080 normative range. The corresponding standard deviations (16.29 and 12.35) are
also very comparable with the Australian population norms (Cummins, Eckersley,
Lo, Okerstrom, Hunter, & Woerner, 2004). Additionally, while we do not have
Australian normative data for children, the fact that their mean scores on both
measures are slightly higher than their parents indicates that there is nothing in these
statistics to suggest widespread homeostatic defeat. This is important since it shows
that there is no statistical indication, within either sample of children or the parents,
of some untoward inuence that could have been masking normative set-point re-
sponses. The implications of this are that the conditions for the demonstration of
heritability appear to be good.
In this normative context, it is notable that we have found no reliable parent-child
relationship between the levels of satisfaction with life as a whole. This is arguably
the acid test for heritability for set-points since this measure represents the most
abstract and personal of the SWB questions (Cummins et al., 2003). It is, thus, the
measure least likely to reect the environmental inuences of shared socialization.
On the other hand, a signicant parent-child relationship does appear for the PWI.
Moreover, the .19 correlation is consistent with the predicted value of .20 fromgenetic
considerations alone (see introduction). However, the interpretation of this higher
correlation is difcult. On the one hand it has a statistical advantage over life as a
whole because, being a summated scale, it is less subject to correlation attenuation
bias. Alternatively, this higher correlation may also be due to environmental factors,
Table 3 Jackknife condence intervals (1 a = 0.95) for the Pearson correlations between parent
and own child well-being
condence limit
condence limit
Standard of living 0.066 0.087 0.147 0.279
Health 0.216 0.064 0.059 0.373
Life achievements 0.133 0.063 0.021 0.287
Relations with other people 0.037 0.057 0.102 0.176
Personal security 0.124 0.078 0.067 0.315
Groups of people belonging to 0.117 0.078 0.074 0.308
Security for the future 0.176 0.035 0.090 0.262
PWI 0.186 0.055 0.051 0.321
Overall life satisfaction 0.083 0.055 0.052 0.218
Relationship between parents and their children 203
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since the domain items are more specic. So, these two results together provide very
equivocal evidence for a simple genetic effect.
Unfortunately our sample is too small to compare father-son, mother-son, father-
daughter and mother-daughter dyads. With such subdivisions the sample standard
errors would double. Moreover, we did not have twins in our sample, so we cannot
perform monozygoticdizygotic comparisons.
In terms of PWI domains, only the relationship between standard of living and
future security can be considered to be signicantly related between parents and
children. Again, these weak parent-child correlations provide little support for the
idea that individual set-points, which must inuence estimations of domain satis-
faction to some extent, are highly heritable.
One caveat for the negative interpretation of these results is that life satisfaction
exhibits non-linear properties and, therefore perhaps another kind of statistical
techniques should be used (Gonza lez, 2006; Gonza lez, Casas, & Coenders, 2007a;
Gonza lez, Coenders & Casas, 2007b). However, even though such non-linearity is
certain, the correlations we have obtained are so small that this is unlikely to be the
dominating inuence. Moreover, the normative nature of these data implies that the
conditions for the demonstration of heritability appear to be good. We therefore
conclude that these results have failed to provide evidence for high heritability of
set-points for SWB, even though the PWI results seem to indicate a detectable
inuence of a shared environment.
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