Sailor Moon Amigurumi: By: Bellis1282 On Ravelry: Email: Bellis1282@

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8y: 8e|||s1282
Cn kave|ry: http:]]rave|.me]8e|||s1282]sm
Lma||: be|||s1282Qgma||.com


" L (3.3mm) slzed hook
o A noLe on hook slze: l work vL8? LlghLly and ofLen use a hook slze
larger Lhan mosL. lf you flnd your gauge ls noL as LlghL drop Lo a slze u
" WorsLed welghL yarn ln Lhe followlng colors:
o A llsL of Lhe exacL yarns l used can be found on 8avelry aL:
! 8elge (skln color)
! 8ed (booL and deLall color)
! WhlLe (ouLflL, glove and deLall color)
! 8lue (sklrL and collar color)
! ?ellow (someLhlng sulLable for blonde halr)
" lelL ln Lhe followlng colors:
o 8ed (for Lhe bows and halr covers)
o WhlLe (for halr covers)
" Lmbroldery lloss ln Lhe followlng colors:
o 8ed
o WhlLe
o ?ellow
" olyesLer flberflll
" 1apesLry needle
" 1wo 6mm black safeLy eyes
" ?arn needle

St|tch key:
Mr = maglc rlng
Ch = chaln
Sc = slngle crocheL
SL = SLlLch
SLs = SLlLches
Sl = Sllp SLlLch
8nd = 8ound
uc = uouble CrocheL
uec = uecrease
lnvdec = lnvlslble uecrease

Spec|a| St|tch Lxp|anat|on:
Mag|c k|ng - l personally llke Lo use a maglc rlng Lo begln all my amlguruml rounds so ln
Lhls paLLern LhaL ls how l begln, buL wherever you see Mr you can gladly subsLlLuLe your
preferred meLhod. lf you haven'L Lrled a maglc rlng Lhere are a loL of greaL LuLorlals

Invdec - Whlle you can always [usL decrease Lhe Lwo sLlLches LogeLher LhaL wlll leave an
unslghLly bump. l recommend uslng an lnvlslble decrease when worklng ln Lhe round.
1hls ls done by pushlng Lhe hook down lnLo only Lhe fronL loop of Lhe SL and wlLhouL
yarnlng over push Lhe hook up Lhrough only Lhe fronL loop of Lhe nexL sLlLch. ?arn over
once and pull Lhrough all buL one loop on Lhe hook and Lhen yarn over and pull Lhrough
for your slngle crocheL lnvlslble decrease (noLed ln Lhls paLLern as lnvdec).

Dec - lor Lhe collar ?ou wlll need Lo do a baslc decrease by golng Lhrough one SL, yarn
over and go Lhrough Lhe nexL SL, yarn over and pull Lhrough all buL one loop Lhen yarn
over and pull Lhrough for a slngle crocheL decrease.

" MosL of Lhls paLLern ls done by worklng ln Lhe round. unless oLherwlse noLed
do noL [oln and work ln conLlnuous rounds. Mark beglnnlng of each round
wlLh a sLlLch marker and keep Lrack of your sLlLch counL.
" 1hls paLLern ls wrlLLen ln Lhe besL order Lo creaLe each lLem and Lhen sew
pleces LogeLher. 1he legs and body musL be made flrsL.


Legs (make 2):
8nd1: WlLh 8ed Mr 6 Sc (6)
8nd2: (Sc ln nexL SL, 2 Sc ln nexL SL) around (9)
8nd3-3: Sc ln each SL around, change Lo whlLe ln lasL SL of 8nd (9)
8nd6: Sc ln each SL around, change Lo belge ln lasL SL of round (9)
8nd7-8: Sc ln each SL around (9)
Note: 1he body and head are worked from boLLom Lo Lop because Lhe halr covers any
bumplness from decreaslng on Lhe Lop of Lhe head. ?ou could sLop aL round 10 and Lhen
do Lhe head backwards lf you would prefer your decreases around Lhe neck. l orlglnally
Lrled LhaL changed lL Lo allow for more room around Lhe neck when aLLachlng Lhe collar.
Slnce Lhe head and body belng sewn LogeLher would make for a bulkler neck

knd1: place Lhe lnsldes of Lhe legs LogeLher (l prefer Lo puL Lhe sldes where Lhe
colors don'L llne up LogeLher) and wlLh Lhe Lwo SLs closesL Lo each oLher puL your
hook Lhrough boLh loops, yarn over and pull Lhrough boLh loops and Sc. 1hls SL
wlll noL be counLed ln SL LoLal. now Sc around one leg (8) and conLlnue on Lo Lhe
nexL leg (8) for a LoLal of (16)
knd2: (2 Sc ln nexL SL, Sc ln nexL 7 SLs) around (18)

knd3: (Sc ln nexL 2 SLs, 2 Sc ln nexL SL) around (24) begln Lo sLuff maklng sure
legs are sLuffed flrmly and conLlnue
sLufflng as you go.
knd4: Sc l each SL around (24)
kndS: Worklng ln back loops only (sklrL
wlll be aLLached Lo Lhese loops) sc ln each
SL around (24)
knd6: Sc ln each SL around (24)
knd7: (lnvdec, sc ln nexL 6 SLs) around (21)
knd8: Sc ln each SL around (21)
knd9: (sc ln nexL 3 SLs, lnvdec) around (18)
knd10: (lnvdec, Sc ln nexL SL) around
swlLchlng Lo belge ln lasL SL (12)
knd11: (2 Sc ln nexL SL, Sc ln nexL SL)
around (18)
knd12: (Sc ln nexL 2 SLs, 2 Sc ln nexL SL) around (24)
knd13: (2 Sc ln nexL SL, Sc ln nexL 3 SLs) around (30)
knd14: (Sc ln nexL 4 SLs, 2 sc ln nexL SL) around (36)
knd 1S-18: Sc ln each SL around (36)
knd19: (lnvdec, Sc ln nexL 4 SLs) around (30)
knd20: (Sc ln nexL 3 SLs, lnvdec) around (24)
knd21: (lnvdec, Sc ln nexL 2 SLs) around (18)
ALLach eyes beLween rows 17 & 18
knd22: (Sc ln nexL SL, lnvdec) around (12)
llnlsh sLufflng plece
knd23: lnvdec around (6)
Sew openlng closed and fasLen off


1op of na|r:
knd1: WlLh yellow Mr 6 Sc (6)
knd2: 2 Sc ln each SL around (12)
knd3: (Sc ln nexL SL, 2 Sc ln nexL SL) around (18)
knd4: (Sc ln nexL 2 SLs, 2 Sc ln nexL SL) around (24)
kndS: (2 Sc ln nexL SL, Sc ln nexL 3 SLs) around (30)
knd6: (Sc ln Lhe nexL 4 SLs, 2 Sc ln Lhe nexL SL) around (36)
knd7-11: Sc ln each SL around (36)
- ueclde whaL slde you wanL Lo
be Lhe fronL of Lhe halr and
place on Lhe doll's head. lck
Lhe SL [usL above Lhe eye and
counL over 4 more SLs and
mark Lhls SL. 1hls ls were you
- 1ake Lhe halr off Lhe head and
wlLh yellow [oln wlLh a Sl, Ch 3
Lhen Sl lnLo Lhe nexL SL Ch 3
and repeaL Lhe process 3 more
Llmes crocheLlng Lo Lhe lefL
(unLll you reach Lhe SL LhaL's
[usL above Lhe eye).
- CounL 8 SLs over and repeaL Lhe process Lhls Llme crocheLlng Loward Lhe rlghL
and Loward Lhe bangs you already creaLed. 1here should be 3 SLs beLween Lhe

na|rba||s (or for you Sa||or Moon fans, Dump||ngs. or |f you watched the
Dubbed vers|on meatba||s ,-) ) (Make 2):
knd1: WlLh yellow M8 6 (6)
knd2: (Sc ln nexL SL, 2 Sc ln nexL) around (9)
knd3: (2Sc ln nexL SL, sc ln nexL 2 SLs) around (12)
knd4: Sc ln all SLs around (12)
kndS: (lnvdec, Sc ln nexL 2 SLs) around (9)
SLuff flrmly
knd6: lnvdec ln all SLs around (6)
|gta||s (Make 2):
kow1: Ch 27, uc ln 3
SL from hook, conLlnue Lo uC 24 more Llmes Lo Lhe end of
Lhe chaln.
kow2: Ch1 and Lurn, Sc back along all 23 SLs
" Sl aL Lhe base and Ch 10 Lo form curl aL Lhe end of plgLall
Sew plgLalls Lo Lhe base of each halrball" and Lhen place Lhem on elLher slde of
Lhe halr cap (l prefer Lo do Lhls wlll Lhe halr ls on Lhe head so l can be cerLaln Lhe
bangs and plgLalls are all placed properly) mark Lhe spoL and Lhen remove Lhe
halr from Lhe head and sew halrball" ln place wlLh yellow yarn. 8epeaL Lhe
process for Lhe nexL halrball wlLh plgLall.
" SeL Lhe halr aslde for sewlng Lo head laLer (whlch ls Lhe lasL sLep).

knd1: Work ln Lhe fronL loops of 8nd4 keeplng Lhe head polnLed Loward you.
!oln blue wlLh a Sl and begln ln same SL as [oln (Sc ln nexL 3 SLs, 2sc ln nexL SL)
around (30).
knd2: (2Sc ln nexL SL, Sc ln nexL 4 SLs) around (36)
knd3: (Ch3 and Sc ln SL) around

Arms (Make 2):
knd1: WlLh whlLe Mr 6 Sc (6)
knd2: (2 Sc ln nexL SL, Sc ln nexL SL) around (9)
knd3: (Sc ln nexL SL, lnvdec) around (6)
knd4: Sc ln all SLs around (6) change Lo red ln lasL SL
kndS: Sc ln all SLs (6) change Lo belge ln lasL SL
knd6-7: Sc ln all SLs around.
" SLuff llghLly
" Sew Lo body [usL aL neck

kow1: Ch 9, Sc ln 2
SL from hook and conLlnue Lo Sc back along Ch for (8)
kow2: Ch 1, Lurn, Sc ln each (8)
kow3: Ch 1, Lurn, Sc ln each (8)
I|rst Co||ar S|de:
" (Ch 1, Lurn, Sc ln nexL 2) repeaL 4 Llmes
" uec lasL row Lo 1 SL
" 8epeaL on Lhe Lwo end sLlLches on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe collar.
" WlLh whlLe embroldery floss sLlLch Lwo rows of whlLe around Lhe collar (see
lmage for reference).
" SLreLch Lhe collar sldes LlghLly around Lhe neck above Lhe arm and Luck lL lnLo
Lhe neck area as besL you can wlLh Lhe whlLe sLrlpes faclng up. Sew Lhe Lwo
collar sldes LogeLher wlLh blue yarn (Lhey won'L qulLe meeL up buL wlll be
covered by Lhe bow).

kema|n|ng Assemb|y
" CuL Lwo sLrlps of red felL (sLrlps should be long enough so LhaL when Lhey are
formed lnLo loops wlLh overlap ln Lhe back Lhey are Lhe proper wldLh of Lhe
" CuL Lwo v" shapes from Lhe felL (Lhls wlll serve as bow Lalls).
" lold one sLrlp lnLo a loop and uslng an embroldery needle Lhreaded wlLh
yellow embroldery floss poke Lhrough fronL of bow and Lhe overlapped
pleces ln Lhe back.
" lace a v" shape behlnd Lhe loop and poke Lhrough LhaL wlLh Lhe needle as
" ull qulLe a blL of floss Lhrough and Lhen wrap around wlLh yellow floss unLll
Lhe rlghL amounL ls wrapped around (see plcLure for reference)
" 8epeaL wlLh oLher sLrlp and "v" shape buL Lhls Llme use red floss
" 1he bow wlLh Lhe yellow floss geLs sewn Lo Lhe fronL were Lhe collar sldes are
sewn LogeLher and Lhe one wlLh Lhe red floss geLs sewn Lo Lhe mlddle of Lhe
back aL Lhe Lop of Lhe sklL.

" CuL a half oval ouL of red felL and sew Lo lower parL of face beLween Lhe eyes
wlLh red floss

" CuLe a large Lhlng v" shape from yellow felL and sew Lo cenLer parL of head
rlghL ln Lhe mlddle of Llara wlLh red embroldery floss (LesL poslLlon by placlng
halr over Llara flrsL before sewlng ln place)
" Lnds of Llara should be long enough so Lhey geL Lucked under Lhe halr.
8ecause Lhe halr wlll be sewn lnLo place Lhere ls now need Lo sew Llara ends.

" CuL Lwo red clrcles and Lwo whlLe clrcles (sllghLly larger Lhen Lhe red ones)
LhaL wlll be Lhe halrball" covers.
" Sew Lhe red clrcle Lo Lhe whlLe wlLh red embroldery floss and Lhen sew Lhe
whlLe clrcle Lo Lhe halrball" of Lhe plgLall wlLh whlLe floss and repeaL on Lhe
second halrball (see lmages for poslLlonlng help)
" oslLlon halr over Llara and wlLh bangs [usL over eyes, and bang parL rlghL ln
Lhe mlddle and sew around Lhe edge wlLh yellow yarn

All uone! Ln[oy your homemade Sallor Moon doll.
llnd errors? l'm really sorry! lease leL me know aL bellls1282[

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