CS9263 Ad Hoc Networks Lecture Notes Unit5
CS9263 Ad Hoc Networks Lecture Notes Unit5
CS9263 Ad Hoc Networks Lecture Notes Unit5
The term 'wireless mesh networks' describes wireless
networks in which each node can communicate
directl !ith one or more "eer node#.
The term 'mesh' originally used to suggest that all nodes
were connected to all other nodes, but most modern
meshes connect only a sub-set of nodes to each other.
Nodes are comprised of me#h router# and me#h
Each node o"erate# not onl a# a ho#t $ut al#o a# a
router, forwarding packets on behalf of other nodes that
may not be within direct wireless transmission range of
their destinations.
A WN is dnamicall #el%&or'ani(ed and #el%&
con%i'ured) with the nodes in the network automatically
establishing and maintaining mesh connecti!ity among
There i# a need o% the net!or. !ith %ollo!in'
"sing %e!er !ire# means it costs less to set up a
network, particularly for large areas of co!erage.
The more nodes you install, the $i''er and %a#ter your
wireless network becomes.
Rel on the #ame Wi-i #tandard# #$%&.''a, b and g(
already in place for most wireless networks.
+on/enient where Ethernet wall connections are lacking
-- for instance, in outdoor concert !enues, warehouses or
transportation settings.
"seful for Non&0ine&o%&Si'ht #N)o*( network
configurations where wireless signals are intermittently
blocked. +or e,ample, in an amusement park a +erris
wheel occasionally blocks the signal from a wireless
access point. -f there are do.ens or hundreds of other
nodes around, the mesh network will ad/ust to find a clear
Networks of 1#el% con%i'urin'21 the network
automatically incorporates a new node into the e,isting
structure without needing any ad/ustments by a network
Networks of 1#el% healin')1 since the network
automatically finds the fastest and most reliable paths to
send data, e!en if nodes are blocked or lose their signal.
A network configurations allow local networks to run
%a#ter, because local packets don't ha!e to tra!el back to
a central ser!er.
Nodes are ea# to in#tall and unin#tall) making the
network e,tremely adaptable and e,pandable as more or
less co!erage is needed.
"sing fewer wires means it co#t# le## to set up a
network, particularly for large areas of co!erage.
The more nodes you install, the $i''er and %a#ter your
wireless network becomes.
They rel on the #ame Wi-i #tandard# #$%&.''a, b and
g( already in place for most wireless networks.
They are con/enient where Ethernet wall connections
are lacking -- for instance, in outdoor concert !enues,
warehouses or transportation settings.
They are useful for Non&0ine&o%&Si'ht #N)o*( network
configurations where wireless signals are intermittently
blocked. +or e,ample, in an amusement park a +erris
wheel occasionally blocks the signal from a wireless
access point. -f there are do.ens or hundreds of other
nodes around, the mesh network will ad/ust to find a clear
esh networks are 1#el% con%i'urin'21 the network
automatically incorporates a new node into the e,isting
structure without needing any ad/ustments by a network
esh networks are 1#el% healin')0 since the network
automatically finds the fastest and most reliable paths to
send data, e!en if nodes are blocked or lose their signal.
Wireless mesh configurations allow local networks to run
%a#ter, because local packets don't ha!e to tra!el back to
a central ser!er.
Wireless mesh nodes are ea# to in#tall and unin#tall)
making the network e,tremely ada"ta$le and
e7"anda$le as more or less co!erage is needed.
1 Multi&ho" WMN9
To pro!ide greater co!erage and non-line-of-sight
#N)2*( among nodes, the multi-hop function becomes
1 Su""ort %or ad hoc net!or.in') and ca"a$ilit o%
#el% %ormin') #el%&
healin') and #el%&or'ani(ation9
These properties result in enhanced network
performance and gradual growth.
1 Mo$ilit de"endence on t"e o% me#h node#9
inimal mobility of mesh routers but mesh clients
can be stationary or mobile nodes.
: Multi"le t"e# o% net!or. acce##9
WNs can support backhaul access to the -nternet
and peer-to- peer communications.
1 4e"endence o% "o!er&con#um"tion con#traint#
on the t"e o%
me#h node#9
esh clients re3uire power efficient protocols in
contrast to mesh routers.
: +om"ati$ilit and intero"era$ilit !ith e7i#tin'
!irele## net!or.#9
WNs built based on -EEE $%&.'' technologies ha!e
to be compatible with the -EEE $%&.'' standards.
Additionaly, such networks must be inter-operable with
other types of wireless networks, e.g. WiA4, 5ig6ee and
cellular networks.
Three different categories distinguish in the WNs
based on the functionality of the nodes.
: In%ra#tructure;$ac.$one WMN#
The abo!e 8gure shows an infrastructure9backbone WN.
The dashed and solid lines denote wireless and wired
connections respecti!ely. As it can be seen in the 8gure,
different kinds of clients connect to the mesh routers that form
the infrastructure. The radio technology used by the mesh
routers !aries signi8cantly. +urthermore, routers apply self-
con8guring, self-healing links among themsel!es to form the
backbone network.
They can also connect to the internet by gateway
functions. :on!entional clients can connect to the mesh routers
either by using the Ethernet interface or by using the same
radio technology as the routers.
1 +lient WMN#
-n this type of architecture, no mesh router e,ists. -nstead,
con!entional de!ices establish peer-to-peer networks among
them to constitute the actuall network performing routing and
con8guration functions as well as pro!iding end-user
applications to customers. There e,ists one single radio
interface among the de!ices and a packet is forwarded to its
destination by hopping through de!ices.
: H$rid WMN#
As the name of the architecture denotes, this is the case
where the network comprises by both infrastructure and client
mesh networks. The clients can access the network by other
clients or by routers pro!iding impro!ed connecti!ity and
co!erage within the WN.
;. <=*.11# MA+ ENHAN+EMENTS
WMN MA+ di%%er %rom Wirele## Net!or.# MA+# a#
A:s for WNs are concerned with more than one ho"
A: mu#t $e di#tri$uted) needs to be collaborati!e,
and must work for multipoint-to-multipoint
Net!or. #el%&or'ani(ation is needed for better
collaboration between neighboring nodes and nodes in
multi-hop distances.
Mo$ilit affects the performance of A:.
Im"ro/in' E7i#tin' MA+ >rotocol#
A: protocols are proposed for multi-hop WNs by
enhancing e,isting A: protocols. +or e,ample, in an -EEE
$%&.'' mesh networks, these schemes usually ad/ust
parameters of :*A9:A, e.g., contention window si.e, and
modify backoff procedures.
<owe!er, these solutions only achie!e a low end-to-
end throughput, because they cannot significantly reduce
the probability of contentions among neighboring nodes.
As long as contention occurs fre3uently, whiche!er
method is taken to modify backoff or contention resolution
procedures, the end-to-end throughput will still be
significantly reduced due to the accumulating effect on
the multi-hop path.
The e7i#tin' <=*.11 MA+ laer i# $ein' enhanced
Su""ortin' ?oS9
E=:A#Enhanced =istributed :hannel Access(
specified in $%&.''e, as the $%&.''s> basic
operation mechanism
2ther features of $%&.''e, like <::A, are not
E=:A is a mandatory mechanism in $%&.''e that is
reused in $%&.''s to pro!ide prioriti.ed ?o* ser!ices.
Enhanced =istributed :hannel Access is an e,tension
of =istributed :oordination +unction #=:+(. Thus, =:+ is the
basis for E=:A. ?o* stations #?*TAs( access the medium
using $ different user priorities #"@s(. This means that
packets sent by the ?*TAs are assigned a priority !alue,
before entering the A:. These packets are then mapped
to the four 8rst-in 8rst-out #+-+2( 3ueues,called access
categories #A:s( implemented in E=:A. +or each A:, an
enhanced !ariant of the =:+, namely the enhanced
distributed channel access function #E=:A+(, contends for
T42@s using a set of E=:A parameters.
Transmission opportunity #T42@( is de8ned as the
inter!al of time when a particular ?*TA has the right to
initiate transmission. Eack A: beha!es like a !irtual stationA
it contends for medium access starting its backoff timer
after sensing the medium idle after A-+*, #A-+* being the
corresponding =-+* in =:+(. The rule that applies is that the
A: with the lowest A-+* has the higher priority. The
different parameters are used to gi!e a low-priority class a
longer waiting time.
-n esh =eterministic Access #=A( scheme,
in!ol!ing @s ha!e to support sychroni.ation. =A sets up
time periods, called =A2@s, to pre!ent @s of initiating
transmission se3uences in case they interfere with each
others transmissions or receptions. @s that set up
=A2@s access the medium by using the =A access
parameters :Win, :Wa,, and A-+*N within these
A esh =T- inter!al comprises of =A2@s, such an
inter!al is set up between the =A2@ owner and the
addressing @. After the =A2@ is set upA
1 The =A2@ owner uses :*A9:A and backoff to obtain a
T42@ using the =A:Wmin, =A:Wma,, and =A-+*N
parameters. The ranges of !alues of the parameters are
identical to those used in E=:A.
1 6oth the =A2@ owner and the addressed @ ad!ertise the
=A2@. E,cept the =A2@ owner, all other @s should not
initiate transmissions during the T42@ initiated in the =A2@.
A sender @ has the ability to establish a set of =A2@s
each identi8ed by a uni3ue -= called the =A2@ *et -=. *uch a
set id has to be uni3ue for the sending @, so that the =A2@
set -= and the senders A: address uni3uely identify an
=A2@ set in the mesh. A =A2@ *et -= can also handle set up
and teardown of the the entire set of =A2@s in an =A2@ set.
T42@s also e,ist in =A but since it is obtained by a @ in
a =A2@, it is called =A T42@. *uch an T42@ is re3uired to
end within the =A2@ it origianlly was obtained. Neighborhood
=A2@ times for a @ are those T4B4
times that are ad!ertised by neighboring @s, forming a set of
=A2@s currently used in the neighborhood. Thus, a sender
cannot set up new =A2@s within these times. Neighbor
=A2@ interfering times for a @ in relation to another @ are
the times when the former cannot set up =A2@s with the
latter. Thus, creating =A2@s within these times can and will
result in interference.
The =A access fraction, at a @, is de8ned as the ratio of
the total duration of its Neighborhood =A2@ Times0in a esh
=T- inter!al to the duration of the esh =T- inter!al. -t e,ists
to make sure that a new =A2@ set does not cause the A+ of
another @ to e,ceed a A+ limit. -f the limit is e,ceeded, the
=A2@ re3uest should be refused.
An =A anager e,ists to allow end-to-end Cows using
=A features
and is responsible for
1 @ath computation.
1 -n!oking =A2@ *etup @rocedure on node along the
The =A anager can make path computation in the following
two different waysA
1 "sing =i/kstra algorithm.
1 "sing +ord algorithm.
Im"ro/in' the net!or. ca"acit9
The usage of multiple channels and multiple
Efficient handling of the two different kinds of
traffic #6** traffic D +orwarding mesh traffic(
-ntra-mesh congestion control
esh coordinated channel access
<andling 6** and mesh traffic by esh A@
6i/in' "riorit to me#h tra%%ic ma #tar/e STA#
6i/in' "riorit to STA# mi'ht !a#te re#ource
utili(ed $ me#h tra%%ic
Ad/anced #olution#9 #e"arate radio %or me#h
and @SS tra%%ic
-ntra-mesh congestion control
A #im"le ho"&$&ho" con'e#tion control
im"lemented at each M>
0ocal con'e#tion monitorin') +on'e#tion
control #i'nalin') 0ocal rate control
Me#h +oordinated +hannel Acce## AM++AB
O"tional #cheme $a#ed on the re#er/ation o%
contention %ree time #lot#
0o!er contention Amore determini#ticB
mechani#m %or im"ro/ed ?oS %or "eriodic %lo!#
obility is of little concern #do not support
seamless hando!er(.
No mechanism for multi-channel operation
One "ro"o#al called C++- A+ommon +hannel
-rame!or.B !a# ado"ted in the earl /er#ion
o% the dra%t A$e%ore dra%t 1.=B) $ut remo/ed
%rom the dra%t.
0imitation# cau#ed $ the E4+A
@erformance limitations in multi-hop
End-to-end ?o* limitations
More relia$le and #ta$le metric %or lin. Dualit
mea#urement and routin'.
@etter #olution# %or "o!er mana'ement.
More ro$u#t a""roache# than it# current
#ecurit #olution inherited %rom <=*.11i) in
term# o% routin' #ecurit or end&to&end
MA+ Im"ro/ement#
:ross-layer design with ad!anced physical layer
MA+# $a#ed on 4irectional Antenna#
Eliminate e,posed nodes if antenna beam is
assumed to be perfect. =ue to the directional
transmission, more hidden nodes are produced. Also face
other difficulties such as cost, system comple,ity, and
practicality of fast steerable directional antennas.
>ro"o#in' Inno/ati/e MA+ >rotocol#9
=etermined by their poor scalability in an ad hoc
multi-hop network, random access protocols such as
:*A9:A are not an efficient solution. Thus, re!isiting the
design of A: protocols based on T=A or :=A is
indispensable. To date, few T=A or :=A A: protocols
are a!ailable for WNs, probably because of two factorsA
The comple,ity and cost of de!eloping a distributed
and cooperati!e A: with T=A or :=A.
The compatibility of T=A #or :=A( A: with
e,isting A:
MA+# !ith >o!er +ontrol
They reduce e,posed nodes, especially in a dense
network, using low transmission power, and thus, impro!e
the spectrum spatial reuse factor in WNs. <owe!er,
hidden nodes may become worse because lower
transmission power le!el reduces the possibility of
detecting a potential interfering node.
+or e,ample, in -EEE $%&.';, the original A:
protocol is a centrali.ed T=A scheme, but a distributed
T=A A: for -EEE $%&.'; mesh is still missing.
-n -EEE $%&.'' WNs, how to design a distributed
T=A A: protocol o!erlaying :*A9:A is an interesting
but a challenging problem.
Multi&+hannel Sin'le&Tran#cei/er MA+9
-f cost and compatibility are the concern, one
transcei!er on a radio is a preferred hardware platform.
*ince only one transcei!er is a!ailable, only one channel is
acti!e at a time in each network node. <owe!er,
different nodes may operate on different channels
To coordinate transmissions between network nodes
under this situation, protocols such as the multi-channel
A: and the seed-slotted channel hopping #**:<( scheme
are needed. **:< is actually a !irtual A: protocol, since
it works on top of -EEE $%&.'' A: and does not need
changes in the -EEE $%&.'' A:.
Multi&+hannel Multi&Tran#cei/er MA+#
A radio includes multiple parallel B+ front-end chips
and baseband processing modules to support se!eral
simultaneous channels. 2n top of the physical layer, only
one A: layer module is needed to coordinate the
functions of multiple channels.
To date, no multi-channel multi-transcei!er A:
protocol has been proposed for WNs.
Multi&Radio MA+#
The network node has multiple radios each with its
own A: and physical layers. :ommunications in these
radios are totally independent. Thus, a !irtual A:
protocol such as the multi-radio unification protocol #"@(
is re3uired on top of A: to coordinate communications
in all channels. -n fact, one radio can ha!e multiple
channels in this case. <owe!er, for simplicity of design
and application, a single fi,ed channel is usually applied in
each radio.
Scala$le Sin'le&+hannel MA+#9
The scalability issue in multi-hop ad hoc networks
has not been fully sol!ed yet. ost of e,isting A:
protocols only sol!e partial problems of the o!erall
issue, but raise other problems. To make the A:
protocol really scalable, new distributed and collaborati!e
schemes must be proposed to ensure that the network
performance #e.g., throughput and e!en ?o*
parameters such as delay and delay /itter( will not
degrade as the network si.e increases.
Scala$le Multi&+hannel MA+#
ulti-channel A: protocols for radios with multiple
transcei!ers ha!e not been thoroughly e,plored, possibly
due to the relati!ely high cost of such radios. <owe!er, as
the cost goes down, a multi-channel multi-transcei!er A:
will be a rather promising solution for WNs.
-t is ob!ious that a multi-channel A: protocol can
achie!e higher throughput than a single-channel
A:. <owe!er, to really achie!e spectrum efficiency and
impro!e the per-channel throughput, the scalable A:
protocol needs to consider the o!erall performance
impro!ement in multiple channels.
Thus, de!eloping a scalable multi-channel A: is a
more challenging task than a single-channel A:.
$%&.''s is an amendment being de!eloped to the -EEE
$%&.'' W)AN #Wireless )ocal Area Networks( standard.
<=*.11# Sco"e
<=*.11# W0AN Me#h Net!or.in' & -ntegrates mesh
networking ser!ices and protocols with $%&.'' at the A:
1 >rimar Sco"e9
o Amendment to -EEE $%&.'' to create a Wireless
=istribution *ystem with automatic topology learning
and wireless path configuration.
o *mall9medium mesh networks #FG& forwarding nodes( H
can be larger.
o =ynamic, radio-aware path selection in the mesh,
enabling data deli!ery on single-hop and multi-hop
paths #unicast and broadcast9multicast(.
o E,tensible to allow support for di!erse applications and
future inno!ation.
o "se $%&.''i security or an e,tension thereof.
o :ompatible with higher layer protocols #broadcast )AN
The net!or. architecture is depicted in the following
4e/ice +la##e# in a W0AN Me#h Net!or.
1 Me#h >oint AM>B9 establishes peer links with @
neighbors, full participant in W)AN esh ser!ices. )ight
Weight @ participates only in '-hop communication with
immediate neighbors #routingIN"))(.
1 Me#h A> AMA>B9 functionality of a @, collocated with
A@ which pro!ides 6** ser!ices to support communication with
1 Me#h >ortal AM>>B9 point at which *="s e,it and
enter a W)AN esh #relies on higher layer bridging functions(.
1 Station ASTAB9 outside of the W)AN esh, connected
!ia esh A@.
The $%&.'' de8nes an e,tended ser!ice set #E**(, usually
refered to as a mesh network. E!ery -EEE $%&.''-based entity
#A@ or *TA( that fully or partially supports mesh functionality is
refered to as a mesh point #@(. inimal @ operations include
neighbor disco!ery, channel selection, and forming associations
with neighbors. A W=* is formed by @s and mesh links that
connect the @s. This way, the E** is distinguished from the
6**, de8ned in the legacy -EEE $%&.''. A@s are speci8c @s
but can act as A@s as well.
@@s is another type of @s that has the ability of
interconnecting other W* with the network it belongs to.
+urthermore, it can act as a bridge9gateway of the mesh
network and other networks in the =*. *uch a WN is uni3uely
identi8ed by a mesh -= assigned to e!ery @ to represent an
Medium Acce## +oordination -unction
The edium :oordination +unction #:+( components are
shown in the abo!e figure. The sublayer is built on top of the
@<J layer where no modi8cations ha!e been made. The
$%&.''s A: sublayer is an amendment to -EEE $%&.'' to
create a W=*.
The most important parts of +: are,
Me#h To"olo' 0earnin') Routin' and -or!ardin'
+ocused on peer-to-peer disco!ery of @s, this ser!ice set
#**( enables automatic topology learning, establishes links and
forms a dynamic data deli!ery path across @s.
1 Topology disco!ery and formationA
A new candidate node initially gathers information from
neighboring nodes either by acti!e scaning #i.e. sending
probe messages( or by passi!e listening #i.e. by
recei!ing periodic beacons(. +inally, two peers form a
partial or a full mesh topology by associating with each
1 @ath selection protocolA
+ormally, a )& path selection protocol is used to handle
unicast and broadcast9multicast data deli!ery. 2n the
other hand, @s might be mobile or nonmobile and thus
a hybrid routing protocol supporting both proacti!e and
on-demand schemes is more suitable for such a
network. Thus, the hybrid scheme uses the ad hoc on-
demand !ector #A2=K( and the optimi.ed link state
routing #2)*B( to reach the goal. To make the routing
prototcols more robust against link failures, radio aware
metrics are proposed.
1 +orwarding schemeA
The traf8c in a WN consists of L-address data frames.
When a @ recei!es such frames, it checks for the frame
authenticity and the destination A: address before
forwarding. -n the A@ arri!e the G-address frame which
is con!erted to a L-address format and then it is
forwarded to its destination. The support of forwarding
multicast and broadcast traf8c is also supported.
Medium Acce## +oordination
The proposal is to use the enchanced distributed channel
access #E=:A( mechanism as medium access coordination
which is the re-use of pre!ious A: encahncements, i.e.
$%&.''e. The A: mechanisms support congestion control,
power sa!ing, synchroni.ation and beacon collision a!oidance.
The proposed mechanisms shall make it possible to enable
multiple channel operations in multiradio or single radio as well
as mi,ed en!ironments. +urthermore, there must be
compatibility with legacy de!ices.
2ptional A: enchancements include esh =eterministic
Access #=A( that is a reser!ation-based deterministic
mechanism, :ommon :hannel +ramework #::+( that is a multi-
channel operation mechanism, -ntra-mesh :ongestion :ontrol
and power management.
Me#h +onE'uration and Mana'ement
*ince the deployment of self-con8guring paths and links
can be unmanaged, it is re3uired the use of autonomic
management modules. The purpose of management is to
ensure a free of problems network operation. A mesh point that
may fail does not effect the o!erall network performance but it
has to be managed anyway.
"se :ases are detailed belowA
Re#idential +a#e
-n this model, the primary purposes for the mesh
network are to create low-cost, easily deployable, high
performance wireless co!erage throughout the digital home.
The mesh network is intended to eliminate B+ dead-spots and
areas of low-3uality co!erage. <igh bandwidth applications
tend to be used but also simple ones, e.g. !ideo streaming and
wireless printers.
OFce +a#e
The ob/ecti!e in the of8ce case is to create low-cost, easily
deployable wireless networks that pro!ide reliable co!erage
and performance. A wireless mesh )AN becomes useful in areas
where Ethernet cabling does not e,ist or is cost prohibiti!e.
:ompanies reduce their costs in association with cable and
time of installation. +urthermore, they can bene8t also from
increase in employee producti!ity through e,panded
connecti!ity to key network resources.
+am"u# ; +omamunit ; >u$lic Acce## +a#e
esh networks can in this case pro!ide connecti!ity o!er
large geographic areas in low cost, higher bandwidth internet
access in contrast to the traditional methods and location
based ser!ices for information and safety purposes.
>u$lic Sa%et +a#e
Access to emergency and municipal safety personnel such
as 8re, police, and hospital is important if a corresponding
incident occurs. The network can be used for !ideo
sur!eillance, tracking emergency workers with biosensors,
!oice and data communication between emergency personnel
and so on.
Me#h Securit +on#ideration#
1 -unction# in the #co"e
Transport le!el security
1 -unction# out o% the #co"e
H -nternal routing
H E,ternal routing
H +orwarding
H :urrent technology is not mature enough to address all
!ulnerabilities from routing and forwarding
Tran#"ort Securit
@re!ent unauthori.ed de!ices from directly sending and
recei!ing traffic !ia the mesh. -t protects unicast traffic
between neighbor @s and protects broadcast traffic between
neighbor @s.
-t is re3uired to mutually authenticate neighbor @s and
to generate and manage session keys and broadcast keys.
=ata confidentiality o!er a link needs to be maintained. -t is
essential to detect message forgeries and replays recei!ed on a
Authentication and Initial Ke Mana'ement
6asic approach is to re-use $%&.''i9$%&.'4 facilitates
implementation and allows other AM schemes. $%&.'4 is
widely used and is suitable for many mesh scenarios. -t can be
replaced with small scale alternati!es if re3uired. -t @ro!ides a
basis for secure key distribution #@M(.-n a mesh, @M is
treated as token of authori.ation for a @ to /oin the mesh and
authori.ed to send and recei!e messages to9from mesh
4i#co/er and Role Ne'otiation
This ser!ice implies to disco!er the a!ailable mesh for
/oining and what Authenticated Mey anagement #AM(
@rotocol is being used and to ensure the a!ailability of "nicast
and ulticast :iphersuites.
This ser!ice enables parties to agree on the security roles
and security policy to use with a peer link, Who>s the
authenticator, who>s the supplicantN and agree on which of
those options enabled to use.
<=*.11# Inter!or.in' A""roach
Su""ort %or connectin' an <=*.11# me#h to an <=*.14
$rid'ed 0AN
1 6roadcast )AN #transparent forwarding(
1 2!erhearing of packets #bridge learning(
1 *upport for bridge-to-bridge communications #e.g. allowing
esh @ortal de!ices to participate in *T@(
Inter!or.in'9 M> /ie!
1. 4etermine i% the de#tination i# in#ide or out#ide o%
the Me#h
a. )e!erage layer-& mesh path disco!ery
*. -or a de#tination in#ide the Me#h)
a. "se layer-& mesh path disco!ery9forwarding
3. -or a de#tination out#ide the Me#h)
a. -dentify the OrightP portal, and deli!er packets !ia unicast
b. -f not known, deli!er to all mesh portals
Opportunistic Networks
In many MANET application environments, nodes form a
Disconnected networks due to nodal mobility, node sparseness,
lossy link of signal attenuation or shut-down the transmission to
conserve energy and etc.
Traditional MANET and Internet routing/forwarding techniques are
not available because they implicitly assume that the network, even
if sparse, is connected (or can be made by e.g. tuning transmitting
powers) and an end-to-end path always exists between any
Constitute the category of ad hoc networks where diverse systems,
not originally employed as components, join in dynamically to
exploit the resources of separate networks according to the needs
of specific application tasks.
Communication Opportunities (contact) are intermittent.
Network is partitioned & No continuous end-to-end path
Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN)
Pocket Switched Networks (PSN)
Socio-aware Community Networks
If different links come up and down, over time, due to occasional
partial-connectivity or node mobility, the sequence of connectivity
graphs over a time interval are overlapped, then an end-to-end
path might exist.
This implies that a message could be sent over an existing link, get
buffered at the next hop until the next link in the path comes up,
and so on and so forth, until it reaches the final destination
Store-Carry-Forward routing pattern.
This imposes a new model for routing, which consists of
independent, local forwarding decisions, based on the current
connectivity information and possible prediction of future
If a message cant be delivered immediately, the best carriers are
the those having the highest chance of successful delivery.
Opportunistic Networks: Illustration
Opportunistic Routing
Routing category:
Context information based
Geographical information based
Signal strength based
Infrastructure based
Hybrid strategy
OppNet Routing: Context information
The context in which the users communicate like:
Node mobility information
History of node behavior
Networks connectivity
Therefore, given context information about the destination, suitable
forwarders could be chosen based on:
The probability of contact with other users
The probability of visiting particular places
Context-aware routing classification
1. Context-oblivious
Basically exploit some form of flooding
Good latency
High overload
2. Partially Context-aware
Exploit some particular piece of context information (e.g. node
mobility) to optimize the forwarding task
3. Fully context-aware
Not only exploit context information to optimize routing, but also
provide general mechanisms to handle and use context information
1. Context-oblivious Routing Protocols
Message should be disseminated as widely as possible
The only solution when no context information is available
High Overload
To limit overload, possible techniques is to control flooding by
Limiting the number of copies
Limiting the number of hops
May suffer high contention and potentially lead to
networks congestion
Epidemic routing
Spray & Wait
Networking Coding
Context-oblivious Protocols: Epidemic
a) Epidemic Routing
When two nodes meet, exchange summary vectors which
contain with compact representation of the messages
currently stored in their local buffers.
Then, each node requests from the other the message which
it is currently missing
Good delivery rate and latency
Exhaustion of resources, storage management strategy is
Context-oblivious Protocols: Spray & Wait
b) Spray & Wait
Two phases: Spray phase and Wait phase
Spray phase: L copies of the same message are spread over the
networks both by the source node and those nodes that have first
received the message from the source itself
Wait phase: each node holding a copy of the message does
nothing but simply store its copy and wait to eventually deliver it to
the destination when it comes insides the range
Spray can be performed in multiple ways
L can be chosen based on a target average
2. Partially Context-aware Protocols
Exploit some piece of context information to
optimize forwarding e.g. Encounter information /
mobility information
Probabilistic Routing Protocol using History of
Encounters and Transitivity (PROPHET)
Spray & Focus
Bubble Rap
Partially Context-aware Protocols: PROPHET
Evolution of Epidemic: during a contact, nodes also exchange their
Delivery Predictability (DP) to destinations of the message they
store in their buffers
Messages are requested only if DP is higher than that of the node
currently storing the message
DP is the probability for a node to encounter certain destination
Increases when the node meets the destination
Decreases (according to an ageing function) between meetings
Context information used by PROPHET is
the frequency-of-meeting between nodes.
Partially Context-aware Protocols
b) Spray & Focus
Improve the Wait phase of Spray & Wait, in Focus phase, each
relay can forward its copy to a potentially more appropriate relay
node independently, using a carefully designed utility-based
c) Bubble Rap
Automatically infer the parameters of the underlying social structure
Dynamically identifies users communities, ranks the nodes
sociability (measured as the number of links) within each
Each node has a global ranking (across the whole system)
and local ranking both depends on the sociability
Exploit the structure property to select forwarding path
Context information is the Popularity or Sociability in the
social networks
3. Fully Context-aware Protocols
Provide general mechanisms to handle and use context information
More general than Partial Context-Aware:
Works with any context information
Can be customized for the specific environment
PROPICMAN (Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Intermittently
Connected Mobile Ad hoc Networks)
HiBOp (History-Based Opportunistic routing)
CAR (Context-aware Adaptive Routing)
Fully Context-aware Protocols: PROPICMAN
Exploit the context information of nodes to select the best next-hop
candidate (e.g. work place, city, street, name, hobby, etc.)
>Each node has a common Node Profile with evidence/value pairs,
evidences have different weights
Evidence Name(E) Value(V)
Work Place IAM
City Bern
Source node knows some information about destination Ds profile
& build a message header which is the concatenation of all the
hashed function of evidence/value pair like:
S sends to every neighbor node, without the original message
>Neighbor A compares the header pairs of evidence/value in
with its own hashed value.
>For each matching element, A gets the weight of that evidence.
From all the matching elements, the Delivery Probability of A is:
b) Fully Context-aware Protocols: CAR
Nodes are divided into partitions
Nodes inside the same partition are connected by an
underlying proactive MANET routing protocol (e.g. DSDV),
each node has its own routing table.
The nodes located in the other partitions of the network are
not reachable through classical routing protocol.
Focus on expanding the classical routing table to support
forwarding across intermittently-connected ad hoc networks by
adding a Delivery Probability item, to each Destination -Best
Forwarder entry.
Each node produces its own delivery probability towards each
known destination.
Choice of the best carriers based on the evaluation of the Multiple-
attributes utility-based framework.
Context information consists of
Logical connectivity of networks:
o The rate of connectivity change
o The degree of mobility
Device information
Residual battery life
Available memory
Time Series Analysis to predict the evolution of the network
scenarios (future value of context attributes).
Multi-attribute utility theory to produce a composition of all the
estimated values as a utility function.
The performance of any network is a critical factor that needs to be considered
before it gets accepted and deployed at large scale for various commercial applications.
In the context of WMNs, the issues which affect their performance include the
Distributed MAC & Multihop Communication: Because of the
decentralized nature of mesh networks, the MAC function should be accomplished in
a distributed manner i.e. to establish multi-point to multi-point links between the mesh
nodes in the absence of centralized controller. Moreover, the MAC protocol for WMNs
needs to have multihop communications at the core of its design. Several distributed
channel assignment and MAC protocols have been proposed which improve the
throughput in multi-hop paths. However they are still far from being optimum solutions
to be exploited by the network operator for commercial deployments. Apart from these,
one needs to properly identify the issues related to the spectral efficiency of both high
frequency and low frequency mesh systems. Proper characterization for the mesh
capacity constraints is very important in determining the practical utility of mesh
networks and its enabling technologies.
Mesh Routing: Mesh networking requires each node to share route
information with other nodes. This functionality should be assured by the mesh routing
protocol. Some efforts have been initiated to adapt the ad-hoc routing protocols for
WMNs. However ad-hoc routing protocols lack various important performance factors
such as scalability, fault tolerance, QoS metrics (fairness), load balancing, and lack of
cross layer interaction. In addition, certain areas such as mobility and power
management have totally different requirements in ad-hoc networks and WMNs. This
makes ad-hoc routing solutions not particularly suitable for WMNs.
Application and Service Perspective: Every application and service has its
own inherent characteristics which makes it perform well on one platform and not on
another. Due to the distributed multihop features of mesh networks and the non
significant support from the lower layers to assure certain quality of service support for
the application layer, there is a pressing need to adapt the existing applications to
WMN architecture.
I nteroperability and I ntegration: Due to the emergence and rapid growth of
heterogeneous wireless access technologies such as WiFi, WiMAX, UWB, various
cellular systems etc., interoperability and integration are a major concern for future
wireless systems. While WMNs can probably serve as a unifying technology for all
these disparate systems, more research still needs to be performed to ensure that
seamless service can be offered to users irrespective of access technology.
A wireless mesh network (WMN) is a communications network made up of
radio nodes organized in a mesh topology. The coverage area of the radio nodes
working as a single network is sometimes called a mesh cloud. Access to this mesh
cloud is dependent on the radio nodes working in harmony with each other to create a
radio network. Typically, a mesh network is reliable and offers redundancy since links
are typically "any to- any". When one node can no longer operate, the rest of the nodes
can still communicate with each other, directly or through one or more intermediate
nodes. Wireless mesh networks are technology-agnostic i.e. they can be implemented
with various wireless technology including 802.11, 802.16, cellular technologies.
Based on the information above, some key assumptions were made while
developing this framework.
1. Internet access occurs only via the mesh infrastructure nodes. These nodes
are largely stationary or move very infrequently.
2. The subscription module (token or smartcard) used in the WMN devices is
tamper-resistant. Any attempts to modify its contents results in a network notification
and invalidation of the token. This Token contains the subscriber's ID, ESSID,
assigned wireless channels (where applicable e.g. in a regulated environment), and PKI
private key.
3. IP address assignment is adaptable based on the network the node is allowed
to join. This differs from most other projects that concentrate on configuration and not
deployment i.e. it is implicitly assumed that there are no competing networks. This is
also critical to our objective to allow commodity hardware to be used for different
networks. The key difference between nodes belonging to different networks would be
subscription-based credentials stored on a module
or some form of smart card.
4. It is designed to be routing-protocol agnostic. There is no need to design a
routing protocol specifically for the network. Any routing protocol (proactive or
reactive) should be able to work within the mesh. The discovery, boot-strapping and
registration process all serve to aid Layer 3 reachability i.e. the topology built during
network discovery should be useful to any routing protocol.
5. The nodes used in the WMN are multi-channel, multi-radio nodes; Data and
control packets can be sent out via either interface. Channels are bound to links and not
nodes (edges, not vertices). Channel assignment seeks to assign more non-overlapping
channels to connections closer to the root. The number of channels assigned by node is
limited to the number of radios present. Channel re-use should be utilized wherever
possible. The following assumptions are made:
_ There is a control radio for management
_ The channel assignment is provided for self-configuration
_ The network has a known good connection state that can be used for fallback
6. The composite metric used to determine the network's topology is unique. It
is calculated in a distributed fashion, adaptive and is weighted to give preference to
link reliability (interference, Signal-to-Noise ratio), channel capacity (bandwidth) and
queue occupancy which helps ensure intrinsic topology fairness. Queue occupancy
should a weighted average calculated over a sample period.
7. Self-healing should not trigger a re-configuration of the topology tree. It
should use alternate links discovered during the discovery, bootstrapping and
registration process. This will ensure long-term stability of the network's topology.
This is done over the common signaling channel. To prevent long term unfairness, in
the event of a failure, a node should try to discover another parent node after a certain
period of time. It should do this by scanning for beacons promiscuously. In the event
that a node has only one link (i.e. no standby connections), it should automatically start
the membership and initialization phase again.
8. When the tree needs to be recalculated due to a long-term change in physical
connectivity, it should be done as locally as possible i.e. it should occur in the "leaves"
of the tree first (children nodes) before spreading to the branches (delegated parent
nodes) and maybe the root (parent nodes). This takes advantage of the fact that nodes
closer to the root (the 'branches') are more stable than edge nodes (the 'leaves'). This is
due to the fact that those nodes are likely to be installed by the provider which means
that their connectivity is better constructed with a less likely chance of failure.
9. The algorithm is both distributed and centralized. The discovery, boot-
strapping and registration process are distributed while the centralized portion consists
of agents running on the nodes reporting to a centralized manager with status on
various network variables as well as configuration of parameters such as IP addressing
and QoS settings.
10. It is assumed that not all nodes are cooperative. While we believe our
scheme can work for community-based WMNs, it is developed using a service
provider oriented concept where identity of the subscriber is essential to the delivery of
There are two general approaches that have been used for the development of
MAC layer protocols in WMNs:
Single-channel MAC: The single-channel MAC is the most pervasively
deployed link layer scheme for wireless networks. 802.11 WLANs are based on the
CSMA/CA protocol (Carrier Sense Multiple Access With Collision Avoidance).
Protocols such as those found in are enhancements of the CSMA/CA protocol.
Schemes in this category typically adjust parameters of CSMA/CA such as contention
window size and modify backoff procedures. Even though they may improve
throughput for one-hop communications, their performance suffers in WMNs as they
usually yield a low end-to-end throughput, because they cannot significantly reduce the
probability of contentions among neighboring nodes. The benefits of any scheme using
this approach are likely to diminish in environments where links have frequent
contention and packet
Cross-layer design leveraging physical layer techniques: Two major
schemes exist in this category: MAC based on directional antenna and MAC with
power control. The first scheme relies heavily on advanced antenna technology to
ensure that communication between nodes is as focused as possible to reduce
interference. However, its practical use is questionable as it is highly unlikely that the
antennas beam will be perfect 100% of the time. Cost and complexity or hardware is
also an issue. The second set of schemes utilizes power control to reduce interference.
This can help reduce exposed nodes problem, especially in a dense network, thereby
improving spatial reuse in the network. However, hidden nodes still exist and may
become worse because lower transmission power level reduces the possibility of
detecting a potential interfering node.
Multi-channel MAC: A multi-channel MAC can be implemented on several
different hardware platforms, which also impacts the design of the MAC. The design
can be based on a single transceiver or multiple transceivers. With a single transceiver,
only one channel can be active at a time. Multiple nodes may operate on different
channels to help boost network capacity. To coordinate transmissions between network
nodes under this situation, protocols such as the multi-channel MAC and the seed-
slotted channel hopping (SSCH) scheme are needed.
Multi-radio MAC: In this scenario a network node has multiple radios each
with its own MAC and physical layers. Communications in these radios are totally
independent. Thus, a virtual MAC protocol such as the multi-radio unification protocol
(MUP) or Microsofts Mesh Connectivity Layer is required on top of MAC to
coordinate communications in all radio links and channels. Although, one radio can
have multiple channels, a single channel is used in each radio for simplicity of design
and application.
It is assumed that the core network has achieved a stable connectivity state.
This is a fair assumption as all wireless mesh gateways (WMGs) are installed by the
provider and are not likely to be moved. The node initialization stage is for wireless
mesh routers (WMRs) that are joining the network. WMRs can either be installed by
the provider or a subscriber. The WMR performs a hardware check to ensure that all its
hardware is functioning properly. It then starts sending out maintenance beacons
(broadcast) every second at the base power level. Transmitting at the base power level
helps ensure that the broadcasts do not impact the network unnecessarily. They also
help assure that any nodes that receive it are definitely within good transmission range
of the WMR. These beacons contain the following information:
- Enterprise Service Set ID (ESSID)
- Wireless Channels (WCH). This indicates what channels have been assigned
to the network. It is set to zero (or unused) in a non-regulated environment.
- Cipher of ESSID and Subscriber/Node ID encrypted with the Service
Providers Private key.
- Node Status (NSTAT) Bridge (B), Gateway (G), Subscriber (S), Access (A),
None (Unused)
- One-way hash of Node Status (Bridge, Gateway, Subscriber, Access,
None) and Subscriber/Node ID. WMGs have Node IDs(NID) instead of SID
These beacons are forwarded all over the network till they arrive at a WMG
which forwards them to the core provider network. The core provider network contains
the services that the network provides (authentication, authorization, accounting,
billing, certificate services etc.)
Every WMR/WMG that receives this beacon sends a beacon back to the
originating node (unicast). The node trying to initialize keeps track of the beacons it
receives. If it receives a beacon from another node three times in succession (within a
specified time period), it stores the transmitting node in its neighborhood table. If it
receives a beacon from a WMG (as indicated by the node status) and verifies it by
decrypting the cipher of the ESSID and NID, it stores it immediately.
In the event that the node receives multiple beacons that satisfy the
requirements above e.g. when there is dense connectivity, the WMR does the following
to select the nodes to put in its neighborhood table:
The three nodes with the highest RSSI are put in the neighborhood table. These
three nodes could be WMGs (which indicates that the node is closer to the top of the
network) or WMRs (which indicates that the node is closer to the bottom of the
network) or a mixture of both.
WMGs are always preferred over WMRs.
Other nodes with RSSIs above a certain threshold are put in an alternate
neighborhood table. If two nodes have the same RSSI, the node with the newer SID or
NID is put in the neighborhood table while the other is put in the alternate
neighborhood table. In the unlikely event that two nodes have the same SID or NID,
the node selects whichever beacon was received first.
The alternate neighbor table serves two main purposes:
It is used for rapid rebuilding of a nodes neighborhood in case one of its
preferred neighbors fails.
2. It can help alleviate contention for resources. This can help achieve load
sharing in the network by diverting traffic away from overloaded nodes.
At the end of this stage, the WMR should have its neighborhood list complete
Protocol Flow Diagram Node Initialization
After the node initializes, it has to properly join the network topology. This is
especially important in wireless networks as the ability to sense a node does not
necessarily mean it is best to communicate using that node. This stage is known as
node bootstrapping. The node uses the information gained from the initialization stage
(neighborhood list, RF properties etc.) for this stage. This ensures that the phase can be
completed as quickly as possible.
As nodes receive and send beacons, the node gathers information about the
topology network. The node is able to establish its neighborhood and determine which
nodes it can hear clearly. This achieves two objectives: a. If all checks pass, it means
the node is a valid member of the network and can be reasonably determined to be
under the control of a valid subscriber. If this is a guest node from a foreign network,
the node still gets connected from a topology perspective but is not allowed to utilize
any network services until the Network registration stage (described below) is
complete. Also, no local nodes will be able to pass any application traffic until after the
Network registration phase.
Nodes that sense multiple "collision neighborhoods" are designated "sponsor
nodes" or "bridge nodes" (i.e. summary reports from multiple nodes contain different
node sets). The Gateway nodes are predetermined by the service provider as they are
the nodes that constitute the wireless backhaul. The closest neighbors will be
determined based on received signal strength (RSS) and they will agree on a common
channel based on the wireless technology used for the network. The complexity of this
stage is that wireless links are not necessarily bidirectional and orthogonal channels
(especially in 802.11 b/g) are scarce. The likelihood that a node will be in multiple
collision neighborhoods is high (especially in dense WMNs).
Each node sends out a summary report (broadcast) with all the nodes in its
collision neighborhood to other nodes after the bootstrapping stage is complete. Based
of all the received reports, each node builds a subtree with itself as the root (combined
with the RSS information from the topology beacons) with paths chosen optimally.
This is a reactionary process. Only nodes who lose paths will broadcast a new
summary report which may or may not trigger path calculations at other nodes
Process Flow Diagram Node Bootstrapping
The capacity of a multi-hop wireless network is the traffic payload that it can transport.
This is a prominent quality of service issue, particularly in the highly constrained
settings of 802.11 wireless mesh network. A network-wise capacity is defined as the
sum of the upload traffic, and a flow-wise capacity highlighting the unfairness among
traffic flows.
Two complementary definitions of the capacity
A first one, denoted network-wise capacity, is a measurement of the behavior of the
whole network. It is defined as the sum of the traffics that have reached the gateways to
the Internet.
A second one, denoted flow-wise capacity, measures the capacity of each flow, that is
the quantity of bandwidth allocated to the traffic collected by each router. To combine
these two notions of capacity allows to highlight the unfairness among flows in
network, which is a user-oriented point-of-view, within an operator-oriented look at the
average behavior of the infrastructure.
Routing protocols
Consider four routing protocols in order to route the upload traffic from the routers to
the gateways.
Shortest path routing
This routing protocol is based on the Dijkstra algorithm. The goal is to find the shortest
path in terms of hops between source and destination. The global knowledge of the
whole topology is necessary and obtained using periodic control packets.
Geographic routing protocol
This routing protocol is based on the knowledge of geographic position for each node
using GPS-like positioning. The main idea is to compare, at each hop, the euclidean
distance between all neighbors and the destination, and choose to forward the packet to
the closest neighbor.
Random routing protocol
This routing is based on a random walk. It means that at each hop, the packet is
forwarded to a randomly chosen neighbor. This protocol does not require the
knowledge of the whole network, but only the neighborhood of each router using hello
Two strategies are used to improve the behavior of this protocol:
i) the packet is sent to the destination if it is a neighbor and
ii) ii) a packet is never routed to a node which has no other neighbor.
Static routing protocol
With this routing protocol, all the paths between source node and destination are
manually entered. This protocol does not require the use of control packets.
Performance evaluation criteria
Network capacity
In our work, the network-wise capacity is the quantity of traffic sent by all nodes (N)
and forwarded to the Internet through the gateways (K) during the simulation period. It
is a view of the global bandwidth of the network shared among all nodes.
This metric represents the maximum quantity of traffic that the network can transmit to
the Internet. A better network-wise capacity is necessary for providing a better quality
of service to a larger number of users.
This metric is calculated as follows.
This metric does not illustrate the unfairness problem in the network. A more detailed
view is necessary for taking into account the bandwidth allocated to each flow.
Flow capacity
It is defined by the sum of traffics sent by a router and received by the gateway during
the observation period. This metric illustrates the bandwidth consumed by each router
in the network. Thus, it allows to study the problem of unfairness in the distribution of
bandwidth amonog the flows. This is a key point of the quality of service. In fact, an
operator must ensure a bandwidth acceptable for each node in the network.
This metric is calculated as follows.
These two metrics are complementary because the first gives a global vision of the
network while the second gives a detailed view.
Two capacity models:
Clique is more-accurate (single channel)
o But requires information that may not generally be available
Collision domain approach is very close to accurate
o Within the deviation of the two models
o Computed with readily available information
Neither model is accurate in the presence of RTS/CTS
Example: Clique Model
Gmax = B/18
2G 3G 4G 5G 6G
Example: CD Model
Gmax = B/21
Compare to calculated capacity
o Clique model under-estimates by 0.07%, on average
o Collision domain model under-estimates by 2.3% on average
o Deviation in ~10% in both cases
2G 3G 4G 5G 6G
21G 15G 18G 15G
Capacity Problems
Efficient use suggests multi-channel routing
Multi-channel, one radio
o Cheaper
o Switching delay
o Same (or worse) delay as single-channel in a given hop
In, then out separately
o But better over multiple hops
Multi-channel, multi-radio
o More radios: more expensive
o But still relatively cheap
o But they interfere with each other
Use one in 2.4 GHz and one in 5 GHz band
Access vs. backhaul separation
o e.g. Nortel approach
Multi-radio backhaul
Multi-radio capacity
Generalize capacity models by creating N sub-graphs, one per channel, and
then using the same basic approach on each sub-graph
Clique performs poorly in three-channel, two interface case
Collision Domain is largely accurate
Heterogeneous mesh network is the combination of different types of mesh networks to
improve the performance of the network. The major obstacles of large Wi-Fi mesh
network include low capacity, limited system performance, and the uncertainty of mesh
topologies and wireless link quality.
Possible reasons for those problems inside large mesh networks are listed as
1. First, multihop transmission is one of the major reasons that limit the system
performance. Since not all mesh nodes have direct connection to their final
destinations, multihop transmissions are inevitable. However, the performance
of multihop transmission decreases quickly as the number of hops increases.
Packets that traverse through more hops either have little opportunity to reach
the destination, or consume too much network resource, both of which decrease
the system capacity and increase delay and congestion.
2. Second, to take advantage of existing APs to construct a wide-area mesh
network, the network topology is not always under control. Due to network
topology and link or node failures, some mesh nodes (known as island nodes)
may fail to find available paths to the portals. Depending on specific topologies
and failure probabilities, the proportion of island nodes may not be negligible.
3. Third, in large mesh networks, centralized MAClayer schemes, global link
transmission scheduling, or synchronization are not practical. Therefore, hidden
terminals [23, 24] could cause collisions and further reduce the capacity.
4. Fourth, because of the traffic dynamics, Wi-Fi mesh network is prone to
network congestions and congested links negatively influence the performance
of mesh networks.
Motivation for Hybrid Wi-Fi/WiMAX Networks
WiMAX was originally designed for point-to-point broadband wireless transmission
over long distance, and operated at 5 GHz, which requires line-of-sight transmission.
Recently, with the quick development of WiMAX technology and additional spectrum
availability (2.3, 2.5, 3.5, 3.7 and 5 GHz), it can support both outdoor and indoor, as
well as both fixed and mobile scenarios.
However, large-scale wide-area meshes may not be efficient and cost-effective if we
use only WiMAX.
1. First and most importantly, although the large coverage of WiMAX reduces the
number of wireless hops in the network, it cannot support good spatial-reuse of
spectrum; while Wi-Fi has been proven to be a good solution.
2. Second, WiMAX devices have much higher power consumption and are much
more expensive than Wi-Fi devices.
3. Third, from the economical aspect, Wi- Fi devices have been widely deployed,
and therefore it is beneficial to integrate WiMAX networks with existing Wi-Fi
The deep penetration of Wi-Fi networks provides good throughput and
large (but not ubiquitous) coverage at low cost.
On the other hand, the long range transmission of WiMAX can
effectively solve the major problems in large Wi-Fi mesh networks.
First, the presence of WiMAX networks alleviates the need to transmit
over a large number of hops.
Far-away nodes can forward traffic through WiMAX networks, while
traffic generated by the nodes near portals still go through Wi-Fi.
A good proportion of multihop wireless transmissions are replaced by
one-hop wireless transmission through WiMAX.
In addition, the hidden terminals would also become less severe with
shorter paths. Second, island nodes with dual interfaces can connect to
WiMAX, and thus network coverage is improved.
In addition, WiMAX can provide reliable transmission in a large area.
And thus, the heterogeneous network is robust and can provide
ubiquitous wireless access in the presence of link/node failures.
Third, the existence of WiMAX with large coverage area enables
statistical multiplexing, which effectively reduces network congestion
due to traffic dynamics and topology limitation of WiFi-Only mesh
Another characteristic of WiMAX and Wi-Fi networks is that they can
coexist without interference as long as they operate on different
There are three kinds of nodes,
customer terminals such as laptops, PDAs and smart cell phones,
mesh nodes such as APs and laptops with routing function, and
WiMAX base stations (WMBS).
These nodes cooperate to forward traffic from the individual customers to the Internet
or peers inside the mesh network. Customer terminals have only Wi-Fi interfaces and
send packets to the nearby mesh nodes; mesh nodes could either have only Wi-Fi
devices and relay packets through multihop Wi-Fi mesh networks or have both Wi-Fi
interfaces and WiMAX subscriber interfaces, and relay packets through two networks;
WMBSs only have WiMAX interfaces, and can communicate with mesh nodes with
WiMAX interfaces.
Therefore there are three kinds of wireless connections, customer terminals-mesh
nodes, mesh nodes-mesh nodes, and mesh nodes-WMBSs. For coexistence of the first
two kinds of connections that share Wi-Fi interfaces, some solutions have been
proposed, such as multiple-radio and multiplechannel, and partially overlapped channel
Besides the wireless connections, wired links in the system provide reliable connection
to the Internet with high capacity. As shown in Figure, portals and WMBS are nodes
with wired connections. They are usually traffic aggregation points if the destinations
of packets are remote servers in the Internet. Note that first only some of mesh nodes
are portals; second some portals may have both Wi-Fi/WiMAX devices, which helps
when the packet destinations are other mesh nodes in the network.
It is necessary to design a protocol that can achieve the gain in practice and deal with
challenges that are not captured by the idealized model. In a practical system, the
protocol needs to allocate resources based on the information of the dynamic network
conditions, such as link capacity and traffic demand. Unfortunately, accurate realtime
information is hard to obtain, so the protocols need to perform under network
information with delay and inaccuracy. In addition, complicated protocols with high
overhead are not suitable for wireless networks since the wireless transmission
resource, time or bandwidth, is very precious. The threshold-based protocol and an
optimization algorithm, which answer two basic questions: (1) which mesh nodes
connect to the WiMAX network, and (2) the amount of traffic mesh nodes forward to
the WiMAX network.
Assumptions and Objective
1) WiMAX utilizes the scheduled MAC scheme.
2) In Wi-Fi networks, nodes utilize IEEE 802.11 MAC instead of the scheduled MAC
as in theoretical study.
3) The WMBSs do not try to control the routing or scheduling inside the Wi-Fi
The last assumption preserves the basic properties of Wi-Fi mesh networks: the easy
extension and independent routing. The objective is to minimize the maximum
utilization inside the whole network. Since it is too complicated to synchronize link
scheduling in practical networks, our only decision variable is the routing variable,
which determines the amount of traffic going through the Wi-Fi or WiMAX networks.
Vehicular communication has mainly focused on supporting two broad categories of
a) vehicular safety, such as exchanging safety relevant information or remote
diagnostics using data from sensors built into vehicles
b) mobile internet access. However, there is a large untapped potential of using such
vehicular networks as powerful and distributed computing platforms or as transit
Vehicular networks have very different properties and design challenges compared
to their counterparts such as laptops in nomad computing or sensor networks.
First, vehicles travel at a much higher speed, making it challenging to sustain
communications between stationary sites and moving vehicles, as well as
handing-off the communication link from one site to the other as the vehicles
pass between them.
Second, despite the common assumption of random mobility patterns in many
simulation studies on ad hoc networks, the vehicular traffic has a more well
defined structure that depends on the transportation grid (highway, city roads,
Lastly, vehicles, as communication nodes, have abundant life and computing
power as compared to sensor networks.
A mesh network is an ad-hoc network with no centralized authority or infrastructure.
Nodes can move, be added or deleted, and the network will realign itself.
The benefits of a mesh network are that it has the abilities of self-forming, self-healing,
and self-balancing. As shown in Figure, one of the applications of using VMesh as a
transit network is to establish connections between disjoint sensor networks.
Using VMesh to connect disjoint sensor networks
VMesh can be used to interconnect the sensors and the backbone wide area network
(WAN) infrastructure, e.g., Internet backbone, wireless cellular infrastructure, DSL or
Cable. These vehicles, or MRs, are responsible for disseminating price information to
and retrieving information from different households to support dynamic tariffs and
In this case, VMesh is designed to meet the following goals:
Low Deployment and Maintenance Cost: Since the routers in this case are
mobile, one can drive these mobile routers into a station (e.g., main bus station or
police headquarters) for repairs or software/hardware upgrades, instead of having to
send a repair team out to various locations to fix the problems if they were stationary.
Moreover, the number of mobile routers required can be minimized, e.g., using buses
traveling on different routes is sufficient to cover the entire city. Hence, both the
installation and maintenance costs are greatly reduced.
Adaptive Fidelity: By using a combination of vehicles as mobile routers, VMesh
provides a wide spectrum of flexibility in terms of the frequency of message retrieving
and the granularity of demand response control loops. For example, while buses run
every 0.5 - 1 hour, they do not stop at every single household. On the other hand,
garbage trucks may stop at every household but they only come by once a week.
Scalability: VMesh can support incremental deployment easily as the number of
sensor nodes grows. In fact, VMesh benefits from the economy of scales, i.e., the cost
of introducing a new mobile router goes down as the number of sensor nodes it is
capable of serving increases.
Broadcast and Multicast Capabilities: Broadcast and multicast capabilities are
inherent in the wireless communications used between the mobile routers and sensor
nodes, between the mobile routers and aggregation points to the VMesh network
backbone, and between mobile routers and other vehicles equipped with wireless
High Level of Redundancy: VMesh has a high level of built-in redundancy by
leveraging different vehicles that overlap in spatial coverage and temporal samplings.
example, there may be different routes for public transit through the city, but these
routes often overlap in the main streets. In addition, garbage and postal trucks will visit
the households on the same street at different times of the day. Therefore, the same
end-user can be connected by two or three different types of vehicles. There are
multiple available paths to ensure the delivery of the DR messages.
Failure Resiliency via Deflection Routing: VMesh ensures the survivability of the
DR messages by deploying the deflection routing technique. The key premise lies in
the ability of VMesh to deflect messages until a valid path is found to the destination
instead of dropping them when the original path fails due to faulty mobile routers,
broken communication links, or vehicular accidents. DR is one type of applications the
VMesh network is capable of supporting. In addition to supporting demand response,
VMesh also enables the deployment of other large-scale societal applications such as
amber alert (e.g., broadcasting information of a kidnappers vehicle and detecting this
moving target), vehicular traffic control, and temperature/air-pollution monitoring. In
the next section, we will first introduce a generic VMesh network architecture and then
describe the method to support DR with this generic architecture.
Vehicular mesh networks are ad hoc networks formed by vehicles enabled with
wireless networking. As the vehicles move, the connectivity between the vehicles and
other static network nodes changes. The network is dynamic and as a result, nodes may
be disconnected from the network at times. To address this, nodes will store the data
during the period they are disconnected from the network.
An example vehicular mesh network is shown in Figure.
The figure shows two bus routes (Route 136 and Route 108) and some key components
of VMesh. The key components of the architecture are as follows:
1) Sensing and Transceiving Units (STUs) are wireless enabled sensors that will
transmit collected data to the central office (inbound message). They also receive new
configurations such as new pricing information generated by the central office
(outbound message). These are shown as solid circles in Figure. If STUs cannot
directly connect to the VMesh backbone network, they can form a network themselves
to route inbound and outbound messages.
2) Aggregation Points (APs) are nodes that act as gateways to the VMesh. They can
aggregate inbound messages, relay the messages to the VMesh, accept outbound
messages, and route these outbound messages to one or more STUs. These gateways
could be special nodes deployed at appropriate locations or specific STUs that are
enabled with the gateway functionality.
3) Mobile Routers (MRs) are wireless enabled mobile objects that have the ability to
store and forward data. For example, buses, along with other various types of vehicles
equipped with storage and wireless networking, form ad hoc networks with other
mobile routers and connect to the static gateways.
4) Central Gateways to VMesh (CGs) are gateways which connect different VMesh
networks. These are located at specific locations on the paths of mobile routers, such as
at the main terminal stop of buses. The characteristics of VMesh depend on the
mobility pattern of the participating mobile routers as well as neighboring vehicles.
The choice of vehicles that are suitable for VMesh heavily depends on their attributes
which include:
1) Coverage: How many STUs are directly accessed? We refer to the coverage as
being fine-grain if the MRs can directly access individual or small groups of STUs
2) Schedule and Periodicity: Is there a fixed schedule in the mobility pattern of MRs
and if so, what is the period?
3) Redundancy: Are STUs or APs covered by multiple MRs? Are there multiple paths
from the individual STUs to the APs?
4) Cost: What is the cost of deployment and maintenance in terms of the number of
STUs, MRs, and APs?
For example, buses provide coverage to almost every major street in a dense major city
such as San Francisco and their schedules coincide with peak electricity usage (e.g.,
buses run more frequently during work hours when energy consumption is high than at
night). The mobility pattern of the vehicles depends on the type of vehicles, which
include personal automobiles, public transport buses and light rails, postal vans,
garbage trucks, various types of vendor trucks and vans such as UPS and FedEx, law
enforcement vehicles such as police cars, and other monitoring vehicles such as those
that monitor parking violations.
Various types of MRs for a VMesh in suburban area
Various types of vehicular mesh networks can be characterized along these parameters
depending on the targeted geographic area. An example of such characterization for a
suburban area is shown in Table. For the case of demand response, DR is enabled in
the following manner. Periodically, the sensors transmit collected data that are routed
to one or more aggregation points through a local ad-hoc network. When the mobile
router travels by these aggregation points, it downloads the collected data and uploads
new configurations which are distributed to the sensor nodes using local ad-hoc
networks as well. The collected data can be opportunistically routed by the vehicular
mesh network to the central gateways. In the worst case, the central gateway may be
located at the terminal point of the route of the mobile router
The Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) as the backbone algorithm to send
data from sensors to APs. In GPSR, need to establish a planar network, such as a
Gabriel Graph (GG) or Related Neighborhood Graph (RNG) to eliminate intersecting
edges in the network. After that, two routing algorithms, greedy forwarding and
perimeter routing, are used to deliver packets. GPSR uses the most forwards within
radius (MFR) greedy algorithm as the general packet forwarding algorithm to
minimize hop counts.