A full climate station should contain the following minimum equipment: a Stevenson screen, rain gauge, liquid in glass thermometers, sunshine recorder, anemometer, wind direction indicator, and evaporimeter. Optional items include a thermograph and hygrograph.
The Stevenson screen should be mounted 1.8-2 meters above ground to house the thermometers at eye level. Four thermometers are required - for maximum and minimum temperature, dry bulb, and wet bulb. Their measuring range should be -35 to 55 degrees Celsius.
The sunshine recorder and anemometer must be mounted at specific heights, while the wind direction indicator height is less important. Proper installation of equipment is needed to take accurate climate measurements
A full climate station should contain the following minimum equipment: a Stevenson screen, rain gauge, liquid in glass thermometers, sunshine recorder, anemometer, wind direction indicator, and evaporimeter. Optional items include a thermograph and hygrograph.
The Stevenson screen should be mounted 1.8-2 meters above ground to house the thermometers at eye level. Four thermometers are required - for maximum and minimum temperature, dry bulb, and wet bulb. Their measuring range should be -35 to 55 degrees Celsius.
The sunshine recorder and anemometer must be mounted at specific heights, while the wind direction indicator height is less important. Proper installation of equipment is needed to take accurate climate measurements
A full climate station should contain the following minimum equipment: a Stevenson screen, rain gauge, liquid in glass thermometers, sunshine recorder, anemometer, wind direction indicator, and evaporimeter. Optional items include a thermograph and hygrograph.
The Stevenson screen should be mounted 1.8-2 meters above ground to house the thermometers at eye level. Four thermometers are required - for maximum and minimum temperature, dry bulb, and wet bulb. Their measuring range should be -35 to 55 degrees Celsius.
The sunshine recorder and anemometer must be mounted at specific heights, while the wind direction indicator height is less important. Proper installation of equipment is needed to take accurate climate measurements
A full climate station should contain the following minimum equipment: a Stevenson screen, rain gauge, liquid in glass thermometers, sunshine recorder, anemometer, wind direction indicator, and evaporimeter. Optional items include a thermograph and hygrograph.
The Stevenson screen should be mounted 1.8-2 meters above ground to house the thermometers at eye level. Four thermometers are required - for maximum and minimum temperature, dry bulb, and wet bulb. Their measuring range should be -35 to 55 degrees Celsius.
The sunshine recorder and anemometer must be mounted at specific heights, while the wind direction indicator height is less important. Proper installation of equipment is needed to take accurate climate measurements
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Indian Hydrology Project
Technical Assistance (Implementation Support) and Management Consultancy FULL CLIMATE STATIO ! "UI#ACE OTE Full Climate Station "uidance on instruments re$uired A Full Climate Station (FCS) should have the following equipment as standard: Item %&!II Speci'ication o()) 1. Stevenson Screen 30.0 2. !aingauge" non#recording 30.00$ 3. !aingauge" Automatic siphon 30.00% 4. &iquid in glass thermometers (four required) 30.00' 5. Sunshine recorder 30.00( 6. Counter t)pe anemometer 30.00* 7. +ind direction indicator 30.003 8. ,vaporimeter" -S Class A .an 30.0* In addition, two recording devices may e !"rc#ased, alt#o"g# t#ese are o!tional items$ /. %#ermogra!#, imetallic ty!e 3&.&&' 0. Hygrogra!#, #air string ty!e 3&.&1& 00 See we1site: http:22h)drolog)#pro3ect.gov.in24eteorolog)5sp.htm Specifications are availa1le for all these instruments apart from the Stevenson Screen" where approval for the specification still appears to 1e pending for some reason. 6owever" as the current specification conforms to 748 norms" it is recommended that the present .ending Specification" 30.0" 1e accepted unchanged. 30.0 in (act s!eci(ies two screens, a standard widt# one, and a do"le widt# one. ) standard widt# screen is s"itale (or t#e (o"r t#ermometers only, "t i( a t#ermogra!# and #ygrogra!# are re*"ired, t#en a do"le widt# screen wo"ld e re*"ired. +ote t#at a single instr"ment can in (act e !"rc#ased, a t#ermo,#ygrogra!#, w#ic# records ot# tem!erat"re and relative #"midity, and t#is wo"ld !roaly (it into a standard widt# screen. %#e -tevenson screen s#o"ld e mo"nted wit# t#e roo( a!!ro.imately 1.8 to 2 m aove gro"nd level so t#at wit# t#e doors o!en, t#e instr"ments are at eye level as (ar as !ossile. For item $" thermometers" four are required: i. A merc"ry in glass t#ermometer ca!ale o( recording ma.im"m tem!erat"re in a day/ ii. A mercur) or alcohol in glass thermometer to record minimum temperature9 iii. A dr) 1ul1 thermometer (normall) mercur) in glass) and9 iv. A wet 1ul1 thermometer (again normall) mercur) in glass). ) (aric wic0 covers t#e "l o( t#e t#ermometer wit# t#e ottom o( t#e wic0 attac#ed to a water reservoir. :he measuring range o( all t#ermometers s#o"ld e ,35 o 1 to 255 o 1. :he optional thermograph (30.00/) is a simple temperature recording device" and the h)grograph (30.00) is a simple device to record relative humidit). ;either device is HP II 1reated on 283&532&14 4ilename$ 1 mandator)" as the appropriate information is availa1le from the manuall) read thermometer records. :he sunshine recorder (30.00() should 1e mounted on a 1ric< or concrete pillar at a height of 1etween to .$ m so that recording cards are at a convenient height for the o1server. %#e anemometer 53&.&&26 m"st e mo"nted on a !ole wit# t#e c"!s at a #eig#t o( e.actly 2 m. %#e wind direction indicator 53&.&&36 s#o"ld also e mo"nted on a !ole at a!!ro.imately 2 m. +ote t#at t#e recording #eig#t o( t#e c"! anemometer m"st e at 2 m e.actly 523, !er#a!s 3&,5&mm6, "t t#e wind direction indicator #eig#t is not !artic"larly im!ortant. Fran< Farquharson :A4C 6)drometeorolog) a 6)drolog) 8ata Anal)sis Specialist ' t# +ovemer 2&&' HP II 1reated on 283&532&14 4ilename$ 2