Brad'S D&D 3E House Rules: Rule Id Topic Description Notes Status
Brad'S D&D 3E House Rules: Rule Id Topic Description Notes Status
Brad'S D&D 3E House Rules: Rule Id Topic Description Notes Status
BHR001 Character Creation
Ability Score
Character ability scores will be determined by rolling 4d6 6 times. All
1s may be re-rolled. If all 4 die register a 6 on the same throw, the
ability is considered a 19.
BHR002 Character Creation
Racial modifiers
Any character with racial modifiers is limited to the following: 1) no
starting racial modifier may exceed +3 for any one ability. Additional
racial modification points for that ability are reserved until the
character gains additional levels. The character may add 1 racial
modification point per level gained past 3
until all racial modification
points have been used for that ability. 2) Racial modification for
multi-race characters do not stack, they are divided between the
number of race granting a modification for the ability score in
BHR003 Character Creation
Ability score
Ability scores may be placed in any order the player wishes
BHR004 Character Creation
Starting levels
All characters begin play with 3 total character levels
BHR005 Character Creation
Using non-standard
PC races
Players who choose to adopt races outside of the official guidelines
may do so, but at a significant penalty. First, a hit die cost must be
associated (by the DM) with the race to be used. The character must
gain a number of racial levels equal to the hit die cost before he, she,
or it can advance to 4
level. These racial levels do not bestow ANY
abilities on the character and are simply used to identify the XPs used
to make up for the characters additional racial abilities.
BHR006 Character Creation
background & history
All characters created will have a character profile detailing:
Birthplace, birth date, place of residence, family ties, childhood years,
learning years, a reason for each class selected, reasons for
adventuring, at least 3 possible adventure hooks, etc. Profiles should
be used as the justification for any non-standard character creation
BHR007 Classes - Sorcerer Spells known (i.e. understood by) by the sorcerer can be increased by
the charisma bonus spells listed. These increased # of slots can only
be filled with spells that the sorcerer himself has created. Each new
spell must be original to the character and requires all appropriate
research requirements. Only by putting a portion of himself into the
creation of a new spell can he harness the additional understanding
needed for the spell.
This means that the
maximum number of 2nd
level spells known by a
10th level character with a
Charisma (or intel) of 15
is 5 (4 of these spells, as
indicated on table 3-17,
must be attained by
normal means, the
additional slot must be
filled with a spell created
by the Sorcerer)...
BHR008 Classes - Monk The Monks restriction on multiclassing will be based on the specific
order the monk belongs to.
BHR009 Classes Paladin The Paladins restriction on multiclassing will be based on the deity
worship by the character.
BHR010 Classes - Monk When tumbling, the monk can move either 20 ft, or 1/2 his
movement...whichever is greater (if the monk has the ability to move
much faster, that ability should also apply to tumbling or any other
form of land based personal movement).
This may be great
material for a new feat.
BHR011 Classes - Bonus 0
level Spells
The number of 0-level spells castable by any class on any chart will
be ignored. The number of 0-level spells that any spellcaster can cast
per day is = to 1/2 the number of 1st level spells castable (after all
bonus spells have been applied).
BHR012 Classes Familiars
Players choice (from table 3-18), or if the character is willing to
chance it, roll 1d10 to determine type. If the roll is a 10, then a
special familiar will appear
Remember the dragon
article years ago about
special familiars like fairy
dragons and imps...
BHR013 Classes Familiars
(Acquisition Limit)
A spellcaster may only have one familiar regardless of class
BHR014 Skills Untrained skill
All unskilled checks are made at a -2 (not 0 as stated in the PHB)
BHR015 Skills Critical skill
With the idea of "extraordinary success" (natural 20) in making skill
checks, there is also be a "dismal failure" (natural 1).
BHR016 Skills Saving Skill
You may save skill points in a skill learning pool You can take
points from this skill point pool and use them to purchase additional
skill ranks or feats, but only when training is available
BHR017 Skills Multiclassed
Skill Use
When multi-classed characters go up in a level they may distribute
those skill points to any skill they have. It doesnt have to be in the
class they went up in.
BHR018 Skills Training Training takes time effort and energy. Skill learning requires a period
of 1 week for each rank to be gained in the skill. This amount can be
reduced (for each rank studied) by a number of days equal to the
characters intelligence modifier.
BHR019 Skills Language,
Reading, Writing
Languages and the ability to read/write them must be leaned
separately and with varying levels of skill. Any skill point used to
purchase a languages adds 3 language points to your langugage
pool. You must determine how many points from your language
pool will be spent on a specific language and used for that language
only. Any bonus language granted by race or class grants 3 language
points for that specific language. The following chart describes the
minimum number of language points to gain a new level of
proficiency with the language:
1 Basic ability to comprehend the language
2 Basic ability to speak the language
3 Basic ability to write the language
4-6 Solid foundation in the language, gain a +1 modifier whenever
making attempts
7-9 Fluent use the language, can relay and comprehend complex
literary meanings through word and writing, gain a +2 modifier
whenever making attempts
10+ Master of the language, gain a +4 modifier whenever making
BHR020 Skills Knowledge Knew areas of knowledge include:
Combat: The formal study of melee combat
BHR021 Skills Climb The Climb skill will include a +2 synergy bonus for having 5 or more
ranks in the Balance skill (an individual with trained balance has a
better chance of staying on the wall than someone who does the Olympics).
BHR022 Skills Read Lips The Read Lips skill will include a +2 synergy bonus for having 5 or
more ranks in the Sense Motive skill (sense motive includes that
ability to read body language and facial expressions, if you are close
enough to read lips, you are close enough to gain these extra insights
as well).
BHR023 Feats Netbook of
Feats introduced in the Netbook of Feats may be used under the
following guidelines. No feat with a balance rating of 4.1 or less may
be used unless special circumstances exist and are documented in the
character profile (DM approval is required). Feats with a balance
rating of 4.2 to 5 may be used with the DMs approval. Feats with a
balance rating above 5 may be used without DM permission and are
assumed to be balanced for play.
BHR024 Feats Purchasing
with skill points
You may use skill points to purchase a feat at a rate of 10 skill points
for each feat purchased.
BHR025 Feats Training Feats don't just appear unbidden in the character's mind. The
character must find and hire a teacher and train for a period of 2
weeks to gain a feat. If a trainer cannot be located, the PC may
attempt to acquire a general feat (not an item creation or metamagic
feat, these must ALWAYS be taught) by training alone for one month
and rolling a successful intelligence check.
BHR026 Feats Saving Feat
You can hold your feats as long as you want and spend them at any
point after you get them.
BHR027 Feats Great Cleave The number of additional attacks gained by use of the Great Cleave
feat is 1/2 your constitution.
BHR028 Item Creation
BHR029 Item Creation
Charged items
When using a feat to craft a magical device with charges, the number
of charges is based on: Level of creator X Prime requisite bonus.
BHR030 Alignment Evil
Evil PCs are not allowed unless otherwise stated by the DM.
BHR031 Spellcasting Setting
the DC
DC equation is: DC=10 + 1/2 caster level + requisite modifier (round
This takes into account
the casters level instead
of the spell level when
trying to determine who
difficult a spell is to save
BHR032 Spellcasting The
Downside of Casting
To represent the stress of magic on the character, damage equal to
the spell level is totaled each time a spell is cast. This damage is
subdual and heals at 1 hp per hour.
BHR033 Spellbooks Types
There are actually Typical spellbooks and typical traveling spellbooks
(there are also special books available at higher prices). Traveling
spellbooks cost 3 times more, have 1 additional hardness point and 3
more hit points, weigh as much, and hold 1/4
the number of
pages a typical spellbook does.
BHR034 Spellbooks Pages
The number of pages each spell takes to write is a function of
chance, the spells level, and the inscribers dex (a better dex means
you can write smaller and more legibly). The equation for figuring
spell pages is (1D4 + spell level +/- dex modifier). The minimum
measure for any spell (regardless of the equation) is 1/2 page per
spell level.
BHR035 Spellbooks Starting
The number of spells in a starting wizards spellbook is a measure of
the masters attitude (which can be randomly determined on a d4):
Kind - all cantrips, choice of 2D6 1st level spells, and given 1D4-1
2nd level spells
Ambivalent - choice of all but 2 cantrips, choice of 1D4 1st level
spells and given 1D4 1st level spells
Bitter - choice of all but 4 cantrips, given 1D4+1 1st level spells
Harsh - choice of 1D6-1 cantrips, given 1D4-1 1st level spells
BHR036 Spells Resurrection In addition to any other penalties suffered by the resurrected
character, he or she will also lose one full character level.
BHR037 Combat Massive
The massive damage rule applies when the character takes 50 hp or
1/3 his total max in damage from a single attack (whichever is
BHR038 Combat Massive
Damage Survival
The DC for massive damage survival is 10 + 1/10th the total damage
taken (for 50HP's damage, DC would still be 15)
BHR039 Combat Temporary
Hit Points
If the PCs HP total drops below the starting HPs, Once the temporary
points go away the PC's HPs drop to that number. Example: 30 HP
character takes 5 hp damage (now at 25) gains aid from the priest at
an additional 6 HP (now a total of 31), then takes another 12 points
of damage before the spell ends. When the spell ends, the PCs HP
total would be 19. The additional HPs gained by used of an aid type
spell are temporary and give you additional time to get healed before
the spell ends. If you only have 1 HP left and an aid spell ends, you
immediately fall down and start taking normal damage as per the
BHR040 Combat Readying
and action
If you ready an event & that event does not occur within that round,
you maintain that level of readiness into the next or all consecutive
rounds until the readied action occurs, or you change your action.
You may still act defensively, but are open to AoO's. Once the
actions is completed, or you change actions, your new initiative in the
next round is based on the count when the readied action took place,
or you changed your actions.
BHR041 Combat - Refocus While attempting to refocus, you can not move, defend, or take
damage during the round which you are focusing. You are open to
AoO's. Anything that happens to you (damage, spell, etc) requires a
concentration check (or possibly a will save). The DC is based on
event (use the DC's described under concentration as a base).
Failure means that your effort to refocus has failed.
BHR042 Combat Spellcaster
Any spellcaster who goes unconscious (for any reason other than
sleep), must make a will save at DC 15 to retain spells in memory
BHR043 Combat Strength
bonus to damage for
thrown weapons
Thrown weapons get a STR MOD to damage, not the full STR
BHR044 Combat Ranged
Magical Weapons
Ranged magical weapons get +/-1 ToHit, +/-0 Damage for each
magical modifier for the weapon/device that fires the object. The
arrow/object gets +/-0 ToHit, +/-1 damage for magical modifier.
BHR045 Table Number of
The group will not include any more than 8 players or any less than 2
players at any time unless specifically authorized by the DM.
BHR046 Table Character
Players will address each other in character mode or declare a time
out period. Do not interrupt someone elses in game play with an
out of game experience or topic. Failure to comply will result in a
loss of XPs at the discretion of the DM.
BHR047 Table Introduction
of new rules and
New rules and game supplements must be considered individually by
the DM before introduction into the game. Failure to acknowledge
the introduction of a new ability will result in XP penalties.
BHR048 Table XP Penalties
for cause
A player who attempts to purposely create problems for the group or
violates the house rules will be assigned an ADDITIONAL XP modifier
(which stacks with all other modifiers) for a number of gaming
sessions as determine by the DM.
BHR049 Table Party
While a certain number of good natured offenses in line with a
characters personality are acceptable (and encouraged), in-party
fighting will not be tolerated unless there is a specific in-game reason.
No party member may ever kill another unless under magical duress
(and so ordered by the DM) or the member is a danger to the party
and cannot be subdued in any other way.
BHR050 Table DM Control The saying goes My world, my way! The DM has the final call on
any and all issues related to the game or gaming session.
BHR051 Table Use of DM
Players will not use DM reference material during game play! (this
includes the DMG, monster references, copies of the current
adventure, ect....
BHR052 Table - Television The TV will not be on during game play.
BHR053 Table - Cheating Do not fudge dice rolls. If you are caught, you will be docked all XPs
for that session and may receive additional modifiers for cause. This
rule does not apply to the DM).
BHR054 Table Miniatures Maps and miniatures will be used whenever possible. Miniature maps
will not be used for general role playing purposes, but will be
introduced when needed (combat or other similar situations)
BHR055 Table Number of
characters played
All players will maintain only one character in play at any time.
Special circumstances may dictate otherwise, but are left to the DM to
decide. A player may have multiple characters available to him or
her, but only one of these players will be actively used in an
adventure at a time.
BHR056 Rewards XP for
multiple levels
In the unfortunate situation where a character has earned enough
experience points to achieve two levels at once, do not throw away
the extra experience points. Allow the player some options with
those extra points he/she has earned. Spellcasters could be given the
option of a "XP for spell' pool" that could be used or accessible for
item/spell creation/casting. Similarly, any character should be
allowed to purchase skill points at a 500XP for 1 SP exchange. They
still can't go over the max number of skill points, but gives them the
ability to do something useful with those extra XP's earned.
BHR057 Rewards Player
At the end of each gaming session, the DM will assign a player score
rangin from +10 to 10 for each character. This +/- 10 is the
modification to the number of XPs earned that session. This
modification is based on the players attitude, ability to help, ability to
maintain the atmosphere, timeliness, role playing, etc.
BHR058 Rewards XP for
missed sessions
Characters will NOT receive any portion of XPs rewarded during
gaming sessions missed.
BHR059 Rewards XP Award
XPs will be awarded to the group at the end of each adventure
period or as seen fit by the DM. XPs are earned based on the
characters ability to take time and analyze his performance during the
adventure and learn from those insights.
BHR060 Rewards
No character will be allowed to earn more than one level at a time.
BHR061 Rewards Division of
Monetary Treasure
Monetary treasure (coins) acquired by the party shall be divided
equally between the characters who were active at the time it was
acquired. Individual "gains" that were acquired without party aid may
be considered individual property.
BHR062 Rewards Division of
Magical Treasures and
Valuable Single Items
Magic items and other treasures that are found and voted by the
group to be of use to a single member are given to that member.
Ownership of items useable by multiple characters will be put to a
secret ballot by the group and given to the winner. Magic items
failing to be taken by either of the two previous measures may be
taken as part of a PC's share of treasure gained. These treasures
shall be purchased by the character at a simulated resale value of
50% of full value. If more than one PC desires the same object, and
no compromise or trade can be agreed upon, bidding shall be done to
see which PC gets to "buy" the magic item or treasure in question.
Individual "gains" that were acquired without party aid may be
considered individual property and are not subject to this rule.