Lances and Labyrinths
Lances and Labyrinths
Lances and Labyrinths
Most poisons reduce CON (some are available which work on other
attributes). A dose of poison weighs one unit and the cost for it
depends on the strength. Rangers can make poisons, the
minimum level required is shown on the table below. If a character
receives an antidote within a few minutes of being poisoned half
the attribute loss. If the character is reduced to 0 attribute they
can still survive if the antidote is adminstered and the restored
points put them back to 1 or more.
Some examples of saving throws: A dose of poison can be applied to a weapon and used in combat.
Attribute Example Saves If you win a round of combat the poison damage is applied to one
of your opponents. If you lose or draw the round the poison is
STR Lift something, escape from a hold, force open a door
wiped off and no longer effective. Once applied the poison lasts
DEX Dodge a falling object, move without being detected, until you fight a round of combat (as described already) or ten
climb something minutes, whichever comes first.
An unready situation occurs when a side is caught unprepared to
fight, but they at least have a few seconds warning of the
incoming attack (e.g. When someone suddenly attacks you in a
bar fight without warning you can be considered to be unready).
Characters without weapons drawn when attacked are also
considered to be unready.
Simply halve your combat total in the first round of combat when
unready, the second and subsequent rounds are handled as
A Midland Warrior
Eastern Rogue
Barbarians are less civilised and trained fighters, but they make Scout
up for this lack of technical skill with superior stamina. Scouts specialise in stealth and wilderness craft.
• Primary Attributes: STR & CON • Primary Attributes: DEX & CON
• Secondary Attributes: CHA & DEX • Secondary Attributes: INT & LUC
Northern Scout
Northern Barbarian Some Rogues acquire a touch of magic through their careers.
• Primary Attributes: CHA
Ranger • Secondary Attributes: DEX & INT
A charismatic figure skilled in combat. Ranges are frequenters of • Can use spells at double cost.
the wilds, protecting the borders of civilsation from danger. • You may choose a Magical Tradition. If you do not, you cannot
• Primary Attributes: CHA & DEX then later choose one.
• Secondary Attributes: CON & LUC The Gray Mouser was a Wizard-Rogue.
Aragorn is the quintessential ranger.
Paladin Masters of magic, wizards are knowledgeable and able to wield
Paladins are holy warriors, infused with their faith they are natural powerful magics, drawing on the forces of darkness.
leaders and preachers, whilst also able to battle the enemies of • Primary Attributes: ESS
their church. • Secondary Attributes: INT
• Primary Attributes: STR • Can use spells.
• Secondary Attributes: CHA & DEX • You may choose a Magical Tradition. If you do not, you cannot
then later choose one. • sleeping blanket (2/20)
Merlin is the archetypical Wizard. • backpack or sling bag to hold everything in (5/15)
• water skin (5/20)
• Days provisions (5/20)
1h: One handed weapon.
1½h: One and a half handed weapon.
2h: Two handed weapon.
Weapons are simply classed by how many hands they need to
wield. A 1½h weapon can be wielded in one hand or two. In both
hands it gets 3d, in one hand it only gets 2d (you can wield a
shield and 1½h weapon, but not a 1½h weapon and other
weapon). Polearms require two hands to wield and are not really
usable in enclosed areas, such as underground (if used in such an
environment halve their combat total each round). Small 1h
weapons are concealable. Range is used when the weapon is
Weapon Examples
Cost (GP)
Range (yards)
Weight (units)
A Wizard
Urbane and well educated, priests preach to the faithful, convert
the unbelievers and are able to draw on the power of the Gods.
• Primary Attributes: ESS
• Secondary Attributes: CHA
• Choose a God or Goddess. Unarmed 1d - - - Fist, Foot, Headbutt,
• Can use miracles. Knee
Small 1h Weapon 2d 20 10 20 Knife, Dagger,
1h Weapon 3d 70 20 10 Short Sword, Rapier,
Hatchet, Mace, Club
1½h Weapon 3/4d 100 30 5* Long Sword, Broad
Sword, Battle Axe,
Heavy Mace, Flail,
Staff, Short Spear
2h Weapon 5d 150 60 5* Great Sword, Maul,
Warhammer, Heavy
Flail, Great Axe, Long
Polearm 6d 100 100 2 Poleaxe, Scythe,
Pike, Halberd
*A short spear or long spear has a throwing range of 20 yards
Characters who can use magic or miracles can work together to
cast ritual spells/miracles. One character casts the spell, using
their own attributes and the cost of the spell is shared as evenly
as possible between everyone participating.
Magical Items
Home Stones
A home stone can teleport one or more individuals back to a pre-
set point instantly. The stones target point is set simply by telling
the GM and making a note of it. Using a stone requires a whole
turn and no other action by anyone being transported (everyone
must stay still and touch the stone). A homestone may be used no
Dwarf vs. Demonic Hounds more than once every twenty four hours. The stones cost depends
on the number of people it can transport:
Grappling 2 people: 100GP
To grapple a foe you must have both hands free. A grapple is an 4 people: 200GP
unarmed attack, but if you win you have pinned an opponent 8 peoples: 400GP
rather than inflicting damage. On subsequent rounds you can 16 people: 800GP
inflict damage equal to the tens value of your STR (or tens value of 32 people: 1600GP
MR if a monster). Armour gives no protection against this damage. x2 number of people: x2 cost
The pinned character can only try to escape, by making an
opposed STR roll agains the grappler, if they win they break out of Essence rings
the hold. These items store ESS points which can be used to cast spells
with. A character may wear up to four rings on each hand (a ring
Subdual Attacks must be worn to effective).
To make a subdual attack halve your combat total. The advantage 1 ESS ring: 50GP
of a subdual attack is that it cannot reduce a target to below 1 2 ESS ring: 100GP
CON, so they are incapacitated but still alive. 3 ESS ring: 200GP
4 ESS ring: 400GP
Fighting Retreat 5 ESS ring: 800GP
Declare your intent to retreat before rolling then fight a round of 6 ESS ring: 1600GP
combat as normal. If you win you are deemed to have successfully +1 ESS: x2 cost
disengaged. If you lose you take damage normally and must fight
on. Magical Amulets
Amulets give +1 or more to one attribute as long as they are worn
Running Away round the neck. The attribute is specified when the amulet is
Declare your intent to run away (flee) before rolling. If you opt to made. You can wear any number of amulets, but their effects are
flee half your combat roll but you escape the combat whether you not cumulative. If you wore two STR amulets, one of +1 and one of
win the round or not. +2 you would get +2 STR NOT +3 STR.
+1 to one attribute: 100GP
Defending +2 to one attributer: 200GP
A character may opt to concentrate on defending themselves. Roll +3 to one attribute: 400GP
as normal but if you win you inflict no damage. +4 to one attribute: 800GP
+5 to one attribute: 1600GP
Resurrection extra +1 to one attribute: x2 cost
Most temples can resurrect dead player characters as long as they
have all the bones. The cost, in gold and XP, depends on the Lucky Charms
number of times the character has been resurrected. Clerics and A Lucky charm gives you one or more re-rolls per day.
Paladins can halve the cost in XP and GP if resurrected at a church One re-roll per day charm: 50GP
of their own Religion. Two re-roll per day charm: 100GP
If you do not have sufficient XP you cannot be resurrected, you are Three re-roll per day charm: 200GP
dead and gone. If you do not have sufficient money someone must Four re-roll per day charm: 400GP
make a CHA 10 saving roll to persuade the priests to extend Five re-roll per day charm: 800GP
credit. +1 Re-roll: x2 cost
Restorative Potions
Resurrection GP XP
Restorative potions restore lost CON or ESS points. When you
1st 100 100 drink the potion roll the appropriate dice to see how many points
you recover. Note that a given potion restores ESS or CON points,
2 nd
200 200 not both.
• Restore 1d6: 50GP Unless stated otherwise, armour reduces damage from spells.
• Restore 2d6: 100GP
• Restore 3d6: 200GP Casting at Higher Level
• Restore 4d6: 400GP A characters can double the cost of a spell to double its effect.
• Restore 5d6: 800GP They can quadruple the cost to triple the effect, increase the cost
• +1d6: x2 cost eightfold for four times the effect and so on. This multiplier applies
to attributes for saves, points of effect, damage, protection, range,
Enhancement Potions duration and so on...
Enhancement potions increase an attribute until the next sunrise.
When you drink the potion roll the appropriate dice to see how Rituals
many points you add to your attribute. A given potion only effects Spells and Miracles marked * are ritual magics, taking ten minutes
on attribute. for each point of ESS spent. The target of a ritual magic spell must
• Add 1d6: 100GP be fully subdued, restrained or compliant.
• Add 2d6: 200GP
• Add 3d6: 400GP New Spells and Miracles
• Add 4d6: 800GP The lists of spells and miracles given are by no means exclusive,
• Add 5d6: 1600GP but they are the ones most commonly encountered. The GM
• +1d6: x2 cost should feel free to create new ones as they see fit.
Sigmar Stronghammer
Sigmar is the Dwarf God of battle and creator of Dwarven kind.
• Double Cost: Healing, Purification, Oath
Shamaness of the Horned God • Half Cost: Holy Shield, Wrath
Sky Mages
The Sky Mages are one with the winds and the clouds.
• Double Cost: Transform, Transmute
Demon of Gluttony • Half Cost: Teleport, Portal
Sky Mage
Anger Demon
Magical Traditions
Each tradition of magic focusses on specific types of magic at the
expense of other types. Rather than providing a list of traditions
players can create new ones when they create characters. Just
choose two Half Cost Spells and two Double Cost Spells, then
explain to the GM the rationale behind the Tradition. If the GM
agrees with the rationale you can have it, otherwise change it until
you get agreement. Some examples follow:
Scarlet Robes
The Scarlet Robes are masters of flame and energy. They tend to
be somewhat volatile and impetuous in character.
• Double Cost: Conceal, Creation
• Half Cost: Light, Magic Missile
Major Races
Orcs are generally classed as civilised or tribal. Civilised Orcs have
settled into human culture and live alongside humans. Tribal Orcs,
the larger majority, hold to the old Orcish ways of pillage and
plunder and are an ever present threat to the inhabitants of the
Dwarves have moved into the hills to mine the abundant ores
Elves are found in the deep woodlands, living in harmony with
Small, fat, hairy. Halflings live to eat and enjoy life and are a very
bucolic people. A reasonable halfling population has come to live
in the area, working the rich farmland.
The most populous species in the lands.
Two miles from the Trollstone caverns, thirty miles west of Khazan
on the Khazan road. Nurg is a small town and popular base of
operations for adventurers, having a variety of sites of interest
within a few miles of itself. There have been settlements where
Nurg stands for thousands of years, making it an interesting place
to be.
For such a small area the land has a remarkable number of
powerful, and evil, factions. All of these alternate between
Edges Two Weapon Fighting
A character gains their first Edge at 3rd level, a second at 6th level, All the dice from two weapons are treated as being from a single
a third at 9th level and so on. weapon for critical purposes.
For example, if you were wielding 3d and 2d weapons and rolled 3
Bodyguard & 4 on the 2d weapon and 4,5, 6 on the 3d weapon you would
You can take one others characters share of the damage in a normally not get any critical hits as the two 4's are from different
melee round, but you must specify the intent to do this at the start weapons. If you have the Two Weapon Fighting Edge you would
of the round before rolling. get to re-roll the pair of 4's.
You can enter a berserk fury. In this state your Combat roll is not
added to your parties combat total (making your party more likely
to lose the round) but your combat roll is applied as hits to your
opponent regardless of their roll. Once you “go berserk” in a
combat you cannot then flee or revert to normal until the combat
You can make weapons or armour, use the same rules for required
level as those for magical items.
Weapon Specialisation
Choose a specific type of weapon (e.g. Swords, axes, hammers,
unarmed). You get +5 in combat when wielding a weapon of that
type. You can take this skill a second time to achieve Weapon
Mastery of a weapon you have already specialised in, giving you
+10 with it (this replaces the +5 for specialisation). For critical
purposes, you still only have to roll the same on the weapons base
dice to get a critical.
Armour Specialisation
Choose a specific type of armour (e.g. Soft leather, mail, plate).
When wearing a suit of that type of armour you increase its
protection value by 5pts. You can take this skill a second time to
achieve Armour Mastery of a type of armour you have already
specialised in, giving it +10 protection rather than +5.
Snap Shot
With this skill you can use thrown weapons or fire a bow (not a
crossbow) twice in one round. Roll as normal but use up two
arrows/thrown weapons and get +5. Take this a second time for
Master Snapshot, which lets you fire three arrows/thrown weapons
for +10.
Brew Poison
You can prepare poisons.
You can follow tracks unerringly can conceal your own tracks so
that anyone without the tracking skill cannot follow you.
Eagle Eyed
Double the maximum range of any ranged weapon you are using.
You can automatically work out what anything you find is (e.g.
Identify what apotion does, what properties a magic item has, how
much you could sell something for and so on).
Brew Poison
You can prepare poisons.
Improved Dodge
If you have no DEX penalty due to encumbrance you get +5 in
combat. You can take this a second time for Masterful Dodge,
giving you +10 in combat.
Brew Potions
You can make magic potions (see the magic items list for rules on
minimum level to make a given potion). This skill also lets you
identify any potions you find.
You can make magic items, except potions (see the magic items
list for rules on minimum level to make a given item).
Spell Specialisation
Add another spell to your list of Half cost spells.
Miracle Specialisation
Add another Miracles to your list of Half cost miracles.
Martial Artist
You roll 2d when fighting unarmed.