Hybrid Vehicle
Hybrid Vehicle
Hybrid Vehicle
Martin BUGR, Vladimr STAK, Viktor FERENCEY
Abstract: The paper presents conceptual model of powertrain system for UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle). The paper
presents results of processed work in the own research feasibility study finished at TRL 2-3. UGV is designed for use in non-
military crisis situations or in the military and security operations. Examined UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) uses the
modified TATRAPAN chassis. Serial hybrid powertrain with ZEBRA batteries is the main power source of UGV. In a series-
hybrid system, the combustion engine drives an electric generator instead of directly driving the wheels. The generator
provides power for the driving electric motors. In short, a series-hybrid is simple, the vehicle is driven by electric motors with
a generator set providing the electric power. Engine is designed to perform across a wide range of operating conditions. The
vehicle is equipped with two electric motors and can operate on and off road. The vehicle can carry a payload of up to 500
kg. The UGV can carry a wide variety of sensors, including video and thermal cameras. UGV can also be manually
controlled by remote control system. Simulations were realized with presented powertrain.
Keywords: UGV, serial hybrid, powertrain, smart control system, sensors.
Different sorts of the operations controlled in the
course military and non - military conflicts, its
alternation and mutual intersect are throwed back
and in the wide spectra activities as large
movements, wandering, or alternation tactical
wholes, space outside battle, management stacked
against the diversionary activities, battle in the
encircled, exploring activity and management
various form tactical activities limited power.
Diversity form of various tactical activities, its
mutual intersection and alternation will be one of the
major characteristic in the future operations and
With reason oneself will put assume, that in
future operation oneself will increase movement rail
battles activities, which is conditional and raising
mobility one and tactical wholes. Factors, which are
allowing the increase in mobility armies belongs its
outfit mobile centers. These mobile resources will
be equipped with effective weapons system, the
system on protection of carried persons, assembly
will secure high capacity in the terrain as well as
equipped cap good conditions for activity service
UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle is unmanned
wheeled vehicle, which characteristic notes are
absence humane crew, armor protection, firepower
and good maneuverability (Fig. 1). These ground
facilities must be considered to be in a certain
mutual harmony. Degree of harmony is divided in
the every stage development vehicles and depend
primarily for the purpose and manner operational
uses of vehicle and up to the mark technical
progress. Vehicle has low silhouette, excellent
terrain driving, which be given choices of chassis
conception. Other feature characteristic is advanced
system drive and electronic outfits, for viewing or
direction and weapons the system [1].
Fig. 1 Areas of technology needed for UGV
Vehicle chassis is formed of three swinging
axles with the six wheels (Fig. 2). Swinging axles
are made from vehicle Tatrapan. Priorities of this
conception are : robustness, attested construction,
good movement in terrain , resistance stacked
against the explosion mine [4, 10]. Disadvantage is
stand weight (approximately 7 tons) , tread change
by the compression travel and bigger tire wear.
Conception spinal chassis with carrying pipe
transfers a part of powers functioning between
wheels and roadway, what enables one applying
simple and easier supporting frame. Supporting
frame is three - dimensional composition and is
made riveting from sectional steel. On the frame are
joined components of driving system, supporting
systems of vehicle and armor.
Science & Military 1/2011
Fig. 2 Construction of vehicle chassis and drive system
1 inter-axle differential, 2 wheel hub, 3 air axle suspension, 4 central torque tube of backbone-type frame,
5 axle differential , 6 axle , 7 final drive housing, 8 final wheel drive
Final drive gear consists of couple conic
transfers with Oerlikon- Spiromatic gearing. Axle is
equipped with wheel reduction, with planetary
gearing. Differential shipped with axle has position
with exploitations balance.
Advantages of series hybrid electric propulsion
power train are characteristics torsional moment
electric motor and in posse relatively silent run
through the accumulators without having activities
of internal combustion engine (Fig. 3).
The advantage of a series hybrid is the lack of
a mechanical link between the combustion engine
and the wheels. The combustion engine runs at
a constant and efficient rate, even as the vehicle
changes speed. During stop-and-go driving, series
hybrids are relatively the most efficient.
Serial hybrid powertrain system has smaller
dimensions than parallel system.
Vehicle is powered by series hybrid electric
propulsion, who be formed by two of master electric
motor and joint with conjunctive speed-gearbox,
small capacity internal combustion engine,
generator, accumulator and necessary electronics.
A series hybrid with a battery could run the
engine at constant speed in its most efficient range.
The battery could then be used to store extra energy
from the engine at light load conditions or from
regenerative braking. When extra power is needed
for acceleration, the battery can provide this (Fig. 6)
Fig. 3 Possibility of application of serail hybrid
powertrain system for UGV
In ascending shaft electric motor is classic
arrangement driving system with the clutch, speed-
gearbox, final drive housing and differentials.
Electric motors are set in the vehicle axle side by
side and its performance is transferred over
mechanical speed-gearbox on inter-axle (central)
differential and further on wheels. Internal
combustion engine drives generator, who he adds
electric current for accumulator and electric motors
(Fig. 5).
Hybrid drive system enables one cut - down fuel
consumption, extension endurance distance, chances
of the energy recovery. Wheels are powered
through the two electromotor/generators type-
Siemens 1PV5135- 4WS28, which are coupled
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through the connecting gearbox with single - shaft
Performance of one electromotor/generator is 67
kW in the continuous term / 120 kW for a peak term.
By the effectiveness 95 % be its input power about
126,3 kW. Regulation of revolutions and power
governing of electromotors is solved over invertor
from same producer (Fig. 4) [2, 3].
Energy for continuous operation is obtained from
electric generator powered by internal combustion
Generator is one, it is Siemens 1FV5139-
6WS28 and it gives in the continuous term 85 kW
(for a peak term 100 kW) by the 2500 revolution
per a minute [7]. It is concerned alternating
synchronous machine, therefore it is advisable
tension direct - in the for remembered for invertors,
whose effectiveness is 96 %.
For performance peaks and for quiet drive be
intended accumulator. It is to size on voltage - 619
volts in the in the continuous terms and 696 volts
for a peak terms.
This configuration (accumulator is compound of
several smaller) will put performance about 35,5
kW, during peak term this is able to give power too
more, on the contrary in the continuous term less
Fig. 4 Characteristic of electromotor/generator
Siemens 1PV5135- 4WS28
Fig. 5 Conceptual model design of powertrain for Unmanned ground vehicle
1 electromotors/generators SIEMENS, 2 hydraulic shock-absorber of vehicle suspension, 3 inter-axle
differential , 4 spaceframe of vehicle, 5 air axle suspension, 6 radiator of internal combustion engine, 7
central torque tube of backbone-type frame, 8 radiator of electric power train components, 9 fuel reservoir,
10 automatic five gear transmission, 11 drive line, 12- electronic control units of weapon components,
13 wheels
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Fig. 6 Powertrain wiring diagram with connectivity of components
To achieve the requested combinations of vehicle
driving parameters to be selected in building the
drive mechanism automatic transmission with five
gears. As the optimum option for the necessary
gearing drivetrain system vehicle is based on ZF
gearbox with the type designation 6 AS 710 BO ZF-
AS Tronic lite. As the power generating set (EG) is
used internal combustion engine (ICE). The highest
efficiency and the lowest specific consumption has
diesel ICE. This engine emitted into the atmosphere
less greenhouse gas CO2. The idea of eco-drive
vehicle can be seen on one side so that the vehicle
does not its operation to pollute the environment.
Series hybrid with diesel ICE will be able to
operate at constant speed. In terms of structure and
parameters of the engine seems to be the most used
from the manufacturer VW 2.0 TDI. Diesel engine
has maximal torque - 360 Nm / 2500 rpm and
maximal power 133 kW / 4200 rpm. Engine meets
emission standard EURO 4 (Fig. 7).
Elements of cooling, intake and exhaust tract will
be for the conceptual design of the vehicle UGV
have to be specially adapted.
Fig. 7 Diesel engine torque characteristic
In this section are calculated and necessary
parameters for driving resistances acting on the
vehicle when driving on different surfaces.
Calculations are made according to those
relationships for driving on asphalt, field by road,
groomed snow, sand, mould and the meadow (Fig.
10, Fig. 11).
Another of the basic performance parameters is
considered torque. Presentation of this parameter is
gradeability which the vehicle is capable of
achieving. This parameter is for special off-road
vehicles for use in rough terrain and difficult
conditions are especially important (Fig. 9).
Gradeability of vehicle reaches a maximum at the
maximum driving force, which is the maximum
engine torque.
The total tractive effort is the sum of all these
forces (Fig. 8):
= F
+ F
+ F
+ F
+ F
is the rolling resistance force;
is the aerodynamic drag;
is the hill climbing force;
is the force required to give linear acceleration;
is the force required to give angular
acceleration to the rotating motor.
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Fig. 8 The forces acting on a vehicle moving
along a slope
Fig. 9 Required engine power calculated from the
rolling resistance on the surface and vehicle speed
Tab. 1 Maximum gradeability of vehicle achieved on various surfaces [6]
Driving surface Asphalt Field by road Groomed
Sand Mould Meadow
0,95 0,8 0,3 0,3 0,5 0,5
gradeability s
31/56 27/49 15/27 6/10 18/32 22/40
Fig. 10 Traction characteristic on asphalt
Fig. 11 Traction characteristic on filed by road
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Maximal velocity of UGV with series hybrid
powertrain system is calculated up to value 95
km/h on asphalt surface. Calculated acceleration
characteristic on asphalt is on Fig. 12.
Fig.12 Acceleration characteristic of UGV
For unmanned ground vehicle is suitable to use
series hybrid powertrain system with batteries [9].
For this drive conditions, course torque and
performance of power are basically convenient. In
this application internal combustion engine would be
worked in persistent revolution, but apparently in the
various loads. It will be over electro-generator works
in these modes:
1. Power of the electromotor with permanent input
power = charging battery = full load.
2. Power of the electromotor with partial input
power = light load.
3. Under braking trailing of electromotor plus
charging battery = light load.
4. Under braking trailing of electromotor plus
charging battery = zero load.
5. Internal combustion engine would be switch off
in the event that the vehicle will ride over long
drive down road.
6. By the stop vehicle trailing of electromotor plus
charging battery = light load.
Vehicles fuel tank of Unmanned ground vehicle
has 100 liters. Operation ability of internal
combustion engine , makes it around 5 hours of
vehicle operation drive.
Fig. 13 Side view and front view of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (Unmanned ground fighting vehicle)
Individual components of a serial hybrid drive
were designed to store vehicle components, mainly
by dimensional options with the effort the best use
of interior space. Furthermore, the pursuit of weight
distribution so that of the vehicle was approximately
in the middle. However, this depends on several
aspects such as the imposition of the propulsion
system, although this is the center of gravity
contributes about as much as possible. When
designing a conceptual design for a serial hybrid
vehicle for unmanned 6x6 design was evaluated and
justifies to choose presented design chassis and
drivemechanism. A serial hybrid is such a vehicle is
more appropriate than a parallel hybrid [5]. The
serial arrangement of power has been achieved
satisfactory results. Trend in serial hybrid drive in
the future provides the complete elimination of the
internal combustion engine, which is also the reason
why the development does not only parallel hybrid,
which is now, also used in common practice. This
change would bring a new revolution in automotive
systems, which vehicle would have worked only on
electric power and its operation would be
incomparably more economic and environment
friendly (Fig. 14).
Making an unmanned vehicle driving simulation
UGV created the models in the MSC ADAMS. This
model includes a hopper car with an appropriate
weight and CG position and chassis parts, including
suspension and wheels.
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Fig. 14 Determining future objectives
Stimulated by the urgent need for more electric
power vehicles that produce fewer harmful
emissions and hybrid vehicles, plug-in electric
vehicles and fuel cell-powered vehicles are being
investigated in many researches and development
programs. The combination of a reversible energy
storage source with a fuel cell, referred to as
hybridization, may greatly benefit in fuel cell
technology and in technologies for powertrain of
unmanned vehicles. In the future objectives of the
work it is necessary to design final configuration and
simulate the driving characteristics of the UGV to
meet the eligibility of the system. Furthermore, it is
necessary to equip the vehicle armor protection,
smart control systems of the powertrain, etc.
This work was supported by the Ministry of
Defence of the Slovak republic under contract No.
SEOP 17 21 / 2011 OdPP.
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Dipl. Eng. Martin BUGR
Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
Ilkoviova 3
812 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
E-mail: martin.bugar@stuba.sk
Dipl. Eng. Vladimr STAK
Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
Ilkoviova 3
812 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
E-mail: vladimir.stanak@stuba.sk
Prof. Dipl. Eng. Viktor FERENCEY, PhD.
Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
Ilkoviova 3
812 19 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
E-mail: viktor.ferencey@stuba.sk