This document contains a survey questionnaire to assess employee satisfaction and welfare benefits at an organization. The questionnaire includes questions about demographics, level of agreement with statements regarding job responsibilities, management, compensation, and benefits. It also asks employees to rate the importance of potential benefits and provides an opportunity for any additional suggestions.
This document contains a survey questionnaire to assess employee satisfaction and welfare benefits at an organization. The questionnaire includes questions about demographics, level of agreement with statements regarding job responsibilities, management, compensation, and benefits. It also asks employees to rate the importance of potential benefits and provides an opportunity for any additional suggestions.
This document contains a survey questionnaire to assess employee satisfaction and welfare benefits at an organization. The questionnaire includes questions about demographics, level of agreement with statements regarding job responsibilities, management, compensation, and benefits. It also asks employees to rate the importance of potential benefits and provides an opportunity for any additional suggestions.
This document contains a survey questionnaire to assess employee satisfaction and welfare benefits at an organization. The questionnaire includes questions about demographics, level of agreement with statements regarding job responsibilities, management, compensation, and benefits. It also asks employees to rate the importance of potential benefits and provides an opportunity for any additional suggestions.
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BENEFITS SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE A) Genera In!"r#a$i"n %T&e !""'in( in!"r#a$i"n 'i )e *+ed "n, !"r $&e p*rp"+e "! ana,+i+ and 'i n"$ )e +&ared 'i$& an,"ne) Please tick the relevant boxes. I- T"$a n*#)er "! ,ear+ in $&i+ "r(ani.a$i"n/ Less than 1 year 1 5 years 6 - 10 years 11 - 15 years II. Department : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B) For the questions that follow, please use the following scale to express the extent to which you agree or isagree with the state!ent gi"en in the questionnaire# $lease tic%& 1, if you '()*++, with the state!ent -, if you './0()*++, with the state!ent (gree 0o!ewhat (gree 0o!ewhat .isagree .isagree 1 1 2 - 0#3o# 0tate!ents 1 1 2 - 1) $lease inicate your le"el of agree!ent with each of the following state!ent& a) 4y 5o6 is appreciate# 6) / a! pro"ie with all resources to perfor!# c) 7he wor%ing conitions are goo an safe# ) / feel stresse in !y 5o6# e) / li%e !y 5o6# 1) / a! recogni8e as an ini"iual# 2) / get support an tea!wor% fro! other epart!ents in the 9o!pany# -) / unerstan the co!pany,s o65ecti"e an try to achie"e the sa!e# 5) 7he !ission:purpose of the co!pany !a%es !e feel that !y 5o6 is i!portant# 6) 7he epart!ents for!e with clear-cut goals:tas%s to 6e achie"e 6y the tea! !e!6ers# ;) 7he reporting structure is "ery easy an clear 6etween !y superior an !e# <) 4y senior encourages high achie"e!ent 6y reucing the fear of failure# =) 4y senior clearly efines !y 5o6 responsi6ilities# 10) 4y senior co!!unicates to !e the areas of i!pro"e!ent in !y 5o6# 11) 4y senior is o65ecti"e, in ter!s of tas%s assigne an outco!es o6ser"e, while e"aluating !y fee6ac%# 11) 4y senior, or colleagues at wor%, see!s to care a6out !e as a person# 12) 7he co!pany !a%es efforts to ientify !y strengths an wea%nesses# 1-) 7he organi8ation "iews its e!ployees as assets# 15) / get an opportunity to o inno"ati"e things at wor%# 16) 4y "iews an participation are "alue# 1;) /n this organi8ation the tas%s perfor!e 6y an ini"iual is assesse with reference to ones experience an expertise# 1<) 7he organi8ation structure facilitates tea!wor%, which enhances effecti"e acco!plish!ent of tas%s# 1=) 4anage!ent has create an open an co!forta6le wor% en"iron!ent# 10) $eople who are harwor%ing an results oriente are praise an reware in this organi8ation# 11) 7he co!pensation pai in this organi8ation is co!!ensurate to the responsi6ilities shoulere# 11) 7he co!pensation is satisfactorily re"iewe fro! ti!e to ti!e# 12) 7he wor% acco!plishe 6y tea!s is perioically e"aluate to chec% its effecti"eness# 1-) /n this organi8ation the inter epart!ental co!!unication is effecti"e an relia6le# 15) 7he organi8ation gi"es aequate pai lea"e# 16) 7he insurance sche!e pro"ie 6y the organi8ation helps in !oti"ating e!ployees# 1;) 7he suggestion sche!e pro"ie 6y the organi8ation helps in the welfare of the e!ployees an 6enefits the organi8ation# 1<) / a! satisfie with the gratuity policy aopte 6y the co!pany# 1=) 4anage!ent is flexi6le an unerstans the i!portance of 6alancing !y wor% an personal life# 20) / feel secure a6out !y 5o6# 21) 4y organi8ation shows respect for a i"erse range of opinions,ieas an people# 21) / a! accounta6le only to !y 6oss# 22) >hich qualities you li%e in your senior, $lease tic% the esira6le option& a) ?e:she practices the stanars 6y setting personal exa!ple# 6) ?e:she co!!unicates effecti"ely, open-!ine an trustworthy# c) .oes not hie any infor!ation pertaining to the epart!ent or the tas% / a! in"ol"e in# ) 4a%es hi!self:herself easily accessi6le to iscuss issues pertaining to our 5o6 an personal nees# e) ?e:she is a constant source of inspiration to all the tea! !e!6ers# 2-) $lease rate the following , as per the preference le"el where 1 is least preferre an - is !ost preferre & @*ate fro! 1to-) @() a) /f the co!pany regularly conucts cultural acti"ities# 6) /f the co!pany ta%es care of e!ployees transportation pro6le!# c) /f the co!pany contri6utes towars the e!ployee,s chil eucation sche!e# ) /f the co!pany re!e!6ers your 6irthay an anni"ersary# @B) / can en5oy !y late sitting if@ $lease tic% the esire one) & a) /t is for the co!pletion of wor%# 6) /t pro"ies extra !oney# c) /t pro"ies foo:snac%s# ) /t pro"ies co!pensation allowance# An, +*((e+$i"n+ / 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 7?(3A BCD FC* )/E/3) BCD* $*+9/CD0 7/4+FGG