Jaguar F Type
Jaguar F Type
Jaguar F Type
AME 409
Senior Project Design
Jaguar F-Type
n !9"!# Jaguar re$eased its E-type to the pub$ic% &n its
re$ease En'o Ferrari# (ounder o( Ferrari# ca$$ed the E-type )The
*ost beauti(u$ car e+er *ade%, The Jaguar was re+o$utionary
because it ca*e in to *ar-et at ha$( the price o( Ferraris and
Aston Martins# whi$e *echanica$$y and aerodyna*ica$$y
outper(or*ing the*% The (irst generation E-type had a top speed
o( !.0 MP/# an in$ine "0cy$inder engine that produced 1".
horsepower and 123 $b-(t o( tor4ue% E+en by today5s standard its
per(or*ance (igures are potent% The Jaguar beca*e the *ost
iconic car o( its ti*e and so*ething (or car enthusiasts and
co$$ectors to drea* o(% Jaguar has not created a car that has
stirred as *uch attention as the E-type unti$ now%
The Jaguar F-type was re+ea$ed 40 years a(ter the $ast produced
E-type% t $aunched (irst as a con+ertib$e# and (or 10!4 the
coupe *ode$s were re+ea$ed% The coupe (eatures a chassis that is
206 *ore rigid than the con+ertib$e# whi$e 74000 do$$ars cheaper%
A$so (or the 10!4 year# Jaguar re+ea$ed its )8 9oupe, which
(eatures a supercharged .%0-$iter :-2 with ..0 horsepower and a
top speed o( !2" MP/% Jaguars *ost potent +ersion o( its sports
The F-type is a true successor to the E-type# carrying o+er its
beauti(u$ iconic $oo-s# sharp hand$ing and raising the bar (or
cars in its c$ass% The F-type is a threat to *ore e;pensi+e
Porsches# Aston Martins# Mercedes and <M=s% The entry $e+e$ F-
type starts at 7""#000 and goes up to 799#000 (or the 8 9oupe
*ode$% Priced in the Porsche 9!! territory# Jaguar has to
pro+ide so*ething specia$ to co*pete% n *y opinion the $oo-s
a$one *a-e the Jaguar one o( the *ost desirab$e cars on the road
today% t does he$p that the Jaguar5s e;haust note is one o( the
*ost e+i$-sounding purrs o( any car%
>othing about the Jaguar5s per(or*ance (igures are re+o$utionary%
/owe+er# the c$assic design and heritage the car brings to the
*ar-et is tru$y specia$% be$ie+e the auto industry needs to
push the con+entiona$ trend o( *ore power and per(or*ance
(igures away and *a-e *ore cars that are (un (or the road and
pro+ide a specia$ dri+ing e;perience% So*ething the Jaguar F-
type e;ce$s to do%
Technical Specifications
=hee$base 1#"11 ** ?!03%1 in@
Aength 4#4B0 ** ?!B" in@
=idth !#913 ** ?B.%B in@
/eight !#302 ** ?.!
=eight !#.9B -g 0 !#""B -g
Power train
Supercharged 3%0 $iter 340 horsepower :" ?F-Type@
Supercharged 3%0 $iter 320 horsepower :" ?F-Type S@
Supercharged .%0 $iter 49. horsepower :2 ?F-Type :2 S@
Supercharged .%0 $iter ..0 horsepower :2 ?F-Type 8@
S# :2 S and 8 *ode$s (eature a standard Acti+e Dyna*ic
Sports E;haust (or race car inspired sound
A$$-a$u*inu* chassis%
9on+ertib$e roo( is e$ectrica$$y operated retractab$e
(abricC top can be raised or $owered in !1 seconds%
F-type 8 o((ers tor4ue +ectoring techno$ogy which contro$s
bra-ing on the inside rear whee$ at the sa*e ti*e (eeding
*ore power to the outside rear whee$ to he$p increase
steering per(or*ance%
Dyna*ic *ode re*aps the cars so(tware to sharpen thrott$e
response# increase steering weighting# 4uic-ens gear shi(ts
on S# :2 S and 8 *ode$s%
10D12 cityDhighway *pg ?F-type@
!9D1B cityDhighway *pg ?F-type S@
!"D13 cityDhighway *pg ?F-type :2 S@
!"D13 cityDhighway *pg ?F-type 8@
2-speed EFuic-Shi(tE GF
auto*atic ?a$$-*ode$s@
Door hand$es retract when not needed
Dep$oyab$e rear spoi$er rises at high speeds reducing $i(t
by up to 1". pounds%
Front sp$itter *anages air($ow under the car%