Diffusion of Innovations - Summary

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Diffusion of Innovations


Everett M. ROGERS
Summary Chapter 1 Elements of diffusion
Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communi-
cated through certain channels over time among the members
of a social system. Diffusion is a special type of communica-
tion concerned with the spread of messages that are perceived
as new ideal. Communication is a process in which partici-
pants create and share information with one another in order
to reach a mutual understanding. Diffusion has a special cha-
racter because of the newness of the idea in the message con-
tent. Thus some degree of uncertainty and perceived risk is
involved in the diffusion process. An individual can reduce
this degree of uncertainty by obtaining information. Informa-
tion is a difference in matter energy that affects uncertainty in
a situation where a choice exists among a set of alternatives.
The main elements in the diffusion of new ideas are: (1) an
innovation (2) that is communicated through certain channels (3) over time (4) among the
members of a social system.
1 Elements of diffusion
2 A history of diffusion re-
3 Contributions and criticisms
of diffusion research
4 The generation of innovation
5 The innovation-decision
6 Attributes of innovations and
their rate of adoption
7 Innovativeness and adopter
8 Diffusion networks
9 The change agent
10 Innovation in organizations
11 Consequences of innova-
1.1 Innovation
An innovation is an idea, practice, or object perceived as new by an individual or other unit of
adoption. Most of the new ideas discussed in this book are technological innovations. A tech-
nology is a design for instrumental action that reduces the uncertainty in the cause-effect rela-
tionships involved in achieving a desired outcome. Most technologies have two components:
(1) hardware, consisting of the tool that embodies the technology as a material or physical
object, and (2) software, consisting of the knowledge base for the tool.
The characteristics of an innovation, as perceived by the members of a social system, deter-
mine its rate of adoption. Five attributes of innovations are: (1) relative advantage, (2) compa-
tibility, (3) complexity, (4) trialability, and (5) observability.
Re-Invention is the degree to which an innovation is changed or modified by a user in the
process of its adoption and implementation.
1.2. Communication Channels
A communication channel is the means by which messages get from one individual to another.
Mass media channels are more effective in creating knowledge of innovations, whereas inter-
personal channels are more effective in forming and changing attitudes toward a new idea, and
thus in influencing the decision to adopt or reject a new idea. Most individuals
Source: Everett ROGERS, 2003: The Diffusion of Innovations. Fifth Edition. The Free Press, New

evaluate an innovation not on the basis of scientific research by experts but through the subjec-
tive evaluations of near peers who have adopted the innovation. These near peers thus serve as
role model, whose innovation behavior tends to be imitated by others in their system.
A distinctive aspect of diffusion is that at least some degree of heterophily is usually present in
communication about innovations. Heterophily is the degree to which two or more individuals
who interact are different in certain attributes, such as beliefs, education, social status, and the
like. The opposite of heterophily is homophily, the degree to which two or more individuals
who interact are similar in certain attributes. Most human communication takes place between
individuals who are homophilous, a situation that leads to more effective communication.
Therefore, the heterophily that is often present in the diffusion of innovations leads to special
problems in achieving effective communication.
1.3. Time
Time is involved in diffusion in (1) the innovation-diffusion process, (2) innovativeness, and
(3) an innovation's rate of adoption. The innovation decision process is the process through
which an individual (or other decision-making unit) passes from first knowledge of an innova-
tion to forming an attitude toward the innovation, to a decision to adopt or reject, to implemen-
tation of the new idea, and to confirmation of this decision. We conceptualize five steps in this
process: (1) knowledge, (2) persuasion, (3) decision, (4) implementation, and (5) confirmation.
An individual seeks information at various stages in the innovation-decision process in order
to decrease uncertainty about an innovation's expected consequences. The decision stage leads
(1) to adoption, a decision to make full use of an innovation as the best course of action avail-
able, or (2) to rejection, a decision not to adopt an innovation.


1.4. Social System
A social System is a set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem solving to ac-
complish a common goal. A system has structure, defined as the patterned arrangements of the
units in a system, which gives stability and regularity to individual behavior in a system. The
social and communication structure of a system facilitates or impedes the diffusion of innova-
tions in the system. One aspect of social structure is norms, the established behavior patterns
for the members of a social system.
Opinion leadership is the degree to which an individual is able to influence informally other
individuals' attitudes or overt behavior in a desired way with relative frequency. A change
agent is an individual who attempts to influence clients innovation-decisions in a direction that
is deemed desirable by a change agency. An aide is a less than fully professional change agent
who intensively contacts clients to influence their innovation-decisions.
We distinguish among three main types of innovation-decisions: (1) optional innovation-
decisions, choices to adopt or reject an innovation that are made by an individual independent
of the decisions of other members of the system, (2) collective innovation-decisions, choices to
adopt or reject an innovation that are made by consensus among the members of a system, and
(3) authority innovation-decisions, choices to adopt or reject an innovation that are made by
relatively few individuals in a system who possess power, status, or technical expertise. A
fourth category consists of a sequential combination of two or more of these three types of
innovation decisions: Contingent innovation-decisions are choices to adopt or reject that are
made only after a prior innovation-decision.
A final way in which a social system influences diffusion concerns consequences, the changes
that occur to an individual or a social system as a result of the adoption or rejection of an in-
Summary Chapter 2 A history of diffusion research
This chapter showed that although diffusion research began as a series of scientific enclaves, it
has emerged as a single, integrated body of concepts and generalizations, given though the
investigations are conducted by researchers in different scientific disciplines. A research tra-
dition is a series of investigations on a similar topic in which successive studies are influenced
by preceding inquiries. The major diffusion traditions described are anthropology, early soci-
ology, rural sociology, education, public health/medical sociology, communication, marketing,
geography, and general sociology.
Eight main types of diffusion research were identified:
1. Earliness of knowing about innovations.
2. Rate of adoption of different innovations in a social system.
3. Innovativeness.
4. Opinion leadership.
5. Diffusion networks.
6. Rate of adoption in different social systems.
7. Communication channel usage.
8. Consequences of innovation.
When scholars follow an intellectual paradigm in a research field, it enables them to pursue a
coherent set of research directions. The paradigm also imposes and standardizes a set of as-
sumptions and conceptual biases that, once begun, are difficult to recognize and overcome.
That is the challenge for the next generation of diffusion scholars. In my first book on diffu-

sion (ROGERS 1962,x), I stated, "This book suggests that students of diffusion have been work-
ing where the ground was soft . . . The challenge for future research is to expand the area of
digging and to search for different objectives than those of the past. Perhaps there is a need to
dig deeper, in directions that theory suggests."
Summary Chapter 3 Contributions and criticisms of diffusion research
We reviewed four major shortcomings of diffusion research in this chapter. We conclude that
the beginnings of diffusion research left an indelible stamp on the approaches, concepts, me-
thods, and assumptions of the field. The biases that we inherited from our research ancestors
have been inappropriate for certain important diffusion research tasks of today. It is ironic that
the study of innovation has itself been so traditional.
The four major criticisms of diffusion research, discussed in this chapter are:
1. The pro-innovation bias, the implication of most diffusion research that an innovation
should be diffused to and adopted by all members of a social system, that it should be diffused
rapidly, and that the innovation should be neither re-invented nor rejected.
z. The individual-blame bias, the tendency to hold an individual responsible for his or her
problems, rather than the system of which the individual is a part.
3. The recall problem in diffusion research, which may lead to inaccuracies when respondents
are asked to remember the time at which they adopted a new idea.
4. The issue of equality in the diffusion of innovations, as socioeconomic gaps among the
members of a social system are often widened as a result of the spread of new ideas.
Alternatives to the usual diffusion research approaches were proposed for overcoming each of
these four criticisms of diffusion research.
Summary Chapter 4 The generation of innovations
Past diffusion researches usually began with the first adopter of an innovation, that is, with the
left-hand tail of the S-shaped diffusion curve. Events and decisions occurring previous to this
point have a considerable influence upon the diffusion process. The scope of future diffusion
research should be broadened to include study of the entire process through which an innova-
tion is generated.
The innovation-development process consists of all the decisions, activities, and their impacts
that occur from recognition of a need or problem, through research, development, and com-
mercialization of an innovation, through diffusion and adoption of the innovation by users, to
its consequences. Recognition of a Problem or need may occur when a social problem rises to
a high priority an the agenda of topics which deserve research.
Many, but not all, technological innovations come out of research. Basic research is defined as
original investigations for the advancement of scientific knowledge and that do not have the
specific objective of applying this knowledge to practical problems. The results of basic re-
search may be used in applied research, which consists of scientific investigations that are
intended to solve practical problems. Lead users develop innovations and then convince a
manufacturing company to produce and sell the innovation, often after the lead user has
created a prototype of the innovation. The usual next stage in the innovation development
process is development, defined as the process of putting a new idea into a form that is ex-
pected to meet the needs of an audience of potential adopters. Technological determinism is
the belief that technology causes changes in society. An opposite viewpoint is social construc-
tionism, which states that social factors shape a technology. A next stage, commercialization,
is defined as the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of a prod-
uct that embodies an innovation. Commercialization is carried out mainly by private firms.
A particularly crucial point in the innovation-development process is the decision to begin
diffusing an innovation to potential adopters. How are innovations evaluated for their efficacy,
safety, and other factors? Finally, an innovation may diffuse, be adopted, and, eventually,
cause consequences, the final stage in the innovation-development process. The six stages de-
scribed here may not always occur in a linear sequence, the time order of the stages may be
different, and certain stages may not occur at all.
Summary Chapter 5 The innovation-decision process
The innovation-decision process is the process through which an individual (or other deci-
sion-making unit) passes from first knowledge of an innovation, to forming an attitude toward
the innovation, to a decision to adopt or reject, to implementation of the new idea, and to con-
firmation of this decision. This process consists of five stages: (1) knowledge, when the indi-
vidual is exposed to the innovation's existence and gains an understanding of how it functions;
(2) persuasion, when the individual forms a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward the inno-
vation; (3) decision, when the individual engages in activities that lead to a choice to adopt or
reject the innovation; (4) implementation, when the individual puts an innovation into use; and
(5) confirmation, when the individual seeks reinforcement for an innovation-decision already
made but may reverse the decision if exposed to conflicting messages about it.

Earlier knowers of an innovation, when compared to later knowers, are characterized by more
formal education, higher social status, greater exposure to mass media channels of communi-
cation, greater exposure to interpersonal channels of communication, greater change agent
contact, greater social participation, and greater cosmopoliteness.

Re-invention is the degree to which an innovation is changed or modified by a user in the
process of its adoption and implementation. Re-invention occurs at the implementation stage
for many innovations and for many adopters. A higher degree of re-invention leads to (1) a
faster rate of adoption of an innovation and (2) a greater degree of sustainability of an innova-
tion. Sustainability is the degree to which an innovation is continued over time after a diffu-
sion program ends.

Discontinuance is a decision to reject an innovation after having previously adopted it. Dis-
continuance can be of two types: (1) replacement discontinuance, in which an idea is rejected
in order to adopt a better idea which superseded it, and (2) disenchantment discontinuance, in
which an idea is rejected as a result of dissatisfaction with its performance. Later adopters are
more likely to discontinue innovations than are earlier adapters.
We conclude that stages exist in the innovation-decision process, although further study of this
issue is needed.
A communication channel is the means by which amessage gets from a source to a receiver.
We categorize communication channels (1) as either interpersonal or mass media in nature and
(2) as originating from either localite or cosmopolite sources. Mass media channels are means
of transmitting messages that involve a mass medium such as radio, television, newspapers,
and so on, that enable a source of one or a few individuals to reach an audience of many. In-
terpersonal channels involve a face-to-face exchange between two or more individuals.
Mass media channels are relatively more important at the knowledge stage, and interpersonal
channels are relatively more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision
process. Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important at the knowledge stage, and loca-
lite channels are relatively more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision
process. Mass media channels are relatively more important than interpersonal channels for
earlier adopters than for later adopters. Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important
than localite channels for earlier adopters than for later adopters.
Theinnovation-decision period is the length of time required for an individual or organization
to pass through the innovation-decision process. The rate of awareness-knowledge for an in-
novation is more rapid than its rate of adoption. Earlier adopters have a shorter innovation-
decision period than do later adopters.
Summary Chapter 6 Attributes of innovations and their rate of adoption
This chapter suggested five attributes of innovations by which an innovation can be described.
Individuals' perceptions of these attributes predict an innovation's rate of adoption. We rec-
ommend that measures of the five perceived attributes should be developed in each diffusion
study, rather than utilizing existing scales borrowed from previous investigations.
Rate of adoption is the relative speed with which an innovation is adopted by members of a
social system. In addition to the perceived attributes of an innovation, such other variables
affect its rate of adoption as (1) the type of innovation-decision, (2) the nature of communica-
tion channels diffusing the innovation at various stages in the innovation-decision process, (3)
the nature of the social system; and (4) the extent of change agents' efforts in diffusing the
innovation. Most past research, however, concentrated on predicting the rate of adoption by
the five perceived attributes of innovations.
Relative advantage is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than the idea it
supersedes. The relative advantage of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social sys-
tem, is positively related to its rate of adoption. Overadoption is the adoption of an innovation
when experts feel that it should be rejected. Preventive innovations, defined as new ideas that
an individual adopts now in order to lower the probability of some unwanted future event,
diffuse more slowly than incremental (nonpreventive) innovations.
Compatibility is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the existing
values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters. The compatibility of an innovation,
as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption. Nam-
ing an innovation and positioning it relative to previous ideas are important means of making

an innovation more compatible. Change agents often ignore indigenous knowledge systems,
which provide one means by which individuals give meaning to an innovation.
Complexity is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to under-
stand and to use. The complexity of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social sys-
tem, is negatively related to its rate of adoption.
Trailability is the degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a limited basis.
The trialability of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively
related to its rate of adoption.
Observability is the degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others. The ob-
servability of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related
to its rate of adoption.
A basic theme of this chapter is that change agents and diffusion scholars must understand
how potential adopters perceive new ideas. Such perceptions count in determining the nature
of the diffusion process.

Summary Chapter 7 Innovativeness and adopter categories
Adopter categories are the classifications of the members of a social system on the basis of
innovativeness, the degree to which an individual or other unit of adoption is relatively earlier
in adopting new ideas than other members of a system. A variety of categorization systems
and titles for adopters have been used in past studies. This chapter described the standard five
adopter categories that are widely followed today in diffusion research, and their applications.
Adopter distributions tend to follow an S-shaped curve over time and to approach normality.
The continuum of innovativeness can be partitioned into five adopter categories (innovators,
early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards) on the basis of two characteristics
of a normal distribution, the mean and the standard deviation. The dominant attributes of each
category are: Innovators-venturesome; early adopters-respect; early majority-deliberate; late
majority-skeptical; and laggards-traditional. The relatively earlier adopters in a social system
are no different from later adopters in age, but they have more years of formal education, are
more likely to be literate, and have higher social status, a greater degree of upward social mo-
bility, and larger-sized units, such as farms, companies, schools, and so on. These characteris-
tics of adopter categories indicate that earlier adopters have generally higher socioeconomic
status than do later adopters.
Earlier adopters in a system also differ from later adopters in personality variables. Earlier
adopters have greater empathy, less dogmatism, a greater ability to deal with abstractions,
greater rationality, greater intelligence, a more favorable attitude toward change, a greater abil-
ity to cope with uncertainty and risk, a more favorable attitude toward science, less fatalism
and greater self-efficacy, and higher aspirations for formal education, higher-status occupa-
tions, and so on.
Finally, the adopter categories have different communication behavior. Earlier adopters have
more social participation, are more highly interconnected in the interpersonal networks of their
system, are more cosmopolite, have more contact with change agents, greater exposure to
mass media channels, and greater exposure to interpersonal communication channels, engage
in more active information seeking, and have greater knowledge of innovations, and a higher
degree of opinion leadership.


Past research thus shows many important differences between earlier and later adopters of
innovations in (1) socioeconomic status, (2) personality variables, and (3) communication be-
havior. The distinctive characteristics of the five adopter categories mean that these adopter
categories can be used for audience segmentation, a strategy in which different communi-
cation channels and/or messages are used to reach each sub audience.
Summary Chapter 8 Diffusion networks
This chapter dealt with opinion leadership, communication networks, and the critical mass.
Opinion leadership is the degree to which an individual is able to influence informally other
individuals' attitudes or overt behavior in a desired way with relative frequency. Opinion lead-
ers play an important role in diffusion networks, and are often identified and utilized in diffu-
sion programs.
Homophily is the degree to which individuals who communicate are similar. Heterophily is the
degree to which individuals who interact are different in certain attributes. Interpersonal diffu-
sion networks are mostly homophilous. Homophily can act as an invisible barrier to the rapid
flow of innovations within a social system, as similar people interact in socially horizontal
patterns, thus preventing a new idea from trickling down from those of higher socioeconomic
status, more education, and greater technical expertise.
When interpersonal diffusion networks are heterophilous, followers generally seek opinion
leaders of higher socioeconomic status, with more formal education, greater mass media expo-
sure, more cosmopoliteness, greater contact with change agents, and more innovativeness.
Compared to followers, opinion leaders have greater mass media exposure, more cosmo-
politeness, greater contact with change agents, greater social participation, higher social status,
and more innovativeness. Opinion leaders conform more closely to a system's norms than do
their followers. When a social system's norms favor change, opinion leaders are especially
A communication network consists of interconnected individuals who are linked by patterned
flows of information. An individual's network links are important determinants of his or her
adoption of innovations. The network interconnectedness of an individual in a social system is
positively related to the individual's innovativeness. Interconnectedness is the degree to which
the units in a social system are linked by interpersonal networks.
Networks provide a certain degree of structure and stability in the predictability of human be-
havior. Communication structure is the differentiated elements that can be recognized in the
patterned communication flows in a system. This structure consists of the cliques within a sys-
tem and the network interconnections among them that are provided by bridges and liaisons.
Individuals are identified as belonging to cliques on the basis of communication proximity, the
degree to which two linked individuals in a network have personal communication networks
that overlap. A personal network consists of those interconnected individuals who are linked
by patterned communication flows to a given individual. Personal networks that are radial
(rather than interlocking) are more open to an individual's environment, and hence play a more
important role in the diffusion of innovations. The information exchange potential of commu-
nication network links is negatively related to their degree of (1) communication proximity
and (2) homophily. This generalization expresses Mark GRANOVETTER's theory of "the
strength-of-weak-ties." Individuals tend to be linked to others who are close to them in physi-
cal distance and who are relatively homophilous in social characteristics.
The critical mass occurs at the point at which enough individuals in a system have adopted an
innovation so that the innovation's further rate of adoption becomes self-sustaining. The cri-
tical mass is particularly important in the diffusion of interactive innovations such as e-mail,
where each additional adopter increases the utility of adopting the innovation for all adopters.

Interactivity is the degree to which participants in a communication process can exchange
roles in, and have control over, their mutual discourse. As more individuals in a system adopt

a noninteractive innovation, it is perceived as increasingly beneficial to future adopters (this is
a sequential interdependence effect on later adopters). However, in the case of an interactive
innovation, the benefits from each additional adoption increase not only for all future adopters,
but also for each previous adopter (this is reciprocal interdependence).
A threshold is the number of other individuals who must be engaged in an activity before a
given individual will join that activity. An innovator has a low threshold of resistance to
adopting a new idea, and so few (or no) interpersonal network influences are needed for adop-
tion. In contrast, a late majority individual has a much higher threshold that must be overcome
by near-peer network influences in order to overcome resistance to the innovation. Thresholds
act for individuals in a somewhat parallel way to the critical mass at the system level. An indi-
vidual is more likely to adopt an innovation if more of the other individuals in his or her per-
sonal network adopted previously.
Summary Chapter 9 The change agent
Change agents operate interventions, defined as actions with a coherent objective to bring
about behavior change in order to produce identifiable outcomes. For example, an HIV pre-
vention program such as stop AIDS in San Francisco was designed to slow the rate of HIV
infection. Targeting (defined as the process of customizing the design and delivery of a com-
munication program on the basis of the characteristics of an intended audience segment) is one
means of segmenting a heterogeneous audience so that customized messages that fit each indi-
vidual's situation are delivered. Currently, the Internet is often utilized to deliver such targeted
A change agent is an individual who influences clients' innovation decisions in a direction
deemed desirable by a change agency. Change agents face two main problems: (1) their social
marginality; due to their position midway between a change agency and their client system,
and (2) Information overload, the state of an individual or a system in which excessive com-
munication inputs cannot be processed and used, leading to breakdown. Seven roles of the
change agent are: (1) to develop a need for change on the part of clients, (2) to establish an
information exchange relationship, (3) to diagnose problems, (4) to create an intent to change
in the client, (5) to translate intentions into action, (6) to stabilize adoption and prevent discon-
tinuance, and (7) to achieve a terminal relationship, with clients.
A change agent's relative success in securing the adoption of innovations by clients is positive-
ly, related to (1) the extent of the change agent's effort in contacting clients, (2) a client orien-
tation, rather than a change agency orientation, (3) the degree to which the diffusion program
is compatible with clients' needs, (4) the change agent's empathy with clients, (5) his or her
homophily with clients, (6) credibility in the clients' eyes, (7) the extent to which he or she
works through opinion leaders, and (8) increasing clients' ability to evaluate innovations.
Further, we propose that contact by change agents is positively related to (1) higher socioeco-
nomic status among clients, (2) greater social participation, (3) higher formal education, and
(4) cosmopoliteness.
An aide is a less than fully professional change agent who intensively contacts clients in order
to influence their innovation-decisions. Not only do aides provide lower-cost contacts with
clients than is possible with professional change agents, but they are also able to bridge the
heterophily gap between professionals and clients, especially lower socioeconomic status
clients. Aides have less competence credibility, the degree to which a communication source
or channel is perceived as knowledgeable and expert, but they have greater safety credibility,
the degree to which a communication source or channel is perceived as trustworthy. An aide's
safety credibility is due to his or her homophily with the client system. Inauthentic professio-
nalism is the process through which an aide takes on the dress, speech, or other identifying,

marks of a professional change agent. In recent decades diffusion scholars have become aware
that an alternative to the classical diffusion model exists in the form of decentralized diffusion
systems. These diffusion programs have outrun the classical model (a relatively centralized
approach). In centralized diffusion systems, such as the agricultural extension services in the
United States, overall control of diffusion decisions (such as which innovations to diffuse,
which diffusion channels to use, and to whom to diffuse innovations) is held by government
officials and technical subject-matter experts. Diffusion in centralized systems flows from the
top down, from experts to users. In contrast, decentralized diffusion systems are client-
controlled with a wide sharing of power and control among the members of the diffusion sys-
tem. Instead of coming out of R&D systems, innovations in decentralized systems bubble up
from local experimentation by non expert users. Local units decide which innovations should
diffuse through horizontal networks, allowing a high degree of re-invention. Decentralized
diffusion systems are based upon convergence communication, in which participants create
and share information with one another in order to reach a mutual understanding. Decentra-
lized diffusion systems are (1) most appropriate for certain conditions and (2) can be com-
bined with elements of centralized systems to form a hybrid diffusion system.
Summary Chapter 10 Innovation in organizations
An organization is a stable system of individuals who work together to achieve common goals
through a hierarchy of ranks and a division of labor. Individual behavior in an organization is
relatively stable and predictable because organizational structure is characterized by predeter-
mined goals, prescribed roles, an authority structure, rules and regulations, and informal pat-
terns. Although behavior in organizations is relatively stable, innovation is ongoing.
At first, innovation in organizations was mainly studied by correlating independent variables
with organizational innovativeness in cross-sectional data analysis. A consistent finding in this
organizational innovativeness research was that larger organizations are more innovative. Ra-
ther low correlations of characteristics variables with organizational innovativeness were
found, perhaps because the organizational structure variables that were studied were related to
innovation in one direction during the initiation subprocess of the innovation process and in
the opposite direction during the implementation subprocess. For instance, low centralization,
high organizational complexity, and low formalization facilitate innovation in the initiation
subprocess, but impede implementation. Today, research an organizational innovativeness is
much less likely to be conducted than is study of the innovation process in organizations.
The presence of an innovation champion contributes to the success of an innovation in an or-
ganization. A champion is defined as a charismatic individual who throws his or her support
behind an innovation, thus overcoming the indifference or resistance that the new idea may
provoke. Research has shown that innovation champions may be powerful individuals in an
organization, or they may be lower-level individuals who possess the ability to coordinate the
actions of others. The degree to which champions are powerful seems to depend on the nature
of the innovation and the organization in which it is gaining acceptance.
Studies of organizational innovativeness tended to be replaced by research on the innovation
process in organizations. We divide the innovation process into two subprocesses: (1) initia-
tion, all of the information gathering, conceptualizing, and planning for the adoption of an
innovation, leading up to the decision to adopt and (2) implementation, all of the events, ac-
tions, and decisions involved in putting an innovation into use. The two initiation stages are

(1) agenda-setting and (2) matching. The three implementation stages are (1) redefining/ re-
structuring, (2) clarifying, and (3) routinizing.
Agenda-setting occurs in the innovation process when a general organizational problem that

may create a perceived need for an innovation is defined. A performance gap, the discrepancy
between an organization's expectations and its actual performance, can trigger the innovation
process. Matching is the stage in the innovation process at which a problem from the organiza-
tion's agenda is fit with an innovation, and this match is planned and designed.
Redefining/restructuring occurs when the innovation is re-invented so as to accommodate the
organizations needs and structure more closely and when the organization's structure is mod-
ified to fit with the innovation. Both the innovation and the organization usually change during
the innovation process.
Clarifying occurs as the innovation is put into more widespread use in an organization, so that
the meaning of the new idea gradually becomes clearer to the organization's members.
Routinization occurs when the innovation has become incorporated into the regular activities
of the organization and loses its separate identity. Sustainability, a closely related concept to
routinization, is defined as the degree to which an innovation continues to be used after the
initial effort to secure adoption is completed. Sustainability is more likely if widespread partic-
ipation has occurred in the innovation process, if re-invention took place, and if an innovation-
champion was involved. This fifth stage, routinization, marks the end of the innovation
process in an organization.
Summary Chapter 11 Consequences of innovations
Consequences are the changes that occur to an individual or to a social system as a result of
the adoption or rejection of an innovation Although obviously important, the consequences of
innovations have received inadequate attention by change agents and by diffusion researchers.
Consequences have not been studied adequately because (1) change agencies have overem-
phasized adoption per se, assuming that an innovation's consequences will be positive, (2) the
usual survey research methods may be inappropriate for investigating consequences, and (3)
consequences are often difficult to measure.
Consequences are classified as (1) desirable versus undesirable, (2) direct versus indirect, and
(3) anticipated versus unanticipated. Desirable consequences are the functional effects of an
innovation for an individual or for a social system. Undesirable consequences are the dysfunc-
tional effects of an innovation for an individual or for a social system. Many innovations cause
both positive and negative consequences, and it is thus erroneous to assume that the desirable
impacts can be achieved without also experiencing undesirable effects. We conclude that the
effects of an innovation usually cannot be managed so as to separate the desirable from the
undesirable consequences.
Direct consequences are the changes to an individual or a system that occur in immediate re-
sponse to an innovation. Indirect consequences are the changes to an individual or a system
that occur as a result of the direct consequences of an innovation. They are the consequences
of the consequences of an innovation.
Anticipated consequences are changes due to an innovation that are recognized and intended
by the members of a system. Unanticipated consequences are changes due to an innovation
that are neither intended nor recognized by the members of a system.
The undesirable, indirect, and unanticipated consequences of an innovation usually go togeth-
er, as do the desirable, direct, and anticipated consequences. An illustration is provided by the
introduction of the steel ax among Australian aborigines, which caused many undesirable,
indirect, and unanticipated consequences, including breakdown of the family structure, the
emergence of prostitution, and misuse of the innovation itself. The case of the steel ax illu-
strates three intrinsic elements of an innovation: (1) form, the directly observable physical ap-
pearance and substance of an innovation, (2) function, the contribution made by the innovation

to the way of life of individuals or to the social system, and (3) meaning, the subjective and
frequently subconscious perception of the innovation by members of the social system.
Change agents more easily anticipate the form and function of an innovation for their clients
than its meaning.
Stable equilibrium occurs when almost no change is occurring in the structure or functioning
of a social system. Dynamic equilibrium occurs when the rate of change in a social system is
commensurate with the system's ability to cope with it. Disequilibrium occurs when the rate of
change is too rapid to permit the system to adjust. Change agents generally wish to achieve a
rate of change that leads to dynamic equilibrium, and to avoid disequilibrium.
One goal of diffusion programs is to raise the level of Good in a system. A second dimension
of consequences is whether the distribution of Good among the members of a system becomes
more or less equal. The consequences of the diffusion of innovations usually widen the so-
cioeconomic gap between the earlier and later adopting categories in a system. Further, the
consequences of the diffusion of innovations usually widen the socioeconomic gap between
the audience segments previously high and low in socioeconomic status.
A system's social structure partly determines the equality versus the inequality of an innova-
tion's consequences. When a system's structure is already very unequal, the consequences of
an innovation (especially if it is a relatively high-cost innovation) will lead to even greater
inequality in the form of wider socioeconomic gaps.
What strategies could be followed in order to narrow gaps? The answer depends on three main
reasons why socioeconomic gaps ordinarily widen as a consequence of diffusion: (1) "ups"
have greater access to information that creates awareness of innovations; (2) they have greater
access to innovation-evaluation information from peers; and (3) "ups" possess greater slack
resources for adopting innovations than do "downs". When special efforts are made by a diffu-
sion agency, it is possible to narrow, or at least not to widen, socioeconomic gaps in a social
system. In other words, widening gaps are not inevitable.
The digital divide is the gap that exists between individuals advantaged by the Internet and
those individuals relatively disadvantaged by the Internet. This inequality exists both within
the United States and between North America and Europe versus developing nations. Efforts
to bridge the digital divide, such as providing public access to computers and the Internet in
cyber cafs and telecenters, are under way.

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