Taco Circuit Setter Chart
Taco Circuit Setter Chart
Taco Circuit Setter Chart
FLO Circuit Setter Flow Balancing Valve
SUPERSEDES: January 1, 1997 EFFECTIVE: January 1, 2007
1. The valve may be installed in any position. Place the
valve in a position which provides for convenient access
to the pressure port connections for the differential pres-
sure gauge hoses, easy access to the memory stop
screws, and easy reading of the scale.
2. Caution should be used when sweat style valves are
installed to prevent overheating the valve. Use a torch
with a sharp pointed flame. Direct the flame with care so
that the valve body is not subjected to excessive heat.
The valve should be in the closed position during sweat-
ing. The use of low temperature solders is recommended.
These valves should not be brazed.
1. For presetting, use the appropriate slide rule setting nec-
essary to achieve the desired pressure drop.
2. To measure flow, connect the TACO PRESSURE GAUGE
(No. 779 0-10", 0-100" dual recommended, No. 775
0-135", 0-100' for higher pressure drops as an alternate)
to the pressure port connections.
APosition the meter case in a safe location adjacent to
the valve.
BTake care in removing the pressure port connection
caps on the ACCU-FLO valve, since they will be at the
same temperature as the pipeline. There may be some
fluid trapped behind the cap. Slowly unscrew the caps
and look for continuous leakage. Continuous leakage
may indicate a failure of the stem seal in the pressure
port connection. Process fluid at temperature and
under pressure may be present. If continuous leakage
is present, do not remove the cap. Appropriate correc-
tive action must be taken.
CConnect the gauge hoses to the pressure port connec-
tions, the RED hose to the port adjacent to the letter H
on the valve body and the YELLOW hose to the other
port indicated by the letter L on the valve body.
DThe pressure port connection valves open automati-
cally as the hoses are screwed onto the fitting, allow-
ing fluid to flow into the meter. NOTE: If the hoses are
connected one at a time, the second hose will bleed
fluid as the first hose is connected and fluid flows into
the meter. This will stop as the meter fills one side of
the measurement cylinder.
ERead the pressure drop on the appropriate meter
scale. NOTE: If you use a meter graduated in feet of
water, convert the reading to inches. Read the flow in
gallons per minute on the appropriate slide rule scale.
FWhen reading pressure drop, wait a sufficient amount
of time to insure that all air has been bled from the
hoses and meter. Refer to the gauge operating instruc-
GAdjust the ACCU-FLO valve by turning the valve stem
until the desired pressure drop is achieved. On all
valves from
/2" thru 4", the flow measurement is inde-
pendent of indicator setting.
HWhen the proper setting has been achieved, slightly
loosen the two socket head cap screws and rotate the
Memory Stop around until it touches the back side of
the indicator. Then tighten the screws to securely set
the open memory position. The Memory Stop is used
to indicate the last set open position. It should not be
used as a hard stop which can take a lot of force.
IReview the pressure drop, and if it is correct, remove
the hoses and replace the pressure port caps.
PLANT I.D. 001-993
Do it Once. Do it Right.
TACO, INC., 1160 Cranston Street, Cranston, RI 02920 Telephone: (401) 942-8000 FAX: (401) 942-2360.
TACO (Canada), Ltd., 6180 Ordan Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2B3. Telephone: 905/564-9422. FAX: 905/564-9436.
Visit our web site at: http://www.taco-hvac.com
Copyright 2007
TACO, Inc.