Eneficial Rayers: Abridged From The Text Al-Hizb Al-Azam by
Eneficial Rayers: Abridged From The Text Al-Hizb Al-Azam by
Eneficial Rayers: Abridged From The Text Al-Hizb Al-Azam by
These prayers were selected by the compiler and were regularly recited by him during the night when he would worship in the
hours before dawn. This is a work in progress and requires significant revision, but may be of use to some in in its present form.
All-Merciful, Most
in the Next World, and safeguard us from the
punishment of the Fire.
6. Our Lord, do not make our hearts swerve aside
after You have guided us. And give us mercy from
You. You are the Ever-Giving.
7. Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves. If you do
3. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. The
Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and the
10. Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of
9. My Lord, expand my bosom and make easy my
11. Our Lord, give us joy in our wives and children
and make us a good example for those who have
12. My Lord, keep me thankful for the blessing
me acting rightly, pleasing You. And make my
descendants righteous. I have repent to You and I
am truly one of the Muslims.
13. Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who
preceded us in faith and do not put any rancor in
our hearts towards those who have faith. Our Lord,
You are All-Gentle, Most Merciful.
14. My Lord! Forgive me and my parents and all
who enter my house as believers, and all the men
and women of the believers. But do not increase
the wrongdoers except in ruin!
15. My Lord, have mercy on them just as they
brought me up when I was young. (thrice)
16. There is no god except You, glory be to You,
and indeed I have been from the oppressors.
17. O Allah, I ask you by means of that I bear
witness that You are Allah, there is no god except
you, the unique and everlasting, the one who has
not given birth and is not born, and no one is
comparable to him.
18. O Allah, I ask You by the fact that all praise is
due to You, there is no god except you alone
without partner, the most merciful and most
beneficent, the creator of the heavens and the
earth, Lord of majesty and generosity, O Living
and self-subsisting, O Most Merciful one.
19. O Allah, I ask you for well-being in this world
and the next.
20. O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and wellbeing in my religion, worldly affairs, family and
21. O Allah, I ask you for contentment with the
divine decree, the coolness of life after death, the
pleasure of gazing at your Countenance and a
) (
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