Eneficial Rayers: Abridged From The Text Al-Hizb Al-Azam by

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Abridged from the text Al-Hizb al-Azam

(D.1270 H IJRI )

These prayers were selected by the compiler and were regularly recited by him during the night when he would worship in the
hours before dawn. This is a work in progress and requires significant revision, but may be of use to some in in its present form.


These prayers with the permission of Allah Most High

will be beneficial and encompass all that is good in both
worlds. They are prefaced with some prayers from the
Quran and a selection of Prophetic reports. May Allah
Most High benefit the Muslims by it by means of His
Generosity and Kindness.

1. I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil.

2. In the name of Allah,

All-Merciful, Most




All-Merciful, the Most Merciful. The King of the

Day of Judgement. You alone we worship. You

alone we ask for help. Guide us on the Straight

Path. The Path of those You have blessed, not of

those with anger on them, nor of the misguided.

4. Our Lord, accept this from us! You are

the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.

5. Our Lord, give us good in this world, and good

in the Next World, and safeguard us from the

punishment of the Fire.

6. Our Lord, do not make our hearts swerve aside

after You have guided us. And give us mercy from

You. You are the Ever-Giving.

7. Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves. If you do

3. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. The

8. My Lord! Make me and my descendants people


who establish prayer. My Lord! Accept my prayer.

Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and the

believers on the Day the Reckoning takes place.

not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be

among the lost.


10. Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of

9. My Lord, expand my bosom and make easy my

Hell, its punishment is inescapable pain.


11. Our Lord, give us joy in our wives and children


and make us a good example for those who have


12. My Lord, keep me thankful for the blessing


You bestowed on me and on my parents, and keep

me acting rightly, pleasing You. And make my
descendants righteous. I have repent to You and I
am truly one of the Muslims.
13. Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who
preceded us in faith and do not put any rancor in
our hearts towards those who have faith. Our Lord,
You are All-Gentle, Most Merciful.
14. My Lord! Forgive me and my parents and all
who enter my house as believers, and all the men
and women of the believers. But do not increase
the wrongdoers except in ruin!
15. My Lord, have mercy on them just as they
brought me up when I was young. (thrice)
16. There is no god except You, glory be to You,
and indeed I have been from the oppressors.
17. O Allah, I ask you by means of that I bear
witness that You are Allah, there is no god except
you, the unique and everlasting, the one who has
not given birth and is not born, and no one is
comparable to him.
18. O Allah, I ask You by the fact that all praise is
due to You, there is no god except you alone
without partner, the most merciful and most
beneficent, the creator of the heavens and the
earth, Lord of majesty and generosity, O Living
and self-subsisting, O Most Merciful one.
19. O Allah, I ask you for well-being in this world
and the next.
20. O Allah, I ask You for forgiveness and wellbeing in my religion, worldly affairs, family and
21. O Allah, I ask you for contentment with the
divine decree, the coolness of life after death, the
pleasure of gazing at your Countenance and a



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desire to meet You, without misfortune which will

cause me harm nor a trial which will lead me
astray. I seek refuge in You that I oppress anyone
or be oppressed, nor transgress against another or
be transgressed against, nor commit a mistake or
sin which will not be forgiven.
22. O Allah, I ask You for sound faith, good
manners with conviction, salvation which is
followed by success, mercy, granting me wellbeing, forgiveness and Your pleasure.
23. O Allah forgive my sins, make spacious my
abode and bless me in my provision.
24. O Allah, I seek refuge in Your pleasure from
Your anger, and Your forgiveness from Your
punishment. [O Allah] I seek refuge in You from
Your punishment, I am incapable of praising You,
for You are as You have described Yourself.
25. O Allah, guide me to the best of manners, the
best of which no one guides to except You. [O
Allah] turn its bad away from me, for no one can
repel its bad except You.
26. O Allah, forgive me all of my sins, the small and
the major, the first and the last, those committed
openly and in private. My Lord, grant my soul its
strength and purify it for You are the best of those
who purify it. You have complete power over it
and are its Master.
27. O Allah, I ask You from the best that which
your righteous servants have asked You, and I seek
refuge in You from that which Your righteous
servants have sought refuge in.
28. O Allah, help me to make remembrance of You,
thank You and worship You in the best way.
29. O Allah, I ask You for wholesome provision,
beneficial knowledge and actions which are









30. O Allah, expand my bosom and make easy my

matter. I seek refuge in You from the whisperings
of the heart, problems in my religion and the
tribulation of the grave.
31. O Allah, guide me aright with the correct
guidance, purify me with reverent fear, and forgive
me in the next world and this world.
32. O Allah, I ask You for beneficial knowledge,
abundant provision and cure from all illnesses.
33. O Allah, I ask You for permanent blessings
which do not change nor disappear.




You from unlawful provision. [O Allah] free me by



means of Your generosity from all other than You.


34. O Allah, I ask You for safety on the day of fear.

35. O Allah, have mercy on me by my leaving sins
as long as You allow me to live. [O Allah] have
mercy on me that I involve myself in that which
does not concern me and bless me with that which
makes You pleased with me.
36. O Allah, You are Most Forgiving and love
Forgiving, so please forgive me.
37. O Allah, suffice me with lawful provision from

38. O Allah, I seek refuge in Your power, there is

no god except You, that You misguide me. You are
the Living who does not perish whilst the jinn and
humans perish. (thrice)
39. O Allah, we seek refuge in You from the
hardships of tribulation, being gripped by





rejoicing at our loss.

40. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of
that which I know and from the evil of that which
I do not know.



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41. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the evil of

that which I have done and the evil of that which I
have not done.
42. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the passing
of Your blessings, the disappearance of Your





retribution/punishment and all of Your anger.

43. O Allah, I ask You from the best of that which
Your Prophet Muhammad asked You. [O Allah] I
seek refuge in You from the evil which Your
Prophet Muhammad sought refuge from. You are
the One who can help and to you is the request,
and there is no power or strength except through
44. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from knowledge
which does benefit, a heart which is not fearful, a
prayer which is not answered and a soul which is
never content.
45. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from desertion or
experiencing trials in our religion.
46. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from disputation,
hypocrisy and bad character traits.
47. O Allah, the turner of the hearts, turn our
hearts towards Your obedience.
48. O Allah, I ask You for steadfastness in the
religion, I ask You to grant me firm resolution to
pursue correct guidance, I ask You to enable me to
be thankful for Your blessings and worship You in
the best way. I ask You for a tongue which speaks
the truth, a sound heart and upright character. I
seek refuge in You from the evil that is in Your
knowledge and I ask You for all the good which
exists in Your knowledge.

I ask You for

forgiveness for all that You know of for You have

knowledge of all of the unseen matters.
49. O Allah, grant us of Your reverential fear that
which turn us away from Your disobedience, and
Your obedience that which will lead us to Your
paradise, and conviction which will make easy for










us the difficulties of this world. Bless us in our

hearing, sight and bodily strength as long as You
allow us to live to the end of our lives. Let our
vengeance against those who have oppressed us
and give us victory against those who show enmity
to us. Do not make our difficulties in our religion
nor make this world the greatest of our worries nor
the utmost of our knowledge, and do not give
authority over us one who will not have mercy
upon us.
50. O Allah, inspire me to the right path and
protect me from the evil of myself.
51. O Allah, I ask You for Your love and the love
of the one who loves You and action which will
allow us to attain Your love.
52. O Allah, the turner of hearts establish my heart
upon Your religion.
53. O Allah, I ask You for faith which will not
waver, blessings which will not expire and the
company of our Prophet Muhammad in the
highest levels of everlasting paradise.
54. O Allah, I ask You for all good, the immediate
and that which is in the distant future, that which
I know of and that which I am unaware of. I seek
refuge in You from all evil, that which is immediate
and that which is in the distant future, that which
I know of and that I am unaware of.
55. O Allah, I ask You for paradise and that which
draws closer to it from speech and actions. I seek
refuge in You from the fire and that which draws
closer to it from speech and actions. I ask You to
make all predestination for me good and I ask You
to make that which You have predestined in my
matters that their ending be good.
56. O Allah, grant me a good ending in all of
matters, protect me from being disgraced in this
world and the punishment of the next world.







57. O Allah, I ask You for every good whose

treasures are in your possession. [O Allah] I seek
refuge in You from the evil of all that You have
control over.
58. O Allah, I ask You for a life of piety and a good
ending without disgrace.
59. O Allah, I ask You for the best of supplications,
the best of success, best of actions, best of rewards,
best of lives, best of deaths. Give me steadfastness,
make heavy my scales, realise my belief, raise my
rank, accept my prayers, forgive my mistakes, and
I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. Amin.
60. O Allah, I ask You for the openings of
goodness, its seal and all aspects of it. [O Allah I
ask You for] The beginning [of good], its end, its
outward, its inward and the highest levels of
Paradise. Amin.
61. O Allah, I ask You of the best I bring, the best
of that which I do, the best of that which I practice,
the best of that which is inward and outward and
the highest levels of Paradise. Amin.
62. O Allah, I ask You to raise my good standing,
lighten the burden of my sins, rectify my matter,
purify my heart, protect my private parts,
enlighten my grave and forgive my sins. [O Allah]
I ask You for the highest levels of Paradise. Amin.
63. O Allah, I ask You to bless me in my hearing,
in my sight, in my soul, in my physical form, in my
character, in my living, in my dying and in my
action. [O Allah] accept my good actions and I ask
You for the highest levels of paradise. Amin.








64. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the

punishment of the fire, the tribulation of the fire,
the tribulation of the grave, the punishment of the
grave the evil of the tribulation of wealth and
poverty, and from the evil of the tribulation of the
Masih al-Dajjal.
65. O Allah, make the largest of Your provision
upon me when I am advanced in age and towards
the end of my life.
66. O Allah, make the best of my life its latter part,
the best of my actions the last of them and the best
of my days the day in which I meet You. O
Guardian of Islam and its people, make me firm
upon it until I meet You.
67. O Allah, I ask You for mercy from You by
which my heart is guided and my affairs are
consolidated such that You alone suffice me. [O
Allah] rectify my inner and outer states, purify by
means of it my actions, inspire me by means of it
to that which is correct and protect me by means
of it from every evil.
68. O Allah, grant me faith which does not waver,
blessing after which there is no disbelief, and
mercy by means of which I attain the honour of
Your Generosity in this world and the next.
69. O Allah, do not leave me to myself for a
moment and do not take from the good of that
which You have given me.
70. O Allah, do not make me a person whose
prayer is unanswered and be especially merciful
with me. O the best of those who is asked and the
best of bestowers.
71. O Allah, I ask You for faith which will ingrain
itself in my heart until I know that nothing will
afflict me except that which You have written for
me, along with contentment with living with that
which You have apportioned for me.









72. O Allah, our hearts and forelocks and limbs are

in Your hands. [O Allah] You have not given us
any power over them, if You have done this to us
then be our Protector and guide us to the straight
73. O Allah, I ask You for health, forgiveness,
safety, good character and contentment with Your
74. O Allah, I ask You for the ability to attain from
the good that which You have granted people from
wealth, family and children, without being
misguided or misguiding.
75. O Allah, I seek refuge in Your noble
countenance and Your great name from disbelief
and poverty.
76. O Allah, You know my secrets and outward so
please accept my excuse. You know my needs so
please grant my requests. You know that which is
in my heart so forgive my sins.
77. O Allah, You asked from us that which we do
not possess except through You. O Allah, grant us
from it that which will earn us Your pleasure
78. O Allah, I ask You for perpetual faith [O Allah]
I ask You for a fearful heart, [O Allah]I ask You for
beneficial knowledge, [O Allah] I ask You for true
conviction, [O Allah] I ask You for upright
religion, [O Allah]I ask You for well-being from
all tribulation, [O Allah] I ask You for complete
well-being, [O Allah] I ask You for continuous
wellbeing, [O Allah] I ask You for thankfulness for
well-being, [O Allah] I ask You for freedom from
79. O Allah, make me from those who places his
reliance upon You and You have sufficed him,
sought guidance from You and You have guided
him, sought victory by means of You and You have
given victory.









80. O Allah, make the whisperings of my heart

Your fear and remembrance. [O Allah] make my
resolve and desires in accordance with that which
You love and are pleased with.
81. O Allah, give me ability to that that which You
love and are pleased with from speech, actions,
blessings, intention and guidance, for You are
powerful over all things.
82. O Allah, I ask You to free me from the Fire.
83. O Allah, we seek Your help to worship You.
84. O Allah, we ask You for guidance, piety, being
free of needing others, well-being, conviction, firm
establishment upon the truth, death upon Islam
and reaching Paradise.
85. O Allah, we ask You for continuous well-being,
complete blessings, a good ending and a good life
in the next world.
86. O Allah, cover our faults and give security to
our fears and suffice us against all that stands
between us and paradise.
87. O Allah, we ask You for the best of life and best
of death and the best that which is between both of
them. We seek refuge in You from the evil of life,
the evil of death and the evil which is between both
of them. Give me the life of the felicitous, a life
which You love to maintain, and give me the death
of a martyr, the death of a one whom You love to
88. O Allah, protect me in that which You have
ordered, protect me from that which You have
forbidden me from and preserve for me that which
You have given me.
89. O Allah, O Lord of everything, by Your Power
over all things, forgive me for everything and do
not ask me regarding anything.










90. O Allah, I seek refuge in You from: doubt in the

truth after





difficulties of the day of judgement and difficulty

when raised up from the dead. [O Allah] I ask You
for Your pleasure and Paradise, I seek refuge in
You from Your anger and the Fire, with gentleness
and well-being by means of Your Mercy O Most
Merciful One. There is no power or strength except
through Allah the Exalted and Magnificent.

Salutations and blessings be upon our Master

Muhammad the seal of the Prophets, upon his
family, companions and those that follow them
with goodness till the last day, and All Praise is due
to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. This prayer was
completed, all praise be to Allah and with His help
on 27 Rajab 1240 at the hand of its compiler, Allah
Most High forgive him.


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