The Heiresses

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1o Mlcboel
wbetbet we foll by ombltloo, blooJ, ot lost!
llke JlomooJs we ote cot wltb oot owo Jost(
0i1e 2ear$ 3ater
Cha-ter 4
Cha-ter 5
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Cha-ter :
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Cha-ter 4:
Cha-ter 4;
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Cha-ter 5:
Cha-ter 5;
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Oe 2ear 3ater
Abo#t the A#thor
Al$o by ,ara ,he-ar"
Abo#t the P#bli$her
2o# 'ow the ,aybroo'$( E1eryoe "oe$( Perha-$ yo#?1e rea" a -rofile of them i leople or voolty lolt! $ee their
-ict#re$ i the $ociety -a.e$ of voqoe a" the New otk 1lmes ,#"ay ,tyle$( Whe wal'i. alo. that choice bloc' o
0ifth A1e#e! yo#?1e bee tem-te" to eter the orate lime$toe b#il"i. with their family ame etche" ito the
-e"imet abo1e the "oor( At the 1ery lea$t! yo#?1e -a#$e" at their a"$! -ict#re$ of A$ter ,aybroo'?$ $t#i. face frame"
by a .alaAy of ba#ble$! the "iamo"$ $o flawle$$ a" clear that e1e their .lo$$y ima.e$ ma'e yo# "iBBy( 1bey ma'e yo#
"iBBy too! for the ,aybroo'$ are a family of bea#tie$! etre-ree#r$! "eb#tate$! ma1e$! a" ma1eric'$! the ty-e of
-eo-le for whom"oor$ o-e a" re$ta#rat table$ o-e #-( If yo# li1e i New 2or' City a" ha--e to catch a .lim-$e of
them "oi. $omethi. ormal! li'e wal'i. ito the office i the mori. or ro#"i. the Re$er1oir o a e1ei. Do.!
yo# feel li'e yo#?1e D#$t bee to#che" by a $#beam! a ma.ic wa"! a $tro'e of l#c'( They?re $ort of li'e me! yo# thi'(
Oly they are?t( A" be caref#l what yo# wi$h for! beca#$e if yo# wete a ,aybroo'! yo#?" be ha#te" by $ecret$ a$ "ee-
a$ a mie a" -la.#e" by a $trea' of l#c' D#$t a$ "ar'( 2o#?" ha1e to .o to a hell of a lot of f#eral$ too( 3ar.erEthaElife
tho#.h the family be! they al$o ha1e to cote" with a lot of "eath(
TEN HIGH32 PO3I,HED tow car$ i"le" i frot of ,t( Patric'?$ Cathe"ral o the clear early ,e-tember mori. of ,te1e
+arett?$ f#eral! a" at lea$t fi1e more ha" -ar'e" aro#" the corer o 0iftieth ,treet( The ch#rch $te-$ ha" bee
$we-t clea! the raili.$ .a1e off a hi.h $hie! a" e1e the -i.eo$ ha" fo#" $omewhere el$e to roo$t( The acti1ity o
the $i"ewal' acro$$ the $treet coti#e" a-ace( There were $o may -eo-le that they $eeme" to mo1e i oe lo.! $il'e
$carf of color( +#t whe the tow car "oor$ o-ee" $im#ltaeo#$ly i a -erfectly choreo.ra-he" ballet! all mo1emet
$to--e" a" the .aw'i. be.a(
E"ith! the 1eerable matriarch of the ,aybroo' "ya$ty! wa$ alrea"y i$i"e the ch#rch alo. with her chil"re( Now it wa$
the .eeratio?$ t#r to $te- o#t of the cool "ar'e$$ of their car$ ito the fla$h of camera$ a" the $creami.
crow"$( 0ir$t to emer.e wa$ twetyEieEyearEol" Po--y ,aybroo'! -erfectly $tyle" i a blac' Ral-h 3a#re $heath a"
$howi. off a lar.e "iamo" e.a.emet ri.)a ,aybroo'?$! at#rally( Her ew fiacG! *ame$ Hewoo"! traile" behi"
her ca$ti. #a$$#mi. $mile$ at e1eryoe i the crow")e$-ecially the wome(
NeAt were Po--y?$ co#$i$! $i$ter$ Corie a" A$ter( Tho#.h Corie loo'e" im-eccable i a blac' wra- "re$$ a" ta#-e
heel$! her $'i wa$ a$he! a" her balace $eeme" $li.htly off( R#mor ha" it her boyfrie"! DiAo ,hac'elfor"! ha" bro'e
her heart at the be.ii. of the $#mmer( Maybe that wa$ why $he?" ta'e a yearlo. a$$i.met i Ho. Ho. a$ a
,aybroo'?$ b#$ie$$ liai$o( Wor" wa$ $he wa$ lea1i. the eAt "ay(
A$ter wore a "re$$ that co#l" ha1e "o#ble" for a! her blo" hair m#$$e"( The ei.hteeEyearEol"! who ha" $-et
the $#mmer mo"eli. i E#ro-e! "i"?t lift the Dior frame$ from her eye$ a$ $he h#..e" Po--y( Maybe $he?" bee #- all cryi.( Or! more li'ely! -artyi.(
A "oor $lamme" o the corer a$ twetyE$e1eEyearEol" Rowa! ,aybroo'?$ ewe$t iEho#$e lawyer! $te--e" oto the
c#rb( Her two brother$! Michael a" Palmer! were ot i atte"ace)they ha"?t Doie" the family b#$ie$$ a" "i"?t
'ow ,te1e( Rowa loo'e" #- at her co#$i$! oly to flich a$ $he $ of Po--y a" *ame$( Her -ale bl#e eye$
were bloo"$hot! a" her o$e wa$ re"( No oe ha" realiBe" that Rowa a" ,te1e +arett were clo$e ( ( ( or wa$ $he
#-$et abo#t $omethi. el$eI
A" fially ei.hteeEyearEol" Nata$ha ,aybroo'EDa1i$ h#rrie" o1er from the $#bway $to- o 0iftyEThir"! her wil" me$$ of
"ar' c#rl$ -ie" off her face! her li-$ twi$te" ito a $#rly frow( The other co#$i$ .lace" at her ca.ily! o oe 'owi.
J#ite what to $ay( The fact that Nata$ha ha" recetly "i$iherite" her$elf wa$ the $#bDect of m#ch $-ec#latio( Why
wo#l" oe of America?$ heire$$e$ .i1e #- her fort#eI
0la$hb#lb$ -o--e"( Po--y $ha"e" her fieEboe" o1al face with her J#ilte" Chael cl#tch( A$ter $J#eeBe" her eye$ $h#t!
loo'i. -o$iti1ely .ree( After a momet! Po--y! A$ter! Corie! a" Rowa cl#tche" ha"$( Thi$ wa$ the fir$t time they
ha" bee to.ether $ice ,te1e wa$ fo#" o the $hoal$ of their family?$ $#mmer -ro-erty o Meriweather! a $#y
i$la" off the coa$t of Martha?$ @ieyar"! oe wee' earlier! after their a#al e"EofE$#mmer -arty( Thi$ year they?"
celebrate" Po--y?$ -romotio to -re$i"et of the com-ay(
KEAc#$e meIL $ai" $omeoe behi" the fo#r wome(
They t#re" a" -eere" ito the fl#$he"! face of a re-orter( A camerama i Dea$ a" a 2a'ee$ TE$hirt $too"
behi" her(
The woma $mile" bri.htly( KAmy ,ea1er! Chael Te( How well "i" yo# 'ow ,te1e +arettIL
Corie "#c'e" her hea"( Po--y $hifte" aw'war"ly( Rowa balle" #- her fi$t$(
Amy ,ea1er barely bli'e"( The camerama leae" i( KIt?$ $tra.e!L the re-orter wet o( K0ir$t yo#r .ra"father! who
ra the ,aybroo'?$ em-ire! a" ow hi$ -rotG.G! the ma who wa$ r#more" to be eAt i lie for the Dob ( ( (L
Rowa frowe"( KIf yo#?re tryi. to coect the two "eath$! yo# $ho#l"?t( O#r .ra"father wa$ ietyEfo#r( It?$ ot
eAactly the $ame thi.(L
KA" loppy wa$ ame" -re$i"et! ot ,te1e!L Corie D#m-e" i! -oiti. to her co#$i( Ma$o! Corie?$ father a"
the com-ay CEO! ha" ma"e the la$tEmi#te "eci$io! $ayi. he wate" to K'ee- thi.$ i the family(L It ha" bee a h#.e
$#r-ri$e! b#t e1eryoe 'ew Po--y wa$ #- to the challe.e(
The re-orter 'e-t -ace with them a$ they wal'e" towar" the ch#rch! Nata$ha a few $te-$ behi" the re$t of the co#$i$(
K2e$! b#t "i"?t Mr( +arett row for Har1ar"! $#rf i GalM-a.o$I Do?t yo# thi' it?$ o"" that he "rowe" i sbollow
Rowa thr#$t a o-e -almtowar" the camera(
KNo commet!L Po--y $ai" J#ic'ly! the h#$tle" Rowa a" the other$ towar" the ch#rch( KTry to hol" it to.ether!L $he
K2o# koow what $he?$ .etti. at! tho#.h!L Rowa whi$-ere"(
KI 'ow! I 'ow!L Po--y a$were"( K+#t D#$t let it .o! o'ayIL
It wa$ $omethi. they e1er li'e" to thi' abo#t)the family c#r$e( The me"ia ha" i1ete" the coce-t lo. a.o! a"
oh! how they a"ore" it)there wa$ e1e a aoymo#$ly r# web$ite calle" the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e" that "oc#mete"
the ,aybroo' calamitie$ a" mi$fort#e$! a" it recei1e" tho#$a"$ of hit$ a "ay( No oe co#l" .et eo#.h of the
le.e"ary America family that wa$ $o ble$$e" with fort#e a" bea#ty! yet c#r$e" with a $tri. of my$terio#$ $#""e
Whe the .irl$ were little! the c#r$e ha" bee their .oEto .ho$t $tory whe they cam-e" o#t i the bac'yar" i their
family com-o#" i Meriweather( lt oll stotteJ! they?" be.i! fla$$ -o$itioe" #"er their chi$! wbeo Cteot-Aoot
loolse fell off o bolcooy ot o New eots ve potty. 5be fell tweoty stotles, bolJloq bet mottlol tbe wbole tlme. After
3o#i$e! a .reatE#cle wa$ tram-le" at a -olo match( The a $eco" co#$i?$ -lae wa$ lo$t at $ea( Their owE"i1orce"
a#t Grace! the yo#.e$t of E"ith a" Alfre"?$ chil"re! ha" a $o who wa$ 'i"a--e" fromtheir frot yar"(
Tho#.h ,te1e +arett wa$?t techically a ,aybroo'! it felt li'e he wa$( Alfre"! who wa$ alway$ loo'i. for ew talet!
ha" -l#c'e" ,te1e $ from Har1ar" +#$ie$$ ,chool early fiftee year$ -rior! im-re$$e" by hi$ b#$ie$$ ac#me
a" -oi$e( ,te1e wa$ efficiet a" brilliat! with a 'ee b#$ie$$ mi" a" a 'ac' for PR! able to tal' abo#t aythi.
from the hotte$t "iamo" ba#ble for the holi"ay$ to the f#t#re of $ocially re$-o$ible mii.( He?" a$ce"e" the ra'$
J#ic'ly! a co$tat fiAt#re at Alfre" a" E"ith?$ tow ho#$e i the city or at the family?$ i$la" beach e$tate o lo.
wee'e"$! becomi. a tr#$te" a"1i$er a" hoorary $o( Now he?" $#ffere" the $ame fate a$ all tho$e other ,aybroo'$!
claime" by the .reat .ray clo#" that followe" their family( 2e$! hi$ "rowi. i the $hallow water of the maria wa$
$tra.e( +#t ,te1e?$ bloo" alcohol le1el ha" bee $'yEhi.h! a" the -olice ha" "eeme" it a tra.ic acci"et(
The re-orter fially fell bac'! a" the co#$i$ coti#e" ito the cathe"ral( A$t -laye" a +ach f#.#e! a" a
em-ty -ew waite" for the co#$i$ ear the frot of the ch#rch( I the fir$t -ew ,te1e?$ wife! +et$y! "abbe" her .ray
eye$! tho#.h her .rief loo'e" rehear$e"( Hi$ brother$ $at $ho#l"er to $ho#l"er! li'e f#Eho#$e mirror 1er$io$ of the
"ecea$e"( Two re"Ehaire" wome $too" i frot of the ca$'et! ha"$ fol"e" i -rayer( Oe wore a "iamo" tei$
bracelet the ,aybroo' wome reco.iBe" imme"iately(
KDaielleIL Corie $ai"(
The woma t#re"! her eA-re$$io $hifti.( KIt?$ $o awf#l!L $he whi$-ere"(
A$ter iche" away! b#t Corie -#lle" Daielle ito a h#.( Daielle Gilchri$t wa$ the "a#.hter of the careta'er$ at the
Meriweather e$tate! a" $he?" bee aro#" $o m#ch whe they were 'i"$ that $he wa$ -ractically li'e family( ,he a"
A$ter ha" bee the clo$e$t)A$ter ha" .i1e her the bracelet)tho#.h A$ter ref#$e" to loo' at her ow( Daielle?$
mother! *#lia! $too" eAt to her "a#.hter! "re$$e" i a blac' $heath that $howe" off her $le"er fi.#re( Tho#.h $he wa$
early fifty! with her lithe -hy$iJ#e a" the $ame $t#i. re" hair a$ her "a#.hter?$! $he co#l" almo$t -a$$ for Daielle?$
KI $till ca?t belie1e he "rowe"!L Daielle $ai" a$ Nata$ha a--roache" the .ro#-(
Nata$ha -lace" a ha" o the ca$'et( KIt ls a co1eiet eA-laatio!L $he m#rm#re"! K.i1e e1erythi. that ha--ee"
Po--y whi--e" her hea" aro#"( A$ter -re$$e" her li-$ to.ether! loo'i. Corie 1i$ibly -ale"( E1e Rowa
$eeme" er1o#$( They ha"?t eAactly tal'e" abo#t what tbeyJ bee "oi. the e1ei. ,te1e "rowe")or m#ch el$e
that ha" ha--ee" that $#mmer( Maybe there ha" bee too may other thi.$ to "i$c#$$! or maybe they?" a1oi"e" it o
*#lia to#che" Daielle?$ arm( KCome o!L $he $ai" $har-ly( K3et?$ lea1e thembe(L
The$t bro'e ito the o-ei. bar$ of K,o My ,hee- May ,afely GraBe!L a" they all too' their $eat$( ,#--orti.
their .ra"mother! E"ith! the -rie$t wal'e" $lowly "ow the ai$le( He .ra$-e" her "ri--i.EwithE"iamo"$! li1erE$-otte"
ha"! altho#.h $he 'e-t tryi. to $wat him away( De$-ite the h#mi"ity i$i"e the ch#rch! E"ith -#lle" her $able e1e
ti.hter aro#" her! a$ tho#.h it were a brace to hol" her ec' i -lace( ,he -#$he" her lar.e! "ar'! ro#"Eframe" .la$$e$
hi.her #- her face a" $mile" coolly at the mo#rer$(
Whe $he reache" their -ew! E"ith .a1e each of her .ra""a#.hter$ a -a-ery 'i$$( KAll of yo# loo' lo1ely(L
The $he $at! cro$$i. her $limle.$ at the a'le$! a" fol"e" her ha"$ i her la-! a$ tho#.h $he a$$#me" all eye$ were o
her( A" li'ely! they were( ,he alway$ .a1e her .ra""a#.hter$ oe -iece of a"1iceN oo, my Jeots, ote tbe beltesses.
kemembet tbot, olwoys. 8ecoose oo ooe else wlll evet fotqet.
The .irl$ were the f#t#re of ,aybroo'?$ Diamo"$! a" they ha" to act accor" They were to li1e their li1e$ with the
#tmo$t "ecor#m! $mile for the camera$! $-ea' $e1eral la.#a.e$! hol" may "e.ree$! c#lti1ate the art of co1er$atio!
a"! mo$t im-ortat! refrai from"oi. aythi. that bri. $ca"al #-o the family(
A" yet they ha"( All of them( It ha" bee a $#mmer of $ecret$( ,ecret$ that $et them a-art a" ma"e them ti.hte
i$i"e)$ecret$ that they ha"?t e1e tol" oe aother( A$ they .lace" aro#" the $wee-i. cathe"ral! they each
$#""ely feare" a bolt of li.hti. from abo1e( They were the heire$$e$! all! the $-ar'li. -rice$$e$ of a family that or ot be "oome"( +#t by E"ith?$ $ta"ar"$! they ha"?t bee beha1i. li'e heire$$e$ at all(
A" it wa$ oly a matter of time before the worl" fo#" o#t(
O a late A-ril mori.! a$ rai $meare" the wi"ow-ae$! wa$he" the "irt off the $i"ewal'$! a" $lowe" traffic o e1ery
bloc' i New 2or' City! twetyE$e1eEyearEol" Corie ,aybroo' $too" barefoot i a "re$$i. room! tal'i. o her cell
-hoe i cli--e"! -reci$e T#r'i$h(
K,o we ha1e -ermi$$io to e$tabli$h the liai$o officeIL Corie a$'e" O#r Al-er! her cotact at the T#r'i$h brach of
the Geeral Directorate of 0orei. I1e$tmet$! whom$he?" met the la$t time $he?" 1i$ite"(
K2e$! all of the "oc#met$ are i -lace!L Mr( Al-er a$were"! the -hoe coectio crac'li.( KWe?ll $till ee" yo# to
re.i$ter with the taA office! b#t ,aybroo'?$ Iteratioal i$ cleare" to $et #- a brach of yo#r b#$ie$$ i the Re-#blic of
T#r'ey( Co.rat#latio$ to yo# a" yo#r com-ay! Mi$$ ,aybroo'(L
KTha' yo# $o m#ch!L Corie $ai" $moothly! a""i. a $alaam before cla--i. the -hoe clo$e"( ,he $mile" at her feet!
feeli. the $ati$fyi. $well of 1ictory( Her family?$ Dewelry em-ire wa$ oe of the mo$t -romiet retailer$ i the co#try!
both for the ma$$e$ a" the fab#lo#$ly wealthy! b#t it wa$ Corie?$ Dob to ma'e it #mber oe i the wotlJ(
The $he .aBe" "ow at her$elf! almo$t $tartle" to $ee where $he wa$)a" what $he wa$ weari.( ,he wa$ cla" i a
i1ory MoiJ#e 3h#illier .ow( The Chatilly lace fabric cl#. to her bo"y! accet#ati. her -orcelai $'i( The hem e"e"
eatly at the floor at the frot a" $-ille" ito a lo.! romatic trai at the bac'( A "iamo" ec'lace! o loa from her
family?$ -ri1ate collectio! $-ar'le" at her throat! the Dewel$ col" a" hea1y$t her $'i( To"ay wa$ the fial fitti.
for her we""i. "re$$( Corie ha" alrea"y cacele" $e1eral time$ beca#$e of wor' obli.atio$! b#t with the we""i. i a
moth! time wa$ r#i. o#t(
There wa$ a 'oc' o the "re$$i. room "oor( Corie?$ co#$i a" matro of hoor! Po--y! -o'e" her hea" i$i"e!
"re$$e" i a cla$$ic white $hirt! 'ha'i trech! $'iy blac' -at$! a" a -air of re" H#ter boot$ that oly Po--y
co#l" -#ll off( Po--y ha" .row #- o a farm i the +er'$hire$! $-e"i. a$ m#ch time -ic'i. wil" berrie$ a" mil'i.
cow$ a$ $he "i" leari. 0rech a" -layi. tei$(
KE1erythi. all! hoeyIL
Corie t#re" to her a" bro'e ito a eA#berat $mile( KI D#$t $ec#re" the liai$o office i T#r'ey!L $he $ai" eAcite"ly(
KThat?$ wo"erf#l(L The corer$ of Po--y?$ mo#th ea$e" ito a $mile( KAltho#.h yo# ote allowe" to ta'e a brea'! yo#
'ow(L Po--y .aBe" "ow at Corie?$ "re$$ a" $wooe"( KCotqeoos( C?mo( 3et?$ $how yo# off(L +#t D#$t before $he
le" Corie o#t of the "re$$i. room! Po--y to#che" her arm! her eA-re$$io $hifti. to oe of cocer( KI meat to a$'
yo#!L $he $ai" i a low 1oice( KTomorrow i$ May fir$t( How are yo# ( ( ( feeli.IL
Corie $#c'e" i her $tomach a" loo'e" away( ,he wa$ abo#t to $ay that $he wa$ fie( +#t the $he felt a -e--ery
$e$atio behi" her eye$( K,ometime$ I wi$h I?" D#$t tol" him!L $he bl#rte"( KIt $eem$ $o $elfi$h that I "i"?t(L
Po--y cl#tche" Corie?$ ha"$( KOh! hoey(L A timoro#$ loo' cro$$e" her face( K2o# 'ow! there?$ $till time(L
Corie $trai.htee" #- a" loo'e" at her$elf i the threeEway mirror( Her $'i wa$ fl#$he"! her eye$ a little "ilate"( I metioe" it! o'ayI I ca?t belie1e I e1e $ai" aythi.(L
,he .rabbe" her cell -hoe from the ottoma i the corer a$ Po--y .athere" #- her trai( Her mother! Peelo-e! a"
her we""i. -laer! E1a Pierce! $at o a i1ory "i1a i the mai $alo( +oth wome t#re" at the $o#" of Corie?$
$wi$hi. $'irt( Peelo-e ro$e a" wal'e" $ha'ily acro$$ the room)$he ha" bee i a $'ii. acci"et i Colora"o that
witer a" o oe ha" $ee who hit her( It wa$ D#$t yet aother ici"et chal'e" #- to the ,aybroo' c#r$e( The -re$$ ha"
ha" a fiel" "ay with that! e$-ecially a$ it wa$ commo 'owle".e that Corie?$ father! Ma$o! wa$ $#--o$e" to ha1e
bee o the -ri1ate -lae that ha" cra$he" two year$ earlier! 'illi. Po--y?$ -aret$ a" the -ilot( He?" cacele" at the
la$t mi#te to atte" a wor' meeti.( Two ear mi$$e$ for the ,aybroo' -atriarch a" hi$ wife i a$ may year$(
Peelo-e too' Corie?$ ha"$(
KDarli.(L ,he $moothe" "ow Corie?$ hair! f#$$e" with the lace $tra-$ o the "re$$! a" the $too" bac'( KIt?$ $im-ly
Corie o""e"! ta$ti. the waAy li-$tic' $he?" D#$t a--lie" a few mi#te$ a.o( It wa$?t lo$t o her that her mother ha"
$ai" the Jtess wa$ bea#tif#l! ot Corie(
+ettia! 3h#illier?$ tailor! $mile" -ro#"ly( KThe alteratio$ are -erfect!L $he m#rm#re"(
E1a i$-ecte" the "re$$ too( KGoo"( 0ie!L $he $ai" i her a$al 1oice! her bl#tly c#t blac' hair falli. acro$$ her $har-
Po--y $hoo' her hea"( K2o#?re $o har" to -lea$e(L
E1a $hr#..e"! b#t Corie 'ew it wa$ D#$t abo#t the be$t com-limet E1a co#l" .i1e( ,he wa$ Po--y?$ ol" roommate
from boar"i. $choolO Corie ha" e1er really clic'e" with her! b#t $he wa$ a $har' i the Mahatta we""i. i"#$try!
.etti. her way e1e if $he ha" to $te- o a few -e"ic#re$ alo. the way( Corie a--reciate" that ferocity( E1a al$o
'e-t all "etail$ abo#t Corie?$ #-comi. we""i. a $ecret from rabi" re-orter$ a"$! e1e the aoymo#$
ma$termi"$ behi" the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e"(
+ettia fl#ffe" Corie?$ $'irt a" met her .aBe i the mirror( K,o( What i$ it li'e to be the bri"e i the we""i. of the
cet#ryIL Her thic'ly accete" 1oice wa$ rich with a"miratio(
A rehear$e" $mile $a--e" oto Corie?$ face( KPlea$e( The cet#ry ha$ oly be.#(L
K2e$! b#t ulxoo 5bockelfotJ(L +ettia $h#""ere" with "
Corie -#$he" her "irtyEblo" hair behi" her ear$( ,he?" bee with DiAo $ice their $o-homore year at 2ale( Well!
eAce-t for that oe $#mmer D#$t after .ra"#atio)b#t Corie ha" alway$ li'e" a $tory with a ha--y e"i.! a" $he?"
eatly trimme" that iterl#"e from her -er$oal hi$tory( Hi$ mother wa$ +riti$h! hi$ father TeAa! a" DiAo him$elf wa$
her mother?$ "reamcome tr#e)a bl#e bloo" o both cotiet$! heir to the ,hac'elfor" Oil fort#e! affable to a fa#lt(
+ettia lifte" Corie?$ 1eil fromit$ "ar'Ebl#e boA o a earby $i"eboar"( KA" ow yo#?re .oi. to be a ptlocessPL
Corie wa1e" her ha"( KThere?$ ot m#ch of a chace of that( Hi$ mother i$ the J#ee?$ fo#rth co#$i twice remo1e"(
Or $omethi.!L Corie $ai"! feeli. $he ha" to a"" the ot sometbloq e1e tho#.h $he 'ew -reci$ely where DiAo?$
mother fell o the royal family tree(
+ettia -#t her ha"$ o her hi-$( KThat ma'e$ yo# more of a -rice$$ tha ay of #$( Now! let me $ee that ri.
Corie hel" o#t her ha"( DiAo ha" .i1e her a lar.e! caaryEyellow "iamo" $et i -lati#m)a homa.e to the
Coroa Diamo"! the 1ery fir$t $toe that her belo1e" .ra"father! Alfre"! ha" acJ#ire" whe he i Worl" War II(
+efore that! Alfre" ha" owe" a fle".li. Dewelry $tore i +o$to! b#t the acJ#i$itio of the Coroa ha" la#che" the
b#$ie$$ ito a ew $trato$-here(
K,t#i.!L +ettia .#$he"! $tari. at the ri.( The $he -ie" the 1eil o Corie?$ hea"( Po--y ro$e to hel-! a"
to.ether they -#lle" the 1eil o1er Corie?$ eye$ a" let it trail i frot of her face( KThi$ i$ how DiAo will $ee yo# o yo#r
we""i. "ay(L
oot weJJloq Joy. Corie?$ $mile wa1ere" a tiy bit( With all the -om- a" circ#m$tace! Corie $ometime$ for.ot
thi$ wa$?t aother charity e1et committee $he wa$ hea"i. #-! a" that $he wa$ act#ally .etti. ( ( ( mottleJ.
+efore $he co#l" let the otio tr#ly $i' i! the "oor to the $alo fl#. o-e! bri.i. with it a .#$t of wi" a" a few
$-ri'le$ of rai( A woma i a blac' trech coat $too" i the "oorway! battli. with a i$i"eEo#t #mbrella( ,he wre$tle"
with the metal $-o'e$ a" flim$y fabric! a thi c#rl of ci.arette $mo'e a--eari. o1er her hea"( KMotherfocket!L $he
.r#mble"! fially wi.i. the cr#m-le" #mbrella to the $i"ewal' D#$t o#t$i"e the "oor( The the tall! blo"! bea#tif#l
woma t#re" to face them(
Corie $#c'e" i her $tomach( It wa$ her $i$ter! A$ter(
A$ter teetere" i o DetEblac' fi1eEich la$erEc#t bootie$( A ha"Erolle" ci.arette "a.le" from her li-$! the $tech of
tobacco o1er-oweri. the $alo?$ floral $cet( Her wet trech "ri--e" -#""le$ o the maho.ay floor( Her f#ch$ia
"re$$! al$o wet! cl#. hi.h o her thi.h$( Tho#.h A$ter wo#l" ha1e $till bee $tri'i. e1e after a roll i a city D#m-$ter!
there were circle$ #"er her lar.e! l#mio#$ bl#e eye$! a" her iceEblo" hair wa$ matte"( ,he ha" a "i$oriete"! #$e"E#-
loo' abo#t her( Corie wo"ere" if her $i$ter ha" D#$t emer.e" from a $$ be" after oe of her ty-ical bacchaal$(
KI?m herePL A$ter ao#ce" i a h#$'y! $l#rri. 1oice( The $he $to--e" i the mi""le of the room! her .aBe o Corie(
KWhoa! mama!L $he $ai"( KThat "re$$ $ho#l" oot be white(L
Corie trie" to $-ea'! b#t $he "i"?t 'ow what to $ay( A$ter too' a "ra. a" eAhale" bl#eEti.e" $mo'e towar" the
1a#lte" ceili.( KNice choice! by the way( 3o1e the li.erie loo')yo# ca $'i- $ to the we""i. Whe $he
leae" towar" Corie to i$-ect the lace! her breath $melle" of ci.arette$! booBe! a" ora.e Tic Tac$(
A -ric'ly feeli. $hot from Corie?$ core all the way to her fi.erti-$( KHa1e yo# bee "ri'i.IL $he hi$$e"! .laci. at
the cloc' o the wallN 4=N6= a(m(
A$ter lifte" oe $ho#l"er( KOf co#r$e otPL ,he l#rche" $i"eway$ i a attem-t to $it "ow! b#t mi$$e" the lar.e leather
wi. chair com-letely! her le.$ .oi. o#t from #"er her( KOo-$PL $he crie"( +ettia a" Po--y r#$he" forwar" to hel-
her #-( KI?mo'ayPL
Corie $h#t her eye$ a" trie" to $tay calm! b#t all $he felt wa$ hot! -#l$i. embarra$$met( A$ $oo a$ A$ter wa$ o her
feet! Corie $hot her arm forwar" a" -l#c'e" the ci.arette from A$ter?$ li-$( K2o# ca?t $mo'e i here!L $he
+ettia r#$he" forwar"( KIt?$ fie!L $he $ai" i a mee' 1oice(
+#t Corie "ro--e" the $tillElit ci.arette ito a .la$$ of water( It fiBBle" a$ it wet o#t! the oly $o#" i the $#""ely $till
$alo( KAct#ally! A$ter! I thi' yo# $ho#l" lea1e!L $he ao#ce"! her 1oice wa1eri.(
A$ter bli'e"! the $coffe"( K2o# oskeJ me to come(L
KA boot a.o!L Corie $ai" coolly( KA" ow we?re almo$t "oe(L
A$ter $hr#..e"( K,o I?ma little late(L
Corie $hifte" her .aBe to the! foc#$i. o the ci.arette b#tt i the water .la$$( There wa$ a ti.e of -i' li-$tic' o
the filter( Her throat welle" with wor"$! b#t it wa$?t a$ if $he co#l" $ay them( ,he .lace" at her mother for $#--ort! b#t
Peelo-e D#$t $at there! .ri--i. her 'ee$(
Po--y a--eare" eAt to A$ter a" to#che" her arm( KMaybe yo# $ho#l" .o! hoey!L $he tol" A$ter i that 'i"! .etleE
b#tEmotherly 1oice Po--y ha" ma$tere" b#t Corie co#l" e1er J#ite -#ll off( K,lee- it off( 2o#?ll feel m#ch better(L
A$ter $t#c' her li- o#t i a -o#t! b#t "i"?t re$i$t whe Po--y too' her arm a" .#i"e" her away from the -e"e$tal( The
two of them wal'e" towar" the "oor! a" Po--y $coo-e" #- her ow +#rberry #mbrella from the metal ba$'et a"
-lace" it i A$ter?$ ha"$( I momet$! A$ter "i$a--eare" a" the "oor $lamme" behi" her(
Po--y wal'e" coolly a" cofi"etly to Corie?$ $i"e! $mili. bri.htly( KCome o!L her co#$i $ai"! lifti. the 1eil from
Corie?$ eye$( ,he .#i"e" her bac' to the "re$$i. room$( K,how #$ yo#r rece-tio "re$$e$( It?ll be o'ay(L
KI koow!L Corie $ai" .r#m-ily( The $he loo'e" "ow at her "re$$( ,he?" worrie" off oe of the -earl embelli$hmet$
o the b#$t( +ettia r#$he" forwar" with a ee"le a" threa" a" J#ic'ly $ewe" it bac' o(
Oce Corie wa$ bac' i the "re$$i. room! $he $tare" at her$elf i the mirror! $omethi. $he ofte "i" after bei. $i"e
by $i"e with A$ter( E1e i a we""i. "re$$! Corie co#l"?t com-ete with A$ter?$ ra"iat bea#ty( Corie $-et eo#.h
moey o her loo'$! b#t her lo. forehea"! $J#are Daw! a" thic' eyebrow$ eJ#ate" to $omethi. more ha"$ome tha
-retty( Her $ho#l"er$ were broa" li'e her father?$! her che$t $mall li'e her mother?$! her le.$ too thic' a" -ale e1e after
ho#r$ of Pilate$! co#tle$$ meal$ #eate! a" tho#$a"$ $-et o $-rayEtai.( 2o#?re .oo" $toc'! her mother ha" tol"
her whe $he wa$ ele1e year$ ol"( ,he meat it a$ a com-limet! b#t it ma"e Corie thi' of a -riBewii. heifer i a
co#ty fair( Peelo-e ha" certaily e1er referre" to A$ter a$ stock! o matter what $he -#lle"(
It ha" alway$ bee that way( Her -aret$ ma"e eAc#$e after eAc#$e for A$ter( Corie #$e" a 'ife a" for' at ei.htee
moth$! A$ter threw her foo"$t the wall well ito -re$chool( Corie $t#"ie" "#ri. rece$$! while A$ter te$t
a$wer$ o the"( +#t their -aret$ alway$ loo'e" the other way( Ma$o ha" act#ally fa1ore" A$ter! celebrati.
whe A$ter .ot a +! a$ if $he ha" to "o little more tha $how #- for cla$$ to ear it(
Corie -referre" her mother?$ com-ay ayway! eDoyi. lo.! .irly wee'e"$ of tea at the PlaBa a" $-a tri-$ to
EliBabeth Ar"e whe A$ter a" Ma$o too' oe of their $-ecial tri-$ to Meriweather or the +er'$hire$( +#t with her
mother?$ attetio al$o came her critici$m a" i$tr#ctio( Peelo-e ha" come from ol" moey! ma"e a h#"re" year$
a.o o railroa"$! a" $he wa$ 1ery $-ecific abo#t how her "a#.hter $ho#l" beha1e( 5toJy lteocb. AtteoJ Ioolot leoqoe.
utess lo closslc lloes. Motty well(
Di" they i$till ay of tho$e 1al#e$ i A$terI Corie "o#bte" it( The two of them ha" .otte alo. a$ 'i"$)oe of
Corie?$ fa1orite memorie$ wa$ hol"i. ti.htly o to A$ter?$ ha" a$ they $tare"! tra$fiAe"! at the Macy?$ Tha'$.i1i.
Day -ara"e float$ from a frie"?$ -etho#$e o Cetral Par' We$t( They .rew a-art a$ they .ot ol"er! tho#.h ( ( ( a"
whe A$ter $to--e" li$tei. to her( Di" their -aret$ .i1e A$ter a wi"e berth beca#$e $he wa$ bea#tif#lI Di" they fi.#re
$he?" .et by ayway! e1e coar$e a" #fii$he"I Well! tbot ha"?t wor'e" o#tN whe A$ter wa$ a year ito colle.e!
$he?" "ro--e" o#t a" $ettle" ito the life of a $ocialite( I the fir$t year of A$ter?$ "owwar" $-iral! whee1er Corie
1i$ite" their -aret$ at their >--er Ea$t ,i"e tow ho#$e! the air $eeme"! a$ tho#.h $he?" D#$t iterr#-te" a
ar.#met( They $till ma"e eAc#$e$ for A$ter a" ba'rolle" her life! b#t they were clearly $tre$$e"! e$-ecially her father!
who $#""ely wo#l"?t e1e loo' at A$ter aymore(
The oly thi. Corie co#l" "o wa$ to follow her mother?$ a"1ice to the letter( While A$ter too' off o a whim to
Morocco or wet o mothlo. bar crawl$ aro#" Irela"! Corie $hot #- the ra'$ at ,aybroo'?$! coJ#eri. oe
emer.i. mar'et after the eAt( While A$ter e1er too' aother mo"eli. Dob! barely $howe" #- for ,aybroo'?$ PR
e1et$! a" frittere" away her allowace! Corie "#tif#lly i1e$te"! acJ#ire"! a" .ot e.a.e"(
Now $he leae"$t the "re$$i. room wall a" too' breath after breath( Her heart be.a to $low( Her er1e$ o felt $a--y #"er her $'i( ,he alway$ .ot $o wor'e" #- abo#t A$ter! b#t really! what wa$ the -oitI ,he .aBe" at
her fir$t rece-tio "re$$ o the! a lo. $heath i i1ory $ati a" bea"i.( Corie?$ secooJ rece-tio "re$$! a
$horter oe $he wo#l" wear for "aci.! h#. behi" it( *#$t the $ of themlifte" her $-irit$(
KAre yo# $#re abo#t three "re$$e$ for oe we""i.IL her mother ha" a$'e"! rai$i. a $'e-tical eyebrow)a$ a heire$$ to
,aybroo'?$ ame a" fort#e! Corie wa$ eA-ecte" to "abble i l#A#ry witho#t $eemi. tac'y( +#t DiAo?$ mother ha"
"oe the $ame thi.! a" sbe -ractically wa$ a -rice$$(
Tr#e! DiAo wa$ more $wa..eri. TeAa tha maere" +riti$h! b#t ,hac'elfor" Oil wa$ D#$t a$ m#ch America royalty a$
,aybroo'?$ Diamo"$( They?" become a co#-le effortle$$ly! a" $hortly thereafter a -la wa$ -#t ito -lace( Well! it wa$
Corie who?" i$tate" the -la! b#t DiAo .oo"Eat#re"ly wet alo. with it( Oce they .ra"#ate" from 2ale! DiAo
wo#l" wor' o the tra"i. $i"e of ,hac'elfor" Oil o Wall ,treet( Corie wo#l" wor' at ,aybroo'?$( They wo#l" mo1e
ito $e-arate a-artmet$ i the $ame co"o b#il"i.! a" the! oce they were e.a.e" at twetyEfi1e! they wo#l" mo1e
ito the threeEbe"room -etho#$e( They wo#l" marry by twetyE$iA! ha1e their fir$t chil" at twetyEie! a" their
$eco" at thirtyEoe( A" the they?" $-e" the eAt thirty year$ b#il"i. their career$ a" rai$i. the family(
+e$i"e$ the bli- whe DiAo too' off to")a"! well! the otbet ici"et Corie trie" e1er to thi' abo#t)life
ha" -rocee"e" eAactly to -la( Oly! $omehow! whee1er DiAo -ro-o$e" a we""i. "ate la$t year! Corie ha" fo#"
rea$o$ to wait)the e$tate i Meriweather! where $he i$i$te" they ha1e the we""i.! wa$ #"er.oi. reo1atio$ la$t
$#mmer( 0all wa$ her lea$t fa1orite $ea$o! a" $-ri. wa$ D#$t too m#""y a" #-re"ictable( +#t o matter( I a moth!
they?" fially "o it( E1a ha" ma"e all the arra.emet$! with Corie?$ ble$$i.( E1ery "etail wa$ i -lace(
Corie $te--e" o#t of the .ow( A$ $he caref#lly h#. it o the $ati! la#.hter $o#"e" from o#t$i"e( KCorie!
"arli.IL E1a calle"( KCome o#tP We?re .oi. to ha1e a toa$tPL
Corie -#lle" the fir$t rece-tio "re$$ from the Her reflectio i the mirror her eye oce more! a" her
.aBe "rifte" to the $car below her a1el( It wa$ $omethi. $he rarely loo'e" at! the $ of it $till $#r-ri$i. after all the$e
,lowly! caref#lly! her$ trace" the -#c'ere" $'i( ,he?" tol" DiAo)$he?" tol" e1eryoe)that it wa$ from
emer.ecy .allbla""er $#r.ery whe $he?" wor'e" i Ho. Ho. fi1e year$ a.o( It wa$ amaBi. what -eo-le belie1e"( No
oe e1e $#..e$te" that the $car be too low for that -roce"#re( Not e1e Corie?$ mother .#e$$e" it wa$ from
$omethi. el$e( Oly Po--y 'ew the tr#th(
5top tblokloq oboot lt! a 1oice i her hea" "ema"e"( 5top lt tlqbt oow.
Corie -#lle" o the rece-tio "re$$! $li--e" o her $ati 'itte heel$! a" o-ee" the "re$$i. room "oor( 5mlle! $he
tol" her$elf $terly a$ $he $tro"e bac' to her family! rememberi. all $he ha" to be tha'f#l for( ,he wo#l" twirl i her
rece-tio "re$$e$ a" let e1eryoe ooh a" ahh( 1book evetyooe fot comloq. Cet mottleJ. uoot look bock.
,he -ic'e" #- a clea cham-a.e fl#te( KTo ha--ily e1er afterPL Corie toa$te"( ,he wa$ marryi. Price Charmi.O her
etire f#t#re wa$ ahea" of her(
,o lo. a$ her -a$t "i"?t catch #-(
3ater that! A$ter ,aybroo' $ettle" o a -o#f i$i"e a lar.e +e"o#iE$tyle tet a$ a waiter -ee'e" thro#.h the fla-(
He wore a bati'E-rit $aro. a" ha" a feB coc'e" to oe $i"e o hi$ hea"( KCa I .et yo# aythi.! mi$$IL he a$'e"!
loo'i. to A$ter a$ the clear lea"er of the .ro#-(
KAother bottle of @e#1e for each of #$(L A$ter wa1e" to i"icate the re$t of the table! her HermQ$ ba.le$ .leami. i
the "im KA" by the way!L $he a""e" a$ the waiter $tarte" to retreat! Kwe ha1e a bet .oi.( Are yo# weari.
aythi. #"er that $aro.IL
The waiter loo'e" ta'e abac'! the $trai.htee" a" mi$chie1o#$ly $hoo' hi$ hea"( A$ter?$ $i"e of the table er#-te" i
cheer$( K3oo'$ li'e thi$ ro#"?$ o yo#!L A$ter $ai"! #".i. Clari$$a Darrow! the tall br#ette who $at to her left( Clari$$a
.rie" a" $hr#..e" .oo"Eat#re"ly(
A$ the table er#-te" i co1er$atio! A$ter $at bac' a" twirle" the $tem of her cham-a.e .la$$! .laci. aro#" at her
be$t frie"$( Well! Kbe$t frie"$L be a $ embelli$hmetO $ome of them! A$ter ha" oly met +#t A$ter
collecte" -eo-le the way other .irl$ collecte" $hoe$ or ha"ba.$ or coc'tail ri.$)tho#.h A$ter collecte" all tho$e thi.$
a$ well( Acro$$ from her $at *a1ier! a arti$t who$e mo$t recet $how i1ol1e" coat$! fl#ore$cet li.htb#lb$! a"
-ict#re$ of Hollywoo" $tarlet$ c#t o#t of us weekly( There wa$ Orlea! a tall! $iewy writer for kollloq 5tooe whom
A$ter ha" met i E#ro-e( He wa$ A$ter?$ $ho--i. b#""y the$e "ay$! tho#.h A$ter $#$-ecte" he li'e" her com-ay
-rimarily beca#$e $tore$ .a1e her $-ecial treatmet( There wa$ 0a#! a frie" fromTa.ier$ who?" "ra..e" A$ter thro#.h
b#il"i. after b#il"i. o her Mahatta real e$tate J#e$t! alway$ com-laii. that the clo$et$ were?t bi. eo#.h( There
wa$ Ni.el! A$ter?$ late$t fli.! the "r#mmer a" hea" $o.writer of the +riti$h ba" 3ot#$ +lac'bear"( ,he?" -ic'e" him
#- la$t wee' at Gray 3a"y! a" he?" $-et e1ery at her a-artmet $ice( Hi$ lo.! thi$ "r#mme" o the
table! -robably com-o$i. a brilliat ew $o.(
A" the there wa$ Clari$$a! A$ter?$ railEthi be$t frie" a" maybe freemy! "a#.hter of a he".e f#" billioaire( A$ter
ha" met Clari$$a at ,-ece i $eco" .ra"e! yet Clari$$a $till $-o'e with a affecte" +riti$h accet( ,he wa$ alway$ #- for
.etti. i tro#ble)or ma'i. tro#ble( A$ter $#$-ecte" that $ome of the bli" item$ o Pa.e ,iA abo#t her were ti-$ from
The waiter rea--eare" with their cham-a.e! a" A$ter hel" her .la$$ o#t for a refill( KCheer$PL $he eAclaime" a$ $he
cli'e" .la$$e$ with Clari$$a! the "owe" her -o#r i a $i.le $wi.( KTo the hotte$t -lace i tow(L
They were at a re$ta#rat calle" +a"awi! which ha" bee car1e" o#t of a ol" wareho#$e i the We$t Twetie$ a"
tra$forme" ito hi.h $o#' .lamo#r( It wa$ "ecorate" to loo' li'e a baBaar i Morocco! with ha.i. later$ a" bri.htly
colore" tet$ a" co#che$( A$ter ha" $tarte" o#t the at ,oHo Ho#$e! b#t half the table$ ha" bee em-ty! the m#$ic
wa$ all from la$t year! a" $e1eral .#e$t$ loo'e" li'e they?" come $ from New *er$ey( After co$#lti. I$ta.ram
a" 0o#r$J#are a" teAti. a few of her mo"el frie"$! $he a" her eto#ra.e ha" arri1e" here(
A$ter?$$ ofte too' o thi$ $-otaeo#$ $-iritO $he co#l"?t -re"ict at the be.ii. of the e1ei. where $he?" be
at the e"( It ha" bee thi$ way $ice the $#mmer $he?" $-et i E#ro-e! after hi.h $chool( ,he ha" $ome .reat
$torie$ for the memoir $he?" write)well! "ictate)$ome"ayN the time $he a" her rotati. -o$$e -ile" ito a -ri1ate
-lae a" flew to IbiBaO the time they -oole" their ca$h to b#y a Por$che Carrera a" "ro1e to $omeoe?$ #-$tate chalet
at 5N== a(m(O the time $he $taye" i a ma$io i Harlemfor a wee' a" -artie" li'e -eo-le i the *aBB A.e( Oce $he flew
a frie"?$ twiE-ro- -lae aro#" hi$ Coectic#t airfiel" o a "are! e1e tho#.h her la$t le$$o ha" bee year$ a.o(
,he?" waterE$'ie" a'e" o a iceEcol" la'e i Maie! a" mo#taiEbi'e" "ow "a.ero#$ trail$ i ,e"oa( Recetly!
$omeoe ha" e1e "are" her to cho- off her $ lo.! whiteEblo" hair( A$ter ha" t#re" to her frie" Patric'! a
$tyli$t! a" ha"e" him the $ci$$or$( He?" c#t it all off! lea1i. the frot at a eAa..erate"! croo'e" a.le o1er her left
eye)A$ter e1er 'ew whether that wa$ o -#r-o$e or a "r#'e mi$ta'e! b#t the -re$$ lo1e" the ew loo' a$ m#ch a$
her father hate" it(
0or A$ter! e1ery thrill ee"e" to be more thrilli.! e1ery hi.h hi.her! a" e1ery $o. lo#"er a" more "aceable( A
-$ychoaaly$t $#..e$t that $he ha" "a""y i$$#e$ or wa$ "oi. thi$ for attetio)or -erha-$ that $he wa$ r#i.
away from $omethi.( +#t A$ter e1er wet to thera-y( ,he wa$?t a $a" .irl who $elfEme"icate" by "ri'i. too m#ch
a" $tayi. o#t too lateO $he wa$ a "are"e1il who?" ha1e lot$ of itere$ti. $torie$ for her .ra"chil"re(
Whe the .irl$ were .rowi. #-! A$ter a" Corie?$ -aret$ ha" force" them to memoriBe -oetryO the oe$ that ma"e
$e$e to A$ter were by freeE$-irite" wome -oet$ from the 4<5=$( ,he wa$ a h#.e fa of E"a ,t( @icet Millay! who
alle.e"ly lo1e" to -arty a" te"e" to her l#$h bl#eberry farm i #-$tate New 2or' totally i the #"e( My cooJle botos
ot botb eoJs, / lt wlll oot lost tbe olqbt, / bot ob, my foes, ooJ ob, my ftleoJs-/ lt qlves o lovely llqbt! Hell$ yeah! E"a ,t(
@icet Millay(
Mr( NoEHic'er$ Waiter rea--eare" with $e1eral lit $-ar'ler$ a" a bottle of Grey Goo$e 3?Ora.e( A$ter Doie" i
e1eryoe?$ $J#eal$ of eAcitemet a$ $he reache" for a $-ar'ler! wa1i. it i the air a$ $ome RS+ arti$t crooe" o1er the
,he reache" for her -hoe! $eiBe" with the "e$ire to i1ite more -eo-le o#t( The fir$t -er$o who came to mi" wa$ her
co#$i Po--y( It ra. oce! the her co#$i?$ $lee-y 1oice bro'e thro#.h(
KPo-$PL A$ter calle" o#t o1er the oi$e of the cl#b( KWhat are yo# "oi. owIL
KI?mhome(L Po--y yawe"( KWhat are yoo "oi.IL
A$ter hel" o#t her cham-a.e fl#te for a refill( KI?mo#t( Will yo# comeI Plea$eIL
Whe they were .rowi. #-! A$ter -ri"e" her$elf o ot tryi. too har" to be li'e Po--y! li'e her $i$ter Corie alway$
"i"( Po--y wa$ her frie")li'e a cool bi. $i$ter who "i"?t .i1e A$ter $hit abo#t her choice$( Well! mo$t of the time( ,he
ha" .i1e A$ter a -retty har$h tal'i.Eto after A$ter cofe$$e" $he?" $e"#ce" her E#ro-ea hi$tory teacher at N2> for a
better .ra"e! the "ro--e" o#t of colle.e alto.ether( +#t Po--y -rie" beca#$e $he coteJ(
K>.h! I?m beat(L Po--y $i.he" thro#.h the -hoe( KI?m i bac'EtoEbac' meeti.$ for the re$t of the "eca"e! +rioy?$ bee
#- e1ery thi$ wee'! a" I?m lo$i. my mi" -lai. thi$ birth"ay -arty for ,'ylar( I?m $#ch a b#BB'ill( +#t why "o?t
yo# call yo#r $i$terI Maybe $he?" li'e to come(L
A$ter b#r$t o#t la#.hi.( K2o# were there to"ay! Po--y( ,he?$ -robably ot .oi. to $-ea' to me e1er
,he rolle" her eye$! recalli. Corie?$ .ow fitti. that mori.( Who $che"#le" a fitti. at <N6= o a ,at#r"ay! aywayI
,he ha" wo'e #- with a $tart! rememberi. the three me$$a.e$ her $i$ter ha" left her the "ay before! a" wri..le" o#t
from #"ereath Ni.el?$ arm( ,he ha"?t e1e ta'e the time to $hower or eA-lai where $he wa$ .oi.! i$tea" D#$t
throwi. o her clothe$ a" $-riti. o#t of her a-artmet with her $hoe$ oly half o( Oly i the cab "i" $he realiBe $he
$till $melle" li'e the teJ#ila $hot$ fromthe before(
At lea$t the rai hel- with that! A$ter ha" wryly a$ $he race" "ow 3h#illier?$ bloc' #"er the $hitty
#mbrella $he?" from a bo"e.a o the corer( +#t whe $he wal'e" ito the $alo! $he?" $ee the loo' o her
$i$ter?$ face( Corie wa$?t ha--y that A$ter wa$ there or worrie" at all abo#t her $oa'e" a--earace( ,he D#$t wri'le"
her o$e i that way $he alway$ "i"! a$ if A$ter ha" r#ie" e1erythi.(
Po--y hea1e" a $i.h( KI thi' $he D#$t ha" a i"ea of how $he wate" thi.$ to .o! hoey( A" yo# $ort of threw a wrech
ito that(L
KWell! $he?$ .ot to lear that $ometime$ life throw$ yo# wreche$!L A$ter $hot bac'! cro$$i. her arm$ o1er her che$t(
K2o# $ho#l" try to $ee thi.$ her way!L Po--y $ai" J#ietly(
A$ter $coffe"( KWhat abo#t her $eei. thi.$ my wayI Ha$ $he evet "oe thatIL A$ter alrea"y 'ew the a$werN No(
Corie "i"?t li'e thi.$ $he co#l"?t #"er$ta"( A" $he ha" e1er #"er$too" A$ter(
Po--y yawe"( KI?m$orry I?m$o ol" a" lame( Do yo# wat to .rab a "ri' later thi$ wee'IL
A$ter cra"le" the -hoe! to#che"( E1e whe Po--y wa$ #- to her eyeball$ i wor' a" family "#tie$! $he olwoys ma"e
time for A$ter( E1e i the aftermath of Po--y?$ -aret$? "eath i that frea'i$h -lae cra$h two year$ a.o! Po--y ha"
come to br#ch with A$ter for her birth"ay D#$t "ay$ later( ,he wa$ alway$ $o ( ( ( sollJ. >fla--able( KOf co#r$e!L A$ter
$ai"( K*#$t let me 'ow whe yo#?re free(L
,he h#. #- a" too' aother $wi. of cham-a.e! the aother( ,he wa$ feeli. warm a" "i$tictly f#BBy at the e".e$O
$he?" "raie" almo$t the whole bottle( ,he hicc#-e" lo#"ly! watchi. a$ her frie"$ $too" to "ace( KAre yo# comi.IL
Ni.el a$'e"! eAte"i. hi$ ha"(
A$ter clo$e" her eye$ for a momet! ima.ii. what it wo#l" be li'e to fall ito her tho#$a"Ethrea"Eco#t be")aloe(
To $lee- for a f#ll ho#r$! .et #- at a ormal ho#r! .o for a Do.! $ta" i lie for coffee( Act#ally moke oe of
Corie?$ bri"al acti1itie$ tomorrow)$#rely there wa$ oe $che"#le")i$tea" of whirli. i horribly late! oly to be
'ic'e" o#t( Hic'e" o#t! $he a.rily! by her ow f#c'i. $i$ter( What Corie "i"?t 'ow wa$ that A$ter ha"
ptotecteJ her all the$e year$( ,he?" -re$er1e" Corie?$ -erfect little 1iew of their family( Oh! there?" bee -lety of
time$ whe A$ter ha" almo$t bl#rte" o#t what $he 'ew! b#t $omethi. i$i"e her ha" hel" bac'! 'owi. it wo#l"
$hatter her $i$ter e1e more tha it ha" $hattere" A$ter( A" what "i" A$ter .et i tha'$I ReDectio(
,he .rabbe" the @e#1e a" "ra' it $ from the bottle! ho-i. to $ilece the$ that flitte" aro#" her mi"
li'e $har- little bir"$( All at oce! $he wooteJ to blac' o#t)to "ri' $o m#ch $he for.ot her$elf! for.ot e1erythi. eAce-t
the "ace floor a" the $o#" of the m#$ic( ,he hel" o#t her ha" to Ni.el! a" he -#lle" her to her feet(
The crow" o the "ace floor -arte" for them! lea1i. them $-ace i the mi""le of the room( K2o# for.ot yo#r "ri'!L
Clari$$a yelle" o1er the $o#" of the m#$ic! -re$$i. aother .la$$ ito her ha"( A$ter "owe" it witho#t realiBi. what
it wa$! the clo$e" her eye$ a" rai$e" her $le"er arm$ o1er her hea"! letti. all the .rimy memorie$ a" barbe"
commet$ fromto"ay wa$h "ow the "rai( The oly thi. that mattere" ow wa$ ha1i. f#(
My ca"le b#r$ at both e"$! it will ot la$t the! A$ter "efiatly a$ $he $waye" $lowly to the beat( A$ter
"i"?t belie1e i the c#r$e! b#t $he "i" 'ow that if aother ,aybroo' "ie" yo#.! $he?" be the oe( Her rec'le$$! fec'le$$
life$tyle wa$ a tic'i. time bomb( Dee- "ow! $he worrie" $he wa$?t lo. for thi$ worl"(
+#t maybe that wa$ o'ay! A$ter! $t#mbli. forwar" ito Ni.el?$ arm$( ,he?" rather be the J#ic'Eb#ri.
firecrac'er tha a $lowEtoE"ie ember( E1eryoe 'ew it wa$ far more f# to .o o#t with a ba. tha with a whim-er(
O ,#"ay afteroo! Rowa ,aybroo' $at i the corer of a li1i. roomi the Da'ota o Cetral Par' We$t a" watche"
twel1e -rice$$e$ meet a" .reet oe aother( Each wa$ a"ore" i a taffeta ball .ow! cry$tal $li--er$! a" a tiara( They
-l#c'e" hor$ "?oe#1re$ froma $il1er tray with .race a" -oi$e(
+#t the *a$mie $te--e" o Ariel?$ foot( A#rora rai$e" a eyebrow at ,ofia the 0ir$t! "eclari. that $he wa$?t a$ real a
-rice$$ beca#$e the Di$ey cartoo ha" oly $tarte" a few year$ a.o( Rowa! $e$i. "i$a$ter! ti-toe" o#t of the room
a" ito her co#$i Po--y?$ 'itche! reachi. for a bottle of caberet( It wa$ Po--y?$ "a#.hter ,'ylar?$ thir" birth"ay! a"
it wa$ -robably be$t to let the little -rice$$e$ wor' thi.$ o#t for them$el1e$(
The 'itche wa$ lar.e a" airy! with ew marble co#terto-$ a" +raBilia cherry cabiet$( Po--y! "re$$e" i a .a#By
bati'E-rit $il' -o-o1er a" $'iy -at$ that ma"e her le.$ loo' a millio mile$ lo.! $too" at the i$la"! arra.i. the
tray of cho--e"E#- locally .row 1e.etable$ $he?" at the >io ,J#are farmer?$ mar'et! her twetyEmothEol"!
+rioy! balace" o her hi-( ,he otice" Rowa -o#ri. the wie( KThe 'i"$ "ri1i. yo# to "ri'! h#hIL
KI?1e e1er really #"er$too" the whole -rice$$ thi.!L Rowa $ai"! recor'i. the bottle(
KOf co#r$e yoo "o?t!L Rowa?$ mother! 3eoa! $ai" .oo"Eat#re"ly! $mili. at her "a#.hter from acro$$ the 'itche(
KThi$ oe wa$ all abo#t climbi. the hi.he$t tree$ i o#r bac'yar" whe $he wa$ ,'ylar?$ a.e( A" $ometime$ falli. o#t
of them(L
A#t Peelo-e -a#$e" from ma'i. a -late of foo" for her h#$ba"! Ma$o! the CEO of ,aybroo'?$! a" la#.he"( K2o#
co#l" climb hi.her tha mo$t of the boy$! Rowa( I $till remember whe yo# beat yo#r brother at the ro-e$ co#r$eO he
$#l'e" for "ay$(L
Corie! who ha" bee leai.$t the co#ter! $i"le" o1er to Rowa a" eye" the wie( KCa yo# -o#r me a .la$$I I
ee" it after the wee' I?1e ha"(L
KI hear" abo#t T#r'ey!L Rowa $ai"( KCo.rat#latio$(L The $he lowere" her 1oice( KI olso hear" what ha--ee" with
Corie?$ eye$ arrowe" to $lit$( K2eah! well( I .#e$$ we $ho#l"?t be $#r-ri$e"(L ,he -eere" aro#" the room! -robably
$earchi. for her $i$ter! who?" bee here a few momet$ a.o b#t wa$ ow ab$et( K,he?$ -robably -a$$e" o#t i Po--y?$
be" ow!L $he $-at a.rily(
KDo?t worry)I?ll ma'e $#re $he?$ o time to the we""i.!L E1a $ai"! ta'i. a brea' from "irecti. the ho#$e'ee-er?$
clea#- effort$( ,he hate" me$$e$! e$-ecially 'i" me$$e$( K+elie1e me whe I $ay I?1e "ealt with wor$e(L
KWor$e tha the ,aybroo'$IL m#ttere" Nata$ha fromher -erch ear the -atry(
KNata$haPL Nata$ha?$ mother! A#t Ca"ace! $a--e" from the corer! where $he wa$ hel-i. Po--y with the hor$
Rowa .lace" at Nata$ha ca#tio#$ly( Not $o lo. a.o! $he a" Nata$ha ha" bee $o clo$e( Rowa wa$ early te year$
ol"er tha Nata$ha! b#t $he?" ha--ily -laye" bit -art$ i Nata$ha?$ oeEact -lay$ a" cheere" whe Nata$ha -#t o
'arao'e cocert$ o the bac' -orch at Meriweather( +#t after Nata$ha "i$iherite" her$elf from the family)e1er
eA-laii. why)$he treate" Rowa a" the other$ li'e irritati. -e"e$tria$ ta'i. #- the whole $i"ewal' o 0ifth
Rowa 'ew her co#$i$ were wary of Nata$ha too( EAce-t Po--y! who?" be.# to me" fece$ with Nata$ha a few year$
a.o! after Po--y?$ -aret$ "ie"( +#t -erha-$ that wa$ beca#$e A#t Ca"ace a" >cle Patric' ha" $er1e" a$ Po--y?$
$#rro.ate family after the -lae cra$h! $motheri. her! *ame$! a" their .irl$ with lo1e! hel-! a" ba'e" .oo"$ for
3#c'ily e1eryoe i.ore" Nata$ha?$ commet! e1e the -erfectly .roome" mom$ Po--y 'ew from E-i$co-al! where
,'ylar atte"e" -re$chool( To Rowa! tho$e -oi$e" Mahatta mother$ with their matchi. +#.aboo $troller$ were a
"ifferet $-ecie$( They com-are" ote$ o or.aic cloth "ia-er 1e"or$! bra..e" abo#t $lee- traii.! a" rate" their
frie"$? li1eEi aie$( +#t a$ D#".metal a$ they were of oe aother! they $eeme" to D#".e omother$ mo$t of all(
K*ealo#$y ma$'e" by $#-eriority!L Po--y alway$ $ai"( KThey e1y yo#r free time! $o they -rete" yo#?re $elfi$h for ot
ha1i. 'i"$ to feel better abo#t -layi. -attyEca'e all "ay lo.(L
A" that wa$ the bea#ty of Po--y( ,he ha" the +#.aboo $troller a" ma"e her ow or.aic baby foo"! b#t $he?" e1er
beha1e" a$ tho#.h motherhoo" wa$ a $-ecial! eAcl#$i1e cl#b(
KWhat?$ .oi. o! la"ie$IL Po--y?$ h#$ba"! *ame$! a--eare" i the "oorway! "re$$e" i a 1ita.e TE$hirt a" wellEc#t
Dea$ that! whe he rai$e" hi$ arm$! re1eale" D#$t a half ich of hi$ +roo'$ +rother$ boAer$( He $we-t acro$$ the rooma"
-#lle" Po--y ito a h#.(
Po--y wri..le" away a" t#re" towar" the fri".e( KDi" yo# .et the h#mm#$ from Tabar?$IL $he a$'e" bri$'ly( KI ca?t
fi" it aywhere(L here(L *ame$ reache" i a" -ro"#ce" a cotaier(
KPerfect(L Po--y .rabbe" it fromhima" -lace" it o the table! eAt to the$(
KTha'$! *ame$!L Rowa calle" o#t! whe Po--y "i"?t(
*ame$ .a1e the mom$ a eAa..erate" bow a" a irre$i$tible .ri( K*#$t "oi. my Dob(L The he .rabbe" hi$ wife oce
more a" 'i$$e" her chee'( Po--y $J#irme" away! a" *ame$ "i$a--eare" to the "e( A whi$tle bleate" from the
flatE$cree T@( *ame$! Ma$o! a" a few other father$ were bac' there watchi. the DDo'o1icE0e"erer 0rech O-e
A mother ame" ,tarla! her ifat +abyE+DUre" to her tor$o! $i.he"( KPo--y! he?$ $#ch a "oll(L
KHow "o yo# 'ee- other wome awayIL aother woma ame" Amelia tea$e"(
KOh! he wear$ a a'le bracelet $o I ca 'ee- trac' of him!L Po--y $ai" ab$etly(
KPo--y ha$ it all!L $ai" Amelia! a little #'i"ly( KA" we all 'i" of hate her(L ,he ta--e" a maic#re" ail$t the
wi"ow( A biathlo wa$ ta'i. -lace i Cetral Par'! a" h#"re"$ of r#er$ th#"ere" -a$t towar" the fii$h lie( KDo
yo# 'ow what +ethay $ai" whe we came iIL $he m#rm#re"! cha.i. the $#bDect( KVMommy! ca I be i the bi$eA#al
eAt yearI? I wa$ li'e! VDo?t yo# mea blotblooI? +#t $he $ai"! VNo! I wat to be i the bi$eA#alP?L
Po--y $mir'e"( K,'ylar $ai" V"o#che ba.? to the "oorma(L
Darcy! a blo" mother! $hifte" her ,he ha" Pilate$E-erfect balace e1e i her fi1eEich heel$( KMy "a#.hter?$
fa1orite wor" i$ ptlck.L The $he loo'e" at Rowa( KWhat abo#t yo#r$IL
KOh! #m)L
+efore Rowa co#l" a$wer! Po--y cl#tche" her arm( KRowa i$ the be$t a#t i the worl"!L $he $ai" i a lo#" 1oice(
KTha'$!L Nata$ha $ai" $ar"oically(
K1leJ for be$t a#t!L Po--y correcte" her$elf with a $mile! $J#eeBi. Rowa ti.hter( KAoJ $he?$ ,aybroo'?$ $eior
co#$el( ,he wa$ fir$t i her cla$$ at Col#mbia 3aw(L
Rowa $#""ely felt too tall a" too 1i$ible! all elbow$ a" a.le$( Po--y meat well! b#t boa$ti. abo#t what Rowa
wos $eeme" to what $he wosotN a mother(
0#mbli. to cha.e the to-ic! Rowa t#re" towar" Nata$ha( K,o ( ( ( how?$ the $t#"ioIL $he a$'e"( After Nata$ha
"eci"e" $he o wate" to be a ,aybroo'! $he?" mo1e" to +roo'ly a" rei1ete" her$elf! r#i. a yo.a $t#"io
for the boro#.h?$ bo#r.eoi$ie(
KIt?$ .reat! tha'$!L Nata$ha $ai"! loweri. her lo. la$he$( ,he wa$ "ar'er tha the other ,aybroo' .irl$! with oli1e $'i!
$lee'! "ar' hair! a" almo"E$ha-e" eye$( KHow are thi.$ .oi. with ( ( ( Charlie! i$ itIL
A#t Peelo-e leae" o the cae $he?" #$e" e1er $ice her $'ii. acci"et( Rowa?$ mother $et "ow her water .la$$(
KAre yo# $eei. $omeoe! RoIL
KOh! we?re D#$t frie"$!L Rowa $ai" J#ic'ly(
A#t Ca"ace a" A#t Peelo-e eAcha.e" a .lace! a$ if to $ay! Ob, oo. wbots wtooq wltb thi$ ooe?
Rowa?$ $'i -ric'le"! a" $e$i. more J#e$tio$ o the way! $he eAc#$e" her$elf! "arti. ito the hall( ,he h#rrie" -a$t
the lie of Warhol$! Pica$$o$! a" a Aie 3eibo1itB -ortrait of Po--y?$ -aret$! her mom i a lo.! breeBy "re$$! her
$tra--i.! tae" father i Dea$ a" a -olo $hirt! i frot of a ram$hac'le re" bar( They?" alway$ bee Rowa?$ fa1orite
a#t a" #cle( I mi""le $chool $he?" $-et $e1eral $#mmer$ o their farm! $heari. the $hee- with Po--y a" eA-lori.
the ca1ero#$ attic i their ref#rbi$he" farmho#$e( >cle 3awrece ha"?t .oe ito the family b#$ie$$! b#t he ha"
$e1eral ol" -hoto alb#m$ of the family from bac' before Pa-a Alfre" fo#" the Coroa Diamo"( Rowa a" Po--y #$e"
to mar1el at $a-$hot$ of E"ith witho#t her owE#biJ#ito#$ f#r(
Whe $he reache" the bathroom! Rowa $li--e" i$i"e a" $lamme" the "oor har"( A little woo"e -laJ#e ha.i. from
the "oor'ob rattle"( KGo Away!L it rea"( Rowa?$$ eAactly(
Rowa $tare" at her reflectio i the mirror( ,he ha" a o1al face! bowE$ha-e" li-$! a lo. forehea"! a $lo-i. o$e! a"
the $ ,aybroo' bl#e eye$( Her tall frame wa$ lithe a" toe" from lo. r#$ a" ho#r$ o the tei$ co#rt( ,he
'ew $he wa$ -rettyO -lety of -eo-le $ai" $o( A" $he wa$ a$ $#cce$$f#l a$ Po--y $ai")$eior co#$el at ,aybroo'?$ D#$t
fi1e year$ o#t of law $chool! a" $he $at o $e1eral re1iew boar"$ a" charitie$( ,he lo1e" her family! a" $he a"ore" her
two "o.$! *ac'$o a" +ert( +#t $he wa$ early thirtyEthree! a" $till o her ow(
It wa$! of co#r$e! the $ame co#"r#m $he?" -o"ere" for year$( Tha'$ to her two ol"er brother$! who ow li1e" acro$$
the co#try a" o1er$ea$! Rowa ha" o tro#ble with me( Growi. #-! $he wa$ alway$ #- for a .ame of hoc'ey or
freeBe ta. at the e" of their c#lE"eE$ac i Cha--aJ#a! a" $he beat #- o Michael a" Palmer a$ m#ch a$ they beat #-
o her( A$ $he .ot ol"er! $he a" $ome of her c#te .#y frie"$ "i" more tha D#$t -lay to#ch football( Girl$ i her cla$$
tal'e" abo#t oly ha1i. $eA whe they were i lo1e! b#t Rowa that wa$ D#$t abo#t a$ ai1e a$ belie1i. that
-#tti. o a $ati .ow ma"e yo# Ci"erella(
Of co#r$e! i time tho$e were the .irl$ who .ot $tea"y boyfrie"$! while Rowa ha" D#$t acJ#ire" a $tri. of ma'eEo#t
b#""ie$( ,he trie" to cha.e her way$! co-yi. what $he $aw i the -aire"E#- .irl$ $he 'ew! b#t becomi. a $ofter!
ee"ier! whiier 1er$io of her$elf D#$t "i"?t wor'( A" $o $he $ettle" ito the role of the J#ite$$etial .#y?$ .irl( The
oe who?" .o to a $tri- cl#b o a lar'( The oe who?" match yo# $hot for $hot( The .irl who "i"?t .i1e a $hit abo#t
.etti. maiE-e"i$ with her .irlfrie"$! who "i"?t care if -or wa$ o! who almo$t $eeme" li'e $he "i"?t ee" a .#y(
It "i"?t mea Rowa "i"?t wat what tho$e other .irl$ ha"( +#t ow! $he felt too ol" to cha.e who $he wa$)or
$ho#l" $he ha1e to( Her -aret$ "i"?t .i1e Rowa a har" time abo#t bei. $i.le( Her mother! 3eoa! ha" bee a
e$$ayi$t i her -reE,aybroo' life! eA-lori. o-e marria.e$ a" $ameE$eA$)m#ch to E"ith?$ embarra$$met( Her
father! Robert! treate" Rowa the $ame a$ hi$ $o$! -#$hi. her to be ambitio#$ a" $#cce$$f#l o1er e1erythi. el$e( A"
her brother$ alway$ tol" her ot to $ettle( It wa$ Po--y who ea.erly $ho1e" eli.ible .#y after eli.ible .#y Rowa?$ way(
Tho#.h they were ice a" cool a" Rowa ha" remaie" frie"$ with J#ite a few of them! oe of them eAactly ( ( (
cllckeJ( Rowa ha" felt tr#e lo1e oce before! a" $he wo#l"?t $ettle #til $he felt it
There wa$ a 'oc' o the bathroom"oor! a" Rowa loo'e" #-(
KRowaIL $omeoe whi$-ere"( K2o# i thereIL
Rowa o-ee" the "oor a crac' a" $aw *ame$?$ c#rly brow hair! eye$! a" $li.htly croo'e" $mile( KNo fair that yo#
.et to hi"e o#t i here!L he $ai" moc'E$terly(
*ame$?$ $'i $melle" li'e -e--ermit $oa-( A flec' of .litter from oe of the -rice$$?$ wa"$ wa$ $t#c' to hi$ chee'(
Rowa refraie" frombr#$hi. it away(
KI D#$t ee"e" a mi#te!L $he tol" him(
He .lace" "ow the hall( KPrice$$e$ .etti. yo# "owI The .rowE#- oe$! I meaIL
Rowa $tare" at the moo.ramme" towel$ ha.i. o the $il1er bar acro$$ the room( Oe bore Po--y?$ iitial$! the
other! *ame$?$( K2o# co#l" $ay that(L
KDo yo# wat me to $m#..le yo# o#t of here! ,aybroo'IL *ame$ a$'e"! hi$ .aBe $hifti. co$-iratorially( KWe ca e$ca-e
o#t the balcoy( >$e the .ar.oyle$ a$ a la""er(L
,he -ict#re" the two of them $cali. the Da'ota! "ro--i. to Cetral Par' We$t! a" falli. i with the biathlete$( They?"
la#.h to.ether! li'e i the ol" "ay$(
*ame$ $li--e" ito the bathroom( KI$ there roomfor aotherIL he a$'e"! $h#tti. the "oor( KI?m-rice$$e" o#t too(L
Rowa $iffe"( KPlea$e( All the me are D#$t watchi. tei$(L
*ame$ leae"$t the $i' a" ma"e a face( KHa1e yo# e1er h#. o#t with Ma$o for ay of timeI He?$ the
bi..e$t -rice$$ of them all(L The he -ic'e" #- a remote $itti. o the e".e of the $oa'i. t#b a" -oite" it at a $mall
T@ i the corer( KA" ayway! we .et the match i here too(L
The 0rech O-e a--eare" o the $cree( Rowa remaie" -late" i the mi""le of the bathroom! her arm$ wra--e"
ti.htly aro#" her tor$o( Tho#.h $he $aw *ame$ re.#larly! $he co#l"?t remember the la$t time they?" bee aloe
They?" become frie"$ at Col#mbia! whe they li1e" o the $ame floor fre$hma year( Rowa?$ father ha" offere" to b#y
her a a-artmet! b#t $he li'e" the i"ea of bei. li'e e1eryoe el$e! e1e o-ti. for a "o#ble i$tea" of a $i.le( ,he?"
$-et mo$t of the time i *ame$?$ "orm room! -layi. 1i"eo .ame$ a" chatti. abo#t the -eo-le i their b#il"i.!
e$-ecially the .irl$( They?" $taye" o for .ra"#ate -ro.ram$ at Col#mbia! *ame$ for b#$ie$$ $chool)he ha" alway$
wate" to be a etre-ree#r)a" Rowa for law( They ha" a $ta"i. Mo" "ier "ate at a MeAica "i1e o
+roa"way with $-icy .#acamole( O wee'e"$! they -laye" -ool at ,oHa! the "i.y bar o Am$ter"am who$e barte"er$
ma"e -otet 3o. I$la" ice" tea$( A$ #$#al! Rowa ha" falle ito her role a$ the -ereial .#y?$ .irl! *ame$?$
wi.woma( Plety of time$ Rowa ha" co$ole" *ame$?$ "ate at the e" of the e1ei. whe $he *ame$ ma'i.
o#t with $omeoe ew i the #i$eA bathroom(
K2o#?re $#ch a "o.!L Rowa ha" alway$ tea$e" him o1er br#ch o ,#"ay mori.$( To which *ame$ D#$t $hr#..e" a"
bare" hi$ teeth( KWoof(L
Now *ame$ $tare" at the mii T@ o1er the t#b( It wa$ the thir" $et! the match tie"( KO'ay! ,aybroo'!L he be.a! -oiti.
at the $cree( KDDo'o1ic or 0e"ererIL
Rowa $wallowe" har"( It wa$ a ol" .ame they #$e" to -lay)oe of themwo#l" ame two -eo-le! a" the other wo#l"
ha1e to -ic' which they?" ha1e $eA with( ,ometime$ it ha" bee a .ee' $how"ow! li'e ,yl1ia Plath 1er$#$ Emily
Dic'i$o! or ,ha'e$-eare?$ Ia.o 1er$#$ Obero from A MlJsommet Nlqbts uteom( Other time$ they ame" -eo-le i
their li1e$)@eroica! the b#$ty re.i$trar! or Colette! the waifi$h 0rech eAcha.e $t#"et( More ofte tha ot! *ame$
wo#l" act#ally .o home with the hot eAcha.e $t#"et(
,ometime$ Rowa *ame$ ha" for.otte their ol" frie"$hi- etirely! ow that he wa$ marrie" to Po--y(
Altho#.h maybe he "i"?t wat to remember -art of it)e$-ecially the -art abo#t all the .irl$( *ame$ ha" reforme" for
Po--y( Po--y wa$ m#ch too bea#tif#l a" -erfect for aythi. le$$( Ay .#y wo#l" fall i lie for her(
Rowa loo'e" at the -layer$ o either $i"e of the co#rt( K0e"erer for $#re!L $he "eci"e"( KDDo'o1ic i$ too coc'y(L
KTall! "ar'! a" E#ro-ea( I li'e it(L *ame$ tilte" hi$ hea" "ow! hi$ eA-re$$io moc'E$erio#$( K,o tell meN Who "o yo#
ha1e o ta- the$e "ay$IL
Rowa -rete"e" to r#b o#t a i1i$ible water $-ot fromthe $i'( KI -lea" the 0ifth( I?1e alrea"y bee a$'e" that J#e$tio
a few too may time$ to"ay(L
*ame$ $a' "ow to the e".e of the t#b( K2o# ha1e to .i1e -eo-le a chace! ,aybroo'( Act#ally .o o#t with $omeoe
more tha oce(L
KI .o o#t!L Rowa i$i$te"(
KI 'ow yo# "o(L *ame$ lai" hi$ ha"$ i hi$ la-( K+#t who ha1e yo# act#ally llkeJIL
Rowa $tare" ite$ely at the T@ $cree! tryi. to recall the la$t time $he?" .oe o#t with $omeoe co$i$tetly(
,omeoe $he?" act#ally felt $omethi. for(
K,eeI 2o# ca?t e1e remember(L *ame$ -layf#lly #".e" her calf with hi$ toe( KThey ca?t all be li'e me! yo# 'ow!L he
$ai"! $-rea"i. hi$ arm$ wi"e a" .i1i. her a boyi$h .ri(
Rowa froBe( He wa$ 'i""i.! wa$?t heI Her -#l$e th#""e" i her -alm$(
0i1e year$ a.o! whe they were at ,oHa D#$t before fial$! *ame$ ha" ta'e a "ee- breath a" loo'e" at Rowa o1er hi$
beer( K,o! ,aybroo'( I wa$ thi'i. abo#t chec'i. o#t thi$ Meriweather -lace yo# alway$ tal' abo#t(L
KOhIL Rowa coc'e" her hea"( KDo yo# wat to 1i$itI There?$ room(L
KAct#ally ( ( (L *ame$ fi""le" with the $traw i hi$ "ri'( KI rete" a -lace o Martha?$ @ieyar"( 0or the whole $#mmer(L
KWhatIL Rowa bl#rte"(
*ame$?$ .aBe bore" ito her( K2eah! I wa$ thi'i. it wo#l" be ice to ha. o#t to.ether o#t$i"e the library or "i1e bar$(L
Hi$ eye$ a" $mile were $o "am "a.ero#$! i$tatly $#c'i. her i( +#t Rowa koew what he wa$ li'e( ,he?" $ee him
wor' hi$ ma.ic o other wome( A" yet whe he loo'e" at her! $he wa$ D#$t a$ wea' a$ all the re$t( That! whe $he
wet home! $he fata$iBe" abo#t the $ha-e their $#mmer wo#l" ta'e( The meal$ they?" coo'! the thi.$ they?" tal'
abo#t! the family member$ he?" meet( A" the ( ( ( whatI After ho#r$ a" ho#r$ of tal'i. a" la#.hi.! i that bea#tif#l
$etti.! with the $tar$ twi'li. all aro#" them! what wo#l" ha--e eAtI
,he 'ew it wa$?t wi$e to thi' that way( ,he wa$ bei. ai1e! oe of the may -itif#l .irl$ who fell #"er *ame$?$ $-ell(
,he wa$ afrai" of her feeli.$ for *ame$! mo$tly beca#$e of how $tro. they were( +#t there wa$ $#ch a bi. lf. If *ame$
felt the $ame way! well ( ( (
,he?" throw him a -arty the he arri1e"( All the co#$i$! e1e Nata$ha! lie" #- i the foyer to .reet him( Po--y
$tro"e #- fir$t a" eAte"e" her ha"( KRowa ha$ tol" me $o m#ch abo#t yo#!L $he .#$he"( KI?m her co#$i! Po--y
KAother ,aybroo'!L *ame$ ha" $ai"! $mili. that wolfi$h $mile! hi$ eye$ $'immi. her #- a" "ow( It wa$ the $ame
thi. he?" "oe to co#tle$$ .irl$ i Rowa?$ -re$ece! b#t $omethi. i$i"e Rowa $till l#rche"( He wa$?t $#--o$e" to
"o that bete! to her co#$i(
That *ame$ .a1e a toa$t o the -atio! tha'i. e1eryoe for .i1i. him $#ch a warm welcome! e$-ecially hi$ Kbe$t
frie"! ,aybroo'(L E1ery time $he t#re" aro#"! he wa$ chatti. with Po--y! a" $oo $he realiBe" that he wa$?t D#$t
bei. -olite( Rowa ha" to "#c' behi" the bar that ha" bee $et #- o the e".e of the -atio to collect her$elf! feeli.
that ifreJ#et hot $ti. behi" her eye$( ,he felt $o bli"$i"e"( A" $t#-i"( To ma'e matter$ wor$e! $he felt $omeoe
$tari. at her from the other $i"e of the yar"( It wa$ Nata$ha( Her .aBe $li" from Rowa to Po--y a" *ame$)a$ if $he
ha" it all fi.#re" o#t(
Howi. $he wa$ .oi. to lo$e it! Rowa ha" retreate" to a be"room! $at "ow o the be"! a" $tare" at the "iamo"E
-rite" wall-a-er! $ee'i. ref#.e)m#ch a$ $he wa$ ow! i *ame$ a" Po--y?$ -ow"er room(
+li'i. the memory away! Rowa t#re" to *ame$ a" tske"( KIf yo# 'ee- $ayi. thi.$ li'e that! I?m .oi. to ha1e to
hi"e fromyo# too(L ,he o-ee" the "oor( KC?mo( We?" better Doi the royal co#rt(L
The -arty ha" mo1e" ito the "ii. room( ,treamer$ a" .litteri. tiara$ $#rro#"e" the tiere" b#ttercreamEfro$ti.
ca'e o the table( Corie?$ mother wa$ -laci. three little ca"le$ i the ceter! a" all the yo#. mother$ $too"
aro#"! oohi. a" ahhi.( A$ter ha" fially a--eare"! loo'i. tire" b#t $till maa.i. a $mile( Rowa loo'e" aro#" for
Po--y a" fo#" her $ta"i. i the corer with Ma$o( Ma$o?$ face wa$ re"! a" Po--y?$ mo#th "raw( Rowa ha"
e1er $ee them ar.#e)$ice Po--y?$ -aret$ "ie"! Ma$o ha" ta'e her #"er hi$ wi.! m#ch a$ Ca"ace a" Patric'
ha"! treati. her li'e a thir" "a#.hter(
They were tal'i. $o heate"ly that Po--y $eeme" obli1io#$ to the ca'e li.hti.( More im-ortat! $he "i"?t $eem to
otice that Rowa ha" D#$t come o#t of the bathroomwith her h#$ba"(
+#t $omeoe el$e ha" otice"( Nata$ha $too" at the e" of the hall! her hea" coc'e"! her .aBe $J#arely o Rowa?$ face(
,he rai$e" oe eyebrow! D#$t a$ ' a$ $he ha" that Po--y a" *ame$ met( Rowa loo'e" away! watchi.
*ame$ 'i$$ hi$ beami. "a#.hter o the chee'(
1bey coot oll be llke me( 3ittle "i" *ame$ 'ow how tr#e that wa$( ,he?" 'ow *ame$ for early fiftee year$! a" $he?"
lo1e" hime1ery mi#te(
A few "ay$ later! A$ter $at "ow i her -aret$? >--er Ea$t ,i"e tow ho#$e for the "rea"e" b#t obli.atory wee'ly
We"e$"ay "ier( The eormo#$ table i the baroJ#eE$tyle "ii. room wa$ $et for twel1e! with $il1er ca"le$tic'$ i
the ceter( The hi.hEbac'e" maho.ay chair$ were $o h#.e a" hea1y they co#l" ha1e $er1e" a$ 'i.$? throe$( The
bloc'y maho.ay chia cabiet! a heirloom from the ei.hteeth cet#ry! too' #- a whole wall a" bore -ricele$$ ,Q1re$
-late$! artifact$ fromher -aret$? worl" tra1el$! a" a $il1er tea $et that ha" oce belo.e" to a J#ee( There were lot$ of
-ortrait$ of "ea" relati1e$! la"$ca-e$ $howi. a foAh#t o the moor$! a" a h#.e -aiti. of E"ith a" Alfre" with their
yo#. chil"re! $ta"i. o their $tairca$e( O the to- $te- were Ma$o a" 3awrece! Po--y?$ "a"! both with $lic'e"
hairO the Rowa?$ father! Robert! a" Nata$ha?$ mother! Ca"ace! at the bottom( Ca"ace! -robably o more tha fo#r
at the time! $tr#..le" to hol" Grace! a fat! .r#m-yEloo'i. baby( 2ear$ a.o A$ter ha" lo1e" thi$ room! a" ma"e #-
$torie$ abo#t the -eo-le i the -aiti.$ a" the -re1io#$ ower$ of the artifact$( ,he wo#l" tell tale$ to her father o1er
brea'fa$t i the mori.( He alway$ li$tee" atteti1ely! a" la#.he" at all the -art$( KMaybe yo#?ll be a a#thor
$ome"ay! A$ter!L he?" tell her(
KTha' yo# $o m#ch! E$me!L Peelo-e ,aybroo' m#rm#re" a$ their -ri1ate chef -lace" a roa$te" chic'e i a re" wie
re"#ctio eAt to a -latter of .rille" a$-ara.#$ a" +r#$$el$ $-ro#t$( A$ #$#al! A$ter?$ mother $too"! rearra.e" $ome of
the .ari$he$! a" a""e" a "a$h of -e--er to the bir"( 2o# "o?t .et to -rete" yo# coo'e" it D#$t by -layi. with the
-e--er! A$ter
K2e$! tha' yo#! E$me!L Corie echoe"( DiAo! who wa$ $itti. eAt to her! o""e" hi$ tha'$! a" Po--y! who wa$ eAt
to Ma$o! $mile" $weetly( E1er $ice Po--y?$ -aret$ "ie"! $he?" ha" a $ta"i. i1itatio to "ier( ,ometime$ A$ter
wo"ere" if Po--y?$ recet clo$ee$$ to Ma$o $temme" from her father?$ $#r1i1or?$ .#iltO he wa$ $#--o$e" to ha1e
bee o the -lae that 'ille" Po--y?$ -aret$( >$#ally Po--y *ame$ a" the 'i"$! b#t to"ay $he ha" come aloe(
,he?" with her a homema"e $trawberry -ie! #$i. the berrie$ $he?" -ic'e" the -re1io#$ wee' "#ri. a 1i$it to her
family?$ r#ral e$tate i we$ter Ma$$ach#$ett$( Oly Po--y! who -robably wor'e" twetyEthree ho#r$ a "ay! co#l" al$o
fi" time to ba'e a -ie(
K2o# roc'! E$mePL A$ter yelle" eth#$ia$tically! a"D#$ti. the $tra- of her DacJ#ar" b#$tier to-( Her father eye" it
"i$ Whate1er)e1eryoe a" her .ra"mother were weari. b#$tier$ the$e "ay$( Well! eAce-t Corie! who
$ort of loo'e" li'e a .ra"mother i a We".woo"Ebl#e $lee1ele$$ $il' "re$$ a" Mi'imoto -earl earri.$(
A$ter eye" her $i$ter acro$$ the table( Corie ha"?t e1e .lace" i her "irectio yet! a" A$ter certaily wa$?t .oi.
to ma'e the fir$t mo1e( Her .aBe the wa"ere" to aother -ortrait o the wall! thi$ oe ta'e abo#t te year$ a.o( It
wa$ of her$elf! Corie! Po--y! a" all the other fir$t co#$i$! icl#"i. Rowa?$ brother$ a" A#t Grace?$ yo#. $o$!
Wi$to a" ,#lli1a! who li1e" i Califoria with the owE"i1orce" Grace( Nata$ha wa$ there too! frot a" ceter(
*#$t loo'i. at Nata$ha irritate" A$ter( The .irl ha" acte" li'e their be$t frie" for year$! ho..i. the $! be..i.
them to come to e1ery $chool -lay $he wa$ i! e1e oce "ra..i. A$ter to accom-ay her to a o-eEcall +roa"way
a#"itio whe they were both fo#rtee year$ ol"( A" the! $#""ely! $he D#$t ( ( ( "i"?t ee" them aymore( A$ter $till
co#l"?t belie1e Nata$ha wa$ i Corie?$ we""i.O Po--y ha" $omehow tal'e" her ito it(
KI$ that blooJIL A$ter?$ .ra"mother E"ith a$'e"! -#lli. her mi' $tole ti.hter aro#" her $ho#l"er$)$he e1er too' it
off! e1e tho#.h it wa$ #characteri$tically warm for May( Her white hair wa$ $lic'e" bac' from her face! $howi. off her
.oo" boe $tr#ct#re! the hi.h chee'boe$ a" tiy -ert o$e that A$ter ha" tha'f#lly iherite"( *e$$ica! the -er$oalE
a$$i$tatE$la$hE#r$e who accom-aie" E"ith e1erywhere! leae" o1er to eAamie the -late(
Ma$o! who wa$ thier ow that he wa$ wor'i. o#t with a -er$oal traier! i$-ecte" it a$ well( KNo! Mother!L he $ai"
KIt?$ D#$t the $a#ce!L Po--y a""e" hel-f#lly! ta'i. a bite( K,eeI 2#m(L
E"ith co$i"ere" it for a momet! -robably oly beca#$e Po--y wa$ her fa1orite .ra""a#.hter a" $he hate" to
"i$a--oit her( 0ially $he -#$he" the -late away( KWell! thi$ i$ too #"ercoo'e" for my li'i.(L ,he loo'e" acc#$ at
Peelo-e! D#$t a$ $he alway$ "i" whe $he fo#" fa#lt i $omethi. i her "a#.hterEiElaw?$ ho#$e( Peelo-e $a--e" for
the chef! who r#$he" to ta'e E"ith?$ -late away( KI?ll ha1e a $oftEboile" e.. i a e.. c#-! -lea$e!L E"ith braye" lo#"ly(
After the offe"i. chic'e wa$ .oe! Corie cleare" her throat( K,o I chec'e" the re.i$try! a" a lot of -eo-le ha1e
"oate" to City Har1e$t(L
KThat?$ wo"erf#l! "ear!L E"ith $ai"
A$ter too' a fre$h roll a" bit ito it( It wa$ warma" fla'y fromthe o1e! a" ta$te" li'e b#tter( KI ca?t belie1e yo# .#y$
"i"?t re.i$ter for .ift$!L $he $ai" betwee mo#thf#l$(
Corie mo1e" her chi to the! her .aBe o her mother( KWe?1e rai$e" almo$t te tho#$a" "ollar$!L $he wet o! a$
tho#.h A$ter ha"?t $-o'e( KA" I?m$#re we?ll .et m#ch more(L
K2o# co#l"?1e .otte $ome amaBi. $t#ff from+e"el?$! +arey$! A+C Car-et ( ( ( !L A$ter coti#e"(
E"ith wi-e" her mo#th( KIt?$ 1ery re$-ectable to a$' for charitable "oatio$! A$ter(L
A$ter wri'le" her o$e! wo"eri. if $he?" bee $witche" at birth( Whe $he wa$ little! $he #$e" to ha1e fata$ie$ that
her real -aret$ were act#al roc' $tar$( 3i'e Heith Richar"$)A$ter ha" $ee a amaBi. -hoto $hoot of hi$ family i ,t(
+art$ i la$t moth?$ voolty lolt. They 'ew how to -arty(
,he -eere" J#e$ at DiAo acro$$ the table( Corie?$ fiacG wa$ weari. a bori. .ray b#$ie$$ $#it! b#t A$ter
ha" alway$ li'e" DiAo)he ha" a c#te TeAa$ accet! he a" hi$ frie"$ were #$#ally .ame for late$! a" he co#l"
t#r aythi. ito a "ri'i. .ame( ,#rely he?" wat -re$et$( +#t he D#$t $hr#..e"( KI "o?t care what we "o! a$ lo. a$
we $till .o o the hoeymoo(L
KWhere are yo# .oi. a.aiIL A$ter a$'e"(
DiAo bri.htee"( K,afari( +#t al$o Ca-e Tow( I?1e alrea"y .ot tic'et$ to a football match(L
KThat $o#"$ amaBi.!L Po--y $ai" warmly(
Corie?$ for' $cra-e" oi$ily acro$$ her -late( KI?m .oi. to meet with my cotact$ i Ca-e Tow a" 1i$it a few of the
mie$!L $he a""e"! $till to her -aret$( ,he m#$t ha1e A$ter rolli. her eye$! beca#$e $he $i.he" lo#"ly( KwbotIL
A$ter bli'e"! $#r-ri$e" at Corie?$ brea' i "emeaor( KAre yo# $erio#$ly .oi. to wor' o yo#r hoeymooIL
KMy$ eAactly!L DiAo $ai"! rai$i. a .la$$(
Corie $hot hima loo'( KDo?t oqtee with herPL
KGirl$PL Ma$o bl#$tere"( He loo'e" at Po--y hel-le$$ly( KI a-olo.iBe o my family?$ behalf(L
KOh! $to-!L Po--y $ai"! $watti. him -layf#lly( A$ter felt the tee$ie$t $tab of Dealo#$y( Po--y ha" alway$ bee clo$e with
A$ter?$ family! b#t e1er $ice her -aret$? "eath! $he ha" become Ma$o?$ fa1orite)a $-ot A$ter #$e" to hol"! oce #-o
a time(
The A$ter?$ cell! which $at o the table eAt to her! chir-e" to i"icate a ew teAt from Clari$$aN wete beoJloq to ln-u
oftet tbls( A$ter .ritte" her teeth( They were all at "ier at Catch witho#t her! -robably "ri'i. her fa1orite la1e"erE
a"Ey#B# martii( 8e tbete lo oo boot, A$ter f#rio#$ly ty-e" bac'(
lts o tbeme olqbt, Clari$$a re-lie"( Tra$hy ho#$ewi1e$( lmweotloq my leotbet mlolJtess(
A$ter her breath i eAcitemet( ,he llveJ for theme$( ,he wa$ $o eAcite" that $he "i"?t e1e call Clari$$a
o#t o the fact that the "re$$ i J#e$tio wa$ act#ally her$O Clari$$a ha" D#$t e1er ret#re" it( Awesome, $he wrote
bac'( 1oo ctoy-ctoy lf l stoff my blklol top?
KA$ter!L her mother $ai" $har-ly( KDo?t teAt at "ier(L
KOe $ec(L The cell chime" No, qo fot lt! Clari$$a wrote bac'(
lmtblokloq Mlssool blklol, wblte cotoff jeoos, ooJ weJqes. AoJ moybe bolt exteosloos? A$ter ty-e" J#ic'ly(
KA$ter(L Ma$o $lamme" hi$ ha" "ow o the table( Whe A$ter loo'e" #-! her father?$ eye$ were $teely a" col"( KP#t(
The -hoe( Awoy(L
A$ter $li--e" the -hoe bac' ito her ba.( Get o1er yo#r$el1e$! $he wate" to $ay( All of yo#(
Whe A$ter wa$ a little .irl! e1eryoe tol" her that $he wa$ l#c'y to be a heire$$! a" that her life wo#l" be
eAtraor"iary( ,he ha" a floorEthro#.h -layroom! a rotati. $taff of aie$! a" -ri1ate -lae$( +#t bei. a heire$$ al$o
meat fitti. a $-ecific mol")oe to which A$ter co#l" e1er J#ite a"here(
Whe $he wa$ year$ ol" a" their $eco" co#$i Ma"eleie .ot marrie"! A$ter ha" bee the flower .irl i the
we""i.( ,he wo#l" e1er how $he ha" com-laie" to her mother that her white -atet leather $hoe$ were
h#rti.( KCa?t I wear $omethi. el$eIL $he?" be..e"( KNo! A$ter!L her mother ha" hi$$e"! her li-$ -#r$e" i fr#$tratio(
KNo oe e1er $ai" thi$ wo#l" be ea$y(L KNo oe e1er $ai" wbot wo#l" be ea$yIL A$ter ha" a$'e")b#t Peelo-e wa$
alrea"y $wee-i. o#t of the room! rolli. her eye$( K+ei. a heire$$! $illy!L Corie a$were" from the corer! "oi.
-iro#ette$ i the arrow white $hoe$ that "i"?t $eemto bother her at all(
It ha" bee Ma$o who came to A$ter?$ re$c#e at that we""i.! -#lli. her ito hi$ la- at the "ier a" fee"i. her a
eAtra $lice of ca'e whe Peelo-e wa$?t loo'i.( KWhat yo#r mother mea$! A$ter!L he trie" to eA-lai! Ki$ that bei. a
heire$$ i$?t alway$ ea$y( There are .oo" -art$! a" there are ba" -art$(L
KDo I ha1e to be a heire$$IL A$ter ha" a$'e"(
KOh! $weetie!L Ma$o ha" $ai"! a" leae" forwar" to 'i$$ her forehea"( K2o#?re a ,aybroo'(L
1bete ote qooJ potts, ooJ tbete ote boJ potts( A$ter D#$t ha"?t realiBe" that the ba" -art$ wo#l" ofte o#twei.h the
.oo")a" that her oceEbelo1e" father wo#l" t#r o#t to be the wor$t of it( ,he met hi$ eye$ acro$$ the table a" felt
her$elf fl#$h with He ha" o to be a.ry with her! ot after what he ha" "oe to thi$ family( Not after all
the$e year$ of A$ter 'ee-i. hi$ $ecret(
KA$ter! I ee" to $-ea' to yo#!L Ma$o $ai"! $tari. at her a$ if he?" bee wite$$ to her$( K3et?$ .o to my office!L
he a""e"! a" $too" #-(
A$ter $J#ite" at her mom! the Corie! DiAo! a" E"ith! b#t all fo#r of themloo'e" away( The momet felt! a$
tho#.h e1eryoe wa$ i o a Do'e A$ter "i"?t .et( Oly Po--y wa$ loo'i. at her! o""i. i the "irectio
of the office(
A$ter .ot #- fromher chair! $#""ely $ha'y i her $tra--y leather -#m-$( E$me a--eare" fromthe 'itche to whi$' away
her #eate foo"( The cla$$ical m#$ic A$ter?$ family alway$ -laye" "#ri. "ier fa"e" a$ $he followe" her father from
the "ii. roomto hi$ office at the bac' of the tow ho#$e(
The room $melle" li'e $mo'e a" ce"ar! D#$t the way A$ter remembere" it( ,he ha"?t $et foot here i year$! ot
$ice $he a" her father fell o#t( There wa$ the $ame bear$'i r#. o the floor! the $ame c#tti. tool$ a" ol" lo#-e$ o
the "e$'! a" the 1ario#$ 1ita.e rifle$ fromthe Ci1il War thro#.h Worl" War II mo#te" o the wall$( O oe $helf wa$ a
lie of ol" -hoto.ra-h$! icl#"i. oe of Pa-a Alfre" i hi$ Worl" War II #iform( ,ta"i. eAt to him wa$ Harol"
+rowe! a frie" he?" ma"e "#ri. hi$ time there( NeAt to that wa$ a -ict#re A$ter ha"?t otice" before! of Ma$o a"
other ,aybroo'?$ eAec$ o a .olf o#ti.( ,te1e +arett $too" off to the $i"e! hi$ ha"$ome $mile broa"(
A$ter loo'e" away( It $eeme" $tra.e that her father wo#l" ha1e a -ict#re of ,te1e i hi$ office after e1erythi. that ha"
ha--ee"( +#t the! her father alway$ "i" ha1e a way of com-artmetaliBi. thi.$(
3ie" #- o aother wall were the taAi"ermie" aimal hea"$ from hi$ fa1orite h#t$( A eormo#$ el'! a lo.Ehore"
ram! e1e a Africa ele-hat! with fae" ear$ a" a eAte"e" tr#'( There were .la$$ marble$ where it$ eye$ ha"
bee( A$ a chil"! A$ter ha" bee afrai" of that ele-hatO b#t Ma$o ha" her ito hi$ $t#"y a" a$'e" her to loo'
at it( KIt?$ li'e the ele-hat at the M#$e#m of Nat#ral Hi$tory!L he $ai"! hol"i. her #- to face it( KWhat if I let yo# ame
KHi$ ame i$ D#mbo!L A$ter ao#ce"( K+#t I $till "o?t li'e him(L To A$ter! D#mbo wa$ com-letely "ifferet from the
ele-hat$ at the m#$e#m)or the cartoo( The ele-hat wa$ "ea" beca#$e her father ha" 'ille" it(
A$ter .lare" at Ma$o! the -lo--e" oto the o1er$t#ffe" leather co#ch( K,o what?$ #-IL $he a$'e" $toily(
Ma$o lit a KI?me"i. yo#r allowace(L
KEAc#$e meIL A$ter bar'e" a la#.h(
KI .#e$$ yo# ha1e?t $ee thi$(L He $et the i a a$htray a" tilte" hi$ com-#ter $cree towar" her( The +le$$e" a"
the C#r$e" wa$ frot a" ceter( A$ter almo$t b#r$t o#t la#.hi.)$he wo#l" e1er ha1e .#e$$e" her "a" rea" the .o$$i-
The $he $aw the -ict#re$( The fir$t $hot wa$ of Po--y #$heri. her fromCorie?$ "re$$ fitti.! her ma'e#- $meare" a"
her hair a ta.le" me$$( The $eco" wa$ of her "aci. at +a"awi later that The $tra- of her "re$$ ha" falle off her
$ho#l"er! $howi. what little clea1a.e $he ha" a$ $he $tare" ito the camera 1acatly( ,he loo'e" a$ wa$te" a$ $he?" felt(
KA$ter ,aybroo' I$ O#t of Cotrol!L rea" the hea"lie(
A$ter felt the bloo" "rai from her face( Thi$ wa$?t the fir$t time that $he?" bee feat#re" o that $t#-i" web$ite! b#t
thi$ wa$ the fir$t time her father ha" calle" her o#t o it( ,he felt for her -hoe( Ha" Clari$$a $et the +a"awi -ict#reI
+ac'$tabbi. bitch(
Her father $i.he"( K2o# r#ie" yo#r $i$ter?$ fitti.( 0or her weJJloq "re$$( A" thi$ b#$ie$$ at the cl#b)come o! A$ter(
2o#?re better tha that(L
A$ter bli'e" har"( K+etter tha whatIL
Her father D#$t $tare" at her( ,he $earche" hi$ face for a $i. of her "a" there! of the ma who #$e" to carry her o hi$
$ho#l"er$ a" tell her that e1erythi. wo#l" be o'ay( All $he $aw reflecte" there wa$ "i$a--oitmet(
KDeaa ca ha"le it( ,he ca .et tho$e -hoto$ ta'e "ow!L A$ter trie" eAt( Deaa wa$ the family?$ -#blici$tO $he
co#l" ma'e almo$t aythi. .o away(
Ma$o $hoo' hi$ hea"( KI "o?t wat Deaa to booJle it)that?$ ot the -oit( 2o# ee" to lear $ome re$-o$ibility(L
He ha" aother -#ff( KIt?$ time yo# .ot a Dob( I?1e tal'e" to HR! a" they?re fi"i. a a$$i$tat -o$itio for yo# i oe of
the "e-artmet$(L
KA jobIL A$ter $-#ttere"(
Ma$o $tare" at her( K2o# $tart eAt We"e$"ay(L
KA$ i a wee' fromowIL A$ter $hrie'e"( K2o# ha" o to "o thatPL
KI ha1e e1ery I?m the oe who -ay$ yo#r bill$(L Ma$o $too"! the "i$c#$$io clearly o1er( K2o#?1e .ot to .row #-
$ometime! A$ter( A" that time i$ ow(L
,-ot$ forme" i frot of A$ter?$ eye$( KWhat "e-artmet am I wor'i. iIL $he a$'e"( Not cotlooes, pleose Joot let me
be wotkloq fot cotlooe(
KI "o?t 'ow)HR i$ ha"li. it!L Ma$o re-lie"( KA" fra'ly! I "o?t care(L
A$ter hea"e" towar" the "oor! feeli. tear$ i her eye$( ,he t#re" bac' $o that her father co#l" $ee her cryi.! b#t he
D#$t $tare" at her $toily( That tric' "i"?t wor' o himaymore(
,he e1i$ioe" .oi. to wor' at ,aybroo'?$! .etti. bo$$e" aro#" a" .o$$i-e" abo#t beca#$e of her la$t ame( 0or a
momet! A$ter of re1eali. her father for the liar he really wa$)r#i. bac' ito that "ii. room a"
ao#ci. what $he?" "i$co1ere" abo#t him fi1e year$ a.o( +#t the the "eflate" from her li'e air lea1i. a
balloo( Telli. the tr#th abo#t Ma$o wo#l"?t $ol1e aythi.(
K0ie!L $he $a--e"( KI?ll ta'e yo#r $t#-i" Dob( +#t I?mwari. yo#! I?m.oi. to $#c' at it(L
,he wal'e" o#t of the office! "ow the hall! a" to the frot "oor witho#t e1e $ayi. .oo"Ebye to ayoe( Why $ho#l"
$heI They were -robably $ic'eri. abo#t her i the "ii. room( Or "oi. the -ro-erE-er$o alterati1e to $ic'eri.!
whate1er the hell that wa$( T#tEt#tti.( To.#eEcl#c'i.( Go"! $he hate" all of them(
A job. *e$#$( ,he haile" a cab a" .a1e the "ri1er her "owtow a""re$$! the leae"$t the wi"ow a" clo$e" her
eye$( 0or the fir$t time! it felt a$ if the family c#r$e wa$ real( +eca#$e $tarti. eAt wee'! A$ter wo#l" be li1i. it(
The followi. e1ei. after wor'! Corie .ot o#t of a cab o the corer of We$t Teth a" +leec'er i the We$t @illa.e(
,-ri. ha" $-r#. all o1er the city( The tree$ were fra.rat with ew cherry blo$$om$! e1eryoe ha" -ot$ of flower$ o
their $too-$! a ol" Gwe ,tefai $o.! which alway$ remi"e" her of cr#i$i. aro#" Meriweather i the 1ita.e *a.#ar
co1ertible they 'e-t there! wafte" o#t of a o-e wi"ow a few $torie$ abo1e( A$ $he $te--e" "aitily oto the c#rb!
caref#l ot to $c#ff her -ytho a" $#e"e -#m-$! $he t#c'e" her -hoe betwee her ear a" $ho#l"er(
KI "o?t thi' A$ter 'ow$ what hit her!L Po--y $ai" o the other e" of the lie( KI mea! Corie! $he i$ really frea'i.
Corie waite" at the c#rb for the to cha.e! ab$etly watchi. the crow" acro$$ the $treet( A co#-le of .#y$ i
c#toff Dea $hort$ chatte" with a woma i a eo maAi"re$$! -rete"i. ot to otice a famo#$ actor who li1e" earby(
Peo-le i the @illa.e loo'e" $o "ifferet frome1eryoe o the >--er Ea$t ,i"e! a" $he alway$ felt li'e a to#ri$t here( Her
.aBe foc#$e" o a ol" la"y i a -i' trech coat o the corer( ,he wa$ wheeli. a $mall -ortable cart f#ll of
.rocerie$ fromD?A.o$tio?$! a toothy $mile o her face(
,he $i.he" ito the -hoe( KI thi' A$ter will be o'ay!L $he tol" Po--y! tho#.h $he wa$?t $#re if $he belie1e" that( ,he
ha" a #eA-ecte" wa1e of $ym-athy for A$terN $he?" wate" her -aret$ to $to- eabli. A$ter?$ ri"ic#lo#$ life! b#t ow
that they ha"! her father?$ #ltimat#m $eeme" $o "ramatic( Corie wa$ h#rt too that A$ter ha" calle" Po--y i$tea" of
her( The! her $i$ter $till ha"?t a-olo.iBe" for wrec'i. the "re$$ fitti.)or for the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e" -o$t
abo#t the behi"EtheE$cee$ "rama i her -erfect we""i.( Corie ha" ha" to .i1e a $hort! fl#ffy iter1iew to New otk
ma.aBie?$ olie e"itor thi$ mori.! $ayi. how belpfol her co#$i$ a" $i$ter ha" bee i the -lai. -roce$$( KMy
$i$ter really 'ow$ how to "o a -arty!L $he?" tittere"( Problem$ol1e"! witho#t A$ter?$ hel-( A$ #$#al(
+#t that wa$ how Corie $aile" thro#.h lifeO the water$ were cho--y! b#t $he wa$ $tea"y! e1er 1eeri. off co#r$e( ,he
wo"ere" $ometime$ how $he a" A$ter ha" wo#" #- $o "ifferet! how m#ch wa$ a reactio to the other a" how
m#ch wa$ b#ilt ito their DNA( 0rom the time $he wa$ a 'i"! Corie ha" bee .oalEoriete")to ma'e a be$t frie"! to
.et a A! to meet the 'i" of -eo-le( The oly time $he?" $traye" wa$ at boar"i. $chool! whe a .ro#- of ol"er .irl$
i her hall ha" eli$te" her to hel- $teal a broBe hor$e $tat#e from the hea"ma$ter?$ "e$'( It wa$ $omethi. $t#"et$
attem-te" e1ery year! a" e1e tho#.h .etti. co#l" mea "i$ci-liary actio! tho$e .irl$ were the oe$ to
.et i with( I fact! whe her -aret$ ha" mo1e" her i! her mother ha" -oite" o#t $ome of the$e 1ery .irl$! $ayi.
Corie $ho#l" itro"#ce her$elf( +#t whe $he?" .otte! her mother al$o tol" her how "i$a--oite" $he wa$ i
Corie( KI eA-ect more from yo#!L $he?" $ai"( Corie $till carrie" that memory i her mi"! e1e ow( It wa$ a $mall
thi.! b#t it eca-$#late" $o m#ch more( ,ometime$ it wa$ har" to ma'e the choice$ e$-ecially whe e1eryoe wa$
Now Corie $-ie" the awi. $he wa$ loo'i. for! a re$ta#rat calle" CoA$wai( KHey! Po--y! I ha1e to .o!L $he $ai"!
-ic'i. #- the -ace( KI?ll tal' to yo# later! o'ayIL
K,#re!L Po--y a$were"( K+#t li$te! maybe yo# $ho#l" tal' to A$ter( ,he -robably ee"$ yo# ow(L
KTal' to yo# $oo(L Corie "ro--e" her -hoe bac' ito her ba. a" wal'e" -a$t the -otte" -lat$ a" wro#.htEiro
fi.#rie$ o CoA$wai?$ "oor$te-( The i$i"e of the re$ta#rat wa$ "ar' a" cool! the 1ibe li'e $omeoe?$ li1i. room( The
chair$ "i"?t match! or "i" the table$)$ome were ro#" tileEto-$! other$ were woo"! a" the bar wa$ ma"e of chi--e"
marble( H#"re"$ of oar$ ma"e a latticewor' o the ceili.( E1ery table a" $tool wa$ f#ll! b#t the $he $-ie" DiAo
waiti. at the bar with a beer( Hi$ $#it Dac'et wa$ off! hi$ tie wa$ loo$ee"! a" hi$ flo--y brow hair ha" bee -#$he" off
hi$ hea"( ,itti. eAt to him wa$ aother oAfor"E$hirte" Wall ,treet ty-e! whom $he reco.iBe" a$ A1ery D#bar! oe of
DiAo?$ fraterity brother$(
,he $i.he" iwar"ly( It $eeme" li'e they olwoys ha" com-ay whe they wet o#t(
Whe DiAo $aw Corie! he .a1e her a eth#$ia$tic wa1e! hi$ .rayE.ree eye$ cri'li. at the corer$( He lea-e" off hi$
$tool a" 'i$$e" her chee'! the .e$t#re" to A1ery( KHe wa$ i the ei.hborhoo"( loves thi$ -lace( It?$ cool! ri.htIL
K,#re!L Corie $ai"O $he wa$ too tire" to care( ,he?" calle" DiAo o#t o hi$ "ierEcra$hi. frie"$ before! b#t he?" D#$t
$eeme" cof#$e"( KThe more the merrier! ri.htIL he?" $ai" oce( A" the! KWait! that bother$ yo#IL
,he loo'e" at A1ery( K,o yo# $#..e$te" thi$ -laceIL
KAct#ally! E1a Pierce tol" me to try it!L DiAo $ai"! $i.ali. to the barte"er( A char"oay for Corie a--eare" i
$eco"$( KCootmet $ay$ it?$ a re$ta#rat to watch( Or maybe it wa$ 8oo Apptlt. Oe of tho$e(L
A1ery! who ha" a $J#are Daw a" a thic' -lati#mwe""i. ri. o hi$ fat! la#.he"( K3oo' at yo#( W#oti. Cootmet
A waitre$$ i a .i.ham $hirt a" "ar'Ewa$h Dea$ a--eare" a" tol" the trio their table wa$ rea"y( DiAo lai" "ow
a few twetie$)Corie wo"ere" how lo. they?" bee "ri'i.)a" both of the me lo-e" behi" the .irl to a
corer $eat( ,he $i--e" her wie a$ $he followe" behi"! li$tei. to them chatter abo#t a maDor IPO that ha" ha--ee"
"#ri. tra"i. that "ay! a" the abo#t whether they?" .et a ho#$e i the Ham-to$ i A#.#$t( A$ they $li" ito the
chair$ at a $mall! ro#" corer table! DiAo $mile"( KCo#l" be f#)ice to .et away for the wee'e"$I After the
hoeymoo! I meaIL
Corie $hr#..e"( KI $till -refer the @ieyar"(L
The $he loo'e" #- at DiAo! who ha" D#$t bee .i1e aother beer( KWait( Why were yo# tal'i. to E1a Pierce abo#t
re$ta#rat$IL Corie ha" ha"le" e1ery we""i. "etail th#$ far! a$i"e fromDiAo?$ #-comi. bachelor?$ .olf wee'e"(
DiAo c#t hi$ .aBe to the KOh( >h! I ha" a J#e$tio abo#t the accommo"atio$ for the .#e$t$( 0or my -aret$! I
Corie $J#ite" at him( KI ha" a lo. co1er$atio with them abo#t that la$t wee'(L ,he?" i1ite" Herma a"
Gwe"oly ,hac'elfor" to $tay at the e$tate i Meriweather! where the rehear$al "ier a" we""i. wo#l" ta'e -lace!
b#t they?" "eci"e" to $tay i E".artow i$tea"(
DiAo t#..e" at hi$ collar( He loo'e" li'e he wa$ abo#t to $ay $omethi.! b#t he wa$ iterr#-te" by the ret#r of the
waitre$$! thi$ time beari. three -late$ of foo"( K3ob$ter $o#fflG!L $he $ai" a$ $he $et them"ow(
Corie frowe"( KWe "i"?t or"er the$e(L The waitre$$ $mile" my$terio#$ly( Corie -eere" at DiAo a" A1ery( K2o#
.#y$ or"ere" witho#t meIL
A1ery D#$t $hr#..e"( DiAo?$ throat bobbe"( KTry it(L
Corie $hr#..e" a" too' a bite( The co$i$tecy wa$ creamy! a" the lob$ter wa$ fre$h a" -erfectly $ea$oe"( It
remi"e" her imme"iately of $omethi. $he?" eate i Meriweather( KAmaBi.!L $he m#rm#re"! $coo-i. #- aother
DiAo .lace" at A1ery! a" hi$ frie" .a1e hima 'owi. o"( KI?mha--y to hear yo# $ay that! beca#$e the chef i$ .oi.
to "o o#r we""i.(L
Corie $et "ow her for'( K+#t we alrea"y ha1e a caterer( The chef from 3?A#ber.e(L E1eryoe wate" the ew 0rech
chef o the Mahatta c#liary $cee( Hi$ three #mar'e" re$ta#rat$ aro#" the city ha" alrea"y bee awar"e"
Micheli $tar$( E1a ha" $ec#re" himmore tha a year a.o(
DiAo cleare" hi$ throat( KDo?t frea' o#t! o'ayI +#t there wa$ a i$$#e( That?$ why E1a calle" me to"ay( He ha" to bac'
K+ac' o#tIL Corie?$ heart $-e" #-( K+#t o#r we""i. i$ i le$$ tha a mothPL Her$ $ o#t the hem of the
tablecloth( ,lowly $he be.a to -ic' at a loo$e threa"(
KI 'ow!L DiAo $ai" calmly( KE1a 'ow$ too( 3i'e I $ai"! $he $et #$ here( E1eryoe who?$ bee to thi$ -lace lo1e$ it( A"
.et thi$N the chef #$e" to wotk o the @ieyar")he 'ow$ the local fi$herme! he 'ow$ all the .oo" $-ot$ for -ro"#ce!
ooJ he?$ free the wee'e" of the we""i.( He a" I ha1e alrea"y tal'e"! a" e1erythi.?$ $et a$ lo. a$ yo#?re cool with
it too(L
K,eem$ li'e a "ecet .#y!L A1ery -i-e" #-! a" the ha" the .oo" $e$e to $ta" a" eAc#$e him$elf for the bathroom(
Oce A1ery wa$ .oe! DiAo -eere" ito Corie?$ eye$( KProblem$ol1e"! ri.htI klqbt?L
KI "o?t 'ow!L Corie $ai"! feeli. $cattere"(
KWell! l "o( Thi$ i$ .oi. to be .reat(L DiAo ha"e" Corie her for'( KNow! ta'e aother bite of $o#fflG(L
Corie "i" a$ $he wa$ tol"! chewi. it thoro#.hly before $wallowi.( K2o# a" E1a ha1e 'ow abo#t thi$ oll Joy! a"
yo# "i"?t tell meIL $he a$'e"! h#rt( ,he loo'e" at A1ery?$ em-ty chair( E1e he?" 'ow( ,he" DiAo -re--i.
himbeforeha"( Moo, sbes qoloq to poolc. nelp me tolk bet Jowo.
KHey(L DiAo reache" o#t a" Corie?$ ha"( ,he loo'e" "ow( >co$cio#$ly! $he?" #ra1ele" a whole lie of
the tablecloth?$ $titchi.O a lo. re" threa" "a.le" to the floor( KE1a "i"?t wat to worry yo#!L DiAo $ai" .etly( KA"
either "i" I( 2o#?1e bee wor'i. $o har"( A" really! the chef here i$ .oi. to 'ill it)i fact! there he i$ ow(L Hi$ .aBe
mo1e" -a$t Corie! towar" the bac' of the re$ta#rat( KHe wate" to itro"#ce him$elf(L
Corie t#re" towar" the bar a" watche" a$ a fi.#re i chef?$ white$ wal'e" towar" them( At fir$t hi$ face wa$ i
$ha"ow! b#t the he wal'e" ito the! offeri. them a mil" $mile( Corie too' i hi$ broa" frame! hi$ chi$ele" face!
hi$ $le"er o$e a" "ee-E$et eye$( He ha" "ar'! wa1y hair! $ome $t#bble o hi$ face! a" the 'i" of $mile that $eeme"
$li.htly tea$i.! li'e he 'ew $omethi. yo# "i"?t(
Corie?$ Daw "ro--e"( ,he act#ally felt her$elf $hri' "ow i her chair( It wa$ a ma $he ha"?t $ee i year$ b#t ha"
e1er for.otte( Hi$ face wa$ le$$ tae"! hi$ hair! hi$ bo"y a little more toe"! if that wa$ e1e -o$$ible(
0or a $eco" $he wa$ tra$-orte" bac' to that $#mmer i Meriweather! whe DiAo ha" bro'e #- with her a" $he?"
felt $o lo$t! realiBi. for the fir$t time that o matter how m#ch $he -lae"! o matter how tlqbt they were to.ether!
$he co#l"?t force himto wat her bac'(
,he?" .oe o#t with Po--y i tow oe e1ei.! "ri'i. too m#ch ro$G at a bar o1erloo'i. the water( Whe they
fii$he" a bottle! aother a--eare"! the aother! all .rati$O Po--y ha" that effect o -eo-le( The ho#r$ wet o i a bl#r
of $illy co1er$atio$ with .#y$ who $to--e" by to meet her co#$i! a ble" of la#.hter a" i$i"e Do'e$ that wo#l" e1er
be a$ f#y +#t whee1er $he loo'e" #-! there wa$ $omeoe watchi. her( Will Cooli".e! he fially itro"#ce"
him$elf( +#t it wa$?t #til he wa$ lea"i. her #"er the "oc'! the Atlatic la--i. at the $a"! that $he realiBe" he ha"
bee waiti. for her the whole
,he 'ic'e" off her loafer$O the $a" wa$ cool a" .raiy #"er her feet( DiBBy with wie! they leae" towar" each other
a" 'i$$e"( It felt $tra.e for Corie to 'i$$ $omeoe ew after oly bei. with DiAo for $o lo.( A" the 'i$$ wa$ $o
Jlffeteot from DiAo?$( ,he wate" more! b#t $he re$traie" her$elf! breathi. har" a" $tari. at him( KI "o?t "o thi.$
li'e thi$!L $he?" ao#ce"(
KNeither "o I!L Will $ai"(
Corie la#.he"( K2o# $eemli'e exoctly the ty-e who "oe$(L
Will $hoo' hi$ hea"( K2o# "o?t 'ow who I am(L
K2o# "o?t 'ow who l am!L $he challe.e"(
Will ha" $tare" at her( K2e$! I "o( E1eryoe "oe$(L A" the he?" 'i$$e" her
KHello! Mi$$ ,aybroo'(L
Corie bli'e"! $#""ely bac' i the "im of the re$ta#rat( ,he #thi' $-# her we""i. ri. aro#" $o that
the yellow "iamo" face" the i$i"e of her ha"( KHEhi(L
After $o may year$ to.ether! Corie $ometime$ DiAo co#l" rea" her mi"( +#t whe $he loo'e" acro$$ the
table! he wa$ oly $mili. bem#$e"ly! obli1io#$ to her "i$comfort( K2o# koow each otherIL
Will .lace" at Corie! the loo'e" away $har-ly! hi$ bo"y more towar" DiAo( K2e$( We "o(L
KWell! that?$ e1e better(L DiAo eAte"e" hi$ ha" to Will( KTha'$ $o m#ch for hel-i. #$ o#t! ma( 2o#?re all for thi$!! CorieIL
Corie $wallowe"( The $car o her tor$o $tarte" to itch( +#t $he co#l"?t D#$t $it there! $ayi. othi.! $o fially $he
loo'e" at DiAo a" $mile"( KI ca?t belie1e yo# 'e-t thi$ a $ecret(L
Will .aBe" $tea"ily at Corie( KIt?$ amaBi. what $ecret$ -eo-le ca 'ee- if they wat to!L he $ai"(
A" the he o""e" a" ret#re" to the 'itche(
3ater that e1ei.! Rowa f#mble" with the loc' to the -etho#$e a-artmet o Horatio a" Greewich A1e#e $he?"
owe" $ice .ra"#ati. from law $chool( ,he colla-$e" o the co.acEcolore" leather co#ch i the li1i. room! her hea"
b#BBi. from the two Ma'er?$ o the roc'$ $he?" ha" with a .#y from her r#i. team( Gre. wa$ i .reat $ha-e a"
co#l" r# a $#bE6N6= maratho! b#t hi$ co1er$atioal $-ee" wa$ $lower tha her .ra"mother?$( ,he?" or"ere" the
$eco" "ri' D#$t to .et thro#.h it! *ame$?$ wor"$ loo-i. thro#.h her mi" all the whileN oo bove to qlve people o
cbooce. +#t $he $im-ly co#l"?t hel- com-ari. Gre. with *ame$ a" comi. #- $hort( Po--y alway$ $ai" that more
"ate$ icrea$e" the o""$ of fi"i. $omeoe .reat! b#t Rowa feare" that more faile" "ate$ D#$t -ro1e" that $he wo#l"
e1er fi" $omeoe who mea$#re" #-(
A lar.e $ha-e "arte" ito the li1i. room! claw$ clac'i.$t the woo" floor( K*ac'$!L Rowa .roae" a$ her oeE
h#"re"E-o#" +ere$e mo#tai "o.! *ac'$o! D#m-e" ito her la-( +ert! the Chih#ah#a! a--eare" eAt a" ya--e" at
her feet( Rowa .etly 'ee" *ac'$o bac' "ow a" -atte" +ert?$ hea"( +oth aimal$ too' off "ow the hall a" $tarte"
bar'i. i the be"room(
Rowa $h#t her eye$! 'owi. they were "yi. for a wal'( ,he co#l" ha1e -ai" $omeoe to "o it i the e1ei.$! b#t $he
li'e" .oi. her$elf( H#"$o Ri1er Par' wa$ $o -eacef#l at! a" $he co#l" let them off lea$h( +#t it wa$ almo$t te!
a" $he wa$ too tire"(
A $hoe from Rowa?$ office! which wa$ off the li1i. room( The com-#ter moitor wa$ $till o! -robably from her
ho#$e'ee-er +ea?$ "#$ti. earlier i the "ay( E1e from her co#ch! Rowa co#l" tell that the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e" wa$
o the $cree( +ea $wore $he "i"?t rea" it! b#t Rowa 'ew better( The l#re of the $ite wa$ li'e -a$$i. a traffic
acci"et)yo# co#l"?t oot -a#$e a" loo'(
Rowa ro$e! wal'e" to her office! a" -eere" at the $cree( Pict#re$ a" .o$$i- item$ abo#t her family member$ too' #-
the etire -a.e( KA$ter ,aybroo' I$ O#t of Cotrol!L rea" the bol"E-rit hea"lie at the to-( KThi$ .irl?$ life i$ mo$t
"efiitely c#r$e"!L a commet $ai" beeath the article( KI?" ba. her!L $tate" aotherO two h#"re" a" $iA commet$
followe"( +elow that! there wa$ a article abo#t Corie?$ #-comi. we""i.N K,i' or ,wimN New CoA$wai Chef to
Na1i.ate Water$ of Meriweather We""i.(L After that wa$ a -hoto of Rowa?$ twi brother! Michael! o hi$ way to hi$
"ermatolo.ical -ractice i ,eattle! a" a $hot of her other brother! Palmer! with hi$ family at their e$tate i Italy! where
Palmer hea"e" #- mar'eti. for the 0errari 0orm#la 4 team( The web$ite $-ec#late" that Rowa?$ brother$ "i"?t wor'
for ,aybroo'?$ beca#$e Pa-a Alfre" "i"?t thi' they were $mart eo#.h! b#t that wa$?t tr#e)they D#$t were?t
itere$te" i Dewelry(
There wa$ al$o a $e.met that cite" ew e1i"ece i the -lae cra$h that ha" 'ille" Po--y?$ -aret$ two $#mmer$
before( 8ollsblt. If the eA-ert$ ha" fially fo#" the blac' boA i the "e-th$ of the Atlatic! Rowa a" her family wo#l"
be the fir$t to 'ow! ot thi$ i"iotic blo.( A" fially! at the 1ery bottom! wa$ a -iece abo#t Rowa her$elf! Do..i. i the
-ar'( KRo o the Go(L
,he clic'e" o the li'! elar.i. the -hoto( Her face loo'e" cofi"et! a" her le.$ were $tro. a" $#--le( Whee1er
$he $aw -a-araBBi -ict#re$ of her$elf! $he felt a$ tho#.h $he were loo'i. at $omeoe el$e alto.ether)$omeoe more
.lamoro#$! more to.ether tha $he act#ally wa$( ,he clo$e" o#t of the $ite! wi$hi. $he co#l" t#r off the -#blic?$
fa$ciatio with her family with the $ame ea$e(
The "oorbell ra.! a" the "o.$ barrele" bac' ito the foyer( Rowa h#rrie"ly $h#$he" thema$ $he wal'e" to the "oor( A
familiar face a--eare" i the -ee-hole( K*ame$IL
KHey! ,aybroo'(L Po--y?$ h#$ba" offere" a boyi$h $mile whe $he -#lle" o-e the "oor( Hi$ hair wa$ #'em-t i a
me$$yEhi-$ter way! a" hi$ ail$ were bitte to the J#ic'! $omethi. he #$e" to "o before hi$ ol" ba"! Hor$e a" Carrot!
Rowa loo'e" -a$t himito the em-ty hall( KWhere?$ Po--yIL
KAct#ally! it?$ D#$t me(L *ame$ $hifte" hi$ KI came fromwor')I ha" a late fii$hi. #- o a la#ch(L He wa$ a
creati1e "irector at a tech com-ay( K2o# mi" if I come i for a $ecIL
Rowa $te--e" a$i"e $o he co#l" eter( *ac'$o bo#"e" #- a" -#t hi$ -aw$ o hi$ $ho#l"er$( KOh! *ac'$o!L Rowa
KHe?$ fie(L *ame$ -atte" the "o.?$ fl#ffy hea"(
Rowa wal'e" ito the li1i. room! a" *ame$ followe"( He $at "ow o the co#ch a" loo'e" aro#"( The .ra"father
cloc' i the corer tic'e" oi$ily( KDi" yo# re"ecorateIL
KTwo year$ a.o!L Rowa a"mitte"(
KIt?$ 1ery yo#(L
Rowa trie" to $ee her a-artmet thro#.h hi$ eye$( ,he ha" $e1eral leather -iece$ a" "i$tre$$e"Emetal $i"e table$(
There wa$ a lar.e -ro-eller from a ol" Charle$ 3i"ber.hXera -lae o the wall! a" a atiJ#e metal -laJ#e for a
"ef#ct bra" of ci.arette$ h#. ear the wi"ow( Com-are" with Po--y?$ femiie to#che$ i their ow -lace! Rowa?$
a-artmet loo'e" li'e the i$i"e of a bar(
,he cleare" her throat( KCa I .et yo# $omethi. to "ri'I I ha1e water! lemoa"e! beer)L
KWhat abo#t ,cotchIL
,he hel" hi$ .aBe for a momet! the cro#che" "ow to the atiJ#e cabiet where $he 'e-t bottle$! a$ tho#.h thi$ were
all com-letely ormal( There wa$ a halfE"r#' bottle of Glefi""ichO $he .rabbe" that a" two cry$tal t#mbler$( The
amber liJ#i" b#re" her o$tril$ a$ $he -o#re" themboth a few$? worth(
,he ha"e" oe to *ame$( K,o what?$ .oi. oIL Rowa a$'e" ca$#ally( Her heart! $he realiBe"! wa$ -o#"i.! tho#.h
$he wa$?t $#re J#ite what $he wa$ atici-ati.(
*ame$ coc'e" hi$ hea"( KCa?t a ol" frie" come $ee hi$ b#""yIL He $hifte" o the co#ch( KIt wa$ f# ha.i. o#t at
,'ylar?$ -arty( I mi$$ yo#(L
,omethi. i$i"e Rowa wreche"( ,he rai$e" her .la$$ a" cli'e" it to hi$( KWell( Cheer$(L
*ame$ $l#..e" it bac'( The he rai$e" hi$ hea" a" wi-e" hi$ mo#th( Rowa ha"e" him the bottle! a" he -o#re" more(
A few momet$ of $ilece tic'e" by( KRemember that time we $'i--e" the bill at the PlaBaIL *ame$ $#""ely $ai"(
Rowa bli'e" at him( KThat wa$ year$ a.o(L
*ame$ $h#t hi$ eye$( KI for.ot my cre"it car"( A" yo# were li'e! Hey! let?$ "itchP I?1e e1er la#.he" $o har" i my life(L
KIt wa$ yo#r i"ea! ot mie!L Rowa chi"e"( A barte"er! "re$$e" i a t#Ae"o a" tail$! ha" "a$he" o#t after them( *ame$
a" Rowa loo'e" at each other! a" each $wore the other ha" -ai"( After the barte"er left! ca$h i ha"! they "o#ble"
o1er i la#.hter! ima.ii. the hea"lie$ i the -a-er the eAt "ay(
KHeire$$ Die$ a" Da$he$IL *ame$ $ai" ow! clearly thi'i. the $ame thi.(
Rowa $orte"( KRoERo Ha$ No Diero(L
KThat ol" .#y co#l" mo1e fa$t! tho#.h(L *ame$ too' aother $l#. of ,cotch( KTho#.h ot a$ fa$t a$ *ellEO ,hot AleA(L
Rowa .roae"( K*e$#$( Are yo# ttyloq to 'ill meIL AleA ha" bee i the -hilo$o-hy "e-artmet at Col#mbia a" ha"
a$'e" Rowa to a -arty he wa$ throwi.( De$-ite the fact that he co#l" "ebate the -ro$ a" co$ of 0o#ca#lt a"
Derri"a! he?" "owe" a batch of *ellEO $hot$ i #"er a mi#te a" the trie" to .ro-e Rowa(
KI "o?t 'ow why yo# wet o#t with that .#y!L *ame$ $col"e"(
8ecoose l JlJot bove tbe cootoqe to qo oot wltb yoo! Rowa wate" to $ay! ta'i. a "ri' i$tea"(
,he bac' oce more to the $he threw the -arty for him at Meriweather! whe $he almo$t boJ $ai"
$omethi.( Po--y ha" fo#" her i the bathroom( K2o#?re mi$$i. all the f#PL $he?" $ai"! b#r$ti. i a$ Rowa $at o the
e".e of the t#b! tryi. ot to cry( Po--y ha" leae" o1er the 1aity to to#ch #- her ma'e#-! b#t the $he $eeme" to
$e$e Rowa?$ "i$tre$$( KAre yo# o'ayIL $he?" a$'e"! bli'i. har"( KAmI ho..i. *ame$IL
KOf co#r$e ot!L Rowa $-#ttere"(
Po--y .ot o her 'ee$ o the bath mat a" loo'e" $ i Rowa?$ eye( KRo( ls he D#$t a frie"IL
Rowa $wallowe" har"( Ha" Nata$ha $ai" $omethi.I Wa$ it ob1io#$I It wa$ h#miliati.! $#""ely! e$-ecially beca#$e
*ame$ clearly wa$?t itere$te" i her( Rowa wa$?t the 'i" of .irl who -ie"( A" $he wa$?t the 'i" of .irl who came
i $eco"(
A har" $hell forme" aro#" her! bloc'i. off her feeli.$( KOf co#r$e he?$ D#$t a frie"!L $he $ai" firmly! ret#ri. Po--y?$
.aBe( A" that wa$ that( ,he?" ma"e her choice(
Now $he a" *ame$ "raie" the bottle of ,cotch! a" Rowa fo#" $ome re" wie i the 'itche( A$ $he -o#re" them
.la$$e$! they tal'e" abo#t how they?" oce cra$he" a .irl?$ bachelorette -arty a" wo#" #- i her limo#$ie( They
remii$ce" abo#t *ame$?$ ba" a" their mo$t memorable .i.$! icl#"i. the time they rete" a iflatable bo#ce
ho#$e to $it eAt to the $ta.e( KAh! the $eA h#t!L *ame$ $ai"! cla$-i. hi$ ha"$ behi" hi$ ec'( KOe of my be$t i"ea$
yet(L A faraway loo' cro$$e" hi$ face( KThat bo#ce ho#$e wa$ li'e a water be"(L
Rowa fl#$he"( They ha"?t tal'e" abo#t *ame$?$ coJ#e$t$ i year$O $he wa$ o#t of -ractice( KEw!L $he $ai"! moc'E
*ame$ .rie"( K5be "i"?t thi' $o( >til I -#ct#re" the thi.(L
Koo -#ct#re" itIL Rowa recalle" how the bo#ce ho#$e ha" leae" left towar" the e" of the! oe of the ca$tle
t#rret$ lim-( llke o peols! ha" bee the Do'e(
KMy 'ey$ were i my -oc'et!L *ame$ eA-laie"( KThe thi. almo$t $wallowe" me #-( I ha" to h#t for my -at$ b#ttE
Rowa -ict#re" *ame$ tra--e" i$i"e the bo#ce ho#$e witho#t ay clothe$ o( The $he felt a .#ilty twi.e( Wa$ it a
betrayal to tal' abo#t *ame$?$ -layer -a$t li'e thi$I ,he wa$?t $#re Po--y 'ew abo#t it)$he ha" e1er a$'e"! a"
Rowa ha"?t $hare"( Rowa wa$?t $#re why $he ha"?t tol"! eAce-t that it $eeme" mai-#lati1e! a$ if $he wa$ ho-i. it
wo#l" ma'e Po--y li'e *ame$ le$$( +e$i"e$! he ha" cha.e" beca#$e of Po--yO $he?" ma"e him better! a$ $he ma"e
e1eryoe better(
A reewe" $e$e of "r#'e e#-horia $we-t o1er Rowa! a" $he "eci"e" $he wa$ ma'i. too bi. a "eal abo#t all of thi$(
,he loo'e" at *ame$ a" bl#rte"N KI for.ot yo# were li'e thi$(L
K3i'e whatIL *ame$ coc'e" hi$ hea"( KA .reat "eflator of bo#ce ho#$e$IL
KWell! ye$( 2o# tell a .oo" $tory(L
KWell! l ha1e?t for.otte that yo# ca ha.!L *ame$ $ai"! leai. forwar" a" -laci. hi$ ha" o her thi.h(
Rowa $tare" at hi$ ha"! thi'i. how $he #$e" to mar1el o1er hi$ lo.! $le"er$( ,he $wallowe" har" a"
remi"e" her$elf that he wo#l"?t be to#chi. her ow if he were?t "r#'(
+#t the he leae" towar" her( A $iBBle "arte" #- Rowa?$ $-ie( O#t of the corer of her eye! $he $-ie" a -hoto.ra-h of
her$elf a" Po--y o the matel! their arm$ aro#" each other?$ $ho#l"er$! ec$tatic $mile$ o their face$(
,he -#lle" away( KI thi' we?re wa$te"(L
KI?m ot(L *ame$?$ 1oice wa$ $#""ely $ober( He -lace" hi$ ha"$ o hi$ 'ee$! a -aie" eA-re$$io o hi$ face( KRowa
( ( ( I thi' Po--y?$ cheati. o me(L
The tem-erat#re ro$e a few "e.ree$( KWhatIL
*ame$ ra hi$ ha" thro#.h hi$ hair( K,he?$ bee $o "i$tat( It?$ li'e I "o?t eAi$t(L He $o#"e" #.l#e"( KI mea! loo'( I
'ow the $i.$( lve "oe it to -eo-le( ,omethi. i$ really wro. with #$(L
Rowa bac' to ,'ylar?$ birth"ay -arty( Po--y boJ $eeme" a little $ta"offi$h( ,he ha"?t otice" whe *ame$
"i$a--eare" ito the bathroom! a" $he wa$?t loo'i. for him whe they rea--eare"( K,he?$ o1erwhelme"( ,he ha$ a
craBy Dob! two little 'i"$! a" the -re$$ i$ $till tal'i. abo#t her -aret$? acci"et!L Rowa $ai"! thi'i. of what $he?" rea"
o the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e"(
K,he?$ alway$ ha"le" it before( Now! there are time$ after wor' whe $he?$ D#$t ( ( ( mlssloq!L *ame$ eA-laie"( KI?ll call
her! a" $he "oe$?t -ic' #-( A" I?1e her ma'i. $ecret -hoe call$( Ha.i. #- fa$t whe I come aro#"( It?$ why
I "i"?t .o bac' there I D#$t co#l"?t ha"le it aymore( I ha" to tell $omeoe(L He .rabbe" Rowa?$ ha"( KI
almo$t $ai" $omethi. to yo# abo#t it at ,'y?$ -arty( Do yo# 'ow what?$ .oi. oIL
KOf co#r$e otPL Rowa crie"( ,he $tare" "ow at her ha"$! her hea" $-ii.( *ame$?$$ were etwie" i her$(
,lowly $he -#lle" themaway( KThi$ i$ all i yo#r hea"( Po--y wo#l" e1er "o that(L
K2o#?" be $#r-ri$e" what -eo-le "o(L
KNot bet!L Rowa i$i$te"( KA" ot to yo#( 2o#?re a wo"erf#l father a" a amaBi. h#$ba"( 2o#?re amaBi. ( ( ( i
The $etece h#. there( *ame$ met her .aBe( Rowa -re$$e" her li-$ $h#t! horrifie" $he?" $ai" it(
A $#r-ri$e" $mile a--eare" o *ame$?$ face( KDo yo# mea that! ,aybroo'IL
The ,cotch felt thic' o the roof of her mo#th( KMaybe!L $he whi$-ere"(
Know "o yo# mea itIL
He $tare" at her( Rowa $wallowe" har"! a "oor o-ei.( All at oce $he co#l"?t lie( Here! "r#'! at ele1e o?cloc' o a
Th#r$"ay! maybe $he co#l" tell the tr#th(
KI mea it ( ( (L ,he $h#t her eye$ a" t#re" away( KI e1ery way(L
*ame$?$ la$he$ lowere"( The! with oe cofi"et mo1emet! he -#lle" her towar" him( Hi$ mo#th clo$e" aro#" her$(
He ra hi$ ha"$ thro#.h her hair( ,he to#che" the bac' of hi$ ec'( ,he "ra' i the $mell of hi$ $oa-! hi$ $tro. .ri-! the
"efte$$ with which he to#che" her( Go"! $he ha" wo"ere" abo#t thi$ for yeots. E1ery time he met aother .irl! e1ery
time he tol" Rowa he?" $le-t i $omeoe el$e?$ be"! $he?" wooJeteJ.
I mi#te$ they were i her be"room( KThi$ i$?t!L Rowa m#rm#re" a$ he lai" her o the mattre$$(
K2eah! it i$! ,aybroo'( Thi$ i$ -robably the mo$t thi. we?1e e1er "oe(L He 'i$$e" her ec'( KI 'ew yo# wate" me(
I wate" yo# too(L
Rowa $tare" at him( KNo! yo# "i"?t(L +#t the loo' o *ame$?$ face $ai" that -erha-$ he ha"(
*ame$ care$$e" her face! hi$ breath J#ic'( KI thi' e1e loppy 'ew how we felt! "ee- "ow(L He $a' oto oe elbow(
K2o# are $o $mart( A" bea#tif#l( A" cool(L
K,to-!L Rowa $ai" ba$hf#lly! b#t he -#lle" her i before $he co#l" $ay aythi. el$e( Hi$ wor"$ wa$he" o1er her! a"! #til they were the oly refrai i her mi"! the oly thi. that eAi$te" betwee them(
0or a few -recio#$ ho#r$! $he fially .ot e1erythi. $he?" e1er wate"(
ROWAN OPENED HER eye$( ,he wa$ lyi. o to- of her "#1et i a merlotEcolore" $il' cami$ole $he "i"?t remember
b#yi.( The ceili. fa whirle" o1er her hea"O o#t$i"e! $he co#l" hear the $oft hi$$ of the city wa'i. #-( *#".i. by the
"#ll $treami. thro#.h the wi"ow! it wa$ -robably before "aw( Her hea" -o#"e" fromthe ,cotch a" wie(
*ame$ lay be$i"e her! #co$cio#$( A fi.#re $too" o1er the be"( It ha" hollow eye$! a "owt#re" mo#th! a $ha-ele$$
bo"y( K,hame o yo#!L a ra$-y 1oice whi$-ere"(
Rowa cowere" bac'( +#t whe $he lifte" the co1er$ from her eye$! the fi.#re wa$ .oe( The "i.ital cloc' bli'e"
8N8=( ,#$hie $treame" i fromthe tall ca$emet wi"ow$(
Rowa hea1e" a breath( A Jteom. There wa$ othi. i the corer eAce-t for a -ile of clothe$( Her Dea$( Her TE$hirt(
A" blac' me?$ loafer$(
KOh my Go"!L $he whi$-ere"( *ame$ wos here(
+#t he wa$?t i the be"! a$ he ha" bee i the "ream( Rowa ro$e! wal'e" to the "oor! a" li$tee"( *ame$?$ m#ffle"
1oice floate" o#t fromthe li1i. room( He $too" i hi$ boAer$! hi$ $tro.! tae" bac' faci. her( Hi$ cell -hoe wa$ to hi$
KI 'ow! I 'ow!L he whi$-ere"( K+#t I tol" yo#! $omethi. came #-(L He $hifte"( KI?ll $ee yo#! o'ayIL
Rowa trie" to e$ca-e $iletly! b#t $he $te--e" o a crea'y -la' i the floor( *ame$ t#re"( Hi$ eye$ wi"ee"! a" he hit
the END b#tto o the -hoe(
KI?m $orry!L Rowa whi$-ere"! a l#m- i her throat( He ha" to ha1e bee tal'i. to Po--y( 3yi. abo#t why he ha"?t
come home la$t! co$#me" with re.ret(
Rowa co#l"?t e1e tblok abo#t her .#ilt! it wa$ $o o1er-oweri.( ,he co#l"?t loo' at her ha"$! 'owi. that they?"
to#che" *ame$ e1erywhere( What ha" $he JooeI ,he abo#t how the f#t#re wo#l" #fol"N $he?" bl#rt it o#t to
Po--y for $#re( There wa$ o way $he co#l" face her co#$i a$ tho#.h othi. were the matter( Po--y for.i1e
Rowa! b#t there wo#l" alway$ be a aby$$ betwee them)at e1ery "ier! "#ri. e1ery holi"ay celebratio! e1ery time
they $aw each other! they both wo#l" remember what Rowa ha" "oe(
A" the! J#ietly! Po--y wo#l" tell the other co#$i$! eA-laii. that $he #"er$too" why it ha--ee"! i a way)-oor
Rowa ha" bee $i.le for so lo.! a" *ame$ boJ bee her frie"! a" really! co#l" ayoe blame herI
,he bac'e" o#t of the room( *ame$ "ro--e" the -hoe o the co#ch a" ra towar" her( KHey( Where are yo# .oi.IL
He trie" to wra- hi$ arm$ aro#" her wai$t! b#t Rowa arche" away! almo$t feeli. a$ tho#.h the f#t#re $ceario $he?"
ma--e" o#t i her mi" ha" alrea"y ha--ee"( KOh! Go"! *ame$( What the hell boppeoeJI What "i" we "oIL
He leae" bac' a" $tare" har" at her( KCalm"ow( It?$ .oi. to be o'ay(L
Tear$ fille" her eye$! hot a" $alty( KHow ca yo# $ay thatI Notbloq will be o'ay(L
He trie" to 'i$$ her! b#t $he "#c'e" her hea" to the $i"e $o that he .ot her ear( KI ha1e to .et o#t of here!L $he $ai"!
.laci. at the cloc'( It wa$ 9N=6O $he ha" a coferece call with the ,i.a-ore office at :N6=( ,he "are" to .lace at
*ame$( *#$t loo'i. at him! $he felt a #"eiable -#ll towar" him( K2o# $ho#l" .o home!L $he or"ere"( KWor' thi.$ o#t
with Po--y( lleose.L
*ame$ $hoo' hi$ hea"( KI thi' we?re -a$t that( I?m$erio#$( I?mtelli. her it?$ o1er(L
Rowa felt the bloo" "rai from her face( He co#l"?t "o tbot. KO'ay! $o $tay here a" thi'( ,ober #-( 2o#?ll cha.e
yo#r mi"( 2o#?ll $ee how wro. thi$ i$(L
K,aybroo'(L *ame$ $te--e" forwar" a" too' her face i hi$ bi. ha"$( K*#$t $low "ow for a mi#te! a" maybe yo#?ll
$ee how tlqbt thi$ i$( It will be me$$y! yeah! b#t yo# are my clo$e$t frie"( 2o# 'ow me better tha e1eryoe( I love
yo#( Thi$ $ho#l" ha1e ha--ee" year$ a.o(L
He -#lle" her clo$e a" 'i$$e" her( Rowa $h#t her eye$( If oly it felt "rea"f#l! two $ha-e$ fitti. to.ether ba"ly( ,he
$tr#..le" to -#ll away! her li-$ feeli. toAic( KI ha1e to .o!L $he m#ttere"(
It wa$ $iA thirty by the time $he $howere"! "re$$e"! a" .athere" her 'ey$! while *ame$ la.#i$he" i the be"( Rowa
a1oi"e" loo'i. at *ame$ for fear of aother ti"al wa1e of $hame)or "e$ire( Wa$ it e1e to lea1e him hereI +#t if
they wal'e" o#t of the a-artmet to.ether! $omeoe $ee them! a" that wo#l" be wor$e(
Rowa?$ hea" $wam a$ $he $to--e" at the ,tarb#c'$ o the corer( ,he barely otice" the lo#" .ri"er! the -o#"i.
worl" m#$ic! or the woma with the ,tate I$la" accet i frot of her( After waiti. i a lo. lie to .et coffee a" a
m#ffi! $he "eci"e" to eat i a little -ar' ear her a-artmet( ,he wa$ i o h#rry to .et to wor' a" face her co#$i(
A$ $he $at! -e"e$tria$ $treami. -a$t her! her mi" ebbe" a" flowe" o1er what ha" ha--ee"( Di" *ame$ act#ally lo1e
herI A" wa$ Po--y really ha1i. a affairI Rowa co#l"?t it! b#t $he $#--o$e" aythi. wa$ -o$$ible( It "i"?t
ma'e what Rowa ha" "oe more for.i1able! of co#r$e( +#t it certaily eA-laie" why *ame$ ha" t#re" to her(
0ially! whe $he co#l"?t -#t it off ay! Rowa $too" a" ma"e her way "ow H#"$o( Twety mi#te$ later $he
t#re" oto Harri$o)a" $to--e" $hort( N2PD $awhor$e$ bloc'e" the iter$ectio at Harri$o a" Greewich( The
,aybroo'?$ b#il"i.! a .leami. $lab of .ray lime$toe a" .la$$ that loo'e" -artic#larly bea#tif#l$t the bl#e
$'y! $at at the corer( 2ellow -olice ta-e $#rro#"e" the frot etrace! a" $e1eral amb#lace$ a" fire tr#c'$ were
-ar'e" croo'e"ly i frot!$ fla$hi.(
Rowa wal'e" ca#tio#$ly alo. the $i"ewal'! her heart $-ee"i. #-( The -olice ta-e cor"oe" off a $mall recta.le o
the -a1emet D#$t o#t$i"e the b#il"i.O -arame"ic$ $too" o1er $omethi. co1ere" by a $heet( ,he loo'e" #-( Acro$$ the
$treet! -eo-le $too" o their balcoie$! me i $hirt$lee1e$ a" wome i $-ri. "re$$e$! their ha"$ o1er their mo#th$!
$tari. at the .ro#"(
Corie $wamo#t fromamo. the crow"! her face .ho$tEwhite( ,he ra to Rowa a" cl#tche" her arm(
KWhat?$ .oi. oIL Rowa crie"(
Corie $tare" at Rowa a$ if $eei. thro#.h her( The $he colla-$e" i Rowa?$ arm$ a" $tarte" $obbi.( The ch#rch
cloc' a few bloc'$ "ow bo.e" o#t the half ho#r(
KCorie! whatIL Rowa $tare" ito her co#$i?$ face( KWhat i$ itIL
Corie loo'e" at Rowa with wet re" eye$( KIt?$ Po--y!L $he $ai" hoar$ely! her 1oice brea'i.( K,he?$ "ea"(L
KCoriePL calle" a 1oice a$ Corie emer.e" from her -aret$? tow car o Mo"ay mori.( KCa yo# commet o
yo#r co#$i?$ $#ici"eIL
KA$ter! "oe$ $he ha1e a hi$tory of "r#. #$eIL aother a$'e"! traii. a camera o A$ter( KWa$ $he metally illIL
Corie -#lle" her blac' $ati cl#tch clo$er to her bo"y! .ra$-e" her mother?$ ha"! a" h#rrie" fa$ter #- towar" the
Cathe"ral Ch#rch of ,t( *oh the Di1ie o Am$ter"amA1e#e( A ew$$ta" $too" at the c#rbO Po--y?$ face wa$ $-la$he"
o e1ery frot -a.e( KCarat! C#t! Clarity! Calamity!L rea" oe hea"lie( KCity Mo#r$ a 0lawle$$ Diamo"!L rea" aother(
KA 0all from Grace(L There wa$ a -hoto of Po--y at a .ala at the Met! $tari. off ito $-ace! her eye$ lar.e! her mo#th
-#c'ere"! a" her Daw te$e( Aother -a-er $howe" a -hoto of Po--y?$ l#m-y $ha-e #"er the $heet o the $i"ewal'
o#t$i"e the ,aybroo'?$ office$(
Corie co#l"?t .et the mori. of Po--y?$ "eath o#t of her mi"( ,he?" arri1e" at ,aybroo'?$ D#$t $iA mi#te$ after
Po--y D#m-e"! $till reeli. from $eei. Will Cooli".e the "ay before( There ha" bee a crow" of -eo-le aro#" the
etrace! a" at fir$t $he?" bee aoye"( +#t the $he?" otice" a -arame"ic leai. o1er $omeoe o the $i"ewal'(
Corie ha" -#$he" thro#.h the thro. whe $#""ely a ,aybroo'?$ .#ar" .rabbe" her( K,tay bac'! Corie!L he $ai" i a
firm 1oice( It wa$ a $weet Iri$h .#y! Coli! who alway$ i1ite" Corie a" DiAo o#t with him a" hi$ b#""ie$ to "ri' o
,ait Patric'?$ Day(
KWhat?$ .oi. oIL Corie ha" "ema"e"! her heart th#""i.$t her rib ca.e(
Coli ha" loo'e" at her( A" the he?" mo#the" the ame( loppy.
2ear$ a.o! at a am#$emet -ar' o the Ca-e! Po--y ha" tal'e" Corie ito .oi. o a ri"e calle" the Rotor! a barrel
that $-# a" $-# #til! abr#-tly! the .ro#" wet o#t below yo#r feet a" the ri"er$ $t#c' to the $i"e$ by
force( That wa$ how $he?" felt! $eei. Po--y?$ bo"y $-laye" acro$$ the $i"ewal'( It ha" bee $e1eral "ay$ ow! a" e1ery
mori. $he eA-ecte" to wa'e #- a" $ee a eEmail from Po--y! or a mi$$e" call( It ha$ to be a mi$ta'e! $he 'e-t
thi'i.! e1e a$ it became -aif#lly clear that it wa$ ot(
KRowaP Wa$ there a b#$ie$$ $ca"alIL aother re-orter $ho#te" to Rowa! who wa$ behi" Corie( KTro#ble i her
KWa$ $he "e-re$$e" abo#t her -aret$? "eathIL aother re-orter $creame"(
KDi" $he lea1e a oteIL
Corie?$ heart wreche"( Police ha" .oe thro#.h Po--y?$ office! a" there it ha" bee! ty-e" i a Wor" "oc#met o
her com-#ter $cree( KI D#$t ca?t ha"le it aymore!L it rea"( KI?m $orry( Goo"Ebye(L Proof that Po--y! the mo$t
to.etherE$eemi. of their co#$i$! ha" ta'e her ow life(
A$ $oo a$ e1eryoe wa$ i$i"e the airy! hi.hEceili.e" cathe"ral! away from the -re$$! Corie "rifte" to Rowa a"
.a1e her a h#.e h#.( ,he loo'e" "eathly -aleO Rowa ha"?t bee to wor' all wee'! a" ow Corie wo"ere" if $he
wa$ ta'i. it har"er tha the re$t of them( A$ter $too" eAt to her! her .aBe o the floor(
Corie to#che" her $i$ter?$ arm( KHey!L $he $ai" .etly! her 1oice brea'i.( Now their $eeme" $o -etty(
A$ter loo'e" #-( Her li-$ -arte"( Corie o-ee" her arm$! a" A$ter fell ito them( KIt?$ $o awf#l!L A$ter $obbe" i
Corie?$ ear( KIt ma'e$ o $e$e( ,he ha" evetytbloq(L
KI 'ow!L Corie whi$-ere"(
@arie.ate" $treame" i thro#.h the $taie" .la$$ wi"ow$ i$i"e the cathe"ral( Mo#rer$ i blac' $too" i $mall
cl#m-$! $ome chec'i. their -hoe$! other$ "abbi. their eye$ with ha"'erchief$( A lar.e bir"bathEli'e $tr#ct#re beari.
holy water wa$ off to oe $i"eO $e1eral -eo-le "i--e" their$ i a" cro$$e" them$el1e$(
The ,aybroo' family wa$?t$! b#t the cathe"ral?$ hi.h ceili.$ a" cool! "ar' $-ace alway$ ma"e Corie feel calm
a" at -eace( It wa$ le$$ fla$hy tha ,t( Patric'?$! where ,te1e +arett?$ memorial ha" bee fi1e year$ before(
The memory of Corie?$ .ra"father?$ f#eral here came bac' to her( It ha" bee at the be.ii. of what wa$ alrea"y
-ro1i. to be a horrible $#mmer)DiAo ha" ao#ce" that he wa$ .oi. to 3o"o to iter at 0T,E Gro#-! a"! oh
yeah! he wa$ brea'i. #- with her( Two wee'$ later! $till com-letely #moore"! Corie .ot the ew$ that her
.ra"father ha" $#""ely "ie"( ,he?" D#$t $ee Alfre" at Meriweather a few "ay$ before( He?" .i1e her a -air of threeE
carat "iamo" tear"ro- earri.$O whe Corie a$'e" what the occa$io wa$! he D#$t $mile" a" 'i$$e" her chee'(
K,im-ly beca#$e yo#?re my $weet .irl(L ,he co#l" $till $mell hi$ ci.arEa"E$oa-E$cete" $'i( ,he co#l" $till hear hi$
.ra1elly 1oice( ,he co#l" $till $mell the lime i hi$ .i a" toic(
Her .ra"father?$ ca$'et ha" bee clo$e"! $o Corie ha"?t bee able to 'i$$ him .oo"Ebye a" t#c' tho$e earri.$
#"er hi$ $ati -illow( A -ict#re of Corie cryi. ha" a--eare" o the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e" the followi. "ay(
,omeoe ha" act#ally $et i a ima.e fromi$i"e the ch#rch(
Now a #$her ha"e" Corie a -ro.ram a" -oite" her thro#.h a "oor( Corie wal'e"! Bombieli'e! towar" the frot!
her .aBe flic'eri. o1er the $ea of mo#rer$ crow"i. the etrace( There were -eo-le from wor'! collea.#e$ from other
Dewelry em-ire$! mo"el$! actor$! m#$icia$! a" "e$$( A fa$hio e"itor from voqoe $too" alo. the wall! eAt to a
$erio#$Eloo'i. blo" woma i a b#$ie$$ $#it(
Mo#rer$ r#$he" towar" Corie! offeri. wor"$ of $ym-athy( Wi$to a" ,#lli1a! her teea.e co#$i$ fromCaliforia!
h#..e" her har"( Their mother! A#t Grace! who almo$t e1er came to New 2or'! a--roache" eAt! h#..i. Rowa
Rowa?$ brother$! Michael a" Palmer! who?" flow i! -#lle" her i for bear h#.$( KIt?$ $#ch a tra.e"y!L $ai" +eatrice!
Po--y?$ twetyEfi1eEyearEol" $eco" co#$i o her mother?$ $i"e( Her wor"$ $eeme" e$-ecially hollowO Corie
wo"ere" if it wa$ beca#$e Po--y ha" -a$$e" her o1er for a -romotio $e1eral moth$ a.o(
Corie h#..e" a few more -eo-le from ,aybroo'?$! a" a acce$$orie$ e"itor from voqoe. Peo-le $treame" -a$t her!
their face$ ble"i. to.ether( Daielle Gilchri$t .ri--e" her ha"( KI?m $o $orry)I ca?t belie1e it!L $he m#rm#re"( A"
Daielle?$ mother! *#lia! $too" eAt to her! her eye$ f#ll a" $a"( Corie ha"?t $ee *#lia i year$! $ice $he?" "i1orce"
her h#$ba"! b#t $he loo'e" a$ tho#.h $he ha"?t a.e" a "ay(
KMy co"olece$!L *#lia tol" her( KCall if yo# ee" aythi.!L m#rm#re" Mr$( Delaco#rte! Po--y?$ ol" ay! who ha" to
be almo$t ei.hty( K*#$t horrible!L $iffe" *e$$ica! E"ith?$ -er$oal a$$i$tat! before $c#ttli. towar" the frot of the
ch#rch! where E"ith wa$ $itti.(
KOh! hoey!L Deaa $ai" eAt! $J#eeBi. Corie KIf yo#?re #- for it! we $ho#l" tal' afterwar"!L $he whi$-ere" ito
Corie?$ ear( KAbo#t $ome iter1iew$( +#t oly if yo# feel rea"y(L
KI "o?t!L Corie $ai"! -#lli. bac'( That wa$ Deaa)$he wa$ -art *ewi$h mother! -art reletle$$ wor'aholic! alway$
thi'i. abo#t the me"ia?$ reactio( There wo#l" be a leople $-ecial abo#t the family?$ c#r$e! a" 20/20 wo#l" create
a $tory witho#t a $i.le $o#rce( +#t at thi$ -oit! Corie "i"?t $ee the -oit i "oi. iter1iew$( ,he?" alrea"y .i1e a
brief $tatemet that $he ha" o i"ea why Po--y ha1e "oe $#ch a horrible thi.( ,he ha" othi. el$e to a""(
The aother ha" to#che" Corie?$ bac'! a" $he $tare" ito the face of *oatha 2or'! -re$i"et of Gemolo.iJ#e
Iteratioale! oe of ,aybroo'?$ bi..e$t com-etitor$( He ha" al$o oce bee Corie?$ #cle by marria.e! b#t he a"
A#t Grace ha" "i1orce" year$ a.o( *oatha wa$ tall a" trim i hi$ "ar' $#it! with $altEa"E-e--er hair a" $teely bl#e
eye$( Hi$ tro-hy wife! 3a#re! wa$?t o hi$ arm)Corie ha" hear" they?" $-lit recetly( It $#r-ri$e" her! act#ally! that
he wa$ here( He wa$ the oe -er$o Po--y e1er J#ite maa.e" to .et alo. with( They occa$ioally ha" to "o b#$ie$$!
a" more tha oce after a call with *oatha! Po--y $howe" #- i Corie?$ office fl#$tere" a" a.ry(
KCorie!L *oatha $ai" ow! to#chi. her ha"( KI ca?t what yo#r family i$ .oi. thro#.h( It?$ $#ch a tra.e"y(L
Corie $mile" ti.htly( KTha' yo# for yo#r $ym-athy(L
,he trie" to mo1e o! b#t he .ri--e" her ha"( KHeali. ta'e$ time!L he a""e"! hi$ mo#th clo$e to her ear( KThe b#$ie$$
will alway$ be there( I wi$h I ha" bee able to tell Po--y that( I 'ow $he wa$ $
He $tare" at her -atietly! a$ if $he wa$ $#--o$e" to 'ow what he wa$ tal'i. abo#t( , ( ( ( with whatI Her
-aret$? "eathI A" wa$ he $#..e$ti. that Corie)or ,aybroo'?$ i .eeral)D#$t let b#$ie$$ JtopI Gemolo.iJ#e
wo#l" lo1e that( Maybe $he $ho#l" D#$t wra- #- their mar'et $hare with a eat little bow a" ha" it o1er(
Corie mo1e" "ow the ai$le( Mo$t of her family wa$ at the frot of the ch#rch( E"ith! Ma$o! a" Peelo-e $at i the
fir$t -ew alo. with Nata$ha?$ -aret$! Ca"ace a" Patric'! who were $obbi.( *ame$ $at there too! watchi. bla'ly a$
+rioy wa""le" "ow the ai$le( Oe of the aie$! Me.a! cha$e" after her( ,'ylar $at -olitely eAt to *ame$! a #mb
loo' o her face(
Corie $li" ito the $eco" -ew! her heart -hy$ically achi.( ,he -re$$e" a ha" to her $ter#m! #"er$ta"i. where
the wor" beottbteok came fromO that tho$e little .irl$ wo#l" .row #- witho#t their mother! a" that $he wo#l" .row ol"
witho#t her co#$i! $eeme" im-o$$ible( Corie remembere" trai-$i. aro#" Po--y?$ family?$ farm! reami. all the
-otbellie" -i.$ a" +elte" Galloway$( Po--y wa$ $o "i-lomatic! allowi. each co#$i to ta'e t#r$ -ic'i. a ame! all the
way from Nata$ha #- to Rowa! b#t her$ were alway$ the -rettie$t( Corie co#l" $till remember a lot of themN 8tlot
kose. noJley. loJle. Po--y?$ mother ha" .i1e them -o$ter -ait$ a" allowe" them to "ecorate a wall of the bar with
all the ew ame$O a$ far a$ Corie 'ew! they were $till there(
DiAo wa$ waiti. for her at the e" of the bech! hi$ hair $lic'e" bac' from hi$ face( He wore a blac' $#it a" loafer$( A$
$he mo1e" eAt to him! he wra--e" hi$ armaro#" her $ho#l"er a" -#lle" her K2o# o'ayIL he a$'e" $oftly(
KNo!L Corie $ai" mi$erably( ,he loo'e" "ow at the -ro.ram( There wa$ a -ict#re of a f#ereal bo#J#et of white ro$e$
o the co1er( I$i"e wa$ a recet $hot of Po--y! a few wi$-$ of her blo" hair blowi. acro$$ her face! a" #"ereath!
her birth a" "eath "ate$( Corie?$ throat felt li'e it wa$ o fire(
O the other $i"e of DiAo! Nata$ha leae" o1er a" -eere" at Corie( Her eye$ were wi"e! her "ar' hair wa$ m#$$e"!
a" her fi.erail$ were bitte to the J#ic'( Melo"ramatic tear$ $treame" "ow her chee'$! a" $he loo'e" a$ if $he
ha"?t $le-t( The $ame -ro.ramwa$ i her la- too( KHey!L $he whi$-ere"(
KHey!L Corie a$were" $toily! $tari. $ ahea"( After year$ of ab$ece! it felt almo$t itr#$i1e that Nata$ha wa$
here ow(
2ear$ a.o they?" all bee $o! ma'i. #- "ace ro#tie$ o the $a" at the -ri1ate beach! rehear$i. -rete"
,aybroo'?$ commercial$ i the attic! o1er the ol"er boy$ that came to the family -artie$( A oly chil"! Nata$ha
ha" cl#. to Corie! cofi"i. that $he $aw her a$ a bi. $i$ter( A" Corie $aw Nata$ha a$ the little $i$ter $he?" wi$he"
A$ter ha" bee( +#t all that ha" cha.e" whe Nata$ha "i$iherite" her$elf( ,he wate" othi. to "o with the
family)ot e1e Corie( ,he "i"?t a$wer Corie?$ call$ a" $tarte" .i1i. e.ati1e $o#" bite$ abo#t the family to
the -re$$( Corie ha" ta'e it -er$oally( What ha" sbe "oe to Nata$haI
At the $ame time! Corie co#l" -ractically hear Po--y i her ear! telli. her to .i1e Nata$ha a chace! coaAi. her to
icl#"e Nata$ha i her we""i. -arty! a$ Po--y ha" "oe( KWe?re family!L Po--y ha" i$i$te"( KOe "ay yo#?ll recocile!
a" yo#?ll re.ret that $he wa$?t $ta"i. by yo#r $i"e(L
KIt?$ #belie1able(L Nata$ha?$ 1oice wa$ cho'e"(
K>mmEhmm!L Corie m#rm#re"(
KI ca?t belie1e the ote ( ( ( !L Nata$ha wet o(
Corie o""e" faitly( It ha"?t e1e $o#"e" li'e Po--y(
KDi" $he reach o#t to yo#IL Nata$ha ho#"e"(
Corie $tare" at her co#$i o1er DiAo?$ la-( KNo! Nata$ha!L $he $ai"! heari. her 1oice ri$e( K+eca#$e if $he ha"! I wo#l"
ha1e hel-e" her! a" $he wo#l" $till be here(L
The or.a m#$ic be.a to -lay! a" the cler.y at the frot of the ch#rch i"icate" that e1eryoe $ho#l" ri$e( Corie "i"
$o! watchi. a$ the re$t of the aro#" her "i" the $ame( A" the they be.a the -roce$$ of $ayi. .oo"E
bye to the mo$t flawle$$ ,aybroo' of all(
TWO HO>R, 3ATER! after a rece-tio at the >i1er$ity Cl#b! Corie a" the other co#$i$! icl#"i. Wi$to! ,#lli1a!
a" e1e Nata$ha! t#mble" o#t of tow car$ at ,e1etyEThir" a" Par' A1e#e a" wal'e" #- the $tair$ of E"ith?$ W#ee
Ae re1i1al ma$io(
The fortyEfootEwi"e tow ho#$e wa$ face" i bric' a" marble! with a re.alEloo'i.! -eacoc'Ebl#e frot "oor( To"ay!
tho#.h! Corie barely otice" it! or "i" $he -a#$e to $mell her fa1orite -eoie$ i the frot .ar"e! a"mire the
$wee-i. $tairca$e i the foyer! or o.le the eormo#$ atiJ#e cry$tal cha"elier that! $ecretly! $he ho-e" oe "ay to
iherit( The room offere" a floorEthro#.h 1iew to the bac' of the -ro-erty! which o-ee" ito a $t#i. .ar"e a" a
.lorio#$ twoE$tory waterfall! b#t Corie $aw oe of that! either! a$ $he wal'e" thro#.h the hall a" ito the .ra"
-arlor! where e1eryoe ha" .athere"(
Me.a wa$ tryi. to corral ,'ylar a" +rioy ear the fir$t of the .ra" -arlor?$ two marble fire-lace$( *ame$ $at eAt to
themo a lo. co#ch! loo'i. "aBe"( Corie?$ mother a" Rowa?$ -aret$ were $J#a$he" i eAt to him! c#--i. m#.$
of coffee( Nata$ha?$ -aret$ $at acro$$ from them o a $ettee( A blo" woma i a $#it $too" ear the wi"ow! early
$wallowe" i E"ith?$ ma$$i1e $il' c#rtai$(
KWho i$ thatIL Corie whi$-ere" to Rowa! realiBi. $he?" al$o $ee her at the ch#rch( E"ith ha" a$'e" the ,aybroo'$ to
.ather here! $tre$$i. that it wa$ family oly(
KNo i"ea!L Rowa $ai"! her face a$he(
Corie! Rowa! a" A$ter $at o the co#ch o--o$ite *ame$ a" Rowa?$ -aret$( Wi$to a" ,#lli1a $l#m-e"$t
the wall! fi""li. with their -o--e" collar$ a" their $ha..y blo" $#rferEboy mae$( Nata$ha $ettle" o a $il'e $li--er
chair ear the room?$ $eco" fire-lace( ,he -#lle" o#t her cell -hoe a" $t#"ie" the $cree while e1eryoe .ot $ettle"(
0ially E"ith ro$e from her wi. chair at the hea" of the room! wra--e" her f#r ti.htly aro#" her! a" "i$mi$$e" oe of
her $er1at$! who?" bee -#$hi. a $il1er "ri'$ cart( KI 'ow I?m ot the oly oe who?$ ha" J#e$tio$ abo#t Po--y?$
"eath!L $he $ai" .ra1ely( KI?1e yo# all here to tell yo# that Po--y "i"?t commit $#ici"e( ,he wa$ m#r"ere"(L
*ame$ J#ic'ly D#m-e" #- a" $i.ale" to Me.a! who whi$'e" the chil"re ito the bac' -arlor( A#t Grace .lace" at
Wi$to a" ,#lli1a a" $wi$he" themo#t of the roomtoo( 0or a momet! e1eryoe wa$ $ilet(
KMother!L Ma$o $ai" feebly fromthe co#ch( KWe?1e bee thro#.h thi$(L
E"ith $et her Daw( KI?m ot the oly oe who belie1e$ thi$(L ,he t#re" to the blo"e by the wi"ow( K,he?$ .oi. to
-ro1e it(L
The $ $te--e" forwar"( ,he wa$ a little ol"er tha Corie! with wi"e bl#e eye$ a" a athletic fi.#re( KHatherie
0oley! 0+I!L $he $ai" i a cofi"et 1oice( The $he reache" ito her -oc'et a" re1eale" a $hiel"E$ha-e" ba".e(
Ma$o wice"( KMother! yo# JlJot.L
E"ith?$ eye$ fla$he"( KI mo$t certaily "i"( A" ayway! I tr#$t Mi$$ 0oley( I 'ow her(L
E1eryoe $J#ite"( K2o# "oIL A$ter a$'e"(
KHowIL Ma$o -i-e" #-(
KI?m$#re I "o! b#t ( ( (L E"ith loo'e" $cattere"( 0oley cleare" her throat( KI?m afrai" Mr$( ,aybroo' ha1e me cof#$e" with $omeoe el$e!L $he $ai"
"elicately( K+#t yo#?re i the be$t ha"$(L
,he -#lle" a Chi--e"ale chair fromthe corer eAt to E"ith a" o-ee" a la-to-( KE"ith came to me the "ay Po--y "ie"!
a" I ha" my teamloo' ito thi.$! icl#"i. the ote it$elf(L
,he ty-e" $omethi. o the la-to-! the t#re" the $cree to face the circle( It wa$ Po--y?$ oteO eAt to it wa$ a
"ialo.#e wi"ow( KThe electroic $ o the file $how$ that Po--y wrote thi$ ote at :N=: a(m( Howe1er! $e1eral
wite$$e$ $ay that Po--y?$ bo"y wa$ o the .ro#" at :N=8( A $ec#rity camera o the b#il"i. acro$$ the $treet that the lower -art of her fall re.i$tere" that time a$ well(L
*ame$ lowere" hi$ coffee c#-( KWhat "oe$ that meaIL
E"ith rai$e" her -alm$( KA woma ca?t write a $#ici"e ote after $he?$ "ea"(L
Ma$o loo'e" $'e-tical( KCo#l" the cloc'$ ha1e bee offIL
0oley t#re" the la-to- bac' to face her( KWe chec'e" that! b#t the cloc' o Po--y?$ com-#ter matche$ the $ec#rity
camera acro$$ the $treet eAactly( We ha1e to etertai the -o$$ibility that $omeoe el$e wrote that ote to ma'e Po--y?$
"eath loo' li'e a $#ici"e(L
A$ter $hot forwar"( KWait a mi#te( WhatIL
K,omeoe -#$he" herIL Rowa a$'e"! a" for a momet Corie wo"ere" if $he $o#"e" almo$t relie1e"(
KWe "o?t wat to ma'e ay ra$h cocl#$io$!L 0oley $ai"( K>fort#ately! the $ec#rity camera from the b#il"i. acro$$
the $treet "i"?t eAte" hi.h eo#.h to .i1e #$ a 1iew ito Po--y?$ office( There were o wite$$e$(L
Rowa?$ brother! Michael! to#che" hi$ forehea"( KNot oe -er$oIL
KWe?re $till a$'i. aro#"( It?$ early yet(L
KWhat abo#t the a#to-$yIL *ame$ a$'e"(
KThe f#ll re-ort i$?t i yet! b#t $o far there?$ othi. cocl#$i1e either way!L 0oley $ai"( KPo--y fell from abo#t fifty feet!
a" that?$ all the fi"i.$ $how( +#t the "i$cre-acy betwee her time of "eath a" the time of the $#ici"e ote i$
coceri.( Oe ar.#e that a by$ta"er wa$ i her office the whole time a" ty-e" the ote at Po--y?$ reJ#e$t
after $he D#m-e"( +#t why wo#l"?t that -er$o come forwar"I It "oe$?t a"" #-( A" beca#$e of that! we?re officially
o-ei. thi$ a$ a m#r"er i1e$ti.atio(L
KI 'ew thi$ wa$?t a $#ici"e!L E"ith $ai" ti.htly( K+#t who wo#l" h#rt o#r Po--yIL
KWe ha1e to fi.#re o#t what eAactly ha--ee" to Po--y the mori. of her "eath( Who wa$ i her officeI Why were they
thereI Do we 'ow if ayoe ha1e bee ma" at Po--y for ay rea$oI ,omeoe i$i"e the com-ay! for i$taceI
Or -erha-$ a b#$ie$$ ri1alIL 0oley a$'e"(
Corie?$ $'i -ric'le"( *oatha 2or'?$ $marmy $mile( l koow sbe wos sttoqqlloq.
KI?m ot a$$#mi. aythi.!L 0oley wet o J#ic'ly( K>fort#ately! Po--y?$ office "oe$?t ha1e a camera i it! a" the
camera i the ele1ator ba' "i"?t $how ayoe .etti. off the ele1ator$ aro#" the time of Po--y?$ m#r"er( +#t
whoe1er it wa$ co#l" ha1e ta'e the $tair$! where there are o camera$(L
Rowa cleare" her throat( KDi"?t the .#ar"$ o the floor$ otice ayoe comi. o#t of Po--y?$ officeIL
KIt?$ a $'eleto crew before act#al b#$ie$$ ho#r$( Mo$t -eo-le! icl#"i. may of the .#ar"$ a" all of Po--y?$
a$$i$tat$! were?t at wor' yet! $o we "o?t ha1e a com-lete -ict#re( We?re loo'i. ito electroic "ata from 'eycar"$
#$e" to .et ito the b#il"i. a" oto certai floor$( We?ll iter1iew ayoe who wa$ i the b#il"i. at that time(L
Corie frowe"( KWhat abo#t the $#r1eillace 1i"eo fromthe lobbyIL
0oley -#lle" at her collar( KWe ha1e?t fii$he" .oi. thro#.h it yet( +#t we?ll match the -eo-le $ee there to the 'eycar"
"ata a$ well(L
KWhat abo#t$ from Po--y?$ 'eyboar"IL Nata$ha -i-e" #-! her throaty 1oice $#r-ri$i. e1eryoe( KIf $omeoe
el$e ty-e" her ote! they?" be there! ri.htIL
0oley o""e" a$ if $he?" atici-ate" the J#e$tio( KWe "#$te" the 'eyboar"( +#t the oly match wa$ Po--y?$$(
No oe el$e?$( The 'iller co#l" ha1e wor .lo1e$! tho#.h( That wo#l" i"icate the m#r"er wa$ -reme"itate")the 'iller ha1e atici-ate" 'illi. Po--y before .oi. ito her office( It?$ ot eAactly .lo1e weather(L ,he .e$t#re" at the
$#y $'y o#t$i"e! the cleare" her throat( K+a$e" o all of thi$! I?ll ee" to $-ea' with each of yo# $e-arately(L
Nata$ha loo'e" aoye"( K+#t I "o?t e1e wor' at ,aybroo'?$(L Corie co#l" har"ly -roce$$ e1erythi. $he wa$
heari.( Po--y ha"?t 'ille" her$elfO $he?" bee m#r"ere"( Whoe1er ha" "oe thi$ ha" bee i$i"e the ,aybroo'?$ office!
a" ha" 'ow Po--y wo#l" be at wor' ##$#ally early(
K2o# "o?t thi' wete $#$-ect$IL Corie hear" her$elf a$'(
KOf co#r$e ot!L 0oley $ai"! b#t $he "i"?t loo' ay of them i the eye( K+#t I "o ee" to 'ow where yo# all were that
mori.! D#$t for "#e "ili.ece( I al$o wat to hear if yo# 'ow aythi. abo#t Po--y that i"icate why $omeoe
wo#l" wat to h#rt her( If $he ma"e mi$ta'e$ at wor')or if $he "abble" i "r#.$! .ot miAe" #- with "a.ero#$ -eo-le
who ha1e a moti1e to h#rt her(L
KPo--yIL Rowa $-#ttere"( KPo--y wa$ ( ( ( -erfect!L $he fii$he" $a"ly(
A" $he wa$! Corie ,he" Po--y here! her .ho$t flitti. from $eati. area to $eati. area! tha'i.
e1eryoe for comi.! rememberi. the $malle$t "etail$ of e1eryoe?$ li1e$)ame$ of -et$! $#mmer -la$! the ol" yacht
Nata$ha?$ father wa$ reb#il"i.(
K2o# e1er 'ow!L 0oley $ai"( KA" I "o?t mea to worry all of yo#! b#t there?$ al$o the -o$$ibility that thi$ co#l" be
-er$oal to the ,aybroo'$(L
Ma$o frowe"( KMeai.IL
0oley cleare" her throat( K2o#?re a -romiet family( A lot of -eo-le are e1io#$ of yo#( ,omeoe wat to h#rt yo#
beca#$e of yo#r -ower! yo#r wealth! yo#r ifl#ece)or -erha-$ D#$t to 'oc' yo# "ow a few -e.$(L
Ma$o wa1e" hi$ ha"( KPlea$e(L
KI wo#l" ta'e thi$ $erio#$ly!L 0oley ware"( ,he ty-e" $omethi. el$e ito her la-to-! the $-# the $cree aro#"
A familiar web$ite a--eare"( 1be web$ite(
0oley $crolle" "ow the -a.e( +elow the baer with the $ite?$ ame wa$ a lar.e hea"lie that too' #- the whole $cree(
KOe Heire$$ Dow!L it rea"( K0o#r to Go(L
The room fell $ilet( Corie?$ $tomach $a' to the floor! a" her mi" wet bla'( The oly $o#"$ were th#m-$ from
the bac' -arlor! where Po--y?$ chil"re were -layi.(
KWEwho wrote thatIL Rowa $tammere"(
KWe "o?t 'ow!L 0oley $ai"( KWe?re tryi. to fi.#re that o#t( We?1e trac'e" the web$ite?$ late$t #-"ate to the IP a""re$$
for a com-#ter at the New 2or' P#blic 3ibrary( They "o?t 'ee- thoro#.h recor"$ of who #$e$ the machie$! b#t we?re
tryi. to .et 1i"eo fee"$ of the room$ to $ee if that yiel"$ aythi.( Thi$ co#l" D#$t be -#blic $-ec#latio! $omeoe?$ i"ea
of a $ic' Do'e( +#t it co#l" al$o be m#ch more $ii$ter(L
KAre yo# $ayi. that we be eAtIL Corie whi$-ere"(
KI?m $ayi. to ta'e thi$ $erio#$ly! a" if it i$ a threat! we?ll 'ee- yo# $afe!L 0oley $ai"! a" the clo$e" the la-to- with a
$oli" cllck( ,he t#re" to E"ith( KTha' yo# 1ery m#ch for welcomi. me ito yo#r home! Mr$( ,aybroo'( I?ll be i to#ch(L
Ma$o! Peelo-e! E"ith! a" Rowa?$ mother! 3eoa! D#m-e" #- to follow the o#t( *ame$ $li--e" o#t of the room
to chec' o hi$ chil"re( ,oo the oly -eo-le left were the co#$i$( Corie?$ hea" whirle"(
Ooe beltess Jowo, foot to qo.
0ially Rowa breathe" i( KWho wo#l" wat to 'ill Po--yIL
KWho wo#l" wat to 'ill osIL A$ter whi$-ere"(
Nata$ha wa$ $tari.! #bli'i.! her face $et with "etermiatio( All at oce! $omethi. $he?" $ai" to leople whe $he
"i$iherite" her$elf cro$$e" her mi"( 1be 5oybtooks oteot wbot tbey seem. l oeeJ to sottoooJ myself wltb mote
ttostwottby people.
Nata$ha fially lowere" her eye$! b#t Corie wa$ $till $ha'e to the boe( ,he co#l"?t wra- her mi" aro#" ay of
thi$! b#t oe thi. wa$ clear( ,omeoe ha" m#r"ere" Po--y( A" oe of be eAt(
A few "ay$ later! Rowa $too" at *ame$?$ "oor i the hall of the Da'ota( Whe $he?" bee here for ,'ylar?$ birth"ay! the
air ha" bee fe$ti1e a" ha--y( Now $omeoe ha" left a bo#J#et of flower$ for Po--y o the "oor$te-( Rowa $coo-e"
them#- a" ra. the bell(
*ame$ o-ee" the "oor! hi$ hair $ta"i. #- a" "ar' ba.$ #"er hi$ eye$( He wore a fitte" TE$hirt a" "ar' "eim Dea$!
a" wa$ barefoot(
KTha'$ $o m#ch for comi.!L he $ai"( He?" calle" her fiftee mi#te$ a.o i a -aic! $ayi. the ay ha" a family
emer.ecy! +rioy wa$ $ic'! a" ,'ylar ee"e" c#-ca'e$ for -re$chool the eAt "ay( A thrill ha" r# thro#.h her)of
e1eryoe i hi$ life! *ame$ ha" calle" bet. I$tatly! tho#.h! $he?" felt horrifie" that $#ch a -etty thi. ha" cro$$e" her
mi"! a" $he?" la-$e" bac' ito the .#ilt a" .rief that ha" co$#me" her all wee'( Her co#$i wa$ "ea"! a" Rowa
ha" betraye" her i her fial ho#r$(
,he "i"?t ma'e eye cotact with *ame$ a$ $he $we-t ito the a-artmet towar" the 'i"$ i the li1i. room( A Di$ey
cartoo wa$ o the flatE$creeO .litter a" -a$te littere" the hea1y woo"e coffee table( +rioy wa$ $itti. o the floor!
$tari. li$tle$$ly at a electroic toy that wa$ $i.i. the A+C$( ,'ylar wa$ o the co#ch! "re$$e" i a -i' $ati -rice$$
.ow a" a $il1er tiara! a" hol"i. a $il1er ma.ic wa"( Tear$ ra "ow her chee'$(
Whe $he $aw Rowa! ,'ylar ra to her a" caref#lly h#..e" Rowa?$ le.$( E1e at three year$ ol"! $he wa$ a little
heire$$ i traii.( KA#t Rowa! I?1e mlsseJ yo#(L
Rowa -ic'e" her #-( The little .irl wra--e" her arm$ aro#" Rowa?$ $ho#l"er$ ti.htly( Aother wa1e of $a"e$$
o1ertoo' her a$ $he realiBe" that ,'ylar wo#l" e1er .et a h#. fromher
KDi" Da""y tell yo# I ee" c#-ca'e$IL ,'ylar $ai" whe Rowa -#t her "ow( KIt?$ my t#rPL
KHow abo#t we .o to Ma.olia +a'eryIL Rowa $#..e$te"( KOr Cr#mb$IL
Pi' blotche$ a--eare" o ,'ylar?$ chee'$( KMommy alway$ ma'e$ them(L
Rowa?$ heart $to--e"( ,he 'eele" to ,'ylar?$ le1el a" loo'e" i her eye$( KWell! I?ll ma'e them to"ay too( I?m the be$t
c#-ca'e ma'er thi$ $i"e of the H#"$o Ri1er(L
,he reache" forwar" to tic'le ,'ylar! which #$#ally $et the little .irl ito a fit of .i..le$! b#t thi$ time ,'ylar D#$t $J#irme"
away( KWhere ls MommyIL $he a$'e"! her threeEyearEol" 1oice hi.h a" iocet(
Tear$ -ric'e" Rowa?$ eye$( ,he .lace" at *ame$! b#t he wa$ $tari. at hi$ ha"$(
K,he ha" a 1ery ba" fall!L Rowa f#mble"( K+#t $he?$ alway$ watchi. yo#( A" if yo# tal' to her! $he?$ alway$ li$tei.(L
,'ylar?$ little face re.i$tere" a ico.r#o#$ ble" of obe"iece a" cof#$io( KMy "a""y $ai" we co#l" -ait my
toeail$ if I wat!L $he $ai" after a momet(
KWell(L Rowa too' her ha"( KI thi' that $o#"$ ice( Maybe I co#l" .i1e yo# a ma'eo1er too(L
Koo?L *ame$ $orte"( Rowa $hot him a loo'! a" he $hr#..e"( K,orry( ,'ylar! Rowa will .i1e yo# a wooJetfol
Thi$ $eeme" to cheer ,'ylar #-! a" $he wal'e" ito the 'itche with Rowa( *ame$ traile" i la$t a" $too" at the i$la"!
$tari. at a #o-ee" boA of c#-ca'e miA( He loo'e" $o hel-le$$ a" cof#$e"( Rowa wa$?t $#re $he?" e1er $ee him
li'e that! a" $he wa$ $eiBe" with the "e$ire to ta'e care of himtoo(
,he t#re" to +rioy! who ha" followe" them i a" wa$ -re$$i. a fl#$he" chee' to the $taile$$ $teel refri.erator "oor(
K2o# o'ay! $weetieIL Rowa $ai" $oftly! a" $we-t the little .irl ito her arm$( +rioy 'oalaEbeare" her le.$ aro#"
Rowa a" $tarte" cryi.( KIt feel$ li'e $he ha$ a fe1er!L Rowa $ai" o1er her $ho#l"er to *ame$(
*ame$ o""e"( KI .a1e her Tyleol te mi#te$ a.o(L
Rowa o""e"( KI?ll hol" her #til it 'ic'$ i( A" tlckle herPL ,he $ho1e" her$ ito the fol" betwee +rioy?$ chi
a" ec' #til the little .irl fially crac'e" a $mile(
O the co#ter! *ame$?$ -hoe ra.! a $har- r# of -iao ote$ bleati. thro#.h the a-artmet( The "e1ice wa$ $itti.
clo$er to Rowa o the i$la"! a" $he $#bco$cio#$ly .lace" at it( A <4: #mber -o--e" o the $cree( KDo yo# ee"
to .rab thatIL Rowa a$'e" him! $hifti. +rioy hi.her i her arm$(
*ame$ .lace" at the #mber! the hit IGNORE( KNah( We?re i the mi""le of a c#-ca'e emer.ecy! after all!L he $ai"
with a wa $mile( KIt ca wait(L
Rowa loo'e" at the boA *ame$ wa$ hol"i.( K2o# were lo$i. it o1er tblsI We oly ee" three"iet$! a" oe of
themi$ water(L
*ame$ o-ee" the fri".e a" $tare" i$i"e( KMy hea" i$?t $crewe" o $ He $i.he"(
KThat?$ fie! beca#$e my hea" i$ eAactly where it $ho#l" be(L Rowa loo'e" at ,'ylar a" -rete"e" to a"D#$t her hea"
o her ec'( ,'ylar offere" a am#$e" $mile( Rowa -ic'e" #- at the D#ca Hie$ boA KO'ay! Da"( Get #$ $ome
e..$( 2o# remember what tho$e loo' li'e! ri.htI Ro#"! whiteI Come from chic'e$IL ,he loo'e" at ,'ylar! t#c'e"
her fi$t$ i her arm-it$! a" ma"e chic'eEwi.Efla--i. motio$( ,'ylar $ic'ere"(
KThe$eIL *ame$ -#lle" o#t a t#b of b#tter! Doii. i o the Do'e(
KTho$e are?t e..$PL ,'ylar crie"(
*ame$ loo'e" at them moc'Ecof#$e"ly( KI co#l" ha1e swoto they were e..$(L NeAt he ya'e" o-e the cri$-er "rawer
a" -#lle" o#t a c#c#mber( KI$ tbls a e..IL
KDa""yPL ,'ylar crie"! marchi. to the fri".e her$elf( K1bose are e..$PL
KReallyIL *ame$ $eeme" a$toi$he"( K,'ylar! yo# are the $marte$t .irl evet(L
Rowa hi" a $mile a" too' the carto from*ame$! the the little .irl how to crac' three of themi a bowl(
Oce the c#-ca'e$ ha" bee $-ooe" ito their little wra--er$ a" were ba'i. i the o1e! $he .lace" i the fri".e( It
wa$ -ile" f#ll of $t#ff i T#--erware! ta'eo#t boAe$! a" Dea S De3#ca -ac'a.e$)from ei.hbor$ a" family! $he
.#e$$e"( ,he -#lle" o#t a white boA a" i$-ecte" what wa$ i$i"e( Three mariate" chic'e brea$t$ a" a $i"e of .arlic
ma$he" -otatoe$( Perfect(
T#ri. o the $eco" wall o1e! $he -a$$e" +rioy to *ame$ a" -lace" the meal o a ba'i. $heet( *ame$ h#. bac'!
b#t $he felt hi$ .aBe o her a$ $he mo1e" aro#" the 'itche( He "i"?t a$wer hi$ cell -hoe whe it ra.
*ame$ -#lle" o#t a chair a" $ai"! KWhat "o yo# thi'! ,'yI ,ho#l" A#t Rowa $tayIL
K2e$! -lea$ePL ,'ylar cla$-e" her ha"$ to.ether! her eye$ be..i.(
Rowa of her ow J#iet a-artmet a" $at "ow i the em-ty chair)Po--y?$ chair(
It wa$ ea$ier tha Rowa wo#l" ha1e" to 'ee- the 'i"$ etertaie"( ,he "i" her balaceEaE$-ooEoEherEo$e
tric'( *ame$ ma"e 1ario#$ coi$ from hi$ -oc'et$ "i$a--ear( Rowa $a. KIt$y +it$y ,-i"erL i the Doal" D#c' 1oice $he
a" her brother Michael ha" $-et ho#r$ -erfecti.( +oth 'i"$ la#.he" ha--ily a" ate well( The o1e "i.e"! a" Rowa
-#lle" o#t the c#-ca'e$ a"! after they coole" a bit! fro$te" themwith ,'ylar?$ hel-(
+y the time the $# ha" $et o1er the H#"$o! +rioy ha" falle a$lee- i Rowa?$ arm$ o the co#ch( Rowa .etly -lace"
her i her crib! oly to fi" ,'ylar behi" her! be..i. that $he rea" her a Ma"elie boo')a fir$t e"itio! $i.e" to A"ele!
Po--y?$ mother! from the a#thor( *ame$ ea$e" ,'ylar ito be"( KA#t Rowa i be" too!L ,'ylar i$i$te"! a" *ame$
$te--e" bac'! allowi. Rowa to climb i( ,he t#c'e" her le.$ #"er the co1er$! her heart brea'i. at the f#$$ie$$ of
,'ylar?$ lacy $heet$ a" how ti.htly the little .irl cl#. to a $t#ffe" t#rtle Po--y ha" for her i Meriweather la$t
KAre yo# o'ay! A#t RowaIL ,'ylar a$'e"(
Rowa loo'e" o1er at her! realiBi. there were tear$ i her eye$( ,he ha" bee $tari. at a -a.e of the boo' b#t ha"?t
$tarte" to rea"( KI?m.reat!L $he $ai" J#ic'ly! $wallowi. the $ob( KI?mD#$t ha--y to be here with yo#(L
0ially ,'ylar fell a$lee-( Rowa caref#lly $ettle" her hea" o the -illow! -#lle" the bla'et #- to co1er her $ho#l"er! a"
ti-toe" o#t of the room( *ame$ wa$ waiti. i the hall! hi$ arm$ cro$$e" o1er hi$ che$t( K1book yo#(L
Rowa lowere" her eye$( KIt wa$ othi.(L ,he wal'e" ito the 'itche( There wa$ a -ile of "i$he$ i the $i'(
KThe 'i"$ $eemo'ay! all thi.$ co$i"ere"!L $he $ai" a$ $he fille" the $i' with b#bbly water(
*ame$ mo1e" eAt to her( Rowa co#l" $mell hi$ familiar -e--ermit $oa-( KWell! +rioy "oe$?t really .et it! a" I?m ot
$#re how m#ch ,'ylar #"er$ta"$! either( +#t $he really mi$$e$ her mom(L
Rowa o""e"( KOf co#r$e $he "oe$(L A" that wo#l" e1er .o away( E1e at thirtyEtwo! Rowa $till calle" her mom
$e1eral time$ a wee' a" trie" to 1i$it her chil"hoo" home i Cha--aJ#a at lea$t oce a moth( It wa$ im-ortat to 3eoa
that the family $tay i to#ch! e$-ecially with her two $o$ $o far away( *#$t that mori.! 3eoa ha" calle" to re-ort that
her lilac tree o#t bac' wa$ be.ii. to flower(
*ame$ mo1e" away from the $i'! wi-i. hi$ ha"$ o a towel( KI loo'e" aro#" the memorial $er1ice for! yo# 'ow(
nlm. Ayoe who $eeme" ( ( ( #familiar(L
Rowa?$ hea" $a--e" #-( K2o# $till thi' $he wa$ ha1i. a affairIL
*ame$ ra hi$ ha" thro#.h hi$ hair( KI 'ow I $ho#l"?t be thi'i. abo#t it ow! b#t I ca?t $to-( I D#$t 'ee-
ima.ii. her whi$-eri. o the -hoe( There were $o may$ whe $he "i"?t come home(L He .aBe" o#t the
wi"ow( KI wa$ tbls rea"y to $ay $omethi. to her(L
There were o "i$he$ left to wa$h! b#t Rowa 'e-t her ha"$ i the water ayway( KDi" yo# $ay aythi. to the 0+I abo#t
itIL $he a$'e"( ,he?" $-o'e to 0oley ye$ter"ay(
K2e$( I they $ho#l" 'ow(L
KOh(L Rowa $wallowe" har"( KDi" yo# tell them( ( ( where yo# were that mori.IL
*ame$ too' a "i$h a" "rie" it( KI "i"?t tell themwhere I wo'e #-( I "i"?t thi' yo#?" wat me to(L
Rowa felt a l#m- i her throat( Hee-i. her eye$ o the $-o#t at the $i'! $he o""e" faitly( K2eah(L ,he trie" to $o#"
to#.h a" #affecte"( KI mea! after all! it wa$?t li'e it ( ( ( meoot aythi.(L
,he ha"?t tol" 0oley! either! $im-ly telli. the that $he?" bee wal'i. to wor' whe it ha--ee"( ,he ot
ha1e -#$he" her co#$i! b#t Rowa har"ly felt iocet(
A $ire blare" o#t$i"e( Rowa wice"! worrie" it wa'e #- the .irl$! b#t there were o $o#"$ fromtheir be"room$(
*ame$ -ic'e" #- a little .la$$ bir" from the wi"ow$ill( It wa$ a $o#1eir from *ame$ a" Po--y?$ hoeymoo i
Thaila")they?" fo#" it i their $#ite! a" Po--y it wo#l" bri. them.oo" l#c'(
He ma"e a $mall oi$e at the bac' of hi$ throat( KIt?$ D#$t $o f#c'e" #-!L he $ai" i a cho'e" 1oice( KHow co#l" thi$ ha1e
Rowa?$ che$t ti.htee"( KI "o?t 'ow!L $he whi$-ere"( A -la$tic $i--y c#- i a wire rac' eAt to the $i' $#""ely
ti--e" o1er( Whe $he loo'e" #-! *ame$ wa$ J#ietly $tari. at her from acro$$ the $i'( He too' a breath! a" the
$ai"! KHow are yo# "oi. with e1erythi.IL
Rowa?$ .aBe i$tatly $a--e" to the floor( K2o# $ho#l"?t thi' abo#t me i all thi$(L
KI $ho#l"?tIL
The wor"$ h#. there( The -o$$ibility fae" o#t i $o may "ifferet "irectio$( +#t whe Rowa loo'e" aro#"! all $he
$aw wa$ Po--y)her collectio of ta'eo#t me#$ a"$$e$ a" or.aic coo'boo'$( Pict#re$ of Po--y a" *ame$
a" the .irl$( Grocery li$t$ a" remi"er$ i Po--y?$ eat $cri-t(
KI $ho#l" .o!L $he bl#rte"! $hooti. acro$$ the 'itche i $eco"$ flat( ,he reache" the "oor a" be.a to #loc' it!
$ with the latch( *ame$! who ha" followe" her! leae" i a" "i" it for her ea$ily(
KTha' yo# $o m#ch for hel-i. with the 'i"$(L Hi$ 1oice crac'e"(
Rowa $l#. her ba. o1er her $ho#l"er( KOf co#r$e( Aytime(L
He $too"! ha"$ i -oc'et$( After a beat! $he $tarte" o#t ito the richly car-ete" hallway( 1ell me to stoy! $he wille"
$iletly! $#r-ri$e" at the ferocity of how m#ch! "e$-ite e1erythi.! $he $#""ely wate" that(
+#t a few $eco"$ wet by! a" *ame$ "i"?t $ay a wor"( KO'ay!L Rowa $ai"! br#$hi. off her ha"$( K,ee yo# $oo!
K,ee yo# $oo!L he $ai" J#ietly(
The ele1ator "i.e" a" $we-t o-e( *ame$ $till "i"?t $h#t the "oor! a" Rowa $till co#l"?t a$' the J#e$tio( A" $o
$he .a1e him a cl#m$y little wa1e! ro"e the ele1ator all the way to the bottom! a" the wet bac' to her a-artmet!
O We"e$"ay mori.! A$ter! "re$$e" i a lace mii"re$$ with bell $lee1e$! $te--e" o#t of her tow car oto H#"$o
,treet( Me i be$-o'e $#it$ carryi. croco"ile briefca$e$ $we-t b#$ily -a$t! ot .i1i. her a $eco" .lace e1e tho#.h
the "re$$ $howe" off her Pilate$Etoe" le.$( The air ha" a cri$-! fre$h J#ality abo#t it! a" e1erythi. b#BBe" with a
#familiar $e$e of -#r-o$e( A$ter realiBe" why it wa$ $o forei.N $he ha"?t bee #- thi$ early i year$( E1eryoe wa$
r#$hi. off to a Dob)$omethi. $he?" e1er ha" to "o(
>til to"ay(
,he $tom-e" alo. the $i"ewal'! .loweri. at the other wor'er bee$ hea"e" to their office$( ,he .lace" aro#" for
re-orter$ too( The -olice ha" D#$t relea$e" the "etail$ of Po--y?$ m#r"er to the -re$$ that mori.! a" A$ter 'ew it
wo#l"?t be lo. before the circ#$ be.a(
MotJet. Whe A$ter $h#t her eye$! $he 'e-t ima.ii. the .rote$J#e $cee of $omeoe b#r$ti. ito Po--y?$ office a"
$ho1i. her o1er the balcoy( ,he trie" ot to thi' abo#t it! b#t her brai 'e-t -#$hi. the $cee f#rther! ima.ii.
Po--y?$ $-ie $a--i. whe $he hit the -a1emet! her or.a$ eA-lo"i.! her bea#tif#l eye$ -o--i. from their $oc'et$(
,omeoe $o .oo"! $o bea#tif#l ( ( ( "e$troye"(
That me$$a.e o the web$ite $taye" with her too( Ooe neltess uowo, loot Mote to Co. What if $omeoe wa$ after
tbem! all of themI +#t whyI O#t of Dealo#$yI A" how o earth co#l" the co-$ ot 'ow who wa$ r#i. that $iteI
Wa$?t evetytbloq hac'able! the$e "ay$I
,omethi. col" br#$he" A$ter?$ arm! a" $he $creeche" a" whi--e" aro#" D#$t i time to $ee $omeoe i a trech coat
"i$a--eari. thro#.h a metal "oor i a alley( Her heart -o#"e" i her ear$( Ha" that -er$o to#che" her itetioallyI
Wa$ $he wal'i. aro#" Mahatta with a o her bac'I
Whe her -hoe b#BBe" with a teAt! $he D#m-e" +#t it wa$ oly Clari$$a( CooJ lock toJoy! it rea"( oo okoy?
Of co#r$e I?m ot o'ay! A$ter What a ri"ic#lo#$ thi. to a$'( +#t i$tea" $he D#$t wrote! lm bolJloq op( It wa$
$weet of Clari$$a to chec' i! at lea$t(
uo yoo qet o loocb bteok? Clari$$a re-lie"( we coolJ Jo lostls?
A$ter?$ heart $a'( Po--y ha" bee -lai. to ta'e her to Pa$ti$ to"ay( Moybe! $he ty-e" bac'! D#$t a$ her -hoe
$tarte" to 1ibrate with a icomi. call( ,he frowe" at the ame o the $cree)Corie( Ta'i. a breath! $he hit
KGoo"! yo#?re awa'e!L Corie $ai" i a cli--e" 1oice(
A$ter too' a few $te-$ towar" the ,aybroo'?$ b#il"i.( K>fort#ately(L
KAre yo# at wor' yetIL
,o thi$ wa$ a motherly remi"er abo#t comi. to wor'( KI?mD#$t o#t$i"e!L A$ter $a--e"(
KO'ay( *#$t ma'i. $#re!L Corie $ai"! a" A$ter .ritte" her teeth( KI $ho#l" war yo#!L Corie wet o! aother -hoe
ri.i. J#ietly i the bac'.ro#" o her e"( KThe 1ibe here i$ a little ( ( ( weir"(L
KWeir"IL A$ter $tare" #- at the $toe b#il"i. that ha" ho#$e" her family?$ b#$ie$$ for almo$t $e1ety year$( The $-ot
where Po--y ha" falle wa$ $till bloc'e" off with yellow ta-e( ,omeoe ha" left flower$ D#$t o#t$i"e it$ bor"er$( Tryi. to
$ha'e the ima.e of Po--y?$ bro'e bo"y! $he -#$he" thro#.h the "o#ble "oor$)a" froBe i -lace( The lobby wa$
b#r$ti. with N2PD officer$ a" -olice "o.$( E1eryoe $eeme" $tiff! alert! a" 1ery o e".e(
KChri$t!L $he whi$-ere" ito the -hoe(
KThe -olice are 'ee-i. re-orter$ away from the b#il"i. for ow(L Corie?$ 1oice wa$ $olem( K+#t we?" better .et
rea"y for a lot more J#e$tio$(L ,he $i.he"( KGoo" l#c' to"ay(L
KTha'$!L A$ter $ai"! off .#ar" by Corie?$ rare to#ch of 'i"e$$( ,he h#. #- a" hea"e" to the t#r$tile$ that
le" to the ele1ator! oly to lear that $he co#l"?t -a$$ thro#.h them witho#t a ID car"( A$ter ha" o i"ea that their
office! that ay office! wa$ $o $ec#re( Di" they act#ally thi' -eo-le wo#l" try to $ea' loto wor'I A" how co#l"
$omeoe ha1e bro'e i here to 'ill Po--yI
KIt?$ o'ay! Mi$$ ,aybroo'!L $ai" the $ec#rity .#ar"! $cai. hi$ car" to let her thro#.h( KI?ll ma'e a eAce-tio for yo#(L
A$ter .a1e him her be$t mo"el $mile i tha'$( He m#$t ha1e reco.iBe" her from the a" cam-ai. that wa$ $till
-la$tere" e1erywhere(
,he $te--e" ito the ele1ator a" ro"e #- to the ei.hth floor! where $he wa$ $#--o$e" to meet with HR $o they co#l" tell
her where $he wa$ act#ally wor'i.(
Daielle Gilchri$t $too" i the foyer! weari. a white! .ree! a" ora.e colorEbloc' "re$$ a" eA-e$i1eEloo'i. we".e$(
Her re" hair h#. $ a" $hiy "ow her bac'! a" a D#mble of ch#'y bracelet$ lie" her arm$(
0or a momet! A$ter wo"ere" i cof#$io what her ol" frie" wa$ "oi. here( The $he otice" the -#r-leEa"E$il1er
fol"er with the ,aybroo'?$ lo.o o the frot( KWelcome to the ,aybroo'?$ familyPL Daielle chir-e"( Of co#r$e)A$ter
remembere" ow( Ma$o ha" .otte Daielle a Dob i ,aybroo'?$ HR after $he .ra"#ate" from N2>( The ma"e
her $tomach ch#r(
KI?malrea"y i the ,aybroo'?$ family!L A$ter $ai"! ta'i. a $te- bac'(
Daielle colore" for a momet! the reco1ere"( It?$ D#$t a fi.#re of $-eech(L ,he t#re" o her heel( KWell! come
o( a$ well .et $tarte"(L
,he o-ee" the "oor to a bi. coferece room that o1erloo'e" the H#"$o( O the wall$ were -ict#re$ of ol" Hollywoo"
celebritie$ weari. ,aybroo'?$ "iamo"$( A$ter remaie" i the "oorway! fially #"er$ta"i. what wa$ .oi. o(
KWait( oote "oi. my orietatioIL
Daielle o""e" a$ $he lo..e" i to the com-#ter a" -#lle" #- a PowerPoit( K2eah! it?$ com-ay -olicy( E1eryoe ha$
to .o thro#.h orietatio( E1e a act#al ,aybroo'(L The $he $mile"( K2o# were at +a"awi the other! were?t yo#I
I love that -lace(L
A$ter $h#t her eye$( ,he?" a1oi"e" iteracti. with Daielle for $o lo.( ,he t#re" the other way if $he $aw her o the
$treet! $teere" clear of -artie$ if Daielle wa$ o the .#e$t li$t( Aythi. to a1oi" thi'i. abo#t that $#mmer( +#t all at
oce! a memory floo"e" bac' to her(
KHey! A$ter(L ThirteeEyearEol" Daielle Gilchri$t $a#tere" #- to A$ter o the beach i Meriweather( A$ter ha" alway$
'ow Daielle)$he wa$ the careta'er$? "a#.hter)b#t thi$ $#mmer $he wa$ "ifferet( KGot ay Robit#$$iIL
KWhy wo#l" I carry that aro#"IL A$ter a$'e" ha#.htily(
K+eca#$e it .i1e$ yo# a .reat b#BB!L Daielle a$were"( K2o#?1e e1er trie" itIL
Now it wa$ A$ter?$ t#r to feel $t#-i"( ,he $hoo' her hea"( Daielle t#re" towar" the $hore( ,he wa$ -retty! A$ter
$#""ely realiBe")tall a" thi! with lo.! wa1y re" hair a" bl#e eye$( KI?m .oi. to $teal it from the "r#.$tore! I .#e$$(
Wat to come withIL
They "ra' Robit#$$i that! a" A$ter .ot loa"e" for the fir$t time( They $#c' ito Corie?$ be"room to rea" her
Do#ral! which wa$ a$ bori. a$ they it wo#l" be( K,he?$ 1ery ( ( ( or.aiBe"! i$?t $heIL Daielle a$'e"! .laci.
aro#" the f#$$y be"room with a $mir'( A$ter .i..le"( K2o# mea aal(L It felt .oo" to la#.h abo#t her $i$ter( Corie ha1e bee A$ter?$ -rotector whe $he wa$! b#t a$ they .rew ol"er! $he ha" be.# co$tatly telli. o
her( A" it wa$?t a$ if A$ter co#l" tal' abo#t Corie with ay of her co#$i$(
Daielle $le-t o1er that! a" the eAt mori. $he wa$ $cribbli. f#rio#$ly i a oteboo'( KWhat are yo# "oi.IL
A$ter a$'e"(
KI alway$ write "ow my "ream$!L Daielle $ai" i a matterEofEfact 1oice( KA" the I aalyBe themfor $ymboli$m(L
A$ the $#mmer wore o! Daielle itro"#ce" A$ter to 1o"'a! -ra' calli.! a" how to .et a fa'e ID thro#.h the mail(
They $-et e1ery whi$-eri. $ecret$ a" "irty Do'e$ a" watchi. 0rech film$ that ma"e A$ter bl#$h( They $#c'
o1er to 0ichy?$! the bar acro$$ the i$la"! a" claime" to be $i$ter$! letti. $cr#ffy ol"er .#y$ hit o them a" b#y them
$hot$ of well whi$'ey that b#re" their throat$( They $taye" i to#ch all the eAt year! teAti. abo#t boy$ they ha" 'i$$e"
a" -artie$ they ha" .oe to! a" their .ra" -la$ to li1e o +leec'er ,treet to.ether whe they t#re" ei.htee( Whe
they both .ot ito N2>! they $i.e" #- to be roommate$(
+#t the ,aybroo'?$ ee"e" a ew face for it$ bra"! a" A$ter $eeme" D#$t the .irl( Ma$o wa$ eth#$ia$tic abo#t it!
which wa$ eo#.h to -er$#a"e A$ter)maybe tbls wa$ her -ath( A wee' before $he $et off for E#ro-e for the -hoto
$hoot$! $he wa$ bac' at Meriweather with Daielle! o the beach o#t$i"e the e$tate( Daielle too' a $i- of the 1o"'aE
lemoa"e A$ter ha" miAe" for them i her family?$ 'itche( The $he $ai"! KMy mom tol" me the weir"e$t thi. to"ay( It
ma"e me thi' twice(L
KWhat wa$ itIL A$ter a$'e" aw'war"ly( ,he alway$ felt #comfortable tal'i. abo#t Daielle?$ -aret$( They
co$tatly)A$ter co#l" hear them yelli. from the e$tate)a" thi$ $#mmer the$ ha" .row e1e more heate"(
Daielle wa$ certai they were hea"e" for "i1orce(
K*#$t weir" $t#ff!L Daielle $ai"! traci. a bl#eE-aite" toe thro#.h the $a"(
KCome to E#ro-e with me!L A$ter bl#rte" o#t( Why ha"?t $he of thi$ beforeI KI?ll be .oi. to Pari$! 3o"o! a"
Mila( I?ll -ay for e1erythi.! D#$t come( 2o# co#l" #$e $ome time away fromhere for a while(L
Daielle?$ eye$ were har" to rea" behi" the G#cci $ha"e$ A$ter ha" for her( ,he twirle" the "iamo" tei$
bracelet A$ter ha" .i1e her a$ a birth"ay .ift aro#" her wri$t( KI "o?t 'ow(L
KCome o!L A$ter be..e"( KWe ca "ri' $a.ria by the b#c'et! hoo' #- with E#ro-ea me! ta i ,aitETro-eB ( ( (L ,he
traile" off a$ $omethi. #- the bl#ff her eye( A$ter?$ father wa$ $ta"i. at the e".e of the -atio! .aBi. at them(
A$ter half wa1e"! thi'i. her father wa$ loo'i. for her( +#t Ma$o $eeme" to -eer thro#.h her( A$ter .lace" #- a" realiBe" he wa$?t loo'i. at her at all)he wa$ $tari. at Daielle( ,he t#re" to her frie" a" realiBe" that
Daielle wa$ weari. othi. b#t a $'im-y $tri. bi'ii( Daielle ha" #tie" the to- $tra- while they were tai.! the
fabric -recario#$ly cli.i. to her che$t(
A oily feeli. fille" A$ter( +#t by the time $he loo'e" #- the bl#ff! Ma$o wa$ .oe(
Now Daielle cleare" her throat( A$ter $hot #-( The -a$t "i"?t matterO it wa$ a lo. time a.o( K3et?$ .et thi$ o1er with!L
$he $ai" fli--atly! wal'i. ito the coferece rooma" $itti. "ow( KDo yo#r thi.(L
Daielle -lo--e" the fol"er o the boar"room table! the loo'e" at A$ter a$ if $he wate" to $ay $omethi.( A$ter
-oite"ly t#re" away(
After a beat of aw'war" $ilece! Daielle cleare" her throat a" la#che" ito a $-eech abo#t ,aybroo'?$ em-loyee
-olicie$( The $he "imme" the$! a" a mo1ie came o the $cree( Cla$$ical m#$ic -laye" a$ the wor"$ K,aybroo'?$N A
0amily 3e.acyL a--eare"( KI?" li'e to wal' yo# thro#.h the ri$e of the late Alfre" ,aybroo'!L Doal" ,#therla"?$ 1oice
itoe"( KHi$ father! Moroe! o-ee" ,aybroo' S +rowe?$ *eweler$ i +o$to! Ma$$ach#$ett$! i 4<55( It wa$ a local
e$tabli$hmet! mo$tly "eali. i .ol"( Moroe e1er ha" -la$ to eA-a"(L
>- -o--e" a -ict#re of the $tore that A$ter?$ .reatE.ra"father o-ee" ear +eaco Hill( The 4<5=$ $torefrot wa$
mo"e$t! with ol"Efa$hioe" $cri-t i the wi"ow a" im-o$$ibly tiy "iamo"$ i the "i$-lay ca$e$(
A$ter .lare" at Daielle( KI alrea"y koow all thi$(L Her .ra"father #$e" to tell thi$ tale all the time(
5otty! Daielle mo#the"! b#t $he "i"?t $to- the D@D(
KMoroe "ie" from t#berc#lo$i$ i 4<6;!L ,#therla" wet o( KAlfre" wa$ force" to ta'e hi$ -lace(L NeAt a--eare" a
-hoto of Alfre" i frot of the $tore( A 1ery yo#. E"ith)a! -robably)$too" eAt to him! her arm loo-e"
thro#.h hi$ elbow( E1e tho#.h the -hoto wa$ blac' a" white! it wa$ clear that $he wa$ a blo"e! a" that $he wa$
weari. "ar' li-$tic'( K+#t before lo.! Worl" War II be.a! a" Alfre" bra1ely 1ol#teere" to
I the eAt -hoto)the $ame -hoto Ma$o 'e-t i hi$ $t#"y)Alfre" wa$ i a military #iform! $ta"i. with hi$ frie"
Harol"( KE"ith 'e-t the $tore r#i. i the ,tate$ a$ be$t $he co#l"! tho#.h time$ were to#.h)o oe wate" to b#y
"iamo"$ "#ri. the war( A" the thi.$ cha.e"( While Alfre" wa$ o1er$ea$! he fo#" ( ( ( tbls(L
A yellow $toe a--eare" o the $cree( 2eah! yeah! A$ter Not that $he "i"?t a"ore the .iat! caaryEyellow
Coroa Diamo"! which her .ra"father ha" fo#" at a baBaar i Pari$( +#t $he?" -ractically come o#t of the womb
'owi. abo#t it(
The 1i"eo wet o to "i$c#$$ how the Coroa Diamo" ele1ate" the com-ay to a ew $trato$-here( Alfre" o-ee" a
fla.$hi- $tore o 0ifth A1e#e a" office $-ace "ow i Tri+eCa to .row the b#$ie$$( ,oo ,aybroo'?$ Diamo"$ became
tbe -lace to .o for e.a.emet ri.$! ai1er$ary ba"$! a" tei$ bracelet$( Celebritie$ fla#te" their "iamo"$ o the
re" car-et( Di.itarie$ Dewel$ for their wi1e$( There wa$ a famo#$ $hot of *ac'ie Hee"y weari. a ,aybroo'?$
-e"at to a -re$i"etial ball! a" a J#ote of her $ayi. that ,aybroo'?$ wa$ the oly -lace worth .oi. for $omethi.
KAlfre" ,aybroo'?$ "eath roc'e" the iteratioal Dewelry comm#ity!L the 1oiceo1er $ai"! $howi. a -ict#re of Alfre"
$hortly before hi$ "eath fi1e year$ earlier! weari. hi$ tra"emar' blac' $#it a" wi. ti-$ a" little ro#" .la$$e$( K+#t
ow! the b#$ie$$ i$ $ tha e1er! a" ,aybroo'?$ $ta"$ by Alfre"?$ -rici-le$ of ite.rity! J#ality! a"
The the $cree wet "ar'! a" the$ came #-( Daielle cleare" her throat( K>m! I ho-e yo# fo#" that iformati1e(L
A$ter $tare" at her( KAre yo# $erio#$IL
KI?m$orry( It?$ i my HR $cri-t(L Daielle ra her ha" thro#.h her lo. re" hair! her eA-re$$io #rea"able( K3oo'! I 'ow
yo# "o?t wat to be here! b#t it really i$ a .oo" com-ay to wor' for( A" I?m$orry abo#t Po--y!L $he a""e"(
A$ter ma"e a $mall oi$e at the bac' of her throat(
KA" I hear" abo#t ( ( ( yo# 'ow(L Daielle?$ eye$ "arte" bac' a" forth( KThat it be a m#r"er( I?m #$#ally at wor'
early! b#t I ha" foo" -oi$oi. the "ay ( ( ( it ha--ee"( If oly I?" bee here! maybe I?" ha1e $ee $omethi.(L Whe
A$ter "i"?t a$wer! $he $i.he"( KI ho-e it "i"?t ha1e aythi. to "o with the i$$#e$ at wor' ( ( (L
A$ter coc'e" her hea"! wo"eri. what Daielle meat( +#t $he "i"?t wat to owe her aythi.! $o $he $too"( K,o
where amI wor'i. a.aiIL
Daielle .lace" at A$ter?$ -a-erwor'( KPri1ate cliet .ro#-!L $he $ai"! "irecti. her to the ele1ator$( KIt?$ the byE
a--oitmet e" of the b#$ie$$ for hi.hEetEworth cliet$ loo'i. for oeEofEaE'i" -iece$( 2o#?ll be wor'i. for
EliBabeth Cole(L A $tra.e loo' cro$$e" Daielle?$ face! b#t A$ter "eci"e" ot to a$' abo#t that! either(
Pri1ate Cliet$ wa$ oe #- a" "emarcate" by tra$-aret "o#ble "oor$( I$i"e! the m#$ic wa$ a little lo#"er! a"
there wa$ a wellE$toc'e" bar cart a" $e1eral cry$tal $ifter$ i the corer( Nice! A$ter! i$-ecti. the $-rea"(
They ha" He"ric'?$ Gi a" Delamai a" three ty-e$ of if#$e" 1o"'a( A$ter iche" o1er a" be.a to #$crew
oe of the li"$( A little i- wo#l" "efiitely ta'e the e".e off what ha" alrea"y bee a 1ery craBy mori.(
KDo?t e1e thi' abo#t it(L
A woma with a$hEblo" hair! arrowe" .ray eye$! a" a fitte" blac' $#it marche" towar" A$ter( There wa$ $omethi.
familiar abo#t her! A$ter ,he?" -robably met her at a ,aybroo'?$ -arty( ,he?" met mo$t e1eryoe i the
,aybroo'?$ worl" at $ome -oit or aother( KI thi' I?ll ta'e thi$ too(L ,he -l#c'e" the iPhoe o#t of A$ter?$ ha"(
KHeyPL A$ter -rote$te"(
KNo cell -hoe$ at wor'(L The woma $tarte" bac' to what m#$t be her office( KI al$o "o?t tolerate o1erly $tro.
-erf#me$! lea1i. early for ay rea$o! or o#tfit$ li'e tbot(L ,he .lowere" at A$ter?$ lace "re$$! fiAati. o it$ $hort hem(
A$ter -#lle" her 'ee$ to.ether( KIt?$ @aletio(L
The woma $tare" at her( KI?m EliBabeth Cole( A$ of to"ay! yo#?re wor'i. for me! a" I "o?t care what yo#r la$t ame
EliBabeth marche" ito a lar.e office "ecorate" i white a" .ray! all clea lie$ a" $har- a.le$( Three wall$ were lie"
with -ict#re$ of her -o$i. with 1ario#$ hi.hE-rofile cliet$)mo$tly $t#ffy b#$ie$$me A$ter "i"?t reco.iBe! b#t ,te1e
Tyler wa$ i oe! a" +eyocG i aother( Dramatic floorEtoEceili. wi"ow$ behi" the "e$' loo'e" o#t o1er the H#"$o
Ri1er! which wa$ .ray ow! #"er a o1erca$t $'y( It matche" A$ter?$ moo" -erfectly(
EliBabeth $lamme" "ow a -ile of -a-er$! -ic'e" #- a coffee fla$'! a" thr#$t it ito A$ter?$ face( K,'iy latte! o foam!
a" a .l#teEfree m#ffi fromthe ba'ery o the corer of Greewich a" Harri$o(L
A$ter $tare" at the m#.( K2o# wat me to .et yo# coffeeIL
EliBabeth?$ brow f#rrowe"( KThere are a lot of J#alifie" .irl$ who act#ally woot thi$ -o$itio( Not $ocialite$ with "a""ie$
who .et themDob$( If yo# are?t here to wor'! -lea$e $ee yo#r$elf o#t(L
A$ter wate" othi. more tha to .o home a" $-e" the re$t of her life #"er her 0rette "#1et( +#t $omethi. 'e-t
her from mo1i.( ,he wa$ alrea"y here( ,he?" .otte #- early! face" the -aif#l memorie$ of Po--y a" the $#r-ri$e
a--earace of Daielle Gilchri$t! a" $he wa$ $till $ta"i.( ,he of Po--y! who ha" bee $o certai $he wo#l"
$#ccee"( K2o#?re $mart! A$ter!L Po--y ha" $ai" after Ma$o c#t her off( K,marter tha yo# .i1e yo#r$elf cre"it for( 2o#
ca "o .reat thi.$! I D#$t 'ow it(L
KI?m$tayi.!L A$ter $ai" firmly(
EliBabeth rai$e" her eyebrow$ a" offere" a J#ic' o"( K0ie(L The $he whi--e" aro#"! $ho1e" -a$t A$ter! a" wal'e"
"ow the hall Halfway "ow! $he $w#. bac' a" $tare" at her( KAre yo# comi.IL
A$ter bli'e" i cof#$io! hol"i. #- the carafe( KWhat abo#t yo#r coffeeIL
KAfter!L EliBabeth $a--e"(
,he le" A$ter ito a tiy c#bicle with a low "e$' a" a "#$ty com-#ter( A tall! la'y .#y with #'em-t hair a" Clar'
HetX$tyle .la$$e$ wa$ ty-i. $omethi. a" $J#iti. at the moitor( A$ter wo"ere" if $he?" ha1e to $it o hi$ la-(
EliBabeth .lowere" at him( K2o#?re ot "oe yet! MitchIL
The .#y $coote" forwar" o the chair( KThe $er1er?$ acti. weir"
EliBabeth -re$$e" her ha" to her forehea"! the loo'e" at A$ter( KWell! whe he?$ "oe! I wat yo# to $tart o thi$(L ,he
.e$t#re" to a lar.e -ile of -a-er$ o the e".e of A$ter?$ "e$'(
A$ter lifte" the co1er $heet a" $tare" at a -a.e( It wa$ a li$t of ame$! a""re$$e$! -hoe #mber$! a" other -ertiet
iformatio( KWhat i$ itIL
KO#r cliet li$t( I?m .oi. to ee" yo# to ma#ally eter it ito EAcel(L ,he frowe" at A$ter?$ bla' $tare( K2o# Jo 'ow
how to #$e EAcel! ri.htIL
KOf co#r$e $he "oe$!L the IT .#y $ai" J#ic'ly( A$ter whi--e" aro#" a" $tare" at him( ,he?" e1er act#ally #$e" EAcel!
b#t $he 'ew better tha to a"mit that ow(
EliBabeth marche" bac' ito the hall( KDo?t .o ito my office whe I?m ot there( A" "o?t e1er call me( IM$ oly! .ot
A$ter bli'e"( KPar"oIL
EliBabeth $i.he"( KMitch! -lea$e eA-lai to the heire$$ how a com-#ter wor'$(L The $he eye" A$ter omio#$ly( KGirl$ li'e
yo# alway$ .et what?$ comi. to them i the e"!L $he a""e" before t#ri. o her heel( A$ter wice" at the $o#" of
her "oor $lammi. "ow the hall(
KWow( ,he D#$t wet all e1il Di$ey 1illaie$$ o yo#(L Mitch! the IT .#y! t#re" a" face" A$ter( He ha" brow eye$!
blo"i$h hair! a" a c#te b#m- o the e" of hi$ o$e( >li'e e1eryoe el$e at ,aybroo'?$! he wore @a$ $ea'er$ a" o
KWait! I 'ow yo#PL A$ter crie"( KI met yo# at la$t year?$ Chri$tma$ -arty! "i"?t IIL The com-ay Chri$tma$ -arty wa$
#$#ally bori.! b#t A$ter remembere" that la$t year $he?" flirte" with a c#te .ee'( 1bls c#te .ee'(
KGoo" memory(L Mitch?$ eye$ lit #-( KWelcome to the com-ay( A"L)he -a#$e" to co#.h ito hi$ fi$t)KI?m$orry abo#t
yo#r co#$i( ,he wa$ well li'e" aro#" here(L
KDi" yo# 'ow herIL
KA little(L Mitch $hr#..e"( K,he wa$ ice to me( ,ome -eo-le br#$h off tech .#y$(L He coc'e" hi$ hea"! $hifte" hi$ .aBe!
a" -oite" "ramatically at the "oor to EliBabeth?$ office(
A$ter riffle" thro#.h the -a-er$ o the e".e of her "e$'( The $tac' wa$ thic'er tha a -hoe boo'( KDo I "o thi$ befote I
.et her coffee! or afterIL
KDefiitely .et the coffee fir$t( That i-#tti. will ta'e Joys(L Mitch $te--e" clo$er( KEAcel i$ a $-rea"$heet -ro.ram! by
the way( It?$ ot har" to fi.#re o#t( I ca hel-! if yo# wat(L
KTha'$!L A$ter $ai"! tryi. to $mile( +#t $he felt tear$ at the corer of her eye$( ,he wa$ $o o#t of her elemet(
KHey(L Mitch $i"le" clo$er( He $melle" li'e la#"ry " a" lemo( K2o#?ll be fie( ,erio#$ly! I ca hel- with
aythi. techical( I?m-retty .oo" with thi$ $t#ff!L he a""e" $hyly(
KI?ll 'ee- that i mi"(L A$ter too' a "ee- breath a" t#re" towar" the hall( KO'ay! I?moff to .et the coffee(L
KGoo" l#c'!L Mitch calle" o#t behi" her( A$ter $i.he"( ,he ha" a feeli. $he?" ee" it(
HA30 AN HO>R a" a coffee $-ill later! A$ter race" bac' ito the ,aybroo'?$ b#il"i. a" #- to the ith floor( There
wa$?t a ba'ery at Greewich a" Harri$o! b#t A$ter ha" fo#" oe at Greewich a" Hi. that $eeme" c#te( Ho-ef#lly
it wa$ the oe EliBabeth ha" meat(
,he 'oc'e" o EliBabeth?$ office "oor a"! whe o oe a$were"! tetati1ely -#$he" it o-e( The office wa$ em-ty(
,he J#ic'ly $et the latte a" m#ffi "ow o the "e$' a" wa$ t#ri. to .o whe a ima.e o EliBabeth?$ boo'$helf her eye( It wa$ a frame" -hoto of EliBabeth i a we""i. "re$$)which $eeme" o""! $ice A$ter co#l" ha1e $wor
$he ha"?t bee weari. a ri. earlier(
,he $te--e" forwar" to eAamie the -hoto more clo$ely( EliBabeth loo'e" m#ch! her $'i $mooth a" her eye$
#lie"( NeAt to her wa$ the .room! a tall ma with $lic'e"Ebac' "ar' hair! a im-i$h $mile! a" broa" $ho#l"er$(
A$ter?$ bloo" t#re" to ice( ,he 'ew that ma( It wa$ ,te1e +arett(
1bls wa$ why EliBabeth $eeme" familiar( A$ter ha" alway$ 'ow ,te1e wa$ marrie"! to $omeoe ame" +et$y ( ( (
which wa$! of co#r$e! a ic'ame for EliBabeth( EliBabeth)+et$y)ha" $#rely bee at the e"EofEyear -arty fi1e year$ a.o
too( The oe where he ha" "ie"( The oe where he wa$ la$t $ee aloe o the beach with A$ter(
KAbem( What "i" I $ay abo#t comi. ito my office whe I?mot hereIL
EliBabeth $too" behi" A$ter i the "oorway! .lari.( A$ter J#ic'ly too' a $te- bac'( K>m! I?m $orry!L $he m#mble"! a"
t#re" aw'war"ly o her heel! b#t ot before $he $aw EliBabeth?$ eye$ flit to the we""i. -hoto(
A$ $he race" "ow the hall! $he $wore $he hear" EliBabeth ch#c'le e1er $o $oftly behi" her(
After wor' a few "ay$ later! Corie $at o the 3o#i$ YI@ $ettee i the li1i. room of her >--er Ea$t ,i"e a-artmet( The
$ettee wa$ a -erio" -iece with itricate car1i.$ o the arm$ a" le.$ a" bra"Eew camelEhair #-hol$tery! b#t it wa$?t
etirely comfortable( It came from DiAo?$ .reatE.ra"mother! who ha" bee 0rech obility a" whom the family calle"
qtooJ-mte( Plety of the other chair$ a" $ofa$ i the lar.e room were from the ,aybroo' $i"e! alo. with a trea$#re
tro1e of Tiffay lam-$! botaical etchi.$! a Moet watercolor! a" a 1a$t collectio of 1al#able -orcelai a" .la$$( DiAo
wate" a -ict#re of hi$ family?$ TeAa$ rach i the room too! b#t Corie?$ "ecorator! 21e$! ha" i$i$te" that the -aiti.
wo#l" r#i the room?$ ieteethEcet#ry ambiece(
E1a Pierce $at o--o$ite her! a lar.e leather bi"er i her la-( K,o we?1e .ot hy"ra.ea$ a" -eoie$ for the altar!L $he
KThat?$!L Corie a$were"! cro$$i. her bare le.$! which loo'e" -ale a" cell#liteEy eAt to E1a?$ $mooth! whi-E
thi oe$( KA" I wat to a"" lilie$ to the table$(L
KPo--y?$ fa1orite(L E1a $i.he"! t#c'i. a blac' loc' behi" her ear a" mar'i. it "ow i the boo' i her $-i'y
ha"writi.( E1e tho#.h Po--y a" E1a?$ frie"$hi- wa$ oe $he ha" e1er J#ite #"er$too"! Corie fo#" comfort
i 'owi. that E1a ha" bee clo$e to Po--y too(
To"ay E1a wore a lar.e -lati#m ri. with a h#.e oyA $toe( Corie wo"ere" who ha" .i1e it to her( ,he wo"ere"
abo#t E1a a lot! act#ally( ,he" her a-artmet a$ a mo1ie $et from the f#t#re! all white a" har" lie$( A" what
wa$ it li'e to be $o 1ery $i.leI E1a "ate" a lot! ty-ically ol"er me with a lot of moey! b#t it wa$ #$#ally E1a who
bro'e thi.$ off( A" there wa$ $omethi. abo#t the way E1a mo1e"! all $li'y li'e a cat! that ma"e Corie thi' $he
wa$ a ra1eo#$ lo1er(
KA" yo#?re choo$i. the wie toi.htIL E1a $ai"! $till loo'i. at her li$t( KThe chef fromCoA$wai will meet yo# there(L
Corie?$ $tomach l#rche"( E1a ha" arra.e" for a ta$ti. at the ,t( Re.i$! where Will wa$ frie"ly with the ma$ter
KThat?$ the -la!L Corie $ai" $ha'ily! the cleare" her throat( KAct#ally! I?mwo"eri. wby yo# cho$e CoA$wai(L
E1a frowe"( KIt?$ tbe re$ta#rat to watch( I yo#?" be -lea$e"(L
KI am!L Corie $ai" J#ic'ly( KI D#$t ( ( (L
,he traile" off( What o earth co#l" $he $ayI l Joot woot to ose tbls testootoot becoose l boJ o sectet flloq flve yeots oqo
wltb tbe cbef? It wa$?t li'e E1a koew( Po--y wo#l" e1er ha1e tol" her what ha--ee"(
DiAo $tro"e ito the room! fre$hly $howere" from the .ym a" with a fl#ffy white towel $l#. o1er hi$ $ho#l"er$( Hi$
$'i $melle" li'e Hiehl?$ me?$ -ro"#ct$! a" hi$ hair wa$ $lic'e" off hi$ face( KHey! lo1ely la"ie$!L he crooe"(
KI?m off!L E1a $ai"! lea-i. #-( ,he 'i$$e" Corie?$ chee'! the DiAo?$! a" $tro"e towar" the foyer( I momet$! the
frot "oor $lamme"(
DiAo o-ee" the me"ia co$ole a" .rabbe" the remote from i$i"e( After chec'i. the mar'et$ o CN+C! he $witche"
it to the Worl" ,erie$ of Po'er! which ha" bee hi$ fa1orite $how $ice hi$ fraterity "ay$( K,o li$te( I?mreally $orry! b#t I
ca?t ma'e it to the ta$ti.
Corie $tare" at him( KWhatI WhyIL
KOe of o#r "eal$ wet $o#th( I ha1e to ma'e $ome call$! -#t o#t $ome fire$(L
Her$ $cattere" li'e marble$( KCa?t $omeoe el$e "o itIL ,he wate" DiAo to come a$ a b#ffer with Will( ,he
oeeJeJ himto(
DiAo loo'e" tor( K+abe! I?m $orry! b#t I?ll ma'e it #- to yo#( What?$ the eAt a--oitmetI 0lori$tI De$i.erI I?ll try o
yo#r "re$$ for yo# if yo# wat(L
KI alrea"y ha" my fial fitti.(L Corie -o#te"! ot wati. to Do'e the( ,he almo$t $he cry( ,he
co#l"?t .o to thi$ aloe( ,he D#$t coolJot. A" wor$e! $he co#l"?t e1e eA-lai to DiAo why $he co#l"?t(
DiAo i$-ecte" her face( KWhat?$ the matterIL
Corie -re$$e" her li-$ ti.htly to.ether( Maybe $he co#l" tell him( It ha" ha--ee" $o lo. a.oO $#rely he?" ha" fli.$
"#ri. that year too( +#t what if telli. himmeat eA-laii. e1erythi. el$eI
KWhy "i" yo# brea' #- with me that $#mmerIL $he bl#rte"( The $he bli'e"! $#r-ri$e" it ha" come o#t of her mo#th(
DiAo lowere" the remote( KWhere?" tbot come fromIL
Corie 'e-t her eye$ o the car-et( KWell! I wa$ D#$t wo"eri.( We e1er really tal'e" abo#t it! a" we?re abo#t to .et
,he 'ew what $he wa$ "oi.( ,eei. Will ha" $tirre" #- a lot of memorie$! mo$t of them #-lea$at( ,he wate" to fi"
a way to rewrite hi$tory! to twi$t thi.$ aro#" #til DiAo wa$ re$-o$ible for e1erythi. that wet wro.( lf be boJot
btokeo op wltb me, l oevet woolJ bove met wlll. lf beJ oosweteJ my colls, my llfe woolJot bove qooe so wllJly off cootse.
It wa$?t fair( ,he 'ew that( What $he?" "oe with Will ha" bee her "eci$io)icl#"i. the aftermath(
DiAo $tretche" hi$ arm$ behi" hi$ hea"( KI "o?t 'ow if it?$ worth "welli. o! to be hoe$t(L
K0ie!L $he $ai" ha#.htily! a" -l#.e" her ha" ito her ha"ba. to .et her Mr$( *oh 3( ,tro. leatherEbo#" "ay
-laer)$he ee"e" to eter the ew a--oitmet$ $he a" E1a ha" D#$t "i$c#$$e"( ,he ha"?t e1e ha" a chace to
-ecil i to"ay?$ ta$ti.! a" $he 'ew $omethi. wo#l" fall thro#.h the crac'$ if $he "i"?t write it "ow $oo( +#t the
-laer wa$?t there( Corie?$ .aBe $cae" the room)maybe $he?" left it o the $ecretary "e$' i the corerI +#t
whe $he wal'e" o1er to it! the boo' wa$?t there! either(
,he frowe"! the loo'e" at DiAo( KHa1e yo# $ee my Do#ralIL
K2o# 'ee- a Do#ralIL DiAo loo'e" am#$e"(
KWa$ Mar.aret here thi$ mori.IL Their cleai. la"y wa$ metic#lo#$ abo#t -#tti. e1erythi. where it belo.e"(
DiAo $hoo' hi$ hea"( KI "o?t thi' $o(L
How $tra.e)$he e1er mi$-lace" thi.$( +#t -erha-$ $he?" D#$t left it at wor'(
KI m#$t be lo$i. my mi"!L $he m#mble"(
DiAo $hr#..e"( KI mea ( ( ( !L he $ai"! with a -layf#l $mile(
,he .a1e DiAo a weary wa1e( KI?ll $ee yo# i a little while!L $he $ai"! a" the $c#ttle" ito the hallway(
3ATER THAT E@ENING! a$ the ##$#alEforEMay h#mi"ity be.a to brea'! Corie r#$he" -a$t the $ho-$ i Roc'efeller
Ceter towar" the ,t( Re.i$ hotel( The $i"ewal' wa$ f#ll of to#ri$t$! a o#t"oor cocert wa$ ta'i. -lace a few $treet$
o1er! a" the air $melle" of fre$h $eafoo" fromthe re$ta#rat i the Roc'efeller $'ati. ri'( ,he .lace" at her reflectio
i the wi"ow$ of 6= Roc' a" frowe"( Maybe $he $ho#l"?t ha1e wor $#ch a $hort $'irt( At lea$t $he?" throw o a
$weater( The $he wo"ere" if $he wa$ thi'i. too m#ch abo#t all of thi$( ,he $ho#l"?t ha1e cha.e" at all( ,he wa$
ta$ti. wie for her weJJloq! ot .oi. o a "ate(
Nata$ha $too" o the other $i"e of *(Crew( ,he wa$ "re$$e" i yo.a -at$! a ca1a$ ti.erE-rite" ba. $l#. o1er her
$ho#l"er( Her "ar' hair wa$ tie" bac' i a -oytail! a" her -oite"! -retty face wa$ free of ma'e#-(
Corie bli'e"! loo'i. for a e$ca-e! b#t Nata$ha ha" ma"e it o1er too J#ic'ly for that( KHow are yo#IL $he a$'e"!
'i$$i. the air be$i"e Nata$ha?$ chee' i$icerely(
KOh! D#$t fata$tic( 2o#IL Nata$ha a$'e"! tho#.h $he "i"?t wait for the a$wer( K2o#?re .oi. to a wie ta$ti.! ri.htIL
KEAc#$e meIL Corie $ai"( All $o#" fell away! e1e the lo#"! b#BBi. ba$$ from the cocert( KHow "i" yo# 'ow thatIL
Corie a$'e" $ha'ily(
The $mile wa$ $till o Nata$ha?$ face a$ $he -#lle" o#t her -hoe a" calle" #- the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e"( KHow a
Heire$$ Pla$ a We""i.!L rea" the title( The fir$t -ict#re wa$ of the co1er of a leatherEbo#" Do#ral(
Corie $crolle" "ow! her eye$ .rowi. wi"er a" wi"er( E1ery ima.e wa$ a -a.e from her -laer( There were li$t$ of
meeti.$ with the flori$t a" ba'erO "eal -oit$ for a ew office i +a.'o'O her faciali$t?$ cell #mber( There were
-er$oal thi.$ too( 3i'e the wor" lexopto with a J#e$tio mar' eAt to it)her thera-i$t ha" $#..e$te" $he try it for
aAiety( There were e1e li$t$ of what $he ate i a .i1e "ay! a" a me$$a.e that $ai" KPilate$ Traier Three Time$ Thi$
Wee'PL i comma"i. re" -e( A" o the la$t "ay! toJoy! were bl#eEi'e" wor"$N KWie Ta$ti.! ;N==(L
Corie early "ro--e" the -hoe( It wa$ i her ha"writi.! b#t $he ha"?t writte the wor"$ yet( How ha" they $o
-erfectly mimic'e" her ha"writi.I Or wa$ DiAo ri.htN wos $he really lo$i. her mi"I
KI$ e1erythi. o'ayIL Nata$ha watche" her caref#lly( RealiBatio $ettle" o1er her feat#re$( KOh my Go"( Deaa "i"?t
arra.e for tho$e -a.e$ to be o the $ite! "i" $heIL
Corie $h#t her eye$! hati. that Nata$ha! of all -eo-le! wa$ wite$$i. her reactio( KNo!L $he a"mitte"( K+#t it?$ fie(L
KTho$e aimal$( Are?t they $ic' of #$ by owIL +#t there wa$ a $tra.e lilt i Nata$ha?$ 1oice! almo$t a$ if thi$ am#$e"
her( KAyway! I $ho#l" Det( Ha1e f# at the ta$ti.P A" I?ll $ee yo# eAt wee'e" for the bachelorette!L $he calle" o#t!
.etti. $we-t #- i the crow"(
Corie bli'e"( Co bome! $ai" a 1oice i her mi"( Thi$ felt li'e a omio#$ of what wa$ to come( ,he $ho#l"
D#$t .et i be"! -#ll the co1er$ o1er her hea"! a" wait to wa'e #- marrie"( +#t $he t#re" ea$t! wal'i. -a$t 0ifth
A1e#e to the ,t( Re.i$( ,he too' a "ee- breath a$ $he -re$$e" thro#.h the .il"e" "o#ble "oor$ ito the .litteri. lobby(
Whe $he $-ie" Will waiti. for her by the cocier.e! $he lowere" her eye$ a" co#te" the chec'erboar" $J#are$ o the
floor a$ $he cro$$e" the room( Her heart -o#"e" har"(
K,orry I?m late!L $he $ai" to Will a$ $he a--roache"! tryi. ot to loo' "irectly at him( He loo'e" a$ ha"$ome a$ e1er(
1oo ha"$ome(
Will .lace" behi" her( KWhere?$ yo#r fiacGIL He $ai" KfiacGL the way $omeoe $ay Kchil" mole$ter(L
Corie $wallowe" har"( K,omethi. came #-(L uofottoootely! $he wate" to a""(
KNo -roblem!L he tol" her $moothly)a" $omewhat im-er$oally( They $tarte" "ow a $et of car-ete" $tair$! -a$t the
Hi. Cole +ar! where Corie ha" $-et co#tle$$ ho#r$ with DiAo a" hi$ b#""ie$! a" the "ow aother of
$tair$! where they etere" a $mall! .rottoli'e -ri1ate room lit by h#"re"$ of flic'eri. ca"le$( Oa' wie rac'$ lie" the
wall$ aro#" them! a" the -lace $melle" of .ra-e$ a" oil a" a ti.e of $mo'e( There wa$ a bar $et #- at the e"
of the roomO two $tool$ bec'oe"(
Will loo'e" at Corie( KWelcome to yo#r -ri1ate ta$ti.(L He $li" oto oe of the $tool$( KI .#e$$ $ice DiAo co#l"?t
ma'e it! I?ll hel- yo# o#t(L
Corie $mile" er1o#$ly at a ma who emer.e" from i$i"e the wie cellar( He .reete" Will with a fierce h#. a" $hoo'
Corie?$ ha"( KA"rew ,-ar'$( I?mthe hotel $ommelier(L
He -rocee"e" to loo' at the me# Will ha" $electe" for Corie a" DiAo a" "i$a--eare" bac' ito the cellar to
retrie1e a few bottle$( Hi$ bo"y "i$a--eare" ito the aby$$ of wie! a" Corie trie" a$ har" a$ $he co#l" to 'ee- her
Will loo'e" at her( KI?" yo# a--ro1e" the me#(L
Corie $wallowe" aw'war"ly( K2e$( I thi' it will be 1ery .oo"(L At lea$t he i$?t freeBi. me o#t! $he ,he ha"?t
'ow what to eA-ect! b#t after hi$ icie$$ at the re$ta#rat! maybe that(
A"rew reemer.e" a" be.a -o#ri. $mall .la$$e$ for each of them to try! a a$$ortmet of re"$! white$! a" ro$G$ to
$#it each "i$h o the me#( Corie $i--e" the fir$t .la$$! a fr#ity char"oay! the too' aother $i-( ,he co#l" feel Will?$
eye$ o her Her .aBe $li" to a $mall c#- o the $i"e of the table meat for $-itti. o#t the ta$te$( +#t after her r#E
i with Nata$ha)a" faci. thi$ lo.Efor.otte -a$t)$he ee"e" a "ri'( ,he .rabbe" her .la$$ a" J#ic'ly "ra' the
KThi$ oe i$ lo1ely!L $he $ai" a$ $he $et the em-ty .la$$ o the table! alrea"y feeli. li.hter(
Will ch#c'le"( K3o. "ayIL
K,ometime$ it feel$ li'e it?$ bee a lo. few "eca"e$!L Corie $ai"! $#r-ri$i. her$elf( ,he wo"ere" how $#ch a hoe$t ha" e$ca-e" her li-$(
Will $hifte" o the $tool( KI wa$ $orry to hear abo#t yo#r co#$i( We oly met a co#-le time$! b#t I remember that yo#
were clo$e(L
,o( There it wa$( Corie felt the 'ot i$i"e her che$t #f#rl( Of co#r$e that $#mmer wa$?t a $ecret to either of them!
b#t heari. him ac'owle".e it! $he $omehow felt a$ tho#.h a .reat ha" bee lifte" off her $ho#l"er$( ,he
-ict#re" Po--y the! "aci. with oe of Will?$ frie"$ the they met! e1er cari. what ayoe of her! a"
yet $omehow maa.i. for e1eryoe to thi' oly the be$t thi.$( KTha' yo#!L $he $ai" $oftly! a little bit calmer( Thi$ will
.o o'ay! $he tol" her$elf( *#$t 'ee- breathi.( *#$t .et thro#.h it(
NeAt! they trie" a re" from the 3a.rei! a" the a hea"y +arolo! followe" by $ome "e$$ert wie$( +efore lo.!
Corie?$ -o$t#re wa$?t a$ $! a" $he wa$?t "abbi. her mo#th after e1ery $i-( ,he $tare" at Will! who wa$
tal'i. aimate"ly to A"rew! firmi. #- their fial $electio$( A #eA-ecte" $e$#al feeli. fille" her( All at oce! $he
co#l" almo$t feel the cool $a" betwee her toe$! the $alty $-ray coati. her $'i! the fir$t they met( A" ow! a$
$he .aBe" at Will?$ -i'! $e$#o#$ li-$! $he remembere" "i$tictly what it ha" felt li'e to 'i$$ him(
A"rew 'i$$e" her .oo" o both chee'$! a" the left them with the #fii$he" bottle$( +efore lo. they?" hel-e"
them$el1e$ to aother .la$$( The aother( Corie?$ hea" wa$ $wimmi.O $he felt a$ if $he wa$ floati.( A" tho#.h $he
'ew $he $ho#l" .et home! $he co#l"?t eAactly will her bo"y to lea1e the $tool(
Will t#re" to her a" .rie"( K2o# wor' at ,aybroo'?$! "o?t yo#IL
K2e$!L Corie $ai"! tryi. to remai -oi$e"( KI?mthe hea" of forei. b#$ie$$(L
KThe hea"(L Will "i"?t $eem$#r-ri$e"( KOf co#r$e yo# are(L
Corie lowere" her eye$! feeli. a$ tho#.h $he?" bee too boa$tf#l( KWell! it hel-$ if yo#r la$t ame i$ o the
KDo?t "o that(L He too' her ha"! the force of it $#r-ri$i. her( KI?m $#re yo# "e$er1e the -o$itio( Goo" for yo#( E1er
thi' abo#t wor'i. $omewhere el$eIL
Corie bli'e" har"( KI?1e e1er really of it(L
KReallyI Ne1erIL
,he wa$ tra$-orte" bac' to that $#mmer oce more( Not lo. after they?" 'i$$e" o the $a"! Will ha" fo#" Corie whe $he wa$ $ho--i. i tow( He?" -eere" at her from acro$$ the $treet! a" the wal'e" o1er a" $li--e" a
ote ito her ha"( KThe boatyar" at Car$o a" Mai( Mi"!L it rea"(
It ha" bee a warm a" $tic'y Corie ha" $too" aloe o the "oc'$ i a lo. $'irt a" wayEtooEeA-e$i1e leather
$a"al$( +#t the Will ha" a--eare" thro#.h the mi$t a" too' her ha"! lea"i. her to a $mall fi$hi. boat halfway "ow
the $li-( Corie ha"?t a$'e" who$e boat it wa$O $he ha"?t e1e abo#t it( ,he $at "ow i the h#ll( A" the!
i$tea" of 'i$$i. her! he to#che" Corie?$ ho#$e 'ey$( The 'ey chai wa$ to the Meriweather 2acht Cl#b( K2o# ha1e a
K*#$t my family?$(L It wa$?t D#$t a boat! eAactly)it wa$ a ma$$i1e yacht that $le-t twel1e)b#t $he ho-e" he "i"?t 'ow
that( He?" bee $o caref#l abo#t hi$ $ea'er$ ear the water! afrai" to .et them wet! wherea$ Corie! who ha" bee
weari. fi1eEh#"re"E"ollar fli-Eflo-$! ha"?t .i1e it a
KOf co#r$e( 2o#r family?$!L Will $ai"(
Corie ha" hel" hi$ .aBe( It wa$?t a $#r-ri$e that he 'ew abo#t her familyO it $#r-ri$e" her! tho#.h! that he $eeme" to
cote( KI?m $orry( I "o?t mea to a$' J#e$tio$ abo#t yo#r family( I "o?t wat to 'ow who they are( I wat to 'ow yo#(
The teol yo#(L
The real yo#( It wa$ a coce-t $he "i"?t J#ite #"er$ta"( There were the ob1io#$ ba$ic$( l omcotlooe 5oybtook( l weot
to bootJloq scbool ot xetet. l boJ o J.87 ovetoqe ot ole. l ploy flelJ bockey, loctosse, ooJ tlJe botses, l sommet lo
Metlweotbet ooJ qo to lottofloo ot 5t. 8otts ovet sptloq bteok. lve teoJ evety Iooe Aosteo book twlce. l jost btoke op
wltb ulxoo 5bockelfotJ, ooJ stottloq oext mootb, l wlll be wotkloq lo tbe fotelqo bosloess Jepottmeot of my fomllys
A" $o $he $ai" all that)e1e the -art abo#t DiAo( Will ha" .i1e her a $earchi. loo'( KThat $o#"$ li'e a rG$#mG(
2o#?re more tha that(L
Wa$ $heI +#t $#""ely $he fo#" her$elf telli. him thi.$ o oe el$e 'ew( ,he tol" him that her fir$tE.ra"e teacher
ha" it i for her for $ome rea$o)$he e1er 'ew why)yet Corie alway$ tol" her -aret$ $he wa$ the teacher?$ -et(
,he tal'e" abo#t how her mother #$e" to ma'e her wal' aro#" with a boo' o her hea" a" ma"e her .o to e1ery
charitable e1et i the city! e1e tho#.h the other .irl$ there were?t 1ery frie"ly to her( ,he tal'e" abo#t how her
father $eeme" to -refer A$ter( ,he?" e1e a"mitte" that there were r#mor$ that her $i$ter wa$ .etti. i tro#ble i
E#ro-e! a" tol" himhow worrie" $he wa$ abo#t her( +#t a.ry too(
,he wa$?t $#re why $he tol" Will e1erythi.( +#t $he "i"! a" that a floate" thro#.h her mi"! #bi""e( l
love yoo olteoJy! $omethi. "ee- i$i"e her ha" whi$-ere"(
Now! $he loo'e" acro$$ the bar at Will( He wa$ $till watchi. her( KI e1er abo#t brachi. o#t beca#$e I e1er
felt allowe" to!L $he $ai"! the cofe$$ioal floo".ate$ o-ei. KI wa$ alway$ a .oo" .irl( I alway$ "i" what my
-aret$ a$'e"( That meat wor'i. for the family( It meat .oi. to the $chool$ a" weari. the clothe$ a"
marryi. ( ( (L ,he traile" off(
KWhat wa$ thatIL Will a$'e"! coc'i. hi$ hea"(
Corie loo'e" "ow( KMarryi. well!L $he a"mitte"(
Will $tare" at her! a" for a lo. time he wa$ $ilet( The hi$$ .ro-e" for hi$ .la$$( KI?m $orry I wa$ col" to yo# the
other "ay!L he $ai"! hi$ 1oice hitchi. o colJ. KA" thi$ ma'e me $o#" li'e a a$$hole! b#t yo# e1er ha1e to
"eal with me after! $o I a$ well $ay it(L Hi$ li-$ tremble" for a momet( Corie?$ heart $tarte" to
-o#"( K3ife?$ too $hort to care abo#t marryi. well(L
,he cl#tche" her$$( ,he wate" to "efe" DiAo! b#t all of a $#""e! DiAo felt 1ery far away( Corie co#l"?t
e1e -ict#re hi$ face)ot the $ha-e of hi$ eye$! ot whether he ha" "im-le$! ot the way he $melle"( O the other ha"!
$he?" carrie" aro#" a metal ima.e of e1ery coto#r of Will?$ face a" bo"y for fi1e year$( ,he co#l" ha1e $'etche" him
-erfectly if $omeoe ha" a$'e"( Maybe that meat $omethi.O if yo# co#l" $till "raw $omeoe whe he wa$ .oe( If yo#
remembere" him-erfectly( If yo# were hi$ mirror! e1e after lot$ of time ha" -a$$e" ( ( (
,he r#bbe" her -alm$$t her eye$! $meari. her ma'e#-( What wa$ $he thi'i.I ,he balle" a a-'i i her ha"$
a" $too"( KI thi' I?1e ha" too m#ch to "ri'( I m#$t loo' awf#l(L
Will $too" too( K2o# loo' amaBi.(L
He -lace" hi$ ha" o her arm( Her hea" h#mme"( A" $#""ely it wa$ a$ if $he ha" floate" o#t of her bo"y a" wa$
watchi. fromabo1e! from$ome other -lae( ,he -ict#re" her$elf $itti. i the frot row of a theater! Po--y eAt to her!
their ha"$ i a bowl of -o-cor! their mo#th$ a.a-e! a$ Corie reache" o#t for Will! -#lli. himtowar" her( He fell ito
her! hi$ mo#th h#.rily $earchi. for her$( +#m-i.$t each other! they bac'e" o#t of the -ri1ate room ito oe of
the cellar$! a $-ace "ry a" "ar'( Will lai" Corie "ow a" .aBe" at her( He o-ee" hi$ mo#th! a$ if to $ay $omethi.!
b#t $he co1ere" it( He .ri--e" the wai$tba" of her $'irt "e$-erately(
The o the boat wa$he" o1er her oce more( After Corie ha" tol" him all her $ecret$! he?" ta'e her ito hi$
arm$( It almo$t felt a$ if $omethi. wa$ $welli. i$i"e her)a" if it "i"?t ha--e that momet! $he wo#l" b#r$t(
There i the wie cellar! Will 'i$$e" her ec' a$ he tore off her $weater! a" $he arche" her bac'$t the $#r-ri$
col" floor( He -#$he" her $'irt #- aro#" her wai$t( A" the they breathe" ito each other! their mo#th$ ta$ti. li'e
wie( KOh my Go"!L Will 'e-t $ayi.! e1ery $o ofte -a#$i. to $tare at her( Tear$ forme" i Corie?$ eye$! tho#.h $he
wa$?t $a"( It wa$ D#$t that $he remembere" Will "oi. that $ame thi. the fir$t time they were to.ether( 3oo'i. at her
li'e that! a$ if he co#l"?t belie1e thi$ wa$ ha--ei.(
That fir$t! the boat ha" bobbe" with their mo1emet$( Their $o#"$ echoe" acro$$ the bay( Corie ha" e1er felt
-artic#larly -a$$ioate abo#t $eA! b#t with Will abo1e her! bla'ete" by a cao-y of $tar$! $omethi. ha--ee"(
,omethi. that felt 1ery "ifferet( A ali.i. of the -laet$! maybe( A bi. ba.! creati. a #i1er$e(
A" that wa$ the thi.( They ha"! i fact! create" $omethi. that
They?" create" $omeooe.
Rowa $at at her "e$' at $e1e o We"e$"ay e1ei.! $tari. blearily at a cotract o her $cree( It wa$ $till
o#t$i"e! the e1ei. ho#r$ $tretchi. a" a$ they mo1e" f#rther ito May( A few -hoe$ ra. i the b#ll-e
of c#bicle$ o#t$i"e her office( E1ery $o ofte! a or a$$i$tat $we-t by! b#t mo$t -eo-le were -ac'i. #- to lea1e(
,he loo'e" at her $cree! abo#t to -#ll #- a "ifferet "oc#met( +#t the the c#r$or be.a to "rift towar" the
bottom ri.htEha" corer of her moitor! tho#.h $he ha"?t to#che" the mo#$e( Rowa $trai.htee" #- a" rolle" her
chair bac' a few iche$( ,he watche" a$ the little arrow $lowly mi.rate" to the Wi"ow$ ico i the bottomEleft corer(
KHelloIL $he calle" o#t! tho#.h to whom$he wa$?t $#re( How ha" that ha--ee"I
There wa$ a co#.h i the hall! the a $mall! $h#ffli. $et of foot$te-$( KHEhelloIL Rowa calle" o#t! half $ta"i.( The
office wa$ $#""ely too J#iet! too em-ty( KI$ $omeoe thereIL
Rowa D#m-e" a$ Daielle Gilchri$t -o'e" her hea" i! her face fla$hi. with worry( KOh my Go"! I "i"?t mea to $care
Rowa $moothe" "ow her hair( KI?m fie( What?$ #-IL ,he offere" a wobbly $mile! ta'i. i Daielle?$ lo. re" hair a"
her mo"erEloo'i. blac'Ea"E-i' wool "re$$( ,he a" Daielle wor'e" to.ether from time to time)a$ co#$el!
Rowa occa$ioally ha" to a"1i$e o hire$ a" fire$(
Daielle chec'e" o1er her $ho#l"er! the $te--e" ito the room a" $h#t the "oor( K,omethi. ha$ 'i" of bee
wei.hi. o my mi"(L
K,it!L Rowa $ai"! .e$t#ri. to the co#ch acro$$ fromher "e$'(
Daielle -erche" o a c#$hio a" fol"e" her ha"$ i her la-! a coflicte" loo' o her face( A few momet$ -a$$e"
before $he $-o'e( KI?1e bee thi'i. a lot abo#t Po--y?$ m#r"er a" who wat to h#rt her ( ( ( a" I ha" a
,omethi. I?mot $#re the 0+I 'ow$ abo#t(L
A $hoc' wa1e co#r$e" thro#.h Rowa( KWhat "o yo# meaIL
Daielle too' a "ee- breath( KI #$e" to be frie"$ with Po--y?$ a$$i$tat! ,ho$haa( 2o# remember her! ri.htI ,he
ba$ically ra Po--y?$ lifeI ,he wa$ my hire( ,he came hi.hly recomme"e"(L
K,#re!L Rowa $ai"( Plety of time$ $he?" wal'e" ito Po--y?$ office whe ,ho$haa! a la'y .irl with c#rly blac' hair! a
lo. face! a" a -re"ilectio for babyE"oll "re$$e$! wa$ briefi. Po--y abo#t $omethi. or other( K,he left the com-ay a
few moth$ a.o! ri.htI 0or De +eer$IL
KThat?$ ,he .ot a .reat offer i the PR "e-artmet! better tha what we co#l" match(L Daielle cleare" her throat(
K+efore $he left! tho#.h! $he $ort of let $omethi. $li- abo#t Po--y(L
O#t the wi"ow! a $ beame" aro#" the $'y( Rowa $tare" for a momet! the .lace" bac' at her com-#ter
$cree( The c#r$or ha"?t mo1e" KWhat "i" ,ho$haa $ayIL $he a$'e"! t#ri. bac' to Daielle(
KMaybe it?$ othi.! b#t $he metioe" $ome ( ( ( "i$cre-acie$ i Po--y?$ $che"#le( Po--y $tarte" -#tti. my$terio#$
a--oitmet$ i her cale"ar)1a.#e thi.$! li'e Vmeeti.!? witho#t $ayi. who it wa$ with( A" whe ,ho$haa
a$'e")it wa$ her job to 'ow)Po--y $ai" that $he ha" e1erythi. co1ere"( ,ho$haa $ai" $he .ot 'i" of $i--y
abo#t it(L
KO'ay!L Rowa $ai"! ta--i. the $#rface of her "e$'( Noe of that $o#"e" $o $tra.e to her(
Daielle -#lle" her bottom li- ito her mo#th( KOr $he wo#l" write thi.$ li'e Vl#ch with *ame$!? b#t the *ame$ wo#l"
call Jotloq l#ch! ot 'owi. aythi. abo#t a l#ch( ,ho$haa ha" to co1er for her(L
Rowa $at bac'( That wos $tra.e( +#t Po--y co#l" ha1e ha" the "ate wro.! or *ame$ ha1e for.otte( There
were lot$ of eA-laatio$( KH#h(L
K,ho$haa $ai" $he $tarte" ta'i. the$e my$terio#$ bloc'e" call$ too( A" oe time! ,ho$haa trie" to ho- o the
-hoe to ta'e ote$ for Po--y a" Po--y $a--e" at her to .et off( ,he "i"?t eA-lai who the call$ were from or what
they were abo#t( +#t I thi' ,ho$haa "rew $ome cocl#$io$(L Daielle $t#c' her to.#e i her chee'(
Rowa $earche" her face( The oly $o#"$ i the office were the little b#BBe$ a" clic'$ of Rowa?$ har" "ri1e( Her brai
$eeme" to tem-orarily $hort o#t! .oi. blac'( 0ially $he $ai"! K2o# thi' Po--y wa$ ha1i. a affairIL
Daielle -re$$e" her li-$ to.ether( KI "o?t 'ow( A" maybe there?$ aother eA-laatio(L ,he lai" her ha"$ i her la-(
Rowa co$i"ere" the woma $itti. acro$$ from her o the co#ch! for a $eco" -ict#ri. the yo#. .irl who #$e" to
"ri1e E"ith aro#" Meriweather i a .olf cart( ,he?" bee A$ter?$ frie"! ot Rowa?$! b#t Rowa ha" alway$ fo#" her
etertaii.( Oe $#mmer! whe they were all $itti. o the beach to.ether! they?" watche" a ol"er co#-le fi.hti. a$
they wal'e" alo. the water?$ e".e( The wi" ha" $atche" away the co#-le?$ real wor"$! b#t Daielle ha" a"o-te" a
hi.hE-itche" a$al whie for the woma a" a r#mble for the ma(
KI tol" yo# ot to wear that ,-ee"o!L $he?" $ai" i a -iche" 1oice(
K2o# worrie" abo#t the com-etitioIL $he?" the ra$-e"! hol"i. her arm$ o#t at the $ame time a$ the ol" ma(
Rowa 'ew the ar.#i. co#-le)the Coo-er$ were oe of Meriweather?$ few yearEro#"er$)a" Daielle ha"
mimic'e" their 1oice$ -erfectly( Daielle?$ mother! *#lia! ha" "a$he" by at that momet o her mori. Do.( K+e ice!
Daielle!L $he?" a"moi$he"! her re" hair flyi. behi" her(
KHa1e yo# tol" the 0+IIL Rowa a$'e"(
Daielle $hoo' her hea"( KThey ha1e?t cotacte" me( A" i$tea" of .oi. to them "irectly! I I $ho#l" let yo#
'ow fir$t( E$-ecially $ice I "o?t e1e 'ow if it ls aythi.( I ho-e that wa$ the thi. to "o(L
KOf co#r$e it wa$(L Rowa $hifte" i her chair( K2o# "i" what ayoe i the family wo#l" "o! a" I a--reciate it(L ,he
$hifte" i her chair( K2o# "o?t ha1e ay i"ea who wa$ o the other lie i tho$e bloc'e" call$IL
Daielle $hoo' her hea"( K,ho$haa! b#t $he "i"?t tell me(L
Rowa $tare" o#t the wi"ow($ twi'le" i the b#il"i. acro$$ the $treet( KI wo"er if 0oley loo'e" ito Po--y?$
cale"ar( Maybe tho$e a--oitmet$ were a cl#e abo#t who $he ha1e bee $eei.!L $he m#rm#re"! mo$tly to
her$elf! har"ly belie1i. the wor"$ comi. o#t of her mo#th( ,he?" a$$#me" *ame$?$ theory abo#t Po--y?$ affair wa$ D#$t
thatN a theory( A that D#$tifie" hi$ ow ifi"elity with Rowa( +#t here wa$ aother -er$o echoi. *ame$?$
$#$-icio$( The i"ea of Po--y ha1i. a affair $till "i"?t com-#te! tho#.h(
A 'oc' $o#"e" at the "oor! a" *ame$ -o'e" hi$ hea" i( KOh! I?m$orry( AmI iterr#-ti.IL
KOh! hi(L ,he bli'e" cof#$e"ly at him( K>m! o! of co#r$e ot(L
KWe were D#$t fii$hi. #-(L Daielle $too" a" $moothe" her -ecil $'irt( KWell! if yo# ee" aythi.! call me! o'ayIL
KI will!L Rowa $ai"! a" Daielle $li--e" o#t of the room(
Rowa t#re" to *ame$( K,o ( ( ( what are yo# "oi. hereIL
KI?m comi. from wor'!L *ame$ eA-laie"( He $t#ffe" hi$ ha"$ i the -oc'et$ of hi$ "ar'Ewa$h Dea$! loo'i. $#""ely
$hee-i$h( KThe 'i"$ are with Me.a( I yo# $till be here( I D#$t ( ( ( wate" to $ee how yo# were "oi.(L
Rowa bli'e" ra-i"ly! feeli. "i$oriete"( KHow "i" yo# .et iIL
*ame$ $hr#..e"( KMy wife wa$ the -re$i"et( They alway$ let me i(L
Rowa o""e"( Of co#r$e(
,he r#bbe" her eye$( KGo"! I?m $orry( It?$ D#$t $o polet here( Hi" of $-oo'y(L ,he wo"ere" if he?" hear" the
co1er$atio $he?" D#$t ha" with Daielle( +#t he loo'e" .#ilele$$! oe corer of hi$ mo#th lifte" #- i a $mile! re1eali.
the "im-le $he ha"?t $ee i $o lo.(
,he -#t her hea" i her ha"$ a" r#bbe" her $cal-( ,ho#l" $he tell him what Daielle ha" $ai"I ,witche" a--oitmet$!
$ecret -hoe call$)that JlJ $eem to a"" #- to a affair( Maybe the $i.$ *ame$ $e$e" were really there( ,#""ely
Rowa felt $omehow offe"e"! a$ tho#.h sbe wa$ the oe who?" bee betraye"( The woma $he?" co$i"ere" her
clo$e$t frie" felt a$ #'owable a$ a $ at a bar(
Rowa?$ wa$ a hot -ric'le o the $#rface of her $'i( ,he $tare" har" at a -ict#re of her a" Po--y that $at o her
"e$'! wati. $#""ely to t#r it face"ow( Tear$ fille" her eye$! a" $he imme"iately re.rette" her$( Her
co#$i! her be$t frie"! ha" bee motJeteJ( ,he co#l"?t be ma" at her(
KHey! e1erythi. o'ayIL *ame$ $te--e" forwar" a" reache" o#t a$ if to -#t a ha" o her arm! the retreate"! a$
tho#.h worrie" $he?" br#$h himoff(
K2eah( It?$ D#$t bee a lo. "ay!L $he $ai"! bli'i. bac' tear$( K,o how are the 'i"$IL
K+rioy?$ feeli. better(L *ame$ $at "ow o Rowa?$ co#ch(
KA" how are yooIL
*ame$ $tare" at her for what felt li'e fore1er( K2o# wat the tr#thIL
KOf co#r$e(L
He too' a "ee- breath( KI ca?t $to- thi'i. abo#t yo#(L
Rowa $J#eeBe" the $i"e$ of her chair( Her mo#th twitche"! a" $he co#l" feel her face .rowi. re"( *ame$ $too" #-!
cro$$e" the room! a" wal'e" to Rowa?$ "e$'( He $at o the e".e! $till $tari. at her( Rowa wa$ afrai" to mo1e! m#ch
le$$ $-ea'( ,he felt li'e two -eo-leN the Rowa who "e$-erately mi$$e" her co#$i! her be$t frie")a" the Rowa who
ha" $le-t with *ame$ ( ( ( a" who wate" to "o it all o1er
The hi$ -hoe bee-e"( They D#m-e"( KDo yo# ee" to .et thatIL Rowa a$'e"(
*ame$ $hoo' hi$ hea"( KIt "oe$?t matter(L
K+#t what if it?$ the ayIL
He wa1e" her away( KIt?$ ot(L
KIt co#l" be im-ortat(L
A $mile cre-t oto hi$ face( He $hoo' hi$ hea"( K,aybroo'! "o?t yo# .et itI No oe i$ more im-ortat tha yo#(L
Ti.le$ wa$he" "ow Rowa?$ $-ie e1e a$ $he -rote$te"( K*ame$! we $ho#l"?t(L
He $te--e" clo$er a" ra a ha" thro#.h hi$ hair( K2e$! we $ho#l"(L
He -re$$e" hi$ li-$ to her$! a" her whole bo"y melte" ito him( *ame$ lifte" her oto the "e$'! a" oe by oe! he #"i"
the b#tto$ o her $late .ray wor' $hirt! eA-o$i. the lacy blac' bra beeath! 'i$$i. her e1erywhere( Withi $eco"$ her
bra a" $hirt were off! hi$ ha"$ care$$i. her brea$t$(
KMore!L Rowa moae"! wra--i. her le.$ aro#" him a" #b#c'li. hi$ -at$( He -#$he" her $'irt #- to her wai$t a"
i oe $wift momet thr#$t i$i"e her! hi$ li-$ a" ha"$ eA-lori. her etire bo"y( He $tarte" off $low! b#t $oo he wa$
mo1i.$t her with #r.ecy! a" $he matche" hi$ rhythm! e1er brea'i. eye cotact( KMore!L $he tol" him
+#t it wa$ o1er too J#ic'ly! a" before lo.! *ame$ wa$ -#lli. o hi$ -at$ a" tyi. hi$ $hoelace$( KCome o1er
tomorrow!L he whi$-ere" i her ear( He $J#eeBe" her ha" oce! .a1e her a li.eri. 'i$$! the $li--e" away(
He $h#t the "oor li.htly! a" Rowa $tare" aro#" her office! her heart -o#"i. fa$t i the $#""e $tille$$(
A f#ll mi#te wet by before $he otice" her com-#ter( ,he m#$t ha1e acci"etally la#che" the iMo1ie a--licatioO a
$mall wi"ow $howe" the 1iew from the to- of Rowa?$ moitor! where her webcam wa$( A time cloc' wa$ r#i.! the
camera $till rolli.( Rowa $t#"ie" her ima.e i the webcam! ta'i. i her fl#$he" $'i! her m#$$e" hair! her $wolle li-$(
,he hit $to- with $ha'i.! -aic'y$(
The $he rewo#" the 1i"eo to the be.ii.( 0or a few momet$! there wa$ oly hea1y breathi.! b#t the Rowa?$
hea" "i--e" ito the camera 1iew( The came a $lice of her bare brea$t! her a'e" tor$o! her arche" ec'( A ma
$tra""le" her fromabo1e! hi$ face hi""e( KMore!L Rowa "ema"e" breathle$$ly( Klleose.L
Rowa?$ chee'$ blaBe"( ,he hit -a#$e! embarra$$e" by her $hamele$$ "i$-lay of -a$$io( ,he mo1e" the mo#$e to the to-
of the $cree a"! with a "eci$i1e! horrifie" clic'! "elete" the 1i"eo fore1er(
A$ter eAite" o#t of the fial EAcel col#m a" $at bac' with a $ati$fie" $i.h! laci. her$ behi" her chair a"
$tretchi. her bac' to crac' it( ,he co#l"?t belie1e it( After o1er a wee' $ of "ata etry! $he wa$ fially "oe( It
ha"?t bee ea$y)EAcel wa$ mi$erable! b#t a1i.ati. EliBabeth wa$ wor$e( E1ery iteractio felt with te$io(
Di" $he 'ow abo#t A$ter a" ,te1eI A" how m#chI
,he chec'e" her watchN 9N== o the "ot( ,he wo#l" ha1e D#$t eo#.h time to race home! throw $ome clothe$ ito a ba.!
a" ma'e it to Teterboro i time to lea1e for Corie?$ bachelorette wee'e"( Normally the -ro$-ect of three $oli" "ay$
fille" with CorieE-lae" bri"al acti1itie$ wo#l" ha1e ma"e A$ter roll her eye$! b#t ow $he wate" othi. more
tha to be at Meriweather( ,he co#l"?t wait to colla-$e i her cao-y be" a" $lee- a$ late a$ $he wate"(
,he eEmaile" the $-rea"$heet to EliBabeth! the $too" #- a" $tarte" -ac'i. her thi.$( KA$terPL $he hear" EliBabeth yell
from her office( A$ter J#ic'ly a"D#$te" her bl#$hEcolore" maAi "re$$)oe of the few "re$$e$ $he owe" that fit
EliBabeth?$ $trict ' re.#latio)a" $cramble" to her bo$$?$ office! tri--i. o1er a -ile of -a-er$ o the way(
K2o#?re lea1i.! I ta'e itIL EliBabeth a$'e"! ot e1e botheri. to loo' at her(
K2e$! a" I?mo#t tomorrow!L A$ter $ai"! .ritti. her teeth( ,he?" a$'e" for thi$ time off her 1ery fir$t "ay! a" it ha" bee
-rea--ro1e" by HR( EliBabeth 'ew abo#t thi$O $he wa$ D#$t tryi. to .oa" A$ter(
EliBabeth $i.he" melo"ramatically! a$ if A$ter?$ ta'i. off wor' o a 0ri"ay wa$ the mo$t ri"ic#lo#$ reJ#e$t ima.iable(
KWell! "o?t lea1e yet( I wat to ma'e o#r toE"o li$t for Mo"ay( ,it there while I loo' thro#.h my eEmail(L
A$ter -erche" o the chair! hol"i. her oteboo' a" -e at the rea"y! a$ EliBabeth .lowere" at her com-#ter $cree(
E1ery they ma"e a li$t of thi.$ A$ter ee"e" to "o the eAt "ayN $che"#le -ic'#-$ a" "eli1erie$! ret#r call$! boo'
tra1el for im-ortat .#e$t$( A$ter ha" e1er boo'e" tra1el i her life( The fir$t time EliBabeth a$'e" her to "o it! $he?"
trie" to teAt the airlie from her -hoe( ,he?" leare" a lot i the la$t few wee'$! $he with a #familiar $e$e of
A$ter?$ .aBe "rifte" to EliBabeth?$ "e$'( There wa$ a o-e us weekly ear her -hoe! with a f#llE-a.e $tory o the
ra--er Ho fol"e" bac'( Aother ma.aBie $howe" a -hoto of Ho a" a -retty .irl( With a $tart! A$ter realiBe" it wa$ 0a#!
with whom$he?" a-artmet h#te"( ,he a" Ho were "ati.I ,ice wheI
KAre yo# a bi. Ho faIL A$ter a$'e"(
EliBabeth?$ eye$ flic'ere" from the $cree for a beat( KWe?re tryi. to "e$i. a e.a.emet ri. for hi$ fla1or of the
moth(L ,he -oite" at 0a#?$ -ict#re i the ma.aBie! her mo#th a thi lie( KThey came i a few wee'$ a.o a"
ba$ically $ai"! VDaBBle #$(? Tho$e are the wor$t 'i" of cliet$! the oe$ who ha1e o i"ea what they wat( They almo$t
e1er e" #- b#yi. what we "e$i.(L
There wa$ aother 'oc'( Mitch a--eare" i the "oorway( K2o# mi" if I ta'e a loo' at yo#r com-#ter for a $eco"!
EliBabethIL he a$'e"( KI ha1e to r# a J#ic' $ca( It?ll ta'e oe mi#te! I -romi$e(L
K0ie!L EliBabeth $a--e"( KA$ter! "o?t lea1e yet(L
Mitch $te--e" ito the room! $hooti. A$ter a $ym-athetic $mile( A$ter $mile" bac'( ,o far Mitch wa$ the oly .oo" thi.
abo#t thi$ Dob( He chec'e" i o her e1ery "ay! $e"i. her Do'e$ a" bri.i. her re" ,we"i$h fi$h)her fa1orite)to hel-
her .et thro#.h that bitch of a $-rea"$heet( He?" bee the oe to $it with her a" -atietly teach her EAcel)a" to
reco1er the file whe $he acci"etally "elete" it( I A$ter?$ ol" life! $he wo#l" ha1e hel" a -arty i hi$ hoor by ow(
EliBabeth ty-e" away f#rio#$ly o her -hoe! clearly i her ow worl"( A$ter $tare" at the -ict#re of 0a# a" Ho i
lotetvlew. They were i frot of a $te-Ea"Ere-eat at the Chatea# Marmot! oe of A$ter?$ fa1orite -lace$ i 3A( K0a#
come$ from moey too!L $he $ai"! thi'i. alo#"( KHer mom -atete" $ome ew 'i" of -la$tic $#r.ery techiJ#e that
ma"e thema fort#e( ,he oly "ie" a few year$ a.o( 0a#?$ $till "e1a$tate"(L
EliBabeth?$ hea" whi--e" #-( KWhere "i" yo# rea" tbotIL
KI "i"?t rea" it( ,he tol" me(L A$ter for a momet( K2o# 'ow! her mom ha" oe of the mo$t i$ae Dewelry
collectio$ I?1e e1er $ee( 2o# $ho#l" try to #$e that for 0a#?$ ri.( Maybe yo# co#l" ma'e a 1ita.eEi$-ire" -iece that
echoe$ $omethi. fromthe collectioI I bet yo# co#l" fi" a ol" -hoto i voqoe or $omethi.(L
Mitch loo'e" #- fromwhat he wa$ "oi.! hi$ hea" coc'e"( KThat?$ a .reat i"ea(L
EliBabeth ma"e a $wi$hi. motio with her ha"$( K,tic' to "ata etry! A$ter( 3ea1e the cliet maa.emet to the
KAll "oe here!L Mitch iterr#-te"! $ta"i. bac' from the com-#ter( He t#re" bac' towar" the "oor! wi'i. at A$ter
o the way o#t(
A$ter .lace" at her watch a$ EliBabeth lo..e" bac' i to her eEmail! tryi. ot to -aic( Corie wo#l" $erio#$ly frea' o#t
if $he hel" #- the -lae( Or wor$e! $he wo#l" D#$t lea1e A$ter behi"! a" A$ter wo#l" ha1e to ta'e a bos(
KA$ter(L EliBabeth?$ 1oice wa$ col"( KThi$ $-rea"$heet i$?t com-lete(L
A$ter $at #- $ KWhatIL $he a$'e" "#mbly( ,he?" .oe o1er e1ery "ata -oit m#lti-le time$O there wa$ o way
$he?" mi$$e" aythi.(
EliBabeth ta--e" a 0rechEmaic#re" ail$t the $cree! the lie$ aro#" her mo#th .rowi. "ee-er( KI "o?t $ee the
-a$t -#rcha$e$ aywhere o here(L
A$ter $tare" at her bla'ly( K2o# "i"?t a$' me for -a$t -#rcha$e$(L
KWell! yo#?ll ha1e to a"" it! the!L EliBabeth $ai"( K2o# ca "o that tomorrow(L
KI?mot bete tomorrow(L
EliBabeth .lare" at A$ter for a lo. beat! $o lo. that A$ter wa$?t $#re what $he wa$ $#--o$e" to "o( K2o# thi' yo# ca
D#$t come a" .o a$ yo# -lea$e! "o?t yo#IL $he fially $ai"(
KI?m $orry(L A$ter trie" ot to rai$e her 1oice( KI?m ttyloq! I really am( I -romi$e to tac'le thi$ fir$t thi. Mo"ay( +#t I
alrea"y tol" yo# I ee"e" to #$e a 1acatio "ay tomorrow! $o)L
EliBabeth rai$e" a ha"! c#tti. her off( K2o# thi' yo#?re tryi.I That?$ a f#c'i. Do'e! my "ear(L Her eye$ blaBe"( K2o#r
whole family i$ li'e thi$! b#t yo#?re the wor$t of them all( 2o# thi' there are o r#le$( 2o# "o whate1er yo# wat! o
matter what ha--e$ to ayoe el$e alo. the way(L
KThe why "o yo# wor' for #$IL A$ter $hot bac'(
EliBabeth tilte" her chi ito the air( KThat?$ oe of yo#r b#$ie$$(L
@ei$ b#l.e" i the ol"er woma?$ ec'( A" the! $#""ely! A$ter .ot it( EliBabeth wa$?t tal'i. abo#t wor'( ,he koew.
A few "ay$ before A$ter left to mo"el i E#ro-e! $he?" come bac' to Meriweather to $ee Daielle( ,he co#l"?t lea1e for
the $#mmer witho#t $ayi. .oo"Ebye to her be$t frie"( Daielle "i"?t 'ow $he wa$ comi.O it wo#l" be a $#r-ri$e(
The car tire$ cr#che" o1er the .ra1el o the lo. "ri1e a" came to a $to- betwee her family?$ e$tate a" the
.#e$tho#$e( A$ter clo$e" the car "oor J#ietly behi" her! cl#tchi. a Ma.olia cr#mb ca'e)Daielle?$ fa1orite)i oe
ha" a" a bottle of -ro$ecco i the other( ,he cre-t #- the -ath! -a$t Daielle?$ "i$car"e" bicycle a" a b#ch of em-ty
terraEcotta -later$! a" wa$ abo#t to b#r$t thro#.h the frot "oor whe two $ha-e$ $hifte" i frot of the wi"ow(
A$ter ha" -a#$e" a$ $he realiBe"N Daielle ha" a qoy o1er(
A$ter ha" $tarte" to $te- forwar" a" 'oc' ayway)Daielle ha" iterr#-te" her fair $hare of A$ter?$ hoo'#-$! after
all)whe $he "i" a "o#ble ta'e( Daielle wa$ i there with Ma$oO A$ter?$ father?$ arm$ were wra--e" aro#" the
A$ter $too" there! froBe! for a lo. beat( ,he of how her father ha" $tare" at Daielle oly a co#-le of wee'$
a.o( What a fool $he?" bee(
,he ra bli"ly towar" the ho#$e! lo#" $ob$ er#-ti. fromher che$t( net fotbet ooJ bet best ftleoJ( It wa$ li'e $omethi.
off a tra$hy tal' $how( How co#l" $he e1er face either of them a.aiI The a$wer! A$ter "eci"e" after "ri'i. the bottle
of -ro$ecco by her$elf a" $tari. bla'ly at the 'itche wall! wa$ that $he wo#l"?t(
A$ter la$te" oly a co#-le of moth$ i Pari$( All her -ict#re$ were o#t$ta"i.! b#t mo$t of the -hoto.ra-her$ ha"
ref#$e" to e1er wor' with her ,he co#l"?t really blame them! co$i"eri. that $he?" "r#'ely i$#lte" all of
them! $howe" #- hi.h to almo$t e1ery $hoot! a" almo$t $et fire to oe of the $t#"io$( Whe $he la"e" bac' i the
,tate$ at the e" of the $#mmer! $he ha"?t e1e wate" to atte" the family?$ a#al 3abor Day -arty( ,he tol" her
-aret$ that $he wo#l" be .oi. to the Ham-to$ i$tea"( To her $#r-ri$e! E"ith wa$ the oe who calle" a" i$i$te" that
$he be there(
KA$ter!L her .ra"mother ha" comma"e"! KI "o?t care what yo#r rea$o$ are for ot wati. to come)yo# will be at
Meriweather for the e"EofE$#mmer -arty( No eAc#$e$( We?re celebrati. Po--y thi$ year( Come for her $a'e! if othi.
KO'ay!L A$ter ha" $ai"! cowe"( No oe co#l" e1er $ay o to E"ith(
A" $o A$ter ha" $howe" #- at Meriweather! her $tomach a er1o#$ 'ot of "rea"(
What if $he Ma$o a" Daielle to.ether oqoloI Were they $till $eei. each otherI Di" ayoe 'owI
A$ter maa.e" to a1oi" her -aret$ for mo$t of the -arty( +#t e1et#ally Ma$o a" Peelo-e ha" fo#" their way to
her( They were accom-aie" by ,te1e +arett! the creati1e "irector of ,aybroo'?$ a" Pa-a Alfre"?$ lo.E$ta"i. ri.htE
ha" ma( A$ter wo"ere" if he wa$ #-$et abo#t Po--y?$ -romotioO before her .ra"father?$ "eath! a lot of -eo-le ha" he be the eAt -re$i"et( +#t he $eeme" ha--y eo#.h! .rii. wi"ely a" hol"i. a .la$$ f#ll of
KWell! well( Hello! A$ter!L Peelo-e $ai" coolly! her eye$ ta'i. i A$ter?$ 1ery $hort white "re$$( ,he 'ew how ba"ly
A$ter ha" $crewe" #- i E#ro-e( It wa$ writte all o1er her face(
Ma$o"e" A$ter with a miA of cof#$io! h#rt! a" KThe bill at the Geor.e @ wa$ a$troomical(L
KI ha" a few .etEto.ether$!L A$ter $ai" $tiffly! cro$$i. her arm$(
KOh! yo# ca affor" it! Ma$o!L ,te1e +arett $ai"! $mili. at A$ter( Hi$ wor"$ were $l#rre"O A$ter wo"ere" D#$t how
"r#' he wa$( KA" yo#?re oly yo#. oce(L
Ma$o D#$t $tare" at A$ter( ,he $tare" bac'(
KI ee" aother "ri'!L $he ao#ce"! a" t#re" to wal' away fromher -aret$ witho#t a $eco" .lace(
KMe too!L ,te1e $ai"! a" to her $#r-ri$e! he wal'e" with her towar" the bar( K,o!L he $ai" i a low 1oice( K2o# ca tell
me the tr#th( Di" yo# .o wil" i Pari$ beca#$e yo# were tryi. to .et o1er a bro'e heartIL
A$ter $iffe"( K,ort of(L It wa$ clo$e to the tr#th(
KPoor! -oor A$ter!L ,te1e m#rm#re"! hi$ toe a" tea$i.( He $tare" at her for a lo. time( A$ter 'ew that he wa$
metally #"re$$i. her)a" to her $#r-ri$e! $he 'i" of li'e" it(
Wor"le$$ly! they t#re" a" $tarte" away from the re$t of the -arty( KA" what?$ thi$ I hear abo#t yo# J#itti.
mo"eli.IL ,te1e a$'e"(
A$ter -laye" with the lo. ec'lace that ha" bee " i her clea1a.e( KI wo#l"?t call it J#itti.!L $he $ai"( KI wo#l"
call it bei. a$'e" e1er to mo"el
K1sk.L ,te1e?$ breath wa$ hot o her chee'$! a" $melle" of whi$'ey a" ,-earmit .#m( KWe "i"?t e1e .et to wor'
The ba$$ ote$ fromthe $ta.e th#m-e" lo#"ly i her ear$( A$ter .a1e hima -layf#l $wat! b#t he her ha" a" hel"
it har"( Her $tomach $woo-e"( Whe he reache" o#t a" to#che" the bac' of A$ter?$ ec'! $he $h#""ere"(
,te1e .e$t#re" with hi$ hea" towar" the ree"$( KWat to come $ee my yachtIL
KDo yo# $ay that to all the .irl$IL A$ter .i..le"( ,he $#""ely felt rec'le$$ a" $t#-i"! a" $he "i"?t .i1e a $hit! the way
$he?" felt i Pari$ after "oi. a lie of co'e( ,he reache" for ,te1e?$ ha" a" too' it! followi. him towar" the beach a$
if $he wa$ "oi. othi. wro.( ,he hear" $omeoe .a$- a" faltere" for a momet( Po--y $too" froBe! a "ri' i ha"!
loo'i. at A$ter with a .#ar"e" eA-re$$io( +#t the A$ter of e1erythi. her father ha" "oe! a" fo#" that $he
"i"?t care aymore! ot e1e if Po--y D#".e" her(
Her heart -o#"e" a$ $he followe" ,te1e to the beach( 2e$! $he "eci"e"! $he wo#l" hoo' #- with hot! ol"er ,te1e
+arett! e1e tho#.h it wa$ hi"eo#$ly ia--ro-riate)maybe becoose it wa$ hi"eo#$ly ia--ro-riate( Her father a"
Daielle were?t the oly oe$ who co#l" "o whate1er they wate" a" .et away with it(
Now! i EliBabeth?$ office! A$ter $h#t her eye$! tryi. to fi" her ceter( KWe ca c#t the cra-!L $he $ai"( KWe both 'ow
what thi$ i$ abo#t(L
K+y all mea$!L EliBabeth $ai"( KEli.hte me(L
KThe with ,te1e(L A$ter $tare" at her( K2o# 'ow that he a" I)L
EliBabeth leae" bac'! $#""ely col" a" a$$e$$i.( ,he "i"?t loo' $#r-ri$e"(
KI?m$orry! o'ayI It wa$?t abo#t ,te1e! if that hel-$( It wa$ more abo#t -i$$i. off my "a"! a")L
K*e$#$ Chri$t( 5top.L
A$ter loo'e" #-( There wa$ a $tra.e $mile o EliBabeth?$ face( K2o# thi' I care abo#t thatI 2o# were oe of may! my
"ear( A" tho$e were D#$t the oe$ I koew abo#t! the -eo-le aro#" tow(L
A$ter $tare" at the floor! ot 'owi. what to $ay( KOh! #m( ( (L
KTo be hoe$t! I?" my h#$ba" i$ "ea"( 2o#r co#$i "i" #$ all a fa1or(L
A$ter loo'e" #-( KWait( WhatIL
EliBabeth coc'e" her hea"( K2o#r co#$i Po--y "i" #$ a fa1or by 'illi. ,te1e(L
A$ter bli'e" har"( KEAc#$e meIL Di" $he D#$t $ay Po--y kllleJ ,te1eI A$ter b#r$t o#t la#.hi.( KThat?$ craBy(L
EliBabeth loo'e" am#$e"( K2o# "i"?t 'owIL
A$ter ra her to.#e o1er her teeth( K,te1e +arett "ra' too m#ch a" "rowe"(L
KOh! that?$ what the -a-er$ $ai"( +#t I $aw that craBy bitch $ta"i. o1er my h#$ba" o yo#r family?$ maria the of
that -arty( He wa$ mo$t "efiitely "ea" ( ( ( a" $he wa$ the oly oe there(L
Kwbot?L A$ter $ai" $lowly( EliBabeth D#$t $tare" bac' at her! her eA-re$$io .ra1e( ,he meat what $he wa$ $ayi.! A$ter
co#l" tell(
+#t it co#l"?t be tr#e( A$ter .ra--le" to remember that ,te1e ha" ta'e her "ow to the beach! where they?"
#"re$$e"( ,he?" remaie" o the $a" for a lo. time after he left! $tari. at the $tar$( Where ha" Po--y bee "#ri.
that timeI 0ollowi. ,te1e to hi$ yachtI klllloq himI
A$ter bli'e" at her bo$$( KDi" yo# tell ayoe el$e abo#t thi$IL
EliBabeth $hoo' her hea"( KI?mthe oly oe who 'ow$! "arli.( I "o?t thi' yo#r co#$i wet aro#" telli. -eo-le( A"
I?m$#re if ayoe i yo#r family 'ew! they 'e-t it a $ecret)the way yo# ,aybroo'$ "o(L ,he ch#c'le" a$tily(
KDi" yo# osk Po--y abo#t itIL
EliBabeth $orte"( KPo--y a" I were?t eAactly frie"$( +#t li'e I $ai"! Po--y "i" me a fa1or( I?" he?$ .oe(L
A$ter $we-t her arm aro#" the room( KThe why "o yo# $till ha1e yo#r we""i. -ict#re #-IL ,omethi. "i"?t a"" #-
here( A horrible $tr#c' her! a" $he $coote" bac' from EliBabeth! $#""ely terrifie"( KDi" yoo 'ill Po--yIL $he
whi$-ere"( KO#t of re1e.eIL
EliBabeth rolle" her eye$( KNo! Ma.#m! P(I( I wa$ i 3o$ A.ele$ that mori.( A" I?m ot a m#r"erer(L ,he -oite" to
the we""i. -hoto.ra-h( KI 'ee- it a$ a homa.e! I $#--o$e( ,te1e wa$ a a$$hole! b#t I lo1e" him oce( A" I lo1e that
I iherite" e1erythi.(L
A$ter felt o#t of breath( KO'ay( Okoy. If what yo# $ai" ls tr#e! why ha1e?t yo# $ai" aythi. to the -oliceIL
K*e$#$! yo# ote $low(L EliBabeth .rabbe" a -ac' of Parliamet$ from i$i"e a "e$' "rawer a" $hoo' o#t a ci.arette( KI
alrea"y tol" yo# I?" he?$ .oe( I D#$t wate" it o1er(L
Her wor"$ $et a $hi1er "ow A$ter?$ $-ie( KIt $o#"$ more li'e yo# ha1e 'ille" ,te1e! ot Po--y(L
EliBabeth ch#c'le"( KI wi$h( What yo#r co#$i "i" wa$ brilliat! really)I wo#l" e1er ha1e to D#$t -#$h him i the
water a" ma'e it loo' li'e a "rowi.(L Her eye$ $-ar'le"( KMy $cheme$ were alway$ a bit more ( ( ( .ra-hic(L
A$ter $tare" o#t the wi"ow at the H#"$o far below( K+Eb#t why wo#l" Po--y klll ,te1eIL Po--y ha" D#$t bee
-romote"! after all( ,he?" met *ame$ that $#mmerO ot lo. after the -arty! they?" become e.a.e"( ,he ha" $o m#ch to
li1e for ( ( ( a" $o m#ch to lo$e(
EliBabeth too' a lo. "ra. a" blew a $mo'e ri.( KPerha-$ yo# are?t the oly oe i the family with $ecret$! my "ear
K,o yo#?re $ayi. Po--y wa$ co1eri. $omethi. #-IL
EliBabeth $hr#..e"( KMaybe( I .#e$$ ow we?ll e1er 'ow(L
A$ter $too"! her le.$ $ha'y( KI?m.oi. ow!L $he ao#ce"(
KHa1e a f# wee'e" with the fomlly!L EliBabeth $ai"! $omehow maa.i. to ma'e it $o#" li'e a "irty wor"( K2o# ca fiA
thi$ me$$ of a $-rea"$heet o Mo"ay( Oh! a" A$terIL $he a""e"( KI?" 'ee- o#r little chat a $ecret if I were yo#(L
To Corie! it alway$ $eeme" a$ tho#.h the com-o#" i Meriweather emer.e" thro#.h a thic' wall of mi$t li'e a ca$tle
i a fairy tale! a" it wa$ o "ifferet whe $he a" her co#$i$ rolle" #- the "ri1eway that e1ei. for the bachelorette
wee'e"( The ma$io .leame" i the $etti. $#( The air $melle" of $alt a" flower$( +ri.htly colore" "affo"il$ eA-lo"e"
fromo1er$iBe -later$( ,omeoe ha" h#. a baer o1er the frot "oorway that rea" KHa--y +achelorette! Corie(L
Corie felt -aie"( KG#y$! yo# $ho#l"?t ha1e(L
KAct#ally! we "i"?t(L A$ter $hr#..e"(
A$ter loo'e" at Corie for a beat too lo.! the hefte" her moo.ramme" "#ffel o1er her $ho#l"er( ,omethi. abo#t
A$ter $eeme" off to"ay)there were circle$ #"er her eye$ a" a "raw loo' to her face! a" $he?" barely $ai" aythi.
o the #-(
Maybe $he wa$ "i$ that they were .oi. to Meriweather witho#t Po--y( Or maybe her abr#-t cha.e of life$tyle
wa$ ta'i. it$ toll( Corie wate" to reach o#t to A$ter! b#t who wa$ $he to "ole o#t a"1iceI ,he?" D#$t $le-t with a eAE
boyfrie"! wee'$ before her we""i.( O the floor of the ,t( Re.i$ wie cellar! $he a""e" to her$elf! a$ tho#.h tbot wa$
what ma"e it $o $hoc'i.(
,he?" wal'e" home that! $t#mbli. #- 0ifth A1e#e i her heel$( The $i"ewal' wa$ fially $tarti. to cool! b#t the
$#mmer air wa$ $tic'y a" warm( What ha" $he loo'e" li'e to the "oorma whe $he?" $ta..ere" thro#.h the lobbyI
>-$tair$! $he?" fo#" DiAo a$lee- i hi$ 'ha'i$ a" -olo! a beer o the$ta"!$ o( Ha" he bee waiti. #- for
+#t! a$ $he #"re$$e" a" $howere"! $he co#l"?t $to- thi'i. abo#t Will! abo#t hi$ ha"$ o e1ery -art of her( ,he
$h#""ere"( No matter how har" $he $cr#bbe" her $'i! $he co#l" $till feel where he?" to#che" her( The wor$t -art wa$!
$he wate" it to ha--e
No! yo# "o?t! $he wille" $iletly( Or at lea$t $he $he?" $ai" it to her$elf)whe $he loo'e" #-! A$ter! Rowa! a"
Nata$ha $too" at the frot "oor! $tari. at her i atici-atio! a$ if waiti. for her to fii$h her $etece( ,he $mile" at
them( If $he 'e-t -rete"i. othi. wa$ wro.! maybe $he co#l" co1ice her$elf it wa$ tr#e(
loke lt tlll yoo moke lt! $he co#l" hear Po--y telli. her o her fir$t "ay of wor' bac' i the city( lf yoote cooflJeot, tbeyll
fotqet oboot yoot oome ooJ ttost yoo koow wbot yoote Joloq. nell, moybe yoo eveo Jo. ,he?" wi'e" at Corie)they
both 'ew $he wa$ more tha J#alifie" for her Dob( ,he wa$ well tra1ele" a" $-o'e $e1eral la.#a.e$! b#t the la$t year
ha" rattle" her( While e1eryoe $he wa$ i Ho. Ho.! $he?" bee hole" #- i @ir.iia! 'ee-i. the bi..e$t
$ecret of her life(
Now Corie .rabbe" her ba.$! -#che" i the 'ey co"e at the frot "oor! a" wal'e" ito the ho#$e( The foyer $melle"
li'e 3emo Ple".e a" la1e"erO e1e tho#.h the e$tate wa$ mo$tly #occ#-ie" "#ri. the offE$ea$o! the family 'e-t a
$taff of fo#r yearEro#"( There wa$ a bottle of wie waiti. i the ice b#c'et! a" a marble tray beari. chee$e a"
crac'er$ $at o the coffee table( There wa$ a lo#" meow! a" Hal1i! the e$tate?$ cat! $l#' o#t from a bac' room a"
r#bbe" #-$t Corie?$ a'le$(
Corie -ette" hi$ ora.eEa"Ewhite f#r! feeli. a -a.( Po--y ha" fo#" Hal1i year$ a.o o the $i"e of the roa" ear
the family?$ farm a" flow him here i her "a"?$ -ri1ate -laeO they?" ta'e t#r$ fee"i. him mil' a" bri.i. him to
their be"$( I fact! evetytbloq i thi$ -lace)the 1el1et chair Po--y ha" c#rle" #- i with a boo'! the lo. c#rtai$ Po--y
ha" hi""e behi" i .ame$ of hi"eEa"E$ee'! the $wee-i. $tairca$e Po--y ha" wal'e" "ow o the "ay of her
we""i.)remi"e" Corie of her co#$i( ,he .lace" aro#"! otici. Rowa a" A$ter?$ "raw eA-re$$io$( They
were -robably thi'i. abo#t Po--y too(
KO'ay! la"ie$!L $he $ai" to her co#$i$ a" $i$ter! $ha'ily .#i"i. e1eryoe to the $itti. room( K0ir$t thi.$ fir$t( The$e are
for yo#(L ,he .e$t#re" to a ba. $he?"! f#ll of wra--e" .ift$(
KThat?$ $o ice of yo#!L Rowa $ai"! her 1oice o""ly melacholy! a$ tho#.h $he were .oi. to b#r$t ito tear$(
Nata$ha $a' "ow ito a lo#.e chair( Ha1i. her here wa$ Darri.( Whe ha" they la$t bee to.ether)a$i"e from
f#eral$I A -a. $tr#c' Corie! a$ $he remembere" how c#te Nata$ha #$e" to be( Oe year! whe Nata$ha wa$ abo#t
$e1e! $he?" "eci"e" $he wate" to be a Olym-ic fi.#re $'ater whe $he .rew #-( All of them! e1e Po--y! who wa$
m#ch ol"er by the! -#t o fl#ffy $'irt$! too' off their $oc'$! a" $'ate" o the woo" floor a$ her com-etitor$! tho#.h it
wa$ #writte that Nata$ha wo#l" wi( KA -erfect tePL the co#$i$ ha" crowe" to the little .irl! $motheri. her with
Now Nata$ha ri--e" ito the -ac'a.e( KPrettyPL $he whoo-e" a$ $he #1eile" the -a$hmia wra- #"ereath( K*#$t li'e
we wore for Po--y?$ we""i.(L
KThat?$ what .a1e me the i"ea!L Corie $ai" $hyly( Po--y ha" .otte marrie" at Meriweather fo#r year$ a.o( They?" $at
i thi$ 1ery room before her we""i.! a" $he ha" .i1e each of them $imilar .ift$( It wa$ a December we""i.! $o tho$e
wra-$ were f#rElie"( ,he?" al$o .i1e the .irl$ f#r m#ff$ a" hat$O they?" all boar"e" a hor$eE"raw carria.e to .o to the
Ol" Whali. Ch#rch o the mai i$la"( The .ro#" ha" bee co1ere" with cri$-! #to#che" $ow! the $tar$ twi'le" i
the $'y! a" the ch#rch wa$ alrea"y "ecorate" for Chri$tma$! $il1er a" .ol" ball$ e1erywhere! the whole altar fille" with
amarylli$e$( After Po--y a" *ame$ .ot marrie"! they?" .oe o a $eco" $lei.h ri"e bac' to the ho#$e! $i.i. Chri$tma$
carol$( Corie a" DiAo! $oli"ly bac' to.ether by the! ha" h#""le" clo$e to 'ee- warm(
A$ter?$ eye$ fille" with tear$( Rowa "ro--e" the wra- i the boA! her face twi$te" with -ai( Corie trie" to breathe i!
b#t it felt a$ if there were a loa" of bric'$ o her che$t( ,he loo'e" to the "oorway! -ict#ri. Po--y $te--i. thro#.h!
crowi.! no, bo! lt wos oll o joke!
A$ter .rabbe" the wie bottle a" -o#re" fo#r .la$$e$( ,he -ic'e" #- oe a" hel" it i the air( KA toa$t to Po--y( I "o?t
'ow what we?re .oi. to "o witho#t her(L
Corie cho$e a .la$$ fromthe remaii. three( KTo Po--y(L
E1eryoe $i--e" J#ietly! the $tra.e moo" $ettli. aro#" them Corie $#c'e" i her $tomach! ho-i. e1eryoe
wo#l" cheer #-( The Nata$ha?$ -hoe! which wa$ $itti. o the coffee table! bleate"( O i$tict! Corie .lace" "ow(
A familiar 545 #mber wa$ o the $cree(
A$ter wa$ loo'i. at the -hoe too( 0oleyIL
Nata$ha .rabbe" the -hoe a" $ilece" it( K,he wat$ to iter1iew me( I wi$h $he?" D#$t "ro- it(L
A$ter fliche"( K2o# ha1e?t "oe yo#r iter1iew yetIL
Nata$ha $hr#..e"( KThi.$ 'ee- comi. #-(L
K+#t e1eryoe el$e ha$ tal'e" to her alrea"y!L Corie $ai" $oftly! irritate" by Nata$ha?$ ca1alier attit#"e! a$ if fi"i.
Po--y?$ m#r"erer wa$ D#$t a bi. ico1eiece(
Nata$ha t#re" her -hoe o1er( KTo be hoe$t! the 0+I $eem$ 'i" of #$ele$$( Do?t yo# thi'I They "o?t e1e ha1e a
$i.le $#$-ect(L
E1eryoe eAcha.e" a .lace(
K2o# "o?t 'ow that for $#re!L Rowa $ai"(
Nata$ha cro$$e" her arm$ o1er her che$t( KWhat abo#t *ame$IL Hal1i D#m-e" o Nata$ha?$ la- a" be.a 'ea"i. at
her le.$( K2o# alway$ hear that the h#$ba" i$ the fir$t $#$-ectI Maybe *ame$ ha" a moti1e(L
K*ame$ "i"?t "o it!L Rowa $ai"! "i$mi$$i. the i"ea o#t of ha"(
KI a.ree!L Corie $ai"( *ame$ $eeme" $o "e1ote" to Po--y! $o -ro#" of all $he?" accom-li$he"( Oe time! whe they
were all at Meriweather! Po--y wa$ bei. feat#re" o the co1er of 1lme ma.aBie( *ame$ ha" .otte #- at $iA i the
mori. to "ri1e to the maila"?$ ew$$ta" to b#y the fir$t co-ie$ the "ay it came o#t! e1e tho#.h the family ha"
recei1e" a"1ace co-ie$ the "ay before( He wa$ $o eAcite" whe he -#lle" bac' ito the "ri1eway(
A$ter cro$$e" her arm$ o1er her che$t( K3et?$ tal' abo#t $omethi. el$e(L
K2e$! maybe we $ho#l" .o thro#.h -ict#re$IL Corie $ai" lo#"ly( ,he wate" to choo$e $ome -hoto$ of the family to
"i$-lay at the we""i.( 1be weJJloq( E1e i Corie?$ mi"! $he co#l"?t call it bet we""i.(
KHow ca yo# be $o $#reIL Nata$ha challe.e"! loo'i. at Rowa( K>le$$ ( ( ( yo# were wltb himIL
,hame fla$he" acro$$ Rowa?$ face( KA$ a matter of fact! I wa$! o'ayIL $he bl#rte" o#t( KHe wa$ at my a-artmet( I my
beJ. Are yo# ha--y owIL Rowa hi" her face i her ha"$(
KOh my Go"!L Corie hear" her$elf $ay( The roomwa$ $ilet eAce-t for Hal1i?$ -#rr$( ,he met her $i$ter?$ .aBeO for oce!
$he loo'e" a$ $hoc'e" a$ Corie felt( ,he cleare" her throat a" loo'e" at Rowa( KI mea! how "i" it ha--eIL
With her hea" $till "ow! Rowa eA-laie" how *ame$ ha" come o1er! co1ice" Po--y wa$ ha1i. a affair( KWe were
$o "r#'! a" oe thi. le" to aother!L $he $ai" at the e"( KA" whe I .ot to the office a" Po--y wa$ "ea")I it wa$ my fa#lt( I *ame$ tol" her ( ( ( a" $he D#m-e"(L
Corie remembere" how Rowa ha" $eeme" almo$t relie1e" to hear that Po--y wa$ m#r"ere"( ,he co#l"?t
the .#ilt $he m#$t be carryi. aro#" with her( A" $he co#l"?t D#".e Rowa for $lee-i. with *ame$( Not after what
sbeJ "oe( 2o# $ho#l" tell them! Corie! the otio -i.i. ito her hea"(
Rowa?$ $ho#l"er$ hea1e" #- a" "ow( KI "o?t 'ow what to thi' ow( I D#$t wi$h ( ( (L ,he traile" off! her .aBe
towar" the $tair$(
KI$ it .oi. to coti#eIL Corie "are" to a$'(
Rowa $tare" at her with ro#" eye$( ,he bli'e" oce! the loo'e" at the .ro#"( KIt ha--ee"!L $he a"mitte"!
cri.i. a$ $he $ai" the wor"$( K+#t if Po--y wa$ with $omeoe el$e! maybe ( ( ( oh! I "o?t 'ow(L ,he $hoo' her hea"(
Corie co#l" $ee two i"ea$ warri. i her mi"N that what $he?" "oe wa$ wro. a" #for.i1able! b#t that if Po--y ha"
"oe it fir$t! the maybe ( ( (
KDo yo# really thi' Po--y wa$ ha1i. a affairIL Corie a$'e"(
Rowa o""e"! eA-laii. the rea$o for *ame$?$ $#$-icio( ,he al$o tol" them abo#t her ol" a$$i$tat otici. ##$#al
a--oitmet$ i her cale"ar( K,he wa$ $ea'i. aro#"!L $he $ai"( KTelli. lie$( I "o?t 'ow(L
KDo we ha1e ay i"ea who Po--y wa$ withIL Nata$ha a$'e"! her brow f#rrowe"(
Rowa "raie" the re$t of her wie( KNo cl#e( I ha" o i"ea aythi. wa$ .oi. o(L
KMe! either!L Corie offere"(
KDefiitely ot!L A$ter a.ree"(
K+#t $ay $he wos ha1i. a affair!L Nata$ha -i-e" #-! .ri--i. the $i"e$ of her chair( KI$?t that e1e mote of a rea$o
to $#$-ect *ame$I He $he wa$ ha1i. a affair( Maybe he e1e cooqbt her( There co#l" be more to the $tory(L
Rowa $tare" at her har"! her mo#th $mall( KHe?$ telli. the tr#th(L
KMaybe yo# D#$t thi' that beca#$e yo#?re with himow!L Nata$ha ar.#e"( K2o# ha1e to loo' at the bi. -ict#re(L
The 1oice i Corie?$ hea" .rew lo#"er( oo sboolJ tell tbem. oo coot jost slt bete, pteteoJloq yoote petfect.
Rowa $hoo' her hea" 1ehemetly( KI left the ho#$e before *ame$ "i"( +y the time I .ot to the office! Po--y wa$ "ea"(L
Nata$ha cro$$e" her arm$ o1er her che$t( KWell! "i" ayoe $ee himlea1eIL
Rowa lea-e" #- from the chair a" -ace" o1er to the wi"ow that o1erloo'e" the $ea( KHe "i"?t 'ill Po--y! o'ay!
Nata$haI He D#$t "i"?t(L
Corie hear" the 1oice! a" thi$ time it wa$ boomi.( 1ell tbem, it $ai"( 1ell tbem, tell tbem, tell tbem. KI cheate"
o DiAo!L $he bl#rte"! D#$t to $ilece it(
All hea"$ t#re"( A$ter?$ mo#th "ro--e" o-e! her face li'e a chara"e$ cl#e for the wor" sbockeJ( Rowa bli'e" har"!
$ome of the color lea1i. her chee'$( Nata$ha?$ eyebrow$ 'itte" to.ether(
KWith wboIL Rowa a$'e"! wal'i. bac' fromthe wi"ow(
Corie too' a lo. $i- fromthe .la$$ i frot of her( KWill Cooli".e(L It wa$ tort#re e1e to #tter hi$ ame(
E1eryoe D#$t $tare" bla'ly( It wa$ Nata$ha who $-o'e fir$t( KThe .#y fromCoA$waiI Hi$ ame wa$ i yo#r Do#ral(L
Corie .ritte" her teeth( Nata$ha m#$t ha1e really $t#"ie" that +le$$e" a" the C#r$e" -o$t to ha1e fo#" tbot( KThat?$!L $he $ai" J#ietly( KI met him the $#mmer DiAo a" I bro'e #-(L ,he cleare" her throat( KOly Po--y 'ew abo#t
,he -ee'e" at her family! a hot flare of $hame i her chee'$( Rowa loo'e" $t#e"( Nata$ha ha" her arm$ cro$$e" o1er
her che$t( A" A$ter wa$ bli'i. ra-i"ly! a$ tho#.h her 1i$io ha" bl#rre" a" $he wa$ waiti. for the worl" to it$elf
KNow he?$ a chef! "oi. the foo" for o#r we""i.( DiAo co#l"?t come to the wie -airi.! a" it D#$t ( ( (L ,he traile" off(
The $he loo'e" at her la-! feari. the eA-re$$io$ o e1eryoe?$ face( KI "o?t 'ow what ha--ee"(L
A $mall ha" to#che" her 'ee( A$ter wa$ $tari. at her( KIt?$ o'ay( We all ma'e mi$ta'e$(L
Corie $wallowe" har"( K+#t l "o?t!L $he $a--e"! her eye$ filli.
Rowa ret#re" to her $eat a" -o#re" aother .la$$ of wie( KO'ay! for.i1e me for $ayi. thi$! b#t are yo# $#re yo#
wat to .et marrie"I Are yo# $#re DiAo?$ the -er$o for yo#IL
KOf cootse he i$!L Corie a$were"( KIt wa$ D#$t col" feet( I ha" to tell yo# .#y$ to .et it off my che$t( +#t ow it?$ fie(
It?$ o1er(L ,he trie" to ta'e a breath! b#t it $till felt li'e a -ile of bric'$ o her che$t(
Nata$ha leae" bac' o the co#ch( KWhy "i" yo# a" Will brea' #-IL
The memory wa$he" o1er her li'e a wa1e( It wa$ the of the e"EofE$#mmer -arty! the $ame ,te1e +arett
"ie"( Corie $too" barefoot o the col" marble floor i the #-$tair$ *ac'Ea"E*ill bathroom that $tra""le" her a"
Po--y?$ be"room$( E1eryoe el$e wa$ "ow$tair$ o the -atio! celebrati. Po--y?$ -romotio! b#t Corie ha" retreate"
#-$tair$ for -ri1acy( ,he #wra--e" a -re.acy te$t fromit$ -la$tic a" $tare" at it for a lo. time(
Her hea" ha" bee $-ii. all "ay! her $tomach ha" t#re" at the chic'e $ala" the coo' ha" -re-are" for l#ch! her
brea$t$ ha" felt $wolle for a wee'! a" her -erio" wa$ late)teolly late( Earlier! $he ha" ta'e the car o#t to a "r#.$tore
acro$$ the i$la"! ite"i. to -#rcha$e the te$t! b#t $he?" bee $o frea'e" o#t abo#t bri.i. it to the re.i$ter that $he?"
$li--e" it ito the -oc'et of her ca$hmere car"i.a a" wal'e" o#t witho#t -ayi.( I oe $#mmer! $he?" become a .irl
$he "i"?t reco.iBe(
,he $at o the toilet! -ee" o the $tic'! a" the $too" #-! the te$t wa" i her ha"( ,lowly the "ye fille" the re$#lt
wi"ow( The cotrol lie a--eare"! a" the $eco" lie -o--e" #- imme"iately! the -i' "ye cheerf#l a"
Corie?$ heart -o#"e"( Her ear$ felt wet a" f#ll! a$ they alway$ "i" whe $he felt $he fait( Her$ ha"
$tarte" to $ha'e( 5toplJ, stoplJ qltl(
A -artic#larly lo#" wa1e cra$he"$t the roc'$! a" Corie loo'e" #-( KI ha" thi$ -la for my life( A" e1erythi. ha"
alway$ .oe accor"i. to my -la(L uotll tbot sommet! $he a""e" to her$elf( KWill wa$?t -art of the -la( ,o DiAo a" I
.ot bac' to.ether a" I wet to Ho. Ho. for wor'(L Aci" fille" Corie?$ throat! thi'i. of the $ecret $he $till co#l"?t
$ay alo#"( Of what ha--ee" eAt( KPo--y tol" himI wa$ lea1i.( I wa$ too b#$y to "o it my$elf!L $he lie"(
A$ter wa$ $tari. at her( KI ha1e $omethi. craBy to tell yo# .#y$ too( It?$ abo#t my bo$$! EliBabeth( ,te1e +arett?$ wife(
,he tol" me $omethi. ( ( ( o""( ,omethi. abo#t Po--y(L ,he $moothe" her "re$$( KEliBabeth $ai" $he $aw Po--y
$ta"i. o1er ,te1e?$ bo"y the of the -arty( ,he $ai" loppy 'ille" him(L
A Dolt wet thro#.h Corie( KWhatI That?$ i$ae(L
KRi"ic#lo#$!L Rowa a.ree"(
KWell! EliBabeth $eeme" $#re of it( A" whe I a$'e" her what her moti1e wa$! EliBabeth ma"e a referece to $ome $ort
of $ecret i the family( ,omethi. $he Po--y wa$ 'ee-i.( ,he $ai" ot to tell ayoe! b#t I mea! yo# $ho#l"
Nata$ha co#.he" lo#"ly(
Rowa wri'le" her o$e( K,te1e "rowe"( There wa$ o $ecret( A" Po--y?$ ot a m#r"erer(L
K,erio#$ly!L Corie $ai" $ha'ily(
Po--y klllloq $omeoeI It wo#l" be li'e fi"i. o#t E"ith "rowe" -#--ie$ i the batht#b( It $im-ly wa$?t $omethi. a
,aybroo' wo#l" "o( +#t the $he abo#t that $#mmer! a" the year $he?" $taye" away from her family( The baby
$he?" ha" i $ecret a" .i1e away( The $he?" $-et with Will( A ,aybroo' wo#l"?t "o ay of tho$e thi.$! either(
KMaybe it wa$ a acci"et!L A$ter $#..e$te"( +#t the $he frowe"( KPo--y wo#l" ha1e $ai" $omethi. to the -olice!
Nata$ha ta--e" her foot( KWhat if Po--y JlJ 'ill ,te1eI What if hi$ m#r"er ha" to "o with Po--y?$ "eathIL
A$ter coc'e" her hea"( KHowIL
KWell ( ( (L Nata$ha for a momet( KWhat if $omeoe clo$e to ,te1e $aw it ha--eI A" what if that -er$o
wate" re1e.eIL
K3i'e whoIL Rowa a$'e"(
E1eryoe $tare" at oe aother bla'ly( Nata$ha $too" #-( KI "o?t 'ow! b#t thi$ $eem$ li'e a really im-ortat -iece of
iformatio( We ee" to tell $omeoe(L
Corie $hoo' her hea"! remaii. $eate"( KIt -robably i$?t tr#e( 0or all we 'ow! llzobetb 'ille" ,te1e(L
K,he $ai" $he "i"?t!L A$ter -i-e" #-! b#t the her eye$ $li" to the K+#t $he JlJ $ay $he wa$ ha--y ,te1e wa$
K,eeI There yo# .o!L Corie $ai"! a $tory #f#rli. i her mi"( KWhat if EliBabeth D#$t tol" yo# that! eA-ecti. yo#?" .o
to the co-$ with the $toryI Remember! Po--y too' ,te1e?$ Dob)"ee- "ow! EliBabeth co#l" $till be bitter( Maybe $he
blame$ Po--y for ,te1e?$ "eath)if he?" bee -romote" i$tea" of Po--y! -erha-$ he wo#l"?t ha1e "r#' $o m#ch
that a" falle off the boat( +#t $he tell$ yo# Po--y octoolly 'ille" him i ho-e$ of tari$hi. her re-#tatio( The
co-$ wo#l" lea' it to the me"ia! o#r whole family wo#l" be embarra$$e"! a" Po--y wo#l" be a "i$.race(L
A$ter tilte" her hea"( KCo#l" yo# the fiel" "ay the -re$$ wo#l" ha1e with thi$I Po--y! a $ecret m#r"erer all the$e
KI?mwith A$ter!L Corie $ai"( KWe?re ot "ra..i. Po--y?$ ame thro#.h the m#"(L
K+#t what if thi$ i$ a $erio#$ lea"IL Nata$ha crie"( KWhat if ,te1e JlJ 'ow a $ecret that Po--y ee"e" to 'ee- J#ietIL
Rowa arrowe" her eye$( K2o# $eemawf#lly $#re abo#t thi$ theory( I$ there $omethi. yo# ha1e?t tol" #$IL
Nata$ha .lace" away fa$t( KWhy wo#l" l 'ow aythi.IL
A$ter $too" too! a" -lace" her ha"$ o her hi-$( KIf yo#?re 'ee-i. $omethi. from #$! Nata$ha! ow i$ the time to
KI "o?t 'ow what yo#?re tal'i. abo#t!L Nata$ha .rowle" im-atietly( KIt?$ D#$t that e1eryoe i$ $o Pollyaai$h abo#t
Po--y( ,he wa$?t -erfect( ,he wa$ h#ma( 3oo' at what *ame$ $ai")$he wa$ cheati.( Maybe $he wa$ lyi. abo#t other
thi.$ too(L
Corie bri$tle"( Nata$ha wa$ oly there beca#$e of Po--y( KWhat "i" yo# ha1e$t herIL $he a$'e"( K,he wa$ $o
olce to yo#! altho#.h I "o?t really 'ow why(L
Nata$ha $trai.htee" her $-ie( KI?m D#$t tryi. to .et yo# -eo-le to ta'e off yo#r bli"er$( 2o#?re all li'e $hee-( 2o# .o
where yo#?re $#--o$e" to .o( 2o# thi' what yo#?re $#--o$e" to thi'( +#t yo# 'ow whatI ,ometime$ thi.$ are?t
what they $eem(L
Rowa $la--e" her arm$ to her $i"e$( KWhat the hell ha--ee"! Nata$haI Why "o yo# hate #$ $o m#chI We #$e" to be
clo$e! a" a$ far a$ I ca $ee! oe of #$ "i" aythi. to yo#( Maybe yo# ca eli.hte me! beca#$e I?m -retty cof#$e" ow(L
Nata$ha bli'e"( Her mo#th h#. o-e for a lo. beat( The $he lowere" her eye$(
KThere lsot aythi.! i$ thereIL A$ter "ema"e"( KDi" yo# c#t yo#r$elf off for attetioI Wa$ thi$ D#$t yo#r way of
.etti. more -re$$ for yo#r$elfI 2o# e1er co#l" $ta" bei. o#t of the
A fierce loo' fla$he" i Nata$ha?$ eye$( All at oce! Corie co#l"?t ha"le it aymore( KWe?re e"i. thi$ co1er$atio owPL $he $ai" lo#"ly(
A$ter a" Rowa $to--e" a" $tare" at her( KWe areIL
K2e$!L Corie $ai" $ha'ily! feeli. tear$ come to her eye$( All the$e horrible cofe$$io$ ( ( ( it wa$ D#$t too m#ch( KA"
we?re ot $ayi. aythi. to ayoe!L $he a""e"( KNot #til we 'ow $omethi. real(L
Nata$ha $i.he"( KAll!L $he m#mble"! tr#".i. bac' to the ceter of the room a" ya'i. her$$ from the
coffee table( K+#t I thi' yo#?re ma'i. a bi. mi$ta'e(L
O#t$i"e! $ea.#ll$ $creeche"( Corie trie" to thi' of a way to cha.e the $#bDect! b#t what wa$ there to tal' abo#t owI
They?" alrea"y $ai" too m#ch( All at oce! $he co#l"?t belie1e what $he?" a"mitte" to them( ,he co#l"?t belie1e they
'ew abo#t Will ow( I two wee'$! they wo#l" $ta" behi" her at the altar! a" they wo#l" 'ow $he wa$ a fa'e( l
coot belleve sbes qoloq tbtooqb wltb tbls, they?" thi'( loot ulxoo( Alrea"y $he co#l" feel their D#".i. eye$ o her
bac'( ,he $too" a" .athere" all the em-ty$$e$( K2o# 'ow whatI I "o?t thi' thi$ i$ the wee'e" for a
bachelorette -arty at all(L
KWhat "o yo# meaIL A$ter a$'e"(
KI mea I wat to lea1e(L Corie marche" to the 'itche a" -lace" the$$e$ i the $i'( The $he wal'e" ito
the foyer a" -ic'e" #- the ol" wor moo.ramme" tote $he alway$ to Meriweather( KI thi' we $ho#l" all
KCorie(L A$ter followe" her to the "oor( KWe D#$t .ot here(L
+#t Corie wa$ re$ol#te( KWe?re .oi.!L $he $ai"! .rabbi. the 'ey$ a" o-ei. the "oor( KThi$ i$ ot how I wat to
celebrate my we""i.(L
,he $te--e" o#t o the -orch! $#c'i. i the warm! h#mi" air( A $torm wa$ rolli. i! a" the tree$ c#t "ar' $ha-e$$t the clo#"y $'y( +rache$ $cra-e" acro$$ the bric'$! a$ hi.hE-itche" a$ wail$( 0or a $-lit $eco"! Corie
$he $aw a $ha"ow(
+#t the the "oor o-ee"! a" her $i$ter! Rowa! a" Nata$ha wal'e" oto the -orch too( +y the time Corie
.lace" to that $ectio of tree$! the brache$ ha" .oe $till( Or maybe they?" e1er bee mo1i. at all(
A$ter hefte" her ba. o her $ho#l"er a" followe" her $i$ter "ow the fre$hly combe" .ra1el -ath( Corie wal'e" with
-#r-o$e towar" the Na1i.ator they 'e-t o the i$la"( KCorie! -lea$e!L A$ter calle" o#t( KWe $ho#l" $tay( We ca $till
ha1e a .oo" time(L
Corie t#re" to loo' at her with re"Erimme"! "owt#re" eye$( KI D#$t wat to .o!L $he $ai"! her 1oice $mall(
A$ter felt li'e Alice whe $he?" $te--e" thro#.h the loo'i. .la$$ a" the worl" wa$ $#""ely #-$i"e "ow a"
bac'war"( Po--y be a 'iller! Rowa wa$ $lee-i. with Po--y?$ h#$ba"! a" -erfect Corie ha" cheate" o DiAo(
A$ter co#l"?t how har" that m#$t ha1e bee for her $i$ter to a"mit alo#"( Not lo. a.o! $he wo#l"?1e felt
$ati$fie" that Corie ha" fially crac'e"( Now $he D#$t felt ba" for her(
KI?m$orry!L $he $ai"! 'owi. the wor"$ were ot eo#.h(
KIt?$ ot yoot fa#lt(L Corie -a#$e" to $trai.hte o#t her roller ba.! which $he wa$ -#lli. behi" her(
KNo( I?m$orry abo#t ( ( ( me. I ha1e?t bee there for yo# 1ery m#ch(L
Corie $to--e" a" loo'e" at A$ter! a $#r-ri$e" $mile o her face( ,he o-ee" her mo#th a few time$! b#t o wor"$
came o#t( KTha' yo#!L $he fially $ai"( K+#t I $till wat to .et o#t of here(L
KO'ay!L A$ter $ai"( K+#t the mi#te we .et bac' to the city! we?re .etti. "i$co frie$(L Whe they were little! Ma$o #$e"
to b#y the two .irl$ .rea$y "ier frie$! $mothere" i .ra1y a" fo#r 'i"$ of chee$e(
KA$ lo. a$ we ca .et them"eli1ere"(L
KDoe(L A$ter reache" for her $i$ter?$ ha"! a" Corie $J#eeBe" i re$-o$e! maa.i. a feeble $mile( They t#re" for
the car! wal'i. i $te-( *#$t a$ Corie hit the #loc' b#tto! Nata$ha #- to them( KI ca "ri1e!L $he offere" to
Corie( KPlea$e( 2o# D#$t $it i the bac' a" re$t(L
Corie loo'e" at Nata$ha warily! the $hr#..e" a" ha"e" o1er the 'ey$( Nata$ha -oc'ete" thema" $a#tere" to the
car( There wa$ a ploq! a" $he o-ee" her -hoe to a$wer a icomi. teAt! her$ flyi. acro$$ the $cree(
A$ter $tiffee"( After all that ha" D#$t ha--ee"! all they?" D#$t cofe$$e" a" ar.#e" o1er! Nata$ha wa$ textloqI KWho
are yo# tal'i. toIL $he $a--e"(
Nata$ha $to--e" ty-i.( KA cliet( ,ice we?re lea1i.! I fi.#re" I co#l" fit i a few -ri1ate $e$$io$ tomorrow( I$ that
A$ter $hot "$ at Nata$ha?$ bac'( After Corie ha" bee ice eo#.h to i1ite her! $he?" ca#$e" $o m#ch tro#ble
that ow they were lea1i.( A" e1e wor$e! all of them ha" #b#r"ee" them$el1e$ ( ( ( a" yet Nata$ha ha" D#$t $at
there! +#""haEli'e! ab$orbi. all of it! ot re1eali. a thi.(
A$ter $ettle" ito the bac'$eat with Corie eAt to her! while Rowa climbe" ito the frot( A$ter loo'e" at the
-ro-erty a$ they -#lle" away( ,he ha"?t e1e .otte to .o #-$tair$ a" 1i$it her ol" be"room( Her .aBe "rifte" to the
careta'er$? ho#$e acro$$ the law( It loo'e" 1acat! all the wi"ow$ "ar'( ,he wo"ere" if Daielle?$ "a" $till li1e" thereO
Daielle?$ mom! *#lia! ha" mo1e" away the $#mmer A$ter $-et i E#ro-e( A$ter ha" alway$ wo"ere" if it wa$ beca#$e
$he?" "i$co1ere" Daielle a" Ma$o?$ affair! or beca#$e her marria.e ha" D#$t fially e"e"(
The ,>@ rolle" "ow the lo. "ri1eway! which circle" the $hore! -a$$e" the tei$ co#rt$! a"! fially! offere" a 1iew of
the family?$ -ri1ate "oc'( The Jltb Motle! the family?$ $ailboat! wa$ the oly 1e$$el bobbi. o the water! it$ ma$t$ bare
a" a lar.e ca1a$ tar- co1eri. the h#ll( The re$t of the "oc' wa$ em-ty! the water la--i. "e$-o"etly at the $hore(
A$ter $tare" at that $tri- of $a"( ,he 'ew the other$ were too( It wa$ where ,te1e +arett?$ bo"y ha" bee "i$co1ere"
fi1e year$ a.o(
Nata$ha $to--e" the car for a momet( ,he "i"?t $ay a wor"! a" either "i" the other co#$i$! b#t it wa$ clear what
they were thi'i.( After a few beat$! $he face" forwar" a" "ro1e o(
The oly way to the mai i$la" wa$ o1er the $teel bri".e that $-ae" the arrow $o#"( The bri".e wa$ em-ty a$
Nata$ha eare" it( The $'y $eeme" to .row e1e "ar'er( The tall .ra$$e$ o either $i"e of the roa" $waye" bac' a" forth(
Mi$t rolle" i off the water! $hro#"i. the car i wi$-y clo#"$(
KT#r o the$!L A$ter calle" o#t #ea$ily(
Nata$ha fo#" the $witch for the$ a" -#lle" oto the bri".e( K3i$te! I wa$?t etirely tr#thf#l i there!L $he $tarte"
to $ay! her 1oice $tra.ely hi.h a" breathy( KThere?$ $omethi. yo# ee" to 'ow(L
Abo! A$ter! tri#m-hat( KWhat i$ itIL
Nata$ha?$ throat bobbe"( The car ch#..e"( KIt?$ abo#t Po--y( A" it?$ abo#t)L
KWatch o#tPL Corie yelle" #r.etly! -oiti. at $omethi. i the wi"$hiel"(
Hea"$ $hoe i frot of them! $#""ely 1ery clo$e( A car wa$ "ri1i. for them from the other "irectio! ta'i.
#- the whole bri".e( A$ter?$ 1i$io wet white a$ the ocomi. car careee" clo$er( +efore $he 'ew what wa$
ha--ei.! Nata$ha ha" ya'e" the $teeri. wheel to the! $lammi. o the bra'e$ a" layi. o the hor(
Their car $'i""e"! the fi$htaile"( There wa$ a ctosb a$ $omethi. hit them! a" the a ctoocb. A$ter felt her bo"y
h#rtli. forwar"O her chee' $lamme"$t the bac' of Nata$ha?$ $eat( ,omeoe $creame"( A$ter felt mometarily a"
#eA-ecte"ly wei.htle$$! a" all at oce! there wa$ a lo#" boom a" $he Dolte" bac'war"( 0ially the car $to--e"! a"
e1erythi. wa$ eerily J#iet(
A,TER CAME TO o the floor of the bac'$eat! her le.$ $-laye" abo1e her( The iterior of the car wa$ "ar'( Whe $he
loo'e" o#t the wi"ow! A$ter $aw ( ( ( bobbles( ,he $hot #-! horrifie"(
They were i the water! a" $i'i. fa$t(
KHeyPL $he yelle"( It wa$ $o "imi$i"e the car that all $he co#l" $ee were .ray $ha"ow$( KI$ e1eryoe o'ayIL
No oe a$were"( Whe A$ter reache" o#t! $he felt $omethi. wet( +loo"I Her heart hammere" fa$t! b#t $he trie" ot to
-aic( KRowaIL $he crie"( KCorieIL
There wa$ r#$tli. i the frot $eat( KWhat ha--ee"IL came Rowa?$ 1oice(
KOh my Go"!L Corie $ai"! eAt to A$ter( A" the! more $har-ly! KOh my CoJPL
KWhere?$ Nata$haIL A$ter $creame"! f#mbli. aro#" i the "ar'e$$(
3eather $J#ea'e" a$ Rowa mo1e" o1er( K,he?$ here!L Rowa calle" from the frot $eat( KNata$haIL $he yelle"(
No a$wer(
KI$ $he ( ( (L Corie traile" off $ha'ily(
A$ter .ro-e" aro#" more! the fo#" the har"! flat .la$$ of the wi"ow$( ,he -o#"e" o them! b#t they "i"?t .i1e(
,he felt water -ooli. aro#" her feet( The car wa$ filli. #-! water $ee-i. thro#.h a brea' i the floor(
K,hitPL Corie $creame"(
A$ter trie" the "oor ha"le$! b#t they "i"?t b#".e( ,he $-# aro#")or at lea$t what $he wa$ aro#")climbe"
o1er the bac'$eat! a" $cramble" for the car.o area! her$ $earchi. bli"ly alo. the car-et( 0ially $he to#che"
$omethi. har"! metal! a" hea1y( A tire iro(
KE1eryoe .et bac' herePL $he calle" o#t( KWe ee" to brea' thi$ wi"ow(L
There were th#"$ from the frot a$ her $i$ter a" co#$i climbe" o1er the $eat$( Rowa .r#te" lo#"ly! "ra..i. Nata$ha
with her( E1e i the "! A$ter co#l" $ee that Nata$ha?$ hea" h#. bac' o her ec'! lim-(
Oce e1eryoe wa$ i the bac'! A$ter wor"le$$ly ha"e" the tire iro to Rowa! who wa$ the $tro.e$t( Rowa hea1e"
the thi. o1er her hea" a" thr#$t it at the bac' car.o "oor( It crac'e"$t the .la$$( ,he too' a "ee- breath! a"
$tr#c' the .la$$ Thi$ time it bro'e(
IceEcol" water floo"e" ito the car! forci. them hea1ily bac'( A$ter .ritte" her teeth a" $traie"$t the floo"!
$ to .et thro#.h that wi"ow a" o#t ito the $o#"(
KCome oPL $he $creame" at her co#$i$! reachi. to -#ll themwith her towar" the hole(
To.ether! they .rabbe" Nata$ha?$ lim- form #"er their arm$ a" cl#m$ily hefte" her ito the "ar' water( A$ter hel" to her co#$i?$ calf with oe ha" a" -a""le" f#rio#$ly with the other( Her l#.$ i$tatly be..e" for air( ,he trie"
to o-e her eye$ #"erwater! b#t all $he $aw wa$ "ar'e$$( ,he felt Nata$ha $li- from her .ra$- a" .rabbe" her a$
ti.htly a$ $he co#l" aro#" her wai$t( Rowa a" Corie were 'ic'i. below her! each of them hol"i. oe of Nata$ha?$
0ially! her l#.$ b#ri.! A$ter b#r$t to the $#rface with a $-#tteri. .a$-(
The air wa$ warm o her face( Wa1e$ la--e" aro#" them( Co#.hi.! A$ter loo'e" #- thro#.h the moolit at the
bri".e abo1e( There wa$ a lar.e .a$h where the car ha" bro'e thro#.h the $i"e rail$( The bri".e wa$ em-ty(
Rowa -o--e" #- a momet later! Nata$ha "ea" i her arm$( The three of them $tr#..le" to "ra. their co#$i to
$hore a" lay her "ow i the $a"( ,he flo--e" o her bac'! her arm$ o#t$tretche"( There wa$ a eerie .ray -allor to her
$'i! a" her li-$ were bl#e( KI$ $he ali1eIL Corie a$'e" hy$terically(
Rowa $tra""le" Nata$ha?$ bo"y a" li$tee" to her che$t( KI thi' $o(L Her eye$ were f#ll of fear( K+#t we ee" a
Corie -atte" her -oc'et$( KMy -hoe?$ $till i ( ( ( tbete(L ,he -oite" at the b#bble$ ri$i. o the $#rface of the water(
The ,>@ wa$ -robably at the bottomof the $o#" by the(
KMie i$ too!L A$ter whi$-ere"(
K,ame here(L Rowa loo'e" li'e $he wa$ .oi. to b#r$t ito tear$( KNata$haPL $he $ho#te" at her( KNata$ha! -lea$e wa'e
KNata$ha(L Tear$ were $treami. "ow A$ter?$ chee'$( KNata$ha! pleose(L The la$t momet$ with Nata$ha $warme" bac'
to her( How $he?" $tarte" to tell them$omethi. abo#t Po--y(
KPlea$e wa'e #-!L A$ter whi$-ere"(
+#t o matter how lo#"ly they yelle"! their co#$i?$ eye$ remaie" ti.htly $h#t(
Whe Rowa o-ee" her eye$! $he wa$ $itti. o a ora.e 1iyl chair( A rer# of ltleoJs -laye" o a tele1i$io ha.i.
o the wall acro$$ the room( NeAt to it a cloc' rea" 44N6=)-(m(! -re$#mably! a$ it wa$ "ar' o#t$i"e( Her co#$i$ leae"$t each other o a co#ch! weari. $cr#b$ that rea" KPro-erty of Martha?$ @ieyar" Ho$-ital(L
The $he otice" a woma i a ho$-ital be" a few feet away! with t#be$ #- her o$e a" a breathi. a--arat#$ o1er her
mo#th( Her eye$ were $h#t! her ha"$ lay -eacef#lly at her $i"e$! a" a moitor recor"e" her $tea"y heartbeat(
Rowa $wallowe" har"( After they?" climbe" a$hore! aother car ha" fially -a$$e" o the bri".e! a" they?" fla..e" it
"ow a" calle" for a amb#lace( All of their clothe$ were $oa'e"! $o the EMT$ ha" let them$cr#b$(
Corie r#bbe" her eye$ a" reache" for a water bottle( KDi" aythi. ha--eIL $he $ai" .ro..ily! .laci. at Nata$ha(
KI$ $he ( ( (L
KNo( ,he?$ $till #co$cio#$!L Rowa tol" her robotically! -eeri. at her #mo1i. co#$i( ,he loo'e" -eacef#l! almo$t a$
tho#.h $he wa$ D#$t a$lee-( ,till! Rowa co#l"?t $ha'e the feeli. that $omethi. wa$ 1ery wro. here( What were the
o""$ that the momeot Nata$ha $ai" $he ha" $omethi. to cofe$$! a car hit themI Ha" there e1e beeo a carI It ha" all
ha--ee" $o fa$t! Rowa wa$?t J#ite $#re( ,he $he?" $ee hea"$( ,he wa$ -retty $#re $he?" hear" a hor(
Oly! wa$ it tbelt horI
The "oor $w#. o-e! a" Hatherie 0oley r#$he" towar" them! "re$$e" i a .ray 0+I TE$hirt a" 'ha'i -at$( Rowa $hot
#- a" $ho1e" the -hoe oe of the #r$e$ wa$ 'i" eo#.h to loa her for family call$ i her -oc'et(
KI came a$ $oo a$ I hear"(L 0oley $to--e" i the "oorway( K2o#r car wet o1er a bri".eIL
Rowa .lace" at her co#$i$( KThat?$
0oley .lace" at Nata$ha a" wice"( KWa$ $he the "ri1erIL
K2e$(L Corie o""e"(
KWhat ha--ee"IL
Rowa $tare" at the tile$ o the floor( KI thi' aother car wa$ i o#r lae( Nata$ha trie" to t#r! b#t $he lo$t cotrol(L
KWhat ha--ee" to the other "ri1erIL
Rowa loo'e" at the other$( KWe ha1e o i"ea!L A$ter $ai"(
KDi" yo# reco.iBe the 1ehicleIL
KIt?$ all 'i" of a bl#r!L Rowa a"mitte"! realiBi. how -athetic that $o#"e"(
0oley loo'e" coflicte"( Her .aBe tra1ele" bac' to Nata$ha( A$ter cleare" her throat( KDo yo# 'ow where $he wa$ the
mori. of Po--y?$ "eathIL
0oley $ho1e" her ha"$ i her -oc'et$( KI "o?t! act#ally( A" ow ( ( (L ,he bro'e off a" c#rle" her ha"$ o1er the rail$
o Nata$ha?$ be"( KWell! I wi$h $he ha" cleare" that #-(L
Rowa?$ $tomach ch#re" at 0oley?$ im-licatio(
0oley loo'e" at the co#$i$( KWhere were yo# hea"i. toi.htIL
Rowa $too"! caref#l ot to .et ta.le" i the wire$ that $a'e" from Nata$ha?$ bo"y ito the machie$( KTo the air-ort(
We were at the ho#$e for Corie?$ bachelorette -arty! b#t the we "eci"e" to .o bac' to the city(L
KWhy "i" yo# c#t the -arty $hortIL
There wa$ a -a#$e( KWe "o?t)L Corie $tarte"(
KI?mot)L A$ter $ai" at the $ame time(
All at oce! Rowa co#l"?t hol" it i ay KWhat "o yo# 'ow abo#t ,te1e +arettIL
0oley fliche" a$ a machie $tarte" to oi$ily bee-( A $mall heart ico i"icate" that Nata$ha?$ heart rate ha" "i--e"
below $iAty beat$ -er mi#te( After a momet! it re.#late" a" J#iete" "ow(
KWhat oboot ,te1e +arettIL 0oley a$'e"! fi""li. with a b#tto o her Dac'et( KI he wa$ "ea"(L
KHe i$! b#t he wate" Po--y?$ Dob!L Rowa $ai"( K,te1e wa$ o#r .ra"father?$ -rotG.G( They were clo$e! a" he wa$ 1ery
ambitio#$( There ha" bee tal' of him! ot Po--y! becomi. -re$i"et( What if $omeoe wa$ a.ry at Po--yIL
0oley leae"$t the wall( KThat wa$ fi1e year$ a.o! tho#.h( It "oe$?t $eemli'ely that $omeoe clo$e to ,te1e wo#l"
'ill Po--y fi1e year$ later o1er a mi$$e" -romotio(L
KWe wo#l" ha1e $o too!L Rowa $ai"! loo'i. at both of her co#$i$( A$ter a" Corie o""e" at her to .o o(
After what ha" D#$t ha--ee"! they co#l"?t 'ee- what EliBabeth ha" $ai" a $ecret( K>til we fo#" o#t Po--y ha1e
'ille" him(L
0oley?$ eA-re$$io $tille"( ,he "i"?t $ay aythi.! D#$t bli'e" at them(
A$ter reco#te" what EliBabeth ha" tol" her( With e1ery wor"! 0oley?$ face .rew re""er a" re""er( KAre yo# sote abo#t
thatIL $he bl#$tere"(
KWe?re ot $#re abo#t aythi.!L Rowa a"mitte"( KA" we?" rather yo# ot ma'e it -#blic)both for Po--y?$ $a'e a"
for o#r$( Practically $eco"$ after we $tarte" tal'i. abo#t it! a car hit #$( 3i'e $omeoe wate" to 'ee- #$ J#iet(L ,he
$wallowe" har"( KI?ma little worrie" abo#t e1e cofe$$i. thi$ to yoo(L
0oley frowe"( K,o yo# thi' $omeoe wa$ li$tei. at the ho#$eI Di" ayoe 'ow yo# were comi. to Meriweather
thi$ wee'e"IL
A$ter $hr#..e"( KE1eryoe(L
0oley $h#t her eye$ a" D#$t $too" $iletly for a while( Rowa eAcha.e" a worrie" .lace with the other$( Maybe it wa$
wro. to ha1e $ai" $omethi.(
0ially the loo'e" #-( KWell! tha'$ for that theory( It?$ "efiitely ( ( ( itere$ti.(L
KItere$ti.IL A$ter re-eate"! $eemi. cof#$e"( KWhat abo#t $caryI Or "a.ero#$I Or -la#$ibleIL
K2o#?re .oi. to loo' ito it! ri.htIL Rowa -rote$te"( KWhat if thi$ i$ why $omeoe hit #$IL
KWe $till are?t $#re $omeoe trie" hit yo# o -#r-o$e(L 0oley?$ .aBe wa$ $cattere"! a$ if her$ were far away(
K+#t I?ll loo' ito it( Try to .et $ome re$t! o'ayI I?ll be i to#ch(L
KWaitPL Rowa crie"( 0oley t#re" bac'( Rowa wate" more)to hear what $he wa$ thi'i.! what cocl#$io$ $he wa$
"rawi.! a" what $he abo#t Po--y a" ,te1e)b#t $he "i"?t J#ite 'ow how to a$' the J#e$tio$( KHow
m#ch will the -re$$ 'ow abo#t the cra$hIL $he a$'e" i$tea"(
0oley $ho1e" her ha"$ i her -oc'et$! the "aBe" loo' $till o her face( KThe -er$o yo# fla..e" "ow alrea"y calle" a
local re-orter( A" ob1io#$ly local a#thoritie$ will re-ort o the "ama.e to the bri".e( It?$ $h#t "ow ow! a" it?$
the oly way o a" off the i$la"(L
Rowa $h#t her eye$( If there wa$ $#ch a thi. a$ a ,aybroo' c#r$e! it wa$ the -re$$( KI$ there aythi. yo# ca "o to 'ee-
the re-orter$ awayIL
0oley ta--e" her ail$$t Nata$ha?$ be" rail( K*#$t "o?t commet(L
A" the $he wa$ .oe( 0or a momet! the oly $o#" i the room wa$ the ltleoJs theme $o. a$ the cre"it$ rolle" o
the T@( 0ially Rowa eAcha.e" a bewil"ere" loo' with the other$( KI$ it me! or "i" 0oley D#$t act li'e a BombieIL
Corie?$ eye$ were ro#"( KIt wa$ li'e $he fell a$lee- halfway thro#.h the co1er$atio(L
KI .#e$$ $he "oe$?t belie1e #$ abo#t ,te1e!L A$ter m#ttere"(
Rowa -o'e" her thro#.h a $mall hole i her $cr#b$( KThe! maybe we ote D#m-i. to cocl#$io$ a little
J#ic'ly( Thi$ i$ loppy we?re tal'i. abo#t(L
K,o yo# thi' EliBabeth i$ ma'i. thi.$ #-IL A$ter bit a th#mbail( KI "o?t 'ow( What if ,te1e threatee" Po--y! a"
$he bac'IL
K+#t I "o?t e1e remember seeloq them to.ether that!L Corie ar.#e"( KEAce-t at the 1ery $tart of the -arty!
whe ,te1e co.rat#late" her(L
Rowa $J#eeBe" her eye$ $h#t( ,he wa$?t $#re $he?" $ee ,te1e that! either)b#t $he?" $ee Po--y -lety(
Tho#.h $he?" h#. o#t with her brother$ a" a b#ch of other .#y$ that! -layi. law bocce a" -o'er! $he $eeme"
to ha1e a 'ee ra"ar for whee1er Po--y a" *ame$ $wamito her -eri-heral 1i$io(
The $he loo'e" at A$ter( K2o# were ( ( ( wltb ,te1e that!L $he $ai" "elicately( After ,te1e?$ f#eral! A$ter ha"
cofe$$e" that $he?" hoo'e" #- with him( It wa$ $ort of i the maer of l bookeJ op wltb tbot qoy, ooJ tbeo be totoeJ
op JeoJ. now weltJ ls tbot? KWa$ he acti. $tra.elyI Di" he tal' abo#t Po--yIL
A$ter?$ chee'$ bloome" re"( KWe "i"?t eAactly tal' m#ch(L
Rowa $tare" at a fl#ore$cet b#lb i the ceili.( KO'ay( lf Po--y "i" it! a" lf thi$ ha$ $omethi. to "o with her
m#r"er! who wa$ clo$e to ,te1eI Who co#l" ha1e "oe thi$ to her)ooJ to #$IL
Corie .aBe" bla'ly ahea"( KI "o?t 'ow( A .irlfrie"IL
KWhe I tal'e" to EliBabeth! $he $ai" I wa$ oe of may( Maybe $omeoe el$e he ha" bee with really care" abo#t him(
Maybe $he wa$ at the -arty too!L A$ter $#..e$te"(
KWhat abo#t what Nata$ha wate" to tell #$IL Rowa whi$-ere"! .laci. at Nata$ha?$ $ilet $ha-e beeath the
bla'et$( Mi$t forme" o the i$i"e of the breathi. ma$' whee1er $he eAhale"( KWhat "o yo# thi' $he 'ewIL
KA" where "o yo# thi' $he wos that mori. Po--y "ie"IL A$ter whi$-ere"(
Corie .#l-e"( KMaybe we?ll e1er 'ow(L
Rowa leae" her hea"$t the wall( KOr maybe there?$ a way to fi.#re thi$ o#t for o#r$el1e$(L
K0i.#re wbot o#t for o#r$el1e$IL Corie a$'e"(
KWell! at lea$t whether Po--y 'illi. ,te1e i$ e1e -la#$ible( I mea! there co#l" be -eo-le who $aw her $omewhere el$e
whe ,te1e "ie"( A" we co#l" try to fi" o#t who el$e care" abo#t ,te1e( +#t if $he "i" it! maybe $he tol" $omeoe
el$e( 3i'e yo#r "a"( Or E1a(L Or *ame$! Rowa to her$elf with a -a.(
The other$ loo'e" $'e-tical( KDa" 'ow!L A$ter $ai" alo#"(
Rowa o""e"( KA" I?ll tal' to *ame$(L
Corie $too" a" $tretche"( KI $#--o$e I co#l" a$' E1a)I?ll be $eei. her thi$ wee' to .o o1er fial we""i. "etail$(L
,he t#re" to the "oor! her $ho#l"er$ $a..i.( KI ee" coffee(L
KI?m.oi. to chec' if Nata$ha?$ -aret$ are here yet(L A$ter $moothe" "ow her $cr#b $hirt a" chec'e" her watch(
KI?ll $tay here i ca$e $he wa'e$ #-!L Rowa $ai"(
The "oor $h#t Rowa leae" bac' o the chair a" li$tee" to the wheeBi. $o#"$ of the I@ machie$( 3iJ#i"
$lowly "ri--e" from a ba. ito Nata$ha?$ 1ei$( Her eye$ remaie" clo$e"! her eyela$he$ ot e1e fl#tteri.( ,omewhere
behi" tho$e clo$e" eye$! a $ecret wa$ loc'e" away( ,omethi. $o awf#l! $omeoe ha1e r# them off a bri".e
beca#$e of it(
The Rowa?$ borrowe" -hoe -i.e"! a" $he loo'e" at the $cree( ,he -#lle" #- the eEmail thro#.h the Iteret
brow$er a" a ew mi$$i1e came i( NEW PO,T ON THE +3E,,ED AND THE C>R,ED! rea" a eEmail( 2O>?33 WANT TO
,EE THI,P Rowa?$ $'i -ric'le"( How $tra.e( ,he ha" e1er $i.e" #- to recei1e alert$ from the web$ite( ,he clic'e" o
the li'! $#""ely fille" with fear( What if it wa$ a -o$t abo#t the cra$hI
The -a.e -o--e" #- o the $cree( +#t the to- $tory wa$ abo#t $omethi. el$e( KHar"ZCore[ at Wor'!L rea" the ca-tio(
A W#ic'Time 1i"eo loa"e"( With $ha'i.$! Rowa -re$$e" -lay! the yel-e"( There $he wa$ o her "e$'! archi. her
bac' a" moai. K2e$L a" .ri--i. a ma?$ ta#t bac'( Her ame-late! KRowa ,aybroo'! E$J(!L wa$ clearly i 1iew!
alo. with the ,aybroo'?$ lo.o( *ame$ colla-$e"$t her a$ they fii$he" to.ether! the camera e1er catchi. hi$ face(
,he $to--e" the 1i"eo imme"iately( Goo$e b#m-$ bro'e o#t o her $'i( ,he?" "elete" that 1i"eo( E1e "elete" it from
her tra$h( noJot $heI
,omethi. a'i to a $ic'er $o#"e" from acro$$ the room( Rowa "i" a "o#ble ta'e at Nata$ha?$ $lee-i. form( Her
ha"$ were $till at her $i"e$! hair fae" o#t! a" her feet -oite" #-( +#t oe thi. ha" cha.e"( Now there wa$ D#$t the
tee$ie$t hit of a $mile o her face ow( It $eeme" tea$i.( Ta#ti.(
Ob, yoo oolve fools! $he $eeme" to be $ayi.( A$ if $he wa$ "#-i. themall(
The followi. Mo"ay! Corie $at i her father?$ office! a h#.e corer roomwith two wall$ of wi"ow$! a 1a#lte" ceili.!
a $e-arate etertaii. area! a" a $mall! ele.atly a--oite" -ri1ate bathroom off to oe $i"e( Rowa $at be$i"e her!
er1o#$ly her lo.! m#$cle" left calf( A$ter wa$ o the co#ch eAt to Rowa! $tari. ito a c#- of coffee! a"
Deaa wa$ -erche" o the e".e of a leather chair$t the wi"ow(
Ma$o $at behi" hi$ "e$'! hi$ brow f#rrowe" a" hi$ li-$ "raw( There were three em-ty Diet Co'e ca$ eAt to him(
E1er $ice Ma$o J#it $mo'i.)a$i"e froma occa$ioal "ra' Diet Co'e whee1er he wa$ $tre$$e"(
KI "o?t e1e 'ow where to $tart!L he $ai"! -ichi. the $'i betwee hi$ eye$( KThi$ acci"et i$?t eAactly what we ee" ow(L He loo'e" har" at all three of them(
KOe of yo# will ha1e to "o CNN!L Deaa -i-e" #-! $tari. at a iPa"! a +lac'+erry! a" a iPhoe o her la-( K+#t try
ot to tal' too m#ch abo#t aother car hitti. yo#! o'ayI We "o?t ee" to f#el r#mor$ of the c#r$e( A" "o?t .i1e too
may "etail$ abo#t Nata$ha?$ co"itio(L
KI?ll "o the iter1iew!L Rowa 1ol#teere"(
Ma$o?$ .aBe $hot to her( KNo! yoo wo?t(L Hi$ eye$ blaBe"( KI "o?t e1e 'ow what to $ay abo#t yo# a" that 1i"eo( I
the ,aybroo'?$ offlces! Rowa(L
KI 'ow!L Rowa m#mble"! $tari. at her la-( ,he loo'e" mortifie"( Corie wa$ embarra$$e" for her( ,he ha"?t
watche" the 1i"eo! of co#r$e! b#t $he co#l" oly
Deaa fli--e" a -a.e of her yellow -a"( KAct#ally! Ma$o! maybe it wo#l" be .oo" for Rowa to be o#r
$-o'e$woma( ,he co#l" a-olo.iBe for the $eA ta-e( It wo#l" h#maiBe her( Maybe $he" a little o the my$tery
ma)e1eryoe i$ "yi. to 'ow(L
KEAcose meIL Rowa $hrie'e"! loo'i. a$ if $he wate" to -#ch Deaa( Corie $tiffee" too( ,ometime$ their
-#blici$t wet too far(
KNo! tha' yo#!L Ma$o $ai"! hi$ o$tril$ flari.( KA$ter will "o it(L
KI willIL A$ter loo'e" $#r-ri$e"(
K2e$! yo# will(L The Ma$o .lare" at Rowa( KA" if I catch yo# bri.i. aother ma ito yo#r office! yo#?re "oe(
Got itIL
KOf co#r$e!L Rowa $ai"! bl#$hi. re"(
KAll! e1eryoe! .et o#t of my $!L Ma$o $ai"! ma'i. a $hooi. .e$t#re with hi$ ha"$( They $too" a" hea"e"
for the "oor( KCorie! yo# $tay!L Ma$o calle" o#t whe $he wa$ almo$t o#t of the room(
Corie t#re" bac' a""e" her father( He ha" D#$t o-ee" a fo#rth Diet Co'e! a" he?" $wi1ele" hi$ chair halfway
aro#" to face the wi"ow that loo'e" o#t o the H#"$o( A few ocea 'aya'$ were bra1i. the water( The Col.ate cloc'
o the New *er$ey $i"e "eclare" it wa$ D#$t -a$t 9N== -(m( Corie $li" her e.a.emet ri. #- a" "ow her!
wo"eri. what thi$ wa$ abo#t( 0or a $-lit $eco" $he worrie" that A$ter ha" tol" him abo#t Will! b#t $he wo#l"?t "o
that)wo#l" $heI
Ma$o t#re" aro#" a" loo'e" at Corie( KI D#$t wate" to $ee how yo# were hol"i. #-(L
KMeIL Corie to#che" her che$t( KWhyIL
K2o#r we""i. i$ $oo( I 'ow yo# "o?t ee" thi$ $tre$$(L He .a1e her a $a" $mile( KIt?$ why I a$'e" yo#r $i$ter to "o the
iter1iew i$tea"(L
KOh(L Corie to#che" the collar of her $il' blo#$e( ,he hear" her ew cell -hoe chime i her -#r$e( The white $cree lit
#- the "ar' $ati lii.( KWell! tha'$(L
KI?m -ro#" of yo#! yo# 'ow(L Ma$o?$ 1oice wa$ a little cho'e"( K* the "iffic#ltie$ of yo#r Dob! -lai. for thi$
we""i.)yo#?re e1eryoe?$ roc'( E$-ecially ow that Po--y i$ .oe(L
Corie?$ throat felt All her life! her father?$ affectio ha" bee rare( +#t Corie ha" $till ee"e" him)a" $he?"
ee"e" more of tbls! him$im-ly $ayi. that he reco.iBe" how har" it wa$ to 'ee- e1erythi. to.ether(
KThEtha' yo#!L $he $ai"! tryi. to $mile( Her -hoe chime" Thi$ time! $he .lace" at it( Two teAt me$$a.e$ ha"
come i( l oeeJ to see yoo, the fir$t oe $ai"( coo yoo meet me?
Will( Corie?$$ $creeche" to a halt( ,he co#l"?t .o( Or maybe $he ha" to .o(
K,omethi. im-ortatIL Ma$o a$'e"! .laci. at Corie?$ -hoe(
KI thi' $o!L $he tol" her father! $ta"i. J#ic'ly a" h#rryi. o#t of the room before he co#l" com-limet her aymore(
+eca#$e! $he realiBe"! $he wa$?t hol"i. aythi. to.ether(
,he wa$ teari. thi.$ a-art ( ( ( a" $he co#l"?t e1e hel- her$elf(
HA30 AN HO>R later Corie $too" o#t$i"e a o"e$cri-t a-artmet b#il"i. o +a' ,treet( ,he $tare" at the .ol"
#mber$ o the wall! a" the at Will?$ ame i the "irectory( *#$t $eei. it horrifie" her! a" $he $hot aro#" the corer!
tryi. to catch her breath( A coffee $ho- bec'oe" her acro$$ the $treet( ,he wo#l" .o there i$tea"( A" thi'( A" the
.o bac' #-tow! where $he belo.e"(
+#t her le.$ wo#l"?t mo1e)or rather! they mo1e" i the wro. "irectio! bac' to the a-artmet b#il"i.( A woma i
her twetie$ came o#t! a" Corie "#c'e" o#t of the way! afrai" $he?" be $ee( Her -hoe bee-e"( ,he .lace" at the
$cree( DiAo(
,he hit ,I3ENT( Corie ha" $et him a teAt $ayi. $he wa$?t .oi. to ma'e "ier! b#t $he ha"?t eA-laie"
why( ,he co#l"?t $-ea' to him ow( Her .#ilt wo#l" be ob1io#$ i her 1oice( ,he ra her ha"$ "ow the of
her face( ,J#ari. her $ho#l"er$! $he t#re" to the b#BBer -ael a" -re$$e" the b#tto for Will?$ a-artmet( The "oor
#loc'e"! a" $he -#$he" ito a 1e$tib#le with tile" floor$! a bli'i. fl#ore$cet b#lb o the ceili.! a" a lie of $mall
metal mailboAe$ alo. the wall( More mail $at o to- of a ra"iator( A bi'e with a flat tire wa$ -ro--e"$t the wall(
After o-ei. aother "oor! $he wa$ cofrote" with a $et of wor $tair$( ,he $tarte" #- them! the ri$er$ crea'i.( A lie
of "oor$ .reete" her o the la"i.! a motley miA of $mell$ emaati. from #"er them( ,he climbe" aother
,omeoe ha" "raw a aatomically correct woma o the hallway wall(
,he" DiAo?$ face if he 'ew $he wa$ i a -lace li'e thi$( Her mother?$ D#".metal .a$-( ,he of what
$he?" tol" her co#$i$N lts jost colJ feet.
,till! $he 'e-t climbi.(
0ially $he reache" the fo#rth floor( Will $too" at hi$ "oor( KAre yo# all ri.htIL he crie"! -#lli. her towar" him(
Corie $te--e" away! lea1i. a arm?$ $-ace betwee them( KWhat "o yo# meaIL
Will $tare"( KI rea" that yo# were i a car cra$h( I wa$ $o worrie"(L
Corie loo'e" "ow( Of co#r$e( E1ery -a-er wa$ tal'i. abo#t the cra$h( KI?m fie!L $he $ai" woo"ely( KIt wa$ D#$t a
KWhat abo#t yo#r co#$iI I$ $he .oi. to be o'ayIL
Corie o""e" wea'ly( There wa$ o $welli. i Nata$ha?$ brai! which meat $he $ho#l" wa'e #- $oo( The!
$ome -atiet$ i thi$ co"itio e1er re.aie" co$cio#$e$$(
There wa$ a lo. -a#$e( Corie .lace" "ow the car-ete" hall! $tari. at a re" "oor at the other e"( KWell! come i!L
Will $ai" aw'war"ly! $te--i. a$i"e a" .e$t#ri. Corie ito the a-artmet( Corie "#c'e" her hea" a" followe"(
They etere" a $mall room with a eA-o$e"Ebric' wall( A mo"erEloo'i. .ray co#ch $at i the corer! fla'e" by two
mi"cet#ry table$( @ita.e coo'boo'$ a" har"co1er$ lie" the b#iltEi$ alo. the bric' wall( A -a$$Ethro#.h wi"ow
re1eale" a .alley 'itcheO 'i1e$ were ra.e" alo. a ma.etic $tri- o the wall! a" -ot$ a" -a$ h#. froma rac' o1er
the b#rer$( It occ#rre" to Corie that mo$t -eo-le i Mahatta wo#l" thi' Will wa$ "oi. well for him$elf( *#$t ot
the -eo-le sbe h#. aro#" with(
O the bac' wall wa$ a h#.e ti $i. beari. the ame of the local re$ta#rat Will ha" wor'e" for i the @ieyar"! the
,eAtat( KOh my Go"!L Corie bl#rte"! letti. "ow her .#ar" for a momet( KI$ that the roa" $i.IL
KOh(L Will $mile" ba$hf#lly( K2eah(L
KThey let yo# ha1e itIL
KNot eAactly( I $ort of ( ( ( $tole it(L
Tho#.h the ,eAtat ha" bee a $ta-le of the i$la" $ice ieteeEtwetyE$omethi.! the oly time Corie ha" bee
there wa$ with Will( It wa$ the fo#rth time they wet o#t to.ether! the fir$t time they "are" to .o $omewhere i
-#blic)tho#.h it certaily wa$?t aywhere Corie wo#l" be $-otte"( Corie remembere" a$'i. why the barte"er$
ha"?t $we-t #- the $aw"#$t or the m#$$el$ o the floor! a" Will ha" la#.he" a" $ai"! KIt?$ sopposeJ to be li'e that(L
Now Will $tare" at the $i. with a faraway loo' o hi$ face( Corie wo"ere" if it remi"e" him of her( ,he li'e" the
i"ea of hi$ thi'i. of her while he wa$ coo'i.( A" the! i$tatly! $he hate" that $he?" D#$t that( Her emotio$
were $o $cramble" that $he felt tear$ -ric' her eye$(
Will $te--e" forwar"( KWhat i$ itIL
KI "o?t 'ow!L Corie $ai"! tilti. towar" the wall( KI?mcof#$e"( A" I lie" to yo#(L
Will loo'e" #- a" bli'e"( KI 'ow(L
KAbo#t thi$ wee'e"( The cra$h( I?mot fie(L The Corie coc'e" her hea"( KWait( How "i" yo# 'ow I lie"IL
Will rai$e" oe $ho#l"er( KI $e$e" it!L he $ai"! hi$ 1oice ot J#ite $tea"y( KDo yo# wat to tell me abo#t itIL
Corie $hoo' her hea"! wo"eri. if $he $ho#l"?t ha1e #- the cra$h at all( E1erythi. comi. o#t of her mo#th
wa$ wro.(
Will $at her "ow o the co#ch( KI hear" the car $tarte" to $i'(L
Corie?$ eye$ fille" with tear$( KIt all ha--ee" $o fa$t( Tha' Go" for my $i$ter( ,he too' char.e(L A" the $he tol" him
abo#t $wimmi. to $hore! r#i. to fi" a -a$$i. car! the amb#lace$ comi. a" ta'i. them away( Will li$tee"
-atietly! hi$ .aBe e1er lea1i. her face(
He cleare" hi$ throat( KThere?$ all 'i"$ of craBy tal'! yo# 'ow( After what ha--ee" to Po--y ( ( ( a" that web$ite(
,ome -eo-le are worrie" that $omeoe?$ after oll of yo#(L
Corie fliche"( KI "o?t wat to tal' abo#t it aymore!L $he "eci"e"(
K2o#?re $afe ow(L Will reache" o#t( KI?ll 'ee- yo# $afe(L
He $ai" it $o te"erly! a" Corie $#""ely bac' to that $#mmer! how $he?" loo'e" #- at him)he wa$ tall!
m#ch taller tha DiAo)a" felt $afe i hi$ arm$( A" $he $aw ow how that te"ere$$ wo#l" ma'e him a .oo" father(
coolJ bove moJe blm! $he correcte" her$elf( It wa$ li'e wa'i. from a "ream( My Go"! yo# ha1e?t tol" him! $he
,he ha" to .et o#t of here( It wa$ ba" eo#.h that it wa$ a betrayal to DiAo! b#t there wa$ $o m#ch more tha that( ,he
ha" betraye" Will too( ,he wate" more tha e1er to tal' to Po--y! to a$' her what to "o( Po--y wa$ the oly -er$o i
the worl" who 'ew all of her)the -art that lo1e" DiAo! who 'ew $he co#l" be ha--y with him! their f#t#re
-re"ictable a" -lea$at( The -art that ha" falle for Will! that for a brief momet" a life that wa$ com-letely
#'owable( A" the -art of her that $he ha" left behi" i @ir.iia! the baby $he ha" e1er .otte the chace to 'ow(
,he wate" to tell Will all of thatO $he wate" him to #"er$ta" the com-licate" macramG of her life( +#t $he al$o
wate" to lea1e! to clic' her heel$ to.ether a" fi" her$elf bac' #-tow i their lo1ely threeEbe"rooma-artmet! where
each room wa$ climateEcotrolle" a" e1erythi. eAi$te" i $ha"e$ of .ray a" .rQ.e( +#t whe $he loo'e" #-!
Will?$ face wa$ mo1i. towar" her$(
*#$t oe 'i$$! Corie tol" her$elf( *#$t oe 'i$$ .oo"Ebye(
KWe $ho#l"?t "o thi$!L $he m#rm#re")b#t $he let him-#ll her "re$$ o1er her hea"(
KNo! we $ho#l"?t!L Will a.ree"! .#i"i. her towar" hi$ be"room(
Will?$ be" $melle" li'e $oa- a" $ He climbe" o to- of Corie a" be.a 'i$$i. e1ery ich of her bo"y( ,he $h#t
her eye$ a" trie" to #mb her$elf! b#t $he $h#""ere" a$ Will?$ ro#.h ha"$ mo1e" alo. her bare $'i( He wa$ fa$t with
her! l#$tf#l a" craBy! har" a" "e$-erate a" ee"y( He "i"?t to#ch her CE$ectio $car( More im-ortat! he "i"?t a$'
abo#t it! either( ,he trie" ot to thi' of DiAo a" that "ar' loc'e" room of a $ecret i$i"e of her( +#t before lo.! $he
"i"?t ha1e to try ot to thi'( All rea$o "e-arte"O oly the -hy$ical wa$ left(
Corie 'ea"e" her feet$t the $heet$! her le.$ $ha'i.( It wa$ a$ if Will #"er$too" iheretly! witho#t her ha1i.
to $ay a wor"! what ma"e her feel the be$t( It ha" $et him a-art from the other boyfrie"$ $he?" ha" whe $he wa$
yo#.)all of them ha" f#mble"! a$'e" too may J#e$tio$! la#.he" whe they $ho#l"?t ha1e( A" Will)well! he D#$t
CORINNE OPENED HER eye$ to fi" it wa$ "ar' o#t$i"e( ,he m#$t ha1e "oBe" off( Will?$ be" wa$ em-ty! a" $he hear"
-ot$ a" -a$ cla.i. i the 'itche( ,he lay there for a momet! thi'i. abo#t what $he ha" "oe( What $he?" "oe
oqolo! $he remi"e" her$elf( +#t i$tea" of feeli. $hame! the .#ilt that $he?" trie" to $cr#b off her la$t time! $he felt
relaAe"( ,he felt a$ if $he wa$ .lowi.( Ri$i.! $he -#lle" o her clothe$ a" -a""e" i the "irectio of the $o#"(
Will $too" i hi$ boAer$ a" bare feet o1er a -a o the $to1e( Hi$ hair wa$ m#$$e"! hi$ $'i fl#$he"! a" there wa$ a loo'
of cocetratio o hi$ face a$ he fli--e" $omethi. o1er i the -a( Whe he otice" her i the "oorway! he $mile"( KI
ma"e #$ a $ac'(L He $li" a $a"wich oto the -late( KTr#ffle .rille" chee$e(L
K2o# "i"?t ha1e to "o that!L Corie $ai" $oftly! acce-ti. the -late( A" tho#.h $he 'ew tr#ffle oil! brie! a" brea"
were -robably the wor$t thi. $he co#l" "o for her fi.#re! $he bit ito the $a"wich ayway a" $wooe"( KOh my Go"(
Thi$ i$ woy too .oo"(L
K,tic' with me! a" I?ll ma'e yo# oe of the$e e1ery "ay!L Will $ai" a$ he $li" oto a bar$tool eAt to her(
KI?" wei.h two h#"re" -o#"$(L
KThe I?ll ma'e yo# oe e1ery otbet "ay(L Will to#che" her chi! rotati. her hea" $o $he wa$ loo'i. at him(
K2o# 'ow it?$ ot that ea$y(L
KTell me abo#t it(L He $i.he"( Will ro$e from the $tool! wal'e" to a me$$y "e$' b#ilt ito the corer of the 'itche! a"
-l#c'e" a -iece of -a-er fromthe to- of the -ile( KThi$ i$ for yo#(L
Corie wi-e" her me$$y$ o a a-'i a" $t#"ie" the -a-er( KI1oice!L it rea" at the to-! eAt to CoA$wai?$ lo.o(
KCliet$N DiAo ,hac'elfor" a" Corie ,aybroo'( E1et "e$cri-tioN Rehear$al "ier Z4:8 .#e$t$[ a" we""i. Z59=
.#e$t$[ at the ,aybroo' family home i Meriweather! Ma$$ach#$ett$(L
A har" 'ot forme" i her che$t( It wa$ almo$t -er1er$e to $ee her! DiAo?$! a" Will?$ ame$ o the $ame -iece of -a-er(
,he wate" to $hift themaro#"! ma'e Will the .room! DiAo the hire" hel-(
Will bit ito hi$ half of the $a"wich( KAre yo# act#ally .oi. thro#.h with thi$IL
Corie?$ eye$ b#re" with im-e"i. tear$( KI "o?t 'ow(L
KDo yo# lo1e himIL
A l#m- forme" i her throat( KIt?$ ot D#$t abo#t that(L
KMarria.e i$?t abo#t lo1eI That?$ ew to me(L
Hi$ 1oice wa$ #commoly $ter( Corie cocetrate" o the white -late o which the $a"wich $at( ,he JlJ lo1e
DiAo! b#t wa$ that eo#.hI Wa$ it the 'i" of lo1e yo# co#l" b#il" a life aro#"I Wa$ it a fore1er 'i" of lo1eI KIt?$
com-licate"(L ,he la#.he"! a little bitterly( KI mea! ob1io#$ly!L $he $ai"! loo'i. aro#"(
Will -ace" bac' towar" the $to1e( KI D#$t "o?t .et it( If yo# lo1e him! why are yo# hereIL
KI 'ow( It?$ D#$t ( ( (L ,he $i.he" a" .aBe" o#t the wi"ow( KThi$ wo#l" wrec' my family(L ,he abo#t her father?$
cho'e" 1oice earlier( lm ptooJ of yoo. KA" it?$ who I am too!L $he a""e"( KThi$ i$ what I?m $#--o$e" to "o( Thi$ i$ the
-er$o I?m$#--o$e" to marry(L
Will?$ eyebrow$ arche"( KIt?$ ot the Dar' A.e$! Corie( Marria.e$ are?t arra.e" aymore(L Will cro$$e" hi$ arm$ o1er
hi$ che$t( KThere?$ $omethi. el$e! i$?t thereIL
,ilece -a$$e" betwee them( Corie loo'e" away fir$t( KNo!L $he lie"! the $ecret $wimmi. i$i"e her( ,he wate" to
tell him! b#t how wo#l" $he $tartI l wos pteqooot tbot sommet. we bove o boby oot tbete somewbete. oote o fotbet.
He mo1e" clo$er( KDo?t yo# wat to li1e a hoe$t lifeI Do?t yo# wat what yo# "o a" feel to be teolIL
,he h#che" her $ho#l"er$! tryi. to hi"e( KI ca?t .i1e yo# the a$wer yo# wat ow( I ee" more time(L
K2o# "o?t bove that m#ch more time(L
,omethi. i the 'itche cra$he"( It wa$ oly after the -late lay i -iece$ o the floor that Corie realiBe" that Will ha"
$hattere" it( He $too" there! hi$ che$t hea1i.! hi$ $ho#l"er$ a" bice-$ a" che$t m#$cle$ -romiet a" -owerf#l(
Corie $hot to her feet( K2o#?re $cari. me!L $he tol" him! $#""ely #er1e"(
Will loo'e" bac' at her! hi$ Daw har"( KWhy ca?t yo# #"er$ta" that yo#?re ot the oly oe with emotio$IL Hi$ 1oice
crac'e"( KThat yo#?re ot the oly -er$o i thi$ eJ#atioIL
K2o#?re ma'i. me $o#" $o $elfi$h(L ,he t#re" ito the etryway! bli'i. bac' tear$ a$ $he loo'e" for her "i$car"e"
$hoe$( KI$ that what yo# thi'IL
Will "i"?t a$wer( Corie #earthe" her *immy Choo 'itte heel$ a" $tarte" to -#t them o! her throat ,he
co#l"?t fit her heel ito the $tra-! $o $he let it fla- free! a$ me$$y a" #"oe a$ $he felt( KI?m.oi.!L $he m#mble"(
Will $tarte" to wal' her to the "oor! b#t Corie marche" a few -ace$ ahea"! ref#$i. to loo' bac' at him( Will cleare" hi$
throat( KCorie! $to-( I?m$orry( I wat to be with yo#( I thi' yo# wat to be with me( It $ho#l" be that $im-le(L
Corie $to--e" a" t#re"( He $too" i the "oorway! a tort#re" loo' o hi$ face( KWell! it?$ ot!L $he whi$-ere"! a"
$tarte" "ow the $tair$(
After a iter1iew at the New 2or' CNN $t#"io$! A$ter ret#re" to her tiy c#bicle at ,aybroo'?$! $tari. at a ma$$i1e
bi"er o her "e$' that li$te" all the ,aybroo'?$ $toe$ $till i com-ay $tora.e( The bi"er wa$ cate.oriBe" by color a"
the by carat a" other feat#re$! li'e where the "iamo" wa$ fo#" a" whether it wa$ c#t( EliBabeth ha" a$'e" her to
i-#t all of the iformatio a" #-loa" the ima.e$ to a clo#" $er1er! whate1er the hell tbot meat( +#t A$ter ee"e" a
momet to breathe( ,he?" maa.e" to hol" it to.ether "#ri. the iter1iew it$elf)act#ally! $he! $he?" "oe a
-retty fata$tic Dob)b#t tal'i. abo#t Po--y m#$t ha1e affecte" her more tha $he realiBe"( Afterwar"! $he?" $tarte"
cryi. o the way to the bathroom( ,he "#c'e" ito a $tall a" J#ietly $obbe" for a mi#te! the caref#lly re"i" the thic'!
ca'e"Eo T@ ma'e#- before $ayi. her .oo"Ebye$ a" lea1i. the $t#"io( A$ter 'ew better tha to let ayoe $ee her
Her -hoe b#BBe"! a" $he loo'e" "ow( New post oo tbe 8lesseJ ooJ tbe cotseJ! rea" the me$$a.e( Mitch ha" hel-e"
her $i. #- for the$e alert$ a few wee'$ a.o( Maybe it wa$ ma$ochi$tic to watch a$ $omeoe aire" the ,aybroo'$? "irty
la#"ry all o1er the Iteret! b#t A$ter fi.#re" it wa$ better to 'ow what wa$ bei. $ai" tha to be bli"$i"e"(
,he too' a "ee- breath to $teel her$elf! the ta--e" the li'( ,#re eo#.h! a ew -o$t ha" loa"e"( Two -ict#re$ were
-o$itioe" $i"e by $i"e o the $cree( O the left wa$ a $hot of a $heetEco1ere" fi.#re lyi. o a b#$y Mahatta
$i"ewal'! a loc' of blo" hair -ee'i. o#t from #"ereath the tar-! a $a'e$'i -#m- emer.i. from aother
corer( A$ter "rew i a breath( loppy.
The other -hoto wa$ of Nata$ha lyi. i a ho$-ital be"( T#be$ -rotr#"e" from her o$e( Dar'! c#rly hair frame" her o1al
face! a" a eerie $mile -laye" aro#" her li-$( A$ter?$ mo#th "ro--e" o-e( How ha" $omeoe .otte clo$e eo#.h to
ta'e a -ict#re of Nata$haI
KTwo Heire$$e$ Dow! Three to Go!L rea" the hea"lie i re" letter$(
A$ter imme"iately "iale" 0oley! b#t $he "i"?t .et thro#.h( Tryi. to remai calm! $he $crolle" "ow a" loo'e" at the
commet$ #"er the -o$t( ,ome of them co"eme" the me$$a.e writer a" "ema"e" the blo. a"mii$trator ta'e the
-o$t "ow( Other$ $ai"! KCa?t yo# ta'e a Do'eIL ,till other$ wrote that A$ter a" her co#$i$ "e$er1e" it( K,t#c'E#-
bitche$!L a aoymo#$ -o$ter wrote( KWhat .oe$ aro#" come$ aro#"(L
A$ter?$ -hoe b#BBe"! $tartli. her( The web$ite ha" "i$a--eare"! a" Clari$$a?$ ame a--eare" o the $cree( A$ter felt
a fl#$h of $ati$factio)$he ha"?t $ee Clari$$a $ice before Po--y?$ "eath! b#t of co#r$e her frie" wo#l" call i A$ter?$
time of ee"(
KI?m.#e$$i. yo# $aw me o CNNIL A$ter a$'e" i$tea" of hello! $till feeli. $ha'y fromthe +le$$e" -o$t(
KWhy were yo# o CNNIL Clari$$a?$ 1oice wa$ h#$'y! the way it alway$ .ot whe $he $mo'e" too may ci.arette$( A$ter
wo"ere" where $he?" bee la$t Oe of their ol" ha#t$! or a ew cl#b A$ter ha"?t e1e hear" ofI
K+eca#$e $omeoe trie" to klll meIL A$ter $ai" $lowly! $hi1eri. at the $o#" of that( KThere?$ a craBy $erial 'iller lea1i.
me$$a.e$ o my family?$ .o$$i- $ite(L
K2o# $ho#l"?t rea" that $ite!L Clari$$a $ai"( K2o# 'ow it?$ all b#ll$hit(L
EAce-t it ha$?t bee b#ll$hit lately! A$ter Not all of it(
KAyway(L Clari$$a yawe"( KAre yo# comi.! or whatIL
A$ter cl#tche" the -hoe ti.htly! $tartle" that Clari$$a ha" cha.e" the $#bDect o her( +ei. -#r$#e" by a m#r"erer
wa$?t a bi. "ealI K>m! whereIL
Clari$$a $coffe"( KTo +oom+oom! of co#r$eP *a'e?$ .oi. to be there(L
A$ter -#lle" #- the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e" o her com-#ter( Po--y a" Nata$ha?$ -ict#re$ were $till frot a" ceterO
$he miimiBe" the wi"ow( K*a'eIL
KCylleobool? A$ter! I $et yo# the $cree$hot$ of hi$ teAt$( Di"?t yo# loo'IL Clari$$a wa$ $o#"i. more a" more
"i$.r#tle"( ,he la#che" ito a bra..y $tory abo#t how $he?" tra"e" teAt$ with *a'e a" that they were meeti. there at
twel1e thirty(
KI?" lo1e to!L A$ter $ai"! Kb#t a$ I D#$t $ai"! my life?$ $ort of i " I $ho#l" -robably lie low(L
Clari$$a $orte"( K2o# $o#" a little Him Har"a$hia o1er"ramatic! hoey( The -eo-le who -o$t o that $ite are D#$t "oi.
it for f#(L
AoJ Jo yoo koow tbls becoose yoo ote ooe of tbem? A$ter felt a $tab of aoyace( The $he otice" a fi.#re -a$$i. i
the hallway( KI ha1e to .o( I?ll call yo# later!L $he tol" Clari$$a! a" h#. #-( KMitchPL $he calle" o#t( He t#re" towar"
her! hi$ face li.hti. #-(
KHey!L he $ai" $oftly( KHow are yo# hol"i. #-IL
KI?m o'ay!L A$ter $ai"( Mitch ha"?t $ha1e" that mori.O the $t#bble ma"e her otice how $har- hi$ Dawlie wa$( He
wa$?t weari. hi$ .la$$e$! either( A$ter ha" e1er realiBe" how lo. hi$ la$he$ were! tha $he ha" e1er $ee o a
Mitch $J#ite" at her! i$-ecti. her feat#re$( K2o# 'ow! l wo#l"?t be o'ay if I wet thro#.h what yo# "i" thi$
wee'e"(L He .lace" "ow the hall( KHa$ EliBabeth $ai" aythi. to yo# abo#t itIL he whi$-ere"(
A$ter $hoo' her hea"( KNot a wor"( ,he wa$ -i$$e"! act#ally! that I ha" to "o a iter1iew to"ay(L EliBabeth?$ "oor ha"
bee firmly clo$e" whe $he ret#re" to wor'! b#t $he?" $et A$ter a eEmail of thi.$ to "o! e1erythi. i all ca-$( K,he
fi"$ it a ico1eiece(L
Mitch $iffe"( KI?" $ay sbe wa$ the oe to -#$h yo#r car off that bri".e! b#t the $he?" ha1e o oe to "o her bitch
A$ter ha" alrea"y co$i"ere" the i"ea( EliBabeth clearly hate" the ,aybroo'$)maybe $he?" 'ille" Po--y too! a" wa$
after the re$t of the co#$i$ eAt( +#t $he?" chec'e" EliBabeth?$ cale"ar thi$ mori. before the iter1iewO her bo$$
really boJ bee away the mori. Po--y wa$ m#r"ere"( There were e1e recei-t$ from the 0o#r ,ea$o$ 3A a"
Hat$#ya to -ro1e it(
Whe A$ter loo'e" #-! Mitch wa$ $till $t#"yi. her( He $hoo' hi$ hea"( KHoe$tly! I "o?t 'ow how yo# ca e1e be here ow( If yo# ee" aythi. to"ay! .i1e me a call! o'ayI I ca "o yo#r coffee r# for a cha.e!L he a""e" wryly(
A$ter $ic'ere"( KTha'$!L $he $ai"! the .lace" at her com-#ter $cree KWat to fi.#re o#t who r#$ the +le$$e"
a" the C#r$e" for meIL
Mitch frowe"( KI$?t the 0+I "oi. thatIL
K2eah! well(L It "i"?t $eemli'e they were wor'i. 1ery har"(
A$ter -re$$e" her$ to her tem-le$( Her hea" wa$ -o#"i.! -robably beca#$e $he ha"?t .otte a "ecet$
$lee- $ice Po--y?$ m#r"er( The la$t few$! her mi" ha" whirle" o1ertime a$ $he $tr#..le" to thi' of who co#l" be
after them( Nata$ha! -erha-$)$he hate" their family $o m#ch that -erha-$ $he wa$ -ic'i. them off oe by oe! oly
her late$t -la ha" bac'fire" a" iD#re" her i$tea"( Or a ra"om .irlfrie" of ,te1eI Maybe EliBabeth( Maybe
$omeoe they "i"?t e1e 'ow( A" JlJ Po--y ha1e a $ecretI Why wa$ Nata$ha the oly oe who 'ew abo#t itI
KMitch!L $he a$'e"! .etti. a i"ea( KHa1e yo# e1er loo'e" thro#.h com-ay eEmail$IL
KI?mot $#re if I $ho#l" a$wer that hoe$tly(L
KI?m ot .oi. to .et yo# i tro#ble( I?m D#$t c#rio#$ abo#t Po--y(L ,he cleare" her throat( KI $ort of fo#" o#t that $he
ha" ( ( ( sttoqqles.L It wa$ the $ame wor" *oatha 2or' ha" #$e" with Corie at Po--y?$ f#eral( KA" maybe a $ecret(L
Mitch frowe"( K2o# mea the Dewelry thi.IL
Kwbot Dewelry thi.IL
Mitch loo'e" coflicte"! the $li" forwar" i hi$ chair( KI that?$ what yo# meat( A few moth$ a.o! HR wa$
cocere" that Po--y wa$ ( ( ( ta'i. thi.$(L
A$ter bal'e"( KTa'i. thi.$I What "o yo# meaIL
KI $aw it o eEmail( I thi' $he chec'e" o#t $ome -iece$ to $how cliet$ a" e1er chec'e" them bac' i( Peo-le were
worrie" that $he ( ( ( $tole them! I .#e$$( A" the maybe $ol" them(L
A$ter la#.he" icre"#lo#$ly( KWhy wo#l" Po--y ee" moeyIL
Mitch $hr#..e"( KI "o?t 'ow( Accor"i. to the eEmail$! the Dewel$ were e1er ret#re"(L
K,o wa$ $he i tro#bleIL A$ter a$'e"! her mi" mo1i. $lowly(
Mitch $tare" #- at the ceili.( KI thi' it D#$t wet away( +#t I ha1e o i"ea how it wa$ re$ol1e"(L
K*e$#$(L A$ter?$ hea" -o#"e" e1e har"er ow( Who wa$ thi$ ew Po--y! a" why ha" A$ter e1er met herI ,he
wo"ere" if Rowa 'ew abo#t the theft alle.atio$( Probably ot)$he wo#l" ha1e metioe" it( KI hate thi$!L $he
whi$-ere"! feeli. o1erwhelme"(
KHey!L Mitch m#rm#re"( KIt?$ o'ay( It?ll all be o'ay(L He reache" o#t a$ if to to#ch her $ho#l"er! the $eeme" to thi'
better of it a" let hi$ ha" fall to the $i"e( The $ilece $tretche" ta#t betwee them(
0ially A$ter t#re" a" $tarte" clic'i. ra"omly at her com-#ter( K2o#?" better .et o#t of here! or EliBabeth will -#$h #$
botb o1er a bri".e(L Mitch loo'e" a little "i$a--oite"( K,ee yo# later! A$ter(L He t#re" a" lo-e" ito the hall( Hi$ $hoe wa$ #tie"!
a" he tri--e" o1er the lace$! the t#re" bac' a" $hr#..e" .oofily( A$ter $hoo' her hea"! $mili.(
Her -hoe ra.! a" $he D#m-e"( Her father?$ eAte$io a--eare" i the caller ID wi"ow( KDa"!L A$ter $ai" $ha'ily(
KWhat?$ #-IL
KI ha1e $omethi. I ee" to tal' to yo# abo#t(L Ma$o $o#"e" 1ery $ober(
KNowIL A$ter $wallowe"( Wa$ he .oi. to $col" her abo#t the CNN iter1iewI What ha" $he "oe wro. thi$ timeI
KCa yo# come ito my officeIL
A$ter -ee'e" ito the hall( KI?mot $#re EliBabeth wo#l" li'e that(L
KI?ll clear it with her( Come "ow ow(L
He h#. #- before A$ter co#l" re-ly( ,he ro$e a" $moothe" "ow her "re$$! a $oli" bl#e that wo#l" loo' .oo" o
camera a" o#t her eye$( Maybe thi$ wa$ a .oo" o--ort#ity! act#ally( ,he co#l" a$' himabo#t ,te1e(
,he bac' to that! at the e"EofE$#mmer -arty fi1e year$ a.o( It ha" bee their -oit of o ret#r( If $he?"
cho$e "ifferetly that! $he a" her father ha1e $al1a.e" thi.$(
+#t i$tea" A$ter ha" followe" ,te1e away from the .ro#-! f#ele" with a"realie a" $-i'y Thi$ wa$ the -erfect
re1e.e$t her father( If he co#l" r#i her relatio$hi- with her be$t frie"! the $he co#l" "e$troy oe of hi$(
A$ for Daielle! all A$ter ha" felt wa$ hate( ,he?" throw away their frie"$hi- to be with A$ter?$ JoJ.
,he a" ,te1e -#$he" thro#.h the ree"$ a" wal'e" "ow to the beach( Tho#.h ,te1e ha" $ai" he wate" to $how
A$ter hi$ yacht! a$ $oo a$ they were o#t of 1iew! he $eiBe" her aro#" the wai$t a" -#lle" her clo$e to him( They $a'
"ow! a" hi$ ha"$ tra1ele" all o1er her bo"y( I momet$ he?" #Bi--e" the "re$$ $he wa$ weari. a" to$$e" it o the
$a"( Cool wi" 'i$$e" A$ter?$ bare $'i( ,he #"i" the b#tto$ o hi$ $hirt a" loo$ee" hi$ t#Ae"o c#mmerb#"( KOh
my Go"!L he?" breathe" ito A$ter?$ ear( K2o# are $o wet(L A$ter "i"?t really feel li'e "irty tal'i.! $o i re$-o$e $he D#$t
#Bi--e" hi$ -at$ a" ya'e" them"ow(
The moo ha" ri$e hi.her i the $'y( A$ter clo$e" her eye$ a" -#lle" ,te1e clo$er to her! letti. the f#el her
mo1emet$ i -lace of "e$ire( Hi$ mo#th wa$ hot! a" ta$te" li'e whi$'ey a" lime( At oe -oit $he $he $melle"
a! b#t the the wi" $hifte" a" it wa$ .oe(
,he "i"?t hear her father arri1e #til he wa$ $ta"i. almo$t "irectly o1er her(
,te1e $cramble" away! ya'i. #- hi$ -at$( Ma$o $too" there li'e a woo"e bloc'! $oli" a" firm! hi$ arm$ at hi$
$i"e$( Hi$ eye$ blaBe"( Hi$ bo"y $hoo' with ra.e(
KWhat the hell i$ wro. with yo#IL he .rowle" at A$ter(
,he $at #-! -#lli. her "re$$ aro#" her a" cro$$i. her arm$ o1er her che$t! feeli. $tea"ier tha $he ha" i a lo. time(
KIf yo# ca $crew my frie"!L $he $ai" i a $tro. 1oice! Kthe I ca $crew yo#r$(L
A$ter t#re" her hea" bac' to her com-#ter $cree( The +le$$e" a" the C#r$e" ha" refre$he"! a ew -o$t a--eari.
abo1e the -ict#re$ of Po--y a" Nata$ha( It wa$ a -ict#re of bet! $he realiBe"! cryi. a$ $he etere" the bathroom at the
Time Warer Ceter( Her eye$ were clo$e"! her ma'e#- $meare" a$ tear$ ra "ow her chee'$(
KCry Me a Ri1er!L rea" the hea"lie(
Her heart $'i--e" a beat( ,he ha"?t otice" ayoe i the hallway with her after the iter1iew( How ha" the $ite .otte
thi$ -ict#reI
,he $h#""ere" a" clo$e" the wi"ow! the t#re" a" hea"e" for the ele1ator ba'( Whate1er her father ha" to $ay
co#l"?t be ay $carier tha thi$(
A,TER RODE >P two floor$ to where the eAec$ a" lawyer$? office$ were( ,he t#re"! towar" the bi. corer office(
KHelloIL $he calle" o#t $oftly! -o'i. her hea" i$i"e(
Her father?$ office wa$ em-ty! hi$ chair t#re" to face the wi"ow( A$ter wal'e" i a" i$-ecte" hi$ "e$'( There wa$ o
ote $ayi. he?" be bac' i a momet( ,he felt a familiar "art of aoyace( Thi$ wa$ so li'e him)calli. her "ow here!
oly to ma'e her wait(
A web -a.e with the Cha$e ba' lo.o wa$ o the com-#ter $cree( A$ter $tarte" to .lace away)the -a#$e" whe $he
$aw how may Bero$ were there( It wa$ the cofirmatio recei-t for a liJ#i"atio of com-ay $toc'N K4==!=== $hare$!L it
rea"( KI the amo#t of \4= millio(L A$ter?$ mo#th ma"e a $mall O! a" $he leae" i a little clo$er( The tra$actio wa$
from fi1e year$ a.o( ,he wo"ere" why her father wa$ loo'i. at it ow! a" what it wa$ for( Why ha" Ma$o wate" to
#loa" $o m#ch $toc' all at oceI
Her father $too" i the "oorway( KOh! hey!L A$ter $ai"! $c#ttli. bac' to the co#ch a" $itti. "ow(
Aother fi.#re $te--e" o#t from behi" him)*oatha 2or'! her oceE#cle( He wa$ weari. a wellEc#t .ray $#it a"
$hiy loafer$! a" a lar.e .ol" watch o hi$ left wri$t( There wa$ a "i$ $m#. $mile o hi$ face(
KOh! hi! *oatha!L A$ter $ai"! .i1i. hima $mall wa1e( +ac' whe he wa$ officially a ,aybroo'! $he?" e1er 'ow how to
"eal with him( The family wa$ f#ll of $tro. -er$oalitie$! b#t there wa$ $omethi. abo#t him)hi$ $ilece! hi$ h#l'i.
$ho#l"er$! hi$ -eetrati. $tare)that -#t her o e".e( R#mor ha" it that he a" her a#t Grace "i1orce" beca#$e he wa$
too cotrolli.(
K*oatha wa$ D#$t lea1i.(L Ma$o t#re" to $ha'e hi$ ha"( KI?ll call yo# tomorrow(L A" the! offeri. a $tiff o"!
*oatha wa$ .oe(
Ma$o $li--e" ito hi$ office a" $h#t the "oor( KWhat wa$ he "oi. hereIL A$ter a$'e"(
KOh! ma'i. tro#ble a$ #$#al!L Ma$o $ai" J#ic'ly! breeBi. -a$t her to hi$ "e$'( He $-# hi$ chair bac' aro#" a" $at(
Whe he .lace" at hi$ com-#ter $cree! a .#ar"e" loo' fla$he" acro$$ hi$ face! a" he loo'e" caref#lly at A$ter( ,he
'e-t her face bla'( The Ma$o reache" o1er a" $h#t the moitor off(
K,o(L Ma$o o-ee" a Diet Co'e( He too' a lo. $wi. a" $wallowe" a#"ibly( K2o# "i" a .oo" Dob o CNN(L
KI "i"IL
K2e$! yo# "i"( Deaa a" I are both -lea$e"( A$ i$ yo#r .ra"mother( We a--reciate yo# "oi. it at the la$t momet(L
A$ter t#..e" at her collar! ot #$e" to -rai$e( KNo -roblem!L $he $ai" i a $mall 1oice(
Ma$o "r#mme" hi$$ o the "e$'( KI al$o wate" to tha' yo# for yo#r .oo" i"ea! abo#t the e.a.emet ri. for
Ho a" 0a#(L
A$ter frowe"( KPar"oIL
KMa'i. a ri. li'e oe 0a#?$ mother #$e" to ha1e( EliBabeth tol" me abo#t it thi$ mori.(L
KEliBabeth oseJ that i"eaI ,he tol" me it wa$ $t#-i"(L
Ma$o co#.he"( KWell! $he -re$ete" it to me earlier to"ay( ,he trie" to ta'e the cre"it too! b#t Mitch Eri'$o wa$ here!
wor'i. o my com-#ter! a" he -i-e" #- that it ha" bee yo#r all alo.( I a$'e" EliBabeth if it wa$ tr#e! a" $he
a"mitte" that it wa$(L
EliBabeth ha" bee #-$ta.e"I Mitch ha" $too" #- for her to her fatherI A$ter $mile" at the
Ma$o leae" forwar"! hi$ feat#re$ $oftei.( KI?" li'e for yo# to wor' more clo$ely with cliet$( A--aretly yo#r
bac'.ro#" ma'e$ yo# a -erfect co$#ltat for $ome of their wat$ a" ee"$( Maybe the la$t few year$ ha1e?t bee a
wa$te after all(L
A$ter $tare" at him( KAre yo# -romoti. me beca#$e of my -artyi.IL
Ma$o loo'e" -aie"( KI?" rather ot -#t it that way(L
KI D#$t ( ( ( I "i"?t eA-ect it(L
K2o#?re welcome!L Ma$o $ai"(
They $tare" at each other i $ilece( A$ter hate" it! b#t $he mi$$e" her father( Mi$$e" ha1i. him cheer her o! belie1e i
her! eco#ra.e her( KA$ter! I?myo#r bi..e$t fa!L he alway$ #$e" to $ay( KDo?t e1er that(L
+#t the $he of him embraci. Daielle! $lee-i. with her be$t frie" a" thi'i. he co#l" hi"e it from her! a"
the wi"ow i$i"e her that ha" o-ee" a crac' $lamme" $h#t
,he cleare" her throat( KI ha1e a J#e$tio(L Ma$o o""e"! a" A$ter for.e" ahea"( KDo yo# 'ow if ,te1e +arett ha"
a $erio#$ .irlfrie" before he "ie"IL
Ma$o fliche"( Hi$$ relea$e" the mo#$e( KWhat "oe$ that ha1e to "o with aythi.IL
KI mea! EliBabeth?$ my bo$$!L A$ter $ai" J#ic'ly( ,he $tare" at him-oite"ly! waiti. for a reactio( KAyway! $he?$ ma"e
referece to it!L A$ter wet o( KI wa$ D#$t wo"eri.(L
KI try ot to li$te to $taff .o$$i-!L Ma$o $ai" br#$J#ely( K,te1e "i" a lot of thi.$ I "i"?t a--ro1e of(L
K+#t "i"?t Pa-a Alfre" -ic' him o#t of b#$ie$$ $choolI He alway$ .a1e ,te1e $o m#ch cre"it for why the b#$ie$$
wa$ $o $#cce$$f#l(L
K2e$! well(L Ma$o re$tac'e" the -a-er$ o the $i"e of hi$ "e$'( KNot all of #$ a$ hi.hly of ,te1e a$ yo#r
.ra"father "i"(L
A$ter "i"?t "are -#$h the $#bDect f#rther( +#t $ice the moo" wa$ alrea"y altere"! $he fi.#re" $he a$ well 'ee-
.oi.( KDi" Po--y $teal DewelryIL
Ma$o "rew bac' a.rily( KWhere "i" yo# hear thatIL he "ema"e"( KWa$ it o that $iteIL
KNo( I$ it tr#eIL
Ma$o?$$ c#rle" ito a fi$t $o that 1ei$ $t#c' o#t o the bac' of hi$ ha"( He breathe" hea1ily for a few beat$!
hi$ eye$ "owca$t( KIt?$ bee ta'e care of(L
,he frowe"( KWhat "oe$ tbot meaIL
KIt mea$! stop oskloq oboot lt.L
KWhy wo#l" Po--y "o $omethi. li'e thatI Doe$ 0oley 'ow abo#t thi$IL
Ma$o $hot #- from hi$ "e$'( A$ter -re$$e" her $-ie ito the c#$hio a" ma"e a $mall yel-( KWhat "i" I D#$t tell yo#IL
he "ema"e"(
KI?m$orry(L A$ter breathe" $ha'ily( KI D#$t ( ( (L
KI tol" yo# to stop oskloq oboot ltPL Ma$o bellowe"(
KO'ay!L A$ter whi$-ere"! c#rli. ito her$elf(
Ma$o?$ o$tril$ flare"( It loo'e" a$ if he wa$ .oi. to $ay $omethi. el$e! b#t he wa$ iterr#-te" by the -hoe o hi$
"e$'( KI ee" to ta'e thi$!L he $ai"! .i1i. a little wa1e of hi$ ha" a$ if to $ay! oote JlsmlsseJ.
A$ter $too" a" h#rrie" towar" the "oor! $lammi. it har" behi" her(
O 0ri"ay! Rowa -a#$e" o#t$i"e ,car-etta i the Meat-ac'i. Di$trict( It #$e" to be oe of Po--y?$ fa1orite re$ta#rat$(
+efore Po--y marrie" *ame$! $he a" Rowa #$e" to meet here after wor' a" "ri' re" wie that me at the bar wo#l"
i1ariably b#y them( K3et ?em -ay!L Po--y alway$ $ai"! to$$i. her blo" hair o1er her $ho#l"er( KIt ma'e$ them feel
ee"e")a" it?$ a $mall -rice to -ay to tal' to $omeoe a$ awe$ome a$ yo# are! Ro(L Now! D#$t $eei. the awi. fille"
Rowa with o$tal.ia a" $a"e$$(
+#t that emotio wa$ $we-t away J#ic'ly a$ $he felt $omeoe?$ .aBe bori. ito her bac'( ,he t#re"! a" two me!
$e1eral year$! t#re" their hea"$ J#ic'ly! -rete"i. they ha"?t bee $tari.( The cha.e"! a" they
cro$$e" the $treet( K,eA ta-e!L Rowa hear" oe of them$ay(
,he $i.he"( All of New 2or' City ow 'ew what $he wa$ li'e "#ri. $eA( Deaa a" the family?$ -er$oal lawyer$ ha"
$et m#lti-le threatei. eEmail$ to the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e"! a" the -o$t ha" fially bee ta'e "ow( +#t they $till
"i"?t 'ow who wa$ r#i. the f#c'i. $ite)or who wa$ ti--i. it off(
The 1i"eo wa$ li'e a bi. Y o her $o#l( Her brother$ ha" calle" her abo#t it! a$'i. aw'war"! worrie" J#e$tio$( Her
mother! the femii$t! ha" "ri1e ito the city to $ee Rowa( O1er chic'-ea frie$ a" J#ioa $ala" at Peacefoo" Cafe!
3eoa ha" lect#re" Rowa abo#t how $he wa$ thirtyEtwo year$ ol" ow a" $ho#l" be a little more caref#l abo#t her
romatic eta.lemet$)ot to metio that if $he ha"?t bee wor'i. for the family com-ay! $he co#l" ha1e bee
fire"( E1e *ame$ ha" bee frea'e" o#t! tho#.h Rowa ha" a$$#re" him a" that o oe 'ew it wa$ him(
The whole $it#atio wa$ mortifyi.(
Her -hoe ra.! the 1ol#me $o low Rowa almo$t "i"?t hear it o1er the $o#"$ of 0o#rteeth ,treet traffic( Rowa
chec'e" the $cree a" $aw a 545 #mber( Whe $he a$were"! a yo#. woma?$ 1oice $ai"! KRowa ,aybroo'I Thi$ i$
,ho$haa Aaro( I?mret#ri. yo#r call(L
Knl!L Rowa $ai" em-hatically! c#--i. her ha"$ aro#" the -hoe( KTha' yo# $o m#ch for $-ea'i. to me(L
A b#$ -a$$e"! "rowi. o#t Rowa?$ 1oice for a momet! b#t the $he la#che" ito the $-eech $he?" rehear$e"( KI
wo?t ta'e #- m#ch of yo#r time( I?m the co#$el at ,aybroo'?$! a" it?$ come to my attetio that yo# ha1e
-ertiet iformatio abo#t Po--y(L
Pa-er$ r#$tle" o the other e"( KWhat "o yo# meaIL
Rowa -ict#re" Po--y?$ ol" a$$i$tat( 3o.! "ar' hair! oli1e $'i! a -retty face! a "iamo"Eecr#$te" Cho-ar" watch
$#rely -ai" for by her father a" ot her a$$i$tat?$ $alary( ,he ha" fit i well i the Dewelry c#lt#re! alway$ tra1eli. with
a .a..le of .irl$ to l#ch or ha--y ho#r(
KI $-o'e to Daielle Gilchri$t recetly! a" $he tol" me yo# otice" Po--y acti. $tra.ely before yo# left for De +eer$(L
There wa$ a lo. -a#$e( KI?mreally $orry abo#t Po--y!L ,ho$haa $tarte"( KI feel $o .#ilty $ayi. aythi. ba" abo#t her!
yo# 'owIL
KI 'ow!L Rowa $ai" J#ic'ly( KThi$ i$?t .oi. o the recor"! either( I?mD#$t c#rio#$ abo#t what eAactly ha--ee"(L
KWell! $he wa$ acti. weir"!L ,ho$haa $ai" #ea$ily( K,he a$'e" me to .et off a lot of call$( ,he $che"#le"
a--oitmet$ b#t "i"?t "e$cribe who they were with or where $he wa$ .oi.( It ma"e it har" to eA-lai to Ma$o a"
other eAec#ti1e$ why $he co#l"?t ma'e meeti.$ whe I "i"?t 'ow where $he act#ally wa$( +#t what really ma"e me
wo"er wa$ the $#ite $he boo'e" at the Ma"ari(L
KWhat "o yo# meaIL
KI .ot a call from the hotel cofirmi. Po--y?$ re$er1atio for oe of their $#ite$ o a We"e$"ay( It wa$?t o her
cale"ar! $o I it wa$ a mi$ta'e( I wa$ telli. them to cacel it whe Po--y bro'e i o the other lie( V,ho$haa!
I?1e .ot it!? $he $ai"! a" the tol" the re$er1atio$ -er$o that $he wo#l" #$e her -ri1ate car"(L ,ho$haa co#.he"
aw'war"ly( KThe I .ot off the lie( +#t it $eeme" 'i" of ( ( ( clear! yo# 'owIL
Rowa $h#t her eye$( K+#t yo# e1er a ameI Ne1er ( ( ( sow ayoeIL
KOh! o( Nothi. li'e that(L A -hoe ra. o ,ho$haa?$ e"( KWhich mea$ it ot be aythi.( I mea! I?m $#re
it?$ ot(L ,he $wallowe" a#"ibly( KPo--y wa$ a really .oo" bo$$( I "o?t wat yo# to thi' I?" e1er! I "o?t 'ow)sell thi$
KOf co#r$e ot!L Rowa $ai"! tho#.h $he ha"?t e1e co$i"ere" that(
,he tha'e" ,ho$haa! the h#. #- a" wal'e" ito the re$ta#rat i a "aBe( There it wa$! -robably a$ clo$e a$ $he
wa$ .oi. to .et to -roof that Po--y wa$?t who Rowa ha" #"er$too" her to be( +#t a$ -aif#l a$ ,ho$haa?$
re1elatio wa$! it wa$ al$o freei.( ,tayi. away from *ame$ wa$ bei. loyal to a .ho$t who ha"?t bee loyal to *ame$(
Po--y ha" mo1e" o a" fo#" lo1e el$ewhere! a" ow maybe *ame$ a" Rowa co#l" too(
Corie wa1e" to her from a bac' table! a" Rowa o""e" a" wo1e thro#.h the "ii. room to .et to her( A iPa"
loa"e" with -ict#re$ $at i frot of her co#$iO Corie wa$ .oi. thro#.h -hoto.ra-h$ to "i$-lay at her we""i.( Whe
Corie $aw Rowa?$ eA-re$$io! $he coc'e" her hea"( KDi" $omethi. ha--eIL
Rowa eA-laie" her co1er$atio with ,ho$haa( K,o maybe Po--y a" whoe1er the .#y wa$ ha" bee meeti. at a
$#ite at the Ma"ari!L $he cocl#"e"(
KH#h!L Corie $ai" $oftly! tho#.h $he "i"?t loo' li'e $he J#ite belie1e" it( KI wo"er who it co#l" be(L
KNo i"ea!L Rowa $ai"(
KAre yo# .oi. to tell *ame$IL
KI alrea"y tol" him what Daielle $ai"(L Rowa ra her alo. a .roo1e o the woo"e table( ,he?" fially
metioe" her co1er$atio with Daielle whe $he $le-t o1er at hi$ -lace la$t KWell! that -ro1e$ it! the!L he?"
$ai" thic'ly(
*ame$ wate" to -#t it behi" themO let $lee-i. "o.$ lie! he?" $ai"( They ha" each other ow( +#t Rowa co#l"?t let it
.o( What if the affair ha" $omethi. to "o with Po--y?$ "eathI
A waitre$$ $et "ow two .la$$e$ of Corie a" Rowa?$ fa1orite malbec o the table! brea'i. Rowa fromher$(
K,o( How?$ the -ict#re $electio comi.IL
KEh!L Corie $ai" mi$erably! fli--i. thro#.h a few ima.e$(
KWhat abo#t thi$ oeIL Rowa -oite" at a -hoto.ra-h of Corie a" DiAo a few year$ after they?" fir$t met at 2ale(
They were at a Het#c'y Derby -arty)Corie wa$ weari. a o1er$iBe hat! a" DiAo wa$ "ri'i. from a $il1er c#-(
KIt?$ really c#te!L Rowa a""e"(
Corie $hoo' her hea"( KI loo' terrible i that oe(L
,he $crolle" thro#.h aother -erfectly .oo" -hoto! iAi. it too( The aother( 0ially $he let o#t a lo. $i.h a" ra her$ thro#.h her hair( Rowa abo#t what Corie ha" cofe$$e" at the beach e$tate(
Rowa lai" her ha"$ o to- of the iPa" a" .a1e her co#$i a lo.! $erio#$ loo'( KHoey( wbot are yo# .oi. to "oIL
Corie hea1e" a $i.h a" the "ro--e" her forehea" to the table( The -art i her hair wa$ a $tar' lie $-litti. her hea"
i two( KI?m.oi. to .et marrie"!L $he $ai" i a m#ffle" 1oice(
KDo yo# woot to .et marrie"IL
KOf co#r$e(L
KPeo-le will for.i1e yo# if yo# "o?t! yo# 'ow(L
Corie loo'e" #-! her mo#th twi$ti.( KWhat "o yo# thi' Po--y wo#l" "oIL
Rowa trace" her aro#" the to- of the$$( KI hoe$tly "o?t 'ow!L $he $ai" i a faraway 1oice( KI feel li'e
$he?$ a $ the$e "ay$(L
KI 'ow(L Corie $wallowe" har"( K0ir$t we lo$e Po--y ( ( ( a" the we lo$e who we Po--y wos. I feel li'e I
ha1e to re1i$e my whole hi$tory with her(L A tort#re" loo' cro$$e" her face! b#t the $he $i.he" a" $eeme" to let it .o(
,he .lace" "ow at the iPa" a" $mile" $a"ly at $omethi. o the $cree( KAw(L
Rowa loo'e" "ow too( The eAt -hoto wa$ of *ame$( He $too" aloe o the -atio at Meriweather! weari. a
$eer$#c'er blaBer( Rowa remembere" that blaBer)$hortly after he?" boo'e" the ho#$e that $#mmer! he?" arri1e" at her
a-artmet i the city with a +roo'$ +rother$ ba.( KDo -eo-le really "re$$ li'e thi$ #- thereI Or am I .oi. to loo' li'e a
Rowa ha" $orte"( K2o#?re a$'i. me for $tyle a"1iceIL
*ame$ $ic'ere"( KGoo" -oit! ,aybroo'( 2o#?re a$ ho-ele$$ a$ I am(L +#t he?" $hot her a twi'lyEeye" loo' a$ if to $ay!
wete lo tbls toqetbet.
,he .rabbe" her -hoe fromher -#r$e a" chec'e" the $cree( ,he?" $et *ame$ a IEmi$$Eyo# teAt earlier! b#t he ha"?t
re$-o"e"( ,'ylar ha" a -aretEteacher coferece! a" $he wate" to hear how he wa$ "oi.(
K2o# 'ow! I really amha--y for yo#!L Corie m#rm#re" $oftly(
Rowa loo'e" #- a" to#che" her co#$i?$ ha"( KTha' yo#( +#t yo# "o?t ha1e to be( I 'ow it?$ $tra.e(L
Corie $hr#..e"( KI the .ra" $cheme of thi.$! after e1erythi. el$e we?1e leare"! it?$ othi.(L ,he to#che" the
$temof her$$( KHa1e there bee ay more -o$t$ abo#t ( ( ( the 1i"eo olieIL
Rowa $hoo' her hea"( KNo! b#t I $till "o?t #"er$ta" who co#l" ha1e .otte it off my com-#ter!L $he $ai" worrie"ly(
Corie o""e"( KDo yo# thi' it wa$ $omeoe at wor'IL
KMaybe!L Rowa $ai"( K+#t ( ( (L The $he traile" off! otici. $omethi. o#t$i"e( A ma ha" wal'e" by who loo'e"
eAactly li'e *ame$( ,ame! $ame b#il"! $ame color of hair( Oly ,'ylar?$ $chool wa$ way #-tow( ,he m#$t ha1e
bee mi$ta'e(
+#t the $he $ of him i the wi"ow$ alo. the we$t wall of the b#il"i.( It wa$ "efiitely *ame$( Hi$
hea" wa$ "ow! a" he wa$ ty-i. $omethi. ito hi$ -hoe( O i$tict Rowa loo'e" at her ow -hoe! atici-ati. a
teAt! b#t oe "i"?t arri1e(
KWhat i$ itIL Corie a$'e"! otici. that Rowa ha" hitche" forwar" to .et a better 1iew(
*ame$ ha" $to--e" a" wa$ $tari. at $omethi. acro$$ the $treet( He too' a few $te-$ forwar"! -a$t where the wi"ow
reache"! $ towar" $omeoe( A $mile $-rea" acro$$ hi$ face( Rowa?$ $'i -ric'le"( ,he reco.iBe" that $mile(
,he ro$e fromthe table! b#m-i. her 'ee$t the bottom( KWhere are yo# .oi.IL Corie crie" o#t(
KI?ll be bac' i a $ec!L Rowa calle" o1er her $ho#l"er( ,he wo#l" D#$t wal' o#t the "oor a" $ee who it wa$( 0or all $he
'ew! it wa$ ,'ylarO maybe $he?" mi$#"er$too" where he wa$
,he br#$he" -a$t the bar a" $te--e" thro#.h the "o#ble "oor$ oto the $treet! almo$t b#m-i. ito a J#ic'Emo1i.
b#$ie$$ma .oi. the other "irectio( Her heel$ clic'e" o the $i"ewal' a$ $he wal'e" to the corer a" -eere" #- the
$treet! b#t *ame$ wa$ o there( Rowa he$itate"! the $tro"e a few -ace$ #- the $treetO maybe he?" "i$a--eare"
aro#" a corer( ,he $cae" the $ho-$ o the a1e#eN a "i.y "eli! a D#ae Rea"e "r#.$tore! a" oe of tho$e New
2or' frame $ho-$ that $ol" the $ame fi1e Moet -rit$(
A" the there he wa$! $ta"i. at the etrace of DreamDowtow( A "ar'Ehaire" woma i a $lee1ele$$ "re$$ hel" hi$
ha"! a" the two of them wal'e" towar" the re1ol1i. "oor$( Rowa?$ $tomach fli--e"( A$ the woma tilte" her hea"
towar" him a" br#$he" a -iece of hair o#t of her face! Rowa realiBe" $he 'ew her too( It wa$ E1a Pierce( Corie?$
we""i. -laer( Po--y?$ ftleoJ.
Rowa wa$ $#""ely eAt to them witho#t ha1i. 'ow how $he .ot there( E1a loo'e" o1er fir$t( KOhPL $he $ai"
-lea$atly( KHello! Rowa(L
*ame$ $to--e" $hort at the $o#" of her ame( He "ro--e" E1a?$ ha"! b#t "i"?t mo1e away from her( KRowa!L he
$ai"! hi$ 1oice ta#t( K,hit(L
They ha" $to--e" i frot of the re1ol1i. "oorO a $tream of -eo-le ha" to $J#eeBe aro#" them to .et ito the
b#il"i.( +#t Rowa co#l"?t mo1e o#t of the way( K2o#?re ot with ,'ylarL wa$ the oly thi. $he co#l" thi' to $ay( ,he
hate" how wea' her 1oice $o#"e"(
*ame$ $te--e" forwar"( KI 'ow( +#t I ca eA-lai(L
Rowa "rew away from hi$ to#ch( E1a cro$$e" her arm$ o1er her che$t! $t#"yi. *ame$ J#iBBically( KI$ e1erythi. all
+#t Rowa 'e-t her .aBe o *ame$( KO'ay! the( EA-lai(L Maybe they were here for a b#$ie$$ meeti.( Maybe E1a
wate" to create a we""i.E-lai. a--( Maybe ( ( (
*ame$?$ eye$ "arte" bac' a" forth .#iltily( He $hifte" hi$ a" ra hi$ ha" thro#.h hi$ hair( Rowa?$ heart $a'(
,he reco.iBe" thi$ loo' too( ,he?" li1e" thro#.h it co#tle$$ time$ whe *ame$ oe .irl to a -arty a" left with
+#t $he?" e1er he wo#l" "o it to bet.
K*e$#$!L $he $-at! a har" $hell formi. aro#" her( The $he wheele" aro#" towar" the $treet! $#""ely "e$-erate to
KRowaPL *ame$ crie"! "arti. after her( KWaitP Plea$ePL
Her wal' t#re" to a r#( ,he $-e" to the e" of the $treet! her eye$ bl#rri. with $hamef#l tear$( lockloq lJlot! a 1oice
i$i"e her chi"e"( A" $he?" *ame$ ha" cha.e"( It wa$ $ic'ei. how bli"$i"e" $he felt! whe really! $he
$ho#l" ha1e $ee thi$ comi. frommile$ away(
KRowaPL *ame$?$ 1oice rece"e" "ow the $treet(
,he wal'e" "owtow! foc#$i. o a forwar" -oit a" othi. el$e( If $he $to--e" wal'i.! $he! $he
-eri$h( If $he $to--e" wal'i.! $he $tart thi'i. abo#t what ha" D#$t ha--ee"( A" $he cr#mble to $a"(
KRowaPL *ame$ $creame"! a half bloc' away( KRowa! come bac' herePL
Hi$ wor"$ wa$he" o1er her( ,he of a millio horrible thi.$ $he co#l" $ay to him! b#t $he co#l"?t e1e
loo'i. at him the( ,o $he -ic'e" #- the -ace! t#ri. off the a1e#e a" Bi.Ba..i. "ow a $i"e $treet( Two $mall
bloc'$ later! $he realiBe" *ame$?$ call$ ha" cea$e"( ,he loo'e" o1er her $ho#l"er! a" *ame$ wa$ .oe( ,he wa$ fille"
-artly with $ati$factio a" -artly with loathi.( He ha"?t e1e bothere" to 'ee- #- with her(
,he t#re" a corer oto a $treet $he "i"?t reco.iBe( Aba"oe" $la#.hterho#$e$ loome" abo1e her li'e ol" iro
carca$$e$( Rowa hear" traffic $o#"$! b#t her hea" wa$ $-ii. $o maically that $he co#l"?t tell which way Teth
A1e#e wa$( Her heart $tarte" to th#"( How wa$ it that $he ha" o i"ea where $he wa$ i her hometowI
,he ra! her heel$ twi$ti.! her arm$ -#m-i.( Whe $he $te--e" off a c#rb! her a'le t#re"( ,he felt her bo"y la#ch
ito the air a" $creame"( Her 'ee hit the bric' $treet fir$t! a" the her elbow( WhiteEhot -ai $hot thro#.h her bo"y!
a" $he $cramble" #- a$ fa$t a$ $he co#l"( +#t the $he felt a r#$h of wi" to her left! a" a hor ho'e" i her ear( The
hea"$ were beari. "ow o her a$ $he t#re" her hea"(
KRowaPL $omeoe $creame" behi" her! a" $he felt a force -#lli. her bac'(
,he $t#mble" #- the c#rb a$ the cab whi--e" -a$t! the "ri1er $till layi. o hi$ hor( KOh my Go"PL Corie crie"!
$-ii. Rowa aro#" a" loo'i. ito her eye$( ,he -#lle" Rowa clo$e a" fl#. her arm$ aro#" her(
KThat car came o#t of owhere!L Rowa whi$-ere"! feeli. her heart ba.$t her rib ca.e( ,he .aBe" o#t at the
em-ty $treet( The cab?$$ "i$a--eare" aro#" a corer( Tha' Go" her co#$i ha" bee there(
Rowa be.a to J#ietly $ob( Corie ha1e bee able to $a1e her from a hea"Eo colli$io! b#t who wo#l" re$c#e
her fromthe free fall of a bro'e heartI
Corie $we-t thro#.h the "oor$ of her a-artmet b#il"i.( KMi$$ ,aybroo'PL her "oorma calle" o#t to her( Corie
t#re" warily( He wa$ hol"i. a lar.e file fol"er i hi$ ha"( K0or yo#( 0romthat re"hea"(L
Corie breeBe" o1er a" too' it fromhim! $ayi. a cli--e" tha'Eyo#( KT#r'ey)New Hire$!L it $ai" i ro#" ha"writi.
o the frot( ,he #"i" the clo$#re a" -#lle" o#t a few fat rG$#mG$( A -i' Po$tEit wa$ o the to- oe( K,orry to hit yo#
with wor'! b#t I ee" the$e a--ro1e" by tomorrow( Tha'$! Daielle(L
KI$ $he $i.leIL Mar'#$ calle" after her a$ $he clic'e" to the ele1ator(
Corie t#c'e" the file$ i her -#r$e( KI "o?t thi' $o!L $he calle" o1er her $ho#l"er( ,he remembere" Daielle bri.i.
a attracti1e ma ame" +rett @er"oor to the Chri$tma$ -arty la$t year(
,he #loc'e" her a-artmet a" "ro--e" her 'ey$ o the eormo#$ marble 'itche i$la"( DiAo! $till i hi$ wor' $#it a"
loafer$! wa$ $itti. i the "e! the T@ fla$hi.$t hi$ face( 0o#r -layer$ $at at a -o'er table! tra"i. car"$ o#t to the
"ealer( Corie $lamme" 'itche "rawer$ a" cabiet$ o-e a" clo$e"! $i.hi. lo#"ly whe $he otice" that DiAo ha"
left a #wa$he" bowl of melte" ice cream i the -orcelai farmho#$e $i')co#l"?t he e1e wa$h a "i$hI ,he o-ee"
the fri".e a" -#$he" it $h#t! hati. it$ cotet$( ,he 'ic'e" off her $hoe$ a" "i"?t care that they wet $'i""i.
acro$$ the marble floor(
KHey! babe!L he calle" o#t -lea$atly! the $l#. a arm o1er the co#ch a" tilte" hi$ ec' bac' to .et a 1iew of her(
KWhere were yo#I More we""i. $t#ffIL
Corie -lo--e" "ow eAt to him! irritate" that he "i"?t $eem to $e$e her "i$tre$$( KI D#$t $aw $omethi. awf#l!L $he
DiAo cro$$e" hi$ arm$ o1er hi$ che$t( K,omethi. o that web$iteIL
KNo( Wor$e(L Corie tol" himabo#t fi"i. *ame$ with E1a( KI D#$t ho-e Rowa?$ o'ay( ,he?$ ot -ic'i. #-(L
KWait! wait( E1a PierceI Holy $hit(L DiAo $tarte" to #$crew hi$ c#ff li'$( KI mea! that?$ f#c'e" #-( +#t why wo#l"
Rowa care ay more tha the re$t of yo#IL
Corie bit the i$i"e of her chee'( ,ometime$ $he for.ot how m#ch $he JlJot tell DiAo( KThey?1e bee $eei. each
DiAo?$ mo#th "ro--e" o-e( KWait a mi#te( Iomes i$ the "#"e i the 1i"eoIL He reache" for hi$ .i a" toic o the
$i"e table eAt to the co#ch( A $lice of lime bobbe" cheerf#lly o to-( KI mea! i$?t that 'i" of me$$e" #-I Mo1i. i o
yo#r "ea" co#$i?$ h#$ba"IL He rai$e" a eyebrow at Corie(
KDiAo( Iomes i$ the oe who?$ at fa#lt here!L Corie $ai"( KThey were co$eti. a"#lt$)Rowa wa$?t mo1i. i o
DiAo ch#c'le"( K,he $#re $eeme" i char.e i that 1i"eo(L
K,he?$ my cooslo! DiAo( Di" yo# $erio#$ly watch thatIL
DiAo $hr#..e" .oo"Eat#re"ly( KMe a" the re$t of America(L
Corie $h#t her eye$! tryi. her be$t to let the commet .o( KHe?$ bee $lee-i. with $omeoe el$e( Po--y?$ be$t frie"
( ( ( ooJ o#r we""i. -laer(L ,he r#bbe" her tem-le$! $#""ely realiBi. $omethi.( KDoe$ thi$ mea I $ho#l" fire herI
I -robably $ho#l"! $ho#l"?t IIL
KWhoa! whoa! whoa(L DiAo hel" #- a halti. -alm( KWe?re ot firi. E1a( The we""i. i$ eAt week(L
Corie $too" #- a" wal'e" to the lar.e fire-lace i the bac' of the room( ,he "i"?t 'ow why $he wa$ $o i"
,he?" cheate" o DiAo( ,he of all -eo-le 'ew how ea$y it wa$ to "o( How it co#l" D#$t ha--e(
K2o#?re acti. a$ if o oe "i" aythi. wro. except for Rowa( What abo#t *ame$I At lea$t tell me that what he?$
"oe i$ terrible( At lea$t .i1e me tbot(L E1e a$ $he hear" the wor"$ comi. o#t of her mo#th! $he felt li'e $he wa$ i a
-lay! acti. the -art of Corie ,aybroo'(
DiAo $i--e" hi$ coc'tail( KWa$?t *ame$ alway$ $ort of a "o.I G#y$ li'e that e1er cha.e(L
Hi$ .aBe ret#re" to -o'er D#$t a$ oe of the -layer$)a $m#.Eloo'i. 'i" i a hoo"ie)wo a ha" a" too' a b#ch of
chi-$( Corie -re$$e" her ha"$$t the col" marble matel a" trie" to breathe! b#t there wa$ a fire b#ri. i her
che$t( K,o that?$ how yo# ratioaliBe itIL $he a$'e" $ha'ily( KRowa $ho#l" ha1e 'ow better! $o it?$ her fa#lt(L
DiAo $et hi$ .la$$ bac' "ow( KWhy are yo# -ic'i. a with meIL
KI?mot( I?mD#$t)L
KWait! wait(L DiAo hel" hi$ ha" #-! -oiti. at $omethi. o the $cree( The -layer$ were -laci. ew bi"$(
Corie $wallowe" a $creama" wal'e" o#t of the room( ,he co#te" to fi1e! b#t DiAo "i"?t follow her( ,he $a' "ow
ito oe of the hi.hEbac'e" wi. chair$ a" lai" her ha"$ i her la-( +#t the chair wa$?t comfortable( A crow" cheere"
o the T@ i the other room( DiAo a--la#"e" eA#beratly(
Corie 'ew what wo#l" ha--eN i a few mi#te$! he wo#l" come i here a" $ay! KHey! let?$ .o o#t!L i a attem-t to
$mooth it o1er( A" the they wo#l" .o $omewhere lo#" a" eA-e$i1e! a" they wo#l"?t tal' abo#t the ar.#met
beca#$e they oevet tal'e" abo#t their ar.#met$! D#$t li'e they e1er tal'e" abo#t aythi. real(
It hit her all at oceN the whole time they?" bee "ati.! $he?" bee waiti. for him to become $erio#$( Not $erio#$ a$ i
IEwatEtoEmarryEyo# $erio#$! b#t $erio#$ i hi$ ow $'i( GrowE#- eo#.h to ha1e real "i$c#$$io$( A"#lt eo#.h to
wat to $-e" a whole e1ei. aloe with her i$tea" of i1iti. e1eryoe alo. a$ tho#.h they were $till i colle.e( The
more the merrierI Maybe it wa$ beca#$e he ha" ootbloq to soy to bet(
A" maybe $he wet alo. with it beca#$e $he ha" othi. to $ay to him! either(
,he $too" #- a" -re$$e" her ha"$ to the wi"ow li'e a -ri$oer i a cell! watchi. the$ o 0ifth A1e#e cha.e
from re" to .ree to yellow to re" to .ree to yellow! the little "o?tEcro$$ ha"$ bli'i. i -erfect tem-o( It wa$
bea#tif#l! act#ally( A mii $ym-hoy of$ below her wi"ow! a" $he?" e1er otice" it before(
uoot yoo woot to llve oo booest llfe?
Will?$ face a--eare" before her! a" all at oce! $he $he co#l"( ,he felt $! $#""ely! a$ if $he co#l" brea'
from the mol" of what $he wa$ $#--o$e" to be( Po--y ha" bro'e that mol"! it $eeme")a" hell! $o ha" Rowa a"
A$ter a" certaily Nata$ha( It felt a$ if they?" all bro'e a im-ortat cotract that e1ery ,aybroo' woma wa$ $#--o$e"
to #-hol"( They were sopposeJ to be faithf#l a" #-$ta"i.( They were sopposeJ to $et a eAam-le(
Why "i" sbe ha1e to carry the torch for all of themI It $#""ely "i"?t $eemfair( A" maybe Rowa wa$ ri.htN her family
wo#l" for.i1e her for brea'i. it off with DiAo( Maybe ot tomorrow! b#t they wo#l")e1et#ally( ,he wa$ $tro.
eo#.h! $he realiBe"! to weather that $torm( +eca#$e $he wo#l" ha1e Will(
+#t li1i. a hoe$t life meat comi. clea too( Corie too' a breath! "ari. to co$i"er what that meat( ,he -ict#re"
Will?$ face whe $he tol" him the whole tr#th( ,he" the J#e$tio$ that he?" a$'( ,he" what he?" $ay)or
wo#l"?t $ay( ,he ha" to ac'owle".e that he ot wat to $-ea' to her +#t if $he wate" them to ha1e a
chace! $he ha" to re1eal e1erythi.(
,he D#$t ha" to "o oe thi. fir$t(
,at#r"ay mori.! A$ter $tro"e ito the lobby of EliBabeth?$ a-artmet b#il"i.! weari. a flo--y hat! a $a"Ecolore"
cafta! a" .ol" $a"al$( It wa$ a bli$ hot "ay! a" Clari$$a ha" i1ite" her to ,oHo Ho#$e later( A$ter 'e-t tryi.
to m#$ter #- $ome eAcitemet abo#t .oi.)ormally $he lo1e" $#mmer afteroo$ at ,oHo Ho#$e! $itti. by the
roofto- -ool a" $i--i. chille" ro$G( +#t $he wa$ $till irritate" by Clari$$a?$ com-lete i"ifferece to what wa$ .oi. o
with her family( ,omeoe ha" 'ille" Po--y a" trie" to 'ill the re$t of them! a" $he wa$ $#--o$e" to $it there a" tal'
abo#t *a'e Gyllehaal a" whether he li'e" blo"e$ or br#ette$I
Ta'i. a "ee- breath! $he .a1e her ame to the "oorma a" $ai" $he wa$ here to $ee EliBabeth( KI$ $he eA-ecti. yo#IL
he a$'e"(
KI?m her a$$i$tat(L A$ter $hifte" er1o#$ly! wo"eri. if thi$ wa$ a ba" i"ea( What if EliBabeth wa$?t homeI +#t after
to$$i. a" t#ri. all la$t! ha#te" by i.htmare$ abo#t that $t#-i" web$ite a" it$ hea"lie$! A$ter ha" wo'e #-
"etermie" to .et $ome a$wer$(
The "oorma -ic'e" #- the -hoe! a" after a momet! he .a1e A$ter a o"( K2o# ca .o o #-(L
Ta'i. a "ee- breath! A$ter wal'e" ito the ele1ator a" ro"e it all the way to the -etho#$e! $tari. at her reflectio i
the f#llEwall mirror$ that lie" the car( ,omethi. fla$he" o#t of the corer of her eye! b#t whe $he whi--e" aro#"! the
car wa$ em-ty( ,he $moothe" "ow her hair( ,he ee"e" to $to- bei. $o D#m-y(
The "oor$ $li" o-e! a" A$ter $te--e" tetati1ely i$i"e( ,he?" "ro--e" off co#tle$$ -ac'a.e$ for EliBabeth i the lobby!
b#t $he?" e1er act#ally bee i the a-artmet before( A .o#rmet "e$ 'itche wa$ to A$ter?$ left! "oe #- i eAotic
$toe a" "ar' woo"( There wa$ a li1i. room f#ll of a.#lar! mo"erEloo'i. f#rit#re a" a itimi"ati. broBe $to1e
$hooti. fromthe ceili. li'e a to.#e( ,wee-i. 1iew$ of the city .reete" her fromthe eormo#$ wi"ow$( O a far wall
wa$ a lar.e "i$-lay of -hoto.ra-h$ of EliBabeth a" ,te1e to.etherN the two of them wal'i. "ow the ai$le o their
we""i. "ay! i frot of the Eiffel Tower! a" i bathi. $#it$ o a tro-ical beach( O1er the matel wa$ the $ame we""i.
-hoto.ra-h that EliBabeth 'e-t i her office(
EliBabeth $te--e" o#t from what m#$t be the be"room! "re$$e" i a lo. $il' "re$$i. .ow a" 3o#i$ @#itto $li--er$!
a" with a bath towel wra--e" aro#" her hea"(
A$ter fl#$he"( KOh! I?m$orry( I $ho#l" ha1e calle" fir$t(L
K2e$! yo# $ho#l"?1e!L EliBabeth $ai"( KI wa$ D#$t .i1i. my$elf a facial( +#t $ice yo#?re here! yo# a$ well tell me why
yo# came( That hat i$ hi"eo#$! by the way!L $he a""e"! t#ri. bac' ito the be"room(
lts netms! A$ter wate" to $a-( +#t i$tea" $he D#$t too' off the hat a" $et it caref#lly o the 'itche co#ter(
,he followe" EliBabeth ito the ma$$i1e be"room! where a eAtraElar.e 'i. "oe #- all i white -re$i"e" o1er the $-ace(
Near the wi"ow were three mitE.ree chair$ a" a atiJ#e $i"e table( A cart f#ll of $'i -ro"#ct$ $at o the Orietal
area r#.! a$ "i" a lar.e machie with what loo'e" li'e a 1ac##m ho$e -rotr#"i. from a lar.e white boA( EliBabeth $ettle"
ito the chair! $J#irte" lotio oto her -alm$! a" be.a ma$$a.i. it o1er her face( K,o! what "i" yo# wat thi$ mori.!
A$terIL $he a$'e"( KAre yo# here to ha" i yo#r re$i.atioIL
A$ter .lace" o#t the floorEtoEceili. wi"ow$( ,he co#l" $ee ito the a-artmet$ acro$$ the co#rtyar"( Ayoe
co#l" loo' i a" $ee her a" EliBabeth too(
A$ter -erche" o the e".e of the chair o--o$ite her bo$$( K,orry to "i$a--oit yo#! b#t o( I wa$ act#ally wo"eri. if
yo# co#l" a$wer a J#e$tio for me( Abo#t ( ( ( yo#r h#$ba"(L
EliBabeth rai$e" a eyebrow! b#t $ai" othi.( A$ter too' that a$ -ermi$$io to coti#e( KI wate" to 'ow if he
ha1e ha" a affair with ayoe aro#" ( ( ( aro#" the $ame time he wa$ with me(L ,he $tare" at the car-et(
K2o# 'ow! Dealo#$y "oe$?t $#it yo#!L EliBabeth chi"e"(
A$ter i.ore" the Dab( KI D#$t ( ( ( with all thi$ $t#ff coecte" to Po--y?$ m#r"er i1e$ti.atio! I it be
im-ortat( What if whoe1er 'ille" her wa$ clo$e to ,te1eI A" 'ille" Po--y for re1e.eIL
KIf $omeoe wate" re1e.e for ,te1e?$ "eath! why wo#l" they wait fi1e year$ to -#$h Po--y o#t a wi"owIL EliBabeth
a$'e"( The machie bee-e"! a" $he mo1e" the facial wa" to her forehea" a$ it $tarte" to b#BB( K,omeoe co#l" ha1e
"oe that the eAt "ay(L
KI 'ow it "oe$?t a"" #-( +#t maybe thi$ -er$o wa$?t $#re Po--y 'ille" him( Maybe $he D#$t fo#" a fial -iece to the
-#BBle or $omethi.( Maybe yo# tol" $omeoe el$e what yo# $awIL
A hor ho'e" o#t the wi"ow( EliBabeth .e$t#re" to the facial machie( KMicro"ermabra$io(L ,he $i.he"( KTiy little
'i1e$ are $eari. off all my "ea" $'i cell$( I lo1e thi'i. abo#t it li'e that(L
K3oo'! "o yo# 'ow aythi. or otIL A$ter a$'e"! a$ im-atietly a$ $he "are"(
EliBabeth -re$$e" her li-$ to.ether( KThe oly thi. I ca tell yo# i$ that my h#$ba" ha" a thi. for towie$( They loo'e"
at him li'e he wa$ a .o"( He lo1e" that( ,ometime$ I fo#" thi.$ they left behi")ame ta.$ from "ier$! "r#.$tore
li-$tic'! a life.#ar" whi$tle! e1e a -ay $t#b oce( I wet ito the f#".e $ho- o Mai ,treet! a" thi$ little blo" thi. ra
ito the bac'( That?$ whe I 'ew ,te1e ha" aile" her too(L
A$ter .lace" at the -ict#re$ of ,te1e o the matel( He $eeme" to be $mir'i. at them( The i"ea that $he?" bee with
him$#""ely ma"e her $ic'( KA" yo# e1er $ai" aythi. to himIL $he a$'e"(
KWhat "i" I careI +etter them tha me(L EliBabeth loo'e" clo$ely at A$ter( K,te1e wa$?t all that .reat i the $ac'! a$
yoo 'ow!L $he a""e" -oite"ly(
A$ter fl#$he"( KNo oe "e$er1e$ to be cheate" o(L
EliBabeth t#re" the ho$e bac' o a" $co#re" her chi( KThat?$ -retty rich! comi. from yo#(L ,he $i.he"( K+e$i"e$! we
ha" J#ite the -re#-( Po--y?$ way wa$ m#ch cleaer(L
KWe "o?t 'ow for $#re that Po--y 'ille" him(L
EliBabeth $orte"( K2e$! "arli.( We Jo(L
The $# came o#t from a clo#"! $e"i. a $har" of thro#.h the wi"ow$( K2o# $ai" $omethi. before abo#t Po--y
ha1i. a $ecret( Do yo# thi' that?$ tr#eIL
EliBabeth $mile" ' K,te1e #$e" to $ay ,aybroo'$ were bor liar$(L
KDo yo# 'ow what he wa$ tal'i. abo#t)$-ecifically! I meaIL
EliBabeth loo'e" at her for a lo. time( A$ter fliche"! atici-ati. a h#.e blow! b#t EliBabeth D#$t $too" #- a" remo1e"
the towel fromher hea"( Her $'i .lowe"( Her wet hair $treame" "ow her $ho#l"er$( ,he reache" for a .la$$ of water o
the table a" too' a lo.! $low $i-( K2o# 'ow! ow that yo# metio it! there wos a .irl who $eeme" li'e $he?" "o
aythi. for him!L $he $ai"(
KDo yo# 'ow where $he wor'e"I Or her ame! maybeIL
EliBabeth balle" the towel i her ha"( KI e1er a$'e"( +#t I wo#l"?t wa$te yo#r time! hoey)I "o?t thi' my h#$ba"?$
tra$hy eAE.irlfrie" 'ille" yo#r co#$i( Per$oally! I thi' it wa$ a i$i"e Dob(L
KI$i"e ( ( ( whatIL
EliBabeth $mile" mil"ly( KI$i"e the fomlly.L The $he .etly too' A$ter?$ arma" le" her to the "oor( KTime to .o ow(L
KWhat "o yo# meaIL A$ter a$'e" a$ the "oor$ $woo$he" o-e( KWhy wo#l" yo# $ay thatIL
EliBabeth -ractically $ho1e" her o#t$i"e( KMy $hri' i$ comi. i a few mi#te$(L ,he to$$e" A$ter?$ hat to her che$t( KMy
a"1ice! "earI Go a$' yo#r father(L ,he wi'e"( K2o# ca?t be "a""y?$ .irl fore1er(L
Mo"ay mori.! Rowa ab$etEmi"e"ly b#m-e" her br#i$e" 'ee ito a ewly b#ilt c#bicle a" the b#r$t ito tear$(
It "i"?t e1e h#rt that ba"lyO it D#$t felt li'e aother mi$ha- i a $tri. of 1ery! 1ery ba" l#c'(
KGo"! it?$ $o cree-y!L *e$$ica! oe of the$! whi$-ere" a$ Rowa tr#".e" to her office( KTwo ,aybroo'$ withi
wee'$ of each other(L
KNata$ha stlll ha$?t wo'e #-!L Callie! a $eco"! chime" i( KThey?re totally c#r$e"(L
KI$ $he $till i that ho$-ital i Ma$$ach#$ett$IL *e$$ica $tirre" her coffee! the $-oo cla'i.$t ceramic(
KNo! I hear" they mo1e" her $omewhere i the city( 3eoA Hill! maybeIL
8etb lstoel! Rowa wate" to correct them a$ $he $at "ow at her "e$'( Nata$ha ha" bee mo1e" there a few "ay$
before $o $he?" be clo$er to her family( Rowa ha" 1i$ite" her ye$ter"ay! $itti. by her be"$i"e a" $tari. at Nata$ha?$
-laci" face( A few time$ her eyeli"$ ha" fl#ttere"! a" $he?" t#re" her hea" $li.htly! a$ if $he wa$ ro#$i. from a "ream(
Rowa $too" halfway i atici-atio( ,he will wa'e #-! a" I will .et the tr#th o#t of her! $he?" +#t the
Nata$ha?$ feat#re$ ha" $tille" a" $he $eeme" to $li- bac' ito that "ar'! #'owable well! her $ecret loc'e" i$i"e(
Rowa -#t her hea" i her ha"$( It wa$?t D#$t Nata$ha $he wa$ #-$et abo#t( It wa$ $omethi. far more tri1ialN
heartbrea'( +#t it wa$ ri"ic#lo#$( Of cootse *ame$ ha" cheate" o her( ,he?" ha" a frotErow $eat for hi$ cheati.
"oBe$ of time$( ,he?" alway$ la#.he" at tho$e $t#-i" .irl$ who there wa$ $omethi. real betwee them( +#t $he
wa$ the $t#-i"e$t .irl of all( ,he?" he?" cha.e"! that Po--y ha" ma"e him "ifferet( +#t he?" cheate" o Po--y
wltb her( What el$e ha" he "oeI
Ta'i. a "ee- breath! $he rolle" her chair bac'war"! o-ee" a file "rawer! a" fo#" a fol"er mar'e"
K,aybroo'XHewoo"(L I$i"e wa$ the -re#-tial a.reemet betwee Po--y a" *ame$ that $he?" hel-e" "raft year$ a.o(
,he leafe" thro#.h it $lowly( ,#re eo#.h! *ame$ wo#l" recei1e othi. of Po--y?$ e$tate if they "i1orce"( Not a cet of
her ma$$i1e tr#$t( Not a "ollar of her $iBable eari.$ a$ ,aybroo'?$ -re$i"et( Rowa ha" ar.#e" with Po--y o thi$
whe they were -#tti. the -re#- to.ether( KThi$ i$ o1erly br#tal!L $he?" ware" Po--y(
,till! Po--y ha" bee firmN the family ha" wor'e" too har" for ay of their fort#e to D#$t be .i1e away( Rowa ha" bee
the bearer of ba" ew$ to *ame$! b#t he?" ta'e it well( KI?mot with Po--y for her moey!L he $ai" $im-ly(
+#t if Po--y "ie")wbeo Po--y "ie")he .ot it all( It wa$?t #thi'able that a cheati. h#$ba" wo#l" wat to ma'e a
ew life for him$elf( It wa$?t im-la#$ible that $omeoe wo#l" "o aythi. to ma'e that a reality! either(
Wo#l" *ame$I
Rowa r#bbe" her eye$( Of co#r$e he wo#l"?t( +e$i"e$! *ame$ ha" a alibiN Rowa?$ a-artmet( ,he?" left before he ha"!
a" by the time $he .ot "owtow! Po--y ha" alrea"y D#m-e"(
The airEco"itioi. whirre" to life! blowi. a $tray -iece of -a-er off the 1et( Rowa o-ee" her eEmail a" trie" to
wor'! b#t her mi" wa$ $till h#mmi.( ,he felt #$ati$fie"(
,he ret#re" to that fir$t mori. $he a" *ame$ were to.ether( What if *ame$ ha"?t remaie" at her a-artmet! a$
$he?" tho#.htI What if he?" $li--e" o#t whe $he wa$?t loo'i.I ,he?" $to--e" for coffee that mori.( Waite" i that
lo. lie! the ate i the -ar'( He co#l" ha1e left witho#t her $eei.( *ame$ coolJ ha1e D#m-e" #- a$ $oo a$ $he left!
throw o clothe$! a" .otte to ,aybroo'?$ i time( It wa$ -o$$ible(
Awf#l! #thi'able! b#t -o$$ible(
,he reache" for the -hoe o her "e$' a" "iale" the #mber to her a-artmet b#il"i.! her heart 'oc'i.$t her
rib$( Har1ey! her "oorma! a$were" i a chi--er 1oice! a" after Rowa i"etifie" her$elf! $he a$'e"! KI?m wo"eri. if
yo# co#l" loo' #- whe $omeoe left my a-artmet o a certai mori.( 2o# 'ee- $#r1eillace ta-e$! ye$IL
KOf co#r$e!L Har1ey $ai"( KWhich "ay wo#l" yo# li'e me to chec'IL
Rowa .a1e the "ate of Po--y?$ "eath( If Har1ey 'ew it$ $i.ificace! he .a1e o i"icatio( KA" who are we loo'i.
for! aro#" what timeIL he a$'e"(
KA tall ma! mi"thirtie$!L Rowa tol" him( KWa1y! $ort of lo.i$h hair( ,tri-e" $hirt( Dar' Dea$( ,ometime i the mori.!
after $iA thirty(L
Har1ey $ai" he?" loo' ito it a" call her bac'! a$'i. for a #mber he co#l" reach her at( ,he .a1e her cell( The $he h#.
#-! -re$$i. the recei1er "ee- ito the cra"le! her mi" at a $ta"$till(
KHoc' 'oc'IL
Rowa $hot #-( *ame$ $too" i the "oorway(
KWEwhat are yo# "oi. hereIL $he $-#ttere"! D#m-i. $o abr#-tly $he 'oc'e" o1er a em-ty coffee m#.(
*ame$ leae" "ow to -ic' it #- a$ it rolle" acro$$ the car-et( KI wat to eA-lai(L
Rowa of the -hoe co1er$atio $he?" D#$t ha")a" wa$ 'eely aware of the -re#- o her la-( The
$omethi. el$e hit herN My wlfe wos pteslJeot! *ame$ ha" $ai" the la$t time he?" #eA-ecte"ly -o--e" i o her i the
office( 1bey jost wove me lo. Ha" they wa1e" him i$i"e the mori. Po--y "ie" tooI Hi$ ame wo#l"?t be o a $i.Ei
$heet( There wo#l" be o e1i"ece of himeteri. the b#il"i.(
KAct#ally! I thi' yo# $ho#l" lea1e!L $he $ai" to#.hly! tryi. to ma$' how $ha'y $he felt(
*ame$ flo--e" o the co#ch( K,aybroo'(L
KDo?t call me that!L Rowa almo$t $ho#te"! co1eri. her eye$( KAt lea$t ot ow(L
Kkowoo! I ma"e a mi$ta'e(L He hitche" forwar"( KI wat to be with yo#( Really a" tr#ly( oote who I wat(L
Hi$ 1oice crac'e"( Rowa $t#"ie" himmore caref#lly( Hi$ hair wa$ m#$$e"! hi$ $'i wa$ a$he! the lie$ aro#" hi$ mo#th
-roo#ce"( Thi$ .a1e her a twi.e of .#ilt! b#t the $he har"ee"( He JesetveJ to feel terrible( A" for all $he 'ew! it
wa$ D#$t a act(
KThe thi. with E1a ( ( ( it wa$ a fl#'e!L *ame$ wet o whe Rowa "i"?t re$-o"( K,he came by the a-artmet the
other to .et a $weater $he?" left there( We .ot to tal'i.! ha" a co#-le "ri'$! a" ( ( (L He -#ffe" hi$ chee'$ a"
breathe" o#t( KI "o?t 'ow how it ha--ee"( A" I e1er meat for it to ha--e a $eco" time(L
K2o# m#$t ha1e kloJ of meat for it to ha--e!L Rowa $ai" before $he co#l" $to- her$elf( K+eca#$e yo# a" E1a were
wal'i. ito a botel, *ame$( I?mot a i"iot(L
*ame$ $too" a" wal'e" towar" her( He leae" o1er a" -lace" hi$ ha" o her "e$'( KTell me what we ha" "i"?t mea
Rowa "i" her be$t to loo' away( KI "o?t wat to tal' abo#t thi$ ow(L
KWell! l "o(L *ame$?$ 1oice wa$ lo#"er ow( KI?m craBy abo#t yo#! ,aybroo'( I koow yo#?re craBy abo#t me(L He leae"
forwar"! hi$ eye$ wi"e( KI alrea"y lo$t Po--y( I caoot lo$e yo#(L
KPlea$e(L Rowa a.le" away fromhim( KI ee" yo# to .o(L
*ame$ too' a $te- aro#" her "e$'! towar" her chair( Paic'e"! Rowa $-# aro#" $o he co#l"?t $ee the -a-er$!
co1eri. the to- -a.e with her ha"( KDo?t $h#t me o#t!L he -lea"e"! catchi. the bac' of the chair a" t#ri. her bac'
to face him(
The -a-er$ $li--e" from the $#""e forceO Rowa $tr#..le" to 'ee- them o her la-! b#t a few fl#ttere" to the .ro#"(
*ame$ coc'e" hi$ hea"! hi$ .aBe "rifti. to the car-et( Hi$ ame wa$ o the to- -a.e( I bol" letteri.( A beat -a$$e"( The
$tarE$ha-e" Nel$o cloc' i the corer tic'e" lo#"ly( Rowa co#l" almo$t "etect the eAact momet *ame$ realiBe" what
$he wa$ hi"i.(
KWhat are yo# "oi. with tho$eIL *ame$ $ai" i a 1oice Rowa ha" e1er hear" before(
KNothi.!L Rowa $ai" J#ic'ly! $coo-i. them#- a" $ho1i. thembehi" her(
He $hot forwar" to .rab the -a-er$( +loc'i. him with her bo"y! Rowa $ho1e" them ito a "e$' "rawer a" $lamme" it
$h#t har"( *ame$?$ brow f#rrowe"( He leae" o1er her to -#ll at the 'ob! half hi$ o her(
KHeyPL Rowa crie" o#t! -#$hi. himaway( KThat?$ cofi"etialPL
*ame$ leae" ito her! hi$ eye$ blaBi.( KI we were clo$er tha that(L
KWe?re ot a we aymore!L Rowa $ai" firmly! $ho1i. himoff her oce more( K3i'e I $ai" before! *ame$( Co(L
,lowly *ame$ $too" #-! e1er ta'i. hi$ .aBe off her( Hi$ Daw wa$ cleche"! a" hi$ o$tril$ flare"( There wa$ $omethi.
coile" a" te$e abo#t him! a$ if he were a $a'e rea"y to $tri'e( Terror wa$he" o1er her( Maybe he?" come here to te$t
the water$( A" ow! with her -#lli. o#t the -re#-! acti. $o $tra.e! he 'ew that $he $#$-ecte" him(
Rowa of the balcoy off her office! the $ame a$ the oe off Po--y?$( All that $e-arate" her from Po--y?$ fate
wa$ the thi $li"$$ "oor behi" her! the low terrace wall! a" the the lo. fall to the $treet( Wa$ that "oor loc'e"I
,he co#l"?t recall(
*ame$ too' a $te- clo$er to Rowa( Rowa rolle" bac'! hitti. her "e$'( *ame$ too' aother $te-! tra--i. her(
KRowa! Rowa! Rowa!L *ame$ $ai" J#ietly! hi$ breath hot o her face( He reache" o#t a" to#che" her chee'( Rowa
fliche" a" $J#eeBe" her eye$ $h#t! feeli. hi$$ .raBe her $'i( Her Daw be.a to tremble( He wo#l"?t be $o
$t#-i" a$ to h#rt her ow( There were -eo-le D#$t o#t$i"e the office( +#t what if he?" crac'e"I What if he wate"
re1e.e e1e if it meat he wo#l" be tooI
K2o#?re .oi. to ma'e me loo' li'e a cheati. $hithea" $o that e1erybo"y ha$ a ea$y $ca-e.oat! are?t yo#IL *ame$
whi$-ere" a.rily(
K2o#?re i$ae(L Rowa?$ 1oice $o#"e" $tilte"! ot her ow( KI?ll call $ec#rity(L Her$ iche" towar" the -hoe(
KNo! yo# wo?t(L *ame$ tra--e" her wri$t$t the "e$' with the flat of hi$ ha"( Rowa trie" to reach for the -hoe
with the other ha"! b#t *ame$ .rabbe" that too( He ha" her -ie" "ow i a Twi$terEli'e -o$itio! oe ha" cro$$e"
o1er the other( Hi$ ail$ "#. ito her $'i(
KPlea$e!L $he whi$-ere"! tryi. to wri..le free( Her whole bo"y $tarte" to tremble( KThat h#rt$( 5top.L
KE1erythi. o'ay i hereIL
Rowa loo'e" #-( *ame$ $hot away from her! hi$ ha"$ at hi$ $i"e$( Daielle Gilchri$t $too" i the "oorway! a fol"er
t#c'e" #"er her arm( Her hea" wa$ coc'e"! a" there wa$ a crea$e i her forehea"( Her .aBe mo1e" from *ame$ to
Rowa( Rowa wa$ 'eely aware of how har" both of themwere breathi.(
KI wa$ D#$t lea1i.!L *ame$ $ai"! $tom-i. acro$$ the office a" -#$hi. -a$t Daielle(
Daielle watche" *ame$ $torm "ow the hall a" the loo'e" at Rowa! a worrie" eA-re$$io o her face( KDo yo# ee"
me to call $ec#rityIL $he a$'e" i a $mall 1oice(
Rowa ra her ha" o1er the bac' of her ec'( It wa$ $weaty( ,he wa$ $#re her face wa$ fl#$he" too! a" her heart wa$
$till -o#"i.( K*#$t ma'e $#re he lea1e$!L $he m#mble"(
Daielle o""e" $lowly( >"er$ta"i. $eeme" to -a$$ betwee them! a" the $he t#re" i the "irectio *ame$ ha"
A momet later! Rowa?$ cell -hoe bleate"! $tartli. her( ,wallowi. har"! $he -#lle" it from her -#r$e( O the $cree
wa$ a familiar #mber( KHar1eyIL $he a$'e" tetati1ely(
K2e$!L a$were" her "oorma( K*#$t letti. yo# 'ow that I loo'e" at the ta-e( I ha1e a recor"i. of whe yo#r frie"
Rowa .lace" er1o#$ly at her office "oor( KWhat timeIL
K,iA forty a(m(L
Rowa?$ 'ee$ b#c'le"( ,he ha1e m#ttere" KTha' yo#LO $he "i"?t really remember( ,iA forty( Oly te mi#te$
after $he?" left(
A" with -lety of time to .et "owtow before Po--y "ie"(
K@ir.iia i$ for lo1er$PL a chi--er $tewar"e$$ $ai" a$ Corie -#$he" her way off a mi"$iBe air-lae that $ame mori.(
KTha'$ for flyi. with #$PL
Corie o""e" a" $te--e" oto the *etway( The air wa$ warmer a" more h#mi" tha it ha" bee i Mahatta! a"
the $ceery aro#" her wa$ .eeric a" #tilitaria! all -ar'i. lot$ a" $i.-o$t$( ,he wal'e" towar" the air-ort eAit! ot
ee"i. ba..a.e claim( The roa" o#t$i"e arri1al$ wa$ em-ty( 0ially a clea white mii1a with KNorfol' Hab$L
emblaBoe" o it$ $i"e rolle" #-( A frie"ly ol"er ma i a Hawaiia $hirt $mile" at her( KWhere toIL
Corie $tare" at the cr#m-le" -iece of -a-er $he?" cl#tche" thro#.h the whole -lae ri"e( KEi.hteeEforty Waterlily
Roa"!L $he rea" off( It wa$ a a""re$$ $he?" recei1e" a lo. time a.o! the oly thi. be$i"e$ her $car to remi" her of
what ha" ha--ee"( Corie wa$ amaBe" $he?" e1e hel" o to it for thi$ lo.( Maybe! "ee- "ow! $he 'ew $he?"
$ome"ay "o thi$(
The cabbie -#$he" Corie?$ "oor clo$e" a" mae#1ere" aro#" a HertB RetEaECar b#$( He followe" $i.$ for the
air-ort eAit a" the -#lle" oto the mai hi.hway( Almo$t imme"iately there wa$ a $mall tet at the $i"e of the roa"(
K0re$h $trawberrie$! melo$! broccoli!L rea" a $i. writte o car"boar"( A" a $eco" oe -roclaime"! K0irewor'$PL
Watchi. the .ree $ceery whi- by her wi"ow! that fatef#l t#mble" bac' to Corie?$ mi" oce more( After the
te$t cofirme" $he wa$! $he?" $too" #-! wra--e" the wa" i toilet -a-er! a" hi" it "ee- i her -#r$e!
-romi$i. to throw it away far from there( The $he?" -ee'e" o#t the wi"ow at the .#e$t$ a" trie" to -ict#re Will with her family( It wa$ $o icocei1ableO $he co#l" him oly a$ a waiter! or maybe a .#e$t who wa$
clearly o#t of -lace! li'e Daielle Gilchri$t a" her mother! two re"hea"$ $ta"i. at the e".e of the .ro#-! aw'war"ly
$i--i. white wie(
That whole $#mmer $he ha" felt li'e $omeoe el$e! a$ if a "ifferet -er$o ha" ta'e o1er her bo"y! ma'i. her "o thi.$
$he?" e1er otherwi$e "o(
A" ow $he ee"e" to #"o them(
A half ho#r later $he?" "are" to eter the -arty! the a#$ea $he fially #"er$too" ri--li. thro#.h her $tomach( ,he
$-otte" Po--y acro$$ the room tal'i. to a few -eo-le from the GIA a" $tro"e towar" her( Po--y m#$t ha1e $e$e"
$omethi. wa$ wro. beca#$e $he eAc#$e" her$elf a" followe" Corie ito the -atry off the 'itche( KWhat i$ itIL $he
$ai" worrie"ly! we".i. her$elf betwee the $hel1e$ of -ea#t b#tter a" -a-er towel$(
K2o# ca?t tell ayoe what I?mabo#t to tell yo#!L Corie $ai" after $h#tti. the "oor( The $mall roomwa$ "ar'(
KO'ay(L Po--y too' Corie?$ ha"$ $erio#$ly! a" whe Corie co#l"?t .et o#t the wor"$! $he h#..e" her( KWhate1er
it i$! it will be o'ay(L
KI?m!L Corie whi$-ere"! barely able to .et the wor"$ o#t( K+#t I ha1e a -la!L $he a""e" J#ic'ly( KI?m .oi. to
ret a -lace $omewhere i aother $tate( I?ll .et a "octor! a" I?ll $tay there #til it?$ "oe(L
Po--y .etly wi-e" the tear$ fromCorie?$ face( K,weetie! yo# ha1e?t thi$ thro#.h(L
K2e$! I ha1e( I ca?t ha1e a ( ( (L ,he co#l"?t maa.e to $ay the wor"( 8oby. K+#t I ca?t oot ha1e it either(L
K2o#?re .oi. to wat yo#r momthere(L
The la$t thi. $he wate" wa$ her mother( KDo?t yo# .et itIL $he whi$-ere"( KI ha1e to .et o#t of here! a" I ca?t ha1e
ayoe 'ow abo#t thi$( ( ( ( I ca?t ha1e ayoe see me li'e thi$( It will r#i my etire life(L
Po--y "rew her bottom li- ito her mo#th( K2o#?re bei. $o har" o yo#r$elf(L ,he loo'e" #- at the ceili.( KA" it?$ ot
li'e yo#?ll be hi"i. for a moth! yo# 'ow)yo#?ll be there for oloe mootbs. Maybe a year! "e-e"i. o yo#r reco1ery(
How are yo# .oi. to eA-lai that to -eo-leIL
KI?1e of that too!L Corie $ai" $ha'ily( The i"ea ha" come to her $o J#ic'ly! a$ if a "ar' -lace i her mi" ha"
bee -re-ari. for thi$ "ay( K2o# ca tell e1eryoe yo# $et me to Ho. Ho. a$ my fir$t or"er of b#$ie$$ i forei.
"e1elo-met( 2o#?re -re$i"et ow)yo# ca "o that! ca?t yo#IL
KWhat if $omeoe wat$ to 1i$it yo# thereI What if $omeoe catche$ yo#I I?ll be blame" too! Corie(L
KNo oe will catch #$!L Corie $ai" "e$-erately( K*#$t ( ( ( -lea$e( I ee" o#t of here( I ee" yo# to "o thi$ for me(L
Po--y?$ eye$ lowere"( ,he $tare" at the tile floor for a lo. beat( K+#t it wo#l" be the fir$t ,aybroo' .reatE.ra"chil"(L
Corie $tare" fiAe"ly at a $helf f#ll of $o#- ca$! a -aif#l l#m- i her throat( ,he trie" to -rete" Po--y ha"?t D#$t $ai"
that( All aro#" her were Doc#lar $o#"$ from the -artyN for'$ cli'i.$t -late$! the th#m- of ba$$! her
.ra"mother?$ 1oice ri$i. o1er the other .#e$t$?(
KI "o?t 'ow what el$e to "o!L $he whi$-ere"( KI "o?t 'ow who el$e to t#r to(L
Po--y o""e" e1er $o $li.htly( KAll!L $he $ai" i a low 1oice( KI D#$t ho-e yo#?re ot ma'i. a mi$ta'e(L
KI?mot!L Corie $ai" forcef#lly( KI 'ow it?$ a lot to a$'( +#t yo#?re the oly oe I ca tr#$t(L
Po--y -lace" her ha"$ o1er her eye$ a" $too" li'e that for what $eeme" li'e a lo. time( KAll!L $he fially $ai"( KI?ll
metio Ho. Ho. to yo#r -aret$
Corie cleare" her throat( KCa yo# "o oe more thi.I Ca yo# tell Will that I?1e ( ( ( leftI +e $#re to ma'e him
#"er$ta"(L There wa$ o way $he co#l" tell Will $he wa$ lea1i. her$elf( The $ecret wo#l" be -lai o her face! or $he
wo#l" bl#rt it o#t whe he a$'e" why $he wa$ brea'i. #- with him(
KO'ay(L Corie -ee'e" at Po--y( ,he wa$ tryi.! Corie 'ew! ot to D#".e her( A" for that! Corie lo1e" her with all
her heart(
,hortly after that co1er$atio! $he?" recei1e" a -hoe call( ,he $tare" at the $cree! a$toi$he" to $ee DiAo?$ ame i
the caller ID wi"ow( He ha"?t calle" her i moth$O that he reache" o#t that "ay $eeme" fate"( KHelloIL $he?"
a$were" tetati1ely! ho-i. her 1oice "i"?t $o#" thic' with tear$(
KCorie(L DiAo?$ 1oice crac'e" a little( KHey(L
There wa$ $mall tal')DiAo metioe" he ha" ret#re" from 3o"o! Corie $ai" Po--y wa$ ow -re$i"et of
,aybroo'?$( The eAt thi. $he recalle" wa$ DiAo "rawi. i a breath( K,o yo#r me$$a.e$( I D#$t .ot them( My 1oice mail
"i"?t wor' o1er$ea$(L
KOh(L Corie?$ mi" wet bla'( ,he trie" to remember whe $he?" e1e left tho$e me$$a.e$( +efore Will! which
$eeme" li'e $e1eral lifetime$ a.o(
KI "i"?t ( ( ( !L DiAo $ai" KI mi$$e" yo# ( ( (L He traile" off a" co#.he"( KI?m i Cor-#$ ow! b#t maybe we
co#l" ( ( ( I "o?t 'ow ( ( (L
KI?1e mi$$e" yo# too!L Corie $ai"( A" $he JlJ mi$$ him( ,he mi$$e" how ea$y it wa$ with him( A" $he lo1e" him( ,he
lo1e" that they?" e1er ha1e to $ea' aro#"! that they #"er$too" each other?$ bac'.ro#"$( ,he co#l" $ee the f#t#re
$he ha" oce -lae" with himwithi reach All $he ha" to "o wa$ .rab it! let thi$ year -a$$! e1er loo' bac'(
2e$! $he wo#l" ret#r to DiAo( The $#mmer ha" bee f#ll of mi$ta'e$! b#t thi$ wo#l" $et $ome of tho$e error$
KO'ay! .oo"!L DiAo $ai" with ea$e( Corie co#l" tell i hi$ 1oice that he wa$ $mili.( KI?ll 1i$it yo# $oo! the(L
KAct#ally! that?$ ot -o$$ible!L Corie $ai" fa$t( KI?mlea1i. for Ho. Ho.(L
KOh(L DiAo $o#"e" $#r-ri$e"( K0or how lo.IL
KAlmo$t a year!L Corie a$were"( A" the $he?" tol" him that he $ho#l"?t 1i$it her! either)$he wo#l" be b#$y "ay
a" ,he 'ew it $eeme" a$ tho#.h thi$ wa$ hi$ -#i$hmet for blowi. her off all $#mmer( Goo"! let him belie1e
The eEmail$ $he wrote to DiAo o1er the eAt ie moth$ were $ome of the mo$t heartfelt Corie ha" e1er -ee"(
DiAo?$ re-lie$ were li.hter! b#t he hel" o #til $he ret#re"( Not oce "i" $he hit at what $he wa$ .oi. thro#.h( Not
oce "i" DiAo e1er .#e$$)the! he wo#l"?t ha1e i a millio year$(
A" a$ for WillI A "ay after arri1i. i @ir.iia a" $ettli. ito the beach ho#$e $he?" rete"! $he?" calle" Po--y to chec'
i( KDi" yo# tell Will I leftIL $he?" a$'e"( K2e$! I "i"!L wa$ all Po--y $ai"(
Corie o-ee" her eye$( The cab ha" $to--e" i frot of a -lea$at! wellEmaitaie" $-litEle1el o a J#iet $treet( 3ace
c#rtai$ h#. i the wi"ow$( A ba$'etball hoo- wa$ fiAe" abo1e the .ara.e( The frot "oor wa$ o-eO thro#.h the
$cree Corie co#l" $ee a D#mble of "oll$! 3e.o$! a" other 'i"$? toy$ o the $tair$( Her heart l#rche"(
KWe?re here!L the "ri1er $ai" to Corie(
Corie -#$he" a few twetie$ ito hi$ ha" a" watche" a$ he "ro1e away( Paic o1ercame her a$ he t#re" at the
iter$ectio a" "i$a--eare"( Maybe $he $ho#l" ha1e tol" him to wait( What if thi$ wa$ the wro. ho#$eI What if $he
co#l"?t .o thro#.h with thi$I What o earth wa$ $he .oi. to soyI
,he face" the ho#$e! too' a "ee- breath! a" wal'e" #- the cocrete $te-$ to the frot "oor( A $mall woo"e $i.
that rea" KThe Grier$L $at o a little -la$tic o#t"oor table o the tiy -orch(
+efore $he lo$t her er1e! Corie reache" o#t a" ra--e" o the metal $cree "oor(
0rom i$i"e the ho#$e floate" the $o#"$ of a afteroo tal' $how a" a r#i. 'itche fa#cet( There were foot$te-$
from the bottom le1el( ,#""ely a barefoot yo#. .irl a--eare" at the "oor a" whi--e" it o-e! re1eali. a $mall
la"i. a" two $et$ of $tair$! oe .oi. #- to the 'itche a" li1i. room! the other "e$ce"i. to a ba$emet( KWho
are yo#IL the .irl a$'e"(
Corie?$ ow bi. bl#e eye$ $tare" bac' at her( There wa$ her $mall mo#th! a" Will?$ ro#" ear$ a" frec'le$( Hi$ b#tto
o$e a" $J#are Daw( The .irl ha" Corie?$ little ha"$ a" lo. feet! e1e the $li.htly $eco" toe( Her blo" hair
h#. "ow her bac' i a $arl of c#rl$! the $ame way A$ter?$ #$e" to(
A miAt#re of $a"e$$ a" .#ilt ri--le" thro#.h Corie( There ha" bee $o may time$ whe $he ha" wo"ere" what her
"a#.hter wo#l" loo' li'e)a" here $he wa$! a -erfect ble" of her$elf a" Will( l qove yoo op( l qove yoo op( l qove yoo
op! a 1oice chor#$e" i her hea"(
Corie trie" to $mile( KI$ ( ( ( i$ yo#r momhomeIL
The .irl -i1ote" halfway( KMommyPL $he yelle" #- the $tair$(
The $o#" of the 'itche fa#cet cea$e"! a" a woma a--eare" at the to- of the $-litEle1el $tair$( ,he $J#ite" at
Corie! the $lowly wal'e" towar" the $cree( ,he wore a1y $weat$ a" ha" a $mall! heartE$ha-e" face that loo'e"
othi. li'e her "a#.hter?$( ,he -#t a armaro#" the .irl a" o-ee" the "oor( KCa I hel- yo#IL
KI?mCorie ,aybroo'!L Corie $ai"! offeri. her ha"(
The woma D#$t $tare" at her( K,a"ie Grier(L
KA" thi$ i$IL Corie .lace" at the little .irl(
,a"ie loo'e" at Corie warily( The $he -lace" her ha"$ o the .irl?$ $ho#l"er$( KMichaela! why "o?t yo# .o
"ow$tair$ a" "rawI Mommy will be "ow $oo! o'ayIL
KO'ay(L Michaela $hr#..e" a" $li" "ow the $tair$ to the bottom le1el o her b#tt( Corie?$ $tomach $a'( Her ow
chil" ha" loo'e" thro#.h her( ,he ha" o coectio to thi$ .irlO aother woma wa$ her mother( Her baby "i"?t lo1e
her! "i"?t 'ow her! "i"?t feel aythi. for her( ,he wa$ D#$t a $ at the "oor(
,a"ie t#re" bac' to Corie( KI 'ow who yo# are( A" I "o?t mea to be r#"e! b#t ha1e?t we bee thro#.h thi$IL ,he
.lace" towar" the $tair$( KI 'ow yo# re.ret what yo# "i"! b#t yo# all ca?t 'ee- comi. here! iterr#-ti. o#r li1e$(
,he?$ too yo#. to #"er$ta"( We?re her -aret$ ow( 2o# a" yo#r boyfrie" ma"e that choice(L
Corie $te--e" bac'( KWhat are yo# tal'i. abo#tIL
,a"ie arrowe" her eye$( KI?m$o .ratef#l for what yo# "i"! b#t yo# ha1e to lea1e #$ aloe(L
Corie $hoo' her hea"! ot #"er$ta"i.(
K2o#r boyfrie" wa$ here D#$t la$t moth( O Michaela?$ blttbJoy( He a$'e" $o may J#e$tio$( A" he wa$ $o -#$hy( We
ha" to eA-lai to Michaela that we were?t her real -aret$( How "o yo# thi' that ma"e her feelIL
KWait a mi#te(L Corie cl#tche" the raili. to the -orch $tair$( KMy boyftleoJIL
KTall .#y( C#rly hair( 0rec'le$ li'e Michaela?$( Ob1io#$ly her "a"(L
,#""ely $he felt $ic'( K+#t that?$ im-o$$ible( I e1er tol" Will abo#t her(L
,a"ie frowe"( KWell! I .#e$$ $omeoe "i"(L
KDi" he tell yo# whoIL
,a"ie threw #- her ha"$( KThat?$ for yo# all to wor' o#t(L ,he o""e" towar" the frot "oor( K+#t $to-! o'ayI It?$
$cari. #$(L
K5cotloq yo#IL
,a"ie?$ hea" t#re" towar" the ba$emet( KI?ll be there i a $eco"! hoey(L
Corie trie" to .et aother loo' at her bea#tif#l chil"( KI?1e come all thi$ way!L $he $ai" i a cho'e" 1oice( KCa?t I at
lea$t tal' to herIL
,a"ie $hoo' her hea"! her eA-re$$io firm( KWe?re her -aret$ ow( I?m$orry(L
A" the $he $h#t the "oor( Corie $too" o the -orch a" $tare" bla'ly( A tra$h tr#c' ha" -a$$e" o#t$i"e! it$ h#l'i.
$ha-e ro#"i. the eAt corer( A o1ert#re" .arba.e ca rolle" "ow the $treet( Corie -re$$e" her ha" to her
che$t! feeli. a$ if $he wa$ .oi. to throw #-( Will ha" 'ow(
+#t howI No ooe 'ew $he?" hi""e o#t "ow here or ha" a baby( Not her -aret$! ot E"ith! ot a $i.le frie"( Oly
Po--y( A co1er$atio $hortly before Po--y "ie" fl#ttere" ito her$( That "ay at her bri"al fitti.( Po--y ha"
-#lle" her a$i"eN KTomorrow i$ May fir$t( How are yo# ( ( ( feeli.IL A" Corie ha" $ai" $he felt $o $elfi$h for e1er
telli.( Po--y ha" $ai"! KThere?$ $till time(L
What if Po--y 'ew Will wa$ i MahattaI ,he co#l" ha1e $t#mble" #-o him at CoA$wai( ,he a" E1a co#l" ha1e
.oe there to.ether! i fact( Corie -re$$e" her ha" to her che$t! feeli. her heart th#""i. har"$t her rib$(
What if Po--y ha" 'ic'e" Pa"ora?$ boA o-e ( ( ( a" tol" Will e1erythi.I ,he ha1e $he wa$ "oi. a .oo"
"ee"( ,a"ie $ai" Will ha" 1i$ite" oe moth a.o! o Michaela?$ birth"ay(
Moy 1. Corie ha" bloc'e" o#t$ of her "a#.hter o that "ate( The! that wee'! $he a" DiAo ha" .oe to
CoA$wai( ,he?" $ee Will for the fir$t time(
That eAt mori.! Po--y wa$ "ea"(
5top scotloq os. Corie of Will?$ lar.e frame( Hi$ $har- to.#e from the other The bro'e -late( Ay ma
wo#l" be f#rio#$ abo#t $#ch a h#.e $ecret bei. 'e-t from him for $o lo.( Ay ma .et a little $cary! a little o#t of
hi$ hea"( What if Will $care" -eo-le other tha ,a"ieI What if he?" $care" the me$$e.erI
Corie $ha'ily -#lle" o#t her -hoe to call the cab bac' to .et her away from thi$ -lace( ,he cl#tche" the -hoe with
both ha"$( Horrific ima.e$ of what ha1e ha--ee" -ae" J#ic'ly thro#.h her mi"! a" $he felt tear$ come to
her eye$( KWhat if $omeoe catche$ yo#IL Po--y ha" $ai"( KI?ll be blame" too! Corie(L
Perha-$ Po--y boJ bee(
The .#ilt $he $#""ely felt wa$ o1er-oweri.( If Corie ha"?t a$'e" Po--y to co1er for her! if $he ha"?t ma"e the
mi$ta'e i the fir$t -lace! her co#$i wo#l"?t be "ea" ow( Corie $t#"ie" the -hoe! the o-ee" #- a ew teAt a"
be.a to ty-e to Will! her heart i her throat(
lmqoloq tbtooqb wltb tbe weJJloq. CooJ-bye.
The eAt A$ter?$ -aret$? li1eEi ho#$e'ee-er! 3i1ia! let her ito the tow ho#$e for "ier( K,he?ll be o#t i a
momet! "ear!L 3i1ia m#rm#re" before ret#ri. to the 'itche(
A$ter?$ $tomach felt Dittery a$ $he -ace" aro#" the frot -arlor( Paiti.$ of .eeratio$ of ,aybroo'$ $tare" "ow at
her( I the corer wa$ E"ithO the arti$t ha" -erfectly ca-t#re" her "i$.r#tle" $mir'( NeAt to her wa$ Alfre"! lar.e ha"$
fol"e" at hi$ brea$tboe( A$ter felt a -a. of $a"e$$ at the of her .ra"-aO $he mi$$e" him( A" i the ceter of
the wall wa$ a family -aiti. they?" all $at for! her "a"?$ $ibli.$ a" their $-o#$e$ lie" #- alo. the -orch! all the
co#$i$ $itti. o the law at Meriweather( A$ter $tare" at each face oe by oe! her .aBe fially la"i. o her father?$(
Ma$o $too" at the bac'! hi$ ha" o E"ith?$ $ho#l"er! a $m#. $mile o hi$ face(
,he co#l" hear EliBabeth?$ 1oice( l tblok lts oo loslJe job( As lo, loslJe tbe fomlly. A" the ( ( ( Co osk yoot fotbet.
Why wo#l" $he $ay thatI What "i" Ma$o ha1e$t Po--yI
A$ter D#m-e" a" loo'e" #-( Daielle Gilchri$t $too" i the "oorway! "re$$e" i a cherryEre" $heath "re$$ a" carryi. a
lar.e yellow cl#tch( Her re" hair $-ille" "ow her bac'! a" $he ha" a -air of A1iator $$$e$ -ro--e" o her forehea"(
KWhat are yo# "oi. hereIL A$ter $a--e"(
Daielle $mile" $hee-i$hly( K2o#r momi1ite" me(L
K2e$! I "i"PL Peelo-e crowe"! a--eari. from "ow the hall( KWelcome! DaiellePL ,he leae" i a" 'i$$e" Daielle?$
chee'$! the loo'e" at A$ter( KI ra ito her at Pilate$( We ha1e the $ame i$tr#ctor(L ,he .li"e" acro$$ the room a"
a"D#$te" a few flower$ i the o1er$iBe 1a$e i the mi""le of the table( KAyway! I tol" Daielle $he boJ to come to "ier
$o we co#l" catch #-(L
A $o#r feeli. fille" A$ter?$ mo#th( Catch #-I Her mother ha" bee $o wary of Daielle whe the .irl$ were
K,he?$ a ba" ifl#ece o A$ter!L $he o1erhear" Peelo-e $ay to Ma$o oce( +#t ow that Daielle wor'e" for
,aybroo'?$! ow that $he owe" a -air of 3o#bo#ti$ a" a Chael ha"ba.)a" how ha" $he -ai" for tho$e thi.$I
A$ter wo"ere"( Certaily ot o her HR $alary)ow $he wa$ acce-tableI
A$ter cleche" her fi$t$( It $hoc'e" her that Peelo-e ha" e1er fi.#re" o#t what ha--ee" all tho$e year$ a.o( ,he?"
bee $o bli"O Daielle wa$ tlqbt there(
0or a momet A$ter of lea1i.! warri. with the "e$ire to fi.#re o#t the tr#th abo#t her father a" Po--y(
,i.hi.! $he $l#m-e" ito the "ii. rooma" fell ito a chair( 3et?$ .et thi$ o1er with! $he The $he otice" that
there were oly fo#r -lace $etti.$ at the table( E"ith wa$ alrea"y $itti. at oe of them! a" the $-ot Po--y #$e" to
occ#-y wa$ "eliberately em-ty( A$ter loo'e" away(
KDa" i$?t here toi.htIL $he a$'e"(
Peelo-e $hoo' her hea"( KHe ha$ a meeti.(L
A$ter o""e"( Maybe that wa$ for the be$t( The la$t thi. $he wate" wa$ to $ee Ma$o a" Daielle i the room
to.ether( KWhat abo#t CorieIL $he a$'e"! $#""ely yeari. for her bi. $i$ter( ,he?" trie" calli. Corie earlier to"ay
to tell her abo#t what ha--ee" at EliBabeth?$! b#t $he?" .otte o a$wer(
KI ha1e?t hear" from Corie all "ay(L Peelo-e $at "ow a" -o#re" her$elf a .la$$ of wie( KI $he?$ b#$y with
fial we""i. -re-(L
KOe more wee'!L E"ith chime" i(
K2o# m#$t be so eAcite"PL Daielle eAclaime"(
A$ter twi$te" a cloth a-'i i her ha"$! tryi. ot to roll her eye$( 3i'e yo# care abo#t my family at all! $he
bitterly( Her -hoe chime"! a" $he .lace" at it! .ratef#l for the "i$tractio( Coess l woot see yoo ot 8oom 8oom
toolqbt? Clari$$a ha" teAte"( Nlqel ls bete, btw. Iost so yoo koow.
A$ter almo$t la#.he"( ,he co#l"?t care le$$ who Ni.el "ate"O $he?" hoe$tly for.otte he eAi$te"( ,he ha"?t of
him oce $ice he left her a-artmet the mori. Po--y "ie"( It?$ f#y! $he m#$e"! $li"i. her -hoe bac' ito her ba.
witho#t re-lyi.( That whole $cee felt worl"$ away(
E$me .li"e" i with -late$ of roa$t lamb a" root 1e.etable$( E"ith i$-ecte" it! a$ #$#al! a" -#$he" the -late away( K,o!
Daielle! what ha1e yo# bee #- to latelyIL Peelo-e a$'e"! -oite"ly i.ori. A$ter(
Daielle $mile" $weetly( KWor' ha$ bee really b#$y!L $he $ai" a$ $he be.a to c#t her lamb( KWe?re hiri. a lot of eAtra
$taff to co1er the $-ri. lie$(L
KA" yo# ha1e a boyfrie"! ye$IL Peelo-e a$'e"( KWhat?$ hi$ ameIL
K+rett @er"oor!L Daielle $ai" -ro#"ly( KHe ow$ a PR com-ay calle" 3#ci"(L
KHow wo"erf#l( He ow$ the com-ay him$elfIL
KThat?$!L Daielle $im-ere"(
K+rett whoIL E"ith braye"! t#ri. her .oo" ear towar" Daielle! a" Daielle re-eate" hi$ la$t ame( E"ith $hr#..e"(
KNe1er hear" of him(L
Te -oit$ to Gra"ma E"ith! A$ter! hi"i. a $mile(
KA" what abo#t yo#r familyIL Peelo-e a$'e"( KHow?$ yo#r momIL
K>m! -retty .oo"(L Daielle t#c'e" a loc' of hair behi" her ear( K,he mo1e" bac' i with my father! act#ally( They?re
tryi. to wor' thi.$ o#t(L
A$ter -a#$e" with her for' halfway to her mo#th( KReallyIL $he a$'e" $'e-tically! rememberi. *#lia a" Gre.?$ e-ic$(
Daielle $mile"( KI 'ow)I wa$ $#r-ri$e" to hear it too( I .#e$$ time heal$ all wo#"$(L
KI?mha--y for them( I ho-e they ca ma'e it wor'!L Peelo-e m#rm#re"(
A$ter $tare" "ow at her -late! aoye" at her$elf for ri$i. to Daielle?$ bait( Time JlJot heal all wo#"$( Not i their
ca$e! ayway( What Daielle ha" "oe wa$ #for.i1able(
EliBabeth?$ wor"$ fl#ttere" ito her mi" Co osk yoot fotbet. A$ter abo#t Po--y a" Ma$o! fi.hti. at
,'ylar?$ birth"ay -arty $o $oo before Po--y?$ "eath( Wa$ it abo#t Po--y $teali. Dewel$I Or $omethi. el$eI
,#""ely A$ter co#l"?t wait a momet ,he "ro--e" her a-'i o the table a" $hot #-( KEAc#$e me!L $he $ai"!
a$ if $he wa$ .oi. to #$e the re$troom(
,he "arte" ito the hall! -a$t the -ow"er room! a" $too" at the "oor of her father?$ $t#"y( Glaci. J#ic'ly a"
left! $he #".e" Ma$o?$ office "oor o-e wi"er with her toe( The wa$ off! b#t the com-#ter $cree .lowe"(
,he cre-t -a$t D#mbo the ele-hat a" $at "ow at Ma$o?$ "e$'( There wa$ a ico for the ,aybroo'?$ com-ay eEmail
$y$tem o the $creeO A$ter clic'e" o it( Ma$o ha" $et the com-#ter to lo. him i a#tomatically( Hi$ wor' eEmail$
i$tatly loa"e" i O#tloo'(
KPo--y!L $he ty-e" ito the $earch boA( H#"re"$ of eEmail$ from Po--y a--eare"( A$ter $cae" thro#.h them J#ic'ly!
b#t oe of them $eeme" ami$$( They were all abo#t meeti.$! mar'eti. $$! ew cliet$)act#al wor' $t#ff(
Nothi. abo#t $tole Dewel$( Nothi. abo#t $ecret$(
A$ter chewe" o her li-( The $he otice" aother ico o the "e$'to-! for a Gmail acco#t( ,he clic'e" o it! b#t the
com-#ter reJ#e$te" a -a$$wor"( A$ter clo$e" her eye$! tryi. to what Ma$o?$ -a$$wor" be! b#t $he ha"
o i"ea( ,he $im-ly "i"?t 'ow her father that well aymore(
,he "#. ito her -#r$e a" fo#" her -hoe! oly to realiBe $he "i"?t ha1e Mitch?$ cell -hoe #mber( ,he trie" him at
the office a" cro$$e" her$ a$ it ra. twice! three! fo#r time$( ( ( ( *#$t whe it wa$ abo#t to hit 1oice mail! he
KWhat are yo# "oi. $till at wor'IL A$ter a$'e"! mometarily "i$tracte"(
KA$terIL Mitch $tammere"( K>m ( ( ( well! I be #$i. the wor' $er1er$ to ho$t a .iat Worl" of Warcraft olie
to#ramet(L A$ter co#l" almo$t $ee hi$ ear$ re""e thro#.h the -hoe( ,he $mile"(
KI wa$ wo"eri. if yo# co#l" hel- me with $omethi.!L $he whi$-ere"(
KWhere are yo#IL Mitch Do'eEwhi$-ere" bac'( KAt ch#rchIL
KI ca?t eA-lai ow!L A$ter $ai" h#rrie"ly( K+#t I ee" to 'ow if yo# ca hel- me hac' ito $omeoe?$ -er$oal eE
There wa$ a -a#$e( K2o# really wat to rea" EliBabeth?$ mailIL
KNot EliBabeth?$( My father?$(L
Mitch ma"e a oi$e at the bac' of hi$ throat( KA$ter! I "o?t)L
K2o# wo?t .et i tro#ble( I D#$t ee" to fi" o#t $omethi. really J#ic'ly! a" I?m afrai" to a$' him( He?$ a little
K>h! yeob(L Mitch la#.he" $elfEco$cio#$ly( KWhich i$ eAactly why I "o?t wat to .et o hi$ ba" $i"e(L
Klleose. I?ll ma'e it #- to yo#(L A$ter .lace" #-! heari. a oi$e from the 'itche( It wa$ oly the coo' wa$hi. "i$he$(
KAythi. yo# wat(L
KAythi.IL Mitch re-eate"( KHow abo#t a "ateIL
KDoe!L A$ter $ai"! $#r-ri$e" at how J#ic'ly $he?" a.ree"( The $he .ot a i"ea( KAct#ally! I ca "o yo# oe better( Will
yo# be my "ate to my $i$ter?$ we""i.IL
KReallyIL Mitch $o#"e" $#r-ri$e"( KI mea! I wa$ D#$t ho-i. for the "i1e bar o the corer or $omethi.(L
KCome o!L A$ter caDole"( KThere will be "aci.! a" the be$t ca'e yo#?1e e1er ta$te"! a" yo#?ll .et to ma'e f# of me
i my embarra$$i. mai" of hoor "re$$ ( ( (L
K2o# ha" me at ca'e!L Mitch tea$e"! the .rew $erio#$( K+#t -lea$e! A$ter( Whate1er i$ ha--ei. with yo#r father! D#$t
-romi$e me yo# wo?t "o aythi. $t#-i"(L
KI -romi$e!L A$ter $ai"(
KAre yo# ear hi$ com-#terIL Mitch a$'e"(
KI?m$itti. at it(L
KO'ay( I?m .oi. to eEmail yo# a >R3( Ty-e it ito Ma$o?$ web brow$er eAactly! the "owloa" the a--licatio o the
A$ter calle" #- her ,aybroo'?$ eEmail( ,#re eo#.h! Mitch ha" $et her a >R3( He?" al$o eEmaile" her $omethi. calle" a
'ey a--licatio! which $he ee"e" to i$tall o Ma$o?$ machieO it wo#l" .i1e A$ter acce$$ to aythi. Ma$o ha"
e1er ty-e")icl#"i. hi$ -a$$wor"$( ,he "owloa"e" both of them a" i$talle" them o Ma$o?$ com-#ter( A $tri. of
ty-e came #-! icl#"i. Ma$o?$ Gmail -a$$wor"N uombo. A$ter felt a $tab of .#ilt(
,he ty-e" the -a$$wor" ito Gmail! a" $#re eo#.h! Ma$o?$ -er$oal mail be.a to loa"( A$ter l#rche" forwar"!
-eeri. at the $cree( KIt wor'e"!L $he whi$-ere"(
KI tol" yo# it wo#l"(L Mitch cleare" hi$ throat( KNow #i$tall tho$e -ro.ram$ imme"iately( I "o?t wat yo#r "a" otici.
themo hi$ machie(L
Mitch wal'e" A$ter thro#.h how to remo1e the -ro.ram a" the $ai" he ha" to .o( KI wo?t thi$!L A$ter $ai"
K2o#?" better ot!L Mitch J#i--e"( KI eA-ect lot$ of "aci. at the we""i.(L
K0ie(L A$ter .roae"! b#t $he wa$ $mili.( K,ee yo# tomorrow( Ha1e f# with yo#r olie to#ramet
,he h#. #- a" loo'e" at her "a"?$ com-#ter $cree( There were $o may eEmail$)#-"ate$ from the co#try cl#b$ a"
#i1er$ity affiliatio$ he belo.e" to! a$ well a$ tra1el #-"ate$! recei-t$ of -#rcha$e! a" -er$oal eEmail$ from frie"$(
Nothi. abo#t $tole Dewel$(
O a whim! $he wet bac' to aro#" fi1e year$ a.o! to the $#mmer whe Po--y wa$ ame" -re$i"et a" ,te1e "ie"(
Her .aBe o a tra$actio recor"! the liJ#i"atio of a h#.e #mber of $toc' $hare$( A$ter -a#$e"( It wa$ the $ame
tra$actio $he?" $ee o her "a"?$ com-#ter the other "ay(
,he clic'e" o the eEmailO it li$te" a few tra$actio "etail$! b#t othi. abo#t where the moey ha" .oe( What ha"
Ma$o "oe with all that ca$hI The A$ter $aw a $eco" tra$actio recei-t from the $ame "ay! thi$ oe for \4 millio(
There wa$ othi. li$te" abo#t the ba' acco#t eAce-t the iitial$ G,+( Who wa$ thatI A$ter rac'e" her brai! b#t $he
ha" o i"ea(
Ha"$ $ha'i.! $he ret#re" to the iEboA a" ty-e" i Po--y?$ ame( ,till othi.( 1blok, Astet( O a whim! $he chec'e"
the Delete" fol"er)a" a eEmail threa" a--eare"( lyloq wa$ the fir$t wor" $he $aw(
we oeeJ to come cleoo wltb tbls! Po--y wrote( speclolly tbe mooey. lmtlteJ of lyloq.
Ovet my JeoJ boJy. Ot yoots, Ma$o ha" re-lie"( 5etloosly, loppy, stop posbloq ot yooll be sotty.
A$ter loo'e" #-! $ ito the eye$ of the ele-hat( Come clea abo#t wbotI A" what moeyI Whate1er it wa$! it
$o#"e" li'e $omethi. Mosoo ha" "oe)ot Po--y( ,o maybe it wa$?t abo#t the mi$$i. Dewel$ at all( Maybe it wa$
$omethi. What wa$ Po--y tryi. to -#$h Ma$o to tellI A" to what$ ha" Ma$o .oe to 'ee- her J#ietI
Her$ t#mble" li'e "omioe$( ,he $too" #-! feeli. "iBBy( No( ,he wa$ o1erreacti.( EliBabeth co#l"?t be
A$ter $h#t her eye$! ot wati. to co$i"er the -o$$ibility(
Her mi" ret#re" oce more to that o the beach with ,te1e( The warm breeBe 'i$$i. her bare $'i! the $o#"$
of the -arty i the "i$tace! a" the way A$ter?$ heart ha" th#m-e" whe $he?" t#re" aro#" a" $aw her father
$tari.( ,te1e ha" $hot ito the b#$he$ to -#ll o hi$ clothe$O he ha1e bee li$tei.! b#t A$ter "i"?t care( KIf yo#
ca $crew my frie"! the I ca $crew yo#r$!L $he?" $a--e"(
Ma$o?$ face ha" clo#"e" with cof#$io( KWhat the hell are yo# tal'i. abo#tIL he bar'e"(
KDo?t -lay "#mb(L A$ter?$ 1oice ro$e o1er the $o#" of the wa1e$( KI $aw yo# a" Daielle to.ether( I 'ow what yo#?re
Ma$o?$ face -ale"( He .lace" i the "irectio ,te1e ha" .oe! the .rabbe" A$ter?$ wri$t! har"( KThat?$ oe of yo#r
b#$ie$$!L he $ai" ito her ear(
K2e$! it i$( ,he?$ my be$t frie"( How coolJ yo#IL
,he trie" to wrech away! b#t Ma$o $J#eeBe" her wri$t har"er( A$ter felt her -#l$e throb #"er the $'i( KIf yo# 'ow
what?$ .oo" for yo#! yo#?ll t#r aro#"! .o bac' to the -arty! a" $ay othi.!L her father $ai" i a calm 1oice(
KIf yo# #tter e1e a wor" of thi$ to ayoe! yo#?ll be $orry(L
KI?mot $care" of yo#!L A$ter ware" him(
Ma$o?$ eye$ blaBe"( KWell! yo# $ho#l" be(L
He .a1e her a $ho1e( A$ter yel-e"! wheeli. acro$$ the $a"( Her heel .ot $t#c' i a "i1ot a" flew off her foot( ,he
lay where $he wa$! waiti. for her father to hel- her #- a" a-olo.iBe -rof#$ely! b#t whe $he t#re" bac' aro#"! he
wa$ .oe(
It wa$?t #til the eAt mori. that A$ter hear" the commotio(
KA$ter!L Corie ha" $ai"! a--eari. at her "oor( A$ter bli'e" at the cloc'O it wa$ barely $iA a(m( KCome J#ic'(L ,he
"i"?t e1e bother to -#t o a bra! D#$t ra "ow$tair$ i her +lac' Do. TE$hirt a" o1er$iBe boy $hort$! followi. Corie
towar" the maria( Her -aret$! Po--y! a" $e1eral other .#e$t$ a" $taff member$ were alrea"y "ow there! .athere"
aro#" where the bi. boat$ "oc'e" at the $li-$(
K,ta" bac'!L >cle *oatha wa$ $ayi.! tryi. to maa.e the crow"( I the .ray "aw! the aftermath of the -arty
$howe" i all it$ #.lie$$)the white tet$ $a"ly "eflate"! the .ro#" littere" with -a-er a-'i$ that ha" t#re" to m#$h
i the "ewy .ra$$( E1eryoe wa$ $ta"i. i a cl#m- at the e".e of the water! b#t A$ter maa.e" to $ho1e her way
thro#.h( Whe $he $aw what they were loo'i. at! $he $creame"(
A bo"y lay face"ow i the water( Wa1e$ la--e" o1er hi$ hea"! a" hi$ arm$ were $-laye" o#t at hi$ $i"e$( A$ter
reco.iBe" hi$ -i' oAfor" a" hi$ white lie -at$! which were ow tra$l#cet! re1eali. the white boAer$ beeath(
It wa$ ,te1e(
A$ter ha" $tarte" cryi. from the $hoc' of it( He?" bee $o ali1e D#$t ho#r$ before( ,he felt her co#$i$? -re$ece aro#"
her! Po--y a" Rowa a" Corie?$ face$ bl#rri. i her 1i$io( Ma$o $too" a.rily o the $i"elie$! $-ea'i. ito hi$
-hoe i a.ry! h#$he" toe$( A$ter loo'e" away! $tric'e by a $#""e a" terrible tho#.htN her father ha" "oe thi$( He
wa$ $o f#rio#$ that ,te1e ha" $le-t with her that he?" 'ille" him(
,he wa$?t $#re how lo. $he?" hel" o to that otio)a few ho#r$ at the mo$t! beca#$e by that afteroo! the -olice
ha" J#e$tioe" e1eryoe( A--aretly oo ooe ha" bee ear the "oc'$ that +#t oe thi. remaie" clearN A$ter
ha" fo#" it cocei1able that her father wa$ a m#r"erer( ,ome -eo-le "i"?t ha1e it i them to 'ill! b#t $he ha" felt "ee-
withi her .#t that Ma$o "i"(
KWhat are yo# "oi. i hereIL
A$ter?$ father $too" i the "oorway( He wa$ i a trech coat! a" wa$ cl#tchi. a briefca$e i hi$ ha"$ i $#ch a way that
it $eeme" he throw it at her( Hi$ $ho#l"er$ were $tiff with ra.e(
A$ter $hot #- fa$t! lo..i. o#t of hi$ Gmail( K>m! my iPhoe wa$?t wor'i.! a" there wa$ a wor' emer.ecy( EliBabeth
i$ $#ch a bitch!L $he a""e" for .oo" mea$#re! $'irti. aro#" him( ,he wa$ $o fratic to e$ca-e that $he b#m-e" her foot
har"$t the "oorDamb( Wici.! $he 'e-t .oi.! "ow the hall a" -a$t the "ii. room( Daielle a" Peelo-e
$to--e" eati.! their eye$ wi"e( KA$terIL Peelo-e calle" o#t! b#t A$ter "i"?t a$wer her(
,he h#rrie" o#t of the tow ho#$e a$ fa$t a$ $he co#l"( A$ $oo a$ $he wa$ o the $i"ewal'! $he f#mble" to "ial Corie?$
#mber( Her $i$ter a$were" o the $eco" ri.( KWhere ha1e yo# beeIL A$ter crie"(
K*#$t ( ( ( aro#"(L Corie?$ 1oice
KCa yo# meet me o the $te-$ of the 0+I fiel" office i half a ho#rIL A$ter $ai" J#ic'ly( KI?m .oi. to call Rowa)$he
al$o ee"$ to be there( I thi' I?1e fi.#re" $omethi. o#t(L
KI?ll be there!L Corie a$were"( KI ha1e $omethi. to tell yo# too(L
A half ho#r later Rowa $too" with her ha"$ o her hi-$ o the $te-$ of the 0+I fiel" office i lower Mahatta( It wa$
almo$t $e1e thirty! a" the $treet$ were clo..e" with -eo-le hea"i. home from wor'! their briefca$e$ $wi.i.! cell
-hoe$ .l#e" to their ear$( E1ery $o#" ma"e Rowa?$ heart D#m-N the .r#mbli. $#bway beeath her feet! the whoo$h
of the city b#$ a$ it -a$$e"! a $i--et of a $al$a $o. $-illi. from the o-e wi"ow of a car( ,he loo'e" fratically for her
co#$i$! ho-i. they?" arri1e $oo( Now that $he 'ew what *ame$ ha" "oe! $he wate" to tell 0oley before
$omethi. el$e terrible ha--ee"(
A$ter a" Corie arri1e" at almo$t the $ame time from two "ifferet "irectio$( KI 'ow who 'ille" Po--y!L A$ter $ai" a$
$oo a$ they were all to.ether(
Corie bli'e" at her( KI "o too(L
A$ter?$ Daw "ro--e"( K2o# 'ow Da" "i" itIL
KMosoo?L Rowa crie"! loo'i. bac' a" forth betwee them(
A$ter o""e" .rimly( KI thi' he wa$ tryi. to co1er $omethi. #-)Po--y 'ew abo#t it a" wate" him to come clea(
He wate" Po--y o#t of the com-ay! a" he -#$he" her o#t)literally(L
Corie wri'le" her o$e( KCo1er #- whatIL
KI "o?t 'ow( ,omethi. abo#t moey a" wor'(L
Corie frowe"( KDa" wo#l" e1er "o that(L
A$ter loo'e" coflicte"( K2o# "o?t really 'ow him! Corie( +eca#$e Da" ( ( ( well! he ha" a affair with Daielle Gilchri$t
year$ a.o( I sow them(L
KWait! wbotIL Rowa eA-lo"e"(
KDaielle Gilchri$tIL Corie re-eate"! her $'i t#ri. -ale(
A$ter J#ietly reco#te" eAactly what $he ha" $ee all tho$e year$ a.o)a" the what $he?" fo#" i Ma$o?$ eEmail(
Rowa $tare" at A$ter! ot J#ite com-rehe"i.( Corie?$ face .rew -aler a" -aler( KI ca?t belie1e it!L $he whi$-ere"(
KI?m $o $orry!L A$ter $ai"! -ee'i. .#iltily at Corie( KI "i"?t wat to tell yo#( I "i"?t wat to r#i yo#r ima.e of o#r
Corie t#c'e" her chi ito her che$t( KDoe$ Mom'owIL
A$ter lowere" her .aBe( KI co#l"?t bear to tell her(L
A few -i.eo$ la"e" ear a -iece of "i$car"e" $oft -retBel a" be.a to o1er it( Corie $iffle"! the too' a "ee-
breath( KDe$-ite all that! I?mot $#re Da" "i" it!L $he $ai" faitly after A$ter ha" fii$he"( KI thi' it wa$ Will(L
A$ter $J#ite" at her( KThe .#y yo# ( ( (L ,he traile" off( KWhyIL
Now it wa$ Corie?$ t#r to loo' tormete"( KI "i"?t tell yo# e1erythi. abo#t my time with Will all tho$e year$ a.o(L
,he $wallowe" har"! a" the eA-laie" the real rea$o $he?" "i$a--eare" my$terio#$ly for $o may moth$ that
followi. year( Whe $he #ttere" the wor"$ pteqooocy a" blJloq oot! Rowa felt her brai b#r$t( A" the whe
$he eA-laie" that $he?" -#t the baby #- for a"o-tio! Rowa?$ heart bro'e( Corie ha" a cbllJ! a "a#.hter(
Corie r#$he" o( KI thi' Po--y tol" Will the tr#th abo#t what ha--ee" ( ( ( a" Will wa$ f#rio#$!L Corie eA-laie"(
K2o# 'ow Po--y)$he -robably frame" it li'e sbe ma"e the "eci$io to $e" me away! to $a1e my re-#tatio( Maybe
he blame" her(L
Tear$ ra "ow Corie?$ chee'$( ,he .lace" at A$ter! who $too" o the $i"ewal'! loo'i. eJ#ally $t#e"( Corie let
o#t a $iff! her ha"$ wra--e" ti.htly aro#" her wai$t( Rowa wal'e" o1er to Corie a" .etly h#..e" her $ho#l"er$(
KI hate that yo# wet thro#.h that aloe(L Her throat ti.htee" a$ $he of her co#$i hi"i. her$elf away
for $o may moth$! telli. o oe her $ecret for year$( The of it m#$t ha1e bee #bearable(
After a momet! A$ter ra to her $i$ter a" h#..e" her too( K2o#?ll be all!L $he $ai" .etly( KI -romi$e(L
Whe they bro'e a-art! Rowa loo'e" at them( KI wa$ .oi. to tell 0oley that *ame$ "i" it(L
Corie wi-e" away her tear$( K+#t *ame$ wa$ at yo#r ho#$e whe it ha--ee"(L
KNo! he wa$?t!L Rowa $ai"! eA-laii. that the "oorma ha" $ee him lea1i. while $he wa$ i the coffee lie( KI?1e
e1er a$'e" *ame$ where he wa$( ,o I really ha1e o i"ea(L
A" $he certaily wa$?t a$'i. him ow! either( E1er $ice the ici"et i her office earlier to"ay! $he?" bee o hi.h
alert! half eA-ecti. him to .rab her whe $he .ot off the ele1ator at ,aybroo'?$ or be waiti. for her whe $he wet
home( Which wa$ why $he ha"?t .oe home(
,he -lace" her ha"$ o her hi-$ a" watche" the traffic( A .#y -e"ali. a ric'$haw tr#"le" #- the a1e#e( Two
o1erwhelme"Eloo'i. to#ri$t$ $at i the bac'( The A$ter t#re" a" face" the b#il"i.( K3et?$ .o( Maybe 0oley i$ alrea"y
oto oe of the$e .#y$ a$ it i$(L
They h#rrie" #- the $te-$( After J#ic'ly $e"i. their -#r$e$ thro#.h the metal "etector a" hol"i. their arm$ o#t for
the $caer$! the three of them boar"e" the ele1ator to 0oley?$ floor( The office $till h#mme" with acti1ity "e$-ite the
late ho#r)-hoe$ ri.i.! -eo-le r#$hi. bac' a" forth! a -riter $-itti. o#t -a-er$ ito a lar.e! or.aiBe" $tac'(
The $ec#rity .#ar" loo'e" $#r-ri$e" to $ee three ,aybroo'$ i the lobby( ,he ma"e a call to 0oley?$ office a" the
ao#ce"! K,he?$ $till here( ,he?ll $ee yo# ow(L
E1eryoe marche" "ow a lo. .ray hall a" ito a office where 0oley $at behi" a cl#ttere" "e$'! $J#iti. at
$omethi. o a com-#ter $cree( Her hair wa$ -#lle" bac' ito a b#! her eye$ loo'e" tire"! a" her li-$tic' wa$ $li.htly
$m#".e"( Whe $he $aw the three of them! $he $too"( KCome o i!L $he $ai" h#rrie"ly! .e$t#ri. themi$i"e(
The three wome file" i a" $at "ow o a twee" co#ch( The room wa$ "ecorate" with flower$ a" J#ir'y art -rit$( A
-air of -i'E-aite" "eer atler$ h#. from a hi.h wall( The .eeric metal bli"$! $o $ta"ar" i other office$! ha" bee
$wa--e" o#t for woo" oe$! a$ if they were i a MeAica hacie"a(
0ially A$ter cleare" her throat( KWe each ha1e$ o who 'ille" Po--y(L
0oley fol"e" her ha"$ o her "e$'( KI$ thi$ more abo#t ,te1e +arettIL
They $hoo' their hea"$ a"! oe by oe! tol" her their theorie$( A$ Rowa li$tee" to her co#$i$ $-ea'! her ha"$
tremble"( Their $#$-ect$ $eeme" a$ -la#$ible a$ *ame$ wa$( It wa$ har" to belie1e that three $e-arate -eo-le ha1e
wate" to 'ill Po--y( A" $he fo#" her$elf fr#$trate" with Po--y oce for the $ecret$ $he?" 'e-t( 0or e1er comi.
to themwith aythi.( ,he wa$ $#--o$e" to be Rowa?$ be$t frie"(
0oley?$ brow wa$ 'otte" by the time they fii$he"( KDo yo# thi' thi$ ha$ aythi. to "o with the -er$o who hit #$ i
MeriweatherIL A$ter a$'e"! t#ri. to her co#$i$(
KI "o?t 'ow!L Rowa $ai"! ot ha1i. co$i"ere" thi$( ,he trie" to *ame$ r#i. all of them "ow! a" her
eye$ b#re" with #$he" tear$(
0oley $-# i her chair to face a tiy wi"ow o1erloo'i. a cl#$ter of .ray b#il"i.$( KWell! othi. yo#?1e tol" me i$
#$ef#l! #fort#ately( I?1e iter1iewe" all of tho$e -eo-le! a" they all ha1e $oli" alibi$(L
Corie "#. her fi.erail$ ito the co#ch( Kwlll? How "i" yo# 'ow to iter1iew himIL
There wa$ a trace of a $mir' o 0oley?$ face( K+eca#$e I?m a 0+I! Corie( I "o my homewor'( I?1e ha" yo#
followe"( I 'ow yo#?1e bee $-e"i. time with him( I "i"?t 'ow how that -ertaie" to Po--y! b#t I "i" 'ow that he
#$e" to li1e i Meriweather! a" I there be a coectio( I $-o'e to Mr( Cooli".e my$elfO "oBe$ of -eo-le
ca 1o#ch that he wa$ at the >io ,J#are mar'et that mori.(L
Corie?$ face -ale"( K2o# were followloq meIL
KI ha" to( It?$ my Dob to 'ee- yo# $afe(L
KDoe$ ayoe el$e i the family 'ow abo#t ( ( ( himIL
0oley $trai.htee" $ome -a-er$( KNo( Tho#.h I ha1e to $ay! I?m .etti. a little tire" of co1eri. thi.$ #- for yo# -eo-le(L
,he .lace" at Rowa(
Rowa felt a "i$comforti. .#$t of emotio that $he co#l"?t J#ite i"etify! at 0oley?$ toe of 1oice( ,he leae" forwar"(
K+#t what abo#t *ame$I I $-o'e to my "oorma( *ame$ left D#$t after I "i" the mori. Po--y "ie")he co#l" ha1e
reache" the office a" -#$he" Po--y i time(L
KI $-o'e to *ame$ too!L 0oley $ai"! $ha'i. her hea"( KHe al$o ha$ a alibi for that mori.(L
K2eah! my a-artmet(L
0oley frowe"( KAct#ally! oot yo#r a-artmet( He wa$ $omewhere el$e(L
KWhereIL Rowa "ema"e"(
0oley "i"?t $ay aythi. for a momet! loo'i. aro#" at all three of them( 0ially $he $i.he"( KHe wa$ with a woma
ame" Amelia Morrow(L
Rowa?$ brai felt $cattere"( ,he 'ew that ame ( ( ( whyI The it came to herN Po--y?$ "a#.hter?$ birth"ay -arty( The
momwho$e "a#.hter ha" calle" biathlete$ Kbi$eA#al$(L
KOh my Go"!L $he whi$-ere"! cla--i. a ha" to her mo#th( He?" .oe from oe woma?$ be" to aother?$I Ha"
Po--y koowoI
0oley loo'e" at A$ter( KA" before yo# e1e $ay it! yo#r father "i"?t 'ill Po--y either( He wa$ -re--i. for the ,i.a-ore
call that mori.! a" "oBe$ of -eo-le $aw him( I "o?t 'ow what that eEmail betwee Ma$o a" Po--y
meat)that?$ their b#$ie$$( Nor "o I 'ow abo#t that tra$actio( That?$ for a a#"itor to fi.#re o#t(L ,he leae" bac'
i her chair a" $tare" at them har"( KI a--reciate how m#ch yo# care! la"ie$! b#t from ow o! lea1e the -olice wor' to
me! o'ayIL
The $he ro$e! which $eeme" li'e a clear $ for the other$ to lea1e( Rowa o-ee" a" clo$e" her mo#th! feeli.
$li.hte" a" -atroiBe"! b#t $he "i"?t 'ow what el$e to $ay( ,he $tro"e #mbly a" J#ietly "ow the hall li'e a
re-rima"e" "o.(
0oley wal'e" them all the way to the ele1ator! -hoe i ha"( A$ $he -re$$e" the "ow b#tto! Rowa cleare" her
throat( KIf it?$ ot ay of the -eo-le we! "o yoo 'ow who it beIL $he a$'e" "e$-erately( KAy i'li. at
0oley?$ .aBe "i"?t lift fromher -hoe( KWhe I 'ow $omethi.! yo#?ll 'ow $omethi.(L
KDoe$ that mea yo# "o?t 'ow ooytbloqIL A$ter crie"( KWhat abo#t Nata$haI Ha1e yo# fo#" aythi. o#t abo#t
where $he wa$ that mori.IL
KHa1e yo# e1e bee iter1iewi. -eo-leIL Rowa "ema"e"( KDaielle Gilchri$t tol" me yo# e1er cotacte" her(L
KI $-o'e to Daielle o the -hoe( ,he "i"?t 'ow aythi. hel-f#l!L 0oley a$were" i a $#rly toe( K,erio#$ly! .#y$! D#$t
let #$ "o o#r Dob$(L There wa$ a Jloq! a" the car "oor$ $wi$he" o-e( 0oley -ractically $ho1e" themall i$i"e(
They ro"e "ow i $ilece( A$ter $cowle" at the clo$e" "oor$( K,he "i"?t ha1e to be $o r#"e(L
Corie t#..e" at her collar( KI ca?t belie1e they were followloq me(L
KThey?1e -robably bee followi. all of #$!L Rowa $ai" blea'ly( Her face b#re" at the of$ watchi. her
$teal ito *ame$?$ a-artmet a" -rete" to be a mother to *ame$?$ chil"re( They?" -robably $ee her fi" o#t abo#t
E1a too)i fact! they?" -robably 'ow abo#t E1a lo. before $he "i"( It felt li'e e1e more of a i1a$io tha the
re-orter$ or the .o$$$ o the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e"! -robably beca#$e 0oley wa$ $#--o$e" to be o tbelt
A .arba.e tr#c' -a$$e"! bri.i. with it the fo#l o"or of e1eryoe?$ mi.le" tra$h( KWell! I .#e$$ we?re bac' to $J#are
oe!L Rowa $ai" blea'ly! t#ri. bac' to her co#$i$(
Corie a" A$ter o""e"( A" the they -arte" way$! Rowa $li"i. ito her tow car( KTa'e me home!L $he m#mble"
to the "ri1er( ,he $#--o$e" there wa$ o ri$' ow of *ame$ lyi. i wait for her( He wa$ a cheater! ot a 'iller(
+#t the fact that he?" bee cleare" ma"e her more afrai" tha e1er( It felt a$ if ayoe co#l" be after them( Ayoe co#l"
be watchi.( Ay oe of themco#l" be eAt(
O 0ri"ay e1ei. Corie $too" i her ol" be"room at the ho#$e i Meriweather! $tari. ito a! atiJ#e
mirror o $-i"ly le.$( It wa$ oly a half ho#r before her rehear$al "ier wo#l" be.i( Her "re$$! a $ati floral -rit with
a o-e bac'! fit -erfectly( A $tyli$t ha" arra.e" her hair i loo$e c#rl$! a" her ma'e#- wa$ flawle$$! e1ei. o#t the
blotchie$$ that ha" forme" o her chee'$ from "ay$ of cryi.( Her eye$ loo'e" a" were o re"O her wai$t
$eeme" $maller! -robably frombei. too $tre$$e" to eat(
KHoey! yo# loo' wo"erf#l!L her mother $ai" $oftly! -a#$i. a momet to -#$h a $tray hair o#t of Corie?$ face( The
$he frowe"( KWhy are?t yo# $mili.IL
Corie loo'e" away! hati. that her feeli.$ were $o tra$-aret( ,he ha" bee o1er her co1er$atio with ,a"ie Grier a
h#"re" time$( The i"ea that Corie co#l" ha1e ha" $omethi. to "o with Po--y?$ m#r"er)that $he ha" -#t her i
" a" that Will ha" $a--e")ha" rattle" her! e1e if it wa$?t tr#e( A" the there ha" bee the wo#" of $eei.
Michaela! the "a#.hter $he ha" e1er e1e hel"( O to- of all that! thi$ ew iformatio abo#t her father a" Daielle
felt li'e too m#ch to ha"le( The $'iy re"Ehaire" .irl with the $ar'y mo#th a" the $teelEtra- mi"( A$ter?$ be$t frie"(
It t#re" Corie?$ $tomach D#$t thi'i. abo#t it( ,he co#l" har"ly loo' her father i the eye thi$ afteroo whe he
carrie" i a crate of cham-a.e(
,he felt .#ilty too for bei. col" to A$ter for $o may year$)ow A$ter?$ blatat rebellio$t her family ma"e $e$e(
It felt a$ if the worl" ha" cha.e"! b#t Corie ha"?t( If aythi.! it ma"e her "e$-erate for $omethi. $oli"(
No more $#r-ri$e$! o more me$$e$( ,he wa$ .etti. marrie"( ,he ha" to( It wa$ a$ tho#.h $he were i lie to lea1e a
-ar'i. .ara.eO if $he bac'e" #- ow! her tire$ wo#l" .o o1er the $har- $-i'e$! ca#$i. irre1ocable "ama.e( After all!
-eo-le ha" alrea"y .athere" "ow$tair$)$he co#l" hear them b#rbli. ha--ily i the -arlor a" o the law( The "ay
ha" "awe" -erfect! warm a" $#y! a" if $he were to loo' o#t$i"e! $he?" $ee the bi. tet $et #- for the rece-tio a"
the $eat$ arra.e" for the ceremoy( DiAo wa$ $omewhere "ow$tair$! with the .#e$t$! a" D#".i. by the
$mell of lob$ter a" creama" $a#tGe" 1e.etable$! Will wa$ -robably here too(
wlll. Pai $trea'e" thro#.h Corie( After $he?" $et that teAt! he ha"?t re-lie"( Tho#.h maybe that wa$ for the be$t(
KI?mD#$t er1o#$!L Corie a$were" fially! bli'i. har" to 'ee- fromcryi.(
KWhyIL Peelo-e wa1e" her ha" "i$mi$$i1ely( KAll the "etail$ are i -lace(L
KI 'ow!L Corie $ai"! her chi J#i1eri.(
KAre yo# $#re it?$ ot $omethi. el$eIL
Po--y?$ wor"$ from $o lo. a.o floate" bac' to herN oote beloq so botJ oo yootself, cotlooe. A" Rowa?$N vetyooe
wlll fotqlve yoo lf yoo Joot qo tbtooqb wltb lt. Ha" $he #"ere$timate" her motherI Perha-$ $he?" $ym-athiBe( Perha-$
$he wa$?t a$ ri.i" a" re.imete" a$ Corie
The Peelo-e lai" her hea" o Corie?$ $ho#l"er( KIt?$ Po--y! i$?t itI We all mi$$ her( +#t I?m $o -ro#" of yo#! hoey(
2o#?1e bee $o $tro. thro#.h thi$( ,#ch a $hii. eAam-le(L ,he leae" o1er a" 'i$$e" Corie?$ forehea"(
Corie wice" at the feeli. of her mother?$ -a-ery li-$ o her $'i( Not lo. a.o! tho$e wor"$ ha" bee all $he $tro1e
for( +#t ow they $eeme" $ort of ri"ic#lo#$( A $hii. eAam-leI ReallyI
KMom! co#l" yo# .i1e me a mi#teIL $he $ai"! offeri. her mother what $he ho-e" wa$ a DitteryEbri"e $mile(
KOf co#r$e! "arli.(L Peelo-e?$$ traile" alo. Corie?$ arma$ $he .li"e" o#t of the room(
Corie li$tee" a$ $he wal'e" "ow the $tair$! the $at "ow o the be"( Thi$ wa$ where $he?" $le-t whe $he wa$ a
.irl! a" it wa$ $till fille" with her fa1orite thi.$N the @ictoria "ollho#$e i the corer! the -orcelai fi.#rie$ of ballet
"acer$ a" -rice$$e$ o the $hel1e$! the -la$tic or.aiBer$ f#ll of her mother?$ ol" co$t#me Dewelry! which $he
fe$tooe" her "oll$ with before $he ma"e themall .et marrie"(
A memory $wirle" ito her mi"! -#re a" $har-N that $#mmer $he?" bee with Will! $he?" lai o thi$ 1ery be"! $tari. at
the ceili.! reli1i. their momet$ to.ether( 0eeli. $o ali1e! her heart th#m-i. fa$t! her breathi. J#ic'( ,he
remembere" calli. himoce! whi$-eri.! KI wi$h yo# co#l" come o1er(L
KI?ll come if yo# let me!L Will ha" a$were"( KI?ll climb i yo#r wi"ow(L
K+#t it?$ o the thir" floor!L Corie ha" -rote$te"(
K,oIL Will ha" la#.he"( KI?ll climb a tree( I?ll $cale the $i"e of the ho#$e( I?ll .et to yo# $omehow(L
A fre$h ro#" of tear$ -ric'le" at Corie?$ eye$( Will ha" wate" her! teolly wate" her( +#t ow e1erythi. wa$
There wa$ a 'oc' o the "oor! a" Corie loo'e" o1er! eA-ecti. that her mother ha" ret#re"( +#t $omeoe el$e
wal'e" i i$tea"(
Will! who ha" o chef?$ white$ a" a +o$to Re" ,oA ba$eball ca-! wal'e" caref#lly ito the room a" $at o a woo"e
chair ear the wi"ow( KI?ll D#$t be a mi#te!L he $ai"! 'ee-i. hi$ eye$ o the .ro#"( KI D#$t wate" to catch yo# before
( ( ( yo# 'ow(L The he loo'e" at her( KCa yo# at lea$t eA-laiIL
0or a brief momet! Corie felt a$ .#ilty a$ $he ha" all tho$e year$ a.o whe $he?" left Will witho#t telli. him aythi.(
+#t the it r#$he" bac' to herN he wa$ a liar too( They?" both hi""e $omethi.(
KI 'ow yo# 'ow!L $he croa'e"( A" the! i a $ 1oiceN KI 'ow yo# 'ow abo#t the baby(L
The color ro$e i hi$ chee'$( KOh!L he $ai" i a .ra1elly 1oice(
KI wet to $ee her( 0or the fir$t time( I wate" to $ee her before I tol" yo# abo#t it( A" her mom tol" me that yo#?"
alrea"y bee there( That yo# 'ew(L A l#m- .rew i her throat( KWhy "i"?t yo# tell meI Why "i"?t yo# $ay yo# $aw
KWhy "i"?t yo# tell meIL He $hoo' hi$ hea"( KI wa$ $o cof#$e" that $#mmer( 2o# ( ( ( voolsbeJ. A" the yo# $et
yo#r co#$i! who I "i"?t e1e really 'ow ( ( (L He $J#eeBe" hi$ eye$ $h#t( KI what we ha" meat more tha
KIt "i"!L Corie croa'e"! h#mble"( KI $ho#l"?t ha1e D#$t ta'e off(L
,he hear" a crea' o the $tair$! $hot #-! a" .lace" ito the hallway( Her mother wa$ owhere to be $ee( ,he ret#re"
to her be"rooma" loo'e" at Will( K,o whe "i" Po--y tell yo#IL
Will $J#ite"( KPo--yI I act#ally yo# $et the letter at fir$t)it wa$?t $i.e"( +#t it eA-laie" e1erythi.! a"
ha" Michaela?$ ame a" a""re$$( I "o?t thi' I tr#ly belie1e" it #til I wet "ow there a" $aw for $#re(L He -a#$e"(
K,he loo'$ D#$t li'e #$! Corie(L
Why wo#l" Po--y ha1e left the letter aoymo#$I Corie loo'e" "ow( K2o# $care" them! a--aretly( ,o m#ch that
Michaela?$ momba$ically 'ic'e" me o#t before I co#l" e1e $ee her(L
Will frowe"( KI$ that what $he tol" yo#I I "i"?t $care aybo"y( I D#$t ( ( (L He traile" off! $i.hi.( KI wa$ $o amaBe" at the
i"ea of a "a#.hter( A" I mea! yo# sow her! ri.htI ,he?$ -erfect(L
KI 'ow!L Corie $ai" faitly! Michaela?$ face clear i her mi"(
K+#t I "i"?t "o aythi. to $care them( I "o?t 'ow what $he?$ tal'i. abo#t(L He wice"( K*e$#$! Corie( If yo#?"
ha"le" thi$ li'e a ormal -er$o! we be able to $ee her( ,he be oots.L
Tear$ rolle" "ow Corie?$ chee'$! -robably ma'i. ri1er$ i her ma'e#-( KWhat wa$ I $#--o$e" to "oI I ha" o
Will $tare" at her craBily( KMaybe I?m ot DiAo ,hac'elfor"! a" maybe that?$ who yo# were waiti. for! b#t yo# $till
co#l" ha1e "oe the thi.( 2o# 'e-t a "a#.hter from me( A .ra"chil" from yo#r whole family( 2o# lie" to them a$
m#ch a$ to me( Are yo# really that afrai" of themIL
KI "o?t 'ow what I?m afrai" ofPL Corie bl#rte"! her 1oice echoi. hollowly thro#.h the room( KOf ma'i. a mi$ta'e! I
.#e$$P Of e1eryoe ( ( ( joJqloq me( Do yo# ha1e ay i"ea what that feel$ li'eI Do yo# ha1e ay i"ea how botJ it i$ to
#-hol" thi$ lmoqe for yo#r etire familyIL
Will bli'e" at her( KWhy "o yo# ha1e to "o it aloeIL
KI "o?t 'owPL Corie bl#rte"! feeli. #hi.e"( ,he co1ere" her face with her ha"$( KThat?$ what I?1e bee realiBi.( I all of #$! my co#$i$ a" I! I we oll were tryi. to be -erfect a" .oo" a" ( ( ( exomples. +#t it t#r$
o#t I wa$ the oly oe( Or el$e I?m the oly oe who beat$ my$elf #- $o ba"ly whe I $crew #-(L ,he loo'e" #- at Will
thro#.h watery eye$( KIt?$ D#$t that $tri1i. for -erfectio i$ who I om!L $he a"mitte"( KIt?$ all I 'ow( I "o?t 'ow who I
wo#l" be if I wa$?t(L
The cofe$$io $o#"e" $illy i the of "ay( Corie $h#t her eye$ a" li$tee" to the $tri. J#artet warmi. #- i the
.ar"e( ,he -ict#re" DiAo a" hi$ .room$me! tae"! bi.Etoothe" boar"i.E$chool boy$ li'e him$elf! hor$i. aro#" i
the boy$? wi.(
,he loo'e" #- at Will! $#""ely eAha#$te"( KI wi$h I co#l" ta'e it bac'( I $ho#l" ha1e li$tee" to Po--y)$he "i"?t wat
me to .o a" hi"e( ,he wate" me to face thi.$(L
Will $i.he"( KI wi$h yo# ha" too( A" belie1e me! $ice I fo#" o#t! there ha1e bee "ay$ where I?1e wo'e #- hati.
yo#)which i$ -retty com-licate"! $ice I 'ee- wa'i. #- lo1i. yo# too(L
love( There it wa$! ha.i. i the air( A h#.e -re$$e"$t Corie?$ che$t( KE1eryoe?$ alrea"y here( They?re
eA-ecti. me(L
He mo1e" clo$er to her( K,o whatI I?ll $ea' yo# o#t the bac' if I ha1e to( Corie! I lo1e yo# a" I wat to be with
yo#)o matter the co$eJ#ece$(L
Corie?$ eye$ fille" with tear$( E1e after e1erythi. $he?" "oe)the horrible $ecret $he?" 'e-t! the awf#l lie$ $he?"
tol")he $till wate" to be with her( nes so qooJ! $he l Joot Jesetve blm(
,he t#re" away fromhim( KI thi' it?$ too late(L
KWhat "o yo# meaIL
Corie bet o1er the be"! tear$ bl#rri. her 1i$io( KHow ca we tr#$t each other after thi$IL
KWe?ll ear that tr#$t(L Will to#che" her bac'( KWe?ll wor' at it! "ay by "ay(L
Corie t#re" aro#" to face him( He loo'e" $o .or.eo#$ a" heartbrea'i. that $he $#""ely .rabbe" hi$ face with
both ha"$ a" 'i$$e" him har" o the mo#th( Will leae" ito her! reachi. hi$ ha"$ #- o1er her $ho#l"er$( E1ery
memory of their 'i$$e$ r#$he" bac' to her i oe $-ar'li. ti"al wa1e( Her whole bo"y be.a to tremble! from the ti-$ of
her toe$! r#$hi. #- her $-ie a" all the way ito her hea"( Ate we Joloq tbls? ,he ha" o i"ea( A tora"o ha" D#$t
$tr#c' her whole life! ri--i. #- farmho#$e$ a" cow$ a" car$( ,he wa$ b#rie" #"er the wrec'a.e( ,he co#l"?t
,he felt her$elf wati. to -#ll him "ow to the be" a" let him tear off her "re$$! $a--i. off the "elicate b#tto$ oe
by oe( E1erythi. $he?" tol" him wa$ $o raw a" tr#e a" hoe$t! more from her heart tha aythi. $he?" e1er $ai" or
"oe( ,he -re$$e" har"er ito Will?$ mo#th! 'i$$i. "ee-( ,he wate" thi$ to e1er e"(
KCorie! hoeyIL her mother calle" fromthe bottomof the $te-$( KThe -hoto.ra-her i$ rea"y for yo#(L
Corie $hot away from Will( KI?ll be "ow i a $eco"!L $he yelle"! her heart raci.( Her mo#th felt $wolle! her $'i
"irty! her face o fire( KI ha1e to .o(L
,he -#$he" -a$t Will a" $ta..ere" "ow the hall li'e $he wa$ "r#'! the im-rit of the 'i$$ -#l$i. o her li-$( +#t
i$tea" of .oi. "ow the mai $tair$ to the "ii. room! $he fle" to the bac' $tairca$e(
It wa$ "ar' a" $melle" li'e "#$t( ,he wra--e" her$ aro#" the ol" woo"e bai$ter a" wal'e" "ow h#rrie"ly
b#t caref#lly! tryi. ot to tear her "re$$( The $tair$ let o#t D#$t behi" the 'itcheO -a$ cla.e" behi" clo$e" 0rech
"oor$( A $i"e "oor le" to a -ath that wa$ ob$c#re" from the -atioO Corie r#$he" for it! ot wati. ayoe to $ee her ow( Not her family! ot the -hoto.ra-her! a" certaily ot DiAo(
,he a1i.ate" the $toe -ath all the way to the beach( The $a" wa$ em-ty whe $he .ot there! the $'y a -erfect bl#e( A
$i.leE-ro- air-lae loo-E"eEloo-e" o1erhea"! $ -lace" there D#$t for her $-ecial "ay( ,he $tare" o#t at the
cra$hi. wa1e$! cra1i. themi a way $he e1er ha" before(
lve beeo petfect oll my llfe. lmoftolJ oot to be.
well eoto tbot ttost. well wotk ot lt, Joy by Joy.
The 'i$$ throbbe" o her li-$( ,he .lace" behi" her! chec'i. oce more that o oe wa$ watchi.( The $he t#re"
a" ra a$ fa$t a$ $he co#l" towar" the water( Witho#t e1e he$itati.! $he -#lle" off her "re$$ a" her $hoe$! a"
wa"e" ito the water i oly her #"er.armet$! more a'e" tha $he?" e1er bee before(
A$ter ha" bee a little bit er1o#$! comi. bac' to Meriweather after the "i$a$ter that wa$ Corie?$ bachelorette -arty(
+#t $he ha" to ha" it to E1a)e1e tho#.h $he wa$ a bac'$tabbi. bitch for $lee-i. with *ame$! $he?" "oe a fata$tic
Dob( All of the .ra" li1i. room?$ bl#eEa"Ewhite f#ri$hi.$! $hi-?$ wheel$! a" $crim$haw car1i.$ were -erfectly
arra.e" aro#" the table$ a" chair$ that ow fille" the $-ace( The wi"ow$ ha" bee throw o-e! the hea1y
broca"e c#rtai$ $witche" o#t for! .a#By $tri-$! a" the eormo#$ +accarat cha"elier ta'e "ow a" re-lace"
with a thi wire $c#l-t#re that hel" h#"re"$ of 1oti1e ca"le$( The room$melle" li'e .ar"eia$! a DaBB ba" -laye" i the
corer! a" the lie at the bar wa$ three "ee-(
KHere we are!L Mitch $ai"! $i"li. #- to A$ter a" -re$eti. her with a co--er c#-( KOe Mo$cow M#le! eAtra lime(L
K2o#?re the be$t!L A$ter $ai"! cli'i. her c#- to hi$( After $eei. Mitch $o ofte i @a$ a" Dea$! $he wa$ $#r-ri$e" at
how .rowE#- a" -oli$he" he loo'e" i a $#it( He?" .otte hi$ hair c#t)D#$t for herI $he wo"ere")he wa$ cleaE
$ha1e! a" hi$ Dac'et broa"ee" hi$ $ho#l"er$ a" accet#ate" hi$ $lim wai$t( A$ter li'e" too how he 'e-t $ea'i. little
-ee'$ at her le.$! which loo'e" e$-ecially lo. i her bl#$hEcolore" @er$ace "re$$(
K3et me $how yo# aro#"!L $he $ai"! ta'i. hi$ arm to lea" him "ow the hallway( ,he $howe" him the ol" $eafari.
artifact$ her .ra"father #$e" to collect( KHe wo#l" alway$ try to fi" thi.$ li'e thi$ at flea mar'et$( He ha" i$ae l#c'!
fi"i. thi.$ that e1eryoe el$e were worthle$$( We #$e" to alway$ $ay he $ho#l" .o o Aotlpoes kooJsbow(L
Her 1oice bro'e a little at the of her .ra"-a( ,he wi$he" he co#l" ha1e bee here! for Corie?$ $a'e(
KHe $o#"$ li'e he wa$ a really $-ecial .#y!L Mitch $ai" $oftly! reachi. for her ha"(
A$ter lace" her$ with hi$( KHere?$ a -ict#re of him!L $he $ai"! -oiti. to a ol" -hoto of Alfre" a" hi$ frie"
Harol" i frot of the ,aybroo'?$ fla.$hi- $tore i New 2or' City! weari. matchi. "erbie$ a" wireErimme" .la$$e$(
KHe loo'$ D#$t li'e he "i" i the i"octriatio 1i"eo!L Mitch Do'e"( The he .aBe" thro#.h the crow"( K,o where?$ the
woma of hoorIL
A$ter frowe"( KI "o?t 'ow(L ,he ha"?t $ee Corie $ice that afteroo( E"ith $too" i the corer! chatti. with the
Mor.a$! a family who li1e" "ow the $treet a" ha" ma"e a fort#e i at#ral .a$( DiAo wa$ $chmooBi. with $ome
-eo-le from hi$ i1e$tmet firmO hi$ father $too" eAt to him! loo'i. eerily li'e DiAo?$ ol"er! $li.htly .rayer "o#ble(
Ma$o a" Peelo-e cl#tche" ha"$ ti.htly! "ee- i co1er$atio with Nata$ha?$ -aret$ i the corer(
A$ter?$ .aBe remaie" o her father for a eAtra beat( He may ha1e ha" a alibi for Po--y?$ m#r"er! b#t he $till ha" a lot
of $ecret$(
KA$terPL $omeoe eAclaime" from acro$$ the room( A fi.#re $hot thro#.h the crow"! a" Clari$$a tac'le" her i a
embrace( KHow ha1e yo# bee! yo# craBy bitchIL ,he $too" bac' a" .a1e A$ter a oceEo1er( K2o# loo' $o hot I
hate yo# a little( A" I e$-ecially hate yo# for baili. o me at ,oHo Ho#$e la$t wee'( Pl#$ yo# mi$$e" a qteot at
Clari$$a loo'e" $'iier a" taer tha e1er( Her "ar' hair h#. "ow her bac' i lo. te"ril$! a" $he wore a bea"e"
"re$$ that barely $'imme" the to- of her thi.h$( 0or a $eco"! A$ter Clari$$a ha" cra$he"! b#t the $he
remembere" $he?" i1ite" her(
K,orry!L A$ter $ai" wea'ly! realiBi. that $he?" e1er a$were" the teAt Clari$$a $et her at "ier that That wa$ the
$ame "ay $he?" bro'e ito her "a"?$ eEmail a" .oe to the 0+I with Corie a" Rowa( K,omethi. came #-(L
Clari$$a -#t her ha"$ o her hi-$ a" .aBe" aro#" the h#.e room( K,o thi$ i$ where yo# $-et yo#r $#mmer$IL ,he
wri'le" her o$e(
K2e$( WhyIL A$ter a$'e"! feeli. "efe$i1e(
KOh! o rea$o(L Clari$$a $mile" $weetly( KIt D#$t $eem$ ( ( ( I "o?t 'ow( ,ort of li'e the AJJoms lomlly ho#$e(L ,he
loo-e" a armaro#" A$ter?$ $ho#l"er$( KDo yo# thi' there?$ ay way we ca $a. yo#r family?$ -ri1ate Det a" b#$t o#t
of thi$ thi. earlyI There?$ a amaBi. -arty at thi$ recor" eAec?$ loft i Tri+eCa( A" .#e$$ who?$ .oi. to be
thereI Nlqel! A" he?$ $i.le a.aiPL ,he b#m-e" A$ter?$ hi- a" wi'e"(
Mitch cleare" hi$ throat( K>h! who?$ Ni.elIL
A$ter er1o#$ly .rabbe" hi$ ha"( KMitch! thi$ i$ my frie"! Clari$$a(L
K8est frie"!L Clari$$a correcte"(
KWe?1e 'ow each other for a lo. time!L A$ter coce"e"( KClari$$a! Mitch(L
Clari$$a loo'e" Mitch #- a" "ow( The $li.hte$t $mir' a--eare" o her face( KWhat?$ yo#r la$t ameIL
KEri'$o!L Mitch a$were"(
KOf the Darie Eri'$o$IL Clari$$a a$'e"(
Mitch -eere" at A$ter for hel-( KI ha1e a .reatEa#t who li1e$ i ,tamfor"IL he 1ol#teere"(
Clari$$a t#re" bac' to A$ter! .i1i. her a areEyo#E$erio#$I eA-re$$io( A$ter bit "ow har" o her li-( ,o Mitch "i"?t
eAactly fit the mol" of .#y$ A$ter ormally wet o#t with( +#t maybe that wa$ a .oo" thi.(
The Clari$$a wi"ee" her eye$ at $omeoe acro$$ the room( KHoly $hit! it?$ RyaPL ,he -oite" to oe of DiAo?$ frie"$!
the leae" towar" A$ter( KRemember whe I ma"e o#t with himat 3ot 94IL
A" with that! $he wa$ .oe(
The DaBB ba" la#che" ito a ro#$i.! #-Etem-o #mber( A$ter .lace" at Mitch! who wa$ coolly $i--i. hi$ Mo$cow
M#le( K,orry!L $he $ai"( KClari$$a i$ 'i" of ( ( ( ite$e(L
Mitch rai$e" a eyebrow( K5bes yo#r be$t frie"IL
+efore $he co#l" a$wer! E"ith $te--e" forwar" ito her fiel" of 1i$io( KWell! loo' who?$ herePL her .ra"mother
A$ter t#re"! eA-ecti. Corie to a--ear at the to- of the $tair$( +#t E"ith)weari. her #$#al mi' $tole)ha" -#$he"
forwar" to the frot "oor( ,he lai" her ha"$ o a blo"e?$ $ho#l"er$ a" #$here" her i$i"e( It too' A$ter a momet to
realiBe that the ewly arri1e" .#e$t wa$ Hatherie 0oley! cla" i ot her #$#al blac' $'irt $#it b#t a cham-a.eEcolore"! -arty "re$$ a" ta 'itte heel$(
A$ter r#$he" o1er to the KDi" $omethi. ha--e with Po--y?$ ca$eIL $he a$'e"( KDi" yo# fi" the 'illerIL
E"ith frowe"( KGoo" 3or"! A$ter( Mi$$ 0oley i$ here beca#$e I i1ite" her(L
A$ter trie" her be$t to $mile at 0oley! m#mbli. a a-olo.y( KHello! A$ter!L 0oley $ai"( Her toe of 1oice wa$ D#$t a$
-atroiBi. a$ it ha" bee the other "ay at the $tatio(
,omeoe el$e to#che" A$ter?$ elbow! a" $he t#re" aro#" yet! feeli. "ra..e" i too may "irectio$( Thi$ time
Rowa $too" behi" her! loo'i. femiie a" $oft i a -ale .ray .o""e$$ "re$$( A$ter froBe! ta'i. i the -aic'e"
eA-re$$io o Rowa?$ face( KWhat i$ itIL ,he 'ew E1a wa$ here $omewhere( Maybe *ame$ too( If they ha" "oe
aythi. to h#rt Rowa)
KDo?t ma'e a $cee! b#t we ha1e a ici"et o the beach!L Rowa m#rm#re" betwee cleche" teeth! .e$t#ri. with
her chi towar" the lar.e wi"ow$ at the bac' of the ho#$e( KCorie?$ i the ocea(L
KWhat "o yo# mea! lo tbe oceoo?L A$ter -ee'e" o1er her $ho#l"er( Mitch wa$ li$tei.! hi$ face etche" with cocer(
A$ter felt a mometary $tab of .ratit#"e that he wa$ $#ch a .oo" .#y! a" wo#l"?t .o -o$ti. thi$ to the +le$$e" a" the
C#r$e" li'e mo$t -eo-le wo#l" ha1e(
K,he?$ D#$t $ta"i. there! i the water! early a'e"!L Rowa $-#ttere"( KO#t where ayoe ca $ee( What i$ .oi. oIL
A$ter wice"( ,he 'ew exoctly what wa$ .oi. o(
KI?ll $tall!L A$ter -romi$e" Rowa( K2o# .o .et Corie(L The $he .rabbe" Mitch?$ ha" a" $hot ito the crow"( KA"
yo#?re .oi. to hel- me(L
KI$ yo#r $i$ter o'ayIL Mitch a$'e"! $t#mbli. to 'ee- #- with A$ter(
A$ter h#rrie" him -a$t a table of caa-G$( KMy $i$ter i$ a little #certai abo#t .etti. marrie"!L $he whi$-ere"( ,he
r#$he" o1er to E1a! who wa$ at the frot of the room! $-ea'i. to a few .#e$t$( A$ter wate" to $la- the $m#. loo' off
her face( Iomes bos beeo wltb toos of womeo! $he wa$ "yi. to $ay( oote ootbloq speclol.
E1a loo'e" o1er a" rai$e" a eyebrow at A$ter(
KWhy "o?t we -ro-o$e a toa$t)to Po--yIL A$ter $#..e$te"(
E1a?$ eyebrow$ 'itte" to.ether( KThat "oe$?t feel a--ro-riate(L
KO the cotrary!L A$ter $ai"! -#lli. her$elf #- to all of her fi1e feet ie iche$! Kit?$ etirely a--ro-riate( Po--y wa$
$#--o$e" to be the mai" of hoor ,he "e$er1e$ to be remembere"(L ,eei. E1a?$ he$itatio! A$ter -re$$e" o(
,he -ict#re" Rowa coaAi. a "ri--i. Corie fromthe water( KC?mo( It will bri. e1eryoe to.ether(L
E1a -re$$e" her f#ll li-$ to.ether! the $hr#..e"( KI $#--o$e e1eryoe ls .etti. a bit re$tle$$(L
KTha'$(L A$ter $mile" $weetly( ,he cli'e" her $-oo$t a .la$$! a" the room J#iete" "ow( KI?" li'e to -ro-o$e a
toa$t!L $he $a. o#t( KThe fir$t oe i$ to my lo1ely co#$i Po--y! whom we lo$t far too $oo( Wo#l" ayoe li'e to $ay a
few wor"$IL ,he wa$ $#r-ri$e" whe the fir$t -er$o to a--roach the frot wa$ her father(
Ma$o cleare" hi$ throat! the .aBe" ito the crow"(
KA$ yo# 'ow! o#r family ha$ $#ffere" a few tra.e"ie$ lately(L He co#.he" a" $wirle" hi$ ,cotch( KTra.e"ie$ that ha1e
$hattere" all of #$( I "i"?t $-ea' at Po--y?$ memorial! mo$tly beca#$e I wa$?t $#re how( A" tho#.h I "o?t wat to
clo#" thi$ wee'e"?$ celebratio with the tra.e"y of her "eath! I wat to $ay how "e1a$tate" we all are to ha1e lo$t her(
It?$ ot eo#.h to $ay that Po--y wa$ .oe before her time( It?$ ot eo#.h to $ay that we mi$$ her! e1e( There i$ a h#.e
hole i all o#r li1e$! oe that will e1er be re-aire"( The oly thi. that?$ 'e-t me $ae $ice we lo$t her i$ my bea#tif#l
family)my wife! Peelo-e! a" my two -recio#$ "a#.hter$! Corie a" A$ter(L He .lace" towar" A$ter! the her
mother( KI lo1e yo# .irl$ with all my heart(L
A $i.h ro$e thro#.ho#t the crow"( A$ter bli'e"! $hoc'e"( ,he?" e1er $ee her father $how $o m#ch emotio( Tear$
-ric'e" at the corer$ of her eye$(
Ma$o too' a breath( KI ho-e there?$ D#$tice i thi$ worl"!L he $ai"! $tari. o#t at hi$ owEra-t a#"iece( KPo--y "i"?t
"e$er1e the fate $he wa$ ha"e"( A" I wat to ma'e $#re o oe el$e "oe$! either( ,o I wat to ma'e a toa$t to Po--y
ooJ to my other lo1ely iece! Nata$ha ,aybroo'EDa1i$! who$e -aret$ ma"e the tri- #- here e1e tho#.h their "a#.hter
i$ $till i the ho$-ital( To Po--y a" Nata$ha(L
He rai$e" hi$ .la$$! a" e1eryoe el$e co-ie"( Cli'$ $o#"e" thro#.ho#t the room( A$ter .lace" at Mitch a" to#che"
her .la$$ to hi$(
He $hoo' hi$ hea" i "i$belief( KThe 0+I $till ha1e?t fi.#re" aythi. o#tIL
A$ter .lace" at 0oley! who $too" i the $ha"ow$! "ri'i. $eltBer water( KI "o?t thi' $o!L $he m#rm#re"(
KIt?$ D#$t craBy! .i1e the #mber of $wee-$ they "o a" the le1el of $ec#rity i that b#il"i.!L he wet o( KI mea! I?m
afrai" to $teal a -ecil fromthe $#--ly clo$et! there are $o may camera$ o me(L
A$ter o""e" tho#.htf#lly( KI they wo#l" ha1e $omethi. too! tho#.h I .#e$$ Po--y?$ office i$ a little bit
o#t of ra.e from where the camera$ are( A" they $ai" the $#r1eillace ta-e from the lobby "i"?t $how aythi.
$#$-icio#$( +#t it?$ ot li'e the 'iller a--arate" ito the office a" bac' o#t He or $he bos to be o there
Mitch loo'e" at her c#rio#$ly( KDi" yo# D#$t ma'e a Harry Potter refereceIL
KMaybe(L ,he $hr#..e"! feeli. a fl#tter i her $tomach that $he $t#"io#$ly i.ore"( KI D#$t wi$h I co#l" $ee the
$#r1eillace ta-e( Maybe $he mi$$e" $omethi.(L ,he D#tte" a th#mb at 0oley(
K2o# "o 'ow there?$ a bac'#- file! ri.htIL Mitch a$'e"(
K+ac'#- fileIL A$ter re-eate"(
KThere?$ alway$ a bac'#- o the clo#"!L Mitch eA-laie"( KThat way if $omethi. ha--e$ with the $er1er! there?$ a
$afety et( I theory! yo# co#l" loo' at tbot(L
A$ter?$ breath came J#ic'er( KI co#l"I HowIL
Mitch "raie" the re$t of hi$ "ri' a" $et it o a -a$$i. waiter?$ tray( KIt?$ ot har"( I mea! I co#l" -robably acce$$ the
file$ thro#.h the $er1er(L
K,erio#$lyIL A$ter a$'e"(
KOf co#r$e!L Mitch $ai" witho#t he$itatio( KMy la-to- i$?t here! tho#.h( It?$ at my hotel(L
KCo#l" yo# "o it oowIL
Mitch Di.le" hi$ 'ey$ i hi$ -oc'et! loo'i. tor( KThe oly thi. i$! if I .o ow! I?ll -robably mi$$ the re$t of "ier(L
KThi$ i$ more im-ortat!L A$ter $ai" J#ic'ly( KI mea! if yo# "o?t mi"! that i$ ( ( (L
KOf co#r$e I "o?t mi"(L Mitch $h#ffle" hi$ feet( KA" I mea! if yo# "eci"e to .o bac' to the city with yo#r frie"! that?$
cool too( To $ee that Ni.el .#y(L
A$ter $tare" at him a few momet$ before $he realiBe" he meat Clari$$a! a" her reJ#e$t to Det bac' to Mahatta that
e1ei.( Not lo. a.o! it wa$ eAactly what A$ter ha1e "oeN chace$ were the loft -arty wo#l" be way more f#
tha thi$ "ier( +#t ow $he co#l"?t e1e thi' abo#t "oi. that to Corie)or ayoe el$e i her family( ,he "i"?t
wat Ni.el or ay of the other $moothEtal'i. .#y$ at that -arty who wo#l" hi.hEfi1e oe aother later abo#t ba.i. the
,aybroo' heire$$( ,he wate" the tall! a"orable er" i frot of her! with hi$ Worl" of Warcraft to#ramet$ a" the
-aif#lly ho-ef#l loo' i hi$ brow eye$(
,he .lace" aro#" the room( Clari$$a wa$ $ta"i. by the 0rech "oor$ that le" to the -atioO whe $he otice" A$ter
$tari.! $he motioe" her o1er( I$tea"! A$ter $li--e" her ha" ito Mitch?$( A" the $he e".e" i e1e clo$er! wra--e"
her other arm aro#" hi$ wai$t! a" 'i$$e" him( Mitch he$itate" for a momet! the o-ee" hi$ mo#th to 'i$$ her bac'(
A$ter leae" ito the 'i$$! wra--i. both ha"$ aro#" hi$ wai$t a" -layi. with the hemof hi$ $hirt(
At la$t Mitch -#lle" away! .etly " her arm$ from aro#" him( KO'ay!L he $ai"! hi$ breath a little ra..e"( KWhat
wa$ tbot forIL
K0or bei. yo#!L A$ter $ai"( ,he reache" ito hi$ -oc'et! .rabbe" hi$ 'ey$! a" ha"e" them to him( KNow .o( I -romi$e
I?ll be waiti. whe yo# .et bac'(L
Mitch o""e"! the "reamy loo' $till o hi$ face! a" wo1e thro#.h the crow" to the frot "oor( A$ter leae"$t the
wall! li$tei. to more toa$t$( ,he co#l" feel Clari$$a?$ .aBe o her! b#t for oce $he "i"?t care what $he Her$ were el$ewhere( O Mitch ( ( ( a" o that file(
Po--y?$ m#r"er fially be $ol1e")
+y the time Rowa ma"e it to the ocea! Corie ha" alrea"y climbe" o#t of the water a" wa$ $itti. o the $hore(
KHello!L $he $ai" -lea$atly to Rowa a$ $he h#rrie" "ow the bl#ff(
KAre yo# all ri.htIL Rowa crie"! ha"i. her a beach towel(
Corie wra--e" the towel aro#" her bo"y a" robotically "rie" off her le.$( Her hair a" ma'e#- were $till flawle$$( KI
D#$t ee"e" a momet( +#t I?mfie ow(L
,he -ic'e" her "re$$ #- from the $a"! marche" ito the ho#$e! a" climbe" the bac' $tair$ to her room( Rowa traile"
behi" er1o#$ly( KI$ thi$ beca#$e of WillIL $he a$'e"( KOr DiAoI +eca#$e there?$ $till time! Corie( 2o# "o?t ha1e to
.o thro#.h with thi$(L
Corie bet o1er her $#itca$e a" fo#" a ew bra a" -atie$( ,he b#ttoe" her$elf bac' ito the "re$$ $he?" bee
weari. before! a $tra.e ,te-for" $mile o her face( KI $ai" I?mfie(L
,he 'e-t the $mile -a$te" o her face a$ $he .a1e her hair a fial fl#ff a" "e$ce"e" the $tair$ ito the -arty( The room
$melle" li'e a miA of$! $ea $alt! a" lob$ter $o#fflG( K0iallyPL Rowa hear" Ma$o bellow! a" e1eryoe b#r$t ito
a--la#$e( Corie floate" thro#.h the .ro#-! 'i$$i. chee'$ a" cl#tchi. ha"$! ta'i. a eAtra momet to .i1e her
.ra"mother a bi. h#.( The $he .li"e" o1er to DiAo! who wa$ $itti. at a table with hi$ -aret$( He $too" to .reet her!
a" $he .a1e hima lo.! -a$$ioate 'i$$ o the li-$( E1eryoe whoo-e"(
Rowa remaie" by the $tair$! #$#re of her co#$i?$ "eci$io( Wa$ Corie tryi. to -ro1e $omethi.I A" to
whom)e1eryoe el$e! or her$elfI
KWhat too' yo# $o lo.IL Rowa hear" DiAo tea$e Corie a$ he leae" i for aother J#ic' 'i$$(
Corie $mile" coyly( KA bri"e ee"$ time to loo' -erfect for her h#$ba"(L
Rowa $wallowe" the l#m- i her throat a" loo'e" aro#" the re$t of the room! ta'i. i the face$( Corie?$ .irlfrie"$
from 2ale $at at a table! a few of them with yo#. chil"re( Aother 'ot of 'i"$ fi""le" with Pa-a Alfre"?$ $hi-$ i
bottle$! which were lie" #- o a $helf by the wi"ow$( A#t Grace $too" ear the caa-G$ with Nata$ha?$ father! Patric'(
>cle *oatha)Corie ha" ha" to i1ite him! $he $ai"! for b#$ie$$ rea$o$)$too" o the o--o$ite $i"e of the room!
"eliberately a1oi"i. cotact with hi$ eAEwife( Grace a" *oatha?$ $o$! Wi$to a" ,#lli1a! mi.le" with $ome of
DiAo?$ frie"$! tryi. to $ea' $i-$ of whi$'ey( Rowa?$ brother$! who?" flow i la$t! Do'e" with their -aret$ by
the fire-lace( A .a..le of $eco" co#$i$ a" co#$i$ twice remo1e" tittere" by the floorEtoEceili. wi"ow$ that
o1erloo'e" the beach( E"ith cac'le" lo#"ly at $omethi. Ma$o $ai"( Rowa $-ie" Daielle Gilchri$t a" her boyfrie"!
+rett! $ha'i. Corie?$ ha" a" wi$hi. her well(
The a little .irl $trea'e" towar" Rowa! the -i' $a$h of her "re$$ traili. behi" her( KA#t RowaPL $he crie"! barreli.
ito Rowa?$ le.$( ,'ylar .lace" #- at Rowa with bi. bl#e eye$( KWhere ha1e yo# beeI I mi$$ yo#PL
KOh! hoey! I mi$$ yo# too!L Rowa $ai"! be"i. "ow to h#. her( K2o# loo' bea#tif#lPL The $he $e$e" $omeoe
$hifti. behi" ,'ylar! a" $too" #-( A" there! ha"$ $ho1e" i hi$ -oc'et$! wa$ *ame$(
Rowa?$ throat ti.htee"( ,he .a1e ,'ylar a J#ic' -at o the hea"! the e".e" away( K>h! I ha1e to .o "o $omethi. for
yo#r a#t Corie! hoey( I?ll be bac' $oo! o'ayIL
KO'ayPL ,'ylar $ai"! r#i. towar" A$ter eAt(
Rowa wal'e" "ow a lo. hall towar" the bac' of the ho#$e a" o-ee" a "oor to the wra-aro#" -orch that
o1erloo'e" the ocea( ,he $ta..ere" to the raili. a" hel" o to it ti.htly! ta'i. "ee-! e1e breath$( It "oe$?t matter!
$he trie" to tell her$elf(
+#t it JlJ. Not $o lo. a.o! $he a" *ame$ were $#--o$e" to ha1e come to thi$ we""i. to.ether( They ha" "i$c#$$e"
how they wo#l" eA-lai to the family that they ha" bee $eei. each other! that they were ta'i. thi.$ $lowly! that they
"i"?t wat to cof#$e the chil"re or chea-e what *ame$ a" Po--y?$ marria.e ha" bee(
What a f#c'i. fool $he?" bee(
The "oor $J#ea'e" o-e! the $lamme"( Rowa 'ew *ame$ wa$ $ta"i. there! witho#t e1e ha1i. to loo'( Hi$
foot$te-$ "rew clo$er! a" the there he wa$! $ta"i. at the raili. by her $i"e(
KPlea$e lea1e!L $he $ai" i a low 1oice(
KRowa(L *ame$?$ 1oice crac'e"( KI?m$o $orry( I 'ow I wa$ craBy the other "ay( E1er $ice Po--y "ie" ( ( ( I?1e bee o#t of
my hea"(L
Rowa D#$t $too" there $iletly! h#..i. her bo"y
*ame$ 'oc'e" bac' the cotet$ of hi$ .i.erE$cete" coc'tail( KIf yo#?re wo"eri. abo#t E1a! I ha1e?t e1e $-o'e
to her all
KI wa$?t wo"eri. abo#t E1a(L Rowa .aBe" o#t at the .ray ocea i the "i$tace( KTo be hoe$t! *ame$! I wa$
wo"eri. abo#t yoo.L
,he t#re" a" too' i hi$ bloo"$hot eye$! hi$ "raw face! a" how thi he loo'e"( K0oley tol" me abo#t yo#r alibi o the
mori. Po--y "ie"( 2o# left my ho#$e to be with a woma ame" Amelia Morrow( ,he?$ aother oe of Po--y?$ frie"$!
i$?t $heIL
*ame$?$ $'i -ale"( He loo'e" "ow( K2e$(L
KDi" Po--y koow abo#t herIL
Hi$ $ho#l"er$ "roo-e"( KI "o?t 'ow( Maybe( Probably(L
,he her ha"$ to her face( KDi" yo# "o thi$ to her ( ( ( a lotIL
*ame$ la#.he" bitterly( KDo yo# really wat to 'owIL
Kwby! *ame$IL Rowa crie"( KWhat i$ wtooq with yo#IL
Hi$ ha"$ f#mble" for hi$ "ri'( He ti--e" it bac'! e1e tho#.h the .la$$ wa$ alrea"y em-ty( K2o# 'ow me( It?$ really
har" to $ay o to $omeoe at the bar at the e" of the Or at wor'( Or o a b#$ie$$ tri-( I?1e alway$ bee that way(
I D#$t ca?t hel- it(L
Heat ro$e to Rowa?$ face( K2o# ha1e free will! yo# 'ow( 2o# ca cotrol yo#r$elf if yo# really wat to( If $omeoe
matter$ eo#.h(L ,he $h#t her eye$( K,o wa$ I D#$t $ome .irl at the bar tooI Wa$ Po--yIL
KNo!L *ame$ $ai" em-hatically( He loo'e" a$ tho#.h he wa$ abo#t to reach for Rowa?$ ha"! b#t the he better
of it( KIt wa$ real with yo#( It wa$ alway$ real with yo#( A" it wa$ real with Po--y(L He too' a breath( KI "i"?t "e$er1e
Po--y( A" I "o?t "e$er1e yo#! either(L
K2o#?re!L Rowa $ai" $tiffly! i her $ho#l"er$( K2o# "o?t(L
,he too' a "ee- breath! feeli. her$elf $l#m-( ,he wa$ $#--o$e" to hate him! b#t i$tea" $he D#$t felt ( ( ( empty( ,he?"
hel" o to a fata$y of the ma $he?" belie1e" *ame$ wa$)a Ca$ao1a who?" cha.e" whe he met the
woma)a" lo$i. that wa$ a$ -aif#l a$ lo$i. *ame$ him$elf( ,he t#re" her hea" towar" the -i'i$h clo#"$ i the $'y!
a realiBatio "awi. o herN Po--y ha" 'ow that *ame$ cheate"( A" $he?" $taye" with himayway(
It wa$ the mo$t Darri. "i$co1ery Rowa ha" ha" i wee'$! $omehow e1e more $hoc'i. tha the that Po--y ha1e 'ille" ,te1e +arett( Po--y wa$ the 'i" of woma who li1e" -#r-o$ef#lly( ,he wa$ i com-lete
cotrol)a" $he alway$ ha" bee( Why wo#l" $he $tay with a ma who cheate" o her a" a.aiI ,he co#l" ha1e
ha" ayoe i the worl"! a" yet Po--y ha" loo'e" the other way(
Ha" $he $he JesetveJ itI
Wa$ that why $he ha"?t cofi"e" i Rowa or the other$I Wa$ that why $he -rete"e" to ha1e a -erfect marria.eI
,#""ely Rowa felt $tra.le" by all the lie$( Corie a" her fa'e $mile a$ $he 'i$$e" the fiacG $he "i"?t tr#ly lo1e(
Ma$o a" Daielle with their $ecret affair( A" Rowa certaily co#l"?t co#t her$elf o#t(
A" what abo#t Po--yI Who ha" $he teolly beeI Wo#l" Rowa e1er 'owI
>bi""e! a memory floate" to the fore of her mi"( At the e"EofE$#mmer -arty whe ,te1e "ie"! the ba" ha" -laye"
KNothi. Com-are$ 5 >!L which Po--y ha" alway$ lo1e"( ,he ra to *ame$ a" loo-e" her arm$ aro#" him! e$tli. ito
hi$ $ho#l"er( They?" $waye" to the whole $o.! hol"i. each other Rowa ha" $too" o the $i"elie$! e1y
throbbi. i$i"e her li'e a $eco" heart( A $ob ha" e$ca-e" from her li-$! a" $he?" loo'e" aro#"! ho-i. o oe ha"
Oly Daielle Gilchri$t wa$ aro#"( ,he loo'e" -retty a" -i'Echee'e" that! a" whe $he $aw Rowa?$
eA-re$$io! $he ha"e" Rowa her f#ll .la$$ of wie( KIt?$ ot fair! i$ itIL Daielle ha" $ai" $oftly! her $mile $a"( KHer life
D#$t fall$ ito -lace! while the re$t of #$ ha1e to $tr#..le(L
Rowa o""e"( ,he wa$ $o Dealo#$ of Po--y i that momet( Her co#$i ma"e thi.$ $eem $o ( ( ( effottless. Rowa
wo#l" ha1e 'ille" for D#$t a little of that .race( 0or a little of that l#c'(
+#t wa$ Po--y?$ effortle$$ly -erfect life realI Or wa$ it D#$t a ill#$io $he?" caref#lly c#lti1ate" a" maitaie"I
*ame$ $i.he" eAt to her! a" Rowa loo'e" #- at him( K,o that mea$ there?$ o way yo# a" I ( ( (L He traile" off! hi$
brow$ rai$e"( There wa$ a $hee-i$h b#t ho-ef#l loo' i hi$ eye$( KI?ll try to cha.e! Rowa( I?ll try a$ har" a$ I ca(L
Rowa wate" to belie1e him( +#t *ame$ ha" $ai" it him$elfN he wa$ who he wa$! a" he co#l"?t hel- him$elf( ,he $aw
that ow( ,he co#l" ta'e hi$ ha" a" the loo' the other way whe $he fo#" li-$tic' $m#".e" o hi$ collar or a
$#$-icio#$ teAt o hi$ -hoe( Maybe that wa$ what Po--y ha" "oe(
+#t Rowa wa$?t Po--y( ,he ha" the choice! a" $he "i"?t wat to fa'e it(
,he to#che" the to- of hi$ ha"( KI?m$orry! *ame$!L $he $ai" $oftly( K+#t I thi' I?m.oi. to ha1e to let yo# .o(L
A" the! D#$t li'e that! $he fially "i"(
The $#-orch i the ho#$e at Meriweather ha" alway$ bee Corie?$ fa1orite -lace to ha. o#t! -robably beca#$e the
room wa$ mo$tly ##$e" by their -aret$( E"ith com-laie" it $melle" li'e mil"ew a" $alt a" wa$ f#ll of b#.$! b#t
Corie lo1e" it( It remi"e" her of lo.$ o the $li.htly "am- ol" wic'er co#che$! the citroella ca"le$ lit all
aro#"! the 1ario#$ $wi.$ a" chair$ $J#ea'i.! a" the $o#"$ of the wa1e$ lo#" i their ear$( ,he a" her co#$i$ #$e"
to tell $ecret$ i thi$ clo$e! h#mi" little room)abo#t boy$!$ with their -aret$! their "ream$( +ac' the! their f#t#re$
ha" $eeme" a$ limitle$$ a$ their fort#e$(
,tra.e to thi' of that ow! Corie m#$e" a$ $he lay o the -orch $wi. late that! her hea" o Rowa?$ $ho#l"er(
Thro#.h the year$ $he ha" boAe" her$elf i! little by little! the boAe$ .etti. $maller a" $maller #til her 'ee$ were bet
a" her le.$ cram-e"( Now it felt a$ if $omeoe wa$ -laci. a li" o that fial boA(
KIt wa$ a really ice rehear$al "ier!L $ai" A$ter! who ha" cha.e" ito yo.a -at$ a" a lo.! fitte" TE$hirt( KGreat
K2e$! e1eryoe ha" a .oo" time "aci.!L Corie $ai" li.htly( KE$-ecially the 'i"$(L
K,'y loo'e" really ha--y!L Rowa $ai"( The little .irl ha" bee o the "ace floor all! fially falli. a$lee- o *ame$?$
$ho#l"er a$ he carrie" her #-$tair$( E1eryoe ha" beame" at ,'ylar ha--ily! b#t there wa$ a $a"e$$ there too( ,he o ha" Po--y?$ -aret$( ,he o ha" a mother( A" what abo#t a fatherI *ame$ wa$ here! b#t he
loo'e" totally 1acat(
KMe are Der'$!L A$ter m#mble"! a$ if rea"i. her$(
Corie wate" to a.ree! b#t all $he felt wa$ $a"e$$( DiAo wa$?t a Der'( Will wa$?t a Der'( +#t it wa$ what it wa$( ,he
wa$ .etti. marrie" tomorrow( Aythi. el$e wa$ too m#ch( Too har"( ,he felt li'e $he wa$ loo'i. "ow a lo.! $
roa"O o twi$t$! o #eA-ecte" t#r$( ,he wo"ere" how $omethi. co#l" feel li'e relief a" re.ret at the $ame time(
A$ter?$ -hoe ra.! a Darri. blee-$t the $oft roll of wa1e$ a" h#mmi. cric'et$( ,he $at #- a" .lace" at the
$cree( KI?ll be bac'!L $he whi$-ere"(
The $cree "oor ba.e"! a" her foot$te-$ crea'e" acro$$ the woo" floor to the frot of the ho#$e( Corie $tare" ito
the room! which a cleai. crew ha" $cr#bbe" after the rehear$al "ier( Not a $i.le .la$$ remaie" o a $i"e tableO the
floor ha" bee $we-t a" the "ii. table$ a" chair$ remo1e" a" fol"e" #- to be re#$e" tomorrow! i the tet o#t$i"e(
The oly i"icatio that there wo#l" be a we""i. the eAt "ay wa$ a collectio of $il1erEframe" -ict#re$ of Corie a"
DiAo o the matel( Tomorrow! tho$e ima.e$ wo#l" .reet the .#e$t$ a$ they wal'e" to the bac'yar"( Corie barely
recalle" the -hoto$ $he a" her co#$i$ ha" cho$e(
,he wa"ere" o1er to loo' at them! .rabbi. the whole a$$ortmet a" carryi. the -hoto$ bac' to the $#-orch( The
bi..e$t oe wa$ of her a" DiAo i New Ha1e! their D#ior year at 2ale( ,he wa$ o DiAo?$ bac'! her le.$ $-laye" o#t
-layf#lly( DiAo ha" D#$t ha" a iter1iew for ,'#ll a" +oe$! Corie recalle"! a" he?" bee thrille" beca#$e the .#y$
who?" iter1iewe" him ha" ma"e it clear he wa$ a frotEr#er to Doi the .ro#-( They were both beami.( Corie
co#l"?t remember bei. that ha--y(
Aother! i the leftEha" corer! wa$ ta'e at a -arty i thi$ ho#$e?$ bac'yar" o1erloo'i. the $ea( There were $hot$ of
the two of them aloe)a baby -ict#re of Corie i a cotto eyelet "re$$! a $hot of DiAo o a hor$e! Corie o
the bac' -atio at yet aother -arty! her .aBe fiAe" o $omethi. o#t of 1iew( Corie $J#ite" at that -artic#lar -hoto!
reco.iBi. the floral 3illy P#litBer "re$$ $he wa$ weari.( ,he?" wor that "re$$ oly oceN the $he?" "i$co1ere" $he
Corie wa$ the oly -er$o i foc#$O a $warm of other -arty .#e$t$ $-# aro#" her i the bac'.ro#"( Ma$o chatte"
with Peelo-e( ,te1e! bl#rry! ti--e" hi$ hea" bac' a" la#.he"( A blo" waitre$$ $er1e" him a "ri' o a tray! her arm
o#t$tretche"( A co#-le 'i$$e" i the bac'.ro#"(
,he $howe" it to Rowa( KWho -ic'e" thi$ -hotoIL
Rowa $J#ite" har"( KNot me( WhyIL
KIt?$ fromthe ,te1e "ie"!L Corie -oite" o#t(
KHmm(L Rowa"e" it for a lo. time( KWell! yo# certaily loo' ha--y(L
3oo'$ ca be "ecei1i.! Corie E$-ecially that
A$ter?$ foot$te-$ -o#"e" bac'! a" the $he a--eare" i the "oorway( Her face wa$ fl#$he"! $he wa$ breathi. har"!
a" $he carrie" a iPa" i her ha"( KI ha1e $omethi. to $how yo# .#y$(L
,he b#r$t oto the $# -orch a" $at "ow( K,o my "ate! Mitch! wa$ able to acce$$ the lobby $#r1eillace 1i"eo the
mori. Po--y "ie"( It?$ o thi$! oow(L
Rowa wi-e" her eye$( KWait( 0oley $ai" the 1i"eo "i"?t yiel" aythi.(L
A$ter $hr#..e"( K,oI Maybe 0oley "i"?t 'ow what to loo' for(L ,he loo'e" #- at them( KWhat if thi$ $how$ #$
Corie $c#ttle" forwar"! her heart $#""ely -o#"i. with the -o$$ibility( KO-e it #-PL
K,erio#$ly(L Rowa $at
A$ter -lace" the iPa" o the wic'er coffee table! the to#che" a a-- ico labele" Remote Camera( A W#ic'Time 1i"eo
a--eare"( A cloc' i the bottom ri.htEha" corer of the $cree $ai" that the 1i"eo fee" wa$ from 9N6= a(m( o 0ri"ay!
May 9)the "ate of Po--y?$ "eath( The $cree $-lit ito fo#r $e-arate camera ima.e$! each of a "ifferet 1iew of the
,aybroo'?$ b#il"i.( Oe wa$ a $i"e "oor that wet $ to a bac' ele1ator( Aother wa$ a $i"eE$treet etrace for
maiteace wor'er$( The thir" wa$ the mai etrace! where em-loyee$ $wi-e" their ID$ thro#.h a t#r$tile or $i.e"
i with a .#ar"( The fo#rth J#a"rat wa$ a $et of emer.ecy $tair$ that le" to the $treet(
They 'e-t watchi.! the -ict#re blac'Ea"Ewhite a" occa$ioally $-ec'le" with $tatic( I a few momet$ there wa$ Po--y
her$elf! wal'i. thro#.h the mai etrace( E1eryoe D#m-e"( Corie cla--e" a ha" o1er her mo#th( It wa$ li'e $eei.
a .ho$t(
Po--y .a1e the $ec#rity .#ar" a "i$tracte" wa1e a" wal'e" thro#.h the t#r$tile( Corie to#che" Po--y?$ face o the
Rowa leae" forwar"( K,he loo'$ ( ( ( .oo"(L Her 1oice wa$ cho'e"(
K+#$y!L A$ter a.ree"( There were tear$ i her eye$( K+#t ot $care"(L
K,he "oe$?t 'ow $he?$ .oi. to "ie!L Corie whi$-ere"(
Po--y .ot ito the ele1ator! -re$$e" the b#tto for her floor! a" "i$a--eare" thro#.h the "oor$( Corie $wallowe"
har"( There $he .oe$! $he Po--y wo#l" e1er ri"e that ele1ator "ow(
,he $ettle" bac' to watch! her heart $till -o#"i.( Rowa .ri--e" her 'ee$( A$ter "i"?t bli'( No oe -a$$e" thro#.h
the lobby for a while! tho#.h a maiteace wor'er wal'e" i the $i"e etrace a" a few #a$$#mi.Eloo'i. wome i
hairet$ -re$$e" the "ow b#tto o the $i"e ele1ator for the ba$emet cafeteria( Corie a" A$ter?$ father a--eare"
o the 1i"eo that $howe" the mai etrace( A few other -eo-le Corie "i"?t reco.iBe $we-t -a$t too! b#t they were
em-loyee$ of the other b#$ie$$e$ i the b#il"i.! .oi. to the other ele1ator ba'( A woma -a#$e" at the bac'
ele1ator "oor! al$o -re$$i. the "ow b#tto for the cafeteria( 0ially aother woma wal'e" i( E1e tho#.h the ima.e
wa$ blac'Ea"Ewhite! Corie reco.iBe" Daielle Gilchri$t?$ -rofile a" that tac'y colorEbloc' "re$$(
KDaielle?$ at wor' early!L $he commete"! watchi. a$ the ele1ator "i.e" a" Daielle wal'e" ito the car(
K,#c'E#-!L A$ter m#ttere"(
KOh my Go"!L Rowa $ai"(
,he wa$ -oiti. at $omethi. o the mai etrace fee"( Aother familiar face -a$$e" thro#.h! b#t at fir$t Corie
co#l"?t -lace her( The $omethi. i her brai$ -er$o $ho#l"?t ha1e bee i the b#il"i.( Not yet! ayway(
KI$ that)L Rowa -oite" a $ha'y at the $cree(
KI thi' $o!L A$ter whi$-ere"(
Corie -a#$e" the ta-e a" $li" her alo. the time bar! rewi"i. it $o $he co#l" loo' The fi.#re -#$he"
thro#.h the re1ol1i. "oor$ a" o""e" c#rtly at the $ec#rity .#ar"( The .#ar" $eeme" cof#$e"! b#t the he wa$
"i$tracte" with aother .#e$t $i.i. i! a" the woma -#$he" thro#.h! #chec'e"( Corie leae" i clo$e! her heart
-o#"i. har"( All $ort$ of alarm$ blare" i her hea"( It wa$ who $he it wa$! all A li.htEhaire" yo#. woma
i a blac' $'irt $#it( , mo#th( 0#rrowe" brow( Her ri.i" -o$t#re all b#$ie$$! $teely "etermiatio(
It wa$ Hatherie 0oley(
Corie $at bac'! $-ot$ formi. i frot of her eye$( KI "o?t #"er$ta"(L
+#t the $omethi. hit her( ,he .rabbe" the -ict#re bac' from Rowa! the oe of her from the ,te1e "ie"( ,he
foc#$e" o two of the fi.#re$ i the bac'.ro#"! both of them a little o#t of foc#$( Oe wa$ ,te1e +arett( Hi$ face wa$
i -rofile! hi$ ha" o#t$tretche" to acce-t a "ri' from a blo" waitre$$( Now that $he loo'e" clo$er! there wa$ a $ecret!
co$-iratorial loo' betwee ,te1e a" the waitre$$O a $hare" little momet o oe el$e $aw(
Corie ha" D#$t $ee tho$e feat#re$! that $ame blo" hair(
KWhat i$ itIL Rowa a$'e"! ri$i. to her feet(
Corie h#rrie" bac' ito the $#-orch a" fli--e" o the The room floo"e" with fl#ore$cece! a" e1eryoe
$J#ite"( Klook!L $he crie"! -laci. the -ict#re o the table eAt to the iPa"(
,he com-are" the bl#rry ima.e i the -hoto to the froBe face o the iPa" $cree( The face$ were the $ame(
KOh my Go"!L A$ter whi$-ere"( A" Rowa $a' bac' "ow to the chair(
Hatherie 0oley ha" bee to Meriweather before( ,he?" bee there the ,te1e wa$ 'ille"( A" $he wa$ there the
mori. Po--y "ie"(
Maybe they?" bee loo'i. i all the wro. -lace$( Maybe Hatherie ha" bee i the -ict#re all alo.(
The co#$i$ were $ilet for what felt li'e a.e$( Rowa?$ breath $hoo' a$ $he ihale" a" eAhale"( The of what
they?" D#$t "i$co1ere" $lowly $a' i( ,he loo'e" at the two ima.e$! oe fromthe $#r1eillace camera a" oe from
the -arty fi1e year$ before! $er1i. ,te1e +arett a "ri'( 5mltkloq at ,te1e +arett! a$ tho#.h they $hare" a $ecret(
K0oley wa$ at that -arty!L Corie whi$-ere"! falli. bac' ito a $eat( K,he 'ew os.L
K,he e1er let o that $he "i"! tho#.h!L Rowa m#rm#re"( KWhyIL
A$ter lea-e" to her feet! loo'i. at the -ict#re of Hatherie from the -arty KEliBabeth tolJ me ,te1e +arett ha"
a thi. for .irl$ aro#" tow( ,he e1e $ai" that there wa$ oe .irl i -artic#lar with blo" hair(L ,he -oite" to Hatherie
0oley?$ face( K3oo' at the way they?re $tari. at each other(L
Corie -ace" aro#" the roomJ#ic'ly li'e a wi"#- toy coile" too ti.htly( KMaybe Hatherie wa$ i lo1e with ,te1eIL
KIt?$ -o$$ible! ri.htIL A$ter $ai"( KMaybe $he wa$ "e1a$tate" whe he "ie")b#t maybe $he "i"?t 'ow who "i" it(
Maybe $he $omehow D#$t recetly fi.#re" o#t that it wa$ Po--y ( ( ( a" $he .ot her re1e.e(L
Rowa o""e" $lowly( KA" $he too' thi$ ca$e $o $he co#l" cotrol it( Whe $he $ai" the $#r1eillace ta-e "i"?t $how
aythi. $#$-icio#$! we all belie1e" her witho#t J#e$tioi. it beca#$e $he?$ 0+I( +#t $he co1eietly left o#t the fact
that sbe wa$ o it(L
A$ter cla--e" a ha" o1er her mo#th( KA" thi' abo#t how J#ic'ly $he .ot to the ho$-ital the of o#r cra$h( What if
$he wa$ ot the ho#$eI What if $he hear" #$ tal'i. abo#t ,te1e a" wa$ worrie" we were .etti. too clo$e to the
KA" remember how weir" 0oley wa$ after we metioe" Po--y 'illi. ,te1eIL Rowa a""e"(
K,he co#l" ha1e b#..e" the ho#$e)a" bro'e ito o#r home$!L Corie whi$-ere"! her eye$ wi"e( K,he ha" acce$$ to
,aybroo'?$! Rowa( Do yo# thi' $he $tole the 1i"eo fromyo#r com-#terIL
KMaybe!L Rowa $ai"! $#""ely thi'i. of the mo1i. c#r$or o her wor' com-#ter( KOr $he co#l" ha1e fo#" a way to
remotely acce$$ my machie(L
K+#t I "o?t #"er$ta" why!L A$ter whi$-ere"! her .aBe $li"i. thi$ way a" that( KWe "i"?t ha1e aythi. to "o with
,te1e?$ "eath(L
Rowa coc'e" her hea"( KNo! we "i"?t( +#t maybe $he we were i o it( We were $o clo$e with Po--y( ,he
co#l" ha1e Po--y tol" #$ e1erythi.(L
KOr $he be tryi. to co1er #- Po--y?$ m#r"er!L Corie $#..e$te"( KPi it o $omeoe el$e(L
E1eryoe eAcha.e" a $-oo'e" .lace( A$ter lea-e" to her feet( KWe ha1e to tell $omeoe(L
KWhoIL Corie a$'e"( KNot the 0+I)$he ls the 0+I(L
Rowa climbe" off the co#ch( KWe?ll .o to the +o$to b#rea#( There?$ .ot to be $omeoe o1er her hea")$omeoe who
will ta'e #$ $erio#$ly(L ,he $li--e" her feet ito her $a"al$( KWe $ho#l" .o( 0oley co#l" be li$tei. to #$ ow(L ,he
.lace" at Corie( K2o# ca $tay here if yo# wat( Re$t #- for tomorrow(L
KAre yo# 'i""i.IL Corie "ra-e" a car"i.a o1er her $ho#l"er$( KI?m ot letti. yo# .#y$ .o by yo#r$el1e$(L ,he fli--e"
o a i the mai rooma" fo#" the 'ey$ to their ,>@( K3et?$ .o(L
They $li--e" o#t the frot "oor a" wal'e" ito the cool The air wa$ thic' with the $cet of $alt water! a" the wa$ moole$$ a" mi$ty( The oly wa$ from the -orch a" a $i.le i the careta'er$? ho#$e( Rowa
$-rite" to the ,>@ i the "ri1eway! feeli. that if they "i"?t .et o#t of here thi$ momet! $omethi. awf#l
ha--e to them( Her hea" h#mme" with the terror of what they?" D#$t -iece" to.ether( ,he of all the time$ $he?"
bee i the -re$ece of 0oley( ,he?" bee i their office$! their home$( E"ith ha" e1e i1ite" her to Corie?$ we""i.(
Rowa #loc'e" the "oor to the Ra.e Ro1er a" $w#. ito the "ri1er?$ $eat( Corie $li" i eAt to her! while A$ter
climbe" ito the bac'( +#t whe Rowa Damme" the 'ey ito the i.itio a" t#re" it! othi. ha--ee"( 0rowi.! $he
trie" it ,till othi.(
KWhat?$ wro.IL A$ter whi$-ere"(
KI "o?t 'ow(L Rowa trie" to flic' o the$! b#t the "ri1eway remaie" "ar'( KMaybe it?$ the battery(L
K2o#?1e .ot to be 'i""i. me(L A$ter?$ ha"$ fell lim-ly to her la-( The her eye$ wi"ee"( KWhat if $he "raie" the
battery o -#r-o$eIL
Rowa reache" o1er a" loc'e" the "oor$! $#""ely afrai" to hea" bac' ito the ho#$e( KWhat are we .oi. to "oIL Her
1oice $creeche" with -aic( KWe ha1e to .et o#t of herePL
,#""ely there wa$ a lo#" 'oc' o the car wi"ow( E1eryoe $creame" at the $ha"owy fi.#re barely 1i$ible behi" the
tite" .la$$( loley! wa$ Rowa?$ $i.#lar
Tear$ ra "ow Rowa?$ chee'$ a$ $he trie" the i.itio a" KHelloIL the 1oice calle" oce more( KCorieI
RowaI A$terIL
Rowa bli'e"( O1er her -o#"i. heart! $he $#""ely realiBe" it wa$?t 0oley?$ 1oice at all( ,he -#lle" the 'ey from the
i.itio( KWho?$ thereIL
KIt?$ *#lia(L
KMomIL calle" a 1oice o#t$i"e the car( There were foot$te-$( KRowaIL the 1oice calle"( KIt?$ Daielle(L
Rowa clic'e" her -hoe ito fla$ mo"e( Two re"hea"$ $te--e" ito the Daielle a" *#lia Gilchri$t( Rowa
eAcha.e" a loo' with the other$! the rolle" "ow the wi"ow(
Daielle wa$ i a TE$hirt! a" her hair wa$ me$$y with $lee-( *#lia wore yo.a -at$ a" a ,her-a hoo"ie( +oth wome
-eere" at themworrie"ly( KAre yo# la"ie$ o'ayIL *#lia a$'e"(
Rowa $hoo' her hea"( KNEo(L
KO#r car wo?t $tart!L Corie bl#rte"(
KMaybe it ee"$ a D#m-IL Daielle offere"(
KOr we co#l" D#$t .i1e thema ri"e $omewhere!L *#lia $ai" #certaily(
K2e$! pleose!L A$ter $ai"! $hooti. o#t of the car( KIf yo# "o?t mi"(L
KOf co#r$e(L *#lia .e$t#re" towar" the careta'er$? ho#$e( A ,#bar# $at #"er the -orte cochere( K*#$t let me .rab my
The other co#$i$ $te--e" o#t of the car a" h#rrie" acro$$ the "ri1eway( A $tiff wi" 'oc'e"$t Rowa?$ chee'!
a" $he hear" a r#mbli. $o#" i the "i$tace( A$ they climbe" ito the 1ehicle! hea"$ a--eare" at the other e" of
the "ri1e( Rowa?$ heart $eiBe"(
,he leae" ito the frot $eat a" to#che" *#lia?$ $ho#l"er( KWe ha1e to .et o#t of here!L $he $ai" er1o#$ly( KNow.L
A$ter cramme" ito the bac'$eat with her co#$i$( KDri1e!L $he comma"e" Daielle( Klleose.L
Daielle .a1e A$ter a circ#m$-ect loo'! the re11e" the *#lia lea-e" ito the -a$$ $eat a" $h#t her "oor
D#$t a$ Daielle hit the accelerator! a" the car l#rche" forwar"( The ,#bar# $we-t -a$t aother 1ehicle -#lli. towar"
the ho#$e( A$ter $tare" ito the frot wi"ow! b#t $he co#l"?t ma'e o#t who wa$ "ri1i.( A few of DiAo?$ frie"$ ha"
.oe to a local bar to celebrateO maybe $omeoe wa$ bri.i. thembac'I
Or maybe it wa$ 0oley(
K0a$ter!L A$ter #r.e" Daielle(
KO'ay! o'ay!L Daielle $ai"! a e".e to her 1oice(
The wa$ calm a" $till( Mi$t $wirle" omio#$ly a" bi. "ro-let$ of "ew co1ere" e1erythi.( A$ the car t#re" oto
the mai roa"! Daielle .lace" towar" the bac'$eat( KWhere toIL
A$ter eAcha.e" a worrie" loo' with Corie a" Rowa( Rowa too' a "ee- breath( KThe air-ort( We ee" to .et to the
+o$to b#rea# of the 0+I(L
A$ter -#lle" her li- ito her mo#th! $till feeli. -ric'ly abo#t i1ol1i. Daielle i -ri1ate family matter$( +#t it wa$?t li'e
they ha" m#ch of a choice( They ee"e" hel- oow(
Daielle?$ eye$ wi"ee"( KI$ it Po--yIL
Rowa $hoo' her hea" a$ if to $ay! we coot tolk tlqbt oow.
Daielle $earche" their face$! clearly cof#$e"( KO'ay!L $he fially $ai"! loweri. her $ho#l"er$( A$ter wate" to throw
her arm$ aro#" her for $o "#tif#lly followi. or"er$(
E1eryoe wa$ J#iet a$ the car t#re" oto the wi"i. roa" that bor"ere" the $ea( A$ter to#che" her ha" li.htly to her
li-$! thi'i. abo#t Mitch?$ 'i$$( ,he wo"ere" if $he $ho#l" teAt him! to let him 'ow what they?" fo#" o the
$#r1eillace 1i"eo( +#t by ow $he wa$ -retty $#re that 0oley wa$ rea"i. her teAt$(
They -a$$e" a $-ot i the bl#ff$ that le" "ow to the $a")the 1ery -lace ,te1e ha" le" A$ter the he "ie"! where
$he .ot re1e.e o her father for ha1i. a affair with her be$t frie"( ,he loo'e" at the bac' of Daielle?$ hea"! $#""ely
feeli. a $har- o$tal.ia for the time$ $he a" Daielle #$e" to ha. o#t to.ether( The la$t time they?" $-o'e! really
$-o'e! wa$ i thi$ eAact $-ot! the ,te1e "ie"(
A$ter ha" remaie" o the $a" after her father ha" $ho1e" her a" $torme" off! ee"i. to be aloe( ,he?" r#bbe" her
br#i$e" arm! "i$.#$te" by her father?$ beha1ior( He "i"?t e1e $eem $orry for what he?" "oe( It wa$ li'e A$ter a" her
mother "i"?t matter)a$ if their fomlly "i"?t matter(
,he?" hear" $wi$hi. foot$te-$ o the "#e$ a" loo'e" #-! her heart lifti.( Maybe her father ha" ret#re" to
a-olo.iBe( +#t it wa$ aother face that a--eare" thro#.h the ree"$( Daielle $too" o the -ath! her ha"$ at her $i"e$!
her eye$ lowere" "em#rely( ,he wa$ weari. a $tri-e" beach "re$$ a" fli-Eflo-$! her hair loo$e aro#" her face(
KA$ter!L wa$ all $he $ai" at fir$t( KI am$o $orry(L
A$ter felt a $#""e flare of a"! #"ereath it! h#rt( ,he h#..e" her 'ee$ ti.htly to her che$t a" $tare" at the
wa1e$( ,orry for wbotI $he wate" to $a-( lot sleeploq wltb my fotbet, ot tbe foct tbot l foooJ oot? Ma$o ha"
-robably .oe 'oc'i. o the Gilchri$t$? "oor a" $et Daielle o1er( What ha" he $ai" to herI Astet koows! maybe(
5bes fteokloq oot. Moke sote sbe Joesot tell. He?" $et hi$ mi$tre$$ to "o hi$ "irty wor'(
A$ter $tare" at her ol" frie"! her eye$ blaBi.(
KA$ter(L Daielle?$ 1oice crac'e"( KDo?t yo# .et it! A$terI 2o#?re li'e a $i$ter to me( I ca?t lo$e yo#(L
A$ter?$ chi wobble"( KThat?$ why it h#rt$ $o m#ch(L
Daielle too' a $te- forwar"! b#t A$ter retreate"! throwi. her ha"$ #- a$ a barrier betwee them( K*#$t .o!L $he
Daielle ha" h#. her hea"( A" the! $i.hi. "ee-ly! $he?" t#re" a" "oe D#$t that(
The car wet o1er a b#m-! Dolti. A$ter bac' to the -re$et( ,he bli'e" at the "ar'! fo..y roa" i frot of them(
,omethi. a..e" at her brai! a tiy barb $he co#l"?t locate( ,he .lace" at Daielle?$ re" -oytail i the $eat i
frot of her! thi'i.(
A" the $he remembere"( D#ri. her orietatio! Daielle $ai" $he ha"?t bee at wor' the mori. Po--y ha" "ie"(
0oo" -oi$oi.! $he?" claime"( +#t ow! .i1e what they?" $ee o the $ec#rity ta-e! that "i"?t ma'e $e$e(
A$ter?$ -alm$ be.a to itch( ,he leae" forwar" betwee the $eat$( K>m! DaielleI Di" yo# $ay yo# were home $ic' whe
Po--y "ie"IL
Daielle coc'e" her hea"! her .aBe $till o the roa"( KThat?$ I ate $ome ba" $#$hi the before(L
KHow lo. were yo# $ic' forIL
Daielle met A$ter?$ eye$ i the rear1iew mirror( KAbo#t a "ay! maybe two(L
KAre yo# $#re abo#t thatIL
Corie $hifte" her Rowa loo'e" o1er at A$ter! b#t A$ter 'e-t her .aBe fiAe" o the rear1iew mirror! waiti. for
Daielle to loo' #-( KIt?$ D#$t that we $aw yo# i the $#r1eillace 1i"eo from the mori. Po--y wa$ 'ille"!L A$ter $ai"
Daielle $lowe" the car e1er $o $li.htly( KThat?$ im-o$$ible( It wa$?t me(L
KIt wos yo#!L A$ter i$i$te"( Her heart wa$ -o#"i. at tri-le time( KIt wa$ yo#r hair! yo#r "re$$( I?m$#re of it(L
KI wa$ at home! $ic'!L $he i$i$te"( Daielle .lace" at the wome i the bac'$eat! the at *#lia(
A$ter?$ hea" felt a$ if it wa$ $-litti. i two( All at oce -iece$ be.a to fall ito -lace! -iece$ that ha" othi. to "o with
Hatherie 0oley( Daielle 'ew MeriweatherO $he certaily co#l" ha1e ha" a 'ey to the e$tate( Wor'i. i HR! $he ha"
free rei i the b#il"i.! a" acce$$ to all $ort$ of -er$oal em-loyee iformatio( ,he co#l" ha1e $im-ly 'oc'e" o
Po--y?$ "oor that mori.! a" Po--y wo#l" ha1e let her i! thi'i. $he ha" a iocet J#e$tio( A" the ( ( (
+#t whyI +eca#$e A$ter ha" reDecte" herI +eca#$e! -erha-$! Mosoo ha" reDecte" herI Wa$?t it eo#.h that they?"
bee to.ether i the fir$t -laceI Wa$?t it eo#.h that Daielle ha" alrea"y .otte a Dob o#t of that affairI
K,erio#$ly! I wa$ owhere ear the office!L Daielle $ai"
Corie loo'e" J#e$ at A$ter( A$ter clo$e" her eye$( Reality $eeme" to twi$t o it$ aAi$( ,he ha" o i"ea what to
belie1e( ,he loo'e" o#t the wi"ow at the fo..y $'y! a" a chill cre-t #- her $-ie( They were o the bri".e o#t of
tow)the 1ery $ame bri".e they ha" -l#mmete" off a few wee'$ a.o( The bri".e where they ha" almo$t "ie"(
K,to- the car!L $he comma"e"( K,to- oow(L
Daielle hit the bra'e$( The car $'i""e"( E1eryoe $creame" a$ they l#rche" to the left( The car $li" almo$t to the e".e of
the bri".e! b#t the bra'e$ fially e.a.e"! a" they $to--e" mo1i.( 0or a momet! e1erythi. wa$ $ilet( The A$ter
wreche" the "oor ha"le! "e$-erate to .et the hell o#t of that car! away from Daielle( Thi$ felt all wro. $#""ely(
,omethi. ba" wa$ .oi. to ha--e(
KNot $o fa$t!L came a 1oice(
A$ter froBe! the "oor ha.i. o-e! a" t#re" bac' to loo' i$i"e the 1ehicle( There wa$ a fla$h from the frot $eat! a
.lit of $il1er wi'i. i the o1erhea" A$ter .a$-e")a .#(
Oly! Daielle wa$?t the oe hol"i. it( It wa$ *#lia(
KMomPL Daielle .a-e" at the .#( KWhat are yo# "oi.IL
KE1eryoe! -lea$e .et( O#t( Of( The( Car!L *#lia $ai" 1ery $lowly(
Daielle f#mble" for the "oor ha"le a" $ha'ily climbe" o#t of the 1ehicle( A$ter "i"?t remember act#ally mo1i.! b#t
$he m#$t ha1e! beca#$e the eAt thi. $he 'ew! $he! Corie! a" Rowa were o#t$i"e o the bri".e( Th#"er rolle"
a.rily o1erhea"! a" the $'y wa$ -itchE"ar'( A$ter felt i her -oc'et for her -hoe! oly to realiBe $he?" left it i the car(
*#lia $te--e" forwar"! aimi. the .# at the three ,aybroo' wome($t the raili.! yo# three( Now. Daielle! yo#
come o1er here with me(L
Daielle?$ face wa$ -ale( KMom( I "o?t #"er$ta"(L ,he $te--e" towar" her mother( KI$ thi$ beca#$e of what A$ter wa$
a$'i. me abo#t that $#r1eillace ta-eI I wa$?t there( I "i"?t 'ill Po--y( I sweot.L
KPlea$e! *#lia!L Rowa trie"! #$i. her calme$t 1oice( KWhat?$ .oi. oIL
KAll the$e year$! a" yo# $till "o?t 'owIL *#lia challe.e"! -oiti. to Daielle( ,he loo'e" at A$ter( KE1e yo#I 2o#
ha1e o i"ea who Daielle i$ to yo#r familyIL
A$ter $tare" at the .#! the at Daielle?$ face( Her ol" frie"?$ bottomli- wa$ trembli.( uoolelle ls my fotbets mlsttess!
$he wate" to $ay! b#t $#""ely $he wa$?t $#re if that wa$ the a$wer( oote llke o slstet to me. l coot lose yoo.
The wor"$ loo-e" i A$ter?$ brai o re-eat( ,he loo'e" #- a" met Daielle?$ eye$ i the mirror) bl#e eye$! $o
m#ch li'e A$ter?$( They #$e" to lo1e thatO it wa$ -art of the $i$ter act they wo#l" -#t o at bar$(
,he recalle" the "ay $he?" Ma$o a" Daielle to.ether( The way he?" hel" her ( ( ( it ha" bee $o te"er! lo1i.(
A" the there?" bee that earlier loo'! that "ay o the bl#ff$)the way he?" $tare" at Daielle with a almo$t ferocio#$
ite$ity( +#t wa$ it $eA#alI ,#""ely A$ter wa$ o $#re( Now that $he abo#t it! it wa$ almo$t the $ame
loo' that ha" bee o hi$ face! whe he?" metioe" hi$ family i that $-eech abo#t Po--y( A eA-re$$io f#ll of
lo1e! ye$O b#t al$o -rotecti1ee$$! a" a little bit of re.ret(
K2o# were e1er ha1i. a affair with my "a"! were yo#IL $he $ai" $lowly( K2o#?re hi$ "a#.hter(L
KDi.! "i.! "i.PL *#lia crowe"(
Corie?$ hea" whi--e" aro#"( KWait( wbot i$ .oi. oIL
*#lia .rabbe" Daielle?$ arma" -#lle" her clo$e( ,he $tare" at A$ter( KMy "a#.hter ha$ 'ow for fi1e year$(L
A$ter bli'e" har"! tryi. to wra- her mi" aro#" what wa$ ha--ei.( ,he loo'e" at Daielle KThat wa$ what
ha--ee" betwee yo# a" my father that $#mmer( That wa$ whe yo# fo#" o#t! wa$?t itIL
Daielle?$ bottomli- tremble"( KHe tol" me ot to $ay aythi.(L
KThat?$ beca#$e he "i"?t wat it to be tr#e!L *#lia iterDecte"( KHe wa$ $#ch a $hit to her(L
Daielle $la--e" her arm$ to her $i"e( KHe wa$?t! MomP He?$ bee .oo" to me(L
KReallyIL *#lia .rowle"! her 1oice ta#ti.( KWow! he let yo# li1e o hi$ -ro-erty! b#t ot i hi$ real ho#$e( He let yo#
ha. aro#" with hi$ teol "a#.hter! let her le" yo# clothe$ a" .race yo# with her -re$ece! a" yo#?re $#--o$e" to be
$o .ratef#lI 2o# $ho#l" ha1e e1erythi. $he ha$PL Her 1oice ro$e to a hi.hE-itche" $creech(
KI?1e ma"e -eace with that!L Daielle be..e"( Tear$ ra "ow her face( KI #"er$ta" why he "i"?t wat to tell hi$ wife
the tr#th( I yo# #"er$too"! too( Mom! I yo# were "oe with him( I it e"e" whe yo# mo1e"
o#t(L ,he too' a $te- towar" her mom( KCa yo# -lea$e -#t "ow the .#IL
*#lia $iffe"( KIt?$ 'i" of "iffic#lt to ma'e -eace after all I?1e "oe for that family( 2o# "o?t 'ow the ri$'$ I?1e ta'e for
them! Daielle( I I co#l" ear my -lace)a" I "i"( I eare" it i $-a"e$ at that e"EofE$#mmer -arty( I .ot ri" of
$omeoe who wo#l" ha1e "e$troye" them( A" they stlll reDecte" #$(L
A$ter felt a$ tho#.h a bolt of electricity ha" $hot thro#.h her( ,he eAcha.e" a .lace with Corie a" RowaO they all
$eeme" to be thi'i. the $ame thi.( oJ-of-sommet potty. Cot tlJ of someooe.
KAre yo# tal'i. abo#t ,te1eIL Rowa 1et#re"(
Daielle?$ Daw "ro--e"( ,he too' a $te- away from her mother( KThat ma who "rowe"IL $he $J#ea'e"( KWhat "i"
*#lia loo'e" o1er at her "a#.hter! 'ee-i. the .# traie" o A$ter a" the other$( KIt?$ ot how it $o#"$! hoey( ,te1e
+arett wa$ a terrible ma( He wa$ hol"i. $omethi. o1er Ma$o( If I ha"?t 'ille" him! it wo#l" ha1e r#ie" the
,aybroo' family(L
KWhat wa$ itIL A$ter co#l"?t hel- a$'i.(
*#lia?$ .aBe $wi1ele" to her( K2o# "o?t 'owI What abo#t yo#! Mi$$ Hot$hot 3awyerIL ,he whirle" o Rowa( Rowa
$hoo' her hea"! her eye$ wi"e with terror! a" *#lia la#.he" bitterly( KHow ty-ically ,aybroo'( 2o# "o?t e1e $hare yo#r
"irty little $ecret$ with oe aother(L ,he too' a $te- forwar"! 'ee-i. the .# aime" hi.h( KThe tr#th i$! I "o?t 'ow!
b#t I wa$ $till willi. to 'ill for it( Doe$?t that $o#" li'e loyalty to yo#I Doe$?t that $o#" li'e $omeoe who "e$er1e$ to
be -art of yo#r familyIL
A$ter .lace" at her co#$i$( No oe $ai" aythi.( ,he $#""ely felt fooli$h( Nai1e(
KIt wa$ that! at the e"EofE$#mmer -arty!L *#lia $ai"! la#chi. ito the $tory( ,he clearly lo1e" the fact that $he ha"
a ca-ti1e a#"iece( KI wa$ with yo#r father! a" yoot father tooL)$he Der'e" the .# at Corie a" A$ter)Ki hi$
office! "oi. ( ( ( well! yo# 'ow(L A$ter $h#""ere"( KThe! whe $omeoe 'oc'e" at the "oor! yo# 'ow what he "i"I
He $ho1e" me ito the f#c'i. clo$et(L
K,to- it! MomPL Daielle $ai"! twi$ti. away(
K+#t I hear" them tal'i.!L *#lia wet o( K,te1e 'ew $omethi.)$omethi. blq. He $ai" he wa$ .oi. to eA-o$e it
beca#$e he ha"?t bee ame" -re$i"et( I "i"?t hear what it wa$! b#t fromMa$o?$ reactio! it ha" to be tettlble(L ,he
t#re" to A$ter a" Corie! a wic'e" .lit i her eye( KI?" e1er hear" yo#r father worrie" li'e that! .irl$( He early lo$t
hi$ mi"( +e..e" ,te1e ot to "o it( Trie" to bribe him( VThi$ will r#i #$!? he 'e-t $ayi.! Vthe family! the com-ay! all of
#$(? VGoo"!? ,te1e $ai"( VI wat to r#i yo#(?L *#lia -a#$e"( KThe ,aybroo'$ $crewe" him o1er D#$t li'e they $crewe" me
a" my "a#.hter(L
A$ter $hi1ere"! tryi. to #"er$ta" what *#lia wa$ $ayi.( NeAt to her! Rowa wa$ co1eri. her mo#th( A$ter .lace" at
Daielle! to $ee if Daielle ha" 'ow abo#t ay of thi$( Her ol" frie" wa$ D#$t $ta"i. there! $obbi. J#ietly(
KI ha" to $h#t ,te1e #-!L *#lia $ai" i a e1e! ratioal toe( KI "i" it for yo#! Daielle! for yo#r iheritace( It wa$?t
har"( I followe" that "r#' a$$hole later that a" -#$he" him i the water a" hel" him there( Clea a" $im-le(L
Her face har"ee"( KI Ma$o wo#l" be .ratef#l)I ha" D#$t $ol1e" a h#.e -roblemfor him( A" how "i" he reactI
He bro'e #- with meP He tbteoteoeJ me(L
KMom! I)!L Daielle $tarte" to $ay! b#t *#lia D#$t tal'e" o1er her! her 1oice .etti. $hriller(
KHe -romi$e" to ta'e care of yoo! of co#r$e( +#t he tol" me we were thro#.h! for real thi$ time( That I ha" cro$$e" a lie(
Well! I ha"! a" I $wore I wo#l" cro$$ it I wa$ .oi. to ma'e Daielle a ,aybroo' if it 'ille" me)or if I ha" to 'ill
K2o# thi' I wate" i the family tbot wayIL Daielle $creame"(
Corie $te--e" forwar" a little( KWEwhat "i" yo# mea whe yo# $ai" V'ill
*#lia $mile" $ii$terly( KWhat "o yo# thi' I meatIL
Daielle?$ mo#th "ro--e" o-e( Ice $l#ice" thro#.h A$ter?$ 1ei$( ,he .lace" at her co#$i$! who were -ale a" $till(
Daielle to#che" her throat( KIt wa$?t me i the $#r1eillace 1i"eo!L $he whi$-ere"( KIt wa$ yo#(L
KIt wa$ ece$$ary! hoey!L *#lia eA-laie"( ,he 'e-t the .# hel" #-! reachi. for her "a#.hter with her other ha"(
KDo?t yo# $eeI 2o# "e$er1e to be a heire$$ D#$t a$ m#ch a$ they "o(L
K+#t why Po--yIL Rowa a$'e" hoar$ely(
*#lia t#re" bac' to them( KI wate" Ma$o to -ay for "ro--i. me! a" ref#$i. to ac'owle".e Daielle( At fir$t I
-lae" o 'illi. blm( That?$ how Po--y?$ -aret$ "ie")Ma$o wa$ $#--o$e" to be o that to Meriweather! b#t
he bac'e" o#t at the la$t mi#te beca#$e he ha" b#$ie$$ to atte" to( It wa$ too late the( That -lae wa$ alrea"y .oi.
"ow(L ,he $hr#..e"( KOce I $aw how $a" he wa$ abo#t the acci"et! I realiBe" thi$ wo#l" be better re1e.e)'illi. hi$
family! oe by oe(L *#lia?$ eye$ .leame" i the KI trie" to h#rt $weet little Peelo-e! the bitch who?" e1er
mo1e o#t of the way! b#t I "i"?t maa.e to 'ill her( ,o I mo1e" o to Po--y i$tea"(L
KWhy wait $o lo.IL Corie whi$-ere"(
*#lia la#.he"( KWhy otI It wa$ $o m#ch foo bei. yo#r c#r$e( I $#bmitte" item$ to that $ite abo#t yo# for year$( I $ho#l"
write a tha'Eyo# ote to whoe1er r#$ it( I $et Will that letter abo#t yo#r "a#.hter! Corie)I he JesetveJ to
'ow( A" I $et a.ry letter$ fromWill to the Grier$! "ema"i. to $-e" more time with her(L
Corie?$ mo#th "ro--e" o-e( KHow "i" yo# fi.#re that o#tIL
KIt?$ ot roc'et $ciece!L *#lia $a--e"( KNoe of yo# hi"e thi.$ 1ery well( A" techolo.y ma'e$ it $o ea$y the$e "ay$(! A$terIL $he a$'e"! .laci. o1er( K*#$t a$' yo#r little tech boyfrie"(L ,he $mile"! aimi. the .# $ at A$ter?$
hea"( KI hate" yo# the mo$t! for the way yo# D#$t "ro--e" Daielle col"( +#t I e1er really ha" to "o aythi. to yo#)yo#
D#$t cra$he" a" b#re" o yo#r ow( A" Nata$ha -rotecte" her$elf the "ay $he "i$iherite" her$elf(L *#lia $hoo' her
hea"( KNow I?m .oi. to fii$h what I $tarte"(L ,he wa1e" Daielle o1er( K,ta" by me! hoey( We ca ta'e them "ow!
oe by oe(L
Daielle "i"?t mo1e( Her chi wa$ $till wobbli.( K2o# -rete"e" to be me!L $he $ai" $lowly( K2o# wore my "re$$( 2o#
#$e" my -a$$(L Her eye$ .rew ro#"( KThe -olice co#l" ha1e li'e" it to me( 2o# ha" o i"ea yo# wo#l"?t .et! "i"
yo#I +#t that wa$ o'ay! beca#$e if yo# "i"! the co-$ wo#l" D#$t -i it o me(L
*#lia $coffe"( K2o#?re bei. "ramatic( Ha$ aythi. ha--ee" to yo#I No( I ma"e $#re of it( I e1e calle" the 0+I fromyo#r
cell -hoe! -rete"i. to be yo#( I 'ew they were iter1iewi. e1eryoe who wa$ there that mori.(L
Daielle?$ ha"$ $hoo'( KI ca?t belie1e yo#( 2o# "o?t 'ow what the 0+I i$ thi'i.( They co#l" be loo'i. ito me
+#t *#lia D#$t $mile"( KThe 0+I! h#h( Now that yo# .irl$ ha1e $ee the $#r1eillace 1i"eo! yo#r little frie" ha$ $ome
eA-laii. to "o! "oe$?t $heIL Her .ri .rew wi"er( K,he wa$ i Po--y?$ office before I wa$( They were tal'i.! their
hea"$ bet to.ether! all h#$hEh#$h( ,tra.e 0oley e1er metioe" it! hmmIL
,he t#re" to Daielle( KE1erythi. I "i"! I "i" for yo#! $o yo# co#l" ha1e a better life(L
Daielle?$ throat bobbe" a$ $he $wallowe"( KI bove a .oo" life!L $he fially $ai"( KA" if yo# ha" e1er li$tee" to me! yo#
wo#l" ha1e #"er$too" that(L
,wallowi. a $ob! $he t#re" away from her mother a" wal'e" o1er to where A$ter! Corie! a" Rowa were h#""le"$t the .#ar"rail! a" $too" i frot of them( The $he t#re" a" face" *#lia! tear$ $treami. "ow her face(
*#lia lowere" the .#( KWhat the hell are yo# "oi.IL
KI?m$orry!L Daielle $ai"( K+#t thi$ i$ comi. to a e" ow( If yo# wat to 'ill them! yo# ha1e to 'ill me too(L
*#lia?$ eye$ blaBe"( The -rotecti1e! lo1i. loo' o her face "ro--e" away! a" $he $tare" at her "a#.hter with a col"!
-$ychotic .lare( K2o# ote oe of them( It?$ li'e I "o?t e1e 'ow yo#!L $he $ai" i a "ea" 1oice( There wa$ a $har- clic'
a$ $he relea$e" the $afety latch( K0ie! the( If that?$ the way yo# wat it to be(L
,he too' a $te- forwar"( Daielle! A$ter! Corie! a" Rowa crow"e" to.ether( A$ter $h#t her eye$! her mi" $wirli.
with e1erythi. $he?" leare" ,tra.e! that i her la$t few mi#te$ of life! all $he co#l" thi' abo#t wa$ how
wro. $he?" bee abo#t her "a" a" Daielle( ,he reache" for the other .irl?$ ha"! a" Daielle too' it( A$ter .a1e her a
$J#eeBe( lm sotty! $he trie" to co1ey thro#.h the to#ch( l sboolJ oevet bove jompeJ to cooclosloos. l sboolJ bove let
yoo explolo, ttosteJ lo oot ftleoJsblp(
A" the! $#""ely! a 1oice ra. o#t i the "ar'e$$( A$ter o-ee" her eye$ a" imme"iately lifte" a ha" to $hiel"
them( Hea"$ bli"e" her! a" tire$ $creeche" at the e" of the bri".e(
KDro- yo#r wea-oPL a ma $creame"! D#m-i. from the ,>@ a" a"1aci. towar" *#lia( A from aother ,>@
$te--e" forwar" a$ well! hi$ .# -oite" at *#lia?$ hea"( Hatherie 0oley a--eare" fromthe frot $eat a" ra towar" the
.irl$( ,he wa$ weari. a b#llet-roof 1e$t! a" her eye$ were KDo?t mo1ePL $he $creame" at *#lia(
*#lia loo'e" a" left! her eye$ rolli. wil"ly( ,he $J#eeBe" the .# i her ha"$! $howi. o $i. of "ro--i. it( ,he
aime" it at the$(
KGrab herPL oe of the officer$ $creame"(
KMomPL Daielle yelle"! her 1oice ra..e"(
,#""ely *#lia r#$he" o1er to the e".e of the bri".e( Noe of the ,aybroo' wome -#t o#t a ha" to $to- her( ,he
climbe" #- oto the raili.! her re" hair blowi. i the breeBe( ,he $till hel" to the .#! which .leame" i the hea"$(
KDro- yo#r wea-oPL the$ bellowe" KHa"$ #-! or we?ll firePL
+#t *#lia D#$t .rie"( A" the a .#$hot ra. o#t(
A$ter $creame" a" "#c'e" her hea"( The oi$e re1erberate" thro#.h the air! -ierci. her ear"r#m$( A $eco" $cream
$o#"e" fromthe e".e of the bri".e! a" whe A$ter loo'e" o1er! *#lia?$ eye$ were wi"e a" $t#e"(
KNoPL Daielle waile"! $i'i. to her 'ee$(
*#lia $-# halfway aro#"( A$ter leae" forwar"! tryi. to $ee if the b#llet ha" hit her( +#t before $he co#l"! *#lia?$ le.$
wet $lac'( A $tra.e! mo#rf#l eA-re$$io cro$$e" her feat#re$(
KGoo"Ebye!L $he $ai" $oftly( A" the $he t#re"! o-ee" her arm$! a" fell bac' ito the water(
The ho$-ital "oor$ $wi$he" o-e! bri.i. with them the a$ $cet of cleai. -ro"#ct$( Rowa h#rrie" acro$$ the
marble lobby! "#c'i. aro#" -atiet$ i wheelchair$ a" harrie" "octor$ i mit $cr#b$( A .ift $ho- beari. rac'$ of
ca"y! $t#ffe" aimal$! a" tra$hy ma.aBie$ wa$ o her left( The co1er of early e1ery tabloi" a" ew$-a-er i the
wi"ow bore -ict#re$ of Rowa! Corie! a" A$ter $hortly after their ici"et with *#lia o the bri".e( KThe C#r$e Wear$
Hor$!L oe hea"lie $creame"( +elow it wa$ that .raiy ima.e of *#lia Gilchri$t -o$i. a$ Daielle i that colorEbloc' "re$$
the mori. $he 'ille" Po--y( What mo$t of the -a-er$ .lomme" o to wa$ the fact that *#lia wa$ $till mi$$i.( The
a#thoritie$ ha" "re".e" the $o#" a" fo#" othi.( It ha" bee $o "ar'! a" it ha" all ha--ee" $o fa$t! o oe 'ew
whether the b#llet ha" hit her(
Rowa t#re" away a" h#rrie" to the ele1ator ba'! ri"i. it to the e#rolo.ical ite$i1e care #it o the fo#rth floor(
The la$t two "ay$ ha" bee a whirlwi")fir$t the -olice J#e$tioi.! the the cocere" h#.$ fromfamily member$! a"
the meeti. with Deaa to "eci"e how to $-i the "ama.i. $tory( I oe! e1erythi. the ,aybroo'$ ha" wor'e"
$o har" to create ha" cr#mble"! their "ar' $ecret$ fially eA-o$e"(
The family?$ lawyer$ ha" bee f#rio#$ that the co#$i$ ha"?t co$#lte" them before $-ea'i. with the 0+I( A$ a lawyer!
they $ai"! Rowa $ho#l" ha1e 'ow better tha to im-licate Ma$o( Rowa lo1e" her #cle! b#t it wa$ time for him to
come clea( Hi$ affair ha" .i1e ew life to the c#r$e! a" too may -eo-le ha" alrea"y -ai" the -rice for hi$ "eceit( They
were l#c'y 0oley ha" "i$co1ere" *#lia eAactly whe $he "i")otherwi$e Rowa! Corie! A$ter! a" maybe e1e Daielle
wo#l" be "ea" too(
Rowa ha" $-o'e to 0oley $hortly after their re$c#e( 0oley ha" eA-laie" that the hea"$ at the e" of the "ri1eway
that boJ bee her$O *#lia ha" bee o her ra"ar! a" $he?" wate" to $-ea' to Daielle abo#t whether her mother
ha" acce$$ to her ,aybroo'?$ 'eycar"( +#t whe $he .ot there! oly Daielle?$ father wa$ home(
KHe $ai" that Daielle a" *#lia ha" D#$t left with yo# .irl$( A" $o I followe" the car! a" calle" for bac'#-(L
0oley ha" al$o a-olo.iBe" for lyi. to Rowa a" the other$ for lea1i. o#t that $he?" 'ow Po--y! catere" that -arty!
a" e1e ha" a brief fli. with ,te1e +arett( KMy $#-erior$ 'ew!L 0oley eA-laie"( K+#t I "i"?t thi' it wa$ ece$$ary
for yo# to(L
KDi" yo# e1er thi' Po--y 'ille" ,te1eIL Rowa ha" a$'e"(
0oley $hoo' her hea"( KIt e1er $o#"e" +#t I loo'e" ito it a" "i$co1ere" what really ha--ee"( That?$ what le"
me to Ma$o ( ( ( a" the to *#lia(L
A--aretly Ma$o ha" -ai" off the coroer to fal$ify the a#to-$y re$#lt$ after ,te1e?$ "eath! re-orti. that hi$ bloo"E
alcohol le1el ha" bee hi.her tha it really wa$( All to ma'e $#re o oe 'ew the real rea$o ,te1e "ie"(
+#t Rowa ha"?t bee able to .et 0oley to a"mit why $he?" 1i$ite" Po--y the mori. $he?" "ie"( A o.oi. b#$ie$$
matter! wa$ all $he $ai"( KWa$ it alway$ #"er $ecret co1erIL Rowa a$'e"! a $tri'i. her( KDi" yo# e1er .o to the
Ma"ari OrietalIL 0oley D#$t coc'e" her hea" ocommittally! b#t Rowa?$ mi" ha" whirle"! $#""ely realiBi. that
Po--y ot ha1e bee cheati. o *ame$ after all( +#t what boJ $he bee "oi.I
Now Rowa -#$he" thro#.h a "oor mar'e" 747! a -ri1ate room that o1erloo'e" Mahatta( With *#lia $till #acco#te"
for! Nata$ha ha" bee $ecretly mo1e" to N2> from +eth I$rael( Oly the family 'ew abo#t itO e1e the -re$$ ha"?t
.otte wi" yet( If ayoe fo#" o#t! Nata$ha?$ family wo#l" mo1e her Aythi. to 'ee- her hi""e a" $afe!
e$-ecially ow that $he wa$ awa'e( *#$t la$t! the "octor$ ha" calle" with the .oo" ew$(
Rowa eA-ecte" Nata$ha to be -ro--e" #- o the -illow$! rea"i. a ma.aBie! b#t $he wa$ a$lee-! a" a ta.le of t#be$
a" wire$ $till $a'e" ito her 1ei$( Her che$t ro$e a" fell with each breath( Her eyeli"$ fl#ttere" e1er $o $li.htly! a"
the! bea#tif#lly! they o-ee"( The tra"emar' ,aybroo'Ebl#e eye$ $tare" bac' at Rowa(
Dee- breath! Rowa +efore the acci"et! $he?" $#$-ecte" Nata$ha of 'illi. Po--y( Their la$t co1er$atio
ha"?t eAactly bee -lea$at( +#t her co#$i D#$t $mile" $hee-i$hly( KHi!L $he $ai" i a .ra1elly 1oice(
KHow are yo# feeli.IL Rowa a$'e" tetati1ely(
Nata$ha $lowly lifte" her I@Ecla" ha" to her chee'( KNot too ba"(L ,he co#.he" lo#"ly( KMy -aret$ were here before(
They tol" me what ha--ee"( A" they tol" me abo#t *#lia(L ,he lowere" her eye$(
Rowa o""e"( KIt?$ -retty #thi'able! i$?t itIL
Nata$ha?$ hea" bobbe" wea'ly( KI ca?t belie1e it(L
Rowa co#l"?t! either( *#lia Gilchri$t( +#t the more $he abo#t it! the more it ma"e $e$e( ,he ha" acce$$ a$ the
careta'er! a$ well a$ thro#.h Daielle?$ Dob)a" $he ha" tr#e moti1e(
It wa$ $till #clear how m#ch ha1oc *#lia ha" wrea'e"( Ha" $he reco1ere" the $eA ta-e from Rowa?$ com-#ter a"
$tole Corie?$ Do#ralI A -ict#re of *#lia ha" bee ha"e" o#t to the $taff i all of the ,aybroo'?$ b#il"i.$! the $'i
re$ort where Peelo-e ha" bee h#rt! a" the -ri1ate air-ort Po--y?$ -aret$ ha" flow fromwhe their -lae eA-lo"e"(
They were $till waiti. to hear bac' from mo$t locatio$! b#t a cocier.e at the 0o#r ,ea$o$ i A$-e ha" calle" to
re-ort that $he?" remembere" $eei. a $tri'i. re"Ehaire" woma at the lo".e whe the acci"et occ#rre"( There wa$ o
recor" of *#lia $tayi. there! b#t $he ha1e re.i$tere" #"er a fal$e ame(
The $i.leEmi"e"e$$ of it wa$ what chille" Rowa the mo$t( *#lia ha" -er$e1ere" for fi1e lo. year$ after 'illi. ,te1e(
What wo#l" $he ha1e "oe eAt if 0oley ha"?t coecte" the "ot$I Wo#l" Rowa a" the other$ be "ea" owI
KDi" they fi" *#lia yetIL Nata$ha croa'e"(
Rowa $hoo' her hea"( KNo(L ,he aw'war"ly -atte" Nata$ha?$ le.( K2o# $ho#l"?t worry abo#t it! tho#.h( 2o# ee" to
cocetrate o .etti. well(L
The "oor crea'e"! a" Rowa loo'e" #-( Corie a" A$ter -#$he" ito the room! hol"i. $teami. c#-$ of coffee( +oth
of them.a1e Nata$ha tetati1e! aw'war" h#.$(
Rowa cleare" her throat( KNata$ha 'ow$ abo#t *#lia(L
Nata$ha o""e"( KIt?$ craBy(L
A$ter cro$$e" her le.$( KThi$ be a .oo" time to ( ( ( yo# 'ow( A$' the other thi.IL
Corie frowe"( K,he D#$t wo'e #-!L $he whi$-ere"( KIt?$ too $oo(L
K2eah! I "o?t 'ow!L Rowa $ai" tetati1ely(
K>m! helloIL Nata$ha?$ 1oice floate" fromthe be"( KI? here( Whate1er yo# ha1e to a$'! D#$t a$' it(L
E1eryoe clam-e" their mo#th$ $h#t( Rowa .lace" at the other$( Corie rai$e" her eyebrow$! the .a1e a o"( A$ter
o""e" too( Ta'i. a breath! Rowa $ai"! KA--aretly there?$ a family $ecret( Ma$o 'ow$ it)a" $o "i" ,te1e
K*#lia $ai" it wa$ $omethi. that co#l" ha1e "e$troye" the family!L A$ter a""e"( K2o# 'ow what it i$! "o?t yo#IL
Nata$ha o""e"! her face f#ll of #certaity( ,he loo'e" "ow at her ha"$( K2e$(L
A alarm bee-e" i a hall! a" a #r$e wa$ -a.e"( Rowa $et her coffee c#- o the $mall table eAt to Nata$ha?$ be"(
KTell #$( I "o?t care how "e1a$tati. it i$( We?re familyO we ca .et thro#.h it(L
Corie to#che" her ha" a" o""e"(
Nata$ha wa$ $ilet for a lo. time( Rowa worrie" they?" -#$he" her too har"! b#t the Nata$ha lic'e" her "ry li-$(
KAlfre"?$ $tory of how the b#$ie$$ $tarte" i$ a lie(L
KWhatIL Rowa whi$-ere"! her heart beati. fa$t(
Nata$ha mo1e" her hea" to the $i"e( KAre yo# $#re yo# wat to 'owIL
Kes!L they all $ai" i #i$o(
Nata$ha too' a breath( KAfter the war! Pa-a a" Harol" +rowe! hi$ frie" from the warI Well they were i a battalio
that $orte" thro#.h -l#"er the NaBi$ ha" $tore" i the M#$Ge "# *e# "e Pa#me i Pari$( They were $#--o$e" to ta'e
e1erythi. to a re-o$itory i M#ich $o the item$ co#l" be catalo.e" a" ret#re" to their ri.htf#l ower$! b#t I .#e$$
Pa-a a" Harol" fo#" a few thi.$ they wate" to 'ee- for them$el1e$(L
KWait! whatIL Rowa bl#rte"( K2o#?re $ayi. the "iamo"$ he bac' were stoleoIL
Nata$ha o""e"( K0romfamilie$ $et to cocetratio cam-$(L
Rowa frowe"( K+#t "iamo"$ ca be trace")e$-ecially 1al#able oe$( He wo#l"?t ha1e ta'e that ri$'(L
KHe wa$ a amaBi. c#tter! rememberI He $im-ly c#t themto loo' "ifferet(L
KWhat abo#t the yellow $toeIL A$ter a$'e"( KThe CoroaIL
KIt wa$ oe of may! b#t that wa$ the crow Dewel( I .#e$$ he a" Harol" ha" a -actO they were .oi. to ta'e their $ecret$
to the .ra1e(L
Rowa felt "iBBy( KI thi' I oly met Harol" oce( Moybe(L Whe $he wa$ 1ery yo#.! $he remembere" her .ra"father
ha1i. "ri'$ with a ma hi$ a.e o the -atio i Meriweather( They?" tal'e" abo#t .olf a" their chil"re! $he wa$ -retty
KWell! a--aretly Harol" ha" a cha.e of heart abo#t $iA year$ a.o!L Nata$ha wet o( KHi$ $o cotacte" Ma$o a"
Alfre"! $ayi. it wa$ Harol"?$ "yi. wi$h to .o -#blic a" their wro.$( They ref#$e"! of co#r$e! a" $oo Harol"
"ie"! b#t the $o D#$t wo#l"?t .o away( They e"e" #- -ayi. him off! a" ma'i. a lar.e "oatio to the Holoca#$t
,#r1i1or$? 0o#"atio(L
A$ter?$ eye$ wi"ee"( KHow "o yo# 'ow all thi$IL
Nata$ha a"D#$te" the -illow behi" her hea" a" $i.he"( KMa$o wet to my mom for hel- beca#$e he co#l"?t liJ#i"ate
hi$ com-ay $hare$ fa$t eo#.h to -ay off +rowe?$ $o)he ee"e" my mom?$ a--ro1al( They ha" a h#.e ar.#met i
my father?$ $t#"y oe that I o1erhear"( My mombe..e" me ot to tell(L
KI$ that why yo# "i$iherite" yo#r$elfIL Rowa a$'e"(
Nata$ha o""e"( KThat moey i$?t o#r$! ot really( I co#l"?t li1e with that o my co$ciece(L
Corie to#che" A$ter?$ ha"( K2o# $ai" yo# fo#" a eEmail threa" betwee Po--y a" Da" where he wa$ tryi. to tell
Po--y to 'ee- J#iet abo#t $omethi.(L
KThat?$ A$ter"e" Nata$ha( KulJ Po--y 'owIL
KI thi' $o!L Nata$ha a$were"( KI yo# all 'ew! hoe$tly! a" were D#$t 'ee-i. J#iet( +#t abo#t a year a.o
Po--y came to me a" $ai"! VI 'ow why yo#?re $o #-$et with the family(? It t#re" o#t $he?" D#$t "i$co1ere" the $ecret(
,he wa$ meeti. with 0oley)$he wa$ hel-i. to trac' "ow the familie$ ,aybroo'?$ ha" $tole froma" fi.#re o#t
a way to -ay re-aratio$(L
Rowa o""e"! letti. it $i' i( ,o there it wa$( The rea$o why 0oley a" Po--y were meeti.( Po--y wa$?t ha1i. a
affairO $he wa$ tryi. to a ol" wro.( ,he -lace" a ha" o her $tomach! $ic'ee" that $he?" a$$#me" the wor$t
abo#t her co#$i(
,he t#re" a" watche" a$ Corie $tare" at her "iamo" bracelet! loo'i. a$ tho#.h $he wate" to ta'e it off( Rowa
reco.iBe" itN Alfre" ha" .i1e all the co#$i$ matchi. oe$ year$ a.o(
Their $weet .ra"father( Rowa co#l" $till recall the feel of hi$ leathery ha" o her$( ,he -ict#re" followi. hi$ tall!
$ bac' "ow the ai$le$ of the Meriweather flea mar'et! eAcite" at the -ro$-ect of fi"i. aother Coroa Diamo"
li'e he?" fo#" i Pari$(
+#t there ha"?t beeo a flea mar'et i Pari$! ha" thereI It wa$ a chil"i$h lie! a" they ha" bee fool$ to belie1e it(
KI wo"er if ,te1e 'ew beca#$e he wa$ Alfre"?$ -rotG.G!L Corie m#$e"(
KMaybe!L A$ter $ai"! $i'i. ito a chair eAt to Nata$ha?$ be"( KA" if *#lia i$ telli. the tr#th! ,te1e wa$ .oi. to .o
-#blic the he wa$ 'ille"(L
KDo yo# thi' that?$ why Ma$o -romote" Po--y i$tea" of ,te1eIL Rowa m#$e"(
Nata$ha o""e"( KIt $o#"$ a$ if ,te1e wa$ J#e$tioi. the liJ#i"atio of the $toc'$( They were ma'i. mo1e$ to fire
hima" ee"e" to -romote $omeoe i hi$ -lace(L
K+#t ,te1e $till maa.e" to fi" o#t!L A$ter $ai"( KA" he wa$ o#t for re1e.e for ha1i. bee -a$$e" o1er(L
Rowa -a#$e" to let thi$ $i' i( All thi$ time! they?" all Po--y wa$ -romote" to -re$i"et o1er ,te1e beca#$e
$he really a" tr#ly "e$er1e" it( That wa$?t eAactly the ca$e( Rowa wo"ere" if Po--y ha" 'ow that all alo.( Maybe
ot wby! eAactly! b#t that $he wa$ a re-lacemet! a J#ic' fill to co1er $omethi. #-( Iesos. *ame$?$ ifi"elity! the tr#e
rea$o why $he .ot her Dob)there wa$ -robably $o m#ch that Po--y felt i$ec#re abo#t( Rowa wo#l" ha1e e1er
Corie loo'e" at Nata$ha( KI ca?t belie1e yo#?1e ha" to carry thi$ b#r"e all the$e year$(L
Nata$ha $lowly rai$e" her t#beEa""le" ha" to -#$h a $tray hair from her face( KMy mother be..e" me e1er to $-ea' of
it( ,he hate" that sbe 'ew! let aloe me(L
KWe yoo 'ille" Po--y!L A$ter bl#rte"( K2o# were acti. $o $tra.e before the acci"et! ref#$i. to meet with
0oley ( ( (L
Nata$ha $hr#..e"! loo'i. $hameface"( KI D#$t "i"?t $ee the -oit( ,he alrea"y 'ew abo#t the "iamo"$! a" I "i"?t
ha1e aythi. el$e to a""( It wa$ $t#-i" of me(L
KWhat are we .oi. to "o! yo# .#y$IL A$ter a$'e"( KNow we 'ow( We ca?t D#$t 'ee- thi$ to o#r$el1e$( My "a" clearly
'ow$)who el$eI A" "o?t yo# thi' we $ho#l" fii$h what Po--y $tarte"I Ma'e ame"$! $omehowIL
KOf co#r$e uoJ 'ow$!L Corie $ai" bitterly(
K,o "o my -aret$!L Nata$ha remi"e" her(
That wa$ har" to $wallow( Rowa $h#t her eye$ a" -ict#re" Nata$ha?$ -aret$! la"i. o the memory of themho1eri.
o1er baby +rioy after $he?" bee bor( Po--y?$ -aret$ ha" bee .oe by the! b#t they?" ta'e o1er the role a$
.ra"-aret$! ta'i. $hift$! wal'i. +rioy #- a" "ow the hall$ to $oothe her cryi.! "eli.hti. i her fir$t
$mile$ a" la#.h$( They were $o ( ( ( $weet( Te"er( All the while hi"i. a hi"eo#$ $ecret a" "oi. othi. abo#t it(
Rowa loo'e" at her co#$i$( Their family ha" alway$ bee $#rro#"e" by tra.e"y! a" maybe they?" it o
them$el1e$( They wate" too m#ch a" .a1e bac' too little( They were li'e Icar#$! flyi. too clo$e to the $# a" .etti.
$corche"N it wa$ all their ow "am fa#lt(
KIf it were #- to me! I wo#l" tell!L Corie $ai"( KThe com-ay will reco1er! or it wo?t( A" if it "oe$?t! maybe we
"e$er1e it(L
Rowa o""e"! a" the A$ter a" Nata$ha "i" too(
KI thi'!L Rowa be.a $lowly! Kthat we?1e all a$$#me" too m#ch o1er the year$( +#t that $to-$ ow( We?re family! a"
it?$ time we $tart acti. li'e it( We ha1e each other! a" the tr#th! o matter how m#ch it h#rt$(L
A$ter o""e"! a" Corie too' Nata$ha?$ ha"( A$ Rowa loo'e" aro#" at her co#$i$! $he felt b#oye" It ha"
ta'e a #thi'able tra.e"y a" a lo$$ of oe of their ow! b#t a ew bo" ha" forme" betwee them( A" that .a1e
Rowa comfort a" $
Corie leae" forwar"! -#lle" fo#r -la$tic c#-$ from a $tac' o Nata$ha?$ little tray! a" -o#re" each of them a c#- of
ice water( KI thi' we $ho#l" ha1e a toa$t!L $he $ai"( KTo #$( A" to family(L
Rowa rai$e" her .la$$! a" A$ter followe"( A im-i$h $mile a--eare" o Nata$ha?$ face( KDoe$ thi$ mea I ca force yo#
.#y$ to watch my fi.#reE$'ati. -erformace$ a.aiIL
KNo!L they all bl#rte" at oce! a" Rowa $mile" at the memory( *#$t li'e that! it $eeme" a$ if they ha" their ol" co#$i
bac' c#te! $-ri.htly! #tterly ifectio#$ Nata$ha( Whe Rowa loo'e" at her! Nata$ha wa$ beami.! her
eA-re$$io -laci" a" fially relaAe"( Rowa ha" alway$ 'ow the eA-re$$io KWei.he" "ow by a $ecret!L b#t $he ha"
e1er tr#ly belie1e" it #til ow( Nata$ha $eeme" literally li.hter a" freer! a$ if $he co#l" fially li1e her life witho#t
lie$ bi"i. her
A" maybe the re$t of themco#l" too(
A few "ay$ later! A$ter a" Mitch wal'e" ito her -aret$? tow ho#$e! -a$t the "ii. room to the $li.htly le$$ $t#ffy
li1i. room( To A$ter?$ $#r-ri$e! the late$t e"itio of leople lay o the coffee table( Practically the etire ma.aBie wa$
abo#t her family( ,he $at "ow o the yellow $il' co#ch a" fli--e" thro#.h it! e1e tho#.h $he?" alrea"y rea" the whole
thi. co1er to co1er( ,e1eral time$(
There wa$ a $tory! of co#r$e! abo#t their $ta"off with *#lia( A eA-o$G o *#lia Gilchri$t?$ -a$t)a--aretly $he ha" a
"e.ree from MIT! b#t $he?" al$o $-et $e1eral year$ a$ a $tri--er( How re-orter$ fo#" thi$ $t#ff! A$ter wo#l" e1er
*#lia?$ h#$ba"! Gre.! ha" come forwar" with a iter1iew of hi$ ow)it ha" bee o""! he?" $ai"! that *#lia wate" to
.et bac' to.ether with him o#t of the bl#e! a$ they ha"?t $-o'e i year$( KMy .#e$$ i$ that $he wate" to .et clo$er to
the ,aybroo'$!L Gre. wa$ J#ote" a$ $ayi.( K,he m#$t ha1e bee -lai. to attac' the re$t of the .irl$ at the we""i.(
It?$ tr#ly #belie1able(L
K2o# $ho#l"?t be loo'i. at thi$!L Mitch m#rm#re"! br#$hi. hi$$$t A$ter?$ le.( Whe $he "i"?t re-ly! he
$i.he" a" fli--e" the -a.e to the eAt $tory( NeAt wa$ a twoE-a.e $-rea" o Po--y( Whe he t#re" the -a.e! he
.a$-e"( KWhat?$ sbe "oi. i hereIL
There wa$ a -ict#re of EliBabeth Cole loo'i. .lamoro#$ i a blac' $heath "re$$! hi.h heel$! a" re" li-$tic'( K,aybroo'?$
I$i"er Tell$ All!L rea" the hea"lie(
A$ter rerea" the fir$t -ara.ra-h(
5ometlmes, o stoty oboot o Jyoosty coo be bettet tolJ by someooe close to tbe fomlly, ooJ llzobetb cole, beoJ of ptlvote
clleot telotloos ot 5oybtooks ulomooJs, bos jost tbot loslJe look. 1be wlJow of 5teveo 8otoett, ooce tbe secooJ-lo-
commooJ ot 5oybtooks, llzobetb bos wltoesseJ ptlvote, petsoool fomlly momeots tbot few otbets wlll evet see, ooJ oow
sbes teoJy to sbote bet stotles wltb tbe wotlJ lo bet oew book The C#r$e of PletyN My 3ife with the ,aybroo'$! oot tbls
A$ter rolle" her eye$( KI 'ow( How ty-ical( ,he ha$ to ma'e e1erythi. abo#t her(L
Mitch $orte"( KNo oe will b#y that boo'( I?ll hac' ito AmaBo a" .i1e it Bero $tar$(L
A$ter leae" o1er a" 'i$$e" Mitch i re$-o$e( He -#lle" her le.$ #- oto hi$ la-! a" $he $i.he"! e$tli. ito hi$ che$t
a" clo$i. her eye$ for a brief momet of -eace( Peo-le woolJ b#y the boo'! $he 'ew that( Peo-le aythi.
with her family?$ ame o it! .oo" -#blicity or ba"( +#t $#rely EliBabeth wo#l" be fire" for writi. a tellEall! ri.htI A$ter
felt a little eAcite"( That meat $he wo#l" .et a ew bo$$(
,he reache" for the ma.aBie a" fli--e" to the eAt -a.e! which cotaie" a $tory abo#t Daielle( The ima.e of
her wa$ a ca"i" from her "ay$ at N2>! -robably $#bmitte" by oe of her cla$$mate$( KThe ,ecret Da#.hterL wa$ the
hea"lie( +#t there wa$?t a $i.le J#ote from DaielleO the re-orter$ ha" b#ilt the -iece aro#" the -#blic "etail$ of
*#lia?$ cofe$$io o the bri".e! a" little el$e( A$ far a$ A$ter 'ew! Daielle ha"?t $ai" a wor" abo#t aythi.(
,he -#lle" o#t her -hoe a" com-o$e" a ew teAt( l sow tbe stoty lo Peo-le! $he wrote(
A few momet$ later! Daielle teAte" bac'( uqb, l koow. ulsostet.
Actoolly, yoo look qooJ! A$ter re-lie"( AoJ tbey oteot too meoo.
,he a" Daielle ha" bee tal'i. a little $ice the $ta"off! mo$tly i teAt$ a" eEmail$( A$ter "i"?t 'ow what it meat
or where it wo#l" lea"! eAactlyO $he $till ha"?t J#ite wra--e" her hea" aro#" the fact that Daielle wa$ her $i$ter(
I oe of their fir$t co1er$atio$ after *#lia attac'e" them! $itti. at the -olice $tatio before they .a1e their $tatemet$!
they?" reha$he" that fi1e year$ a.o whe Daielle ha" come to A$ter o the beach( KWhy "i"?t yo# D#$t tell me
who yo# wereIL A$ter a$'e" her(
Daielle $ho1e" her ha"$ ito her -oc'et$( Her chee'$ were $till $taie" fromcryi.! a" her ail$ ha" bee bitte to the
J#ic'( A$ter wa$ amaBe" $he wa$ e1e coheret)if bet mother ha" D#$t trie" to 'ill her! A$ter wo#l" be a com-lete
wrec'( K2o#r "a" $ai" ot to $ay aythi.! b#t I yo#?" fi.#re" it o#t!L Daielle $ai"( KI that?$ what yo#
were fi.hti. with yo#r "a" abo#t( A" the! whe yo# reDecte" me! I D#$t fi.#re" ( ( ( well! yo# "i"?t wat me to be -art
of yo#r family(L
KI yo# .#y$ were sleeploq to.ether!L A$ter re-eate"(
Daielle o""e"( KI .et it ow( The loo' o yo#r face whe yo# -#t it to.ether ( ( (L
A$ter too' a $i- of the bitterEta$ti. coffee oe of the officer$ ha" -o#re" for her( KDo yo# remember whe we?" $ea' to
that bar o the other $i"e of the i$la"I 0ichy?$IL
Daielle?$ eA-re$$io .rew wi$tf#l( KOf co#r$e(L
KA" all tho$e .#y$ were li'e! Are yo# $i$ter$I A" we wo#l" -rete" we wereIL
Daielle bit her li-( K2eah(L
KI #$e" to fata$iBe abo#t yo# bei. my $i$ter!L A$ter $ai" J#ietly(
Daielle ma"e a $mall! -aie" oi$e( KI "i" too( A" whe I fo#" o#t ( ( ( I wa$ $o eAcite"( That?$ why it h#rt $o m#ch!
whe I yo#?" reDecte" me(L
There wa$ a co#.h from the bac' room! -#lli. A$ter o#t of the memory( Her father o-ee" the "e "oor! cla" i a robe
a" $li--er$ e1e tho#.h it wa$ three i the afteroo( Hi$ .ray hair $too" #- i -ea'$! a" there were ba.$ #"er hi$
eye$( Her $tomach cleche"(
KA$ter!L he $ai" i a $tic'y! m#mbli. 1oice whe he $aw her(
Ma$o?$ "owfall ha" bee $o fa$t! mo1i. at the $ame whirlwi" -ace a$ e1erythi. el$e! a" A$ter ha"?t ha" time to
really "eci"e how $he felt abo#t her father( He?" J#ietly $te--e" "ow a$ CEO of ,aybroo'?$! a" Nata$ha?$ mother!
Ca"ace! ha" ta'e o1er( The i"ea of himlo$i. e1erythi. tear$ to her eye$! b#t $o "i" the i"ea of himhi"i. a
affair with *#lia ( ( ( a" hi"i. ,te1e?$ "eath ( ( ( a" hi"i. that awf#l $ecret abo#t the com-ay( He?" felt li'e a $
to A$ter for $o lo.( Where wa$ the father $he?" 'ow a$ a chil"! the warm! eco#ra.i. ma who?" hel- her thro#.h
aythi.I Wa$ he $till i there $omewhereI It wa$ why $he ha" a$'e" him to meet with her to"ay( It wa$ time he fially
a$were" $ome J#e$tio$(
KWill yo# come ito my officeIL Ma$o a$'e" J#ietly! hi$ toe $#b"#e"(
K,#re!L A$ter $ai"! $li"i. off the co#ch(
,he loo'e" bac' at Mitch( He reache" o#t a" $J#eeBe" her ha"( ,he bet "ow a" .a1e him a J#ic' 'i$$( KTha' yo# for comi.!L $he whi$-ere"( Whe $he -#lle" away! Mitch loo'e" a$ $#r-ri$e" a" "eli.hte" a$ he ha" whe $he?"
fir$t 'i$$e" himat the rehear$al "ier( A$ter wo#l" e1er! e1er .et tire" of $eei. that eA-re$$io(
Her father?$ office loo'e" the $ame a$ it alway$ ha"! the .#$ o the wall$! the h#ti. .ear " from hoo'$! that
ele-hat $tari. .la$$yEeye" at othi.( +#t her .aBe la"e" o other thi.$ too( 3i'e a cottoEball $owma that ha"
li1e" at the to- of the $helf for year$ a" year$( ,he "i"?t remember ma'i. it( Wa$ it Corie?$ or Daielle?$I A" what
abo#t that -ict#re of Ma$o cra"li. a $wa""le" baby .irlI Wa$ that really A$terI
Ma$o $at "ow at hi$ "e$'( He loo'e" m#ch le$$ $#b$tatial i hi$ chair( ,#""ely A$ter felt er1o#$( Here they were!
faceEtoEfaceO a" for the fir$t time! they both 'ew e1erythi.(
KHow i$ yo#r time off .oi.IL Ma$o a$'e"( ,aybroo'?$ ha" .i1e A$ter two wee'$ of -ai" 1acatio! calli. it Kme"ical
K0ie!L A$ter m#mble"(
KHa1e yo# $ee yo#r motherIL
A$ter fi""le" with the c#ff of her Dac'et( Nat#rally! Peelo-e ha" left the ho#$e imme"iately oce the ew$ abo#t
Ma$o?$ affair came o#tO $he wa$ $tayi. with her $i$ter i Coectic#t( ,he ha" remaie" cetere" "#ri. the whole
thi.! -oi$e" to a fa#lt( ,he "i"?t e1e ha1e a commet abo#t Ma$o?$ -re"icamet( The! maybe $he wa$ too
a.ry to commet(
K2e$! I?1e 1i$ite" her!L A$ter $ai" $tiffly( K,he?$ "oi. fie(L
Ma$o o""e"( The he $wallowe" a" loo'e" at her( KI?1e really mi$$e" yo#! A$ter( I?1e "oe a lot of thi'i. abo#t how
I faile" yo#( I wa$ $#--o$e" to be there for yo# "#ri. the im-ortat time$ of yo#r life)e$-ecially that $#mmer( I$tea" I
let my$elf be "i$tracte" by thi.$ that $ho#l"?t ha1e "i$tracte" me( I D#$t wat to $ay I?m$orry(L
0or a momet A$ter $tare" at him! $lac'EDawe"( K2o#?re sottyIL $he $a--e"( K2o# thi' that?$ .oi. to $ol1e the$e
Ma$o?$ mo#th o-ee" a" clo$e"! li'e a fi$h( KI)L
K2o# "itche" me that year!L A$ter -oite" o#t( K2o# D#$t "ro--e" me li'e I "i"?t matter( +eca#$e yo# ha" to co1er #- the
Daielle $it#atio! a" yo# ha" to "eal with *#lia a" all yo#r other $ecret$(L
KI wa$ tryi. to 'ee- thi.$ to.ether!L Ma$o $ai"( KE1erythi. wa$ $-ii. o#t of cotrol( I "i"?t 'ow what to "o(L
A$ter t#re" her -alm$ o1er! #$#re of how to re$-o"( KHow "i" yo# fi" o#t abo#t ( ( ( the NaBi thi.IL
After a lo. momet! Ma$o $i.he"! fol"i. hi$ ha"$( KDa" tol" me! bac' whe I became CEO( He "ow-laye" it!
tho#.h( Oly whe Geoff +rowe came to me "i" I realiBe the eAtet of what ha" ha--ee"(L He $hoo' hi$ hea" a"
$tare" at the ceili.( KThere were $till $toe$ i o#r collectio fromthat time( +#t how wa$ I $#--o$e" to 'owIL
K+#t i$tea" of comi. clea! li'e +rowe wate"! yo# -ai" himoff(L
K2e$(L Ma$o?$ .aBe flic'e" bac' a" forth(
KA" yo# it wa$ o1er! b#t the ,te1e +arett -o'e" aro#" where he wa$?t $#--o$e" to! ri.htI He?" bee
clo$e with Pa-a( He 'ew where to loo'(L
Ma$o o""e"( KHe wa$ bei. .roome" to be the eAt -re$i"et( He wa$ loo'i. o1er fiacial$! co$i"eri. o#r eAt
mo1e$( He $aw that I?" liJ#i"ate" a lot of com-ay $toc' a" $tarte" a$'i. J#e$tio$( I ref#$e" to tell him! which
a.ere" him( If he wa$ .oi. to be the eAt -re$i"et! he $ai"! he ha" to 'ow( VWell! the!? I tol" him! Vmaybe yo# wo?t
be the eAt -re$i"et(? A" we ame" Po--y i$tea"(L
A$ter o""e"( It matche" *#lia?$ $tory(
K+#t the +arett fi.#re" it o#t ayway a" came to me the of the -arty(L Ma$o .lace" at A$ter( KHe ma"e all
'i"$ of threat$( The wor$t of it wa$ that earlier that! I ha" $ee him with yoo( I he wa$ .oi. to a-olo.iBe
for ta'i. a"1ata.e of yo#( A" i$tea" he threatee" to r#i me( I "o?t 'ow what $et himo1er the e".e(L
KHe "i"?t ta'e a"1ata.e of me!L A$ter $ai"! -#$hi. a$i"e the feeli.$ of .#ilt that ro$e at her father?$ $tory( Noe of #$
are tr#ly iocet! $he $a"ly(
Ma$o fol"e" hi$ ha"$( KWell( It "oe$?t matter( Hi$ mi" wa$ ma"e #-(L
KWhat wo#l" yo# ha1e "oe if *#lia ha"?t 'ille" himIL
Ma$o $i.he"( ,#""ely he $eeme" "eca"e$ ol"er( KHoe$tly! A$ter! I "o?t 'ow(L
K+#t the *#lia came to yo# a" tol" yo# what $he "i"(L
KThat?$ +#t I wo#l" e1er ha1e kllleJ him(L
KA" what abo#t Po--yIL A$ter a$'e"( KWhere "i" $he -lay ito thi$I +eca#$e EliBabeth Cole wa$ $#re loppy 'ille"
KI .ot a hy$terical call from Po--y! $hortly after *#lia tol" me what $he?" "oe( It wa$ -robably)I "o?t 'ow(L He loo'e"
#-( KMi"i.htI Po--y ha" wal'e" "ow to the maria a" "i$co1ere" ,te1e i the water( ,he wa$ -aic'i.! wati. to
call the co-$! b#t I tal'e" her "ow( I tol" her to lea1e ,te1e where he wa$(L
Kleove himIL
Ma$o h#. hi$ hea"( KI 'ow it wa$?t +#t hi$ bo"y wo#l" be "i$co1ere" e1et#ally( A" I co#l"?t hel- worryi.
that if $he wa$ the oe who fo#" him! Po--y loo' .#ilty)a" it bri. more #wate" attetio to the
family( To ma'e $#re! I -ai" off the coroer to -#ch #- hi$ bloo"Ealcohol le1el(L
A$ter co1ere" her face( KOh my Go"(L
KPo--y wa$ alway$ a$'i. J#e$tio$!L Ma$o wet o i a hollow 1oice( K,he e1er belie1e" ,te1e "rowe"( A" the!
ot lo. after that! $he fo#" the $ame bli- i the fiacial$ that ,te1e ha"( Oly! whe $he a$'e" abo#t it! I tol" her the
tr#th( ,he wa$ family! after all)I 'ew I co#l" tr#$t her( Po--y wate" to come clea! tho#.h( ,he wo#l"?t let it .o(L
A$ter let o#t a breath( That eA-laie" that threatei. eEmail $he?" fo#" i Ma$o?$ "elete" file$( The $he of
$omethi. el$e( K,o what wa$ the "eal with the $tole Dewel$IL
Ma$o twi$te" hi$ mo#th( K,he fo#" o#t the eAtet of the Dewel$ that ha" bee $tole a" realiBe"! li'e I "i"! that $ome
of the ol" -iece$ were $till i o#r collectio( ,he trac'e" "ow their ower$? ace$tor$( A" the $he chec'e" the Dewel$
o#t of the 1a#lt$ a" ret#re" themto the ori.ial ower$ witho#t a$'i.( Ob1io#$ly! thi$ rai$e" all 'i"$ of re" fla.$ with
a#"it a" $ec#rity)they ha" o i"ea who tho$e Dewel$ belo.e" to or what Po--y wa$ "oi.( ,he wa$ tryi. to force my
ha"! ma'e me come clea( +#t I maa.e" to co1er it #-(L
A$ter .roae"( KDa"! why "i"?t yo# D#$t come cleaIL
KI wate" to!L he $ai"! a" $i.he"( K+#t I wa$?t $#re if the b#$ie$$ co#l" e"#re the blow(L
K,o it wa$ all abo#t the b#$ie$$! the( That wa$ more im-ortat to yo# tha aythi. el$e(L
,he met Ma$o?$ .aBe( He loo'e" away .#iltily( Witho#t A$ter?$ mother i the tow ho#$e! the -lace wa$ o""ly J#iet)o
cla$$ical m#$ic i the 'itche! o $o#"$ of her 1oice a$ $he tal'e" o the -hoe( The -lace felt li'e a tomb(
,he .lace" at D#mbo! hi$ tr#' eAte"e"! hi$ h#.e! bellE$ha-e" ear$ fae" wi"e( All of a $#""e $he -itie" her father(
He?$ a cowar"! $he realiBe"( A" he ha" bee! hi$ whole life( All he "i" wa$ $c#rry aro#" ma'i. eAc#$e$ a" co1eri.
thi.$ #-( Tra$ferri. moey to co1er #- ol" family $i$! $#--orti. ille.itimate chil"re! $#--orti. A$ter?$ -artyi.
life$tyle for year$ to 'ee- her fromtelli. her momabo#t Daielle( If that ele-hat ha" act#ally char.e" Ma$o! he wo#l"
ha1e r# $creami.(
K2o# #$e" to be my hero!L $he $ai" $oftly! feeli. tear$ come to her eye$(
Ma$o?$ chi wobble"( KI lo1e" whe yo# that(L
,he felt tear$ r# "ow her chee'$( KI?m$orry I t#re" yo# i! Da"(L
A" with that! Ma$o ro$e from hi$ chair( A$ter $tare" at him thro#.h bl#rre" tear$ a$ he wal'e" towar" her a" 'elt
"ow( Hi$ $'i $melle" li'e $lee-( KA$ter!L he $ai" firmly( K2o# "i" the thi.(L
A$ he wra--e" hi$ arm$ aro#" her! a $ob ro$e i her che$t( He wa$?t $#--o$e" to be h#..i. her ow! a" $he
wa$?t $#--o$e" to h#. bac'(
A" yet $he co#l"?t hate him( E1e after all thi$! he wa$ her father(
The Ma$o -#lle" bac' a" loo'e" at her( KThe mi$ta'e$ I?1e ma"e are mie to -ay for! a" I ca?t fiA that ow( +#t
what ca I "o to fiA ( ( ( yo#I What "o yo# watI 2o# ca $to- wor'i. at ,aybroo'?$( 2o# ca .o bac' to yo#r ol" life(L
A$ter bli'e"( K*#$t li'e thatIL
,he $tare" o#t the wi"ow at the b#il"i. to-$ acro$$ the $treet a" co$i"ere" the -ro$-ect of o wor'i.(
Wa'i. #- at oo! $cai. Twitter a" the -arty blo.$ to $ee what wa$ ha--ei. that Ta'i. off for wee'e"$
to farEfl#. i$la"$ to booBe it #- a" "ace all a" tal' abo#t othi.(
It all felt o""ly far away( ,he ha"?t .oe o#t i wee'$( Clari$$a ha"?t calle"( Tho#.h A$ter wa$ $till o a .ro#- teAt that
.ot $et aro#" e1ery early e1ei.! throwi. o#t hot $-ot$ for the a" .o$$i-i. abo#t -eo-le they 'ew! her
other -arty frie"$ ha"?t a$'e" how $he wa$! either( Thi'i. abo#t it! what "i" $he really mi$$I The thrillI Thi$ moth
ha" bee f#ll of eo#.h thrill$ to la$t a lifetime( A" it wa$ clear her frie"$ "i"?t mi$$ her( The city wa$ f#ll of fab#lo#$
$ocialite$! after all)a" heire$$e$ who?" foot the bill(
K2o# 'ow! I "o?t 'ow if I e1e woot my ol" life(L A" a$ $oo a$ $he $ai" it! $he realiBe" it wa$ tr#e( KI?m 'ee-i. my
Dob!L $he $ai" firmly(
Her father coc'e" hi$ hea"( KWell( Goo" for yo#(L
K+#t act#ally( There ls $omethi. yo# ca "o(L A$ter $tare" at him clo$ely( KI wat Daielle to be -art of o#r family( 0or
Paic flic'ere" acro$$ Ma$o?$ face( He $wallowe" har"( KDo yo# mea ( ( (L
KI mea ma'i. her feel li'e $he?$ oe of #$( 2o#?re her "a"( A" ow $he ha$ o mom( I D#$t thi' ( ( (L A$ter clo$e" her
eye$( KI D#$t thi' we $ho#l"(L
Ma$o wa$ J#iet for a lo. time( KAll!L he fially $ai"( K2o# "o what yo# thi' i$
A$ter left her father?$ tow ho#$e a few mi#te$ later! feeli. $coo-e" o#t a" emotioally "raie"( ,he hel" Mitch?$
ha" a$ they wal'e" "ow the $i"ewal'! 'owi. he wa$ waiti. to hear what ha" ha--ee"( +#t $he wa$?t rea"y to tell
him J#ite yet( They wal'e" bloc' after bloc' i -eacef#l $ilece! -a$t the "o. wal'er$ who wra.le" $iA "o.$ o $-lit
lea$he$! -a$t other bea#tif#l tow ho#$e$ a" coEo-$ with marble lobbie$ a" $tiffE-o$t#re" "oorme( The air felt fre$h!
the "ay ew( A$ter felt ew too)$tra.ely rebor( A ho-ef#l feeli. $he?" e1er eA-eriece" before fille" her( ,he felt i
cotrol of her "e$tiy! $#""ely( ,he felt ( ( ( tlqbt.
,he -#lle" her cell o#t of her ba. a" calle" Daielle( KHEhi!L Daielle $ai" $ha'ily whe $he a$were"! a$ if $he wa$?t
$#re whether A$ter meat to call or if thi$ wa$ a -oc'et "ial(
KHey!L A$ter $ai" i a $tro. 1oice! -a#$i. at the corer to let a lie of cab$ $wee- by( KWat to come to "ier with me
KReallyIL Daielle co#.he" o the other e"( KAre yo# $#reIL
The t#re" .ree! a" A$ter -#lle" Mitch?$ ha" acro$$ the $treet( KOf co#r$e!L $he $ai"( KI?m-o$iti1e(L
Oe wee' later! "re$$e" i a trech coat a" a flo--y hat that co1ere" mo$t of her face)both to a1oi" the $# a" to
.i1e her at lea$t a little -ri1acy)Corie -#$he" thro#.h the +e"el?$ re1ol1i. "oor a" loo'e" aro#"( A $ale$.irl
$we-t #- to her imme"iately(
KMay I hel- yo#! mi$$IL $he a$'e"! her .aBe "ro--i. to the $iA carryEall$ i Corie?$ ha"$( The $he loo'e" at Corie! a" her eye$ wi"ee"( KOhP 2o#?re ( ( (L
Corie a.le" -a$t her towar" c#$tomer $er1ice( 2e$! $he wa$ Corie ,aybroo'! the woma who?" almo$t "ie" o the
e1e of her we""i.( 2e$! $he wa$ al$o the woma who?" calle" off the we""i. to DiAo ,hac'elfor"! the heir to the
,hac'elfor" Oil fort#e( All $he wate" wa$ to ret#r her .ift$ i -eace a" crawl bac' home to hi"e( ,he wa$ aoye"
that $he e1e ha" .ift$ to ret#r! after all the tro#ble $he?" .oe thro#.h to "irect e1eryoe to "oate to charity( They?"
all $ come from DiAo?$ $i"e of the family! a$ tho#.h they 'ew $he wa$ .oi. to call e1erythi. off a" wo#l"
ha1e to $li' to +e"el?$! tail betwee her le.$(
KHello!L the woma at c#$tomer $er1ice $ai" e1ely! the "i" the $ame "o#ble ta'e a$ the -erf#me .irl at the frot( KOh!
booey!L $he $im-ere"! -re$$i. her lo. ail$ to her chee'( KI "o?t 'ow what ha--ee"! b#t I?m so $orry( Are yo#
Corie twi$te" her mo#th ito a -olite $mile( KI?mfie!L $he $ai"( KTha' yo#(L
It ha" bee ob1io#$! after their or"eal! that $he a" DiAo co#l"?t .et marrie" the followi. "ay)Corie wa$ too
tra#matiBe"! the -olice ee"e" them for J#e$tioi.! a" Meriweather?$ $i.le bri".e ha" bee $h#t "ow while the
-olice "re".e" the waterway for *#lia?$ mi$$i. bo"y( After that! Corie $taye" at Rowa?$ i the city! tryi. to collect
her$ a" ot a$weri. DiAo?$ call$(
+#t a few "ay$ after $eei. Nata$ha wa'e #- i the ho$-ital! Corie felt a metal clarity $he ha"?t eA-eriece" i a lo.
time( ,he 'ew what $he wate"! a" $he $#""ely wa$?t afrai" of it aymore( ,he?" ret#re" to her a" DiAo?$
a-artmet! her er1e$ D#m-i.! her li-$ "ry( DiAo wa$ waiti. for her o the co#chO he $mile" at her a$ tho#.h they
ha"?t $-et a wee' a-art( K,o I ha1e .oo" ew$!L he $ai"( K,ice we?re re$che"#li.! 0raci$ at 3?A#ber.e ca cater for
#$ I$?t that .reatIL
Corie?$ li-$ -arte"( A" the $he D#$t ( ( ( $ai" it( KI "o?t wat to .et marrie"(L
DiAo ha" bli'e"! loo'i. almo$t chil"li'e i hi$ $#r-ri$e( KOh!L he?" fially $ai"! bli'i. har" before tear$ be.a to r#
"ow hi$ face( Corie wa$ a$toi$he"N $he?" e1er $ee him cry( He -#t hi$ hea" i hi$ ha"$( Hi$ $ho#l"er$ $hoo'( KI?m
a i"iot!L he $ai" i a m#ffle" 1oice(
K2o#?re ot!L Corie $ai"! $itti. "ow eAt to hima" -atti. hi$ bac'( K+#t! DiAo! loo' at #$( Are yo# really ha--yIL
,he?" $taye" with him $e1eral ho#r$ after that! "i$c#$$i. how they wo#l" tell their familie$! e1e "eci"i. to li$t their
a-artmet)either wate" to li1e there aloe( After that! they remii$ce" abo#t meeti. at 2ale! all the -lace$ they?"
tra1ele"! a" how he?" trie" to teach her to ri"e barebac' at hi$ family?$ rach i TeAa$( It wa$ act#ally -lea$at! a$ if they
were two ol" acJ#aitace$ catchi. #-! 'owi. they owe" each other othi. a" that they -robably wo#l"?t $ee
each other After Corie left! $he crie" for ho#r$! a$toi$he" that $he?" ma"e $#ch a lifeEalteri. choice( +#t e1ery
"ay that -a$$e"! $he?" crie" le$$! a" to"ay $he ha"?t crie" at all(
The +e"el?$ c#$tomer $er1ice re- #"i" the boA a" -eere" at the .ift( KOh! how bea#tif#l(L ,he -#lle" o#t a cry$tal
bowl( A ta. fl#ttere" o#t too)K+e$t of l#c'! CorieP 3o1e! Daielle Gilchri$t a" +rett @er"oor(L
Poor Daielle( A lot of .o$$i- blo.$ ha" im-lie" that $he?" 'ow what her mother wa$ #- to( Other$ $ai" $he?" bee li'e
a ,1e.ali to her mother! eco#ra.i. her to 'ill the ,aybroo' heire$$e$ oe by oe i the ho-e of Daielle fially
ca-t#ri. the whole -ot(
+#t Corie "i"?t belie1e that( ,he?" $ee Daielle o that bri".eO $he?" bee "e1a$tate" to "i$co1er that her mother
wa$ a mo$ter( It wa$ -o$$ible Daielle ha" $e$e" that her mother wa$ offE'ilter! b#t $he ha"?t ha" ay i"ea $he wa$ a
f#llEblow l#atic( There wa$ $omeoe who ha"! tho#.hN Corie?$ father(
Which wa$ why $he wa$ barely $-ea'i. to him( ,he ha"?t e1e calle" him after the ew$ ha" come o#t thi$
mori.)o the +le$$e" a" the C#r$e"! of co#r$e)that Ma$o wa$ bei. char.e" with ob$tr#ctio of D#$tice i ,te1e
+arett?$ m#r"er( No "o#bt he wo#l" -ay $omeoe a" ma'e it all .o away(
Maybe $ome"ay Corie wo#l" for.i1e her father! b#t ow $he D#$t ee"e" "i$tace( It wa$ the $ame way $he felt abo#t
her .ra"father( Per$o by -er$o! her i"ol$ ha" bee 'oc'e" off their -e"e$tal$( E1erythi. ha" cha.e"! it felt! a"
yet here $he wa$! with o o-tio b#t to 'ee- mo1i. forwar"(
The $ale$.irl -lace" the item behi" her a" ty-e" o the $cree( Corie #loa"e" $e1eral more -arcel$ a" ret#re" a
ca$hmere bla'et! a @er$ace tray for chi-$ a" "i-! a" a -air of cry$tal .oblet$ with .ol"Eti--e" rim$( All at oce! $he of the mi$matche" -late$ $he a" Will ha" #$e" the they were at hi$ a-artmet( He?" them at flea
mar'et$ for a "ollar a-iece! a" they?" all ha" a $tory before Will .ot hol" of them( That wa$ far more itere$ti. tha a
chi-Ea"E"i- tray for three h#"re" "ollar$(
wlll. ,he chec'e" her -hoe! b#t of co#r$e he ha"?t calle"( Di" $he e1e wat him to callI ,he?" bee the oe to tell
himit wa$ too late(
He ha" to 'ow they?" calle" off the we""i.( +#t "i" he careI Corie "ro--e" her -hoe bac' ito her -#r$e(
The $ale$.irl too' the fial item! a" Corie $-# bac' aro#"! ihali. the flowery $cet$ aro#" the $ale$room( ,he
$cae" the "irectory! her .aBe wa$hi. o1er the 1ario#$ "e-artmet$ a" floor$( ,he?" ta'e the "ay off! b#t $he ha"
owhere to .o! a" there wa$ othi. $he wate" to "o( ,he abo#t 1i$iti. her .ra"mother! b#t lately E"ith
ha" $taye" i( ,he claime" $he wa$?t feeli. well! tho#.h Corie belie1e" that really $he ha" o i"ea how to ha"le the
tr#th abo#t the b#$ie$$( The co#$i$ ha" "eci"e" to call a family meeti. to ao#ce what they 'ew( I$tea" of
o""i. a$hame"ly! E"ith ha" bee $hoc'e")it wa$ clear $he?" ha" o i"ea what her h#$ba" ha" "oe(
0ifth A1e#e wa$ a $warm of -eo-le a" 1ehicle$! a" Corie t#re"! with othi. better to "o tha wal' bac'
towar" the office( It wa$ a *#e "ay! the $i"ewal'$ a" wi"ow$ $-ar'li. i the $#( I a -arallel #i1er$e! $he
wo#l" $till be o her hoeymoo with DiAo i ,o#th Africa( I a -arallel #i1er$e! $he?" be with Will! $itti. at the bar of
hi$ re$ta#rat(
I a -arallel #i1er$e! $he?" ha1e her "a#.hter too( A" Po--y wo#l"?t be "ea"(
,he t#re"( The $# wa$ i her eye$! $o at fir$t the fi.#re "ow the $i"ewal' wa$ D#$t a "ar' $ha-e( ,he $ha"e" her eye$(
Corie?$ ha"$ wet lim-( KHEhello!L $he maa.e" to $tammer( K2o#?re here(L
Will wal'e" towar" her! a Tra"er *oe?$ carrier ba. $wi.i. o hi$ arm( KI?1e bee meai. to call yo#(L
Her heart "i" a lea-( K2eahIL
The $# $late"$t Will?$ feat#re$( He $mile" $a"ly "ow at her( K2eah( ,o( 2o# are?t .etti. marrie" aymore(L
Corie $hoo' her hea"( KI co#l"?t .o thro#.h with it(L
KHow "i" yo#r family ta'e itIL
Acro$$ the $treet! three -i.eo$ -erche" hi.h ato- the Tr#m- Tower( All of them loo'e" li'e fat ol" me! $et i their
way$! a$ if thi$ ha" bee their -erch for year$( Corie ha" brace" her$elf to tell her -aret$ that $he?" bro'e it off with
DiAo( Her mother?$ eye$ ha" .oe wi"e! her father wa$ $ilet( +#t A$ter ha"?t care"( Neither ha" her co#$i$( A" her
-aret$ ha"?t e1e $ai" they were "i$a--oite")i fact! Corie?$ mother ha" h#..e" her afterwar"(
KI .#e$$ it wet o'ay( +#t I ha1e o i"ea how to D#".e aythi. aymore!L Corie $ai"! $#""ely tire"( KI
"o?t e1e 'ow what I thi' abo#t thi.$( Maybe I e1er ha1e(L
K2o# 'ow! yo# $ai" it wa$ too late for #$! b#t I "o?t thi' it i$( It?$ e1er too late(L
KWhat "o yo# meaIL
He too' her ha"( KWhy "o?t we D#$t $tart o1erI +e.i e1erythi.! here! ow(L
,tart o1erI *#$t li'e thatI ,he loo'e" "ow at hi$ ha"! co$i"eri. what he?" D#$t offere" her( There wa$ $omethi.
abo#t the $im-licity of it that to mi" oe of Corie?$ fa1orite -oem$! KThe 3o1e ,o. of *( Alfre" Pr#froc'(L
E"ith #$e" to J#ote -art of it all the time! the lie abo#t -re-ari. a face to meet the face$ oe ee"e" to meet! b#t
Corie wa$ thi'i. abo#t the -oem?$ fir$t lie$ i$tea"! the oe$ abo#t a co#-le .oi. off ito the a$ the e1ei.
$-rea"$ o#t before them( It $o#"e" ho-ef#l(
Pe"e$tria$ r#$he" b#$ily -a$t them( Tho$e -i.eo$ lifte" off the to- of the hi.hEri$e acro$$ the $treet! all at oce the
mo$t bea#tif#l $ Corie ha" e1er $ee( ,he c#rle" her$ thro#.h Will?$( ,he ha" o i"ea what the f#t#re wo#l"
bri.( +#t that wa$ itN $he wo#l" wait a" $ee(
O a 0ri"ay e1ei.! Rowa #loc'e" the "oor to Po--y?$ a-artmet a" "ro--e" the 'ey$ bac' i her -oc'et( KHere we
are!L $he ao#ce"(
KI ca?t wait to $ee all my toy$ a.aiPL ,'ylar eAclaime"! -#$hi. aro#" Rowa to r# i$i"e(
Rowa eAcha.e" a $mile with A$ter! Corie! a" Nata$ha! who were $ta"i. behi" her( Corie a"D#$te" her .ri- o
+rioy! who wa$ $#c'i. ma"ly o a -acifier! a" .aBe" ito the foyer( KWellI I .#e$$ we $ho#l" all .o i(L
They file" i oe by oe( The li1i. room wa$ "ar'! the c#rtai$ "raw( There were $li-co1er$ o the co#che$! the r#.$
$till ha" 1ac##m lie$ acro$$ them! a" all the 'i"$? toy$ ha" bee -ac'e" away! tho#.h ,'ylar wa$ "oi. a .oo" Dob of
-#lli. e1erythi. o#t a" fli.i. it aro#"( ,'ylar a" +rioy ha" bee $tayi. with hi$ -aret$ while *ame$ wa$ o a
twoEwee' b#$ie$$ tri-( While he wa$ .oe! he?" a$'e" Rowa a" the co#$i$ to .o thro#.h Po--y?$ clothe$! Dewelry!
a" other item$! to "eci"e which item$ to 'ee- for the .irl$ a" which to a#ctio off for charity(
K3et?$ .et $tarte"!L Rowa $ai" bri$'ly! t#ri. towar" Po--y?$ be"room with a "art of a--rehe$io( ,he "i"?t wat to
thi' abo#t *ame$ $lee-i. there with wome who were?t Po--y(
2et whe $he $we-t ito the room! $he felt ( ( ( ootbloq. No twi.e of wati. *ame$ bac'( No memorie$ of him fla$hi.
ito her mi"( The oly thi. $he JlJ thi' of wa$ a time whe $he a" Po--y ha" h#. o#t here by them$el1e$ after
,'ylar wa$ bor! whe *ame$ ha" to .o o a wor' tri-( They?" -ile" o the be"! tiy ,'ylar i Po--y?$ arm$! a" watche"
0oo" Networ' -ro.ram$ for ho#r$( Rowa .ot Po--y e1erythi. $he ee"e" a" too' ,'ylar whe Po--y wate" to a-!
.aBi. at ,'ylar?$ -erfect li-$! her $mooth $'i! her -laci" eA-re$$io( At oe -oit! $he?" loo'e" #- a" fo#" Po--y
$tari. at her( K2o#?ll ma'e a .oo" mom! Ro!L Po--y $ai"(
A" Rowa woolJ ma'e a .oo" mother)$ome"ay! oe way or aother( A" a$ for life beyo" *ame$! $he wa$ o-timi$tic
abo#t that too( A ol" frie" from law $chool ame" Oli1er ha" calle" her $e1eral "ay$ a.o! a" they?" tal'e" for almo$t
a ho#r( Rowa remembere" how c#te he?" beeO he?" a$'e" her o#t a few time$ bac' the! b#t $he?" alway$ t#re" him
"ow( ,he?" ha" eye$ oly for *ame$(
+#t that wa$ the( ,he a" Oli1er ha" ma"e -la$ to .o to w"
8= tomorrow 0or the fir$t time i! well! a looq time!
$he wa$ act#ally eAcite" abo#t it(
The co#$i$ -#lle" o-e Po--y?$ clo$et! a" the o1erhea"$ flic'ere" o( Po--y?$ clothe$ h#. i eat! or.aiBe"
row$( Her $hoe$ were lie" #- o $hel1e$ o the .ro#"! a" $he ha" $-ecial "rawer$ for belt$! $mall ha"ba.$! Dewelry!
hat$! a" other acce$$orie$( At the bac' of the clo$et were the .ow$ $he wore to $-ecial e1et$! the color$ a"
$himmeri. fabric$ li'e a lie of ri.$ i a Dewelry boA(
,'ylar ra ito the roomtoo! a" oobe" $oftly( KI lo1e Mommy?$ clo$et!L $he $ai" i a -olite! re1eret 1oice(
KDo?t to#ch aythi.! o'ayIL Corie a"1i$e"(
KOh! I 'ow(L ,'ylar?$ eye$ $hoe( KA .oo" .irl alway$ a$'$ before to#chi.(L
Rowa hi" a $mile( I the moth$ $ice Po--y?$ "eath! ,'ylar ha" become $erio#$! maere"! a" almo$t ( ( ( wi$e( It wa$
a$ tho#.h $he #"er$too" that $ome"ay the ,aybroo' matle wo#l" be -a$$e" to her! a" $he?" be$t -re-are ow(
Rowa -#t her ha" o ,'ylar?$ $ho#l"er! feeli. $orry for the little .irl( ,he $till co#l"?t fathom the i"ea of ot ha1i. a
mother "#ri. her chil"hoo"( +#t tho#.h *ame$ ha"?t bee a .reat h#$ba"! a$ far a$ Rowa co#l" tell! he wos a .oo"
Nata$ha $te--e" forwar"! to#chi. the frot of a $hoe boA( Her breathi. wa$ labore"( ,he?" oly bee relea$e" two
"ay$ a.o! b#t $he?" i$i$te" o comi. to hel-( KAre yo# o'ayIL
Nata$ha o""e"( KI will be(L ,he $mile" at Rowa a" $J#eeBe" her ha"(
The the "oorbell ra.( E1eryoe loo'e" at oe aother! b#t the a came o i A$ter?$ eye$! a" $he ra for it(
,eco"$ later Daielle Gilchri$t a--eare" i the clo$et "oorway( Her re" hair h#. "ow her $ho#l"er$! a" $he wore a
eA-ertly tailore" white $hirt! -ecilE$ blac' -at$! a" eA-e$i1eEloo'i. blac' leather bootie$( There wa$
$omethi. cla$$ic abo#t the o#tfit! Rowa tho#.htO it wa$ both #a$$#mi. a" l#A#rio#$(
It wa$! $he realiBe"! eAactly the way a Mahatta heire$$ "re$$( After all! Daielle wa$ i traii. too(
KAre yo# $#re it?$ all that I?mhereIL Daielle $ai"! .aBi. er1o#$ly aro#"(
KOf co#r$e!L A$ter $ai" ea.erly! .rabbi. her ha" a" -#lli. her ito the 1a$t clo$et( KWe were D#$t .oi. thro#.h $ome
$t#ff( Come hel-(L
They be.a to $ift thro#.h the "re$$e$( KRemember thi$IL Corie a$'e"! hol"i. #- a feathere" a" bea"e" Chael
.ow Po--y ha" wor to a Metro-olita O-era co$t#me beefit a few year$ a.o(
A$ter $atche" it( KOoh! "o yo# thi' $he?" mi" if I 'e-t thatIL
Corie .a1e her a loo'( KWhere wo#l" yo# wear thatIL
KTo a Hallowee -arty!L A$ter tea$e"! $li--i. the "re$$ o1er her thi frame( It fit her -erfectly( Nata$ha $trai.htee" #-(
KI wat to wear $omethi. too(L
KA" me! -lea$ePL ,'ylar 1ol#teere"! reachi. o#t her arm$( Rowa fo#" a flo--y $tri-e" hat Po--y ha" for a
tri- to ,aitETro-eB a" .a1e it to her( ,'ylar -lace" it o her hea"! KCa we "o a fa$hio $howIL
KOh! hoey! I "o?t 'ow!L Corie $ai" ca#tio#$ly! bobbli. +rioy #- a" "ow(
KCome o! it?ll be f#!L A$ter "eci"e"(
KI?m.ame!L Nata$ha a.ree"(
Corie $hr#..e"! -lace" +rioy o the floor! -#lle" a robi?$Ee..Ebl#e .ow from the rac'! a" $tarte" to #"o the
cla$-( KO'ay! twi$t my arm(L
K2ayPL A$ter crie"! -#$hi. a lo. -eacoc'Ebl#e col#m "re$$ at Daielle( KWear thi$P It wo#l" loo' amaBi. o yo#PL
Daielle loo'e" to#che"( K2o# wat me to Doi iIL ,he ra her$ alo. the $il'e fabric(
A$ter wa1e" her ha"$( K,to- a$'i. that( 2o#?re oe of #$ ow( Now! come o(L
oote ooe of os oow. A$ter wa$ ha"li. that $o well)b#t the! that wa$ A$ter for yo#! alway$ .ame for whate1er life
threw at her( Rowa .lace" at Daielle a$ $he J#ietly #Bi--e" the bac' of the "re$$( ,he wate" to li'e her ew
co#$i( ,he wate" to embrace her a$ m#ch a$ A$ter "i"( +#t $he wa$?t $#re $he J#ite tr#$te" her yet( Perha-$ that ha"
othi. to "o with Daielle a" e1erythi. to "o with *#lia)after all! Daielle wa$ D#$t a$ m#ch of a 1ictim a$ they all
Rowa $electe" a fri.e" blac' "re$$ a" -#t it o too! feeli. a little bit li'e Po--y a$ $he Bi--e" it #-( Momet$ later!
whe Rowa loo'e" aro#"! oll of them ha" tra$forme" ito Po--y! their $'i .lowi.! their eye$! their $mile$
cofi"et( E1e little ,'ylar i the flo--y hat a" a -i' t#ic of Po--y?$ that came to her a'le$ ha" a $#""e De e $ai$
J#oi abo#t her( I the "#ll be"room! her face t#re" a -artic#lar a.le! $he loo'e" $o m#ch li'e Po--y! it too'
Rowa?$ breath away(
The $he realiBe" how ri"ic#lo#$ they loo'e" $ta"i. i the mi""le of a clo$et i $#ch orate .ow$ a" bare feet! a"
$he b#r$t ito la#.hter( It felt $#""ely a$ if they were little .irl$ at Meriweather! -layi. "re$$E#- i their mother$?
A$ter ra to the $tereo a" -#t o "ace m#$ic! bo--i. to the beat( The $he $tarte" acro$$ the floor! $wi.i. her hi-$
a" -a$ti. a cofi"et loo' o her face( KGo! .irlPL Rowa calle" o#t to her! $wayi. to the m#$ic too(
KA$ter! yo# $till ha1e a .reat wal'!L Nata$ha a"mitte"(
K2o# really "o!L Corie a""e"! which ma"e A$ter?$ face #-( KHa1e yo# e1er abo#t mo"eli. a.aiIL
A$ter b#r$t o#t la#.hi.( KI?m $tic'i. with ,aybroo'?$( Ha1e?t yo# hear"I +ori. i$ the ew blac'(L The $he loo-e" her
armaro#" Nata$ha?$( KMaybe Daielle co#l" recr#it yo# too(L
Daielle! who ha" fii$he" -#lli. o the bl#e $heath)it JlJ loo' amaBi. o her)loo'e" #-( KThat co#l" be arra.e"(L
KIt wo#l" be $o m#ch f#PL A$ter crie"! cla--i. her ha"$( KWe co#l" all be there( Ha1e l#ch e1ery "ay! coc'tail$ after
wor'! ta'e retreat$ o the com-ay eA-e$e acco#t ( ( (L
Nata$ha $hoo' her hea"( KI "o?t thi' $o( Act#ally! I?1e bee thi'i. abo#t .etti. o#t of New 2or' for a while( Tra1eli.
$omewhere remote! .etti. my hea" to.ether(L
Corie loo'e" cr#$he"( K2o#?re lea1i.IL
KIt wo?t be for 1ery lo.!L Nata$ha -romi$e"( The a $ly $mile cre-t acro$$ her face! a" $he $hot "ow the hall! $wi.i.
her hi-$ li'e A$ter( At the e" of the hall! $he thr#$t her arm$ ito the air "ramatically! D#$t a$ $he #$e" to "o at the e" of
her "ace ro#tie$ or oeEact -lay$( E1eryoe hoote" with la#.hter(
KRowa?$ t#rPL Corie calle" whe Nata$ha fii$he"(
Rowa loo'e" at Po--y?$ "re$$( It wa$ $o lo. that it "ra..e" o the .ro#"( KI ee" $hoe$!L $he ao#ce"( ,he h#te"
Po--y?$ rac'$ for .oo" oe$(
KOoh! I 'ow $he ha$ $ome $il1er $li.Ebac'$ that wo#l" loo' .reat with that "re$$!L A$ter ao#ce"! "ro--i. to her
ha"$ a" 'ee$ too( ,he -#lle" a $mall $te- $tool from the bac' a" climbe" #- it to chec' the #--er rac'$! -ro"#ci.
the -air i J#e$tio(
KMy t#rPL ,'ylar t#..e" o Rowa?$ $'irt whe Rowa fii$he" her r#( KWatch mePL
All of them cheere" o ,'ylar a$ $he -race" "ow the lo. hallway( The flo--y hat fell halfway off her hea"! b#t $he it with a flo#ri$h( After ,'ylar wal'e"! Corie too' a t#r! her chee'$ $hii.( The Daielle wet( They $orte"
thro#.h more "re$$e$! trie" o more item$! a" e1e ma"e f# of $ome of Po--y?$ im-#l$e b#y$! icl#"i. a -air of
eoE.ree $a'e$'i -latform$ a" a coat that loo'e" a$ if it wa$ ma"e o#t of hair( Rowa $at bac' for a momet!
watchi. all of them! feeli. a momet of #tter -eace( E1erythi. felt $o .oo"( ,o $afe( A" $he realiBe"! with a $tart! that
$he oJoteJ her life( Her co#$i$! her family! her ite.rity( It fially felt li'e eo#.h( More tha eo#.h(
Acro$$ the room! her -hoe chime" lo#"ly( 0rowi.! $he .lace" at it! the t#re" bac' to A$ter! who?" -#lle" o#t a
bea#tif#l b#t totally im-ractical white "re$$ that wa$ $eeEthro#.h o the to- a" ha" a 1ol#mio#$ $'irt that loo'e" a$ if
it wa$ ma"e o#t of h#"re"$ of $il'e brai"$( KE1e I co#l"?t -#ll thi$ off!L $he $ai"(
KIt loo'$ li'e a -rice$$ "re$$PL ,'ylar crie"! reachi. for it(
The -hoe bleate" Rowa $hot her co#$i$ a J#ic' $mile! the ro$e a" cro$$e" the room( ,he -#lle" her -hoe
fromher ba. a" .lace" at the $cree( Her $tomach "ro--e" to her feet( New post oo tbe 8lesseJ ooJ tbe cotseJ(
The $ite ha" bee eerily $ilet $ice *#lia?$ "i$a--earace( There ha"?t e1e bee a li' to the $tory abo#t the $ta"off
o the bri".e or a hit that Corie ha" calle" off the we""i.! or e1erythi. abo#t Daielle! e1e tho#.h Pa.e ,iA a"
Gaw'er ha" -ractically "e"icate" "ay$? worth of ba"wi"th to all of tho$e $torie$( Nor were there ay ca"i" -ict#re$ of
them( No #a#thoriBe" 1i"eo$( No o1erhear" co1er$atio$( Wa$ that -roof that *#lia! "e$-ite her -rote$tatio o the
bri".e! ha" bee r#i. the $iteI Or ha" $he D#$t -ro1i"e" the ho$t with the D#icie$t ti"bit$I
Rowa -re$$e" the li' that too' her to the -a.e( ,#re eo#.h! there wa$ a ew -o$t( Rowa bli'e" har"( Ch#'y wor"$
fille" the -a.e( Pict#re$! too(
KOe heire$$! two heire$$! three heire$$! fo#r!L it $ai"! $howi. -ict#re$ of Rowa! Corie! A$ter! a" Nata$ha( Rowa
$crolle" "ow a little(
K0i1e heire$$! ew heire$$(L A -ict#re of Daielle( A" theN KDo they 'ow there?$ oe moreIL
Rowa?$ eye$ bl#rre"( ,he #"er$too" tho$e la$t wor"$ i"i1i"#ally! b#t ot a$ a .ro#-( What wa$ the $ite tal'i. abo#tI
There ha" bee aother heire$$N Po--y! b#t ow $he wa$ "ea"( Or maybe it meat beltsI +#t there were fo#r heir$N her
brother$! the Wi$to a" ,#lli1a( ,omehow $he "i"?t thi' it meat aythi. li'e that! tho#.h( Her$ $tarte" to
tremble( A metallic ta$te fille" her mo#th(
Daielle $t#c' her hea" o#t of the clo$et( KAre yo# o'ay! RowaIL
Rowa $hot #- fa$t! co1eri. the -hoe $cree with her ha"$( Daielle?$ $tare wa$ ite$e( Howi.! maybeI Or -erha-$
Rowa wa$ lo$i. her mi"(
KI?ll be there i a $eco"!L $he $ai" ab$etly! ho-i. $he "i"?t $eemaAio#$( KI D#$t ee" to ta'e care of thi$(L
It mea$ othi.! $he tol" her$elf! ta'i. "ee-! e1e breath$( Whoe1er ha" -o$te" thi$ wa$ D#$t f#c'i. with them( There
were o more ,aybroo'$( There were o more $ecret$( They 'ew e1erythi. they ee"e" to 'ow(
A" yet $he co#l"?t hel- b#t -ee' +#t whe $he .aBe" "ow at the $cree oce more! the -a.e wa$ bla'( ,he hit
refre$h a"! her heart -o#"i. har"(
+#t D#$t li'e that! the -o$t wa$ .oe(

It wa$ late afteroo at the ,aybroo' family?$ a#al e"EofE$#mmer -arty i Meriweather( E"ith ,aybroo' $tifle" a
co#.h a$ $he $trolle" to the -orch( Tho#.h the thermometer ti--e" almo$t ei.htyEfi1e "e.ree$ i the $ha"e! $he felt a
im-eetrable chill( ,he -#lle" her f#r clo$er aro#" her ec'(
Her .ra""a#.hter! Corie! loo'e" #- fromher A"iro"ac' chair i alarm( KAre yo# o'ayIL
KOf co#r$e!L E"ith $a--e"! cl#tchi. her limeEfla1ore" Perrier( KI?ma$ healthy a$ a oA(L
Corie too' a $i- of her lemoa"e( Her bra"Eew fiacG! Will! eAcha.e" a worrie" loo' with her( They ma"e a ice
eo#.h co#-le! a" $he certaily $eeme" ha--ier tha $he?" bee with that ,hac'elfor" boy( What a me$$ tbot ha"
bee! b#t it wa$ o1er ow( Not that the tabloi"$ $o( Re-orter$ were $till calli. E"ith to .et her commet o
whether DiAo a" Corie wo#l" recocile( 3et it .o! $he alway$
E"ith loo'e" o1er the balcoy at the -arty o the -atio( Tho#.h they?" wate" the 3abor Day -arty to be a $mall affair!
mo$tly to celebrate 3ore D#Pot! a bra"Eew cliet Corie?$ $i$ter! A$ter! ha" wooe"! it ha" t#re" ito a twoE
h#"re"E-er$o ba$h( There wa$ A$ter ow! weari. a $il1er coc'tail "re$$! chatti. with 3ore her$elf! with that ma $he
h#. aro#" with)MichaelI MitchellI)$ta"i. aw'war"ly by her $i"e(
With that EliBabeth .oe)E"ith ha" e1er li'e" her)A$ter ha" bee -romote" to a$$ociate cliet liai$o! a" $he?" i a lot of ew b#$ie$$( Of co#r$e! E"ith ha" alway$ $ee that .irl?$ -romi$e(
E"ith?$ other .ra""a#.hter! Rowa! .lowi. i a $hort white .ow that $howe" off her athletic fi.#re a" hol"i. ha"$
with a tall ma who$e ame $he e1er co#l" remember)they met o the colomblo low kevlew! -erha-$I)wa$ letti.
Po--y?$ ol"er "a#.hter -et oe of tho$e filthy "o.$ $he owe"(
A" the there wa$ that ew oe! that re"hea" who #$e" to li1e i the careta'er$? cotta.e b#t ow $taye" here( It wa$
$ic'ei. the way they all fawe" o1er Daielle ow( ,he wa$ a .row woma! for Go"?$ $a'e( How co#l" they be $o $#re
Daielle ha"?t bee -art of her mother?$ $chemeI E"ith ha" half a mi" to .o "ow there a" .i1e that Daielle a
tal'i.Eto! oce a" for all(
+#t $he felt $o tire"( A" $#""ely $he co#l"?t remember the ame of the .ra""a#.hter who?" .oe to I"ia $hortly
after $he?" reco1ere" from her iD#rie$( ,he wa$ $till there)ha"?t $he D#$t $et a -o$tcar" a few "ay$ a.o of a chil" o
the $i"e of the roa"I It wa$ that blac' $hee-! the oe who for $o lo. -rete"e" li'e $he wa$ too .oo" for the family(
KGra"maIL Corie -eere" at her c#rio#$ly
It -o--e" bac' iN Nata$ha( Of co#r$e( KI tol" yo#! I?m floe(L E"ith wa$ 'eely aware that Corie ha1e bee $et
#- here to babyE$it( KGoo" 3or"! I?mD#$t .etti. o1er the fl#P 2o# -eo-le are acti. a$ tho#.h I ha1e the -la.#e(L
Corie a" what?$Ehi$Eame eAcha.e" aother $ecret .lace( E"ith -#lle" her f#r ti.hter aro#" her! $#""ely $tr#c'
with -araoia( Co#l" they 'owI they $#$-ect thi$ wa$?t the fl#I They co#l"?t( ,he wa$ 'ee-i. #- $#ch .oo"
,till! i her mi"?$ eye! $he -ict#re" that "octor! a im-ertiet #-$tart ame" Myer$! "i$-layi. her MRI $ca$ o a
.lowi. $cree( KIt?$ $#ch a ##$#al -ath for thi$ ty-e of cacer!L he?" tol" E"ith( ,he?" 1i$ite" himaloe that "ay! D#$t a$
$he?" .oe aloe for the bloo" "raw$! a" the MRI too( K>$#ally the$e $ort$ of le$io$ are $lowE.rowi.! ea$y to catch(
+#t thi$ ( ( ( well ( ( (L
He?" o#tlie" all the me"icatio$ a" the treatmet$ they co#l" try! tho#.h he "i"?t $o#" 1ery o-timi$tic abo#t her
-ro.o$i$( Whate1er thi$ wa$! it ha" $-rea"( E"ith ha" $too" #-! li1i"( KI?m .etti. a $eco" o-iio( Do?t yo# 'ow who
I omIL
The "octor loo'e" $tartle"( KM$( ,aybroo'! cacer "oe$?t -lay fa1orite$(L
It $o#"e" li'e $omethi. oe -#t o a b#m-er $tic'er( E"ith $torme" o#t of the office! early $li--i. o the har"
liole#m( +#t i the ele1ator! $he?" -re$$e" e1ery floor D#$t to .et a few momet$ of -eace( A J#iet! "oomi. 1oice
whi$-ere" $e"#cti1ely i her mi"( oo koew lt woolJ come to tbls. ueep Jowo, yoo koew evetytbloq.
ulJ $heI coolJ $he ha1eI Oh! $he?" wo"ere" -lety after her .ra""a#.hter$ re1eale" what Alfre" ha" "oe( Ma$o
'ew( Po--y too ( ( ( a" Nata$ha! a" Ca"ace a" Patric'! a" he wa$ oly family by marria.e( A" the e1eryoe ha"
loo'e" at her! eA-ecti. her to be i o the $ecret too( A" $he?" $at there! -o'erEface"! b#t i$i"e $he D#$t felt ( ( (
$hri1ele"( P#che"( Goo" 3or"! $he?" Here it wa$! after all the$e year$( 3ai" o#t li'e a cor-$e(
,he remembere" whe Alfre" came bac' from the war a$ if it were ye$ter"ay( How -ro#" he?" bee to $how her the
"iamo"$ he?" fo#"P KI .ot thi$ at a baBaar i Pari$!L he $ai" eAcite"ly! hol"i. #- the lar.e yellow oe to the Go"!
it wa$ a$ bi. a$ a ba$eball( KOh! E"ie! i$?t it bea#tif#lI We?re .oi. to ma'e a 'illi.(L
+#t $omethi. ha" bothere" her abo#t the $tory( A baBaar i Pari$I What were they "oi. ha1i. flea mar'et$ at a time
li'e thi$I
A" where ha" he .otte moey to b#y $toe$I Towar" the e" of the war! whee1er Alfre" wet o lea1e! he
com-laie" i hi$ letter$ abo#t barely ha1i. ay moey for a mo1ie a" a beer! -retty m#ch for.etti. that E"ith wa$
$ at home tryi. to 'ee- hi$ Dewelry $tore afloat( A" $he?" hear" the whi$-er$ too( 3e$$EthaEmoral thi.$
ha--ei. o1er there by the Allie" $ol"ier$( Theft$ from -eo-le who?" alrea"y ha" their "i.ity $tri--e" from them( They
ratioaliBe" it! E"ith $#--o$e"! beca#$e they felt they were owe" $omethi. for their $acrifice( A" $o they too' ( ( ( a"
they "i"?t tell( +#t her Alfre" wa$?t li'e that! wa$ heI Wa$?t he a .oo" ma! a hoe$t maI
,till( ,he?" a$'e"! i a ro#"abo#t way! D#$t to ma'e $#re( Alfre" tol" her a" that e1erythi. wa$ le.itimate(
K*#$t be ha--y!L he tol" her o hi$ way to a#ctio that mori.( KA" .et rea"y! beca#$e o#r whole life i$ .oi. to
A" the it "i"( That $toe $ol" for a mit( Alfre" .aie" atioal reco.itio for it! a" he i1e$te" the moey he eare"
fromit$ $ale ito the $tore(
,aybroo'?$ .rew( Alfre" c#t a" $ol" the other "iamo"$ he?" KacJ#ire"L while o1er$ea$! eA-a"i. the $tore a" He ma"e coectio$ with better mie$ a" "ealer$( With $ome of the -rofit$ he wa$ able to b#y better! clearer
"iamo"$! t#ri. them ito hi.herEJ#ality Dewelry( ,oo -eo-le from New 2or' were comi. to +o$to to $ee him( A"
$hortly after tbot, the "eci$io wa$ ma"e to mo1e to Mahatta(
E1ery time a ,aybroo' "ie" tra.ically! E"ith wa$?t oe h#"re" -ercet $#r-ri$e"( +#t to a"mit it wa$ 'arma! a c#r$eI
+#yi. ito that! a.reei. with the -re$$ that the family wa$ c#r$e")well! that meat a"mitti. that they?" "oe
$omethi. to "e$er1e it( A" $o $he?" "i$mi$$e" it a$ o$e$e(
Now E"ith $h#t her eye$( That wa$ a lo. time a.o( A" what E"ith wa$ $#fferi. from -robably D#$t wos the fl#! ot
$ome .ari$h! amor-ho#$ t#mor a$$aili. her from the i$i"e o#t( ,he certaily "i"?t "e$er1e thi$ ille$$ for 'ee-i. her
mo#th $h#t all tho$e year$( ,he "i"?t belie1e i c#r$e$( That wa$ that(
A $tra.e oi$e $tartle" her awa'e( ,he o-ee" her eye$! ot ha1i. bee aware $he?" e1e "oBe" off! a" loo'e"
aro#"( The two chair$ eAt to her were 1acat ow( The m#$ic ha" $to--e"( G#e$t$ froBe! coc'tail$ i ha"(
A $creamro$e fromthe beach( E"ith $too"( Who wa$ thatI The Patric' emer.e" frombetwee the -ie$( KHel-PL
E1eryoe $tarte" to mo1e( Tho#.h $till "i$oriete"! E"ith ma"e it "ow$tair$ a" acro$$ the law( ,he $earche" fratically
for her .ra""a#.hter$! b#t $he "i"?t $ee a $i.le oe( A few me -#$he" thro#.h the .ro#-! offeri. their $er1ice$( +#t
where wa$ A$terI Where wa$ RowaI E"ith calle" o#t to themwea'ly! b#t her 1oice "i"?t carry(
There wa$ a $mall circle aro#" a bo"y o the $a"( E"ith?$ heart l#rche"( KCall ieEoeEoePL a 1oice bellowe"( Patric'
"ro--e" to hi$ 'ee$ o1er the bo"y( KI$ $he breathi.IL $omeoe yelle"( KI$ there a -#l$eIL
KWho i$ itIL E"ith $creeche"! clawi. f#rio#$ly to .et thro#.h the crow"(
A $ $he?" e1er $ee before whirle" aro#" a" wi"ee" her eye$( KIt?$ oe of yo#r$(L
It hit E"ith li'e a blow to the che$t( The $ $te--e" a$i"e $o E"ith co#l" .et thro#.h( ,he 'elt "ow o the $a"!
to#chi. a .irl?$ bare foot( Patric' loome" o1er her! tryi. to "o CPR( KMove!L E"ith .rowle" at her $o! crawli. o to- of
the bo"y( ,he $tare" ito the .irl?$ face! reco.iBi. tho$e $ iceEbl#e eye$! that $lo-e" o$e! the o1alE"iamo"
-e"at E"ith ha" .i1e each of her .ra""a#.hter$ o her ei.hteeth birth"ay(
KNo!L $he bellowe"! colla-$i.$t the .irl( It co#l"?t be( Not aother oe( Wa$?t her t#mor eo#.hI Co#l"?t $he
be the $acrificeI
The ti"e r#$he" i! hitti. E"ith with a $hoc' of col"( Peo-le r#$he" to a" fro! $ho#ti. -aic'e" i$tr#ctio$( E"ith
$tare" ito the tree$! $#$-ecti. that $omeoe wa$ watchi.( *#lia Gilchri$t ha" e1er bee fo#"( Co#l" it be herI Co#l"
it be $omeoe el$eI
Or maybe it wa$ $ometbloq el$e( Maybe it ha" bee $omethi. el$e all alo.(
A amb#lace $creame" #- the wal'way( Peo-le ra #- to the EMT$! "irecti. them to the bo"y( +#t E"ith?$ .aBe
remaie" fiAe" o the woo"$! waiti. for whoe1er)or whate1er)it wa$ to $how them$el1e$( All at oce! $he 'ew it for
$#reN the c#r$e wa$ here
Or maybe it ha" e1er left(
It wa$ $#ch a -lea$#re a" -ri1ile.e to be .i1e the o--ort#ity to "abble i thi$ worl" a" the lie$ of the$e fa$ciati.!
com-licate" character$ for more tha a year( E1ery boo' I .et to write i$ a .ift! a" 1be neltesses wa$ a -artic#larly
eAciti. oe( My #e"i. tha'$ to *oatha +#rham at Har-er for ma'i. thi$ -o$$ible! a" to 3e$ Mor.e$tei! *o$h
+a'! ,ara ,ha"ler! 3aie Da1i$! a" Hatie McGee at Alloy Etertaimet for their brilliat i$$! for their ma$terf#l
$e$e of -lot a" character$! a" for their coti#e" $#--ort of me( Tha'$ al$o to Natalie ,o#$a a" 3iB Dre$er for their
tirele$$ effort$ a" amaBi. "e$i.$( H#.e h#.$ to Maya Ti1 too)I wa$ $o thrille" to wor' with yo# o thi$ -roDect! a"
yo#r .#i"ace of what thi$ boo' $ho#l" be tra$forme" it ito $omethi. really $-ecial(
Al$o tha'$ to *eifer R#"ol-h Wal$h a" A"y McNicol at WME for hel-i. to ma'e thi$ -roDect ha--e( A" my be$t
to the team at Har-erN Robi +ilar"ello for yo#r $a11y co1er i$$! a" Hathy ,chei"er! Hatherie +eiter! a" Hatie
O?Calla.ha for yo#r eth#$ia$m( It?$ har" to .et a boo' o#t ito the worl"! a" thi$ wo#l"?t ha1e bee -o$$ible witho#t
all of yo#(
Tha'$ to Te" a" 3i"$ay 3ei$eri. a" their "a#.hter! Cha$e! for ho$ti. me i their lo1ely home! where I $-et may
ho#r$ writi. a" e"iti.( Tha'$ to my father for hi$ i$$ o 1ita.e h#ti. attire a" how to ri. -lae$ to cra$h(
Tha'$ to my mother a" her 'owle".e of the .lamoro#$ life Za" $ome of the New 2or' City ha#t$ metioe" o
the$e -a.e$[( Tha' yo#! 2#1al +ra1erma! for the $ea' -ee' ito the worl" of "iamo"$( Tha'$ to Ali a" Caro for o#r
may $tay$ i New 2or'! a" e1e tho#.h yo# ca?t rea" a" yo#r 1ocab#lary mo$tly ha$ to "o with co$tr#ctio 1ehicle$ ow! m#ch lo1e to Hri$tia! my fa1orite little .#y( Plea$e "o?t be li'e *ame$ whe yo# .row #-(
A" m#ch lo1e! Michael! for "efiitely ot bei. li'e *ame$ eAce-t for yo#r ea$y.oi. coole$$( Tha'$ for e"#ri. the
may fr#$tratio$ that come with writi. a boo' a" for comi. #- with .etErichEJ#ic' i"ea$ i1ol1i. +r#ce ,-ri.$tee(
I?" I wa$ able to wor' $ome TeAa$ referece$ ito the$e -a.e$ too(
A#thor -hoto.ra-h ^A#$ti Ho".e$
,ARA ,HEPARD .ra"#ate" from New 2or' >i1er$ity a" ha$ a M0A i creati1e writi. from +roo'ly Colle.e( ,he i$
the a#thor of the be$t$elli. yo#. a"#lt boo'$ ltetty llttle llots a" 1be lyloq Come! a$ well a$ the a"#lt o1el$ 1be
vlslbles a" vetytbloq we vet wooteJ( ,he li1e$ i Pitt$b#r.h(
for eAcl#$i1e iformatio o yo#r fa1orite Har-erColli$ a#thor$(
ltetty llttle llots
ltetty llttle 5ectets
Alls ltetty llttle lles
1be lyloq Come
Nevet nove l vet
1wo 1totbs ooJ o lle
nlJe ooJ 5eek
ctoss My neott, nope to ule
5eveo Mlootes lo neoveo
1be lltst lle
Za "i.ital ori.ial o1ella[
1toe lles
Za "i.ital ori.ial o1ella[
vetytbloq we vet wooteJ
1be vlslbles
Co1er -hoto.ra-h ^3i$aE+l#eRGetty Ima.e$
THE HEIRE,,E,( ^5=47 by Alloy Etertaimet a" ,ara ,he-ar"( All$ re$er1e" #"er Iteratioal a"
PaEAmerica Co1etio$( +y -aymet of the reJ#ire" fee$! yo# ha1e bee .rate" the oeAcl#$i1e!
otra$ferable to acce$$ a" rea" the teAt of thi$ eEboo' oE$cree( No -art of thi$ teAt may be re-ro"#ce"!
tra$mitte"! "owloa"e"! "ecom-ile"! re1er$eEe.ieere"! or $tore" i or itro"#ce" ito ay iformatio $tora.e a"
retrie1al $y$tem! i ay formor by ay mea$! whether electroic or mechaical! ow 'ow or hereiafter i1ete"!
witho#t the eA-re$$ writte -ermi$$io of Har-erColli$ eEboo'$(
Pro"#ce" by Alloy Etertaimet! 4:== +roa"way! New 2or'! N2 4==4<(
I,+N <:;E=E=9E558<86E= ZHar"co1er[
EP#b E"itio *#e 5=47 I,+N <:;==9558<8;8
47 48 49 4: 4; O@RRRD 4= < ; : 9 8 7 6 5 4
Har-erColli$ P#bli$her$ ZA#$tralia[ Pty( 3t"(
3e1el 46! 5=4 EliBabeth ,treet
,y"ey! N,W5===! A#$tralia
Har-erColli$ Caa"a
5 +loor ,treet Ea$t E 5=th 0loor
Toroto! ON! M7W! 4A;! Caa"a
New Teala"
Har-erColli$ P#bli$her$ New Teala"
>it D! 96 A-ollo Dri1e
Ro$e"ale =965
A#c'la"! New Teala"
>ite" Hi."om
Har-erColli$ P#bli$her$ 3t"(
::E;8 0#lhamPalace Roa"
3o"o! W9 ;*+! >H
>ite" ,tate$
Har-erColli$ P#bli$her$ Ic(
4<8 +roa"way
New 2or'! N2 4===:

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