1 Martin Lander - Globally Conscious Engineer: Project
1 Martin Lander - Globally Conscious Engineer: Project
1 Martin Lander - Globally Conscious Engineer: Project
Using the design tools available to you plan your project using a design model (eg Pahl
and Beitz, MAE) to fully investigate the brief and develop a solution to the problem. This is
to help develop your Global Awareness in Engineering and to help defining the problem.
1. Investigate and define a problem and identify constraints including environmental and
sustainability limitations, health and safety and risk assessment issues [IMechE_D1].
2. Understand customer and user needs and the importance of considerations such as
aesthetics [D2], and cost drivers [D3].
3. Use creativity to establish innovative solutions [D4] and consider stages of the design
process and organise ideas to evaluate outcomes [D6].
4. Ensure fitness for purpose for all aspects of the problem including production, operation,
maintenance and disposal [D5].
5. Apply appropriate codes of practice and industry standards [P6].
Globally conscious engineering
Produce plans for an innovative irrigation system that will bring water
from a nearby pond or river to water your vegetable garden
(Horenstein 2010: 84). It must operable by an 8 year old and allow
villagers that cannot access a clean water supply the opportunity to
water their crops. It should give a flow of 0.1l per minute per sq.
metre of crops that are being grown. It must have the option to switch
it off should the crops begin to become saturated. It must be protected as much as
possible from vandalism.
The device must be manual mechanical not use electronics in the form of solar
panels as they are a target for thieves. Plastic parts are also preferred for this
reason as steel has a high resale value.
Where possible it should use freely available plumbing components that may be
available locally.
It should require minimal servicing and have easily repairable parts.
Martin Lander
Project Title Resit CW2 - Group Project Globally Conscious Engineer
- ( )
- 50% of Module Mark
- late submissions will receive a mark of 0%.
Martin Lander 14 Resit Project Globally Conscious Engineer
Fundamental engineering science underpins this project. Consider your engineering
science in regards to beam bending and shear stress diagrams and calculations to
consider if certain materials will withstand a certain load. Think of the items youve been
drawing for your portfolio. Also calculate forces involved in the system so you know if any
of the equipment youve considered in your concept will fail.
You should research similar systems that work in the same way, and if you think theres
nothing in the world that will do the job, think again. The IPhone did not exist at some
point, but that is nothing more than a new combination of old ideas. Microchips have been
around since we put a man on the moon. Google will not provide you with an answer.
You must show evidence and use Pugh to show you have developed your chosen concept
(a concept is not a final design) provide detail to produce a viable solution. You should
define exactly which mechanical components and fastenings will be used (recommended).
You should structure your project correctly using the MAE Report Writing Guide on
Moodle. You should plan the project using the MAE Design Model, also on Moodle.
Follow the L1 sections to help guide you through the process. Marks will be lost for not
using the model. The submission requirements are laid out below and which section of the
MAE Design Model they fit into.
Watch this video for more details on Plan Timor Leste. Actually, its unrelated but this
exceptional young lad made this from scrap look what he can do!!
Horenstein, M. N. (2010) Design Concepts for Engineers. 3
edn. London: Prentice
- All drawings are to be drawn on A3, you will need to find university facilities that
allow you to scan this size into your document. Use Adobe Acrobat to collate them.
- All drawings to use BS8888 technical drawing standard.
As part of the final drawing package, as a minimum I would expect to see;
One isometric assembly drawing (with annotations).
One orthographic assembly drawing (with annotations of finishes, movements assembly
dimensions etc).
All concept drawings should be in isometric. You can use CAD if you wish, however you
must allow yourself the time to model the product as well, so it wont necessarily be easier
or quicker to use CAD. You are not constrained to using CATIA, you may use any CAD
package youre comfortable with, Google Sketchup or Autodesk Inventor ar e
Martin Lander 14 Resit Project Globally Conscious Engineer
Work hard.
2D drawings could include a suitable, necessary detail drawing ( ie, not just one for
the sake of trying to obtain more marks, it has to be there for a reason).
Use correct lines and linetypes.
Dimensioned efficiently and thoughtfully (find examples in library to learn from).
Submission (Online submission)
1000 word report minimum (wordcount excl. references, figures and charts)
Model Stage
(The areas highlighted in the Rubric would be an excellent way of structuring
your report into sub-chapters within the overall structure of the report.
Planning Gantt Chart.
Clarification Market/Literature review. Examples of contributing technology.
Understand system and calculations of forces involved eg. using FBDs
Concept Constraints and Criteria.
Three unique concepts.
Pugh Matrix.
Selected concept and justification.
Embodiment Concept development to refinement.
Detail Drawing package of final design to manufacturable quality and BS8888.
(Google Sketchup may be used).
Discussion of final design including aesthetics, materials and ease of
functionality ~300 words.