Memorandum: Articles Association

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Memorandum and

Articles of Association
New Company Limited
No. 12345678
Incorporated: 01/10/2007

The Companies Acts 1985 to 2006
""!RAN$(" !) A&&!CIATI!N !)
1. Te !o"pan#$s na"e is Ne% !o"pan# &i"ited
2. Te !o"pan#$s 'e(istered )ffice is to *e sit+ated in ,n(land and -ales.
3. Te !o"pan#$s o*.ects are:/
0a1 To carr# on *+siness as a (eneral co""ercial co"pan#.
0*1 To carr# on an# oter *+siness %ic in te opinion of te !o"pan#2 "a# *e
capa*le of *ein( con3enientl# or profita*l# carried on in connection %it or
s+*sidiar# to an# oter *+siness of te !o"pan# and is calc+lated to enance te
3al+e of te !o"pan#$s propert#.
0c1 To p+rcase or *# an# oter "eans ac4+ire freeold2 leaseold or an# oter propert#
for an# estate or interest %ate3er2 "o3a*le or i""o3a*le or an# interest in s+c
propert#2 and to sell2 lease2 let on ire2 de3elop s+c propert#2 or oter%ise t+rn te
sa"e to te ad3anta(e of te !o"pan#.
0d1 To appl# for2 re(ister or *# oter "eans ac4+ire an# patents2 patent ri(ts2 *re3ets
d$in3ention2 licences2 trade"ar5s2 concessions and in3entions and to +se and t+rn to
acco+nt te sa"e or to de3elop2 sell or assi(n te sa"e or (rant licences or pri3ile(es
in respect tereof or oter%ise t+rn te sa"e to te ad3anta(e of te !o"pan#.
0e1 To *+ild2 reconstr+ct or (enerall# "aintain *+ildin(s and %or5s of all 5inds2 %eter
or not tese are sit+ate on te propert# of te !o"pan#.
0f1 To in3est and deal %it te "onies of te !o"pan# in s+c sares or +pon s+c
sec+rities and in s+c "anner as fro" ti"e to ti"e "a# *e deter"ined.
0(1 To enter into arran(e"ents for .oint %or5in(s in *+siness or a"al(a"ate %it or
enter into an# partnersip or arran(e"ent for sarin( profits2 +nion of interests2
reciprocal concession or co/operation %it an# co"pan#2 fir" or person carr#in( on
or proposin( to carr# on an# *+siness %itin te o*.ects of tis !o"pan# or %ic is
capa*le of *ein( carried on so as directl# or indirectl# to *enefit te !o"pan#.
01 To p+rcase or oter%ise ac4+ire2 ta5e o3er and +nderta5e all or an# part of te
*+siness2 propert#2 lia*ilities and transactions of an# person2 fir" or co"pan#
carr#in( on an# *+siness te carr#in( on of %ic is calc+lated to *enefit tis
!o"pan# or to ad3ance its interests2 or possessed of propert# s+ita*le for te
p+rposes of te !o"pan#.
0i1 To sell2 i"pro3e2 "ana(e2 de3elop2 t+rn to acco+nt2 let on rent or ro#alt# or sare of
profits or oter%ise2 (rant licences or ease"ents or oter ri(ts in or o3er2 or in an#
oter "anner deal %it or dispose of te +nderta5in( and all or an# of te propert#
and assets for te ti"e *ein( of te !o"pan# for s+c consideration as te !o"pan#
"a# tin5 fit.
0.1 To s+*scri*e for2 ta5e2 p+rcase or oter%ise ac4+ire eiter for cas2 sares or
de*ent+res in tis !o"pan# or an# oter consideration an# oter co"pan# or *+siness
%ic2 in te opinion of te !o"pan#2 "a# *e carried on so as directl# or indirectl#
to *enefit te !o"pan#.
051 To sell or oter%ise dispose of te %ole or an# part of te *+siness or propert# of
te !o"pan# for an# consideration2 sares or de*ent+res as te !o"pan# "a# tin5
0l1 To lend and ad3ance "one# or (i3e credit on an# ter"s and %it or %ito+t sec+rit#
to an# co"pan#2 fir" or person 0incl+din( %ito+t pre.+dice to te (eneralit# of te
fore(oin( an# oldin( co"pan#2 s+*sidiar# or fello% s+*sidiar# of2 or an# oter
co"pan# associated in an# %a# %it2 te !o"pan#12 to enter into (+arantees2
contracts of inde"nit# and s+ret#sips of all 5inds2 to recei3e "one# on deposit or
loan +pon an# ter"s2 and to sec+re or (+arantee in an# "anner and +pon an# ter"s
te pa#"ent of an# s+" of "one# or te perfor"ance of an# o*li(ation *# an#
co"pan#2 fir" or person 0incl+din( %ito+t pre.+dice to te (eneralit# of te
fore(oin( an# s+c oldin( co"pan#2 s+*sidiar#2 fello% s+*sidiar# or associated
co"pan# as aforesaid1.
0"1 To *orro% or raise "one# in an# "anner and to sec+re te repa#"ent of an# "one#
*orro%ed raised2 or o%in( *# "ort(a(e2 car(e2 standard sec+rit#2 lien or oter
sec+rit# +pon te %ole or an# part of te !o"pan#$s propert# or assets 0%eter
present or f+t+re12 incl+din( its +ncalled capital and also *# a si"ilar "ort(a(e2
car(e2 standard sec+rit#2 lien or sec+rit# to sec+re and (+arantee te perfor"ance
*# te !o"pan# of an# o*li(ation or lia*ilit# it "a# +nderta5e or %ic "a# *eco"e
*indin( on it.
0n1 To dra%2 "a5e2 accept2 endorse2 disco+nt2 ne(otiate2 e6ec+te and iss+e ce4+es2
*ills of e6can(e2 pro"issor# notes2 *ills of ladin(2 %arrants2 de*ent+res and oter
ne(otia*le or transfera*le instr+"ents.
0o1 To appl# for2 pro"ote2 and o*tain an# Act of 7arlia"ent2 order2 or licence of te
8epart"ent of Trade or oter a+torit# for ena*lin( te !o"pan# to carr# an# of its
o*.ects into effect2 or for effectin( an# "odification of te !o"pan#$s constit+tion2
or for an# oter p+rpose %ic "a# see" calc+lated directl# or indirectl# to pro"ote
te !o"pan#$s interests2 and to oppose an# proceedin(s or applications %ic "a#
see" calc+lated directl# or indirectl# to pre.+dice te !o"pan#$s interests.
0p1 To s+pport and s+*scri*e to an# f+nds and to s+*scri*e to or assist in te pro"otion
of an# carita*le2 *ene3olent or p+*lic p+rpose or o*.ect for te *enefit of te
!o"pan# or its e"plo#ees2 directors or oter officers past or present and to (rant
pensions to s+c persons or teir dependants.
041 To distri*+te a"on( te "e"*ers of te !o"pan# in 5ind an# propert# of te
!o"pan# of %ate3er nat+re.
0r1 To pa# all or an# e6penses in connection %it te pro"otion2 for"ation and
incorporation of te !o"pan#2 or to contract %it an# co"pan#2 fir" or person to
pa# te sa"e2 and to pa# co""ission to *ro5ers and oters for +nder%ritin(2 placin(2
sellin(2 or (+aranteein( te s+*scription of an# sares or oter sec+rities of te
0s1 To do all s+c oter tin(s as "a# *e dee"ed incidental or cond+ci3e to te
attain"ent of te !o"pan#$s o*.ects or an# of te".
0t1 9+*.ect to2 and al%a#s in co"pliance %it2 te pro3isions of sections 155 to 158
0incl+si3e1 of te Act 0if and so far as s+c pro3isions sall *e applica*le12 to (i3e2
%eter directl# or indirectl#2 an# 5ind of financial assistance 0as defined in section
1520110a1 of te Act1 for an# s+c p+rpose as is specified in 9ection 151 011 and/or
9ection 151021 of te Act.
None of te o*.ects set fort in an# s+*/cla+se of tis !la+se sall *e restricti3el#
constr+ed *+t te %idest interpretation sall *e (i3en to eac s+c o*.ect2 and none
of s+c o*.ects sall2 e6cept %ere te conte6t e6pressl# so re4+ires2 *e in an# %a#
li"ited or restricted *# reference to or inference fro" an# oter o*.ect or o*.ects set
fort in an# s+c s+*/cla+se or *# reference to or inference fro" te ter"s of an#
oter s+*/cla+se of tis !la+se2 or *# reference to or inference fro" te na"e of te
4. Te lia*ilit# of te :e"*ers is li"ited.
5. Te !o"pan#$s sare capital is ;12000 di3ided into:
1000 )rdinar# sares of ;1eac
-e2 te s+*scri*ers to tis :e"orand+" of Association2 %is to *e for"ed into a !o"pan#
p+rs+ant to tis :e"orand+"< and %e a(ree to ta5e te n+"*er of 9ares so%n opposite o+r
respecti3e na"e.
Name and Add+ess o, & N-m.e+ o, !+dina+y sha+es
ta1en .y
)+ed %2o33s
41 Cha2ton &t+eet
Nw1 15$
8ated: 02 =+l# 2014
The Companies Acts 1985 to 2006
1. 0a1 9+*.ect as ereinafter pro3ided te 'e(+lations contained in Ta*le A in Te
!o"panies 0Ta*le A to >1 'e(+lations 1?85 0@Ta*le A@1 as a"ended *# Te !o"panies
0Ta*les A to >1 0A"end"ent1 'e(+lations 2007 and f+rter a"ended *# Te
!o"panies 0Ta*les A to >1 0No. 21 0A"end"ent1 'e(+lations 2007 sall appl# to te
0*1 In tese Articles te e6pression @te Act@ "eans te !o"panies Act 1?852incl+din(
an# stat+tor# "odification or re/enact"ent tereof for te ti"e *ein( in force and
an# pro3isions of te !o"panies Act 2006 for te ti"e *ein( in force.
2. 'e(+lations 8224235241246248264267 and ?4 to ?7 incl+si3e of Ta*le A sall not appl# to te
3. Te !o"pan# is a pri3ate co"pan# and accordin(l# no offer or in3itation sall *e "ade to te
p+*lic 0%eter for cas or oter%ise1 to s+*scri*e for an# sares in or de*ent+res of te
!o"pan# nor sall te !o"pan# allot or a(ree to allot 0%eter for cas or oter%ise1 an#
sares in or de*ent+res of te !o"pan# %it a 3ie% to all or an# of tose sares or
de*ent+res *ein( offered for sale to te p+*lic.
4. 0a1 9+*.ect to Article 5 *elo% all +niss+ed sares %ic are co"prised in te a+torised
sare capital %it %ic te !o"pan# is incorporated sall *e +nder te control of
te directors and for te p+rposes of 9ection 80 of te Act te directors are
+nconditionall# a+torised to e6ercise te po%er of te !o"pan# to allot sares
(rant options o3er or oter%ise dispose of te sa"e to s+c persons and on s+c
ter"s as te# tin5 fit at an# ti"e or ti"es d+rin( te period of fi3e #ears fro" te
date of incorporation and te directors "a# after tat period allot an# sares or
(rant an# s+c ri(ts +nder tis a+torit# in p+rs+ance of an offer or a(ree"ent
"ade *# te !o"pan# %itin tat period.
0*1 Te a+torit# (i3en a*o3e "a# *e rene%ed re3o5ed or 3aried *# ordinar# resol+tion
of te !o"pan# in (eneral "eetin(.
0c1 9+*.ect to !apter AII of 7art A of te Act2 and to te 'e(+lations of te !o"pan#2
te !o"pan# "a# p+rcase its o%n sares 0incl+din( redee"a*le sares1 %eter
o+t of distri*+ta*le profits or te proceeds of a fres iss+e of sares or oter%ise.
0d1 9+*.ect to !apter AII of 7art A of te Act2 an# sares "a#2 %it te sanction of an
)rdinar# resol+tion2 *e iss+ed on te ter"s tat te# are2 at te option of te
!o"pan# or te sareolder2 lia*le to *e redee"ed on s+c ter"s and in s+c
"anner as te !o"pan# *efore te iss+e of te sares *# 9pecial resol+tion
deter"ine2 and %eter o+t of distri*+ta*le profits or te proceeds of a fres iss+e
of sares or oter%ise.
0e1 9+*.ect to !apter AI of 7art A of te Act2 te !o"pan# "a# (i3e financial assistance
for te p+rpose of or in connection %it an# ac4+isition of sares "ade or to *e "ade
in te !o"pan# or its Boldin( !o"pan#.
5. 0a1 In accordance %it 9ection ?1011 of te Act2 9ections 8?011 and ?0011 to 061 0incl+si3e1
of te Act sall not appl# to te !o"pan#.
0*1 All +niss+ed sares %ic are not co"prised in te a+torised sare capital of te
!o"pan# %it %ic te !o"pan# is incorporated sall *e offered to te "e"*ers in
proportion as nearl# as "a# *e to te n+"*er of te e6istin( sares eld *# te"
respecti3el# +nless te !o"pan# in (eneral "eetin( sall *# special resol+tion
oter%ise direct. 9+c offer sall *e "ade *# %ritten notice specif#in( te n+"*er of
sares offered and a period 0not *ein( less tan 14 da#s1 %itin %ic te offer if not
accepted %ill *e dee"ed to *e declined. After te e6piration of tis period or2 if
earlier2 on receipt of notice of non/acceptance2 tose sares so declined sall *e
offered to te "e"*ers %o a3e %itin te said period accepted all te sares
offered to te" in te proportion aforesaid in li5e ter"s in te sa"e "anner and
li"ited *# a li5e period as te ori(inal offer. Te directors "a# in accordance %it
te pro3isions of tis Article allot (rant options o3er or oter%ise dispose of s+c
sares not accepted p+rs+ant to s+c offers to(eter %it an# sares not capa*le of
*ein( offered aforesaid e6cept *# %a# of fractions to s+c persons on s+c ter"s as
te# tin5 fit pro3ided tat s+c sares sall not *e disposed of on s+c ter"s %ic
are "ore fa3o+ra*le to te s+*scri*ers terefor tan te ter"s on %ic te# %ere
offered to te "e"*ers. Te pro3isions of tis Article sall *e s+*.ect to 9ection 80
of te Act.
6. Te !o"pan# sall a3e a first and para"o+nt lien on e3er# sare 0%eter or not it is a f+ll#
paid sare1 for all "one#s 0%eter presentl# pa#a*le or not1 called or pa#a*le at te fi6ed
ti"e in respect of tat sare and te !o"pan# sall also a3e a first and para"o+nt lien on
all sares 0%eter or not it is a f+ll# paid sare1 re(istered in te na"e of an# "e"*er
%eter solel# or one of t%o or "ore .oint olders for all s+c "one#s presentl# pa#a*le *#
i" or is estate to te !o"pan#. Bo%e3er te directors "a# at an# ti"e declare an# sare
to *e %oll# or in part e6e"pt fro" te pro3isions of tis Article. Te !o"pan#$s lien on a
sare sall e6tend to all di3idends pa#a*le tereon.
TRAN&)R !) &'AR&
7. 0a1 No sare or *eneficial o%nersip of a sare sall *e transferred 0oter%ise tan to
te !o"pan# s+*.ect to Article 4 of te !o"pan#1 +ntil te ri(ts of pre/e"ption
ereinafter conferred a3e *een e6a+sted. An# o*li(ation to transfer a sare
p+rs+ant to tis Article is an o*li(ation to transfer te entire le(al and *eneficial
interest in s+c sare.
0*1 A "e"*er %o intends to transfer an# sare or an# interest terein 0incl+din( for tis
p+rpose te assi(n"ent of te *eneficial interest in2 or te creation of an# car(e or
oter sec+rit# interest o3er2 s+c sare or te ren+nciation or assi(n"ent of an# ri(t
to recei3e or s+*scri*e for s+c sare1 0@te 9eller@1 sall (i3e notice 0@te Transfer
Notice@1 to te directors of is intention and te partic+lars of te sares 0@te
Transfer 9ares@1 to(eter %it te price per sare at %ic e is %illin( to sell 0@te
9pecified 7rice@1. A Transfer Notice once recei3ed *# te directors is irre3oca*le
+nless para(raps 0d1 or 01 appl#.
0c1 Te Transfer Notice sall constit+te te !o"pan# as a(ent of te 9eller for te sale
of te Transfer 9ares to te "e"*ers oter tan te 9eller 0@te )fferees@1 at te
9pecified 7rice sa3e tat if te directors do not accept tat te 9pecified 7rice
constit+tes a fair price te# sall instr+ct te A+ditors of te !o"pan# 0%o sall act
as e6perts and not as ar*itrators so tat an# pro3ision of la% or stat+te relatin( to
ar*itration sall not appl#1 to certif# in %ritin( 0@!ertificate of Aal+e@1 te 3al+e of
te Transfer 9ares as *et%een a %illin( seller and a %illin( *+#er. Te A+ditors$
decision on te 3al+e of te Transfer 9ares *et%een a %illin( seller and a %illin(
*+#er is %itin te A+ditors$ co"plete discretion and teir certification sall *e final
and *indin( on te "e"*ers. Te 9pecified 7rice in te Transfer Notice sall *e
s+*stit+ted *# te price in te !ertificate of Aal+e. Te !o"pan# +pon receipt of te
!ertificate of Aal+e sall fort%it f+rnis a cop# tereof to te 9eller. Te 9eller
sall *ear te cost of te 3al+ation.
0d1 If +pon receipt of te !ertificate of Aal+e te 9eller considers tat te price decided
+pon *# te A+ditors of te !o"pan# is not a reasona*le one e sall *e entitled to
re3o5e te Transfer Notice %itin 7 da#s of receipt of te !ertificate of Aal+e *#
%ritten notice to te directors 0@te >irst 'e3ocation 7eriod@1. Tereafter te
Transfer 9ares %ill not *e offered *# te directors to te )fferees or *# te 9eller to
an# oter person or persons +nless at a later date te 9eller ser3es anoter Transfer
Notice in respect of te Transfer 9ares in %ic e3ent all te pro3isions of tis
Article sall appl#.
0e1 If te 9eller as not re3o5ed te Transfer Notice +pon e6pir# of te >irst 'e3ocation
7eriod te price 0%eter *# reference to te 9pecified 7rice or te !ertificate of
Aal+e1 sall *e fi6ed in te Transfer Notice as te final price 0@te >inal 7rice@1 and
te directors sall *# notice in %ritin( 0@te )ffer Notice@1 infor" te )fferees of te
n+"*er and price of te Transfer 9ares and sall in3ite te )fferees to appl# in
%ritin( to te !o"pan#2 %itin 21 da#s of te date of despatc of te )ffer Notice
0%ic date "+st *e stated terein12 for a "a6i"+" n+"*er of te Transfer 9ares.
0f1 If s+c )fferees %itin te period of 21 da#s stated in te )ffer Notice appl# for all
or an# of te Transfer 9ares te directors %ill allocate te Transfer 9ares applied
for to te applicant )fferees in s+c proportions 0or as nearl# as "a# *e and %ito+t
increasin( te n+"*er sold to an )fferee *e#ond te n+"*er applied for *# i"1 as
teir e6istin( oldin(s *ear to te total of te oldin(s of te applicant )fferees. Te
Transfer 9ares not capa*le of *ein( allocated %ito+t in3ol3in( fractions sall *e
allocated to te applicant )fferees in s+c proportion as te directors tin5 fit. An#
o+tstandin( Transfer 9ares "a# ten *e allocated in s+c "anner as te directors
tin5 fit to tose )fferees %o applied for s+c Transfer 9ares pro3ided no )fferee
sall *e allocated sares in e6cess of te n+"*er of sares applied for *# i".
0(1 If +pon e6pir# of te 21 da# period specified in te )ffer Notice te directors sall
a3e recei3ed applications for so"e *+t not all of te re"ainin( Transfer 9ares te
directors "a# no"inate %itin 14 da#s fro" te e6pir# of te )ffer Notice a person
or persons %ic "a# 0s+*.ect to te Act1 *e te !o"pan# to %o" te Transfer
9ares not applied for %ill *e allocated. Te directors sall (i3e notice in %ritin(
0te @Allocation Notice@1 of s+c allocations p+rs+ant to para(rap 0f1 and tis
para(rap to te 9eller and to te persons to %o" te Transfer 9ares a3e *een
allocated. Te Allocation Notice "+st specif# te date of despatc of te Allocation
Notice2 te na"e and address of te persons to %o" te allocations a3e *een
"ade2 te price and "etod of pa#"ent and n+"*er of Transfer 9ares to *e
allocated and te place and ti"e for co"pletion 0%ic sall *e 21 da#s fro" te
date of despatc1 and tat te Allocation Notice is s+*.ect to te 9eller$s ri(t of
re3ocation p+rs+ant to para(rap 01.

01 Te 9eller "a# re3o5e te Transfer Notice if after ser3ice of te Allocation Notice not
all te Transfer 9ares a3e *een ta5en +p. Notice "+st *e (i3en in %ritin( *# te
9eller to te !o"pan# %itin 14 da#s of te date of te Allocation Notice 0te
@9econd 'e3ocation 7eriod@1.
0i1 If te 9eller as not re3o5ed te Transfer Notice +pon e6pir# of te 9econd
'e3ocation 7eriod te 9eller sall *e *o+nd +pon pa#"ent of te p+rcase price d+e
in respect tereof to transfer te sares co"prised in te Allocation Notice to te
person or persons 0%ic "a# *e te !o"pan# s+*.ect to te Act1 na"ed terein on
te da# and at te ti"e specified terein.
0.1 In te e3ent tat te 9eller fails or ref+ses to transfer te Transfer 9ares a3in(
*eco"e *o+nd so to do te !o"pan# "a# recei3e te p+rcase price in tr+st for te
9eller and "a# a+torise so"e person to e6ec+te a transfer of te Transfer 9ares in
fa3o+r of te p+rcasers.
051 8+rin( te 3 "onts follo%in( te e6pir# of 56 da#s fro" te date of te )ffer Notice
te 9eller "a# 0s+*.ect ne3erteless to te pro3isions of para(rap 0l11 transfer to
an# person and at an# price *+t not less tan te >inal 7rice fi6ed in te Transfer
Notice an# of te sares co"prised terein not incl+ded in te Allocation Notice or
all *+t not part of te Transfer 9ares co"prised in te Transfer Notice if te 9eller
as re3o5ed te Transfer Notice +nder para(rap 01.
0l1 Te directors "a# in teir a*sol+te discretion and %ito+t assi(nin( an# reason
terefor decline to re(ister te transfer of a sare %eter or not it is a f+ll# paid
8. 0a1 In e3er# notice con3enin( a (eneral "eetin( of te !o"pan# tere sall appear a
state"ent tat a "e"*er entitled to attend and 3ote is entitled to appoint a pro6#
and te pro6# need not *e a "e"*er of te !o"pan# and 'e(+lation 38 of Ta*le A
sall *e "odified accordin(l#.
0*1 7ro6ies "a# *e deposited at te 'e(istered )ffice of te !o"pan# at an# ti"e
*efore te ti"e of te "eetin( for %ic te# are to *e +sed +nless oter%ise
specified in te notice con3enin( te "eetin(. Te 8irectors at teir discretion
treat an electronic co""+nication appointin( a pro6# as a pro6# for te p+rposes of
te Article. 'e(+lation 62 of Ta*le A sall *e "odified accordin(l#.
?. 0a1 If te 4+or+" prescri*ed *# 'e(+lation 40 of Ta*le A is not present %itin 30 "in+tes
fro" te ti"e appointed for te "eetin(2 te "eetin( sall stand ad.o+rned to te
sa"e da# in te ne6t %ee5 at te sa"e ti"e and place or s+c ti"e and place as te
directors "a# deter"ine.
0*1 If at te ad.o+rned "eetin( a 4+or+" is not present %itin 30 "in+tes of te ti"e
appointed for te "eetin( one person entitled +nder 'e(+lation 40 of Ta*le A to *e
co+nted in a 4+or+" present at te "eetin( sall constit+te a 4+or+".
10. 0a1 A resol+tion p+t to te 3ote of a "eetin( sall *e decided on a so% of ands +nless
*efore or on te declaration of te res+lt of te so% of ands a poll is d+l#
0*1 A poll "a# *e de"anded *# te cair"an or *# a "e"*er 0present in person or *#
pro6#1 a3in( te ri(t to attend and 3ote at te "eetin(.
0c1 Te de"and for a poll "a# *efore te poll is ta5en *e %itdra%n.
0d1 A de"and so %itdra%n sall not *e ta5en to a3e in3alidated te res+lt of a 3ote on
a so% of ands declared *efore te de"and %as "ade.
11. A 'esol+tion in %ritin( si(ned or appro3ed *# letter2 tele62 facsi"ile trans"ission or ca*le or
*# an# oter electronic co""+nication *# te eli(i*le "e"*ers of te !o"pan# in
accordance %it 9ection 282 and 9ection 283 of te !o"panies Act 20062 %o %o+ld a3e
*een entitled to 3ote +pon it if it ad *een d+l# proposed at a Ceneral :eetin( or at a
"eetin( of an# class of "e"*ers of te !o"pan#2 or *# teir d+l# appointed attorne#s2 sall
*e as 3alid and effect+al as if it ad *een passed at a Ceneral :eetin( or at s+c a class
"eetin( of te !o"pan# 0as te case "a# *e1 d+l# con3ened and eld. An# s+c resol+tion
"a# consist of se3eral doc+"ents in te li5e for" eac si(ned *# one or "ore of te
"e"*ers or teir attorne#s 0or in te case of a "e"*er %ic is a *od# corporate2 *# a
director tereof or *# a d+l# appointed representati3e1.
12. 0a1 If and for so lon( as te !o"pan# as onl# one "e"*er and tat "e"*er ta5es an#
decision %ic is re4+ired to *e ta5en in (eneral "eetin( or *# "eans of a %ritten
resol+tion2 tat decision sall *e as 3alid and effect+al as if a(reed *# te !o"pan#
in (eneral "eetin( sa3e tat tis para(rap sall not appl# to resol+tions passed
p+rs+ant to ss303 and 3?1 of te !o"panies Act 1?85.
0*1 An# decision ta5en *# a sole "e"*er p+rs+ant to para 0a1 a*o3e sall *e recorded in
%ritin( and deli3ered *# tat "e"*er to te !o"pan# for entr# in te !o"pan#$s
"in+te *oo5.
V!T& !) ""%R&
13. Te %ords @or *# pro6#@ sall *e inserted after te %ord @person@ in re(+lation 54 of Ta*le A.
14. Te %ords @Dnless te directors deter"ine oter%ise@ sall *e inserted at te co""ence"ent
of 'e(+lation 57 of Ta*le A.
15. Te %ords @30 "in+tes@ sall *e s+*stit+ted for @48 o+rs@ in 'e(+lation 620a1 of Ta*le A and
for @24 o+rs@ in 'e(+lation 620*1 of Ta*le A.
16. Te first director or directors of te !o"pan# sall *e te person or persons na"ed in te
state"ent deli3ered +nder 9ection 10 of te Act.
17. Dnless and +ntil oter%ise deter"ined *# te !o"pan# in (eneral "eetin( tere sall *e no
"a6i"+" n+"*er of directors and te "ini"+" n+"*er of directors sall *e one.
-ensoe3er tere sall *e a sole director s+c director "a# e6ercise all te po%ers
discretions and a+torities 3ested in te directors *# tese Articles and *# Ta*le A. Te %ords
@and +nless so fi6ed at an# oter n+"*er sall *e t%o@ sall *e o"itted fro" 'e(+lation 8? of
Ta*le A.
18. In an# case %ere as a res+lt of te deat of a sole "e"*er of te !o"pan# te !o"pan# as
no "e"*ers and no 8irectors te personal representati3es of s+c deceased "e"*er sall
a3e te ri(t *# notice in %ritin( to appoint a person to *e a 8irector of te !o"pan# and
s+c appoint"ent sall *e as effecti3e as if "ade *# an# "eans allo%ed +nder tese Articles
of Association for te appoint"ent of 8irectors.
1?. Te directors "a# e6ercise all te po%ers of te !o"pan# to *orro% %ito+t li"it as to
a"o+nt and +pon s+c ter"s and in s+c "anner as te# tin5 fit and s+*.ect 0in te case of
an# sec+rit# con3erti*le into sares1 to 9ection 80 of te Act to (rant an# "ort(a(e car(e or
standard sec+rit# o3er its +nderta5in( propert# and +ncalled capital or an# part tereof and
to iss+e de*ent+res de*ent+re stoc5 or an# oter sec+rities %eter o+tri(t or as sec+rit#
for an# de*t lia*ilit# or o*li(ation of te !o"pan# or of an# tird part#.
20. Te %ords @and "a# also deter"ine te rotation in %ic an# additional directors are to
retire@ sall *e o"itted fro" 'e(+lation 78 of Ta*le A.
21. A director %o is in an# %a# eiter directl# or indirectl# interested in an# contract
transaction or arran(e"ent 0%eter act+al or proposed1 %it te !o"pan# or in %ic te
!o"pan# is oter%ise interested sall declare te nat+re of is interest at a "eetin( of te
directors in accordance %it 9ection 317 of te Act. 9+*.ect to s+c disclos+re a director
sall *e entitled to 3ote in respect of an# s+c contract transaction or arran(e"ent 0%eter
act+al or proposed1 in %ic e is interested and %eter or not e 3otes e sall *e co+nted
in rec5onin( %eter a 4+or+" is present or not.
22. 0a1 An# notice or oter doc+"ent "a# *e ser3ed on or deli3ered to an# :e"*er of te
!o"pan# eiter<
0i1 personall#2 or
0ii1 *# sendin( it *# post addressed to te :e"*er at is re(istered address2 or
0iii1 *# an# for" of electronic co""+nication2 or
0i31 *# lea3in( it at te :e"*er$s re(istered address2 or
031 *# an# oter "eans instr+cted in %ritin( *# te "e"*er concerned and a(reed *# te
In te case of .oint olders of a sare2 ser3ice or deli3er# of an# notice or oter
doc+"ent on or to one of te .oint olders sall for all p+rposes *e dee"ed a
s+fficient ser3ice on or deli3er# to all te .oint olders. 'e(+lation 112 of Ta*le A
sall *e "odified accordin(l#.
0*1 An# notice or oter doc+"ent2 %ic is sent *# post2 sall *e dee"ed to a3e *een
ser3ed or deli3ered 24 o+rs after postin( and2 in pro3in( s+c ser3ice or deli3er#2 it
sall *e s+fficient to pro3e tat te notice or doc+"ent %as properl# addressed2
sta"ped and p+t in te post. An# notice or oter doc+"ent left at a re(istered
office oter%ise tan *# post or sent *# electronic co""+nication2 sall *e dee"ed
to a3e *een ser3ed or deli3ered %en it %as left or sent. 7roof tat a notice
contained in an electronic co""+nication %as sent in accordance %it (+idance
iss+ed *# te Instit+te of !artered 9ecretaries and Ad"inistrators sall *e concl+si3e
e3idence tat te notice %as (i3en. 'e(+lation 115 of Ta*le A sall *e "odified
T' &AL
23. Te !o"pan# "a# a3e a 9eal if it so %ises. If te !o"pan# as a 9eal te 8irectors "a#
deter"ine %o sall si(n an# instr+"ent to %ic te 9eal is affi6ed and +nless oter%ise so
deter"ined it sall *e si(ned *# a 8irector and te 9ecretar# or *# a second 8irector. Te
o*li(ation +nder 'e(+lation 6 of Ta*le A relatin( to te sealin( of sare certificates sall
appl# onl# if te !o"pan# as a 9eal.
24. In addition to te inde"nit# conferred *# 'e(+lation 118 of Ta*le A and s+*.ect to te
pro3isions of te Act e3er# s+c person as is "entioned in te said 'e(+lation sall *e
entitled to *e inde"nified o+t of te assets of te !o"pan# a(ainst all e6penses losses or
lia*ilities inc+rred *# i" as a(ent of te !o"pan# or for te !o"pan#$s *enefit or
intended *enefit or in or a*o+t te discar(e or intended discar(e of is d+ties in relation
to te !o"pan#.
NA" AN$ A$$R&& !) &(%&CRI%R/&0
)+ed %2o33s
41 Cha2ton &t+eet
N*1 15$
8ated: 02 =+l# 2014

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