O M Agreement

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O&M Agreement Template


made and entered into as of _[Date] by and beteen ! [Legal name, form and
country of RET Project Owner] ("Oner")" and ! [Legal name, form and country of
O&M firm] ("O#erator")$
'(EREA&" Oner ons a !! [Decri!tion of RET Project] " ["ame of
Project] ()Pro*e+t,) and desires to +ontra+t for o#eration" maintenan+e and management
of the Pro*e+t"
'(EREA&" O#erator #ro-ides o#eration" maintenan+e and management ser-i+es
for [RET ty!e] generation fa+i.ities and has agreed to #ro-ide those ser-i+es for the
Por*e+t on the terms and +onditions set forth in this Agreement"
NO' T(ERE/ORE" in +onsideration of the m0t0a. +o-enants" 0nderta1ings and
+onditions set forth be.o" the re+ei#t and s0ffi+ien+y of hi+h are hereby a+1no.edged"
the #arties hereby agree as fo..os2
&e+tion 3$3 4 Agreement$ This Agreement +onsists of the terms and +onditions set
forth in the se+tions +a#tioned by n0mbered arti+.e designations ()Arti+.es,) and the
fo..oing a##endi+es" hi+h are in+or#orated and made #art this Agreement by this
referen+e and are in+.0ded in any referen+e to this Agreement$
A##endi5 A 4 &+o#e of &er-i+es
A##endi5 6 4 Com#ensation
A##endi5 C 4 Comm0ni+ation Proto+o.s
If the terms and +onditions of the Arti+.es of this Agreement -ary or are in+onsistent ith
any #ortion of the A##endi+es" the terms of the Arti+.es this Agreement sha.. +ontro. and
be gi-en #riority" and the #ro-isions of the A##endi+es sha.. be s0b*e+t to the terms of the
Arti+.es$ This Agreement +ontains the entire agreement beteen the #arties and
s0#ersedes a.. #rior agreements" hether ora. or ritten" beteen the #arties ith res#e+t
to the s0b*e+t matter of this Agreement$ Neither #arty i.. be bo0nd by or be deemed to
ha-e made any re#resentations" arranties" +ommitments or other 0nderta1ings ith
res#e+t to the s0b*e+t matter of this Agreement that are not +ontained in this Agreement$
&e+tion 3$7 4 Effective Date and Term. This Agreement sha.. be effe+ti-e and
sha.. go-ern the rights and ob.igations of the #arties from and after the date of this
Agreement for a #eriod of [Define term of #greement in a!!ro!riate unit of time]
&e+tion 3$9 4 Relationship of The Parties$ O#erator has been retained by Oner
as an inde#endent +ontra+tor to o#erate" maintain and manage the Pro*e+t on beha.f of
Oner" in a++ordan+e ith Pr0dent :ti.ity Pra+ti+e and the re;0irements of the Pro*e+t
Agreements$ Oner has de.egated to O#erator o-era.. res#onsibi.ity for o#erating"
maintaining and managing the Pro*e+t to ens0re that the Pro*e+t is a-ai.ab.e to #rod0+e
e.e+tri+ energy for sa.e by Oner and meets a.. re;0irements 0nder the Pro*e+t
Agreements$ Neither O#erator nor any of its em#.oyees" s0b+ontra+tors or agents sha..
be deemed to ha-e any other stat0s" e5+e#t that O#erator is the agent of Oner to the
.imited e5tent that this Agreement e5#ress.y grants O#erator the a0thority to a+t on beha.f
of Oner$
&e+tion 3$< 4 Representatives$ Oner and O#erator sha.. ea+h designate a
re#resentati-e ("Designated Re#resentati-e") to a+t on its beha.f in o-erseeing the
#erforman+e of this Agreement$ Oner and O#erator may +hange their res#e+ti-e
Designated Re#resentati-es 0#on ritten noti+e to the other #arty gi-en as #ro-ided in
this Agreement$ Designated Re#resentati-es sha.. be the #rimary means for
+omm0ni+ation and a.. other intera+tions beteen Oner and O#erator that are re;0ired
0nder this Agreement$ Designated Re#resentati-es sha.. ha-e the #oer and a0thority to
bind their res#e+ti-e #rin+i#a.s 0nder the terms of this Agreement" ith any re;0ired
+or#orate a##ro-a.s ith res#e+t to s0+h a0thority being the res#onsibi.ity of ea+h
re#resentati-e to obtain from his or her #rin+i#a.$
&e+tion 7$3 4 Definitions$ :n.ess otherise re;0ired by the +onte5t in hi+h a
defined term a##ears" the fo..oing terms sha.. ha-e the meanings s#e+ified in this
Arti+.e 7$ Terms that are defined in other Arti+.es sha.. ha-e the meanings gi-en to them
in those Arti+.es$
"Ann0a. 60dget" has the meaning set forth in &e+tion =$7(a)$
"Ann0a. Pro*e+t O#erating P.an" has the meaning set forth in &e+tion =$7$
"Ann0a. O#erating /ee" means an ann0a. o#erating fee #aid to O#erator d0ring ea+h
Contra+t >ear as set forth in &e+tion ?$7$
"6an1r0#t+y" means a sit0ation in hi+h (i) a #arty@s a+tions 0nder a##.i+ab.e debtor
re.ief .as demonstrate an inabi.ity to #ay its debts as they mat0re or a need for
#rote+tion from its +reditorsA (ii) a +o0rt of +om#etent *0risdi+tion a##ro-es a #etition
fi.ed against a #arty" hi+h #etition
so0ght re.ief for the #arty@s +reditors" and the a+tion of the +o0rt remains in effe+t for an
aggregated #eriod of =B days (hether or not +onse+0ti-e)A (iii) a #arty admits in riting
its inabi.ity to #ay its debts as they mat0reA (i-) a #arty gi-es noti+e to any #erson or
entity of its +0rrent (or #ending) inso.-en+y or s0s#ension of o#erationsA or (-) a #arty
ma1es an assignment for the benefit of +reditors or ta1es other simi.ar a+tion for the
#rote+tion or benefit of its +reditors$
"60siness Day" means any day other than a &at0rday" &0nday or other day on hi+h
+ommer+ia. ban1s are a0thoriCed or re;0ired to +.ose in [$ountry of Project] $
"Contra+t >ear" means2 (i) for the first Contra+t >ear" that #eriod from the date of this
Agreement to and in+.0ding De+ember 93 of s0+h yearA and (ii) for ea+h Contra+t >ear
thereafter" the +a.endar year$
"/i-e4>ear 60dget" has the meaning set forth in &e+tion =$7(d)$
"/or+e Ma*e0re E-ent" means an e-ent" +ondition or +ir+0mstan+e beyond the reasonab.e
+ontro. of" and not d0e to the fa0.t or neg.igen+e of" the #arty affe+ted" and hi+h +o0.d
not ha-e been a-oided by d0e di.igen+e and 0se of reasonab.e efforts" hi+h #re-ents the
#erforman+e by s0+h affe+ted #arty of its ob.igations here0nderA #ro-ided" that a "/or+e
Ma*e0re E-ent" sha.. not be deemed to ha-e o++0rred or to be +ontin0ing 0n.ess the #arty
+.aiming /or+e Ma*e0re +om#.ies ith the re;0irements of &e+tion 3?$9 (Force Majeure)$
&0b*e+t to the foregoing" "/or+e Ma*e0re E-ent" sha.. in+.0de" as to either #arty"
e5#.osion and fire (in either +ase to the e5tent not attrib0tab.e to the neg.igen+e of the
affe+ted #arty)" f.ood" earth;0a1e" storm or other nat0ra. +a.amity or a+t of God" stri1e or
other .abor dis#0te" ar" ins0rre+tion or riot" a+tions or fai.0res to a+t by go-ernmenta.
entities or offi+ia.s" fai.0re to obtain go-ernmenta. #ermits or a##ro-a.s (des#ite time.y
a##.i+ation therefor and d0e di.igen+e) and +hanges in .as" r0.es" reg0.ations" orders or
ordinan+es affe+ting o#eration of the Pro*e+t" hi+h e-ents ere not #ending on the date
of this Agreement$
"%ender(s)" means
(i) any #erson that has made .oans to Oner" its s0++essors or #ermitted assigns
for the finan+ing or refinan+ing of the Pro*e+t (or any #art thereof) or hi+h .oans are
se+0red by the Pro*e+t (or any #art thereof)"
(ii) the ho.der(s) of indebtedness e-iden+ing any s0+h .oans or any #erson or
entity .af0..y a+ting on beha.f of s0+h ho.ders" or
(i-) any #erson or entity that #0r+hases the Pro*e+t in +onne+tion ith a sa.e4
.easeba+1 or other .ease arrangement in hi+h Oner is the .essee of the Pro*e+t #0rs0ant
to a net .ease$
"O#erating Man0a.s" means the o#erating data" design draings" s#e+ifi+ations" -endorsD
man0a.s" arranty re;0irements" #ro+ed0res (in+.0ding those for maintenan+e of the
Pro*e+t and en-ironmenta. and safety +om#.ian+e)" and simi.ar materia.s ith res#e+t to
the Pro*e+t$
"Pro+ed0res Man0a." has the meaning set forth in &e+tion ?$3$
"Pro*e+t" means the [%i&e, tec'nology and ot'er decri!ti(e information a)out t'e
Project] generating Pro*e+t and re.ated assets" together ith other fa+i.ities and re.ated
assets" to be +onstr0+ted on +ertain rea. #ro#erty in [Location of Project]
"Pro*e+t Agreements" means the agreements re.ating to the Pro*e+t" in+.0ding any Poer
P0r+hase Agreement" Inter+onne+tion Agreement" %oan Agreements" this Agreement and
a.. other agreements a##.i+ab.e to the Pro*e+t" #ermits" and .i+enses re;0ired for the
o#eration" maintenan+e and management of the Pro*e+t" as identified in riting by
"Pr0dent :ti.ity Pra+ti+e" means (i) any of the #ra+ti+es" methods" and a+ts engaged in or
a##ro-ed by a signifi+ant #ortion of the e.e+tri+ 0ti.ity ind0stry in the +o0ntry and
geogra#hi+ region here the Pro*e+t is .o+ated d0ring the re.e-ant time #eriod" or (ii)
#ra+ti+es" methods and a+ts that" in the e5er+ise of reasonab.e *0dgment on the fa+ts
1non (or that reasonab.y sho0.d ha-e been 1non) at the time a de+ision as made"
+o0.d ha-e been e5#e+ted to a++om#.ish the desired res0.t at a reasonab.e +ost +onsistent
ith good b0siness #ra+ti+es" re.iabi.ity" safety and e5#edition$
"Referen+e Rate" means the rate #0b.ished in the Money Rates tab.e of The 'a.. &treet
Eo0rna." from time to time" as the "#rime rate"" #.0s 3F$
"Reimb0rsab.e Costs" has the meaning set forth in &e+tion ?$9$
"&er-i+es" has the meaning set forth in Arti+.e 9$3$
&e+tion 9$3 4 cope of ervices$ O#erator sha.. (i) o#erate" maintain and manage
the Pro*e+t on beha.f of Oner ()&er-i+es,) and (ii) a.so #erform the s#e+ifi+ d0ties set
forth in this Agreement if they are not otherise re;0ired by the standards defined in
&e+tion 9$7$
&e+tion 9$7 4 tandards for Performance of the ervices$ O#erator sha..
#erform the &er-i+es re;0ired 0nder this Agreement" in+.0ding those set forth in
A##endi5 A" in a #r0dent" reasonab.e" and effi+ient manner and in a++ordan+e ith (i)
O#erating Man0a.s" the Administrati-e Pro+ed0res Man0a. and a##.i+ab.e -endor
arranties" (ii) the a##.i+ab.e Ann0a. Pro*e+t O#erating P.an and Ann0a. 60dget" (iii) a..
a##.i+ab.e %as" (i-) Pr0dent :ti.ity Pra+ti+es" (-) the Pro*e+t Agreements" (-i) the
re;0irements of any &ystem O#erator" and (-ii) a.. ins0ran+e #o.i+ies s#e+ified in Arti+.e
H of this Agreement$ O#erator sha.. 0se a.. reasonab.e efforts to o#timiCe the 0sef0. .ife of
the Pro*e+t and to minimiCe Reimb0rsab.e Costs and Pro*e+t o0tages or other
&e+tion 9$9 4 !perator"s Personnel tandards$ O#erator sha.. #ro-ide as
reasonab.y ne+essary a.. .abor and #rofessiona." s0#er-isory and manageria. #ersonne. as
are re;0ired to #erform the &er-i+es$ &0+h #ersonne. sha.. be ;0a.ified to #erform the
d0ties to hi+h they are assigned and sha.. meet any re;0irements for Pro*e+t #ersonne.
0nder the Pro*e+t Agreements$ A.. indi-id0a.s em#.oyed by O#erator to #erform the
&er-i+es sha.. be em#.oyees of O#erator" and their or1ing ho0rs" rates of +om#ensation
and a.. other matters re.ating to their em#.oyment sha.. be determined so.e.y by O#erator
(s0b*e+t to OnerDs a##ro-a. rights ith res#e+t to the Ann0a. 60dget)$ 'ith res#e+t to
.abor matters" hiring #ersonne." and em#.oyment #o.i+ies" O#erator sha.. +om#.y ith a..
a##.i+ab.e %as$ O#erator a.so sha.. a+t in a reasonab.e manner that is +onsistent ith
the intent and #0r#ose of this Agreement and ith O#erator@s a+1no.edgment (hereby
gi-en) that O#erator has no a0thority to enter into any +ontra+ts ith res#e+t to .abor
matters that #0r#ort to bind or otherise ob.igate Oner$
&e+tion 9$< 4 #ompliance$ O#erator sha.. +om#.y ith a.. %as a##.i+ab.e to the
o#eration" maintenan+e and management of the Pro*e+t and the #erforman+e of the
&er-i+es$ O#erator sha.. a##.y for and obtain" and Oner sha.. assist O#erator in
a##.ying for and obtaining" a.. ne+essary #ermits" .i+enses and a##ro-a.s (and renea.s of
the same) re;0ired to a..o O#erator to do b0siness or #erform the &er-i+es in the
*0risdi+tions here the &er-i+es are to be #erformed$ O#erator sha.. #ro-ide reasonab.y
ne+essary assistan+e to Oner" to se+0re #ermits" .i+enses" and a##ro-a.s (and renea.s
of the same) that Oner is re;0ired to obtain from or fi.e ith any go-ernmenta. agen+y
regarding the Pro*e+t$ O#erator a.so sha.. fi.e s0+h re#orts" noti+es" and other
+omm0ni+ations as may be re;0ired by any go-ernmenta. agen+y regarding the Pro*e+t$
&e+tion 9$? 4 !perating Records and Reports$ O#erator sha.. maintain" at a
.o+ation a++e#tab.e to Oner" the Pro*e+t o#erating .ogs" re+ords" and re#orts that
do+0ment the o#eration and maintenan+e of the Pro*e+t" a.. in form and s0bstan+e
s0ffi+ient to meet OnerDs re#orting re;0irements 0nder the Pro*e+t Agreements$
O#erator sha.. maintain +0rrent re-isions of draings" s#e+ifi+ations" .ists" +.arifi+ations
and other materia.s re.ated to o#eration and maintenan+e of the Pro*e+t #ro-ided to
O#erator by Oner and -endors$ O#erator sha.. #ro-ide Oner reasonab.y ne+essary
assistan+e in +onne+tion ith OnerDs +om#.ian+e ith re#orting re;0irements 0nder the
Pro*e+t Agreements" a##.i+ab.e %as or any other agreement to hi+h Oner is a #arty
re.ating to the Pro*e+t$ &0+h assistan+e sha.. in+.0de #ro-iding re#orts" re+ords" .ogs and
other information that Oner may reasonab.y re;0est as to the Pro*e+t or its o#eration$
&e+tion 9$= 4 $o %iens or Encum&rances$ O#erator sha.. maintain the Pro*e+t free
and +.ear of a.. .iens and en+0mbran+es res0.ting from any a+tion of O#erator or or1
done at the re;0est of O#erator" e5+e#t for s0+h .iens or en+0mbran+es that res0.t dire+t.y
from non#ayment by Oner of amo0nts d0e and oing to O#erator 0nder this

&e+tion 9$I 4 $o Action$ E5+e#t here s0+h a+tion is e5#ress.y #ermitted by this
Agreement" O#erator sha.. not ta1e any a+tion that o0.d +a0se a defa0.t 0nder any
Pro*e+t Agreement$
&e+tion 9$J 4 Emergenc' Action$ If an emergen+y endangering the safety or
#rote+tion of #ersons" the Pro*e+t" or #ro#erty .o+ated near the Pro*e+t o++0rs" O#erator
sha.. #rom#t.y notify Oner and ta1e a.. ne+essary a+tion to attem#t to #re-ent or
mitigate any s0+h threatened damage" in*0ry or .oss$ O#erator sha.. ma1e reasonab.e
efforts to minimiCe any +ost asso+iated ith remedia. a+tion in +ase of s0+h an
&e+tion 9$H 4 Action in E(traordinar' #ircumstances$ In the e-ent that
(A) the Pro*e+t or ma*or Pro*e+t e;0i#ment s0ffers an 0n#.anned o0tage (or
O#erator reasonab.y be.ie-es that s0+h an o++0rren+e is imminent)" and
(6) O#erator has made reasonab.e" b0t 0ns0++essf0." efforts to notify and
+omm0ni+ate ith Oner regarding s0+h o++0rren+e or imminent o++0rren+e in
a++ordan+e ith the terms of this Agreement"
then O#erator sha..
(i) ta1e a.. ne+essary a+tion to #re-ent or to mitigate s0+h 0n#.anned o0tage"
(ii) ma1e reasonab.e efforts to minimiCe any +ost asso+iated ith s0+h remedia.
(iii) +ontin0e to attem#t to notify and +omm0ni+ate ith Oner regarding the
o++0rren+e and the remedia. a+tion" and
(i-) sha.. not e5#end for s0+h #0r#oses more than an aggregate of ![#mount of
ca!]! in any Contra+t >ear$
&e+tion <$3 4 )nformation$ Oner sha.. #ro-ide O#erator ith a.. -endor man0a.s"
s#are #arts .ists" Pro*e+t data boo1s and draings hi+h are #ro-ided to Oner #0rs0ant
to any Pro*e+t Agreement or by any +ontra+tor res#onsib.e for +onstr0+tion" insta..ation"
re#air or maintenan+e of the Pro*e+t or a #art thereof$ &0b*e+t to the standards of
#erforman+e set forth in &e+tion 9$7"
O#erator sha.. be entit.ed to re.y 0#on s0+h information in #erforman+e of the &er-i+es$
Oner sha.. a.so #ro-ide O#erator ith +o#ies of a.. Pro*e+t Agreements and any
amendments thereto and any other do+0ments that define the Pro*e+tDs o#erating
&e+tion <$7 4 !verhaul of Major E*uipment and #apital )mprovements$ The +ost
of a.. ma*or e;0i#ment teardons and o-erha0.s and a.. +a#ita. im#ro-ements sha.. be the
res#onsibi.ity of Oner$ O#erator sha.. #rom#t.y notify Oner in riting of any s0+h
teardons and o-erha0.s of ma*or e;0i#ment or +a#ita. im#ro-ements that O#erator
be.ie-es are ne+essary or ad-isab.e together ith a #ro#osed s+hed0.e for +om#.eting
s0+h re#airs or im#ro-ements$ To the e5tent reasonab.y #ossib.e" the +osts of a.. ma*or
e;0i#ment teardons and o-erha0.s and a.. +a#ita. im#ro-ements sha.. be in+or#orated
into the a##.i+ab.e Ann0a. 60dget$ If s0+h +osts ha-e been in+or#orated into the
a##.i+ab.e a##ro-ed Ann0a. 60dget" or if Oner has otherise +onsented in riting to
reimb0rse O#erator for s0+h +osts" O#erator sha.. s+hed0.e" +oordinate" +ontra+t and
o-ersee the #erforman+e of s0+h a+ti-ities$ O#erator a.so sha.. be res#onsib.e for
monitoring and enfor+ing +ontra+t +om#.ian+e by the +ontra+tor #erforming s0+h or1"
ta1ing s0+h ste#s" short of .itigation" to enfor+e any arranties granted to Oner by s0+h

&e+tion <$9 4 Annual +udget and Project !perating Plan$ In a++ordan+e ith
Arti+.e =" Oner sha.. be res#onsib.e for a##ro-a. of the Ann0a. 60dget" the Ann0a.
Pro*e+t O#erating P.an and the /i-e4>ear 60dget$
&e+tion ?$3 4 Pa'ments$ As +om#ensation to O#erator for #erforman+e of the
&er-i+es here0nder" Oner sha.. #ay O#erator the Ann0a. O#erating /ee (or a #ro rata
#ortion thereof in the +ase of a Contra+t >ear of .ess than 37 months)$ In addition"
Oner sha.. (at Oner@s O#tion) either (i) reimb0rse O#erator" in the manner and at the
times s#e+ified in this Arti+.e ? and A##endi5 6" as modified from time to time" for a..
Reimb0rsab.e Costs or (ii) #ay s0+h Reimb0rsab.e Costs dire+t.y to the a##.i+ab.e third
&e+tion ?$7 4 Annual !perating Fee$ /or the first Contra+t >ear and ea+h
s0bse;0ent Contra+t >ear" Oner sha.. #ay to O#erator the s0m of !![Mont'ly
amount]! #er month of the Contra+t >ear" for an ann0a. fee of !! [#nnual amount] (the
"Ann0a. O#erating /ee")$ 6eginning on the first day of the se+ond Contra+t >ear and on
the first day of ea+h Contra+t >ear thereafter" the Ann0a. O#erating /ee (and the
+orres#onding month.y o#erating fee) sha.. be ad*0sted to ref.e+t +hanges in
the [Ecalation factor and calculation met'od] $
&e+tion ?$9 4 Reim&ursa&le #osts$ Oner sha.. reimb0rse O#erator for a.. +osts
in+0rred by O#erator in #erforming the &er-i+es" in+.0ding the +osts set forth in
A##endi5 6 (+o..e+ti-e.y" the "Reimb0rsab.e Costs")$ Oner@s ob.igation 0nder this
#ro-ision is s0b*e+t to (i) OnerDs e5#ress a##ro-a. of the +osts as #art of an Ann0a.
60dget or se#arate.y in riting" or (ii) O#erator in+0rring +osts in a++ordan+e ith
&e+tion 9$J (Emergenc')" 9$H (E(traordinar' #ircumstances)$ E5#endit0res made by
O#erator in e5+ess of the Ann0a. 60dget that are re;0ired to +om#.y ith any %a
a##.i+ab.e to the &er-i+es or to the Pro*e+t" sha.. be a##ro-ed and reimb0rsed by Oner$
&0b*e+t to OnerDs right to modify the #ro-isions of this &e+tion ?$9 from time to time
0#on the reasonab.e re;0est of the %enders" Oner sha.. #ay Reimb0rsab.e Costs as
(a) Oner i.. ad-an+e to O#erator on a m0t0a..y agreed basis" f0nds
re;0ired for O#erator to ma1e #ayments as they be+ome d0e in a++ordan+e ith
the Ann0a. 60dget$ Not .ess than fifteen (3?) days before the first day of ea+h
+a.endar month d0ring the term of this Agreement" O#erator sha.. s0bmit to
Oner an estimate of f0nds re;0ired for s0+h month" hi+h estimate sha.. be in
a++ordan+e ith the Ann0a. 60dget$ Oner sha.. #ay to O#erator the amo0nt of
s0+h estimate #rior to the time s0+h f0nds are re;0ired by O#erator$ &0+h
ad-an+es sha.. be de#osited in a se#arate a++o0nt in O#eratorDs name" as agent for
Oner" in a ban1 or ban1s a##ro-ed by Oner" s0b*e+t to ithdraa. by O#erator
so.e.y for the #0r#ose of ma1ing re;0ired #ayments$ 'ithin fifteen (3?) days of
the end of ea+h month" O#erator sha.. s0bmit to Oner a statement of re+ei#ts and
disb0rsements" in detai. satisfa+tory to Oner" together ith s0##orting
(b) O#erator sha.. not in+0r Reimb0rsab.e Costs 0n.ess they are in+0rred in
a++ordan+e ith the a##.i+ab.e Ann0a. 60dget" or are #ermitted by &e+tions 9$J
(Emergenc')" 9$H (E(traordinar' #ircumstances)$ If O#erator be+omes aare
that Reimb0rsab.e Costs e5+eed or i.. e5+eed the amo0nt #ro-ided in the
a##.i+ab.e Ann0a. 60dget by ?F or more" O#erator sha.. 0se a.. reasonab.e
efforts to notify Oner ithin ten (3B) days and sha.. not" itho0t OnerDs
a##ro-a. to amend the a##.i+ab.e Ann0a. 60dget or Oner@s a0thoriCation for
O#erator to ma1e s0+h e5#endit0re" #erform any f0rther &er-i+es that i.. +a0se
or in+rease a b0dget o-err0n" e5+e#t as #ro-ided in 9$J (Emergenc')" 9$H
(E(traordinar' #ircumstances)$ If Oner ref0ses to a0thoriCe e5#endit0res in
e5+ess of the Ann0a. 60dget" O#erator sha.. be re.ie-ed of those d0ties or
ob.igations of this Agreement that +annot be #erformed itho0t the e5#endit0res
Oner ref0ses to a##ro-e$
(+) In a.. +ases" O#erator sha.. 0se reasonab.e +ommer+ia. efforts to
mitigate any ad-erse effe+t from OnerDs ref0sa. to a0thoriCe e5#endit0res in
e5+ess of the Ann0a. 60dget$ Oner@s reimb0rsement of any +ost re.ated to the
&er-i+es sha.. not be +onstr0ed as OnerDs a##ro-a. or a++e#tan+e of the &er-i+es$
&e+tion ?$< 4 Adjustments and #onditions$ Notithstanding the #ayment of any
amo0nt #0rs0ant to the foregoing #ro-isions" Oner sha.. remain entit.ed to +ond0+t a
s0bse;0ent a0dit and re-ie of a.. Reimb0rsab.e Costs in+0rred and #aid by Oner and
of any s0##orting do+0mentation for a #eriod of 7 years after the a##.i+ab.e Contra+t
>ear$ If s0+h a0dit and re-ie shos that any amo0nt #re-io0s.y #aid by Oner to
O#erator did not +onstit0te a Reimb0rsab.e Cost" Oner may (a) re+o-er s0+h amo0nt
from O#erator" #.0s interest at the Referen+e Rate" +a.+0.ated from the date the a0dit
+ommen+ed" or (b) ded0+t s0+h amo0nt from any #ayment that thereafter may be+ome
d0e to O#erator$
&e+tion ?$? 4 +illing and Pa'ment$ 'ithin 3? days fo..oing the end of ea+h
month" O#erator sha.. s0bmit the re+ei#ts and disb0rsements shoing Reimb0rsab.e
Costs for s0+h month in a++ordan+e ith &0bse+tion ?$7(a)$ 'ithin 3? days after re+ei#t
of any s0+h in-oi+e" Oner sha..2
(a) Pay O#erator the s0m s#e+ified in s0+h in-oi+e" .ess (i) any amo0nts
#re-io0s.y de#osited ith O#erator re.ating to s0+h in-oi+e" and (ii) any #ortion
of s0+h in-oi+e amo0nt that Oner dis#0tes in good faith or is #ermitted to offset
0nder this AgreementA and
(b) 'ith res#e+t to any dis#0ted #ortion of s0+h in-oi+e" #ro-ide O#erator
ith a ritten statement e5#.aining" in reasonab.e detai." the basis for s0+h
dis#0te$ The #arties sha.. attem#t to reso.-e any s0+h dis#0ted #ortion in
a++ordan+e ith Arti+.e 3<$
&e+tion ?$= 4 )nterest$ Any amo0nt oed to either #arty 0nder this Agreement by
the other #arty hi+h remains 0n#aid more than 9B days after the date s0+h amo0nt is d0e
#ayab.e sha.. begin to a++r0e interest at the Referen+e Rate +ommen+ing on the thirty4
first day after s0+h d0e date$
&e+tion =$3 4 Procedures Manual$ The #arties ha-e a##ro-ed a #ro+ed0res
man0a. that in+.0des #ro+ed0res for (i) re#orting and +orres#onden+e #0rs0ant to this
Agreement" (ii) #ro+0rement and +ontra+ting" and (iii) a++o0nting" boo11ee#ing and
re+ord41ee#ing ("Pro+ed0res Man0a.")$ The Pro+ed0res Man0a. sha.. go-ern the +o-ered
a+ti-ities of O#erator for the term of this Agreement" s0b*e+t to s0+h re-ision and
amendment as agreed in riting by Oner and O#erator$
&e+tion =$7 4 Annual Project !perating +udget and Plan
(a) Pro#osa.$ At .east HB days before the beginning of ea+h Contra+t >ear"
O#erator sha.. #re#are and s0bmit to Oner a #ro#osed ann0a. b0dget for the Contra+t
>ear" estab.ished on a month.y basis$ The #ro#osed ann0a. b0dget sha.. in+.0de se#arate
o#erating and +a#ita. b0dgets$ The #ro#osed ann0a. b0dget sha.. a.so set forth" in detai.
a++e#tab.e to Oner" (i) anti+i#ated o#erations" re#airs and +a#ita. im#ro-ements"
(ii) maintenan+e and o-erha0. s+hed0.es" (iii) #.anned #ro+0rement (in+.0ding e;0i#ment"
s#are #arts" and +ons0mab.e in-entories)" (i-) .abor a+ti-ities (in+.0ding staffing" .abor
rates" and ho.idays)" (-) administrati-e a+ti-ities" and (-i) other or1 #ro#osed to be
0nderta1en by O#erator" together ith an itemiCed estimate of a.. Reimb0rsab.e Costs to
be in+0rred$ Ea+h #ro#osed ann0a. b0dget sha.. be a++om#anied by a #ro#osed ann0a.
o#erating #.an setting forth the ass0m#tions and im#.ementation #.ans 0nder.ying the
#ro#osed ann0a. b0dget$ Any a+tions to be #erformed by O#erator 0nder the #ro#osed
ann0a. o#erating #.an sha.. be +onsistent ith O#eratorDs ob.igations set forth in this
(b) Ado#tion$ Oner sha.. re-ie O#eratorDs #ro#osed ann0a. b0dget and ann0a.
o#erating #.an ithin 9B days fo..oing re+ei#t of the #ro#osa.s$ Oner may" by ritten
re;0est" #ro#ose +hanges" additions" de.etions and modifi+ations to the #ro#osa.s$ If
re;0ested by O#erator" Oner sha.. #ro-ide O#erator any +ost information in OnerDs
#ossession from #re-io0s Contra+t >ears a##.i+ab.e to items in the #ro#osed ann0a.
b0dget$ Oner and O#erator i.. then meet and 0se their reasonab.e +ommer+ia. efforts
to agree 0#on a fina. b0dget and #.an (the "Ann0a. 60dget" and "Ann0a. Pro*e+t
O#erating P.an"" res#e+ti-e.y)" hi+h sha.. be a##ro-ed in riting by both #arties$ E5+e#t
to the e5tent that the terms of &e+tions 9$J and 9$H #ermit O#erator to ta1e a+tions hi+h
are o0tside the fina. Ann0a. 60dget itho0t the +onsent of Oner" the fina. Ann0a.
60dget and Ann0a. Pro*e+t O#erating P.an sha.. remain in effe+t thro0gho0t the
a##.i+ab.e Contra+t >ear" s0b*e+t to re-isions and amendments #ro#osed by either #arty
and +onsented to in riting by the other #arty$
(+) Changes$ O#erator sha.. notify Oner as soon as reasonab.y #ossib.e of any
signifi+ant de-iations or dis+re#an+ies from the #ro*e+tions +ontained in the Ann0a.
60dget or Ann0a. Pro*e+t O#erating P.an$
(d) /ai.0re to Ado#t$ If" by the first day of any Contra+t >ear after the first
Contra+t >ear" the #arties are 0nab.e to rea+h agreement +on+erning any item or #ortion
of the Ann0a. 60dget for s0+h Contra+t >ear" then the amo0nt(s) of s0+h item or #ortion
of the Ann0a. 60dget for s0+h Contra+t >ear sha.. be e;0a. to 3B?F of the amo0nt for
the +orres#onding item or #ortion of the Ann0a. 60dget for the #re+eding Contra+t >ear$
(e) /i-e4>ear 60dget$ At .east =B days before the first day of ea+h Contra+t >ear"
O#erator sha.. #re#are and s0bmit to Oner a #ro#osed b0dget for the ne5t ? Contra+t
>ears or the remaining term of the Agreement" hi+he-er #eriod is shorter$ The #ro#osed
fi-e4year b0dget sha.. be estab.ished on an ann0a. basis and sha.. in+.0de se#arate
o#erating and +a#ita. b0dgets$ The #ro#osed fi-e4year b0dget sha.. a.so set forth" in
detai. a++e#tab.e to Oner" (i) anti+i#ated o#erations" re#airs and +a#ita. im#ro-ements"
(ii) maintenan+e and o-erha0. s+hed0.es" (iii) #.anned #ro+0rement (in+.0ding e;0i#ment"
s#are #arts" and +ons0mab.e in-entories)" (i-) .abor a+ti-ities (in+.0ding staffing" .abor
rates" and ho.idays)" (-) administrati-e a+ti-ities" and (-i) other or1 #ro#osed to be
0nderta1en by O#erator" together ith an itemiCed estimate of a.. Reimb0rsab.e Costs to
be in+0rred" a++om#anied by the 0nder.ying ass0m#tions and im#.ementation #.ans of the
#ro#osed fi-e4year b0dget$ Oner sha.. re-ie O#eratorDs #ro#osed fi-e4year b0dget
ithin 9B days fo..oing re+ei#t of the #ro#osa.$ Oner may" by ritten re;0est"
#ro#ose +hanges" additions" de.etions and modifi+ations to the #ro#osa.s$ Oner and
O#erator i.. then meet and 0se their reasonab.e +ommer+ia. efforts to agree 0#on a fina.
fi-e4year b0dget (the "/i-e4>ear 60dget")" hi+h sha.. be a##ro-ed in riting by both
Parties$ If a fina. /i-e4>ear 60dget is not a##ro-ed in its entirety by both #arties" the
#ro#osed fi-e4year b0dget s0bmitted by O#erator" together ith OnerDs fina. s0ggested
+hanges" additions" de.etions and modifi+ations sha.. ser-e as the /i-e4>ear 60dget$ The
/i-e4>ear 60dget sha.. be 0sed on.y for #.anning and +om#arison #0r#oses" and sha.. not
+onstrain O#erator in its a+tions or e5#endit0res" #ro-ided" hoe-er" that O#erator sha..
be re;0ired to +onform in its o#erations to the Ann0a. 60dget and Ann0a. Pro*e+t
O#erating P.an as #ro-ided in this Agreement$
&e+tion =$9 4 !perating Data and Records$ O#erator sha.. monitor and re+ord a..
o#erating data and information that (i) Oner m0st re#ort to any #erson or entity 0nder
any Pro*e+t Agreement" (ii) Oner m0st re#ort to any go-ernment agen+y or other #erson
or entiity 0nder a##.i+ab.e %as and (iii) Oner reasonab.y re;0ests$ O#erator sha..
re#ort re;0ired or re;0ested o#erating data and information to Oner as s#e+ified by
Oner to s0##ort month.y in-oi+ing 0nder the Pro*e+t Agreements" and ithin 3?
60siness Days fo..oing a re;0est by Oner$ O#erating data to be re#orted in+.0de
information from o#erating .ogs" meter and ga0ge readings and maintenan+e re+ords$
&e+tion =$< 4 Accounts and Reports$ O#erator sha.. +oo#erate ith Oner in
+om#.ying ith re#orting re;0irements set forth in the Pro*e+t Agreements and sha.."
d0ring the term of this Agreement" f0rnish or +a0se to be f0rnished to Oner the
fo..oing re#orts +on+erning the Pro*e+t o#erations and the &er-i+es2
(a) Month.y Re#orts$ 'ithin ten (3B) 60siness Days fo..oing the .ast day of
ea+h +a.endar month" O#erator sha.. s0bmit2 (i) a #rogress re#ort" in detai. a++e#tab.e to
Oner" +o-ering a.. a+ti-ities d0ring s0+h month ith res#e+t to o#erations and
maintenan+e (in+.0ding information regarding the amo0nt of e.e+tri+ energy generated"
ho0rs of o#eration" heat rate"
a-ai.abi.ity" o0tages" a++idents and emergen+ies)" +a#ita. im#ro-ements" .abor re.ations"
other signifi+ant matters" and &er-i+es$ The month.y re#ort sha.. in+.0de a +om#arison of
s0+h items to the +orres#onding -a.0es for the #re+eding month and for the +orres#onding
#ortion of the #re-io0s Contra+t >ear" a .isting of any signifi+ant o#erating #rob.ems
a.ong ith immediate.y #.anned remedia. a+tions" and a brief s0mmary of ma*or
a+ti-ities #.anned for the ne5t re#orting #eriod" and (ii) a statement setting forth a..
Reimb0rsab.e Costs #aid or in+0rred in s0+h month" hi+h statement sha.. itemiCe" in
detai. a++e#tab.e to Oner" the +om#0tation of s0+h Reimb0rsab.e Costs and sha.. state
hether or not the Pro*e+t o#erations ha-e +onformed to the a##.i+ab.e Ann0a. Pro*e+t
O#erating P.an and Ann0a. 60dget d0ring s0+h re#orting #eriod and if not" the e5tent and
reasons for any de-iation and the #.anned remedia. a+tion$
(b) Ann0a. Re#orts$ As soon as a-ai.ab.e" and in any e-ent ithin =B days after
the end of ea+h Contra+t >ear" O#erator sha.. s0bmit an ann0a. re#ort des+ribing" in
detai. s0bstantia..y simi.ar to that +ontained in the month.y re#orts referred to in &e+tion
=$<(a)" the Pro*e+t a+ti-ities and o#erating data for s0+h Contra+t >ear$ The ann0a. re#ort
sha.. #resent a +om#arison of s0+h Pro*e+t a+ti-ities and o#erating data ith the goa.s set
forth in the Ann0a. Pro*e+t O#erating P.an and Ann0a. 60dget for s0+h Contra+t >ear"
and ith those a+hie-ed d0ring the #re+eding Contra+t >ear (if a##.i+ab.e) and an
e5#.anation of any s0bstantia. de-iations$ 'ithin 9B days after s0bmission of ea+h
ann0a. re#ort" O#erator sha.. meet ith Oner to re-ie and dis+0ss the re#ort and any
other as#e+ts of Pro*e+t o#erations that Oner may ish to dis+0ss$
(+) %itigation" Permit %a#ses$ :#on obtaining 1no.edge thereof" O#erator sha..
#rom#t.y notify Oner in riting of2 (i) any e-ent of defa0.t 0nder any of the Pro*e+t
AgreementsA (ii) any .itigation" +.aims" dis#0tes or a+tions" threatened or fi.ed" +on+erning
the Pro*e+t or the &er-i+esA (iii) any ref0sa. or threatened ref0sa. to grant" rene or e5tend
(or any a+tion #ending or threatened that might affe+t the granting" renea. or e5tension
of) any .i+ense" #ermit" arranty" a##ro-a." a0thoriCation or +onsent re.ating to the
Pro*e+t or the &er-i+esA and (i-) any dis#0te ith any go-ernmenta. a0thority re.ating to
the Pro*e+t or the &er-i+es$
(d) Other Information$ O#erator sha.. #rom#t.y s0bmit to Oner any materia.
information +on+erning ne or signifi+ant as#e+ts of the Pro*e+tDs a+ti-ities and" 0#on
OnerDs re;0est" sha.. #rom#t.y s0bmit any other information +on+erning the Pro*e+t or
the &er-i+es$
&e+tion =$? 4 Additional #ommunications$ O#erator sha.. +omm0ni+ate +ertain
additiona. e-ents s#e+ified in A##endi5 C to Oner and third #arties in a++ordan+e ith
the +omm0ni+ation #roto+o.s set forth in A##endi5 C to this Agreement$
&e+tion I$3 4 ,eneral %imitations$ Notithstanding any #ro-ision in this
Agreement to the +ontrary" 0n.ess #re-io0s.y a##ro-ed by Oner in riting or thro0gh
OnerDs a##ro-a. of the Ann0a. 60dget" O#erator and any em#.oyee" re#resentati-e"
+ontra+tor or other agent of O#erator are #rohibited from ta1ing the s#e+ified a+tions ith
res#e+t to the matters indi+ated be.o$
(a) Dis#osition of Assets$ &e.." .ease" #.edge" mortgage" +on-ey" or ma1e any
.i+ense" e5+hange or other transfer or dis#osition of any #ro#erty or assets of Oner"
in+.0ding any #ro#erty or assets #0r+hased by O#erator here the #0r+hase +ost is a
Reimb0rsab.e CostA
(b) Contra+t$ Ma1e" enter into" e5e+0te" amend" modify or s0##.ement any
+ontra+t or agreement (i) on beha.f of" in the name of" or #0r#orting to bind Oner or (ii)
that #rohibits or otherise restri+ts O#eratorDs right to assign s0+h +ontra+t or agreement
to Oner at any timeA
(+) E5#endit0res$ Ma1e or +onsent or agree to ma1e any e5#endit0re for
e;0i#ment" materia.s" assets or other items hi+h o0.d be a Reimb0rsab.e Cost" e5+e#t
in +onformity ith the Ann0a. 60dgetA #ro-ided" hoe-er" that so.e.y in +onne+tion ith
a+tions ta1en by O#erator #0rs0ant to &e+tions 9$J (Emergenc')" 9$H (E(traordinar'
#ircumstances)" O#erator may" itho0t #rior a##ro-a. from Oner" ma1e .imited
e5#endit0res o0tside the Ann0a. 60dget in a++ordan+e ith those #ro-isionsA
(d) Other A+tions$ Ta1e or agree to ta1e any other a+tion that materia..y -aries
from the a##.i+ab.e Ann0a. Pro*e+t O#erating P.an" Ann0a. 60dget or the re;0irements
of any Pro*e+t AgreementA
(e) %as0its and &ett.ements$ &ett.e" +om#romise" assign" #.edge" transfer" re.ease
or +onsent to the +om#romise" assignment" #.edge" transfer or re.ease of" any +.aim" s0it"
debt" demand or *0dgment against or d0e by" Oner or O#erator" the +ost of hi+h" in the
+ase of O#erator" o0.d be a Reimb0rsab.e Cost here0nder" or s0bmit any s0+h +.aim"
dis#0te or +ontro-ersy to arbitration or *0di+ia. #ro+ess" or sti#0.ate in res#e+t thereof to a
*0dgment" or +onsent to do the sameA
(f) %iens$ Create" in+0r or ass0me any .ien 0#on the Pro*e+tA
(g) Transa+tions on 6eha.f of Others$ Engage in any other transa+tion on beha.f of
Oner or any other #erson or entity not e5#ress.y a0thoriCed by this Agreement or that
-io.ates a##.i+ab.e %as" this Agreement or any Pro*e+t AgreementA or
(h) Agreements$ Enter into any agreement to do any of the foregoing$
&e+tion I$7 4 E(ecution !f Documents$ Any agreement" +ontra+t" noti+e or other
do+0ment that is e5#ress.y #ermitted here0nder (or 0nder ritten a##ro-a. of Oner) to
be e5e+0ted by O#erator sha.. be e5e+0ted by the a0thoriCed re#resentati-e of O#erator
or" s0b*e+t to #rior ritten noti+e to Oner" by s0+h other re#resentati-e of O#erator ho
is a0thoriCed and em#oered by O#erator to e5e+0te s0+h do+0ments$
&e+tion J$3 4 Term$ The term of this Agreement sha.. be from and in+.0ding the
date of this Agreement to and in+.0ding [E*!iration date] $ :#on agreement of Oner
and O#erator" this Agreement may be e5tended for ["um)er of e*tenion] #eriods of
[Lengt' of e*tenion] ea+h$ This Agreement is s0b*e+t to ear.ier termination #0rs0ant
to &e+tions J$7" J$9" J$<
or J$?$
&e+tion J$7 4 )mmediate Termination +' !-ner$ &0b*e+t to the terms of any
Pro*e+t Agreements" Oner may terminate this Agreement immediate.y (i) 0#on the
6an1r0#t+y of O#erator or (ii) 0#on the o++0rren+e of a /or+e Ma*e0re E-ent that is not
remedied ithin 37B days of its initia. o++0rren+e$ If the Agreement is terminated by
Oner #0rs0ant to &e+tion J$7(i) or J$7(ii)" O#erator sha.. be +om#ensated for a..
Reimb0rsab.e Costs in+0rred by O#erator to and in+.0ding the date of termination$ In
addition" if the Agreement is terminated by Oner #0rs0ant to &e+tion J$7(ii)" O#erator
sha.. be #aid a.. 0n#aid Ann0a. O#erating /ees to and in+.0ding the date of termination$
&e+tion J$9 4 Termination .pon $otice +' !-ner$ &0b*e+t to the terms of any
Pro*e+t Agreements" Oner may terminate this Agreement 0#on 3Bdays #rior ritten
noti+e to O#erator in the e-ent (i) that O#erator -io.ates" or +onsents to a -io.ation of" any
%as a##.i+ab.e to the &er-i+es or the Pro*e+t" here the -io.ation has or may ha-e a
materia. ad-erse effe+t on the maintenan+e or o#eration of the Pro*e+t or OnerDs interest"
and O#erator does not +0re s0+h -io.ation ithin 9B days (or" if not +0rab.e ithin 9B
days" ithin s0+h #eriod of time as is reasonab.y ne+essary" b0t in no e-ent more than HB
days" #ro-ided O#erator di.igent.y +ommen+es and #0rs0es s0+h +0re and indemnifies
Oner for a.. re.ated +osts" of hate-er 1ind)" or (ii) of a materia. brea+h by O#erator in
the #erforman+e of the &er-i+es" if O#erator does not +0re s0+h brea+h ithin 9B days
from the date of O#erator@s re+ei#t of noti+e from Oner demanding +0re (or" if not
+0rab.e ithin 9B days" ithin s0+h #eriod of time as is reasonab.y ne+essary" b0t in no
e-ent more than HB days" #ro-ided O#erator di.igent.y +ommen+es and #0rs0es s0+h +0re
and indemnifies Oner for a.. re.ated +osts" of hate-er 1ind)$ If the Agreement is
terminated by Oner #0rs0ant to this &e+tion J$9" O#erator sha.. be +om#ensated for a..
Reimb0rsab.e Costs in+0rred by O#erator and a.. 0n#aid Ann0a. O#erating /ees to and
in+.0ding the date of termination$
&e+tion J$< 4 !ther Termination .pon $otice +' !-ner$ &0b*e+t to the terms of
any Pro*e+t Agreements" Oner may terminate this Agreement ith 7 months #rior
ritten noti+e to O#erator" 0#on the o++0rren+e of (a) a sa.e or transfer by Oner of its
rights in the Pro*e+t or a sa.e or transfer of a.. or s0bstantia..y a.. of the assets of or
interests in Oner" (b) O#eratorDs Reimb0rsab.e Costs for &er-i+es e5+eeding 33BF of
the a##ro-ed Ann0a. 60dget ith res#e+t to Reimb0rsab.e Costs" for any 7 +onse+0ti-e
Contra+t >ears" here s0+h o-err0ns are the fa0.t of" or d0e to the neg.igent o#eration of
the Pro*e+t by" O#erator" (+) a determination by Oner that" for any reason" it no .onger
intends to +ontin0e o#eration of the Pro*e+t or (d) a determination by Oner that it does
not ish to e5tend this agreement #0rs0ant to &e+tion J$3$ If the Agreement is terminated
by Oner #0rs0ant to this &e+tion J$<" O#erator sha.. be +om#ensated for a..
Reimb0rsab.e Costs in+0rred by O#erator and a.. 0n#aid Ann0a. O#erating /ees to and
in+.0ding the date of s0+h termination 0nder this &e+tion J$<$
&e+tion J$? 4 Termination +' !-ner /ithout #ause$ In addition to its rights
set forth in this Arti+.e J" s0b*e+t to the terms of any Pro*e+t Agreements"
Oner reser-es the right to terminate this Agreement itho0t +a0se 0#on HB days ritten
noti+e to O#erator$ If the Agreement is terminated by Oner #0rs0ant to this &e+tion J$?"
O#erator sha.. be +om#ensated for a.. Reimb0rsab.e Costs in+0rred by O#erator and a..
0n#aid Ann0a.
O#erating /ees to and in+.0ding the date of s0+h termination 0nder this &e+tion J$?$ &0+h
#ayments" together
ith the termination #ayment set forth in &e+tion J$J" sha.. be O#eratorDs so.e remedy in
res#e+t of s0+h termination and sha.. be made by Oner ithin 9B days of re+ei#t of a
fina. in-oi+e from O#erator$
&e+tion J$= 4 Termination +' !perator$ &0b*e+t to the terms of any Pro*e+t
Agreements" O#erator may terminate this Agreement for +a0se 0#on 3? days #rior
ritten noti+e to Oner in the e-ent of2 (i) OnerDs 6an1r0#t+yA or (ii) OnerDs fai.0re to
#erform in a time.y manner any of its materia. ob.igations 0nder this Agreement and s0+h
fai.0re is not +0red ithin 9B days of OnerDs re+ei#t of a noti+e from O#erator
demanding +0re (or" if not +0rab.e ithin 9B days" ithin s0+h #eriod of time as is
reasonab.y ne+essary" b0t in no e-ent more than HB days" #ro-ided that Oner di.igent.y
+ommen+es and +ontin0es to #0rs0e s0+h +0re)$
&e+tion J$I 4 Project #ondition At End !f Term$ :#on e5#iration or termination
of this Agreement" O#erator sha.. remo-e its #ersonne. from the Pro*e+t$ O#erator sha..
.ea-e the Pro*e+t in as good +ondition as it as on the Effe+ti-e Date" norma. ear and
tear and +as0a.ty e5+e#ted$ O#erator sha.. be #aid a.. 0n#aid Reimb0rsab.e Costs$ A..
s#e+ia. too.s" im#ro-ements" in-entory of s0##.ies" s#are #arts" safety e;0i#ment"
O#erating Man0a.s and Pro+ed0res Man0a.s" o#erating .ogs" re+ords and do+0ments
maintained by O#erator #0rs0ant to &e+tion 9$? and any other items f0rnished on a
Reimb0rsab.e Cost basis 0nder this Agreement i.. be .eft at the Pro*e+t and i.. be+ome
or remain the #ro#erty of Oner itho0t additiona. +harge$ Oner sha.. a.so ha-e the
right" in its so.e dis+retion" to ass0me and be+ome .iab.e for any +ontra+ts or ob.igations
that O#erator may ha-e 0nderta1en ith third #arties in +onne+tion ith the &er-i+es$
O#erator sha.. +oo#erate in ta1ing a.. reasonab.e ste#s re;0ested by Oner re;0ired to
effe+t the ass0m#tion of the +ontra+ts" #ro-ided that Oner agrees to indemnify and ho.d
harm.ess O#erator for a.. .iabi.ities arising o0t of e-ents and ob.igations arising from the
ass0m#tion of +ontra+t rights and ob.igations after the date of any s0+h ass0m#tion$
O#erator sha.. 0se +ommer+ia..y reasonab.e efforts to +oo#erate ith Oner or a
s0++eeding o#erator to ass0re that the o#eration" maintenan+e and management of the
Pro*e+t are not disr0#ted$
&e+tion J$J 4 Termination Pa'ment$
(a) Defined Terminations$ In the e-ent of a termination of this Agreement
#0rs0ant to the abo-e &e+tions J$7 (ii)" J$< (a)" J$< (+)" J$< (d) or J$?" O#erator sha.. be
entit.ed" in addition to a.. other amo0nts d0e 0nder this Agreement as of the date of
termination" to a demobi.iCation and +an+e..ation #ayment e;0a. to the tota. of a..
re.o+ation and se-eran+e +osts in+0rred ith res#e+t to O#eratorDs em#.oyees and a.. +osts
O#erator is at s0+h time +ontra+t0a..y or .ega..y ob.igated to #ay to its em#.oyees" or
hi+h are in+0rred ith the #rior ritten a##ro-a. of Oner$ &e-eran+e +osts for ea+h of
O#eratorDs em#.oyees sha.. e;0a. [Decri!tion of !ayment amount, e+g+, num)er of !ay
!eriod and 'our] for ea+h year s0+h em#.oyee has or1ed for O#erator at the Pro*e+t$
&0b*e+t to OnerDs right to +ond0+t a s0bse;0ent a0dit and re-ie #0rs0ant to &e+tion
J$J(a)" s0+h amo0nts sha.. be d0e and #ayab.e by Oner ithin 9B days of O#eratorDs
s0bmission of an in-oi+e" hi+h in-oi+e sha.. in+.0de a statement of a.. s0+h +osts and
in the form and ith the s0bstantiation re;0ired by &e+tion =$7(a)$ Oner sha.. #ay any
and a.. .ega. +osts in+0rred by O#erator to +o..e+t #ayments 0nder this &e+tion J$J$
(b) A0dit$ Notithstanding #ayment of any amo0nt #0rs0ant to this &e+tion J$J"
Oner sha.. remain entit.ed to +ond0+t a s0bse;0ent a0dit and re-ie of a.. +osts
in+0rred and #aid by Oner #0rs0ant to this &e+tion J$J" together ith any s0##orting
do+0mentation re;0ested by Oner" for a #eriod of 7 years from and after the date of
s0+h #ayment$ If" #0rs0ant to s0+h a0dit and re-ie" it is determined that any amo0nt
#re-io0s.y #aid to O#erator did not +onstit0te" in ho.e or in #art" a reimb0rsab.e item
#0rs0ant to this &e+tion J$J" Oner may re+o-er s0+h amo0nt from O#erator #.0s interest
at the Referen+e Rate +a.+0.ated from the date s0+h a0dit +ommen+es" or Oner may
ded0+t or +a0se to be ded0+ted s0+h amo0nt from any #ayment that may be d0e to
&e+tion H$3 4 #overage$
(a) Ob.igation to Obtain$ Oner and O#erator sha.. obtain and maintain the
ins0ran+e set forth in &e+tions H$3(b) and H$3(+)$ &0+h ins0ran+e may be maintained 0nder
indi-id0a. or b.an1et ins0ran+e #o.i+ies$
(b) O#erator Co-erage$ O#erator sha.. maintain d0ring the term of this
Agreement the ins0ran+e des+ribed be.o ith ins0ran+e +om#anies a++e#tab.e to Oner
and ith .imits and +o-erage #ro-isions not .ess than the .imits and +o-erage #ro-isions
set forth be.o2
,-or eac' category of inurance t'e Owner mut ae t'e ri. and t'e
(alue of !rotected aet or magnitude of !oi)le caualty lo in etting
co(erage minimum amount+
,%!ecific minimum co(erage amount and any !ecial !ro(iion or rider
t'at Owner re/uire 'ould alo )e !ecified+
(i) Genera. %iabi.ity Ins0ran+e2 %iabi.ity ins0ran+e on an o++0rren+e basis
against +.aims for #ersona. in*0ry (in+.0ding bodi.y in*0ry and death) and #ro#erty
(ii) A0tomobi.e %iabi.ity Ins0ran+e2 A0tomobi.e .iabi.ity ins0ran+e
against +.aims for #ersona. in*0ry (in+.0ding bodi.y in*0ry and death) or #ro#erty
damage arising o0t of the 0se of a.. oned" .eased" non4oned and hired motor
-ehi+.es" in+.0ding .oading and 0n.oading" and +ontaining a##ro#riate no4fa0.t
ins0ran+e #ro-isions here a##.i+ab.e$
(iii) 'or1ersD Com#ensation Ins0ran+e2 'or1ersD +om#ensation ins0ran+e
as re;0ired by a##.i+ab.e .as" in+.0ding em#.oyers .iabi.ity ins0ran+e for a..
em#.oyees of O#erator$
(i-) E5+ess %iabi.ity Ins0ran+e2 E5+ess .iabi.ity ins0ran+e on an
o++0rren+e basis +o-ering +.aims in e5+ess of the 0nder.ying ins0ran+e des+ribed
in the foregoing s0bse+tions (i)" (ii) and (iii)$
The amo0nts of ins0ran+e re;0ired in the foregoing s0bse+tions (i)" (ii)" (iii) and (i-) may
be satisfied by O#erator #0r+hasing +o-erage in the amo0nts s#e+ified or by any
+ombination thereof" so .ong as the tota. amo0nt of ins0ran+e meets the re;0irements
s#e+ified$ :#on m0t0a. agreement of the Oner" O#erator may #ro-ide e;0i-a.ent se.f4
ins0ran+e in .ie0 of the re;0irements set forth in this &e+tion$
,Pro(iion uc' a t'e following may )e re/uired )y lender or )y ot'er
agreement relating to t'e Project+
(-) A.. #o.i+ies of .iabi.ity ins0ran+e to be maintained by O#erator sha..
#ro-ide for ai-ers of s0brogation in fa-or of Oner" the %enders and s0+h other
#ersons as may be re;0ired by the Pro*e+t Agreements$ These #o.i+ies sha..
in+.0de the fo..oing2
(A) a se-erabi.ity of interests or +ross .iabi.ity +.a0seA
(6) ins0ran+e sha.. be #rimary and not e5+ess to or +ontrib0ting
ith any ins0ran+e or se.f4ins0ran+e maintained by Oner or the %endersA
(C) Oner" %enders and s0+h other #ersons or entities as
may be re;0ired by the Pro*e+t Agreements named as additiona. ins0reds$

A.. #o.i+ies of ins0ran+e re;0ired to be maintained #0rs0ant to &e+tion H$3 sha.. in+.0de a
#ro-ision that bars any +an+e..ation or red0+tion in +o-erage in a manner that affe+ts the
interests of Oner" itho0t =B days #rior ritten noti+e to Oner" e5+e#t for termination
for non4#ayment of #remi0m hi+h sha.. re;0ire 3B days #rior ritten noti+e to Oner$
Oner has the o#tion in #.a+ing the +o-erages .isted abo-e and naming the O#erator as
an additiona. ins0red$
(+) !-ner #overage$ Oner sha.. maintain from and after the date of this
Agreement the ins0ran+e des+ribed be.o and ith .imits and +o-erage #ro-isions not
.ess than the .imits and +o-erage #ro-isions set forth be.o2
(i) %iabi.ity Ins0ran+e2 %iabi.ity ins0ran+e on an o++0rren+e
basis against +.aims for #ersona. in*0ry (in+.0ding bodi.y in*0ry and
death) and #ro#erty damage$ Oner may #ro-ide ade;0ate se.f4ins0ran+e in .ie0
of the re;0irements set forth in this &e+tion$
(d) #ost$ A.. +osts in+0rred by O#erator ith res#e+t to #ayment of any ded0+tib.e
re.ating to the ins0ran+e +o-erage set forth in this &e+tion H$3 44 e5+e#t as set forth in
&e+tion H$9 (Pa'ment of Deducti&le Amounts) or &e+tion 3B$3(a) ()ndemnification &'
!perator) 00 or any .osses in e5+ess of ins0ran+e +o-erage 44e5+e#t as set forth in &e+tion
3B$3(a) 44 sha.. be deemed Reimb0rsab.e Costs$
&e+tion H$7 4 #ertificates$ On or before the date on hi+h ins0ran+e m0st be
#ro-ided" ea+h #arty sha.. f0rnish +ertifi+ates of ins0ran+e to the other #arty e-iden+ing
the ins0ran+e re;0ired #0rs0ant to this Agreement$ Ea+h #arty sha.. +oo#erate ith the
other to ens0re +o..e+tion from ins0rers for any .oss 0nder any s0+h #o.i+y$
&e+tion H$9 4 Pa'ment !f Deducti&le Amounts$ Notithstanding hi+h #arty
hereto sha.. ha-e #0r+hased" or been res#onsib.e for the #0r+hase of" any ins0ran+e in
res#e+t of the Pro*e+t or otherise referred to in this Agreement" O#erator sha.. #rom#t.y
#ay to Oner any ded0+tib.e amo0nt re.ated to any +.aim against or other +ost to Oner
+o-ered 0nder any s0+h ins0ran+e #o.i+y hi+h arose d0e to the gross neg.igen+e of
&e+tion 3B$3 4 )ndemnification$
(a) Indemnifi+ation by O#erator$ O#erator sha.. indemnify" defend and ho.d
harm.ess Oner" the members thereof" and their res#e+ti-e offi+ers" dire+tors" em#.oyees"
agents" Affi.iates and re#resentati-es (the "Oner Indemnified Parties")" from and
against any and a.. +.aims (in hate-er form and to the f0..est e5tent #ermitted by .a)
arising o0t of or in any ay +onne+ted ith" b0t on.y to the e5tent of" any gross
neg.igen+e" fra0d or i..f0. mis+ond0+t of O#erator or anyone a+ting on O#eratorDs beha.f
or 0nder its instr0+tions" in +onne+tion ith this Agreement and O#eratorDs ob.igations
there0nder$ Any +osts or e5#enses in+0rred by O#erator #0rs0ant to its indemnity
ob.igations 0nder this &e+tion 3B$3(a)" in+.0ding the +ost of ded0+tib.es ith res#e+t to
the ins0ran+e maintained by O#erator or Oner #0rs0ant to Arti+.e H or .osses in e5+ess
of s0+h ins0ran+e +o-erage" sha.. not +onstit0te a Reimb0rsab.e Cost 0nder this
(b) Indemnifi+ation by Oner$ Oner sha.. indemnify" defend and ho.d harm.ess
O#erator" its offi+ers" dire+tors" em#.oyees" agents" Affi.iates and re#resentati-es (the
"O#erator Indemnified Parties") from and against any and a.. +.aims (in hate-er form
and to the f0..est e5tent #ermitted by .a) arising o0t of or in any ay +onne+ted ith"
b0t on.y to the e5tent of" any gross neg.igen+e" fra0d or i..f0. mis+ond0+t of Oner or
anyone a+ting on OnerDs beha.f or 0nder its instr0+tions (other than O#erator and its
s0##.iers" s0b+ontra+tors" -enders" and their s0b+ontra+tors and -endors and any
em#.oyee or agent of the foregoing)" in +onne+tion ith this Agreement and OnerDs
ob.igations there0nder$
&e+tion 3B$7 4 Environmental %ia&ilit'.
(a) O#erator %iabi.ity$ O#erator sha.. not be res#onsib.e for +.aims dire+t.y or
indire+t.y re.ated to haCardo0s materia.s #resent at the Pro*e+t before the date of this
Agreement" e5+e#t to the e5tent O#erator a+ted ith res#e+t to s0+h materia.s in a gross.y
neg.igent manner$ Oner sha.. defend" indemnify and ho.d O#erator harm.ess against
s0+h +.aims" e5+e#t to the e5tent s0+h +.aims arise from O#eratorDs gross.y neg.igent or
intentiona. a+ts$
(b) Oner %iabi.ity$ Oner sha.. not be res#onsib.e for +.aims dire+t.y re.ated to
haCardo0s materia.s at the Pro*e+t arising o0t of the gross.y neg.igent or intentiona. a+ts
of O#erator$ This #ro-ision of the Agreement sha.. not be +onstr0ed to re;0ire O#erator
to ta1e +orre+ti-e a+tion ith res#e+t to any haCardo0s materia.s at the Pro*e+t before the
date of this Agreement$
(+) Go-ernmenta. A+tions$ If a+tion is re;0ired at the Pro*e+t to +om#.y ith any
a##.i+ab.e en-ironmenta. .as d0ring the term of this Agreement" Oner (ith
assistan+e) sha.. be res#onsib.e for the +osts of +om#.ian+e$ Costs for s0+h +om#.ian+e
a+tion sha.. on.y be in+0rred by O#erator on.y ith OnerDs #rior ritten +onsent" 0n.ess
a go-ernmenta. a0thority re;0ires O#erator to in+0r s0+h +osts and e5#enses #rior to
obtaining s0+h ritten +onsent$
&e+tion 33$3 4 %imitations !f %ia&ilit'$
(a) Conse;0entia. Damages$ Notithstanding any #ro-ision in this Agreement to
the +ontrary" O#erator and Oner ea+h agree not to assert against the other any +.aim"
demand or s0it for +onse;0entia." in+identa." indire+t or s#e+ia. damages arising from any
as#e+t of the #erforman+e or non#erforman+e of the other #arty or any third4#arty
engaged by s0+h other #arty 0nder this Agreement" and ea+h #arty hereto ai-es any
s0+h +.aim" demand or s0it against the other in +onne+tion ith this Agreement$
(b) Damages %imited to Ann0a. O#erating /ee$ The aggregate .iabi.ity of
O#erator (e5+e#t for those +.aims that are s0b*e+t to the #ro-isions of &e+tion 3B$3(a)
()ndemnification &' !perator) or +o-ered by the ins0ran+e set forth in Arti+.e H" and then
on.y to the e5tent s0+h +.aims are a+t0a..y +o-ered thereby" after gi-ing effe+t to any
ded0+tib.es" e5+.0sions" .imits" or se.f4ins0red retentions there0nder) ith res#e+t to
+.aims of Oner arising o0t of the #erforman+e or non#erforman+e of ob.igations 0nder
this Agreement$ O#erator@s .iabi.ity sha.. in no e-ent e5+eed" d0ring any Contra+t >ear"
the Ann0a. O#erating /ee #ayab.e to O#erator d0ring s0+h Contra+t >ear #.0s the
amo0nt ne+essary to satisfy O#eratorDs indemnifi+ation res#onsibi.ities 0nder Arti+.e 3B$
(+) Persona. %iabi.ity %imited$ O#erator and Oner ea+h 0nderstand and agree
that there sha.. be abso.0te.y no #ersona. .iabi.ity on the #art of any of the members"
#artners" offi+ers" em#.oyees" dire+tors" agents" a0thoriCed re#resentati-es or Affi.iates of
Oner or O#erator for the #ayment of any amo0nts d0e here0nder" or #erforman+e of any
ob.igations here0nder$ O#erator sha.. .oo1 so.e.y to the assets of Oner for the
satisfa+tion of ea+h and e-ery remedy of O#erator in the e-ent of any brea+h by Oner$
Oner sha.. .oo1 so.e.y to the assets of O#erator for the satisfa+tion of ea+h and e-ery
remedy of Oner in the e-ent of any brea+h by O#erator$
(d) &0r-i-a.$ The #arties f0rther agree that the ai-ers and dis+.aimers of .iabi.ity"
indemnities" re.eases from .iabi.ity" and .imitations on .iabi.ity e5#ressed in this
Agreement sha.. s0r-i-e termination or e5#iration of this Agreement" and sha.. a##.y at
a.. times (0n.ess otherise e5#ress.y indi+ated)" regard.ess of fa0.t" neg.igen+e" stri+t
.iabi.ity" or brea+h of arranty of the #arty indemnified" re.eased or hose .iabi.ities are
.imited" and sha.. e5tend to the members" #artners" #rin+i#a.s" offi+ers" em#.oyees"
+ontro..ing #ersons" e5e+0ti-es" dire+tors" agents" a0thoriCed re#resentati-es" and
affi.iates of s0+h #arty$
(e) E5+.0si-ity$ The #ro-isions of this Agreement +onstit0te O#eratorDs and
OnerDs e5+.0si-e .iabi.ity" res#e+ti-e.y" to ea+h other" and O#eratorDs and OnerDs
e5+.0si-e remedy" res#e+ti-e.y" ith res#e+t to the &er-i+es to be #erformed here0nder
and Oner hereby re.eases O#erator #erforming &er-i+es here0nder" and O#erator hereby
re.eases Oner #erforming its ob.igations here0nder" from any f0rther .iabi.ity$
&e+tion 37$3 4 !perator$ O#erator agrees to ho.d in +onfiden+e for a #eriod of
[Period of confidential treatment] from the date of dis+.os0re" any information
s0##.ied to O#erator by Oner or others a+ting on its beha.f$ O#erator f0rther agrees" to
the e5tent re;0ested by the s0##.ier of s0+h information" to re;0ire its s0b+ontra+tors"
-endors" s0##.iers and em#.oyees to enter into a##ro#riate nondis+.os0re agreements
re.ati-e to s0+h information" #rior to the re+ei#t thereof$
&e+tion 37$7 4 !-ner$ Oner agrees to ho.d in +onfiden+e for a #eriod of
[Period of confidential treatment] from the date of dis+.os0re" any information
s0##.ied to Oner by O#erator or others a+ting on its beha.f" #ro-ided that Oner may
dis+.ose s0+h information as is re;0ired by %enders (in+.0ding their agents and ad-isors)"
#ro-ided %enders enter into a##ro#riate nondis+.os0re agreements$ Oner f0rther agrees"
to the e5tent re;0ested by the s0##.ier of s0+h information" to re;0ire its members and
+ontra+tors to enter into s0+h a##ro#riate nondis+.os0re agreements re.ati-e to s0+h
information" #rior to their re+ei#t thereof$
&e+tion 37$9 4 E(ceptions$ The #ro-isions of this Arti+.e sha.. not a##.y to
information that as in the #0b.i+ domain" as a.ready in the re+ei-ing #arty@s
#ossession" or as re+ei-ed .af0..y and free of any ob.igation to treat it as +onfidentia.$
&e+tion 37$< 4 Re*uired Disclosure$ If a re+ei-ing #arty or any of its res#e+ti-e
re#resentati-es is re;0ired by a##.i+ab.e .a to dis+.ose any of the information that is
otherise re;0ired to remain +onfidentia. #0rs0ant to this Arti+.e 37" the re+ei-ing #arty
i.. notify the other #arty #rom#t.y in riting so that the other #arty may see1 a
#rote+ti-e order or other a##ro#riate remedy (hi+h the re+ei-ing #arty i.. not o##ose)"
or" in the other #artyDs so.e dis+retion" ai-e +om#.ian+e ith the terms of this
&e+tion 39$3 4 Materials And E*uipment$ Tit.e to a.. materia.s" e;0i#ment" too.s"
s0##.ies" +ons0mab.es" s#are #arts and other items #0r+hased or obtained by O#erator on
a Reimb0rsab.e Cost basis here0nder sha.. #ass immediate.y to and -est in Oner 0#on
the #assage of tit.e from the -endor or s0##.ier thereof" #ro-ided" hoe-er" that s0+h
transfer of tit.e sha.. in no ay affe+t O#eratorDs ob.igations as set forth in this
&e+tion 39$7 4 Documents$ A.. materia.s and do+0ments #re#ared or de-e.o#ed by
O#erator" its em#.oyees" re#resentati-es or +ontra+tors in +onne+tion ith the Pro*e+t or
#erforman+e of the &er-i+es" in+.0ding a.. man0a.s" data" draings" #.ans" s#e+ifi+ations"
re#orts and a++o0nts" sha.. be+ome OnerDs #ro#erty hen #re#ared" and O#erator" its
agents" em#.oyees" re#resentati-es" or +ontra+tors sha.. not 0se s0+h materia.s and
do+0ments for any #0r#ose other than #erforman+e of the &er-i+es" itho0t OnerDs #rior
ritten a##ro-a.$ A.. s0+h materia.s and do+0ments" together ith any materia.s and
do+0ments f0rnished to O#erator" its agents" em#.oyees" re#resentati-es" or +ontra+tors by
Oner" sha.. be de.i-ered to Oner 0#on e5#iration or termination of this Agreement and
before fina. #ayment is made to O#erator$
&e+tion 39$9 4 Revie- +' !-ner$ A.. materia.s and do+0ments referred to in
&e+tion 39$7 hereof sha.. be a-ai.ab.e for re-ie by Oner or %enders (in+.0ding their
agents or ad-isors) at
a.. reasonab.e times d0ring de-e.o#ment and #rom#t.y 0#on +om#.etion$ A.. s0+h
materia.s and do+0ments re;0ired to be s0bmitted for a##ro-a. by Oner sha.. be
#re#ared and #ro+essed in a++ordan+e ith the re;0irements and s#e+ifi+ations set forth
in the Administrati-e Pro+ed0res Man0a.$ (oe-er" OnerDs a##ro-a. of materia.s and
do+0ments s0bmitted by O#erator sha.. not re.ie-e O#erator of its res#onsibi.ity for the
+orre+tness thereof or of its ob.igation to meet a.. re;0irements of this Agreement$
&e+tion 39$< 4 Proprietar' )nformation$ 'here materia.s or do+0ments #re#ared
or de-e.o#ed by O#erator or its agents" em#.oyees" re#resentati-es or +ontra+tors +ontain
#ro#rietary information" systems" te+hni;0es" or 1no4ho a+;0ired from third #arties by
O#erator or others a+ting on its beha.f" s0+h #ersons or entities sha.. retain a.. rights to
0se or dis#ose of s0+h information" #ro-ided" hoe-er" that Oner sha.. ha-e the right to
the same to the e5tent ne+essary for o#eration or maintenan+e of the Pro*e+t$
&e+tion 3<$3 4 Resolution Through Discussions$ If any dis#0te or differen+e of
any 1ind (a Dis#0te") arises beteen Oner and O#erator in +onne+tion ith" or arising
o0t of" this Agreement" the Oner and O#erator ithin 9B days sha.. attem#t to sett.e
s0+h Dis#0te in the first instan+e thro0gh dis+0ssions$ The designated re#resentati-es of
Oner and O#erator sha.. #rom#t.y +onfer and e5ert their best efforts in good faith to
rea+h a reasonab.e and e;0itab.e reso.0tion of s0+h Dis#0te$ If the re#resentati-es are
0nab.e to reso.-e the Dis#0te ithin ? 60siness Days" the Dis#0te sha.. be referred ithin
7 60siness Days of the .a#se of the ? 60siness Day #eriod to the res#onsib.e senior
management of ea+h #arty for reso.0tion$ Neither #arty sha.. see1 any other means of
reso.-ing any Dis#0te arising in +onne+tion ith this Agreement 0nti. the res#onsib.e
senior management of Oner and O#erator ha-e had at .east ? 60siness Days to reso.-e
the Dis#0te fo..oing referra. of the Dis#0te to them$ If the #arties are 0nab.e to reso.-e
the Dis#0te 0sing the #ro+ed0re des+ribed in this se+tion" either #arty may de.i-er noti+e
to the other #arty of its intent to s0bmit the Dis#0te to arbitration ("Arbitration Noti+e")$
The Arbitration Noti+e sha.. in+.0de the s#e+ifi+ iss0es +on+erning the Dis#0te hi+h
m0st be reso.-ed by the arbitration$
&e+tion 3<$7 4 Ar&itration. Any Dis#0te arising o0t of" or in +onne+tion ith" this
Agreement and not sett.ed by the #ro+ed0re #res+ribed in &e+tion 3<$3" sha.. (regard.ess
of the nat0re of the Dis#0te) be fina..y sett.ed in a++ordan+e ith :NCITRA% R0.es of
Internationa. Arbitration for a sing.e arbitrator$
&e+tion 3<$9 4 #ontinued Performance$ D0ring the #enden+y of any arbitration"
O#erator and Oner sha.. +ontin0e to #erform their ob.igations 0nder this Agreement$
&e+tion 3?$3 4 Assignment$ Neither Oner nor O#erator #arty may assign its
rights or ob.igations 0nder this Agreement itho0t the #rior ritten +onsent of the other
#arty hereto"
e5+e#t that this Agreement may be assigned by Oner itho0t s0+h #rior +onsent to any
s0++essor of Oner" to a #erson or entity a+;0iring a.. or s0bstantia..y a.. of the Pro*e+t"
or to a %ender or any #0r+haser of the Pro*e+t 0#on the e5er+ise of remedies 0nder a
Pro*e+t Agreement by a %ender$ O#erator hereby +onsents to the assignment by Oner
of a se+0rity interest in this Agreement to %enders$ O#erator f0rther agrees to e5e+0te
do+0mentation to e-iden+e s0+h +onsent reasonab.y re;0ired by the %enders ty#i+a. for
#ro*e+t finan+e$ O#erator re+ogniCes that s0+h +onsent may grant +ertain rights to s0+h
%enders" hi+h sha.. be f0..y des+ribed in the +onsent do+0ments$
&e+tion 3?$7 4 Access to Project$
(a) Oner$ Oner" %enders and their res#e+ti-e agents and re#resentati-es sha..
ha-e a++ess at a.. times to the Pro*e+t and any do+0ments" materia.s and re+ords and
a++o0nts re.ating to Pro*e+t o#erations for #0r#oses of ins#e+tion and re-ie$ :#on the
re;0est of Oner" %ender or their res#e+ti-e agents and re#resentati-es" O#erator sha..
ma1e a-ai.ab.e to s0+h #ersons or entities and #ro-ide them ith a++ess to any o#erating
data and a.. o#erating .ogs$
(b) Coo#eration$ D0ring any s0+h ins#e+tion or re-ie of the Pro*e+t" ea+h of
Oner" %ender and their res#e+ti-e agents and re#resentati-es sha.. 0se its reasonab.e
+ommer+ia. efforts to +a0se a0thoriCed -isitors to +om#.y ith O#eratorDs safety and
se+0rity #ro+ed0res and to +ond0+t s0+h ins#e+tion and re-ie in a manner hi+h +a0ses
minima. interferen+e ith O#eratorDs a+ti-ities$ O#erator agrees to +oo#erate f0..y ith
Oner" %ender and their res#e+ti-e agents and re#resentati-es in #ro-iding re;0ested
information and do+0mentation for the s0##ort of any finan+ia. or .ega. transa+tions
asso+iated ith the Pro*e+t$
&e+tion 3?$9 4 Force Majeure$ If either Oner or O#erator is rendered ho..y or
#artia..y 0nab.e to #erform its ob.igations 0nder this Agreement (other than #ayment
ob.igations) d0e to a /or+e Ma*e0re E-ent" the #arty affe+ted by s0+h /or+e Ma*e0re
E-ent sha.. be e5+0sed from hate-er #erforman+e is im#aired by s0+h /or+e Ma*e0re
E-ent" #ro-ided that the affe+ted #arty #rom#t.y" 0#on .earning of s0+h /or+e Ma*e0re
E-ent and as+ertaining that it i.. affe+t its #erforman+e here0nder" (i) #rom#t.y gi-es
noti+e to the other #arty stating the nat0re of the /or+e Ma*e0re E-ent" its anti+i#ated
d0ration" and any a+tion being ta1en to a-oid or minimiCe its effe+t and (ii) 0ses its
reasonab.e +ommer+ia. efforts to remedy its inabi.ity to #erform$$ The s0s#ension of
#erforman+e sha.. be of no greater s+o#e and no .onger d0ration than that hi+h is
ne+essary$ No ob.igations of either #arty hi+h arose before the o++0rren+e +a0sing the
s0s#ension of #erforman+e and hi+h +o0.d and sho0.d ha-e been f0..y #erformed before
s0+h o++0rren+e sha.. be e5+0sed as a res0.t of s0+h o++0rren+e$ The b0rden of #roof
sha.. be on the #arty asserting e5+0se from #erforman+e d0e to a /or+e Ma*e0re E-ent$
&e+tion 3?$? 4 Amendments$ No amendments or modifi+ations of this Agreement
sha.. be -a.id 0n.ess e-iden+ed in riting and signed by d0.y a0thoriCed re#resentati-es
of both #arties$
&e+tion 3?$= 4 urvival$ Notithstanding any #ro-isions herein to the +ontrary" the
ob.igations set forth in Arti+.es I" 3B" 37 and 3<" and the .imitations of .iabi.ities set forth
in Arti+.e 33" sha.. s0r-i-e in f0.. for+e des#ite the e5#iration or termination of this
&e+tion 3?$I 4 $o /aiver$ It is 0nderstood and agreed that any de.ay" ai-er or
omission by Oner or O#erator ith res#e+t to enfor+ement of re;0ired #erforman+e by
the other 0nder this Agreement sha.. not be +onstr0ed to be a ai-er by Oner or
O#erator of any s0bse;0ent brea+h or defa0.t of the same or other re;0ired #erforman+e
on the #art of Oner or O#erator$
&e+tion 3?$J 4 $otices$ A.. noti+es and other +omm0ni+ations (+o..e+ti-e.y
"Noti+es") re;0ired or #ermitted 0nder this Agreement sha.. be in riting and sha.. be
gi-en to ea+h #arty at its address or fa5 n0mber set forth in this &e+tion 3?$J or at s0+h
other address or fa5 n0mber as hereafter s#e+ified as #ro-ided in this &e+tion 3?$J$ A..
Noti+es sha.. be (i) de.i-ered #ersona..y or (ii) sent by fa5" e.e+troni+ mai." te.egra#h"
registered or +ertified mai. (ret0rn re+ei#t re;0ested and #ostage #re#aid)" or (iii) sent by
a nationa..y re+ogniCed o-ernight +o0rier ser-i+e$ Noti+es sha.. be deemed to gi-en (A)
hen transmitted if sent by fa5" e.e+troni+ mai." or te.egra#h (#ro-ided the transmitta. is
+onfirmed)" or (6) 0#on re+ei#t by the intended re+i#ient if gi-en by any other means$
Noti+es sha.. be sent to the fo..oing addresses2
To O#erator2
["ame of O&M firm]
[#ddre of O&M firm]
ATTN2 ["ame of re!reentati(e deignated !uruant to %ection 0+1]
Te.2 [Tele!'one num)er, including country code, if needed]
/a52 [-acimile mac'ine num)er, including country code, if needed]
E4Mai.2 [E2mail addre]
To Oner2
["ame of Owner &M firm]
[#ddre of Owner firm]
ATTN2 ["ame of re!reentati(e deignated !uruant to %ection 0+1]
Te.2 [Tele!'one num)er, including country code, if needed]
/a52 [-acimile mac'ine num)er, including country code, if needed]
E4Mai.2 [E2mail addre]
&e+tion 3?$H 4 Fines And Penalties$ If d0ring the term of this Agreement any
go-ernmenta. or reg0.atory a0thority or agen+y assesses any fines or #ena.ties against
O#erator or Oner arising from O#eratorDs fai.0re to o#erate and maintain the Pro*e+t in
a++ordan+e ith a##.i+ab.e %as itho0t OnerDs #rior ritten +onsent" s0+h fines and
#ena.ties sha.." s0b*e+t to the .imitations set forth in Arti+.e 33" be the so.e res#onsibi.ity
of O#erator and sha.. not be deemed a Reimb0rsab.e Cost$
&e+tion 3?$3B 4 Representations And /arranties$ Ea+h #arty re#resents and
arrants to the other #arty that2
(a) s0+h #arty has the f0.. #oer and a0thority to e5e+0te" de.i-er and #erform this
Agreement and to +arry o0t the transa+tions +ontem#.ated herebyA
(b) to the best of s0+h #artyDs 1no.edge" the e5e+0tion" de.i-ery and #erforman+e
by s0+h #arty of this Agreement" does not and i.. not materia..y +onf.i+t ith any .ega."
+ontra+t0a." or
organiCationa. re;0irement of s0+h #artyA and
(+) there are no #ending or threatened .ega." administrati-e" or other #ro+eedings
that if ad-erse.y determined" +o0.d reasonab.y be e5#e+ted to ha-e a materia. ad-erse
effe+t on s0+h #artyDs abi.ity to #erform its ob.igations 0nder this Agreement$
&e+tion 3?$334 #ounterparts$ The #arties may e5e+0te this Agreement in
+o0nter#arts" hi+h sha.." in the aggregate" hen signed by both #arties +onstit0te one
instr0ment$ Thereafter" ea+h +o0nter#art sha.. be deemed an origina. instr0ment as
against any #arty ho has signed it$
&e+tion 3?$37 4 ,overning %a-$ This Agreement is e5e+0ted and intended to be
#erformed in [$ountry of Project] and the .as of +o0ntry sha.. go-ern its
+onstr0+tion" inter#retation and effe+t$
&e+tion 3?$39 4 Partial )nvalidit'$ If any term" #ro-ision" +o-enant or +ondition
of this Agreement is he.d by a +o0rt of +om#etent *0risdi+tion to be in-a.id" -oid or
0nenfor+eab.e" the rest of this Agreement sha.. remain in f0.. for+e and effe+t and in no
ay be affe+ted" im#aired or in-a.idated$
&e+tion 3?$3< 4 #aptions$ Tit.es or +a#tions of &e+tions +ontained in this
Agreement are inserted as a matter of +on-enien+e and for referen+e" and do not affe+t
the s+o#e or meaning of this Agreement or the intent of any #ro-ision hereof$
&e+tion 3?$3? 4 Dollar Amounts$ A.. amo0nts of money in this Agreement are
denominated in the +0rren+y of [$urrency of #greement] (ritten as ) [con(entional
notation] ))$
&e+tion 3?$3= 4 1endor"s /arranties$ /or OnerDs benefit" O#erator sha.. obtain
from se..ers of e;0i#ment" materia." or ser-i+es (other than the &er-i+es)" arranties
against defe+ts in materia.s and or1manshi# to the e5tent s0+h arranties are reasonab.y
obtainab.e" and" to the e5tent of any s0+h arranties a+t0a..y obtained" Oner re.eases
O#erator from any f0rther .iabi.ity arising in res#e+t of s0+h e;0i#ment" materia. or
ser-i+es (other than the &er-i+es) to the e5tent s0+h .iabi.ity is +o-ered by any s0+h
arranty$ O#erator itse.f sha.. not be .iab.e for any s0+h arranties" or for any defe+ts or
damage +a0sed by s0+h e;0i#ment" materia. or ser-i+es (other than the &er-i+es)$ :#on
OnerDs re;0est" O#erator agrees to ta1e s0+h ste#s as are ne+essary" short of .itigation" to
enfor+e said arranties$ Ea+h s0+h arranty sha.. be enfor+eab.e by Oner for OnerDs
benefit or assignab.e by O#erator to Oner itho0t any f0rther a+tion or +onsent by or on
the #art of any third #arty$ :n.ess otherise re;0ested" O#erator sha.. administer s0+h
arranties and immediate.y notify Oner of any defe+ts dis+o-ered or s0s#e+ted that
may be +o-ered by s0+h arranties$ 'hen re;0ested" O#erator sha.. assign any s0+h
arranty to Oner and assist Oner ith the administration and enfor+ement of s0+h
arranty" or" if s0+h arranty is not assignab.e to Oner" assist Oner ith the
administration and enfor+ement of s0+h arranty$
IN 'ITNE&& '(EREO/" the #arties ha-e e5e+0ted this Agreement thro0gh their d0.y
a0thoriCed offi+ers as of the date set forth in the #reamb.e to this Agreement$
[Legal "ame of Owner ]
[Legal "ame of O!erator]

T'e !ecific o)ligation of t'e O!erator will de!end on t'e Project+ T'e
following !ro(iion 3ta.en from an actual contract4 are illutrati(e and are
!ro(ided to identify ome of t'e !oi)le area of co(erage and 'ow t'e le(el of
detail t'at may )e a!!ro!riate+
5+ Program
)n addition to those responsi&ilities descri&ed in the Agreement2 !perator shall &e
responsi&le for the esta&lishment and implementation of the follo-ing programs2
standards and procedures2 -hich re*uire !-ner approval and -hich are included in the
3ervices3 to &e provided &' !perator.
A. The program for esta&lishing specific operating goals for each functional Project
area2 for managing resources to minimi4e personnel turnover2 and for *ualif'ing
personnel2 to operate and maintain the Project (including the &asis for *ualification of
+. The program for communicating and cooperating -ith !-ner and governmental
#. The Project management standards for conduct of operations2 Project safel'2 conduct
of maintenance2 house5eeping2 material condition2 and records management.
D. The program for preparing supporting documentation2 meter readings and
information necessar' to accuratel' prepare2 justif' and support monthl' invoices in
accordance -ith the terms and conditions of the Project Agreements.
E. Developing the procedures used to operate the Project as -ell as monitoring2
evaluating2 and proposing revisions to such procedures.
F. The Project operations and monitoring program -hich provides the re*uirements for6
7. Monitoring of Project Performance
8. Monthl' Project Performance #alculations and Report
9. Monthl' Fuel #onsumption #alculations and Report
:. Project Permitting and Environmental Reporting
;. hift Routines < !perating Practices
=. #ontrol of E*uipment
>. Project #hemistr' #ontrol and /ater Treatment
?. Training Programs
@. !perator Aualifications
7B. !perating Procedures
77. tatus of Major E*uipment
,. The maintenance program -hich provides the re*uirements for6
7. Maintenance Planning
8. Maintenance Procedures
9. Preventive Maintenance
:. Predictive Maintenance
;. Maintenance Training
C. The materials management program -hich provides the re*uirements for6
7. Procuring Materials and Tools
8. )nventor' %evels and #ontrol
9. Rene-al of )nventories
). The diagnostic testing program for maintaining the Project and Project e*uipment2
including &oth s'stem and component level testing.
D. The house5eeping < cleanliness program -hich provides the re*uirements for6
7. Ca4ardous Material #ontrol
8. ,eneral Project #leanliness
9. E*uipment #ondition )nspections
:. Ca4ardous /aste Program
E. The pro&lem assessment program -hich provides the procedure for determining the
cause(s) of operational or e*uipment failures and preventing future failures through
recommended improvements2 including justification for such recommendations (i.e.2
&asis of recommendation and economic anal'sis).
%. The records management program for maintaining the tracea&ilit' and
documentation of Project performance.
M. The Project safet' program -hich provides the re*uirements for esta&lishing6
7. afet' Monitoring
8. Accident Prevention Program
9. Accident Reporting
$. Monthl' and 'earl' reporting s'stems of Project performance to !-ner.
!. The securit' program for maintaining the securit' of the Project and surrounding
55+ %!ecific Re/uirement
!perator"s scope of ervices is &ased on the Project design as descri&ed in certain of the
Project Agreements2 the Project !perating Manuals2 vendor manuals and design
dra-ings. !perator -ill prepare Annual Project !perating Plans2 -hich2 in part2 -ill
define the operations
procedural re*uirements for the Project to meet the re*uirements of the Project
Agreements. !perator2 as part of the ervices2 is responsi&le for6
A. Providing such trained personnel as is reasona&l' necessar' to operate and maintain
the Project and provide the ervices set forth in this Agreement.
+. !perating and maintaining the Project in accordance -ith the approved Annual
Project !perating Plan.
#. u&mitting an Annual Project !perating Plan. $ot later than ninet' (@B) da's prior
to the first da' of each #ontract Fear2 !perator -ill su&mit an Annual Project !perating
Plan to !-ner. )n addition to the re*uirements set forth in ection =.8 (Annual
!perating +udget and Plan)2 the Annual Project !perating Plan -ill detail
maintenance2 outage2 and overhaul schedules2 Project staffing2 5no-n capital and
e(pense &udget items2 operating plans2 and -ill provide the underl'ing assumptions used
in developing the proposed &udgets and anticipated availa&ilit' for the period. !-ner
-ill revie- and approve the Annual Project !perating Plan. uch approval -ill &ecome
the &asis for reim&ursement under the Annual +udget.
D. Planning and managing on0site operations and maintenance activities2 including6
7. Assuring that operational goals and operating plans are consistent -ith the
Annual Project !perating Plan.
8. Assuring that the Project is operated in accordance -ith this Agreement and
in a safe2 relia&le2 efficient2 and prudent manner.
9. Assuring that operations and maintenance personnel are trained and *ualified
for their assigned responsi&ilities and tas5s2 and that such *ualification is
:. Assuring that the Project meets contract2 regulator'2 and environmental
re*uirements set forth in the Project Agreements or other-ise identified &'
!-ner or !perator.
;. Managing and controlling costs consistent -ith &udget re*uirements.
=. Planning2 scheduling and managing -or5 and maintenance activities.
>. Defining and documenting operational technical re*uirements.
?. Defining and delineating responsi&ilities &et-een !perator and !-ner and
identif'ing reporting re*uirements.
@. Esta&lishing la&or relations and personnel programs that -ill meet state and
federal re*uirements and encourage emplo'ee retention.
7B. Maintaining a current inventor' of materials and procuring all services2
spare parts2 operational materials2 consuma&les2 office e*uipment2 tools and shop
e*uipment2 or an' other items or materials re*uired to operate or maintain the
Project. !perator -ill identif' re*uired items2 cost2 *uantit' and need date. The
cost of an' item or service shall &e reim&ursed &' !-ner in accordance -ith this
77. #ontrolling outages2 &oth planned and unplanned2 &' using detailed and
integrated plans and schedules2 and resource management.
78. Maintaining Project performance levels &' using routine s'stem and
component performance testing.
79. Maintaining a file of preplanned outage0related -or5 to allo- for efficient
use of an' forced outage do-ntime.
7:. Esta&lishing open purchase order or contract agreements -ith Project
e*uipment vendors2 industrial suppliers2 jo&&ers2 and maintenance contractors in
accordance -ith Project Agreements to ensure timel' response to Project
maintenance needs.
7;. Promptl' notif'ing !-ner in -riting of an' teardo-ns and overhauls of
major e*uipment or capital improvements that !perator &elieves are necessar'
or advisa&le together -ith a proposed schedule for completing such repairs or
E. Performing certain tas5s2 duties2 responsi&ilities and o&ligations assigned to !-ner
under the )nterconnection Agreements2 including2 &ut not limited to2 the follo-ing6
7. Performing routine surveillance of all e*uipment routinel' used to communicate -ith
the 'stem !perator.
8. $otif'ing the 'stem !perator of an' routine maintenance activities -hich -ill
re*uire clearance from the 'stem !perator.
9. Providing the 'stem !perator and !-ner"s #ustomers -ith all re*uired information
regarding the Project"s availa&ilit'.
:. Responding to dispatch orders from the 'stem !perator and !-ner"s #ustomers.
;. Monitoring and adjusting the reactive output of the generators to maintain
transmission voltage levels -ithin the capa&ilit' of the Project"s generators.
=. Responding to and correcting generator d'namic insta&ilit' in accordance -ith
instructions from the 'stem !perator.
F. E(ecution or oversight of routine preventive maintenance (3PM3) activities in
accordance -ith Prudent .tilit' Practice2 including2 -ithout limitation6
7. %u&rication #hec5s
8. #leaning < Flushing
9. Preservation
:. Fluid #hanges and Replacement
;. 1isual )nspections
=. !perational Monitoring
>. 1i&ration Anal'sis
?. #hemical Anal'sis (-ater testing)
@. Trend Anal'sis
7B. #ali&ration
77. Measurements
78. Adjustments
79. C'drostatic Tests
7:. %u&e !il Anal'sis (sampling onl')
7;. Replacement of /ear < acrificial Parts
7>. Resistance Testing
,. E(ecution or oversight of routine corrective maintenance (3#M3) activities in
accordance -ith Prudent .tilit' Practices to trou&leshoot2 inspect2 and repair the
e*uipment upon identification and detection of certain conditions2 including -ithout
7. Ph'sical fault conditions such as6
a. +loc5ed < stopped flo-
&. Fractures < &rea5 < &reaches
c. #rac5s
d. Distortion < displacement
e. #orrosion < discoloration
8. !ut of specification conditions such as6
a. Cigh < lo- flo-2 pressure2 temperature2 or chemistr'
&. !ff voltage
c. !ut of limits < adjustments
d. Erratic output
e. )ntermittent < spurious operation
f. Failure to control < hold
g. Cigh < lo- output
h. )mproper timing
9. Demand fault conditions such as failure to6
a. tart < run < operate
&. top
c. !pen
d. #lose
e. Move < release < respond
:. A&normal characteristics such as6
a. !verheating
&. $oise
c. 1i&ration
d. #hatter
e. False response
;. %ea5age conditions such as6
a. %ea5age to surrounding environment
&. %ea5age past seats < stems < pac5ing < seals
#M activities not re*uiring e*uipment shutdo-n shall &e performed as
as possi&le and in order of priorit'. #M activities re*uiring e*uipment
shutdo-n shall &e performed -hen e*uipment is removed from service.
C. The PM and #M activities -ill &e inventoried and performed on a s'stem0&'0s'stem
&asis and shall appl' to the follo-ing e*uipment t'pes6
7. #ircuit +rea5ers (all t'pes)
8. +atteries (all t'pes)
9. Electric Ceaters
:. Ceat Tracing
;. +lo-ers
=. A# Motors (s'nchronous < induction)
>. D# Motors (s'nchronous < induction)
?. 1alves (all t'pes)
@. 1alve !perators (air < motor < h'draulic)
7B. #ontrol Rela's (A# < D#)
77. Transformers
78. #ontrollers
79. Recorders
7:. Transmitters
7;. -itches (all t'pes)
7=. Dampers
7>. Fans < #ompressors
7?. Ceat E(changers
7@. Radiators
8B. Pumps
87. Filters < trainers
88. Air Dr'ers
89. Tan5s < 1essels
8:. Pipe < Pipe Fittings < Pipe upports
8;. #om&ustion Tur&ines
8=. ,enerators
). Performing such other tas5s and services -hich !-ner ma' reasona&l' re*uest from
time to time in connection -ith operation of the Project.
A$ Reimb0rsab.e Cost items sha.. be #aid to O#erator in a++ordan+e ith the
re;0irements of Arti+.es ? and I$ Reimb0rsab.e Costs in+.0de2
3$ %abor +osts" in+.0ding a..oan+es for #ayro.." ta5es" bon0ses and benefits
7$ &#are and re#.a+ement #arts
9$ A.. materia." too.s and e;0i#ment ne+essary to o#erate and maintain the
<$ Chemi+a.s
?$ %0bri+ants (in+.0ding #ro#er dis#osa. +osts)
=$ &#e+ia.iCed instr0mentation and +a.ibration e;0i#ment
I$ Rigging and hand.ing e;0i#ment
J$ Cons0mab.es and genera. s0##.ies
H$ C.eaning &0##.ies
3B$ &ho# e;0i#ment insta..ed in Pro*e+t
33$ A0thoriCed .eased e;0i#ment
37$ &#e+ia.iCed test and +a.ibration e;0i#ment
39$ Ma*or e;0i#ment o-erha0.s
3<$ 60i.ding re#airs and maintenan+e (not +a0sed by +ontra+tors 0nder the Pro*e+t
3?$ Ins0ran+e +osts in a++ordan+e ith &e+tion H$3(d)
3I$ Ta5es (e5+.0ding in+ome) re;0ired to be #aid by O#erator
3J$ Costs re.ated to training of #.ant #ersonne.
3H$ Cons0.tantsD fees and e5#enses" if in+or#orated in the Ann0a. 60dget or
otherise a##ro-ed in ad-an+e by Oner$
3H$ Contra+t &er-i+es" if in+or#orated in the Ann0a. 60dget or otherise
a##ro-ed in ad-an+e by Oner$
6$ The fo..oing i.. be Reimb0rsab.e Costs hen s#e+ifi+a..y re.ated to Pro*e+t
3$ Offi+e s0##.ies
7$ Offi+e e;0i#ment and f0rnit0re
9$ Te.e#hone and other +omm0ni+ation ser-i+e +harges
<$ /reight and e5#ress mai. +harges
?$ Eanitoria." +.eaning" and gro0nds1ee#ing ser-i+es
A.. &er-i+es by O#erator that s0##ort Pro*e+t a+ti-ities and a.. Reimb0rsab.e Costs sha..
be a##ro-ed by Oner" thro0gh the Ann0a. 60dget or otherise" #rior to im#.ementation
by O#erator$
[T'i #!!endi* of notification and communication !rotocol 'ould incor!orate any
!rocee )eyond t'oe defined in %ection 06+7 for "otice re/uired )y t'e #greement
and for ot'er communication )etween Owner and O!erator+ T'e !rotocol 'ould
include !rimary and alternate contact information+ T'e !rotocol 'ould alo define
t'e !rocedure for O!erator8 communication and dealing wit' certain t'ird !artie
on Owner8 )e'alf, a may )e re/uired under (ariou ot'er Project #greement or if
t'e O!erator i re/uired to act a agent for t'e Owner+]

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