Engineering Workshop Power Point
Engineering Workshop Power Point
Engineering Workshop Power Point
The primary purpose of PowerPoint is to help you design, create, and edit presentations
and printed handouts. A presentation is a set of screens (called slides) that you present
to people in a group. Because PowerPoint provides a wide variety of predefined
templates, you don't have to be a graphics design specialist to create goodloo!ing
Microsoft PowerPoint is a software product used to perform computer-based presentations.
There are various circumstances in which a presentation is made: teaching a class, introducing a
product to sell, explaining an organizational structure, etc.
There are two main kinds of presentations ou can deliver: before an audience or not. The
preparation and the actual deliver of each are !uite different. "efore getting into the details of
each, we will first take a look at the software and analze what it has to offer.
The term presentation refers to the entire PowerPoint collection of slides, whereas the
term slide refers to an individual screen within a presentation.
PowerPoint slides can hold many !inds of information. "ere are a few of the things you
can add to a PowerPoint presentation#
$ata you insert into PowerPoint, including te%t, charts, graphs, and graphics
&ord documents
'ive data from the (nternet including complete &eb pages
)%cel wor!sheets
)%cel graphs and charts
Access databases
*ultimedia content such as movies and sound
+raphics programs that you use to create and edit graphics
,ther software programs whose data you import into PowerPoint
Starting Microsoft PowerPoint
,ne way you can open *icrosoft PowerPoint by clic!ing
-tart . (All) Programs . *icrosoft ,ffice . *icrosoft ,ffice PowerPoint.
1. Slide Orientation
-witch the slide orientation between portrait and landscape.
a. ,n the Design tab, under Page Setup section, select Slide Orientation.
-elect any one mode Portrait or 'andscape.
2. Slide Layout
/ou can change the layout of the selected slide
a. ,n the Hoe tab, under Slides section, select Layout. -elect any one
format you li!e.
0ote# 1ight clic! on the slide and select Layout from the menu.
!. Inserting "e#t
a. -elect any te%t bo% on the slide and type the re2uired te%t.
0ote# ,n the Insert tab, under Text section, select "e#t $o# to insert te%t.
%. &ord 'rt
(nsert decorative te%t in your document.
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Text section, select &ord 'rt to insert
decorative te%t.
(. )oratting "e#t
a. -elect any te%t bo% on the slide and type the re2uired te%t.
b. -elect the te%t bo% so that you will find )orat tab. Apply some
*. $ullets and Nu+ering
To start a Bullets list or numbering list use the re2uired buttons
a. ,n the Hoe tab, under Paragraph section, select $ullets button or
Nu+ering button.
,. 'uto S-apes
/ou can insert readymade shapes.
a. ,n the Hoe tab, under Drawing section, select any shape from the list.
b. ,n the Insert tab, under Illustrations section, select S-apes.
.. Lines and 'rrows
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Illustrations section, select S-apes.
/. Hyperlin0s
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Links section, select Hyperlin0.
11. Inserting Iages
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Illustrations section, select Picture.
11. 2lip 'rt
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Illustrations section, select 2lip 'rt.
12. 'udio
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Media Clips section, select Sound.
1!. 3ideo
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Media Clips section, select Mo4ie.
1%. O+5ects
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Text section, select O+5ect.
1(. "a+les
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Tables section, select "a+le.
1*. 2-arts
a. ,n the Insert tab, under Illustrations section, select 2-art.