Module 1: evelo! understandings of multi!lication and division and strategies for "asic multi!"lication facts and related division facts# $u!!orting idea % and Alge"ra' - math is all around us! -our child will learn that we use math ever,da,# it is a good idea to encourage,our child to hel!,ou read reci!es and sho! for the "est deals at the grocer
Module 1: evelo! understandings of multi!lication and division and strategies for "asic multi!"lication facts and related division facts# $u!!orting idea % and Alge"ra' - math is all around us! -our child will learn that we use math ever,da,# it is a good idea to encourage,our child to hel!,ou read reci!es and sho! for the "est deals at the grocer
Module 1: evelo! understandings of multi!lication and division and strategies for "asic multi!"lication facts and related division facts# $u!!orting idea % and Alge"ra' - math is all around us! -our child will learn that we use math ever,da,# it is a good idea to encourage,our child to hel!,ou read reci!es and sho! for the "est deals at the grocer
Module 1: evelo! understandings of multi!lication and division and strategies for "asic multi!"lication facts and related division facts# $u!!orting idea % and Alge"ra' - math is all around us! -our child will learn that we use math ever,da,# it is a good idea to encourage,our child to hel!,ou read reci!es and sho! for the "est deals at the grocer
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L e s s o n s a n d A c t i v i t i e s G u i d e
The frst semester of 5th Grade Math
contains two fun learning modules! Big Idea 1: evelo! understandings of multi!lication and division and strategies for "asic multi!lication facts and related division facts#$u!!orting Ideas: $u!!orting Idea % & Alge"ra' $u!!orting Idea ( & )um"ers and *!erations' $u!!orting Idea + & ata Anal,sis $emest er *ne $emester 1 ath is all around us! -our child will learn that we use math ever,da,# It is a good idea to encourage ,our child to hel! ,ou read reci!es and sho! for the "est deals at the grocer, store' as well as other .ever,da,/ activities# 0hen children reali1e that math is !art of their lives' the, can "egin to a!!l, it to real world !ro"lems# $eminole Academ, of igital Learning is committed to maintaining the a!!ro!riate "alance of online and o2ine activities# 3ideos and online interactives will "e used' "ut ,our student will also do man, hands&on activities designed to "uild an understanding of conce!ts# 4se this guide to !lan ahead# -our teacher will introduce each Module to ,ou and !rovide information on the da, to da, activities# If ,ou are unsure how to hel! ,our student develo! a s!ecifc conce!t' remem"er that ,our teacher will "e hosting regular face&to&face su!!ort da,s' online su!!ort meetings' and is alwa,s availa"le ", !hone# Module 1 5luenc, with 0hole )um"ers and ecimals Module 6 *!erations and 5ractions Getting $tarted This guide will outline what ,ou will see in each lesson and materials ,ou will need# 4se the !rinted Learning 7oach Guides to chec8 o9 what has "een accom!lished' which will hel! 8ee! ,ou and ,our child on trac8# :ach da,' start ", logging into Blac8"oard# 7lic8 on the folder for the module;lesson that is ne<t in ,our se=uence# *nce ,ou enter the lesson' a se=uence of screens will guide ,ou and ,our student through the lesson# Math contains man, voca"ular, words that are !ro"a"l, new to ,our child# It is im!ortant to ma8e sure that students understand the meaning of these new words and how the, a!!l, to the math o!erations and !ro"lems# 0el come to 5i fth Grade math! M At A Glance 5th Grade Math Learnin g 7oach Guide Page 1 ath is all around us! -our child will learn that we use math ever,da,# It is a good idea to encourage ,our child to hel! ,ou read reci!es and sho! for the "est deals at the grocer, store' as well as other .ever,da,/ activities# 0hen children reali1e that math is !art of their lives' the, can "egin to a!!l, it to real world !ro"lems# $eminole Academ, of igital Learning is committed to maintaining the a!!ro!riate "alance of online and o2ine activities# 3ideos and online interactives will "e used' "ut ,our student will also do man, hands&on activities designed to "uild an understanding of conce!ts# 4se this guide to !lan ahead# -our teacher will introduce each Module to ,ou and !rovide information on the da, to da, activities# If ,ou are unsure how to hel! ,our student develo! a s!ecifc conce!t' remem"er that ,our teacher will "e hosting regular face&to&face su!!ort da,s' online su!!ort meetings' and is alwa,s availa"le ", !hone# Module 1 4nit 1 >lace 3alue' Multi!lication' and :<!ressions >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow can you describe the relationship between two place !alue positions& 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition p. * Students will complete the Show +hat ,ou -now problems. Then continue to p. . and complete the /ocabulary uilder 0uestions1 and define the re!iew and pre!iew words. (omplete the problems on p. 234. Then go to the binder of printed materials and do Standards Practice ook Pages *3.. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you describe the relationship between two place !alue positions& 5esson 7$ Place /alue of +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow do you read1 write and represent whole numbers through hundred millions& Start by clicking on the link for 9estination "ath on p. : of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do +hole 8umbers to 'ne "illion. 9o the Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout 7 and +orkout*. Then click on the link for Animated "ath and do the lesson for Place /alue. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages :317 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 23< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you read1 write1 and represent whole numbers through hundred millions& 5esson *$ Properties Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow can you use properties of operations to sol!e problems& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 1* of the online student edition and do the lesson for Algebra$ Properties and "ental "ath Strategies. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1*31< by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =34 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use properties of operations to sol!e problems& 5esson .$ Powers of 1> and )xponents Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow can you use an exponent to show powers of 1>& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 1= and complete the lesson on )xponents. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1=37> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :31> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use an exponent to show powers of 1>& 5esson 2$ "ultiplication Patterns Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 71 and complete the lesson on "ultiplication Patterns. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7137. by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 11317 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson <$ "ultiply by 139igit 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint found in the online !ersion of the (ommon (ore student edition on pages 7237<. @f there is any concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 7= and complete the lesson "ultiply by 139igit 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7=3*> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1*31. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 1$ Place /alue and Patterns Page 7 >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow can you describe the relationship between two place !alue positions& 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition p. * Students will complete the Show +hat ,ou -now problems. Then continue to p. . and complete the /ocabulary uilder 0uestions1 and define the re!iew and pre!iew words. (omplete the problems on p. 234. Then go to the binder of printed materials and do Standards Practice ook Pages *3.. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you describe the relationship between two place !alue positions& 5esson 7$ Place /alue of +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow do you read1 write and represent whole numbers through hundred millions& Start by clicking on the link for 9estination "ath on p. : of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do +hole 8umbers to 'ne "illion. 9o the Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout 7 and +orkout*. Then click on the link for Animated "ath and do the lesson for Place /alue. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages :317 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 23< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you read1 write1 and represent whole numbers through hundred millions& 5esson *$ Properties Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow can you use properties of operations to sol!e problems& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 1* of the online student edition and do the lesson for Algebra$ Properties and "ental "ath Strategies. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1*31< by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =34 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use properties of operations to sol!e problems& 5esson .$ Powers of 1> and )xponents Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn today. %ow can you use an exponent to show powers of 1>& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 1= and complete the lesson on )xponents. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1=37> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :31> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use an exponent to show powers of 1>& 5esson 2$ "ultiplication Patterns Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 71 and complete the lesson on "ultiplication Patterns. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7137. by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 11317 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson <$ "ultiply by 139igit 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint found in the online !ersion of the (ommon (ore student edition on pages 7237<. @f there is any concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 7= and complete the lesson "ultiply by 139igit 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7=3*> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1*31. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson <$ "ultiply by 139igit 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 7237<. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you multiply by 13digit numbers& (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson "ultiply by 13digit numbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7=3*> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1*31. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you multiply 13digit numbers& 5esson =$ "ultiply by 739igit 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you multiply by 73digit numbers& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page *1 of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ Two39igit "ultipliers Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. *1 and complete the lesson "ultiply by 739igit 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages *13*. by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1231< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you multiply by 73digit numbers& 5esson 4$ 6elate "ultiplication to 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow is multiplication used to sol!e a di!ision problem& (omplete pages *23*4 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1=37> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow is multiplication used to sol!e a di!ision problem& 5esson :$ Problem Sol!ing$ "ultiplication and 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use the strategy sol!e a simpler problem to help you sol!e a di!ision problem& (omplete pages *:3.7 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1:37> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use the strategy sol!e a simpler problem to help you sol!e a di!ision problem& 5esson 1>$ 8umerical )xpressions Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a numerical expression to describe a situation& (omplete pages .*3.< by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 71377 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use a numerical expression to describe a situation& Page * Module 1 4nit 1 >lace 3alue' Multi!lication' and :<!ressions 5esson <$ "ultiply by 139igit 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 7237<. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you multiply by 13digit numbers& (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson "ultiply by 13digit numbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7=3*> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1*31. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you multiply 13digit numbers& 5esson =$ "ultiply by 739igit 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you multiply by 73digit numbers& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page *1 of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ Two39igit "ultipliers Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. *1 and complete the lesson "ultiply by 739igit 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages *13*. by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1231< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you multiply by 73digit numbers& 5esson 4$ 6elate "ultiplication to 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow is multiplication used to sol!e a di!ision problem& (omplete pages *23*4 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1=37> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow is multiplication used to sol!e a di!ision problem& 5esson :$ Problem Sol!ing$ "ultiplication and 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use the strategy sol!e a simpler problem to help you sol!e a di!ision problem& (omplete pages *:3.7 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1:37> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use the strategy sol!e a simpler problem to help you sol!e a di!ision problem& 5esson 1>$ 8umerical )xpressions Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a numerical expression to describe a situation& (omplete pages .*3.< by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 71377 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use a numerical expression to describe a situation& 5esson 11$ )!aluate 8umerical )xpressions Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. @n what order must operations be e!aluated to find the solution to a problem& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. .= and complete the lesson 'rder of 'perations. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages .=32> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 7*37. from your 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& @n what order must operations be e!aluated to find the solution to a problem& 5esson 17$ Arouping Symbols Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. @n what order must operations be e!aluated to find a solution where there are parentheses within parentheses& (omplete pages 2132. by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 7237< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& @n what order must operations be e!aluated to find a solution where there are parentheses within parentheses& 5esson 1*$ 6e!iew Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# S) p. 22324 +orkbook pages 7=3*> (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. 5esson 1.$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. Page . Module 1 4nit 1 >lace 3alue' Multi!lication' and :<!ressions Module 1 4nit 7$ 9i!ide +hole 8umbers >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 2:3<>. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you tell where to place the first digit of a 0uotient without di!iding& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. <1 and complete the lesson Place the Birst 9igit. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages <13<. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *13*7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you tell where to place the first digit of a 0uotient without di!iding& 5esson 7$ 9i!ide by 139igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you sol!e and check di!ision problems& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page <2 of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ @ntroduction to 5ong 9i!ision Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson 9i!ide by 139igit 9i!isors. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages <23<4 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages **3*. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you sol!e and check di!ision problems& 5esson *$ 9i!ision with 739igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model and understand di!ision of whole numbers& (omplete pages <:3=7 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *23*< from your binder of printed materials. (lick the link for "ega"ath and complete Up1 Up1 and Array 5e!els %1 6 and S. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model and understand di!ision of whole numbers& 5esson .$ Partial Cuotients Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use partial 0uotients to di!ide by 73digit di!isors& (omplete pages =*3=< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *=3*4 from your binder of printed materials. (lick the link for "ega"ath and complete Up1 Up1 and Array 5e!els ". 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use partial 0uotients to di!ide by 73digit di!isors& 5esson 1$ Place the Birst 9igit Page 2 >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 2:3<>. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you tell where to place the first digit of a 0uotient without di!iding& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. <1 and complete the lesson Place the Birst 9igit. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages <13<. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *13*7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you tell where to place the first digit of a 0uotient without di!iding& 5esson 7$ 9i!ide by 139igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you sol!e and check di!ision problems& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page <2 of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ @ntroduction to 5ong 9i!ision Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson 9i!ide by 139igit 9i!isors. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages <23<4 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages **3*. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you sol!e and check di!ision problems& 5esson *$ 9i!ision with 739igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model and understand di!ision of whole numbers& (omplete pages <:3=7 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *23*< from your binder of printed materials. (lick the link for "ega"ath and complete Up1 Up1 and Array 5e!els %1 6 and S. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model and understand di!ision of whole numbers& 5esson .$ Partial Cuotients Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use partial 0uotients to di!ide by 73digit di!isors& (omplete pages =*3=< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *=3*4 from your binder of printed materials. (lick the link for "ega"ath and complete Up1 Up1 and Array 5e!els ". 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use partial 0uotients to di!ide by 73digit di!isors& Module 1 4nit 7$ 9i!ide +hole 8umbers Page < 5esson 2$ )stimate with 739igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages ==3=4. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use compatible numbers to estimate 0uotients& (omplete pages =:347 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *:3.> from your binder of printed materials. S) p. =: (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete 9i!ision Patterns to )stimate and )stimate with 739igit 9i!isors. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use compatible numbers to estimate 0uotients& 5esson <$ 9i!ide by 739igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you di!ide by 739igit 9i!isors& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 4* of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ Two39igit 9i!isors Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete 9i!ide by 73 9igit 9i!isors. (omplete pages 4*34< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .13.7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you di!ide by 739igit 9i!isors& 5esson =$ @nterpret the 6emainder Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. +hen sol!ing a di!ision problem1 when do you write the remainder as a fraction& (omplete pages 4=3:> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .*3.. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& +hen sol!ing a di!ision problem1 when do you write the remainder as a fraction& 5esson 4$ Adjust Cuotients Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you adjust the 0uotient if your estimate is too high& S) p. :1 (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete (orrecting Cuotients. (omplete pages :13:. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .23.< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you adjust the 0uotient if your estimate is too high& 5esson :$ Problem Sol!ing$ 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a di!ision problem& (omplete pages :23:4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .=3.4 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a di!ision problem& 5esson 2$ )stimate with 739igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages ==3=4. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use compatible numbers to estimate 0uotients& (omplete pages =:347 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages *:3.> from your binder of printed materials. S) p. =: (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete 9i!ision Patterns to )stimate and )stimate with 739igit 9i!isors. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use compatible numbers to estimate 0uotients& 5esson <$ 9i!ide by 739igit 9i!isors Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you di!ide by 739igit 9i!isors& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 4* of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ Two39igit 9i!isors Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete 9i!ide by 73 9igit 9i!isors. (omplete pages 4*34< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .13.7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you di!ide by 739igit 9i!isors& 5esson =$ @nterpret the 6emainder Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. +hen sol!ing a di!ision problem1 when do you write the remainder as a fraction& (omplete pages 4=3:> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .*3.. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& +hen sol!ing a di!ision problem1 when do you write the remainder as a fraction& 5esson 4$ Adjust Cuotients Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you adjust the 0uotient if your estimate is too high& S) p. :1 (lick the link for Animated "ath and complete (orrecting Cuotients. (omplete pages :13:. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .23.< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you adjust the 0uotient if your estimate is too high& 5esson :$ Problem Sol!ing$ 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a di!ision problem& (omplete pages :23:4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages .=3.4 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a di!ision problem& Module 1 4nit 7$ 9i!ide +hole 8umbers Page = 5esson 1>$ 6e!iew Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# S) p. ::31>7. +orkbook pages .4321. (ontact the instructor for assessment directions 5esson 11$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. Module 1 4nit *$ Add and Subtract 9ecimals Page 4 >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. 5esson 1$ Thousandths Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 1>*31>.. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you describe the relationship between two decimal place3 !alue positions& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 1>2 and complete the lesson Place /alue of 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1>231>4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2*32. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you describe the relationship between two decimal place3!alue positions& 5esson 7$ Place /alue of 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you read1 write1 and represent decimals through thousandths& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 1>: of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ Tenths1 %undredths and Thousandths Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson Place /alue of 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1>:3117 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2232< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you read1 write1 and represent decimals through thousandths& 5esson *$ (ompare and 'rder 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use place !alue to compare and order decimals& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 11* and complete the lesson (ompare and 'rder 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts (omplete pages 11*311< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2=324 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use place !alue to compare and order decimals& 5esson .$ 6ound 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use place !alue to round decimals to a gi!en place& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 11= of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ 'rdering and 6ounding Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (omplete pages 11=317> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2:3<> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use place !alue to round decimals to a gi!en place& >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. 5esson 1$ Thousandths Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 1>*31>.. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you describe the relationship between two decimal place3 !alue positions& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 1>2 and complete the lesson Place /alue of 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1>231>4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2*32. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you describe the relationship between two decimal place3!alue positions& 5esson 7$ Place /alue of 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you read1 write1 and represent decimals through thousandths& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 1>: of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ Tenths1 %undredths and Thousandths Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson Place /alue of 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1>:3117 by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2232< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you read1 write1 and represent decimals through thousandths& 5esson *$ (ompare and 'rder 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use place !alue to compare and order decimals& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 11* and complete the lesson (ompare and 'rder 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts (omplete pages 11*311< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2=324 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use place !alue to compare and order decimals& 5esson .$ 6ound 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use place !alue to round decimals to a gi!en place& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 11= of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ 'rdering and 6ounding Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (omplete pages 11=317> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 2:3<> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use place !alue to round decimals to a gi!en place& Module 1 4nit *$ Add and Subtract 9ecimals Page : 5esson 2$ 9ecimal Addition Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal addition& (omplete pages 171317. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <13<7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal addition& 5esson <$ 9ecimal Subtraction Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal subtraction& (omplete pages 1723174 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <*3<. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal subtraction& 5esson =$ )stimate 9ecimal Sums and 9ifferences Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 17:31*>. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you estimate decimal sums and differences& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1*1 and complete the lesson )stimate Sums and 9ifferences. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1*131*. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <23<< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you estimate decimal sums and differences& 5esson 4$ Add 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can place !alue help you add decimals& (omplete pages 1*231*4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <=3<4 from your binder of printed materials. (lick on the link for "ega"ath and complete Tiny?s Think Tank 5e!el 5. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can place !alue help you add decimals& 5esson :$ Subtract 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can place !alue help you subtract decimals& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1*: and complete the lesson Add and Subtract 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1*:31.7 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <:3=> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& 5esson 2$ 9ecimal Addition Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal addition& (omplete pages 171317. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <13<7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal addition& 5esson <$ 9ecimal Subtraction Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal subtraction& (omplete pages 1723174 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <*3<. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use base3ten blocks to model decimal subtraction& 5esson =$ )stimate 9ecimal Sums and 9ifferences Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 17:31*>. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you estimate decimal sums and differences& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1*1 and complete the lesson )stimate Sums and 9ifferences. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1*131*. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <23<< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you estimate decimal sums and differences& 5esson 4$ Add 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can place !alue help you add decimals& (omplete pages 1*231*4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <=3<4 from your binder of printed materials. (lick on the link for "ega"ath and complete Tiny?s Think Tank 5e!el 5. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can place !alue help you add decimals& 5esson :$ Subtract 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can place !alue help you subtract decimals& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1*: and complete the lesson Add and Subtract 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1*:31.7 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages <:3=> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& Module 1 4nit *$ Add and Subtract 9ecimals Page 1> 5esson 1>$ Patterns with 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use addition or subtraction to describe a pattern or create a se0uence with decimals& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1.* and complete the lesson Add and Subtract 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1.*31.< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =13=7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use addition or subtraction to describe a pattern or create a se0uence with decimals& 5esson 11$ Problem Sol!ing$ Add and Subtract "oney Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can the strategy make a table help you organiDe and keep track of your bank account balance& (omplete pages 1.=312> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =*3=. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can the strategy make a table help you organiDe and keep track of your bank account balance& 5esson 17$ (hoose a "ethod "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. +hich method could you choose to find decimal sums and differences& (omplete pages 121312. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =23=< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today&+hich method could you choose to find decimal sums and differences& 5esson 1*$ 6e!iew (omplete pages 122312: by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages ==34> from your binder of printed materials. (lick the link for "egamath and complete uggy argains 5e!els )1 B1 A1 % and @ 6e!iew what you?!e learned with (ompass; 9o the following lessons$ Sharks and "innows with the resource page1 Acti!ity CuiD$ Sharks and "innows1 )stimating Sums and 9ifferences with 9ecimals and the resource page with the Acti!ity CuiD$ )stimating Sums and 9ifference with 9ecimals. 5esson 1.$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. 5esson 1>$ Patterns with 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use addition or subtraction to describe a pattern or create a se0uence with decimals& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1.* and complete the lesson Add and Subtract 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1.*31.< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =13=7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use addition or subtraction to describe a pattern or create a se0uence with decimals& 5esson 11$ Problem Sol!ing$ Add and Subtract "oney Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can the strategy make a table help you organiDe and keep track of your bank account balance& (omplete pages 1.=312> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =*3=. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can the strategy make a table help you organiDe and keep track of your bank account balance& 5esson 17$ (hoose a "ethod "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. +hich method could you choose to find decimal sums and differences& (omplete pages 121312. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages =23=< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today&+hich method could you choose to find decimal sums and differences& 5esson 1*$ 6e!iew (omplete pages 122312: by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages ==34> from your binder of printed materials. (lick the link for "egamath and complete uggy argains 5e!els )1 B1 A1 % and @ 6e!iew what you?!e learned with (ompass; 9o the following lessons$ Sharks and "innows with the resource page1 Acti!ity CuiD$ Sharks and "innows1 )stimating Sums and 9ifferences with 9ecimals and the resource page with the Acti!ity CuiD$ )stimating Sums and 9ifference with 9ecimals. 5esson 1.$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. Module 1 4nit .$ "ultiply 9ecimals Page 11 >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. 5esson 1$ "ultiplication Patterns with 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 112:31<>. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a product& (omplete pages 1<131<. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 41347 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a product& 5esson 7$ "ultiply 9ecimals and +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to multiply a whole number and a decimal& (omplete pages 1<231<4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4*34. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use a model to multiply a whole number and a decimal& 5esson *$ "ultiplication with 9ecimals and +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use drawings and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& (omplete pages 1<:31=7 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4234< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use drawings and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& 5esson .$ "ultiply Using )xpanded Borm Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use expanded form and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& (omplete pages 1=*31=< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4=344 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use expanded form and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& 5esson 2$ Problem Sol!ing$ "ultiply "oney Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a decimal multiplication problem& (omplete pages 1==314> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4:3:> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a decimal multiplication problem& >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. 5esson 1$ "ultiplication Patterns with 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 112:31<>. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a product& (omplete pages 1<131<. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 41347 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a product& 5esson 7$ "ultiply 9ecimals and +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to multiply a whole number and a decimal& (omplete pages 1<231<4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4*34. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use a model to multiply a whole number and a decimal& 5esson *$ "ultiplication with 9ecimals and +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use drawings and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& (omplete pages 1<:31=7 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4234< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use drawings and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& 5esson .$ "ultiply Using )xpanded Borm Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use expanded form and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& (omplete pages 1=*31=< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4=344 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use expanded form and place !alue to multiply a decimal and a whole number& 5esson 2$ Problem Sol!ing$ "ultiply "oney Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a decimal multiplication problem& (omplete pages 1==314> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 4:3:> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can the strategy draw a diagram help you sol!e a decimal multiplication problem& Module 1 4nit .$ "ultiply 9ecimals Page 17 5esson <$ 9ecimal "ultiplication Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 1413147. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to multiply decimals& (omplete pages 14*314< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :13:7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use a model to multiply decimals& 5esson =$ "ultiply 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. +hat strategies can you use to place a decimal point in a product& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 14= and complete the lesson "ultiply 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 14=31:> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :*3:. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& +hat strategies can you use to place a decimal point in a product& 5esson 4$ Eeros in the Product Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you know you ha!e the correct number of decimal places in your product& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1:1 and complete the lesson "ultiply 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1:131:. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :23:< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow do you know you ha!e the correct number of decimal places in your product& 5esson :$ 6e!iew (omplete pages 1:231:< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :=31>> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 1>$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. 5esson <$ 9ecimal "ultiplication Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 1413147. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to multiply decimals& (omplete pages 14*314< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :13:7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use a model to multiply decimals& 5esson =$ "ultiply 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. +hat strategies can you use to place a decimal point in a product& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 14= and complete the lesson "ultiply 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 14=31:> by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :*3:. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& +hat strategies can you use to place a decimal point in a product& 5esson 4$ Eeros in the Product Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you know you ha!e the correct number of decimal places in your product& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on page 1:1 and complete the lesson "ultiply 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 1:131:. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :23:< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow do you know you ha!e the correct number of decimal places in your product& 5esson :$ 6e!iew (omplete pages 1:231:< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages :=31>> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 1>$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. Module 1 4nit 2$ 9i!ide 9ecimals Page 1* >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. 5esson 1$ 9i!ision Patterns with 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 1::37>>. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a 0uotient& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 7>1 and complete the lesson 9i!ide 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7>137>. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>131>7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a 0uotient& 5esson 7$ 9i!ide 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to di!ide a decimal by a whole number& (omplete pages 7>237>4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>*31>. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use a model to di!ide a decimal by a whole number& 5esson *$ )stimate Cuotients Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you estimate decimals& (omplete pages 7>:3717 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>231>< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you estimate decimals& 5esson .$ 9i!ision of 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you di!ide decimals by whole numbers& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 71* of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ 9i!iding 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson 9i!ide 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 71*371< by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>=31>4 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you di!ide decimals by whole numbers& >rior to this unit: Understand that there is no textbook or workbook for this unit. All of the textbook pages are online. Please use blank notebook paper or your math journal to complete the student edition problems. The Standards Practice ook pages ha!e been printed for you and can be found in the binder of printed materials. 5esson 1$ 9i!ision Patterns with 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition Pages 1::37>>. (omplete the Show +hat you -now problems. 9o the /ocabulary uilder acti!ities and then define the re!iew and pre!iew words in the math journal. "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a 0uotient& (lick on the link for Animated "ath on p. 7>1 and complete the lesson 9i!ide 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 7>137>. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>131>7 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can patterns help you place the decimal point in a 0uotient& 5esson 7$ 9i!ide 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to di!ide a decimal by a whole number& (omplete pages 7>237>4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>*31>. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you use a model to di!ide a decimal by a whole number& 5esson *$ )stimate Cuotients Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you estimate decimals& (omplete pages 7>:3717 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>231>< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you estimate decimals& 5esson .$ 9i!ision of 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you di!ide decimals by whole numbers& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 71* of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ 9i!iding 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson 9i!ide 9ecimals by +hole 8umbers. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 71*371< by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>=31>4 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow can you di!ide decimals by whole numbers& Module 1 4nit 2$ 9i!ide 9ecimals Page 1. 5esson 2$ 9ecimal 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 71=3714. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to di!ide by a decimals& (omplete pages 71:3777 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>:311> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use a model to di!ide by a decimals& 5esson <$ 9i!ide 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you sol!e a problem by sol!ing a simpler problem& (omplete pages 77*377< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1113117 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you sol!e a problem by sol!ing a simpler problem& 5esson =$ +rite Eeros in the 9i!idend Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. +hen do you write a Dero in the di!idend to find a 0uotient& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 77= of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ )stimating and Binding Cuotients Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson 9i!ide 9ecimals by 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 77=37*> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 11*311. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& +hen do you write a Dero in the di!idend to find a 0uotient& 5esson 4$ Problem Sol!ing$ 9ecimal 'perations Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you use the strategy work backward to sol!e multi3step decimal problems& (omplete pages 7*137*. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 112311< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you use the strategy work backward to sol!e multi3step decimal problems& 5esson :$ 6e!iew (omplete pages 7*237*4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 11=317> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 1>$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions. 5esson 2$ 9ecimal 9i!ision Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# Start today?s lesson by completing the "id3(hapter (heckpoint on pages 71=3714. @f there is a concern regarding progress1 contact the instructor. "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you use a model to di!ide by a decimals& (omplete pages 71:3777 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1>:311> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you use a model to di!ide by a decimals& 5esson <$ 9i!ide 9ecimals Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal$ Predict what you will learn. %ow can you sol!e a problem by sol!ing a simpler problem& (omplete pages 77*377< by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 1113117 from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn today& %ow can you sol!e a problem by sol!ing a simpler problem& 5esson =$ +rite Eeros in the 9i!idend Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. +hen do you write a Dero in the di!idend to find a 0uotient& (lick on the link for 9estination "ath on page 77= of the 'nline (ommon (ore Student )dition and do the following lesson$ )stimating and Binding Cuotients Tutorial1 +orkout11 +orkout7 and +orkout*. (lick on the link for Animated "ath and complete the lesson 9i!ide 9ecimals by 9ecimals. e sure to do all four parts; (omplete pages 77=37*> by recording the answers to the problems in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 11*311. from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& +hen do you write a Dero in the di!idend to find a 0uotient& 5esson 4$ Problem Sol!ing$ 9ecimal 'perations Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# "ath #ournal Topic$ Predict what you will learn. %ow do you use the strategy work backward to sol!e multi3step decimal problems& (omplete pages 7*137*. by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 112311< from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 6eflection$ +hat did you learn& %ow do you use the strategy work backward to sol!e multi3step decimal problems& 5esson :$ 6e!iew (omplete pages 7*237*4 by recording your answers in the math journal. Then do Standards Practice ook pages 11=317> from your binder of printed materials. 5esson 1>$ Assessment Lesson $e=uence & chec8 each item as ,ou com!lete them to hel! ,ou 8ee! trac8# (ontact the instructor for assessment directions.