Manifesto for a Relational Sociology presents an alternative, "relational" perspective. Mustafa emirbayer: "sociologists today are faced with a fundamental dilemma" "manifesto" ponders some of the difficulties and challenges now facing relational analysis.
Manifesto for a Relational Sociology presents an alternative, "relational" perspective. Mustafa emirbayer: "sociologists today are faced with a fundamental dilemma" "manifesto" ponders some of the difficulties and challenges now facing relational analysis.
Manifesto for a Relational Sociology presents an alternative, "relational" perspective. Mustafa emirbayer: "sociologists today are faced with a fundamental dilemma" "manifesto" ponders some of the difficulties and challenges now facing relational analysis.
Manifesto for a Relational Sociology presents an alternative, "relational" perspective. Mustafa emirbayer: "sociologists today are faced with a fundamental dilemma" "manifesto" ponders some of the difficulties and challenges now facing relational analysis.
Reviewed work(s): Source: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 103, No. 2 (September 1997), pp. 281-317 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 22/01/2013 04:41 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . The University of Chicago Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Sociology. This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto for a Relational Sociology 1 Mustafa Emirbayer New School for Social Research Sociologists today are faced with a fundamental dilemma: whether to conceive of the social world as consisting primarily in substances or processes, in static things or in dynamic, unfolding relations. Rational-actor and norm-based models, diverse holisms and struc- turalisms, and statistical variable analyses continue implicitly or explicitly to prefer the former point of view. By contrast, this mani- festo presents an alternative, relational perspective, rst in broad, philosophical outlines, then by exploring its implications for both theory and empirical research. In the closing pages, it ponders some of the difculties and challenges now facing relational analysis, tak- ing up in turn the issues of boundaries and entities, network dynam- ics, causality, and normative implications. Sociologists today are faced with a fundamental dilemma: whether to con- ceive of the social world as consisting primarily in substances or in pro- cesses, in static things or in dynamic, unfolding relations. Large seg- ments of the sociological community continue implicitly or explicitly to prefer the former point of view. Rational-actor and norm-based models, diverse holisms and structuralisms, and statistical variable analyses all of them beholden to the idea that it is entities that come rst and rela- tions among them only subsequentlyhold sway throughout much of the discipline. But increasingly, researchers are searching for viable analytic alternatives, approaches that reverse these basic assumptions and depict social reality instead in dynamic, continuous, and processual terms. The purpose of this manifesto is to lay out the essential features of this latter point of view. It begins by presenting the relational perspective in broad outlines (by way of a comparison with competing substantialist 1 I would like to thank Ronald Breiger, David Gibson, Jeff Goodwin, Miche`le Lamont, Ann Mische, John Mohr, Jeffrey Olick, Shepley Orr, Mimi Sheller, Charles Tilly, and Harrison White for their many helpful comments on earlier drafts. I would also like to thank participants in seminars at Princeton University and at the New School for Social Research, and in the Monthly Discussion Group on Theory and Culture in New York City, for their stimulating criticisms and suggestions. Direct correspondence to Mustafa Emirbayer, Department of Sociology, New School for Social Research, 65 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003. 1997 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0002-9602/98/10302-0001$02.50 AJS Volume 103 Number 2 (September 1997): 281317 281 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology approaches), then explores its implications for both theory and empirical research. In the closing pages, it also ponders some of the difculties and challenges now facing relational analysis. (The essay focuses throughout upon ontology, largelybut certainly not exclusivelybracketing associ- ated questions regarding epistemology.) I do not claim to have been the rst to elaborate any of these themes; on the contrary, many distinguished sociologists, from a wide range of theoretical and empirical perspectives, have long been working within a relational framework of analysis. Indeed, this framework itself has long been propounded by social thinkers and philosophers, arguably going as far back as the pre-Socratics. Nor do I claim to be exhaustive in either my textual discussions or bibliographic references. You can be assured that, for each idea, quite a number of substantial, and often independent, discussions and implementations could be cited: Ideas that have any importance, any impact, do, after all, come in company, not as isolates, and the essayist is mostly a transcriber of ideas abroad in his networks (White 1994a, p. 4). What I have done here is merely to bring together the various lines of reasoning in this per- spective (philosophical, theoretical, and empirical); to clarify how they present an overarching challenge to reigning assumptions; and to seek thereby to prevent the sort of eclecticism, the easy mixing together of sub- stantialist and relational assumptions, that renders even many innovative studies today partially problematic. 2 The key question confronting sociolo- gists in the present day is not material versus ideal, structure versus agency, individual versus society, or any of the other dualisms so often noted; rather, it is the choice between substantialism and relationalism. SUBSTANTIALIST AND RELATIONAL THINKING The relational point of view on social action and historical change can most usefully be characterized by comparing it with its opposite, the sub- stantialist perspective. The latter takes as its point of departure the notion that it is substances of various kinds (things, beings, essences) that consti- tute the fundamental units of all inquiry. Systematic analysis is to begin 2 Given these purposes (together with severe limitations of space), it has been necessary to suppress two other sorts of analysis that would be integral to any fuller scholarly treatment: careful, judicious consideration of the substantialist alternatives (of promis- ing developments in substantialist lines of theorization, enduring strengths of these approaches, and so on) and discussion of internal differences among relational thinkers themselves: the issues, in other words, that divide them as well as bring them together. In other writings (Emirbayer and Mische 1995; Emirbayer 1996; Emirbayer and Sheller 1996; Emirbayer and Goodwin 1996, 1997), I attempt to develop one specic mode of relational theorizing, which I term relational pragmatics, and to argue for its strengths vis-a` -vis alternative relational as well as substantialist approaches. 282 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto with these self-subsistent entities, which come preformed, and only then to consider the dynamic ows in which they subsequently involve them- selves. Relation is not independent of the concept of real being; it can only add supplementary and external modications to the latter, such as do not affect its real nature (Cassirer 1953, p. 8). One social theorist, Norbert Elias, points out that substantialist thinking corresponds closely to grammatical patterns deeply ingrained in Western languages. An ex- tended quotation regarding these modes of speech and thought serves nicely to introduce this perspective in general terms: Our languages are constructed in such a way that we can often only express constant movement or constant change in ways which imply that it has the character of an isolated object at rest, and then, almost as an afterthought, adding a verb which expresses the fact that the thing with this character is now changing. For example, standing by a river we see the perpetual owing of the water. But to grasp it conceptually, and to communicate it to others, we do not think and say, Look at the perpetual owing of the water; we say, Look how fast the river is owing. We say, The wind is blowing, as if the wind were actually a thing at rest which, at a given point in time, begins to move and blow. We speak as if a wind could exist which did not blow. This reduction of processes to static conditions, which we shall call process-reduction for short, appears self-explanatory to people who have grown up with such languages. (Elias 1978, pp. 11112) In a little-known but important discussion, John Dewey and Arthur F. Bentley (1949) distinguish between two varieties of substantialist ap- proaches. The rst they term the perspective of self-action; it conceives of things . . . as acting under their own powers (Dewey and Bentley 1949, p. 108), independently of all other substances. The relational matri- ces within which substances act provide, in this view, no more than empty media for their self-generating, self-moving activity. Dewey and Bentley see such a perspective as most characteristic of ancient and medieval phi- losophy. Aristotles physics was a great achievement in its time, but it was built around substances. Down to Galileo men of learning almost universally held, following Aristotle, that there exist things which com- pletely, inherently, and hence necessarily, possess Being; that these con- tinue eternally in action (movement) under their own powercontinue, indeed, in some particular action essential to them in which they are en- gaged (Dewey and Bentley 1949, p. 110). 3 The Christian doctrine of the soul, culminating in the theological system of Thomas Aquinas, epito- 3 One commentator provides further explication: In Platos concept of the soul, the capacity for self-motion or self-action is the essential feature of the soul, and Aristotle tells us quite explicitly in his Physics that of those things that exist by nature . . . each of them has within itself a principle of motion (Bernstein 1966, p. 81). 283 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology mized this viewpoint. 4 But after Galileos time, advances in physics and in the natural sciences eliminated most such traces of self-action from the study of inorganic matter. In modern philosophy, however, the notion of self-action lives on in various doctrines of the will and in liberal political theory (since Hobbes, Locke, and Kant), while in the social sciences it retains surprising vigor in the form of methodological individualism. All the spooks, fairies, es- sences, and entities that once had inhabited portions of matter now [take] ight to new homes, mostly in or at the human body. . . . The mind as actor, still in use in present-day psychologies and sociologies, is the old self-acting soul with its immortality stripped off (Dewey and Bentley 1949, p. 131). One increasingly prevalent approach begins with rational, calculating actors but assumes the givenness and xity of their various interests, goals, and preference schedules. Rational-choice theory takes for granted, as Jon Elster puts it, that the elementary unit of social life is the individual human action. To explain social institutions and social change is to show how they arise as the result of the action and interaction of individuals (Elster 1989, p. 13). When actors become involved with other actors whose choices condition their own, yielding results unin- tended by any one of them taken alone, rational-choice theorists have recourse to game theory. Here again (in at least some of its versions), pre- given entities are seen to generate self-action; even as actors engage in game playing with other actors, their underlying interests, identities, and other characteristics remain unaltered. Game theory assumes that there are two or more players. Each of them has the choice between two or more strategies. Each set of choices generates a set of rewards. The reward of each player depends on the choices made by all others, not only on his own decision. The players are assumed to make their choices indepen- dently of each other, in the sense that they cannot make binding agree- ments to coordinate their decisions (Elster 1989, p. 28). With its analytic sophistication and rigor, the rational-actor approach (together with com- plementary versions of game theory) is fast becoming the major alterna- tive to the relational approach that I shall outline below. Another popular approach, only apparently the chief rival to rational- choice models, takes norm-following individuals, or more specically, the vital inner forces driving them, as its basic unit of analysis. It depicts individuals as self-propelling, self-subsistent entities that pursue internal- ized norms given in advance and xed for the duration of the action se- quence under investigation. Such individuals aspire not to wealth, status, or power, but rather, to action in conformity with the social ideals they 4 For Aquinas, God Himself was the most perfect self-acting substance. 284 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto have accepted as their own. Nonrational action thus becomes the special province of this mode of analysis, long a staple of sociological inquiry. To mark itself off from economics, which endorsed the rational-actor ap- proach early on, sociology had from its beginnings a fundamental need of a theory of action that dened different types of action on the basis of their specic difference from rational action. It required a theory of society as a complex of interrelated actions that was more than the unintended interconnecting of self-interested actions. . . . As a safeguard against the utilitarian dangers of the theory of rational action, the founding theorists of sociology [had to] have recourse to Kant and his notion of free, moral action (Joas 1993, pp. 24647). To this day, the norm-following, neo- Kantian perspective lives on in various forms of critical theory, value analysis, and microsociology. In a very different way, the idea of self-action also insinuates itself into social thought by means of holistic theories and structuralisms that posit not individuals but self-subsistent societies, structures, or so- cial systems as the exclusive sources of action. Proponents of these ap- proaches, from neofunctionalists and systems theorists to many historical- comparative analysts, all too often fall back upon the assumption that it is durable, coherent entities that constitute the legitimate starting points of all sociological inquiry. Such entities possess emergent properties not reducible to the discrete elements of which they consist. Not individual persons, but groups, nations, cultures, and other reied substances do all of the acting in social life and account for its dynamism. In some cases, even sequences of action may discharge such a function: social movements or nationalist struggles, for example, are seen as propelling themselves along trajectories that repeat . . . time after time in essentially the same form (Tilly 1995a, p. 1596). Processes as well as structures thus appear as self-acting entities in many concrete instances of social inquiry. The second key category of substantialism that Dewey and Bentley con- sider is that of inter-action. 5 This approach, which is frequently confused with more truly relational points of view, posits thing [as] balanced against thing in causal interconnection (Dewey and Bentley 1949, p. 108), where entities no longer generate their own action, but rather, the relevant action takes place among the entities themselves. Entities remain xed and unchanging throughout such interaction, each independent of the ex- 5 My use of hyphenation here follows Dewey and Bentleys own practice and under- scores that I am employing their terminology differently from how such words as interaction and, as we shall see, transaction are used in everyday language. (Often, e.g., interaction and transaction are employed as synonyms, whereas here they repre- sent very specicand distinctphilosophical positions.) This point should be borne carefully in mind even when these words reappear without hyphenation later in the essay. 285 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology istence of the others, much like billiard balls or the particles in Newtonian mechanics. Indeed, it was Sir Isaac Newton who actually gave the interac- tional perspective its consummate expression. For many generations, be- ginning with Galileo after his break with Aristotelian tradition, and con- tinuing until past the days of Comte, the stress in physical inquiry lay upon locating units or elements of action, and determining their interactions. Newton rmly established the system under which particles could be cho- sen and arrayed for inquiry with respect to motion, and so brought under denite report. . . . The inter-actional presentation had now been per- fected (Dewey and Bentley 1949, pp. 105, 111). The idea of interaction nds its home today in a viewpoint that explic- itly or implicitly dominates much of contemporary sociology, from survey research to historical-comparative analysis. This is the so-called variable- centered approach, which features, as Andrew Abbott (1988, p. 170) points out, a compelling imagery of xed entities with variable attributes that interact, in causal or actual time, to create outcomes, themselves measurable as attributes of the xed entities. 6 What decidedly do not do the acting in this perspective are the substances in question; all of the relevant action takes place among themthey provide merely the empty settings within which causation occursrather than being generated by them. If anything, it is the variable attributes themselves that act, that supply initiative, in interactional research; disadvantaged position leads to increased competitiveness, for example, without any particular actor engaging in competitive behavior. It is when a variable does something narratively that [analysts] think themselves to be speaking most directly of causality, notes Abbott. The realist metaphysics implicit in treating variables (universals) as agents was last taken seriously in the age of Aqui- nas . . . but in this [approach] the best causal sentences are clearly realist ones in which variables act (Abbott 1992a, p. 58). Variable-centered re- searchers employ a variety of quantitative methods to test their causal hypotheses, including multiple regression, factor analysis, and event his- tory approaches. Fundamentally opposed to both varieties of substantialism is the per- spective of trans-action, where systems of description and naming are employed to deal with aspects and phases of action, without nal attribu- tion to elements or other presumptively detachable or independent enti- ties, essences, or realities, and without isolation of presumptively detachable relations from such detachable elements (Dewey and 6 In Abbotts (1988, p. 181) portrayal, the interactional approach further assumes that these attributes have only one causal meaning at a time; [and] that this causal meaning does not depend on other attributes, on the past sequence of attributes, or on the context of other entities. 286 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto Bentley 1949, p. 108). In this point of view, which I shall also label rela- tional, the very terms or units involved in a transaction derive their meaning, signicance, and identity from the (changing) functional roles they play within that transaction. The latter, seen as a dynamic, unfolding process, becomes the primary unit of analysis rather than the constituent elements themselves. Things are not assumed as independent existences present anterior to any relation, but . . . gain their whole being . . . rst in and with the relations which are predicated of them. Such things are terms of relations, and as such can never be given in isolation but only in ideal community with each other (Cassirer 1953, p. 36). Although it can be traced back to the writings of Heraclitus, this transactional mode of theorizing rst becomes widely inuential with the rise of new ap- proaches in physics, mathematics, and the natural sciences. Most strik- ingly, Einsteins theory of relativity brought space and time into the in- vestigation as among the events investigated [and] prepared the scene for the particle itself to go the way of space and time. These steps were all denitely in the line of the transactional approach: the seeing together, when research requires it, of what before had been seen in separations and held severally apart (Dewey and Bentley 1949, p. 112). 7 Relational theorists reject the notion that one can posit discrete, pre- given units such as the individual or society as ultimate starting points of sociological analysis (as in the self-actional perspective). Individual per- sons, whether strategic or norm following, are inseparable from the trans- actional contexts within which they are embedded; as Michel Foucault puts it, the soul is not a substance; it is the element in which are articu- lated the effects of a certain type of power and the reference of a certain type of knowledge (Foucault 1979, p. 29). 8 By the same token, structures 7 In his masterful history of modern science, Substance and Function (1953), Ernst Cassirer distinguishes between the relation-concepts pertinent to this transactional approach and the thing-concepts central to substantialist ways of thinking since Plato and Aristotle. He charts the rise of relational theorizing in a multiplicity of problem-areas, including the theories of space and number, geometry, and the natural sciences. Today the most sustained and philosophically subtle exploration of the trans- actional perspective can be found in the writings of Margaret Somers (1993, 1994, 1995; see also Somers and Gibson 1994). 8 Relational thinkers are relentless in their critiques of such concepts as the soul or person. Consider, e.g., Harrison White (1992, p. 197, n.21): Person should be a construct from the middle of the analysis, not a given boundary condition. Personhood has to be accounted for. . . . But in most present social science person is instead taken as the unquestioned atom. This is an unacknowledged borrowing and transcription of the soul construct from Christian theology. . . . The ultimate xity of the soul, carried over to hobble social science, was a Pauline theological imperative. Or consider Pierre Bourdieu (Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992, pp. 1067): When I talk of [any given] eld, I know very well that in this eld I will nd particles (let me pretend for a moment that we are dealing with a physical eld) that are under the sway of forces 287 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology are empty abstractions apart from the several elements of which they are composed; societies themselves are nothing but pluralities of associated individuals. Transactional theoristsstarting, in fact, with some of the founders of sociologyare in virtually complete agreement on this point. Karl Marx (1978, p. 247) argues, for example, that society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand. Near the end of Capital, volume 1, he further observes that capital is not a thing, but a social relation between persons which is mediated through things (Marx 1977, p. 932). Georg Simmel, the classical sociologist most deeply committed to rela- tional theorizing, notes that society is the supra-singular structure which is nonetheless not abstract. Through this concept, historical life is spared the alternatives of having to run either in mere individuals or abstract generalities. Society is the generality that has, simultaneously, concrete vitality (Simmel 1971, p. 69). And even E
mile Durkheim, the founder
most identied with substantialist ideas, acknowledges that the force of the collectivity is not wholly external. . . . Society can exist only in and by means of individual minds (Durkheim 1995, p. 211; see Emirbayer 1996). 9 Variable-based analysis (as in the interactional perspective) is an equally unviable alternative; it, too, detaches elements (substances with variable attributes) from their spatiotemporal contexts, analyzing them apart from their relations with other elements within elds of mutual de- termination and ux. As Margaret Somers and Gloria Gibson (1994, pp. 65, 69) point out, While a social identity or categorical approach presumes internally stable concepts, such that under normal conditions entities within that category will act predictably, the [relational, transactional] approach embeds the actor within relationships and stories that shift over time and space and thus precludes categorical stability in action. . . . The classication of an actor divorced from analytic relationality is neither ontologically intelligible nor meaningful (see also Somers 1994; Bates and of attraction, of repulsion, and so on, as in a magnetic eld. Having said this, as soon as I speak of a eld, my attention fastens on the primacy of this system of objective relations over the particles themselves. And we could say, following the formula of a famous German physicist, that the individual, like the electron, is an Ausgeburt des Felds: he or she is in a sense an emanation of the eld. 9 In the present day, Niklas Luhmann (1995, pp. 20, 22) suggests in similar fashion: There are no elements without relational connections or relations without elements. . . . Elements are elements only for the system that employs them as units and they are such only through this system. And Harrison White (1992, p. 4) turns to material science to make a similar point, likening sociocultural reality to dense, partly uid matter within which no self-subsistent entities ever fully crystallize: There is no tidy atom and no embracing world, only complex striations, long strings reptating as in a polymer goo. 288 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto Peacock 1989; Breiger 1991; for a summary of this line of critique, see Wellman [1988], pp. 3133). A corollary to this view calls into question attempts by statistical researchers to control for third variables; all such attempts, too, ignore the ontological embeddedness or locatedness of enti- ties within actual situational contexts. 10 Even as statistical models grow ever more complicated, even alert to the interaction effects among vari- ables, these problems, rooted as they are in fundamental assumptions, fail to go away. What is distinct about the transactional approach is that it sees relations between terms or units as preeminently dynamic in nature, as unfolding, ongoing processes rather than as static ties among inert substances. Previ- ously constituted actors enter [transactions] but have no ability to traverse [them] inviolable. They ford [them] with difculty and in [them] many disappear. What comes out are new actors, new entities, new relations among old parts (Abbott 1996, p. 863). 11 The imageries most often em- ployed in speaking of transactions are accordingly those of complex joint activity, in which it makes no sense to envision constituent elements apart from the ows within which they are involved (and vice versa). Dewey (1929, p. 142), for example, states in Experience and Nature that the im- port of . . . essences is the consequence of social interactions, of companion- ship, mutual assistance, direction and concerted action in ghting, festiv- ity, and work. Dewey and Bentley (1949, p. 133) further point out that no one would be able successfully to speak of the hunter and the hunted as isolated with respect to hunting. Yet it is just as absurd to set up hunt- ing as an event in isolation from the spatio-temporal connection of all the components. In Social Organization, Charles Horton Cooley (1962) supplies a vivid analogy to joint music-making to convey similar in- sights, 12 while Norbert Elias (1978, p. 130) invokes game playing to ex- plicate his key concept of uid gurations: By guration we mean the 10 Nothing that ever occurs in the social world occurs net of other variables. All social facts are located in contexts. So why bother to pretend that they arent? (Abbott 1992b, p. 6). 11 Actually, social actors, the parties to ongoing transactions, can just as well be com- munities, rms, or states as they can individual persons (although the latter is what one typically has in mind). Indeed, they can even be events: any actor, after all, is but a series of events that keep happening in the same way, events with stable lineages (Abbott 1996, pp. 873, 863). 12 Whether, like the orchestra, [social organization] gives forth harmony may be a matter of dispute, but that its sound, pleasing or otherwise, is the expression of a vital cooperation, cannot well be denied. Certainly everything that I say or think is inu- enced by what others have said or thought, and, in one way or another, sends out an inuence of its own in turn (Cooley 1962, p. 4). 289 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology changing pattern created by the players as a whole . . . the totality of their dealings in their relationships with each other. 13 One might just as well speak here of negotiations or conversations; the underlying idea would remain the sameregarding the primacy of contextuality and process in sociological analysis. 14 To be sure, the transactional viewpointlike its two main substan- tialist rivalsrarely corresponds with exact precision to any one school of thought or individuals life work; what is often of great interest, in fact, is exactly how these ideal-typical approaches, on the one hand, and actual authors, texts, or research traditions, on the other, crisscross one another: how, for example, a given thinker shifts back and forth (often implicitly) among several different points of view. 15 This is evident in the case of both classical and contemporary thinkers. Marx, for instance (as the ear- lier quotations from him suggest), was a profoundly relational thinker; this is clear from his early analyses of alienation (Ollman 1971), his discus- sion of commodity fetishism, his keen insights into the internal relations among production, distribution, exchange, and consumption, and, indeed, his understanding of the capital/wage-labor relation itself. 16 And yet, even Marx exhibits substantialist tendencies, most notably in his reication of class interests, in his assumption that actors within the same class category (to the extent that they are a class-for-itself) will act in similar ways even when differentially situated within ows of transactions or rela- tional settings (Somers 1994). Meanwhile, from the opposite direction, the now classic theorist Talcott Parsons exhibits tendencies seemingly in line with substantialism. His theory of action strongly tends in the direc- tion of self-actional, norm-based reasoning, while his ideas about order often suggest holism and the reication of system goals. Yet, even Parsons, 13 Zygmunt Bauman (1989) underscores the remarkable afnity that this imagery of gamelike gurations bears with Anthony Giddenss structuration theory. Game- playing clearly means something quite different here, of course, from the self-actions of game theory (although see the paragraph that follows). 14 The preeminently agentic nature of the above-mentioned analogies, their emphasis upon transformation as well as iteration, might be noted; this opens up questions, too seldom addressed, regarding the normative dimensions of social action. I shall take up such issues below. 15 Perhaps the theorist who most rmly grasped this distinction between the analytical and the concrete was Talcott Parsons (1937). At no point . . . [did] Parsons claim that theories which actually existed in history are identical to the different logical positions he has outlined. Most of them are in fact opaque versions or combinations of several of these logical alternatives (Joas 1996, p. 12). 16 Within a relational view [such as Marxs], the working class is dened by its quali- tative location within a social relation that simultaneously denes the capitalist class. . . . Classes as social forces are real consequences of social relations (Wright 1979, pp. 67). 290 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto especially after the development of his later interchange model and the- ory of generalized media (Parsons 1953, 1969), moves decisively in the direction of a relational, transactional point of view. 17 And nally, among contemporary theorists and research traditions, game theory is emblem- atic of rational-actor (i.e., self-actional) models, as mentioned above. And yet it, also, often sounds emphatically transactional themes, as in studies of repeated games within which temporally embedded actors engage with each other in sequences of mutually contingent action (see Kreps 1990; Macy 1991). Despite these various concrete examples, however, the point still holds that substantialism (in both its self- and interactional forms) and rela- tionalism (or transactionalism) represent fundamentally different points of view on the very nature and constitution of social reality. THEORETICAL IMPLICATIONS The implications of the transactional approach are far-reaching. In what follows, I shall specify these implications from two different points of view in turn: those of key sociological concepts and of levels of inquiryfrom macro to micro. To begin with, the central concepts in sociological analysisfor exam- ple, power, equality, freedom, and agency (to mention several of the most pervasive)are themselves open to extensive reformulation in terms of relational thinking. Take the key concept of power, which is typically seen in substantialist terms as an entity or a possession, as something to be seized or held. 18 In the transactional approach, the concept of power [is] transformed from a concept of substance to a concept of relationship. At the core of changing gurationsindeed, the very hub of the guration processis a uctuating, tensile equilibrium, a balance of power moving 17 As Jeffrey Alexander points out, it becomes quite illuminating to see how such dis- cordant trends in the classical theoristse.g., Marx and Parsonslater manifest themselves in their followers writings: The members of a sociological school change the founders thought as much as they faithfully articulate it, and . . . they change it, moreover, in a manner that can be systematically related to the analytic tensions in the original theoretical position (Alexander 1983, p. 277). 18 This conceptualization is still popular to the extent that Weberian understandings of power retain (explicitly or implicitly) their inuence in political sociology. Max Weber proceeds from the teleological [i.e., self-actional] model of action in which an individual or a group has a set purpose and chooses the means suitable for realizing it. The success of the action consists in bringing about a condition in the world that fullls the purpose set. To the extent that this success depends on the conduct of another subject, the agent has to dispose of the means that instigate the desired con- duct on the part of the other. This manipulative power over the means that afford inuence on the will of another Max Weber names power (Habermas 1983, p. 173). 291 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology to and fro. . . . This kind of uctuating balance of power is a structural characteristic of the ow of every guration (Elias 1978, p. 131). Contem- porary social-network analysts dene power in similarly relational terms, as an outgrowth of the positions that social actors occupy in one or more networks (Knoke 1990). So too do theorists such as Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu. Relations of power, in Foucaults words, are not in a position of exteriority with respect to other types of relationships (eco- nomic processes, knowledge relationships, sexual relations), but are imma- nent in the latter; they are the immediate effects of the divisions, inequali- ties, and disequilibriums which occur in the latter, and conversely they are the internal conditions of these differentiations (Foucault 1990, p. 94). Bourdieu similarly argues for a relational view: By eld of power I mean the relations of force that obtain between the social positions which guar- antee their occupants a quantum of social force, or of capital, such that they are able to enter into the struggles over the monopoly of power (Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992, pp. 22030). Far from being an attribute or property of actors, then, power is unthinkable outside matrices of force relations; it emerges out of the very way in which gurations of relation- shipsas we shall see, of a cultural, social structural, and social psycho- logical natureare patterned and operate. The idea of equality can also be recast in transactional terms. Typically, equality (like inequality) is dened essentialistically as a matter of individ- ual variations in the possession of human capital or other goods. 19 The primary causes of equality (and inequality), moreover, are located in the orientations and actions of entities such as groups or individuals, rather than in the unfolding relations among them: in attitudes such as racism, sexism, and ethnic chauvinism. Yet, in Charles Tillys (1995b, p. 48) words, bonds, not essences, provide the bases of durable inequality. In- equality comes largely from the solutions that elite and nonelite actors improvise in the face of recurrent organizational problemschallenges centering around control over symbolic, positional, or emotional re- sources. These solutions, which involve the implementation of invidious categorical distinctions, resemble moves in a game, or perhaps even at- tempts to change the rules of the game. Members of a categorically bounded network, for example (such as recently arrived immigrants), ac- 19 Faced with male-female differences in wages, investigators look for average hu- man-capital differences among the individuals involved. Encountering racial differ- ences in job assignments, researchers ask whether across categories individuals dis- tribute differently with respect to residential location. Uncovering evidence of sharp ethnic differences in industrial concentration, analysts only begin to speak of discrimi- nation when they have factored out individual differences in education, work experi- ence, or productivity (Tilly 1995b, p. 9). 292 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto quire control over a valuable resource (e.g., information about employ- ment opportunities), hoard their access to it (e.g., by sharing it only with others in their personal networks), and develop practices that perpetuate this restricted access (e.g., by staying in touch with their places of origin through frequent correspondence and visits home). Hard, durable differ- ences in advantages and disadvantages then crystallize around such prac- tices. Unfolding transactions, and not preconstituted attributes, are thus what most effectively explain equality and inequality. Third, the notion of freedom is also open to far-reaching reformulation in relational terms. A very common way of thinking about freedom (or liberty) is in substantialist fashion, as a possession, a legal status repre- sented in laws (Stinchcombe 1995, p. 126), and as contrasted with the equally essentialist status of slavery. But, as Arthur Stinchcombe (1995, p. 126) indicates, freedom is best described pragmatically as a set of liber- ties . . . in fact enjoy[ed], whether or not they are defended in the law. Drawing upon John R. Commons (1924, p. 19), who cautioned that ideas such as liberty refer not to the thing itself but [to] the expected uses of the thing, that is, [to] various activities regarding the thing, Stinchcombe (1995, p. 126) regards freedom not as a xed, pregiven attribute, but rather as what we can do under given circumstances: A liberty creates an expo- sure of others to the different consequences of different choices by the free person. . . . The denition, then, is a sum of practically available liberties, including in particular the social capacity to get others to suffer the conse- quences of [ones] practical . . . freedom . . . to decide. Freedom, in other words, means nothing apart from the concrete transactions in which indi- viduals engage, within cultural, social structural, and social psychological contexts of action; it derives its signicance entirely from the ongoing in- terplay (akin to a game) of decision, consequence, and reaction. I . . . argue, asserts Stinchcombe, that this tack toward understanding varia- tions in freedom helps get us out of the box of dening freedom, or slavery, by its essence. Dening things by their essences is always troublesome in an explanatory science (Stinchcombe 1995, p. 130). 20 Finally, and relatedly, the idea of agency can also be reconceptualized 20 A similar conception of freedom can be found in Simmels work, especially in The Philosophy of Money (1990) and Soziologie (1950): [The category of freedom] implies not a mere absence of relationships but rather a very specic relation to others (Sim- mel 1990, p. 298; quoted in Breiger 1990, p. 457). Freedom itself is a specic relation to the environment. . . . It is neither a state that exists always and can be taken for granted, nor a possession of a material substance, so to speak, that has been acquired once and for all. . . . [It] is not solipsistic existence but sociological action. . . . This is suggested by the simple recognition of the fact that man does not only want to be free, but wants to use his freedom for some purpose (Simmel 1950, pp. 12021.) For a discussion of Simmel on freedom, see Breiger (1990). 293 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology from a transactional perspective. (Of course, this exercise in reconceptual- ization could just as well be extended to other key terms in the sociological lexicon.) Agency is commonly identied with the self-actional notion of human will, as a property or vital principle that breathes life into pas- sive, inert substances (individuals or groups) that otherwise would remain perpetually at rest. By contrast, the relational point of view sees agency as inseparable from the unfolding dynamics of situations, especially from the problematic features of those situations. As it is conceived of elsewhere (Emirbayer and Mische 1998), agency entails the engagement by actors of different structural environments [which] both reproduces and transforms those structures in interactive response to the problems posed by changing historical situations. 21 Viewed internally, agency involves different ways of experiencing the world, although even here, just as consciousness is always consciousness of something (James 1976; Husserl 1960), so too is agency always agency toward something, by means of which actors can enter into relationship with surrounding persons, places, meanings, and events. Viewed externally, it entails concrete transactions within rela- tional contexts (cultural, social structural, and social psychological) in something much like an ongoing conversation. Agency is always a dialogic process by which actors immersed in the duree of lived experience engage with others in collectively organized action contexts, temporal as well as spatial. Agency is path dependent as well as situationally embedded; it signies modes of response to problems impinging upon it through some- times broad expanses of time as well as space. In addition to these general concepts, the transactional point of view allows for the reconceptualization of distinct, sui generis levels of inquiry, on a continuum from macro to micro. 22 At the most macroscopic level, for example, society is often interpreted as an autonomous, internally or- ganized, self-sustaining system. Sociological thinkers often assume that inquiry ought to begin with such naturally bounded, integrated, sovereign entities as national states or countries. And indeed, this approach is not entirely implausible, for not only has the European state system been as- cendant for two or more centuries, but also, throughout much of world history, disparate interaction networkseconomic, military, political, and 21 Such a conception corresponds closely to classical pragmatist thought: The subject is that which suffers, is subjected and which endures resistance and frustration; it is also that which attempts subjection of hostile conditions; that which takes the immedi- ate initiative in remaking the situation as it stands (Dewey, quoted in Colapietro 1990, p. 653). I shall discuss this theoretical connection to pragmatism in greater detail below. 22 For a discussion of analytic levels similar (but not identical) to that which fol- lows, see Wileys [1995, chap. 6] fourfold distinction among self, interactional, social- organizational, and cultural levels. 294 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto the likehave frequently converged (or been institutionalized [Mann 1986]) in coherent, distinct societies. Yet, boundaries of national states do overlap unevenly with populations, territories, production and consump- tion patterns, cultural identities, collective emotional commitments, and so on, while interstitial interactions, both within and across these bounded units, also repeatedly belie visions of the latter as unproblematic, unitary entities: Societies have never been sufciently institutionalized to prevent interstitial emergence. Human beings do not create unitary societies but a diversity of intersecting networks of social interaction. The most important of these networks form relatively stably. . . . But under- neath, human beings are tunneling ahead to achieve their goals, forming new networks, extending old ones, and emerging most clearly into our view with rival congurations (Mann 1986, p. 16). As Michael Mann (1986, p. 1) observes, societies are best seen as constituted of multiple overlapping and intersecting sociospatial networks of power. 23 Somers (1994, p. 72) goes even further in replacing the term society with rela- tional setting, which she denes as a patterned matrix of institutional relationships among cultural, economic, social, and political practices. 24 Such a conclusion does not invalidate the historical-comparative study of national states or countries (see Goodwin 1995), but it does prescribe considerable caution in assuming their primacy as units of sociological analysis. At the meso-level as well, the relational perspective leads to signicant reconceptualizations. To the extent that they had been theorized, face-to- face encounters were most typically seen (at least prior to Erving Goff- man) in self-actional or interactional terms, as a question of the mutual interplay among preconstituted, self-subsistent actors. It is precisely this framework that Goffman explodes in his celebrated studies of co- presence and the interaction order. Of paramount importance in the proper study of [face-to-face] interaction, he argues, is not the individual and his psychology, but rather the syntactical relations among the acts of different persons mutually present to one another (Goffman 1967, p. 2). A sociology of occasions is called for that takes as its unit of analysis a gamelike, unfolding, dynamic process, one developing within cultural, so- 23 I shall focus in the following section upon several such network contexts. 24 For most practicing social science research, a society is a social entity. As an entity, it has a core essencean essential set of social springs at the heart of the mechanism. This essential core is in turn reected in broader covarying societal institutions that the system comprises. . . . [By contrast,] the most signicant aspect of a relational setting is that there is no governing entity according to which the whole setting can be categorized; it can only be characterized by deciphering its spatial and network patterns and temporal processes. As such, it is a relational matrix, similar to a social network (Somers 1994, pp. 70, 72; see also Somers 1993; Somers and Gibson 1994). 295 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology cial structural, and social psychological matrices. (In what could well serve as an epigraph for this entire manifesto, Goffman [1967, p. 3] asserts: Not, then, men and their moments. Rather moments and their men.) 25 The study of face-to-face encounters thereupon becomes a matter of locat- ing regularities across such transactional processes, of specifying recurrent mechanisms, patterns, and sequences in meso-level occasions. At the microscopic level of analysis, similarly, the notion of individual can also be signicantly reworked from a relational point of view. Individ- ual identities and interests are not preconstituted and unproblematic; par- ties to a transaction do not enter into mutual relations with their attributes already given. By reinterpreting Hobbess construct of the state of na- ture, Alessandro Pizzorno (1991) shows how such arguments are inter- nally self-contradictory; they regard as self-subsistent entities what are in fact actors lacking in stable, durable identities to begin with. Selves, not to mention the interests corresponding to them, require mutual trust and reciprocal recognition to come into being, conditions that happen to be absent in the state of nature, where a war of each against all prevails. Individuals threatened by nature to impermanence achieve preserva- tion of self, real formation of self (Pizzorno 1991, pp. 220, 218) only through transactional processes of recognition and what Pizzorno terms mutual name-giving: The ction of individuals not yet involved in so- cial relations but originally knowing what their interests are and what the consequences of their choices can be is discarded in favor of a view in which the interaction between persons mutually recognizing their right to exist is the only originally conceivable reality. No preestablished inter- ests are imagined. The individual human agent is constituted as such when he is recognized and named by other human agents (Pizzorno 1991, p. 220). Individual identities are thus constituted within circles of recog- nition, while interests (a secondary construct) grow out of different posi- tions in the[se] networks and circles (Pizzorno 1991, p. 219). 26 Such circles of recognition can include virtual circles with cultural ideals and fanta- 25 Goffman (1967, p. 2) characterizes these moments as shifting entit[ies], necessarily evanescent, created by arrivals and killed by departures. As Arthur Stinchcombe (1991, p. 373) further explains it: The same people act differently if they are inside the temporal and spatial and communicative boundaries of [such] situation[s] than if they are outside those boundaries. See also White (1973). 26 For a discussion of the relational dimension of collective identity that develops (al- beit implicitly) along similar lines to that of Pizzorno, see Melucci (1996). In true trans- actionalist fashion, Melucci emphasizes the uid, processual nature of collective iden- tication, a point of view, however, that sits uncomfortably with his own substantialist terminology, as he himself acknowledges: We should . . . take notice of the fact that the term identity remains semantically inseparable from the idea of permanence and may, perhaps for this very reason, be ill suited for the processual analysis for which I am arguing (Melucci 1996, p. 72). 296 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto sized objects, as well as circles of interpersonal, social relationships. (Re- cent feminist theorists have developed quite similar insights; indeed, gen- der theory in general might well be the approach that in recent decades has most widely disseminated transactional modes of reasoning within the social sciences. See, e.g., Scott [1988]; Benhabib [1992]; see also Somerss important work on narrative identity [e.g., Somers and Gibson 1994].) Delving more deeply still into the individual level, relational perspec- tives also make possible the recasting of long-established lines of theoriza- tion regarding intrapsychic processes. In the psychoanalytic literature, for example, the standard view is that of drive theory, which conceptualizes the individual actor as a separate, monadic entity with physically based urges that seek out psychical expression in the form of sexual and/or ag- gressive desires. These desires, which are preconstituted, conict with the demands of both human civilization and the natural world; psychical life builds around compromises between them and the defenses that control and channel them. By contrast, a new school of thought in psychoanalysis emphatically rejects this essentialist perspective and proposes instead a theory of relational individualism, one that sees transactions with others, and not pregiven drives, as the basic units for psychological investigation. Object-relations theory does not need to idealize a hyper-individualism; it assumes a fundamental internal as well as external relatedness to the other. The question is then what kind of relation this can and should be. The relational individual is not reconstructed in terms of his or her drives and defenses but in terms of the greater or lesser fragmentation of his or her inner world and the extent to which the core self feels spontaneous and whole within, rather than driven by, this world (Chodorow 1989a, p. 159). 27 Freudian gender theorists (e.g., Chodorow 1978, 1989b; Benja- min 1988) utilize such insights with great effect. 28 27 These very same assumptions are crucial to the new relational school of psychoan- alytic theory. In this approach, as Stephen Mitchell (1988, p. 3) summarizes it, We are portrayed [as] shaped by and inevitably embedded within a matrix of relationships with other people. . . . Desire is experienced always in the context of relatedness, and it is that context which denes its meaning. Mind is composed of relational congura- tions. The person is comprehensible only within this tapestry of relationships, past and present. 28 Transactional thinking appears in nonpsychoanalytic theories as well. For example, Norbert Wiley argues against both old and new versions of faculty psychology, which posits pregiven, innate properties in human nature, in favor of a more dialogic per- spective inuenced by C. S. Peirce and George Herbert Mead. For him, the self is a structure consisting of three elements, the I, you, and me, in continual interaction with each other and with other selves in an ongoing semiotic ow of meaning. From Wileys (1994, p. 72) transactional perspective, the self is a kind of public square . . . the members of which are in constant conversation. Also relevant here are the writ- ings of Kenneth Gergen (e.g., 1994). 297 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology RESEARCH DIRECTIONS AND TECHNIQUES In addition to having far-reaching implications for theoretical inquiry, the transactional perspective also opens up many new, exciting directions for substantive research. In this section, I shall consider several of these more empirical lines of investigation, using as my main organizing principle the idea of three transpersonal, relational contexts within which all social ac- tion unfolds: social structure, culture, and social psychology. Each of these environments (Alexander 1988), I assume, operates according to its own partially autonomous logic, intersecting with the others in varied and in- teresting ways that require empirical study (for a fuller discussion, see Emirbayer and Goodwin [1996, 1997]; Emirbayer and Sheller [1996]). I shall also discuss new research at the individual level, research that like- wise builds upon transactional assumptions. 29 The best developed and most widely used approaches to the analysis of social structure are clearly those of social-network analysis. This per- spective is not primarily a theory or even a set of complicated research techniques, but rather a comprehensive new family of analytical strate- gies, a paradigm for the study of how resources, goods, and even positions ow through particular gurations of social ties. Eschewing self-actional approaches that begin with preconstituted individuals or groups, as well as interactional approaches such as statistical (variable) analyses, net- work analysts pursue transactional studies of patterned social relation- ships (Breiger 1974). They adhere to what has been termed an anti- categorical imperative (Emirbayer and Goodwin 1994), rejecting the primacy of attributional categories and other substantives in favor of dynamic, observable processes-in-relations (White 1997, p. 60)notice the felicitous combination here of temporal and spatial imageries through which pass money, friendship, information, and other elements. 30 29 Although I shall range widely across a number of different empirical literatures, I wish to underscore here the desirability of eventually elaborating a common relational language within which to theorize about all these various contexts and levels of anal- ysis. 30 Peter Bearman supplies a vivid illustration of the comparative utility of network- analytic and categorical approaches for understanding elite social action in England from 1540 to 1640: Consider the tortuous debate over the appropriate bases for classi- fying the gentry that arose because historians came to recognize that the gentry as a group acted neither coherently nor uniformly with respect to interests. A primary solution to the problem has been a continued subcategorization, and we now have as salient groups the middling, ofcial, rising, falling, court, and country gentry, to name only the most prominent. These subcategories do correspond to attributes that real gentry had. . . . But it was as likely that court gentry would rise as fall; that Puritan gentry would be at court or in the country; and that ofcial gentry would be as mere as the middling or as grand as the rising. Gentry assigned to the same category fre- quently acted at cross-purposes. . . . The solution to understanding elite social action [thus] cannot be further subclassication from received categories. Categorical models 298 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto (This does not mean that in certain cases network analysts do not unduly privilege synchrony over diachrony, spatial over temporal gurations, a point to which I shall return below. Nor does it mean that they never import into their explanations self- or interactional assumptions, most problematically a rational-choice approach to action; for a critique of such eclecticism, which occurs in other lines of transactional research as well, see Emirbayer and Goodwin [1994].) Important here is the notion that social networks cut across discrete communities and other entitiesare interstitialeven though in certain cases they may also congeal into bounded groups and clusters (network researchers speak in such instances of CATNETS [CATegories NETworks; see White 1966; Tilly 1978]). Signicant as well is the insight that transactions unfolding within social networks are not always symmetrical in nature: ows are often direc- tional in content and intensity, with signicant implications for actors differential access to resources. Finally, often important is the patterning of invisible relations among actorsrelations visible only by their ab- sence (Burt 1992, p. 181)since such structural holes or gaps in net- works usually mean disparities in access to both information and control benets. Network analysts draw heavily upon the methodologies of sociometry and graph theory (the mathematical study of structural patterns in points and lines) to formally represent social gurations. They also draw upon the techniques of multidimensional scaling to map out sometimes com- plex patterns in such ties, and upon set theory to model role structures algebraically (for an overview, see Scott [1991]). These methods gure prominently in cluster analyses as well as in studies of structural equiva- lence, the two central currents in social-network research. 31 The former approach focuses attention upon actors direct and indirect ties, ex- plaining social processes through the very fact of connectivity itself, as well as through the strength, density, and so forth, of the ties that bind. It seeks to specify the relative centrality of actors within networks, the prominence of such actors, and the subgroupings to which they belong. Network structure is described in terms of the typical relations in which individuals are involved and the extent to which actors are connected within cohesive primary groups as cliques (Burt 1980, p. 81). The latter approach emphasizes more the patterning of actors ties, not with one alone rarely partition people in a way that conrms with observed action, because individual activity in the world is organized through and motivated not by categorical afliations but by the structure of tangible social relations in which persons are embed- ded (Bearman 1993, pp. 910). 31 In Emirbayer and Goodwin (1994), these were referred to as relational and posi- tional currents, respectivelythe term relational having a different meaning there than in the present context. 299 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology another, but with third parties; the relevant question here is the specic position or role that a set of structurally equivalent actors occupies within a given network. Network structure is described as interlocked, differentially prestigious status/role-sets, in terms of which actors in a sys- temare stratied (Burt 1980, p. 81). An algebraic procedure called block- modeling partitions overall populations into such equivalency classes. 32 Relational approaches to the sociological study of culture are not nearly so well developed as those concerned with networks of social relation- ships. Yet they share many of the same basic assumptions, beginning with the notion that cultural formations entail, not individual attitudes or values, much less disembodied systems, but rather bundles of commu- nications, relations, or transactions. Relational methodologies come into play when analyzing the meaning structures that order or organize these patterns. Such methodologies are transactional or relational precisely be- cause they involve a shift away from thinking about a concept as a singu- lar categorical expression to regarding concepts as embedded in complex relational networks that are both intersubjective and public. . . . That is, concepts cannot be dened on their own as single ontological entities; rather, the meaning of one concept can be deciphered only in terms of its place in relation to the other concepts in its web. What appear to be autonomous categories dened by their attributes are reconceived more accurately as historically shifting sets of relationships that are contingently stabilized (Somers 1995, p. 136). Such insights, of course, are familiar from Saussurean linguistics and structural anthropology (Saussure 1959; Levi-Strauss 1963), both of which stress in eminently relational terms that meaning derives not from the intrinsic properties of signs (understood dy- adically as sound-image and concept, signier and signied), but rather from their differences from all other signs within a semiological system. 33 Such ideas are also central to two other sources of semiotic theory that are perhaps less familiar, but even more congenial to transactional thinking: Peircean semiotics and Bakhtinian dialogism. Charles Sanders Peirce, the founder of both pragmatism and semiotics, agrees on the rela- tional embeddedness of symbols but diverges sharply from the Saussurean tradition in taking as his unit of analysis not dyadic structures or snap- 32 Expressed more accurately, blockmodeling tests the hypothesis that a set of relations breaks down into a set of equivalency classes specied a priori. 33 Also relevant here is the seminal work of Roman Jakobson: Jakobson was drawn to the fact that for Einsteinian physics, as for Cubism, everything is based on relation- ship. . . . The artists credo I do not believe in things, I believe in their relationship (Georges Braque) thus joined the mathematicians motto It is not things that matter, but the relations between them. . . . Or as Jakobson himself put it much later, Atten- tion must be paid not to the material units themselves but to their relations (Waugh and Monville-Burston 1990, p. 5). 300 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto shots, but rather a triadic process of sign, object, and interpretant: A sign . . . is something which stands to somebody [interpretant] for some- thing [object] in some respect or capacity. It addresses somebody (Peirce 193158, p. 228). As one commentator observes, for Peirce a sign only has meaning in the context of a continuing process of interpretation. Be- cause [of this], his theory is intrinsically processual and thus incompatible with Saussures dyadic and intrinsically static theory (Rochberg-Halton 1986, p. 46). A similarly processual approach to language and culture can be found in the writings of Mikhail Bakhtin, who takes the utterance as his point of departure. Words, concepts, and symbols derive their mean- ing only from their location within concrete utterances, but these in turn only make sense in relation to other utterances within ongoing ows of transactions: The utterance is lled with dialogic overtones. . . . Each individual utterance is a link in the chain of speech communication. . . . Like Leibnitzs monad, [it] reects the speech process, others utterances, and, above all, preceding links in the chain (Bakhtin 1986, pp. 9293). Cultural analysts are increasingly turning toward such relational ap- proaches for methodological guidance in studying conceptual or symbolic networks. Much empirical research in anthropology, history, and sociol- ogy, for example, draws upon the semiotic theories mentioned above in analyzing the internal logics and contradictions of cultural languages, idi- oms, and meaning systems. Research programs articulated by Jeffrey Al- exander and Philip Smith (1993), Eugene Rochberg-Halton (1986), and Marc Steinberg (1996) exemplify these Saussurean (cum Levi-Straussian), Peircian, and Bakhtinian perspectives, respectively. In a more formalized fashion, researchers are also drawing upon sociolinguistics in analyzing speech communities, or sets of transactions marked by shared knowl- edge of the communicative constraints and options governing a signicant number of social situations (Gumperz 1972, p. 16). 34 Finally, certain ana- lysts of culture are drawing, not upon semiotic or linguistic analysis, but rather upon the relational social-network strategies outlined above. One such line of work features cluster or connectivity analysis, measuring the ties between focal concepts and other symbols within semantic net- works in terms of their density, conductivity, and consensus (Carley and Kaufer 1993; Carley 1994). Another line of work pursues a structural equivalence approach, using blockmodeling to determine the formal struc- ture of discourse roles or positions within classication schemas, rheto- rics, or other sets of cultural practices (Mohr 1994). Together, these lines of inquiry provide a wealth of techniques for modeling the internal struc- 34 See also Halliday (1976, 1978) on speech registers, or shared modalities of language use within a speech community, and Hanks (1990) on discourse genres; the latter is deeply inuenced by Bakhtinian dialogic theory. 301 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology ture of cultural formations, techniques that yield important results at both micro- and macroscopic levels of investigation. 35 Relational studies of social psychology are perhaps the least well devel- oped of the three categories of research (but see Ritzer and Gindoff 1992). Here the objects of analysis are psychical patterns that constrain and en- able action by channeling ows and investments of emotional energy durable, transpersonal structures of attachment and emotional solidarity, as well as negatively toned currents of hostility and aggression. The emo- tions, from this point of view, inhere not in entities that have been located in individuals, such as personalities or attitudes, but rather in situational ways of acting in conversational encounters (Collins 1981, p. 1010), that is, in transactional dynamics. Some of the most signicant research done in this vein appears in the new structural social psychol- ogy. Randall Collins, for example, argues that enhanced levels of the physical density of transactions, together with the increasing ecological boundedness of a group, raise the groups focus of attention and the inten- sity of common emotions. For any actor, social life consists in a long series of such interaction rituals, an intermittent chain of IRs (Collins 1993, p. 210), with levels of emotional energy accumulating gradually across them. Collins envisions an emergent market of such rituals, with certain gurations yielding higher emotional energy rewards than others, yet re- quiring higher entry costs in the coin of emotional investment. In this way, he opens up possibilities for mapping the structure of emotional ows across the broader social psychological environment. Structures of energy- enhancing ritual interactions would parallel in such a mapping the social structural and cultural gurations of the other two relational contexts of action. Collins is currently developing new computer software to chart these emotional ows with greater specicity. Finally, relational analyses of self-dynamics and individual psychology have become increasingly prevalent. (Such investigations appear at a dif- ferent level of analysis than those discussed above, the former being per- sonal and the latter transpersonal in nature.) Relational studies of person- ality conceptualize it, not as xed traits or dispositions that endure across times and contexts, but rather as a stable conguration of distinctive if- then situation-behavior transactions, or characteristic patterns of behav- ior within distinct but meaningfully similar circumstances. While the tra- ditional substantialist perspective regards situations as error and aims to average out their effects by aggregating across them, the transactional approach takes the actors pattern of engagement with evoking situa- tions as its basic unit of analysis. This shift call[s] attention away from 35 Mention should also be made here of the work of Bruno Latour (1987), which com- bines relational thinking at both the social structural and cultural levels of analysis. 302 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto inferences about what broad traits a person has, to focus instead on what the person does in particular conditions in the coping process (Mischel 1990, p. 116). One especially rich line of substantive research on such behavioral signatures is that of Walter Mischel and his associates in a series of studies of children in a residential summer camp. Through analy- sis of observations and computer codings of the childrens behavior (un- dertaken by camp counselors as well as independent judges), these re- searchers nd that there are characteristic intraindividual patterns in how [the children] related to different psychological conditions and that these patterns form a sort of behavioral signature that reects personality coherence (Mischel and Shoda 1995, p. 251). Mischel and his associates do not map out these behavioral patterns sociometrically, but their ndings certainly do point them in precisely such a direction (see White 1994b). PERPLEXITIES, DIFFICULTIES, CHALLENGES Thus far, I have discussed the considerable promise of transactional the- ory and research, saying relatively little about the issues that it has not yet fully resolved. Despite its many important contributions, this perspec- tive still confronts a number of unanswered questions. In the section that follows, I shall survey the most signicant of these problems, taking up in turn the issues of boundaries and entities, network dynamics, causality, and normative implications. The problem of boundary specication, of moving from ows of trans- actions to clearly demarcated units of study, from continuity to discontinu- ity, is perhaps the most frequently encountered of all challenges to rela- tional analysis. Social-network researchers, for example, continually grapple with the question of where to draw lines across relational webs possessing no clearcut, natural boundaries. Analogous questions arise in respect to cultural and social psychological matrices. No denitive solu- tion has been found to such difculties. 36 According to one set of network investigators, two basic strategies exist for demarcating boundaries: real- ist and nominalist. The rst takes the point of view of the actors in- volved, treating a network as a social fact only in that it is consciously experienced as such by the actors composing it. The second proceeds from the concepts and purposes of the social-scientic observer instead, 36 For studies of boundary drawing, see Silverstein (1979), Zerubavel (1991), and La- mont and Fournier (1992). Ronald Breiger notes (personal communication, July 11, 1996) that one approach . . . is to internalize, or endogenize, or make reexive this problem within the frame of a relational analysis. (Substantialist) boundaries are [then] played off against boundaries dened by relations. For a substantive example, see Breiger (1981). 303 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology taking the correspondence between the investigators analytically drawn boundaries and the subjective awareness of these boundaries by partici- pants [as] an empirical question rather than an assumption (Laumann, Marsden, and Prensky 1983, pp. 2021). 37 Thus, Bourdieus concept of a eld of practice falls squarely within the nominalist side of this distinc- tion: its boundaries are drawn in accordance with the observers (and not the participants) frame of reference. The overall intractability of the boundary problem, on the other hand, is eloquently attested to by the apparent circularity in Bourdieus own solution to it: We may think of a eld as a space within which an effect of eld is exercised. . . . The limits of the eld are situated at the point where the effects of the eld cease (Bourdieu and Wacquant 1992, p. 100). When beginning with rami- fying webs of relations rather than substances, it becomes notoriously dif- cult to justify the empirical boundaries that one draws. Behind the analytical and methodological difculties in setting bound- aries, moreover, stand fundamental questions of an ontological nature. Once one denes the boundaries around a given matrix of transactions, how does one characterize what obtains inside those boundaries? When, if ever, does a set of relations actually count as a thing, a substance, or an entity? In Identity and Control, Harrison White (1992) points out that some (although not all) clusters of events or transactions may be deemed entities. An entity or identity, he asserts, is any source of action not explicable from biophysical regularities, and to which observers can attri- bute meaning. . . . Clusters can come to be perceived as and act as identi- ties, if they reappear repeatedly or in a variety of other contexts (White 1992, pp. 67). Andrew Abbott (1996) further makes clear that not all zones of difference within a social process or social space become enti- ties; the entitativity (Campbell 1958) of a recurrent phenomenon consists in its exhibiting two key features: coherence, some structure of causes internal to it that permit it to recur, to keep happening in the same way, and causal authority, an independent standing as a site of causation, as a thing with consequences . . . [an ability] to create an effect on the rest of the social process that goes beyond effects . . . merely transmitted through the causing entity from elsewhere (Abbott 1996, p. 873). The difculty, of course, is that neither element in Abbotts denition can be seen as given in a processual ontology; both must be explained. Identities 37 Laumann et al. (1983) add that one can further distinguish three approaches (each with its attendant methodologies) that cut across the two just mentioned strategies for determining whether or not given actors will be included inside a boundary: posses- sion of a specied attribute; involvement in a specied type of relationship; or partici- pation in a given event or activity. 304 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto and entities are problematic in transactional approaches in ways that they never can be in a substantialist mode of analysis. 38 Closely related to the vexing issues of boundaries and identities is that of network dynamics. Paradoxically (for a mode of study so intently fo- cused upon processuality), relational sociology has the greatest difculty in analyzing, not the structural features of static networks, whether these be cultural, social structural, or social psychological, but rather, the dy- namic processes that transform those matrices of transactions in some fashion. Even studies of processes-in-relations, in other words, too often privilege spatiality (or topological location) over temporality and narrative unfolding. 39 (The reason for this state of affairs can probably be traced back to the same hegemony of substantialism that makes self- and interac- tional approaches so very prevalent.) Again, the most promising ways out come from the relational analysis of social structures. In his inquiry into structural holes, for example, Ronald Burt (1992) surveys the cir- cumstances that maximize structural autonomy, the capacity to exploit entrepreneurially whatever information and control benets a network affords. 40 Burts insight is that what best explains action are not the attri- butes of social actors themselves, but rather the complex gurations of relations (especially relations of absence, or holes) to which they respond. (In principle, parallel arguments could also be developed in respect to cultural and social psychological gurations.) In a major network study, 38 There is, in other words, an unavoidable trade-off in attendant problems when shifting from substantialist to relational points of view: By making change our con- stant, we also exchange our explananda. It becomes necessary to explain reproduction, constancy, and entity-ness, rather than development and change. More to the point, Abbott continues, the central reason for making this [shift] is practical. It is possible to explain reproduction as a phenomenon sometimes produced by perpetual change; it is not possible to explain change as a phenomenon sometimes produced by perpetual stasis (Abbott, 1997, p. 98). It is difcult to imagine a more concise and persuasive articulation of the relative advantages of transactional vis-a` -vis substantialist perspec- tives. 39 For a classic case in point, see the celebrated article on blockmodeling by White, Boorman, and Breiger (1976), which provides no more than a mere succession of static representations (or snapshots) of social structure. (For a critical analysis, see Emir- bayer and Goodwin [1994].) More recent approaches (e.g., the special issue on network dynamics published by the Journal of Mathematical Sociology [1996]) provide exciting technical innovations but do not satisfactorily resolve the problem. In the area of cultural analysis, meanwhile, much the same can be said of the structuralism of Claude Levi-Strauss (1963), which itself rests quite explicitly upon a conceptual di- chotomization of structure and time. 40 According to his denition, Players with relationships free of structural holes at their own end and rich in structural holes at the other end are structurally autono- mous (Burt 1992, p. 45). 305 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology John Padgett and Christopher Ansell (1993) combine this structural auton- omy notion with a focus upon robust action, the exible opportunism made possible by certain actors structurally anomalous locations within social networks marked by deep structural holes. Still other analysts (e.g., Gould and Fernandez 1989) examine the pivotal roles that brokers play in dynamic processes-in-relations. These researchers all converge upon the idea that network dynamics are dialectically related to network structures, each of these moments partially conditioning the other. Yet another inquiry into dynamic processes is currently being carried out by Harrison White, whose major contribution has been to shift the analytic focus of attention away from social networks alone toward socio- cultural units which he terms network-domains, or netdoms. (White speaks relatively little about social psychological formations.) 41 Actors continually switch between netdoms as they negotiate the subtle transi- tions, sometimes barely perceptible, among the various modes of social interaction that mark everyday life. Publics, a simple example of which is the momentary coffee break, facilitate such transitions; in them, social times and meanings pertaining to specic netdoms are suspended and net- work-domains themselves are decoupled from one another in a sort of temporary bubble of continuing present time. 42 Switches also occur within netdoms, among the various stories or accountings of social real- ity that together are borne by and serve to constitute each network- domain. In ordinary, everyday social relations, writes White, multiple alternative accounts are being carried along until temporary resolutions at disjunctions which I call switches. At a switching, the continuing juggling among a set of stories is resolved into the account from which the next phase of reality constructing takes off, among relations cohering through that there and then (White 1996, p. 1049). Here White invokes from sta- tistical science the idea of Bayesian forks to capture the uncertainty or ambiguityWhats going on here?that arises and is resolved at net- work switchings. By means of such phenomenological categories, White helps to enhance our understanding of the mechanisms driving network processes. What still remains missing from his account, on the other hand (as from other approaches to network dynamics outlined above), is any 41 Networks catch up especially the cross-sectional patterns of connection and reso- nance in interaction. Domains catch up especially the meanings and interpretations which are the phenomenology of process as talk. These two, networks and domains, come together for the type of tie and . . . for construction of social meanings and times (White 1996, p. 1038). 42 Publics ease switches because it is easier to evolve a mere 2n ways to enter and exit a common public state from n distinctive network-domains than it is to evolve the much larger (n times n 1) number of ways to switch from one to another of the network-domains (White 1996, p. 1056). 306 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto systematic, normative consideration of the role of what Dewey termed intelligence in the intentional guidance and direction of human affairs. Social actors reexive engagement with the problems confronting them in their everyday lives remains signicantly undertheorized in recent stud- ies of network processes (more on this below as well). A third related challenge facing the relational approach concerns cau- sality. How are network dynamics to be accounted for? How are shifts in the content and direction of transactional ows to be explained? One persistent problem, yet another outgrowth of substantialist ways of rea- soning, is the tendency even of many relational thinkers to depict causes as immaterial phenomena. Entities such as forces, factors, and struc- tures are said to impel social substances, including persons and groups, down the causal path. Even gurations or patterns of relations (including structural holes) become substantives that putatively move action along in some fashion. Can causality be conceptualized in a more satisfactory way? One writer begins to address this problem by calling for a new ac- tion language for the social sciences. Roy Schafer (1976), a psychoanalytic theorist, proposes that we regard each psychological [and, by extension, social] process, event, experience, or behavior as some kind of activity, henceforth to be called action, and . . . designate each action by an active verb stating its nature and by an adverb (or adverbial locution) when applicable, stating the mode of this action. Adopting this rule entails that, insofar as it is possible to do so sensibly, we shall not use nouns and adjec- tives to refer to [transactional] processes, events, etc. (Schafer 1976, p. 9). A sentence such as their disadvantaged position led to heightened competitiveness should thus be translated as they responded to their disadvantageous situation by acting more competitively. Social actors themselves, in gamelike transactions within ever-changing contexts, do all of the acting in social life, not some imaginary entities within or without them, as in the substantialist worldviews of self- or interaction. Of course, such a methodological prescription remains useful only inso- far as one bears in mind that not all social actors are individual persons: in certain contexts, organizations or other identities might also be deemed actors for purposes of transactional analysis. More important, social actors are always embedded in space and time; they respond to specic situations (opportunities as well as constraints) rather than pursuing lines of conduct in purely solipsistic fashion. The narratives of their responses (together with the situations within which these occur) help to explain how causes actually produce effects in history. Action language, in other words, clears the ground for causal analysis by eliminating reied structures as causal factors, yet it needs to be supplemented by an explicit concern for the situational mechanisms (Stinchcombe 1991) that actually channel ows of events. Such mechanisms provide an answer to those who would sug- 307 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology gest (as variable-centered analysts often do, e.g.) that action language abandons the search for causal generalities in social life. Tilly provides an example of the sort of mechanism one might now be looking for: The relationship among an activity, the set of agents that control the means that might make that activity possible, and the bargaining that goes on between the agents of the activity and those who hold the resources, pro- duce unexpected sets of structures that themselves constrain the next round of action. . . . The causal mechanism lies in the bargaining that comes out of resistance to release the resources that are already committed to other ends. . . . The general cause lies in that struggle over control over wanted resources (Tilly 1993, p. 6). This approach to causation retains the action orientation that Schafer advocates, yet avoids the latters tendency toward pure voluntarism by insisting upon a search for robust explanatory processes that operate across a multiplicity of social situations. Finally, the normative implications of relational inquiry come into question when one considers what sorts of moral and practical leverage such inquiry might provide in respect to social realities. We can distin- guish here between critical and reconstructive implications. Preemi- nent among the former is the capacity afforded by transactional thinking to unfreeze static, substantialist categories that deny the uidityhence, the mutabilityof gurational patternings. In present-day cultural stud- ies, for example, essentialist modes of thinking all too often see individu- als and collectivities as possessing singular, unitary identities rooted in race, class, gender, or sexuality; putatively, such xed attributional fea- tures explain both interests and action unproblematically. 43 Nor is such essentialism limited to cultural analysis alone; contemporary identity pol- itics largely revolves around the attempt similarly to thematize (as well as to legitimize) particular collective identities (e.g., African-American, Latina woman) long devalued in mainstream culture. More clearly per- nicious essentialisms (e.g., racism, [hetero-]sexism, xenophobic national- ism) share in such reasoning, if not in its progressive ideological agenda. Now, categories certainly do matter a great deal in social life; as W. I. Thomas famously pointed out, If men dene situations as real, they are real in their consequences (Thomas and Thomas 1928, p. 572). More- over, categorical thinking can have crucial critical implications, such as normatizing previously devalued categories or redistributing resources by means of social policy. Yet, transactional thinking contests the intrinsically 43 Versions of cultural studies that speak in more nuanced terms of the intersection of multiple identities, as in the category of black lesbians, add considerable complex- ity to the picture, yet still do not escape the difculties that pertain to all categorical, substantialist thinking. 308 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto reied nature of all categories: it shows how they totalize identities that are in fact often multidimensional and contradictory; prescribe modes of thought and action against which alternatives can only be labeled devi- ant; naturalize rigid distinctions that suppress possibilities for creative (self-) transformation; and, most generally, accept rather than contest the historically variable relational matrices that serve to constitute invidious distinctions and categorizations in the rst place (Somers and Gibson 1994, pp. 5557). 44 Transactional thinking, in a word, deconstructs a taken-for-granted moral universe; in so doing, it attacks in moral and practical life the very same tendencies toward process-reduction that Elias so forcefully underscored at the level of cognition. 45 In a more reconstructive vein, relational reasoning also speaks directly to the problem of what is to count as a better or worse line of conduct (or end point of action), from an ethical or political point of view. If values are not preconstituted substances, then whence do they arise and how are they to be evaluated? What kinds of transactions ought to be most highly valued in a processual, relational view of the world? Such issues, which have long vexed transactional theorists, are perhaps most provocatively addressed by classical American pragmatists such as John Deweywith whom we beganand George Herbert Mead (although they were also engaged with in similar ways by Bakhtin [1993] and later by Ju rgen Ha- bermas [198487]). For the pragmatists, normative implications ow nat- urally out of the central concept of transaction itself: Values are not sim- ply objective givens, which are independent of human existence. They are, however, also not merely the product of the subjective evaluation of objects which are essentially neutral with regard to this evaluation. Rather . . . the evaluation is the result of an interaction [or transaction] of subject and object (Joas 1985, p. 131). Thus, values are by-products of actors engagement with one another in ambiguous and challenging circum- stances, which emerge when individuals experience a discordance be- tween the claims of multiple normative commitments. Problematic situa- 44 See n. 38, above. In practical politics and cultural struggle, social actors often invoke collective identities strategically, even as they question categorical thinking theoreti- cally. The point . . . is not to stop studying identity formation, or even to abandon all forms of identity politics, but rather . . . to rely on notions of identity and identity politics for their strategic utility while remaining vigilant against reication (Epstein 1994, p. 197). 45 For examples of self-consciously deconstructionist, poststructuralist thinking in respect to questions of identity, see Scott (1988) and Sedgwick (1990). Relationalism by no means entails adoption of all aspects of deconstructionism, even if it does share important features with it. The continuities (and discontinuities) between deconstruc- tionism (Derrida 1974), on the one hand, and contemporary relational perspectives from neopragmatism (esp. Rorty 1982) to social-network theory (esp. White 1992), on the otherwould make for a valuable comparative study. 309 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology tions of this sort become resolved only when actors reconstruct the relational contexts within which they are embedded, and in the process, transform their own values and themselves: The appearance of . . . differ- ent interests in the forum of reection [leads to] the reconstruction of the social world, and the consequent appearance of the new self that answers to the new object (Mead 1964, p. 149). Appealing visions of both action and order follow directly from this line of reasoning. The rational resolution of problem-situationsa matter of actionrequires capacities for prudential reasoning and practical judg- ment, which the pragmatists (beginning with Dewey) termed intelli- gence. In this mode of action, the individual . . . take[s] into account all of those interests [that are implicated in a given situation] and then make[s] out a plan of action which will rationally deal with those interests (Mead 1934, p. 388; see Emirbayer and Mische, in press). The actor puts himself in the place of the other, broadens his own point of view through argumentative engagement with the latter, and attains in this manner to ever more comprehensive, cosmopolitan, universalistic perspectives. In parallel fashion, the ideal mode of mutual engagement or transaction a matter of orderentails a free and open communication of actors in a universal community, a relational matrix within which both cooperation and conict are rationally regulated. This mode of associated living in a word, democracyembodies moral intelligence on a transpersonal scale; it involves conjoint communicated experience in which practical reasoning is undertaken in common, through inquiry into moral and polit- ical problems on the model of an experimental science (Dewey 1980, p. 93). Such a point of viewas it pertains to both action and orderdoes resolve many problems concerning the normative implications of rela- tional reasoning, while also remaining well within a transactional frame of reference. What it does not adequately address, however, is the question of whether the relevant standards of normative judgment are to be sub- stantive or merely procedural: Does the idea of free and open communica- tion in transactional processes mean nothing other than a formal method of intelligent reasoning, or does it lead to a view of moral character and collective social arrangements that is more contentful? This is a question that relational thinkers continue to be troubled by (to the extent that they address it at all), and that they have not yetand may neversatisfac- torily resolve. 46 46 One of the most serious shortcomings of relational sociology to date is its relative neglect of normative concerns, despite the profound interpenetration (in true transac- tionalist fashion) of all questions of is and ought in social-scientic analysis. 310 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Manifesto CONCLUSION Such unresolved issues and problems notwithstanding, of course, the promise of a relational mode of sociological inquiry remains considerable. Philosophically, theoretically, and empirically, it offers a compelling alter- native to the currently ascendant perspectives of self- and interaction, and to their present-day champions in rational-choice, neo-Kantian, structur- alist, and variable-based sociologies. New and exciting approaches to cul- tural, social structural, and social psychological analysis already exemplify this vast potential; ongoing efforts at the reconstruction of major theoreti- cal concepts further attest to it. Moreover, social thinkers from a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds, national traditions, and analytic and empirical points of view are fast converging upon this frame of reference, often without even grasping its full signicance. A set of assumptions some might call it a paradigmthat rst attained to systematic expression in sociological theory, as in other elds such as physics, near the turn of the century (its antecedents reach much farther back in time, of course) is nally now, at the close of the century, starting to receive the widespread attention it so richly deserves. Despite the sharp attention accorded to so many other debates, dualisms, and oppositions in sociology, the choice between substantialist and relational modes of inquiry, a choice of bed- rock assumptions regarding the very nature of social reality itself, is fast becoming the most important and consequential dividing line in sociologi- cal investigation. Many challenges lie ahead; the preceding section discussed only a few of the most signicant. Relational theorists and researchers must now fo- cus upon several tasks. One is to explore ever more aggressively the ana- lytical levels of culture and collective emotions, importing into these prob- lem areas many of the same insights and research techniques already elaborated by network analysts but also exploiting, for example, the excit- ing new approaches developed by sociolinguists and social psychological researchers. (Analysts have been moving into the culture eld in ever in- creasing numbers but as yet the study of transpersonal emotional ows the social psychological dimensionhas remained seriously underdevel- oped.) Second, and relatedly, transactional researchers must strive reso- lutely to maintain theoretical consistency across levels of analysis, not only in their more case-specic explanations, but also, and especially, in their general efforts at theory-building. Often the wariness of social thinkers today regarding comprehensive theorization (an outdated carryover from earlier battles against the Parsonian legacy?) leads to an all too easy accep- tance of hybrid models (e.g., juxtapositions of rational-actor with net- work-analytic approaches). The richness and breadth of relational ways 311 This content downloaded on Tue, 22 Jan 2013 04:41:39 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Journal of Sociology of thinking allow one to avoid such ad hoc reasoning and to develop causal explanations more self-consciously within a unitary frame of ref- erence. And nally, transactional thinkers must begin to systematize some of the alternative ways in which central issues and problems have been thematized from within their own tradition. Internal debates will be lifted to a much higher planeand theory-building facilitatedonce analysts begin to see differences, for example, between Bourdieu and Fou- cault on power, between Tilly and Somers on culture, or between Dewey and White on intelligence, as alternative ways of proceeding from the selfsame philosophical premises regarding processes-in-relations. 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