Raw Milk
Raw Milk
Raw Milk
quantities of milk--three times as much as the old-fashioned cow. She needs special feed
and antibiotics to keep her well. Her milk contains high levels of growth hormone from
her pituitary gland, even when she is spared the indignities of genetically engineered
Bovine Growth Hormone to push her to the udder limits of milk production.
*Please note, there are farmers who produce excellent "Real Milk" using older lines of
Holsteins and Holstein crosses. It is the modern commercial Holstein, bred only for
quantity, not quality, and pumped full of hormones and antibiotics, that should be
avoided. Know your supplier! Ask questions!
Buy only milk from old-fashioned breeds of cows, such as Jerseys, Guernseys, Red
Devons, Brown Swiss or older genetic lines of Holsteins, or from goats or sheep.
Real feed for cows is green grass in Spring, Summer and Fall; stored dry hay, silage, hay
and root vegetables in Winter. It is not soy meal, cottonseed meal or other commercial
feeds, nor is it bakery waste, chicken manure or citrus peel cake, laced with pesticides.
Vital nutrients like vitamins A and D, and Price's "Activator X" (a fat-soluble catalyst that
promotes optimum mineral assimilation, now believed to be vitamin K
) are greatest in
milk from cows eating green grass, especially rapidly growing green grass in the spring
and fall. Vitamins A and D are greatly diminished, and Activator X disappears, when milk
cows are fed commercial feed. Soy meal has the wrong protein profile for the dairy cow,
resulting in a short burst of high milk production followed by premature death. Most milk
(even most milk labeled "organic") comes from dairy cows that are kept in confinement
their entire lives and never see green grass!
Buy only milk products from herds allowed to graze on green pasture.
Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk
proteins, destroys vitamins C, B12 and B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens
and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in
children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Calves fed pasteurized milk do
poorly and many die before maturity. Raw milk sours naturally but pasteurized milk turns
putrid; processors must remove slime and pus from pasteurized milk by a process of
centrifugal clarification. Inspection of dairy herds for disease is not required for
pasteurized milk. Pasteurization was instituted in the 1920s to combat TB, infant diarrhea,
undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production
methods. But times have changed and modern stainless steel tanks, milking machines,
refrigerated trucks and inspection methods make pasteurization absolutely unnecessary for
public protection. And pasteurization does not always kill the bacteria for Johnes disease
suspected of causing Crohn's disease in humans with which most confinement cows are
infected. Much commercial milk is now ultra-pasteurized to get rid of heat-resistant
bacteria and give it a longer shelf life. Ultra-pasteurization is a violent process that takes
milk from a chilled temperature to above the boiling point in less than two seconds. Clean
raw milk from certified healthy cows is available commercially in several states and may be
bought directly from the farm in many more. (Sources are listed on www.realmilk.com.)
Homogenization is a process that breaks down butterfat globules so they do not rise to the
top. Homogenized milk has been linked to heart disease.
Average butterfat content from old-fashioned cows at the turn of the century was over 4%
(or more than 50% of calories). Today butterfat comprises less than 3% (or less than 35%
of calories). Worse, consumers have been duped into believing that low-fat and skim milk
products are good for them. Only by marketing low-fat and skim milk as a health food can
the modern dairy industry get rid of its excess poor-quality, low-fat milk from modern
high-production herds. Butterfat contains vitamins A and D needed for assimilation of
calcium and protein in the water fraction of the milk. Without them protein and calcium
are more difficult to utilize and possibly toxic. Butterfat is rich in short- and medium chain
fatty acids which protect against disease and stimulate the immune system. It contains
glyco-spingolipids which prevent intestinal distress and conjugated linoleic acid which has
strong anticancer properties.
Powdered skim milk, a source of dangerous oxidized cholesterol and neurotoxic amino
acids, is added to 1% and 2% milk. Low-fat yogurts and sour creams contain
mucopolysaccharide slime to give them body. Pale butter from hay-fed cows contains
colorings to make it look like vitamin-rich butter from grass-fed cows. Bioengineered
enzymes are used in large-scale cheese production. Many mass produced cheeses contain
additives and colorings and imitation cheese products contain vegetable oils.
Pasteurization laws favor large, industrialized dairy operations and squeeze out small
farmers. When farmers have the right to sell unprocessed milk to consumers, they can
make a decent living, even with small herds.
a. Bacterial Risks from drinking Pasteurized Milk
In 1945 there were 450 cases of infectious disease attributed to raw milk. There were
1,492 cases attributed to pasteurized milk.[1] There was 1 case of disease for every
12,400,000 quarts of pasteurized milk consumed, and 1 case of disease for every
18,900,000 quarts of raw milk consumed.[2] In other words, a person could drink
6,500,000 more quarts of raw milk than pasteurized without getting sick.
In 1945 there was an epidemic of food-poisoning in Phoenix, Arizona.[3] The official
report reads, Pasteurization charts...show milk was properly pasteurized and leads to the
assumption that toxin was produced in milk while it was stored There were 300 sick
people from this pasteurized-milk food-poisoning.
Great Bend, Kansas, in 1945, had 468 cases of gastroenteritis from pasteurized milk. This
was traced to unsanitary conditions in dairies, unsterilized bottles. Nine people died.
In October 1978, there was an epidemic of salmonella attributed to food-poisoning by
pasteurized milk in Arizona involving 68 people. The bacteria level was 23 times the legal
limit. The CDC reported that the milk had been properly pasteurized. Yet the CDC
continues to tell us that, ...only with pasteurization is there. . . assurance against
In June, 1982, 172 people in a three-state area in the Southeast were stricken with an
intestinal infection. Over 100 hundred were hospitalized. The infection, which caused
severe diarrhea, fever, nausea, abdominal pain, and headache, was caused by pasteurized
In 1983, an outbreak of listeriosis that occurred in Massachusetts 1983, pasteurized whole
or 2% milk was implicated as the source of infection. Inspection of the milk-producing
plant detected no apparent breach in the pasteurization process.[5]
In August 1984, approximately 200 persons became ill with S. typhimurium from
pasteurized milk produced in a plant in Melrose, IL. The regulators kept this outbreak
secret. Without evidence they concluded that the milk wasnt properly pasteurized. But,
again, in November 1984, another outbreak of S. typhimurium occurred in persons
consuming pasteurized milk bottled in the same plant. Again, they kept it secret and
assumed the milk was not properly pasteurized. Then, in March 1985, there were 16,284
confirmed cases of S. typhimurium resulting from pasteurized milk bottled in the same
plant. Tests proved the milk had been properly pasteurized. Investigators with
preconceived notions, fueled by the efforts of health departments, came to conclusions
without an investigation and had first accused raw milk and the media carried it to the
Consumer Reports, January 1974,revealed that out of 125 tested samples of pasteurized
milk and milk products, 44% proved in violation of state regulations. Consumer Reports
concluded, The quality of a number of the dairy products in this study was little short of
deplorable. Consumer Reports stated that former objections to pasteurized milk are
valid today:
a) Pasteurization is an excuse for the sale of dirty milk.
b) Pasteurization may be used to mask low quality milk.
c) Pasteurization promotes carelessness and discourages the effort to produce clean milk.
Disease AND DISEASE Risks FROM Drinking Pasteurized Milk
Lipase, an enzyme, in milk helps fat digestion but is totally destroyed by pasteurization.
Therefore, no galactose for milk-sugar digestion, no catalase, diastase, or Peroxidase.
Pasteurized-milk allergy in children and adults, caused by altering the milk proteins
through heating, has caused a major health problem in the United States.
Lactose intolerance for pasteurized dairy is common among many populations, affecting
approximately 95% of Asian Americans, 74% of Native Americans, 70% of African
Americans, 53% of Mexican Americans, and 15% of Caucasians.[18] Symptoms, which
include gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea, and flatulence, occur because these individuals
do not have the enzymes that digest the milk sugar lactose in pasteurized milk. Often, with
these gastrointestinal symptoms bacteria, such as salmonella, will be found active in the
blood and stools, indicating that pasteurized dairy incites bacterial activity that is, then,
associated with a food. Food-contamination is often not the problem because the bacterial
activity originates in the body to help the body decompose the pasteurized milk or heat-
treated food.
Studies have shown cholesterol oxidation products to cause atherosclerosis and cancer.
Pasteurized milk contains cholesterol oxides and epoxides. Raw milk has none of these.
Phosphatase is essential for the absorption of calcium and is plentifully present in raw milk
but completely destroyed by pasteurization. The decalcification of pasteurized and
formula milks which are fed to children may be a major cause of osteoporosis later in life.
We now know low calcium absorption in even healthy women may cause a loss of spinal
bone mass as early as age 20. Such women may lose 50% or more of their bony mass by
the age of 70. [19]
R.D. Briggs of the Pathology Department of Washington University School of Medicine,
read that the British reported a higher incidence of heart attacks among persons with
chronic peptic ulcers.[20]
[21] In 1960, Briggs and his associates undertook a statistical
study of ten medical centers in the United States and five in Great Britain. They compared
the incidence of heart attacks in ulcer patients taking a Sippy (pasteurized, homogenized
milkand cream) diet with those not using milk. Results were startling and unequivocal. In
the US, patients taking the Sippy diet had a three-fold higher incidence of heart attacks. In
England the heavy pasteurized, homogenized milk drinkers had a six-fold increase in heart
attacks as compared to the non-milk users. We know from the work of Pottenger,
Wulzen, McCulley, and Oster that the specific constituents creating this type of
calcification is heated protein and xanthine oxidase. Natural milk, raw milk, contains no
heated protein and no biologically available xanthine oxidase.
One reason pasteurized milk doesn't taste as good as raw milk from the farm is because of
holding over milk. The milk is placed in large milk silos until ready for processing. It
may remain for days. This favors the growth of bacteria called psychrotrophic.[22] These
bacteria, such as Listeria monocytogenes[23] grow at the refrigeration temperatures of the
silos used for storage. The psychrotrophics produce enzymes that survive the
pasteurization process, making pasteurized milk sometimes taste bitter, unclean, oily,
chalky, metallic or medicinal.
The pituitary hormone, TSH, stimulates the thyroid gland. If minute amounts of this
pituitary hormone were absorbed daily from unbalanced pasteurized milk, depression of
the thyroid gland could eventually result. Low thyroid function has become extremely
common in the USA. Some experts estimate that fifty percent of the people over fifty
years of age have some degree of low functioning thyroid.
Another hormone from the pituitary, ADH, absorbed regularly from pasteurized milk
causes water retention. ACTH, a powerful adrenal stimulator, absorbed regularly from
pasteurized milk contributes to everything from diabetes and hypertension to Addison's
Disease (adrenal exhaustion), and acne.
Several cancers, such as ovarian cancer, have been linked to the consumption of
pasteurized dairy products. According to a study by Daniel Cramer, M.D., and colleagues
at Harvard, pasteurized dairy-product consumption affects a womans ovaries.[24] Some
women have particularly low levels of certain enzymes, and when they consume processed
dairy products on a regular basis, their risk of ovarian cancer can triple that of other
J.L. Outwater of Princeton University and Drs. A. Nicholson and N. Barnard of The
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine cited more epidemiological studies that
show a positive correlation between pasteurized dairy products and breast cancer and
prostate cancer, presumably related, at least in part, to increases in a compound called
insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I).[25] IGF-I is found in processed cows milk and has
been shown to occur in increased levels in the blood by individuals consuming processed
dairy products on a regular basis.[26] Another recent study showed that men who had the
highest levels of IGF-I had more than four times the risk of prostate cancer compared with
those who had the lowest levels.[27]
Synthetic hormones such as recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) are commonly
used in pasteurized dairy cows to increase the production of milk but results in mastitis, or
inflammation of the mammary glands. When these are ingested it increases the levels of
cancer-causing and other dangerous chemicals in milk. rBGH-derived milk contains
dramatically higher levels of IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor), a risk factor for breast and
colon cancer. IGF-1 is not destroyed by pasteurization. An article in Cancer Research,
June 1995, shows that high levels of IGF-1 are also linked to hypertension, premature
growth stimulation in infants, gynecomastia in young children, glucose intolerance and
juvenile diabetes.
Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D. professor of occupational and environmental medicine at the
University of Illinois School of Public Health and chair of Cancer Prevention Coalition,
Inc., reports that IGF-1, which causes cells to divide, induces malignant transformation of
normal breast epithelial cells, and is a growth factor for human breast cancer and colon
cancer. In reviewing the data, Canadian scientists discovered that Monsantos secret
studies showed that rBGH was linked to prostate and thyroid cancer in laboratory
Epidemiological studies of various countries show a strong correlation between the use of
pasteurized dairy products and the incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes (Type I or
childhood-onset).[29] Researchers in 1992 found that a specific protein in pasteurized
dairy sparks an auto-immune reaction, which is believed to be what destroys the insulin-
producing cells of the pancreas.
Pasteurizing milk turns the lactose into beta-lactose that is far more soluble and therefore
more rapidly absorbed into the blood stream. The sudden rise in blood sugar is followed
by a fall leading to low blood sugar, hypoglycemia, which induces hunger. If more
pasteurized milk is drunk to satisfy the hunger, then the cycle is repeated: hyperglycemia,
hypoglycemia, hunger, more milk, etc. The end result is obesity. Obesity has become one
of the most common diseases of childhood. Pasteurized milk causes obesity even if it is
skimmed. Pigs have been and are regularly fattened with skimmed milk.
Dr. Crewes use of raw milk therapy in advanced cases of pulmonary tuberculosis
improved rapidly. This was ironic in that raw milk was being blamed, incorrectly, for a
great deal of the tuberculosis seen in that decade. (Hippocrates told doctors hundreds of
years ago that raw milk would greatly alleviate tuberculosis.)
Crewe reported on his raw-milk treatment of edema (swelling), In cases in which there is
marked edema, the results obtained are surprisingly marked. This is especially
striking because so-called dropsy has never been treated with large quantities of fluid.
With all medication withdrawn, one case lost twenty-six pounds in six days, huge
edema disappearing from the abdomen and legs with great relief to the patient.
Cardiac and kidney cases showed remarkable improvement. One patient with
advanced heart and kidney disease lost thirty pounds of fluid in six days drinking
raw milk.
On the treatment of high blood pressure, Crewe reported that he had never seen such
rapid and lasting results by any other method.
Patients with heart failure were taken off medications, including digitalis (Lanoxin),
and responded splendidly.
Perhaps the most startling raw-milk treatment, and one that goes counter to present-day
thinking, was obesity. Dr. Crewe: One patient reduced from 325 pounds to 284
pounds in two weeks, on four quarts of milk a day while her blood pressure was
reduced from 220 to 170.
Raw milk is by far the most convenient and acceptable form of raw animal protein
supplying the enzymes, antibodies, and nutrients needed for recovery from disease.
Dr. Crewe reported on his work again in 1930. He quoted a colleague, who was also
treating with raw milk, This was the worst case of psoriasis I have ever seen. This boy
was literally covered from head to foot with scales. We put the boy on a milk diet and in
less than a month he had a skin like a baby's.
Crewe postulated, because of the remarkable effects seen in such a great variety of
diseases, that raw milk may be supplying some hormonal elements to the patient. He
repeatedly saw marked improvement in patients with toxic thyroid disease, a
hormonal malady.
Rapid and marked improvement in the infection and in the reduction of the size of
the prostate gland was seen routinely. With shrinkage of the gland, the blockage
clears and surgery avoided, Crewe reported. Urinary tract infections, even without
prostate swelling were greatly improved.
The raw milk treatment of diabetes caused most patients to become sugar-free in 4-10
weeks. This was astounding because the milk sugar in five quarts of milk, the amount he
used daily for diabetes, was 1/2 pound.
And finally Crewe commented on the large group of patients for which no specific
disease could be found, These patients are often underweight. They may consume a
fairly large amount of food, but they do not gain in weight or strength. They are often
nervous and are frequently classed as neurasthenics. Usually, the skin condition is poor;
they are sallow, and disappointed because no one can tell them what the trouble is. They
do not respond well to medical treatment... Every physician knows this class of patients
because they are unhappy and unsatisfactory to treat. He reported that they respond
admirably to raw-milk therapy, but he added, The chief fault of the treatment is that
it is too simple . . . it does not appeal to the modem medical men.
Dr. Crewe: ...the treatment of various diseases over a period of eighteen years with a
practically exclusive [raw] milk diet has convinced me personally that the most important
single factor in the cause of disease and in the resistance to disease is food
Dr. L. J. Harris wrote, Dr. Evelyn Sprawson of the London Hospital has recently stated
that in certain institutions children who were brought up on raw milk (as opposed to
pasteurized milk) had perfect teeth and no decay.[58]
The Lancet published that in children, teeth are less likely to decay on a diet
supplemented with raw milk than with pasteurized milk.[59]
The dividing line between a food and a medicine sometimes becomes almost invisible. In
many diseases nothing heals the body and restores strength like [raw] milk Dr.
J.F. Lyman, Prof. of Agricultural Chemistry, Ohio State University.
Milk has been used for gastric disorders, especially ulcers, for centuries. In the 19th
century, Cruvelheir advocated raw milk as the most important part of the treatment of
gastric ulcer.[60]
Benjamin M. Bernstein, M.D., a gastroenterologist, described a much more difficult
gastrointestinal disease, ...very sick with active diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of blood
and consequent anemia, frequently with fever, markedly dehydrated and in severe cases,
'nigh unto death'.[61] Referring to his successes with raw milk, he said, milk not only
may, but should be used in the management of any type or variety of gastrointestinal
Samuel Zuerling, M.D., ear, nose, and throat specialist, Assistant Surgeon, Brooklyn Eye
and Ear Hospital, reported an unusual case treated with raw milk.[63] Not long ago a
gentleman came to me for relief of a severe burning sensation in the nosehe was
panicky. He had sought relief and obtained no results...the patient readily acceded to a
milk...diet and in a few days had complete relief.
The Bahimas of Africa drink six pints a day. In fact, they eat little else. This is also true of
the Nuers of the Upper Nile, the Todas, the Kazaks, and the Hottentots. They all live
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in women is an abscess involving the fallopian tube and
ovary. Seaman reported that conventional antibiotic therapy had not helped. The woman
went to an Indian country doctor who treated her with raw milk straight from his cow.
In six weeks she was free of disease.[64]
Fermented raw milk has been shown to retard tumor growth and decrease the activity
of alkylating agents associated stomach cancer
Eighty years of research with successful Immune Raw Milk Therapy, from Ehrlich to
Peterson, has been ignored by members of the American Medical Association:
Dr. Alan Howard, Cambridge University, England, discovered that whole raw milk
actually protects against abnormally high cholesterol. Feeding two quarts of whole
milk a day to volunteers caused a drop in cholesterol.
Dr. George Mann, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, concurs with Dr. Howard.
He found that four quarts of whole milk per day lowered blood cholesterol level by
25%. Cambridge's Howard concluded, . . . all this business that saturated fats in milk
are bad for you is a lot of nonsense. Raw milk therapy is preferable to taking clofibrate, a
chemical prescribed by doctors for lowering the cholesterol level of the blood. Clofibrate
can cause heart attacks, gall bladder attacks and cancer.
The Lancet reported on immune milk therapy by showing conclusively through a scholarly
review of the literature and research that:
1) Antibody against disease is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood.
2) Rheumatoid arthritis and hay fever will respond to immune raw milk therapy.
3) The udder acts as an antibody-forming organ independent of the cow's blood-immune
system. The appropriate bacteria, fungus, or virus need only be infused directly into the
teat canal for antibody production in the colostrum milk.
Category Compared
Raw Milk Pasteurized Milk
1) Enzymes: All available. Less than 10% remaining.
2) Protein: 100% available, all 22 amino
acids, including 8 that are
Protein-lysine and tyrosine
are altered by heat with
serious loss of metabolic
availability. This results in
making the whole protein
complex less available for
tissue repair and rebuilding.
3) Fats: (research studies
indicate that fats are
necessary to metabolize
protein and calcium. All
natural protein-bearing
foods contain fats.)
All 18 fatty acids
metabolically available, both
saturated and unsaturated
Altered by heat, especially the
10 essential unsaturated fats.
From A Campaign for Real Milk by The Weston A. Price Foundation
4) Vitamins: All 100% available. Among the fat-soluble
vitamins, some are classed as
unstable and therefore a loss
is caused by heating above
blood temperature. This loss
Vitamin A, D, E and F can
run as high as 66%. Vitamin
C loss usually exceeds 50%.
Losses on water-soluble
vitamins are affected by heat
and can run from 38% to
5) Carbohydrates: Easily utilized in metabolism.
Still associated naturally with
Tests indicate that heat has
made some changes making
elements less available
6) Minerals: All 100% metabolically
available. Major mineral
components are calcium,
chlorine, magnesium,
phosphorus, potassium,
sodium and sulphur. Vital
trace minerals, all 24 or more,
100% available.
Calcium is altered by heat and
loss in metabolism may run
50% or more, depending on
pasteurization temperature.
Losses in other essential
minerals, because one mineral
usually acts synergistically
with another element There is
a loss of enzymes that serve
as leaders in assimilation
NOTE: Bacteria growth in Raw Milk
increases very slowly,
because of the friendly acid-
forming bacteria (nature's
antiseptic) retards the growth
of invading organisms
Usually keeps for several
weeks when under
refrigeration and will sour
instead of rot.
Pasteurization refers to the
process of heating every
particle of milk to at least
145 F. and holding at such
temperature for at least 15
seconds. Pasteurizing does
not remove dirt, bacterially-
produced toxins from milk.
Bacteria growth will be
geometrically rapid after
pasteurization and
homogenization. Gradually
turns rancid in a few days,
and then decomposes.