Bridge Welding Process
Bridge Welding Process
Bridge Welding Process
Chapter one
History of the welding
Chapter two
Introduction to Welding Technology
2.2 Welding Procedure and Process Planning
Chapter three
Welding process
3.1 Classification of Welding Process
3.9 Arc Welding Power Sources
3.10 Electrode
3.12 Resistance Welding
Chapter four
4.2 Weld Quality
Chapter five
Testing and Inspection of Welds
5.1 Introduction
Chapter one
Welding is a materials joining process which produces coalescence of materials by heating
them to suitable temperatures with or without the application of pressure or by the
application of pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler material.
Welding is used for making permanent joints. It is used in the manufacture of automobile
bodies, aircraft frames, railway wagons, machine frames, structural works, tanks, furniture,
boilers, general repair work and ship building.
In the beginning:
The history of joining metals goes back several millennia, with the earliest examples of
welding from the Bronze Age and the Iron Age in Europe and the Middle East. Welding
was used in the construction of the iron pillar in Delhi, India, erected about 310 AD and
weighing 5.4 metric tons.
The Middle Ages brought advances in forge welding, in which blacksmiths pounded
heated metal repeatedly until bonding occurred. In 1540, Vannoccio
Biringucciopublished De la pirotechnia, which includes descriptions of the forging
operation. Renaissance craftsmen were skilled in the process, and the industry continued
to grow during the following centuries.
During 19th century:
Welding, however, was transformed during the 19th century. In 1802, Russian
scientist Vasily Petrov discovered the electric arc and subsequently proposed its possible
practical applications, including welding. In 188182 a Russian inventor Nikolai
Benardos created the first electric arc welding method known as carbon arc welding, using
carbon electrodes. The advances in arc welding continued with the invention of metal
electrodes in the late 1800s by a Russian, Nikolai Slavyanov(1888), and an American, C.
L. Coffin (1890). Around 1900, A. P. Strohmenger released a coated metal electrode
in Britain, which gave a more stable arc. In 1905 Russian scientist Vladimir
Mitkevich proposed the usage of three-phase electric arc for welding. In 1919, alternating
current welding was invented by C. J. Holslag but did not become popular for another
Resistance welding was also developed during the final decades of the 19th century, with
the first patents going to Elihu Thomson in 1885, who produced further advances over the
next 15 years.
Thermite welding was invented in 1893, and around that time another process, oxyfuel
welding, became well established. Acetylene was discovered in 1836 byEdmund Davy, but
its use was not practical in welding until about 1900, when a suitable blowtorch was
developed. At first, oxyfuel welding was one of the more popular welding methods due to
its portability and relatively low cost. As the 20th century progressed, however, it fell out of
favor for industrial applications. It was largely replaced with arc welding, as metal
coverings (known as flux) for the electrode that stabilize the arc and shield the base
material from impurities continued to be developed.
After World War:
World War I caused a major surge in the use of welding processes, with the various
military powers attempting to determine which of the several new welding processes would
be best. The British primarily used arc welding, even constructing a ship, the Fulagar, with
an entirely welded hull. Arc welding was first applied to aircraft during the war as well, as
some German airplane fuselages were constructed using the process. Also noteworthy is
the first welded road bridge in the world, designed by Stefan Brya of the Warsaw
University of Technology in 1927, and built across the river Sudwia
Maurzyce near owicz, Poland in 1929.
During the 1920s, major advances were made in welding technology, including the
introduction of automatic welding in 1920, in which electrode wire was fed
continuously. Shielding gas became a subject receiving much attention, as scientists
attempted to protect welds from the effects of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere.
Porosity and brittleness were the primary problems, and the solutions that developed
included the use of hydrogen, argon, and helium as welding atmospheres. During the
following decade, further advances allowed for the welding of reactive metals
like aluminum and magnesium. This in conjunction with developments in automatic
welding, alternating current, and fluxes fed a major expansion of arc welding during the
1930s and then during World War II.
During the middle of the century, many new welding methods were invented. 1930 saw the
release of stud welding, which soon became popular in shipbuilding and
construction. Submerged arc welding was invented the same year and continues to be
popular today. In 1932 a Russian, Constantia Khrenov successfully implemented the first
underwater electric arc welding. Gas tungsten arc welding, after decades of development,
was finally perfected in 1941, and gas metal arc welding followed in 1948, allowing for fast
welding of non-ferrous materials but requiring expensive shielding gases. Shielded metal
arc welding was developed during the 1950s, using a flux-coated consumable electrode,
and it quickly became the most popular metal arc welding process. In 1957, the flux-cored
arc welding process debuted, in which the self-shielded wire electrode could be used with
automatic equipment, resulting in greatly increased welding speeds, and that same
year, plasma arc welding was invented. Electroslag welding was introduced in 1958, and it
was followed by its cousin, electrogas welding, in 1961. In 1953 the Soviet scientist N. F.
Kazakov proposed the diffusion bonding method.
Other recent developments in welding include the 1958 breakthrough of electron beam
welding, making deep and narrow welding possible through the concentrated heat source.
Following the invention of the laser in 1960, laser beam welding debuted several decades
later, and has proved to be especially useful in high-speed, automated welding. In
1991 friction stir welding was invented in the UK and found high-quality applications all
over the world. All of these three new processes, however, continue to be quite expensive
due the high cost of the necessary equipment, and this has limited their applications.
Chapter two
Introduction to Welding Technolog
2.1 Introduction:
Welding is a fabrication or sculptural process that joins materials,
usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done
by melting the workpieces and adding a filler material to form a pool of molten material that
cools to become a strong joint, with pressure sometimes used in conjunction with heat, or
by itself, to produce the weld. This is in contrast with soldering and brazing, which involve
melting a lower-melting-point material between the workpieces to form a bond between
them, without melting the workpieces.
Many different energy sources can be used for welding, including a gas flame, an electric
arc, a laser, an electron beam, friction, and ultrasound. While often an industrial process,
welding can be done in many different environments, including open air, under water and
in outer space. Regardless of location, however, welding remains dangerous, and
precautions are taken to avoid burns, electric shock, eye damage, poisonous fumes, and
overexposure to ultraviolet light.
Until the end of the 19th century, the only welding process was forge welding, which
blacksmiths had used for centuries to join iron and steel by heating and hammering
them. Arc welding and oxyfuel welding were among the first processes to develop late in
the century, and resistance welding followed soon after. Welding technology advanced
quickly during the early 20th century as World War I and World War II drove the demand
for reliable and inexpensive joining methods. Following the wars, several modern welding
techniques were developed, including manual methods like shielded metal arc welding,
now one of the most popular welding methods, as well as semi-automatic and automatic
processes such as gas metal arc welding, submerged arc welding, flux-cored arc
welding and electroslag welding. Developments continued with the invention of laser beam
welding and electron beam welding in the latter half of the century. Today, the science
continues to advance. Robot weldingis becoming more commonplace in industrial settings,
and researchers continue to develop new welding methods and gain greater
understanding of weld quality and properties.
Classification of Fabrication Processes:
Various processes can be classified according to the way of joining into:
i)- Mechanical joining by (bolts, screws , and rivets).
It is temporary in nature and can be disassembled whenever necessary, applying this
technique needs making holes which must be considered strength wise.
ii)-Adhesive bonding by synthetic glues (Epoxy resins).
It doesn't affect the joined parts, but would have less strength. On other hand it cures thin
parts which can not withstand mechanical joining. The most common types of resins are
(thermosetting, thermoplastic, and silicones )
iii)-Welding , brazing and soldering.
It is a metallurgical fusion process, it is the extensive used technique in fabrication, it also
used for repair of damaged components.
Factors affecting the choice of fabrication method:
i)- type of assembly: (permanent, semi-permanent, temporary).
ii)- material to be joined, and if they are similar or dissimilar.
iii)-cost effectiveness, economy achieved.
iv)-type of service after joining: subjected to heavy load, impact, high temperature.
General Considerations:
There are some aspects which must be considered before thinking of the welding technique as
a tool for fabrication, these aspects are mainly related to the types of joints (but- lap- corner,
Tee and edge joints ), and the choice between these types depends on the welding positions,
and the preparation methods as follows:
welding types Welding Positions Preparation methods
Butt joint Flat Straight
Lap joint
Vertical V or U
Corner joint
Horizontal Double V or U
Tee joint
Over head Single bevel, J
Edge joint
Double bevel,J
2.2 Welding Procedure and Process Planning
An Engineer entering the field of welded design, usually has the background of mechanical
materials engineering, and has very little understanding of the factors that contribute to
efficient welded design as welding technology and weld design are not regular subjects in
engineering colleges. A successful welded structure design will:
1. perform its intended functions.
2. have adequate safety and reliability.
3. be capable of being fabricated, inspected, transported and placed in service at a
minimum cost.
4. cost includes cost of design, materials, fabrication, erection, inspection operation repair
and maintenance.
Efficient and economical designs are possible because of:
1. mechanised flame cutting equipment (smooth cut edges).
2. press brakes are available to make use of formed plates.
3. a wide range of welding processes and consumables.
4. welding positioners are available that permit low cost welds to be deposited in
down hand welding position.
One should avoid over designing or higher safety factors and still safe and reliable design.
In developing a design the following factors are of help:
1. Specify steels that do not require pre or post heat treatment.
2. Use standard rolled sections where possible.
3. Use minimum number of joints and ensure minimum scrap.
4. Use stiffeners properly to provide rigidity at minimum weight of material, use bends
or corrugated sheets for extra stiffness.
5. Use closed tubular section or diagonal bracing for torsional resistance.
6. Ensure that the tolerance you are specifying are attainable in practice.
7. Use procedures to minimise welding distortion.
8. To eliminate design problems and reduce manufacturing cost consider the use of steel
casting or forging in a complicated weldment.
9. Consider cost-saving ideas.
10. Consider the use of hard facing at the point of wear rather than using expensive
bulk material.
11. Save unnecessary weld metal use intermittent welds where necessary. Stiffeners and
diaphragms may not need full welding.
12. Divide structure into subassemblies to enable more men to work simultaneously.
13. Use mathematical formulae in design don t use guess work or rule-of-thumb methods.
14. Define the problem clearly and analyse it carefully in regard to the type of
loading (steady, impact, repeated-cyclic, tension, compression, shear, fatigue), modulus of
elasticity to be considered (tension or shear).
15. Properties of steel sections to consider include, area, length, moment of inertia
(stiffness factor in bending), section modulus (strength factor in bending), torsional
resistance (stiffness factor in twisting and radius of gyration. Stress is expressed as tensile
compressive or shear, strain is expressed as resultant deformation, elongation or
contraction, vertical deflection or angular twist.
In the present context we are not discussing the design formulae as it is beyond
the escope. For this purpose references on design of welds could be consulted.
As a production engineer and executive, a knowledge of location of elements of a welding
symbols is necessary for indicating or interpreting. This will now be discussed in more
details in the following paragraphs. Any of the following standards could be used
depending upon the situation and case of use.
1. AWS A24: Symbols for welding and non-destructive testing.
2. BS : 499 (Part II): Symbols for welding.
3. ISO : 2553: Symbolic representation on drawings.
4. IS : 813 (1961): Scheme of symbols for welding.
Basic symbols used in ISO and AWS are identical.
In the AWS system a complete welding symbol consists of the following elements:
1. Reference line (always shown horizontally)
2. Arrow
3. Basic weld symbol
4. Dimentions and other data
5. Supplemental symbols
6. Finish symbols
7. Tail
8. Specification process or other references.
These elements have specified locations with respect to each other on or around the
reference line as shown in Fig. 8.1.
There are two prevailing systems of placing the symbol with respect to the reference line.
In USA and UK, the symbol is placed below the reference line for welds on the arrow side.
ISO has accomodated both and designate them as A and E (for European system). The
designer must be aware of these two systems and take care that his drawing is not
In many organisations, the design engineer expected to provide welding procedure
sheets alongwith his designs. For this purpose he takes help from the welding engineering
and the shop supervisor. To be a good designer he should have the knowledge of welding
technology (welding processes, procedures and weldability of metals. He is advised to
study this entire book.
2.4.1 Steps in Preparing Welding Procedure Sheets
1. Plate preparation. This includes plate cutting and edge preparation. Plate cutting
could be done by using:
*Flame-cutting Punch press blanking
*Shearing Nibbling
*Sawing Cut-off on Lathe (bars/tubes)
*Edge preparation could be done by using:
*Flame cutting torch; for single-V single tip, for double-V multiple tip torch is preferred.
*Edge planer is most suitable for U and J preparation.
*Flame or arc guaging or chipping for back-pass.
2. Plate forming. Forming is the next step. Common forming methods include:
*Press brake Bending rolls
*Roll forming Contour-bending
*Flanging and dishing
*Press die forming and drawing.
3. Jigs, fixtures, positioners and clamps. A designer may be called upon to design
jigs, clamping systems and fixtures to assemble parts quickly and accurately for welding.
Without a good fit-up a quality welded product is not possible. Toggle clamps, cam clamps
and hydraulic clamps are used to clamp the parts before welding. Magnetic clamps could
also be used for instance in fixing a stiffener to a flat plate.
Welding procedures are discussed in chapter 2 on welding processes.
For new jobs, procedure is finalised after welding a few sample joints and subjecting them
to the required tests. The aim is to produce a quality job at lowest possible cost.
Weldable steel should be selected as far as possible.
A root gap is provided to ensure accessibility to the root of the joint.
A root face prevents burn through.
Bevel is usually 30 to 35. J and U preparations save weld metal.
On butt welds a weld reinforcement of 1.5 mm is adequate.
Depending upon the application of the joint considerations are given to the following.
*Impact loading
*Fatigue loading
*Problem of brittle fracture
*Torrsional loading
*Vibrational control.
The objective of edge preparation is to ensure the degree of penetration and ease of
necessary to obtain sound welds. Type of preparation depends upon:
(a) type and thickness of material
(b) welding process
(c) degree of penetration required for the situation
(d) economy of edge preparation and weld metal
(e) accessibility and welding position
(f) distortion control
(g) type of joint.
These factors are considered in many combinations. Demands of the task must be met
at economical cost.
2.6.1 Type of Welds
The major type of welds include Fillet and Butt welds. Fillet welds do not require
edge preparation and are almost triangular in transverse cross-section. In butt welds the
weld metal lies substantially within the planes of the surfaces of the parts joined. These
terms should not be confused with the joint form. Examples of butt and fillet welds are
shown in Fig. 8.8.
2.6.2 Joint Preparations for Different Types of Welds
Joint preparations for different plate thickness are shown in Figs. 8.9 to 8.19.
2.6.3 Fatigue as a Joint Preparation Factor
Factors that affect joint preparation are given in Fig. 8.10. Special consideration has
been given to fatigue, its causes and precautions taken to eliminate, reduce or minimise it.
Fig. 8.8 Manual metal arc welds
Fig. 8.9 Fillet and butt welds
The four recognised positions of welding are: Flat or downhand, horizontal, vertical and
overhead. They are shown in Fig. 8.20. The four sketches on the left refer to fillet welds
made in the joints, while the four sketches on the right refer to butt welds. The angle and
direction in which the electrode is held is also indicated in each case.
Definitions of welding positions are not as simple as they appear to be. They involve
the terms weld slope and weld rotation . Weld slope is defined as the angle between the
line of the root of a weld and the horizontal. It is shown in Fig. 8.21.
Weld rotate is defined as the angle between the upper portion of the vertical
reference plane passing through the line of a weld root, and a line drawn through the same
root intersecting the weld surface at a point equidistant from either toe of the weld. It is
illustrated in
Fig. 8.22.
The welding position are defined as follows:
Downhand or flat: A position in which the slope does not exceed 10 and the
weld rotation does not exceed 10.
Inclined: A position in which the weld slope exceeds 10 but not 45 and in which the weld
rotation does not exceed 90.
Horizontal Vertical: A position in which the weld slope does not exceed 10, and the weld
rotation is greater than 10, but does not exceed 90.
Vertical: Any position in which the weld slope exceeds 45 and the weld rotation is greater
than 90.
Overhead: A position in which the weld slope does not exceed 45 and the weld rotation is
greater than 90.
A summary chart showing typical preparations for a range of material thicknesses for
major arc welding processes has been provided for quick reference on page 165.
The illustrations given do not cover all possible joints which may be used in practice
but the principles have been clarified to help the designer choose the best preparations for
the constraints of the choices he has at his disposal.
Typical preparations for a range of material thickness
AWS defines welding procedure, as the detailed methods and practices including all joint
welding procedures involved in the production of a weldment. It is very important that
before starting to weld, a welding procedure is drawn up, which will ensure acceptable
quality welds at the lowest overall cost. Procedures become more stringent and costly as
criticality of the job increases. For example, fabrication of a pressure vessel conforming
ASME code requires defect-free welds capable of meeting special mechanical and non-
destructive testing requirements demanded by the code. This will mean use of high quality
electrodes, skilled and certifiedwelders, moderate currents and travel speeds and welds
with little or no porosity or undercut.
A commercial quality vessel on the other hand may be fabricated with a more liberal
procedure and less skilled welders.
To define and draw up a welding procedure, one may use a standard procedure
sheet such as shown below. The sheet can be best prepared by the welding engineer in
consultation with welding foreman or shop-floor supervisor. It simplifies welders tasks and
prevents last minute confusion and faulty work. The preparation of such a sheet provides
an opportunity to check on what means and materials are available in the shop, or have to
be specially provided to meet the job requirements. The sheet also helps to qualify the
welders before they are put on the job. Such sheets serve as references for the future.
Important codes demand that such procedure sheets are prepared and the procedures
qualified by completing representative welded joints and subjecting them to required
destructive and non-destructive tests
2.9.1 Typical Procedure Sheet for Smaw
(a) Welding procedure number
(b) Related specification and/or drawing number
(c) Material to be welded; specification number or composition
(d) Metallurgical condition of material
(e) Type of weld
(f) Preparation of parts:
(i) Angle of bevel
(ii) Root face (iii) Root radius
(g) Cleaning before welding
(h) Set-up of joint (gap, included angle, tolerance on alignment etc.)
(i) Particulars of backing strip or bar
(j) Welding position and direction
(k) Make, type and classification of electrode
(l) Electrical supply and electrode polarity
(m) Size of electrode for each run
(n) Length of run per electrode
(o) Current for each run
(p) Open circuit voltage
(q) Arc voltage
(r) Preheating procedure
(s) Time between runs
(t) Number and arrangement of runs
(u) Welding sequence
(v) Technique for depositing each run
(w) Method of inter-run cleaning
(x) Mechanical working of runs
(y) Preparation of root before welding reverse side
(z) Postweld heat treatment.
2.9.2 Type of Joints
There are six common types of joints, namely, butt, tee, cruciform, lap, corner and edge.
These are illustrated in Fig. 8.23, which also illustrates three main types of weld, namely,
butt, fillet, and edge. Atypical butt weld is shown in the butt joint. A fillet weld is
approximately triangular in transverse cross-section, and is used in tee, cruciform, lap and
corner joints. An edge weld is a weld in an edge joint, and it covers a part or the whole of
the edge widths.
Design of welded joints is based on several considerations, some of which are:
(a) Manner of stress tension, shear, bend, torsion.
(b) Whether loading is static or dynamic; whether fatigue is involved.
(c) Whether subjected to corrosion or erosion.
(d) Joint efficiency, which is defined as the ratio of the strength of the joint to that of
the base metal, expressed as a percentage.
(e) Economy; amount of weld metal required to complete the joint and whether high
deposition processes and procedures can be used.
(f) Constriction factors: accessibility, control of distortion and shrinkage cracking, pro-
duction of sound welds.
Chapter three
Welding process
3.1 Classification of Welding Process
American Welding Society has classified the welding processes as shown in Fig. 1.1.
Various welding processes differ in the manner in which temperature and pressure are
combined and achieved.
Welding Processes can also be classified as follows (based on the source of energy):
1. Gas Welding
* Oxyacetylene
* Oxy hydrogen
2. Arc Welding
* Carbon Arc
* Metal Arc
* Submerged Arc
* Inert-gas-Welding
* TIG and MIG
* Plasma Arc
* Electro-slag
3. Resistance Welding
* Spot
* Seam
* Projection
* Butt Welding
* Induction Welding
4. Solid State Welding
* Friction Welding
* Ultrasonic Welding
* Explosive Welding
* Forge and Diffusion Welding
5. Thermo-chemical Welding
* Thermit Welding
* Atomic H
* Welding (also arc welding)
6. Radiant Energy Welding
* Electron Beam Welding
* Laser Beam Welding
In order to obtain coalescence between two metals there must be a combination of prox-
imity and activity between the molecules of the pieces being joined, sufficient to cause
the formation of common metallic crystals.
Proximity and activity can be increased by plastic deformation (solid-state-welding) or
by melting the two surfaces so that fusion occurs (fusion welding). In solid-state-welding
the surfaces to be joined are mechanically or chemically cleaned prior to
welding while in fusion welding the contaminants are removed from the molten pool by
the use of fluxes. In vacuum or in outer space the removal of contaminant layer is quite
easy and welds are formed under light pressure.
To obtain satisfactory welds it is desirable to have:
a source of energy to create union by FUSION or PRESSURE
a method for removing surface CONTAMINANTS
a method for protecting metal from atmospheric CONTAMINATION
. control of weld METALLURGY
3.2.1 Source of Energy
Energy supplied is usually in the form of heat generated by a flame, an arc, the resistance
to an electric current, radiant energy or by mechanical means (friction, ultrasonic vibrations
or by explosion). In a limited number of processes, pressure is used to force weld region to
plastic condition. In fusion welding the metal parts to be joined melt and fuse together in
the weld region. The word fusion is synonymous with melting but in welding fusion implies
union. The parts to be joined may melt but not fuse together and thus the fusion welding
may not take place.
3.2.2 Surface Contaminants
Surface contaminants may be organic films, absorbed gases and chemical compounds of
the base metal (usually oxides). Heat, when used as a source of energy, effectively
removes organic films and adsorbed gases and only oxide film remains to be cleaned.
Fluxes are used to clean the oxide film and other contaminants to form slag which floats
and solidifies above the weld bead protecting the weld from further oxidation.
3.2.3 Protecting Metal From Atmospheric Contamination
To protect the molten weld pool and filler metal from atmospheric contaminants, specially
the oxygen and nitrogen present in the air, some shielding gases are used. These gases
could be argon, helium or carbon-dioxide supplied externally. Carbon dioxide could also be
produced by the burning of the flux coating on the consumable electrode which supplies
the molten filler metal to the weld pool.
3.2.4 Control of Weld Metallurgy
When the weld metal solidifies, the microstructures formed in the weld and the heat-
affected zone (HAZ) region determines the mechanical properties of the joint produced.
Pre-heating and post welding heat-treatment can be used to control the cooling rates in
the weld and HAZ regions and thus control the microstructure and properties of the welds
produced. Deoxidants and alloying elements are added as in foundry to control the weld-
metal properties.
The foregoing discussion clearly shows that the status of welding has now changed from
skill to science. A scientific understanding of the material and service requirements of
the joints is necessary to produce successful welds which will meet the challenge of hostile
service requirements.
With this brief introduction to the welding process let us now consider its importance to
the industry and its applications.
3.3.1 Importance of Welding
Welding is used as a fabrication process in every industry large or small. It is a
principal means of fabricating and repairing metal products. The process is efficient,
economical and dependable as a means of joining metals. This is the only process which
has been tried in the space. The process finds its applications in air, underwater and in
3.3.2 Applications of Welding
Welding finds its applications in automobile industry, and in the construction of build-
ings, bridges and ships, submarines, pressure vessels, offshore structures, storage
tanks, oil, gas and water pipelines, girders, press frames, and water turbines.
In making extensions to the hospital buildings, where construction noise is required
to be minimum, the value of welding is significant.
Rapid progress in exploring the space has been made possible by new methods
of welding and the knowledge of welding metallurgy. The aircraft industry cannot meet
the enormous demands for aeroplanes, fighter and guided planes, space crafts, rockets
and missiles without welding.
The process is used in critical applications like the fabrication of fission chamber of
nuclear power plants.
A large contribution, the welding has made to the society, is the manufacture of
household products like refrigerators, kitchen cabinets, dishwashers and other similar
items.It finds applications in the fabrication and repair of farm, mining and oil
machinery,machine tools, jigs and fixtures, boilers, furnaces, railway coaches and wagons,
anchor chains, earth moving machinery, ships, submarines, underwater construction and
Welding is basically a joining process. Ideally a weld should achieve a complete
continuity between the parts being joined such that the joint is indistinguishable from the
metal in which the joint is made. Such an ideal situation is unachievable but welds giving
satisfactory service can be made in several ways. The choice of a particular welding
process will depend on the following factors.
1. Type of metal and its metallurgical characteristics
2. Types of joint, its location and welding position
3. End use of the joint
4. Cost of production
5. Structural (mass) size
6. Desired performance
7. Experience and abilities of manpower
8. Joint accessibility
9. Joint design
10. Accuracy of assembling required
11. Welding equipment available
12. Work sequence
13. Welder skill
Frequently several processes can be used for any particular job. The process should be
such that it is most, suitable in terms of technical requirements and cost. These two
factors may not be compatible, thus forcing a compromise. Table 2.1 of chapter 2 shows
by x marks the welding process, materials and material thickness combinations that are
usually compatible. The first column in the table shows a variety of engineering materials
with four thickness ranges. The major process currently in use in industry are listed across
the top of the table.
The information given is a general guide and may not necessarily be valid for specific
Welding is one of the principle activities in modern fabrication, ship building and
offshore industry. The performance of these industries regarding product quality, delivery
schedule and productivity depends upon structural design, production planning, welding
technology adopted and distortion control measures implemented during fabrication. The
quality of welding depends on the following parameters:
1. Skill of Welder
2. Welding parameters
3. Shielding medium and
4. Working environment
5. Work layout
6. Plate edge preparation
7. Fit-up and alignment
8. Protection from wild winds during-on-site welding
9. Dimensional accuracy
10. Correct processes and procedures
11. Suitable distortion control procedures in place
Selection of Welding Process and Filler Metal:
The welding process and filler metal should be so selected that the weld deposit will be
compatible with the base metal and will have mechanical properties similar to or better
than the base metal.
Comparison of high energy density welding processes and TIG welding for plate thick-
ness 6 mm
In the following paragraphs distinguishing features, attributes, limitations and
comparisons,where applicable will be discussed for the commonly used welding
processes. This introduction to the welding processes will help the modern welding
engineers to consider alternative processes available for the situation. This aspect may
otherwise be overlooked. A major problem, frequently arises when several processes can
be used for a particular application. Selection could be based upon fitness for service and
cost. These two factors, sometimes, may not be compatible. Process selection is also
affected by such factors as:
(a) production quantity, (b) acceptability of installation costs, (c) joint location, (d) joint
service requirements, (e) adaptability of the process to the location of the operation, (f)
availability of skill/experience of operators.
In this review of conventional welding processes we shall be discussing Gas Welding,Arc
Welding, Shielded Metal Arc, Submerged Arc, Tungsten Inert Gas, Metal Inert Gas,
MetalActive Gas Welding, Resistance Welding, Electroslag Welding, Spot, Seam and
Projection Welding, Flash Butt and Upset Butt Welding, and high Frequency
Welding.Advanced welding processes such as Electron Beam welding, Laser Beam
Welding, Plasma Arc Welding, Explosive Welding, Friction Welding, Ultrasonic Welding
and UnderwaterWelding are discussed in chapter 4. Now let us start to review the
conventional weldingprocesses, starting with gas welding.
Principle: as the name indicates, it is also called Oxy-Fuel-Gas-Welding (OFGW), the
heat required for welding is supplied as a result of combustion of a fuel gas (Acetylene) in
combination with Oxygen, it represents a fusion welding process, the useful fuel gases for
gas welding could be one of the following gases in this table:
Fuel Gas
Heat content, [MJ/m
Primary Secondary
Acetylene C
18.97 36.03 55 3100
Propylene C
16.38 71.62 88 2500
Propane C
9.38 83.62 93 2450
Hydrogen H
---- --- 10 2390
Natural Gas CD
0.41 36.59 37 2350
3.6.1 The combustion takes place in two stages:
Stage when the mixture burned releasing intense heat (small white cone). While
the 2
Stage is characterized by distribution of heat over a larger area where the
achieved temp. reaches 1200 to 2000
C, this stage represents the pre-heating, the inner
white cone temp. reaches 3100
C which starts welding
Outer Zone
Schematic di
agram of OFGW-Torch shows the Inner white core of 3100
C (acts for
welding) and the outer Blue Flame of 1275
C (acts for pre-heating)
It is well known that certain amount of O2 is required for complete combustion of fuel gases,
the flame appearance and geometry indicate the % of complete combustion, the flowing
table shows the optimum ratios of Fuel and O
for complete combustion of natural gas:
Fuel Gas Type
Oxygen Supplied , m
/ m
% of Oxygen supplied to Fuel
By Torch Total
Acetylene 1.3 2.5 1.18
MAPP 2.5 4.0 1.38
Propylene 3.5 4.5 1.94
Propane 4.3 5.0 2.32.
Natural Gas 1.9 2.0 2.80
Gas welding includes all the processes in which fuel gases are used in combination with
oxygen to obtain a gas flame. The commonly used gases are acetylene, natural gas, and
hydrogenin combination with oxygen. Oxyhydrogen welding was the first commercially
used gas process which gave a maximum temperature of 1980C at the tip of the flame.
The most commonly used gas combination is oxyacetylene process which produces a
flame temperature of 3500C.
This process will be discussed in detail in the following paragraphs.
1. Oxyacetylene welding flame uses oxygen and acetylene. Oxygen is commercially
madeby liquefying air, and separating the oxygen from nitrogen. It is stored in cylinders
as shown in Fig. 2.1 at a pressure of 14 MPa. Acetylene is obtained by dropping lumps
of calcium carbide in water contained in an acetylene generatoraccording to the
following reaction.
2. Concentrated heat liberated at the inner cone is 35.6% of total heat. Remaining heat
develops at the outer envelope and is used for preheating thus reducing thermal
gradient and cooling rate improving weld properties.
3. 1 Volume O2 is used to burn 1 Volume of acetylene, in the first reaction. This oxygen
is supplied through the torch, in pure form 1 .5 Volume of additional oxygen re-
quired in the second reaction is supplied from the atmosphere.
4. When oxygen is just enough for the first reaction, the resulting flame is neutral. If
less than enough, the flame is said to be reducing flame. If more than enough
oxygen is supplied in the first reaction, the flame is called an oxidizing flame.
5. Neutral flame has the widest application.
Reducing flame is used for the welding of monel metal, nickel and certain alloy
steels and many of the non-ferrous, hardsurfacing materials.
Oxidising flame is used for the welding of brass and bronze.
1. Equipment is cheap and requires little maintenance.
2. Equipment is portable and can be used in field/or in factory.
3. Equipment can be used for cutting as well as welding.
Acetylene is used as a fuel which on reaction with oxygen liberates concentrated heat
sufficient to melt steel to produce a fusion weld. Acetylene gas, if kept enclosed,
decomposes into carbon and hydrogen. This reaction results into increase in pressure. At
0.2 N/mm pressure, the mixture of carbon and hydrogen may cause violent explosion even
in the absenceof oxygen, when exposed to spark or shock. To counter this problem,
acetylene is dissolved inacetone. At 0.1 N/mm
one volume of acetone dissolves twenty volumes of acetylene. This solubility linearly
increases to 300 volumes of acetylene per one volume of acetone, at 1.2 N/mm
.An excess of oxygen or acetylene is used depending on whether oxidising or
reducing (carburizing) flame is needed.
Oxidizing (decarburizing) flame is used for the welding of brass, bronze and copper-zinc
and tin alloys, while reducing (carburising) flame is used for the welding of low carbon
and alloy steels monel metal and for hard surfacing. Neutral flame is obtained when the
ratio of oxygen to acetylene is about 1 : 1 to 1.15 : 1. Most welding is done with neutral
flame. The process has the advantage of control over workpiece temperature, good welds
can therefore be obtained. Weld and HAZ, being wider in gas welding resulting in
considerable distortion.
Ineffective shielding of weld-metal may result in contamination. Stabilised methyl acetylene
propadiene (MAPP) is replacing acetylene where portability is important. It also gives
higher energy in a given volume.
3.6.2 Gas Cutting mechanism :
This technique is useful for straight line cuts as well as regular curved cuts for plate
thicknesses up to 40mm. While cutting of large plates needs special precautions. The
cutting action based upon the idea of directing a high pressure Oxy-fuel jet with pressure
reaching 300 kPa on a preheated spot of about 800 to 1000
C , the Oxygen jet burns the
metal and blows it away causing the cut. The Oxy-acetylene gas cutting apparatus is similar
to that of welding except for the torch tip which completely differs as shown in the following
Scheme of Torch used in Welding
(Welding Tip)
For preheating
Oxygen Jet
Scheme of Torch used Cutting
(Cutting Tip)
When the steel is heated to a temp. 870
C [Cherry red colour], this temp. activates the
iron oxidation, and heat generated from oxidizing the iron causes its melting and blow
away due to oxygen pressure [In fact, 30:40% of the cut blown away] while the rest
oxidized. The Oxygen orifice diameter varies according to the thickness of cutting,
following table shows Tip sizes for cutting carbon steel:
Plate thickness
diameter [ mm]
Plate thickness
diameter [ mm]
Up to 3 0.65 100 to 200 3.00
3 to 6 0.90 200 to 300 4.25
6 to 25 1.25 300 to 400 5.00
25 to 50 1.60 400 to 500 6.00
50 to 100 2.25
3.6.3 Cutting Steps:
1. Heat up the w.p at the place of cut to a kindling temp. 870 oC
2. Release the Oxygen jet to start cutting
3. Keep the critical distance between the tip and w.p [shown below]
4. Move the torch in the forehand direction to get the desired cut.
5-adjust the drag speed to assure preheating and achieve proper cut [reaching the bottom]
6-keep in mind that irregular drag speed causes Oxygen cut off leading to irregular cutting
There are other different application of gas cutting, for example making of bevels as a
preparation for next welding. For this purpose the tip is kept inclined by the required angle of
the bevel through the whole cut.
We should note that the cutting depth in this case is greater than the thickness of w.p.
consequently drag speed should be smaller.
A large number of welding processes use the electric arc as source of heat for fusion.
The electric arc consists of a relatively high current discharge sustained through a
theramally ionized gaseous column called plasma.
Power dissipation of the arc is EI (EI cosffor A.C. welding). Not all of the heat
generated in the arc is effectively utilized in the arc welding process. Values of heat
utilization may vary from 20 to 85 percent. Efficiency of heat utilization is usually
low for GTAW, intermediate for SMAW and high for SAW.
With higher travel speeds the efficiency of heat transfer in the fusion zone is increased.
Thus for the same arc energy input, the volume of fused metal increases as travel speed is
3.7.1 Arc Welding Equipment:
The main component used in this technique is the source of electric power, this power can
be classified to main two types as:
1 -Alternating Current (A.C) which can exist in one of the following forms:
a)-Transformer (from AC to DC).
b)-Motor of engine driven alternator.
2-Direct Current Machine (D.C) which can also exist in the following forms:
a)-Transformer with DC rectifier.
b)-Motor driven generator.
The following figure represents the sectional view of Arc Welding set up:
The arc welding machines are normally specified by means of the maximum rated
being done. The maximum value is 80 V, while the start voltage for welding is 50 V, and
for continuous welding 20 to 30 Volt is sufficient. On other hand the minimum voltage
required for welding can be calculated using the eq.:
=20 + 0.04 I (I Load current in Ampere)
Where the preferred current rating as listed in IS-1966 are(150-200-300-400-500-600 and 900
A). The AWS defines the Duty Cycle as the % of actual welding time in a period of 10 min. It is
recommended not to operate the welding m/c continuously, acc. to Indian ST. it is preferred to
work in a regime 3 min welding, and 2 min for no load operation> On other hand automatic
welding m/c operates at 100% duty cycle.
An arc is a sustained electric discharge in a conducting medium. Arc temperature
depends upon the energy density of the arc column. Arc could be used as a source of heat for
Arc welding is a group of welding processes that use an electric arc as a source of heat
to melt and join metals, pressure or filler metal may or may not be required. These
Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
Submerged arc Welding (SAW)
Gas metal arc (GMA, MIG, MAG)
Gas tungsten arc (GTA, TIG)
Plasma arc welding (PAW)
Electroslag/Electrogas Welding Arc is struck between the workpiece and the electrode
and moves relative to the workpiece, manually or mechanically along the joint.
Electrode, may be consumable wire or rod, carries current and sustains the arc between
its tip and the work. Non consumable electrodes could be of carbon or tungsten rod.
Filler metal is separately supplied, if needed.
The electrode is moved along the joint line manually or mechanically with respect to the
workpiece. When a non-consumable elecrode is used, the filler metal, if needed, is
supplied by a separate rod or wire of suitable composition to suit the properties desired in
the joint. A
consumable electrode, however, is designed to conduct the current, sustain the arc
discharge, melt by itself to supply the filler metal and melt and burn a flux coating on it (if it
is flux coated). It also produces a shielding atmosphere, to protect the arc and weld pool
from the atmospheric gases and provides a slag covering to protect the hot weld metal
from oxidation.
The advantages and limitations of arc welding
3.7.2 Arc welding processs
1- Shielded Metal Arc Welding
It is the most commonly used welding process. The principle of the process is shown in
Fig. 2.4.It uses a consumable covered electrode consisting of a core wire around which a
flux coating containing fluorides, carbonates, oxides, metal alloys and cellulose mixed with
silicate binders is extruded.
This covering provides arc stabilizers, gases to displace air, metal and slag to support,
protect and insulate the hot weld metal.
Electrodes and types of coating used are discussed in more detail in chapter 4. The
electrodes are available in diameters ranging from 2 mm (for thin sheets) to 8 mm
(for use at higher currents to provide high deposition rates). Alloy filler metal compo-
sitions could be formulated easily by using metal powders in the flux coating.
This process has some advantages. With a limited variety of electrodes many welding
jobs could be handled. Equipment is simple and low in cost. Power source can
be connected to about 10 kW or less primary supply line.
If portability of the power source is needed a gasoline set could be used. Solid-state,
light weight power sources are available which can be manually carried to desired
location with ease. It, therefore, finds a wide range of applications in construction,
pipe line and maintenance industries.
The process is best suited for welding plate thicknesses ranging from 3 mm to 19 mm.
Greater skill is needed to weld sections less than 3 mm thickness.
Hard surfacing is another good application of this process.
SMAW is used in current ranges between 50-300 A, allowing weld metal deposition
rates between 1-8 kg/h in flat position.
Normally a welder is able to deposit only 4.5 kg of weld metal per day. This is because
usually in all position welding small diameter electrodes are used and a considerable
electrode manipulation and cleaning of slag covering after each pass is necessary.
This makes the labour cost quite high. Material cost is also more because only 60% of
the electrode material is deposited and the rest goes mainly as stub end loss.
Inspite of these deficiencies, the process is dominant because of its simplicity
and versatility. In many situations, however, other more productive welding processessuch
as submerged arc and C02 processes are replacing SMAW technique.
Brief details regarding electrode flux covering, its purpose and constituents are given
SMA Welding uses a covered electrode core wire around which a mixture of
silicate binders and powdered materials (e.g. carbonates, fluorides, oxides, cellulose and
metal alloys) is extruded and baked producing a dry, hard concentric covering.
Purpose of covering: 1. stabilizes arc 2. produces gases to shield weld from air, 3. adds
alloying elements to the weld and 4. produces slag to protect and support the weld
5. Facilitate overhead/position welding 6. Metallurgical refining of weld deposit, 7. Reduce
spatter, 8. Increase deposition efficiency, 9. Influence weld shape and penetration, 10.
Reduce cooling rate, 11. Increase weld deposition by adding powdered metal in coating.
Contact electrodes have thick coating with high metal powder content, permit DRAG or
CONTACT welding and high deposition rates.
2- Submerged Arc Welding
Submerged arc welding (SAW) is next to SMAW in importance and in use. The working of
the process is shown in Fig. 2.5. In this process the arc and the weld pool are shielded
from atmospheric contamination by an envelope of molten flux to protect liquid metal and a
layer of unfused granular flux which shields the arc. The flux containing CaO, CaF2 and
SiO2 to form a coarse powder. This flux is then spread over the joint to be made.
Arc is covered. Radiation heat loss is eliminated and welding fumes are little.
Process is mechanized or semi-automatic. High currents (200 2000 A) and high depsitio -
rate(27-45kg/h)result in high savings in cost Power sources of 600-2000 A output,
automatic wire feed and tracking systems on mechanized equipment permit high quality
welds with minimum of manual skill.
Welding speeds up to 80 mm/s on thin gauges and deposition rates up to 45 kg/h on
thick sections are major advantages of this process.
Plate thicknesses up to 25 mm could be welded in a single pass without edge prepara-
tion using dcep.
Process is commonly used for welding all grades of carbon, low alloy and alloy steels.
Various filler metal-flux combinations may be employed to obtain desired weld de-
posit characteristics to suit the intended service requirements. Nearly one kg of flux
is consumed per kg of filler wire used.
The process is ideal for flat position welding of thick plates requiring consistent weld
quality and high deposition rates.
Constant voltage dc power supply is self regulating and could be used on constant speed
wire feeder easily. It is, therefore, commonly used power source and is the best
choice for high speed welding of thin gauge steels.
Preparation of edges for Submerged Arc Welding [SAW]:
Being a large volume process, it produces large amount of molten weld, and having
chosen the electrodes, set the welding machine, the edge of the weld pieces is prepared
for welding, hereinafter the geometrical preparation of a SAW joint
SAW with metal powder additions:
In order to increase metal deposition rate (as in case of MAW with stick electrodes), it is an
inexpensive tool for increasing the deposition rate, it is called Iron Powder, the increase of
its amount increases the current flow rate, the following scheme shows the hopper and
powder supply m/c (electric powder meter) to control the powder supply the weld
3- Tungsten inert gas (Tig) Welding
In TIG welding an arc is maintained between a non-consumable tungsten electrode
and the work-piece, in inert gas medium, and is used as a heat source. Filler metal is
fed from outside. The principle of operation of the process is shown in Fig. 2.6.
Direct current is normally used with electrode negative polarity for welding most
metals except aluminium, magnesium and their alloys, because of the refractory oxide
film on the surface which persists even when the metal beneath melts. With electrode
positive, cathode spots form on aluminium surface and remove oxide film due to ionic
bombardment, but excessive heat generates at the electrode
Welding aluminium is best achieved by using alternating current. Large heat input
to the workpiece is supplied during the electrode negative half of the cycle. During
electrode positive half cycle the oxide film is removed. Since a high reignition voltage
is required when the work is negative various means are used to compensate for this
effect. Oxide fails to disperse if such means are not used.
Electrode material could be pure tungsten for d. c. s. p. Thoriated tungsten or zirconated
tungsten can work with a.c. as well as with d.c. welding. In a. c. welding, heat input to
the electrode is higher, the tip invariably melts. Electrodes containing thoria or zirconia
give steadier arc due to their higher thermionic emissivity compared to the pure
tungsten electrode.
Shielding gases used are: argon, helium, and argon helium mixtrure. For very reac-
tive metals welding should be done in an argon filled chamber to obtain ductile welds.
In open-air welding with normal equipment some contamination with argon always
occurs. Deoxidants are added to the filler metal as a consequence when welding rim-
ming or semi-skilled carbon steel, monel metal, copper, cupro-nickel and nickel.
Copper can be welded with nitrogen as a shielding gas. Nitrogen reacts with liquid
tungsten and not with copper. Thoriated tungsten electrode with straight polarity
should be employed. With nitrogen atmosphere anode heat input per ampere is higher
compared to argon atmosphere. It is good for high conductivity metal as copper.
The process is costly and is used only where there is a definite technical advantage
e.g. welding copper, aluminium, magnesium and their alloys up to 6 mm thick; alloy
steels, nickel and its alloys up to 2.5 mm thick, and for the reactive metals.
Argon spot welds could be made with a torch having the nozzle projecting beyond the
electrode tip; it is held against the work, arc is struck and maintained for a preset
time and argon is cut-off after a delay. A molten pool forms on the top sheet and fuses
into the sheet underneath, producing a plug/spot weld. This welding is ideal for
situations having access to one side of the joint only. The equipment required is light
and portable. Process is slow and not adaptable to fully mechanised control as spot
5. Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding
In MIG welding the arc is maintained between a consumable electrode and the workpiece
in inert gas medium. It is used as a heat source which melts the electrode and thus
supplies the filler metal to the joint. The principle of operation is shown in Fig. 2.7. The
apparatus consists
of a coil of consumable electrode wire, a pair of feed rolls, a welding torch having a
control switch and an inert gas supply. Consumable wire picks up current while it passes
through a copper guide tube.
Electrode wire diameter is between 1 .5 mm to 3.0 mm and current used is between 100 to
300 A for welding aluminium, copper, nickel and alloy steels (current densityis of the order
of 100A per mm square: thus projected transfer occurs). The arc projectsin line with the
wire axis and metal also transfers in the same line.Projected transfer occurs within a
range of current. Below the lower limit the transfer is gravitational and above the upper
limit, for aluminium, the metal flow is unstable resulting in the formation of dross, porosity
and irregular weld profile
Welding may be done below the threshold current and conditions could be adjusted to get
shortcircuit transfer. Wires of 0.75 mm diameter or less with wire reel directly mounted on
the gun itself could be used with short circuit or dip transfer. Such a
welding is called fine-wire welding and is suitable for joining sheet metals.
Dcrp is commonly used and a power source with flat characteristics is preferred for
both projected and short circuiting transfer, as it gives more consistent arc-length.
Welding of aluminium is only possible with dcsp. Drooping characteristic power sources
may also be used with a choke incorporated in the circuit to limit the short circuit
current and prevent spatter.
Shielding gas is normally argon, but argon-oxygen mixtures (oxygen: 20%) are some-
times used for welding austenitic stainless steels in order to impove weld profile.
Similarly 80% Ar + 20% CO2 improves weld profile of carbon steel and sheet metal
and is cheaper and better than pure argon. CO2 shielding can also be used.
The process is suitable for welding high alloy steels, aluminium, copper, nickel and
their alloys. it is complementary to TIG, being particularly suited to thicker sections
and fillet welds.
MIG spot welding gives deeper penetration and is specially suitable for thick materi-
als and for the welding of carbon, low alloy and high alloy steels.
6. Metal Active Gas (MAG) Welding
This process differs from MIG in that it uses CO2 instead of inert gases (argon or helium)
both the normal and fine-wire machines could be used. The differences are: metal
transfer mode, power source, cost and field of application. The process is schematically
shown in Fig. 2.8.
In CO2 welding there is no threshold current to change transfer mode from gravitational to
projected type. At low currents the free flight transfer is of repelled type and there is
excessive scatter loss. This situation is quite common in fine wire welding but can be
overcome by adjusting welding parameters to obtain short-circuiting mode of transfer (the
drop comes in contact with the weld pool and is detached from the wire by surface tension
and electromagnetic forces before it can be projected laterally). If the current is excessive
during short-circuiting, detachement will be violent and will
cause spatter.
To get rid of this problem the power source is modified either by adjusting the slope of
a drooping characteristic machine or by inserting a reactance in the circuit of a flat
characteristic machine. Thus the short circuit current is limited to a suitable level. At
currents in excess of 200 A using 1.5 mm or thicker wires the process is sufficiently
regular permitting free flight transfer but welding is to be done in flat position only.
At arc temperature carbon di-oxide dissociates to carbon monoxide and oxygen. To save
metal from oxidation, deoxidized wire for welding carbon steel is essential,otherwise 40%
of the silicon and manganese content may be lost.
This process finds its main application in the welding of carbon and low alloy steels
Other Arc Welding Techniques:
Beside all previously mentioned techniques; there are other techniques which are used in
a restricted manner, it could be named as special purpose techniques, some of them are:
a- Atomic Hydrogen Welding b-Plasma Arc Welding c- Stud Arc Welding d- Fire Cracker
Briefly they will be handled from constructional point of view just for knowledge
a- Atomic Hydrogen Welding
b-Plasma Arc Welding Torch c-Fire cracker Arc Welding
Difficulties which faces the Arc Welding and Remedies
Instability of deposited metal
in case of horizontal welding,
for this reason the electrode
kept inclined by 20
as shown
in fig.
undercut and sagging of weld dead in case of horizontal welding extensively due to gravity
affecting the molten metal, this can be avoided by: short arc length and keep the above
mentioned incl. 20o . While, Fig 25-13 shows the proper setting to get stable weld in vertical
Increase possibility of metal falling during overhead welding, to avoid this small size
electrodes are used and short arc length is kept
For the above reasons special jigs are designed to keep most welded components in FLAT
position which is the optimum for deposition rate and stability.
Adjusted stable current and addition of Iron powder during the whole weld enhances the
welding quality as shown in Figs 4- to the left & 5-to the right above
Arc Blow:
It is a predominant problem characterizes the DC arc welding, it is explained by the
deflection of the arc due to the magnetic field produced from the flowing current, These
magnetic flux lines moves easily in metal but not in air
These flux lines causes the metal dispersed at the edges out of the welding point.
Hereinafter, are some methods used to reduce the severity of Arc Blow:
1. Use of AC current in welding.
2. Reducing the DC current to reduce the effect of magnetic field
3. Use of short arc length to shorten the deflection as minimum.
4. Put steel blocks as an extension to the w.p. to camouflage the Arc Blow at the edge.
5. Place more than one ground lead from both ends or corners
For all practical purposes a welding arc may be regarded as a gaseous conductor
which converts electrical energy into heat.
Arc is a heat source for many welding processes because it produces heat at HIGH
INTENSITY. The heat can be easily controlled by controlling the electrical parameters.
In welding, the arc removes surface oxides and also controls the transfer of metals.
The welding arcs may be of the following types:
(a) Steady Arc electrical discharge between two electrodes.
(b) Unsteady Arc arc interrupted due to electrical short circuiting during metal
(c) Continuously Non-steady Arc: This is due to alternating directional flow of cur-
(d) Pulsed Arc: Intermittent current pulses are superimposed on a regular arc to
obtain spray type of metal transfer during the
3.8.1 The Plasma
The current is carried by the PLASMA, the ionized state of gas composed of nearly
equal number of electrons and ions.
The electrons flow from negative to positive terminal.
Other states of matter including molten metal, vapour slags, neutral and excited
gaseous atoms and molecules.
The formation of plasma is governed by the concept of the Ideal Gas Law and Law of
Mass Action. A basic equation is given below:
= [ 2 Z
(2 )
/( Z
) ]- (3-9)
, n
, n
= particle densities (number per unit volume for electrons, ions and neutral atoms
= the ionisation potential
t = temperature in degrees absolute
, Z
= partition functions for ions and neutral particles.
h = Plank s constant
= electron mass
K = Boltzmann s constant
The heated gas of the arc attains a temperature of between 5000 and 50,000 K
depending upon the kind of gas and intensity of the current carried by it.
In the region very near to the arc terminals the current-conducting electrons are
accelerated so suddenly that the required number of collisions does not occur. Cur-
rent conduction based wholly on thermal ionization does not hold in this region.
3.8.2 Arc Temperature
Arc temperature can be determined by measuring the spectral radiation emitted.
The measured values of arc temperatures normally fall between 5000 and 30,000 K,
depending upon the nature of plasma and current conducted by it.
In covered electrodes, due to the presence of easily ionized materials such as sodium
and potassium in coatings the maximum temperatures reached are about 6000 K. In
pure inert gas arcs the axial temperature may rise to 30,000 K.
An isothermal map of a 200 A, 12.1 V Argon Arc between tungsten cathode and
a watercooled copper anode is shown below.
3.8.3 Radiation Losses
Radiation loss of energy may be over 20 percent of the total input in the case of argon
welding arcs.
Radiation losses from other gases may be about 10 percent.
3.8.4 Electrical Features
Every arc offers impedance to the flow of current. The specific impedance is inversely
proportional to the density of the charge carriers and their mobility.
The total impedance also depends upon the radial and axial distribution of the carrier
The current and potential across the cathode fall, Plasma column and Anode Fall regions
as shown in Fig. 3.18 are expressed according to
watts= I (E
+ E
+ E
) (3-10)
= anode voltage drop
= cathode voltage drop
=plasma voltage drop
3.8.5 Arc Characteristics for the voltage
When the arc operates in a stable manner, the voltage and current are related. The
relation-ship is shown in Fig. 3.1. It can be seen from this graph that the arc does not
follow Ohm s
Typical arc characteristic compared with Ohms law
The arc voltage varies only slightly over a wide range of currents.
The curve does not pass through the origin.
The slope of the curve depends upon:
(i) metals involved
(ii) arc atmosphere
(iii) arc length
Arc-length Control
For this discussion consider arc characteristics for four arc-lengths between tungsten and
copper electrodes in argon atmosphere (Fig. 3.2). From this data we can plot a relation
between arc-length and arc-voltage (Fig. 3.2). Suppose a welder uses GTA Welding
process to weld copper sheets and makes a current setting of 150 A. The arc-
characteristics (Fig. 3.2) show
that for a 2 mm arc to be operating stable, the voltage should be 15 V. This value of arc
voltage will be maintained as long as the power source delivers 150 A and the welder
maintains an arc length of 2 mm. This is practically not possible during manual welding
operation as the arc length may change, and consequently the voltage will rise or fall
accordingly and the operating point will, therefore, shift from one characteristics to another.
For arc to remain stable, the power-supply unit must allow the voltage to vary while
keeping the current substantially constant (Fig. 3.3). Thus, the power-supply unit must
meet the practical requirements for a specific process. A typical characteristics curve for
manual GTA Welding operation is shFig. 3.4.
When welding is not taking place, no output current is drawn from the circuit. The voltage
at the output is called open circuit voltage (O.C.V.) and it is of the order of 50 80 V. As the
welding arc is struck and welding operation is carried out the voltage falls and over
an operating range of 10-30 V the current varies only a little. Power-sources of this type of
voltampere output are known as drooping characteristics units or constant-current
If the arc-characteristics and power-source characteristics are plotted on one graph
(Fig.3.3) their intersection gives the working voltage and current. Let us, consider the
example of welding copper with GTAW process using 150 A, 15 V and 2 mm arc length. If
the arc length changes to 3 mm, the voltage increases to 16.5 V but current falls to 143 A.
(power input is increased to + 4.8%). Conversely if the arc length is decreased to 1 mm,
the voltage falls to 13.3 V and current increased to 156 A (power input is reduced by
7.8%). It is important here to note that as a manual arc welder makes a weld, as a result
of inadvertent hand movements the power input remains within 8% of the preset value.
This is much better than requiring them to maintain a consistent travel speed.
In SMA Welding the situation is similar with an additional requirement on the part of
the welder to match the electrode feed rate with the burn-off rate. In manual metal arc
welding (SMA Welding) the consistency of the weld depends on the skill of the operator in
judging the arc length and adjusting the electrode feed rate.
Self Adjusting Arc in GMA Welding
Here the situation is different, the voltage setting of the power-source and not the
welder controls the arc length.
In GMA/GTA Welding the feed wire diameter is usually very small and the burn-off
rates are far higher than in SMA or TIG Welding, and they vary much more with
current. A small variation in current causes significant change in burn-off rate. Some
typical burn-off curves for low-carbon-steel wires with carbon-di-oxide shielding are
shown in Fig. 3.5. Change in burn-off rates with change in current are also shown.
We find that the electrode burn off rate changes rapidly with change in current. Thus
we should have a power source which can accomodate these large changes in theburn-
off rates. For a small change in voltage, there should be a large change in current.
Special power-sources have been designed for this purpose.
Some welding power sources are designed to give a flat volt-ampere characteristics
as shown in Fig. 3.6 with a voltage falling by 2 V for each 100 A fall in current. This
type of characteristics is also known as constant potential characteristics.
Consider an arc operating at 300 A, 35 V (point A in Fig. 3.6). If the arc length increases,
voltage rises to point B (say). This causes significant decrease in current, giving lower
burn-off rate. Arc length is immediately adjusted as the electrode tip in this situation
will approach weld pool, and the arc length shortens. When this happens the current
3.9 Arc Welding Power Sources
The various welding processes described in Chapter 2 require special power sources
(having low voltage and high current for arc welding) to produce energy sufficient to make
a good weld.
Power sources could be a.c. (transformers), d.c. (generator/rectifiers) with constant current
or constant voltage characteristics having current rating 70-400 amperes at 60% or 80%
duty cycle. Heat input to the weld is a function of arc voltage, arc current and travel speed.
Arc length is related to arc voltage.
The voltage supplied by the electrical generating stations for industrial use is 240 or 480
volt and the open circuit voltage for arc welding is between 50-80 V. Once the arc is
struck the working voltage falls down to 10 to 30 V. As arc is the source of welding energy
its study is, therefore, important. In this technique , the power sources are
always the constant current type, both DC and AC, when using DC the electrode can be
negative and known as (DCEN), in this type more heat is generated near the w.p.,
consequently the electrode itself does not get heated, but when using DCEP large amount
of heat liberated in the electrode itself which in turn causes limitation of electric current
passing through it to 10% of the first type, it is only preferred when breaking of All oxide
layers are needed . On other hand, it creates large heat affected zone, causing more weld
distortion than DCEN.
The different types of power supply, description, usages, strong points and
limitations are shortly presented in the following table:
Step pulsed DC current, low level
pulses are used for cooling the
weld, the upper peak used for
metal welding. It is mostly
recommended in other than flat
position welding since it allows
control of heating and cooling. It
provides proper solidification when
the torch flip away from the spot
proceeding to the next point.
When using AC, the current
continuously changes its directions
(50 times/min) in 50Hz power
supply i.e. it operates half the time
as DCEN and the rest as DCEP. A
typical AC wave form is shown in
the corresponding figure, it is
known as the balanced wavesince
the +ive and the ive sides are
identical. But with DC when the
electrode is +ive the metal particles
transfer from w.p to electrode tip
which is not preferable.
An arc welding power supply equipment should have the following characteristics:
must isolate the welding circuit from the mains supply.
provide the required voltages and desired welding currents for the operation.
provide the output volt-ampere characteristics which matches the arc system.
incorporate a low-voltage supply for the operation of auxiliary units.
if the work is to be carried out on site the unit should be self contained with a petrol
or diesel engine driving a generator or alternator.
3.9.2 Alternating-current Welding Power Sources
Alternating current power sources are commonly used in manual metal arc welding of
steelsand GTA Welding of aluminium and its alloys. For a.c. welding the power supply is
invariablya transformer with a control for current adjustment either by varying the
inductance or by altering the magnetic coupling between primary and secondary windings
of the transformer.
The flow of alternating current in welding circuit is regulated by placing an inductor in
line between the transformer and the electrodes. By changing the inductance the current
can be changed. For current control during welding a means of changing this inductance is
Three different types of reactors are available for changing this inductance for current
.tapped reactors
.moving core reactors
.saturable reactors
.Tapped reactors. These consist of a copper cable wound on a laminated core.
The windings are provided with tapping circuit as shown in Fig. 3.7. Coarse and fine
controls are provided, but only a limited number of settings can be accomodated.
Moving-core reactor. A laminated core is moved in or out of reactor coil, thus increas-
ing or reducing the inductance of the winding. See Fig. 3.8. This system has the
advantages of continuously variable adjustment.
Saturable reactors. Here welding current control is achieved by putting saturable reactor
unit in the secondary circuit. See Fig. 3.9. Direct current supplied to this winding affects the
impedance offered to alternating current flowing in the main coil. Thus welding current can
be continuously regulated by changing direct current in the control winding. These reactors
are costly but can be remotely controlled.
Moving coils. Changing the position of one coil along the core changes the
magnetic coupling between primary and secondary. See Fig. 3.10.
Moving shunt-core. Movement of a shunt core in or out (instead of moving coils) changes
the magnetic coupling between primary and secondary, and thus the welding current is
controlled. See Fig. 3.11.
All these designs provide good control of current and a suitable output for MMA and
GTA Welding. The choice depends upon cost and individual preferences.
Multi-operator sets are available where one transformer provides 3 or 6 outlets. In this
case, the current in each secondary circuit should be independently controlled and a
separate reactor must be included in each lead. See. Fig. 3.12.
3.9.3 Direct-Current Welding Power Sources
Direct current welding power sources could be: Generators rectifiers Generators. Motor
driven generators are commonly used for welding with d.c., specially when the work is to
be carried out at site. They are also preferable if the line voltage is quite fluctuating.
A generator consists of an armature rotating in a magnetic field produced by coils which
are connected in series and in parallel with the armature winding.
Generator output is regulated by regulating the current flowing in the series and shunt
windings. The armature must rotate at a constant speed, by using an electric motor (if
mains supply is available) or by a governed petrol or diesel engine.
Rectifiers. A full-wave rectifier is used to convert the a.c. output from a transformer
into d.c. for welding. If the input to the transformer is from single phase 50 Hz, the d.c. has
a pronounced 100 Hz ripple and for most of the applications some form of smoothing is
A three-phase input is usually preferred as it gives more uniform load on the mains supply
and smoothens the ripples, eliminating the smoothening circuit (Figs. 3.13 (a) and 3.13
For MIG welding the transformer winding is tapped so that the output voltage can be
selected to suit the arc length. Since there is no requirement for current control, the
unit consists simply of a transformer and a rectifier.
In case of manual metal arc and GTA welding a reactor is introduced into the a.c. line
between the transformer and the rectifier to obtain drooping volt-ampere characteristics
(Fig. 3.14). The reactor behaves in a similar way as in a.c. welding supply units. Saturable
reactors are commonly used in most of the units because they are better suited to three-
phase operation and can be remotely controlled. It is important to note that a reactor
controls (opposes) a.c. only. In d.c. circuit it has no effect on steady flow of current: but it
opposes any changes in current level, which is a good feature for low current GMA
By providing extra taps to the output from the reactor in a transformer reactor set, it is
possible to produce a combined a.c./d.c. unit suitable for MMA and GTA welding. This type
of power unit is more useful when there is a mixed type of requirement in a job-shop, but it
costs more than individual a.c. or d.c. unit.
The following factors must be considered when selecting a power source for welding.
1. Initial cost.
2. Cost of periodic maintenance and repair.
3. Mains supply available: 220 V, 440 V or not available.
4. Steady output current even with input voltage fluctuation.
5. Whether machine causes imbalance in the power load.
6. Machine s inherent power factor or needs capacitor to raise it.
7. Whether portability is needed.
8. Type of current needed a.c or d.c. or both.
9. Current rating required to accomodate all sizes of electrodes needed for the jobs
10. Machine s ability to strike and maintain stable arc for the type of electrodes to be used.
11. Type of volt-ampere characteristics (constant current or constant voltage) needed for
the process employed.
12. Whether machine is required to give radiographic quality welds and impact strength
with the type of electrodes used.
13. Whether the machine needs to serve several welding processes expected to be
used in the shop.
14. Need for remote current control.
15. Machine s ability to stand shop environment (corrosive gases, moisture, dust, etc.).
3.10 Electrode
It is the source of binding metal which used to weld the required components. It could be either bare
(as used in TIG) or coated (stick electrode) the scheme of which as:
3.10.1 The Properties and purposes of Electrode Coating:
1-Shields the molten metal pool by inert gas (CO
) and protect it from Oxidation.
2-Helps the impurities to float, and regulates the pool cooling preventing Brittle weld.
3-Includes stabilizing elements which differs according to the type of weld AC or DC.
4-Sometimes it includes alloying elements to improve physical & mech. properties.
5-Due to its low consumption it is shortened than the filler base core, shown above.
6-Due its insulation property it allows using electrodes in narrow welds safely.
7-includes Iron powder which allows quick adhesion of base metal in any position.
8-Slag covers the metal puddle for longer time in viscous or fluid state for proper weld.
3.11.1 Arc Energy Input
The energy input, H , is computed as the ratio of total input power, P , of the heat source
in watts to its travel velocity, V , in mm/second
H= ..(3-1)
If the source of heat is an electric arc
H= ..(3-2)
where E = voltage in volts and I = current in amperes.
Precisely speaking, net energy input would be
= ...(3-3)
where,f1= the heat transfer efficiency which is from 80% to 90% for most consumable
electrode arcs.
The primary function of the heat sources is to melt metal. In this regard it is useful to
introduce the concept of melting efficiency, f2, which is the ratio of energy used for
melting metal to the total energy supplied.
= = (3-4)
where, Q = theoretical quantity of heat required to melt a given volume of metal. This
is required to elevate the temperature of the solid metal to its melting point plus the heat
of fusion to convert solid to liquid at the melting point.
A reasonable approximation of Q is=
Q = ( T
+ 273)
300,000 jmm
where, T
= melting temperature, C
= A
+ A
= plate cross-section melted
= filler metal cross-section melted
= total weld metal cross-section melted.
Welding energy sources can be grouped into the following five categories:
Electrical sources
Chemical sources
Optical sources
Mechanical sources
Solid state sources.
Of the above sources, electrical sources of energy are more commonly used. Arc
and resistance welding will now be highlighted in the following paragraphs.
3.12 Resistance Welding
The resistance welding process employ a combination of force and heat to produce a
weld between the workpieces. The heat generated by the current flow may be expressed
H= I
R t (3-8)
H = heat generated, in Joules (watt. seconds)
I = current, in amperes
R = resistance, in ohms
t = time of current flow in seconds
The welding current and time can be easily measured. The resistance is a complex factor
and difficult to measure. It consists of:
*the contact resistance between the electrodes and the work
*the contact resistance between the workpieces
*the body resistance of the workpieces
*the resistance of the electrodes
In general the resistances involved are of the order of 100 . As a result, the currents
are large running into thousands and tens of thousands of amperes. In the case of
capacitor-discharge power supplies the currents may be as high as 200,000 A.
3.13.1 Metal Transfer
Shielded metal arc welding processes are used extensively since filler metal is depos-
ited more efficiently and at higher rates than is possible with other processes.
For better efficiency, the spatter losses should be reduced to minimum and uncon-
trolled short circuits between the electrode and work should be avoided.
Metal transfer can be studied with motion pictures and by the analysis of the short
circuit oscillograms.
Metal transfer may be classified as:
(a) globular (massive drops, short circuiting occurs)
(b) spray (shower of a large number of small drops).
Generally the metal transfer occurs in some combination of both.
In GMAW process with argon shielding, when the current is above the transition
level, the transfer mechanism can be described as axial spray. With active gases,
however, the transfer is globular and some short circuiting is unavoidable.
Study of metal transfer in arc welding is difficult because the arcs are too small and
their temperatures too high and the metal transfers at high rates.
A combination of the following forces functions to detach the droplet against the forceof
(a) Pressure generated by the evolution of gas at the electrode tip.
(b) The electrostatic attraction between the electrodes.
(c) Gravity.
(d) The pinch effect caused by a momentary necking of the liquid drop that is,
conducting current.
(e) Explosive evaporation of the necked filament between the drop and electrode
due to the very high density of the conducting current.
(f) Electromagnetic action produced by a divergence of current in the plasma around
the drop.
(g) Friction effect of the plasma jet.
3.13.2 Polarity and Metal Transfer
Electrode Positive
At low welding currents the size of the droplet in argon develops to a diameter more
than the diameter of the electrode.
The droplet size is roughly inversely proportional to the current and only a few drop-
lets are released per second.
With long arc length, the droplets are transferred without short circuit, no spatter,
and arc is stable.
Above a critical current level, the characteristics of this transfer change from globu-
lar to spray transfer mode.
In spray transfer, the tip of the electrode becomes pointed and, from it, minute drops
are transferred at a rate of about a hundred per second. The current at which this
occurs is called transition current. The change is usually abrupt. See Fig. 3.19.
Axial spray transfer is stable. There is no spatter, the drops are transferred in line with
electrode and not through the minimum path. The metal can therefore be directed
where needed for making fillet vertical or overhead welds.
The key to the spray transfer is the pinch effect which automatically squeezes the droops
off the electrode; this occurs as a result of the electromagnetic effects of thecurrent .
The transition current depends upon :
(a) electrode diameter, Fig. 3.20 shows the effect.
(b) electrode extension (distance between the point of current pick-up and the arc).
As extension increases current for spray transfer decreases (extended wire gets heated).
(c) electrode composition.
(d) metal being welded (less for aluminium and more for steel).
Spray transfer can be achieved at average current levels below the transition current by
using pulsed current. Drops are transferred at the frequency of the current pulses.
This technique increases the useful operating range of a given electrode size.
When useful upper range of the welding current is exceeded a spatter-forming rota-
tion of the arc is initiated on the electrode tip. This is called Jet rotation .
Electrode Negative
GMAW arc becomes unstable and spattery when electrode negative is used. The drop
size is big and due to arc forces the drops are propelled away from the workpiece as
Spray transfer is observed in argon shielded consumable electrode arc only. It appears
that argon provides the unique plasma properties with the self-magnetic force to
develop axial spray transfer through the arc.
A.C. Arcs
Arc is extinguished during each half cycle and is reignited as the voltage rises again,
current increases and the electrodes get heated again, arc path gets ionised.
As arc length increases, the arc gas gets less heated and a higher reignition potential
is required.
3.13.3 Effect of Other Gases on Metal Transfer
, although inert gas, does not produce axial spray transfer. The transfer is
globular with both polarities at all current levels.
Helium arcs are useful, nevertheless, because they provide deep penetration.
Spray transfer can be obtained by mixing small quantities of Argon (about 20 per-
cent). With helium, the deep penetration is still maintained. Normal commercial mix-
tures contain 25 percent argon as a safety factor.
Active gases like carbon-di-oxide and nitrogen do not produce spray transfer, spatter
on the other hand is increased.
Spatter can be minimised by burying the arc below the plate surface to trap the spatter
in the deep arc crater. This technique is used when:
(a) carbon dioxide is used to shield arcs in mild steel.
(b) nitrogen is used mixed with argon to shield aluminium alloys.
(c) nitrogen is used to shield copper.
The amount of spatter, massiveness of the drops and instability of transfer generally
are greater when electrode is negative.
Spray transfer can be achieved by painting cesium and sodium on steel wire surface
with CO shield using direct current electrode negative polarity.
3.13.4 Short Circuiting Transfer (Dip Transfer)
Metal is tansferred from the electrodes (consumable) to the work through short cir-
cuits. It operates at low currents and low voltage (21 V, 200 A or less), the electrode
end melts slowly. As the electrode is fed, arc gap shortens, until the tip touches the
weld pool (Fig. 3.19 c)
Metal transferred in this way is less fluid and less penetrating, free of spatter and
easy to handle.
It is specially useful for joining thin sheets.
Electrical reactance is used to control the rate of current rise when the wire and
Poolar in contact.
The average current is also kept low by using relatively small diameter electrodes.
With proper equipment adjustment short circuits of the order of hundreds of drops
per second are obtained.
Since little time is available to fuse the electrode, the drops formed are very small,
and are transferred to the weld by surface tension when electrode tip and weld pool
come in contact.
3.13.5 Pulsed Current Consumable Electrode Transfer
This technique is an alternative of dip transfer for welding in positions and when
thin plates are to be welded. This type of transfer is shown in Fig. 3.21 (a) and (b).
Current pulses back and forth between the globular and spray transfer are superim-
posed on the normal background current.
Time duration between consecutive pulses must be less than that required for globular
Droplets are ejected from the electrode tip at regular intervals corresponding to the
frequency of current pulses.
Currents and deposition rates can be decreased so that welding speed can be reduced
to cope more easily with thicknesses down to 1.0 mm or even thinner.
3.13.6 Covered Electrode Transfer
In general the metal transfer is globular on one extreme and spray type on the other.
Showery spray transfer is desirable. In some cases, however, spray transfer is not used
because of spatter associated with it.
Most of the electrodes contain cellulose or metal carbonates that burn in the arc
forming a gas shield to protect the weld from atmospheric contamination. This shield
contains mainly active gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and
oxygen. These gases do not develop a highly conductive arc plasma, the current
distribution is such that the liquid metal is forced out of the arc and weld pool as
massive drops and spatter.
These reactions are more intense when electrode is negative, Reverse polarity
is, therefore, used with electrodes that do not contain cathode stabilizers (cellulosic elec-
Coverings can be made thermionic by adding rutile, lime and iron-oxide in combina-
tion. Such electrodes produce more stable arc, less spatter and form smaller drops with
direct current electrode negative.
With AC, current reduces to zero when polarity changes. The binders for such elec-
trodes is changed from sodium silicate to potassium silicate. Potassium has lower
ionisation potential, it also increases cathode emissivity to permit an easy reignition.
Electrodes containing rutile or lime in sufficient quantities are also thermionic and
do not require substitution of potassium binders to make them suitable for AC welding.
3.13.7 Melting Rates
General Controlling Parameters
Most structural metals and their alloys form a cold cathode, its area is small but large
quantities of energy are generated to release the electrons needed to support an arc.
High m.p. materials like carbon, tungsten and molybdenum easily supply electrons
to sustain the arc due to their temperature. These metals are called thermionic.
Change from cold cathode to thermionic emission is accompanied by a lowering of the
heating energy and, therefore reduction in melting rate.
Also any improvement to arc stability in a.c. or metal transfer mode in dc en is asso-
ciated with a reduction in melting rate.
Electrical resistance heating of the electrode by welding current affects the electrodes
melting rate.
Electrode melting rate can be expressed as :
M. R=aI+ bL I
a = anode or cathode constant of proportionality for heating. It depends upon polarity,
composition and with dc en, the emissivity of the cathode.
b = constant of proportionality for electrical resistance heating and includes
the electrode resistivity.
L = electrode extension or stick out
I = welding current
3.13.8 Melting Rates with GMAW
Melting rate is controlled by:
(a) electrode diameter
(b) electrode extension
(c) cathode or anode heating (current polarity)
(d) current mangnitude
(e) Factors like shielding gas, arc length (arc voltage).
Equation (3.11) for melting rate can be used to calculate melting rates for electrode
positive. Problems develop with dc en, because the cathode heating value becomes quite
sensitive to the presence of oxides alkali and alkaline earth compounds.
The first term of the equation is more significant at low currents and with short
electrode extension. The influence of second term becomes pregressively greater as
the electrode diameter is reduced and its extension (resistivity) is increased and the
current is raised. The relative magnitude of the heating coefficients with 1.6 mm
diameter is shown in Table 3.3.
The values of the terms of the equation (3.11) depend upon the material (or alloy) being
welded. First term is important for aluminium since its resistivity is low. It gains
greater importance when the electrode is negative since the use of any additive that
affects cathode emissivity will reduce the value of a and thus reduce melting rate. Fig. (Fig.
2.20) shows that
the electrode can be made so much thermionic as to reduce the heating effect represented
the term a for electrode negative below that of electrode positive. Direct current
electrode negative arcs have greater significance as they give very high melting rates (Fig.
2.20), but (unfortunately) the transfer is globular and spattery. When a.c. is used the
values of a are an average between the values obtained for dc ep and dc en.
When argon shields are used the upper limit of melting rates is determined by
the formation of jet-rotation which needs higher currents and consequently higher
diameter electrodes to sustain higher currents. The extent of these ranges is shown in Fig.
for steel. This is not true for aluminium. The upper current for aluminium is limited by the
formation of a very rough weld surface.
With active gas welding, metal transfer is always globular for all current levels. At
lower level of current there is random short circuiting, absence of wetting and power
weld quantity. At upper limits of current, there is spatter, poor bead appearance and
porosity. When very low melting rates are necessary, the short circuit technique is
frequently used.
Melting Rates with SAW
In general the above discussion for GMAW applies to SAW also. The melting
rate increases with current. Cathode or anode voltage changes due to change of flux.
3.13.9 Melting Rates with SMAW
The SMAW is least efficient in converting electrical energy to useful weld heat.
Current controls the melting rate to some extent, but as the current increases the
electrode diameter must be increased proportionately.
Lower limit of current is defined by incomplete fusion, high viscosity of flux. Upper
limit causes excessive resistance heating of the electrode that damages the electrode
flux covering and the flux constituents breakdown before reaching to the arc where
products of combustion arc needed for shielding.
Cellulose coating on E6010 electrode of 6 mm diameter is useful in the range between
200-300 A while for the same diameter, the rutile-base E6012 that does not rely on
gas formers has a useful range between 200 and 400 A.
Stainless steels are classified according to their matrix structure.
(a) austenitic (b) ferritic (c) martensitic
(d) precipitation hardened and (e) duplex.
Special features of stainless steels related to welding.
1. Low thermal conductivity (50% of mild steel) results in less heat input for the
job and 10% less current is needed for SS electrodes. higher electrode melt. off rates are
obtained. Melting point of stainless steel is 93C lower.
2. Thermal expansion of Cr-Ni steels is about 50% greater than for mild steel.
This increases the chances for warping and buckling. Thus suitable fixture must be used
welding stainless steels.
3. Electrical resistance is 6 12 times higher which causes overheating in the elec-
trodes. Shorter electrodes are, therefore used to reduce electrode heating.
Austenitic stainless steels
1. These steels contain 16 26% chromium
6 22% Nickel.
2. Type 304 L and 316 L are low carbon grade (C 0.03%).
3. Mo in type 316 improves corrosion resistance and high temperature properties.
4. Types 321 and 347 stainless steels are stabilized against carbide (Cr23C6)
precipitation, weld decay and intergranular corrosion by addition of Ti and Nb. The strong
carbide formers form TiC and NbC which impart creep resistance. Hence they are also
used as creep resisting steels.
5. The 200 series s.s. sin lower Ni which is compensated by Mn and N2 for
austenite formation.
6. Austenitic S.S. (except free machining grades) are easiest to weld and produced
welds that are tough.
7. S.S. welding requires 20 30% less heat input than welds in carbon steels, because
of low thermal conductivity and high electric resistance. Excess heat will cause distortion,
reduce strength and corrosion resistance. Sulpher and Selenium added for free machining,
makes the steel unweldable, also high carbon content inhibit weld serviceability. External
sources of contamination include carbon nitrogen, oxygen, iron and water.
8. Contaminations and their effects.
Carbon contamination may cause welds to cracks, change mechanical properties and
reduce corrosion resistance in weld areas.
Iron contamination lowers serviceability, flakes of iron on surface will rust, thus speed-
ing localised corrosion.
Contamination by copper, lead and zinc can lead to cracking in HAZ of the weld.
9. Welding current required is comparatively low.
10. When stainless steels are heated in the range of 427 870 C or cooled slowly through
that range, carbon precipitates at grain boundaries.
11. Formation of these carbides effectively eliminates much of the chromium.
12. It will reduce corrosion resistance especially in HAZ.
13. This carbon precipitation can be minimized by :
(i) Reducing the time for which the temperature is between 427 870C range.
(ii) Selecting low carbon stainless steels to reduce carbide formation.
(iii) Addition of Ti, Ta, Columbium which form stable carbide preventing the formation
of chromium carbide.
Carbide precipitation
1. Austenitic grades are non-hardening type and welding usually does not adversely affect
weld strength and ductility. There is one detrimental effect of heating of Ni-Cr steel
i.e., carbide precipitation at the grain boundaries resulting in reduced corrosion resistance.
A fine film of Cr-rich carbides containing upto 90% Cr taken from metal layer next to grain
boundary gets precipitated along the grain boundary. Precipitation of intergranular
chromium carbides is accelerated by an increase in temperature within the sensitized
range and by an increase in time at that temperature.
2. Carbide precipitation can be controlled by :
Using stabilised steels, by adding columbium and titanium which have greater affinity
for carbon than does chromium. Columbium is exclusively used for the purpose in
welding electrodes as titanium gets lost in transferring across the arc.
Rapid quenching may minimise carbide precipitation, but this may not always be
possible specially in thick sections.
Limiting carbon content to a maximum of 0.03% avoids carbide precipitation
Post-weld solution annealing.
3. Solution annealing puts carbides back into solution restores corrosion resistance.
Austenitic S.S. with stabilization using Nb + Ti or Tantalum and welded with stabilised
filler metal gives good strength and corrosion resistance properties.
4. SMAW process is widely used. A large number of electrodes available make the
process widely acceptable. Some examples are given below:
E308-16 electrode metal transfer is spray type smooth bead (AC or DCRP)
Lime covered basic electrodes (only DCRP) E308-15-globular transfer rough bead
For heavy flat pieces SAW is used
For thin sections TIG is excellent
For sheets spot welding can be used.
3.13.1 Cracking
Interdendritic cracking in the weld area that occurs before the weld cools to room
temperature is known as hot cracking or microfissuring. Weld metal with 100% austenite is
more susceptible to microfissuring than weld metals with duplex structure of delta ferrite in
Susceptibility can be reduced by a small increase in carbon or nitrogen content or by a
substantial increase in manganese content.
To avoid solidification, cracking, weld metal should have a ferrite content of at least 3-5
ferrite number (FN) and hence filler metal of suitable composition is to be selected. For this
purpose Schaeffler diagram is made use of; A modified version of it is h shown in Fig. 7.3
which takes care of nitrogen in the metal.
Nitrogen strengthened austenitic stainless steels offer the advantages of:
Increased strength at all temperatures (cryogenic to elevated)
Improved resistance to pitting corrsion
They differ from conventional austenitic steels in that
Mn substitutes a part of Ni, this allows more nitrogen to get dissolved in matrix of the
Nitrogen acts as solid solution strengthener with increased annealed strength to
approximately twice that of conventional austenitic steels.
Control of nitrogen content is important.
Very low nitrogen lowers strength and corrosion resistance.
Very high nitrogen causes porosity and hot cracking.
3.13.2 Methods of welding stainless steels
Stainless steels are readily weldable in the field by SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, and SAW
GTAW can be used for field fabrication, but it is a slow process. SMAW is used most often
because the equipment is portable and easy to use. GMAW,FCAW, and SAW are being
used more often in the field because they are economical and produce highquality
welds. Manufacturers recommendations for welding stainless steel should be followed.
include recommendations on joint designs, preheat temperatures, any associated post-
weld heat treatment,and shielding gas.
3.13.3Special considerations in welding stainless steels
a. Effects of thermal properties of stainless steel on welding conditions and distortion. The
thermal properties (coefficients of thermal conductivity and expansion, and melting point)
of stainless steel differ somewhat from those of carbon steels. The differences affect the
welding operations, and steps must be taken to compensate for the effects of these
properties. These steps are discussed in paragraph 7-5.
b. Welding characteristics.
(1) Generally, austenitic stainless steel can be welded with about 20 percent less heat
input than carbon steels. There are several reasons for this. Stainless steels have a higher
electrical resistivity than do carbon steels. As a result, stainless steels get hotter than
carbon steels when the same welding current is used. Thus, a given amount of stainless
steel can be melted with less current than the same amount of carbon steel. In addition,
less heat or current is needed to melt austenitic stainless steels because they have lower
melting points than carbon steel. Finally, the heat conductivity y of these stainless steels is
lower than that of other steels. Therefore,
the heat built up in the metal from the welding operation flows away from the weld at a
slower rate.
The result is that during welding, higher temperatures are reached in a shorter time.
(2) When welded, austenitic stainless steels tend to warp and buckle more than carbon
This is because the coefficient of thermal expansion of austenitic stainless steel is about 1-
1/2 times as large as that of carbon steel. This problem is further aggravated by stainless
steels lower thermal conductivity, which tends to concentrate welding heat in a smaller
area. To keep warping and buckling to a minimum, jigs and fixtures, carefully selected
welding sequences, and accurate fitup generally have to be used. Preheating to reduce
distortion should be avoided when welding austenitic stainless steel since this could lead
to sensitization of portions of the weld joint.
Chapter four
Weld quality, and weld deposition rate both are influenced by various welding parameters
and joint geometry. These parameters are the process variables as given below :
1. Welding current
2. Arc Voltage
3. Welding speed.
4. Electrode Feed rate
5. Electrode extension (stick-out)
6. Electrode diameter
7. Joint geometry.
Each of the above parameters affects, to varying extent, the following:
1. Deposition rate
2. Weld-bead shape
3. Depth of penetration
4. Cooling rate
5. Weld induced distortion.
Hence, a proper understanding of the effects of welding parameters (or process variables
is important to obtain a sound welded joint with adequate metal deposition rate
and minimum distortion. General effect of these variables will be discussed in the following
4.1.1 Welding Current
Melting rate is directly proportional to the energy (current and voltage) used for a given
electrode and polarity used in DC welding. Part of this energy Q is used to melt the base
metal (qb ), part goes to melt electrode and flux (qf) rest is dissipated as conduction(qcp+
qce), convection(qv ) and radiation (qr )
Q = q
+ q
+ q
)+ q
+ q
Q = IV. J/S = I
Ra J/S
Q = electrical energy consumed
I = welding current
V = arc voltage
Ra = arc resistance
Welding current is most important variable affecting melting rate, the deposition rate,
the depth of penetration and the amount of base metal melted.
If the current (for a given welding speed) is too high, it will result in:
excessive penetration
(thinner plates will melt through)
Excessive melting of electrode excessive reinforcement
More heat input to plates being joined increased distortions
If the welding current is too low, it will result in:
inadequate penetration
lack of fusion
Current could be DC or AC. DC provides steady arc and smooth metal transfer, good
wetting action, uniform weld bead size, specially suited to thin section welding, give better
quality welds in vertical and overhead welding positions.
4.1.2 Arc Voltage
Arc voltage is the voltage between the job and the electrode during welding. For a given
electrode it depends upon the arc length. Open circuit voltage on the other hand is the
generated by the power source when no welding is done.
Open circuit voltage varies between 50 100 V whereas arc-voltages are between 17 V to
40 V. When the arc is struck, the open circuit voltage drops to arc voltage and welding
load comes on power supply.
The arc voltage depends on arc length and type of electrode.
As arc length increases, arc resistance increases, (resulting in higher voltage drop (i.e.,
arc-voltage increases and arc current decreases. This decrease in current depends upon
the slope of volt-ampere curve explained earlier.
Arc length is the distance between the molten electrode tip to the surface of molten weld
pool. Proper arc length is important in obtaining a sound joint. As the metal droplet
transfers through the arc there is a variation in instantaneous arc voltage. Welding will be
quite smooth if the arc voltage variation and hence the arc length is maintained consistant.
As a general rule arc length should not be more than the electrode diameter.
Short arc: causes short circuits during metal transfer
Long arc lacks direction and intensity, gives heavy spatter, low deposition rate and
formation of undercuts.
Though arc length needs to be controlled in order to obtain a quality welding, it is much
easier to monitor and control arc voltage.
Weld-bead appearance depends on arc-voltage. Increase in arc-voltage tends to
cause porosity, spatter flatten the weld bead and increase weld width. Reduction in arc-
voltage leads to : narrower weld-bead, higher crown, deeper penetration. Trials are,
therefore, made to obtain
optimum arc voltage.
4.1.3 Welding Speed
Welding speed is the linear rate at which the arc moves with respect to plate along the
weld joint. Welding speed generally conforms to a given combination of welding current
and arc voltage.
If welding speed is more than required
Heat input to the joint decreases.
Less filler metal is deposited than requires, less weld reinforcement height
Undercut, arc blow, porosity and uneven bead shape may result.
If welding speed is slow
Filler metal deposition rate increases, more weld reinforcement
Heat input rate increases
Weld width increases and reinforcement height also increases more convexity.
Penetration decreases beyond a certain decrease in speed.
A large weld pool, rough bead and possible slag inclusion.
With all variables held constant, weld penetration depth attains a maximum at a certain
intermediate welding speed. At excessively low welding speeds the arc strikes a large
molten pool, the penetrating force gets cushioned by the molten pool. With excessively
high welding speeds, there is substantial drop in thermal energy per unit length of welded
joint resulting in undercutting along the edges of the weld bead because of insufficient
backflow of filler metal to fill the path melted by the arc. Welding speed is to be adjusted
within limits to control weld size and depth of penetration.
4.1.4 Electrode Feed Speed
Electrode feed rate determines the amount of metal deposited per unit length or per unit
In most welding machines the welding current adjusts itself with electrode feed speed to
maintain proper arc length.
4.1.5 Electrode Extension
Electrode extension, also known as length of stick out, is the distance between the end of
the contact tube and the end of the electrode as shown in Fig. 3.25. An increase in
electrode extension results in an increase in electrical resistance.
This causes resistance heating of electrode extended length, resulting in additional heat
generation and increase of electrode melting rate. But the energy so consumed reduces
the power delivered to the arc. This reduces arc voltage and thus decreases bead width
and penetration depth.
To maintain proper head geometry alongwith a desired penetration and higher melting
rate (i.e., large electrode extension), the machine voltage setting must be increased to
maintain proper arc length. At current densities above 125 A/mm
, electrode extension becomes important. An increase of upto 50% in deposition rate can
be achieved by using long electrode extensions without increasing welding current. This
increase in deposition rate is accompanied with decrease in pe-
Thus when deep penetration is desired long electrode extension is not desirable. On the
other hand, for thinner plates, to avoid the possibility of melting through, a longer
electrode extension becomes beneficial. It is also important to note that the increase in arc
extension make it more difficult to maintain correct position of electrode tip with respect
weld centreline.
4.1.6 Electrode Diameter
Electrode affects bead configuration, affecting penetration and deposition rate. (Fig. 3.26).
At any given current, a smaller diameter electrode will give higher current density causing
a higher deposition rate compared to large diameter electrode. A larger diameter
electrode, however requires a higher minimum current to achieve the same metal transfer
Thus larger electrode will produce higher deposition rate at higher current. If a desired
feed rate is higher than the feed-moter can deliver changing to larger size electrode will
permit desired deposition rate and vice versa. In case of poor fit-up or thick plates welding
larger electrode size is better to bridge large root openingsthen smaller ones
4.2 Weld Quality
As the welded joints are finding applications in critical components where the failure
results into a catastrophy, the inspection methods and acceptance standards are
increasing. Acceptance standards represent the minimum weld quality and are based
upon test of welded specimens containing some discontinuities, usually a safety factor is
added to yield the final acceptance standard. A good research effort is being directed to
correlate the discontinuities with the performance.
In the present discussion we shall study the weld discontinuities commonly observed in the
welds, their causes, remedies and their significance. Small imperfections, which
cause some variation in the normal average properties of the weld-metal are called
When the discontinuity is large enough to effect the function of the joint it is termed a
Standard codes do permit limited level of defects based on fracture mechanics
principles, taking consideration the service conditions of the fabrication. Inspite of all this,
the fabricator
must strive to prevent the occurrence of weld defects in the first instance and to rectify
them if they do occur. There are many types of defects which have been classified in
various documents (e.g., BS499 part I, 1965). For our purpose we shall be discussing the
most important ones shown in Fig. 9.1. These are undercuts, cracks, porosity, slag
inclusions, lack of fusion and lack of penetration.
The term is used to describe a groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the toe of a
weld and left unfilled by the weld metal. It also describes the melting away of the sidewall
of a welding groove at the edge of a layer or bead. This melting away of the groove forms
a sharp recess in the sidewall in the area in which the next layer or bead must fuse. (Slag
may be keyed into this undercut which, if not removed prior to subsequent passes, may
become trapped in the weld.) An undercut, therefore, is a groove that may vary in depth,
with, and sharpness at its root.
Cracks are linear ruptures of metal-under stress. Although sometimes wide, they are
often very narrow separations in the weld or adjascent base metal. Usually little
deformation is apparent. Three major classes of cracks are generally recognised: hot
cracks, cold cracks, and macrofissures. All types can occur in the weld or base metal.
Fig. 9.2 illustrates a variety of cracks including underbead cracks, toe cracks,
crater cracks, longitudinal cracks, and transverse cracks. The underbead crack, limited
mainly to steel, is base metal crack usually associated with hydrogen. Toe cracks in steel
can be of similar origin. In other metals (including stainless steel), cracks at the toe are
often termed edge of weld cracks, attributable to hot cracking in near the fusion line. Crater
cracks are shrinkage cracks which result from stopping the arc suddenly.
Porosity is the presence of a group of gas pores in a weld caused by the entrapment of
gas during solidification (when solidification is too rapid). They are small spherical cavities,
scattered or clustered locally. Sometimes, the entrapped gas may form a single large
cavity which is termed as a blow hole.
1. Lack of deoxidisers
2. Base metal sulphur content being high
3. Presence of oil, grease, moisture or mill scale on the joint surface
4. Excessive moisture in flux
5. Inadequate gas shielding
6. Low current or long arc
7. Rapid solidification of weld deposit
This term is used to describe the oxides and other nonmetallic solid materials that are
entrapped in weld metal or between weld metal and base metal. Slag inclusion may be
caused by contamination of the weld metal by the atmosphere, however, they are
generally derived from electrode-covering materials or fluxes employed in arc welding
operations; or in multilayer welding operations, if there is failure to remove the slag
between passes. It can be prevented by proper groove preparation before each bead is
deposited and correcting the contours that will be difficult to penetrate fully with successive
It occurs due to the failure of the adjacent bead to bead and weld metal and base metal
fusing together. This may happen due to the failure to raise the temperature of the base
metal or failure to clean the surfaces before welding.
This defect, occurs when the weld metal fails to reach the root of the joint and fuse the
root faces completely. It is caused by using incorrect electrode size with respect to the
form of the joint, low welding current, inadequate joint design and fit-up. It occurs more
often in vertical and overhead welding positions.
A weld, otherwise deposited correctly without a defect may not be acceptable due to
the shape of its profile. Excessive or lack of reinforcement are both defective. Defective
profiles on butt welds are shown in Fig. 9.4 while Fig. 9.5 describes desirable, acceptable
and defective profiles on fillet welds. These faults arise from the use of an incorrect
welding procedure and could be eliminated if the following factors are considered:
(a) correct joint preparation and fit-up
(b) proper electrode size and welding current
(c) number and locations of runs are correct
(d) correct welding speed is used.
Different types of corrosion common in metals and alloys are shown in Fig. 9.6. Some of
these are related to welds. Their causes and remedies will be briefly discussed in the
following paragraphs.
4.9.1 Galvanic Corrosion
This corrosion occurs when two metals in contact are exposed to a conductive medium.
The electrical potential difference acts as a driving force to corrode one of the metals in the
couple as electric current flows. Active metals corrode more than the noble metals.
Galvanic corrosion can occur in welds when the filler metal is of different composition than
the base metal. It may occasionally occur because of cast weld metal and wrought
base metal. Comparatively larger area of the noble compared to active metal will
accelerate the attack. This situation is shown in Fig. 9.7.
4.9.2 Crevice Corrosion
In a crevice the environmental conditions may become more aggressive with time as
compared to the nearby open surface. Crevices in welded joints may occur in various
ways: surface porosity, cracks, undercuts, inadequate penetration and design defects.
Some materials are more susceptible to it than others. Materials that form oxide film for
protection e.g., aluminium and stainless steel are such examples. These materials may be
alloyed to change their behaviour, together with designing to minimize crevices and
maintenance to keep surfaces clean are some of the ways to combat the problem.
4.9.3 Intergranular Corrosion
The atomic mismatch at the grain boundaries makes it a favoured place for segregation
and precipitation. Corrosion generally occurs because the corrodent prefers to attack
regions that have lost an element that is necessary for adequate corrosion resistance.
Susceptibility to intergranular attack is usually a by product of a heat treatment for example
chromium carbides precipitate at the grain boundaries when the steel is heated to 650C.
This results in intergranular corrosion in a band array from weld where the temperature
reached is 650C.
This problem can be avoided by post weld annealing.
4.9.4 Stress Corrosion
A combination of tensile stress and corrosive medium gives rise to cracking of a metal.
Many alloys are susceptible to this attack, but fortunately the number of alloy-corrodent
combinations that cause it are relatively few. Stresses that cause this arise from residuals
stresses due to cold work, welding, thermal treatment and may be due to externally
applied forces during assembly and service. Cracks may follow intergranular or
transgranular path. There is a tendency of crack branching. The following list gives some
characteristics of stress corrosion
(a) Stress corrosion requires a tensile stress. Below a threshold stress cracks do
not occur.
(b) Cracking appears macroscopically brittle even though the material may be ductile
in the absence of corrodent.
(c) Stress corrosion depends on metallurgical conditions of the alloy.
(d) In a given alloy a few specific corrodents cause cracking.
(e) Stress corrosion may occur in environments otherwise mild for uniform corrosion.
(f) Long time periods (often years) may pass before cracks become visible. The
cracks then propagate fast and may cause unexpected failure.
(g) Stress corrosion is not yet understood in most cases, although there is now a
large amount of data to help avoid this problem.
Methods of fighting stress corrosion problem include: stress relieving, removing
critical environmental species or selecting a more resistant material.
A welded specimen may corrode uniformly over its entire surface (Fig. 9.8a). The weld
metal may corrode less than the base metal (Fig. 9.8b) or more than the base metal (Fig.
9.8c) depending upon the composition of weld metal during solidification. In addition the
base metal may corrode adjacent to weld metal in the HAZ. During high-temperature
welding stresses will develop just adjacent to weld metal and corrosion occurs in HAZ just
touching the weld-metal (Fig. 9.8d). At low temperature welding the corrosion may be
intergranular away from weld-metal in HAZ touching the base metal (Fig. 9.8e).
4.10.1 Factors Affecting Corrosion Resistance of Welded Joints
1. Metallurgical structure composition of base-metal and weld-metal.
2. Thermal and mechanical treatment history before welding.
3. Welding process.
4. Welding procedure (manual, automatic, number of passes, welding speed, current and
5. Shielding gas composition and flow rate.
6. Size and geometry of weld deposit.
While reporting corrosion data for a welded joint, the items in the above list should also be
The most common corrosion resistance evaluation method is to measure the weight
lost during exposure to corrodent and convert it to an average corrosion rate using the
R =
R = corrosion rate in depth of attack per unit time
K = constant (value depends on units used)
W = the weight lost by the specimen during the test
A = total surface area of the specimen
D = specimen material density
T = duration of the test.
The above formula suits well to the conditions shown in Figs. 9.8a, 9.8b, 9.8c. For
Figs. 9.8d and 9.8e, the selective corrosion may be significantly large without resulting in a
large amount of weight loss. This may cause error in finding average corrosion rate
Chapter five
Testing and Inspection of Welds
All types of welded structures from jet engines to metal trash cans are expected to
perform some function. The joints comprising these structures must possess some service
related capabilities. To test that the required function will be met some tests are
conducted. The ideal test is the observance of the structure in actual practice. This is
usually not possible. Therefore some tests are made on standard specimens to assess the
behaviour of the structure in service.
Laboratory tests should be used with caution because the size, configuration,
environment, type of loading may not be identical to the actual situation. When selecting a
test, its function, time and cost factors should be considered.
Tension and bend tests are used to evaluate the breaking strength and ductility of a
material and to determine that the material meets the specification requirements. Welding
causes changes in the metallurgical structure and mechanical properties of a given
material. Tension and bend tests are made to assess the suitability of the welded joint for
service and are also used to qualify welding procedures for welders according to specific
code requirements. In the following paragraphs tension and bend tests according to AWS
specifications will be dicussed.
5.1.1 Tension Tests for base metal
Longitudinal or transverse Test. Specimens oriented parallel to the direction of rolling
are designated longitudinal, those oriented at right angles to the rolling direction are called
transverse. These tests are conducted on the base material.
5.1.2 Weld Tension Test
The tension test for welds is not like that for the base metal because the weld test section
is heterogeneous in nature containing base metal, heat affected zone and weld
metal. To obtain correct assessment of the strength and ductility several different tests
have to be carried out, using different specimens shown in Fig. 10.1. The following tests
are commonly carried out.
All Weld-metal tension test. Specimen locations are shown in Fig. 10.1. The details of the
specimen dimensions are shown in Fig. 10.2.
Transverse butt-weld test. This test shows that the weld metal is stronger than base metal
if the failure occurs in the base metal. It fails to give comparative idea about different types
of electrodes. When the weld strength is lower than the base metal, the plastic
strain occurs in the weld joint. Ultimate strength is thus obtained but no idea about the
joint ductility is obtained from this test. Ideally there is no uniform straining within the
specified gauge length and therefore, it is not possible to obtain a reliable measure of yield
across a welded joint.
Longitudinal-butt-weld test. Here the loading is parallel to the weld axis. It differs from all-
weld-metal test in that it contains weld, HAZ and base metal along the gauge length.
All these zones must strain equally and simultaneously. Weld metal elongates with the
base metal until failure occurs. This test thus provides more information about the
composite joint than the transverse test specially when base metal and weld-metal
strengths differ significantly.
5.1.3 Tension-shear Test
Fillet weld shear test. Tension-shear tests may be used to evaluate the shear properties
of fillet welds. Such tests are usually intended to represent completed joints in weldments
and so are prepared using similar procedures. Two basic specimen types, transverse and
longitudinal, are employed (see Fig. 10.3).
Of the transverse-shear specimens, double lap specimens are preferred because they are
more symmetrical and therefore the stress state under load better approaches pure shear.
In the single lap joint, pure shear loading requires special test fixtures to align the
specimen or prevent bending, particularly for thick plates where eccentric loading becomes
Consequently, single lap specimens are generally not used for plates over 6 mm thick.
The data obtained from transverse fillet weld tests are the weld shearing strengths,
reported as either load per lineal millimetre of weld or megapascals based on the weld
The longitudinal fillet weld shear test measures the strength of the filled weld when
the specimen is loaded parallel to the axis of the weld. The weld shearing strength is
reported as load per lineal millimetre of weld for welds which fail.
5.1.4 Tension Tests for Resistance Welds
Tension-Shear Test. The tension-shear test is the most widely used method for
determining the strength of resistance spot welds. It is also used for evaluation of weld
schedules for ferrous and nonferrous alloys. The test specimen in Fig. 10.4 is made by
overlapping suitable size coupons and making a spot weld in the center of the overlapped
area. A tensile test machine is used to make the test.
The test is used mainly to establish ultimate shear strength when the specimen is tested in
tension. When this test is used in combination with the cross-tension test (Fig. 10.5),
the cross-tension strength/tension-shear strength ratio is referred to as a measure of
When gages less than about 1 mm (0.04 in.) are tested, a plug will usually be pulled
from one sheet. This condition is typical of the fracture due to the eccentric loading caused
by the overlapped sheets. As the thickness of the sheets or strength increases, the weld
will fracture by shearing across the nugget (weld metal) at the interface.
When the thickness becomes large such as 4.8 mm (0.19 in.) and greater, the wedge grips
of the test machine should be offset to reduce the eccentric loading which is accentuated
by the thickness of the specimen. A more precise shear load will be imposed on the spot
weld, thus minimizing a tension or peeling component.
The tension-shear test is commonly used in production assurance testing because it is an
easy and inexpensive test to perform. Coupons welded at regular intervals are tested to
a prior established standard of test results.
The reader is directed to Recommended Practices for Resistance Welding. AWS C1.1, for
more details with respect to test specimen dimensions and test fixtures as well as
statistical methods for evaluating resistance weld test results. This publication is also
applicable for
the direct-tension test described in the next section.
Direct-Tension Test. The direct-tension spot weld test is used to measure the strength
of welds for loads applied in a direction normal to the spot weld interface. This test used
mostly for weld schedule development and as a research tool for the weldability of new
materials. The direct-tension test can be applied to ferrous and nonferrous alloys of all
thicknesses. The direct-tension test specimen is used to determine the relative notch
sensitivity of spot welds.
There are two types of specimens used for the direct-tension test. The cross-
tension specimens of Fig 10.5 can be used for all alloys and all thicknesses. When the
metal gage is less than 1 mm (0.04 in.), it is necessary to reinforce the specimen to
prevent excessive bending.
Test jig for cross-tension specimens is shown in Fig. 10.6 for thicknesses up to 4.9 mm
and Fig. 10.7 for greater thicknesses.
Peel Test. A variation of the direct-tension test is the peel test which is commonly used as
a production control test. The test is shown in Fig 10.7(b). The size of the plug or button
is measured or correlated with weld sizes having known strengths that are produced by
tory production weld schedules. This weld test is fast and inexpensive to perform.
Howerver, high strength or thicker specimens may fracture at the interface without
producing a plug.
Bend tests on corner, but, lap and tee welds are shown in Fig. 10.8(a
5.2.1 Procedures of Preparing Test Sample
Procedure for butt welds specimen preparation is given step-wise as follows:
1. Cut the coupon from the center of the plate approximately 5.08 cm wide along
the length of the weld (Fig. 10.9). Use a shear or cutting torch depending on the thickness
of the material. Steel plates of 4.76 mm should be cut with a cutting touch.
2. Save the material from each side for use on the next joint.
3. Cut the weld into sections 7.62 cm (3 in.) long (Fig. 10.10). Use a cutting torch if
the material is thicker than the capacity of the shear available. For most SMAW, a cutting
torch will be required.
4. Grind the cut sections and finish with a fine file.
5. Check the sectioned surfaces for defects.
(a) Undercut
(b) Lack of fusion
(c) Slag inclusions
(d) Prosity
6. Show test pieces to the instructor for evaluation and recording.
Remember that the final test will be by bending. Bend test requires much more material
and will be done under the guidance of the instructor.
5.2.2 Guided Bend Tests
The guided bend test for plate and pipe requires a special test jig to hold the specimen in
place while the bending takes place. Specifications for the test jig design and the bending
procedure for specific materials must be followed. Various organizations have designed
bending jigs and prescribed procedures for testing different materials. Some of these
organizations are:
AWS American Welding Society Standard for Qualification of Welding Procedures and
Welders for Piping and Tubing. D10.9 - 69.
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Code for Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
API American Petroleum Institute Standard for Welding Pipe Lines and Related Facilities.
A typical guided bend jig and test samples are shown in Fig. 10.11. This device can
be used with a hydraulic jack or manual jack that has a force of about 703 kg/cm(10,00
5.2.3 Preparing the Sample for Bend Testing
Once the weld has been completed, it must be allowed to cool slowly. Test specimens will
vary with the type of joint and with the position in which the test is made, that is
flat plate (Fig.10.12) or all position box pipe (Fig. 10.13). For all test coupons, the
reinforcement of the weld must be removed completely and the edges rounded slightly
(Fig. 10.14).
The grind or file marks from the reinforcement removal should travel lengthwise on
the bend test specimen. The sides of the specimen should be smooth and the corners
rounded to a maximum of 3.17 mm radius (Fig. 10.15). This smoothness and roundness
will allow the speci-men to slide freely in the bending jig. Any deep scratches or grooves
running lengthwise in the specimen in the weld area are potential breaking points (stress
5.2.4 Root and Face Bend Specimens
For most welding qualification tests, root and face bend specimens are required (Figs.
10.16 and 10.17). However, the AWS allows 100 percent X-ray in place of bend tests.
These speci-mens may be located on the joint surface before the welding is begun. The
root bend will test the quality of the first pass in the joint. The face bend will test the last
pass or passes in the joint. Satisfactory welds must be free of slag inclusions and have
complete fusion. In most tests, a total distance of 3.2 mm discontinuity (crack, inclusion, or
lack of fusion) is acceptable.
If the defect is longer than 3.2 mm in any direction, the test piece is considered to be
a failure. For example, the 6G position pipe test requires the removal of four test pieces. If
the number of defects in one test sample adds up to more than 3.2 mm in length, the test
is a failure.
Non-destructive tests of weld commonly used in industries are summarised in Table
10.1.They include Visual examination, Dye-penetrant inspection, Magnetic-particle
inspection.Radiography and ultrasonics. The last three tests are more common and will be
described in the following paragraphs
5.3.1 Magnetic Particle Inspection
Magnetic particle inspection, as the name implies, requires the use of a magnetic field.
The work to be checked must be able to accept magnetism. This process is therefore
limited to magnetic metals. It is also limited to surface or near-surface faults. Steel
castings, forgings,
and sections that have been welded are the most common parts to be inspected by the
magnetic particle process. There are several variations of this process.
Longitudinal Magnetization
By using a coil it is possible to include a magnetic field in a part that has the lines
of force running through the length of the shaft as seen in Fig. 10.20.
5.3.2 Radiographic Inspection
Radiography uses X-rays or gamma rays, which have the ability to penetrate materials
that absorb or reflect ordinary light. X-rays are created under controlled conditions by
bombarding a specific area with a flow of electrons. Gamma rays are produced by
radioactive isotopes.
These isotopes never stop giving off radiation; therefore, they must be stored in special
The ability of a material to absorb radiation is dependent upon its density and
the wavelength of radiation being used. Lead absorbs more radiation than iron and iron
absorbs more than aluminium. This absorption of radiation also varies with the thickness of
a piece of material. A thinner piece of material will absorb less radiation as the rays pass
through the object; therefore, more radiation will escape through the object. A film placed
behind the object to be inspected will be affected more in thin sections than thick sections.
Defects in the part being examined will allow more radiation to pass through it and the
defect will then be visible on the film.
A radiograph is the recorded image produced on a photographic plate by X-ray. A sim-
plified version of the process is shown in Fig. 10.22. The flaw in the specimen will not
absorb as much radiation as does the rest of the part. Therefore, a darker image is present
on the film where the flaw exists.
One of the most important facts to remember when working in the area where X-ray
or gamma ray equipment is being used is that this process is very dangerous. If excessive
radiation is absorbed by the body, sickness and even death can be the result.
Fig. 10.23 shows a simplified version of an X-ray tube. X-ray tubes used in industry consist
of two electrodes located in a vacuumed glass tube
The X-ray inspection process has become a very common method of inspection in
industry today. Aircraft inspection of major sections of the aircraft are successfully
accomplished by X-ray. The pipeline industry is very dependent upon the X-ray process to
ensure that each weld
on the pipe is sound.
The pipeline industry uses X-ray units that will swing completely around the circumference
of a weldment on the pipe. On completion of the travel around the pipe, complete picture
of that entire weld is presented on the radiogram (X-ray film). The films are maintained as
a permanent record of the inspection. They are numbered to identify each weld on an
entire pipeline and may be referred to at a later date if a breakdown of the pipe occurs.
5.3.3 Ultrasonic Inspection
Ultrasonic Inspection makes use of the science of acoustics in frequencies above the
audible limit of approximately 15,000 cycles per second.
The basic operation of ultrasonic inspection is the conversion of pulsating electronic waves
into ultrasonic sound. These sound waves are introduced into the material to be
tested through a quartz crystal. The crystal is set into a special search unit that not only
sends out the sound but also acts as a receiver to accept reflections of that sound on its
return. If the signal sent out runs into a defect in the material, a return signal comes back
to the receiver in less time than it would have had it travelled the full distance to the other
side of the part and back.
A cathode ray tube (CRT) is incorporated in the ultrasonic equipment to provide a
visual indication on the screen of the initial signal and reflected signals. Fig 10.24 shows a
diagram of the CRT screen with pips of the initial pulse, discontinuity, and back surface
reflection. Fig. 10.25 shows the basic cathode ray tube construction.
The pulses that are sent out by the quartz crystal may span a time of two millionths of a
second or less and may vary in cycles of transmission from 60 to 1000 times per second.
The return signals, shown as pips on the CRT, will be spaced in proportion to the distance
the points in the material they represent. For example, a pip representing a defect close to
the back surface reflection indicates a defect that is close to the far edge of the part being
As with all electronic non-destructive testing methods, a considerable amount of skill
is required to operate the ultrasonic inspection unit. As is the case with many skilled
tasks, technique, practice, and experience determine the efficiency with which the
inspection is completed. This inspection method is becoming more useful in the welding
industry as new techniques for scanning welds are being perfected.
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