This document provides a translation of the Mukunda Mala, a work composed by the Azhwar saint Kulasekhara. The summary is:
1) The Mukunda Mala contains devotional poems praising Lord Vishnu and begging him to keep his devotee's memory and devotion towards his lotus feet.
2) It describes Vishnu's divine form and aspects like his eyes, teeth, and feet that are worshipped.
3) The poems express a longing to constantly remember and chant the names of Vishnu to find liberation from the cycles of birth and death.
This document provides a translation of the Mukunda Mala, a work composed by the Azhwar saint Kulasekhara. The summary is:
1) The Mukunda Mala contains devotional poems praising Lord Vishnu and begging him to keep his devotee's memory and devotion towards his lotus feet.
2) It describes Vishnu's divine form and aspects like his eyes, teeth, and feet that are worshipped.
3) The poems express a longing to constantly remember and chant the names of Vishnu to find liberation from the cycles of birth and death.
This document provides a translation of the Mukunda Mala, a work composed by the Azhwar saint Kulasekhara. The summary is:
1) The Mukunda Mala contains devotional poems praising Lord Vishnu and begging him to keep his devotee's memory and devotion towards his lotus feet.
2) It describes Vishnu's divine form and aspects like his eyes, teeth, and feet that are worshipped.
3) The poems express a longing to constantly remember and chant the names of Vishnu to find liberation from the cycles of birth and death.
This document provides a translation of the Mukunda Mala, a work composed by the Azhwar saint Kulasekhara. The summary is:
1) The Mukunda Mala contains devotional poems praising Lord Vishnu and begging him to keep his devotee's memory and devotion towards his lotus feet.
2) It describes Vishnu's divine form and aspects like his eyes, teeth, and feet that are worshipped.
3) The poems express a longing to constantly remember and chant the names of Vishnu to find liberation from the cycles of birth and death.
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Mukunda Mala
(Garland of Him who gives immortal bliss)
By Kulasekhara Azhwar Translated in to nglish verse B! "#$#$ama%hander &ntrodu%tion These immortal verses were %om'osed by a 'rin%e of the (hera dynasty %alled Kulashekara Azhwar ((alled Kula shekara 'erumal in Kerala)He was also %alled Mudaliyandan )ambi # He was one of the *+ sages of the Bhakthi %ult of ,aishnavism %alled Azhwars#These sages were the minstrels of God who traveled from 'la%e to 'la%e and sang the 'raise of -ord ,ishnu#The devotion to God e.'ressed in these verses is un'arallel in any world literature.. Mukunda Mala Vandhe mukunda maravindha dalayathaksham, Kundhendu sankha dasanam Sishu gopa vesham, Indradhi deva gana vandhitha pada peetham, Vridhavanalaya maham Vasudeva soonum, * Salutations to him who has, Long lotus like eyes, Teeth as white as moon, jasmine and conch, hose !eet is !or ever worshipped, "y Indra # and other $evas % , ho lives in "rindavana & , 'nd who is the son o! Vasudeva ( Sri Valla)hethi Varadhethi $haya *arethi, "hakthi priyethi "havaluntana kovidhethi, +athedhi, +aga sayanethi, ,agannivasa, Thyalapinam prathi dinam kuru maam mukunda # -h my lord who can only give delivarance, *lease make me capa)le o! chanting every day, Thy names such as, Lord o! all )eings, .e who can give all )oons, .e who is the store house o! mercy, .e who loves all his devotees, .e who can kill all pro)lems o! this world, .e who is Lord o! every thing, .e who sleeps on the serpent, 'nd .e who lives every where in this universe. * +ot !ound in most o! the te/ts o! 0ukunda mala # King o! $evas % $emi 1ods in .indu heaven & *lace where Sri Krishna grew up , literally !orest o! ocimum ( King o! Vrishnis, !ather o! Lord Krishna ,ayathu jayathu devo devaki nandhanoyam, ,ayathu jayathu krishno vrishni vamsa pradheepa, ,ayathu jayathu megha syamala komalango, ,ayathu jayathu prithvi )hara naso mukunda % Victory and victory to the son o! $evaki 2 , Victory and victory to Krishna who )elongs to !amily o! 3adhu 4 , Victory and victory to him who is )lack as a cloud and who has pretty lim)s, Victory and victory to the 0ukunda 5 who lightens the earth . 0ukunda, murdhna prani pathya yache, "havantha mekantha miyantha martham, 'vismrithi swacharanaravinde, "have )have meastha )havat prasadath. & .ey 0ukunda, ith )owed head I )eg o! you, ' small !avour alone and in secret, +ever should I !orget your lotus like !eet, *lease, please )e kind enough to grant. Sri 1ovinda padhom)hoja, 0adhuna 0ahad)utham, 3ath *ayino na munchanthi, 0unchanthi yadhpaina. * The honey !rom the Lotus like !eet o! 1ovinda 6 , Is truly surprising, *eople who get it never get released, 'nd people who do not get always get released .. +aham vandhe thave charanayor dwndwamadwandha mahatho. Kum)hi pakam guru mapi hare, narakam napanothum, 7amya rama mrudhthu thanu latha anandhanena apirama "have )have hridaya )havane )haveyayam )havantham. ( I do not )ow )e!ore your two great holy !eet, -h 1od , to protect us !rom Kum)hi paka 8 hell, +or do I !or playing in the pretty graden, -! sensuous tender )odies o! )ewitching damsels, "ut with a re9uest to keep your memory, 2 0other o! Lord Krishna 4 The !amily o! Lord Krishnas !oster !ather, +anda 1opa 5 .e who gives immortal )liss * +o there in most o! the te/ts o! 0ukunda 0ala 6 .e who is attained )y Vedas 8 -ne o! the sections o! hell where the sinner is tortured In the palace o! my heart !or ever, :rom )irth to )irth. +astha dharmenavasu nichaye naiva kamopa)hoghe, 3adyath )havyam )havathu )hagawan poorva karmanuroopam, ;thath prarthyam mama )ahumatham janma janamathoropi, Twatpadam)horuha yuga gatha nischala )hakthirasthu. 2 +o interest I have in $harma, +or in collection o! wealth and assets, +or in passion and making love, :or what has )een decided )y you, ill come to me in the !orm o! karmas o! the past, "ut I have one soul!ul prayer to thee, my Lord, In this )irth and what !ollows, Let me have rock like !aith, In thine two holy !eet. $ivi va )huvi va mamastu vaso +arake va narakantaka prakamam 'vadhirita<sarada aravindau =haranau the marane api chintayami 4 Lord, who is the killer o! +arakasura #> . Let me )e in this world, -r the ether world or nether world, "ut make me remem)er even at my death, -nly your pretty lotus like !eet =hintayami harim eva santatam 0anda<hasa<muditananam)ujam +anda<gopa<tanayam parat param +aradadi<muni<vrinda<vanditam 5 'lways I think o! .ari ## . hose smile adorns his lotus like !ace, ho is the truth o! truths, ho is the son o! +anda 1opa #% , 'nd who is worshipped )y sage +arada #& , 'nd crowds o! sages like him. Kara<charana<saroje kantiman<netra<mine Srama<mushi )huja<vichi<vyakule agadha<marge #> -ne o! the 7ahshsas who is son o! Vishnu and "hoodevi ## .e who removes )irths and deaths #% :oset !ather o! Lord Krishna #& -ne o! the sages who is the singing minstrel o! 1od .ari<sarasi vigahyapiya tejo<jalaugham "hava<maru<parichinnah klesam adya tyajami 6 ;/hasted )y the di!!icult path o! li!e so !ar, I will drink the water !rom the pond o! .ari, here his hands and arms are the lotus !lowers, 'nd his shining eyes are the pretty !ish, 'nd leave the pains and aches o! this earth !orever.
Sarasija<nayane sa<sankha<chakre 0ura<)hidi ma viramasva chitta rantum Sukha<taram aparam na jathu jane .ari<charana<smarana amrithena tulyam 8 -h mind, never stop thinking !or ever. -! he who has lotus like eyes. -! he who has the conch and the holy wheel, 'nd o! he who has killed the asura #( called 0ura, :or I do not know any other pleasure as e9ual or great Than the memory o! the nectar like !eet o! .ari.
0a)hir manda<mano vichintya )ahudha yamis chiram yatana +aivami pra)havanti papa<ripavah svami nanu sridharah 'lasyam vyapaniya )hakti<sula)ham dhyayasva narayanam Lokasya vyasanapanodana<karo dasasya kim na kshamah #> -h my !oolish idiotic mind, $o not !ret and think, -! the pains that 1od o! death will give. .ow can your !oes and sin touch you ever, Is not your master the great Lord Sridhraa #2 ? Leave out this indi!!erence , 'nd pray Lord +arayana, ho is easy to approach. ill not that master. 7emove the sorrows o! his slaves in a ji!!y? "hava<jaladhi<gathanam dvandva<vata hatanam Suta<duhitru<kalatra<thrana<)hararditanam Vishama<vishaya<thoye majjatam aplavanam "havati saranam eko vishnu<poto naranam. ## #( -gre #2 .e who carries 1oddess Lakshmi Travelling in this sea o! )irth and death, "eing tossed hither and thither , "y the cyclone o! love and hate, =arrying the heavy care, -! son , daughter and wi!e , 'nd )eing drowned , In this trou)lesome sea o! attachments, The only )oat to save us is our Lord Vishnu "hava<jaladhim agadham dustharam nisthareyam Katham aham ithi cheto ma sma gah katharathvam Sarasija<drisi deve tharaki )haktir eka +araka<)hidi nishanna tarayishyaty avasyam #% $o not !ret and worry, 's to how you can cross , This deep sea o! li!e , hich can never )e crossed, :or the single minded devotion, To the 1od who killed the +araka, ill certainly take you across, ithout !ail. Trishna<toye madana<pavanoddhuta<mohormi<male $aravarte tanaya<sahaja<graha<sanghakule cha Samsarakhye mahati jaladhau majjatam nas tri<dhaman *adam)hoje vara<da )havato )hakti<navam prayaccha #& $rowning I am in this sea, -! )irth , death and li!e, "ecause -! the wind o! passion, Started )y the 1od o! love, 'nd )ecause o! the )urden o! attachment, To the son I love, To the wealth that I earned and keep, To the wi!e !or whom I yearn, 'nd so giver o! )lessings, *lease )e kind to give me a place, In the )oat o! devotion , To thine lotus like !eet and save. *rithvi<renur anuh payamsi kanikah phalguh sphulingo laghus Tejo nihsvasanam marut tanu<taram randhram su<sukshmam na)hah Kshudra rudra<pitamaha<pra)hritayah kinah samastah sura $rishte yatra sa tarako vijayate sri<pada<dhuli<kanah #( This earth )ecomes a particle o! dust, This water o! the sea )ecomes )ut a single drop, The raging !ire )ecomes a tiny spark, The )lowing winds )ecome a tiny movement, The sky surrounding us )ecomes a small hole, The lords Shiva #4 and "rahma #5 )ecome insigni!icant, 'nd all the devas )ecome like tiny insects, I! our Lord 0ukunda is seen, :or the dust !rom his !eet enslaves them all. .e@ lokah srinutha prasuthi<marana<vyadhes chikitsam imam 3oga<jnah samudaharanti munayo yam yajnavalkyadayah 'ntar<jyothir ameyam ekam amritham krishnakhyam apiyatam Tat pitam paramaushadham vitanute nirvanam atyantikam #2 .ey , people o! the world, .ear the panacea !or )irth, death and disease, That has )een told )y sages great. Steeped in ancient wisdom, Like the 3agnavalkya #6 , It is the inner light alone, hich like nectar , 'nd is the name AKrishnaB :or when drunk this great necter, 1rants the !inal li)eration, hich is complete and !orever. .e@ martyah paramam hitham srinutha vo vakshyami sankshepatah Samsararnavam apad<urmi<)ahulam samyak pravisya sthitah +ana<jnanam apasya chetasi namo narayanayety amum 0antram sa<pranavam pranama<sahitam pravartayadhvam muhuh #4 .ey men, hear what is really good !or you, In )rie!est possi)le words, $rowned you have in the sea o! e/istence, hich has )ig waves o! mis!ortune. hich toss you hither and thither. So leave out this !utile search !or jnana #8 , 'nd o!t chant A-m +arayanaB 'nd )ow )e!ore your lord.
+athe nah purushottame tri<jagatam ekadhipe chetasa Sevye svasya padasya dathari pare narayane thishthati #4 Lord o! destruction #5 Lord o! creation #6 -ne o! the great sages o! the Vedas #8 Knowledge o! the ultimate truth 3am kinchit purushadhamam kathipaya<gramesam alpartha<dam Sevayai mrigayamahe naram aho mudha varaka vayam #5 -ur Lord +arayana , the greatest among men, ho rules alone the three worlds , ho can )e served )y mere control o! )reath, .as come to share his all with us, 'nd come personally )e!ore us, 3et we )eg some lowly men, ho rules a !ew villages, :or petty rewards and service. hat !oolish wretches we are , alas.? "addhenanjalina nathena sirasa gatraih sa<romodgamaih Kanthena svara<gadgadena nayanenodgirna<)ashpam)una +ityam tvachranaravinda<yugala<dhyanamritasvadinam 'smakam sarasiruhaksha satatam sampadyatam jivitam #6 ith )owed head and joined hands, e pray our Lord, ith hairs standing erect , 'nd with tottering voice we repeat his names, ith swelling tears we re9uest the Lord +arayana, A*lease allow us to drink the nectar, :rom your two lotus like !eet, 'nd carry on our lives !or us, -h, Lord who is lotus eyedB 3at krishna<pranipatha<dhuli<dhavalam thath varshma thad vai siras Thea nethre tamasojjhite su<ruchire ya)hyam harir drisyathe Sa )uddhir vimalendu<sankha<dhavala ya madhava<dhyayini Sa jihvamrita<varshiti prati<padam ya stauti narayanam #8 The head with white dust is lo!tiest, here the dust is collected )y )owing to our Lord, Those eyes which have le!t ignorance, '!ter seeing Lord .ari are the prettiest, That )rain which meditates on Lord 0adhava %> , .as the white glow o! the moon and the conch, 'nd that tongue always showers nectar, hich praises and glori!ies lord +arayana. ,ihve kirthaya kesavam mura<ripum cheto )haja sridharam *ani<dvandva samarchayachyuta<kathah srotra<dvaya thvam srunu %> .e who is )orn in the !amily o! 0adhu Krishnam lokaya lochana<dvaya harer gacchanghri<yugamalayam ,ighra ghrana mukunda<pada<tulasim murdhan namadhokshajam %> -h tongue, sing the praises o! Kesava %# , -h mind, praise the Lord who killed 0ura %% , -h hands, serve the Lord Sridhara, -! ears , hear the stories e/tolling 'chyutha %& -h eyes , see always lord Krishna, -h !eet, 1o to the temples o! .ari, -h nose , smell the Thulasi %( , :rom the two holy !eet o! Lord 0ukunda, 'nd -h head, )ow )e!ore Lord 'dhokshaja %2 . 'mnaya)hyasanany aranya<ruditham veda<vrathany anv<aham 0edas<cheda<phalani purtha<vidhayah sarvam hutam )hasmani Tirthanam avagahanani cha gaja<snanam vina yat<pada< $vandvam)horuha<samsmritim vijayate devah sa narayanah %# 7ecitation o! holy words is )ut a cry in the !orest, -)servation o! penance o! the Vedas is )ut a slimming e/ercise, .oly sacri!ices o)served are )ut pouring ghee in to ashes. "athing in holy rivers is )ut a )ath o! an elephant, I! done without the memory o! his lotus !eet, 'nd so victory to the lord +arayana. 0adana parihara sthitim madhiye 0anasi mukunda<padaravinda<dhamni .ara<nayana<krisanuna kriso Csi Smarasi na chakra<parakramam murarer. %% -h 1od o! love, change your place o! residence !rom my mind, :or my mind is occupied )y the lotus !eet o! 0ukunda, ;re long ago have you not )een )urnt )y the !iery look o! .ara %4 , 'nd still you !orget the holy wheel o! Lord 0urari. %5 +athe dhathari )hogi<)hoga<sayane narayane madhave $eve devaki<nandane sura<vare chakrayudhe sarangini Lilasesha<jagat<prapancha<jathare visvesvare sridhare 1ovinde kuru chitta<vrittim achalam anyais tu kim vartanai %& %# .e who has a )eauti!ul hair %% 'n ogre or 7akshasa %& .e who does not allow his devotees to slip %( The sacred )asi plant %2 .e who never gets tired o! his devotees %4 Lord Shiva who )urnt the 1od o! L-ve %5 .e who killed the 7akshasa called 0ura +ever !orget the .ari who sleeps on the serpent, 'nd who is also called +arayana and 0adhava, ho is the darling son o! $evaki, ho is venerated )y $evas, ho has the holy wheel and the )ow Saranga %6 as weapon, ho holds the world as i! it is a play, ho is the Lord o! the universe, ho is the Lord Sridhara. ho takes care o! cows, 'nd make your mind unwaveringly !irm on him, :or what else can you gain )y any other way? 0a draksham kshina<punyan kshanam api )havato )hakti<hinan pada)je 0a srausham sravya<)andham tava charitam apasyanyad akhyana<jatam 0a smarsham madhava tvam api )huvana<pathe chetasapahnuvanan 0a )huvam tvat<saparya<vyatikara<rahito janma<janmantare api %( Let not my glances !all on those, ho do not have devotion to your !eet, Let not me hear any other thing, ;/cept the stories o! your e/ploits, Let not me think o! those, ho do not think o! thee, 0adhava, 'nd let not me )ecome una)le, To serve you even in a menial way, "irth a!ter )irth. 0aj<janmanah phalam idam madhu<kaita)hare 0ath<prarthaniya<mad<anugraha esha eva Tvad<)hrithya<)hrithya<paricharaka<)hrithya<)hrithya< "hrithyasya )hrithya iti mam smara loka<natha %2 The result o! my li!e, -h god who killed 0adhu and Kaita)ha %8 , 'nd the prayer and also my )lessing ould )e oh, Lord o! the earth, I! you can make me , To )e thy servantDs, servantDs, 'ssistantDs servantDs servantDs, ServantDs servant. %6 The )ow o! Lord Vishnu %8 Two ogres who were produced )y Vishnu and killed )y him Tattvam )ruvanani param paras tan 0adhu ksharantiva mudavahani *ravartaya pranjalir asmi jihve +amani narayana<gocharani %4 .is names indicating the supreme truth, ould give you as much pleasure, 's constant dripping o! honey, 'nd so I pray with !olded hands, -h my tongue, 7epeat endlessly the various names o! Lord +arayana. +amami +arayana<pada<pankajam Karomi narayana<pujanam sada Vadami narayana<nama nirmalam Smarami narayana<tattvam avyayam %5 I prostrate on the lotus !eet o! +arayana, I always do worship o! +arayana, I recite the pure names o! +arayana, 'nd I meditate on the truth )ehind +arayana. Sri<natha narayana vasudeva Sri<krishna )hakta<priya chakra<pane Sri<padmana)hachyuta kaita)hare Sri<rama padmaksha hare murare %6 'nanta vaikuntha mukunda krishna 1ovinda damodara madhaveti Vaktum samartho api na vakthi kaschid 'ho jananam vyasana)himukhyam %8 Lord o! Lakshmi, +arayana, Vasudeva &> , Sri Krishna, $arling o! devotes, ielder o! the holy wheel, Sri *admana)ha &# , 'chyutha, Kaita )hare &% , Sri 7ama, Lotus eyed Lord, .ari, .e who killed 0ura, -h endless one, Vaikuntha && , 0ukunda, Krishna, 1ovinda, .e who was tied )y a rope in his )elly, 0adhava, 'll o! us are a)le to call you any o! these, "ut we never call you these, See how eager all o! us are, To see our own peril. &> Son o! King Vasudeva &# .e who has a lotus growing in his )elly &% .e who killed Kaita)ha && .eaven in which Lord Vishnu lives "haktapaya<)hujanga<garuda<manis trailokya<raksha<manir 1opi<lochana<chatakam)uda<manih saundarya<mudra<manih 3ah kanta<mani<rukmini<ghana<kucha<dvandvaika<)husha<manih Sreyo deva<sikha<manir disathu no gopala<chuda<manih &> .ey jewel riding on the )ack o! 1aruda &( , .ey jewel taking care o! all the three worlds, .ey jewel attracting the eyes o! 1opis &2 like the =hataka &4 )ird, .ey jewel which is the signal o! )eauty, The only jewel on the )reasts o! 7ukhmani &5 , ho hersel! is a jewel among your consorts, .ey crown jewel o! all gods, .ey 1opala &6 who is the supreme jewel, *lease show us the way. Satru<cchedaika<mantram sakalam upanishad<vakya<sampujya<mantram Samsaroccheda<mantram samuchita<tamasah sangha<niryana<mantram Sarvaisvaryaika<mantram vyasana<)hujaga<sandashta<santhrana<mantram ,ihve sri<krishna<mantram japa japa sathatham janma<saphalya<mantram &# 0antra which kills all enemies, 0antra which is worshipped, "y each and every word o! Epanishads. 0antra which cuts the )onds o! the world, 0antra which drives away. The darkness o! ignorance , 0antra which helps in attaining all riches, 0antra which cures the snake )ite, -! worldly worries, Is the name o! Sri Krishna, 'nd so tongue always chant it, 'nd get deliverance !rom li!e.
Vyamoha<prasam aushadham muni<mano<vritti<pravritty<aushadham $aityendrarti<karaushadham tri<)huvane sanjivanaikaushadham "haktatyanta<hitaushadham )hava<)haya<pradhvamsanaikaushadham Sreyah<prapti<karaushadham pi)a manah sri<krishna<divyaushadham &% 0edicine that cures improper desires, 0edicine in the minds o! sages, &( The )ird on hich Lord Vishnu rides &2 The cow maidens who were !riends and devotees o! Lord Krishna &4 ' mythical ever thirsty )ird &5 -ne o! the consorts o! Lord Krishna &6 .e who takes care o! cows or souls hich makes them to meditate, 0edicine !or controlling king among 7akshasas, 0edicine which gives li!e to the three worlds, 0edicine which cures the travails o! devotees, 0edicine that cures !ear o! e/istence, 0edicine that can )ring all glory, Is the holy medicine o! Sri Krishna. 'nd so ,devotees drink it to your !ill.. Krishna tvadiya<pada<pankaja<panjarantam 'dyaiva me visatu manasa<raja<hamsah *rana<prayana<samaye kapha<vata<pittaih Kanthavarodhana<vidhau smaranam kutas te && Krishna, within your !eet which are like lotus stems, .ow can my mind which is like a royal swan enter? hen the soul is ready to depart, 'nd when )ile air and phlegm, =hoke my throat, .ow will I ever remem)er your holy name? =hetas chintaya kirthayasva rasane namri<)hava thvam siro .astav anjali<samputam rachayatam vandasva dirgham vapuh 'tman samsraya pundarika<nayanam nagachalendra<sthitam $hanyam punya<tamam thad eva paramam daivam hi sat<siddhaye &(
-h mind, Sing o! our Lord, -h head, )ow )e!ore him, -h hands join your hands in supplication, -h )ody , do o)eisance to him, -h soul, 0ake him your re!uge, .im who reclines on mountain o! snake, .im who is auspicious, .im who is holy o! holies, .im who is the greatest 1od , 'nd .im who leads to the only truth. Srunvan janardana<katha<guna<kirtanani $ehe na yasya pulakodgama<roma<rajih +othpadyathe nayanayor vimalam)u<mala $hik tasya jivitam aho purushadhamasya &2 .earing the stories and nature o! Lord ,anardhana &8 , &8 .e who trou)les )ad people In whose )ody the hairs do not stand erect, 'nd in whose eyes the pure garland o! tears does not !orm, See !or yoursel!, the man who is )asest o! humans.
'ndhasya me hritha<viveka<maha<dhanasya =hauraih pra)ho )ali)hir indriya<namadheyaih 0ohandha<kupa<kuhare vinipatitasya $evesa dehi kripanasya karavalam)am &4 "lind I have )ecome o! the great riches o! discrimination, :or the thieves o! senses have stolen them !rom me , 'nd thrown me in the )lind well o! passion, 'nd so Lord, please e/tend your hands o! support to this wretch. Idam sariram parinama<pesalam *athaty avasyam satha<sandhi<jarjaram Kim aushadham pricchasi mudha durmate +iramayam krishna<rasayanam pi)a &5 This )ody which will change over time, ould one day !all a!ter its hundred joints sti!!en, hy are you in search o! other medicines,3ou !ool, -nly drink deep, the eli/ir o! Lord Krishna. 'scharyam ethad dhi manushya<loke Sudham parityajya visham pi)anti +amani narayana<gocharani Tyaktvanya<vacah kuhakah pathanti &6 onder!ul is this world o! men, Leaving out nectar they drink poison, +ot repeating the names o! +arayana, The ignorant go on telling all other words. Tyajantu )andhavah sarve +indantu guravo janah Tathapi paramanando 1ovindo mama jivanam &8 7elatives and !riends have a)andoned me, 'll the elders scold me always, "ut in spite o! it , the supreme )liss, -! 1ovinda is my li!e. Sathyam )rovami manujah svayam urdhva<)ahur 3o yo mukunda narasimha janardaneti ,ivo japaty anu<dinam marane rane va *ashana<kashtha<sadrisaya dadaty a)hishtam (> .ey man,I shout the truth with raised hands, 'll o! whom ,who meditate in death and war, -! 0ukunda, +arasimha (> and ,anardhana, ould think o! his own desires as worthless, orse than stone and dead wood !or ever. +arayanaya nama ity amum eva mantram Samsara<ghora<visha<nirharanaya nityam Srinvanthu )havya<matayo yatayo anuragad Ecchais taram upadisamy aham urdhva<)ahuh (# The hearing o! the mantra A-m +amo +arayanaB Is the panacea !or the every day dark poisonous material li!e, ith compassion I utter this to the sages who have renounced the world, 'nd shout this at the top o! my voice and with raised hands. =hittam naiva nivarthate kshanam api sri<krishna<padam)ujat +indantu priya<)andhava guru<jana grihnanthu munchantu va $urvadam parighoshayantu manuja vamse kalanke astu va Tadrik prema<dharanuraga<madhuna mattaya manam tu me (% 0ind o! mine never !or a moment +ot think o! the lotus !eet o! Krishna, Let my dear relations and !riends, ;lders and the ordinary ones, Scold and )erate me, Let the evil ones spread with gusto, 1ossips a)out )ad things o! my !amily, :or an into/icated mad mind o! mine, It is su!!icient to have only .is nectar o! love. Krishno rakshatu no jagat<traya<guruh krishnam namadhvam sada Krishnenakhila<satravo vinihatah krishnaya tasmai namah Krishnad eva samutthitam jagad idam krishnasya daso asmy aham Krishne tishthati visvam etad akhilam he krishna rakshasva mam (& Krishna is the teacher o! the three worlds and protects us, 'nd so without stop )ow )e!ore Lord Krishna, Krishna has killed all our enemies in this universe, Salutations to Krishna, 'll the world has come !rom Krishna, I am the hum)le slave o! Krishna, (> Incarnation o! Lord Vishnu as hal! human and hal! lion 'll the world is within Krishna, -h Krishna ,protect me !or ever. .ey gopalaka ,.ey kripa<jalanid.e ,.ey sindhu<kanya<pate .ey kamsantaka ,.ey gajendra<karuna<parina, .ey madhava .ey ramanuja ,.ey jagat<traya<guro ,.ey pundarikaksha mam .ey gopijana<natha palaya param janami na tvam vina (( .ey ,cow heard )oy, .ey , ocean o! mercy, .ey, darling o! the daughter o! the sea, .ey , slayer o! Kamsa (# , .ey, Lord who showered mercy on the king o! elephants, .ey, 0adahava, .ey )rother o! "alarama (% , .ey ,master o! the three worlds, .ey, my lord with lotus eyes, .ey ,Lord o! all gopis, Know I none greater than you, 'nd so protect me. $ara varakara<vara<sutha the tanujo virincih Stotra vedas tava sura<gana )hritya<vargah prasadah 0ukthir maya jagad avikalam tavaki devaki thwa 0ata mithram )ala<ripu<sutas tat tvad anyam na jane (2 3our wi!e is the daughter o! the sea, 3our son is "rahma who creates the world, =hants a)out you are the holy Vedas, $evas are your servant !orce, Li)eration !rom this world is your sport, $evaki is your mother, 'rjuna the invinci)le enemy is your !riend, 'nd so I do not know any one else )ut you. *ranamam isasya sirah<phalam vidhus Tad<archanam prani<phalam divaukasah 0anah<phalam tad<guna<tattva<chintanam Vacah<phalam tad<guna<kirtanam )udhah (4 *rostration to 1od is supreme duty o! the head, orship with !lowers the duty o! the li!e )reath, Thought o! his goodness is the duty o! the mind, 'nd singing o! his praise is the duty o! the speech, So say the divine ones living in the sky. (# Encle o! Krishna who wanted to eliminate him (% ;lder )rother o! Lord Krishna Sriman<nama prochya narayanakhyam Ke na pra)hur vanchitam papino api .a nah purvam vak<pravritta na tasmims Tena praptam gar)ha<vasadi<duhkham (5 "y calling aloud the name o! Lord +arayana, ;ven the sinner is )lessed with his desires, *ossi)ly we had not used the power o! speech in last earlier li!e, hich resulted in the sorrow o! us living in the wom) $hyayanti ye vishnum anantam avyayam .rit<padma<madhye satatam vyavasthitam Samahitanam satata)haya<pradam Te yanti siddhim paramam tu vaishnavim (6 .e who meditates on Vishnu, the limitless and !olly less, ho is present on a lotus in the middle o! the heart, 'nd who grants the one who meditates, !earlessness, ill get !or sure the per!ection great o! a Vaishnava (& . Tat tvam prasida )hagavan kuru mayy anathe Vishno kripam parama<karunikah khalu tvam Samsara<sagara<nimagnam ananta dinam Eddhartum arhasi hare purushottamo asi (8 Shower your mercy on me my Lord, 3ou are the Vishnu who is the most merci!ul, :or this sinner is drowned in this endless sea o! material li!e, 'nd merits your help .ey .ari , .ey *urushottama (( . Kshira<sagara<tarangarasikara< Sara<tarakita<charu<murtaye "hogi<)hoga<sayaniya<saayine 0adhavaya madhu<vidvishe namah 2> To the one sprayed with drops !rom the waves o! the ocean o! milk, ho has the pretty !orm o! stars in the sky, ho 7eclines on the )ed o! the serpent, ho is 0adhava and the killer o! 0adhu, 're my heart !elt salutations. 'lam alam alam eka praninam patakanam +irasana<vishaye ya krishna krishneti vani 3adi )havati mukunde )haktir ananda<sandra (& $evotee o! Vishnu also means a great soul (( The greatest among males Karatala<kalina sa moksha<samrajya lakshmih 2# Su!!ice, su!!ice and su!!ice it is !or all sins o! a )eing, To )e driven away !or ever, "y the repetition o! AKrishnaB and AKrishnaB "ut i! one has the ecstasy o! devotion to 0ukunda, .e will have always in his hand li)eration , in!luence and riches. . 3asya priyau sruti<dharau kavi<loka<virau 0itrau dvi<janma<vara<padma<sarav a)hutam Tenam)ujaksha<charanam)uja<shat<padena 7ajna krita kritir iyam kulasekharena 2% :riends o! mine, intellects great, ho were heroes in the world o! poets, "elonging to the twice )orn caste, 're the lotus stems pretty, 'nd these poems dedicated to the lotus !eet o! the lotus eyed, ere composed )y king called Kulashekara. 0ukunda<malam pathatam naranam 'sesha<saukhyam la)hate na kah svit Samasta<papa<kshayam etya dehi *rayati vishnoh paramam padam tat 2& 'll men who read the verses o! 0ukunda 0ala, ill achieve all happiness in li!e, 'nd their sins would )e pardoned, 'nd will travel to the supreme a)ode o! Vishnu.