This document discusses the challenges and opportunities of e-marketing in India. It begins with defining e-marketing as using digital technologies to help sell goods and services. While the basics of marketing remain the same, e-marketing adds new options through tools like websites, email, social media, etc. The document then outlines some key advantages of e-marketing like lower costs, global reach, measurable results. It also discusses objectives, importance and defines challenges like slow internet connections. The overall conclusion is that e-marketing offers exciting new opportunities for business growth despite some potential problems.
This document discusses the challenges and opportunities of e-marketing in India. It begins with defining e-marketing as using digital technologies to help sell goods and services. While the basics of marketing remain the same, e-marketing adds new options through tools like websites, email, social media, etc. The document then outlines some key advantages of e-marketing like lower costs, global reach, measurable results. It also discusses objectives, importance and defines challenges like slow internet connections. The overall conclusion is that e-marketing offers exciting new opportunities for business growth despite some potential problems.
This document discusses the challenges and opportunities of e-marketing in India. It begins with defining e-marketing as using digital technologies to help sell goods and services. While the basics of marketing remain the same, e-marketing adds new options through tools like websites, email, social media, etc. The document then outlines some key advantages of e-marketing like lower costs, global reach, measurable results. It also discusses objectives, importance and defines challenges like slow internet connections. The overall conclusion is that e-marketing offers exciting new opportunities for business growth despite some potential problems.
This document discusses the challenges and opportunities of e-marketing in India. It begins with defining e-marketing as using digital technologies to help sell goods and services. While the basics of marketing remain the same, e-marketing adds new options through tools like websites, email, social media, etc. The document then outlines some key advantages of e-marketing like lower costs, global reach, measurable results. It also discusses objectives, importance and defines challenges like slow internet connections. The overall conclusion is that e-marketing offers exciting new opportunities for business growth despite some potential problems.
International Journal of scientific research and management (IJSRM)
||Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India ||Pages|| 96-105||2013||
Website: ISSN (e): 2321-3418
Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 96 E-MARKETING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Miss.. S. Anitha Assistant professor Research centre of Commerce Fatima College Madurai 18. M.Phil Scholar Research centre of Commerce Fatima College Madurai 18. Email id: Email Id:
Abstract E-marketing means using digital technologies to help sell your goods or services. These technologies are a valuable complement to traditional marketing methods whatever the size of your company or your business model. The basics of marketing remain the same creating a strategy to deliver the right messages to the right people. What has changed is the number of options you have. Though businesses will continue to make use of traditional marketing methods, such as advertising, direct mail and PR, e-marketing adds a whole new element to the marketing mix. Many businesses are producing great results with e-marketing and its flexible and cost-effective nature makes it particularly suitable for small businesses. This paper discusses the problem of impact of electronic environment on marketing process. In the first part, utilization of various tools and techniques is presented and analyzed. Second part of the paper is focused on challenges emerging in the new reality. Next part briefly discusses opportunities arising for marketers with electronic environment development. Finally conclusions are provided. Here the researchers have analyzed to find out the opportunities and challenges of E-marketing. Introduction Marketing is also known as Internet marketing & it is a component of electronic commerce. E-Marketing can include information management, public relations, customer service, and sales. Electronic commerce and E-Marketing have become popular as Internet access is becoming more widely available and used. Well over one third of consumers who have Internet access in their homes report using the Internet to make purchases. The development of e-marketing has been one of the most important and influential trends in the field of business, marketing and Information Technology offer the past decade. It has revolutionized the manner in which certain businesses market their products and the advent of social media offers the potential to revolutionize the manner in which businesses and consumers interact in the future. This essay will evaluate the challenges and opportunities of e-marketing upon businesses. This paper will define the importance of e- marketing, examine how e-marketing helps businesses to reach their customers, highlight some of the most important advantages and disadvantages of e-marketing, challenges and opportunities of e-marketing The conclusion will argue that the impact of e-marketing upon businesses has been largely positive and that Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 97 despite a number of potential problems e-marketing offers exciting new opportunities for business growth and development. E-Marketing Definition E-marketing means using digital technologies to help sell your goods or services. These technologies are a valuable complement to traditional marketing methods whatever the size of your company or your business model. The basics of marketing remain the same creating a strategy to deliver the right messages to the right people. What has changed is the number of options you have. Though businesses will continue to make use of traditional marketing methods, such as advertising, direct mail and PR, e-marketing adds a whole new element to the marketing mix. Many businesses are producing great results with e-marketing and its flexible and cost-effective nature makes it particularly suitable for small businesses. Objectives Of E-Marketing E-marketing objectives define what you want to achieve through your e-marketing campaign. They set the reasons why your business wants to go online and allow you to estimate and monitor the progress of your online marketing activities. They also provide an incentive to focus on critical areas and formulate strategies to help achieve intended objectives. Different businesses may develop different e-marketing objectives depending on their individual circumstances. A useful framework for developing effective e-marketing objectives is the five Ss framework, which includes: 1. Sell using the internet to sell products and services 2. Serve using the internet to serve customers 3. Speak using the internet to communicate with customers (both existing and potential) 4. Save using the internet to save/ reduce cost 5. Sizzle using the internet to build brand identity When setting your e-marketing objectives, you need to make sure that they are: Specific specify what is to be achieved Measureable expressed in measurable terms such as key performance indicators, outcomes, numbers, percentage, dollars, etc. Action-oriented state which actions need to be taken and who will take them Realistic achievable with the resources available Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 98 Time Specific establish specified time frames. Examples of some typical e-marketing objectives could be: To achieve 20% online sales within the first year of launching online marketing campaigns. To increase online sales for all products by 15% in 2011. To grow email coverage to 50% of the current customer base by the end of next year. To reduce the annual cost of direct marketing by 20% through e-mail marketing. To improve brand awareness, brand favourability and purchase intent by surveying 300 online customers each month. Importance of E-Marketing E-marketing gives businesses of any size access to the mass market at an affordable price and, unlike TV or print advertising, it allows truly personalized marketing. Specific benefits of e-marketing include: Global reach a website can reach anyone in the world who has internet access. This allows you to find new markets and compete globally for only a small investment. Lower cost a properly planned and effectively targeted e-marketing campaign can reach the right customers at a much lower cost than traditional marketing methods. Track able, measurable results marketing by email or banner advertising makes it easier to establish how effective your campaign has been. You can obtain detailed information about customers responses to your advertising. 24-hour marketing with a website your customers can find out about your products even if your office is closed. Personalization if your customer database is linked to your website, then whenever someone visits the site, you can greet them with targeted offers. The more they buy from you, the more you can refine your customer profile and market effectively to them. One-to-one marketing e-marketing lets you reach people who want to know about your products and services instantly. For example, many people take mobile phones and PDAs wherever they go. Combine this with the personalized aspect of e-marketing, and you can create very powerful, targeted campaigns. More interesting campaigns e-marketing lets you create interactive campaigns using music, graphics and videos. You could send your customers a game or a quiz whatever you think will interest them. Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 99 Better conversion rate if you have a website, then your customers are only ever a few clicks away from completing a purchase. Unlike other media which require people to get up and make a phone call, post a letter or go to a shop, e-marketing is seamless. Together, all of these aspects of e-marketing have the potential to add up to more sales. Advantages of E-Marketing 1. One of the most important advantages is the fast availability of the information. The clients/users can easily get information, by navigating the internet, about the products that they wish to purchase, and besides that, they can check the information at anytime of the day. 2. It allows the companies to save money, an aspect that is really taken into account by the companies since the online marketing campaigns dont require a large amount of investment. 3. The previous mentioned aspect, gives less importance to the differences between large and small companies in some way, thus increasing the competition and giving that way advantages to the customers. 4. Presence on the Internet can help the expansion of the company from a local market to national and international markets at the same time, offering almost infinite expanding possibilities. 5. On the internet everything can be measured, thus its easier for the companies to know almost instantly if their campaign is working or not, what company or user is interested in their products, from what cities or countries are they, etc.
Disadvantages of E-Marketing Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 100 1. Slow internet connections can cause difficulties. If the companies build too complex or too large websites, it will take too long for users to check them or download them and they will get bored eventually. 2. The e-commerce doesnt allow the user to touch the merchandise before purchasing it. Because of this, some salesmen are starting to guarantee the possibility of returning the product. In Germany, where a law that regulates e-commerce and guarantees the customers the total refund of the money exists since 2000, the electronic commerce is very popular. 3. Other factor is the payment: many users still dont trust in the electronic methods of paying and give up buying online because of this. 4. One of the major disadvantages may be the lack of trust of the users because of the constant virtual promotions that appear to be frauds. This is an aspect that deteriorates the image and reputation of quality and honest companies. 5. Other disadvantage is the cash on delivery system, since it doesnt guarantee the 100% purchase of the product. This is also the case of thousands of users that dedicate themselves to daily mock big companies by ordering on the internet using false identities.
Unique Challenges of E- Marketing And The Ways To Overcome Them: Since the boom of the Internet in the late 1990s, Web-based companies have been starting up every day. What is more, new opportunities for growth emerge daily, expanding the reach and capabilities of the cyberspace. However, for all its benefits and advantages, e-marketing faces some problems that are unique to the industry. That is, Web-based enterprises have a special set of challenges that traditional brick-and-mortar businesses do not have. In this article, we have taken a look at those and their possible solutions. Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 101 1. Marketing integration Most major sales efforts employ multiple channels, both online and offline, e.g. email advertising, outbound call handling, social networking, and so on. The problem with these is that they are often handled as different parts of the work when they are supposed to serve a concrete and measurable goal as part of an integrated campaign. Coordinating all marketing efforts should therefore be a priority. That means e-marketing should be done alongside the traditional campaign and should not be tacked at the end of the business plan. 2. Security and privacy Most people do not completely trust Web companies and, thus, are careful about offering information about themselves on the cyberspace. This is especially true when companies that collect data are exposed to spammers and scammers. To address this, it is imperative for e-businesses to adopt a sound policy and implement a fool-proof security measure. Encryption systems, in particular, are a tool that online companies should seriously consider investing in.
3. Impersonal service Businesses operating online often use electronic methods of providing customer service, such as emailing and posting info on the website to answer possible user questions. This may be perceived by customers as just too impersonal or uncaring. To address this problem, merchants must develop efficient checkout procedures for selling goods via the Web. They may also consider hiring call handling services, so that customers can talk to real people when they have inquiries or problems that need instant answer. 4. Improving brand awareness This is particularly a big challenge for companies that primarily use the Internet to sell their products and services. This is because unlike traditional advertising (such as television, radio, billboard, and print) in which the campaign's message can be reinforced and repeatedly introduced to consumers at the marketers' will, online adverts can be shut off by usersthey are more averse to it, too. Web companies are therefore challenged to be more innovative in their advertising strategies. A Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 102 combination of good copywriting, solid search engine optimization, and drawing consistent traffic is something that should be mastered. Doing business online is indeed a challenging Endeavour. That is why all possible pitfalls should be determined and addressed beforehand to ensure a smooth sailing ride. If you need help in starting up a Web- based company, never think twice to enlist the services of Protechmedia. Other Challenges Are As Follows: 1. Dealing with the IT Department - It's been IT vs. marketing in many circles for too long. It's time we understood that we need to partner with our IT friends to implement our marketing programs. It's simple, we need them and they need us. 2. Continuing Education Marketers of the 21st century need to be constantly learning. Knowledge in marketing comes with an expiration date, and continuing professional development is a necessity. Take a class, get a certification, read a book, attend a seminar or conference whatever works for you, but keep learning. 3. Bad Marketing Anyone can call themselves a marketer, web designer, SEO expert, consultant and so on. There is a lot of bad marketing out there as a result. Poorly created and executed marketing programs degrade our profession, and create mistrust between clients and marketers. By doing marketing right, you help to tip the scale in favor of our profession. 4. Lack of Trust Spam, identity theft, intrusive advertising and technological glitches have left many mis-trusting of marketing in general, and especially marketing. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. 5. Know-It-Alls - Nobody fully understands all aspects of marketing. There is simply too much to know, and whatever you do know is changing at supersonic speed. If you are going to be an expert, you will have to specialize in one aspect of e-marketing. 6. Ethical Practices Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 103 The Internet has spawned an unprecedented mass of un-ethical businesses. There have always been scam artists and bottom feeders, but the Internet seems to have brought them out in epic numbers. Make sure your own practices are squeaky clean and try to educate your customers about some of the pitfalls of ecommerce.
7. Corporate Culture - In many companies no department "owns" the website, and every department "owns" the website. Websites should belong to marketing, not finance, operations, IT or legal. It is difficult to produce good marketing by committee, especially when the committee doesn't have a clue. Collaboration is important, and your associates should provide input, but marketing should make the final decisions. 8. International Commerce The Internet has made products and services available around the world as close to customers as their living room (or wherever they have their computer). This new world channel allows for unprecedented revenue flows in and out of foreign countries, and that impact could eventually have a dramatic effect on our domestic economy. We have a lot in common with people of other cultures and countries, but there are differences. Understanding is the key to good international commerce as well as relations. 9. Intellectual Property It has never been easier to steal someone else's hard work. Everything from music, to software and images are lifted from the Internet every day. This is a bad thing. 10. Customer Expectations Never before have had customers expected so much. Managing your customer expectations is vital to marketers, because if you don't your competitors will. Without customers you will not have a business, take the time to get to know them, treat them with care and respect, the same way you want to be treated as a customer. Opportunities of E-Marketing There are many more opportunities of internet marketing that helps the online business more efficient. Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 104 ASOS provides all the products which they think that customers like to buy by doing this they satisfy their customers. When their customers shop with them their growth opportunity is high which is good for the business also if all the products are being offered online people do not have to go elsewhere which benefits the customers as well. o More benefits- customers can use the Internet at a time to suit them, but they are also able to compare brands, prices and buy goods and services without having to face a single sales person! Improve credibility- through Internet marketing customers can easily feedback to ASOS and have their say. Because ASOS is mostly aimed at teenagers and most of the teenagers nowadays use msn and face book and asos interact their customers through this it is quicker and easier for young people to send information and comments to asos. Availability - On ASOS website all the products are listed in order which helps customers choose the products faster where as in shops they would have to go around looking for products. Also on the websites like ASOS customers have more choices and variety of brands which is less likely to be found in general stores. Better prices- online businesses are usually cheaper than physical stores they offer variety of products at lower prices this benefits the customers because they can get the same product offered in the shops at lower price. another advantage of Internet business to customers is that they can look at the prices offered on the web and compare with other slimier businesses. Cheaper-online business is cheaper therefore it saves money to businesses like ASOS. They do not have to spend huge amount of money to rent or buy physical stores. Also online businesses can use web to advertise their business which costs less and could be recognized by millions of people. 24/7 Presence- internet businesses allow people to shop at any time of the day this makes the businesses like ASOS more effective because everything about their business is fixed for example like physical stores internet businesses do not have particular opening and closing times. The business runs smoothly without any worries. Offer Convenience -businesses like ASOS have organized their website in such a way that people can find the product really easily this is the reason why online businesses are more efficient because unlike physical stores they do not have to go around with customers to find a particular product. On their website they have put all their products in categories which help customers find the products fast and easy. It helps the business because once their website is properly organized they do not have to do anything else which saves them time and energy. Growth Opportunity- Online businesses provide all the products to its customers that can be purchased from physical stores. As it is easier to shop online than visiting the stores most people prefers shopping online which helps businesses like ASOS as their growth opportunity goes up and Miss. S. Chithra Devi, Special Issue On e-Marketing Road Ahead Of India Page 105 their profits begin to rise. This makes their business more effective as they compete with other similar businesses for the same product or price. improve creditability- through e-mails ASOS receive many comments from their customers about their products which helps the business become more effective as they can use their customer information to make the business better and to provide the products which their customers are more interested in. in this way ASOS customers would be happy and will buy their products and the business will also be successful. Conclusion: In conclusion, this essay has clearly shown that e-marketing impacts upon businesses in a number of important ways. When used effectively, e-marketing campaigns and strategies have the potential to reach customers in a speedy and low-cost manner and can provide promotion for a wide range of products and services. E-marketing also offers businesses the opportunity to garner data about their consumer base to an extent that has hitherto been very difficult to achieve via traditional marketing methods. The development of e-marketing and social media advertising has led to examples of businesses in recent years that appear to little more than categories and filter information relating to products and services on the Internet, taking a small cut from any transaction that may occur as a result. However, despite the global reach, speed and the extent of information that can be gained from e-marketing there are a number of important disadvantages to this type of marketing that businesses must bear in mind. The technology driven approach of e-marketing leaves certain businesses vulnerable and overly-dependent upon technology. It also empowers dissatisfied consumers to a far greater extent than ever before and can lead to bad reviews that have the potential to greatly destabilize certain e-marketing campaigns and operations. However, despite these problems it is reasonable to conclude that e-marketing is on the whole a positive development for businesses and that despite certain dangers its impact upon businesses has been largely positive. REFERNCE: using-internet-marketing-in-relation-to-business-e.html