11 - Saltmarsh Pp. 157-171
11 - Saltmarsh Pp. 157-171
11 - Saltmarsh Pp. 157-171
Aquatic Ecosystems
Trends and Global Prospects
Edited by Nicholas V. C. Polunin
Book DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511751790
Online ISBN: 9780511751790
Hardback ISBN: 9780521833271
11 - Saltmarsh pp. 157-171
Chapter DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511751790.016
Cambridge University Press
11 Saltmarsh
pa u l a da m, m a r k d. b e rt n e s s , a nt h o ny j . dav y a n d j oy b . z e d l e r
Coastal saltmarshes are ecosystems with characteristic
vegetation, geomorphology and habitat conditions. At least
three different settings for saltmarsh systems can be dis-
tinguished, namely estuarine (including coastal lagoons:
Chapter 13), open low-wave-energy coast (foreland salt-
marshes: Dijkema 1987) and barrier islands. Whilst all are
recognizable as saltmarsh, they differ in the degree to which
they are inuenced by marine or fresh water, and hence in
their vulnerability to different stressors.
Spatial variation in the composition of saltmarsh oras
and vegetation occurs at a number of scales. Globally, there
is a latitudinal gradient, with vascular plant species rich-
ness being lowest in the tropics. Within estuaries, there is a
longitudinal gradient from the head to the mouth. In
individual marshes, the physical gradient from sea to land
Aquatic Ecosystems, ed. N. V. C. Polunin. Published by Cambridge University Press. Foundation for Environmental Conservation 2008.
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is reected in a visible zonation. Dominant plant species
in saltmarshes often spread vegetatively, and their clones
have sharp boundaries which are visually striking and
strengthen the impression of discrete zones. Within zones,
there may be a mosaic of variation associated with micro-
topographic variation, particularly related to tidal creeks
(Beeftink 1966; Zedler et al. 1999).
Saltmarshes are sedimentary environments and their
existence reects the interplay between sediment input, the
biota and erosion. The various factors involved in this
interplay are subject to change, especially in response to
human activity. In some circumstances, saltmarshes can
develop from bare mudat to apparently mature stages
within a fewyears; erosion can be even faster (Adam2000). In
considering possible future states of saltmarshes, the effects
of human modications have to be superimposed over the
natural dynamism. Although rapid change can occur, the
number of cases where change has been followed by direct
observation or experimentation is small (Packham & Liddle
1970; Snow & Vince 1984; Zedler et al. 1992; Figueroa et al.
2003). Mostly, change is inferred from the current distri-
bution patterns of species and communities, but substitution
of spatial differences for temporal change must be treated
with caution if biotic composition or environmental condi-
tions have changed during the development of a marsh
(Adam 1990). While early succession may be rapid, the later
stages of marsh development may be stable for long periods.
Extensive upper marshes on the North Norfolk coast (UK)
developed after the period of rapid sea-level rise following the
last glaciation, and have persisted for more than 6000
radiocarbon years, accommodating the generally rising rela-
tive sea level (Funnell & Pearson 1989; Funnell & Boomer
1998). Such ages are not unusual for upper marsh plains on
the Atlantic and southern North Sea coasts of Europe (Allen
2000); however, future environmental alterations may trigger
change even in these old marshes.
Saltmarshes provide a number of important ecological goods
and services, including: biogeochemical cycling and trans-
formation of nutrients; nursery, feeding and refuge areas for
juvenile stages of sh and crustaceans, many of commercial
importance (Beck et al. 2003); provision of habitat for birds,
many of them migratory and subject to international con-
servation concern; shoreline protection through their ability
to dissipate the energy of incoming waves; and passive
recreation and aesthetic, cultural and spiritual values.
Saltmarshes in many countries have been given pro-
tected area status but, while important, this does not
address the maintenance of the ecological services. If
saltmarsh conservation is to be achieved within the
framework of policies which aim to maintain the Earths
life support systems, then saving isolated fragments of
saltmarshes will not be sufcient (Percy 2000).
While saltmarshes are readily studied within their
vegetated boundaries, they are linked to, and affected by,
much wider landscapes and seascapes (Valiela et al. 2000).
Linkages between saltmarshes and their catchments have
been little studied, including those mediated through
groundwater ows (Chapter 3). Groundwater abstraction
may not only affect water and nutrient ows under and
into saltmarshes, it can also cause subsidence, raising the
relative sea level and increasing the depth and frequency of
tidal ooding, as observed around Chesapeake Bay (USA)
(Stevenson et al. 2000).
Managers need to be aware of the open nature of the
saltmarsh ecosystem, linkages provided by migratory spe-
cies and some pollutants sometimes being transnational or
even transcontinental. Nevertheless, decision-making
cannot await completion of in-depth studies of every
possible linkage. Research will undoubtedly be needed to
implement management, but, given tight budgets and
timelines, it will need to be focused on particular problems
rather than indulge an open-ended agenda.
The ora and vegetation of coastal saltmarshes bear
similarities to those around inland salt lakes and other
inland saline habitats (Chapman 1974; Chapter 7). Wading
birds and waterfowl may use both coastal and inland saline
ecosytems, providing ongoing opportunities for the spread
of plant propagules.
With increasing salinization of terrestrial habitats at
landscape (Ghassemi et al. 1995; Cullen 2003) and local
scales (Environment Canada 2002), there are opportunities
for the colonization of new habitats by coastal halophytes
(Galatowitsch et al. 1999; Preston et al. 2002). Saltmarsh
species have been used in attempts to reclaim and
rehabilitate salinized land, and there is growing interest in
the domestication potential of halophytes (Glenn et al.
1991, 1998), although the spread of species outside their
natural range could result in weed problems.
Saltmarshes have endured a long history of human
impacts, which has included embankment to create
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agricultural land, inlling for urban and infrastructure
development, grazing, haymaking, and harvesting of
wildfowl and other species. Although frequently imagined
to be amongst the few examples of wild nature surviving
in heavily industrialized regions, saltmarshes are as much a
cultural construction as the rest of the landscape.
In regions with a long history of land-claim, simply
adding the area of identied reclaimed marshland to the
current area of extant marsh does not provide a useful
measure of the original extent of saltmarsh. Particularly in
the case of land-claim for agriculture, continuing or accel-
erated sedimentation outside the embankment may permit
new marsh colonization (Kestner 1962; Percy 1999). Where
land-claim is for infrastructural development, such as ports,
further expansion of saltmarsh is normally limited.
Over time, reclaimed saltmarshes may develop into
habitats of considerable conservation value (Gray 1977).
The conservation value of freshwater grazing marshes
developed on the sites of reclaimed saltmarshes is now
formally recognized by the European Union. However,
intensication of agriculture is now causing the loss of
much of the diversity of reclaimed land.
Some forms of impact have historically been more geo-
graphically restricted. In the eastern and southern USA,
ditching and draining of saltmarshes for insect control have
occurred for 150 years. Insects breeding in saltmarshes,
primarily mosquitoes, were perceived as a nuisance and
threat to human health. During the Great Depression,
ditching was carried out in public-works projects (Dreyer &
Niering 1995), modications to saltmarshes being a factor
that potentially facilitated the establishment of the European
genotype of the reed Phragmites australis (Burdick &
Konisky 2003). From the 1940s to the 1960s, spraying with
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and other insecti-
cides was extensive (Walters 1992) and had a substantial
impact on marshes, but did not eradicate the problem.
Many techniques continue to be used (Carlson et al. 1994)
and, in coastal Australia, the threat to human health posed
by a number of arboviruses spread by saltmarsh-using
mosquitoes has resulted in greater use of measures,
including habitat modication and chemical use (Dale
1994). The runnelling technique developed in Australia may
facilitate the spread of mangrove propagules into saltmarsh
(Breitfuss et al. 2003), which, while reducing habitat for the
mosquitoes, may exacerbate loss of saltmarsh to mangrove
(Saintilan & Williams 1999; Chapter 12).
Several wetland-associated diseases of humans such as
those caused by the West Nile virus in the USA (Grifng
2003), and others in Australia (Van Buynder et al. 1995),
are becoming more prevalent. In addition, with increased
coastal human population density and the effects of global
warming on insects and pathogens, the control of insect
populations in saltmarshes is likely to become a major
management issue over the next few decades.
The trend to increasingly larger ships has resulted in
more dredging of shallow water to maintain access to ports.
In the USA, large quantities of dredge spoil have been
used to ll saltmarshes, although spoil has also been used
to create new marshes. In Louisiana, where subsidence is a
serious problem, the ne-textured dredge spoil can be used
in moderation effectively to compensate for saltmarsh loss.
Excess addition of spoil, however, rapidly shifts saltmarsh
to upland, favouring less-valued species. High precision is
required in the implementation phase if dredge spoil is to
be used successfully to prevent wetland loss.
In southern California, dredge spoils are coarser in
texture, and sediment accumulation, rather than subsid-
ence, is a cause of saltmarsh loss. Here, dredge spoils have
not proven effective in restoring biologically diverse salt-
marshes; few dredge-spoil areas support dense and tall
cordgrass (Spartina foliosa: Langis et al. 1991; Phinn et al.
1996). One of the motivations for saltmarsh creation in this
region is to provide habitat for the endangered light-footed
clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes), but this species does
not nest in the short S. foliosa on dredge spoil (Zedler
1993; Zedler & Callaway 1999) (Fig. 11.1). Compared with
natural marsh reference sites, dredge spoil is low in
nitrogen (N) and organic matter (Langis et al. 1991), and
the composition of the epibenthic invertebrate community
differs (Scatolini & Zedler 1996).
Experimental addition of urea to compensate for the
low N levels made Spartina grow taller than 90 cm, and did
not cause scale-insect outbreaks (Boyer & Zedler 1996,
1998); but the effects were short-lived, because below-
ground tissues did not accumulate enough reserves to
sustain tall plants once urea addition ceased (Boyer et al.
2000). Even four years of urea addition could not reverse
this degradation threshold (Lindig-Cisneros et al. 2003)
while at the larger scale, adding urea led to the C
culent Salicornia bigelovii outcompeting the C
S. foliosa (Boyer & Zedler 1999).
Two types of saltmarsh change may be usefully distin-
guished, namely those involving immediate and absolute
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loss of habitat through conversion, and those altering the
habitat where some form of intertidal saltmarsh ecosystem
remains. Where these changes result in reduction in
diversity or ecosystem functions, the outcome is con-
sidered to be mostly undesirable. Not all changes are so
easily characterized, and whether or not management
intervention should be contemplated in these cases will
require debate. For example, from an ecosystem perspec-
tive, the widespread invasion of saltmarshes by mangroves
in south-eastern Australia (Saintilan & Williams 1999)
threatens long-term marsh survival at particular sites. But
is it likely to adversely affect site productivity or alter
exchanges with the adjacent estuary? Against the back-
ground of continuing decline of mangroves (Wilkie &
Fortuna 2003; Chapter 12), mangrove spread, even at the
expense of saltmarsh, might be viewed from many per-
spectives as good. Similarly, perspectives on the threat
posed by the spread of Phragmites australis in the USA
depend on value judgements (Ludwig et al. 2003).
Given the history of loss and degradation of all coastal
habitats (e.g. Chapters 13, 16 and 18), coastal-zone man-
agers will be faced with difcult decisions as society
mandates action to repair past damage. Restoring one type
of habitat may involve loss or damage to another. There are
likely to be many interacting factors driving change. The
complexity of the interactions constrains the capacity for
precise predictions of future states in saltmarshes. There
will be change, and general directions of change may be
indicated by past or current trends, but detailed predic-
tions for individual sites will remain elusive. Two of the
most widespread and interrelated forcing factors are rising
relative sea level and global warming.
Sea-level rise
The effects of sea-level rise on saltmarshes will depend on
relative sea-level rise, which will vary considerably among
regions (Adam 2002). Rising relative sea level has already
Low tide
Marsh plain: Species-rich vegetation,
Belding's savannah sparrow
Low marsh: Tall cordgrass, light-footed clapper rail
High marsh:
Patchy subshrubs,
salt marsh bird's beak
High marsh
(high-tide refuge)
Marsh plain
Low marsh
High tide
Fig. 11.1. Depiction of southern California saltmarshes. (a) The low marsh, marsh plain and high marsh linked by two endangered
birds, which nest in the marsh and move upslope during high tide; (b) the high marsh linked to the upland by the ground-nesting bee
pollinators of saltmarsh birds beak (Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus, an endangered plant) and Beldings savannah sparrow
(Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi), which feeds beyond its nesting territory, especially during the non-nesting season. (Cartoons by
J. Zedler.)
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had impacts such as in New England (USA), where over
the past half century low-marsh vegetation has replaced
high-marsh vegetation (Warren & Niering 1993; Donnelly
& Bertness 2001; see also Morris et al. 2002). Sea-level rise
has accelerated since the end of the nineteenth century,
coinciding with the Industrial Revolution, and reached a
rate that is unprecedented in the past 2500 years (Donnelly
& Bertness 2001).
While halophytes are by denition salt tolerant, species
vary in their tolerances and responses to changes in soil
salinity. Salinity in saltmarsh soils is determined by
interactions between climate, elevation and tidal access
(controlling tidal inundation) and vegetation (determining
evapotranspiration rate). Salinity and other factors affect
Spartina alterniora (Bradley & Morris 1991, 1992; Hwang
& Morris 1994; Morris et al. 2002). The productivity of
S. alterniora stands is a function of relative elevation of
the marsh surface. At its upper limit, S. alternifolia is
limited by salinity stress (Morris 1995), and presumably by
hypoxia at its lower limit. As the relative elevation of the
marsh surface decreases with increase in sea level, hence
decreasing salinity, increasing productivity will result in
the trapping of more mineral sediment, so maintaining the
relative elevation of the marsh surface. If the elevation
cannot be maintained, increased sea level will result in
decreased productivity (and hence lower sedimentation)
resulting eventually in complete loss of vegetation.
Increased carbon dioxide and temperature
(global warming)
The direct effects of climate change on saltmarshes could
be considerable. Although detailed ecophysiological studies
to explore causation are few, the latitudinal limits of salt-
marsh species and communities are correlated with tem-
perature. Species distributions and abundances can be
expected to change owing to warming alone, although the
rates and nature of responses will vary and warming effects
will interact with other environmental changes.
Temperate and tropical saltmarsh communities contain
mixtures of C
and C
species. Northern-hemisphere salt-
marshes are noteworthy for the dominance of C
species at relatively high latitudes. Increased temperature in
itself might be expected to favour C
species, but increase
in carbon dioxide (CO
) is likely to stimulate photosynthesis in
species but not C
species. Experimental CO
in chambers within brackish saltmarsh communities (Drake
1992; Drake et al. 1996a, b) has allowed the assessment of plant
and ecosystem responses to possible future atmospheric CO
concentrations, but not of interactions with warming.
Exposure of a brackish marsh dominated by the C
Schoenoplectus americanus (formerly Scirpus olneyi, chair-
makers bulrush) to 700 ppm CO
(twice the current
ambient concentration) resulted in increased photosyn-
thesis and reduced respiration (Arp & Drake 1991; Drake
1992; Drake et al. 1996a). Shoot number and root growth
increased, but root and shoot N concentrations declined
(Curtis et al. 1989a, b, 1990; Drake et al. 1996b). Increase
in carbon assimilation was not shown in an adjacent marsh
dominated by a C
species treated similarly. Elevated CO
in both C
- and C
-dominated marshes reduced transpir-
ation and hence increased water-use efciency (Drake
1992), the former possibly limiting summer increase in
salinity within the rhizosphere. The effects of these
changes in plant growth and N content are likely to be
complex. Under elevated CO
, the C
plants had less insect
and fungal damage, while the C
plants had more fungal
damage. The lesser damage to C
plants probably reects
the plants lower N concentration and attractiveness to
pathogens and herbivores, while the fungal infection in C
plants is related to improved water status (Thompson &
Drake 1994).
Elevated atmospheric CO
levels may delay senescence
of C
plants but had no effect on decomposition in either
or C
species, which recycle N prior to senescence
(Curtis et al. 1989a; Norby & Cotrufo 1998). However,
rhizosphere bacteria associated with C
roots xed more N
into plant-available compounds under elevated CO
than under the ambient conditions (Dacey et al. 1994), the
greater bacterial activity possibly being a response to
increased root biomass or exudation. There was no such
effect in C
plants. An increase in C
relative to C
under high CO
in Maryland (USA) suggests this (Arp
et al. 1993).
Biodiversity as well as ecosystem functioning may be
affected by warming and CO
increase, but experiments are
unlikely ever to manipulate all relevant factors simultan-
eously. Monitoring of natural sites will provide data on
change but without providing information on causes. The
most useful approach to identifying the factors responsible
for change will be modelling. Simas et al. (2001) modelled
the saltmarshes of the Tagus estuary (Portugal), which
experience a sub-Mediterranean climate and mesotidal
regime, and support a mixture of C
and C
species. The
model tted the present marsh state well and suggested that
the marshes are only likely to suffer damage from sea-level
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rise under the worse-case scenarios of Houghton et al.
(1990), IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
(1995) and Houghton (1999). Saltmarshes in areas with high
tidal ranges may be less vulnerable to sea-level rise owing to
greater sediment transport and accretion, although this
prediction might need tempering on a local basis to recog-
nize changes in storm incidence or rainfall distribution
(Simas et al. 2001).
Where hinterland topography and land use permit, the
response of saltmarsh to rising relative sea level would be
expressed as a landward retreat. However, the current
spatial distributions and relative abundances of species are
unlikely to be preserved intact. The realized distributional
limits of species reect not only physiological constraints,
but also the outcome of competitive interactions between
species. Each species will have an individual response to
the changed environmental conditions and this may alter
competitive hierarchies. At a broad geographical scale, the
latitudinal distribution of species and communities (Adam
1990) reects species responses to climatic conditions,
particularly temperature. As climatic warming occurs, it
would be anticipated that species distributions would
extend into higher latitudes, but each species response will
be different. There will still be a latitudinal pattern, but
the relative distribution of species is likely to be different
from that of today, with todays communities proving to be
ephemeral over longer time periods. As the environment
changes there will be a sorting of the biota rather than a
migration within and between marshes of existing assem-
blages. It is the individual nature of species responses to
environmental conditions, and the consequent kaleido-
scopic arrangement of species interactions, that limit the
ability to predict the future states of marshes. Neverthe-
less, established long-lived clonal plants may exhibit
resilience in the face of environmental change until critical
thresholds in particular factors are crossed, so that in the
short term (which may extend beyond 2025), processes of
inevitable change may not be detectable.
Changes to other climatic factors
In some regions, there may be changes both in rainfall
amount and seasonality. Increased rainfall may counter
effects of increased temperature on soil salinity, whereas
decreased summer rainfall and increased temperature may
result in higher soil salinity in infrequently ooded upper
marsh zones, with consequent vegetation dieback and
creation of bare pannes. At higher latitudes in the northern
hemisphere, ice rafting is a major disturbance (Dionne
1989). Warmer winter temperatures may reduce the extent
and severity of damage, as well as the availability of habitat
for early recolonists of open patches, but they could also
increase damage by increasing the number of freezethaw
events, increasing frost heaving and damage to roots or
Changes in the severity and seasonality of storms may
affect the balance between erosion and accretion, and also
affect the amount and deposition of dead plant material
across marshes. In temperate saltmarshes, large accumu-
lations of wrack (deposited plant detritus) can be rafted by
tides and storms into the high marsh and stranded for
many months until they decay or are swept away. Stranded
wrack can be 1025 cm deep and can kill underlying
vegetation if in place for an extended period, the new bare
spaces being available for recolonization (Bertness & Ellison
1987). Wrack deposition will also be affected by changes in
source, so that factors affecting the extent and productivity
of seagrass and algal beds will have repercussions for nearby
In southern California, there is a current trend towards
dominance by pickleweed (Sarcocornia pacica), driven by
sediment accumulation and increasing soil salinity (Zedler
et al. 2001). In this Mediterranean climate zone, changes to
rainfall affecting soil salinities could enhance or reverse
this trend; reduced soil salinities could enhance growth of
species other than S. pacica. Storm activity could add
more sediment to already choked channels, raising the
marsh plain out of the tidal zone, lowering soil salinities
sufciently to allow invasive species to dominate and
causing mortality of stenohaline fauna.
Intermittently, open coastal lagoons, which are character-
istic of many coasts including southern Australia, South Africa
and southern California, may be substantially altered if fre-
quency and strength of storms change. Dune washover events
may extend the period of estuarine closure (Chapter 13),
leading to lagoons becoming hypersaline. Even if channels are
dredged and ushing restored, ecosystem recovery may never
be complete (Zedler et al. 1992).
Invasive species
Invasive species are one of the most serious threats to bio-
diversity globally (Mooney & Hobbs 2000; e.g. Chapters
1214). Of particular concern are transformer species,
which change the character, condition, form or nature of
ecosystems over substantial areas (Richardson et al. 2000).
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Saltmarshes provide examples of both plants and animals
acting as transformers.
The classic plant transformers in the saltmarsh envir-
onment are members of the genus Spartina. The majority
of Spartina species are indigenous to the Americas, but
S. maritima is native to Europe and Africa. The chance
hybridization in southern England between S. maritima
and the introduced North American S. alterniora resulted
in the production of the sterile S. townsendii, which later
gave rise to the fertile amphidiploid S. anglica (Marchant
1968). Spartina anglica has been very widely planted, with
the intention of creating new marshes and stabilizing
channels; with plantings acting as nuclei for subsequent
spread and invasion of other sites, initial plantings in
England and mainland Europe were followed by those in
Australasia and China (Chung 1985, 1994; Chung et al.
2004). Through colonizing mudats below the previous
seaward limit of saltmarsh spread, S. anglica has caused
loss of habitat for wading birds (Millard & Evans 1984;
Goss-Custard & Moser 1988; Hacker et al. 2001).
Spartina anglica, S. alterniora, S. patens and S. densi-
ora have all been introduced to the west coast of North
America. Like S. anglica, S. alterniora has displaced both
the infauna and birds that forage on the mudats (Sayce
1988). In California, S. alterniora has hybridized with the
native S. foliosa, creating a vigorous hybrid which invades
low marsh and mudats, while continued introgression
between the hybrid and S. foliosa is leading to local
extinction of the native species (Callaway & Josselyn 1992;
Antila et al. 1998, 2000; Ayres et al. 1999, 2003).
Hybridization, creating new taxa capable of exploiting
different niches from those of either parent and threatening
the genetic integrity of parent species, may be a particular
problem in saltmarshes. Many wetland genera are very
widespread, and opportunities clearly exist for the intro-
duction of one species into the range of a congener or for
breakdown of barriers between sympatric species. Such
genetic invasions are by no means conned to the several
instances in Spartina. In south-western Spain, there is pollen
ow from high-marsh Sarcocornia fruticosa to the stigmas of
S. perennis, the dominant species on successionally develop-
ing clumps lower on the marsh. The resulting hybrids
themselves become dominant and promote continued sedi-
ment accretion. Thus, the hybridizations can be seen as
facilitating rapid successional change on these marshes
(Castellanos et al. 1994; Castillo et al. 2000; Figueroa et al.
2003). Other cases of hybridization amongst halophytes have
occurred in Typha and Tamarix (Pearce & Smith 2003).
A particularly insidious form of invasion to which
wetlands may be prone is from exotic genotypes. Wide-
spread wetland species are often made up of very many
ecotypes (Adam 1990). Phragmites australis is indigenous
but was rarely dominant in North American saltmarshes;
however, a non-native genotype introduced in the 1950s
(Saltonstall 2002, 2003) has become dominant over large
areas, displacing other native species (Chambers et al.
1999). Given the wide distribution of many saltmarsh
species, such cryptic invasion may be more common than
recognized. Caution should be applied to proposals to use
out-of-range genotypes in restoration and rehabilitation.
Many invertebrates have been introduced to estuaries
around the world (Carlton 2000), and a number of these
may have impacts on saltmarshes. The Australasian
burrowing isopod Sphaeroma quoyanum, introduced by
ships to California in the mid nineteenth century, has
substantially modied saltmarsh habitat on the west coast
of the USA by forming dense anastomosing burrow
networks in rm Salicornia sediment rather than in softer
low-marsh Spartina sediment (Talley et al. 2001). The
burrows alter sediment shear strength, thus increasing
erosion rates.
The number of introduced plant species categorized as
transformers is relatively small, and most introduced species
in saltmarshes tend to be classied as benign invaders
(Richardson et al. 2000). However, two matters need con-
sideration. Firstly, in other ecosystems, many species have
had a long latency before their weed potential was realized.
Secondly, the interactions between introduced and native
species may be more complex than the visible dominance
assumed for transformers. The effects of introduced plant
species on the long-term survival of the endangered Cordy-
lanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus (salt marsh birds beak) in
California (Noe & Zedler 2001) should raise concern about
any introduced species (Fellows & Zedler 2005). The exotic
annual grass Parapholis incurva is a host for the hemiparisitic
annual Cordylanthus but, being an annual, dies early in
summer before Cordylanthus reaches reproductive maturity,
and thus acts as a habitat sink.
Eutrophication of coastal water is widespread (McComb
1995), the two major inorganic nutrient problems in
estuaries being caused by increased N (Howarth et al.
2000a; NRC [National Research Council] 2000a; Boesch
et al. 2001; Castro et al. 2003) and, more locally,
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phosphorus (P) (McComb & Lukatelich 1995; Chapter 13).
In terms of biological response, the N: P ratio may be more
important than absolute concentrations. Increased nutrient
levels can have substantial impacts in adjacent coastal
waters, as in the Gulf of Mexico where a hypoxic zone is
caused by nutrients from agricultural runoff (Goolsby et al.
1999; NRC 2000a). Impacts of increased nutrients are
particularly severe in lagoons that are only intermittently
ushed, as in Australia and on the west coast of North
America (McComb & Lukatelich 1995). In the USA, the
dominant source of N to estuaries varies between catch-
ments; for most, the source is agricultural, for some it is
urban, and for a few it is atmospheric, indicating that
catchment-specic programmes will be required to reduce
N loadings (Castro et al. 2003).
Increased N is of particular signicance to saltmarshes,
which historically have been N limited (Jefferies & Perkins
1977; Cargill & Jefferies 1984; Kiehl et al. 1997).
Anthropogenic increases in the availability of N to salt-
marshes may thus be creating environmental conditions
without historical precedent. The growing demand for
global food production (Vitousek et al. 1997b) has meant
fertilizer production has continued to grow; but much of
the N applied is in excess of that immediately required and
enters both surface and groundwater from runoff and
airborne deposition (Chapter 3). Eutrophication will increase
the growth of competitive dominant plant species, leading to
declines in community species richness; and through altering
tissue, N content may affect palatability with consequences
throughout the food chain.
The recent expansion of Phragmites in North America
was contributed to by anthropogenic eutrophication that
favoured the expansion (Chambers et al. 1999; Meyerson
et al. 2000; Bart & Hartman 2003; Burdick & Konisky
2003). Phragmites was long thought to be limited in
invading saltmarshes by high soil salinities; but spreading
into marshes ooded by normal seawater is possible
through clonal integration (Amsberry et al. 2000;
Minchinton & Bertness 2003), and the potential for fur-
ther continuing spread is considerable (Burdick &
Konisky 2003). Development adjacent to saltmarshes,
leading to nutrient enrichment and salinity reduction,
may promote the spread of Phragmites as in New England
(USA) (Bertness et al. 2002). The lower marsh in this
region was dominated by S. alterniora, but there was a
striking zonation (Miller & Egler 1950; Redeld 1972),
driven by competition for N. With shoreline development
and eutrophication of the saltmarshes there is a dramatic
simplication of the system as the diverse mid and upper
marsh is squeezed out by the expansions upwards of
S. alterniora and downwards of Phragmites (Bertness
et al. 2002) (Fig. 11.2). In this region, there is an almost
three-fold decrease in plant species diversity and
concomitant reductions in animal diversity.
Other species with growth form and responses to
eutrophication and lower salinity similar to Phragmites, such
as Typha spp. (Zedler et al. 1990), Bulboschoenus spp. and
Schoenoplectus spp., also form dense monospecic stands in
saltmarshes when conditions in, or adjacent to them, are
modied by human activity. Catchment runoff includes
many chemicals other than nutrients, although there is little
evidence of direct impacts on saltmarshes. However, triazine
herbicides and their degradation products have been
detected at signicant concentrations in saltmarshes in Essex
(UK) (Meakins et al. 1985; Leggett et al. 1995). These
herbicides are very widely used in agriculture. Sublethal
concentrations decreased growth rate and photosynthetic
activity of diatoms and vascular halophytes (Mason et al.
2003), the former being a major component of the micro-
algal biolm which is important in stabilizing the sediment
surface of saltmarshes (Coles 1979). When the saltmarsh
sediment surface was exposed to the chemical Simazine,
diatoms migrated deeper, reducing the surface sediment
stability (Mason et al. 2003). In Essex, sublethal herbicide
concentrations could be leading to loss of sediment stability
and reduced vegetation cover, contributing to long-standing
saltmarsh erosion (Mason et al. 2003). Given the global use
of triazine herbicides, this chain of consequences could be of
widespread occurrence.
Consumer pressure
The extensive saltmarshes of eastern North America were
long considered an ecosystem controlled primarily by
bottomup forces, such as nutrient levels, soil salinity and
oxygen levels (see Mendelssohn & Morris 2000), except
where migratory waterfowl caused extensive damage
(Smith & Odum 1981). Herbivory by smaller grazers was
considered minor and hence the major energy outows
were exported to adjacent waters or to decomposers (Nixon
1980; Pfeiffer & Wiegert 1981). In Europe, the importance
of grazing by livestock in determining the composition of
saltmarsh vegetation has long been recognized (Adam
1978; Bakker 1989).
However, on Sapelo Island (Georgia), the gastropod
Littoraria irrorata is capable at high densities of turning
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dense S. alterniora stands into mudat in less than a year
(Silliman & Bertness 2002). Although Littoraria can be
found at densities of 5001000 animals per m
in the high
marsh where predators are unable to penetrate the tall
S. alterniora, the snails are virtually excluded from the
seaward border of the marsh by crab, turtle and sh
predators, which play an important role in preventing the
gastropod from entirely reducing the Spartina to an
unvegetated mudat (Silliman & Bertness 2002). Blue
crabs are one of the major predators of Littoraria but have
been greatly depleted by shing (Lipcius & Stockhausen
2002). Overshing of blue crabs may lead to consumer
control of Spartina (Silliman & Bertness 2002). Given the
global extent of overshing, there is potential for similar
effects elsewhere.
In North America, the snow goose (Chen caerulescens
caerulescens) was in decline for much of the twentieth
century from hunting and destruction of temperate salt-
marsh winter feeding grounds. In the 1980s, there was a
shift from feeding on saltmarshes to crop lands and golf
courses (Jefferies et al. 2002), in response to the greater
availability of resources following heavy fertilizer use and
changed agricultural practices. The resources enhanced
winter survival, leading to a population explosion and
greater pressure on high-latitude marshes used during the
summer breeding season (Jefferies 1997; Handa et al. 2002;
Jefferies et al. 2002). The consequences for the saltmarshes
are devastating. Geese feed on marsh plants by grubbing out
roots and, since the root mat in high-latitude saltmarshes is
supercial, a barren mudat can result (Fig. 11.3). Without
Spartina alterniflora invades
higher elevations
Phragmites australis dominates
the terrestrial border and invades
lower elevations
Spartina alterniflora
Spartina patens
Juncus gerardi
Iva frutescens
High Marsh Forbs
- Aster tenuifolius
- Atriplex patula
- Limonium nashii
- Salicornia
Fig. 11.2. The role of shoreline development in altering New England saltmarsh landscapes. (Drawing by M. D. Bertness.)
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vegetation, soil salinities increase, soil oxygen levels decrease,
recolonization by seed under these conditions is impossible,
and reinvasion by vegetative growth is slow (Handa et al.
2002). In 1997, more than 2500 ha of Hudson Bay salt-
marshes were denuded by snow geese, with consequences
potentially felt upwards through the food chain.
In north temperate Europe, a comparable explosion of
the overwintering populations of several geese species
(Esselink et al. 1997; Esselink 2000) has resulted in very
heavy grazing pressure on saltmarshes, and in pressure on
summer grounds in Arctic Russia likely to be similar to
that experienced in Canada.
Saltmarsh creeks and pans provide nursery habitat for
many sh (Adam 1990), and even rarely inundated marsh
plains may be used by a diversity of sh at high tide
(Connolly et al. 1997; Connolly 1999).
In southern California, killish (Fundulus parvipinnis)
gain access to the marsh plain via small creeks (Desmond
et al. 2000) and obtain several times more food once there
(West & Zedler 2000), resources that are critical to growth
(Madon et al. 2001). Killish growth may be positive
during most of the year until early spring, when tides of
low amplitude fail to ood the marsh; killish cannot feed
on the marsh plain, lose weight and ultimately die.
Reduced access to the marsh during springtime explains
this species annual life cycle (Madon et al. 2001). Small
creeks have implications for saltmarsh restoration, as small
creeks are difcult to construct with the large machinery
often employed (Williams & Zedler 1999).
For natural marshes, rising relative sea level may
eliminate areas of saltmarsh with established creek systems,
while dense vegetation could prevent formation of new
creeks. The remaining marsh plain would be inundated by
sheet ow rather than overow from creeks, and sh use
might be impaired. Fish populations in saltmarshes may
also be at risk from invading species, evidenced by
increasing populations in southern California saltmarsh
channels of the introduced yellow-n goby Acanthogobius
avimanus, capable of altering food webs (Williams &
Zedler 1999).
Site-specic actions
The factors discussed above, although manifested at indi-
vidual sites, act or may act at large geographical scales.
Decisions involving the destruction or conversion of sites,
while having wider implications, will be made on a case-
by-case basis. The case for the conservation of saltmarshes
has been strongly made in the Western world for more
than four decades. The perceived relationship between
saltmarshes and the sustainability of such activities as
shing and wildfowling has ensured that the value of
saltmarshes is popularly recognized, even if some of the
arguments in favour were not well founded (Nixon 1980).
Fig. 11.3. The impact of foraging lesser snow geese
(Chen caerulescens caerulescens) on Hudson Bay saltmarshes.
(a) Relatively intact vegetation, (b) denudation of marsh by
foraging geese and (c) exclusion plot in otherwise denuded
area. (Photographs courtesy of R. L. Jefferies.)
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Saltmarshes are in theory protected by a range of legal
measures (Shine & de Klemm 1999). However, little of the
protection is absolutely mandatory; it inevitably has con-
ditions that will continue to allow loss of wetlands in
the national interest. The task of weighing long-term
environmental values against economic and social interests
is political, although the extent to which the process is
transparent and open to public participation clearly varies
between jurisdictions.
Even in countries with well-developed wetland protec-
tion policies and strong conservation movements (such as
the UK), governments may continue to advance proposals
involving wetland destruction. In 2003, the North Kent
marshes at Cliffe (UK) were one of a number of proposed
sites for a new international airport for London, in spite of
including several conservation areas (RSPB [Royal Society
for the Protection of Birds] 2003). These saltmarshes and
mudats of the Thames estuary are one of the most
important overwintering sites in the UK for migratory
waders and wildfowl. If the airport were built, active
measures would be required to discourage ocks of birds
within a 13 km radius. Even with such measures, the bird-
strike risk would have remained high and the proposal has
now been dropped; but the important point is it was not
immediately rejected when rst suggested.
One of the difculties of guaranteeing protection of salt-
marshes is that terms like the national interest are left open
to interpretation on a case-by-case basis. In the Gulf of Maine
(USA) for example, where only 5075% of pre-colonial
coastal wetlands remain, saltmarshes remain vulnerable to
coastal development (Morgan & Short 2002). From a gov-
ernment planning-authority perspective, necessary coastal
development may be restricted to major items of national
infrastructure which require water access (port facilities and
associated industry). How far should it extend to recreational
facilities such as marinas, for which there may be high
demand, or even to coastal real-estate development, which
may yield high returns to both government and developers?
In countries such as the UK, many easily developed potential
marina sites were taken years ago. New development pro-
posals are likely to require substantial construction costs, so
association with onshore property development is likely
(Sidaway 1991).
Development threats to saltmarshes are even more
likely in developing countries, because of human popula-
tion growth and infrastructure development leading to
demand for coastal land. In many cases, the conservation
organizations have little inuence and environmental laws
are not as strong as in developed countries. In the tropics,
saltmarshes are poorly known, their values little appreci-
ated, and they may be at a particular risk of loss.
Where saltmarshes have been degraded, limited
opportunities for rehabilitation may exist, depending on the
original cause of damage. Where tidal ushing has been
impaired, re-establishing original hydrology by removing
levees and oodgates may be relatively easily achieved,
the main impediment often being public opposition to
reversing what may be perceived as appropriate manage-
ment. The effects of eutrophication will be more difcult to
address. Reduction of inputs will require management of
catchments and alteration of agricultural and industrial
practices. Expensive engineering solutions, such as that
employed in the PeelHarvey estuary (Western Australia)
to alter the ushing characteristic of the system, are unlikely
to be feasible in many localities. Removal of nutrients
through harvesting biomass (which must be disposed of
elsewhere) may be possible at some sites (see Hodgkin &
Hamilton 1998), but the original pre-eutrophication
environmental conditions are unlikely to be restored.
Addressing the symptoms of degradation, but not the cause
(e.g. manual removal of invading dominant species) might
be justied at sites with particular conservation values, but
will require long-term commitment if it is to have any
Control of invasive plants in saltmarshes is likely to be
difcult. Manual digging out of Spartina is labour inten-
sive and unlikely to be effective except in the earliest stages
of invasion. Herbicides have been used to control S. anglica
in New Zealand (Bascand 1970) and England (Truscott
1984), and have been tried on S. alterniora (Edwards &
Davis 1974). Aerial spraying is costly, involves the risk of
damage to non-target species, and public concern exists
over the use of chemicals in the environment (Grevstad
et al. 2003). Biological control agents would need extensive
research before they could be released in the eld
(although see Wu et al. 1999 and Grevstad et al. 2003).
Biological control measures have recently been reviewed by
Lacambra et al. (2004).
Despite the experiences of other countries, further
planting of Spartina is still being actively promoted in
China (Chung 1994; Chung et al. 2004). Although early
experimental plantings were unsuccessful, S. alterniora is
now well established, with continuing spread from in situ
seed production and germination. It is anticipated that
continuing spread will promote the eventual reclamation of
extensive areas of offshore sands (Chung et al. 2004).
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Considerable effort is expended on attempting to control
the spread of Phragmites australis in the eastern USA,
herbicides, mowing and burning being the main techniques
used (Turner & Warren 2003). As invasion is by introduced
genotypes within the native range of Phragmites, biological
control is unlikely at present. However, of the 26 herbivorous
arthropods known to feed on Phragmites in North America
only ve are thought to be native (Casagrande et al. 2003);
the remainder are accidental introductions. Some of these are
spreading and may be locally abundant (Blossey 2003). The
impact of one of the introduced herbivores appears slight
(Casagrande et al. 2003), however introduction of further
specialized herbivores from Europe might be more benecial
than the control measures currently applied with limited
success (Blossey 2003).
Given the increased awareness of the environmental
values of saltmarshes, governments are likely to respond to
concerns about losses by requiring mitigation, either
through rehabilitation of degraded sites or creation of new
marshes. Legislation requiring mitigation has been in place
within the USA for some decades, and the concept is being
looked at favourably by governments elsewhere (Department
of Land and Water Conservation 2002). The concept is
attractive because it allows approval to be given to projects
while maintaining that there is no net loss of wetland area or
functions. There is likely to be an increasing number of
mitigation or offset proposals.
Adoption by governments of such policies presents
ecological science with severe tests of its predictive ability.
While the challenge will lead to greater research effort and
hopefully better outcomes, there is currently undue opti-
mism both about the success of past projects and the
prospects for the future. One of the lessons to be learned
from the past is the need to monitor projects (e.g Ambrose
2000), and to apply adaptive management to both the
approval process and on-site works. At the simplest level,
this means ensuring that what was approved actually hap-
pens. More importantly, it requires setting explicit meas-
urable goals and monitoring performance against these goals
with sampling designs that have rigorous spatial and tem-
poral controls. The enthusiasm for marsh restoration may
be tempered in the future by concerns about the potential
for increased mosquito populations and accompanying
increased risk of disease transmission to humans living close
to the restoration sites (Willott 2004).
A major potential threat to the survival of saltmarshes is
rising relative sea level. Unless this is exceeded by the
sedimentation rate, or there is opportunity for saltmarsh to
extend inland, habitat will be lost. One management option
is to remove barriers to landward movement and to pro-
mote saltmarsh establishment. On coasts with a long his-
tory of saltmarsh land-claim, there may be extensive areas
of low-lying land, separated from saltmarsh or an estuary
by embankments. There are many historical instances
where embankments have been breached (Crooks et al.
2002), in storms or as a result of maintenance failure, and
saltmarsh has become re-established naturally. In north-
west Europe, there is currently considerable interest in a
measure called managed realignment, whereby embank-
ments are deliberately breached and saltmarsh re-established
(Pethick 2002; Blowers & Smith 2003; Boorman 2003)
(Fig. 11.4). This will permit the maintenance of saltmarsh
area and ecosystem functioning in the face of rising sea level,
and provide a living buffer to more landward embankments,
offering economical and sustainable asset protection against
both rising sea level and increased storm damage. There
are also strong economic drivers. The cost of maintaining
existing sea defences as sea level rises, and of draining land
which may be lower than sea level, is disproportionate to
the value of the agricultural land protected. However, where
the asset values are higher, justifying managed realignment
may be difcult. The proportion of the coastline subject to
realignment is likely to be relatively small and in many cases
there may be strong local opposition, notwithstanding
the environmental and economic arguments in favour
(Pethick 2002).
The complexity of the issues involved and number of
agencies and interest groups likely to be consulted during
the preparation of shoreline management plans is high
(Winn et al. 2003). While any plan needs to have a long-
term perspective, there also need to be mechanisms for
regular review in the light of experience, changing com-
munity expectations and more rened predictions of future
environmental change (i.e. adaptive management).
The number of managed realignment sites in the
UK is still small and the total area involved was less than
200 ha in 2000 (Pethick 2000) and around 600 ha in 2006
(H. L. Mossman, personal communication 2006). Many of
the areas potentially available for saltmarsh restoration are, as
a result of sediment consolidation and oxidation of organic
matter, considerably lower than the marshes outside the
enclosing embankments (Crooks et al. 2002; Pethick 2002).
Sediment recharge to increase surface elevation before res-
toration is likely to be crucial to eventual successful restor-
ation (Pethick 2002). In all the UK sites, sedimentation and
halophyte colonization have occurred (Crooks et al. 2002),
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although local erosion has taken place around the breach
sites. One of the major questions to be resolved is whether
managed realignment should involve costly complete
embankment removal or localized breaches (Pethick 2002).
A particular complication for progressing managed
realignment is conict between different environmental
policies. The European Union has issued a number of
Habitat Directives intended to secure the conservation of
species and their habitats. In many cases, saltmarsh on the
seaward side of embankments, and fresh and brackish
marshes on the landward side, are both subject to Habitat
Directives. It is therefore illegal to allow development
which might threaten either habitat, a fact that has halted
saltmarsh restoration at many proposed sites in the UK
(Pethick 2002).
In the USA, governments, responding to public con-
cern, have given priority to saltmarsh restoration and
creation for several decades. One of the largest ongoing
restoration projects is in San Francisco Bay, where salt-
marshes which had been lost to agriculture and salt ponds
are being restored through the breaching of sea walls in a
process very similar in technique to the UK planned
realignment approach (Williams & Orr 2002). Even if
managed realignment and mitigation schemes go some way
to limiting future loss of saltmarsh area, and to maximizing
retention of ecosystem functioning, the fate of particular
communities and species will still require consideration.
Distinctive local assemblages of species occur on some
saltmarshes, their presence reecting particular habitat
conditions and the quirks of biogeographical history. In
response to changing climate conditions, the ecological and
geographical distribution of each species will be affected
differently. A distinctive habitat is likely always to have a
distinctive assemblage of species, but the composition of
that assemblage will change over time, and it may not be
possible to preserve it unaltered.
While most of the saltmarsh ora has a wide geographic
distribution, and would be predicted to have a similarly
wide, if different, distribution in the years to come, a
number of species currently have much more local distri-
butions. Many are restricted to the high marsh, a zone
vulnerable to disturbance and loss. The autecology of few of
these species has been studied, but it is unlikely that most
would naturally recolonize mitigation or planned retreat
sites, or even that their specialized habitat requirements
would easily be replicated. If these species are to survive,
intensive interventionist management may be required.
There is a case for deliberately seeking to expand popula-
tions of rare species and even to introduce selected aliens in
the upper marsh (Ranwell 1981). In the face of evidence
from around the world of the unexpected consequences of
introductions and the even greater uncertainty of predicting
Fig. 11.4. Managed coastal realignment in Tollesbury, Essex,
in the UK. An area of about 21 ha was re-exposed to tidal
inuence when a breach was made in the old sea wall in
August 1995. (a) The breach in the old sea wall, photographed
in 1997. (b) Trees and hedges killed by seawater, with the
original agricultural drainage system, in summer 1998.
(c) Limited saltmarsh development on low-lying sediments
inside the breach, summer 1998. (Photographs: A. J. Davy.)
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the fate of transplants under environmental conditions dif-
ferent from those of today, there will be understandable
reluctance to adopt such an approach. While transplantation
of rare halophytes in wild habitats may be discouraged,
emergency measures may be required to save the genetic
resource these species represent. Some species may be
candidates for introduction into horticulture, in other cases
they might be used in landscaping of such environments as
median strips in highways.
One species for which deliberate introduction is pro-
posed is Atriplex (Halimione) pedunculata, an upper-marsh
annual plant that has always been rare in Britain and was
thought to be extinct (Leach 1988). Since 1993, an active
programme of removal of competing perennials and manual
spreading of seeds has been undertaken (Wyatt 2003).
Additionally, plant introductions to other sites occurred, but
none has become self-sustaining, requiring continuing
habitat manipulation to retain the species.
Within the 2025 time horizon, it is likely that many of the
changes in saltmarshes will result from site-specic man-
agement and planning decisions. However, the consequences
of changes to global climate and atmospheric CO
tration, which are already under way, will not magically stop
by 2025, even if remedial action were taken immediately. The
slow rate of oceanic mixing means that the sea-level rise
owing to thermal expansion will lag considerably behind the
onset of atmospheric warming. It is likely that by the year
2025, effects of rising sea level on saltmarshes, although
detectable, will be generally minor compared with the impact
of habitat loss through inll and land-claim. This in no way
lessens the urgency of taking action nowto limit the release of
greenhouse gases in order to reduce the magnitude of future
anthropogenic climate change.
Other action is also required to address the more
immediate threats to the survival of saltmarshes. The
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar 2004) obliges
the signatories to nominate at least one site for inclusion on
the Ramsar list of wetlands of international signicance, to
manage all wetlands according to principles of wise use,
and to implement a national wetlands strategy. Only a
minority of countries have so far adopted national strat-
egies, and whether wise use is the guiding principle in most
countries is debatable. Nevertheless, increasing the num-
ber of signatories and national strategies could greatly
improve the prospects for saltmarsh survival.
Acknowledgement of the role of saltmarshes in provid-
ing ecosystem services within the context of both catch-
ments and offshore waters will require management
strategies and legislation which recognize the importance of
all saltmarshes. Nevertheless, it is important that particu-
larly signicant sites are given status as formal protected
areas, preferably including adjacent waters as part of broader
marine and estuarine protection schemes. In most Western
countries, coastal saltmarshes are well represented in the
protected area system; however, there is an urgent need to
raise the public prole of saltmarshes and increase formal
conservation in tropical areas.
In spite of much legislation applicable to saltmarshes
(Shine & de Klemm 1999), it is often fragmented between
different agencies, applied inconsistently and provides
limited opportunity for public involvement in the legal
process. One of the potential advantages of developing
national wetland strategies as required by the Ramsar
Convention would be to provide a uniform focus and set of
objectives for legislation to underpin policy. Desirable
features of international strategy, policy and supporting
legislation should include:
recognition of the ecosystem functions provided by
recognition of the vulnerability of saltmarshes to loss
and degradation
establishment of a regime to conserve biodiversity and
ecosystem functions of saltmarshes, including trans-
national functions such as provision of habitat for
migratory species
denition of circumstances when further destruction of
saltmarsh may be permitted
establishment of a regime to promote rehabilitation of
degraded sites and to make provision for managed
a clear statement of the circumstances under which
mitigation (compensation) will be permitted, and estab-
lishment of a mitigation regime that provides for the clear
setting of objectives and monitoring of outcomes
requirements for public consultation in the determination
of policy, the strategic planning process, the assessment
and approval of development proposals, and ongoing
management and monitoring.
It is likely that many saltmarshes will be lost to development
by the year 2025. Which sites will be affected cannot be
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predicted, but once approval has been given for embanking or
lling, the fate of a particular site will be sealed. Even where
there is high awareness of the values of saltmarshes, there will
be losses to infrastructure and recreational development.
Increasingly, there will be requirements to balance such
losses with rehabilitation of previously damaged sites or
creation of new marshes. Mitigation projects will need to be
monitored and managed, and appropriate regulatory frame-
works will be needed.
Many of the changes to saltmarshes will result from the
interaction of a number of factors, which makes it difcult
to predict the future of individual sites. The various
examples discussed here have been chosen to illustrate the
complexity of interactions and the likely site-specicity of
outcomes; the broad scenarios offered are uncertain in
detail. Even when general trends might be anticipated,
actual outcomes at individual sites may be determined by
stochastic events such as major storms or rainfall events.
As with virtually all ecosystems, invasions of salt-
marshes by exotic species can be expected to increase.
Given the ease with which organisms may be transported
relatively rapidly around the globe, it is impossible to
predict what particular species will provide new threats in
the future, or where they will be experienced. However, we
condently predict that in many cases, control will be
difcult or impossible. Invasives, interacting with indi-
genous species, are likely to create new assemblages on
saltmarshes, different from any historical precedents.
Whether or not particular species are successful
invaders may depend on the extent to which sites become
eutrophic, and the growth and productivity (and to some
extent the resilience) of natural vegetation will also be
affected by nutrient inputs. Management of nutrient and
pollutant inputs will rarely be possible on a site-specic
basis, but will require integrated catchment approaches.
Rising relative sea level could cause erosion and loss of
saltmarsh, although this is likely to be relatively localized
towards 2025. Implementation of potential ameliorative
measures such as managed realignment will require major
attitudinal change. Current and projected schemes are
largely tokenistic, and policy and social changes sufcient
to allow projects of adequate scale to address the rate of
loss seem unlikely in the near future.
Global warming in itself is likely to cause substantial
changes in the distribution and relative abundance of
organisms. However, there will be substantial interaction
between the effects of temperature, atmospheric CO
concentration, nutrient concentration, grazing pressure
and competition from introduced species. It is currently
difcult to predict outcomes, other than to suggest that by
2025, the composition and distribution of saltmarsh com-
munities will be different from that of today. Whether
these changes are regarded as undesirable, to be countered
by management intervention, or accepted as the new status
quo, will depend on society making decisions on issues that
have not yet been dened, let alone seriously considered.
Existing approaches to coastal management have, in
general, not served saltmarshes well. A new dialogue
between scientists, the public and politicians is required if
societys expectations of environmental sustainability are to
be met. Even with recognition of the factors leading to
change, maintenance of present regulatory, economic and
planning frameworks offers at best an uncertain future for
saltmarshes globally.
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