Seagrasses-A Unique Group of Flowering Plants That: Seagrasses As Ecological Service Providers and Biological Sentinels
Seagrasses-A Unique Group of Flowering Plants That: Seagrasses As Ecological Service Providers and Biological Sentinels
Seagrasses-A Unique Group of Flowering Plants That: Seagrasses As Ecological Service Providers and Biological Sentinels
plants that
have adapted to exist fully submersed in the sea profoundly influence the physical, chemical, and biological
environments in coastal waters, acting as ecological engineers (sensuWright and Jones 2006) and providing
numerous important ecological services to the marine environment (Costanza et al. 1997). Seagrasses alter water
flow, nutrient cycling, and food web structure (Hemminga and Duarte 2000). They are an important food source for
megaherbivores such as green sea turtles, dugongs, and manatees, and provide critical habitat for many animals,
including commercially and recreationally important fishery species (figure 1 Beck et al. 2001). They also stabilize
sediments and produce large quantities of organic carbon.However, seagrasses and these associated ecosystem
services are under direct threat from a host of anthropogenic influences. Seagrasses are distributed across the globe
(figure 2), but unlike other taxonomic groups with worldwide distribution, they exhibit low taxonomic diversity
(approximately 60 species worldwide, compared with approximately 250,000 terrestrial angiosperms). The three
independent lineages of seagrass (Hydrocharitaceae, Cymodoceaceae complex, and Zosteraceae) evolved from a
single lineage of monocotyledonous flowering plants between 70 million and 100 million years ago (figure 3a; Les
et al. 1997). This is in stark contrast to other plant groups that have colonized the marine envi-ronment, such as salt
marsh plants, mangroves, and marine algae, which are descended from multiple and diverse evolutionary lineages.
In spite of their low species diversity and unique physiological characteristics, seagrasses have successfully
colonized all but the most polar seas (figure 2). Compared with seagrass meadows, the other major coastal marine
habitats are geographically restricted to much smaller latitudinal ranges (mangroves and coral reefs in tropical
regions, kelp beds and salt marshes in temperate regions). Seagrasses have developed unique ecological,
physiological, and morphological adaptations to a completely submersed existence, including internal gas transport,
epidermal chloroplasts, submarine pollination, and marine dispersal (den Hartog 1970, Les et al. 1997).To provide
oxygen to their roots and rhizomes, often growing in highly reducing sediments with toxic sulfide levels, and to
support large amounts of nonphotosynthetic tissue (Terrados et al. 1999), seagrasses require some of the highest
light levels of any plant group worldwide (approaching 25% of incident radiation in some seagrass species,
compared with 1% or less for other angiosperm species; Dennison et al. 1993). These extremely high light
requirements mean that seagrasses are acutely responsive to environmental changes, especially those that alter water
clarity. Although it is true that the global distribution and abundance of seagrasses have changed over evolutionary
time in response to sea-level change, physical modification of coastlines (figure 3a, 3b), and global changes in
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and water temperature (figure 3c;Crowley 1990, Berner and
Kothavala 2001), the very gradual changes in environmental conditions over the history of seagrass evolution are
overshadowed by current changes to the coastal zone resulting from increased human pressures. These pressures
result in the degradation of estuaries and coastal seas, producing changes to species and habitats (Lotze et al. 2006).
These rapid contemporary changes have been caused by a multitude of mechanisms, including increased nutrient
and sediment runoff, invasive species, hydrological alterations, and commercial fishing practices.As a result,
reported seagrass losses worldwide have been accumulating.
This work was conducted as a part of the Global Seagrass Trajectories Working Group supported by the National
Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, a center funded by the National Science Foundation (grant DEB-
0072909), the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the state of California. The genesis of this project was
in discussions with colleagues at multiple International Seagrass Biology Workshops. This product is contribution
no. 334 from the Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida International University; no. 2772 from the
School ofMarine Science,Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary; no. 2355 from Bodega
Marine Laboratory,University of California–Davis; no. 439 from the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of
New Hampshire; no. 382 from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab; and no. 4015 from the University of