Seagrasses-A Unique Group of Flowering Plants That: Seagrasses As Ecological Service Providers and Biological Sentinels

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Seagrasses—a unique group of flowering

plants that
have adapted to exist fully submersed in the sea profoundly influence the physical, chemical, and biological
environments in coastal waters, acting as ecological engineers (sensuWright and Jones 2006) and providing
numerous important ecological services to the marine environment (Costanza et al. 1997). Seagrasses alter water
flow, nutrient cycling, and food web structure (Hemminga and Duarte 2000). They are an important food source for
megaherbivores such as green sea turtles, dugongs, and manatees, and provide critical habitat for many animals,
including commercially and recreationally important fishery species (figure 1 Beck et al. 2001). They also stabilize
sediments and produce large quantities of organic carbon.However, seagrasses and these associated ecosystem
services are under direct threat from a host of anthropogenic influences. Seagrasses are distributed across the globe
(figure 2), but unlike other taxonomic groups with worldwide distribution, they exhibit low taxonomic diversity
(approximately 60 species worldwide, compared with approximately 250,000 terrestrial angiosperms). The three
independent lineages of seagrass (Hydrocharitaceae, Cymodoceaceae complex, and Zosteraceae) evolved from a
single lineage of monocotyledonous flowering plants between 70 million and 100 million years ago (figure 3a; Les
et al. 1997). This is in stark contrast to other plant groups that have colonized the marine envi-ronment, such as salt
marsh plants, mangroves, and marine algae, which are descended from multiple and diverse evolutionary lineages.
In spite of their low species diversity and unique physiological characteristics, seagrasses have successfully
colonized all but the most polar seas (figure 2). Compared with seagrass meadows, the other major coastal marine
habitats are geographically restricted to much smaller latitudinal ranges (mangroves and coral reefs in tropical
regions, kelp beds and salt marshes in temperate regions). Seagrasses have developed unique ecological,
physiological, and morphological adaptations to a completely submersed existence, including internal gas transport,
epidermal chloroplasts, submarine pollination, and marine dispersal (den Hartog 1970, Les et al. 1997).To provide
oxygen to their roots and rhizomes, often growing in highly reducing sediments with toxic sulfide levels, and to
support large amounts of nonphotosynthetic tissue (Terrados et al. 1999), seagrasses require some of the highest
light levels of any plant group worldwide (approaching 25% of incident radiation in some seagrass species,
compared with 1% or less for other angiosperm species; Dennison et al. 1993). These extremely high light
requirements mean that seagrasses are acutely responsive to environmental changes, especially those that alter water
clarity. Although it is true that the global distribution and abundance of seagrasses have changed over evolutionary
time in response to sea-level change, physical modification of coastlines (figure 3a, 3b), and global changes in
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and water temperature (figure 3c;Crowley 1990, Berner and
Kothavala 2001), the very gradual changes in environmental conditions over the history of seagrass evolution are
overshadowed by current changes to the coastal zone resulting from increased human pressures. These pressures
result in the degradation of estuaries and coastal seas, producing changes to species and habitats (Lotze et al. 2006).
These rapid contemporary changes have been caused by a multitude of mechanisms, including increased nutrient
and sediment runoff, invasive species, hydrological alterations, and commercial fishing practices.As a result,
reported seagrass losses worldwide have been accumulating.

Seagrasses as ecological service providers and biological sentinels

Seagrass meadows have importantecological roles in coastal ecosystems and provide high-value ecosystem services
compared with other marine and terrestrial habitats (figure 4; Costanza et al. 1997). For example, primary
production from seagrasses and their associated macro- and microepiphytes rivals or exceeds that of many cultivated
terrestrial ecosystems (Duarte and Chiscano 1999). Seagrasses also provide an enormous source of carbon to the
pool, some of which is exported to the deep sea, where it provides a critical supply of organic matter in an extremely
food-limited environment (Suchanek et al. 1985).Much of the excess organic carbon produced is buried within
seagrass sediments, which are hotspots for carbon sequestration in the biosphere (Duarte et al. 2005). The structural
components of seagrass leaves, rhizomes, and roots modify currents and waves, trapping and storing both sediments
and nutrients, and effectively filter nutrient inputs to the coastal ocean (Hemminga and Duarte 2000). Biodiversity in
seagrass meadows is greater than in adjacent unvegetated areas, and faunal densities are orders of magnitude higher
inside the meadows (Hemminga and Duarte 2000). They also serve as a nursery ground, often to juvenile stages of
economically important species of finfish and shellfish, although the species vary by region and climate (figure 4;
Beck et al. 2001, Heck et al. 2003). The large-scale loss of seagrass that occurred on both sides of the North Atlantic
Ocean in the early 1930s, a result of “eelgrass wasting disease” (Rasmussen 1977), had many effects on the
ecosystem.Associated with this loss were a collapse of scallop fisheries and dramatic reductions in waterfowl
populations. In addition, it resulted in the only known case of an extinction of a marine gastropod (Carlton et al.
1991). Finally, the proximity of seagrass beds to other critical habitats, such as salt marshes (in temperate regions) or
mangroves and coral reefs (in tropical regions), facilitates trophic transfers and cross-habitat utilization
by fishes and invertebrates (Beck et al. 2001). This provides an energy subsidy that may be essential in maintaining
the abundance of some coral reef fish species (Valentine and Heck 2005). Moreover, seagrasses can be considered
as biological sentinels, or “coastal canaries.”Changes in seagrass distribution, such as a reduction in the maximum
depth limit (Abal and Dennison 1996) or widespread seagrass loss (Cambridge and McComb 1984), signal
important losses of ecosystem services that seagrasses provide. Seagrasses are sessile, essentially integrating the
relevant water quality attributes, such as chlorophyll and turbidity, that affect the light reaching their leaves.Several
features of seagrasses and seagrass meadows result in their particular importance in this regard.The widespread
distribution of seagrasses throughout tropical and temperate regions (figure 2) allows better assessment of larger-
scale trends than do other comparable coastal habitats, such as mangrove, corals, or salt marsh plants, which are
limited to only one of these broad geographic regions. Seagrasses also live in shallow, protected coastal waters,
directly in the path of watershed nutrient and sediment inputs, and are therefore highly susceptible to these inputs
(figure 4), unlike mangrove forests (which are largely unaffected by water quality) or coral reefs (which occur
farther away from the imputs). Another feature that makes seagrasses a valuable biological indicator is that they
integrate environmental impacts over measurable and definable timescales (Longstaff and Dennison 1999,
Carruthers et al. 2002), and a number of key examples support this concept. Increased coastal development leading
to nutrient inputs in Cockburn Sound,Australia,
led to large-scale losses of seagrass into the 1990s, and seagrasses remain at low levels in the area today (Walker et
al. 2006). The loss of seagrass led to sediment resuspension, hampering restoration efforts and negatively affecting
fish populations. In this region of Australia, if seagrass density drops below the 25th percentile of the long-term
average for two consecutive years, remedial action is now mandated by law in confronting diffuse sources of
pollution. Because of the susceptibility of seagrasses to such stresses and the high level of ecosystem services they
provide, seagrasses are also used as one of the five sensitive indicators of pollution in the US
National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment (Bricker et al. 2003). And in the Chesapeake Bay, historical levels of

The challenge of rapid

environmental changes
Seagrasses now live in a marine environment with a lower mean temperature and lower availability of CO 2 than
were experienced by their ancestors (Beer and Koch 1996). The recent trends of increasing global temperature, sea-
level rise, and CO2 concentrations (figure 3c, 5a, 5b) could result in environments that are potentially more
conducive for many seagrass species. However, as a result of increased human population (figure 5c) and
concomitant increased anthropogenic pressure to the coastal zone, the rates of change in coastal waters today are
much faster than those experienced in the previous 100 million years of evolutionary history, and may well be too
fast to allow these species to adapt. Where human activities have led to a reduction in the genetic diversity of
seagrasses, these species’ adaptation could be compromised (Williams 2001). In many areas, human alterations to
the coastal zone (coastal hardening through breakwaters, harbors, and groins) have led to a situation that prevents
the shoreward migration of the seagrasses necessitated by sea-level rise. In addition, significant seagrass habitat
continues to be lost to coastal development (marinas, canal estates, and industry), leading to meadow fragmentation,
with unknown consequences for long-term survival (Fonseca et al. 2000). Seagrass meadows are increasingly being
recognized for
their dynamic nature, in many cases on an interannual basis, with a dynamic equilibrium at broad spatial scales
kilometers) even in areas where water quality remains high (Fonseca et al. 2000,Kendrick et al. 2000).But this
awareness is being overshadowed by rapid, large-scale seagrass losses over relatively short temporal scales
throughout the world, in places such as the European Mediterranean (Marbà et al. 2005), Japan (Environment
Agency of Japan 2000), the Chesapeake Bay (Orth and Moore 1983) and Florida Bay (Fourqurean and Robblee
1999) in North America, and Cockburn Sound (Walker et al. 2006) and Western Port (Bulthuis 1983) in Australia.
Although there are places where seagrass loss has been reversed following improvements in water quality, such as
Tampa Bay,North America (Tomasko et al. 2005), and Hervey Bay,Australia (Preen and Marsh 1995), the number
of declines far exceeds the reported increases, leading to Multiple stressors behind seagrass declines
Environmental, biological, and extreme climatological events have been identified as causes of seagrass losses in
temperate and tropical regions (table 1). Threats from global climate change (e.g., increases in sea surface
temperature, sea level, and frequency and intensity of storms and associated surge and swells), from regional shifts
inwater quality (e.g., in the Chesapeake Bay; Kemp et al. 2005), and from more localized impacts due to increased
loading of sediment, contaminants, and nutrients (figure 6a) reaching coastal environments (e.g.,Cockburn Sound;
Walker et al. 2006) have had demonstrable impacts on the health of seagrass-dominated coastal ecosystems
worldwide (table 1). These global, regional, and local stressors can all independently result in large-scale seagrass
loss; however, seagrasses are often simultaneously influenced by multiple stressors at different temporal and spatial
scales, and studies that examine the interacting impacts of multiple stressors are lacking. In all regions, the
environmental effects of excess nutrients or sediments are the most common and significant causes of seagrass
decline, and result in small to very large areas of seagrass being lost. The directinfluence of other organisms (e.g.,
brown tides, urchin overgrazing, and disease) has also led to large-scale losses and, when acting in concert with
suspended sediments and nutrients, can accelerate the trajectory of seagrass loss for the area in question. The greater
diversity of causes attributed to seagrass declines in temperate regions most likely reflects the much greater research
and monitoring effort in Europe, North America, and southern Australia (Duarte 1999), rather than greater
susceptibility in these regions (table 1). Extreme climatic events (e.g., hurricanes, tsunamis) also can have large-
scale impacts on seagrass communities and subsequent effects on the ecosystem services provided by seagrass
meadows (table 1, figure 4). In the case of the pulsed turbidity events following the passage of tropical storms in
Hervey Bay,Australia, which resulted in 1000 km 2 of seagrass loss, high mortality and emigration of dugong
eventually occurred (Preen and Marsh 1995). Recently, greater attention has focused on the role of top-down control
in seagrass declines, as cascading effects on trophic dynamics follow the loss of higher-level consumers in
seagrasses and other ecosystems (Heck et al. 2000, Jackson et al. 2001). Thus, seagrasses are being influenced by
both bottom-up and top-down processes (Heck and Orth 2006). Although our primary focus here is on the
seagrasses themselves, seagrass-associated species are also threatened or vulnerable to extinction. Eleven of 28 fish

Seagrass monitoring, management,

protection, and restoration
Reported cases of seagrass loss have increased almost tenfold over the last 40 years in both tropical and temperate
regions (figure 6c), suggesting increased rates of seagrass decline worldwide. In response to seagrass loss caused by
increasing anthropogenic stresses on coastal seagrass meadows, during the last decade there has been a major
increase in the number of marine protected areas that include seagrass (figure 6d) and in seagrass monitoring (figure
6e) and restoration projects throughout the world. The current challenges are to synthesize this information to
enhance our understanding of global seagrass processes, threats, and change, and to apply this knowledge to develop
effective resource management programs. Efforts to protect seagrasses now include 19 monitoring programs that
encompass 30 seagrass species in 44 countries (approximately 2000 sites). Perhaps the most difficult issue facing
resource managers as they try to protect seagrasses is in implementing management plans to reduce nutrients and
sediments from both diffuse and point sources in surrounding watersheds, especially where watersheds cross
jurisdictional boundaries. Seagrass distribution and abundance are being successfully incorporated into water quality
management programs and environmental impact studies in several areas, notably the Chesapeake Bay and Florida
in North America, and Moreton Bay and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in Australia (Kenworthy et al. 2006).
Management applications are based on the foundation of seagrass knowledge developed in each of those areas and
are aimed at establishing water quality standards to conserve and restore seagrasses (Dennison et al. 1993,Coles and
Fortes 2001,Kenworthy et al. 2006). A number of seagrass management plans have objectives with quantitative

Science and public awareness

of seagrasses: A disconnect
Over the last 35 years, scientists have responded to the need for more information on seagrasses and their
contribution to the productivity of coastal and estuarine systems with more research and monitoring programs that
have resulted in a 100- fold increase in the annual number of papers published during this time period. This increase
represents a sustained publication growth rate of 12.8% per year (figure 7a) and includes a seagrass atlas (Green and
Short 2003), a methods book (Short and Coles 2001), and two research syntheses (Hemminga and Duarte 2000,
Larkum et al. 2006). Despite the increase in scientific publications on seagrasses,the level of public awareness, as
reflected by the number of reports on seagrass ecosystems in the media, is far less than that for other coastal
habitats. Salt marshes, mangroves, and coral reefs receive 3-fold to 100-fold more media attention than seagrass
ecosystems, although the services provided by seagrasses, together with algal beds, deliver a value at least twice as
high as the next most valuable habitat (figure 7b;Costanzaet al. 1997). This difference in media attention partly
reflectsdisproportionate research effort, as the number of scientific documents on seagrass is also below those on salt
marshes, mangroves, and coral reefs (figure 7b).Reports on seagrasses in the New York Times and National
Geographic are 3 to 50 times lower than those for salt marshes, mangroves, and coral reefs.Nevertheless, these data
indicate that translating scientific understanding of seagrass ecosystems into public awareness has not been as
effective as for other coastal ecosystems. Much of this disconnect between available information and public
awareness undoubtedly stems from the invisibility of seagrasses, as they grow underwater, and from the avoidance
of their very shallow habitat by many boaters (unless they run aground, whereupon the boat propellers damage
seagrass). In addition, although a high diversity and abundance of organisms live in seagrass beds, the animals are
often small and cryptic, in contrast to the large and dazzling organisms that attract the general public to coral reefs.
The few charismatic megafauna that do inhabit seagrass meadows (manatees, dugongs, and sea turtles; figure 1) are
elusive and not easily viewed in the wild, and because they are endangered by overharvesting and habitat
destruction, they are not nearly as abundant as the fish and invertebrates on coral reefs (Jackson et al. 2001).
Without strong public support for seagrasses and the uncharismatic but highly productive animals they shelter,
conservation efforts will continue to lag behind those of other key coastal ecosystems.

The need for a global conservation

effort for seagrasses
We have presented the case that seagrasses are facing a crisis due to a diverse array of pressures from human
activities in the coastal zone, as well as the increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters such as hurricanes,
which may also be indirectly associated with human activities (i.e., global warming). Although seagrasses have
experienced considerable environmental changes in sea level,CO 2, and temperature over the past 100 million years
of their evolutionary history, these historical changes were gradual. How well seagrasses can adapt to the
unprecedented rates of change they are currently experiencing is unknown. In view of the many cases of
documented seagrass loss, predictions for the future of seagrass-dominated coastal systems cannot be optimistic.
While the global science community has focused on predicting future change to the oceans and to coastal
ecosystems for iconic groups like corals, seagrasses have generally been ignored by all but marine scientists, except
in the most highly developed countries. Given the importance of seagrasses to humans (Costanza et al. 1997,
Larkum et al. 2006), it is imperative to assess the future of seagrasses under the exponentially increasing pressures
of human growth and development in the watersheds and coastal zones of the world. A quantitative analysis of
seagrass trajectories could form the foundation to incorporate seagrasses into a global science policy for the world’s
oceans. Monitoring seagrass meadows is a necessary but insufficient conservation activity, because remedial actions
are not fully effective in stopping declines once they are detected (Short and Burdick 1996, Delgado et al. 1999). It
will be critically important to forecast the likely cumulative effects of the known and emerging stressors of
seagrasses. Present scenarios for future seagrass trends are either of limited geographic extent (Fourqurean et al.
2003) or limited to qualitative statements (Short and Neckles 1999, Duarte 2002, Duarte et al. forthcoming).
Quantitative forecasts, together with risk analysis identifying the most vulnerable areas, can inform conserva ion and
management strategies and help determine the most cost-effective allocation of resources to conserve seagrass
ecosystems. Furthermore, developing models that incorporate the landscape scale of seagrass dynamics and can link
to watershed runoff models will help inform resource managers about the consequences of various watershed
activities on seagrass dynamics. Our major recommendation is to respond to the global seagrass crisis with extensive
conservation efforts involving comprehensive nutrient management schemes, sanctuaries orprotected areas, and
education for the public and resourcemanagers (Kenworthy et al. 2006). The majority of seagrasslosses are a result
of human activities in the adjacent watersheds,which lead to increased nutrient and sediment runoff.The isolated
case studies of seagrass recoveries when inputsof nutrients (e.g., Tampa Bay, Florida; Tomasko et al. 2005)or
sediments (Hervey Bay,Australia; Preen and Marsh 1995)are curtailed demonstrate the potential effectiveness of
conservation efforts. The preservation of seagrasses and their associated ecosystem services—in particular,
biodiversity, primary and secondary production, nursery habitat, and nutrient and sediment sequestration—should be
a global priority.We believe that the crisis facing seagrass ecosystems can be averted with a global conservation
effort, and this effort will benefit not just seagrasses and their associated organisms but also the entirety of coastal

This work was conducted as a part of the Global Seagrass Trajectories Working Group supported by the National
Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, a center funded by the National Science Foundation (grant DEB-
0072909), the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the state of California. The genesis of this project was
in discussions with colleagues at multiple International Seagrass Biology Workshops. This product is contribution
no. 334 from the Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida International University; no. 2772 from the
School ofMarine Science,Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary; no. 2355 from Bodega
Marine Laboratory,University of California–Davis; no. 439 from the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory, University of
New Hampshire; no. 382 from the Dauphin Island Sea Lab; and no. 4015 from the University of

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