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Transparency Market

Forensic Technologies Market is
growing at a CAGR of 12.4% from
2013 to 201. !" Trans#arenc"
Market Research.
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Forensic Technologies Market is $%#ecte& to Reach '() 1*.*
!illion Glo+all" in 201, Trans#arenc" Market Research
Transparency Market Research
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72 Page Report
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Press Release
Forensic Technologies
Forensic Technologies Market was valued at USD 8.3 billion in 2013 and is e!ected to grow at a
"#$% o& 12.'( &ro) 2013 to 201*+ to reach an esti)ated value o& USD 1,., billion in 201*.
%ro(se te +ull report at ttp:,,(((-transparenc&*ar.etresearc-co*,+orensics"
Forensic science is based on the theor- o& trans&er+ i.e. when two ob.ects )eet+ an evidence o&
that )eeting can be established and veri/ed at a later ti)e. For instance+ /nger!rints0
shoe!rints0tool )arks in case o& the&t0burglar-1 or in case with D2# !ro/les+ the bits o& evidence
are )iniaturi3ed to the etent o& a single skin cell between the sus!ect and the cri)e. Thus
&orensic technologies can be de/ned as technologies used &or the identi/cation+ anal-sis and
evaluation o& !h-sical evidence gathered &ro) the cri)e scene. The collected and anal-3ed
&orensic evidence is in turn used in cri)inal law to !rove the guilt or innocence o& the de&endant.
$loball-+ the D2# !ro/ling is a high growth )arket seg)ent that is e!ected to grow at )ore
than 11( "#$% in the &orecast !eriod. 4n &orensic technologies0services )arket+ it is widel-
5uoted that D2# !ro/ling has hel!ed solve cri)es considered otherwise unsolvable.
Technological advances in D2# !ro/ling such as 6)iniaturi3ation6 and 6)icrochi! technologies6
enable &orensic testing and anal-sis o& even )icro+ old+ degraded+ deco)!osed D2# sa)!les.
Due to these bene/ts+ the a!!lication o& D2# !ro/ling as a &orensic technolog- has e!anded
widel- &ro) the identi/cation o& sus!ects in )urders+ ra!e cases and violent cri)es to
eoneration o& the wrong&ull- accused and in establishing an identit- &or cor!ses or skeletons
and victi)s o& disasters. #lso+ due to cost7e8cienc- o& D2# !ro/ling+ this &orensic technolog- is
now being widel- a!!lied to investigate even non7&atal cri)e cases such as burglar-+ robber-
and white7collar cri)e.
D2# !ro/ling in 2orth #)erica and 9uro!e are now standardi3ed and auto)ated. D2# !ro/les
have been archived and stored as digital records in D2# databases :e.g. ";D4S02D4S in the U.S.<
so that D2# !ro/les :&ro) new cri)e cases< can be easil- and 5uickl- re&erenced. This has
hel!ed in increasing the s!eed o& cri)e case &orensic anal-sis and resolution. %ecentl-+ )an-
countries in #sia7=aci/c and %o> have initiated )assive D2# databases !rogra)s. #ll these
&actors contribute to the )arket growth o& D2# !ro/ling seg)ent.
"urrentl-+ in ter)s o& geogra!h-+ 2orth #)erica and 9uro!e have a higher )arket share1 but
going &orward+ #sia7=aci/c and %o> regions are e!ected to gain about ?0( )arket share. #s
Trans#arenc" Market Research
R/P0R1 D/SCR2P120'
Forensic Technologies
)an- o& the &orensic technologies0services such as @io)etrics0Finger!rints and Firear)s
4denti/cation are standardi3ed and auto)ated in 2orth #)erica and 9uro!e+ it is likel- to result
in lower s!end0cost !er end7to7end cri)e case anal-sis and resolution. #lso+ )an- countries in
#sia7=aci/c and %o> 7 #bu Dhabi+ South #&rica have initiated )assive D2# databases !rogra)s.
# )ultitude o& other such &actors are likel- to drive growth o& all &orensic technologies0services
seg)ents within the #sia7=aci/c and %o> regions1 hence these regions will garner a higher
)arket share going &orward.
The global )arket &or &orensic technologies0services is do)inated b- the $overn)ent i.e.
!ublicl- &unded &orensic labs that have about ?0( )arket share. There are ver- &ew !rivate labs
or &orensic service !roviding co)!anies that can !rovide end7to7end cri)e case anal-sis. @ut
there are )an- !rivate labs or &orensic service !roviding co)!anies that !rovide &orensic
anal-sis o& &ew co)!onents o& a cri)e case. For ea)!le+ A$" Forensics+ "ell)ark Forensic
Services in the U.B. The )ore !ro)inent ones include @ode Technolog-+ 2MS Aabs+ Ther)o Fisher
Scienti/c and $9 Cealthcare Ai&e Sciences in the U.S.
The global &orensic technologies )arket is seg)ented as &ollowsD
Forensic Technologies Market+ b- Services
D2# =ro/ling
Mitochondrial D2# :)tD2#< !ro/ling
%estriction Frag)ent Aength =ol-)or!his) :%FA=< )ethod &or D2# !ro/ling
=ol-)erase "hain %eaction :="%< 7 Short Tande) %e!eat :ST%< t-!ing &or D2# !ro/ling
E7ST% t-!ing
@io)etrics0Finger!rints #nal-sis
"he)ical :drugs0e!losives0toicolog-< #nal-sis
9n3-)e 4))unoassa-s :94#<
Firear)s 4denti/cation and #nal-sis
Trans#arenc" Market Research
Forensic Technologies
Forensic Technologies Market+ b- Aocation
Aaborator- Forensics
Aaborator- 4n&or)ation Manage)ent S-ste)s :A4MS<
=ortable Forensics Technolog-
Forensics as a Service :FaaS<
Forensic Technologies Market+ b- $eogra!h-
2orth #)erica
%est o& the >orld :%o><
3or Sa*ple Report 4isit 0n:
Capter 1 Pre+ace
1-1 Report Description
1-2 Seg*entation
1-$ Researc Meto!olog&
Trans#arenc" Market Research
1#%L/ 03 C0'1/'1
Forensic Technologies
Capter 2 /;ecuti<e Su**ar&
Capter $ 2ntro!uction: 3orensic 1ecnologies
$-1 De=nition " 3orensic 1ecnologies
$-2 /<olution o+ 3orensic 1ecnologies
$-$ 1&pes o+ P&sical Cri*e an! #pplicable 3orensic 1ecnologies
Capter 4 >lobal 3orensic 1ecnologies 0<er<ie(
4-1 0<er<ie(
4-2 Dri<ers
4-2-1 2ncreasing Cri*e Rate
4-2-2 Sopistication o+ Cri*e
4-2-$ Latent De*an! +or 3orensic 1ecnologies,Ser<ices at te Cri*e Scene ?Location@
4-$ Restraints
4-$-1 Re!uction 2' >o<ern*ent Spen! on 3orensic 1ecnologies,Ser<ices
4-$-2 Declining Suppl&,Pro<ision o+ 3orensic 1ecnologies,Ser<ices
4-$-$ Regulator& Constraints
4-4 0pportunities
4-4-1 2ncrease! Co*pliance Costs 3or >o<ern*ent,Publicl& 3un!e! 3orensic Labs " #n
0pportunit& +or Pri<ate Labs,3orensic Ser<ice Pro<i!ers
4-4-2 Case %ac.logs an! 0utsourcing b& >o<ern*ent,Publicl& 3un!e! 3orensic Labs
Trans#arenc" Market Research
Forensic Technologies
4-4-$ 0pportunit& +or 3orensic Supplies an! /)uip*ent Pro<i!ers
4-5 #ttracti<eness #nal&sis: >lobal 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& >eograp&
Capter 5 >lobal 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& Ser<icesA 201$ " 2019 ?USD Million@
5-1 D'# Pro=ling
5-1-1 Mitocon!rial D'# ?*tD'#@ Pro=ling
5-1-2 Restriction 3rag*ent Lengt Pol&*orpis* ?R3LP@ Meto! +or D'# Pro=ling
5-1-$ Pol&*erase Cain Reaction ?PCR@ " Sort 1an!e* Repeat ?S1R@ 1&ping +or D'#
5-1-4 B"S1R 1&ping
5-1-5 'e( De<elop*ents
5-2 %io*etrics,3ingerprints #nal&sis
5-2-1 'e( De<elop*ents
5-$ Ce*ical ?Drugs,/;plosi<es,1o;icolog&@ #nal&sis
5-$-1 Cro*atograp&
5-$-2 Spectroscop&
5-$-$ Spectropoto*etr&
5-$-4 /nC&*e 2**unoassa&s ?/2#@
5-$-5 'e( De<elop*ents
5-4 3irear*s 2!enti=cation an! #nal&sis
5-5 3orensic Supplies an! /)uip*ent
Trans#arenc" Market Research
Forensic Technologies
5-5-1 'e( De<elop*ents
Capter D >lobal 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& LocationA 201$ #n! 2019 ?USD Million@
D-1 Co*parati<e #nal&sis: 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& LocationA 201$ an! 2019 ?USD
D-2 Laborator& 3orensics 1ecnolog&
D-2-1 Laborator& 2n+or*ation Manage*ent S&ste*s ?L2MS@
D-$ Portable 3orensics 1ecnolog&
D-$-1 3orensics as a Ser<ice ?3aas@
Capter 7 >lobal 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& >eograp&A 201$ " 2019 ?USD Million@
7-1 2ntro!uction
7-1-1 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& >eograp&A 201$ " 2019 ?USD Million@
7-2 'ort #*erica
7-2-1 'ort #*erica 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& Ser<icesA 2011 " 2019 ?USD Million@
7-$ /urope
7-$-1 /urope 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& Ser<icesA 2011 " 2019 ?USD Million@
7-4 #sia"Paci=c
7-4-1 #sia"Paci=c 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& Ser<icesA 2011 " 2019 ?USD Million@
7-5 Rest o+ te Eorl! ?Ro(@
7-5-1 Ro( 3orensic 1ecnologies Mar.etA b& Ser<icesA 2011 " 2019 ?USD Million@
Trans#arenc" Market Research
Forensic Technologies
Capter : Reco**en!ations
:-1 >ain #ccre!itation to /nsure Fuali=cation +or %ac.logs an! 0utsource! Case Co*ponents
b& >o<ern*ent,Publicl& 3un!e! 3orensic Labs
:-2 2n<est*ent in 2n+rastructure
:-$ 2n<esting in #sia"Paci=c an! Ro( Mar.ets
Capter 9 Co*pan& Pro=les
9-1 'MS LabsA 2nc-
9-1-1 Co*pan& 0<er<ie(
9-1-2 Strategic 0<er<ie(
9-1-$ 3inancial 0<er<ie(
9-1-4 Pro!uct Port+olio
9-2 L>C 3orensics
9-2-1 Co*pan& 0<er<ie(
9-2-2 Strategic 0<er<ie(
9-2-$ 3inancial 0<er<ie(
9-2-4 Pro!uct Port+olio
9-$ P&ra*i!al 1ecnologies Lt!-
9-$-1 Co*pan& 0<er<ie(
9-$-2 Strategic 0<er<ie(
Trans#arenc" Market Research
Forensic Technologies
9-$-$ 3inancial 0<er<ie(
9-$-4 Pro!uct Port+olio
9-4 SP/G 3orensics
9-4-1 Co*pan& 0<er<ie(
9-4-2 Strategic 0<er<ie(
9-4-$ 3inancial 0<er<ie(
9-4-4 Pro!uct Port+olio
9-5 /uro=ns Me!igeno*i; >*b
9-5-1 Co*pan& 0<er<ie(
9-5-2 Strategic 0<er<ie(
9-5-$ 3inancial 0<er<ie(
9-5-4 Pro!uct Port+olio
9-D >/ Healtcare Li+e Sciences
9-D-1 Co*pan& 0<er<ie(
9-D-2 Strategic 0<er<ie(
9-D-$ 3inancial 0<er<ie(
9-D-4 Pro!uct Port+olio
Trans#arenc" Market Research
Forensic Technologies
Trans!arenc- Market %esearch is a )arket intelligence co)!an- !roviding global business in&or)ation
re!orts and services. ;ur eclusive blend o& 5uantitative &orecasting and trends anal-sis !rovides &orward7
looking insight &or thousands o& decision )akers.
>e are !rivileged with highl- e!erienced tea) o& #nal-sts+ %esearchers and "onsultants+ who use
!ro!rietar- data sources and various tools and techni5ues to gather+ and anal-3e in&or)ation. ;ur
business oGerings re!resent the latest and the )ost reliable in&or)ation indis!ensable &or businesses to
sustain a co)!etitive edge.
Trans!arenc- Market %esearch
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