Transparency Market Research
Transparency Market Research
Transparency Market Research
Crop Protection Chemicals
Market is growing at a CAGR of
5.4% from 201 to 201!.. "#
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Crop Protection Chemicals Market is growing at a CAGR of
5.4% from 201 to 201!.. "# $ransparenc# Market
Transparency Market Research
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96 Page Report
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Press Release
Crop Protection
Chemicals Market
The Global Crop Protection Market was worth USD 48.0 billion in the year 201 an! is e"pecte!
to reach USD #1. billion by 201$% &rowin& at a C'G( o) *.4+ )ro, 201 to 201$. -erbici!es
)or,e! the lar&est cate&ory in the o.erall crop protection ,arket% contrib/tin& abo/t USD 1$.$
billion )or the year 201.
0rowse the )/ll report at http122www.transparency,,2crop3protection3
-erbici!es% )/n&ici!es an! insectici!es are the )ore,ost pro!/ct se&,ents in the &lobal crop
protection ,arket. The herbici!es ,arket will e"perience both the hi&hest &rowth rate as well as
hi&hest .ol/,e tra!e! in the ne"t si" years. The e"pecte! &rowth rate o) herbici!es )or the &i.en
perio! is co,p/te! to be 4.1+% which is )ollowe! by )/n&ici!es with *.4+ o) &rowth rate the
year 2011 to 2018.
The ,a5or in6/encin& )actors in the crop protection ,arket are shrinkin& arable lan!% the
para!i&, shi)t in )ar,in& practices% increase! p/rchasin& power an! the res/ltant i,pro.e,ent
in the stan!ar! o) Pestici!es protect the plants )ro, .ario/s wee!s% ne,ato!es an!
)/n&/s% th/s raisin& the yiel! pro!/ction. 7ncrease! awareness )or crop protection in !e.elope!
nations like the U.S% better an! e8ecti.e /tili9ation o) pestici!es alon& with a!option o) hi&h en!
technolo&ies are key &rowth !ri.ers )or the ,arket.
$sia Paci+c accounte! ,or *a-orit& o, te global crop protection * in "011 an! is
e/pecte! to !o so till "0101 o(e2er Latin $*erica an! 'ort $*erica *ar.ets are
e/pecte! to gro( at a iger rate3 4e& * pla&ers pro+le! in te report inclu!e
%a&er5 S&ngenta5 %$S65 Do( $groscience5 Monsanto5 Dupont5 Ma.tesi* $ga*5
'u6ar*5 Su*oto*o Ce*icals an! $r&st&a Li,escience3
7is researc is speciall& !esigne! to esti*ate an! anal&8e te !e*an! an!
per,or*ance o, pestici!e pro!ucts across te globe3 7e researc
$ransparenc# Market Research
R9P:R7 D9SCR;P7;:'
Crop Protection
Chemicals Market
pro2i!es in#!ept anal&sis o, crop protection pro!uct *anu,acturers5 pro!uct sales5
tren! anal&sis b& seg*ents an! !e*an! b& geograp&3 7e report co2ers all te
*a-or pro!uct seg*ents o, te global crop protection * an! pro2i!es in#!ept
anal&sis5 istorical !ata an! statisticall& re+ne! ,orecast ,or te seg*ents co2ere!3
$bout Us
:ur !ata repositor& is continuousl& up!ate! an! re2ise! b& a tea* o, researc
e/perts5 so tat it al(a&s re<ects te latest tren!s an! in,or*ation3 =it a broa!
researc an! anal&sis capabilit&5 7ransparenc& Researc e*plo&s rigorous
pri*ar& an! secon!ar& researc tecni)ues in !e2eloping !istincti2e !ata sets an!
researc *aterial ,or business reports3
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