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Transparency Market

Green Packaging Market - Global
Scenario, Trends, Industry
Analysis, Size, Share And
Forecast, 20 - 20!
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Global Green Packaging Market is "#$ected to %each &S'
((,())*0 Million in 20!+ Trans$arency Market %esearch
Transparency Market Research
State To,er,
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85 Page Report
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Press Release
Green Packaging Market
+reen Pac,aging Mar,et " +lobal Scenario- .ren!s- /n!ustr& 0nal&sis- Si1e- Sare 0n! 2orecast-
$011 " $018
According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research "Green Packaging Market
(Recycled, Reusable & egradable! " Global #cenario, Trends, $ndustry Analysis, #i%e, #hare and &orecast,
'()) " '()*," the global green packaging market was worth +# )(*,,-(.( million in '()) and is
e/pected to reach +# ),,,,00.( million in '()*, growing at a 1AGR o2 ,.34 2rom '()0 to '()*. $n the
o5erall global market, 6urope accounted 2or the highest share worth +# 7),0'-.( million in '()) 2ollowed
by 8orth America, which accounted 2or +# 0',3'-.( million in '()). 9owe5er, the highest growth in the
2orecasted period is e/pected to be witnessed in the Asia Paci:c region, especially $ndia and 1hina, due to
large population base, economic growth and rising awareness about green products.
%ro(se te 3ull Report at
=ey 2actors encouraging the mo5e towards green packaging include growing awareness about carbon
emissions, energy consumption and waste reduction targets implemented by di>erent nations, rapidly
growing economies, a dearth o2 natural resources, and consumers? pre2erence 2or eco"2riendly products.
@orldwide, the waste generated because o2 production and transportation o2 packaging materials has
impacted the en5ironment considerably o5er the past 2ew years. The condition is grim in the +=, where
-.A) million tonnes o2 packaging waste is estimated to be generated each year, representing
appro/imately '(.)4 o2 all waste. Manu2acturers are thus continuously trying to use en5ironmentally
2riendly packaging materials, which 2urther support the growth o2 green packaging market.
6urope will lead primarily in the green packaging market due to high regulatory barriers and less land 2or
land:lls. e5eloped countries like 8orth America and Bapan will ha5e slow growth rate, while emerging
countries like $ndia, 1hina and $ndonesia will e/perience the 2astest growth during the 2orecasted period.
Reusable and degradable packaging is e/pected to witness high growth rate in the Asia Paci:c region 2rom
'()0 to '()*.
Among the di>erent packaging product types, recycled packaging accounts 2or the highest market share,
growing at a 1AGR o2 3.A4 2rom '()0 to '()*. 8orth America is e/pected to witness slow growth in
Trans$arency Market %esearch
R4P#R. D4SCR/P./#'
Green Packaging Market
recycled packaging but high growth in reusable packaging due to high energy consumption and higher
cost incurred in the production processes o2 recycled packaging.
+et Cop& #3 Sa*ple Report 2ro* ere :
Gimited consumer demand, poor recycling in2rastructure and regulatory concerns are the maHor restraints
2or the green packaging marketI howe5er cost"e>ecti5e methods and ad5anced packaging technologies
are likely to o>set the pre5ailing restraints. The Asia Paci:c region is likely to ser5e as an opportunity 2or
the green packaging market players because o2 large consumer base, and growing 2ood and be5erage
#ome o2 the maHor players in the green packaging market are Amcor, Tetra Ga5al, Jall 1orp., 1onstar
$nternational $nc., 1rown 9oldings, 6. $. u Pont de 8emours, 6n5iroPA=, 8ature@orks, Plantic Technologies,
$nnoware Plastic, Re/am and #aint"Gobain.
This research is specially designed to estimate and analy%e the demand and per2ormance o2 green
packaging in a global scenario. The study presents a comprehensi5e assessment o2 the stakeholder
strategies? winning imperati5es 2or them by segmenting the green packaging market as below;
Mar,et Seg*entation b& 0pplication " Mar,et Si1e an! 2orecast- $011 " $018
&ood and Je5erage Packaging
Personal 1are Packaging
9ealthcare Packaging
Kther Packaging
Mar,et Seg*entation b& Pac,aging .&pe " Mar,et Si1e an! 2orecast- $011 5 $018
Rec&cle! Content Pac,aging
Trans$arency Market %esearch
Green Packaging Market
Reusable Pac,aging
Plastic 1ontainers
Kther Reusable Packaging
Degra!able Pac,aging
$n addition the report pro5ides a cross"sectional analysis o2 all the abo5e segments with respect to the
2ollowing geographical markets;
8orth America
Asia Paci:c
%ro(se all Consu*er +oo!s Mar,et Researc Reports6
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Green Packaging Market
C70P.4R 1 PR420C4
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Green Packaging Market
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Green Packaging Market
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7.'.).- Kther Recycled Packaging
7.'.' R6+#AJG6 PA1=AG$8G
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7.'.'.' Plastic 1ontainers
7.'.'.0 Kther Reusable Packaging
7.'.0 6GRAAJG6 PA1=AG$8G
Trans$arency Market %esearch
Green Packaging Market
7.0.) 8KRT9 AM6R$1A
7.0.).) 8orth America Green Packaging Market by Application Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.).' 8orth America Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.).'.) 8orth America Recycled Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.).'.' 8orth America Reusable Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.' 6+RKP6
7.0.'.) 6urope Green Packaging Market by Application Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.'.' 6urope Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.'.0 6urope Recycled Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.'.7 6urope Reusable Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
Relate! > Recentl& Publise! Reports b& .ransparenc& Mar,et Researc
4lectronic 0ccess Control S&ste*s Mar,et :
+lobal 2oot(ear /n!ustr& :
7.0.0 A#$A PA1$&$1
7.0.0.) Asia Paci:c Green Packaging Market by Application Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.0.' Asia Paci:c Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()* Asia Paci:c Recycled Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()* Asia Paci:c Reusable Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
Trans$arency Market %esearch
Green Packaging Market
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7.0.7.) Ro@ Green Packaging Market by Application Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
7.0.7.' Ro@ Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()* Ro@ Recycled Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()* Ro@ Reusable Green Packaging Market by Type, Market #i%e and &orecast, '()) P '()*
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%ro(se te 3ull Report at
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Green Packaging Market
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3.-.' &$8A81$AG KM6RM$6@
3.-.0 #@KT A8AGL#$#
%ro(se te 3ull Report at
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Green Packaging Market
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