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Transparency Market

Dyestuff Market for Nylon
Textile Fibers - Global Industry
Analysis, i!e, hare, Gro"th,
Trends and Forecast, #$%& -
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Global Dyestuff Market (Black Color) for Nylon Textile Fibers is
Expected to Reac !"D #$%&' Million by #$#$( Transparency
Market Researc
Transparency Market Research
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95 Page Report
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Press Release
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers " 2lobal 3nustr$ 4nal$sis5 Si6e5 Share5
2ro'th5 /rens an 1orecast5 !014 " !0!0
Transparency Market Research has released a ne !arket report titled "Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers for #o!e Textiles$ %pparels and &ther (Multi'(la!ent Fiber and To) )nd'users ' *lobal
+ndustry %nalysis$ ,i-e$ ,hare$ *roth$ Trends and Forecast$ ./01 ' ././2" %ccordin3 to the report$ the
3lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers as 4alued at 5,D 0./26 !illion in ./07 and is
likely to reach 5,D ./127 !illion 3roin3 at a C%*R of 8269 beteen ./01 and ././2 The 3lobal dyestuf
(black color) de!and for nylon textile (bers stood at 1:2; kilo tons in ./072
%ro'se the .ull D$estu* Mar,et +%lac, Color- .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers Report at
Dyestuf (black color) is utili-ed for colorin3 a broad ran3e of nylon textile (bers such as !ono(la!ent
(bers$ staple (bers and !ulti(la!ent (bers2 Nylon staple (ber is the !ost idely used type of nylon (ber2
Therefore$ it as the lar3est product se3!ent of the 3lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile
(bers$ accountin3 for o4er 169 of the total !arket re4enue in ./072 % ide ran3e of textiles !anufactured
fro! these black colored nylon textile (bers are e!ployed in end'user industries such as ho!e textiles$
apparels$ auto!oti4e textiles and a3ricultural textiles2 Nylon (bers are pri!arily used in the !anufacture
of diferent 4arieties of apparels2 Therefore$ apparels e!er3ed as the lar3est end'user se3!ent of the
3lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers$ constitutin3 o4er 1:9 of the total !arket
re4enue in ./072
2et Sa)ple Report Cop$ 1ro) here :
,taple (bers se3!ent is anticipated to be the fastest 3roin3 product se3!ent of the dyestuf (black color)
!arket for nylon textile (bers in the next fe years2 Nylon staple (bers can be easily blended ith other
(bers2 Therefore$ de!and for staple (bers is esti!ated to increase in the near future2 ,ubse<uently$
de!and for dyestuf (black color) in the staple (ber se3!ent is pro=ected to rise in the next six years2
Further!ore$ other end'users se3!ent$ hich includes auto!oti4e textiles$ a3ricultural textiles and
Transparency Market Researc
R>P?R/ D>SCR3P/3?&
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
protecti4e clothin3$ is likely to be the fastest 3roin3 end'user se3!ent of the dyestuf (black color)
!arket for nylon textile (bers in the next fe years2
%sia >aci(c do!inated the dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers$ accountin3 for o4er :?9 of
the total !arket re4enue in ./072 Risin3 de!and for auto!oti4e and a3ricultural textiles is expected to
dri4e the dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers in %sia >aci(c in the near future2 Ro@ is
anticipated to be the fastest 3roin3 re3ion in the dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers2
+ncreasin3 de!and fro! Aatin %!erica and the Middle )ast is predicted to dri4e the dyestuf (black color)
!arket for nylon textile (bers in Ro@ in the near future2 Further!ore$ steady reco4ery of North %!erica
and )urope fro! the econo!ic crisis is pro=ected to 3enerate a positi4e outlook for the dyestuf (black
color) !arket for nylon textile (bers in the near future2 Ma=or players in the dyestuf (black color) !arket
for nylon textile (bers include ,u!ito!o Che!ical Co!pany Atd2$ Clariant %*$ #unts!an Corporation$
B%,F ,)$ %rke!a ,%$ Du>ont$ Be!ira$ Aanxess %*$ Rockood >i3!ents$ +nc2 and Biri +ndustries Atd2
Relate < Recentl$ Publishe Reports b$ /ransparenc$ Mar,et Research
Pol$carbonate Mar,et :
Soiu) Laur$l Sul.ate Mar,et :
D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers " Prouct Seg)ent 4nal$sis
Mono(la!ent (bers
,taple (bers
&thers (+ncludin3 !ulti(la!ent (bers$ tos$ etc2)
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers " >n"user 4nal$sis
#o!e textiles
&thers (+ncludin3 auto!oti4e$ a3riculture$ protecti4e clothin3$ etc2)
D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers " Regional 4nal$sis
North %!erica
%sia >aci(c
*reater China
,outh )ast %sia
Ro@ (,outh %!erica$ %frica and the Middle )ast)
%ro'se 4ll Che)ical < Materials Mar,et Research Reports C
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
Chapter 1 Pre.ace
020 Report description
02. Market se3!entation
02.20 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers se3!entation$ product se3!ents$ end'
users and countries
027 Research scope
02720 %ssu!ptions
021 Research !ethodolo3y
Chapter ! >0ecutiDe Su))ar$
.20 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers$ ./07 ' ././ (Tons) (5,D Million)
Chapter B D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers E 3nustr$ 4nal$sis
720 +ntroduction
72. Dalue chain analysis
727 Market dri4ers
72720 Risin3 de!and for technical textiles pro=ected to dri4e the de!and for dyestuf
Transparency Market Researc
/4%L> ?1 C?&/>&/
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
7272. *roth in apparels !arket anticipated to fuel de!and for dyestuf (black color)
721 Restraints
72120 Dolatile crude oil prices expected to ha!per dyestuf (black color) !arket
7212. ,trin3ent en4iron!ental re3ulations and e!er3ence of bio'based alternati4es anticipated to
restrain synthetic dyestuf (black color) !arket
72: &pportunity
72:20 *roin3 popularity of natural dyes esti!ated to ofer si3ni(cant 3roth opportunity
72; >orterEs (4e forces analysis
72;20 Bar3ainin3 poer of suppliers
72;2. Bar3ainin3 poer of buyers
72;27 Threat fro! ne entrants
72;21 Threat fro! substitutes
72;2: De3ree of co!petition
728 Market attracti4eness analysis
72820 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers !arket attracti4eness$ by product
se3!ent$ ./07
Chapter 4 2lobal D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et 1or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers E Prouct Seg)ent
120 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bersF Market o4er4ie by product se3!ent
12020 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e share$ by product se3!ent$
./07 and ././
12. *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers$ by product se3!ent$ G./07'././
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
12.20 Mono(la!ent (bers
12.2020 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon !ono(la!ent (bers$ G./07'././ (Tons)
(5,D Million)
12.2. ,taple (bers
12.2.20 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon staple (bers$ G./07'././ (Tons) (5,D
12.27 &thers (+ncludin3 !ulti(la!ent (bers$ to$ etc2)
12.2720 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for other nylon (bers$ G./07'././ (Tons) (5,D
Chapter 5 2lobal D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et 1or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers E >n"user 4nal$sis
:20 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bersF Market o4er4ie by end'user
:2020 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e share$ by end'user$ ./0. and
:202. #o!e Textiles
:202.20 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers in ho!e textiles$ G./07'././
(Tons) (5,D Million)
:2027 %pparels
:202720 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers in apparels$ G./07'././ (Tons)
(5,D Million)
:2021 &thers (+ncludin3 auto!oti4e$ a3riculture$ protecti4e clothin3$ etc2)
:202120 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers in others end'user$ G./07'././
(Tons) (5,D Million)
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
Chapter A 2lobal D$estu* +%lac, Color- Mar,et .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers " Regional 4nal$sis
;20 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bersF Re3ional o4er4ie
;2020 *lobal dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e share$ by re3ion$ ./07 and
;2. North %!erica
;2.20 North %!erica dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;2.2. North %!erica dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;2.27 North %!erica dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (Tons)
;2.21 North %!erica dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (5,D Million)
;27 )urope
;2720 )urope dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product se3!ent$ ./07 '
././ (Tons)
;272. )urope dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product se3!ent$ ./07 '
././ (5,D Million)
;2727 )urope dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$ ./07 ' ././
;2721 )urope dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$ ./07 ' ././
(5,D Million)
;21 %sia >aci(c
;2120 %sia >aci(c dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (Tons)
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
;212. %sia >aci(c dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;2127 %sia >aci(c dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$ ./07 ' ././
;2121 %sia >aci(c dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (5,D Million)
;212: *reater China
;212:20 *reater China dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product
se3!ent$ ./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;212:2. *reater China dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product
se3!ent$ ./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;212:27 *reater China dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$
./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;212:21 *reater China dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$
./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;212; +ndia
;212;20 +ndia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;212;2. +ndia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;212;27 +ndia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (Tons)
;212;21 +ndia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (5,D Million)
;2128 Borea
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
;212820 Borea dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;21282. Borea dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;212827 Borea dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (Tons)
;212821 Borea dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (5,D Million)
;2126 Capan
;212620 Capan dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;21262. Capan dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product se3!ent$
./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;212627 Capan dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (Tons)
;212621 Capan dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$ ./07 '
././ (5,D Million)
;212? ,outh )ast %sia
;212?20 ,outh )ast %sia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product
se3!ent$ ./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;212?2. ,outh )ast %sia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product
se3!ent$ ./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;212?27 ,outh )ast %sia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$
./07 ' ././ (Tons)
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
;212?21 ,outh )ast %sia dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$
./07 ' ././ (5,D Million)
;2: Ro@
;2:20 Ro@ dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by product se3!ent$ ./07 '
././ (Tons)
;2:2. Ro@ dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by product se3!ent$ ./07 '
././ (5,D Million)
;2:27 Ro@ dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers 4olu!e$ by end'user$ ./07 ' ././ (Tons)
;2:21 Ro@ dyestuf (black color) !arket for nylon textile (bers re4enue$ by end'user$ ./07 ' ././ (5,D
Chapter 7 Co)pan$ ProFles
820 #unts!an Corporation
82020 Co!pany o4er4ie
8202. Financial o4er4ie
82027 Business strate3y
82021 ,@&T analysis
8202: Recent de4elop!ents
82. %rke!a ,%
82.20 Co!pany o4er4ie
82.2. Financial o4er4ie
82.27 Business strate3y
82.21 ,@&T analysis
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
82.2: Recent de4elop!ents
827 Du>ont
82720 Co!pany o4er4ie
8272. Financial o4er4ie
82727 Business strate3y
82721 ,@&T analysis
8272: Recent de4elop!ents
821 Clariant %*
82120 Co!pany o4er4ie
8212. Financial o4er4ie
82127 Business strate3y
82121 ,@&T analysis
8212: Recent de4elop!ents
82: Aanxess %*
82:20 Co!pany o4er4ie
82:2. Financial o4er4ie
82:27 Business strate3y
82:21 ,@&T analysis
82:2: Recent de4elop!ents
82; Rockood >i3!ents$ +nc2
82;20 Co!pany o4er4ie
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
82;2. Financial o4er4ie
82;27 Business strate3y
82;21 ,@&T analysis
82;2: Recent de4elop!ents
828 Biri +ndustries Atd2
82820 Co!pany o4er4ie
8282. Financial o4er4ie
82827 Business strate3y
82821 ,@&T analysis
8282: Recent de4elop!ents
826 ,u!ito!o Che!ical Co!pany Atd2
82620 Co!pany o4er4ie
8262. Financial o4er4ie
82627 Business strate3y
82621 ,@&T analysis
82? B%,F ,)
82?20 Co!pany o4er4ie
82?2. Financial o4er4ie
82?27 Business strate3y
82?21 ,@&T analysis
820/ Be!ira
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
820/20 Co!pany o4er4ie
820/2. Financial o4er4ie
820/27 Business strate3y
820/21 ,@&T analysis
%ro'se the .ull D$estu* Mar,et +%lac, Color- .or &$lon /e0tile 1ibers Report at
Transparency Market Researc
Dyestuf (Black Color) Market for
Nylon Textile Fibers
Transparency Market Research is a !arket intelli3ence co!pany pro4idin3 3lobal business infor!ation
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